THE OrAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1001 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL "Wheat Market Bnocumbs Bennth Dsluge of Lvag Holdings. NEBRASKA CONDITIONS VERY FAVORABL L'orn Dlsplnr Consplcuons Strength in C'nmpnrlson with Whent Onts So me rill at Active ntul Slcndr on I'nlr (.'null Deiiinnil, CHICAGO, Starch 18.-Vhcat broke harply today under a deluge of long hold Ings, May cloning with u net dccllno of Hiu as a result 6f tho bcarlshness of tho day's new. Com and oats showed consld crablc strength by comparison, the former closing Hylic and tho latter Mo lower. I'ro visions at tho close were 7!4fJ20c higher. May wheat opened 4fW4c lower at 75c to 76Hc with long Interests trying to ria themselves of holdings which suddenly be came worthless to them when they summed up the sltuutlon early. Liverpool fulled to reflect Saturday's advance here. To this potent consideration wcro udded, heavy world's shipments, a big Increase on pus sage and liberal receipts at spring whea solnt. To iimko tho situation mora bear Isli, Nebraska reported that tho condition or wneat in mat stato was 11 per cent uct ter than at tin; minn nerlod a venr ago. i remnant of tho b j II force rallied to the support of the market succeeded In causing tt rally to 77,,ifi77,,ic, following the upenlng. Desertion from their already iniiinctl ranxs rendered further resistance useless, nu nutsltln nld. which bad been hoped for, failed to materially. The heavy primary receipts, small scatioanl clcor nnccs and disappointingly light visible do crease, together with the lack of extiort In qulry, were Influences which struck the marKet after It had declined He, and May old-out longs wore renortcd to have sold short under 77c. Under this pressure May slumped to "fie. It took all the forenoon to accomplish this decline. The trade had been excited and large. At the bottom transactions sold off In volume and tho pit became a more unlet spot. Shorts look profits nnd tho market rallied to 76V4C, but closed heavy, lWo lower at 7fiVc lixport crs reported but two loads taken, Seaboard clearances In wheat nnd flour wore eiJiil to 287,000 bu., whllo primary receipts wero BM.fJUO bu., compared with 923,000 bu. last Tear. Mlntlcttlinlls and Ullluth rennrtpd 7M) cars, agaltml 670 last week and 898 a year i .uta i receipts wero i ears, rotir or. contract grade. The world's shipments, cc cordlng to thn Hoard of Trade advices, wcro 7,958,000 bu., a moderate Increase over the previous week's shipments. The amount of wheat and flour on ocean passago Increased 1,291,000 bu. Tho visible decreased 7C9,(0 nu.. auoui nan or wnnt naa been expected. Oklahoma reported damage from lnstilll clent moisture. Tho corn market enjoyed u fair part of attention, displaying a firmness which was conspicuous In comparison with the weak ness In tho neighboring wheat jilt. Tho opening was tnsy In sympathy with wheat and because of liberal receipts of eontruct corn, incre was a good volume or trade which seemed to bo nicely divided, but the market gradually worked off fractionally In sympathy with wheat. A fair cash de mand anci spirited support from local opcr ntors caught the market later and caurod n, recovery of most of tho early Iosh. May nold between HHo and 41H5TtlVtc and rinsed HeUe. lower at 41ffllV4c. The July option attracted considerable attention and ruled '4o over May. Receipts wero 333 cars, 102 in cumriicL Kraue. Oats wero moderate lv nelivn nmt dnmlv In sympathy with corn nnd on