THE ffXfAHA DAILY BEE: THUHSDAV, MAKCH JT. l'.iui. AMERICAN LEAGUE SCHEDULE Principal Diyi. I' J Donovnn. mnnncor of the flt. T-otlh c iuii. "Have, MkmocI Catcher Nlchola lo pl..y wllh Ml I. mil. " Nkliolx pliivod with Chltngn Inf : yi r ntiil lit... IUiiiIIu ....... Ir..m n,, n Pill UgBts Meet una usciae on unmo lor Hummnea wniie playing in ncw vorK. JOCKEY CLUB ARRANGEMENTS .Htettitriln llrnlunnto Oltlclnlii fur MprliiK Ittivc JU'i'lliiK" Knritorn Trn-U. S'KU' vnlttf. ai.Thn tnretlnc of the MownnlN of the Jockey eluli wns held today. TIioit iirenont were: Austin HeJ moiit. J. Jl. Htndford, K. H IlltchcoeU, II. K. Knnpp, Andrew Miller mid K. SlttfRls. . , , , Tile rollOWlMK lint Of OIIICIHIK lippoinien for tho sprliiR mcctltiK of the iiiOilnglon CALENDAR TO BE COMPLETED THURSDAY rralilrnl It nil .lolllinoil Airltrx 'full I, nlr In I'lTlllIt 'I'rniiMiU'tliiM of Miieli ItitnturMH l.nJole'H Cniitiirc Aiiiiiiiineril. DOING AWAY WITH THE DEAD How Virions Peoples Mid Etces Dispose of Thoir Oorpiei. CREMATION ON SEPULTURE 0r ALL SORTS Sniiitiiry Seleitue or Trllinl Muiii'mti- tlim (iiMrrn In tlie Mil In the Mi'tlioilx Adop"-'' ting Itlil of n for (lot lloil . rilll.AHKM'IIIA. .March 20 Tho bcIiciJ- ule meeting of tho Amerlenn Ichkuc of ba?o ball clubs was held here tonight. Hvcntunlly, so wty tho prophets of 'baked monks" nro a collection of ileail nienkn whose bodies hnro boon Inld to rest In doping graven, after n Slelllnn ens tout, find nftrr n certain number of years. when tho ilrynenft of nlr nnd hoII linn tlcn slentcd them sumclcntly. have been token out of their Knives nnd set up In niches for the rdlflrntlon of the startled beholders. tlrlttiiny Inn a strnnge btirlal rtislnm. DodlcR nrn liuiictl as In this country, hut when tho flcih has dlsappenrnl the skeleton Is exhumed nnd the skull detnehed nnd placed In a liny comn. These skull colllns aro little, boxes pnlnted black or green, thnt el like a dog konncl, with sloping roofs. They nto about two feet long, one foot deep and one foot broad and have an ovnl or heart'shaped opening at nno end, Biirmoiinted by u croud. The opening Is fitted with glims, to that n portion of the 1LFEIUNC FROM THE II MLS Dirtctor General of Potti Cotternmn Rs ports OcmpUints in Philippine!. Jnekev eluli tvim nntiroved: Htewardf. S H. Howlnnd. Samuel Ito's nnd .Jesse I . i ,nllmt will dlmiope of Itfll -1...11 1. ..i.n.i. ...i i Most mown. Judge. CMHrjnco McDowell han.U- , , ,- "" J of the magnate arrived shortly after noon, p,,, ,,,icloek Judge, J. t Hall'; timer, turlcs this little earth will be a crowded riinRC( on CuK0H nnd cornier of tho altars but President Han Johnson was delayed W. 1 1. Ilnrrnttii: clerk of tho course mid ,,cu. (hcrt, w cnncly be room for Ihi! n ,MC, copnR or ,M(, cilrc, yard walls. It ly a wreck on the railroad nnu urn "l appointed living; none for the dead. Sanitary con- Krr!,t nm, ooMIy privilege to have reacn tnc city unui 0 o ciuck, rnr o..-nM (nntv .torkev Hub's snrlng sldcratltns will prevail over sonumcm t Han Johnson was delayed y, h, Harretto: elerk of tho course it ml ,,cu. on tho railroad and did not settles, II. tl. Crlckmore. iivinr.' ...hi r nviliel. Thn follow nf "t of offleluli njipoln ed IIMnc y until ( 0 CIOCK, ,,., f,,i,..' anrlni .Inrnl In addition to President Jobnson, the fol- mcetlnK was approved; llanilloapper, W. nll(j ,n0 crematory, long established In wing were, pre.cnt at tonight's meeting- fr": tho most populous parts of the earth and nnjamln Bhlbo and Connie Mack. Phlla- D, now establishing Itself In the most progrw- low IlenJ ihaa codln find so sacred a renting plnro. The mourning urn Is n feature of Swiss funerals. When the death notice Is pub lished there Is ntmended to It a nlea for slvo nations, will become universal. Tho symptthy which states that the nioiirnlng delnhla: Charles V. Homers. Iloston; Ton- .i,nr w i'i iinrmiin. , - - I ... .. .. . . a ... I I I ' V IHUIUHDi "III jvvwiu " I n; iu itu; It llll M rilllUn . ltH. I ll Ilium llllip, t.ay w. Sama, II (loliman. 11. nun tircnK- w . h. osm rgn was ap, oime i n ,,. aMonM ,, rltes for thc dead which it urn will bo on exhibition at n given hour ley. Sidney Franks nnd W. Iloblnson, Ilal- ft nr.l to wprwnt in j locKe ciuBjO gupcrsPde nro among the most ancient on a certain day. A black table covered iiuiuiu, junii-n ...umiiiif. ... meeting, "i nomas Jietiner was reinsiuuii characteristics or various races ami men witn n mack cloth, upon wnicn rosts a Washington; (leorge Stalling, James to 111II privileges under the rules. dlfftrenccs nnd distinction aro so clearly black urn. is set forth In front of tho mnrked that the ethnologist draws his allllcted house. Into this tho frlinds of tho them. It is mourning family drop their black-bordered c not Invested visiting cards, the Intimate friends Inscrlh llurns. Detroit. J. I'. Kllfoyle, Jon Oavln, T ,. low ng . censes were gran jamcs MCAievr, t levemmi. amines i t(lllf M Ully johl, i)orBpy. iui,, Knton, m(J,t cortnln Inferences from lsky, Chicago; II. Duffy and William Oross, jj. Rvans. CIcorKe "h. K. Ilowltt. A. ony the ,ottest races that hnv Milwaukee. Hew tt. J. Ilothersall. 