Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Hrf . .... .
lUrS If! th( lrw1i PArm U. tJMt. . I. L-
Sft?rJL,or,n.. evening Judge Fisher
Eiilrcad Jea Meet In This Oitj to Discuu
Fuiongtr Eiorgwizuioa,
..... ,o.iKf nn oiucini visit. During
i..'. VJ?"' Mr.. an 1 Mr" Flhfr Hrp In this
j uirjr win oe entertained by George I
Irnnk. trtn Omaha tho grand exalt
rmer win go to California
1'ropii.cU llrnnil. f ,i,c uc,u.rll Snw
A-.-M.NO-. TmiKllile Miai.r-IniiM.r.
nm (liipviliuiN Lmlcr t'niiitl.
ernttuii it t 'IhU MeitlnK,
"Tlu- lirl.llnn"
a Problem i.Iay In four nets by Ha
l nine. l'r)(l Kill Ihu .wmi.1 1n I
lnf ha at Hoyl h theater Thursday night
by Llebkr & Co. n players.
i'n: Jn Storm Lionel Adam
iinru.7 r.m i T- u- Hamilton
i J, ' Pru.k?. Frederic Congur
T'T t. '..V . tnaries i to wan
Archdeacon Wealthy Prank Lvtm
i . K , T! iTwierio .Maynaru
Ih .Mb linger
Hrothr Paul
Mr. Ciilleiiilur
l'olly Love
I.ctty '
ettlo ...
Representatives of ten railroads operating
In tho territory tributary to Omaha are In
session In Umntia urranglng the details lor
the new passenger association which Is de
signed to include fourteen railroad lu this
territory. Tho men here arc tho representa
tives of tho auditors and thoy are planning
for tho handling of the Joint accounts which
will arise with the establishment of the as
sociation. The talk of this association has been cur
rent for sever 1 years, but nothing has yet
blossomed out as a result of the talk. The
movement has now reached the stage where
It Is up to tho chairman of tho Western
Passenger association to say whether that
association will accent the new ono as a Perhaps problem iiluy servo hir n..r
branch. If that answer comes In tlu noga- Pc' perhaps they teach the lemon Intended
live, and some response Is anticipated lun' "cy should by their authors, and per
within a few days, It will be passed ulong nal'8 they don't. There Is a zroat differ
to tho Southwestern association, tho head- enc" t opinion upon this point among those
quarters of which nre In St. Louis, tho op- who consider themselves competent to Judge
yunumiy Deing given ror tuat association ul "cii matters, but be that as It may
iu nccepi mo new one, whose headquarters -ainc s piece. "Tho Christian." has
are to be in Omaha, as a branch. If that serveu one of Its author's principal pur
association reiuscs, tho next application P"3 writing It. and thnt one Is financial
will be to tho Transcontinental, the head- Salo U has been one of the greatest
quarters of which aro In Denver. money making plays ever produced, which
M- Act liMlrprmieutl)-. ' nn '""Mention that It has caught the
That will be the last resort for the estab- I ,Z, , , lDe "eater-going public, even
,v iu, uui pussrrs ine artistic merit
T. C llumlltim
Fr.-derlc Maynurd
.... IMmutid Klton
.varrif ieu sioyl
Gertrude Augardo
. . telle Dnvinnnrt
jy"10 Minnie Woodbury
j,. '"""i jurirr
ciioryQuaVic'::::::::::::::;;;:;;;ju stuurt
llshment of a branch association ami If thn
negative answer comes from. the Tfanscon- " '"M8ei1I b" her plays which hav
tlnental. a high railroad official said an In- Mi?' 1,0 BUCCC"ful " n,nDa"
drnenrtoni u..nniniinn i, -.....i..t.-.. i.. cliu wny- Possibly, and quite probably, th
, .'hxvn ire csvau inucu 1.1 l
iniercsicu nave evolved ror tho mileage In whlrt, . '
the new association. They dislike tho In- V "e are,m'
tcrchangeabte mileage books, the little red ".j-0"1.
pocketbooks which cost $1. which are In use ".lon ,'' '
the week.