a fair cash demand. Tnido generally was llRht and featureless. Receipts were 17t cars. May sold between 2.V,iu and 25c nnd closed Vc inwcr in -D'-hC Provisions showed somn mionHlnemi rnrlv on tho liberal run of hogs at the local yards, but n good cash demand and the fact that receipts at the chief western markets Khowed a falling on from last "year caused a rally later and the close was firm. There was a rair nmount or liquidation early and u mimncr amount 01 u uiinng tne nrtcr- HOOn. thtn WI1H nhnill all t,n ,,r..,ol .... the market had to withstand. rTeurs still being rather timid. May pork sold between 115.8.. and $16.1)0 and closed 20c higher at 115.90; May lard between I7.67tt1f7.70 ond S7.77Vi, closing 7Hc up nt J7.77H. and May rios neiwfpij, nnd 7.07V4, with the close 7Hc Imnroved nt S7.55. Estimated receipts tomorrow: 'Wheat, 130 vara; corn, j cars; oats, cars: nogs, l ,l""l Ill'UU. , The leading futures ranged as follows; Artlcles. Open. High. Low. Closc. Sat'y, Wheat Mar. April May Corn Mar. May July Oats Mar. May Tork May July Lard May July Sept. Jllhs May Sept. 76!, 757 75H 754 76VJ , 76 76 754 754iH 76V, 76T4-7H77HWH 76 76 77!? 40Vfc 40' i 4IH iVMlV tlftlHH tl 41 41U 415JV4 Ui 24V1 241 2IH 24U 2-Oi 25H 25!J 2... 25U 25U 15 70 15 90 15 65 15 90 15 70 15 10 15 15 14 95 15 70 14 97& 7 72H 7 77H 7 67H 7 77H 7 70 7 77U 7 82( 7 72V? 7 80 7 75 7 82H 7 85 7 77V4 7 85 7 77H 7 47W 7 57W 7 47V4 7 65 7 47ii 7 50 7 57H 7 47H . 7 674 7 45 necelpts. Shipments, 49,000 S6.000 ..,2ia,ono ...254,000 ... 4,000 21,000 27,000. WW) 196,000 247,000 4.000 10,000 No. A Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Dull! winter nntents. M fJVfM Rn. straights. I3.20fo3.60; clears. 12.90zr3.30: spring niit-ciiim. paicnin, j..U(U,; strnigllts. J3 00.1.30; bakers. J2.201i2.6O. WHBAT No., 3 spring, C9S73?ic; No. 2 CORN-No. 2 and-No. 2 yellow. 40i,if. OATS-No. 2. 26c; No. 2 white, 2SQ2'."a; No. 8 white. 27(?f2.SWe. u ' RYI2 No. 2. 62S53c. I1ARLHV Fair to choice malting, 50fj! RKD8-Flax, No. t, J1.54; No. 1 north western. 1.5.'i. Prima timothy, J4. Clover, contract grnde. S10.6510.76. .PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. S15.75ffl 15.80. Lard, per 100 lbs.. S7.!a47.77,4: Short ribs sides (loose), S7.45(fi'7.65. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), J6.60iR6.75. Short clear Ides (boxed). S7.9ofi8.00. r WIUSKY-UaslH of high wines. $1.27. Tho receipts and shipments today were as follows: Articles. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye, bu Hurley, bu On the Produce exphnnirn tnrtnv ter market was dull; creameries. 15f21Uc; 23 Wc"' "f'fe. Cheese, fairly active at lM UMc. Uggs, dull; fresh, llc. KEW YORK OKXUIIAI, MARKET. Quotation of the liny on Various Cuiiiniuilltlrs. NKW YORK, March 18. FLOUR Re. celpts, 28 000 bbls exports. 1S.7W l,blsI weak and unsettled under heaviness In wheut, with domand unlmportunt: Mlnne-!?P'i-,'nt'!' -WI.30; Minnesota bakers. S3.0OJJ3.2; winter natcnUs. S4.(K)ri4,35: winter straights. S3.4Mf3.fc; winter extras. " 5n 2.80; winter low grades, S2.45T2.60. Rye flour, nulet; fair to good. S2.80CJ.15; choice S? 10rt"Cl5' ,3,I0W3-45- "uctwheat f.our. dull! WckWHBAT-Dull at 6ftfJ2c. c. I f New York. ' ' CORNMKAIj Steady: yellow western c: city. 90o; Rrandywlne. rn' RYE Quiet; No. 2 western, GOVic.'f. 0 b afloat: suite, 5&-i57c. e, I, t cariois RARLliY Dull: feeding. 