10 TIT.E OMAHA TA I .LY HVJZi SATITHDAV, "MAHCIT 2fl, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Newi n Hind Before Opening Tup of Gong Dapreiies Wheat COMPLETE RECOVERY FROM WAR SCARE Corn Opens Kay nml Decline on llrnrlsli Ciiiiillliiin tints Mutlcr- iitrlj- Aollir ii ml l'i r in , I'urk Closes LiMier. CHICAGO, Mureh 22-Whcttt was nojit early too enthusiastically on tlic bearish cltu.itlon and recovered, later, on slight en couragement, May closing ''itl V nndrr yes terday. Corn closed n shade lilher ami oats at u like advance. Provisions were very Irregulnr, May pork closing with a not decline of 35c iih n result of renewed liqui dation, while .May ribs advanced I2',4?16o utid May lard 2!4c. News on liund boforc the tap of the open ing gong wan against bulls In wheat and Slay Blurted out with ti decline of USt'.ic to JifUio, selling simultaneously at 'V.Wb'w. Liverpool was easy and the war scare ceuietl to liavo become a thlntf of the past. Argentina shipments were too heavy for comfort for thoso who want In soil Amer ican wheat In foreign markets; northwest receipts were llbcrul and tho weather dis tinctly springlike. Discouraged longs un loaded liberal lines ami the hear contingent cheerfully helped matters along by takliiK the short side, nil of which hail the Inevlta 1lo result, and May during the rorenoon dropped to To'dc. 'Die scuniliifss of sea board clearances and tho liberality of re ceipts at primary points eamc in as addi tional bearish factors during the period of hull discontent. At this recession I rum yes terday's level the market received good sup. Jiort. The cash situation was reported Im proved and tho .Modern Miller said a few Kloomy words concerning the ravages of the Hessian fly. This Is the season or the lies elan fly's Importune, and albeit the .rop Deems to bo In excellent condition generally nnd tho Price Current has discovered 102,000,000 bushels of wheat which had been overlooked by the government find other iitattstleal agencies, tho crowd lent Its ear u i no uuzz or tiio ny and straightway ll developed that the market had been sold very nearly to u ilundstlll. Shorts scum I red to cover and May rallied to 76'Ae and closed steady, Ufte under yesterday, at 4k, New lork reported twenty-live loads taken for export. Seaboard clearanceH in wheat and Hour wore crllul to 95,000 hlfhels, whllo primary receipts aggregated 7ll,'nJ bushels, compared with l.JIs.oeo bushels tho provlouH week and l.oucunu bushels l ho cor responding week last year. The .Modern Stiller s report, which attracted attention, mild Hessian My damage extended from Texas to Michigan, ami In some sections morn to tho north. In thn southern section of tho winter wheat bolt the publication announced tho My and a small green Insect are multiplying fast. Com opened easy and declined early on freer country offerings, liberal receipts con taining u good proportion or contract gtuile.i good weather and sympathy with wheat. Support by a leading operator, however, checked any pronounced weakness. A good outside demand sprung up later on predic tions of unfavorable weather and this buy Ing, together, with the purchase of about l.ooo.cwu btish'is by a local mil, resulted In n sharp recovery and tho close was Hrm. Way sold between l(lo and It "it'll 4 1 'A', clos. Ing a sliiido higher at lI'ill'Ko. Receipt wcro 221 mm, , thirty-iinu or contract grade. Oats wero fairly aetlvo and llrni, largely la sympathy with corn, although yester day s heavy shipments had a steadying orfeot and held thu market In the face or liberal selling by local Interests. July was relatively llrmor than May, tho ruling dis count being I.e. A growing disposition to buy July ami sell Jluy was shown. Re ceipts wero 101 cars. May sold between i'tjif and 23u and closed a shutlo up at SITfctrSSc. Provisions were very Irregular, following n steady opening on light hog receipts. Hay pork opened unchanged to r.o higher Bt $16,351(10.19. ami under realizing by longs, dropped during the- first hour to $15.80. Tun' close was steady and 33c lower at $10. On the other hand, May ribs advanced from !i'K..to F'9''4 uud closed 12'.4tlGe higher at 17.9254. May lard sold between $7.80 ami L.90 and closed 2Wu higher at $7.90. Armour it Co., credited with being responsible to u -. .considerable degree for the recent big tut- tuiicu iii pur, sum pom iicaviiy inrougn brokers ami bought ribs. Kstlinutcd recelpta tomorrow; Wheat, n,- cars; corn, 230 ears; oats, 190 cam; hogs, 16.000 head. , Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Artlclos.l. Open. High. Low, Close.l YcsV. 'Wheat Mar. April May Corn -Mar. May July Oats May July Pork May July Lord May July Sept. nibs Slay July Hept. 73W 75 A 70JTi-! 41 '4 4 IS 24Ti- u; M 15 00 7 S7lj 7 K7 7 92ii 7 -m Yio" No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: KI.OUIl-Hlcody: winter patents. J.I.GOif n.SO: straights. S;!.20TS.&0; clears, S2.90iH.SO;' spring specials, $1.20; patents, f :t.2(Vif 3.75 ; Btrolglits, j:t.O(K(f3.3o: bakers. J2.20fi2.5U. Wl I HAT No. 3 spring, 7ift7lc; No. 2 red, 7Wl 7He. , COnN-No. 2. tO'ic; No. 2 yellow. 40e. OATS-No. 2. 25110; No. 2 white, 27?if2Sic; No 3 white, 27',ift2S2e. ItYR-No. 2. KWMiie. IIAHI.ICY-Oood feeding, I3nt7c; fair to choice malting. 4S5Kc. BBKDS-No. 1 flax, JI.5I; No. 1 northwest ern, S1.55; prlmo timothy. Jl.20ifl.23; clover, contract grade. J10,tioU10.75. ? PUOVIHIQNH-Mess pork, per bbl J15.83Tf J5.90. Lard, per 100 lbs., $7.90j7.n:k. Short ribs sides (loose), J7.K3ffi.S.oo. Dry salted i shoulders (boxed), Jfi.50yS."5. Short clear Bhles (boxed), JS.2MK.374. ' WHI8KY-1!iibIs of high wines. J1.27. Tho receipts and shipments today worn as follows: Articles. Itccolpts. Shipments. Vlour. bbls i 3S.0OO 22,000 AVIieat, bu 21,ooo Co.'ll, bu .....2:CI.(l0O 290,(0) Oats, bu.. 211,0X1 20,0110 llye. bu 1,0") rc.ooo Hurley, bu 11,000 2,000 On tho Produco exchange today tho but ter market was fairly netlvo; creumerles, 1521o; dairies, lunSo. CheeBe, fairly uc tlvo, lOUfillc Kggs, dull; fresh, 11 c. l:w yoiik ;i:m:h.h. mahkkt. Ctiiotatloii of the Uny mi Vnrloitn Co inniiiillt les. NEW YOUIC, March 22,-FLOUll-Ko-coipt, 13,779 libls.; exports, 13,730 bbls.; market unlet and steady; Minnesota patents. Jl.oOfH.SO; Minnesota linkers, jS.WjaK; winter jiatcnts, $I.00N,35; winter stnilKhti), $3.l3(if3.55j winter extras, J2.45fJ 2.S0; wlntor low grades, $2.45fi2.B0, Use. flour, steady; fair to good. J2.SOR3.15; choice J'MMi2C15' ,3:;0O:,,5 ,i,lt-llwheot flour, dull, 'HUckwillJAT-Dull at C04ffl2c, c. 'l. f.. New York. ' COItNMKAL- I'irm; yellow western. ''V.V0,1?00'. Ilr!ilVwlne J2.45W2.50. ' UK-Hteady; No. 2 western, tile. f. o, b.. otloat; suite, 6GOT7c. e, I, t enrlots HAltLKY-null: feeding. 4tf$HSVao. c. I. f., New York; lualtlni;, C2ijt70c. ' Umii'.'&V ?,,A,',T7U,JHL "cstcrn. CT,y72c. WIIKAT llece pis, l.tiOO bu. Snot, ilrm No. 2 red. SlSc. J. o. b., alloat; No'2 le,'. SOUc, elevator; No. 1 northern Diiluth. SOfj ?c' ",,b-' """"t! No. I hard Duhitir. t2c. f. ii. b iji oat. Ojitlons at first wore Inclined toward heaviness, selling ofT iie under lln.uldatlc.ii Impelled by bearish coblcB, lino weather west, a rlso In consols nnd small ueaboanl clearances, a subse quent stir In export circles, however, alarmed shorts and prompted afternooii steadiness, heh.ed by a' bullish ModenrMi ! ler report on tfio crop outlook. Closed firm, UfJWu not deellno: March closed. KOUe: Mav 8fyfS0'.4c; closed. SOe; July. 73Hnsi) f.ltic1 closed, SOVic; September, 79Uf7!)Hes closed! 79V. 1 COrtN-Ilfi-clptH. 