Ifl TUTU OMAHA .DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, aiAHCN 22, 1001. HAS A COMMERCIAL VALUE Inflim Bapply Depot Muni Much to Omabiu ITS CONSUMPTION IS REMARKABLE dlipllr Cnllril For ly I'nclr Snin'a ftcir Jntltiitlon Kmlirncca n. IIIK M"t Home J'rniliiut. Bomo Idea of tho commcrclnl value of tho Indian supply depot to Omaha may bo had from tho blank proposals for bids on supplies Just received by Superintendent II. C. Jordan. Tun list Includes boots, shoes, groceries, crockery, furniture, Moodcnware, harness leather, shoo flndlnRS, saddlery, agricul tural Implements, wagons, wagon fixtures, kIsbs, paints, oils, tin, stamped ware, stoves, hollowwarc, hardware, iron, nails, plumbers', steam fitters' and gaB fitters' tools nnd supplies, beef nnd smoked meats. Tho nmount of foodstuffs uecd by tho bu reau Is enormouB, No Idea of this can bo gained without tho enumeration of tho articles. Wlmt 1 Wnntri!, Tho proposal calls for 60,90.' pounds of bacon, 105,000 pounds of barley, 318,000 pounds of beans, 11,802,000 pounds of beef In tho gross, 2,755,1)69 pounds of beet not, or dressed beet; 315,182 pounds of coffee, 1,263,700 pounds of corn, 103,410 pounds of comment, 21,675 pounds of cracked wheat, 753,000 pounds of feed, 08,130 pounds of hardtack, 30,533 pounds of hominy, 52,005 pounds of lard, 1,020 pounds of mess pork, 1,449,530 pounds of oats, 12,508 pounds of rice, S5,8 10 pounds of rolled oats, 129,080 poundR of ronrso salt, 194,000 pounds of lino salt, 975,760 pounds of sugar, 16,159 pounds of tea. , .Although all bids nro opened In Chicago, It Is tlio doHlro of tho department to pur vhaso tho supplies as near as posslblo to tho point of consumption. This Is stated In tbo proposal blanks as follows: "Attention of tho bidders Is especially Invited to ' tho specification relating to tho points of deliv ery and bidders nro urged to offer their goods delivered at ns many of tho specified points ns possible, the dcslro of the depart ment being to obtain the lowest obtalnablo prlco nearest tho point of consumption." This places tho Omaha bidders In n better position to sccuro contracts than out-of-town bidders, as they do not have to flguro on freight. JIOITU.X fi t Oil 13 ftllOIi MtTlt'13. To Clrnn t l .Ml Mliuca oil Jlnranln Milliard) mi Mill ii floor. THEMENDOU3 HAHOA1NS TODAY. Wo aro about to mako n radical change In our shoo department. In order to clean up all tho shoes that aro on bargain squares on tho main floor wo will cut tho price down very much tomorrow. A Mi 14.00 AND $5.00 SHOES, All tbo women's shoes on bargain squares that were sold up to 35.00 go at $1.98. All the misses', youths' and children's shoes that sold for up to $2.50 on bargain squares go nt 98c. All the men's shoes that sold up to 3.00 go at $1.69. Uvnry shoo now on bargain squaro wo offer tomorrow awfully cheap to closo out, nnd wo warrant every pair of shoes wo sell, regardless of price, IIOSTON STOKE, OMAHA, J. h. Hrnmlles & Sons, Proprietors. SHE ASKS FOR NEW DEAL "Woninii .iirnln In tlm Court to Set AnIiIi- it Trmlr In Itcnl Kututi. Josefn Wlntlicrs, who can deal with English-speaking peoplo only through an Interpreter, sayB that sho traded a good $600 mortgago noto for a worthless lot In South Omaha and sho nsks tho district court to dcclaro tho trudo off. Mrs. Wlnthcrs ad mits that sho Is unfamiliar with business forms and procedure and was tricked Into making tho bad bargain. On February 12, so sho states, sho was tho owner of n $600 note secured by n mortgago on Sarpy county