4&HISc c 1 t New York: inaltlnc. CIOTOc. ' " BARLKY MALT Dull; western. CSHT'e , WHKAT-Recelpts, 120,500 bu ' exists S10.500 bu. Spot,1 easy; No. 2 red. 81c afloat, and SOHc, elevator; No. 1 northern' fiu!ufb' 2?c - ' ""oat; No. lhirS: buluth, 92Hc. f. o b.. afloat. Options dls. jilaved considerable heaviness today. Tho bull fever materially subsided In tho face of disappointing cables, lino weather west ppd less deoreaso In the visible supply than f xpected, and under uctlve unloading prices broke over a cent por bushel, without at tracting satisfactory export demand. Closed easy at HOio decline from Saturday's curb CORN Receipts. 172.600 bu.: uxDorts. 72.10:1 bu. Spot, steady: No. 2. 49c, elevator, and 4Sc, f, o. b uflont Option market was weak fvnd lower. Influenced by heaviness In wheat, improved grading and movement at Chicago, small clearances and a fair visible supply Increase It rallied finally on covering and closed, steady nt a partial Uc net decline March closed at 49a; May, 4C?4yWic, closed at 46To; July, 40V;ytCBo, closed at 4&Ho; September, 46c, closed at 46?ie. OATS-Recelpts, 288,000 bu. Spot, nulot; No. 2. UOHc; No. 3. S0c; No. 2 white. SSVic; No. 3 white, 3:9; Mc; track mixed western, 3W31',4c; track white, 32036c, Options, quiet and easier. HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice, 1900 crop. 174120c; 1899, U016o; old olds, 24) (c; Pacific coast. 1S00 crop, 1619c; 1S99, Hi? lo; 'old olds, :'4iCe. HAY Ulcmdy; bhlpplng, 77HtfSOqj good to choice. 85S96C. illDKB-fltsadyi Oalveoton, SO to :3 lbs., IMMSfic; California, 21 to 23 lbs., 18HfJ19c Texas dry, 21 to 30 lbs . 14I114t4c. LMATHKR Firm; hemlock sole, Buenos Ayres. iif,ht to heavyweights, 2l5f25c; acid 23l2mc. PROVISION'S lleef. steady: family. J10.60 ffll.oO; mess Ujl)M; bef hams. tS.5iXir 19 w; packet, I9.ivohio.oo; extra India mes Sll.0Wil6.OO, Cut mi'iits, steady: pickled bcl lies. S8.OOfllO.00: nleklcd shotlblors. S6.60M6.75 pickled hums, J9.r(9.7o. Lard, steady; west' ern steamed. S&m,: re lined, nulet: contl tient, S8.30; South America, ,x.55; compound i.(wio.Ki"4. j'orK, nrm; ramny, ho.i&hib.zo short clear. SI4,7515.(5: mess. SI5.00B16.CO. TALUJW Quiet; city (2 per pkg.), iHC iiA . t , ........ t m. a i r I ' . . RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, ;4 i'uuljuii Alive, nrm: iowis, iimic chlckcnir,' lOWc; turkoys, llHc Dressed firmer; turkeys, 910Hc; chickens, lOftlOHc canons, lli712Hc. POTATOKH -Jerseys. Sl.t5Wl.75; New York. S1.60M1.75; Long Island, SI.50tfl.87ti Jersey sweets, S1.752.60. lil'TTKR - Receipts, 9.3SS pkEs.i firm state dairy, 15fl21r; fresh creamery, 16f22c June creamery, lUfl9V4Ci factory, 10&14Hc. CHlilCSB-RfCelpts. 959 pkgs.; strong fancy, large, colored and white, lliyilHc fancy, small, colored, 12Hc; fancy, small wime. i28ii;jc. KaUS-Rcceluto. 19.345 nkus.: steady stato and Pennsylvania, at mark, 13',iJil3Ho western at mark, niilDHc; southern, at mark, 12tfl2;c. . MKTALH-A decline of 1 5s on tin In Loudon caused considerable soiling prcs suro nt the ooenlnir of thn loenl metal mar. ket this morning and prices broke about 30 points ami increnner tne mnrKet ruled weaic and unsettled, with trading on a very small scale. Thn rinse wim wrnlr nt IAVOi In London tin closed weak In tone nt 115 lor spot and 112 58 for futures. Nothing or Interest was noted In lend and prices remain unchanged nt S4..T7H. Spelter wns weak In tho ubcencc of buying orders, though prices were noi materially cnangeu, closing n S.1.90H3.95. Connir wos Inactive and nom lnally unchanged nt S17 for Luke Superior ntul S16.62V4 for casting and electrolytic. In London, however, the market