73 123 bu ; exports. 59.909 lu. Spot, Ilrm; No. 2. 4Sc, elovator. 1'orelcn jnurkot opened easy with wheat nnd cables but later rullled on export talk and irnoii speoulntlvo support by western trad -rs Closed ilrm nt u partial Uo decline. Maicli closed, 49ti: May, 4fi!siiiti?ie; closed. i.n: July, 46'4Hfi7-lt!e; closed, IGJic; Septembor tii,ifH04;o: closed, 4ic ' OATS Kecehits. 102.200 bu.; exports. 725 lui.S No. 2. 3SHe: No. 3 white, 32e; track mixed westorn, 30fi31Hc; truck white, i'jrt 3ue. Options, quiet, but llrnily held, llOPa Quiet: stato, common to eholco. 1900 crop. 17fl20c; 1S99, iuri5c: old olds, ir,i e; Taclilo coast. 1900 crop, 161119c; 1S99, 11 lie; old oldi, 2(U6e. HAY Steady; bhlpplnir, 77Htf$0c; Rood to choice. S5aS5c, UIDEa-gftily; Galveston, W to 15 lbs,, 74?i 73 7tV4 73 74T 7.H 7l?i 751J uTtiV "fili 73H 7 10 10 U'MiU lotwill lli Mil 41VS, IliJ 2ITH 23 2li(flTH2IT1f25 2IVi m2Wb& -Mi IB S3 IB 40 13 K0 Hi no 15 () 13 00 14 IT. U 97(1. 7 S714 7 90 7 SO 7 90 7 SiVfe 7 90 7 8214 7 90 7 90 7 93 7 S3 7 92W 7 SO 7 9715 7 KO 7 92!. 7 70 7 73 7 tWVS 7 75 7 72$a 7 73 7 07H 7 75 lsfllSV Cnllfornln, 21 to 23 Iln,, 1S4013C, Texas dry. 21 to 30 lbs. Ultimo. ' LE AT 1 1 Kit Firm, hemlock sole. Hucnos Ayrett. Ilr'ht to heavyweights. 2Hf'.!5c: ncld. SljifCHUe. PROVISIONS-Reef, steady; family, $ln.V Uii.uu; mess w.iieritf.tfj, nnur nnms, jij.ww1 10.50. imrket. SO M I0.0U : extra India mess. ll&.XKTilfi.'iO t ut memo, firm: pickled tel lies, wry lo.w; pier-let snouiders, S.W?f.7B; pickled Imms, $9.25f9.7R. Iird, linn; west ern steamee, jw.zj; renneti, nrm; fonii nent. $8.60; South America. IS; compound SVi.tii(rV7lV. Pork, firm; family. lltf.tviiT 10.59; short clear, $l1.v"Hrl7.00; mess, JlS.Mft i.&o, TAI.LOW-lirm. city tjfZ per pkg.), 4ic; country, ipKgs, ireei, i',?(i)',c. RICK Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 3tic. JirTTICIl-Itecelpts. 3.WA pkgs.; for de mand creamery, 1Wt!;!c; held creamery, ly ia)4c; timet, luim'tc. CIIHESK-Hecelptf. 1,703 pkgs.: Ilrm; fancy, large, colored and white, liyiHJe; fancy, ruia!!, Colored, llMc; fatioy, small, win if. li'iue. HOdS Heeclnts. 1S.T29 Pkgi.: cosier: west ern. at mark, 12M13; sotithem, at mark, l'0(;i.THY-Allvc, active and llrm! fowls, ll'.ic; chickens, loV4c; turkes, lHic; dressed, sienoy a;ui unciiangcd. OJHII.l VII01,i:.S.l7lMAllK13TS, Condltloii of Trade a ltd (Imitation 1111 Staple nml Cnncv I'roitiiee. 1XIUS Hccijpts llbcrul; good stock, 10y nr. LIVI-; POPLTItY-lIcns. ei4fl7e: young, stuggy and old roosters, :!fl(ic; ducks, 0'itf ic: rfecae, OVilJi'e; turkeys, 0'f7c. KHKHII DUKSaKIl I'OITl.TliV tfnns. 7U Qbc; rvosters, 4tific; ducks, SfjSlac; geese, Mv J'ic; turkeys, lightweight, 9lluc; heavy, 7& OAMK Mallaid ducks, per doz., J2.73W j.v... ii-iii h.m'vi.&i; mixcii, i..'u'i;i.t)0. 1ILTTKH-Common to fair, weal: nt 13c; choice, lltjljc; separator, 22c. KKKHil OYH'I HHS Kirs t grade. olld pnckiij, Nov York counts, per can, SSc; ox- iru seiecis, ;kc; siaiKiariis, sic; mcuium, luc Second trade. slack Illicit. Now York counts per 'tin, ;mc ixtru selects, 20c; standards, 20c; bulk standards, per gnl.', S1.23. ritO.KN KHKSII l'ISll-llIack Ih'.ss, ISc; wlilto liass. 10c; bluullsh, 11c; bjllneads, loo; oinu .ins ic; i atiMii, i.c; con, vc; croppie, 10c; encoec. ic; halibut, lie; herring, 4jt0c; haddock, 9c: moLkercl, 15e; perch, 5t7e; iTIckerel, 7c; tike, Dc; red snapper, 10c; satmon, uc; miunsn, uc; smelts, 10c; trout, Uto: whltelish. Sc. , PIOKONS-I.lve, per doz., Jl. Vi:Al.S-Cholec. 9fiI0e. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholnsnlo nay ueaieis assoe ition: ciioico uniand. No. 1 uniand. S7.50: medium. J7: colirse. ju.uo. 1 1 sira.v, j, These prices are ror nay or goon color ana quality. Demand fair. Receipts, 3 cars. OATH No. 2 white, 2Sc COHN-No. 3, 33c. 1IHAN-J15. VKOMTA IJI.KS. SPINACH Per nil. hox, 73c. CCCCMHIIHS-Ilothousc, -per doz., Sl.BW 2.11, as to size. PAHSNIPS-Pcr bll., 40c. TCUNIPS-Per bu. basket, 50c. UHHTS-Pcr till., I"c. CAIHtl)TS-Per bu.,- 10c. LUTTl'CH-Per bu., 335IOc. HAOIHIIKS-Per doz., 30S35C. PAHHLHY-lVr doz., 35c. POTATOKS-Per bu., 43GC3c; Idaho, 50 COe; Colorado. ie. Si:HD I'OTATOIW liarly Olllos, 53SC0c; lied River Valley. 90c; Triumph, $1.10. HWHKT POTATOH8-l'er bill., $1.75. CAItHAC5i:-)Iolland seed, per lb., li5J2c. TOM ATOLS Florida, per li-basket crate, $1; Mexicans, per l-baskct crate, $2.50. ONIONS-Ohlo. per bll., $1.73. CULKHY California, as to size, 50.Q75C; Kalamazoo, 'XWh: CAULIFLOWKH California, per crate, J2 60. HHAN8 Wax, per bu., J3.50; string, per bil., $3.23. , KCilJ Pl.ANT-Pcr bu, box. $2.73. PKPPKItS-Por bu. box, $2. FRUITS. STRAWUKRIl IKS Florida, per qt., S5B 40c. UHAPKH Malaga, per keg. $7.60fi9.0fl. APPLKH-Por bid., $1.23; WaHliington, per bu. box, $1.73; Ilellllowers, $1.!). CRANIilCRRIKS-Holl and Rllglc. $3 per bill,; Jerseys, po bbl.-, $'.50: per erute, $3. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOKS , California seedlings, $2.00M 2.2.3: navels. $2.731t3.23. I.iC.MONS-Calliornla, extra fancy, $3.23 3.50; eholco $3. HANANAS Per bunch, according to size, Jl.751t2.23. FIGS California, new cortons, 73c; layers, 63c; Imported, per lb., 12fti3e. 1JATUS Persian, In 00-11). boxes, Hairs, Cc per lb.; Halloween. 5V4c per lb. . MISCULLANKOUS. Nl'TS Fngllsh walnuts, per lb., 13c; fil berts, '-le.r lb., 13o; almonds, per lb., 1SW20C. raw (tenants, per lb., r(5',ic; roasted, Ci( 7'4c; llr.izl's, 13c; pecans, 10120; cocoanuts, each. 4VJc. I11DKS No. 1 green, CVic; No. 2 green, Ihc; No, 1 salted, liVie; No. 2 salted, S&c; No. 1 veal calf, & to 12 lbs,. So; No, 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., tic; dry hides, stt13c; sheep pells, ;'6i75c; horse hides, Jl.501i2.23. St. I.iiuln tint 1 11 nml PrnvlHloni. , ST. LOUIS. March 22. WIIKAT Lower; No. 2 red cash, elevator. 73c; track, 75f(75lc; May. 71c; July."72?ic; No. 2 hard. 71i72c. cunt. iiiguer; no. 2 casn, ::iic; tracK, SIMtlOej May, ;9iyi0c; July, 40ic u. r fiasy; iso. 2 caen, 2(ic: trucK, mi'it 2tiic; May, 20c; July, 24Jc; No. 2 white, 2SHC R YK-Quiet; 52c bid. SKKDS Timothy, steady; avcrago ic celpts, $3.75yi.l); prlmo worth more; flax, $1.51. FLOUR-Stcudy; patents, $3.55(1(3.75; extra fancy and straight, $3.15'iJ3.S3; clear, $2,700 2.1l; low grades, $2,201(2.50. CORNMKAI-Steady at $2.03. I1RAN Firm but quiet; sacked, cost truck. 7Sc. HAY Firm; timothy, $10.00314.00; prairie, Jli.50ifilO.HO. WHISICY-Steady nt JI.27. IRON COTTONTIICS-J1.00. i;AGC.INC.-7n.7:'ic. 1IKMP TWINH-9C PROVISIONS-Pork, lower: Jobbing, J1C. lird. higher at J7.K0. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed lots, extra shorts, $S.12j; clear libs, JS.25; clear sides, SS.25. Racou, strong: boxed lots, extra shorts, JS.87'i; clear ribs. $9; clear sides, $9. METALS-Lead, Ilrm; i l.22uyi.23. Spelter, lower, with sales at J3.70. POUl.TRY-lllslier; ehlekens. "WiSic; turkeys, 7(ifSc; ducks, 9ie; geese, Iii3e. Hl'TTKR-Stcady; creamery, Wile; dairy. 14W17e. KGGS Steady, HJtc, repacked and cases .minded. RKCKIPTS-Flour. IO.OOi) bbls.; wheat, 4S.00O bu.! corn, til.000 bu.; oats, SK.OOO bu. SHIPMKNTS-Flour. 12,000 bbls.: wheat, 101,000 bu.; corn. M,000 bu.; oats, 31,000 bu. Liverpool ; 111 1 11 11 ml 1'rtiS'lxluiin, LIVKRPOOL. March 22. WHKAT-Spot. Ilrm; No. I California, tis 34d; No. 2 red western winter, tis: No. 1 northern spring, to 3ld; futures, qfilct; May, tis "id; July, tis 'td. CORN Spot, 'Ilrm; American mixed, new, 3s lOlld; American mixed, old, Is Hid: fu tures, quiet: May. 3s 10d; July, 3s 9?id; Septtimbcr, 3s 10',-d, PROVISIONS llecf, easy; extra India mess,- fils I'd, Pork, steady; prime mess western, 03s. 1 la ins, short cut, 11 to M lbs,, strong, -lis. Lard, American refined, In palls, strong, 41s 3d; prime western, lu tierces, strong, 41s. Ilaenn. Cumberland (ill, 2 to Hi) lbs., strong, 4Gs 3d; short rlb, 1 to 21 lbs,, stroiii.', 43s 9d; long clear mid dles, light. 