land, and Herman Thlelke, whom sho regarded ns n friend, Informed her that tho noto and mortgago wero worthless nnd advised hor to trade them for a lot In South Omaha, which ho represented to bo worth fully $1,000. She took his advtco and tnado tho trade. Now Mrs. Wlnthcrs discovers that tho Kouth Omaha lot Is nt tho bottom of n deep gulch, seventy-flvo feot below tho grado of tho street, nnd absolutely worth less Sho discovers further that tho land In Sarpy county covered by tho mortgage Iho onco possessed Is worth nt least $1,000. rhoroforo sho nsks tho court to restrain Thlelko from disposing of tho mortgage and noto which sho traded for tho South Omaha property and to order n now deal, by which iho may bo restored to tho position sho Decupled beforo tho gamo began. TO MEET IN SALT LAKE CITY Union I'nclllc Ofllelut Attend Si-i-ftlon of Stock holder!. Tho chief officers of tho Union Pacific left hero yesterday for Salt l.nko City, whoro on Saturday tho stockholders of tho road will voto tho Increnso of $100,000,000 In tho common stock of the road and tho Is suance of $400,000,000 of bonds. In the party wero President Horace O. Hurt, Erostus Young, general auditor: J. H. Perry, chief engineer, nnd J. H. McConncll, superintendent of motlvo power nnd ma chinery. It. W. Maxtor, division superin tendent, accompanied Iho party across tho state. Wednesday evening William It. Kelly, goncrat solicitor of tho road, left hero for tho samo meeting. On the train wero Alex Millar, secretary, and Lawrehco Orccr, assistant to tho genoral counsel, both of New York. Tho plans for this meeting huvo been ar ranged for somo time, tho details having been completed at tho tlmo of the visit of Messrs. Kelly und Greer in Salt Lako City last month. Speaking of tho meeting yesterday President Hurt said that It would bo merely a formality. Tho stockholders, or their representatives, will gather In Salt Lake City and cast tho vote, formally authoriz ing tbo Increase of tho stock and tho Issu ance of tho bonds. Peyond that ho sntd ho believed tho meeting would develop nothing of general Interest. Mr. Perry and Mr. McConncll, ho said, wero going along for an Inspection of tho departments of the road under their core. Tho trip will bo n very brlof one. This bond Issue-, It Is understood, Is to provldo for the purchaso of the stock of tbo Central I'nclllc, which deal was negotiated In New York In January and which nt onco called tho attention of tho financial world to tho Immonso transactions of tho Harrlmnn syndicate, which Is now reputed to bo tho owner of tho controlling Interest of tho stock of tho Union nnd Central Pacific. Hut few will attend tho meeting, as tho voting Is entrusted to n committee, which will probnbly not number over eight or nlno men, nnd theso will bo armed with proxies representing tho majority of the current stock of tho corporation, tho total amounting to $196,178,700. BRIDE DRESSES IN A VAULT Yoiiiik Woninii from Crete Milken Her Weil ill uk Toilet lliuler I'nrn vornlilo Clrciuuiitnne.uN lit Council HIiiIIm, A young couplo entered tho court house at Council Muffs Wednesday and asked to bo shown to tho mnrrlugo license, depart ment. Ho was stnggorlng under the weight of a vnllso nbout tho bIzo of a Saratoga trunk, whllo sho devoted her attention to blushing. A Janitor Indicated the nuptlal ariuru. "Now, havo you n room whoro this young lady can chungo her clothes?" ' OBked tho prospective groom. Tho Janitor, grinning Industriously, con ultcil with Sheriff Cousins, who n few minutes