1-red Mttlellcld. ' y , , , Miiwausee Harry Ijwls. A. L. leader. William H. the dead with some part of Among ine casinos 01 iinpuriunuc nam- Mnrtln Mlnlinnl. M. Ulrn. II. acted was the consideration of the schedule ns arranged by Pres.'int Johnson. Tho schedule wos not adopted In full, hut thc 1 1. r. .Michaels. Andrew Minder. W. W. Plekcr- Inc. .1. Ilvnn. .1 Hlnrlt. 1 leri'lt lull Hilton. John Hulllva-i. William Shea, Oeorgo Thompson, William Taylor. Eugene van- games for the oponlng day, Memorial day Kuren. P.' Weiss, George Wndc and J. 1. nd Fourth of July were agreed upon. Tiioy r.cumeicr. nro as follows: k,TrQitleTloll'l, Anrll 21. onen ntr (lav; WashlnBton at I iinrr.ii w t.v ituiiov it i iinnvna n. tint- Philadelphia: Ilostnn at Daltlmorei ('live- pr, Kr'nnk Urown, M. llarrett. Prank Urny, iiimi in mi-iiKi), .iiiiwauKPr hi teiriiii. w. m. llarrleK. llaipli HjacK. siatinew Mav .i. Memorial dnv: Dalttmnrc at !)- iivrnl,. i,ii,n tiirminciinm .inim i. iinr. I ntilmld lv tho htiovant bamboo. troll; .Philadelphia at Cleveland; Boston rctt, Fred Ihirlow, Thomas Clare, George thrust Into tho "glint," which Is Im nt Chl'-ngo; Washington at Milwaukee. Chandler II. J Coles John B. Cook. M. i. , .L . i.. i. n. July v WnshlngtorV at Phlladelnhla; Hal- Dnly. Y Donahue. i II. Denklii. VrvA nMy lighted, nnd the body la cons tlmnrc nt Hoston; Chlcneo at Cleveland; nrculse, II. C. Doggott, Norton N. Kmllch, To nccclorato tho proccso thc wrn Detroit nt Milwaukee, After the adoption of these dates meeting adjourned until tomorro tng. During tho evening there number of Informal conferences regarding Hannn. K. W. Heffner. Adam llysloo, J. J Inn t n I r nt ilai.ri till! t nnlv Im. Ilvland. Henry HnrrN. Nicholas Hoccn, I :..:? : ".."' : ' .. rami), C. P. IUII. a. U. Hill, ThnmnH J porinni leaiuro in tins cuiincciiiui Hen v. A. .1. Jovner. W. II Carrlck. W announcement by Connie Mack that he had Ham J. Keating, James K. Neule. William the nwe nnd Ing a few words of sympathy. Only men lestt of Immortality nnd sought to ex- ever go to the church ynrd and they must press this In tho disposition of the lifeless mako tho Journey on foot, no matter whnt body. ihe distance. The Hindoos of India have long uurn"u ino modern Egyptians carry ineir iona their dead. Tho "burning glint" Is usunny in comns to tho cemetery, but inter tno hmldn a river, down which tho body, body without thif comn, wrapped In voiumi- swnthed In white cloth and lashed to pnral- nous folds ol cloth. Only the men of thc lei inncthH of bamboo, is taken on a barge, ramiiy nnd lured women, "wallers," go to Sometimes the body Is floated to the shore, the grave. In Italy there Is a society It is tnen wnicn turnisnes very spectacular tunerais, Imtnedl- chlelly to the poorer classes. The cofDn, consumed, an elaborate affair, Is borne aloft on n sort lipping of dins, Hanked by mysterious masked 11k- Tho Hln- urcs In long white gowns, nnd followed by mourners bearing cryptic In- There Is no body In the callln, ho central figure of the funeral twelve hours aflcr death. 'vlnK ' mined prooaoiy several nays , , I previoutiy. .tu ine poiiip nun ct'rcinuiijr I'nrsee Timlin of Sltnii-f. ..,nl.. t tw. rlL.l,t ilil..K" l.v To the Caucnslnn mind the Parseo method ,ho (ccroRQ( ml H,ttlsfylng tho mourning SAYS MAIL SACKS SHOULD BE SEALED .11 niij llitKN Ciirrli'il on l.oenl Trnlllo Mti'itniern Miiiinril li MiiiiiKIi Crt'ttn unit .Vol l iiiler i;u t'riiiiicnl Control, WASHINGTON, March 20.Dlrecti r Gen eral of Posts Cotlerman of the Philippines, as reported to tho Postofllce deportment that within tho past fow months a great many complaints hnvc been received at Mnnlla Indicating pilfering from tliu malls. Most of the mall dispatched from tho Philippines, ns well ns that received, origin- tes nt army posts, where there are no reg- lar pottolllces. Much of this mall Is car ried between tho army post and tho near est poatofllcii in tied sucks. Tho report details tho necessity for Im- rints on wax seals on malls, as recom mended by thc director general In a report received yesterday. Mr. Ootterman de- Ires n supply of ICO hand presses, with die on each bearing n distinctive number. He ndiln: "Many sacks of mall nro car- led on steamers doing a locnl trndlc throughout tho Islands, but which aro tint under government control. Tho crews of these steamers arc composed wholly of na tives or Spaniards, and tho time has rot arrived when thoso people can bo trusted to ny extent." WANT TO FAVOR THEIR STATE Mit'lilmiii .Senator Aii.xIoiin to Viu'iinoy CiiiinimI l- Dentil of llrett it. If. i;imore. John Kvans, Kiiwuru i-enKcs, cloth Is saturated n cliomlcnis. the