THE OMAHA DAILY HE K: WEDNESDAY, MA IIOIT CO. 1901. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement for these columns rrlll lie likrii nnCll 12 ni. for (ha YcnIur edition nnd nntll S ill) 11. in. tar morning nnd fiunilnr (Jlllon, Ilntea, 1 l-i!o n word first Insertion. 3c n rroril thereafter. Nothing Inkvn far less llinn 23a fnr the first tnscr t'an. These nil vrrlltcmciiti most b- van consecntl vely, Advertisers, by ren. iicntlna; nim tiered check, can linre answers ad dressed to A numbered letter In cure t Thf lice. Ansrrer no addressed trill be delivered oa presentation of t keek only. WAXTEIJ SITLA 1'IOAS. J IHST-CLA88 dressmaker will sew by day, reasonable. 621 S. 19th. A-M231 21 WAMED-MALU HELP. .WANTED, wo have steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and appear anco. C. l' Adams Co., 10u5 IluwarU St. 11-213 ZIAHUEH tndc taught thoroughly In short time, catalogue Sc particulars freo. West ern Harbors' Institute, Omaha. Neb. 11211 WANTED, good solicitors and state audits, Insurance men preferred. Call ut 317 N. Y. Llfo UlUg. U-M1S0 22 WANTED, n traveling salesman; good posl Hon to rlKht party. Address or cull at Hi N. Y Mfojllde 11-M1I8 22 '.WANTED, men to learn barber trade; only M wrrUm rcoiilrcn' : biivn iiosltlons IMVltlg lir. v.oliK- wiiillnir erudiiiitcs this stirlng: comparatively little expense. Wrlto Moler iiarucr college, Vizi l uriiiun si. U-M133 2U WANTED. tlrst.clnM salesman tn Bell and take order., for lightning rods. Edison Hod Co.. Lincoln, Neb., bux &2t. H-MI3S 20 WANTED, bookkeeper. competent, to handle complete set of books; give age, experience und salary expected. M 1, llee. U-36S-20 RAt.KHXf EV wanted tn noil our coods by sample to wholesale and retail trade. Wo nrn (hi, liicri'Ht unit nn'.v manufacturers In our llnu In tho world. Liberal salary paid. Address Can-DeX Mfg. Co., Suvan nali. Oa. U FIRST-CLASS salesman In every city mid county. Apply or address 650 Humge Illock. Omaha. H-.M377 2"' WAVrHD-FEMALE HELP. WANTED, 200 girls. 1S2I Dodge. Tel. STC. C-213 tJ girls wanted. Canadian omcc, 1C ! Douglas C 211 WANTED. Indies to loam lialrdrcsMng. manicuring or facial tniiHsagu; only four weeks required by our method of practical experience: expert Instructions, lectures, etc.; splendid demand for graduates; last week we nlaced live ulrls at S12 Weekly: busy season soon; call or write for cata logue at once. Moler College, 1623 Furnam St. i .MJJ'l i'l' WANTED A Swedish woman ns house keeper; good wages und good homo to the right, party. 1511 N. ISth St. C-3-l9 FOU HUNT HOUSES. IP you want your houses well rented placs mem wiin uenuwu ; v.u. u.u ALWAYS moving, II. II. onicc, 131Hi Faruam St. goods. Pianos. xei. imi or ka D-216 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city. Ilrcnnun-Love Co., 320 So. 13th St. D-217 HOUSES, stores. Bcmis, Paxton block. D-21S BEE HENKY D. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. D-219 HOUSES, etc. F D. Wcad, U2I Douglas. D-200 HOUSES ana flats. IUngwalt, Barker llllc D-2S1 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown Illk. D 253 GOOD six-room fist, city water in kitchen, 2319 N. 21th st., 110. Omaha Loan & Trust Co.. 16th and Douglas. D M310 FOUll-HOOM modem flat. 1112 8. Uth. D-M63il EXP. Del. Co., moving. Tel. 1193. 211 N. ICth. D-W A7 1-ItOOM modern Hat: well located; largo rooms. Kenuurd & Son. 310 Drown Illock. D M'Cj FOIt KENT, residence. 1056 Georgia avc., corner Pacific, 10 rooms, attic, buscmcnt, east front, modern and extra conveni encer; lot CfixHO, with trees. InnQIro 311 First Nafl Hank Hldg. D Mils 22 e- 1005 N. 23D ST., f rooms, city water, sewer and closet, J15. Tho Ilyron Heed Co., 212 S. Hth st. D-M29I l'OH RENT, new 10-room house, north part city, wuter nnd gas. near motor nnd school. Enqulro W. I. Klcrstead, Room JOG, City Hall; rent, J25 month. D-MfSS FOR RENT, boarding house, 16 rooms, good location. Inquire IOCS Davenport street. D-3G3-20' FOR RENT. 1027 N. 20th St., S-room modern house, 20. 2116 Spencer St., 10-room modern house, $30. 2211 N. 20th St.. 10 rooms, modern house. $20. 2125 Lake St., S rooms, modern house, JIG. U24 Wirt St., 10 rooms modern house & barn, $50. 1914 Ilurdettc St., 9 rooms nfoilern house, ir. SlH No. 39th St.. 8 rooms modern hnimn f. 2010 N. 27th St.. S-room house, city water, $13 :i. uaiuwcu, s-room uouse. city water. $10 vHKENNAN-LOVE Co!. 3C9 So. 13th St. D 33C-2I KOIt KENT Ft'U.MSItEU UOO.MS. STEAM heated rooms at The Thurston. E-253 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam, E-2J6 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. J6 up. 2ei St. Mary's. E-M9I7 All' ROOMS. 1906 gnpltol Avc. E-SS7 19 SUNNY room, newly furnished. 623 N. 19th HI. Ii M2iW 23 Fl'RNlSHED rooms for light hotisekcep Ing or without. Apply to 2127 Farnam st, E-5l3(iU 21 I'UHMSinUI ItOt) MM AMJ IIOAItl). QLENCAIRN. translcnts,1.25lay, 1&) Doug r 2iT UTOPIA, 17?1 Davenport St. F-039 Tho Merrlam, good winter home. 23 Sc Dodge F-23S r.OOMS and board, reasonable, im Cass, F-373-A1' LAHQE ftcnt room. 509 S. 2Jth ave. F-5M K4 N. 23d, nicely furnished' rooms; Bocd board. F M10I 2C THE ROSE, 2020 Harney. Rates reasonable. l' MSU AlC FOU KENT t'.VFl Il.MSlli:i IIOOMK. TWO unfurnished rooms: also mcnt roqms. 1120 N. 17th. two base G-130- 6 I'NFURNISHED chambers for man and wire. 513 is. llth. o 352 FOU HE.Vr-STOllHS AMI OFFICES, FOR RENT Store, in flrst-clas location rent reasonable Apply U. C. Peters 4 v,o., grounu noor, nee Hide. i 260 FOR RENT Tho building formerlv oceu. Pled by The I'co at 916 Farnam St. It has four stories und u basement which was fornitfrly i,sud us The Heo pres sroom. This will te rented very reasonably. If imeresieu sppiy at onco to C. C. Roie water, sen etury, room 100, Ilea Uulldlng. 1 :u STORES, unequalled. Apply Tliard. 221 N 21 j .tii.i-ii TOR RENT. omcc. with vault and part nrsi uuur or an top noor, llll-iu llarney st., suitable for small Jobbing or broker- ugo business or Btorage. Midland Giuss ' i-uini w,, mo uarny u i-Jixa roii iiuvr-sroiius ami office. STOREROOM and basement, NortTfTlth St.: suitable for pltimhr. Holbrook. Ilrcwn Illock. 