THE OMAHA DAILY HEEs T HIT BSD AY, MAHOII 21, 1001. 10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Rumor; of Anglo-Rnulun Clash Help Hold Up Whsat. CORN RESPONDS FEEBLY TO BULLISH NEWS Unto Trntlf .Monti' Local nml ul llrnt), I'liictun t loim Ilrliiit (in erncil by Corn I'ork In (Irrnl rat l'cnturc of Provision. CHICAGO, March 20.-DlstUlctlnK rumors of a clash between HtmllMh unci HuksIuii troopn nlarmfil wheat phorts' today iitul contributed to thn atioiiKth eiiBendorod by Hher biilllHh iiowM, May cIohIiiij 1H1("c hlKhcr. A nhurp advance In May pork, which closed over yrntordny. was a fcaturn of tho day on 'chansc Corn cloxcd unchanged, ontn a phndo hlRher and lard and rlliM 6gV',jc Improved. Irregularity and nervous excitement char acterized tho wheat market nil day. May opened Vlo hlRher lit 7014c to 70e. mainly under prcHBiirc from Hhorts, wIioho fears wore aroused by the steadiness of Liverpool cables, by eotd weather and the small total of northwest receipts. I-oiir wheat, mostly from scalpers, came out In sympathy with tho easiness In corn and May reacted to 'liUc on a dull market. On scarcely any trade and with no added reason for such 11 rt Inn the nmrkei fitileklv rallied to ibliC und then reacted to "liVfcc. At this point It was reported mat kiiriisii mm nusju m tr.mnu linil Mreil nt eneh other at Tlnll Tslll und ttrvoiis shorts rushed to cover, ciiiisIiik u rally to 77c. I.oiirh hit the market on this bulKt! and sent it back to 7i'4 where It Htcndled on llsht primary recelptH, uu Improved export demand for both Hour and wucni, a urop 01 ij points in uiu cunuimui if K'nninnkv win. ill nml n Texas report that the crop of tho I.onn Star state had been almost completely destroyed by the raviiRes of fly. A drop In consols litirliiR tho uftcrnoon caused turther iipiirehenslon over tho strained relations netween land nml Iltissla and tho market became uu IiiiIIInIi. Miiv advancing In snlr Ited fashion to 7Uc 1'rollt-lnkliiK enusod ii Minn II rriietlonnl recession from this, but tho close was strmiR, hlfiher at 7fi7S 377e. New York exporters reported lirteen lnnrlH liiki'ti Hcnhimrd clearances In wheat and flour weio equal to 278,000 bli while primary receipts reached a total of t .....I ...11. nt. imhI !., lnul v.ntir 1111., llllllllll I'll Willi ..." ' inn. SlIuueapollH and Dilluth reported 2iS cars, nirulMHl .".27 last week and Kit a year auo. Local receipts were til cars, none of con- trnf-1 rinle. Com resiioniled very feebly to the bullish spirit of the wheat market at the openlliR. Tho weather was regarded as bearish and as receipts continued to show Improvement In firndo and there were Indications of a freer movement from the country In the near future, tho market eased off durlnR tho forenoon, imino stop-loss orders com tliK out. Tho iiRRressivo bulllshnCHH of tho wheat market later alnrmed a sulllclcnt number of shorts to cause a recovery, but not to the best prices of the day. May sold between 41',(,e and ll'41lltt,o and closed tin chaiiRcd nt lic. Hcoolpts wcro 2."i2 cars, 12 of contract prude. Now York reported C.) loads taken for export, but none was re ported here. Oats were dull, tho trade being local and very light. Fluctuations, such as they were, wero governed by corn. May sold between 2."'.iii25Uc and 25c and closed a shade hlRher nt 2.Vie. Receipts were 121. cars. Small receipts of hogs and higher prices for them gnvo a bullish tone to the pro vision market, wheru a further rise oc curred with tho consequent establishment of a new hlgh-prlco record for the season. I'ork, which was far anil away tho fea ture of the day, was wanted, but there was scarcely any on the market save when shorts raised their bids to a marked degree. May pork opened at J10.tjiWilii.7ri and advanced early to JH'i.'.mi. Uvcii at this price offerings were far from liberal and tho demauil from shorts was so urgent that only snmll recessions occurred dining the remainder of the session, leaving the close li'j'.ie over yesterday at JI0.00, A good cash demand contributed to tho advance In fu tures. I. mil und ribs were mule unlet, but very firm. May lard sold between t7.S2,s mid $7.!wfi7.MVs, closluk fm higher at f'.&Vir 7.S7',i, Mid .May ribs between S7.071S and J7 721,4, with tho closo "Ma Improved at $7.7". Kstlmntcd receipts tomorrow: Wheat, M cars; com, 23) cars; oats, 153 cars; hogs, ttuiio hend. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. High, i Low. Closo. Yes'y. Wheat I Mar. 75H 70 75'4 V$'t 7." April 7.W, 7',i 7.'!i 70 7,"i May 76,Aj' 771; 7014 76Ti,y77 7014 Corn Mar to 10 May iVMt 41ttli 411', 41 4li July UWeS. ItftUSi 4P.J 4l('j Oats Mar. 2IU 2K 21'.', 21 21W4 May KlMlli 2SW.4 '.f. ak I'ork May 16 M 10 90 10 60 10 00 10 S,u .Inly 15 50 15 55 15 10 15 10 15 10 Lard May 7 K 7 87', 7 S2'S 7 R714 7 S2V4 .Inly 7 S7'4 7 S7'4 7 S2'i 7 87Vi 7 S2',i Kept. 7 Vii 7 35 7 S7'.i 7 U"i 7 S714 Hlbs- May 7 07J 7 70 7 fi7'.s 7 70 7 2',4 Sept. 7 0714 " TO 7 05 7 C7V4 7 00 tl.V ni.krl. Sifll" 00. extra India ntess. $lstmfHi( i'iiI meat, ttrnt, plckl'd l.el- Iks, Js.OOIMOno, pickled shoulilers, in.umn.iu; pl.-klnl hams. ft2Mi!7fi I,nnl. ilrm, west ern steamed, x."", reilnni, firmer; conti nent. 10: Hmith America, $9; compound, K 5i!Hr.!i,. I'ork, strong; family, f f.noii l0:4O, Fhort clear, Il5.'f)l7.00; moss, tlS.EfcTf 1R J,. , TAM.OW -Hlendy: city (J2 per pkg). Iici country (pkgs. free), l'fj5Hc. ItlCl-Hteady; domestic, fair to extra, .V.e. III TTHIt-ltecclpts, 0.253 pkgs.: firm; fresh crenmfry. HW(22c; held crcamory, nii I9!4ci factory, lOfiimc. - (MIKUSH-lteeelpts. 007 pkgs.; strong; falter, large, col.ired and white, lliill'fcc; fancy, small, colored, 12Vfce; fancy, small, white. l;12'4". KClOS-Hecolpts. 20.2.T.S pkgs.! firm; west ern, at t.iark, 13c; southern, nt mark, 12ft 1294c . , I'Ot'IiTHY-Allve, actlvo and Ilrm; fowls, IHic; chickens, lo'.c; turkeys, HHc; dressed, steady and unchanged. MIOTAI.S-Tln. In the Iondon market for metals, suffered another break this morn ing. The local situation for that metal held unite firm for the xpot article en a light local demand and less pros.irc to sell, despite the arrivals of nbout ' tons at this port, l'uture options of tin wcro slightly easier, but this was only In a nom inal way. Tho close was firm for rpot ot 25.40, while In London 'he final phases of the market were weak at a loss of KM 6U to .Clll for spot and 111 5s for futures. Kpel ter continues weak at to tone, but business was plow and prices wcro at last iimte.l at &:.X7iVt3.!rJi. 1-oiid was dull and unchanged nt $l.:i?'t. Copper In the local market was without Interesting feature, ruling nom inally unchanged at 17 for Mko Kuprrlor mid $10.02', for casting and electrolytic. Domestic Iron markets, were rathT quiet and In tho absence of business ipintntlonq were more or less nominal nml unchanged. Omaha wnoi.nsAi.i. jiaiikets, Condition of Trade and Uuolntlons on Hlnple nml I'nney t'rodnec. Uaaa-Hccelpts llbcrnl; good Block, LIVIJ I'OULTllY-IIons. V4S7o: young, ttnggy and old roosters. 3U0r: ducks, 6Vi Glei gctse, 0V4i7c; turaoys. iXtic. rilKSU UUIidSUD I'OULTllY-IIons. 7H Gbo; roosturs, 4U6c; ducks, hu8V4oi geese, ijb'.ic; turkeys, lightweight, Duluc; heavy, 7 U&c. UAMK-JIallard ducks, per doz $2.73 3.0); teal, 31.25ftl.50; mixed, Jl.2yul.G0; jack rabiiltN. no sale; cottontails, WMc. 11UTTICH Common to fair, weak at 13c; choice. 