IV reel Fnrrcll, James Fruyllne, H. Hipper, . . , . .nnltnrv necessity In priests nnd w morn- n, a. j. ""- " V"'" ,..nt m.nd and thlckh-ncnulnted region, slgnla. wero a f im ' vtiisust Hnnnn'n. Walter House. K. H. I. ilmi iho li.nlv must be disposed of within however, t signed Napoleon I.ajole. second baseman Iwisuewclllng Lloyd, William lakeland, of dlspoilng of the dead seems horrible bt- g0UB of i,,,,.,,.,.,!, of tho local National league team. tMa ChnAcH ?Viu1AIm Vantes Vl" yo,ul thnt of nny olllCr rpllKl""' ih.' In tho wilds of Alaska a strum llrckv,' M J. lA-neli? J ' It. AlCormlck. J'arsecs are among the most advanced, cul- cuetom 0UrI,he.. When a medl PRESIDENT ZIMMER RETIRES I ttkliiil (,'oiuitirnt AitKMit Hies I'ro lerllvc Anelnt Inn' r.ti'i'iillic Into ((iiltllnir the IIIiiiiioiiiI, .Kiee on Condltloim of Content. un.nii.. ... i.iu ,i- , i.t. v. wuiiien. Isaac Jnnnsnn. II. A. unntis. " hYiv-n he... r in.rJn I 1 .Wi iVip.. .... in Thomas Orecii, O, W. Jenulnss nnd William and evervthlnir else bv members of tho Jennlnss, Protective UHMnclntlon. iKitwItliHtiiniltni? ihal I L 1,!, !"!; ''! 'J!!!! BIG RACE FALLS THROUGH 1'itiyriB ut'iiNiiiiirii i uestri! hi rniiernie oneo mom that 1 noted solely for the best I Ownrm of I'nsl 'l i-oltori. I nnlile lo Interests of the nlavers and with no seltlsli motive, ns some of the latter continue to iissert." .Immrr has n nrlvnte IiiihIiiosh In Dili city which he shvh Insures him a livelihood NFW YOltlC. March 20. Wlltlnm t.. without playing bill. The primary cause of Marks, representative of John J. Soannell, -.immerB reurerteni is sain io no iinra- unci jncK Koncn. representing 1 nonius v. voratiie comment by mnny plnyers on his Lawson of Hoston. met In thlH city today ror ine m rnose or arrancinir a mnien nt- tween the trotters, The Abbot and lloralinu, nut rimed to come to terms, unit tno mutch was declared off. Mr. Scannell Insisted on having three out of live heat, to which Mr. Knwson's renresentatlve objected, pre ferring four out of seven. Mr. Scannell go burlul rlnn man Frnnit McCabe. W. T McGlvncy. J. II. Me- turcd nnd highly civilized sects of the D. an ln lln. he Is hurled on n Avoy. P. I,, McPaddeu, Thomas K. Mannlx, (lrrnt. fcn,i .hp dlsnonil of their dead Is Inn nil hlllaliln fnr- itirtv frnm n mil tin Imriltfl. tl" "iVli tT-...XI ,l"i...ll"m..if.l: based on sanltnry principles and upou their tlm. ntl(, WCOll(,n ... of hi ,utrm Mack, ' William Tt Mldgiey, Charles Oxx. tenet of keeping earth nnd nlr free from ltp over him. Ills spirit Is supposed to re Waldo Olney. P. A. Osborne. Hdwiinl polutlon. though their method Is less dl- mi, nbout the plnco and Indians suffering itogCc?s& reel than that of the Hindoo,. In a lonely from desperate Illness or wounds-none spot near tno connnos oi nuniuivj. mc otner would ucro so rnr visit me spot mm ppeal to the totem for aid. TWO OF THE CONVICTS SHOT CI.KVPI.ANI). March m. President J; Sherldiin, William S. Knnctt Peter Stir. Charles dimmer of the Players" Protective "avn, H'oan. l.uKe Tuiley. uwynn ;i omxins. whero tho Parsces aro most numerous, n association nnd who last year played with L1"1,' PH. n 'ir,'Sr..J".1.'!.0H ,l J1,,f,"Y"?.'l,..t' stands tho Tower of Silence, a grim, for- MOT. rer,,trn2 AS r T ler.Wrn ffi bidding structure, ahunned by men and base ball Player. I "'mien, niirry it. i nmi, i uoiniiH miisii. ti. i naunted uy tno vultures. miner m uuiuu action as president of the Plnvers I'm nciive association nt tne mcollnvr or the uniionni executive committee. WITH ST. LOUIS, NOT CHICAGO a . . . . ... tinltl Itn n u n rt in fr nn IiIm linrirt 'I' It . Mr.ii.rteK nun tviiiiiire niKn lo nny in . .. l"r " "Vi.t 2 n Mm nlntform These structures ore gen xoiilliern ( It) .Nntlniiiil $30,000. best three out of five heats, the ernllv ln eroutis In nn onen place nnd form """'"'H" " . . . . n wnlrd snectae n for the traveler, mis mi is ri i?t. m iron -li Air i fiuann trillion i - every dead Pcrecc, to be placed, after the solemn ceremony of purification, In one of thc niches of tho building. Then tne funeral cortege moves away nnd tho vul tures, grisly scavengers of tho cast, who hnvo been wnltlng their turn, swoop down and do their work. Afterward tho bones fall Into a stono-llncd pot, to be taken thence to tho vaults which ore their final resting places. In Its origin the North American Indian custom of sepulture was probably designed to keep the dead from nature s scavengers, In this instance the coyoto and tho gray wolf. Strong scaffolds on four corner posts nro built nnd on the platform Is placed tho body, clothed In Its war gnrmcnts. Many of tho tribes place food, water and wnmpuni l.i'OKiM' Ten ill. uuBUJis, Jiiircn i.awsqn urn k nt i ... .... ,. r,,nn.iv ii . ....... . . . . .. I u ii t In f u'n llnalim rli n rl I las . U'nal lml CliaLlJUl in UJIUK uuk 41111 uvi ' .V'''.1:.,";N,., ""Til J .