1-M707- FOH HUNT. Mo'e room. 3U South 18lh st? onu in live years. Apply trie Ilyron Hoeu Co.. 213 S. Hth St. I-M115 !l AGENTS WAXTEI). SOMETHING new; send 10c nnd receive a satrt'lp of Kansas corn feathers. Agents wanted. Kansas Corn Feather Co.. 506 I'uxton tllk. J-COC-Af CATHOLIC ngents. oillllt free. mn r women, town or country. Write at one C 1'. & L. Co., 3SI Dearborn st., Chicago, III. J-.M.1J6 ?r WAATED-TO HUNT. UNFCItNISHED chambers, wife. 313 N. nth, man a- and -717 TWO shmlo or double room with board In Koutn (Jmalia hv two youni; men. First class and modern conveniences desired. No llats. Address, V.. M , Uox 17. Ilec OllU-e, South Omaha. IC 3(3 21 STOIIAOE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 912- 911 Jones, general storage and rorwaruins. -2C1 OM. Van Ctir. Co.. 1311!4 Fnrn. Tels. lS3-3. waSteii-t IU.Yj WANTED, to buy. stock of general mer chandise; must be cheap; or will trade 1C0 ncres of good land. J. J. Austin. Colum bus. Neb. N-M.173 22' FOIl SALE FLU.MT1 HE. CHICAGO l'UHNITUHE CO.. H10 Dodce. Tel. 2020. New fit 2dhund furniture boucht, told. ixcliiMigeil. O 1(12 FINEST line of tier and second-hand furnl turn In the city; Inspect our utock before buying: we wholesale to country iltnlen; prlcis low, Enterprise Furniture ;o.. llr.'-l S. Hth. corner Dodge. O MJ71 A7 ELEGANT sideboard, kitchen furniture. C23 N. 19th St. 0-M2C1 S3' l'OH S.VLI-ll()aSES, VEHICLES, ETC. ENT1HE stock of carriages, buggies and wagons regardless of cost. Anderson-Millard Co., Cor. 13th nnd Davenport. P-207-M2J WE DO good repair -vork on wagons, light buggies, etc. II Frost, Hth & Leavenworth P-K3 GOOD family horse, wtth or without surrv und harneas W. M. Craig, 2H N. 2Sth Ave. l' ;ii.-:r FOU SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST Chenpest posts, poultrj- & hog lence. vi uougias. y 2(l 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, HIS Far nam Q-263 SAFES; buy, sell exe'ge. Schwartz, 114 S. 13. Q-2W TIMOTHY hay and all kinds teed and cm I. Monroo At (.o. y 2M INCUI1ATOHS. Send to the Sure Hatch Incubator Co., may center, Neb., for a handsome freo catalogue. Q 2C9 SEED SWEETS. Neb. Thco. Williams. .Denson, VJJI Ml il2j CUTLERY of all kinds: finest line In the city; wo grind razors, shears, clippers. etc a. unueianu, iai uouge uc Q-MSO Aft WIRE fence for poultry. Belgian hare, hog tleld or lawn, wire vtorxs, ih . -giu si. tj MG7S Jy7 10-SYRUP soda fountain nt Peterson Bros., lis H. loin, encap lor caBn. y wi MASQUERADE make-up outfit, contains paints, powuers. Durni corK, nose putty, beards, spirit gum, etc., the lot mailed for 50 cents, ciias. aiarsnan, .Mir.. Lock port, N. Y. Q-736 10 FOR SALE, new range, bargain: also fur niture. I'arty to leavo city, awn cnicago. Q-353.21 FOR SALE Iady's bicycle; in good repair. uncap. .Aaaress, .m. uee. ij Jii FLORISTS. LOUIS LECLUSE. successor to H. Haas. 1S13 Vinton Tel. 2676. l'lants, cut tlower deslcn: hall, residence, weddinc nnd gravo decorations. Orders promptly filled by mnn or express. imi-aj, CLAIUVOYA.TS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. SID North 16th. S-270 MMJ2 GYLMER, genuine palmist 1G05 Dodge a ill 55ENO, clairvoyant, occult teacher. 1915 Farnam. a aiti a ELECTRIC THEATMEXT. ELITE parlors, Gib South 16th, second floor. A All 1- AS MME. AMES, 1615 Howard, 2d floor, room 1. T-1S7-M2I MABEL GRAY, 31756 N. 15th St.. Flat E. T-M431 M3& CAMILLE DUVAL, 619 So. 16th. 2d Hoor. T-621 A6 MISS WILLIAMS of St. Louis, massage, magnetic, electric treatment. 302 N. Ulth room 3. T M6IJ AS MISS MAY LESLIE, 1C15 Howard, 2d floor. T-M313 A2 PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns & superfluous hair removed by electrlcty. R. 12 Frenior block. U-279 PRIVATE homo before and during contlne ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2620 Uurdette. U-272 FRENCH accordion pleating: Ivory rim buttons; mail orders, Omaha Pl".ulns Co., 1521 Douglas. U 273 SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent. White Sen ing Machine, 1620 Douglas. Tel. 2331. U-271 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during conilncmcut; bublus adopted. 2306 Grunt St. U-273. RUPTURE cured; no knife, 110 pain, no danger; send tor circulars, Empire Hup turo Curu, V32 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha. U-SM-AU9 A BOX of Re-No-May Powder Is not a luxury when It affords you a, cure and secures tho comfort and happiness of your room-mate. u MJ12 VI AVI Woman's wity to health; rational, wholesome borne treatment 3 IS llee Bldg, U-276 TURKISH baths, massage baths electric baths, fur ladles only; skilled women massage operators; finest equipped baths in the city. Renstrom Bath Company, Rooms 216 to 220, Deo Bldg. U-278 RHEUMATISM, paralysis, goitre, female diseases, consumption, glandular swell ings, obesity, stomach and kidney troubles, chronic diseases cured by Thyroid Lymph Remedies. Consultation and booklet free. Thyroid Lymph Co.. 500-2-4 Bee Bldg., Omaha; 9l-a-6 Burr Block, Lincoln. Neb. U-16I-M21 WANTED, roommate; references. L CI, Bco. U-M262 23 M. QOLbMAN' .t- fn nnl- tirrfept n cordeon pleating plant In the west. Mnll orders solicited. Knltn 'V) IVim'tua UlnrU- U-277 WANTED, permanent home on farms for three colored boys, ages S to 12 years, and iwo outer ooys auoui 1110 same ages. Child Saving Institute. U MSC3 i'l C. MUDDLEMIST. wall paper cleaner: best Tf cltv references; rooms cleaned $1 and up; tel. ism. u M363 2o RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup ture . ure, tuj ;, 1, i.ue isuiming, uniana. U-M3S0 I WANT to correspond with a tlrst-class lady from 30 to IS; marriage the object. C. K.. Lock Box HI, Ulysses. Neb. U-M372 21 UPHOLSTERING. GLOBE COUCH CO., 1519 LeavtbTTel. 25; MO.VHY TO l.OAA-HHAL ESTATE. MONEY" Ij loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Co., 309 South 13th. W-) WANTIlDt-Clty loans, bonds and warrants, George & Compai.y, lUd Karnam street. W -3SI LOA'NS on cait-rn Nebraska and western Iova farms at S ier con'; borrowers can pav tvj or any mumpie; any inicrei date: no delay. Urminan-Lovo Co., 300 bo. uiit m umann, ,ncu. w j $1.oot and upward to loan on lmprced cltv property i.nd farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 130 l nrnnm. W 2S2 AVANTED. city and farm loans; also bond anil warrants, it. r; j'oiers ld Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 2SI MONEY to loan on farm nnd city property; mweii ruics. u. j,- Davis Co., I&ou r urnam. W-2S3 MONEY to loan at 5 and per cent nn umuna property. v. u. AKIKie, wi ism. W-2S6 FIVE percent money. Bomls. Paxton block. W-2SS PRIVATE mony. F. D. Wcad. K24 Douglas. W-2S9 PRIVATJ: monr lay. Garvin Pros lOS Farnam. W-291 AND 5H pel cent city and farm loans. Gatvln Bros.. 1613 Farnam 8,t. W-S99 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. L. S AND B4 per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, First national Bank building. Tel. lfiis. W-2-M CASH on hand. O. E. Turklngton. 