later showed tho young womnn Into tho vault adjoining tho recorder's sfllce. Ho then went on errands for her, :ol!ectIng a hand mirror from Recording Clork Cheyeno, a curling Iron from this on'o md n pocket comb from that, and thou locked tho door. Thirty minutes later tho brldo emerged from tho company of ponderous tomes, flecked out In spotless white, with n long (lowlnir veil anil a biinrh nf Punt or tlilna Tho groom appeared with n license and a preacner anil iToil llnrtjo of Itoca, Neb., md Miss Hannah Praucr of Creto wero duly married. CfiBi-nrtnn nt l Drituulau. Cures biliousness, constipation and dys pepsia, or monuy refunded. Prlco CO cents. Dook explaining causo nnd euro mailed tr. Ren Dros. & Co., Minneapolis. Minn. . To Florida Without CIuiukIuk 'nr Leava Chicago Union Station 12 noon Tuesday or Fridays on Chicago nnd Florida Special running over Pennsylvania Short Lines via Cincinnati, Atlanta, Macon and Jackflonvlllo to St. Augustine. Latter point Is reached at S:30 p. m. next evening. H It. Bering, A. 0. V. Agt 248 South Clark St., Chicago, 111., will book you for tho trip on application. GENERAL LEE SLIGHTLY ILL Dinner In III Honor linn Ileeii I'ant- poned Until Flrnt Snturilny In Mil'. Qoncral FItzhugh Leo Is sick at tho Mil lard hotel. His physician, Dr. Miller, says that tho general has a sovoro attack of the grip, which has caused sofno troublo with his oyes, but thnt he has no fovcr and his condition Is not serious. The dinner which was to havo boon given In his honor tonight has been post poned until tbo first Saturday in Mny. Gov ernor Shaw, Governor Dietrich and Con gressman (!. D. PcrklnB havo been notified of tho postponement and will bo present at tho banquet. A VAI.lMIII.i: .MKlHOINH For CoukIih nnd Coliln In Children. "I have not tho slightest hesitancy In rocommcndlng Chnmberlatn's Cough Remedy to nil who aro suffering from coughs or colds," snyB Charles M. Cramer, esq., a welt known watchmaker of Colombo, Ceylon. "It has been somo two years slnco tho city dispensary first called my nttentlon to this valuablo medicine and I havo repeatedly used It nnd It has always been beneficial It ha3 cured ma quickly of nil chest colds. It Is especially effective for children and seldom takes morn than ono bottlo to euro them of hoarseness. I havo persuaded many to try this valuablo medicine and they aro nil ns well pleased as myself over tho results." For snlo by all druggists. Sam'l Hums, 1318 Farnam, Is selling a rcnl porcelain dinner set $4.75. Wheels! Whoclsl Wheels! how they go! Rldo a Bee wheel and bo In the swim. POZZONI SOC POWDER SILKS FROM WELL, HASKELL k CO. Iteitinniitft of .eiv Cli n 1 1 In, Mounnelliie lie Mile, Dri-Ki (looiln, Knilirold crlc, I.nec, l;ie., Uo nt Jlnll Price unit l.erni. DRESS GOODS REMNANTS 25C & 39C YD. An Immonso assortment of new spring dress goods In remnants, in lengths (ioui 3 to 7 yams, including nil wool Henriettas, silk und wool novelties, plaids, checks and stripes, go at 2oc nnd 39c yard. NEW CHALLIS AT 39C YARD. Flno Imported all wool chullls, light nnd dark grounds, new llornl designs, 6uo qual ity, 2 to 5 yards remnants, nt 39c yard. 85C SILK MOUSSEL1N DE SOIB 39C. Silk moussclln do sole, with silk embroid ery nnd many satin striped, new spring colors, 3 to 5 yard lengths, many pieces match, 85c values, at 39c yard. SILKS FROM WEIL, HASKELL & CO. All tho short pieces of silk purchased from tho Well, Haskell & Co. stock, go on salo tomorrow at about one-quarter prlco. COc silks go at 19c yard. 69c silks go at 26c yard. Flno silks, 32 Inches wide, at 39c yard. $1.00 nnd $1.50 silks at 49c and COc yard. All $2.50 silks go nt 98c yard. REMNANTS OF EMUROIDERY AND IN SERTION. Flno Swiss, nainsook and cambric em broideries, In all widths up to 12 Inches, worth up to 50c, on salo at 5c, V&c, 10c and 15c yard. Remnants of over tucking, In laco effects, etc., worth up to COc each, go nt 10c each. Remnants nnd odd pieces of laco of every description, worth up to 20c, go at lc, 2c, 3',c und Cc yard. REMNANTS IN I1ASEMENT. 