-According to u " .. ,,.. ,. , . , r,,,ii,,P.u" iin lmiin,, friim. .11.1 not follow tt. Some burled r dead In mounds, others In caves, nnu recent discovery of burlol-ealrns on the clflc coast Is now Interesting ethnologists. had selecteJ to receive tho J25.0MO guurun- ...1i,. 11,,. n,iv. niiitrini'iii maue ny I'raiiK lionisou. nni. dent of the St I.01 Is N'nttniiiil l .iiiimMii'i one-miir earn or inn oenosii oi iu,mw wnicn it,el loVluy tho following Ylay" w' hav'alll'.i " 1,,,'T,!";h JtlkWrC!,m- the ineir namcH 10 contracts to p ay Willi mat .... ...... . .. .irir.lllllr..,llnii .li.rh.n. II... .....I.?., ii. !. TIlCSO II TO tile I II H 1 1 1 11 1 1 0 II Mr. I.aWSOII Pa Wi.lln,.., Ilnt.l....t. II....1I.. Donovnn All l-'lniill.v iilidued mill l.ttiiileil lie bind tlie llnrs Itlnnleiiders to He I'iiiiImIiciI, I.RAVHNWOItTH, Kun., .March 20. At 2 o'clock this morning tho last of tho 2SI mutinous convict miners was taken from the penitentiary pit at Lansing and placed behind prison bars. It was learned today that two ot tho convicts had been shot and wounded slightly by the first cage full of guards that descended Into the pit last night to rescue thc fifteen guards held as hostages. When the cage reached tho bot torn ot the pit a number of tho convicts attempted to mako a stand and a volley from tho rescuers was fired abovo their heads to frighten them. One man was shot In tho ant and another received a bullet In the leg. This cowed the others and they surrendered wlihout furtuar trouble. Tho guards wore nrt't sent to the top, coc vlcts following as quickly as they could bo rounded up. flatly of tho convicts had hidden ln tho liferent tunnels nnd It was after midnight before nil were found. Tho convicts had gone for twenty-four hours races embalmed their dead, practically without food and wero glad to Egyptians, who reached a do- reach the top. At tho penitentiary each Powell. Jones. Harper. Knepper. Kaieier! tied gate receipts If Itoralma defeated The " " " Padden. Chllds and O'Donne 1. Pour otlmr Abbot. Mr. Seatincll hnv tig ngreed to nc- Some ancient iinvors. iviinun ,.,.., i, ..... cent charities In New lork us the recipients .,.i,i.. hn i.- . ..... .- p., . i-1, .fll. , - , . ..... . ... I IIUIHUII IH ..p. later. It Is Sli d, uivn H uni-d conlritrlH Willi in case ins noise won. nui ine race iiiiviiik . ( .i,i -, .,, (i, . i 1,,,. nf ff nn.i Ht. I.oul.t. fallen through Mr. I.awson decided that ' eiciiiicn ... ... . v... ... ..v, ...... Mr. Hnblson today received the following ",H "rsl "epor.ii ot iu,uw vnouivj go ior a mooern uiiiieriuKern sinvu m tum iu v....... ic mia m mrun. ima cm-u m telegram from Messrs. Heldrlclt and Wal- worthy eauso. ,,,,,,, The mummies of the Peruvian Incas are not beginning of their punishment. Today &r"by Tl 'a 'effigo1": 'nieVl'd TlewS so "said " ,7 regret ted that U V" race had fall ' Pfect as those of the Pharaohs but Warden Tomllnson says he will punish the e iu ! t '1, mi rican .eaguo tlirougli. but ho had no desire to crltl- they are no loss Interesting. Recently n ringleaders severely and all will be kept In "imt)OICVn.I,P. Pn.. March 20 Prank else the actions of others In connection with number of tho burial towers built by confinement for n while. None of tlvj I). Hnhlxmi ci.t.,.iiiiiii n vin ...... ..... the mutter He reviewed tho nocotlntlons . . n nn.... ...... i- 1...1.1 i-...i 1.. .. nmuieo ubllcly ot r Imv reasons for their failure, authorizing ",0 ...wm v k. uuh, , ii.ii V.i ... t lf t mi iT'"11 ilui cift of 110.000 to the Institutions, and havo been (Uncovered nnd tho condi- worso for his experience. conciiiorn witn uirse wnros; xiiii mis II uon Ot tne remains nnu leu some nuuui. 1 no wounuuii men arc iiuipn lain, unucr trust .1111. inierestei rrienus or tnu norso win - ,n wi,ii1Pr some unknown nreserva- a twenlv venrs' sentenco for hlchwav rob- It. J. WA1.I.ACP." HAS ROOM FOR THE TWO TOWNS call tho Incident closed." Mrjern fiifrn lie Thinks Inli-rslntc Leniinc Can Ai'i'oiiiiiioilutp I11 llniiniinllN mill l.oulm Hie, INDIANAPOD1H, Ind.. March JJ.-Wllllam M. Meyers of the Intcrstatn lengun was In conferenco with John T. Hrush, chnlruian of tho Nntloual Ira cue circuit 1 '11171111 III cc. tonight with reference to securing for tho iimiioarii new orRiiniznunn, wnicn is 10 in clude lndlannpnlls nnd Ixitilsvllle, protec tion for tho players and elulM. Mr. Meyers said tnnluht: tlnr urriiiilrn. Hon Is not ns yet pirniauent and I think room can bo iniulo for two such cities as Indianapolis and Louisville, We are trying m iiueresi ,iif, wins 01 iiraild KiipiilR." CHAMPION TROTTER IS SOLD Prod Clii-rlo-n Pays 10,000 for TIip Alibolt, Siibjeet to I.iiwsiiii'm line Ing; ConilltloiiN, live was used or whether tho only bcry, who will hnvo to suffer the amputa agency was the cxtromoly dry nlr. Tho Hon of an arm, and Alfred Hatfield, serv little towers In which the interments wero ng ten years