1415c; separator. 22c. KHES11 OYSTUHS-l'Irst grade, solid packed, Now York counts, per can, SSc: ex tra selects, 32c; standards. 25c; medium, 20c. BuconU grade, slack filled, New York counts, por can, 10c; extra selects, 26c; standurds, 20c; bulk standards, per gil.. U.25. KUOZEN t'llKSIl FISII-Black bass, ISc; whlto bass, 10c; bluellsh, lie; bullheads, 10c; blue litis, 7c; cattish, 12c; cod, 9c; cropple, 10c; clscoes, 7c; halibut, lie.; herring, 41 j 0c; huddock, lie; nutckurcl, 15c; perch, GW Tc; plcKerel, ,c; plKe, 9c; red Snnppor. 10c; salmon, lie; sunllsh, Cc; binelt3, Wc; trout, 10c; whltellBh, Sc. I'lOKONS-l.lvc, per doz Jl. VKALS-Cholco, 9'tflOc. HAY 1'rlccs iiuoted by Omaha Wholesale liny Dealers' association: Choice upland, J'i.OO: No. 1 unbind. J7.50: medium. r:Mi: coarse, J0.50. Hyo straw, $3.00. Theso prices tiro for hay of good color and quality. De maud fair. No receipts. OATH-No. 2 white, 2So. COHN No. 3, 33c. UKAN-$15. VEGETABLES. SI'INACH-l'cr bu. box. 75c. CUCU.MUEllS-Hot house, per doz J1.D03 2.0O, as to sl.o. I'AHH.NII'H-l'cr bu., 40e. TUHNII'S I'cr bu. basket. 50c UEETS-l'er bu., 40c CAIUiOTS I'cf OU., 40o. LUTTUCU-l'cr bu., 35S40c. ItADlSllKS-l'cr doz., W23IC. l'AHSI.EY -rer doz.. 3Sc l'OTATOES-1'cr bu 43033c; Colorado, $0c. SEED l'OTATOES-Karly Ohlos. 53QG0c; lied Hlvcr Valley. SOc; Triumph, $1.01. SWEET l'OTATOHS-Por, bbl $1.'(5. CAHUAGE Holland seed, per lb lQ2c. TOMATOES California, per 6-basket crate, $1.50. ONIONS-Ohlo. per bu., $1.75. CELEKY California, as to size, 60375c; Kalutnazoo. 25(i30u. CAULIFLOWEIt-Callfornla, per crate. $2.50. MEANS AVnx, per bu $3.50; string:, per bu., $3.25 HOG PLANT Per bu. box. $2.73. PEPPEllS-Per bu box. $2. FUUITS. STUAWIJEKUIES-Floiida, per qt., 35 40c. UllA PES Malaga, per keg. $7.50(39.00. APPLES-Pcr bbl.. $1.25; Washington, per bu. box. $1.75; Hcllliowcrs, $1.90. CrtANUEHKIES-UcK ar.U Uuglo. $D per bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl.. $5.50; per crate. $i. THOPICAL FltUlTS. OKANUES California seedllncs, $2,000 2.25; navels, $2,7513.23. LEMONS-Cnllfornla, extra fancy, $3,253 3.50; choice, $3. 13 ANANAS Per bunch, according to size. $1.7rff2.25. FIGS California, now cartons. 75c: lnv. crs, 65c; Imported, pur lb., 12013c. DATES Persian, in 00-lb. boxes, Salrs, 60 per lb.: Halloween, 5ic per lb. . . .j a .J Mut....... ............ in., idu; in- berts, per lb., 13c; nlmonds, per lb, lSS3)c: raw peanuts, per lb., 6J(5V4c; roasted. 6V40 7V4c: Hiazlls. lc; pecans, l'512c; cocoanuts, each 4Hc. uiwiiu . bii'i iiu, Kreon, 4Hc; No, I salted, O'c; No. 2 salted, 5Uo No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. Sc.: Nn. 2 veaf calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides. KftMc; sheep pelts, 25Q75c; Uorso hides, $1.502.25. No. '. Cash qilotntlnns wero ns follows: KLOUH-Steadlfr: winter patents. $3.onf() 3.S0; Htralghts. $5.2ii3.W; clears. $2.90f:i,;t0; spring specials, $1.20; patents, $3.20)3.75; straights. $3.nof,i:i.3rt; bakers. $2,201(2.50. WHEAT No. 3 spring, C9Ii724c; No. 2icd. 75iii70e. COHN No. 2, 10'Je; No, 2 yellow. 40'4c OATH No. 2, 2.VBf(i2i!c; No, 2 white, 28(f 29e: No. 3 white. 27U'if30c. HYE No. 2. 53c. HAULEY Good feeding, tORICe; fair to choice malting, 4"iit57He. 8EEDS-N0. 1 flax, $l.5l; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.55; prhno timothy, $1.1001.15; clover, contract crude. S10.03f 110.75. PROVISIONS Moss pork, per bbl,, $10.7. 10.SO. Lard, per 100 lbs., 7.fwirj7.S7H. Short ribs sides (loose), $7.0O1i7.75. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $0.nnfj 0.73. Short clear Bides (boxed). $8.00JS.1214. WIIIS1CY Pasts of high wines, $1.27. Tho receipts and shipments today wero as follows Articles. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Itye, bu Unrley, bu Hccelnts, Shipments. 77.1100 40,01)0 1X0,000 49,OOi) 372.0OO 190,000 119,000 311,0(10 12,001) 10,000 ,i;),ooi 4, ww On the Produrn exchange today the but ter market was dull; creameries. 161(210; dairies. IKilSc. Cheese, fairly active, Wu j fie liggs, dull; rresn, tic. m;w yhk ;i'.M:itAii mahkp.t. Cluiitiilloim of the Day 1111 Vnrlmis ('oniiiiodlt lex. NEW YOU1C, March 20.-l''lX5l'H-Hc ce tits. 20.3M hlils.; exports. .1.000 bbls.: ac live and slrotiR on rise In wheat: Minne sota natents. JI.00Cil.:;o: Minnesota bakers. $.1 00ft 3.25; winter natents. I.OOji4.33j winter straights, $3.1.Mj3.05; winter extrus, $2.l3ijp 2.S0; winter low grades, $2.l3fi2.00. Hyo flour, quiet; fnlr to good, $2.M)f(3.15; choice to rancy, w.2uua.ta. iiucKwiieat Jlour, dull, 1 $2.KV(2.15. 1 HUCICWHEAT-Dull nt 0OflG2c, c. I. f., New York. COnNMEAI-Htcady; yellow western, lc; rlty, Mo: llrnndyulno, $3,4352.50. HYE-Steady; No. 2 western, 01c. f. o. b., nlioai; siaie, unduic. c. 1. 1.. ruriots, HAniEY-l'lrm; feeding. 46ft ISc, e. I, f., jvfw iiiru; nmuui, 0.(1 .in;. BAHI.EY MALT Dull; western, C5T72C WHEAT-Hecelpts, :a,4O0 bu.; exports, 172,000 bu,: spot Ilrm; No, 2 red, SITic f. o. b. nlloat anil W4c elevator: No. 1 northern. Duluth, iWHe f. o. b. alloat; No. 1 hard, liu luth. 93Uc f. o. b. alloat, Options had a strong and nctlvo dny on war scares, higher cables, better European ncceptancs anil heavy withdrawals from warehouse llesldes tho nctlvo local covurlng on the news, outstuo nuying was sometnini; of a fonture. Closed stnmg at !jlj?ic net ad vanco; March, SOHItkOe, closed nt WHic; May. S0S,4iSlc. closed at Sttfc; July. M) 7.10fiSHie. closed at Sic. CORN-Heoelpts. OS.ffiO bu.; exports. 202. i)0 bu.; spot steady; Nn. 2, 49o elevator und 4Sa f. o. b. alloat. Option market (.pencil Ilrm with wheat, onsen orr under disap pointing Into cables, but rallied later on big clearances, small estimated receipts nr:d covering; closed steady and unchanged: March closed at 19c; May, I05I0'ko. rloecd ... .17... tlJl-e.' llM'n lr.UA.I ll.!V Itl lll'IL'i UI,IJ, IW7II. .u-v, ,,.., ... -u-w, OATS Receipts, iVS,250 bu.: exporls, 3l,43 int.; spot siciuiy: xvo. .-. uu-c; ,o. j. am No. 2 white. 3JU(f3.H4C No. 3 white. 32o track, mixed western, 30ii31Uc; track wlilie. 3'Jiii30c. Ontlous slow lull steady. imp:-!. -Quiet: state, common to cholco IDvrt irop. l"W20o; lSyj, lUilic. old olds, ?s tc; Pnclllo coast. 1900 crop. 1MI9c; 19, 11 1!'u! (lilt 11 Ids. 2ftl0c. llAY-Stendy; blilpplng, 77MS0c: good to choice. Vijjauc, HIDES-Steady: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., JRflWio: California, 21 to 25 ns i!i'(iui9o HVvns drv. 21 to 30 lbs.. llllllUc. LEATHEH Klrm; liemlock sole. Iltienos Ayros, lif,ht to iicavyweigius, .'ui.'oc; nctu ?SUiJIUe. Tnnvisif)NR llecf. Ktradv: family. $10.50 fflll.60; mess, JS.&V4I3.00; buf hams, U.Gv'u' 77c, on track No. 1 hnrd. 7J',iei No. 1 northern, 7fir, No. 2 northern, . ..jtiW . KI.OPH- First patents, $l.03fll.l5; second patents, $3.9.Vdt.or, first clears, $3.(t3.10; second clears, $2 trf2 lo. HHAN-ln bulk, $13.25113.60. Phllnilrliililn I'rodner Mnrkrt, Pllir,ADELPinA, March 20.-HUTTEH-l'lrm; good demand; fancy western cream ery, 224c; fancy western prints, 22c; fancy nearby, 230. EGtlS-Steady; fair demand; fresh nearby, fresh western and fresh southwestern, 12cj fresh southern, 12c. . . CHEESE Steady but quiet; New York full creams, fancy small, 12tjc: New 'iork full creams, fair to choice, 10i(312c. Toledo II nil 11 nml Seed. TOLEDO, O., March 20.