23 to 31 lbs., Ilrm, 42s 9d; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., 41s 0d; short clear backs, 10 to 20 lbs., strong, 39s 9d; clear bellies, 14 to 10 lbs., strong, 4fis; shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., strong, 30s 3d. HOPS At London, stendy; Callfornln, JC4; Oregon. ls5(.4 17s. ni'TTKR -null; finest United States, 90s; good United States, GSs. CIIKUSK-Dull; American finest whlto nnd coloecl, ISs. TALLOW Prlmo city, dull, 21s Od; Aus tralian In Loudon, dull. 26s b'd. Receipts of wheat during the last three days, 201,000 cental", Including 24S.OOO Anionl can. Receipt.' of American corn during tho lust three days, 100,490 centals. Ktinnit City (.rnln unit Pro vision. KANSAS CITY, March 22. WIIKAT May, tii-Tie: July, C7Hiiii7-ie; cash,. No, 2 hard, tiMfc'Oc: No. 3, intac; No. 2 red, 71'iic: No, 3, ti;l?Jc- CORN May, 37H537e; cash. No. 2 mixed, 37fco; No. 2-whlte, SS'iiifSSVsc; No. 3, 3Sc. OATS-No. 2 whlto, 27'ie. RYK-No, 2. fdVc. llAY-Choleo timothy, J10.&0Zfll.O0; choice prairie. Js.50i 9.00. HUTTKR-Creamery, 17Q20c; dairy, fancy, llx. KOas-Fresh Ilrm; M'r.sourl and Kansas stock, Ifl'io doz., loss o(T. cases returned; now whttownod eases Included, Uc more. RKCi:PTS-Whetit. 55,200 bu.; corn, 12. 000 bu.; oats. 2,000 liu. ' SIIIP.MKNTS-Wheat. 2I.S0O bu.; corn, 23,200 bu,, oats, 4,000 bu. MliuifitpotlK Wli-m, 11. iiir nml limit, MINNKAPOLIH, March 22.-W1IUAT-Cash, 74V4o; May, 74'ifi7l!fie: July, 70o; on 74Ho; No. 2 northern. t.SH70Hc FLOUR-Slrady; llrst patents, Jl.OSfil.lS: 3.10; secoiul clears, J2.(K)S2.I0, llRAN-In bulksJI3.23fi 13.50. Peoria .Miirkrl, I'KOitrA, March 2t'.-r;oN-Kas!er; No. 2, 39ie. OAT8-Inacttvo: No. 2 white. 2714c, track. WHIBKY-O11 basis of Jl.27 for llulshed eoods, ' INCREASED RETAIL ACTIVITY Forerunnef of Good Spring Trade in Varioni 8trnctul Uateriali. PRICE OF STEEL GOODS TENDS UPVARD Staple Lines In Foot near Firmly .Maintained iiionuli lllub-l'rleeil (iooilN Are Kiisler Leiilher In liiiml Deiniittd. Ni:V YORK, Murcb 22. U. G. Dun &. Co.'h Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will Hny; The position of general business Is satis- uiciory, oeing marKcil tills weeK ny III creasett activity or retail operations tliniiiKlio.il tho west and lu some Atlantic seaboard cities, which is considered the iorcrunne.r 01 a generally goou spring traue. New enterprise Is lellected in tho largest demand tor many months ror biiliuvrs' hardware and general materials and con tracts tor prompt delivery or all structural goods are very dllllcillt to place. Collec tions tint prompt ami railroad tonnage Is ncll maintained, huntings or nil railroads for thu month of Mnrrli 1,1 mil,, ulmw ii geln or 10.8 per cent over last year nnd .Vj per ceni over lyjsi. rue gains CXlellil 10 practically the whole country. The textile industry alone does not Imprjv". Short unit) mis noon iiiloptcd by Fall River tot ton mills ami then, tire rvmirN thm mini' or the southern weaving mills are about to cumin production, mil mis has jceil with nut special effect upon demand for elthoi print cloths or heavy lirntvn nntlmix. Quotations or pig Iron and flnMie.l steel tend toward 11 higher level. There Is still the wholesome element or co'i-'ervall)ni, which prevents violent lliietuailoivi and keens the advance, nt 11 tiirwti.fiii.i nun lit the tendency or tho market 'a uud-nlu')l." nm urn ncuer tilings. Tile m U con-tplc-lions strength Is apparent In Ilermer pig, which now commands $17 at Plllsbur, Wh He steel III lets bnvn srilil nt t"l I liK-h ....1..... t.ii, .... . . . 1 . " . i,u huh iniiein reaciieu steet naff, are l lri T ton higher 11ml Mtrmtnrtil tflimi.ia nr.. Iltmly maintained, with every ixpectallou ii; ftn advance. While these iitiotatlcns show moderate gains, much high fates uro paid ror Immediate delivery unl in small amounts. A short time itrfo It was expected that new ore prices would bo inticn icnver, nut tne remurKalilo Mivngll. or products will tend to sustain values ol the raw material. New blnh rpennin nr., 1 distantly establlsheil ror "ol;o In the C011- nriifvine region ami prices tiro Ilrm, Among the minor metuls further depr'31011 In tin was tho feature. Tan nmotnii ir intinn coming forward at the so.ith Ind'catei that 111,11 iitiHin stocics aro ny no means ex llltlisted and lirenaratlons for the new prnii prt wise an enormous acreage. Footwear Is llrmly maintained for staple lines, although hluh-tirleed ernloa urn oufior. Some decreasn In demand doe r.ot disturb producers, as factories are busy on contracts thut will require months to till, ltuyers who left Hoston recently nm nnw sending In orders freely. Especially Is this iiouccti in 1110 locat mariiot ror patent iiial enamel shoes. Leather Is in good demand, but quota tions are unchanged. Illrlcx m chi,.it.,i have tlecllned steadily for two iiianth.i,' tho net fall ill the averauo of ten ui'.iileM amounting to 7.2 per cent. Despite the weakness In domestic lines foreign hides tiro tending upward. Special reports telegraphed this week In die tic that tho winter whent crop Is in good condition ami tin unusually h avy acreage, was planted at the soitthtv'st, while ravages by Hessian lly havo been exaggerated. Failures for the week numbered 221 In tho United States, uiralnst 1X3 lust vonr. nn.l 33 lii Canada, against 27 last year. AVKI'.KI.Y CLIIAltlMS IKItSi; TA1ILI1. Aggregate of lliiNinesn i'riwiNiicIci! by flit ANxoeliiteil lliuikn, NKW YORK. .March 22. Tho followlnir table, compiled by Hradstreet. Hbnws llm bank clearings nt thu principal cities for int.' ween entieti .m arc 11 si, Willi mo percen tage of Increase ami decrcuso us comparctl with the corresponding week last year: CITIKS. Clearings. Inc. Dec. New York $1,700,302,4 ill C0.O noston H9.9j2.S37 33.0 Chicago 11I.022.71S IS. 3 Philadelphia 97.009,470 15.5 St. Louis ...I: 42.9I3.90S 16.5 Pittsburg 41,202,000 19,1 llultlmoru 23,95,S31 23.9 San Frunclsqo 19,533,111 23.7 Cincinnati lS.141.7oo 17.T Kansas City ll.-tts.020 12,1 Now Orleans 13.a33.ti90 29.9 Cleveland 11.5SI.44S 25.1 Minneapolis S,S73,9Sij 11,15 Detroit S,735,.'mO 10.3 Louisville N,710.7S 1.4 Providence, ti.l6.'.l(Ki x.t; OMAHA (i,0l!),03S 0.G Milwaukee, 5,207,20? UlllTalo .. 5.331.901 21.0 Indianapolis fi,S17.29t; 11.1 Columbus, 0 5,993,5(10 IS. 7 St. Paul I.OJ3.4S7 S.7 SllVltnliall 3,002,001) 30. 8 Denver 4,599.412 Hartford . 2,510,332 7.0 Richmond 4,112,179 SO. 7 Memphis j 3.141.273 31.0 Washington 2.S09.9S9 13.1 Peoria 2,337,359 1.5.4 Rochester 1,980,430 1.2 New Haven, 1,273,190 1 0, S AVoreester 1,400.07 S.9 Atlanta 2,0Sii,31S 11.1 Salt Lake City 2.IS5.5SS 10.0 Sprlnglleld, Mass.... 1.205.20S 15.0 Fort Worth 2,04.W3 7.1 Portland, Me 1.23.1. 100 33.0 Portland. Ore 1,769,551 3.4 St. Joseph .....1 s.sw.tvr. 12.1 Los Angeles 2,901,3!) 30.7 Norfolk 1.314.7SO 11.3 Des Moines 1.03S.70S 29.0 Nashville I.l20,til ti.ll Scrnnton 1,081,591! ti.ti Grand Rapids 1,52o,3iW 29. s Augusta, On." 1.S3O.790 IS. 5 Dayton, O - 1,091,805 12.7 Seattle 2.300.1S7 12.1 Tacoma 1.313.S73 40.O Spokane 1.02I.2S5 20.3 SloilX City 1.233.0IS 24.9 Topeka l.S2fi.nt!0 13.2 Toledo 2.250.790 11. s nalveston fi,9S3,000 57.0 Houston 7,879,021") 33.1 Kvansvlllo 1.019,070 3.3 Wheeling, W. Va 005,SS5 Syracuse 901,934 10.3 Wilmington, Del 997,989 2.9 Fall River 0I0.S22 9.S Lowell 52I.B7S 10.7 New Uedford 378,579 3,3 Klioxvllle, Tcnn ;. 