was ilenreaseil and 12s 6d lower, to fS 7s d. Domestic Iron mnrKcts wero dun Hnd raay, with prices quoted as follows: Pig Iron warrants, S9.60 uuu.uo; nnrinern roiinury,; south, ern foundry, SU.OOHI5.50, and soft southein S13.00y 15.50. English markets ruled easy, uinsguw warrants cioicd at ws nna Mld iiiL'soorougii at 4.s io'.id. OMAHA WIIOI,i:sAI,U MARKETS. Condition of Trndc find lintnlnna on Stnplr unit Knuoy Produoe. EOaS-Rccelpts liberal; good stock, 10H3 hi;. i.ivis i'uuii'iir nens. UH07c: youne, staggy and old roosters. SOCc: ducks, CH 07c; geese, 6Hii7c: turaeys. DQTc FRESH DRESSED POULTRY Hens, 7W 0bc; roosters, I4fic; ducks, SwRVjc; kocso, 8 4i84c: turkevs. llghtwolcht. ilitluct henvv. T 4i8c. U A. ME Mallard ducks, per doz., S2.735 , ! "''Hi'1", mixeu, i.i'iii.w; jaCK- luiMiim. nu naif; cuiioniuus, iMf'JUC. llUTTEIl-Common to fair, weak at 13c choice. HJiIjo; setiarator. 22c. FRESH OYSTMltH Klmt irrndn. .MM pacKeii. new iorK counts, per can, 38c; ex tra selects, 32c; standards. 25c: medium. :0c. Second grade, slack lilted. Now York counts, per can. 30c; extra selects, 26c; Biuuuuiua. u 11 1 K BinnnnrriH iter 1r.11. 11.25. frozen FRESH FJSH-Ulack bass. 18c; whlto buss, 10c; blucflsh, 11c; bullheads, 10c; blUO fills. 7c: cattish. 12c! end ne' rronnla 10u; clscoes. 7c; halibut, He; herring, i'cf Cc; haddock, 9c; mackerel, 15c: perch, bit 7c; pickerel, 7c; pike, 9c; red snappor. loa; luiuiui , nu, auiiiisii, ic; smcii3, luc; trout, I'lOEONS-Llvo, per doz., SL VEAI.S-Cholee. Mtmr. ' HAY Prices nunteil hv nmnlis tT.i,i.nt any aeuicrs association: i:hni im an,i SS.OO; No. 1 upland. S7.60: merllnm . jT.nn- coarse, S.60. Rye straw, S3.00. These prices rift n. 1,,... a . . r . . . t , . ... - - manil fair. Receipts. 13 cars. OATS-No. 2 white, 2Sc. CORN No. 3. 35c, URAN-S15. VEOETA3LE3. SPINACH-l'er bu. box. 78e. CUCUMUERS-Hot house, per doz.. 1.504 I'ARSNIPS-Pcr bu., 40c. TURNIPS Per bu. bosket. 50c UEETS-Pcr bu., toe. tJARROTS Per uu 40o. LETTUCE I'er bu., 354J40c. RADISHES-I'cr doz., MUSla. PARSLEY Per doz., 3Sc l'OTATOES l'or bU.. 43(flKf!? . SEED POTATOES Early Ohlos, 65e0c: Red River Valley. Wc; Triumph. SI 04. SWEET POTATOES-Por bbl.. Sl.YS. v.auuiiur.-'iiuiiaiiu iteeu. per ID.. l'Si&Zc TOMATOES California. Dcr H-hiukXt ONIONS-Ohlo. ucr bu.. I1.7K. CELERY California, as in nif twn,7Kn. Kalamazoo, 2CiU30c. CAULIFLOWER-Callfornla. ner n-uim S2.60. ' UEANB-wax. per bu., S3.50; string, pr KOQ I'LANT Per bu. box. S2.75, I'EPPERS-l'er bu. box. S2. FRUITS. STRAWDERRIES Florida, ner nt.. 5Krs. ORAPES Malaga, per keg. S7.50fl9.00. APPLES Per bbl.. 14.25: Wushlnetnn nr bu. box. S1.75; liellliowcrs, S1.90. CRANllERRIES Uell and lluirln xi nar uui., jciscjB, yvr uui., 9.ou; uer crate. TROPICAL FRUITS. oranues California seedlings, J2.00 LEMONS California, extra fnnev M rji. UANANAS I'or bunch, according to size. S1.76I&2.25. FIOS California, new cartons. 7Sn lav. ers, 63c: Imported, per lb., 12ttl3c. DATEb 1 erslan. In 60-lb. boxes, Salrs. Bo per lb.; Halloween. 64c per lb. MISCELLANEOUS. HIDES No. I green. 514c: No. ? nun 4Hc; No. 1 salted, 6c; No. 2 salted, 5V4o: No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Cc; dry hides, 8iK13c; sheep pelts, 25a75c; horse hides, S1.60JW.25. NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 13c; fil berts, per lb.. 13c: almonds, nor lb. lSiaain; raw, peanuts, por lb., 6Q5Uc; roasted. Cita iVic: Brazils. Uc; pecan, 10fil2c; cocoanuts. eucn 4Hc. St. I.nuU (irnln nnd Provisions. ST. l.OUlS. Mnreh 1R V'IJ ir A ti .cllH-'?;;l',y,'ltor'-7?'c: fnck. 75 7J .' Vi, "Tiiu'iiwo; Jiuy, vac; jvo. hard, 714ifi 72c. track, track. No, RYE Firm. 52Uc. FLOUR Steadv: natentn. M r,Mi1t TR. .rrn fancy und straight. S3. 