-WHEAT-Diilt nnd higher; ensh, 7Uc; May, iOici July. !', COHN-Dull and firm; cash, 41c; May, 42c; July, I2'ic OATS Steady; cosh, 28c; May, 260. HYE 52c. 1 I'corln Jlnrkct. PEORIA, March 20.-COHN-Steady; No. ' OATS Inactive ; No. 3 white, 27c, billed through. WHIhK Y On the basis of $1.27 for fin ished goods, MlltTntikrc tlrnln Mnrkrt. MILWAUKEE. March 20. WHEAT Dull; No, 1 northern, 70c; No. 2 northern, 71 C(73c. RYE Higher; No. 2. M'.ic. HARMCY-Sternly; No. 2, C3G57c; sample, 40'uGlc. ' DiiIiiIIi (J in 1 11 Mnrket. Dt'I.t'TH, March 20.-WHEAT-Cash. No. 1 hard, TITie; No. 1 northern, 75j,c; No. 2 northern, raWiTS'sc; May, 77'.j)C; July, i8',c. CORN-39C; May, 39!ic. OATS 201 2640. .1H)VUMi:TS l. HTHCICS AMI HIIXDS, I'rltTK Deellne In SpHe of Absence of llenrlsli .MtK. NEW YORK, March 20. Tho mnrket was overwhelmed with selling orders during the enlll'lin it Initnv'tt trmllni? nnd the nhe- notnenon occurred of nn eager unloading of stocks by alarmed holders wltnojt any nau news bearing on tho value of their prop erty to alarm them. Tho hull leaders at tempted for a time to contest the decline anil to (liven ine speculation miu neiv channels. Hut the market was obviously tired and responded languidly to tho manip ulation for the advance. Yesterday s heavy prollt-tf.hlng brought further selling orders through commission houses nnd the bears detecting tho strained conditions In tho market, put out larger short lines. Wlinn tlin linlta tlmilly eeaned their efforts to check the decline prices crumbled rapidly and stop-loss orders wcro uisiougcu on a largo scale. With only a fow exceptions nrlees fell well below last nlcllt. Prollt- taklng by the bears caused a considerable rally in tlio last nour. so tuai iasi pneen iin, lint tlin Inu'iml'. II 1 1 hll 1 1 1' ll lirotlt-tilkltlC was renewed on the advance, making tho I'lnslm- tone lrreii:ilar. Tho tnkltiR or spec ulntlvo prollts In Hurllngton was on at) enormous scale. There was determined support In tho stock at the opening, but the utmost that could be secured for It was 'J point advance, Tho opening prlco was the highest and It was steadily under pressuro for tho rest of the day. except for the covering movement by tho shorts. Tho contest for change of control of this road seems to hnvo been Ineffectual, tho com petitive buying of insiders, which carried tlio prteo to yestcruay s icvci, iuiyuik ik reiited tho ntteiunt. Yet the recorded trans actions in tho stock within a fow days past hnvo been much more than would be sum nlnnt to elininrn the control. The highly speculative character ot 1110 dealings is tlius clearly lituicaieo. An nfrnrr wiim tntifio in Hi1n.s111.1iG 01. i-aui mil Northern Paclllc as market leaders and Missouri Paclllc was marked up very buoyantly to 101. crossing par for tho llrnt tlmo In many yenrs. There was a strong upward movement In Hrooklyn Transit on rumors of ofllclnl changes nnd on buying of ilm mum. elinriii'.ter 111 .Manhattan. Tho steel stocks nil continued strong, the deul lngs being mostly in the trust cortlllcates for deposited stocks. Tho time for deposit expired todny. Ah tho success of tho plan was onvioiiHiy awmireu mem ihb h iuku rnuli In ilminslt utlli-lH. Ho 1 1 111 t tllU CllTlC'll dllllcuttles of the transfer mnko It probahlo that delayed deposits win no leiiicnuy treated. Tho preferred stocks showed greater strength, gains extending to 4tf. MemlinrH of the crout) reacted with tho rest of tho market, but resisted better. There were signs of an effort to shift the speculation from railroads Into industrials, as It Is expected that tho powerful Interests behind the steel deal will support tho now stocks. Tlio prollts or mo syndicate hit uii Tiarentiv to accrue ill inn minim i,i u iw ments of tho new stocks, for which a strong market will Inure to the benefit of tho svnulcate. 1 nero wan no avium u.m news "to account for tho reaction In prices beyond the continued possibility of n cpal miners' strike, tho international Irritation over the situation in China and tho pro i,,,.ii,,i, nf thn Month African wnr. Ster ling cxcliangu was caiieu miu uuiiuk day. In responso to lilgli money rates in I.OUdOU. I liero wan no uiniuiuum:; in i in local money market, notwithstanding tho ,l..,.'u r,nviinlit nil neeollllt (if H II t)SC T I II 1 1 0 11 H to the new Union Paclllc bond Issues, call ing for $,uw. rriiAcn ivnu ii inriiier iii'ciiue in inn na tivity of tho railroad bond market nnd tho nrlco movement continued Irregular. Sales, !,.... .in.. s I'nlted States 3s ad vanced 't nnd tho now 4s nnd old 4s per cent on the last can. .... . Tho following are tho closing prices on tho New YorK siock oxenange: ernl fond, exclusive of the $iri0,000,0m gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, $152,059, 9.10; gold, $93,250,151." ,mt York Moner MnrkH. iiV.W YntJK- Mured 50 MONEY On cull, rather stendy at 2UW3 per cent; last loan. 3 tier cent: nrlme mercantile paper, 31414 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' mils at ii.nck for demand and nt $I.MHfN.8H for sixty days; posted rates, $t.K5fi4.S5V4 and $l.8SV4i commercial bills, $I.S3)i5M.si4. SILVER Bar, OOTic! cortlllcates, 6lSfflc! Mexican dollars, 49c. UONDS Governments, strong; state, steady; rallrond, Irregular. i no Closing prices on uonus louay aro an follows: U. S. rcf. 2s, reg,.106'i N. Y. C. Is 107U do coupon lOO3 N. J. C, gen. bs.-M-i do 3s, reg Ill',; No. Paclllc 3s.... 72 do coupon lll'i do Is It" do new 4s, rcR.138'i k Y. C & St L 4s.l09Ji, do coupon 138'i N. & W. con. 4s.t03'i do old Is, reg. ..113', ore. Nav. Is JI0 do coupon Ill',' do 4s "",l2i do 6l. reg HIUj 'Oregon S. L. 6S.127 do counon ill', do eonsol 6s...UC'j D. of C. 3m. K...iiL iiii, llnir cell. Is.. 9l',l Atchison nen. 4..loi'vit. n. W. Is ioi Si. I, mils Crnlii unit Provisions, ST. I.OIMS. March 20. WH EAT Nn. red, cash, elevator. 731io; track. 75ic; May, nue; .niiy. i.whc; ino. s narci. ie. COHN No. 2 cash.. 39-'iC: track. XOlic: May. S9Te; July. 40c OATS-No. 2, 2G&e; truck, 2H'20Tc; May, D'tc; jiuy, iiftc; jno. . Willie, .s;sc RYE Lower nt 52c. 1'M.Ot'R-Stcinly: patents. $ extra fnncy und struluht. $3,1513.85: clear. 2.70ra ..Ui 1I1W KlllOCB, J.U'X-.LIU. NKijUri i imotny, steady; nvcrago ic. ccliits. $3.ioU l.'W; prltno worth moro; flax, .i..i, , f.i null, i,ui COHN M K A I , S tend v. J2.03. HUAN Scarce, lirmer: sacked, cast track 7"ie. HAY Timothy, stronger. $9.O013.0O prairie, steady, jii.nuvini.oo. vuimk rsteauy ni IRON COTTONTIES-$1.00. RAGGING 7ff7?ie. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS - Pork, higher: Johblnc, $10.K7'l!. Lard, higher, $7.726. Dry salt meats, sieauy: uoxen lots, extra snorts J7.75: clear ribs. $7.77'. : clear sides. Jl. Uncoil, steady: boxed lots, extra shorts. $S.37'i: clear ribs. $S.82s; clear sides. $s.75. iMi;tal,m Lean: 1'irm at i.22i&ii4.2:. Spelter: Dull at POPLTlt Y l''lrm ; chickens, 7H1(8c; tur keys, iifi8o; ducks, 9',sc; geese, IJjoc. Hl'TTER- SteadJ : creamery. 16fi22c: dalrv. Ilii17e. KGGM l'lrm al 10l,e, cases returned. RECEll'TS-Hour. 8.000 bbls.: wheat. 33.- 000 bu.; corn. 41,000 bu., oats, 30,000 bu. on imi t.'vi'L' l.M...... i'iiiTiii . ...i.a.. nun .I11..I l I'm ill. iu.vtv limn,. UUfll. 110.CK.J bu.; com, 81,o0) bu.; onts, 27,000 bu. Liverpool (iialii and Provision,!., LIVERPOOL. March 20.