this city. puiminniy oi me novel has had everything
Tl,.. .... l I0 Wltn tile success of the olav. If nnp
iuuiu reasons wny a ncnaiiTO i., ,., ,,,, .,.",..,
answer is expected from all of these asso- " T .. ra
clatlotis. Or., of these Is because of the not ' ,, Vu , u . " '1C
Plan which the general passenger agents I "fj ,wl 1 ,h,e "'" '.1 lnt9rc8t
interested have evolved for tho mileage In ' ,ue ''uo cuinaxcs, o
tho tioof Tk.. .ii.iii.. i nicn there are many that are exren'inn,
but at other times the
to las. This Is
a ...vvv.w "Hivii - , " llt UIC I Li U3V I ,,, i , .
by tho Western and th Smiil.wirn Pn.J oftlnK mainly o the fact thai as Is always
engcr associations. u.cesar in tno uramatliatlon of a popular
The proposed plan for the new assocla- l? raucn 01 th0 bol must be left
tlon Is that books of script shall be Issued . i f lma8lnat'on of tho spectator. Dut
and sold for J60, tho face value of the wllnal "Tho Christian" Is a theatrical en-
scrlpt equalling amount. The script torPrlso we" wr'h seeing,
is to be printed so that each lino on n ,vas Prcsentcil here last season for
pago of tho book Is counted 1 cent. This . nr8 l,mo w"h Km Ellsler in the
paper is to be exchangeable at any ticket l ": pnrt nml a company of merit
omce of tho roads In tho association for nrouR10U. "his season Julia Stuart es
tickets, tho agent tearing out the script fa'8 tbo rol of 0!or' Qunyle. Miss Stuar
for thn vbIha nf ih ,i.i, has the advantage nf vmiih nn.i innit.
When tho books aro used uu the nnn.ln. anJ ,hl8 makes her Impersonation of the
lion win refund tr thn .,., .aracirr uernaps more accents he thiin
amounts as may bo corning to him from r-usiers; otnerwise the latter has a
travel on tho roads. For mllr ian in "hade the better of the arcumem.
tana, South Dakota, Wyoming. Colorado The Jolm Storm of Lionel Adams is the
and New Mexico tho rato under the nsso- ' meant Juort of a conscientious and
elation will be 3 cents a mile, the regular PaIn9,aklng actor and Is at times forceful,
rato lu thoso states ranelne betui.n i nn.i although not always convincing. CharlM
u cents, in Nebraska. Kansas, Indian Ter- towan " -0rd Kobert Ure Is woll done
ruory, UKianoma. Texas. Arkunn.-i. i n ' rreneric uoner's Herat n nrnVn
lana and Mississippi the rate will be 2!. Carrle Leo Stoyle Is decidedly clever as
cents, a cut from tho regular rato of 5 Mr". Callender, her true Scotch dialect be-
""is, ing particularly nra seworthv. Helen
It IS the demnnd fnr tliU rn.liixitnn .1.- ell as l'olly IX)Vo has n rnlhor omnll n.t
mon who travct extensively that has bllt a much of It by her splendid por
brought forward the talk of tho new nmn. trayul. The production Is the ono oriel.
elation. The roads In the Western ami na"y 1180,1 b' vloIn Allen throughout the
ooumwestern I'assenger associations gave casl
the rate by mllcaKo strlns and nnn- hv ihr The engagement continues tho hal.mro nf
nncrcnangeanie mileage books. The pro-
vm ui travel in til B territory wo nf ih
. 1 jim.wnrtr nvor. ami om..roid8 not In . the
aouinwestern association have been asking
mey 00 given me samo advantages.
The general passenger acents hnvn tnvn
uie matter up, have evolved the plans for
the association and the establlshmont nf
eurer a branch or nn Independent asso
ciation awaits the answers from the threr
Arnui'IiiIIiiii .!-iiiIhtxIiI).
l ourteen railroads are In tho nronn.i
uiiBcciaiion. nicy aro:
..,,..L'L,l1?.,-.T?p''kft & Santa I. wt of
i..." k tY ";... "Presenieu in tnc meet-
'"f!..bfi U: 1 Wlilteheml of Chicago.
1,1! vlm.B,on,f: J !'",?orl IUver. represented
Chicago. St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha.
repreKented by i j;. lieutty. '.
..nwi, 1 . M0l"ern. except west and
1-aVkV n,n?:rlr' by .Mr.
Fremont. Klkhorn 4- Northwestern, rep
f.ol0".1"'1..1, W- JrcFarlane. iisiistant
..vv uuuiiiu ui inu orinwcstern, Chl-
1 I ...... 1 1 rt . . . ...
Iiuuiliuui .V N . .Ifluanh T."....D.... r.l... .