30,302 31.3 Hlrnilngham 705,011 5.9 Wichita 510,825 Ulngliamtoii 142. 10O H.3 Lexington. Ky 527.01S 19.7 Jackson vllle, Fla 300,505 1.9 Kalamazoo 303,285 7.8 Akron 531,100 20.t", Chattanooga 170.117 23.0 Rockford, 111 339.401 13.9 Canton. 0 30S.S29 23.2 Sprlnglleld. 0 290,321 14.2 Fargo, N. D 247.OS0 Sioux Falls. S. D 212.300 50.3 Fremont, Neb 115.200 3P..S Macon '. 069,000 Little Rock 013.4S3 33.S Youngstown, 0 301.SG1 2.2 Helena 093.110 21.1 Colorado Springs .... 931,770.: Sprlnglleld. Ill 590.399 14.5 RloomlllKton, 111 251.473 23.1 Jacksonville, 111 137.690 S.O Totals, IT, 8 $2,410,792,403 51.2 Totals outside N. Y.. 710,189,937 21.7 DOMINION OF CANADA. Montreal 17.310,572 11.131.811 37.91 19.81 Toronto .., Winnipeg ., Halifax 1,6 10,920 1,379.105 811,770 ti.O Hamilton 23. Oi St. John, N. n Vancouvor .... Victoria 708,082 791,231 O.902 IS 13.0 3.6 Totals 1$ 3l,U2.5b2 2o,5.... Not liiclu'lifd 111 totals because contalnlmr other Items than clearings. IIHAHSTIII'KT'S FINANCIAL Hl'VIHW. Considerable Strenutli mid Activity Kxlilblteil During; the Week. NKW YORK, Jlnrch 22. Hradatrcct's Financial Ilovlow tomorrow will say: Strength and activity, fully tin to the re cently established standards of tho market, wero seen tiuring 1110 wefii. i-nces uu vonced In thn vurly days of tho wrek and tho steel Industrial, stocks fairly shared honors with thn railroad list. In both do nurtnicnts of tho market now records us to .quotations wero made, and, although there was a considerable amount of munln- illation, nutsldo participation Increased, Loudon showed little Interest In thn mar ket and tho tone of speculation there was unfavorably ufected by Iho rumors llint ii collision between Russia, and Knglatid In China was possible. In fact, the stories that 1111 actual clash between foices of the two powers at Tien Tsln might occur un settled thn money and Mock markets abroad, and on last Wednesday produced a soiling movement nun a setuacit in prices lure. TU3 iHovetucnl, however, watt ap parently due In 11 nv event, nnd the lldillitil Hon Witt by 110 means severe. Fresh buy ing matin Its appearance and the news on Thilrstlny was Unit Riisnlii anil Kngland were again 111 accord, thus removing nny ground for fear that the money market would bo unfavorably affected by foreign iMMiiiiiii complications . stronger ioue iiH-rrtipoii reasserted iiseii, ami me iiv ward movement In nrlini Imseil on the fa vontble crop anil business outlook, tho In creasing earnings or railroad properties, their good dividend nro.pects ami the talk Of further tlnnta ..nil .,.,nlilnnlliiii ntnntli tho tllfferent systems, with the really strik ing nui-cess 01 ine steel ileal, nil comnmcii " ruBiain a uuoynnt lone in fpecuuiiion. .HOVl)Mi:.T.S IX .STOCK AMI ROM), Cheerful Tiiiip Cntinetl by CneonrltKliiK on from iien 'Isln. NKW YORK, Mnrch 22.-Thcre was a great variety of movements In the stock market today under the shifting operations or speculative pools. The opening was quite strong, the most potent liiflueure l'cihk ine more cliecrrul tone in tne foreign markets on the agreement reached between Ureal Urltiiln and Russia over the dlllleJIty at 'lien Tsln. The Krles seined to have ap pealed to the favor of tho foreigners In re sponse 10 me late notable upward move ment hero yesterday nml they enjoyed a gtiod t.hnro of the opening strength, I'.tt 1 It Of 1 1 til Kl 111' snlxii ivnrn linrlli'lll'irlv directed against them afterward and their miction hail n large Ihllucnce in brlngin, iiiMHii int- NiiiiRftfinom iiiviHinn 111 111.. ai.n oral market. nit local municipal stoel'3 wero uudoi tie elded pressure and apparently a very larwe lille or SDeeullltlen liiil,llm.'a nf nil tin. nrln. clpal members of the group were lliuldatid, 11.nr.11iK ncavy inroads upon tneir prices. Attt'tnntS Were mini,, in I111I1I thn market nv tithanclng Intllvldtial slocks hero and tbor. but ll.ty were only irdlfferently suceessf.il, tervlng simply r a cover for continued rea lifting. 1 lie Heavy tone lu lltirilinrion "tut the llrit .f the week bus .uid a nrtrl'etl Inllueitre or the general mark:, in thai It was polntett out as an eftec Ivo rallying point and wan hid tin within a quarter of last Monday's high level. It fell i'mi.iv -;s points, nowevcr. nun cioseii wi 11 a tie', gain of on'y a friction . mnng the Itn.ilntr nil I run d stnel( the only ually sub-jtpitllul strength was show.i iij 'tie irutiK line untl ny tne wao.isii Issues. Pennsylvauln led (ho former group wiin an extreme advance 01 . points, ue porls of 11 irallle so largo us to tax facili ties ami of hluher rates In come on cruln wero the grounds nf tint advance. Penn sylvania was the only member of the group umi neiti wen, 1 lie miying 01 1110 1111:1s, 1 stocks was on a very heavy scale, and nil offerings went conllilently absorbed. The preferred was carried up 1111 exiremo 5". closing at the top, and the common gained l'i. Nothing dellnlte Is known us lo the source of tho buying, bjt the belief con tinues that tho property Is destined to ab sorption by another system. There was some continued show of sirengtn among tho group or minor railroad iironerucH. w 11 en nave ncen recently nroni- Incut, but none or thcrn was well hold. The Denver Aj Rio Grande stocks moved up 474 for the common nml 3'1 for tho preferred 011 the belief that they will pass Into thn control of the Missouri Patillc, Northern Pacific rose 0 points, without any news. Western Union moved 1111 over 2 points, American Car 2'.i and tho preferred of the attrr coriioraiiou -"s, on rumors 01 consoli dation. International Paper rose 3 and thn prelcrretl 2U on 11 reported working agree ment with a competition Sugar moved very Irregularly both up und tlpwn on Inrgc deal ings. Tho preliminary estimates of tho cash movement Imlicato that Hie receltits nnd shipments from 111111" to the Interior about balance. The suntreasury nns onsorneti in the Inst week $1,272,000. It Is nosslhle. how ever, tint special movements may affect ilia snowing, as nicy navo lor sover.11 weeks past. Il has been reported for onn thing that several millions wero shipped from Chicago on account of subscriptions to tho syndicate of the tlncnn combination. The call for tho $23,(m.OOO Installment on subscriptions to the United States Steel corporation, to bo paid on Monday, was without perceptible effect on the money market, Thn steel stocks were very quiet today. Somo of tho buying which made them so strong early In tho week Is now attributed to the account of the organiza tion syndicate and is nenoveii to account, for tho unexpectedly large proportion of the stocks deposited 111 assent to the plan. The bond market continued Inactive and Irregular. Total sales, par value, $3,423,000. United States bonds wcro all unchanged on the Inst call. Thn following aro the closing prices on thn Now York Stock exchange. A trhlnn .. OO'iWnbash lit) pill Ualtlmoro & O.,. ICJ do prtl wvi W. & K 15'i do 2d pftl 32 Wis. Central 194 Third Avenue ..,122 ...... Wi Chcs. .t Oliio...!t3Cli (111 I'll IT 11 fi. W.... . II. & O. prrt UlVb C H. & Q National Tube. ..00 . . w..-i I lio pftl v...lll do. pfil... Adams Kxprcss.,.153 Chicago & H. L.US VAm. ISxpress ....193 Chicago & N. W..178H. it. 3. Kxprcss.... 70 C. R. I. P J2Xfi Wclls-Fargo KX..137 2t: (Jt U, CC li It.SVIIl. wlU. UHmi Colo. Southern.... !o pM . ... ..r.i 1 .? r . . ..ii.. . 85 . 