-WHEAT-Spot. Ilrm; No. 2 red western winter, 6s j No. 1 northern spring, (is 3d; No. 1 California, OsIIUd. Futures, quiet; Mny, Bsld; July, 0s tl. CORN Spot, Ilrm; .American mixed new, 3s Ud; American mixed old, 4s Hid. Ku ttttes, quiet: May, 3s lOVid; July, 3a lod; Sep. tember, 3s lOVjd. PEAS Canadian, steady. 5s 7Ud. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, steady, PROVISIONS-Reef, easy: extra India mess, 01s 3d. Pork, steady: prime mess western, Oils, limns, short cut, II to 10 lbs,, Ilrm. 43n9d. Uud, American rellnod, In palls, strong. Ioh'JiI: prlmo western, in tierces, strong, 40s 3d. Bacon. Cumberland cut, 20 to 00 lbs., strong. 15s Oil; short ribs, 10 to 21 lbs.. Ilrm, 43s 3d; long clear mid dles, light. 2S lo 31 lbs., Ilrm. 42s !W; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., lOsdl; short clear backs, 10 to 20 lbs., firm, 39m 3d; clear bellies, It to 10 lbs,, strong. 43s; shoul der, square, 11 lo 13 lbs., firm. 35s 9d, HOPS At London, steady; California, 4; Oregon, r.l Wui lis. Rl'TTER-Dull; llnest United States, 90s; good Pulled States, Oss, CHEESE-DulI; American finest whlto und colored. 4Ss. TALLOW Prlmo city, dull, 24s 6d; Alia trallan In I.ondon, dull, 20s Sd. Kansas City (iriiln nml I'ro visions. KANSAS CITY, March 20. WHEAT May. KSo; July, 0M,4i0Sc; t.aHh, No. 2 hard. OS'Mt70UJ,; No, a. 07',4(i09c; No, 2 red, O'i fj7fc: No, 3, OS fiftle. CORN May. Sl'fi.Wici cash. No, 2 mixed, SiKio: No. 2 while. ;isc: No. 3, 37',4c. OATS No, 2 white, 27Vic RYE-Nn 2. 51Uc. HAY-Chnlcii timothy, $10.50ifll,00; choice prairie. N.wjr.i.ii, HUTTER-Croamcry, I7(020c; dairy, fancy, lOo. EGOS Firm: fresh Missouri and Kansas stock. lOiio per doz.. loss on. cases re turned; now whlto wood cases Included, Mv mote. RECEIPTS-Wheat, 31,400 bu.; corn, I2.m bu.: oats, 1.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, Sl,0o0 bu.; corn, 20,- SO) bu.; oats, 7,oi) int. Minneapolis tirnln Mnrkrt, MINNEAPOLIS. March 2i.-WHEAT- Caali, fiflTSUi "VsOWio; July, 7fl!i , 59 , 91 , 92 03 02'i 45 . 1027! .. 35'.4 .. 7H41 ..110 ..177 ...12St', Atchison do pfd Hal. & Ohio .... Canadian Pac... Canada So Clies. & Ohio... Chicago O. W.. (!.. II. &. Q Clil. Ind. & Ii. do pfd Chi. & E. HI.. C. t N. W...v i'.. It I. & P.. ir r c. fk St. I... 77'4 frnlorndo So 10U do 1st, pfd 43U do 2d nfd 19)i Del. & 1 Unison.. .ItH'i Del. L. & W 190 Denver & R. G... 40', do pfd Erie do 1st pfd Ot. Nor. pfd.... Hocking Conl . HocklnR Valley Illinois Central.. .130 Iowa Central .... 31 do pfd 57'! Lako Erlo & W.. 43Jl do nfd 121 iaKU riuoin .luvi L. & N 991,1,' Manhattan l. 120 Met. St. Ry.. Mex. Central Minn. & St. L do pfd', Mo. Paclllc Mobllo & Ohio... 801,5' 1M i5'4 ;l K) 42 70 M.. K. & T.. do prd N. J. Central,... N. Y. Central .. Norfolk & W... do pfd No. Paclllc do pfd Ontnrlo & W.... Ore. Ry. & Nav Mo pfd Pennsylvania .. Rending1 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rio G. W do pfd St. I & 8. F. ... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. Southw... do pfd St. Paul do pfd St. P. Omnha..l23 So. Paclllc 43' So. Railway ... do pfd Tex. & Pacific Union Paclllc do nfd 85V Wabash V) do pfd.T 35',i Wheel. & L. E... 15 do 2d pfd ova Wis. Central .... 19)i Third A venue.... 121 II. & O. pfd VIM National Tube.. OO'.i do pfd Iltf'.i A.l.m.u l.'v ITl. American iss I'.'i V. S. Kx 2 Wells-Furgo Ex.140 Amcr. Col. Oil... 20 do pfd Amcr. Malting.. do pfd Amor. S. fc R... do nfd Amer. Spirits .... do pfd Amer. S. Hoop do pfd Amer. S. & W. do pfd 10S', Amcr. Tin P.... eivi do prd lit Amor. Tobacco.. .127', do pfd 141 lAnac. Mill. Co... 43V Hrooklvn R. T... Kfi, Colo. Fuel & I... 41 Con. Tobacco 45?i do pfd lO'.i l.'n,I,,nil Rln.d 1R11 do pfd 101 "Gen. Electric. .215 aiucose Sugar..,. 17'. do pfd 91 Inter. Paper .... 22 do pfd 73V Laclede Gas 81V 1 15V National Hlscult. 71Ti miu, no pru :Ki',fc pov 32S1 07i 2li 85 27 67 90 , 17 42 92 12. ..107 . . 24; .. 821 ..112 ..100 4 Its 03 90'', 18S S'4 National Lend... 15V do nfd SI National Steel. 53 "do nfd 115' in. v. Air urnKo.i&s Vn Aitinrlfini 77 Paclllc Coast ... 50 do 1st pfd 90 do 2d iifd 0)' Paclllc Mall 31! People's Gas 10011 a rressod a. t:ar. 77' do pfd.... Pullman P. S. R. & T.. htigar do pfd Tenn. Coal & I. U. S. Leather .. do pfd P. S. Rubber .. do nfd b Western Union. 1B: 31 Kcpunun l. Ai h. . oi! .13 do pril 01 HH Car. 4' 1 10'. 122 6fi 13 73' 19' 51' 87' ''Nominal. Trust receipts. Now stock. a .11 ottered, b isx-d vie end. Tlio Commercial Advertiser's London l tiancial cablegram says: T w stock mar ket here suffered n Kcneral donresMon to day under tho Influence nf tho nows of tlio decllnntlon of tho terms offered for pence In South Afrlcn and of tlio definite announcement that Count von vn dersee had failed to arrange the dllferonccfs nt Tien Tsln. Roth London nnd Paris mid consols short, but nobody tako, n really serious view or me situation, which un doubtedlv will bo settled mnlcnhlv Amcr lean shares began dull, but th.i selling hpro was soon stopped by buying orders trnm jew vorg. especially in rno Atcniiws I'n nn Pac cs and southern nil ways, very steady Improvement ensued ntilll nt tho close the rather bad news from China caused tho market to enso olf. American liridge biocks spurted, ino prerorred 4Vi points to par. on the nnuounc.nicnt lint it would bo Included In tho United States Steel corporation. They are tnlklng nf 110 ror the stocg. iJerun noutint N jrin.'rn ra elllcs. but took nrotlts elsev.iiero in ttie list Of noli! X20.000 Is being exported lo South American points. The call lo?n vato was asiiwi ner cent: to is. r."i per cent. Tho mar ket Is still borrowing freely trim the lank ('iiiidllloi: of tlir Trensury. WASHINGTON. Marcli 20.-Today,-i Mate ment of the treasury bulunces In the gen OMAHA LIVE STOCI MARKET ifht Btotlpti tf OattU and Dtmand Libiral at Stronger Prlcti. HOG MARKET OPENED A DIME HIGHER cry Kerr Sheep nnd I.niuti OITerril Todny nnd nn Pnckers Were Lib eral llujers i;cr (hltiK Sold Linrly nt (iood, Strong Prices, SOUTH OMAHA, March 20. Recelnts wric. I'miii. itmrs Mlu.en uiuciui .vionuny Uincial Tuesuuy 4,1(2 Utncial Wednesday do ndj. 4s 91 Canada. So. 2t. .to1) Ches. & O. l's,..107V do 5s 12IIS, C. & N. W. c. 7s.l40!4 un a e nen. Chlcaeo 07 Colorado So. Is,. 80' O. ,z P.. G. 4s 102! Erie gen. Is 87'i F. W. ,fe D. C. Is.lOlt'. Gen. Elec. 5s 170 III. Centrnl l . Illlt I,, iv i. um. is I, M K. & T. 2s.... SOU, do 4s Ma, St L & I M c. 6S..118 St U& 8 F g. BS..131 U St. Paul consols. lM4',s St 1'. U K 1 1S.II1 Three days this week, an me dus lust week . Same week bctoru ... balnu tlu co weeKs ugo oamo lour tvecas ugo bamo uays last year . Averauu price paid lor hoes tor t ho puai severill uays, wlin eompansons: do 5s So. Paclllc 4s... do 5s..... S. R. ft T. 6s. Texas & P. Is. do 2s t'nlon Pac. 4s.. Wnbssh Is...... do 2s West Shore 4s. Wis. Centrnl Is Vn. Centuries. .120 Vj . . !'2l ..117 .. 50 ..119 .. 9li ..tOfl'i, ..119' ..110 115!4 . 90-V . 95'. U!d. Orrered. Ilcxton SlneU luot nt Ions. ROSTON. March 20.-Coll loans. 3 per cent: tlmo loans, 3!(Jl per cent. Official losing: .. T. & 8. V do pfd Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. Tel.. Hostou Roston W. .... 