for manslaughter. Hatfield niuao nro of stouo or ot a sort of brick. In received a flesh wound In tho leg. other nnrts of Peru very ancient bodies hnvo been found wrapped In woven reeus RFNNFTT SAYS HE'S A GR0DK nnd ouricu. i-nstenou to mo wiupphikj nbovo the head Is frequently found a false i,.,.,,,,!,. hend with fiber hair, and sometimes n mnsK NKW YORK. March 20. The sale of the tvnrlil'ri ,.iiittitil(iri Imtlor Tlin Alilmt 2:na'i. for $10,000. to Fred Gherkcn. has nf elav or silver, or a face painted on wood. been practically completed, according to i.Ic..CB 0f KOid, silver or rare shells were till PlIllPM ' Tho ' puVchase, however, Is conditional, Vhical In the mouth of the corpse to pav nno stipulation on which hangs tho trans- tho toll from the lnnd of tho living lo the rer ot tno rastest trotter In the world I i,i thi. dend. VIIn ii roller 'I'll tt t When AsUi-il Wlin I Im IIIn Occupation, being that the match which Mr. Lawson lino .,1 ... 1 1 ......... I .. I . .. I ,. V ...,... v ...iii tir..-. iiiubi m- inaiu' ir.'iuii. I ... I .1. Tim Abbot is removed rrom the stable of passage is round in japan, j-uniit-ny m ins prescni owner, i- ire commissioner .1. jnnnneso cremated their dead, nut now C. T. Dennett, who frankly told the police his occupation Is that of a crouk, was nr rested WednesdHV nlcht on North SlYtpenlh This sanio Iden or paying ton ior me sou a Btrcol uy captain 1). W. llcr and Olllccr Dan Urn nil Itnplils" WkiiIm i. Trnm. J. Hcnnnell. Mr. Gherkcn and Mr Mean- 1 . . , . . ' . ... ., r.ltAVn tfAi'm Mini, m,....., ,. "i, '..-i . ., .11 iiiV.r.i i bury them, tho cemeteries being al dent Htrobol of the Iuters'tate l.aguV Ivd n tor, and the former's check for $40,000 was ways In a side hill. Once n year Is.relo- i-nniercnco wiiu ueorge kiiih here In nignt. i no inner ueeiined to accept a frnn phiso for Grand Itaplds on nccount of the iiueuess or tno season, Grand Itaplils being njliiuill il uiinu Ullll MirK I.njolr NIkiih m'HIi t'oiinlp llni'U, written ready to be paid to Tho Abbot's brateil tho Festival of the Dead or the Uoralm.rwRnmde. l" mnteh n,CQ wUh Lanterns, which last a week. As one of Mr. Gherken's nssoclates said Hearing food nnd wine, the people go to last night. Mr. Gherkcn hnd made n snorts. h nnainrl nml dnenrnte tho craves n-hX ik ni in! i hi i.Vi7. "f. ' V." " ' . . "". w 1 1 h lanterns, a special variety dcsignat- PHILAUKLPHIA. Mnreh n v,,..,.!..,,,, of wlnnlnc back n creat shnrn of tlm mir. Ine the resting places of thoso who ne i.ujuii-, inu ii-iniiiiK secuuii nascmaii or Inn t";"u J""-t , ""' mer. jus jiiitn (ilea witntn a year, ai ine enu iu ine country, todny slgneil n contract with Vl"". fo.r ,,,,n ,n. r!HK- fO.OOO In the cost ,,, .nni en in ihn nearest river or Mansger Connie Muck to play with the ,,f nmount of the bet. J'10, Peoplo go to tne nearest rner oi lblladelnbla Amerlcm leninn i.nUn ,Vii Tho Abbot s to be trained for ihn mnteh body of water and launch the "soul bonts. uy iraiiinr cu iiceia. who unveiopeit ine These nro (lellcnte onniiioo craus anoui Farm. namiins m mo viuago thrce ,col IonRi oflcll Hi10wlng grent beauty nnu graco ot design, inoy aro uriiiianiiy :lub. MeliolM In Cnleli for SI. I, mils. C LIS VIC LAND. O.. Alarrl. a). .Ifranii tir.- Ilaas noblson today received the following iriccrnni, tinicu tviiinmantic, coiiii., front GALL STONES Their Treatment, Reliet and Cure With Cascarine. GREEN RIVERS OVER THE BANK Invincible lliittlern Hull tit roller Score 'I'll n n Oinnliii Xii 1 1 ii ii a lln-ik .Men, Daldwln. Ilennctl IS thought to bo the man who relieved Nols Samuelsnn, from Stanton la., of $31 and a watch whllo thc latter was lying asleep at the Webster street depot Tuesday night. OIo Johnson, who was drink ing with Samuelson earlier In the evening, may also have a complaint against Dennett nn Ole wna rolled In tho snow whllo too full of Joy to know what was happening, and wns not discovered and rescued until se verely frozen. MAY FINISH WINNER BRIDGE Atlantic Itiiuil ,Siih Hie 111k Siiiiiin it Kiiiiniin City Will He Itnxliril, KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 20. It la an nounced by the Kanbas City & Atluntlc The Giecn Illver Invlnclbles ilpfi-nl,.,! tin. Omaha National Hank bowlers on Clark's alleys iuhi nigni. ncorei OUICKN HIVI5IIS "Thcro Is no other remedy so suro of 137 16'J 151 is; lfiO Totals "fit; "Oi OMAHA NATIONAL. 1st. 2d. Maguey 117 A. C. Heed Gutmaun 129 action, so rellnblo In Its effects nnd so per- Am"rlHti;r '.'.'.".'.'.'.'!!!!i!!.'