THE OMAHA "DAILY JEE; Till HsDAT, M.WUII 21, 1001. 1 I SPECIALJOTICES Aittertlaetnenla for these cnlimni Trill he taken until lit m. for the netting edition And nnlll H 110 p. ni. tir mo rains Rnu r u minj rmnon I Ilatea, 1 l-3o a ltnrd flra! Insertion, le a rrurri thereafter. Xnthlnir taken I for let than iSBo for the Oral lnsrr- ! Con. Tlii-it nUrertlaemeuta tnuat b- ' rwm connrnutlTelr. I itdfrllfrt, by rpqneitlnc nnra. ! bereil check, can hare nmnrri nd- ' Ireaaed to m numbered letter In car I f The llee. Amnrn so addressed will ' oe aenrerea oi presentation of lk cak only. WA X T E D-s IT C A I I OX S. I MIST-CLASS dressmaker will new by day, reasonable. 621 s. 13th. A-Mr.l 21 WAXTUD MALE HIILP. WANTED, we have atcady work for a few good hustler of good habits and appear anco. C. F. Adams Co., lft.5 Howard St. u-:i BARBER tnde taught thoroughly In short lime, catalogue & particulars free. West ern Barbers Institute, Omaha. Neb. WANTED. good solicitors and state agents, Insurance men preferred. Call at 317 N V 1 lfA 111,1.. t,.llfjl B--M150 22 ... v iiiuk, WANTED, a traveling salesman; good posi tion to right party. Address or unit at 31? N. Y. l.lfo Bldg. . B-M1I9 22 WANTED, men to Icnrn barber trade; only i week required; havo positions paying US weekly waiting graduates this spring; comparatively llttiu exiiense. Write Moler Barber College, ICQ Farnum St. ii-Mir 2i WANTED, Imokkreiwr, competent, to hnndle completa set of books; give age, experience uud salary expected. M I. Bee. ll-iis-2U WANTED, experienced shoe mart to take ihargo of ladles' shoo dept. Nebraska Clothing Co. D-ftl 22 WANTED. apeclulty salesman; salary. 534 Hamgo Bldg. B-v1 MEN to use Wltch-Hazcl Shaving Cream Instead of soap. 2H': at ull druggists. 11-37 A13 SALESMEN for cigars; new plan, quick sales, good business, big money. Con sumers' Cigar Co., U!4 B. 7th St., St. Louis. 1 FIRST-CLASS salesman In every city nnd county. Apply or uddress Hamge hlock, Omuhu. B M3W -I "WANTED, threo or four competent spe cialty salesmen on salary nnd expenses to represent a large and well-established mnnulacturlng house In Iowa. Nebraska and Minnesota; none but those having had experience as salesmen and who are able to furnish tlrst-class references need upplyv To strictly high grado salesmen wo can offer an exceptional proposition with de sirable opportunities ot advancement; In replying state age, previous experience and prpent employment. Address L 63, i are The Omaha flee. The above Is trom one of the largest and best Known establishments In the country. -The Omaha lice. U--MSS) 21 WAATEO-FEMAI.U HELP, WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S7C. C 24J 10 girls wanted. Canadian otllce, IS Douglas C-2H WANTED, ladles to learn halrdrosslng, manicuring or facial massage; only four weeks required by our method of practical experience; expert Instructions, lectures, etc.; splendid demand for graduates; last week wc placed live girls ut U weekly; busy season soon; call or write for cutu loguv at once. Molcr College, lt3 Karnutn st. C-MlJii WANTED, experienced millinery saleslady, Nebraska Clothing Co. OMZZ run iiE.vr-noust:. 1 Fyira'nryOTruTioTfiV weTTcnleT phTc? them with Ilenawa Si Co. D Hi ALWAYS moving II. II. goods. Pianos. Ollku, lOllh Farnam St. Tel. liiO or itO. D-2W HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Llrennur.-Lovu Co., "u So. i:th St. D-117 HOUSES, storos. llerelj, Paxton block. D-21J BEE HENRY U. X'AYNE, 001 N. Y. LIKE. D-21S HOUSES, etc V. D. Wcad. 1M4 Douglas. D JS0 HOUSES unu flats. Illngwalt. Barker Illk. D-J31 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown Blk. D-i32 GOOD slx-room flat, city water In kitchen, ai N. 2Uh sL. $10. Omaha Lojin & Trust Co.. 16th and Douglas. D 11310 FOUK-llOOM modern flat. 1112 S. nth. '. D-M636 EXI'. Del. Co., moving. Tel. 119J. 2H N. Pith. .D-C3U A7 t-UOOM modern flat; well located; large rooms. Kcnnard & Son, 210 Brown Block. D-MTCi KOH KENT, residence. 1C0C Georgia ale., corner I'actllc, 10 rooms, attic, basement, cast front, modern and extra convenl encer; lot CCxltn, with trees. Innnlra 311 First NafI Bank llldg. D MH3 10OS N, C3D ST., 6 rooms, city water, sower and closet, SIS. The Byron Ueed Co.. 112 S. llth st. D M2SI FOB BENT, new 10-roora house, north part city, .water nnd gas. near motor nnd school. Ennulre W. I. Klerntend, Boom SCO. City Hall; rent. J25 Jnonth. D MISS FOH RENT, boarding houe, 16 rooms, good location. Inquire Ntob Davenport street. D-SMOj FOR RENT. 0)27 -N. Wth St. 2116 Spencer St. TJll N. 20th St.. ;tSi Lake St.. & 1S2I Wirt St.. barn, J00. 1916 Uurdette St , .1-room modern house, $20. . h)-rooin modern house, $30. 10 rooms, modern house. $20. rooms, modern house, $15, 10 rooms modern house & ., 9 moms modern house, $13. S61 No. 39th St. M10 N. 27th St.. 212 Caldwell, 5 , a rooms raraitm nouse, Jli. 8-room house, city water, $1S room house, city water. $10. 11 II EN N A N-LO VE COl. 309 So. 13th St. D 3jO-2I 1H1H lti:.T-Kt'Il.ISIIr;U UOOJIS. DEWEY European hote). 13th and Farnam. E-2M IIOUBEKEni'INO rooms, C up. 223 St. Mary'a. E-MJ7 All 81'NNY room, newly furnished. C23N. IdTTj m SL E-.M; 23 FI'RNISHED rooms for light houjekepT Ins or without. Apply to 2127 Farnam st. E-MJS6 21 THE THURSTON, 13th and Jackson; steam neat. k SKi I't'ltMMIIED HOOMS AM) IIOAIII). GLENOiVlRN, translent3.Jl.2iday. 1609 Doug F-237 UTOriA. 1771 Davenport St. , F 139 Tha Merrlam, good winter home. 23 A.- Dodge K-2JJ ROOMS and board, reasonable. 24ori Chsi. K-37J-A1' LAKai-: (rent room. &C9 S. 23th ave. F-Ml THE ROSE. 2020 Harney. Rates reasonable, F-J133J A16 FOH HUNT-I'MU'llMhllUU HOOM.S. TWO unfurnished rooms: also two base' ment rooms. 