Omilllll. Kllll4ll I""!!,. U, t. 'A
11 V.. . V alil W lllUHCll
..Vi" ' ?u ,'.:lJ.lsl Kf0u Northweutern.
'.vrep.?.u''J b' ." u- Foster. Knnsns
CUV. auditor of tho Kansas City. St. Josenh
A.' I nllnnl lllitfTu "
Union Paclllc. ' reprpcntcd by K. n
southard, auditor of piissenuer nccountH.
Tho four roads not represented at the
meeting are: Gulf, Colorado & Santa tv
St. Joseph & Grand Island. St. Lonln x-
aan franclsco and Denver & Itlo Orande.
.XeotliiR u I'rolonncd.
Tho meeting of tho representatives nf
tne auditors Is being held In tho Her Qrand
notci and will probably last over today
icsieruay me rules, as thev have b.en
devlsod by tho general passenger agents,
iterc i.iKen up nnd d scussed In detml.
Every Item which could In any way concern
mo accounting departments was consld
ered and earnestly discussed. It Is ex
pected that this work will continue into
mis morning's aewMon and that tho
work will then bo concluded In tho after-
nocn. This meeting is ono Incidentol to
mo establishment of the association, which.
Manner Snlve.
Tetter, eczema and skin diseases' v!M
quickly to tho marvelous hcaline aualltlo
of Banner Salve. Made from a nrcscrln.
tlon of a skin specialist of world-wide
rame. 25c. Meyers-Dillon Drug Co.,
uraana; uuion a drug store. South Omaha.
Fashions for theSeasoni
IH11U by Mnry Liinili.
R5 C Ob
eta Prune
THe prune used to be a by -word and a joKe a substitute for fruit wKicH
enjoyed a better reputation. Dut scientific Horticulture maKes tHe present
day California Prune tHe equal of any fruit for deliciousness and Hardi
ness tHe superior of any for nutrition.
THe scientific growers, wHo made tHis present-day prune, Have formed
an association wHicl-A is now putting; up, under tHe brand sHown above,
tHe only prune in tHe world carefully grown, pacKed and inspected.
It maKes no difference under wHat name tHe prune is pacKed, get a
box witH a brand liKe tHe above and, for a few cents per pound, you get
a foodstuff possessing more nutritive value tHan tHe same money's wortH
of any otHer fruit, any cereal or meat, and a product wHicH can be pre
pared in a Hundred delicious ways as substantial diet, des
sert or confection.
'"'The AsHoclntion issues n book con
taining 100 recipes for preparing
prunes in every way, which were ob
tained In a prizo contest participated
in by the very bewt cooks and chefs
of California. This booh together
with a "Prune Primer," which will
delight the little folks, will be sent
free on request. Address
Try tills recipe for stewed prunes
which won first prize in California
Prize Prune Cooking Contest a few
weeks ago.
"Wash one pound prunes in several
waters, nearly cover with water; add
large tablespoon of sugar, let stand
over night; then simmer on back of
stove until tender."
i ' " ,. , ,, ,, , ,
1 1 . -
378 Shirt W.lst. 2 to 42 In. bust.
noinuus snirt waist. No. 37S4. to
It Is said, will come In one form or tho other Made with or Without tho Fitted Llnlne
In a short time. Simple waists possess an Inherent charm
Another meeting of the representatives hnt no amount of elaboration cvor out-
of the auditors was held last night at dos. The smart model shown Is made of
which time special committees took up the white lawn with rovers of all-over tucking,
work of arranging some of tho details of whllo shield, collar and cuffs are of fine
the proposed organization. Tho dissuasions embroidery, hut tho samo design Is nvali-
wlll be concluded, It is expected, this morn- ab' 'r silk and woolen materials and for
ing, after which the llnal report of tho a" tno range of cotton and linen stuff 3. In
Union Pacific Motite Fowir SuperinUudtat
Tenders Resignation.
Climiiif Tiik' i:iT-ct April 1 uiul Mr.
.McCoiuii'll 1VIII Tnkr n Vnoa
tluu Ilcforp KiitPrlnu a
Xciv Field of Work.
J. II McConnell has resigned the posi
tion as superintendent of motlvo power and
machinery of tho Union Pacific and It is
uudorsiooi that he will retire about April 1.