!;iT3 iniinciii in nn resinis in me cure or gall stones us Cnscnrlnc. Hon llros, & Co,. Manufacturing Chemists nnd associate physicians to some of thu prluclpnl hospl tats throughout the United States, havo spent years of practice In tho treatment nnd euro of theso afflictions and other spc clal diseases ot tho llvor, kidneys, stomach and bowels. This treatment, or remedy, which has proven so vnluablo In their large and long continued practice is offered to you as tho best remedy, without a doubt, that has ever been employed iu theso dis eases. Cascarlno is n formulated prescrlp llluinlnntcd and decorated and mnko a bravo showing as they set out on their voy- agc. Kach Is supposed to bear the soul of tho dead person nnd near tho prow of earh Is a ploco of money, the Btnallest coin haroad company, which owns the uncom of the realm, to pay the toll for tho pas- nlcie, winner brldue across the Missouri sago into tno j-.reni iioyonci. riVcr at this point, that tho brldco will bo CIiIiipnp Hiivp flu rer Custom. finished at once. Its completion will, It Ih In China tho mortal part of tho dead is salil, give tho Haltlmnro & Ohio and Chi 1st. 2d. 3d. Total nut "n'lcr ,he control of geomancor, a eago & Northwestern railroads ontranco to 170 12K 10S IN) 162 ir.t man wise In tho mysterious Influences of Kansas City. 47.1 Keiiff Shua. Fene Shua Is n suncrstltlon It Is probable that Fl link 1). Moore of St I". AnnAnKnl nn.l. n.,.1 n I .. fr.n.,u ..n.l II I I.niliS. thn firfhllnnl mill llllllttnr lit ihn 49 " . t, , ' ...... .... lu.wn. .v l .............. u ...w 495 operates powerfully In nit Chlnes.0 mat- Kads bridge, will bo the tirchltect. nnd Neale 109 Huigess 147 Field 179 Johnson 177 P.dlson 116 127 in; HI 142 179 729 I inN hill 111 iinnn n.nrn nnu'n rfnllv tlmti In tho Keneral outline of tho St. Lnuls lirlrten .... -,v ,no l)Urini ot tll0 llrnu. T1)nl tll0 Kntvo may to lonoweii. should be so located nn to invite tho nood 17i: 0,'72 influences and nvert tho ovll Influences of N0UR0ULAH AND TOM JENKINS tc 4 is I'onK &mm ih tne Krriu connidorntiun ior 147 'G)vhlph tho irnnd nfllros nf th nonnmnror tlbll UBcd by tho most noted specialists Uurgess Totals SIS Kninlovcs of the Omaha Furniture and Carpel company bowled at Clark's alleys lasi nigni, witn iiuu resuiii SAL15SMUN. 1st. 2d, 3d. Total. MeVey ISO 100 " nro sought ut a rouml price. All graves must bo protected on tne north, ns rrom so .,..k direction tho malign Influences usually come. Hence the gravo Is placed on the south slope of n hill, with protective architecture built on the hillside, or. If on I'nrU nml Cli-i i-liind Mini In Wreslle nt MiiiIInihi Si ii it liiirilen Mn 7. ..131 2d, i:i- 129 I'll 115 1511 12 159 112 : UK G3C 2,045 Ilulirox Abralinms i:u Ueugelo . ..(. 179 Tolale 717 8HIPPP.HS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Yost OTI Plotts 128 115 102 Ill MiW YORK. Alilreh 20. Noiiriiiilnh Hi Turk, and Tom Jenldns of Cleveland wire matcniMi huh uriirmmn to contest In wrestlllli; miltcll at Mndlsnn Kiiliarn Garde n level, is sunnlemented bv a wall, half on the n uht of, Mav 7 next. circling It on the north. Martin Julian represented the Turk, whll Mortuary relics found In fdoNlro Indl cate that human llfo was held cheap thero two mil of three falls, pin falls not 12G 112 SI l 101 157 141 IIS 129 129 500 1 and thnt tho sacrednrss of the doad was llttlq regarded. Towors built of skulls and mortar havo been found in tho burial vaults of tho ancient temples, nnd rooms decorated with symmetrical figures In skulls and bones. In ono of theso ghastly burial places moro than 100,000 skulls wero found. tsi 411 111 I :ii7 Totals " MoriiliiKtiir Shines 5S3 671 Nerpup 1,917 In tho catucombs ut Home this samo form parried off tlm honors al Tanfoiiin todu . ,,i i .,... j i ... , . ,. . by wi lining three events. bavoiitcH scurc of ornnmentatlon Is found, but here It Is ,i thi- occasions. Y.r took the 2-vcar.oi throughout this and foreign countries, It is piadq from roots, barks, herbs and plants, nature's true remedies. It Is pleasing In action, pleasant to the tasto and will not Injure the most delicate stomach. Cnsra- rlne cures catarrh of tho stamuch, flatu lency, dropsy of thn abdomen, nervous dys pepsin and tho mnny Ills dependent on a ?,"m.,,r . ... . ,, i itert ,. wcuk ami iiiucuvii iiigcuiivu hbu'iii, ii Hunttngton your urino is niKtiiy colored, your noweis constipated, or if you hnvo bnd blood, tako Cnscariiie. It will cure you. Thcro is only one genuine, mado by Ilea llros & Co., and sold by druggists for i0 cents per bottle, s Thoroforc, when yon buy bo sure that you got tho genuine. If you will write to Hon i, us the dm meeilncs of the hiiinriiistii tlon which In design Is fantastically In- llrnu X- Cn.. Ml ti n en tml I it lliev will Hend In thn trl.lllirular handlean serlpM nnw In nunlniii In Mnllu ihorn u "r-l, ....! nf you by mall, free of ctwgc, u vnluablo 'J'oJ ,nurlcu Ualy'H nriulem" for 11 Hones." aud a lot of "baked monks." Tho book on diseases of tho digestive organs 1 ' former is on tho vault of tho Capuchin and ono week's sample treatment for 10 snawriien-i irnim. monastery, wiiero ono nnds nn array of cents in stamps to rover postage." LONDON. Mare 2t It Is expected that skulls and cross-bones nnd wholo skeletons