1120 N. 17th. p-130 6 t'NFl'RNISHED chambera for mnn and wife. 319 N. 17th. G SS3 I-'Oll HK.NT-STOHUS AM) OKFICUt. TOR RENT Store. In flrst-clas location: rent reasonable Apply It. C Feteru ft Co., ground floor, Bee llldg. I 26o STORES, unequalled. Apply Tlzard. 221 N" 24 i iir.T-3i on iii:rM()iti:M am di'r-M Foil RENT The building formerly occu rl"l Ly Tlie Bt. at 916 Farnam St it has liur stories and a basement h!"h was i irrnfrly i.sul a The Dee pres croom Thla will J-.o rente 1 very reasonably. If Interested spply at ome to C. C. note wner, r etary, room 100. Ilee Building Foil RENT, nirice. with vtiult and part nrKt iloor or nil top Hour, HH-HI6 Harney t.. suitable for small Jobbing nr broker HRe business or iitoraKc. Midland Glass and l'alnt Co.. 1 110 Harney st. I-M2M STOREROOM and basement. North 21th St.; suitable for plumber. Holbrook, Brown Block. 1-M767- FOIl RENT, sto-e room, 311 South 15th st., one to five years. Apply the Byron Heed Co., 212 K Hill St. I-MUSSt - AGEATS WA.NTEU. EO.METHIiN'O new; send loc and rccelvt a sarrple of Kansas corn feathers. Agents wantid. Kansas Corn Feather Co., uOS Buxton ltk. J-CA5 FEMALE agent to sell flrst-clns hair tnnlc and skin food, liberal commission paid. Address 1'ryphou Mfg. Co., Omaha. Neb. J-.M3P2 21 WA.NTKIJ TO HUNT. S L'NFf UNISHED chatn'jrrs, man and wife. 319 N. 17th. 0-717 TWO single or double room with hoard In South Omaha by two young men. First class and modern conveniences desired. No flats. Address. E. it , Box 17. Bee Olllce, South Omaha. K-SfiB-21 .STORAGE PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. S1J. 914 Jones, general storage uud forwarding. -261 OM. Van Ctir. Co.. 1S114 Farn. Tels. 1JM-S3. -260 WANTED TO llt.V. WANTED, to buy. stock of general mer chiindlsr; tnnt be cheap; or will trade ! ncres rf good land. J. J. Austin. Colum bus. Neb. N-M37J 22 I'Oll SAI.U FLHM'I t-Hli. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New .S: Sdband furniture bought, sold, HECti8nged. O 262 FINEST line of now and second-hand furtil turo In the city; Inspect oar 4tock before buying; wo wholesale to country ilculers; prices low. Entorprlso Furnlturo Co.. 102-t H llth. corner Dodge. O MJ71 A7 ELEGANT sideboard, kitchen furniture. C23 N. 19th St. O M2UI !3 l'OH SALE MOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC. ENTIRE stock of carriages, buggies and wagons regardless of cost. Anderson-Mil-lard Co., Cor. 13th and Davenport. P-2U7-M23 WE DO good repair 'vork on wagons, light buggies, etc. 11 Frost, llth & Leavenworth P-263 GOOD family horse, with or without surry and harness. W. M. Craig, 204 N. 2th Ave. P 357-21' I'Oll S A I. IZM I S C K I.I.A X Krfl U . SAWDUST Cheapest posts, poaltrv & hog fence. tl Douglas. Q 261 2DHAND safe cheap. Durlght, 1116 Farnam. Q-25. SAFES; buy. sell cxc'ge, Schwartz. 114 S. 13. Q-2C6 TIMOTHY hay and all kinds teed and coal. Monroo & Co. QM INCUBATORS. Send to the Sure Hatch Incubator Co., Clay Center, Neb., for u handsome frcu catalogue. Q 269 SEED SWEETS. Thco. Williams, Benson, Neb. Q.M-201 M23' CUTLERY of all kinds; finest line In tha city; we grind razors, shears, clippers, etc. A. UudcUnd, 1316 Dodge SL Q-M649 A6 WIRE, fenco for poultry,, Belgian hare. hoc field or luwn. Wire Works, 617 a. '6th st. Q-M67S Jy7 MASQUERADE make-up outfit, contains paints, powders, burnt cork, nose putty, beards, spirit gum, etc.. tho lot mailed for 30 cents. Chas. Marshall, Mfr Lock port, N. Y. Q 736 10 FOR SALE, new range, bargain; nlso fur niture. Party to leave city. 3023 Chicago. Q-3M-21 FOR SALE Lady's bicycle; In good repair. Cheap. Address. M 2, Bee. Q 371 23 CI.AIllVOYAXTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. S19 North 16th. MME GYLMER, genuine palmist. 1003 Dodge S-271 ZENO. clalrveyant, occult teacher. 1013 Farnam. . S 37022 EI.ECTHIC THE AT J I EXT. ELITE parlors, 615 South ICth, second floor. T-M712 As MME. AMES, 1615 Howard, 2d floor, room L T-1S7-M2I MABEL GRAY, 3174 N. 15th St., Flat E. T 3IS31 M30 CAMILLK DUVAL, C19 So. 16th, Id floor. MISS WILLIAMS of St. Louis, massage, magnetic, electric treatment. 302 N. 16th rnnm 3. T Mftn A T-M6i3AS MISS MAY LESLIE, 1615 Howard, 2d floor. T-M513 A2 PEHSO.VAI., DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfluous hair removed by dec trie ty. It. 12 Krenznr block. U 279 PRIVATE homo before and during confine, ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burgct, 2620 Burdette. U 272 FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim buttons; mall orders. Omaha Bloating Co. li.'4 Douglas. U-273 SUPPLIE8 for all machines; machines for rent. Whlto Sewing Machine, lti. DougUb. Tel. 2331. vAu PRIVATE hospltul for ladles before nnd during conllucment; babies adopted. 2306 Grant St. U 273 A BOX of Re-No-May Powder is not a luxury when It affords you a cure and secures the comtort and happiness of your room-mate. U M212 VIAVI Woman's way to health; rational, wholesome borne treatment. SIS Bee Bldg U-276 TURKISH baths, massage baths electric baths, for ladles only; skilled women massage operators; finest equipped baths Ju the city. Retutrum Bath Company, Rooms 216 to 220. Bee Bldg. U-27V RHEUMATISM, paralysis, goitre, female diseases, consumption, glandular swell ings, obesity, stomacn and kidney troubles, chronic diseases cured by Thyroid Lymph Remedies. Consultation and booklet fr-e. Thyroid Lymph Co.. S00-2-I Bee Bldg., Omaha: 94-i-6 Burr Block, Lincoln, Neb. U-161.M24 WANTED, roommate, references. L CI, Bee. U-M262 23' M. GOLDMAN & CO.