15(03.85; clear. S2.70 2.90; lowgrades, S2.20a2.507 I'V'SwZiJ1?01' "ten-ay: average ie CClnts. S3.75ffl.00: nrlmn worth tn,n-. fln steady. S1.61W. uiikkjikai steady. $2.03. 1IRAN Steadv: sacked. ent trneV It Q78o. IIAY-Strotig; timothy, S6.KK5l3.00; pral- 1-uitiM-i.owor; No. 2 cash, 39Vlc: 39ic: Mny, S9cj July. 40?ic OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 26Wc: 26tl2fiV4c: Mny. 26c; July, 24&; whlti', 2SWc, e, S7.O0d77.5O. WHISKY-Steady at $1.27. IRON COTTONTIES-SL0I 11.00. I J rtli 1 1 1 i l f t'lli c. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Tnrk Arm lr.V.V,l,1n. dim Iard, higher nnd ilrm, S7.62H. Drj- salt nieats, stronger; boxed lots, extra shorts. S7..o; clear ribs, $7.8714; clear sides. S8 llaeon. stronuer: boxed lots rim i,n,i. 13.37',: clear rllm IS .im, .ian, .i,iu to - ' ill. I'ALS-Lead. Ilrm at $t.22V44.23. Spel er. dull at $3.75 for sellers. I'Ul'iyrilY HtenilV! r)i eUnna "71i4TCli. turkoyf, fifloo; dackSi 9V4c. geese, 65T6c. ' HUTTER Dull: erenmnrv. 1BW-.' ,i 14ai7o. ' , 4;?,tJi.wpU. 10' cnses "turned. RECEIPTS Flour. 8.000 hhtu wh.nt im.: corn, iot.000 bu.; oats. 88,000 bu. nil ii'AiKt-sTH Flour. 14,(XX) bbls.; wheat. :C5,000 bu.; com, bu.; oats, 67,000 bu. Liverpool Oraln nnd Provisions. LIVERPOOL. March 18 WHMATflnn firm: No. 2 red, western, winter, 6s llUd: No. 1 northorn, spring, 6s 2Hd: No. 1 Cali fornia. Cs 2?id: futures were dull! Mnv c. d: July, 6s M. uuiiK-npot, American mixed, new, 3s lV4d; American mixed, old, firm nt 4s; fu ures were nulet: May. 3s loiid: Jniv. .i lOUd; September, 3s 10Hd. rKAb-i.:ananian. steady, ss 7Hd, FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter. ntenHv 8s 6d. ... PROVISIONS-Ueof, easy; extra India mess, Cls 3d. Pork, steudy; prime mess western, C3s. llfims, short cut. II to 16 liis.. llrm. 43s.9d. Ixird, American refined. In ails, nrm. 4oh; prime western. In lerccs, nrm, ays 3d. uacon. Cumberland cut. 26 to 60 lbs., firm. 43s; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., llrm. 43s 3d: lonir rlenr mi.i. dies, light, 28 to 31 lbs., firm. 42s 6d; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., 40.i6d: hort e ear oacKH. lb to 20 bs.. llrm. rfl .t,i. clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., firm: shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., strong, S5s 9d. HOPS At London, steady: Callfnmln ci, Oregon. I4h04 17s. ' ' lll'TTKH Hull, tlnort United Rtnl n.. good United States, 6Ss. ' ' CHEESE Dull: American finest whit. and colored. 48s. TALLOW Prime city, dull, 24s d; Aus- trauan in tinuon, oun, -is tu. Iliinrt polls (irnln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 18. wiiw at Cash. 75c; Mny, 75c; July, 77;o; on track, No. 1 hard, 7?c; No. 1 northern, 75c; No, nnrinern, m't'Ot.c. FLOUR First natentn. U.CMM 05? iirni clitaj-B, 3.0j(3.10: second clears, SI.OOiSJ.lO. II RAN In bulk. $13.00013.25. Kunaas City Drain and ProvlaloA. KANSAS CITY. March 18 'l ltt.VT May, W74j6Tcj July, tSo; cash, No.,S hard, 68HtT70ci No. 3, 66-ii69ci No. 2 red, 70Hc No. 3, 67fi9iic. ,i-,2UN-A,a'i 3'i ". No. 2 mixed, 36i5l3,c; No. 2 white, 374350; No. 3, 37Vic, RYE No. S. MUn. "AY-Cholco timothy, $10.50311.00; choice t 11 1 1 1 r , 4 , DITJI V. W. UUTTER-Crcamery, 17iff20ci dairy, fancy, EaqS-Wenk! fresh Missouri and Kan SnS stOCk. 