6?4 tit) 4SI pitl i-'-t .Ill. ..lulling tlo -it prtl a'll tlO pill.... Del. & Hudson.. lOI'i' Amer. S. & 11.... 5ii Del. L. & W lii "'tl Pfd 95- Den. Ai K. u lii'S 'Am. tipirna tv- do pftl 93'i, Mo pfd 17 Krle 3liiAiiicr, S. II 13 do 1st pftl 09 i "do pfd lilli C.t. Nor. pfd SOI'i Amer. S. & W.. 42' Hocking coal .... 11 a tlo pru mi Ilocklng Valley.. C27i Am. Tin Plato.. ",0i illlnnlM Central. .12' do pfd.. 115 lown Central .... 33 t Am, Tobacco .. .1201.', .Ill . 40 . S3!j. . Win? . 43 .101"), . tSSJ .101 .211 2s! tin lut tlo nrt L. K. .t W . 5 .122 .21014 . Wi Ana. Mln. Co... do Pftl Hrk. Rap. Tr... Lako Slioro .... Louis. & Nash. Colo. F. & I.... Con. Tobacco .. Manhattan ' .125i tlo prtl Fed. Steel .... tlo pftl Oen. Klcctrle .. Met. St. Ry... ...101 Mex. Central .... 2114 Minn. fc St. L... .!, tlo nfil U."6 Glucose Sugar.. 1 3 Mo. Pacltlc 99)1 no prtl Int'ii'l Paper .. tlo pftl ttclcilo tins ., Nat. HlHcult ... tlo pt'tl National Lead tlo pfd 'Natlolinl Steel Mobllo Ai OHIO... Ml . 27U . 797s . 82 . II . ! M.. K. & T 23 tin nrtt ii 1 j N. J. Central. ...153 N. Y. Central. ...117 Nor. & West 507' . 1.V.4 do nld 8- . 82-l . 521 No. Pacific S7"i do prtl 3'V Mo pfd 113-Vi V. Y. A. Hrake...l5S No. American .... 873i Ontario & W 32Ts O. K. ni tW 12 do pfd 70 I'aellle coast tlo 1st pfd. tlo Id pfd. Pueblo Mall . People's Oas Pressetl S. C. 53 Pennsv vanla ...,153T4 90 01 Reading 3471 un isi pin do 2tl pftl 40U lOtl'S RIO U. W .1 i n nrt os do pfd 73 Pullman P. C....203 Stand. R. Ac T.... l'i O, II, X O, I1 1.74 OO ISI pill Nlt do 2d pftl (Mi Sugar H2I4 S. L. S. W 33!j tin ptti is; Tenn. C. & 1 50"-; no pru iij 01. rani i;ii'.v V. S. Leather.... !2i no nm iv tin ptti 7ft t. Cf f..L.l .n St. P. .t 0 125 t'. n, iiiitioer luvi rm, t-aciuc 1.1.4 no Din 50 BO. UUIIWIty , 27 Western Union 8811, ao pin ,,s& Amnl. Copper ....lop. Tex. & Pacific... SPd.Republlc I. & S,. lO'l ITninn Pnpllln . oi7i ,1n nfrl im" uo pill.. tj!M -. C. fi St. L. CI liiini ii-n-ijiin, "l',.-lIVI- dend. iiTrunt receipts and' ex-dlvldend, The Commercial Atlvertlser's LoirJon fltinn..nl nfirli,.r.,.n. All..l.. I.. liiK on tho slock markot here. On good xiio.iii-nn lumij inn ionu narueneii consuior ably The report of tho Anglo-Russia.) understanding wus tho grcntest help. Amer ican shares were buoyant all day on buying f I,, ,, .'".'."..w. v. ... . rhVl tlllll nm at all tllscrlmlnntlng. tho only feature being llin Ul. ...t ...... I - I . x 1 huch and Ornn! Trunk common, Tho Jump l( II ln 11 tl Tfllltl lima ii um.r.f nnA .. 1 I nun, "ao t niiuii i. win J till) II Mnrtcd a theory that New York was buyn it'r uiniiroi, money was tigui. Two inll llnn pounds wero taken out of the market In pay tho llrst installment on tho ioe-il 1 o ! . r 1 1 . ti i ....... . ........ i 1 .4... .. .. . . ,..,,. iir.iiin huh- o .4 - trillj IJ1IIH. 2?i543!. Tho Hank of Hombay has rotltioed ,.n ...nil o ill I Jll'l wunn Itnitnu SlncK Umilnlloiis. BOSTON. March 22.-Call loans. 3l tier cent; time loans, 34M per cent. Olllclal tioslnc: A.. T. & S. F.... iln nfil 'Union Land . 4 . 93 . 02 ',s .102 . llsi . 2s; . 94H West Km! Amer. Sugar .... .113 West. Klccrlc... .121 Atchlso l2!i Adventure .2T-3 Ring. Mln. Co... .173 Amnl. Conner... no phi Am. Telephone , Hoston i AlU'y. ItnHtnn l,ln Hoston & Mo.... .194!4lAlalltlo C, U CJ 15H Hoston & Mont. 1. 38 Jilutte & Hoston. S5H unniininn coal,, iln nfil . . .101 ,85S . 2S . 2271 . 30 . S7 . 53 .170 . .335 . 35 .uu t.'nl. & ilecia..... . 4S5J Centennial .101 Franklin .114'i Humboldt .2I4U, Osceola , .193 Parrot .,,. ,207 Qulncy Federal Steel ... do pfd Fltchburg pftl,,. uen, ttieciric,., iln nf,l. I,1 l'i or. lit Mex. Central ... Pi Santa Fo Con... N. K. fl. & C.... . 12 Tamarack .208 Utah Mining ... . Mil Winona oui colony , old Dominion Rubber Union Pacltle . U '4 . 112 . 19 'Wolverines . 0291 llnnk CIcnrliiK. OIIAIIA. March 22. Hank cK'.-irlitc-u In. tiny, $1,010,187; corresponding dny lust year, $SSI,4Sl; Increase. $131,706. www York, .Mnrcli L-J. Clearings, $290, ;C2.715: balaiices. $12,907,931. PH1LADKLPIIIA, March 22.-ClearlllB, $15,831,806; balances. $2.939.7W). cillCAliO, March 22, Clearings, $23,491, 012; baluuccs, $3,W,15'J; poattt cscliwnee, $l.8.vrn.80i,; New York cxcliaiigX', 40c dis count. HOSTON. Mnrch 22,-Clcarlllgs, $23,012,276 babinees. 11.913.952. ST. LOUIS, March 22,-Clearlngs. $7,058,- 7K, tiaiantes, i.n.i.v(; money, W1i per rem; New York exchatiKe, 25c premium bid, 33c premium nsKco. CINCINNATI. March 22.- Clearings. $2,900,950; New York ccluitiRC, 10c tllscount; money, ago per cent. IIKAIl'tTHinOT'M It t" VICW OF Tit A DM. Trade Active, but Nnl no lltmjniit a l.ntt WeeU, NHW YORK, Mnrch 22. nratlstrocfs to morrow will say: Trade Is still nctlve, though perhaps not ro buoyant as lu weeks past, partly on ac count of the natural subsidence of the spring tlemnnd tit wholesale anil partly because of the Interruption of shipments by snow nnd rnlu storms In the northern half of the country. From the south the llrst distinctly unfavorable advices le celvetl for some time pnst come ns a re sult of the heavy and continued decline In the price of cotton. Trade comparisons with earlier years favor the nresent season. 11s may be iralh- ered from the exceptionally gootl railway earnings, returns ami the cnormout In crease lu clearings, some of which are no doubt explained by the preparations for large llnauclal operations untl the InillMi speculation lu stocks, which has resulted In new price records "Tor many secttrltli. Southwestern advices nro especially cheer ful, untl farmers In that section hope to Improve on the gootl results of last year. Textiles aro still the sore spot In the trade situation. Cotton Is Uc lower on tho week, 2ic before the top of the rise last year 'and lHc below 11 year ago. For tho llrst tlmo In months the southern trade advices urn ilenressetl. Cotton enods lire deprcssetl and price-cutting Is tho rule, but signs 01 improvement are to lie roiliitl in tne agreement or Kan River mills to run half time for the next two months, and thus keen 500,000 pieces of print cloths off the market. Wool HtreniflniiiH iih cotton weakens. Old lots of wool are closed at Hoston. Prices aro no higher, but cut prices nro no longer evident. Silk goods, uro tho best situated of till, ami the new silk market Is healthy. Iron and steel nro strong and even buoy ant, but, as In times past, the western' initio tuspiaya ine greatest activity, aim tho most strength, while eastern markets havo rather lugged behind. Chicago and Pittsburg (llai)liiv L'reat animation, nnd central western mills are crowded with orders. Furnaces are sold ahead to July 1 aim prompt deliveries commanil a pre mium. This week's coko production Is the largest of the year anil hlcher tirlces aro predicted, Oro will not sell much lower on account of buying of leading mines by the great steel combination, being a sup porting feat tire. Lxport business Is 11 feu. til re. but elitornrlslntr Americans, urn still securing fair orders for llnlshcd material, notably rails ami structural work, The other metals are fairly steady, except tin, which Is slightly lower. War talk Induced some short covering In wheat this week and Hour strengthened on better demand, but eron renorts were In tlm main favorable. Corn has been in uooil ex. nori iicmnuti, nut is Held uowii uy increases in supplies, weather at the west keeping t.r...t Iri.n il. .11. ( 1 ).. 