Samuel Hlggins, superintendent of mo
tive power and machinery of the I.ehlgh
Valley road, will succeed .Mr. McConnell.
While no ofllclal announcement of these
changes has yet been made they wero
learned from to authentic sources' yes
terday. The fact of Mr. McConnell's pro
posed retirement has 'icon an open secret
for somo tlrao among tho oWclals of tho
Union Pacific, and general regret has been
nudltors will bo formulated for prescnta- ,no ncw "hlrt waist flannels woven with I heard wherever the report has spread.
" " me puseenger agents.
Just as Many Another Omaha
Citizen Has,
silk stripes It Is admlrablo combined with
taffeta: mndn frnm nlhatrncc l la mi
iiiiiko 1 lanrr'K vinU. I 1.. ...1,,.., ,
Jndiro Jernmn n , . uvu."' uu vuen ununeu ana
N. V" m-nnd exalt.! V , .r'nfk-il. "..7i." L" "om batiste, madras, SwUs muslin.
,li. In ln...k.. . ,"iJ. :.'..'." illn-llv nn.l tli H,n I. i.i
... wiiHiiii. fiuiu luui.inapoiis tnis morn-1 mm- ..v, h wua uu mt-m nuui-
mer couice.
Tho foundation lining (which in this in-
sianco is oniitteuj rioter at the center
front. On it are arranged tho back, tho
full fronts and the shield this last being at
tached at the right sldi- nnd hooked into
plnco at the left, while the waist clojes at
the center, but separately from the lining.
The fionts are extended, rolled back and
faced to form Iho revers. Tho sleeves are
lu bishop style with narrow cuffs of lace.
At the lie:!; Is a stock cellar that clones
Invisibly at the center back. Wheu the
lining Is omitted thn -r.ielu . .oir.. .
stock collar onh, and attached to the
fronts, under revers, peimaueutly on the
right and bu'tn
To cut this waist for a woman of medium
elie 3i yards of material 21 Inches wide.
Ii yards 2" Inches wide, 2 ynrds 32 Inches
wido or l?i yards U Inches wide will bo re.
quired, with !4 yard of all-over lace, i
yarn 01 tuic tor revers, 1 yard of lace edc-
Ing and V, yard of Insertion to trim as II-luttrated.
Tho pattern No. 37S4 Is cut In sizes for a
32, 31, 36. 3S, to and J2-lncb bust measure.
For tho accommodation of The Dee's
When tho back aches 'tis the kidneys
Few people know this.
Neglect tho aches and pains of the back
And you'll learn all nbout it.
Don't wait until 'tis diabetes or worse.
Doan's Kidney Pills euro every kidney 111.
Hero Is Omaha proof:
Mr. Wm. $agt', bricklayer of No. 4211 Bur
detto street says; "Always after a hard
day's work or when I caught a cold which
eltled in my loins, backache became very
vcre. Doan's Kidney Pills procured at
Kuhn & Co8 druc storo. corner ISth and
Douglas streets, gave me such prompt relief readers these patternt. which usually rtn
end up to date have prevented attacks, that at from 25 to -0 cents, will be furnished
1 Dave no hesitation in recommending them I at a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers
o any one suffering from either over-ex- all expense. In order to get any nattem
cited or weakened kidneys." enclose 10 cents, give number and natae
For sale by all dealers: nrlce 60c per box. of pattern rented and bust measure. Al
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N- Y., solo low aboui. ten days from dato of your letter
agents for tho United States. beforo beginning to look for tho pattern.
Itomember the name Doan's. and take no I Address Pattern Department. Omaha Ue
vmer. 1 umaua. neo.
Mr. McConnell has been with the Union
Pacific's operating department thirty-three
years, having come hero In 1S6S. At that
time, or very soon thereafter, he was ap
pointed general foreman of the motive
power shep In this city, his father, Robert
McConnell. one of the pioneers with the
road, being al that time master mechanic.
In 1S72 he was tent to North Platte as the
master mechanic.
Itet'iiIW-i! to nmitiia,
After thirteen yeurj of successful serv
ice In that position Mr. McConnell was
recalled to Omaha to succeed his father as
master mechanic in this city. In 1SS6 ho
resigned and went Into business with A. L.
Strang, at the same time being appointed
chief examluv-r of locomotives for tho road.