93V ....iWi! 121 101 ft Alb,y..23IVi liievated.n Hoston & .Mo. H. .t Q Dominion Coal do pfd Vderal Steel do pfd Itchburg pfd.. Ion, Electric . do nfd M. Eleo. III... Mex. Centrul . N. E. G. & C. Old Colony ... old Dominion Rubber Union Paclllc , 195 ..102!,' .. 3Y4 4S I'nlon Land West End Westlngh. Elec. Atchison 4s N. E. G. & C. 5s Advcnturo Ring. Mln. Co Amnl. Copper Atlantic 4Vi 93 02 101 !i os 13!4 21H ..101 32!4 stock lloston & Mont..3j5 Hutto & Hoston. MM Cal. & I!ccla....85S Centennial ... Franklin Humboldt .... Osceola Parrot 24!j'Qulncy 12'j sania r o iop H21.V . .192 ..2)3 ..2oS .. 30 .. 19'4' .. 11214 ramnrnck 1'tnh Mining Winona Wolverines . ... -'', 222 50 ... 80 ... Bl4 ...171 ... SVs ..33S ... 33! .. 11 ... 51 3 1 15 2 . 21 15 !! 5 1 1 21 2 4 3 73 21) 1 Nrrr York Mlniiia Stock. NEW YORK. March 20. Tho following tiro quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con 23 Alien as Rrccco 120 Rrunswlck Con... 23 Comstoclt Tun.,,, j ton. uni. & va...lo Deadwood Tor.... 50 Horn Sliver 110 Iron Sliver 61 I.tadvlllo Con Little Chief .... Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potosi Havngc .., Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard . 4 ,.960 . 55 . 8 . 10 . n . 21 . ,.400 Indicates Sunday. Tho official nnmher nf rnn nf brought In toduy by each road was: Cattle.Hogu.Sh'P C, M. & St. P. Ry.. .. & St. L. Hv 5 V. V. system 19 C. Af N. W Ry 2 IC. & M. V. H. R. 27 C, St. P., M. & O.... 19 U. & M. ll. R. It 11 C, 11, H Q Ry 2 C, R. 1. At P., east Illinois Centrul Ry.... 3 Total receipts 91 Tlio dlsnosltlon of tho day's recelnts was ns follows, each buyer purcnaulng tho num. er ot neuu inuicatcu: 1 in I'm, Omaha Packlnc Co...., ti. II, Hammond Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour is co R. lleckcr Ac Dcgun Vansant it Co W. I. Stephen lvltiKstone & Schaller... Hamilton & Rothschild... H. F. Hobblck 8. Mawlilnney Wolf At Mawlilnney Other buyers London Stock: Quotations, LONDON, March 20. 4 p. m.-ClosIng: Cons., money. .95 13-16 Pennsylvania .... 7R!t do UCCOtint. . .95 15-18 nendlnir 17i Atchlotl 62 lirln MSi Canadian Pac ... 97!4 do 1st nfd 7C'.!i St. Paul 155i No. Pac. nfd Pli Illinois tcnirai. .I4i,'.4 nrnnrt Trnnic n: ixiuixviiin ix'i Anaconda 9: I'll on Pac. bfd... SS .Hand Mlnra Jt N. Y. Central. ...150 RAH SILVER -Steady, 28s ll'.td per ounce. MONEY 3lX4t ner cent. Rate nf din. count In tho open market for short bills, 3H per cent; for three months' bills, SHi per ccni. l'orelmi I'lnnnclnl. LONDON. Mnreli 20 Atnnev n-na Arm nn Increnscd dcmiiud today by the payment of iiiw.iw. nut renewed borrowing from tlie Hank of Kiicland lessened the Intensity of tho preKsuro.-Discounts were Ilrm and were not affected.' There will be a new Issuo of twelve months treasury bills March 30 to meet nn equal amount mnturlng. Ruslness on thn Stock exchnngo was depressed, cs neciai v 111 111c case or consols, owinc 10 the belief that thn prolongation of tho wnr In South Africa will necessltato a larger loan, owing to tlio lateness of the nub ltcatlnn of tho wnr news yesterday. Its full effect was only felt toduy. ICafllrs reacted annieclably. Tho China nows Is not liked and had a weakening Influence. Homo rails generally went down. Americans opened Irregular and rnther easier, lm proved at noon auu wero atterwnni very linn, chiefly on New York buying. They closed below the best nrlces or tho day, rho features wero Northern Paclllc nnd Union Paclllc, The amount of bullion with drawn from tho Rank of England on bal- nnco today was X20.000. uold premium at liuenos -Ayres, 1.2a. Ill; HI, IN, March 20. On the lioitrso today homo funds and lnternntlonula wero main tnlned on tho rumor that n new fssun of nn lmnerlal loan wns upon tho point of con summation. Canadian Paclllcs were In great'demand on the report of tho llno'B nurchaso by tho Morcim-inu syndicate. Alines wero ilrm In nnticltiatlon of a reduc tion in tno prices or iron, wmcn is expected to stimulate rrade. j';xcnango on London aim 43 life !Yr checks. Discount rates Short bills, 4'i per cent; thrco months' bills. 4 ner cent. PARIS. March 20.-Undcr the Influence of the runtiire of nenco negotiations between General Kitchener and General Ilotha there wero heavy sales of Kafllrs on tho bourso today, which caused a sharp rclupso and made a generally adverse impression Later the deellne wns arrested und to ward tho close there was an all around better tone. Rio llntos reacted nnd recov ered well. knfilrs closed unfavorable, Threo ner cent rentes. lOlf 40c for tho nc count; oxennngo on t.onuon, at liftc ror checkH: Spnntsli 4s, 7?.53. MADRID. March 20.-Sponlsh 4s closed today at 79.25; gold wns quoted at 31.55. Ilnnk t.'lonrlntrs. OMAHA. March 20.-Clearlngs. 7R9,958 corresponding day last year, ?93?,201; de crease. J112.303. CHICAGO. March 20.-Clcarlngs. J23.799. 970: bnlanccs. JJ1,092,5S0; posted exchnngo. 4.8iji48!4; New York exchange, 25c dls count. ST. LOUIS. March 20.-ClearInirs. J7.2I9. 839: balances. SI. 518.839: money. 507 percent New York oxehunge, 23c premium bid, 40c premium nsKctt. CINCINNATI. March 20.-Clcarlncs. $2 777,450; New York exchange, 10f?15o ills. count: money. 2'.M0 tier cent. PHILADELPHIA, Mnrch 20,-Clearings, 51B.9:i2.97S: balances, J2.4!).120. NEW YORK. March 20 -Clearings, 1334, 732.307: balances. J14.13I.154. ROSTON. March 20,-CIcarlngs, 127,779,797 balances. j2.20s.O16. HALTIMORE. Mnrch 20,-Clearlngs. $4 002,147; balancea, 411,01!; money, 4Vtf5 per cent Ueeoril Snle on Stock Kiclinnsrr. NEW YORK. March 20. A seat on tho New York Stock exchnngo was sold today for 52,ono. This Is J300 moro than tho pro vious nign price. Wool Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. March 20. WOOL-Qtllet nm weak: medium crndes. 12f(lSWiC: heavy fine, 1012c; light fine, 12ff(15c; tub washed, IS "'liONDON, March 20.-WOOL-The nifer Ings at the wool auction sales today num bcred 10,!WI bales, Tho nttendnnco was largo and competition continued brlrk, Conrso crossbreds wcro in strong demand but sold 5 ner cent below tho last sales Tho withdrawals wero lurcer, amounting to 5,800 bales. Including 1.400 bn es cane ol Good Hope and Nntal, Thn sales iiavo bi'On curtailed again and are now scheduled to closo on March 27. Following are today' sales: New South Wales. 1,7.10 bales scoured, 9VsdMs 5d; greasy. IfilOd. Queens land. 1.400 bales: scoured, it 2.15H8 Cd creasy. 6!41(9Vd. Victoria. 1.190 bales scoured. Silflls 2d: greasy, IVjdJJs. Smith Australia. 1.700 bales: scoured. ;s ldffls 2d greasy, 345iSd. New Zenland. 3,100 hales scoured, 51idt?ls 6Hd; greasy, 3jfi!d. Kalk innd islands, wo nnies; grenBy, ljjuu. Dry GoimIm Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, March 10.-DRY OOODS- A dull market on the spot luis been re ported today tinder unfavorable weather conditions, otherwise business wns or nver ace dimensions. Nn change In nny dcscrln tlon of cotton goods here nnd print cloths continue dull. Men's wear woolens quiet nnd irregular.' In dress goods fair busl uess for fall was done In staplo Hues. SiiKiir Mnrkrt. NEW ORLEANS. March 20. SUGAR Quiet: onen kettle. 3f3ie: open kettle een trtfilgnl. 3V5?4!Jc; centrifugal yellow, 4!i 4 9-pic; seconds. 2ii7):i ls-ibc. Aioiasses, very Etroog; open Kettle. sf-oc. NEW YORK, March 20,-SUGAR-Raw, steady to firm; fair refining. 3V4e; centri fugal. 