1 r,"i"i tin- nn i-iiftm in nut; in iniiii;in ttiiti higher nrlres ror live linns has resulted In talk of a corner belnir worker! In Mnv iln. livery at Chicago. Present prices aro the nesi rccoroeti ior venrs nasi. Miicur hum shown some recuperative strength and a fractional gain Is noted after tho lulu marked decline. Returns Irom sample orders of shoes are coming in in good iiuttiDors at Huston and help to dispel whatever uncertainty may have existed nmong manufacturers ns to tho outlook. Orders are Increasing, those for tho, week exceeding last week and a year ago, though nearly 10 per cent below last year for tho season, Leathers arc lu good demand at all markets ami light weight, thollch olileter. urn not neniimn. latlng. Finished spills aro up u on rough goods; kangaroo llnlshcd aro strong; export demand Is strong, though not equal to a year ago: green hides are weak, hut nklnu urn lu good demand. Wheat, including flour shipments, for tho' ween aggregate a,;.io,tiH Dusneis. against 4,693,939 bushels last week, 2.903.49.") in the corresDDiidlng week of 1900. 3.746.761 In 1899 nn.l 3,890,318 In 189S. From July 1 to date this season's exports aro 146,628,100 bushels, against 141,220,301 last season nntl 180,973,502 In 1893-99. Corn exnorts for the week nccrer'atn 2,005,081 bushels, against 3,216.575 last week. .i.u..,sin 111 mis weeic a year ago, .i.oyu.K'j lit 1S99 untl 4,496,257 111 189S. From July 1 to date, this season, corn exnorts aro 111.963.. 219 bushels, against 152,657,977 last scafcon untl 125,153,570 In 180S.99. Failures for tho week 11 the United States number 231, as against 207 last week, 192 lu this week a year ago. 182 In 1899. 215 In nm and 221 In 1S97. Canadian failures number rorty-rour, ngiflnst twenty-eight last week, twenty-three In this week a vonr act). thirty-three. In 1SS9, twcuty-nlno In 189S untl rorty 111 1897. Xew York .Money Mnrkct. NKW YtllMv. Mil mil " MDV.:Vr)n call, steady, 214S2S4 per cent; prime mer cantile paper, .'llifiVi per cent. ktkuijIKU k.xciianuu Firm, wit 11 ac tual business In bankers' bills, tl.S'Mf I.8S for demand ami at $1,817; for sixty days: posted rates, $I.S3V 1.8,9; commercial bills, $l.83-4(iil.Si.4. SILVKR-Ccrtlllcatcs, 624630; bar, t'0'ic; Mexican dollar, 19c. HONDH tiovernnicnt. steady; state, inac tive; railroad, Irregular. The closing prices on bonds today nro as . follows: U. S. ref. 2s. reg, IO; K. Y. C Is.. 107'i 131 tlo coupon do 3s, reg ioti'4 N. J. C. gen. 5s. Ill1 No. Pacific 3a Ul-4 111) IS IN. do coupon 1057i 10S'A do now 4s, reg. 13SIJ N Y C & 8 L 4s.. 110 coupon ... tlo old Is, reg 138',i N, & W. c. IB... 113 orc. Nnv. 1b.... Ill do Is lll'iO. S. U 6s IM i 110 10174 12S 116 9IVi .10071 nsvi .131.!i 110 coupon tlo 5s, reg do coupon D. of C, 3s, 63s.. Atch. gen, 4s Atch. adj. Is Can. 80. 2s C. & O. 4!i8 do 5s C. & N. W. c. 7s. do S. F. d. 5s.. Chicago Ter. Is.. Colo. 80. 4s D. & R. tl. Is... Krle. gen. 4s F. W. & D. C. Is.. UUslO. 8. L. c. 5s.... 123!'. Reading gen. 4s 101 V, Rio O. W. Is.. OPi 81 I, & 1 M u. 5s. St L & 8 I'" g. 6s, 10H4! 1219. lll'.fe St. Paul consols. St P. C & P Is. .ISIifc .118 tlo bH .120IJ 121 'So, Paelllc Is.., 97 I80. Railway 5s. 8671 8. R. it T. 6s... 102 iTox, ni P Is.... SSil Mo 2s . !I28 .117 . 5S .120 . 96 .106 .UOi; 10374 Union Piuitlo Is floii. Klec. 5s la. Central Is.. L. & N. unl. 4s.. M.. K. f. T. 2s... do 4s .170 Wabash 1h.... 11-ie. do 2s West Shoro Is .noiii .Mil .U.V.'J 80 Wis. Central 4s. . 9fl7s 9SJi St L &. 8 F g. Os, Hid. Nerr York Mining Stocks. NKW YORK. March 22. Tho following are quotations on mining siocks: .Adams Con 22 Villco 31 Hrccco 120 HruiiRwick Con.,. 23 Comstock Tun 5 Con. Cnl. & Va..155 Dendwonil Ter Horn Silver 10 Iron Silver 68 Ltadvlllo Con Little Chief .. Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes ., Standard .. 15 ,..950 .. 55 .. S ... 10 .. 5 .. 21 .. ..393 I, out mi Stork Quotations. LONDON, Mnrch 22. I p, m.-Closing: Cons,, money ..93 13-10 Pennsylvania .. 77Ti tin acci vo ii-iu ucaoing .. 18 Atchison 627J No. Pacific pftl. .. 9P1 .. 3574 Can. Pncillo .... St. Paul Illinois Central IaiiiIsvIIIo U. P. pfd N. Y. Central.. .. ytvj i';rio ..1557 do 1st pfd..., ..110 .Grand Trunk .. . .102't Anaconda .. S7i,. Rand Jllnes ... ..150 .. 7191 .. 83 .. 9 HAR SILVKR-Dllll, 2791d per ounco. MONKY I per cent. Rata of discount In the open market for short bills Is 3W371 per cent; for thrco months' bills, 'i!iraV,i per cent. Cointllltii: of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. March 22.-Toilay's state, meat of the, treasury balances in tho gen eral fund, exclusive of tho $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Avnllablo cash balances, $151,213, 195; gold, $93,43f:32L Wool .Market. ST. LOUIS, March 22.-WOOI,-Qulct, tin changed: medium grades, I2til8te; light line. 131i 13c; heavy line, 101fl2c; tub washed, I81f27i. LONDON, March 22. WOO I The offor luga ut thn wool auction sales today num bered 11,710 bales, The attendance was good untl opernlors wero freo buyers. Americans competed eagerly for sultnblo parcels nnd paid full rates for medium greasy. Superior scoured and crossbreds wero firm. Merinos wero generally lcc higher. A sniull selection of jiew clip mot with a ready sale. Following are (ho .tales: Now South Wales, O.hiK) bales; scoured, 57'(d lls5d; greusy. 3iSV&d. Queensland, 2,2t") bales; scoured, 9!tti(fTls 5Wd; greasy, tilifflOd, Victoria. 3.300. bales: scoured, 6difMs5Ud; greasy, SUfdlWd. South Australia, 8t) bales; scoured, 7UtlWls3',4tl; greasy, 4fisv.il. West Australia, 40 bales; greasy, 4?Jtl. New Zealand, 000 bales; scoured, Gttftfld: greusy, 5'yu6d. Cape of Oootl, Hope ami Natal. 800 hales; scoured, 1s1i12h 3d; greasy, 4f74jtl, Montevideo, 50 bales; greasy, 5VM(d. I'lillnilelplilii Produce Mnrket, PHILADKLPHIA. Mircli 22. HUTTKR Firm: Rood demand: fancy western cream ery. 22',4e; fancy prints, 22c; fancy nearby, 23c; cJtcci'ttvnsU lolB, tSv. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fair Rui of Ctttlt and Fricis Htld Jmt About Bteadj on Good Qrtdn. HOGS TWO AND A HALF TO FIVE LOWER lines nntl AVetliers V'cr In liiiml lie iiinnil i'otlnj- nt Stentlj- to .strtiiiHer Prior!), but Mnrkct tin l.ntnbn Was Sloiv mill U'riik. , SOUTH OMAHA, Mnrch 22. Ilrrclnfft ,nr,.. i.,.,,i., ii.,.. kt, ...... Official Monday J,ltr 4,2;2 Olllclal Tuestmy 4,1,2 10,276 9,431 Olticiiil Wetinestlny 2,091 ti,oiJ 3,410 OltlClltl 'Jilllr.411111 nvV A 'K . It I h 1 Oihcuii i-ritiay 2.',.'ti7 u!tv)0 o!l6 Fll'n ilnvv llila ,.A.tl liruc nn IVl T oi - ..w ...... u ..u rvn,,,,,id,i u'tf'j .'-,-. same days last week 11,912 M.mj ol,2ll H.1I11M lllll'fl tt-nrtf ...... l.l ir,-. f ITU Ml HII , ' ' V- 1IL ,1,1 ti . , , . I oaino thrco weeks ago... 12, Ml 16,19'J ao.Oii oniiiu ionr wccks ttgo....lu,to.i 3.t,8o9 aJ.o'j Same unys lust ycar.....l2,i90 3V.U7 U,Wi Acrago pilcu paid lor hogs for thu past novcrai uays, with comparisons: I 19)1. 190i).1899.lSUS.tS97.189a.18Vj. Mnrrli 1 f. 22!i b 6 327. 5 30', f. !tlA 4 RSI 3 Ml .1 TNI .1 SOI 3 SS 3 9J .March 2.. March 3.. .March 4.. .March 6.. .March 6,. March 7.. March .. .March 9.. March 10. March 11, March 12. March 13. .March 14. March 15. March hi. .March 17. March 18, Alarch 19. March 20. March 21. March 22.1 4 t0 3 521 3 )M 3 4q 3 74 4 09i 3 67 1 3 88 3 49 3 80 J b?l 3 Si 3 K 4 71 3 s: 3 5i 4 701 3 61 I 3 6j 3 89 3 91 3 9; 3 88 3 79 3 bJ 6 SI; 1 71, 3 60 3 891 I 3 8V 4 (k) I 72 3 Oil 3 761 3 67 4 I'd 4 03 4 10 I 16 4 2J 5 iiu R "07- 4 71 I 3 58t 3 70 3 CO) 3 81 4 731 3 u3 3 80, 3 65 3 81 3 59 3 i9 3 61 3 82 6 I 76 I 79 4 7o 1 79 4 85 3 74 3 70 3 80 !.' 5 56 1! 