2,000 yards remnants percale, prints, etc., lc yard. Remnants lawns, dimities, etc., worth up to 15c yard, go nt l',4o ynrd. Remnants of 30-lncb percales, worth 8 He, at 4c yard. Long remnants of Everett classic and Chatnbray gingham nt CAc. Remnants of cambrics and muslins, worth 12&C at Olic yard. Remnants of new spring lawns, all new est shades, worth 15c, go at CHc yard. 12 Vic grado 36-tnch percales, 5o yard. Remnants of whlto goods, India linens, nainsooks, laco, striped lawns, etc., worth 25c, go at 10c yard. 25a Imported gingham at 10c yard. 25c art denim nnd cretonne 10c yard. 40o mercerized sateen, all colors, 15c yd. IIOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Urandels & Sons, Proprietors. WESELL28C 25c Cutlcurn Soap at 17c BOc Roger a Oallet Violet Soup nt U5c 500 boxes XXXX Toilet Soap I cakes In box; per box 5c About l.nuo 25o Uoxes Totlow'a Swans down nt ....10c 500 liottlPH (COc) Florida Water nt 25c 2,W0 Tooth Hrushes, sold for 15c ami 25c. nt, each 10c 2uo ltulr Urusbos, samo sold for $1.00 nnd $1.25. nt. each ...50c 50 or CO bottloH Hay Hum, COc size, for, ench 23. 100 bottles Foley's Cream for. rnrh 9c coo Combs, till In a henp, worth 25c, ut....l2c 1,000 COo boxes Fozzonl'B Complexion Powder at ,28c GOO boxes Tulcum Powder at , Cc FOH CASH ONLY. Sherman &McGonnellDrugGo, Prescription Pharmacists, Corner 16th and Dodge, Omaha. Mi's. J. Benson. Easter Gloves See the elegant line of Kid Gloves we are showing for Easter in all the new and late shades, with Paris Point and fancy stitching, dressed and undressed prices $1.00 up. BOSTON STORE REMNANTS Friday Remnant Bargains Are Grater and Hon Important 'lban Lrer. lAnnounccnicntK of the Thmtrrn. Tho program that Is being given tho pub lic at tho Orpheum this week Is an excep tionally good ono nnd Is nightly amusing largo audiences. So uniformly good Is It that It Is Impossible, to say what act Is tho best, If any ono Is better than the other. Nick Long and Idnleno Cotton havo a vchlclo In managerial troubles to show their versatility ns Impersonators of tho highest typo of histrionic art. They aro without doubt clever peoplo In that line nnd always please tho people. J. K. Mur ray nnd Clara Lane. In their operetta. 'Heart and Hand," offer to the patrons ono of tho best musical acts seen In Omaha this season. Seeds that grow come from tho Nebraska Seed company. 1518-15 Howard st. mi:i. GANNETT Alfred W phenomla, at Wash ington, Jj. v. Aiarcti iv. ELLIS Mrs. Mnrtha J., Wednesday, March so, riincrai at nor into remaence, io. N. -tint St.. Friday nt 2:30 p. m.. March 22, 1901. Interment at Marshalltown. Ia. A New Departure Drand now, up-to-dato pianos In fancy mahogany, walnut, oak, and blrd's-oyo tnaplo cases only SI68.00 Terms $5 Cash and $1 Per Week, These pianos nro worth doublo tho prlco nsked for them and wero bought by us for spot cash at 50c on tbo dollar; bonco tho astonishing low price. Our line of STUIXWAY, VOHI3, KMi:ilh(. HTHGtill, IVBHS & l'O.VU, STKCK, 1'ACKAnD, A. II. CIIASK, STRAUHK, pianos