10Ur iln . ln n(T rn turned; new whltewood cases Included, Ho RECEIPTS-Whcat, 156,000 bu.; corn, ?0, ... "'af, ll.vw ou. .ii1.1 'MKTS-Wheat, 81,600 bu.; corn iw,.w ou., oats, 2,000 bU, Vlalltlf Snnnlr nt n rn In. NEW YORK, March lR.-The visible sup yiy u, Kniin oaiuruay, .Marcn 16. as com Plied by the New York Produce exchange, Is as follows: WHEAT-65,121,000 bu.; decrease, 769,000 Ull. 9S.K'3"'000 bu-i Increase, 1.331,000 bu -iu,oii.wu ou. i increase, si.uuu du. UARLEl 1,337,000 bu.; increase, 18,000 bu Toledo (Irnln nnd Serd. TOLEDO. O., March 18-WHEAT-Weak nnn lower; no. 2 casn, 78ic; May, 80-)4c July, 79c. CORN-Dull and firm; No. 2 mixed, 41c .mi), lie OAT8-D11U and lower; No. 2 mixed, 28c RYE-Dull: No. 2 ensh. 52Uc. CLOVERSEED-Dull and firm: prime limn unu .Man.11, iu.oj; uciooer, ntilndi Crnln Mnrlcet. DULUTH, Mnrch 18.-W1IEAT-Cash, No, 1 hard. 76ic: No. 2 hard, 76c; No. 1 north ern, 74ic; No. 2 northern, 6SHP72;jc; May, CORN-39C! May, 39Hc. OATS-25y4226c. .ttlln-nnkce (Irnln Market, MILWAUKEE. Mnrch 18. 'WHEAT Lower; No. 1 .northern, 767CHoi No. northern, 72HW73Hc. RYE Higher: No. 1. 63tlff33Uc. HARLEY Steady; No. 2, 67c; sample, 40 (Tfoac. .MOVEMENTS IN STOCKS AMI ROMPS Renewed Internal In Stocks Cnused liy Events nf Last Week, NEW YORK. March 18. The eoursn of events In last week b stock market led u to today s excitement on tho Stock ex change. The power of the professional speculators, who had been manipulating prices for nn advance for a long time, saw tho promise of their reward In the crowing outside Interest In tho market. Thn relief afforded by Saturday a bank statement gav pretty goon ripsurnuca 01 nn increased tic mnnd tor stocks this morning. Tho public nppetlto wns whetted by several announce ments, which either came very opportunely for tno purpose or were set nuoat with view to their effect. One. nf thn ereiitost dlfllcultlcs which tho professional bulls have. nan to contend wuti was tne dragging tendency 01 tno steci siockr. uni er tne nt. prehension thut when tho new United States steel corporation siocks aro introduced on tho stock exenango tney mny prove weak and nnvn nn unsettling influence on tno gen era) market. The report that the Rockefeller Iron Inter ests In the Lake Superior region wcro to bo included in ino-Htcei merger tnereroro nroved very onnortuno for tho bulls nnd nwakencd the steel stocka from their dor mant stntc Into strength and activity. I wns difficult to sccuro nnv authoritative confirmation of the transaction and no de tails 'vero vouchsafed of tno terms, or whether any Inerenso In tho proposed cap I tni issue or tne eniien states ateei corpora Hon was Involved. Tho stock of that cor poration was actlvo and buoyant In tho curb market In symnathy with tho move ninnt In tho other stocks on the exchange, I lit It? wtin .11 iiiiiuuivu u, ill; i-ALiitu speculation In Tlurllnnton on the publication or I'ircumoinntiai assertions tnut rresiueni J. J. Hill of tho Grent Northern had se cured control of the Iturllncton. Hurling ton Insiders were declined to deprecnto these assertions, giving color lo the heller that competitive buying for control was going on. It was also confidently stated that New York Central had secured control of Man hattan and would guarnnty a dividend of 6 per cent. This stntement received nn em phatic denial from tho president of the Now yorK central, it win no seen tnai tnese in fluences form tho framework of tho day's very animated and buoyant market. Other movements wero either directly related td