3 62 3 0.1 3 59 3 65 3 3 78 3 "Jl 3 69 3 IS 4 28 4 31 4 27 3 80, 3 87 3 91 3 88 3 91 4 00 5 C6k 3 70 3 77 3 S3 3 81 3 74 3 67 3 11 4 91 3 71 3 73 :t T:t 6 65U 5 01 4 5 71 I 3 68 4 46 I 80 4 80 4 41 4 36 5 8214 4 81 .t r,i!i .t n 4 4 11 I I 85 3 601 3 76 3 93 4 46 Indicates Sunduy. . Tho olllclal number of cars of stock nrougnt in today by each road was c Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p. H'scs v,., .11. iv 01. i", ny.,., 1 O. & St. L. Itv., .Missouri I'aclll'i Ry.. 1 Union Paelllc system. 6 C &. N. W. Ry 0 1''., K. .i M. V. Ry.... 35 H. C. X, l Hie 3 13 3 "1 ii 23 4 1 93 22 C, St, P., M. ,t O. Ry. ii H. & M. 11. Ry 11 C, 11. & Q. Ry 10 C. R. .1. p., cast C R. I. .t P., west.. .. Illinois Central 2 Total rccclnts 97 Tho disposition of tho day's receipts was no loitiiws, cacu otiycr purcuasing tho mini mi ui nuttii iiitucaica; Huyers. Omaha Packing Co O, H. Jlammoiitl Co.... Swift ami Company.... Cutlahy Packing Co.... Armour & Co R. Pecker & Dcgau Lobmun ni Co W. I, Stephen Livingstone Schaller. Hamilton & Rothschild L. F. llusz A. S. Mawhlnnoy Wolf tt M Slorton O. & Co Held over Cattle. Hogs. Sheep 153 1.346 2o9 191 402 670 501 40 51 5 66 25 I 11 'iis 1,237 1,660 1,634 281 'iis 428 BO 3,208 totals 2,271 6,417 4,891 CArriiL Thero was a fair run of cattlo hero today ami tho market could be otiotcd nomtnallv stnnili. nil iirniiM.i wiiia i.i., 1 --...-.,1 .... ............ a ...a .1.,. tho last end of tho week, buyers wcro r.ot I'liiu n iuiAiuui. mr supplies ns iney were yestertlay and tho day before, but at tho sumo lime titoy nought up what was ottered at ynrv Miitlqfnnlnri t,rl,,.,u Thero wcro about fifty cars of beef steers 1111.1,1, mm 111 niu rcceipis, nntl nnytning at all good soltl In Just about yesterday's notches. Some of the less desirable grades may havo sold at a little easier prices, but ill" h!-in-i'i llltlllMJl IVIin Illll aioilllll steady. Tho better grades wero sold In good season, and, lu fact, practically ,.,..,.1,11,1.,,. nttn.nj 1 1 - i.i.i iiiuiiiiiiH i. un i tl i tin vnnuill. ... ....... .1 aiiu eiiiiiuy u cuwn una noi targe, ami whllu buyers did not uo after them with us mucli. Ufa as they did yesterday, tho hulk of the offerings brought steady prlc?s. x uu i-iuij iiuiim-i ivnn iiuilllllis ine iieni. ..u ..I . I. i .... .....i , , .. , i . nn uiuiiH lunaiu (liu nink l-'llu auillia WItlllllUll l.n. . I 1. mil lilllllli'b nua iv lllliu llllll. Hulls sold at fully steady prices, If tho nttnllty was satisfactory. Tho coarse kinds wcro neglected, tho same as they havo been nil the week, nntl brought no mora , 1.... .1..... ...... ..I.. .. ...... . uiuuy iiiiiii oil-till 11111.-1:9. I 1.111 l.llivi'n . 1 1 1 -, 1 1 1 1 , , rtnml ,lr," .irlnAa nn.l ol . v,,, t. ....... ... rj,.. ,,,,,, it... .j m,,v. u,ur,u llirn rtilti mi'iiuy. There wero very few feeders on salo to day and tho demand seemed to bo sutll ciciit to take what was offered at Jut .. ..... ... 1.. -- i . .. . .. .. . ...... Itljliill mi'iiuy in lues. 4 nun) niiiu nui iii-cii many country buyers on tho market this wick, nrobnblv owing to the unfavorable ...1.I..I. ...Illn.t t.n .nl.. lli.tiiiivi ..iiii.li I'lv.uiii ti ..iu ri.t.'.it:i ,i i of tho time. That fact has, of course, cut liowil llic iiruiniiii uu inu imii ui juiu trades, but still good sttllT has sold readily all tho week at gootl, steady prices. Rep- rcscilltlll v cituun. STKEnS. No. Av. IT. No. Av. 991 8X7 1060 1190 1100 1062 1146 1225 Pr. 4 50 I 55 4 55 I .5 4 55 4 65 4 01 4 60 I 60 I (",' 1 bTi 4 65 4 l 1 65 4 63 t 65 4 70 4 70 4 73 I 73 I 75 I 80 4 80 1 SO I 80 I 80 4 90 I .') I 90 6 00 3 00 I.. n I!!! .... 390 ... 910 ...1150 ... 991 ... 961 ...100 ... 920 .... 90S .... 939 ... 852 ...1303 ...1350 ...1170 ... 930 ,...1305 ,...Ji0 923 Oil.) .... 1H7 ...1170 92 ''.'.'.wh ,...10,'!3 ,...1081 ....llltl .... 975 9S :5 ...1070 ,...1080 ,...130.1 3 Oi) 13.... 19.... IL... 20.... S.... 20.... 3.... 3 1 10 I 10 I 10 4 10 I 13 4 15 I 20 I 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 1 25 I 2j I 30 I 3J I 35 I 35 I 35 I 35 I 40 I 10 1 4i I 10 I 10 I to I CO 4 50 4 50 I 29.., 6.. 1.., io'.V ii.. 9. . 3.'. 15.. 1.. 4.. 20.. .1000 19 1117 4. 29. 4. ?C. 11. 2. 20. 6. 15. 6. .U2) .1417 1115 1191 1070 983 1160 130S 14IJ0 16 40;""! 30 11 17 8 9 1 12 16 12.'.'.'.'.'.' 37'.'.'.'.'.'. 1 1270 1216 1265 1157 1187 1208 1206 1226 1265 1423 1207 1100 14... 20... 19... IS... 20... 20... I ri... 3... I 5:1 STKKRS AND HEIFERS. 915 I ll 11 1111 1153 4 60 091 25 19. COWS 1 75 3 10 3 60 3 60 2 50 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 65 ;: 65 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 85 3 90 3 90 3 90 4 '0 4 00 I 00 4 00 4 00 I 03 I 10 4 20 4 25 I 25 I 25 4 25 4 25 .... nio ...104i ,...1150 ... ff ... 910 ...1020 ... 9!0 ... 900 ...1035 ...1010 ...1100 'ilC '. '. '. 050 ... 910 ...1120 ...1HV ... 950 2 ... 935 ...1010 ...1090 ... 90 ...10S5 ...1220 ... 90S ...1410 ...1050 1.... 9.... 1 o 3'.'.','.', 2 60 2 50 2 75 I 75 2 75 1 80 2 85 1 83 2 90 2 90 2 90 3 00 3 CO 3 00 3 tlO 3 00 3 Oi) 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 25 3 25 3 23 3 25 3 35 IS 1 o J!!.'.'.'.' 1 1117 1300 1100 1600 1065 1023 1430 1131 1.. 13. 1. 14... i 1090 1 910 1 1010 3 1010 5 1100 1 1300 10 .1012 1... 2... 1... 1 4.'.'. 1... ....1490 ....130i) ....1255 ....1227 ....1317 6 .... 923 ....1080 .... 930 ....1070 .... 950 ....1075 ....10811 L... 1.... 1.... L... n :!.'.'.'.' .1400 0 1253 1 1150 2 1205 1 1400 1 1360 3 1133 8 1033 1 1300 :i : 1UAI ;i 35 COWS AND HEIFERS. .921 3 05 9 1053 STKKRS AND COWS. 19 11 7 3 10 a','.'.'.'. 4 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 23 ..111!) HEIFERS. ... 9IS ... Oil ... 722 ... 780 ... 535 ... 775 ... 810 ... 750 ... 983 ... 780 ...1500 ..,iioi ...1370 ...1750 ...ItuO ...166U ...2100 ...1790 ...1670 ...ItitiO 4 .. 855 . 800 875 .. 790 .. 960 .. 750 .. 700 ..1030 ..1010 3 6.7 3 75 3 90 3 95 4 00 1.00 4 00 4 20 I 23 2 60 2 65 2 tO 3 75 3 75 .1 75 3 80 2 85 1 3 o l'.'.'.'.'.'. 1 1 4 1 3 00 HULLS. n 20 L. ....1000 ....1880 ... 1 ....1890 ....1660 ....1410 ....1080 ....1620 .... 435 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 15 3 75 4 25 3 20 3 3i) 3 40 3 40 3 40 ,i 45 3 45 1.... 2 60- 2..,. 3 ft) CALVES. " 153 0 00 1. 150 f. 75 Ii 75 J., 180 0 25 7 ' . IM i W STOCK COWS 1 1010 2 '15 1 " 770 2 77 2,, P05 2 SO S,. ,1072 3 00 1 2.'o 1 1TO 7 I) AND 1IKIFKI1S. 4. 667 3 a 3 30 3 60 3 SO 90. 413 710 1. li..i,,l, 7W l!.V 3 IS 16 SOO 3 Vi S5 3 25 STOCK CALVI5S. k n :) 1 jjo 1 ,iu ; 3 w i sty 10 3W :tr. S 311 I.x3 an 1 ir. 8TOCKKRS AND I'KKDKRS. . . . . 11 T,i 70S 8 25 4VI 3 3ai 3 W) I'S 3 70 6t) 3 Ml SOO I 00 720 4 10 t!t 4 00 0 4 0i) S0 I 20 4 25 4 .Ti 4 S, 4 25 3.... 1.... 3.... 32..,. 7... r.... . 711 . m 1 755 , M0 :5 . 812 . 995 . 7to I 25 4 20 4 2Ti I CO 1 ; 4 M I 10 1 rn o.. 1.. . tt 6M 20 309 IS wertcrn Innibs S3 5 15 nous-There wits lUht run of ron; oOier-poinis g"!! n tinlty to buy their tlroves 2V ' owvr us $5.90 was tmid for '291. ,'l ho, wlln'i! was 2c higher than tho' best ,! tlw'J day, m also tho highest price of he Near Alter the llrst few loads It, cliatmed TW beite g'rmles-'s'n .1 "LW S V' Tir' .n."" ,1.u, ""'liu weight" in .". ,1I1,",1"',.W0K,!' ero very hard .A v ,v"")i ""' erii icti nut the entl 'llmrn i-iim i,..i ,.,,.rti. ..1 .... t'.'- I., ii... I..-. 1' ..1 " " -,1'tKe noiiceatno in tho last hall of the market, us the long string sold at $5.80. and practically ever) thing wits nut of iirxt iii.iwo I,, son. RepresentiUlvo sales: ' No. Av. Sh Pr. I... 26... 2... No. Av. Sh. Pr. 76 217 ... 6 va 62 260 80 5 v) M 227 ... 