Is tho most complete in the west and our prices are absolutely tho lowest. Call and bo convinced. SELF-PLAYING PIANOLAS the only self. playing piano attachment Indorsed by Paderowskt, Rosenthal, Sawer and Moszkowskl, sold on monthly payments Now pianos for rent artistic tuning and repairing promptly done. Wrlto for catalogues, prices and terms, or pay us a visit of Inspection. H.WnU.V MII.I.I.MlltV Ol'MM.Vd. ntnrtlny the .Mlliliu-r.v r.vrnt of thp Mrnunn nt the IIIk Moris A complete dhowlng of all tho exquisite new creations in ladles' hcadwear from" tbo fashion makers of Paris nnd tho stylo cen ters of Europe and the cast. Tho benutl fully decorated millinery parlors aro filled with all tho novelties nnd styles sought ftcr by ladles of discriminating tastes. It will be a pleasure to Inspect this magnlll- cent showing and get flrnt gllmpso of the Benson's swcllest styles. All nro cordially Invited to attend tho grand opening Satur day. HAYDEN PROS. SCHM0LLER ft MUELLER, The Old Reliable Piano House, 1313 I'nrn um Street, Oranlin. 33T IlronUivny, Conncll IUuffa, Tel. 1112.1. Spring is the Time You promised to get n GA. MKItA. It will Interest you to cnll on us In regard to this. Wo liandlo only photo materials nnd lmvo tho larcgst assortment of KODAKS nnd OA.M13KAS In tho country. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY Wholesale- and Itctnl! Dealers, 1215 Farnain Street. Developing and Finishing a specialty. In Mnrch nml April the UNION PACIFIC will sell tickets at tho followlne GREATLY REDUCED RATES: Prom Omaha to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Ban Diego.- $25.00 Ogden, Salt Lake, Iluttc, Helena 23.00 Portland, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattlo... 25.00 New city ticket oOlcc, 1324 Farnam street. Telephone, 316. Union station, Tenth and Marcy. Tele phone, 629. .'lorllllliy ainiiRiir. ino io lowinc tieiiins nnu uirins were re ported to the city health commissioner for tho twenty-four hours ending nt noon Thursduy: uentns iienrv aornarcit, uougins county hospital, nged 41; Mrs. Anna Schocpe, 1S11 Pierce, nged 61; Mury M. llobb, 911 North Twenty-tlftli. ng.nl 2; Maria A. Romano, 1J1S South Twelfth, nged 7 inouthi. Hlrlhs-riunwice p. McDonald, 620 Hotith Eighteenth, buy; John Anderson, Thlrty rlglith nnd right, boy; W. 8. Florence, 121 Houtli Seventeenth girl, .lohn II. Llehty, SfiiH lUrdrtte, girl. F Ittissell, :02O llurdette, girl ,A. V llo.mau, 213J South Twentieth, Bill. UVUIIY TU1S3IJAY Wot Settled Yet Lnst Sunday we gavo tho railroad com panies fnlr warning to let up on their xtuhburmicxs nnd I'Mttc tho seuutorlnl light. They llnully got tho members partly to getherbut not enough to end the show. If theso "oft" members don't get together very shortly nnd mako n selection we'll bo compelled o tuk u hand ourselves. ('rumor' Klilm-y Cure. 71tt Knj'ii Iti'iiovntor i!Oo Kid'm l.iinu Ititlm yilc lliHTy'n .Mult Whiskey S.'ni I.otlin L'renni lOu l'lilne'N Celery Compound ...... 7fio Wine of L'nrilnl Tfit! I'leree'N I'rent'rliitlnii ........... 7r,u Scott'n Kmiilnliin ..7.W' Oriimiilnliiii ... Too Coltnfoot Hxtiectorimt 7.iu I'nlino Titliletj nilu Whiti; million Iteiueily $1,110 S. S. !H 7Ro Mnlteil .Milk IOc, 75c, tl.in l'lnKlinm'K Comiioiinil 7fIo CrilACITCi) -UT prick OLnACrCn mtuGaisr S. W. Cor. Kith nml Chlcuuo. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Grand Opening Imported Pattern Hats from Paris, Vienna, Berlin and London and Original Designs in Street Hats. J.L.tBRANDElS AND SONS, Propt, BOSTON STORE. OMAHA. Ths handsomest nnd daintiest collection of women's hats to be seen west of New York. Every la 4y Is 1 nvlted to this Interesting opening. Friday is HAYDEN Remnant Day m Bargain Room 10,000 yards of wool remnants at 10c yard. 10,000 yards of ,rcmnants of Wool Dress Goods, 34 to 36 Inches wldo, at lGc yard. 10,000 yards of remnants of Wool Dress Goods, In enshmeres, serges, fancies, checks, plald.i, etc., worth from 30c to C5c yard, 19c yard. 10,000 yards of Wool Dross Goods rem nants, -iG Inches, In all wool, silk and wool, henrlcttas, serges and goods worth from 70c to J 1.50 per yard, all will go on bargain counter at 25c yard. 500 Skirt Patterns from 314 to 4 yards each, goods worth up to $1.60 ynrd they will go at 98c, $1.50 and $1.9S for cntlro pattern. 600 Dress Patterns, C to 7 yards each. goods worth up to $1.50 yard all will go at $2.9S, $1.98 and 98c for entire pnttcrn. 30-ln. remnants Canton Flannel, worth 10c, lc. Ilomnants of Shirting Cheviots, worth 10a per yard, 5c. Itomnants of Shaker Flannel, 3?4c. Dig salo on silk remnants Friday In bar gain room. All tho remnants from two big s II lc fctocks on salo. Plain nnd fancy silks of all sorts. Urocadcs, black nnd colored silk over 1,000 remnants worth 60c, 75c, Grand Fruit Sale Cholco Sweet Oranges, per dozen .... 7c Largo Navel Oranges, per uornn jjc Cholco rlpo Dananas, everyone sound and perfect, per dozen Sc Now Fresh Dates, 3 lbs. for 10c Igs, packngo be $1.00 nnd $1.25 nil go on big bargain squares at 25c nnd 3c. 50,000 yards of newest styles In fancy Dress Prints, worth GVfcc to Sc yurd, on salo bargain day, 3',Jc yard. 25,000 yards of llncst quality 36-ln. Per cales, regular 12l,io and 16c goods, light nnd dark, on snlo bargain day, 5c yard. Imported 32-In. Madras Ginghams, worth 19c nnd 23c ynrd, bargain day prlco CVSc yard. Ail Linen Crash, 2Vc Unbleached Sheeting, extra heavy, 414c Soft finished Uleached Muslin, 5c. Lnnsdnlo Cambric, worth 1214c, 7V4c. English Long Cloth, worth 12VsC, Giic. Turkish Wash Cloths, 2c. Curtain Muslin, Btrlped, worth 15c, 714c 100 dozen men's Working Shirts, worth 50c nnd 75c, 25c. Ladles' nnd Children's Underwear, worth 25c, 10c. 73u Silk Web Suspenders, 25c. 35u Suspenders, 1214c. $1.60 all wool Sweaters, 59c. Wool and lleoco lined garments, worth' 75c nnd $1.00, 23c. 4-ply Collars, all sizes, 3c each. Sliver Plated Tablo Spoons, 10c. Silver Plated Tea Spoons, 6c. Fancy Hut Pins, worth 5c, 20c Grocery Bargains N'lce Country Iluttor, lb 10c Tea Dust, pound 1714c 60c English Drenkfast Tea 85c Good Ground Coffee, pound 6c Full Cream Cheese, pound 714c Remnant Day in Our Cloak Department A thousand bargains that will coax you from your homes Frldoy. Women's Flannel Waists. In reds, blues, black, greens, worth up to $3.00, for 50c each. Women's Wrar.nors. mado of heavy per cales and flannelettes, braid trimmed, oxtra rolst lining. 15-ln. flounce, sizes 32 to ho, worth $1.50, at, each, BOc Women's Underskirts, mado of extra heavy quality mercerized coutcll, In black, corlso, cardinal nnd bluo, 16-ln. pleated (lounce, with ruffle a $2.00 skirt for .each, $1.00. Women's spring Jackets, silk lined, In colors and blnck, only $1.50. Women's rainy day Skirts, rcveral rows of stitching, $5.00 quality, for $1.98. Women's Dress Skirts, figured and plain materials, $3.00 quality for 90c. Women's Man-Tailored Suits, tho new styles, Jackets silk lined, nt $7.98. HAYDEN BROS I "You Know a Foolish Woman by the Finery She Wears.'1 And a wise one by the coal she uhcs. SHERIDAN is the