these or wero under their Indirect Influence. Thus tho belief that Rurllngton hud been substituted for St. Paul In the nronosed ad JuHtment of northwestern railroad affairs revived tno coreiauvo dcuci mat wns tn bo Included In the progrnm. Hence tho Htrnnir recovery In those stocks after their early weakness In sympathy with the other comers. ueneral Electrics novance was an out growth of tho supposition that the new contract of Manhattan would hasten Its electrical equipment. The rise In tho other grangers wus palpably in syinpainy wnn Rurllngton. tu. t'aui aione Hanging u.-ick Missouri Pacific seemed to be marked up In an endeavor to revlvo tho stiength of the southwestorns, but the maneuver proved without effect. a number or specialties moved Independently. Including Sugar, To bacco, Consolidated (las, People's Uas and American Smelting ureferred. Now York. Chlcacn & St. Louis stocks. Paclllc Coast sernnil nreferred. Lake Erie & Western nre ferred nnd Louisville & Nashville wero all conspicuously strong. The weakness of tho rniilers was duo to fenrs of a minors strike. Great Northern preferred reacted on prollt taking on tno declaring or hiock subscrip tion ritrnts. 'i nn cam in tne urincinni steei stocks extended from 2 to 5 points and they held better than any others. There wero ualen of trust certificates for the stocks do nnntted In iisHnnt to tho nlan of the merger nnd tho prices if theso In some' cases varied over a point, both abovo and below thoso ot tne ulocKS. xnero was 110 expimiuuun of this discrepancy. There was some evi dence nf short Interests In the steel stocks jind tho transfer of these stocks make them scarce for delivery, uurungton s rise was 4, Manhattan's 4H and a large numocr ut tho other most prominent stocks from 2 to 5. Nortnwestern preicrrea jumpcu 1. ma tnklng of speculative prollts caused wide reactions at times, but the undertone con tinued strong to the close, although last prices of many stocks were ably below the best. . . 'i',a rn mail iinnii marKet. continued ac tlve. but was reactionary In spots on proiit tnklnir. Total Hales, liar Vltluc. $6.3Jd.OlX). United States refunding 2 advanced H per cent on tho last call. The following are tno cioBing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison do pin. ...... Unltlmoro & O Can. Pacific .. Can. Southern r'lie,, & Ohio.. Chicago G. W C. R. & Q 931 91' NOW ... 62 ... 47'4 ... 22-'l4 r,lnnL.ri T. & L... 38 do pfd 724 Chicago & E. I..1W4 Chicago & N. W..178V 11. i. i-.....j.v C. C. Colo. do do Del. Del. Den. do Erie do C. & St. L. 77U Southern 1st pfd.... 2d pfd.... & Hudson L. & W... & IUo a.. pfd 11H . 4V ltO .190 . 41 . 8914' . 33', . 68T4I ,204V . 18'; 61 1st pfd.... Ot. Nor. pfd.... Hocking Coal . llneklnir Valley Illinois Central... W4 Iowa Central .... 31H do pfd &3 L. E. & W 45i do pfd ii Lake Shore JlOVi Lou s. ac Nasn.. 98 Manhattan L ...128: Met. St. Ry 167H1 Mex. Central T ,Sd. ..:."i V?f-i ?w Mo. Paclflo ilnf n'l Pancr" Wabash 19 In nfd 34i W. & L. E 16H do Zd nfd Ji Wis. Central .... 19i Third. Avenue ...121 H. & O. pfd 92U National Tube .. 57V1 do pfd 106-?i Adams Express,. in Am. Express ....191 If. S. Express.... 69 Wells-Furgo Ex.,142 Am. Cot. Oil 27 do nfd 15 Am. Malting .... 6 do nfd '27V4 Amer. S. & It.... 65H do pfd 94 Am. Spirits ... 1H "do pfd 17 Amen a. 11 a; do pfd 86U Amer. a. & w.... 41 do pfd. . j lOOTi Am. Tin Plate.... 67H uo pfd 100 Am. Tobacco ....128H do pfd 147 MIn. Co.... 45T4 Rup. Tr.... 824 F. & 1 47H xouacco pfd. iVnu. Urk. Colo. Con. do Federal Steel .1 .. .. . 