90 test. 4 1-32c; molasses sugar, 3 9-3.'c; refined steady. ,JU0 9,035 y.uou l,5oli 9,00.) 1,090 8,llJ 4.. 10,2i(i t,WU 9,2l9 9,4 J I 4,1KA) 19.I9S I'.MuS 2S,0li 2j,L 2o,0JI 23,131 24,4ol Id. ill 20,bll) I 1901. 1900.l9.189S.189'.1890.189j. March 1. March 2. March 3.. I I 4 Wi 3 Oil 3 88! 3 491 3 80l iMurcn 4.. 1 5 32-1ii i :i hj, :i mi :i im :i vji 3 91 a,iii.ii ui.i o ou:n 1 ti All. red ... ,. ii.. a -,. .March 7.. March s.. March 9.. Alurcn lu. .March 11. March March lurch Murcll lo. 0 60(, 1 79i a 691 3 081 3 iOj 4 Z Alurch 10. 0 i(s 1 koj 3 Gil 3 701 3 87 3 7J 4 2 oiuicn 11.1 - 1 1 nil .1 bji o 11 a yi J aj March 18. 1 5 55U I 3 581 3 731 3 8S1 3 81 March 19. 0 BU.i I 80 1 3 73 l 3 911 3 74 March 20. j 5 71 1 86 3 6S 1 00 3 07 I 5 22U 4 OSI 3 511 3 781 3 501 I 3 88 I 0 2,1 4 bt) 3 t2 3 8j 3 tl 3 74 3 90 3 2I 3 Col 3 Ml 3 9 u Jl-nl 4 701 3 5ll I 3 UjI 3 791 3 92 o 3i 4 71 3 C0 3 89 3 601 4 0J 0 39a 4 721 3 BJ 3 1O1 3 671 4 W 0 41?a 4 711 3 b8 3 7b 3 U0 3 fell 4 0J .11 iO. I t 73 3 bit 3 801 3 M 3 8I ill 11. 1 5 39T I 3 591 3 VJl 3 C, 3 82 4 10 111 12. 1 6 404 4 70 I 3 71 3 70 3 80 4 10 ill 13. 1 b 4o, 4 791 3 2 I 3 78 3 U, 4 2j ill 14. 6 5o I 7u 3 0;i 3 69 I 3 82 4 24 4 40 4 41 4 30 Cattle. .. 4 ,. 353 ,. 389 ,. tW.I 351 147 21 1 20 10 11 105 X 229 Hogs, OM 927 988 970 1,412 Sh'p. 220 3SI 599 2.1.) 132 Totals 2,321 5.097 CATTLE Recelnts of cattlo today very light, probably owing to a great ex tent to yesterday s storm, and what was reported was lato In arriving. Packers, howevir, wanted tho cattlo nnd bought up what was offered nt cood stronu nrlces nil around. Thero .were only about thirty cars of beef steers on salo today and anything nt nil good was picked up nt prices that looked strong as compared with yesterday. In somo cases wncro tno cat tie just suited tnc buyers, they nald a little hluhcr nrlces than thev did yesterday. Tho commoner kinds were. of course, rather neglected, but at tho samo tlmo they sold fully ns well as they did yesterday. Tho markc on cow stuff was also In good shapu and the, mnrket could safely bo quoted nctlvo and strong. Tho snmo as wiin ucet steers, somo 01 mo moro desir able bunches undoubtedly sold a llttlo hluher than tho same kind of stuff brought yesterday. Cholco heifers In particular sold ai very saiisiaciory prices. xnero was nut mucn cnango noticcnuio in bulls, calves and stags. Thero wcro only a fow feeders In today and the demand was bj indent to tnko what wan ofTercd at just about steady prices. Thero are. quite a few cattle In the hands of yard traders, owing to tno scarcity 01 buyers since tho storm sot In, nnd for that reason thev nro not nnrtlcularly anxious for moro cattle at the present time. Representative sales; REEF STEERS. No. No. 1... 4... 1... 3.... 2.... 1.... 9.... 9.... 17 8.... 20.... 10.... 20.... 10!!!! 5.... 20.... 8.... 45.... 19.... 01.... 23.... 12.... 42.... 5.... 23.... 18.... 4.... 33.... 65.... Av. ... soo ... 905 ...1330 ... 705 ... 910 ...1010 ... 830 ... 710 ...1000 ... 822 ...1057 ...1090 ...1060 ...1101 ...1107 ... 805 ...1001) '.!!iio3 ... 9S2 ...1077 ... 884 ... 750 ...1100 ...1005 ...1015 ...1130 ...1231 935 Pr. 3 75 4 00 4 00 4 00 1 00 I 00 4 00 4 00 1 10 I 10 4 25 1 23 4 25 4 23 4 23 4 30 4 30 4 30 4 35 4 25 4 40 4 40 4 40 I 40 4 10 4 15 1 45 4 15 4 50 1... 1... 27... 25... 9... 1... n ii'.'.'. 23... 16... 23... 28... 27... 39... 8... 8... 2... 10... 7... 40... 50... 29... 53... 28... CO... 30... 4... 34... AV. , 1210 1020 930 , 1519 1083 , 1270 1180 930 , 10SO , 1151 , 1007 , 1232 , 1201 , 1200 , 1058 1130 1195 , 1081 , 1151 1151 1090 1207 , 123S 12:12 1255 1181 1170 11.19 Pr. 4 50 4 60 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 53 t 55 4 00 4 00 4 CO 4 00 4 03 4 t 4 03 I 70 1 70 I 73 4 75 4 75 4 80 1 85 4 90 4 90 1 95 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ,...825 1 30 13 1090 970 4 25 STEERS AND STAGS. ....1362 4 50 STEERS AND BULLS. .... 737 4 10 COWS. ....1090 2 CO .... HOB i W) ....1120 2 75 .... 810 2 75 ....790 2 75 .... 900 2 85 ....1000 2 85 .... 950 2 35 ...,1050 2 90 .... 930 2 90 .... 800 2 90 .... 920 3 00 ....1230 3 00 ....1170 3 00 ....1083 3 10 ....1120 3 10 .... 973 3 10 ....1170 3 13 . 970 :i 15 .1000 3 15 .1023 3 20 .1070 3 25 . 989 3 25 .1015 3 30 .800 3 10 . 9S0 3 40 7 1005 3 10 1 1010 3 15 1 1050 3 50 COWS AND 1... 3... l!! 5... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 5... 0 1 3 1 1 3,'.l!ii! 3 si 2 1 ...1020 ...1140 ...1072 ...1410 ... 840 ...1180 ...1010 ... 930 ...1041 ...114.1 ...1195 ... 950 ...lllil) ...1010 ...1053 ...1305 ...1057 ...1088 ...1400 ...1075 ...1140 ...1155 ...1003 ....1000 ...1230 ... "20 ...1490 ...1111 ! i:il0 HEIFERS. 1 4'.'.! 1... WW 1... 1... 3,. 3,. 6.. O 2l!; 7.. L. 14 3 4 10 I....'.'. 25 U... 10... 23... 1... 2... 1... 3... 839 3 75 1... '800 733 500 820 090 713 030 030 900 1390 1090 1310 ,1300 1143 1593 1310 1380 1270 1OS0 1490 1000 1000 HEIFERS. 2 30 2 50 75 3 m 3 00 3 25 3 10 3 60 II.... 38.... 4.... 7.... 10.... 1.... 4.... BULLS. 1.. 200 190 180 135 120 1 1 1 1 1... 9... 4 .1370 .1320 900 980 16... 4,. 3 00 3 10 3 50 3 75 STOCK COWS 905 2 85 550 3 15 STOCK 200 2 00 310 3 00 STOCKEHS 520 3 () 400 013 6S1 807 910 738 820 2 SO 2 80 2 85 2 90 2 93 3 20 3 00 3 00 3 0i) 3 15 3 25 3 25 3 "5 CALVE8. 5 00 1.... 0 00 2,... 0 75 1.... 0 25 1.... 6 50 1.... HTAUS. 7.... 1.... 1.... 1..., AND 800 752 753 805 877 659 , 010 795 1210 1100 1730 1580 1170 1520 1450 920 1720 .. 910 ..1480 .. COO 4 55 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 SO 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 00 3 00 3 65 3 7(1 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 80 3 80 3 SO 3 h.r 3 83 3 90 3 90 3 90 4 00 4 03 I 03 4 10 4 23 1 23 3 50 3 75 3 75 :i M 3 80 3 S5 3 90 3 95 3 23 3 33 3 33 3 33 3 40 3 40 3 50 3 60 3 00 3 73 3 75 3 80 80 120 170 210 200 0 50 0 75 0 75 C 75 6 73 13S0 3 90 1030 4 10 820 i 10 1530 4 23 HEIFERS. 1 BID :t 30 2 493 3 10 CALVES. 1 440 I 50 3 C5 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 03 I 10 4 10 AND 20.. 0,. 6., 21. , 0., n 40'.! FEEDERS. 703 710 010 972 993 840 840 777 4 23 4 25 4 25 I -M 4 30 4 20 4 33 I 35 2 . ... 910 I 10 32 .........IOCS 4 33 2 . 970 I 20 31 I.g 4 43 5 . ... 608 4 33 HOGS -Thero wn.i n very light run of hogs hero teday, and a number of the trains were late, which still further reduced the supply un salo at the opening of the mar ket Trading hero started out on a basis of a 10c advance. The long string sold ul J5.70, with the belter grndes going nil the way from J3,72'4 to J3.7iVs. Tim lighter weights sold from $3.70 down. It was a fairly uctlvo market nt those prices, and the hogs were soon sold. Taking quality Into consideration the market today was a big dime higher than yesterday. Tho last hnlf of the market did not show much of any change. Tho trnlns kept ar riving nil thn morning, und buyers bought tho hogs nbout as fust ns they arrived, the long string going nt J5.70. Somo ot the lighter weights were neglected and left until the last, us packers do not seem to want that kind. Tho extremo close was a little weak nnd It took pretty good hogs to lirlnc Jl.i.70. The latest arrivals wero very slow In changing hands, ns sellers were holding ror tile morning prices, licprcsenta No. Av. 8h, Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. II 100 ... 5 00 CO 221 ... 5 70 17 20S ... 