That arrauccment continued until Feb
ruary 1, 1S91, when Mr. McConnell was
appointed general superintendent of mo
tive power and machinery for the entire
Union Pacific, the position which he Is now
leaving. It was stated yestorday by
men In close touch with tho official family
of the road that tbo relations between Mr.
McConnt.ll and the other officers havo been
most harmonious and that the work has
moved along very smoothly
Mr. McConnell left yestorday for Salt
Lake City as a guest of President Burt, who
goes to attend the meeting of the stockhold
ers of the company. It was stated by a
friend of Mr. McConnell that his future
plans aro rather Indefinite and that he has
several openings elsewhere If ho desires to
continue in active work, but It is said he
will devote himself to rest and recupera
tion for a few months.
nt u hurt s 11 11 p.
The office of superintendent of motive
power and machinery on the Union Pacific
involves acre than U common on tho other
systems, for the entiro work. Including that
01 tne car departments, devolves on tho su
perintendent. It Is said to bo customary on
other roads to havo assistant superintend
ents who share the work. On some roads',
also, there aro superintendents of cars who
take part of tho duties which fall on tho
shoulders of the general superintendent of
motlvo power nnd machinery on the Union
Concerning Mr. Hlgglns. little is to be
learned here, it Is understood that ho has
been superintendent of motlvo power and
machinery on the I.ehlgh Valley for about
a year, going there from a similar position
on the Delaware. Lackawanna A: Western,
where it Is said bo bad served for several
As stated. It Is understood that tbo
chango Is to tako effect April 1. What will
follow Is not known yet, but it Is expected
In official circles that some changes lu tho
division master mechanics may occur when
the new regime Is established.
Jurj Allowi Widow of Mercsr Firs Viotim
Five Thouuad Dollars.
Ilrlr nf tilt.' Fniii' l'l romrii Killed liy
KleetrlHly Sri-lilim: Diuii.
iiK' from I lie 'I liomiou.
II1111M011 Co 111 1111 liy.
Many a man has been lusured against
Brlgbt's disease, diabetes or other danger
ous aliment by a flfty-cent bottlo of Foley's
Kidney Cure. Meyers-Dillon Drug Co..
Omaha; Dillon's drug store. South Omaha.
Frci- lv IniliTKiirtcii Siit'rtMf 11 1 .
LEAD. S. 1).. March 21. (Special.) The
free kindergarten given to this city by Mrs.
Hearst has grown to largo dlmcnsldnn.
Miss fJregory of Lincoln, who has conducted
the school for a year, will remain In the
position. The basement of tho Episcopal
church Is being repaired for the use of the
children next summer and a large park will
be laid out for their uso adjoining tho
For ,mv 'IVinple Fund.
The women of the Harney street syna
goguo nnnounce a series of entertRinnients
tn be Riven at the Metropolitan club, March
23 to 3n. Op Friday evening. March , Mrs.
Mnrtin Cnhn will slnh' In nacred roncert,
while P.ev. Dr. Trefz will deliver thu er
mon. The concerts aro given for tho bene
nt of the new Tcmplo fund. Mrs. Cnhn has
come from Chicago to uttend this fair.
The Elks will give a receptlnn this after
noon In honor of Jerome 11, Fisher, grand
exalted ruler, and .Mrs. Fisher. The rerep
tlon will be held In the lodge rooniH from 3
until 6 o'clock,
Tho Ninth Ward nepabllcnn club met nt
Its rooms. 201 Farnam street. Inst night,
early adjournment being occasioned by the
failure of the janitor to prepare for heatlnc
tho room The club has leased its present
quartirs for it jcar and will hold meetings
weekly. Lust night It adjourned to Monday
K. Pettis of Lincoln Is at tho Millard.
J. J. Mellck of Nellgh is nt tho IlerOrund.
Ml Chapman of Plattsmouth Is nt tho
W. A. Coffin of Lincoln registered Thurs
day nt the Murray.
Nebraaknns at tho Merchants; V O.
Snyder, prkj 1:. I Dussell. fob. mbu. K.
It. Dack. Munroo, Hen ftoberts l i.'in F
A Howard, Sowurd, C. C. Culdwtil, Lin-
Five thousand dollars for the widow of
Gcorgo liendson, oao of the four firemen
who wero Killed by electricity at tho Mer-
cor building fire August !), 1SS9.