George V. Tunhv acted for .Icn'tlns. I was decided that the contest shall be lies count nnd all holds to uu. Chaiiei Whit was agreed upon by both sides us referee Tho iitylo of wrestling wiih left open untl tomorrow, when .lenklns will send word a io nis cnniet i.etwcen i'iilcli-UH-ciiti'h-c;i nnu lii.u'i'o-iiiiinan. One Tmifnriiii lli'i'iiril llriiKen SAN FHANCISCO, March 20..Miiuiic meant to point n mocklngv moral nt the In- rare and took u iiuartcr of a secuuii off th stability and Inslgnlflcnncn of human life. )r"lk rt'f'0"l for three nnd a hall' furlough . luiiivi-ii inuvi'ii a nuiininr, wiiuiiiik in c I NUW YOHK. March 20,-Orn C Mnrulng- Thousands of disintegrated skeletons havo forTh' star scored his f second victory tonluht. He furnished the muterlal for gruesome docorn- from h to 1 to 5 lo 1. twik tho flrst'race I SSilorirtpW pohits'io'w": ttons of the undcrKround ehapols. a decora- " -Irlve. W.ather nno and trark fast, GICOHUK G. MOOllK, M, 1).. Iu Aruei'K'Uu Health Journal. Shamrock II will have several trials over tYin nnei'ii'M course In the Solent nml run' i oft the lnsn cousi wiwt cjiiumrocii i, forming a sort of frieze In one place; In another, gathered in atrango groups, Tho I'nlii Tea in (Joint' I'.iikI, SAN FHANCISCO, March SO.--Pour mem tiers ot tun nurlliigiinin coin i-itili, whlc recently defeated the (iinmplon Kngll icam, inn iiuriiugiiiiins, nave ueeii invllt bv GeorKO Gniilil to no east at his exuens The nlavers named are Walter llnbart Joseph Tolil n. Tom Drlscoll and Liiwrenco McCreary. They will probably go and tuka tnc ii' ruvoriio mourns wun uiuiu, ! Women's Suits! I'm WASHINGTON, Mnrch 20. The president wns fulrly besieged with callers today. Son- tors Hurrows and McMillan of Michigan cnlled to hie n enveot on the vacancy In tin Ivll service commission created by the oath of llrcwor. They have not selected candfdnte, but believed thc plucc should go to Michigan- Within u short tlrrc they expect to recommend n candidate. Hepresentatlves Hltt, Poster, Poss and J. It. Williams of Illinois, HucUvr nnd Hciiton f Missouri, Jones of Washington and Miner f Wisconsin saw the president on behalf of ex-Hepresentatlve Hodenhurg's candi dacy for a place: on tho St. Louis exposition commission. They appeared to bo eneotir- nged from their Interview. Tho contest Is understood to havo narrowed down to a holce between Mr. Hodenhurg nnd Cyruj Northup of Mlnnesotn. It Is understood that the commission will be named dining the present week. Senator Haunn, Hcpresehtatlve Orosvcnor and Hepreseutatlve Dick of Ohio had a very extended conference with tho president. They wero closeted with him for almost two hours. Senator Forakcr called during tho progress of the conforence, but remained only a short time. Tho Importance of the consultation may be judged by the fact that Secretaries Hoot nng Gage, who had busl ncss with President McKinloy. nftcr wnltlng for some time, returned to their respective departments. Tho consulntlon between the Ohio republican leaders nnd thn president covered nulto n number of questions, nn tlonnl as well as state, but wns Inrgely con fined, It Is understood, to tho political sit nation In Ohio. At the conference n num ber of Ohio nrmy appointments nnd sov crnl other appointments were discussed. The president's trip to the Pacific coast also was talked nbout. The Ohio delegation ln congress Is to o to San Francisco to be present at tho launching of the bnttlcshlp Ohio nnd General Orosvcnor Is going to Now York tonight to make tho arrangements. KNOX WILL BE APPOINTED I'n Hp Sni'i't'nsiir In Ciililni-t to llpllr- liiK Attorney (iriiprnl GrlKK". WASHINGTON, March 20. It Is under stood on high authority that the president has decided to appoint Mr. P. C. Knox of Pittsburg to fill tho vucancy In his cabinet that will bo caimcd by tho retirement of Attorney General Griggs on April 1. Whero can yo ulnvest money more prollt ably than by buying a bottle of Prickly Ash Hitters you get four for one. A kidney medicine, n liver tonic, stomuch strength cner and bowel cleanser. Four medicines for ono dollar. COME TO OMAHA TO WED Minn: . Pen mon nnd MIkn I'M Mb Ker- m it it of Illinois tlnrry In 'Ibis CI l.v. There was n rjulct wedding yesterday ct the residence of Mr. W. H. Kelly, 2220 Howard street, the contracting parties being Miss Mary F.dlth Herman and Hon. Isuno N. Pearson, both of Macomb, 111. Tho bride Is n sister of Mrs. Kelly. Mr. Pearson has for many cars been identified with publlo affairs In Illinois, ut ono time holding thc ofllco of secretary of state, and has filled many other poiltlons ot trust nnd honor. Tho ceremony wns performed by Dean I-ait In tho presenco of relatives only. sfr. and Mrs. Pearson left on a morning trnln for tho enst. To ArrnnitP Leelurp Course. Mrs. llene 11 Cue. William Parker nnd Sirs. Norn II. Iunoii weie mimed nt the im i c school teachers meeting ve.