5 m 79 213 ... 5 70 60 1SI ... 5 60 OS I9J ... 5 70 72 218 200 5 07'i 70 211 ... 5 70 88 180 ... 5 C7!4 78 203 80 5 70 77 233 100 5 70 C4 212 ... 5 70 01 210 ... 5 70 81 213 40 3 70 69 235 40 6 70 C7 210 ... 5 70 58 232 ... 5 70 8S fl 140 5 70 83 185 ... 5 70 61 235 ... 5 72' 80 213 ... 6 70 70 211 ... 5 7214 77 223 210 6 70 09 201 120 3 72S 01 240 ... 5 70 71. .....211 ... 5 72(i 07 231 40 5 70 25 257 ... 5 72Vs CO 219 80 5 70 61 239 40 5 72'i 41 203 80 5 70 (12 230 ... 5 72' j 02 237 40 5 70 03 22.S ... 5 72Vj 01 215 ... 5 70 HI 252 40 5 72 14 70 230 SO 5 ill 71 219 ... 6 72'j 37 20.1 120 5 70 50 279 80 5 72'i 71 220 ... 5 70 60 210 ... 6 72'a 83 220 ... 5 70 BJ. .....250 ... 5 72U CO 230 80 3 70 59 233 ... 5 72U 71 213' 10) 5 70 70 25.1 ... 6 72's 93 2I0 ... 5 70 77 23S ... 5 72Vi 00 200 SO 5 70 70 233 120 6 75 57 229 ... 5 70 68 282 ... 6 75 85 180 ... 1 70 00 23 ... 5 75 05 251 40 5 70 32 291 ... 5 75 01 291 40 5 70 01 21.' ... 5 73 47 238 80 6 70 71 211 200 5 75 ' 227 ... 5 70 03 24S 40 5 75 63 210 100 5 70 03 200 ... 5 73 61 233 SO 5 70 69.... ..271 80 5 73 60 210 ... 6 70 61...... 272 ... 5 77 4 M.?,i , -'i!11' u"'f,r!,i Mn'. nml Jnne. 4 40.6 Id, cIIcm, June nnd July, .139.1,11 4 10-Kid, buyers, July nnd AuguM, 439-r,(i 4 4i-6ld, sellers; August and September. 133-oid. sellers: September, 4 :M-C4d, M llcrsi Orlober, g. o. i'., I 13-Old, viilur, October and November, 4 9-Old, buyers; November nnd December. I 7-6lfT4 8-flld, value NEW ORLEANS, Mnrch 20.-COTTON -ISiihv. sales, 4.6RO bales; ordlnnry, Oei good "dltmt.v, 6 11-IOc; low middling, 77-lScj m ddllng. Sfi-lOe; good middling, MiOi mid dling lair, 9 1-IOc. nominal; iccelpts, S2( bales: stock, 320.S20 bales. Futures steady, '.; l.J'u 5fic; April. S.U1S.13C; May ;v.u,!" 1 mil Sic; September. 7 .It fi 7.33c; l)c ober, i.1,N7.1!c; November, 7.097.Hci December, 7.07u7.0,)c. sr. i.nriu. il-, if ,tnvrri middling, 8 9-160; rece'pts. 73.812 bales1 Ml,l,nl,n,s bales; stock, GALVESTON, Nominal at 8ic. Mnrch 29.-COTTON - 63. ill SO 5 70 SI IEEP There were nnty n fmv Hlieen nn sale this morning, nnd as a result the market ruled uctlvo nnd stronger. Somo Nebraska lambs sold as high us J3.23, which s the highest prleo paid for that class of lambs In some time. Wethers sold nt $4.03, which was also a shade stronger than tho same kind have been selling for. Ewes brought $1,15, which, taking quutlty Into consideration, was fully oh good as yestcr day s prices. Tho light receipts soon brought the market to a close. ytiotntions: Choice led wethers, Jl.loff 4.C0; fair to good wethers. $4.J3Jf4.40; cholco III? II t Wllcrll t 1nnllirc l (?(V,i I IA. tn I n good yearlings, $1.40'? 4.60; choice lightweight .-..v.,, .oi.iu'ifi.oii; lair 10 K0011 owes, j..'1'ii 4.1o: choice lambs, $3,131(5.25; fnlr to good lambs, $I.90'-Ii5.15; feeder ewes. $.).2'.t3.cO; leeoer woinerM. s.i.7iv,i i.m!? feeder iritnim $4,301(1.60. Representative sales: No. Av. IT. 10 western ewes 107 Jl 13 181 western wethers 90 4 23 201) western wethers 121 4 63 1 western venrllnir 1.10 4 73 228 Nebraska lambs 87 5 23 (1 euii ewes 110 ?2 so 17 western ewes 88 3 80 23 cull lambs 50 4 00 69 westenrycnrllngs 91 4 00 91 western lambs 03 4 75 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cnttlc, Sherp nml Hogs All Ten Cent llluher. CHICAGO. Mnrch 20. ( 'ATTI.E Recelnts. head, including 300 head Texnns; gen erally loo higher; cow mnrket stendy to stronc: Texuns. Ilrm: cood to nrlme Hteers. $l.83fi0.00; poor to medium, $3.70fI-I.S0; stock- crs unu rcedcrs, steady, J2.8.vu4.(u: cows, strong, $2.70C Mo; heifers. $2.75fa'l.05; din ners, $2.OO&2.05; bulls, stonily, $2.03T(4.30; calves, steady, $l,50f0.00; Texas-fed steers, $l.o0fa3.00: Texas grass steers, $3.401.00; Texas nuns, Jj.60fi3.75. nous Receipts, 20,000 hend; tomorrow,' !0.000 head, est mated: left over. 2.000 head: active, 10c higher; top, $0; mixed und butchers, $5.75S5.97'.t!; good to cholco heavy, $5.9Ofi0.on; rough heavy. $5.75ii5.83; light, $5.75175.83: bulk of sales. $3,871-1(3.93. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, II.OK) hend; sheep und yearlings, strong to shado hluher: lambs, active, loo hluher: cood to choice wethers. $l.8O!3.00; fair to choice mixed, $1.50'u I.8D; western sheep, $I.SiWi5.00: ycMr'Ings. $l.73ij5.1p; native lambs, $l.i5ij 6.15; western Iambs, $5,10fiu.43. Knnsna City Live Stock Mnrkrt. KANSAS CITY. March 20.-CATTt.E-Ro- celpls, 3,600 head natives. 1.300 head Texnns, 160 head calves; heavy natlvo steers, slow; Blockers und feeders nnd Texnns nnd cows, stendy to shado higher; natlvo beef steers, $4.50iC50: Blockers and feeders, $3.8oji3.nO; fed westerns, $l.25'sr3.00; Texuns and In dians, $l.00'!(-l.83; cows. J3.105j4.23: heifers. $3,255(4.85; dinners, $2,351)3.00; bulls, $:i.00'u 4.23; ciilvcs, $4.00,',j(i.33. HOGS RecelptH, 9,600 head; market TiWlOo higher; top. $3.87',; bulk of sales. $3,701(5.80; heavy, $5.SOfj5.87Vi; mixed packers. S5.70U' 5.80: light, $5.10515.77!: pigs. $l.7O'i(3.S0. SHEEP AND I.AMIIS-Recelpts, 2.500 head: market strong; western lambs, $3,101;; 5.30; western wethers, $I.IOTil.7.i; western yearlings. Jl.&flr,i;.0i; owes, ji.ooyo.uu; onus, $2.05 a 3.73. St. I.onln Live Stock Mnrket. rm , m,iu ii....l. nn riT1r.l.- Tin- ni, i,uuiu, i.iui.ii . .... ... celpts. 1,000 head, Including flfo head lex- nus; marital, steady to simiiK; iiniivn mnii plng and export Hteers. $l.80(5.85; dressed beef nnd butchers. JI.OiKn5.25; steerH under lbs., $3.hortM,50; stoekers nnd feeders, . .f ... " , . ha. 1 r. ........ 40'tf l.uU: COUH auu neili'ie, -.wiii.ii-, i.,iti- ners, $1.2S?2.S.ri; bulls, .ii'jh.(j; Texas ami Indian Hteers, $3.405KS0; cows and heifers, $2.6oii:;.S3. , , . HOGS Receipts. 8 900 bond; mnrket lflo higher; pigs and lights. $5,70y5.80; packers, J5.7iWi3.85; butchers, $5.9O4O.O0. SHEEP AND IiAMHS-Recelpts, 400 head; market, stendy; native muttons; $l.2oiff ..5; lambs, $1.35376.25; culls and bucks. $2.6000: Clipped wesicril hlieup unu juiiiiuihoi i.i 4.85. fit. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. cniTTn !' .tnsF.PII. March 20. (Spe cial.) Thn Journal quotes: l .vniir, Hcceipi, iii-im. mnu., weak; natives. $1.10175.20; Texas and west- --nr. iiii mifl linlfnrs. 4.55; bulls nnd sings, 1.75; yearlings and calves. .l.u.m l.oo; mui-m-in mm iwi ? ' . V ..i'n ..I., tl 7".7 fill crs, .-..-, ..v. HOGS Recelnts, 3,3oo head; mnrket 10c higher; all grades, $3.07"..f(3.9i); bulk of sales, $5.70fl5,77',; PjP.s steady. , enn head; market active and steady; lambs, $LJ0 (q.i.2o; yearlings, i.i7fi.vj, numcm, ,,.,u 4.75; owes, jj.&jIH. in- EMiiminted nml Dried I'rultn. imaeaYlK'' -March 20. EVAPORATED j! AI PLES-Moro or less apathy was preva lent lu evaporated apples all through tho session and prices were unchanged. State, 5cV,V!:!;cvffeio.Tc,me 4H4Ci c!,olco' 6W CALIFORNIA' DRIED FRUITS-Mnrket ruled dull and featureless at Unchanacd prices on the basis ofi3i4'i(7o per lb.. ! K sir.o ami quality. Apricots, Royal, TMMIe; Moor Park., Peaches, peeled; ISUif 20u; impeded, SVjfllOc. a" Oil nml Renin. OIL CITY. Pa.. March -Credit balances, $l4: cortlllcates. no bid; shin ments. S2.:tl0 bbls.; nverage, S9.813 bbls': runs. IOi.52.8 bbls.; nverngc. 85.1S2 bhH NEW YORK, March 20.-, m.S Cotton seed, dull nnd strong; prlmo crude, IMc; prlmo yellow, 33I733V;c. Petroleum, 8tead Rosin, (inlet. Turpentine, steadv. LONDON. March 20.