6J3 Bee. W-M53I JIO.MIV TO I.tA CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN EVERYBODY. If you wish to make a llttlo loan why trouble your friends when you cun bor row money from us on one hour's notice without publicity or trouble? WE LOAN MONEY ON VOUR FURNITURE, PIANO. ORGAN, ll'lliSI-.a, H,UU.S till Afil I'Kll HONAL PROPERTY WITHOUT RE MOVAL. PUBLICITY OR DELAY. LOANS FROM $10.00 TO $20.00. ANY LENGTH OF TIME, ONE MONTH OR ONE YEAR. Wo guarantee obr terms und rates to bo tho very lowest and within the reach of nil. Liberal und courteous treatment to everybody, and wo Invito your Inspection. COME AND BE CONVINCED. Wo oiso make loans to SALARIED- PEO PLE on their PLAIN NOTES. No pub licity whatever. Call on us beforo going elsewhere. S. E. COR. 10TH AND DOUGLAS ST8. BROWN BLOCK, ROOM 312. N-M120 "WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEe'uS."" It la easy to advertise lowest rates, as others do, but we feel positive that if you will maku comparisons you will bo con vinced that you can do better with us than "lsowhiTe W loan on furniture, pianos, live ktock, etc., or we will make you a SALARY LOAN without Indorsor or mortgage. We chargo nothing for making the loan and you receive tho full amount In cash. You may pay It back in one month or take six months or more in uhlch to repay It, and you need not pay tor It ono day longer than you keep it. Our terms are tho easiest, our business Is coutldcntial and our motto Is "try to please. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Tradu Bldg. Tel. 23. (Established 1S2) 306 So. 16th St. X-il31S SALARY LOANS. . If you aro employed by a responsible tlrm wo will loan you sums from lo to $100 on your note ut much cheaper und easier rales than elsewhere. Of this wo are positive. Absolutely t:o charges fof papers. Nothing deducted from uraumit aesired. Easiest partial payments. Reliablo Credit Co.. room 303, Paxton Block. X j MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their names without security; eaay payments. Tolman, 110 Board Trado bids. v X-2yj" MONEY loaned on pianos, furnlturo. JQW elry. horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X-297 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses cows, Jewelrv. Duff Green, R. 8, Barker bll blk x -sjs SALARY loans at reduced rates. Omaha Credit Co., 626 New York Life Bldg. X-299 MONEY to loan. I. Zlegler, 109 Ware illock. A J1U62 SEE Private party for salary loans. itoom iiu urown uiock. X-M121 Short time loans J. Pleasants, 51 Barker blk A.-J27 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE. Hvo stock, etc. Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 633 (top floor) Paxton Block, northeast corner lOtli and Furnam, entrance on join st. X-M376 BUSINESS CHANCES. $150 CASH on easy payments buys 25 strictly luwiui iiiiuiwi ftiui iiitiiHiiiua iur utiiirta, cigars or cash; will cam $2 und upward weekly each. Earl Clark & Co., Furni ture Manufacturers, Chicago, III. V-310 FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and carriage business in south central Ne braska. For further particulars nddress Box bOJ, wcet Liberty, la. v 111 STEAM dye nnd cleaning shop In city of innoo or 11.000 Inhabitants for sale for $150: a good chance for a dyer who understands ins business; amy snop in 1110 city. ,u dress L Bee. Y M155 FIRST-CLASS restaurant Sing, 1316 Webster. for kale. Sum Y-M2I1-21 RESTAURANT for sale, ono of the nicest In Denver: choice locution, low rent, big ensh trade, new fixtures? good thing for the right mnn: a sure winner. This plitco will stand closest Investigation. Call or address Johnston it Co., Lot Curtis st . Denver. Colo, v M32 21 SUIIURRAN drug store; lino trade, reason for selling, other business: half cash, bul nnco good land; nearest drug storo to 5,0f) population. Address M 5, Rco. Y-M379 26 FOR SALE. 75-bnrrel flour mill, located In central Nebraska, in good wheat country has good run both merchant and custom mill nz: co-horse steam n ant. Corliss en gine; mill Is In good repair and doing goon business; reason tor selling, om age. Address .m i. care nee. .mjts FOR SALE. $S.0() stock of general mer chandlse In central Nebraska: cood loca- cntlon; sulendld trade; good rcusou for pontile. For particulars write ut once to jt 3. nee. v 31371 2t; FOR SALE-REAL 11STATE. RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by th unior pnciiic itai road company, u. A. McAllaster. land commissioner. Union "acme Headquarters, umana, Neb. RE 311 FOR SALE, corn lands, stock rnnches am business locations In the Corn Belt coun try, W H. Clements, Lyons, Nub. RE-M977 HOUSES lots, farois. lands', loans; also fire tnxurunce. Remit, Paxton Blk, RE 312 CHAS. E WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St UK 311 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. UIv-316 WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room house, close to cood car line. Eastern owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kennaid & Son, 309-10 Brown Block. RE Pu2 OSTEOPATH V. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y, L. Bldg. Tel, iti; mice jonnson, u. u.. muics aept Gld E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. -317 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school, Ktrkavlllc, Mo., CM Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367 -3 I MEDIC l. OONOVA Is n Frenh treatment for mate and female, for the positive cure of (Ion- : orrhoea, Gleet. Unnatural Discharges, In- , flammatlons, Irritations und Ulcerations I or 'hx mucous membrane. An internal remedy with Injecdon combined, wnr- , ranted to cure worst cases In una week; $3. per package or two for $i Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Dru o., x.ivin. 111 .wiii'ri u uiiivc. rpxnn, who.eale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omani; M. A Dillon. South Omaha, Davis Dnv Co., Council Biuns. Full line of rubu-.r goods. LADIES. I positively guurnntee Golden Seal, never tailing female regulator: will relieve most obntlmtto cases of delayed periods in live hours; sent secure from observation. H.oo. Dr Annie Fowler, 27U Olive st.. St. Louis. Mo. SHORTHAND AMI TVI'UWUITINO. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. HOYLEri' College, court repdrtcr principal. Bco Bldg. 323 NEtl. Business & Shorthand college, Boyd's Theater. GREGG Shorthand. Om. 1 Co!., 16 & Doug l'ATENTJ. INVENTORS GOT AN 1DEA7 We hnndl patents copyrights und trade marks; yfu ttve us tho uure idea and wo will do the rest: modern equipped machine shop nnd foundry In connection; Otllclal Ouietto on lite; guldo book freo. Mason, Fenwlck & Lawrence, patent lawyers. UK Howard St.: Tel. HI9, Omaha. J. P. Cronln, rcpr. -320 I'ATICNTS No fee unless sut essful. Slcs v.o., ueo iiuiiuing, umuna. Neb. 1 - .. -Je-lo INCt.llATOHS AMI IHtOOUHItS. INCUBATOR3 and brooders; catalogue mo uurr iiiuuuniur V.O., U 2, Omaha. Nob. Factory ut 2Sth t Davenport. 179-M.H FACTORIES FOR RENT. FACTORY, laundry or grocery building, corner. Daniel C. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. - M311 Ala WALL PAPER. 2 a roll and up; painting, paper hanging, decorating. Kelscy, 117 S. Hth. Tel. Ifios . , : -6G3- PAWNimOKEIlS. EAGLE Loin Omcc. reliable, accommodat- ;iib. uii uusiness conuucntiai. Mil Douglns 329 PIIINTINO. IAVE It printed right. Waters Printing Co.. 122 So, 15th St. Phono 2190. "n""B -6S3 A7 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars 2c; cuffs. 4o. 17S0 Leavenworth. Tel. 517,' 333 BICYCLES. WE HAVE the only Vulcanlzer In the city v uufeHy uu'3, UO 11113 WOTK 08 gcoa us can bo done at tho factory. 1622 caul tol Ave. . STAMMERING AND STUTTEIUNtJ, CURED. Julia Vaughn, 130 Ramce Bldg. 331 CARPBXTERS AND JOHIIURS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly at'.endcd to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20th and LakeSts. 3jo FURNITURE It Et'AHt INC. TEL. 133L M S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St B. & M. unk hodsc. J. arilder, Prop., dealer iu uii iiiemia, nutiies, ,tc. canoans a tpeclalty. wi-.so3 F.arnam,';Oniaha. Tel. 237S M337 EXPERT' ACCOUNTANT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or Rathbun. . 334 It II II iu: U STAMPS. BADGES medals. Om. Pl't. Co., Beo Bldg, ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick- .'un, ,. v-, didin, o. iu. i.or, inn anil Farnam. 33.V TICKET ItlUMCKlt. CUT rate tickets ivcrywhere. P. II. Phil bin. 1505 Furnam. Tolouhonc 7St. 333 ELOCUTION AND READINC. MRS. DORWARD. Studio 603 N. 19th St. 377-AI BIRDS AND TAXIDHRJIV. STOCK'S Bird Storo. 1213 S. 16th. 323 FOUND. I OUND. bunch of keys at postolllco. Owner can have by applying at Bee Qillce. Found-M3Sl RAILWAY TIME CARD. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City Ticket Ottico. 1501 Farnam Sticet. Telephone, 2st, Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone, 029. LeaNe, Arrive. fCBICl mWAUR Chicago Limited Ex,..,a :u)im a 8:03 am Chicago & Omaha Ex .b 7;I5 am b 3;10 pni a uauy. u uany except auuuay. cnicAao. rock' irfi;. and Route" city Ticket omee', 132J fur nam Street. Teleulione tu. Depot.'nnd A urcy Sta, Tele phone. 629. ymwbu i nn t,Aii u a;uv jjlil a 1 133 urn Des Moines. Rock Isl- i.-s pm and and Chicago a 7:10 pm a 9:23 nn. WEST. Lincoln. Colorado Spgg., Denver, Pueblo und Co.Vrado;"oklahoma-;V:a Pm a 4:15 m a'uy?TDaUy -e,cey am UNION PACIFIC.-THE OVER. lanC Routu';-Geneui Olllces N. E. Cor. Ninth und Funiuin Streots. City Ticket Oillc", 13" Farnam Street. T,.nni,n,.' T ,T TJ Depot. Tenth and I Vcy 'i- Leavo. Arrive. The Overland Limited.. u &:20 urn u 7:30 Dm The Chicago-Portland ' m Special a 8:50 am a 7:30 pm The Fast Mall a S:5o um u 3:r3 mn Tho Mail and Express. .all;i pm u ivil Jim Lincoln. Ueatrlco und ' Stromsbtirg Express. .b 4:05 pm bi2:3o pm Tho Pacific Express,... u 1:25 pm Tho Atlantic Express... mn Grand Island Local... .b 5:30 pin b a 35 am a dally, b Dally except Sundiiy. m OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha. Kansas city & Eastern Ritilroao "1'ha Qulncy Rotitc',-Tlcket Of lice. HU St. Tele phone. 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone, Leave. Arrive. 8t. Louis Cannon Ball Express , a 6:15 pm a S:20 am Kansas City & Qulncy v " Local a 7:00 am a 9;00 pm a Dally. " ' W A B A S II RAILROAD -flSrES3Cl Ticket Olllce, 1113 Farnam tVMMM s,rce, 'feloplione. 322 De "JVrMiLvl P0'- Tenth and Marcy Sts. V3ZX2. Telephone. 629. ' Leavo. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express ., a 5:15 pm a 8;20 am a Dally I Dcs Moines and Daven- port Local a 7:25 am bn:33 am Chicago Express blHi5 am u 8 10 am It tll.U V TIME t AHI). 1 ncMONT. m.Kimits.t! fff) Mlstuutl Vailey P.allroiid (1 - Tho Northwestern i- Ltiw" Gemral Oillccs. I ltd States Nations! Bank Building, H. W. ,..?tiAi lWAlrtli nh.l far. Ticket ofllee. 1191 Farnm St I'epot, I3tij and Webster Sts. i,,..-, .. . . Leave. Arrive, a 5:00 pm e il'.O pm b 6:00 pra bl0:25 am blO:2S nm '-'eadwood, Hot Springs a S Wyoming, Casber and !;00 pm UoukIus d 3;P0 pm Hastings, iork, David Uty, Superior, Geneva, Exeter und Scvurd....b 3:(0 pm -Norfolk. Verdlgro and I remont b 7:30 am Lincoln, Wahoo and I-remont b 7:30 am nemoni L.ocnl a 730 am u uauy. b Dallv exctnt . c Sun- uay, only, d Dully except Dally except Monday. Saturday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Rail wuy "The Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Ofllce, HOI Furnam St. Telephone, til. Depot, Tcntlt ami .Marc) Sts. Telephone 629. r. ..i i . ... ixsuve. Arrive. Daylight ChUago Spe- r,.c, lU a 7:03 am all:30 pm Chlcugo 1 UMtnger a l;15 pm u 4:10 um Lustern Lxprtss. Dcs lolncs, .Marshalitowii, Ceiiur Rapids und l lilcugo al0:35 am a Itcs pm Lastern Special. Chl cugo und East a 4:55 pm a 1:03 pm last Mull, Chicago to Omahu a 2;i5 ,,m Omaha-Chicago L'fd ..a 7:13 pin u v.v) am l;uy t Mall a s:30 am Cedar Huplds P.tsrungur u 5;3J pm u Daily. , CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. Minneapolis .V OinaJia ltailwuy -Tho Norm western Line ' General Uinces, Nebraska Divi sion, lath nlict Webster sts. City Ticket Olllce. r St. uiu N ebstcr Telephone, M. Depot, Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Paf.cugcr.. ,a :w am u a:lu pm Omaha l'asscnger ull:lo um Sioux City "(: North east Nebraska a 3:topm a Dally. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North wctiicrii Line" aeuerul Oillccs, United Stated Nutlonal Bunk Building, S. W. Corner T'.veittn nnd Fnrrtam Sts. Ticket omcc. iwi Farnam St. Telephone 561. Do pot Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telcphono 61). Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a 0:53 am ulo:25 pm Twin CHy Limited a 7:55 pm u :15 am Sioux City Local u SiV) am u 3:50 pin a Dally. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "i'ho Burlington nouie General unices, Nortn west Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket umce, 1j02 Futnum btroot. . ,1....,,.,, Jfut1,ln T.tllth .2ffPi Streets. -.Urrlve. Lincoln. Hastlnfs and sjw am & 7;J. McCooK ::;.;V- Lintolti. .Denver, mn n 3:00 um uW;KSi.sSs nil? um NVfflu s: um Denver. Coiorado. Utuh and Calltornla... .. bU:53 am a 6:15 am LoulsUlle.' Pmitsm 1.3:20 pm bll:05 am "IJa'cinc iSn:."Zi 7:10 pm a S:20 m . Dally? b Dully except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO us ph Council Bluffs Ruiiroad "Tno Burling ton Route" 'ticket otnee, iKitf it'iirniirii Htreut. Tele phone, 200. Depot. Tontn und Mason Street. 'A'uiu- phor.u, lli. euvc. yvriivc. ...., ritv Dny Ex-.-o-9:iJ um u o:2i Sas cuyNlgKtEx..ui:3opm u pm am St. LOUIS l ijer. " - 10 m u ,5 ftm " j'obeph und St a. uaii) CHICAGO, BURLINGTON A; (julncy Ruilroud "The lliiriingion ltouto" Ticket Olnce ioJ2 tarnam street. Telephone, 'iM. Depot Tentn anu Mason streets, 'iclephoiic, r:t. Leave. Arrive. Du llgllt iiieugo Spe- a 7:0) nm a!0:20 um ciai Chicago Vestlbulcd Ex.a 4:v0 iim u 7:15 am Chicago Local Express.u 9:30 um u 4:u5 pm Chicago Limited a 7:a0 pm u 7:15 um Fust -Man a -" pin a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallroad-Clty Ticket Of llce. 1102 Farnum Street. Telephone, .213. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. QjuaoKS Leave. Arrive. ChlcuuvT..xprc!S a "m uii;ja pm Chicago Limited, ... ...a 7:1a pm u b:u5 urn Minneapolis cl: ""V .m Express . " um Minneapolis & St. Puul Limited 1 I'm Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs b 1:30 pm b 9:10 pm u s:05 am a S:15 am Fort Dodge Local trom Council Bluffs a 6:00 am a dally, b Dally except Sunday, MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL r:rd General Oillccs and Ticket Oillccs, Southeast Corner lull und Douglas Sts. Telephone, 101. Duput, Union station. Leave. Arrive. um' Kansas ,u 10:00 am a 0:25 pm u 0:15 um k: c., St. L. Express.. alJ;50 pm Leave from 13th and Webster Streets: Nebraska Local. via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:4j am u Dully, b Dally except Sunday. EUROPE $27) excursion June 29. by speclully chartered Hteunicr city ot jiome, . mu ions, iu Hrotland. England, Ireland, Belgium und France, Willi 7o Rhino nnd Swiss side trip; KD Ituly extension. . S425 North Cape 1,I,,r,thJrurf.n A?a- Mu and June, via Gibraltar F. C. CLARK. Ill Broadwiiy, N. Y. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should bo read DAILY by nil Interested as changes may occur ut any time ) Foreign trills for the week ending .March 23, 11, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) nt tho Genrial Postottlcc as follows: Par cels, Post Mulls close ono hour earlier thun closing time shown below. Parcels Post malls for Germany close at 5 p. m. on March 20th, per a. s. Barbarossa, via Bre men. Regular and Supplementary malls closo at Foreign Branch half an hour lutcr than closing tlmu shown below. TrniiM-Atliintlc Mulls. WEDNESDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE per a. s. New York, via Southampton (mall for Ireland must bo directed ''per t. s. New York"!; a: fa-i a. rr.. cupple inentury 10 u. in.) for EUROPE, per s. a. Majestic, via Queenstown; ut 10 a. :n. for BELGIUM direct, per s. . Kensington (mail must bo directed "per s. . Ken sington"). THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN, POR Tc 'GAL, TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR QUE., per a. s. L'Aquitalne, via Havre mulls for other parts of Europe must bu directed "per s. s. l.'Aquttnlnu"). SATURDAY At 4:50 u. m.,for EUROPE, per if. b. Campania, vlu Queenstown; at 7:30 u, m. for NETHERLANDS' yllrcct. per a. t. Potsdam (mull must bu directed "per is . Potsdum"); nt 8 u. tn. for ITALY direct, per s, w. Allcr (mall bo dlrectud "per h. g. Allur"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. - This steumer tal;es printed mutter, commercial papers and samples for Germany only. The same class of mail matter for other parts of Europo will not bu sent by this ulilp unless specially directed by her. After the closing oi tho Supplementary Truns-Atiantlo Malls above, additional supplementary mulls aro opened on tho piers ot thu American, English, French und Gcrmuu steamer, ana remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of jailing of steamer. .Mil 1 1 for South mnl Central America, Went ill dies, Elu, WEDsESDA'i-At S a. tn. tor BERMUDA, nam Sts ll 111. 115). 1101 litn 4fc 'rvs- St. A POVI'Ol'FlCi: Mil HE. per t. s Trinidad: at .) u. in. for 1NAGU.V ami HAITI, per s. s 'ueti liiiig. at In h. m. for BRAZIL, per s s. BrllHglo, vl it Pi rnambucn nnd Juntos (mall inuft be dlrectad "pc s. s. Bel laslo"); ut 11 n. in. tor BRAZIL, per s Wonlsworth mull ror Nnrthirn tir.ixll, Argentine Republic. Uruguay and Para guay must be directed "iht s. s. Words worth ). nt 12 n,. for CUBA. YUCATAN. CAMPECIIE. TABASCO find CHIAPAS, per t. s. Yucatan, via llavnna nnd Pro greso (mail for otltcr parts or Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Yucatan "); at 12:) p. m.! iMipptemetitary 1 p. in.) for TURKS ISLAND mid DO.M1NICIA.N RE PUBLIC, per s. s. Cherokee; at 11 ). m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Schley, from Philadelphia. THURSDAY At 10 ft. in. for IIA1TA, per . s. Prlns William IV (mnll for Otiracoa, Trinidad. Vuncsueln, British und Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. s. Prlns William IV); at 12 in. for SANTIAGO. or . s. Santiago do Cuba; at Ml p. in. for NASSAU, per steamer from .Miami, FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. . lthnka, via Tumplco (mull must be di rected "per s. h. lthaka"). SATURDAY At :3-.i a. m. fur ARGEN TINE REPUBLIC, URUGUAY nnd PARAGUAY, pe rs. s. Virgil; nt 9 1, m. lor GRENADA nnd TRINIDAD, per 8. . Grenada; at 9 a. m. (supplementaty !';30 n. in.) for PORTO RICO (via S.iii .