-Only perfect ac enrdeon pleating plant In the west. Mall orders solicited. Suite 200 Douglus Block U-377 WANTED, permanent home on farms for three colored boys, ages h to 12 year, and two other boys nbout tho samo ages. Child Saving Institute. U M33 21 C. MI'DDI.EMIST, wall paper cleaner:boTt of city references; rooms cleaned $1 and up; tel. 12&S. U-M363 25' IU'ITURE cured; no knife, no pain, ho danger; send for circulars, Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Building. Omaha. U-M3S0 I ANT lo correspond with a first-class lady frpm 30 to la; marriage the object. C. K.. Lock Box 111. Ulysses. Neb. U-M372 21 r OR men only, Wltch-Hazel , Shaving Cream. Better than any soap; 2Jc. Alt druggists. U-3S6 A19 I'LIIMTLIIE ItEI'AlllI.Vul ' TEL. 133L M S. Walklln, 2UI Cuming SL -35) mo.miv to i.oA-iiii.i, nTAru. MuNKV ta loan on tmproveti Omaha real I estate Irennan-Love Co., 309 South 13th. , V 18C H ANTED-Clty loahs. bonds nnd warrants 'ienrge i Compary. irjl Farnam street, i W-gl I LOANS on eartrn Nebraska and western Iowa farms ut & per cent; borrowers can I pav $100 ot any multiple; any Interest . date; no delay. Brennan-Love Co., 100 1 So. 13th St. Omaha. Neb. W-2S3 j Jl.rt") ami upward to loan on Improved city properly oim lurms. . rarnam tmun Ji Co.. 1320 Fnrnam. W-IS2 WANTED, city und farm loans; also bond nnd warrants. It c I'oters & Co.. 1703 Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. W 2S4 MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowest rates. O. F Davis Co.. 13 Fnrnam. W-5SS MONEY to lortn at 5 and Sli per cent on Omaha property. W. B, Melkle, 401 S. 13th. W 2S , I,, FIVE per cent money. Bemts. I'axton block. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1121 Douglas. W-2S9 PRIVATE m)ny, 5, 4V4. 6 per cent; no de lay. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam. W Zi AND 3i pel -cent city nnd farm loans. Gatvln Bros.. 1613 Farnam St. W-SS9 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 337 N. Y. L. W-2S7 6 AND SVi per cent loans. W. II. Thomas, First National Bank building. Tel. 161). W-2W CASH on hand. O. E. Turklngton. 603 Ute. W-M39I MO.M1V TO I.OA-CHATTULS. MONEY TO LOAN EVERYBODY. If you wljh to make a little loan why trouble your friends when you can bor row money from us on one hour's notice without publicity or trouble? WE LOAN MONEY ON YOUR FURNITURE, PIANO, ORGAN, HORSES, WAOONS OR ANY PER SONAL PROPERTY WITHOUT RE MOVAL, PUBLICITY OR DELAY. LOANS FROM $10.W TO $200.CO. ANY LENGTH OF TIME, ONE MONTH OR ONE YEAR. Wo guarantee our terms uud rates to bo the very lowest ami within thu reach of ull. l.tbird and courteous treutmenl to everynody, and we Invite your Inspection. COME AND BE CONVINCED. Wc also make loans to SALARIED PEO PLE on their PLAIN NOTES. No pub llclty whutevcr. Cull on us before going elsewhere. 3. E. COR. 16TH AND DOUGLAS STS. BROWN BLOCK. ROOM 312. X-M120 WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. It Is easy to advertise lowest rates, as others do, but we teel positive that It you will make comparisons you will be con vinced that you can do better with us than -lc litre V loan on furniture, pianos, lUu stock, utc, or wu will make you u SALARY LOAN without Inuorsur or mortgage. Wo chargo nothing tor uiuKlng th loan una ou receive me full umouui in cash. You may pay it back In one month or take six months or more In which to repay It, and you need not pay lor it one day longer than you Keep It. Our terms ure tho easiest, our business is contldential und our motto Is "try to please. OMAHA MORTGAGE LUAN CO.. 119 Board ot Trade Bldg. Tel. ial (Estaullsned 1: v.6 tfo. 16th St. X-iI3tS SALARY LOANS. If you are employed by a icsponslble rlrm we will loan you sums trom lu to jlOu on your noto ut much chcuper and cailor lutes than else where. Ot this -wu uio positive. Absolutely no charge lor papers. Nothing deducted from umouni uesired. Easiest -puraarpuments. Reliable Credit Co., room 20J, Puiton Block. X 29." MONEY loaned salaried people holding per munent position with responsible concern upon their names without security; cay payments. Tolman, -llo Board Trauu bldg. X jjj MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew dry. horses, cows, etc. C. F. Iteed, 319 a. 13. .X-297 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R. S, Barker bl X-29S SALARY loans at reduced rates. Omaha Credit Co., 626 New York Life Bldg. X-293 MONEY to loan. I. Zleglcr. 409 Ware tllock. X-M662- SEE Private party for salary loans. uoom 3it urown Block. X-M12I Short time loans. J. Pleasants, 51 Barker blk X-127- LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, live .Uock, etc. Quick service nnd lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, C33 (top floor) Paxton Block, northeast corner 16th und Farnam, entrance on 16th st. X-M376 BUSINESS CHANCES. $110 CASH on easy payments buys 23 strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks, cigars or cash; will earn $2 and upward weekly each. Earl Clark & Co.. Furnl turo Manufacturers, Chicago, 111. Y-310 FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and carriage business In south central Ne braska. For further particulars address Box W3. West Liberty. Ia. Y-311 STEAM dye and cleaning shop In city of 10.KW or 11.1X0 Inhabitants for rale for $130; a good chance for a dyer who understands his business, only shop In thu city. Ad dress L i". Bee. . Y M155 FIRST-CLASS restaurant for sale. Sam Sing, 1516 Webster. Y-M2U-21' RESTAURANT for sale, one of the nicest In Denver; choice location, low rent, big cash trade, new ilxtures; good thing for the right man: n sure winner. This place will stand closest Investigation. Call or nddress Johnfcton & Co., 1734 Curtis st., Denver. Colo. Y M3S2 II SUBURBAN drug store; line trade: reason for selling, other business; half cash, bal nnco good land; nearest drug store to 5,(m) pi.pulittlon. Address M 3, Bee. Y-.M379 16 FOR SALE. 73-barrel (lour mill, located In central Nebraska. In good wheat country; has good run both merchant nnd custom milling: f.o-horso steam plant, Corliss en gine; mill Is in good repair nnd doing good business; reason for selling, old nge. Address M 4. enre Bcc. Y M37S 22 FOR SALE. $si) stock of general