1 That la the verdict of a Jury in Judcc
Baxter's court. Tho case, which was
brought by tho widow against tho New
Omaha Thornton-Houston Electric Light
company, was given to the Jury Tuesday
afternoon aud tho verdict was brought In
yesterday morning. Tho long deliberation of
tho Jury was not over the main
question of allowing damages to tbo plain
tiff, but over a special question submitted
by the court on request of the defendant.
The special query was 113 to which of threa
wires the fatal shock came from, and the
Jury teported that it was unablo to reach
an agreement on the question. A verdict
for tho plaintiff, fixing her damages in the
sum of Jo.OuO, was agreed to, nevertheless,
nnd the failure of the Jury to make a return
on the special query will not, lu the opinion
of the lawyers for Mrs. Uondsen, affect tin
verdict. Gborga Ucndsen, Charles A. Hopper, Otto
Olseke and James Adams, all members of
the firo department, were engaged In low
ering a ladder at tho Mercer flro on Au
,ut . IS9!. when the ladder enme In con
tact with a live electric light wire nnd
conveyed to them a shock that killed them
almost Instantly. Suits against the Thorn-son-Houston
company for $5,000 damages
wc.-e brought by tho administrators of tho
estates of the four men.
The Bcndsen suit was the first ono to bo
brought to trial, and the Hopper case is
What Shall YV,
Have for Dessert?
TIi-s cucMon nri;. s m tliu family
irvcry day. Let us auswer it to-tley. Trj
delicious and he ilthful dessert. Pre
pared in tvo rnnutiS. Noboiiinjr' r.'j
baking! n4d boiling water ard set to
corl, Flavor Lemon Orang-, Kaso
bcrry and Strawberry. Grt a patkage
atynarfc jeera U dy. 10 cts.
now on and will go to tho Jury within a day
or two. It Is tho Intention to try the re
maining two suits ut the present term of 1
court. j lntri'tliiu; Dflmti'
Of 'I'll u
llcluern Ml ml cut
I nit rr-
ntli I'lri of ItiUiionii Orluln on
Ori-Jiiii.l Mill Witliln a ,
llll N,
IncetiillarUm evidently continues iu the
Orchard hill district, for last night the
seventh flro of unknown origin to occur lu
that locality within the last few days de
stroyed a bnrn at 3111 Franklin street.
Tho barn belonged to William M. Williams
and n horso stabled there wns bnrnod to
de.ith. Tho horse was valued at only $20
and the los on the barn was put at tho
samo figure.
- 1 . . 1. . .... ...... .. . . . .
vuiuB iruin 1110 university of Nebraska
and Crclghton university will meet In Joint
debate at Crclghton university hall this
evening. Tho question to be dis
cussed Is: "Kri-olvcd, That the Permanont
netentloii-of tho plillippmo Islnnds by tbo
United Statct. is Dnslrat The speakers
selected by the Dcllan Delating rJub of the
University of Nebraska to deny this ques
tion are: V. C. Batlc. W. Morrow and
W. II. OTonneii. i i Martin, J. R.
Pickett nnd L. A. Lilly havo been chosen by
tho Crelghton Oratorical boclety to afurin
the question.
Misses Shoes -
Wu cannot help hut call your atten
tion niraln to our inln.suti' shoes ut $1.50.
They aro beyond qiii'stlon the grout est
value t'vci otleivd in mines' hIioiw.
Made of youd, solid leather wild soles
on a fout llttlii; last that rIvch them
wearing iualltie.s and comfort. We hnvc
aNo a line of misses' welts at ?-'.'-'."-ehlld's
welts at $1.75 made on tho loot-
form last have no nails to hurt the feet
and smooth Inner holes that Insure com
fort while the shoe Is yet new. Our
misses department Is the largest Iu the
west and we Invite your Inspection.
Drexel Shoe Co..
CntnliiKiM rnl Free for the AnUIuk.
Olillllill'i t i-(u-(lulr Shoo House.
Reliable Pianos -
We have sold for 'JU years and are
still seJIIiiB them we always keep the
heat you run no risk. In buying your
piano from this old-established house
every Instrument Is guaranteed to give
absolute satisfaction if not, you have
your uiouey back our extensive stock
of the following high grade pianos Is
always on hand Knabe. Kranlch &
Hach, Kimball, Ilallet fc Davis, .Schu
mann, Mcl'hall. Whitney, I'ratier. Need
ham, etc., etc. Phone 1SS when you
want your piano tuned, repaired polished
or moved.
Mc eai Ail -15I3 Oiuilii