-uanr VENEZUELA ami CURACAO, per f. s. Caracas (mall for Savnnllliv and Carthu genu must tie directed "per s. s. Cunt cus")! at 0:3n a. m. (supplementary lo u, ni.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX, LEE WARD mid WINDWARD ISLANDS, und UC.MKIi.MIA, per 8. s. Madlana; at 10 a. in. for CUBA, per s. s. .Mexico, via Ha vana; at 10 n. in. (supplementary lo;.10 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA, SAVAN1LLA nnd CARTHA GENA. per s. s. Altai (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. . Altai"); nt 10 u. in. (stipplemcntury 10:30 a. tn ) for HAITI, per s. x. Alps, ut 12 ni, for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. s. Horatio; nt 12:30 p. in. for MATANZAH, CAN BAR1EN, NUEVITAS. 11 1 11 AHA and BARACOA, per s. s. Ollnda (ordinary maU only which must bo directed "per s. 9. Ollnda"). Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, nnd thence by steamer, close at this otllce dally nt 6:w p. m. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesday und Saturday), .Mulls for Mlquclou, by rail to Boston, and theuco by steamer, closo nt this otllco dally at 6:30 p. m. Mails for Cuba, by rail to Fort 'lampa, FU., and thenco by steamer, close ut this otllco dally, except Monday, ut a. m, (the connecting closes on Sundny, Wednes day and Friday). Malls for Cuba, by rail to Miami, Flu., mid thenco by Fteamcr, closo ut this olllco every Monday uiiil Friday at "11 p. tn. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially uddrcssed for dispatch by steumer, closo at this otllco daily ut 1:30 p. in. and 11 p. in. Mails for Costa Rica. Belize, Puerto Cor tex nnd Guatemala, by rail to New Or leans, nnd thenco by steamer, cloio ttt this ofllce dally at "1:30 p. in. (conf uting closes hero Mondays for .'Jellre, Puerto Cottcz und Guatemala and Tuesdays for Costti Rica). Registered mail closes at 6 p. iu, previous day. Irmm-l'iii'lllc Mull. Mails for Hawaii. Japan, China nnd Phil ippine Islands, via Sun Francisco, closo hero dally tft 6:3') p. m. up to .March MSth, Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. City of Peking. Mulls for China nnd Japan, via Vancouver, closo here daily nt Brai p. m. up to March 19th, inclusive, for despatch per s. s Empress of India (registered mall must bo dltected "via Vuncouver". Slalls for Australia (except West Aus tralia, which Is forwurded via Europe), New Zculund, Fiji, Samoa und Hawaii, via Sun Frunclsco, close here dullv at c:J0 p. m. nftcr March "3d and up to March 23d, inclusive, or on urrlval of s, u. Etruria. duo nt New York March 23d, for despatch per s. t. Sonoma. Malls for Hawaii. China, Japan and Phil Ipplno Islands, via San Francisco. cloo here dally ut 6:30 p. m. up to .March "Jalh Inclusive, for despatch per n. s, Gaeik. ' Mails for Australia (except West Australia which goes via Europe, and New Z.'a-.w,"l-'5 G0" via Sun Francisco). ,nnd FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dnlly nt 6:30 p. m. after March "23d and up to Mnreh "30th, Inclusive, lor despatch per s. s, MIowcru (supplementary malls, via Seattle, closo at 6:30 p, m. March 'Mist Malls for Hawaii, vlu Son Francisco, closo hero dally ut 6:30 p. m. up to April "Ut tor despatch per s. v Murlpoea. Malls for Tahiti uni) Marquesas Islands, vl.i Frnnclsco. closo here daily at 6:30 p. in. up to April loth, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Australia. , Trans-Paclflc malls aro forwarded tn port ot sailing daily and tho schedule of clos ing Is arranged on tho presumption of their uuintcrrtintcil i-,.ui, "Registered mall closes at 6. p. m. previ ous day. Postoillce. Now York. N. Y., March 1.1. KOI CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPI.IES Dvpartmcut of tho Interior, Ofllce of In dian Affairs, Washington, D. C, March 7 1901. Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposals for bcof, flour, etc." us the case mav be, and directed to the. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 233 Johnson street, Chicago, ill will bo recetved until 1 o'clock p. in., of Tuesday, April 9. 1901, for furnishing for thu Indian Service, beer, flour, bacon, beans, coffee, sugar, rice, ten nnd other articled of subsistence; ulso for boots and shoes groceries, soap, baking powder, crockery, ugrlculturr.l Implements, paints, oils, glass, tlnwnre, wagons, harness, leather, shoe llndlngs, nuddlery, etc., hurdwnrc, school mid medical supplies, and u long list of miscellaneous ai tides. Heaicu proposals in dorsed "Ptoposals for blankets, woolen 'nnd cotton goods, clothing, etc.," as tho case may be. mid directed to tho Commissioner of Indian Aflalrti, Nos. 77 nnd 79 Wooster btrcct, New York City, will bo received un til 1 o'clock p. m., of Tuesday, Muy 7, yyi for furnishing fur tho Indian Service' blankets, woolen nnd cotton goods, cloililii"' notions, hats und cups. Bids must bo muiVo out on government ulunks. Schedules giv ing nil necessary Information tor blihiera will be furnished on application to the In dian Ofllce, Washington. D. C; Nos. 77 and 79 Wooster street, New York City; 235 John son street, Chlcugo, III.; No. IMS Huwnrd Btreet, Omahu, Nobr.; the Commissures of Subsistence, U. S. A., Ht Cheyenne, Leav enworth, So. Louis, St. Puul nnd Sun Frunchco; the postmasters tit Sioux city' Yunkton, Arltnnsus City. Caldwell, Topek'i' Wichita una Tucson. Bids will be opuneil ot the hour und days above stated, mui bidders tiro Invited to be present at the opening. Thu Department reserves tho right tu determine tho point of delivery mnl to reject anv und all bids, or uny purt of any bid. W. A. JONES. Commissioner. Mch. IS to 8 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTHR muster, For Leavenworth. Kun.. Maroh 19. 