mer chandise In central Nebraska; good loca catlon; splendid trade; good reason for selling. For particulars write at once to M 3, Bee. Y M374 26 STOCK drygoods. clothing, shoes, etc . for western land. Ole Olson, Frankfort. Ind. Y-M-Iu' FOH SAI.Eltr.AI. ESTATE. RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster, land commlsiloner, Union "aclllc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb, RC III FOR SALE, corn lauds, stock ranches and business locations In tho Corn Belt coun try. W 11. Clements, Lyons, Neb. RE-M977 HOUSES lots, larms, lands, loans; also Are Insurance. Bemls, Paxton Blk. RE 312 CHAS. E WILLIAMSON,1 1203 Farnam St. RE-31J SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE-316 WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room house, class tn good car line. Eastern owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kennurd Si Son. 309-10 Brown Block. RE-2 2326 EMMET, price $1,&X); cash $230.00. monthly payment $15.00. VT'l Emmet, price $1,430; cash $2O.0O. monthly payment $15.u). 26oU Emmet, price $1,330; cash $200.00, monthly payment $ A. P. Tukey, Board of Trade. RE-3S3 12 I'oit s ii.e nr. t. F.Tvn:. HEADQl ARTKR.-4 FOR NKllttAPK FARMS AND ItANi'lIKi5 l-rt, re tmpted farm nnr Ke.irie N-t "acre cultivated, all fVmert. h'us ham sheds, etc. The nwner l milng t" Omaha HmJ wftl soil at a barrnln ,.t i hange for hnmf . Price. $.. lcn-atre farm lt ml let from station How. ard t'. Neb., good bltuk soli, sil f.-i,.-d i.rrea efl.ivmitl. h nisi- stable , ris granary and good whit. Prl.' SI , W-arre farm one mile trom St I'.i.h. N. , . all fenced. ncr a etiltlvated. pme $1 l-aerf stck farm SS miles rr"m (m Valby Co., Neb. ID Rtrn c'iltlHte!. bul anec pasture, sod hme. stable, wtll and windmill, price. $1.2iU. loi-acre lmptovel farm near Grand Island. Hull Co.. $2.21". SO-acre farm, $1,100. Others for $2i t.j $25 an acre. Fine l'jn-aere farm In Saline co.r.tx. Iml In Holt Co. from $! for lj acres Up. iMnd In Knox Co. Jnim'H'X up. Land In Garfield, '.Jreeley. Webster. Har lan. NuekolK Thayer. t!ngi Y.irk. Hum lltun and almost very- cvtinty In th state Tell us where you want to g an l e n locate ;u. ALFALFA STOCK RANCHES. An alfalfa stock rumti Mi mile ironi sta tion In western NebniBka, .i.) aires free range, lake of living water In meadow. 10 acres deeded; Imw ncres fenced, can be Increased to 4,'., 100 acres line alfalfa, bottom; frame house, burn. str-. corral, stone milk house. Will be sn'd t ti sue rlhVe. Will connlder an exchange for Omaha rental property for hi:t nrlto, 4.Sl. FlltE INSURANrU. HOUSES l olt RENT SIMMER CHASE. 601 Beo Bldg. Telephone in.1.. Rl-iIUI 21 Mr.lllCAl., V1RTUAAIA cures Impotencj resulting from indiscretions or debility, gives vi tality, vigor, restorlrg uvs.rts. ambitions, aspirations of youtn, health, citing for success, happiness in nnsiness, profes. slonul, social, married ilfe,; 1A or 3 for ti. Sent uny where prepaid on receipt of price. the Kldd Drug Co., EiKin, Ilk American OIHce, retail, wholesale, Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. M. A. Dillon, bouth um.ina, Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line rubber good.. LADIES! Chichester's English Pennvroyai Pills are the best; safe, reliable, take no other. Send 4o stamps for particulars 'Relief for litotes" in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist, cnlchttter Chetnlfni n . Phllndelpnla. Pa. SlIOltTIIA.M) AM) l' I'EWIHTIMt. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. BOYLKS' College, court reporter principal. Bee Bldg. 3 NEB. Business & Shorthand college, Boyd's Theater. ill GREGG Shorthand. Om. (1 Co!., 16 & Doug I'ATE.vrs. INVENTORS GOT AN IDEA? Wo handlo patents copyrights nnd trade marks; you glvo us the bare Idea and we will do the. rest: modern equipped machine shop and foundry In connection; Ofllclal Gazette on tile; guide book free. Mason, Fenwlck & Lawrence, patent lawyers. Hot) Howard St.; TeL 14IJ, Omaha. J. P. Cronln, repr. 320 PATENTS, no fee unlcs.4 successful. Sues A: Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Advice free. 13$ Jrli OSTEOPATH. JOMNSON Institute, 513 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1601; Allen Johnson, D. O., ludlcs' dept.; Cld E. Johnson. Osteopathlst, Mgr. -317 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school, Klrksville, Mo., 604 Paxton Bik. Tel. 1367, -311 INCUBATORS AM) BROODERS. INCUBATOR3 and brooders; catalogus free. Write Burr Incubator Co., B 2, Omaha, Neb, Factory ut 2Sth & Davenport. FACTORIES FOR ItlJVr. FACTORY, laundry or grocery building, corner. Daniel C. Patterson, 1623 Farnam . 3-M3H A16 WALL PAPER. 3c a roll and up; painting, paper hansing. decorating. Kclscy, 117 S. Kih. Tel. 160i . -663 PAW.MIHOKEIlS. EAGLE Loin Office, reliable, accommodat ing; ull business confidential. l!ui Douglas. , -."9 I'HI.NTlXfi. HAVE It printed right. Wuters Printing Co., 42 So 13th Stf Phone 2U. tin"nl -CSS A7 LAU.DIIY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars 2c; cuffs. 4s. 1730 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. BICYCLES. WE HAVE the only Vulcantzor In the city for buggy tires. Wo do thls-t-ork as gcod ns can ba done at tho factoVt. 1622 Capi tol Ave. cjj STAJIMEIUXU .VXD STLTTEIUXli. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bldg. -334 CAItPENTKIls AM) .lOllIIERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing prompt lv attended to, J. T. Ochiltree, Wth und Lake Sts. ;o FLORISTS. LOUIS LECLUSE, successor to B. Haas, 1S13 Vinton Tel. 1675. Plants, cut flower destgn-t; hall, residence, wedding nnd grave decorations. Orders promptly lllled by mall or express. 961-u3. JL.Mv. B. Sl M. Junk house. J. Milder. Prop., dealer in all metsls, bottles, etc. Carloads a specialty. tl.su3 Farnam. Omaha. Tel. X'ti -M33i LOST. LOST, gold watch, between Courtney's grocer) store and Hljth .chOol; suitable reward It delivered at Merriam notel. 