-OlLS-I.lnsccd, 2m G?2fs 3d. Turpentine spirits, 20s n'id. , LIVERPOOL, Jlurch 20.-OIL-Llmcetl. 21s. Xetv York Live Stock Mnrket, ,..iir vniil? M,,,.l, "fl Ill.:i.-A'H;S lle- J', lUIIII) .ii... , , , celpts, 2.030 hend; steers nominal; bulls nml cows Ilrm to 10c higher, bulls. $3,150 .2oj cows. $2.10173.80; extra fnncy, $4.2j; cables unchanged; shipments, 430 caUle, 10 sheep and 2,000 quarters of beef. CalvcH, receipts, . m -- t 1 . . noil ulnriilli tn flttl1 a,2.i neati; iiuiiy m m" him. , veals. $1,004(7.60: choice veals. $i.75. S1IEEP AND LAMHS-Hecclpts, 9 092 ,"'.,V i. 0i,n. i fmifiS 10i en H. J3.0f lieilll. Olll I'l', o. ........ v.",,-.- mr, (!i3.75; Iambs, $5,5040.20, mainly nt $,i.i51f! 0.15. HOGS Receipts, uenci; unu 111 i w (Qfl.23; cholco state. $0.30. Stock In Slulit. Following aro tho receipts nt tho four princ.,..,. .- flawp Soith Omaha 2..J Chicago M.wj; K-arisas City .W LOUIS St r, mo 20,fKK) 9,000 S.9M 4.500 14.000 2,500 400 Totals ..21.700 43,500 St.100 Ciitlon JIiu-Ket. NEW YORK, March M.-fOTTON-' ho niarket oin-ned enry at a deellno of 1 0 its, cableH being dl"Vfl2,nt,n'f. ns tl Uy Ironeral Inlluences much the same ns inty wero yes eniay, when they wero generally acWerse About the only Htipport tho mar ket had" ws derived from covering by con ....... Tiii.. uimriH but ns a class tho 'ocal n'lers wero moro inclined to sell with a few feeble, rallies nt long Intervals, tho market gradually declining until u loss of MM" tiolnts wns" scored. There was less pn Ssuro In tlio way of llquhlatinu nnd on the comparatively low prices-tho lowest tor mo y inonths-thero wns Homobnylng for ln.?g account. Hut most of the tlmo the mark, t was small, with trading eonllned I o room operators. Indle.a Ions of con tinued heavy port und Interior receipts nnd further adverse accounts from cotton grods gave a weak undertone to tho general situ atlon. Tho closo wus quiet at about lho lowest point of the ilny, tho net decll'.w being 4113 points. Spot closed quiet nnd 'io Tower: middling uplands. 8 7-lflc: m il dllng gulf. 8 11-IOc: sales. 3,100 lmls, l u- Hires closed quiei aim muuuj ; .uuini, o.-.-i, April, 8.(00; Mny. S.OIc; Juno. 8.0,5; July, 8 07c: August. T.k-ic; tjeptrmner, i.iic; 'ii' 7.37e. November, 7.2!o; uecciniisr, i,.jc. ... T I'lVERPobu March 20.COTTON-.Spot, modaratn business nnd prices ci; an Amcr can middling. 4 25-32d; mi es. 8 000 bales, o which 6ft) wero for speculation '(lid exiiort and Included 7,000 bales American: receipts, 12.000 bales. Including 7.800 American Fu tures opened and closed quiet; American middling. I. m. , March. 4 7.0ld. buyers: March aiid ApJ II, 139-ld, belles; April und MiimIcIiiii Coiinnltn Suicide. ST. LOUIS, Murch 20.-H. Charles Humphries, tenor singer, lender of tho choir nt tho Second Baptist church, and a well known society man, committed Htilcldo In his studio today. No eatlso for tho act Is known. Tho revolver with which the deed w;ns committed wns found lying besldo tho singer's body, which hnd fallen In rrotit of the piano. Llfo was extinct when tho Janitor discovered the body. A scaled note, addressed to tho dead man's widowed mother, wns on the stand nonrbv, with nr. other to thn Janitor, asking him to deliver tho llrnt. Mr Humphries, who was 32 vears 'of nge. well known in mimical circles throughout tho country us an oratorio singer of ability. Ho was unmarried. THE REOII'Y .MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wcdiies dny, March 20: 11 Wrrn ny DeeiN. South Omaha Land company to II. C. Phllikett, s 45 feet lot 2, ali lot 3 11 IS feet lot 4 nnd h 60 feet lot 6, block 37, South Omaha $ 3.000 W. II. Male to J. N. Mnrsh, lot 6, blnrlc 2, Sherwood's subdlv 1,000 W. II. Green nnd wlto to William Van llynlng, lot 3, block 15. 1'ntrlck'u 2d add sm) C. U. Mathowsou nnd wife to II. P. Mathewsou, lot 20. Windsor Place.... S.ooi) F. A. Rlrnoy nnd husband lo G. W. Clark, lot 1, block I, South Omnhn... 1,800 J. A. Hoggins and husband to Maggie Larson, nVa lot I, block 1, Donccken's add . aw Omaha Realty company to Ernest Sweet et ul, lots 27 to 32, Lllko & T.'s add 1,500 Georgo Helmrod, executor, to Louis Rnapkc, ne'.i sw'.I, hwU se'i nwU 9-13-12 2,S.'3 (lull Claim Deeds. Lodusky McManlgiil and husband to Fremont Realty company, sw'i 15. lots 5 nnd 0, In 10; lots 1 and 2 nnd Island No. 7. In 21. n'. 22. sw'.I 22 and nw'.i 23. nil In It!-!) Same to C. M. Hell, same P. L. Porlne, trustee, and wife to N. A. Eklund, lot 20, block 9, Rrowu park Deed. Sheriff to Tukey ,fc Allen, lot 17, block 8, Clifton IIIII '.'.000 1 1.550 Total amount of transfers $23,227 "St. Louis Cannon Ball" Leaves Omubu, 5:15 p. m. Council Bluffs, S:20 p. m. c 'Kansas Gity & Quincy Express Leaves Omaha, 7:00 n. m. Council Iilu!Ta, 7.15 n. ni. Tourist rntes now on sulo to Arkan sas, Florida, Cubi ami otUor winter re torts of the south, lIoineseokcr'H ox curhlons 0110 fnro plus $2 for tlio round trip, on Kitlo llrst nml third Tuesday cneh month to ninny points south. All Information nt city ticket cilllcc, 1115 Kurnum street, (I'iixlon hotel block) or wrlto Harry E. Moores, C, P. & T. A.. Omaha, Neb. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vizor and Manhood Cure Impoteocy. Wight Emissions, Loss of Mem- .ory, nu wu&uuk uibciisub, alloitecisoi veii-numo or mirpis and indiscretion. A nerve tonlo ud, Lblooil bulldor. Brlnge m. m the pink r!ow to pale 60 PILLS 50 CTS. 1 - kw rboeU and restores the lyij)ttk.nce of youth. By mall ffl,VH N5o narboi. O boieu for $3.60, with our bankable Knurantee to cur or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our banknblo gnnrantco bond. EXTRA STRENQTH Nervita Tablets tl(i Dranlla Positively pist-mitped euro for Loss of power, Varicocele, UndeTOloped or SlirunUen Orttans, Taresls, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous 1'rojtwi tlon, Hyatorln, Fit3, Insanity. I nrolysls nnd tno Hesults of ExcmiIvu Ubo of Tob.Hceo, (ilum or Liquor. By mall In plain piicltnco, $1.00 a box, O for S3.00 with our bankable irur ntee bond to ottro In UO doys or refuna money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A. jfifioor , rMicACO, ILX For aato by Kuhn Co., IMh and Douftiu; Bt.. Omafia, Neb.; (loo. b. IJavIu. CouneU llluffa. lowb. Men Suffering from Iom of nm'ouj force often owe tlielrcoudltlcu to youthful iRiiorauce that fearful enemy to health. It Is the business of clencc to repair the damage earned by the thoughtlec practices of youth. Nervous Uebillty uever Rets xrrll of Itself. Its victims drag throueli a miserable existence, weak, listless, despoudent. literally feed the htuiury nerves, jrlvlnrf them the' precUe luKredleulu de manded by nature. This vronderful remedy cures Nervous Debility, stopi all drains, replaces waited tltsuen, senda rich, warm life blood tir.Klinn throuuli every pnrt, malzlnrr every 01. van act and causing you lo clow with Health. 1 (Yl tir hnr fllintea fwlth euaran- tee torure), J5.0O. Pook free, I'kal MmnciNi! Co. Clevrlnnd. Ohio, I mnlA by Kunst A Co.. lit l. and DougUW, hbU M. A. Dillon, noutli omacsw " jWsT.b 0 YFaloT"' Telephone 10IIO. O11111I111, .eb. COMMISSION, blOCKS, it.n, I'HOVI.SIIINH mill 11,111 ni nt Trinlp. Correepondence: John A. Warren & Co Direct wires to Chicago and New Yorlr