19J1. Sealed proposal., lit triplicate, will be received here until 11 u. m.. central time. April 18. ltoi. for constructing I building ror Artillery Guard Room. Shops, etc.. Including plumnlng mid electric wil ing, ut this post. Information furnished on uppllcatlnu hero oi ut olllce Depot Quarter master, Omaha. U. S. roservts right to ac cept or reject any or nil proposals or nny part thereof. Envelopes lo bo Indorsed "Proposals for Public Buildings," addressed D. E. M'CARTHY. Q. M. Mur 19-20-21-22 A 16-17m SUPREME COURT SYLLABI No. 1115?. Commonwealth Fire In surancc Company ugal;isl lluyden Bros. Error from Douglas. Affirmed, Former Judgment i-et aside. Opinion by Sullivan, J. Filed Man It il, I91. 1. In un uctlon brought for the purpose of winding up the affairs of nn Insolvent corporation an usseFsment mado by tho court upon the stockholders of such cor porutlon Is u conclusive. Judicial determina tion only to the xient that It uncurtains tho amount of corporolo assets nnd llublil tics and declares the nects.slty for m:tk! lg tho assessment ordered. 2. A Judgment rendered ngalnst . t arty In one state1 Is conclusive upon him when madu the basis of nn action in another state, Unless tho court rctidcilng the Jadg ment wuh without Jurisdiction. 3. A Judgment rendered by n court of one stnte Is entitled to full faith nnd credit In the courts of another state, only lo the extent that .nrisdlctlon appears or mny be presumed. 4. A court lmvlng Jurisdiction of un In solvent corporation for tho purpose, of winding tip its affairs has no nithorlty tu render : perfounl Judgment against uiiu of Its stockholders who 1m not n party' to tho uctlon by service of process or voluntary uppearauce. Neither lias the court In sjch case uuthorlty to uiljudlcato tho fact of memucrsuip in tne oorporation. No, 11. 'Ao. Statu cx rel Newby against Ellsworth. Error from Su'dnc. Ri vorped. Opinion by Norval, C. J. Flkil March 6, 1901. 1. Public recoids niu open to thp free inspection of nil .Itlzeiix of tin- nunc nnd other persons Interested In such examina tion. 2. Dockets of the Justleo of tho peace con taining the entry of Judgments uru public recoriis. 3. A Justice of the neure mupt furnish. upon request, and when bclnif paid the U-t-ii fee therefor, un nulhciitlraud trapfccrlpt of a judgment rcconica in ins uoiT.ct. to eiincr of the parties to me a.ime, or to nnyone in tercstfd In obtaining Mich transcript. 4, An ittorney In fact for ono against whom a judgment lus been rendered on tho do ket of a Jnstltr of !he pea ttim such t it interest ns mttties hltn tu demand it tmn script or such judgment. No. 1H7H. Dliismarc agnlnt State. Krror from Dawson county. Afllrnied. Opinion bv Norvi-i. c . J Filed March 0, IPO. 1. Chapter I Iv of the Criminal Code, which authorises tho ptosccutlon of criminal of tenses by Information, does not viola to tho rule of uniformity prescribed by section 19, article vl ot the constitution. 2. Said chapter llv of tho Criminal Code nuthorlses the tiling of .in Information or an Indictment In each and every county In tho state nnd applies to every county und tu every district court nntl hence Is general In Its operation and not special. 3. Said chapter llv of the Criminal Codo Is not obnoxious to section 19. article vl nf the constitution merely because it permit. the prosecution of one person bv Informa tion and another by Indictment In the nntnu court. 4. The mere fact that a district court ma" elect whether a grand Jury shall or shsll not be culled In uny term of court does not make said chapter llv lacking in mil- tormuy. 5. The proceedings and practice ot the sev eral district courts of the state are uni form, even though tho prosecution In ono case may be by Information In one county nnd In another enso In nnothcr county by Indictment, slnco wherever the proceeding Is by Indictment, if It obtain In uvery county, the proceeding relating to the In dictments are uniform nnd the same Is like wle true If by Information. fi. It was lievor contemplated by the (rant ers of section 10, article I of tho constitu tion, or by the people In adopting It. that the legislature must either nbollsh tho grand Jury system entirely nnd permit criminal prosecutions by information onl, but rather that the leklslaturo might au thnrl2c prosecutions by either Indictment or Information .making tho proceedings uni form In each method. 7. Section tSl of the Criminal Code, which leaves to' the discretion of tiny district court tho determination of whether a grand Jury shall bo drawn. Is not conferring upon tho Judicial branch nf the state government leg islative powers IhhliMted by scatton 1, article II of tho constitution. S. Section SJ of the Criminal Code Is not special leglsAtlon within tho purview of section 13. n hide III of. the constitution. 9. The legislature has tho power to abolish anv otllco bv It created. 1'). The otllco of district nttoinoy was not created by tho constitution, but by general law beforo the adoption of that Instrument. 11. The ofllco of district attorney has been abolished. 12. The legislature had tho constitutional power to creatu the office of county nt torncy. 1J. it Is the duty of n county attorney to file Informations fnr crimes nnd to prose cute all criminal casos in his county. H, The objection that the defendant In it criminal naso has not had a preliminary examination Is waived unless raised before he enters n pica of not guilty. 15. Tho granting or refusing of a continu ance of ii criminal rnu-e rests In tho sound discretion ot the court und a ruling In thst regnrd will not be disturbed on review. In tho nbsenre of a showlns-of un nbu of dlecretlGr!. 16. When nl any term of the district court, for any cause tlieic In no panel of petit Jurors, the court may, under section trl of tho Code of Civil Procedure direct the sheriff to summons Jurors. 17. Said fiction C6I of the Code nf Civil Procedure Is not Inimical to section 19. nrtlcle vl of the constitution, us It does not violate the rule of uniformity therein pro scribed. 1' Tho evidence relative to the omnancl Ing of a Jury must bo Incorporated In the bill of exceptions und cmbn.crd In thu cer tificate allowing nnd settling the bill tn en title ono to review th rulings of the court In denying n challenge for cause. 