23th nnd Doilge Natalie. Lost M3S1 24 i: x i i; 1 1 r a c c o t x t a xt. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or evening. R. 15, Com. Nat. Bank. G R. Rathbun 226 RL Illicit STAMPS. BADGES, medals Om Pl'L Co., Beo Bids. Tel. 2135. -327 ACCORDIOX I'LEATIXU, ACCORDION pleating- cheapest, hest quick est. Mrs, .v C. Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. 333 T1CI-.KT IlltOICEII. CUT rate tickets everywhere. Y, II. Phil bin. 1303 Fnrnam. Teloohone 761. 333 LPIIOI.STHItlXli. GLOBE COUCH CO.. 1319 Liav'thrTelsa. X171U KI.OCUTIOX A X I) RHAIHXU. MRS. FORWARD. Studio C23 N. 19th St. 277-A1 IIIIIIIS AM) TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1243 S. 16th. I KrHI.UAkTWV NaC WVVMIW I rwe impi " "la coasccrioa m n t) i nuiwo s timet mnoiu(wioJt, ALONG THE NORTH SHOR HAVANA, MATANUS, CARDENAS. SAQUA, CA1. BlCU.1, KUEVITAS, QUAJtA, tU BARACOA. ail ttttr mtis. UUVSOW 8TF1A U31IIP 1JNE-27 IHUo new lora wuy. RAYMOND & WHITCOMB, .I Union Sq'uara, Now York. For TIckutB, btatoroom Reservation and Oeetril Information or the MO BILE 8KRVICE. apply to Ticket Agent Mobil tt Ohio ft. R, and South am Ry. it M w i nn; t vitn. (.IIHAGO MILWAUKEE .v St. raui nallwa cit i u ket Othcc. li"4 Fanium 3'ri-et Telephone S4 ltp"t. Tenth nnd Manvn Hirt.'K Telephone. (B Leat Arrive. JMtLWAOh . hlcag. Iiiii.b ! Ex a :''J pm a s.tsi am .'hl'-Hgn 6 t'mah.i Ux b ,.l.". um b 3. Hi pro a dally b except Sunday. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL and Ac Pacific Railroad - The Great Buck lit- aim Kouie (ily IK net Oilice, list lar nam Street. Telephone, 4ft. Depot, Tenth ana Murcy ts. Tele phone, 629. EAST. ' Amv.. Des Moines Jtlu Daeu- ; port Local a 7:23 am bll:33 nm 1 luicuku u.m"", um a :io am Des .Mollies Local u 4:2V pm a 4;tj nm Lliiu' Fnst Lxprcsi .a s:w inn u 1:ai inn Des Molnt. Rock Is!- und and Chlcngo. a 7:10 pm a 5:33 pm Lincoln. Colorado Spgs.. ' Denver, Pueblo and West al;39pm a 4:13 pm Coloiudo. Oklahoma 6i Texas Flier a 5:20 pm a 9:50 am a dully, b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL. rod-General OIIlccs and Ticket Olllccs, Southeast Corner litn und Dougus bts. Telephone, ltl. Depot. Union b'tation. Leivo. Arrive. am' Kansas r.Xt,lt.SS ..a 10:00 am a 6.-2J pm a 6:13 utn St. 1 Express ultf: pm Leave frcm 1 th and Webster Jtreets. N'brnska l.o.a1. Via Weiplng Water . ulO:4S atn a DulL h Dall) except Sunday. FREMONT. ELKHORN Jk Missouri Vadey Ruilroud lho .Northwestern Line General Oihces. bulled atutej National U.',rlf lt.tliHfn .2 W enrtitir Ti i f t H nn.l L'nr. iioket Olllce. 1W1 Farnam St. Deiut, Uth und Webster Sis. 'id. Hm. Black mi's, Deadwood. L"Cae' Hot .springs a 3:W pm Joining, casper und Douglas d 3:00 pm Hutting, i0rK( Lmvid Cit, ouperlor, Genevu, txeter und Seward. ...b 3:10 pm iSoriuiK. Veruliire and Arrive, a 5:00 pm e 3;'.o pm b 5:00 pm b 10:23 am bl0;25 am . rreiuont . b 7:20 am Lincoln, Wuhoo Iremont iTcrnont Local .... a Daily, b Usllv und b 7:30 am c :30 um except aunuay. c Sun- day oiuy. d Daily Cicepl saiuruay. o any except Monujy I'ltlfAnn & NORTH- Mvstern ltnltwav 'uy "Tho Northwestern ulno" Farnam St. Telephone. 561. Depot, Tcntn and Murcy Sts. Telephone 629. Lu.Vi.. Arrlvo. bj)i,t,.n I'llll ...a t.ifi am all:30 pm u a:l0 um Chlcugj I'.is.enger . ...a 4:15 pm . " 'I'rtss, Lies, Cilar Rapids ana t hlcugo al0:33 am Lastern Special, Chi cago and um a 4:53 pm fast .Muti, Chicago to Omaha Omuim-ehlcago L't'd ..a 7;I5 pm I-aet Mall Cedar ituptds 1'uasenger u Daily. a 1:03 pm a 1:03 pm a 2:13 pm u s;w am u i:M um u 5:J0 pm CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis Ac umulia Uuilwuy Tho Nurlu western Line General Omci.s, Neoraska Divi sion, ljth and w'euster ats. city Ticket ottiue. . ...ll b'. Telepnune, sui. uepot. utiu swbstcr sis. Leave. Arrive, u 9:tu pm ull. lv um Twin City Passenger., .u u;w um Omaha Passenger Siou.t City Jc North east Nebraska ...a 3:1-pm a Dally. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" Gcnuial OlUces, United Stntes National Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth und Farnam JUs. TlcKct OIl'.co. itui Farnam St. Telephone 661. De pot, 'letilh and Marcy Sts. Telephone 629. eave. Arrive. Twin City Express.. Twin City Limited., blous City Local.... a Dally. .a um alo:2o pm .a 7:55 pm .a s;ia um u v.15 um u 3.3) pm KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph i Council Blulfs Railroad "Tho Buniug. ton Itouto" Ticket uthce, 1502 Karnum Streeu Tele phone. 2jij. Depot, Tenth und Mason Strict. Tele phone, ITS. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex... a .m am u 6:25 pm Kansas City Night Ex..ul0.o jmi u 6. um St. Louis Flyer, lor St. Joseph und St, Louis.. a 6 10 pm all 15 am a Dull). CHICAGO, BURLINGTON Qulncy Ilallroad-"Tho Bunifigtun itouie" Ticket Olllce ijo; 1-urnum Mreet, Telephone, 2ju. Depot Tenia and Mason streets iciepnune, iz. Leave. Arrive. al0.20 pm u 7:43 um a 4:oa pm u 7:15 um a 2:43 pm Daylight Chicago Spe- clal . .a 7:0 am Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.a 4:w pm Chicago Locl Express.a 0:30 am Chicago Limited a 1;M pm Fast. Mall a Dally. BURLINGTON & MIS ourl Rivet Itallroau The Burlington itouto auicrul oruces, Norm wejt Corner Tenth and Farnam atrects. TIcKut ataal ,.r.. ...... o,.,,,.,.. '... ,w n I,, StrCCW. ll)nW. t-euvc. Arrive. Ltnco.n. Hustlnrfs and a S-.I9 am a 7:35 pm SlcCook ..;. "r0,ULt3 SI 'caV.fonua.u 4.25 pm Den?e?. Coiorado. Utah ...h .lllnnila a 3:oo pm a 6:13 um u o.ij utn u 9.11 ulu bll:33 um u 6:13 utn Puttsmt..:o 3:a, Pin bll:03 um Uiu;icl?rUth"uT:l.m a 5:20 um rS' tt Dally " funuuy. '. L L I N O I 3 CENTRAL Ilallroad-City Ticket Of fice. 1402 Farnum Street. Telephone, 215. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chlcau .prcss .ifa ... I .united a ?;uo atn all:2j pm u 7:1j pm u f.vj um Paul b 7:00 nm b 9:19 pm Paui a 7:45 pm u S:05 um from I) 1:30 pm a 6:15 am irom Minneapolis Si. Express Miuntapolts & Ml. l.imitLd Fcrt Dodge Local Council Bluffs .. Fort Dodge Local Council Bluffs a 6:00 um a auily. b Dally exeep; Sunday. UNION PACIF1C-"THE OVER land Routo" General Otllces N. E. Cor. Ninth und Furnum Streets. City Ticket Otlicc, 13J4 Farnam Street, 'lelephone, 31. ' Depot, Tenth und Murcy Sis. leicpnone, urx I.envi Arrive. u 7:30 pm The Overland Llmlted.-a s:2U am The Chlcugo-Porttund Special a ;j0 um a 7:30 pm a 3;.'5 pro lllu rusfc M m.w The Mall and Express. .u11:sj pm a 4:so pm Lincoln, Ueatrlco nnd fatromsburg Express. ,b 4:0j pm b!2:30 pm Thu Pacific Express..., a 4:25 pm The Atlantic Express... a 6:50 am Grand Island Lucal... ,b 5:30 pm b 9:35 am a dally, b Dally except Sunday, OMAJIA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas city & Eastern Ruilroud "The Qulncy Route -Ticket Of flee, 1415 Farnam St. Tele phone, 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone, Arrive. a 6:20 am St. Iuls Cannon Ball Express ...... ...a,5.Lpm Kansas City & Quincy Local a :00 am a 9;C0 pm a Daily. Et . .. City K. C I nam at I Tel. Itui ltll mmm ,1 I It MI.U TIME t vltl). W A It A S II It.MI.HOAD Ticket OlMce. HIS Farrai., str' t 'ieiphim. stj i I" t. Tenth ind Mtiicy Sn 1 K'pllVl.o. . tAie. Arrive. St. i.ouls "Cai.nou !ia!l Kxpres ,:U m a 5.1 am a Dl!i. tio i:uMi: r mii nit. pTtOPOSALS FOR INDIAN "sUPpT.HSrf Department of the interior, t mice ot In dian Affairs, Washington. D. C . March 7, i!'l Sealed proosais. in,nried 'iTopcwals tor beef, flour, etc.. ' as the case may be, ami directed to the Commissioner ot Indian, 236 Johnson street, Chicago, HI., will ba received until 1 o clock p. m.. or Tuesday. April 9, Isol, for furnishing lor the Indian Service, Ix-ef, Hour, Iwcon, beans, coffee, sugar, rtce, tea and other articles of subslitciKt . also tor boots ami shoes, groceries, soap, Imklng ioivder, crocker. ugrlcultur.'.l impletnt nts. .tints, oils, glass, tinware. Wngom, harness, leather, shoe tlndtiiKs, uudiilery, et.., hardnaie, school ami medical supplies, and a long lli of invscelianeoita arncis. aeuiti prvposals, in dorseil "ProKals for blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, eic," ms the iu.: may be. and directed to the Commtssluner ot Indian Affairs, Nos. 77 unit '.9 Wooster streat. New York Clt, will be received un ttl 1 o'.'lok 1 1. m.. ot run Jay, May ".. 11, fur (umlshing for the Indian Sir; I.e. biunkcts, WboLn and cotton goods, clothlnt, notions, hais and mp-. Bids must be mac.; out on government nlanks. Scheduled giv Ing nil necessary Information for bidders will bo furnlihea on application to th in dun Olllce. Washington, D. C. ; Nos. 77 and ;y Wooster street. New York City; 2 John son siren. Chicago. HI ; No. lji Howard street. Omaha, Nebr. , thu Commissaries of Sulwlstetiie, L. S. A., at Cheyenne, Leav enworth, S.. l.oa!s. St. Paul and San Kranclto; the postmasters at Sioux City. Yankton. Arkansas City. Caldwell, Toeku, Wichita ami Tucson. Bids will be opened at the hour and days above stated, and bidders are Invited to be present at tho opening. The Department resrrvis tha right to determine the itotnt of delivery and to reject unv and all olds, or uny part of any bid. W. A. JONES, Commissioner. Men. is to Apr s. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER muster. Fort Leavenworth. Kan., Mur.h IP, 19l. Scaled proposals, lit triplicate, will li received here until 11 a. m.i central time, April Is. 1W1. for constructing 1 building for Artillery Guard Room. Shops, etc.. Including phmthlng und ilwtrle wir ing, at this post. Information furmnhed on application lur- ot at otllce Depot Q-.uirtcr-muster, Omaha. U. S. reaervos right to ac cept or rejc.i uny or ull proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes to In- indorsed PrntKsals for Public Il.illdtng.i," addressed D. E. MCARTHY. (J. M. Mur 19-20-21-22 A l-17m WANTED for U. S. nrniy. able-Loi.icd tin niarrleil men. between ages of 21 and 35: cltlrent of the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read und write English. Recruits specially desired for ervlce In Philippines. For Information apply to Recruiting Olll ce r. Cor. 16th and Dodge sts.. Omaha, Neb. LEGAL Ml I'll 11. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF NEBRASKA, OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, LIN COLN, Feb. 1. 19d. It W hereby certllled that the Atlas Insurance company of Lon don. In England, has complied with the In surance law of this state applicable to such companies and Is therefore authorised to continue the business of tire and lightning Insurance In this state for the current jenr ending January 31, 192. Witness my hand and the seal of the auditor of public accounts the day and year llrst above written. (Seal ) CHARLES WESTON. Auditor of Public Accounts. Bv M. A. Babcocl:. Deputy. Thomas 11. Fell, sole agent. 403 Bee build ing. Omaha, Nib. 'Phone 1631. povroFFiri: .notice. (Should be tcad DAILY by nil Interested as changes may occur ut any tunc i Foreign i.tlls tor the week ending March 23, 1W1, will close (PROMITLY In all cases) at tho Gem tul i'ostomce us follows: Par cels, Post Mulls close one hour earlier than closing time shown bilow. Parcels Post mulls for Germany close at a p. m. on March 20th, per s. t. Barbarossa, via Bre men. Regular nnd Supplementary malls close nt Foreign Branch half un hour later than closing ttmo shown below, Trallx-AthtiitU- MiiIIk, THURSDAY At 7 a. in. lor FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN, POR TI.'GAL, TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO M All OUEZ. per s. j. L'Aoultaine, via Davie mulls for other parts ot Europe must bo directed "per c s. L'AiUltnltie"j SATURDAY At 1:30 a. m. tor EUROPE, per s. s. Campania, via Queunstown; at 7:30 u. in. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. b. Potsdam inuill must be directed "per s. s. I'otsdum 'i. ut & u. n. for ITALY direct, per s s. Alter imall mujt be directed "per s. u. Alter";. PRINTED MATTER. ETC. - This steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers and samples for Germany Only. The Mime class of mall matter lor other purts of Europe will nut be sent by this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing ui the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Mulls nbovc, uddltional supplementary malls are opened on the piers ot tho American, English, French and German steamers, anu remain open until within ten minutes of the hour ot sailing of steamer. Mull fur South mid Central America, West Indies, Hie. THURSDAY At 10 u. m. for HAITA. per . b. Pi Ins William IV (mall for Ourncou, Trinidad, Venezuela, British und Dutch Guiana must bi directed "per s. s. I'nns William IV); at 12 m. for SANTIAGO, per s. t. Santiago de Culm; at "11 p. m. lor NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, Fla. riUDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Ithaku. via Tumpleo itnall must bo di rected "per s. s. Ithaku"). SATURDAY At t:3o u. m. for ARGEN TINE REPUBLIC, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, pc rs. s. Virgil; at 9 n. in. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per s. s. Grenada; ut 9 a, m. ciuppieiuemury 9:30 u. m.) for PORTO RICO tvui tsan . uun VENEZUELA und CURACAO, per s. s. Caracas (mall for SavnniiU nnd Curthn genu must be directed "per s s. Cara cas"!; ut 9:2o a. m. uuppiumentury 1 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS. hT I ROIX. LEE WARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS, and DE.MERARA, per s. a. .Wauluiiu. ul In a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Ha vana; ut 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 u. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JA MAICA, HA VANILLA and CARTHA GENA. per o. u. Altai (mall fur Costa RIcu must be directed "per s. k Altai"), ut to u. m. (supplemental y 10.30 a. in; for HAITI, per u. s. Alp; ut 12 m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. a. Horatio; nt 12:3i) p. m. for MATANZAS. CAI BAltlEN. NUEV1TAS, GIBARA Slid BARACOA. per s. s. Ollnda (ordlnury mull only which must be directed "per r. s. Ollnda "J. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this oilice dally ut C.'Jr) p. m. (connecting close hero every Moiidu . Wednesday and Saturday). .Malls for Mlnuelon. by roll to . Boston, and thence by steamer, close ut this ottlcu dally ut C:30 p. m. M.tiM for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fia., and thence by steamer, close ut this otllcu dally, except Monduy. at "U a. m. ithe connecting closes on Sunday. Wednes day and rridu);. Mulls tor Cuba, by rail to Miami, Fla., and thence by steamer, close at thlfe otlicc every Monday and Friday at "11 p. m. Malls for Moxlcu City, overland, unlos specially uddrosscd for dispatch by xteumer, close ut mis otllce ually at 1:30 p. m. and II p. m. Malls lot Costu Rica, BclUe, Puerto Cor tez and Guatemala, by rull to New Or leuns, and thence by steamer, closo at ihlb olllce dully at "1:30 p. m. (connecting clcscs hero Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cottez and Guatemala and Tuesdays for Costu Itlca). "Registered mall closes ut 0 p. m. previous day. TriiiiK-l'iK'llIu .Mull),, Cltv of Peking. Malls for China uud Japan, via Vancouver, close hero dally ut c-; p. rrt. up to March "19th, inclusive, for despatch per s s. Empress of India (registered mall must bo dlre-jted "via Vancouver", Malls for Auslrullu (except West ,us trulla, which Is forwarded via Europe;, Now Zealand, FIJI, Samoa nnd Hawaii, via San FruncUco. close here dallv at C:30 p. m. uftet March "3d und up (6 March "23d. Inclusive, or on arrival of s. s Etrurin, due at New York March 23d, for despatch per s, s, Sonoma. Mulls for Hawaii, China. Japan and Phil ippine Ikiunds, vlu Sun Francisco, rlosa here dally at ii:30 p. m. up to March "Vsth. Inclusive, for despatch per s . Gaelic. Malls for Austrullu (except West Australia which goes vlu Eurou, und New Zea land, which goes via bun Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vaiienuver ilose here dallj u' 6 30 p. m. ufcr March ".H ai d up to March "30th, Inclusive, for despatch v Mails for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ipplno Islands, via faun Funclvco, close hero dully at 6:3") . m. up to March lbth, Inclusive, for despatch per s. I'OSTOI'I II I o m i: i pr Mle-wera , 'ipptemenUi y malls, via Seattle, clone at f. m Mareh list. . Mm Is for Hawaii, via Aan Fr.inee,i. el ... li. re !aM at p in mi in At rll ' t I 'or despalrh p r s .llarlposa. i Molls fur Tahiti hii Marquesas Wlan.'s. via San Frani laee, clnaw h're dat : I s M p m. up to April lth. Inclusive, fi..,- despatch per a s. Australia. Trans-Pacific mailt are forwarded to p-.rt i of sailing dally ;.id the schedule of !. Ing Is r ranted on the presumption tt their iinlnti-rnipted ovrtland tratksir I Realstered mall closes at . p. m. prcvl- vim un lVttoftlee. New York, X Y., Jlarch IS, l;o;. CORNKI.irS VAN I'OTT. Ptwtmaster HERE'S P0INTER F0R CAPITAL Srtli ltnllocK' Sliuuest lllllni; .Vliin flilncry I'lniit fur This I'll;. With a corner on all lines pf trude In the Dlsok Hills except the furnishlug of the mining machinery. Omaha has a Urge Interest in the business conditions prevail ing in that couutry. The Introduction of the cyanide process ha brought out a large amount of tho chmper ore which It had tint been profttnblo to handlo bctoro