hottest, cleanest, cheapest and best coal mined in Wyoming VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam. Tel 127 X BIRTHDAY GIFTS Wo would Ilko you to see our lino of Watches, l)a inonds, Silver. Cut OlnsH. Silver NoveltlcH, Umbrellas. i, callier lioous, miouy uuuub. iin a m-iiuiiiui iiii.i. uijshu a few minutes ut our storo. Look for tho name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1510 Dounlus.St. I MEN'S ..CLOTHING We've the lightest, brightest and cheeiv iest clothing department in the west, and the clothing fits the room, The most complete line ever Hhown by any clothing store. All the newest rough effects in brown, green nnd gray shades, stripes, checks, llannol eassi meres and cheviots, hard and M soft llnislied worsteds, vicunas, Llamas, straight cut and single breasted sacks, three-button cut aways, etc. Newest style Spring Suits We are showing in ovi r Farnam St, clothing window Fifty-six differ ent style suits and more in the department $4 to $24 We are making better prices than you can possibly liud else where, quality considered. Men's spring Top Coats ill 7 CO for Men's ql mkDJ TopCoats made of black or grny worsted, Italian serge lining, satin piped seams, reinforced this top coat is nicely tailored, artistic cut,per feet fit, a positive saving of 2.50 to the purchaser. RQ OO or Men,s TP Coats made of iPvrv gray herringbone cassimere, box cut, strap seams, in a choice line of shades, positively one of the best coats for spring wear on the market. dllf OO or one of tnose Raglans you pi V. yjJ seo i0is 0f them on tho street, most of them come from here they're comfortable, good look ing, good O'Coats, beautifully cut and made up to meet the views of the most fastidious dressers. What we say is true, what we do is legitimate, what we promise iri ful tilled. tti IS ready-tailored UlVriCU' Sells the best flftl ULU Clothing in America. We set the pace the standard that none can meet on solid merit basis. For spring we have Gathered the newest, most distinctive and original styles in America. Come, Investigate, Examine. and you will be ns enthusiastic as we. You will know what you want for spring when Ml If you look through our line. We are going to nlltlw ayuil iii'W in mil Mi'inr um i.ioLiiiiiy in tailored, to the ordinary every-day ready-to-wear. Ours can well bo styled "madc-,o-order," for we know a merchant tailor can not irivo vou a better fit. Most of our clothine is made by the largest and best tailors and manufacturers in the world. .-tvwvwvvwwvvvvvvy The Stein Hloek Co., Michaels, Stern QDp J jg & Co., or Kocliest or, i. i., juickuu, Carhart & Co., Ivan Frank & Co., X. Y. City, Hart, Schaffnor & Marx, n. Iviinnn'nlioiniei' & Co.. Chicago, etc. Wish you could see their plants and their superior appliances, the clean, healthful work rooms. We mention these few points to prove to you how thoroughly conversant wo are with the source (Vmn which our clot hint: comes. Our care and t hought relieves vou of all doubt as to whether the men's, boys' and children's ... mi i i d clothing you buy from us, will give periect satisiacuon. ca prices are way lower than elsewhere. Men's new'spring suits from $8.7r up to .$27.50, Young men's new spring suits, $8.25 up to $15.00. Hoys' knee pants suits, in all the new up-to-date styles, from 05c to .f7.no. HAYDEN BROS. 11 Howell's Anti-Kawf Never let a cough get the start o you. If it does it will keep it. Keep a bottle of Anti-Kawf in the house for emergencies. It will stop a iugh. 25c a bottle, All druggists! CO