6 80 79 21S SO 5 vj '7 230 160 fi M 42 210 81) 5 MJ 71 235 80 5 8" 6t SIS 80 fi 80 77 236 210 6 80 70 222 80 6 80 60 269 10 5 80 t6 235 80 5 80 67 231 ... 6 80 78 227 40 6 80 OS 222 ... 5 80 til 259 80 5 80 68 235 ... 5 80 - ii W iilll 84 217 ... 5 80 . ... "! 10 fi 8n 77 227 ... 6 SO 110 213 120 6 SO 49 221 ... 6 80 81 211 40 6 80 66 218 40 5 80 2'1 ... 5, mi 65 263 ... 6 82'. tO 222 ... 5 82' J 63..!!!. 29t) !!! 6 82', 69 233 ... 5 82' a 71 251 ... 6 82' j 12 210 ... 5 82'. 69 257 ... 5 82 66 2Mi ... S j2'j 61 an 40 fi 82'j 7 202 120 5 821, 33 221 ... 6 S."- 49 261 ... fi V, 6S 310 ... 5 S3 27 272 ... fi 85 69. 255 ... fi 85 75......2G5 80 n 85 66 277 ... 6 85 71 236 ... 5 85 60 292 ... 5 90 3 100 ... 5 10 6 65 6 75 fi 75 5 75 fi 75 C 75 6 75 5 774 6 771.4 fi 7714 fi 77'5 6 7J5 B 77 U fi 77(4 fi 77ij 5 Hi4 5 77'i G 7714 6 7ii 6 77(4 S 77)4 5 'i r is IVj 6 77i, fi 77 4 fi 80 6 80 fi 80 fi S0 6 tO fi 80 5 80 fi SO 5 SO ii SO fi 80 5 80 5 SO fi 80 6 80 fi f0 fi 80 6 60 ro 6 SO 97 115 80 90 .179 80... ...202 ...176 ...199 ..,201 . . .209 ...231 . . .223 ...247 ...212 . . .202 , . . .330 ...207 ...195 ...212 ...239 ,...201 , . . .228 ...211 91... 81... 95... 58. . . 58... 66... 03. . . 77. . 80 160 "ih 160 40 i'lO 'so 280 40 SO 80 80 80 40 40 80 40 80 60... 62... 89. . . 85... 79... 70... 76.... 69.... 72.... 77.... 63.... 31.... 68.... 61.... 74.... 69.... 68.... 71.... .210 .211 !25S .aw .252 .211 .215 .211 vt.l ....231 ....229 ....236 ....210 ....207 IMS 120 40 86 256 Kl 21: 67 . .207 ..2t)7 ..246 ..218 ..227 ..190 SO... 70... 7S... 17... 76. . . 65.. 213 40 6 iO HiiMifliTi.;- . . ... nit tun ii iniiiy iiiii'ini pup. Past .ti i f 'V slR,,t ,M "lornliiK for the i.ni.i i. . "'en. out. inciters iook old in good Bhapo at this point and bought ,1 Ji, . rwcR. nnd wethers in good steady Ji -n1 ,rloc?" filters sold as high as hnin'.,"'.1 ?w?? '"""Klit $1.30. Hotli bunches belonged to tho Stnndard Cattle company. ii.. V ",""" '!" litmus, nowevcr, was a llltlo slow and weak. Packers urninml In iuvn i tihout iill tho lambs they wanted this Lnnlf. nn,l r.t, ,i... 7. . . . hi"" , mln icnsoti wcro noi very liberal buyers today. ini,f.r? v,'ns. not motiBli feeders offered InflHV Til innlr. n .... . ... .... .. i. .v . ...'. llB i"" mitrKci, mil ii r? . 1? cn" ,l10 "uirket steady. . quotations: choice fed wethers, $1.10 n'i.'. V i . kooii weincrs. jl.-JoWI.IO elloleo Li?i,iweIfi,,1.t yc-lrllngs, $1.60-34.80; fair to 5?n(Ly?nUl?H,'nJ,'4yal w -,,1l'-"0 liRhtwclghr cues, $4.15ffl.30; fair to good nwes. $3,901! ?;.'i Cll0.,fSAXlm-1,s' J3.151T0.23: fair to good Innibs. $l.90fl3.15; feeder owes, $3.23.60; iinnZtien 'l:ll"'w; I iccacr limns, $4.304.60. Reprcscntatlvo sales: mo. Av. . 120 . 110 , 111! : 1 , SI , 135 . 133 Pr $1 30 1 60 1 70 5 Hi 5 I". 5 15 I 30 I (') 2) western owes 1 CnlnmHn.W'.'nmiit.. 420 western wethers .'.'.'.' 498 wnRtnrti lii..t)td 513 Coloiiido-WyilinlngYambs.' 513 Colorado-Wyoming lambs. o nitllVU UIVl'H.,,, , 10 natlvo wcthcru CHICAGO LIVE STOCIC 3IAIIICLT. Cattle M'enk tii IStenils llmr. ll,.,... 1'lvr Collin Higher. SiUiCA90' .V,".rei,i --CATTLK-Reeclpts. .600 hnnil. tnnliiitlii.. iivi n..... ...' . V , . , - ,f. .vj At-Atiiin, siirrit about steady: butchers' stock weak, feeding " 7,'""' in nm- steers, j.tX(u.lM: poor to medium. tl7Vjivi. Ufnnv. .' ,, I . . "t"t.nt.-ir mill lefiii-ii., SFiiii'. "f J-'1"!.", cows, $2.654.35; heifers. S2.7IVfl J UI. f.nmtnru uln,., . 4,.ui.it. t...i..' . ".' !;- SJ .! calves, steady to strong at $l.&0f0.00: Texas fed slnnm II iwn-. nn. ?ncr5i F.rasa slocrs. $3.4004.00; -l'cxus bulls; T fnriM 1 tirrt nt a fn,n,, w i a . . TliU'. iH.fVV) llOilll till Inu nA 1- ran . . -.v. iniiiiinirtt, IUH UCr. J.WJ liratl : nnnnnil uonl in r.n i...An ..t,...i.. .. .. ' -wl'i ."'."I, 11-11 nun iiuii-iirrn, .i.M ffjo.15; gootl to ciiolco heavy, $6.0Ofl0.15; rough heavy. $5 85515.95; light, $5.8506.05; bulk of sales. 3. 7U!n 0.. hllKEP A NO LAMHS-Rccelpts, 4,000 heail; sheep ami Iambs about steady; good to eholco wethers. $l.75fcii.00: fair to choice mixed. $l.6flfil.so; western sheep, $l,75if?5.0O: yearlings, $l.75r,(5.10; nntlvo lambs, $4.75y5.40; western lambs, $3.205.40, lCnium City I,lv Stock Market. Tv'AVytU r.rT'' ll,-. nn i-.An.ntr n ........... . , .,,,t.ii 1 I lii j Hi;. celpts, l.fKX) natives, 200 Texans, 400 calves liatlvo beef steers closetl slow; Texas steers. nmv uln,ttn,ti n,l fu,!.... .. . : , " '""i"! nmiiiK, IIMIIVO beef steers, $l.55'!6.rfl; Miockers nntl feeders, TrxaH :uid Indian, Jl.tOi l.io- cowh, " ' - t Ml.i.ir1liV IIIII.1.ID, .iJlt O, 4U bulls. $3.25(l.75; calves, $l.50fi6.2.li. Jiutia ltecclpts, 11,000 heail; market steady to 24c higher; top, $5.97VJ: bulk of tmlcH, $j.SIV?5.90: Iteavy, $5.85i5.97'4; niixetl naekers. l.VSri'fif. no? Until r.,ttn, ..i..u i1.wy5.1-0. T " " ,1.-1. BI1K1JP AND LASIHS Receipts, 700 head; market steady; western lambs, J5.10it5.ao; western wethers, $l.5of?5.0O; western yenr lings, $l.75Jj0.10; ewes, $l.00Jjl,60; culls, $2.75 I fa S(. l.titiU Live Stock Mnrkrt, CO TriTTIC lln..l. mwm, ... -rt- j . ,.vtv.j, inii;ii V...V 1 llilrf lir. celpts, 6u0 head, Including lOO Texans; mar- 1 , ,1 alttt.ln nneln. . I . . - ... t ... . .. n.ii.t.t.- vunn , ,tj, nti.i.un, mi'iiuy IllI ''.. v,i ii , .trallt.A Bltln..l.... .....1 - . . . ... uiinniif, 111111 uApiiri HiPein, ,i.i.i,.u.,, ui, .nm iii-.-L nnu iniiLiit r Hinern, $I.OOilG.35; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.804.43; stockers untl feeders, $2.60JT4.65; rows nntl heifers. $2.25M.S0; dinners, $1.252.85; bulls, $2.60(31.00; Texas and Indian steers, $3,555 4.80; cows and heifers, $2.&3'ti3.60. HOaS-Rccelptfi, 7,300 head: market steatly; pigs and lights. $3.856.95; packors, $5.90ffi.95; butchers, $5.95(ii6.05. SIIKKP AND LAMHS-Rccelpts, 1,600 (i. iii it ti.o.i , uinvsen ueei nnu nutcilfr steers. 111-1111; iiiiiiiici niriniK, lliiliva iiiiuionn, 91,1'i.ti 5.25; lambs, $5.25(5.65; spring lambs, .Wsi 9.00! culls nnd hunks. SirilMI!;. ,T Vork Live Stoek Market. NKW YOItlv. Mareli 22. HKKV15H Ite. celpts, 3,615 head; good steers, steady: medium nnu common, ma 011; steers, iji.SMf) 5.50; fat stags, $1.00-117.00; bulls, $1.0034.25; nnu-M. S.OOfff.1.70: eboien to nxtril fnl nntvd $l.0044.20. Cables, steady; shipments, 13 head sliecp. CALVKS-Rccelpls, SM head; demand fnlr, prices steady; veals, $1.60; selected veals, re . HliURP AND LAMHR Rennlnln. (t W. bond; sheep, steady; lambs, firm to nhadn higher; sheep. $l.0offi.00; few export sheep, $5.30; culls. $3.60; lambs, $5.556.20; clipped 1.. ..., t-. im. .... Iliiiliir,, vu.i.-.y. 1 irtr1UUn.lritn fi nrT. Iinmt. mnrlr.l ktMlt, at $6.15fl0.l0.' St. .Iiini-iiIi Live Stock .Mnrkrl. HOCTir ST. JOSKPIt. Mnrnli 9S -IHnit. cial.) Tho Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head; market strong to 10 higher; natives, $l,15ff5.25: Texas ami westerns, $3.60'(j5.15: rows and heifers, $2.30f(l,75: bulls nnd sings, $2.2,ip 1,83; yearlings anil calves, $3.73ifil.85: stock crs and feeders, $3.50fli.75; veals, $t.757f7.00. HOaS Receliits, 6,000 head; market 5o lower: nil crudes. 15.75575.971.4: hulk. IS.ROf!) 6.87',4: pics, strong, SHKKP AND I.AJIUH Receipts, 2.30O neati; miimri, nciivr, niumn , iiiiiiiih, i.;-j'iii .25; yenrllngs, $1.10775.00; wolhors, $1.4081.75; ! C-.17.J il UliVD, .u.iu Stock III Sight. J'OlluwillK nm lln tuit-iiiiH 111 inn luur principal western markets for March 22: ratttn. llnirii Rhnn South Omaha 2,267 O.UVI 5,11.1 1,500 ' 1(1,000 4,000 2,10tl ll.OfO TOO 600 7,300 1,600 CIIICIIKO Kansas City St. Louis Totals 6,107 40,950 11,405 Boyd Commission Co., Successors to James E. Boyd & Co. r r