19. Error cannot be successfully predlent'd upon u ruling where the record is contradic tor) as to what the ruling was. 20. Tile ruling of a trlai court In lecldltnr a chnllenge for entire wi'l not be disturbed, unless mi uburc of discretion Is shown. 21 An opinion formed by u venire man In n criminal rausn dorR rot affect ills com petency or afford c,.uc for chollen''. un less it Is uuqitalllled ns to tho guilt or inno cence of the accused of the crime charged. 22. An opinion formed xolely on rumor and newspaper reports will not dlsqunllfy u Juror where It Is shown that the opinion Is merely hypothetical nnd such ns wilt not prevent his returning n fair and Impartial verdict upon tho evidence udduecd on tho trial, under the Instructions of the court. 23. Tho entertaining of scruples against capital punishment Is n ground for challenge for cause In a prose, cttllon for murder iu the flriit degree, und It Is competent to interrogate u venire man upon tuat Hunjeci. 21. In u prosctutlon for murder. whJre tho death of the victim wns occasioned by u gunshot wound, the theory of tho defenne. being suicide of deceased. It Is competent for u physician who hits examined tho bodv nnd the surroundings ut tho placu where It was lound to testify :ts to the position In which the body must Itnvo lain for tho blood to take tho courso from tho wo j nil It lid. 23. The propounding of lending qliortlans Is within the discretion of the trial court. 26. Rulings on tho admission of testimony examined and npproved. 27. One cannot successfully assail nn In struction whfro ono tendered by him hnt been given which is subject to tho tamo criticism. , 2S. Before a paitv can complain of nn In struction because not Hiifrtclently specific, ho must request nn Instruction covering tho point. . . ... 29. In a criminal propecutlon tho trial court may. In Its discretion, give a caution ary Inst'.-jctlon. 30. Counsel fur the Rtnte In argument to the Jury may criticise the conduct of the defendant, us disclosed by tho evidence, though such defendant w'as not u witness In his' own hehnlf. 31. It Is not erroneous to designate tho defendant In such a case lp nn Instruction ns the "prisoner." 32. Questions of mercy are not for the Jury, but fnr the executive. In the exerolo of tho pardoning power, and It Is not er roneous to so Instruct the Jjry in a prose cution for murder. No. 11,672. Olson ngalnst Lamb. AppenI from Lancaster. Judgment. Opinion l.y Holcnmb, j. Filed March 0. 1901. 1. Where on un appeal tu this court In nn equity uctlon tho Judgment of the trill court Is reversed, and the c.r.ise remanded with Instructions to re-tnko an ni'counlli'r: between the pnrtles. the trial court may In Its discretion prrmlt nn amendment to tho pleadings and a trial do movo respecting such ismie, nnd unless there Is nn ntatife of discretion thi of the amendment will bo held not erroneous. . .... 2. Where ono of the litigants In. the trial of tho caso wuh denied nny relief mnl de rreed to poy half the costs, and nirnppeal tho decree was held erroneous and tho party entitled to nlllrmntlve relief, tho Judgment of reversal ulso reverses tho de creo ns tn costs. 3. A decree us to costs having been ren dered In the action nnd a motion to relax filed ut a subseimont term, held that tho motion was In effect a motion to vacate or modify tho decree n tn costs, nnd bclir-t tiled nt u subsequent term tho court was without jurisdiction lo act thereon. A. Tho action being in eqjity for an ac counting between the partios for the rUlit i.. m,l,n nnil "fnr Kuril other nnd further relief ns equity may require," a personal liidcment under the pleadings and the evi dence held proper, No. 11.SS1. Stntf ngalnst the Nebraska Savings and Exchange Bank ft nl. Appeal from UoUiil.iH, Ainrmcu. wpiuiun uy iim- comb, J. Filed March 0, 1901. 1. It w III bo nrcsuin.'ii. in ine nosenco ni a bill of exceptions. Unit them wna boforo the trial court acting on a motion to ap prove the toport ot a receiver, and the ob jections thereto, evidence xulllclcnt to sup port the order made. .All jreillilill"liri nir ,11 ., i regularity of the proceedings nnd the order of ih trial eotirt, nnd the burden of prov ing the contrary Is on th.i one asserting error, anil until such Is made to aillrnui ttvely npDoar from tho record the order or judgment complained of will not tm dis turbed. , 3. A receiver of nn Insjlvcnt banlt np pointed by the district rourt for the pur pose of taking Minrge f Its nrunta and winding up Its nffnlrs Is n special citllcrr of the court nntl Ills report, being verllled. Is prlm.i faclo evldetico of Its correctness nnd entitled to the snmii consideration na Him return of nny othor ofuccr i,f the court, rfrl In order to be Impeached must bo ovorconio bv other competent evldf lice. y The allowance of compensation of an. cetver for his service is largely In the dis cretion of the trial com t having chargo of th recidvrrshlp, und unlci-s It Is mndd to utllrmatlvfW appear that the amount al lowed Is erroneous, and Ihfro has been r.n abuse of discretion. th order of allowance Will be unstained. , No. 11,874. Stain ex rel School Dlslrlet rf Lincoln against Altklti. Appeal from Lnn ranter. Afllrnied. Opinion by Holcnmb. J. Hullivnn, .1.. dlkkenlH, Filed March 6. YJ. 1. 3'he payment or nn occ ipatlnn Ui.t can not be madu u condition precedent to ob taining a licence tu comUict tho buslncts soiglit tn bo taxed. 2. Where n tax- Is colleMed or paid as n. condition of obtaining n license It Is llyer.rn mnuev. nnd not a tax. under the provision? of section 5, article vlll, ot tho conntltiltlon. A it Iocs .liiilurtiients A grit I nut lliinlc. ST. LOUIS. March 19.-Former .I.tdse V, Seddnii, woo wan cppolnted refnrco lo he.r testimony In thu ii'.0.CM ilamngo suit brought by cx-Govcrti'jf II Hum J, Stone, receiver of th ?.Iul!lii C?ty Savlngn ban'u, uimlnttt tin: dlte-tors of tr.u bunk for alleged fiirolOJsncs In tlin r:n ugcmc'it of th- bun!;, haw llled !iln rer.rt In Judge Douglnn court, r "comiiieiiiltnu that Judgricnt '. v large amounts bu ven dered against tho bank otKcl.tla. General negligence ! nllcgru, In that thoy ubowed tunny overdrafts to bo tnuiu by trloruU- , v . ,