and. ariordlnc to Seth Bullock ot Dead wood, who stopped off here on his way easl, the output this year will reach $12,000,000, mi 1 tic reuse of nearly two millions over last year. "Three new cyanide mills are belng erected this year In DeHdwood," said Mr. Dullock, who has been In tho Hilts since the early day. "One. of thetc ls for tho Golden Reward. .Milling aud Mining companv. on 0 for the Imperial Milling mid Mining company and the one for tho Dakota Mill ing and Mining company now In course of construction. The Spcarflsh Mining com pany recently completed a 200-tou cyauldu plant in Calamity guleb. ten miles west of Deailwood. ".Many people arc coming Into tho coun try this spring and tho movement Is already undsr way. The llurlliigton's new lino lo Denver has thrown tho territory open tn the people nf that city, ond many Colorado people are investing about Deadwood. Onu 'otnpany has 1 00 acres of land south of tho Homcsiake and ar. sinking a shaft. Another company has 4 CO acre!) un the west nf the llomrstake and will develop the property at once. We are placed in close connection with Denver by tnc train scrvliu that has been established, and a good Iliad: Hills Interest has developed there. "ny number of Otnahn people own valua ble Interests tliete and arc making good money out ot them. The lltack Hills nra right at the doors of Omaha, and this city is the natural gateway for us. Practically everything we have comes from this city. The onlv exception In this line U mining machinery, and the opening of the line to Denver has brought the machinery of that city Into close competition with Chicago. If there was the opportunity to buy such things here Omaha would tarry off th hulk of that trade, as in all of the othor branches." DISSECT MEDICAL IDEAS Missouri nlle l'li nleliin Meet Here In Thirteenth ellil-.V li lt nil I M'"liin. The thirteenth seml-anmiRl meeting at the Medical Society ot the Missouri Valley will meet at the Paxton hole) cafe this morning at 9 o'clock. The society holds two classes of meetings, that known as thu annual being held each yrar In the fall at Council Ultiris. At these meetings (he routine business cf the tociety Is trans acted. The meetings In the spring ure known as semi-annual, and sre h-1 1 nt different places. At the teml-inn-Jut meetings papers are presented hy mrjiLerrt ot the profession on technical sub jects. The program for tomorrow Includes papers by J. W. Cokenower, Des Moines, la.; E. A. King. Rlockton. In.; II. 1). Jeor wit. Kansas City. Mo.; C. II. Wall tec, St. Joseph, .Mo.: A. L. Wright, Cnrroll. Ij.. O. H. Campbell, St. Joseph. Mo.; lacs; C. I Phllbrlck nnd Emma W. Detnarce, Lincoln; M. F. Wcymann. St. Joseph; A. 11. Somors, J. Cameron Amlcron. J. M. Aiken, Millard Langtcld. D. C. Bryant, J. E. Summers, jr., Charles C. Allison. II. GKford and II. 1' Hamilton, ot Omaha. At" the conclusion of the program a banquet will be spr- j 1. The meeting will bring to tho city about 100 members of the medical profession of the states of Iowa. Nebraska, Kansas, .Mis sour! and South Dakota. SOLDIERS MOVE WESTWARD Three l'ol In This Department .end Troops In the Philip pines. Next Tuiiday a movement of troopr. will begin from thrie posts In the Deparimcn: of the Missouri to San Francisco, whenc they will sail to tho Philippines to relieve volunteer troops which huv been ordered home. The orders sent out from Washing ton affect one battalion o( the First In fantry. Two companies of this remanent aro now stationed at Foil Leavenwoi th. These nre ordered to take tho train Match 20 tor San Francisco and to sail April 5 for Manila on the United States transport Plts p&trick. The other two companies are stationed respectively at Jefferson barracks and Fort Logan H. Hoots. These leave for San Fran cisco at the same time nnd embark nn the transport Logan April 15. Each nf those tour companies has been recruited up to Its full strength of 150 men, which mukes the battalion COO strong. It Is supposed that this body will bo followed within n month cr six weeks by the FIrJt battalion of the Fourteenth cav alry, now in course of organization at Fort Leavenworth. lrlli- a Itli-li Find. "I was troubled for several years with chronic Indigestion anjl nervous debility." writes F. J. Green of Lancaster, N. H. "No remedy helped me until I began using Elec tric Bitters. vvhLn did mo raoro good than nil the medlcinos I evor used. They havo also kept my wifo in excellent health for years. She my Electric Bitters aro Just splendid for female troubles; that they nro a grand tonic nnd Invlgoiator for went., nm down women. No oth'r medicine ca i take Its placo in our family." Try then, Only :0c. Satisfaction guaranteed ty Kuhri & Co. BAIRD SCATTERS DISEASE Munllpuv I'll t lt-iit frmii Piilmrr .llluules vvllli Oniiiliu Peiiple. Three days ago Ed llalrd came to Omaha from Palmer, Neb. Tuosday afternoon ho wis not feeling well and consulted n physician. It was found that the man had u well-denned case of smallpox. Ho was re moved to tho emergency hospltul. Although the man knew thnt smallpox ex isted In Palmer, he says that be had no. reason to bcllevo that ho had been exposed to tho disease. After coming to Omaha llalrd was In several different hotels and restaurants and rode in street cars. "nalrd's caso Is another of tho careless nets of the towns of Nebraska In quaran tining smallpox. Nearly all tho disease, wa have had In Omaha this winter can be traced directly to a negligent board of health In some outsldo town," remarked Dr. J. I). Ralph, assistant to the city health commissioner. "Smallpox patlrnts nre sent In to un as fast as wo discharge peoplu from tho hospital." Leave lliinnlo S I. .VI,, Arrive Xcvs YitrL 7 l.lll A. M. via Ieblgh Valley railroad "Exposition Express.' Luxurious sleeping cars.