-ii'riay afternoon as n 'committee lo select live tenchern whoso nitty it sunn no t arrange the lecture course fnr next year. Clement tiiiise niniressca ine 'riicuers concerning the proposed monument to llenrv Wndswortli ionginiiow iiuu iinkcu their co-operation In raising funds fnr thli purpose. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Dortr Signature; of 5tt PacSlmllo Wrapper Iklow. Very mnall and aa eta? V) take as aacar. FOn HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR, CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION lic't I Pnrcly YctretaJl8vZfaG'- CARTERS Q PILLS. CURE SICK HEADACHE. Mislead of 11 hhmo hii'ihm' for a clonk room, ,vou lind Iumv a spaoo of elioerfui tliiiuMisitins. briLrlK, attractive, ami tilled to the brim with Paris. Loudon and America's choicest novelties, llow lit tle Ihe lien can tell ,voti of it. To the average merchant it is an appalling stock. To the critical cloak collector, u most, perfect !issctnlhi",c. Kvcrv st.yle has been patiently sought ami studied. Today's mention is of our Women's Great Ten Dollar Suit beyond a doubt the greatest suit bar 'gain of the age made of homespuns, cheviots ami extra quality all wool ve netians. in red, castor, royal blue, brown, black aud ox ford grays, iu stylish eton. blouse, and other styles, tsome of these suits with stitched taffeta and satin bands, coat or tho new IAiglon collar, jacket taffeta silk lined, flounce or plain skirt, perfect in lit. It's the best suit in America for the money and only Exactly like above cut. $10.00 Women's Dress Skirrs $4.90 ! for a woman's dress skirt, made of tine all wool Venetians, some of them are corded and handsomely trimmed with taffeta bands, nicely stitched. M'l.r. ,,,.. ii..,,,. .... ii..,. ...... ..iv....i.. ...... r.... i .. i ., it. I ,i.;ti i ii jiii- in-,, null- ill im ii in i- fiii-i I r, jiciifiiit iiiiniiii, nun i uu right, hang to them, percaline lined and vel vet, bound, our price for Thursday only , Don't Tail to see our J?12.7r, 115.7.". ."jrUl.To. and up to S-15.U0 Women's New Spring Suits.all 1MM styles and cor rectly priced. $4.90 I SEXUAL DEBILITY. I Do Not Treat All Diseases, but Cure All I Treat I Treat Men Only and Cure Them to Stay Cured. Specialist in Diseases of Men, of the State Electro-Medica' Institute, 1308 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Men. mxny of you aro reaping tho result of your former folly. Tour minhood H fallrn and will noon be unies.i you do something for yourself. Them la no time to loaa. Impotaney, Ilka ull sexual tlLiennes, Is never nn the standntlll. With It you can make no compromlae. Klthor you must mnnter It or It will nrnMnr you and fill your wholo futuro with misery anil Indus erlbiibln woe. We have treated ao many caaea of thli kind that wa are as familiar with them an you are with the very day- llent. unco cured by ua you will novor acuin n botnerrd wun emiaaiona, araius, prcmatureness, amall or weak organs, nnrvousneso, falllnc memory, loaa of am bition or similar symptoms which rob you of your manhood and absolutely unfit you tor study, business, pleaauie or marrluuo. Our combined Electro-Medica,! treat ment for weaJc tnen. whloh combine all of the curative Dowors of both medicine and electricity, will correct all these evils and rektore you to what nature In tendeda bale, healthy, happy man. with physical, montal and sexual powers com plete. we also cure to stay curea ny our comoineu Hiiectro-.neuicai treaunent Varicocele, Stricture, Syphilitic Blood Poison NervoSexual Debility, Rupture, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, And ull uaMoclato iIIhimihoh nnil wenknesses of men. We charge nothing for prlwtln eouiiBel, anil kIvo to n.lfll I'.TIH.T 11 l.llli.M. COVl'llArT to hnlil for our proin- laes. ih it not worm your wnun to invesiiKiiio u cure iiuu nnu iniiua inu unew m multitudes of men' , If you ennnot will at our nlllee, wrlto uh your HyniptouiH ritliy. unr nomc ireai ment by eorespoudenco in ulwiiys micccHHful. Hcfcrcnccs: llcst Hanks and Lending Httsitiuss .Hen in This City. CONSULTATION FREE. Office Honrs: From 8 it. in, to 8 p. in. Sundays, 10 a. iu. to 1 p. in. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam Street. Bet. 13th and 14th Streets, OMAHA, NEB, New State Maps of NobriHka and Iowa just published by Hand, McNally fe Co. from iu'W pluttH with ajlrail ronds, etc., correct to January 1. l'.HM, witl7 tho Last Official Census of ovory county, city and town in the stalo printod on tho margin. Sizo, 28x.'52 inches. Has brass ferule on top and bottom for hanging; map of the world with condensed census pr 'ed on the back, and is the best wall map published for merchants, professional men and troneral ollico use. Price 25c- aud map coupon ut from page 2 of this paper. Whensent by lnail odd 10c cxtriijgiLP"! Address, The Bee Publishing Co., Map Department. Omaha, Nebraska.