1 rWflen. 1,'leelrle AlOOIIO UI1IU.. nuit ,1 r,J M K. & T 23V r 'YfV' Nat. Ulscult no pta.... 48?, .106 . 45T4 . 91Vi .213 . iH . 95 . 22?i . 73 do pfd W J. Central.... 155 Y. Central. ...1454' Nor. & West.... 61 N, N, 85 do nfd. No. Paclllc do nfd 89 Ontario & W.... 327, O. R. a ri 42 do nfd 76 Pennsylvania ....15214 110 1st pia do 2d nfd Rio G. W do pfd St. U & 3. P.... 1lTfc! ,li lat nf1 ftri' ao zn nru St. L. S. W 32 do pfd 6311 St. Paul 160V4 do nfd .-.1S8U nt. 1 -. umana. .!;: 80, Paclllc 45H So. Railway ,V.M'25H o PI" Tex. & Paclflo .. 31 Union Pacific ... 92?4 uo pra ssH 41 lr.U National Lead .. 15'J do pfd S5 do nfd mr,ii N. Y. A. Hrako.,162 "No. American. 77H Pacific Coast do 1st pfd... no za pro... 31ilptn'.,.,r1' 9i 90 66W :tlt4 People's Gas ,,..107 1 lenawu n, 37 do pfd 77 Pullman P. C....205 Stand, R. & t.,, 4ii Suff 141H do nfd 10114 Tenn. C. & l kh o. i.eatner..., 12i do pfd 74 U. S. Rubber.... 1874 do Pfd , rsJ Western Union.. 89 Amal. Copper ...101U Republic I, Se 8.. 164 do nfd CO' P. C. C. & S. L.. 60V4 Trust receipts. Nominal. New stock. The Comerclal Advrtior'. r financial cablegram says: There was very llttlo doing hero In the stock market, but a much calmer view was taken of tho threatened trouble between Russian troops ac';!ver,&?kr& mvp. smi mahkft 1 stocks wero, very strong, mainly, v""" ' " ww aaiiuui pension siocks wern however, on professional trading. Louln yllle & Nashville wan the favorlto under the Inspiration of Influential orders cabled over irom cw York. Coal stocks were in de mand In splto of the miners' threat to strike, but they relapsed after the close In thn streot trndtnir. I'nrls sold tlntos In great quantity, but London bears covered, on tho publication of tho fortnightly sta tistics, which show a decrease of 1,558 tons In stocks, nnd 1.733 tons in sunn les. The call loan rate was 3fft per cent. The market renal,! n in nre mim due the bank. The bank bought 15,000 In gold bars and .uw,wu in transit for ltomoay. Btif Btetti Wk t a Dim I.owir aid Oowi Abnt Btudj. HOGS AVERAGE A SHADE LOWER Llbernl Run of Sheep, tint Mnrket Held Jnst About Steady All Around nnd l&vcrythlnir nt All Choice AV'an Sold In (iood Senium. SOUTH OMAHA. March 18. 5??e!n.ts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep uniciai wqnuay 3,lty 4,aJ2 9,2i9 .cir York Money .Market. NEW YORK, March 18.-MONEY-On call, steadier m "u.mi nr rent? Inst Innn. 2H per cent; prime mercantile paper, 3HW 4H Per cent. STERLING EXCIIANaE-Strong. with actual business In bankers' bills at $t.87H Same day list week 1 JuS for demand and nt $4.84jil.SIH for sixty DU 5 wtek uelo?e i'Si davs: tuti .1 ttfAiuniL n.i ti muz. S"...'" .:etK "tiore ".';l".ml own, Jl.WliJM.Kl. SILVER-Ccrtlflcntes, 61HQ63c; bar, 61c; Mexican dollars, 49c. UOND8 Governments, strong; state,- in- "Vi!vu rniiroati, irregular. The closing prices on bonds today aro as luuuwa; aamo three weeks ugo... 2,359 Samo four weeks unu.... 2,616 bume day lust vear i.iAi AVeruuu pneo paid tor bogs for tno p'asi severui ua, with comparisons: SMI tl,ll 4.661 6,101 6,922 u,ui 7,113 3,36.1 I 1901. 1900.1893.189S.1897.1836.18Si, U. 8. rcf. 2s. rcg..l03i N. Y. Central 1S.107U uu wuuiiun 106V4 cen. ff. I1S..1&1 ClO 38. reir Ill A'n lnrlfle !, T1U ilo coupon in do 4s 105H iu iiuw is, rcgniaj do coupon do old 4s. rcg...R3 do coupon 111 do Cs, log nut' do eounnn tie: .1. ......i r.m wci: D. Of C. 2 K.ia 11 ll).n,1l,, Am aiic Atch. gen. 48...',!lii4i Rio G. W. In....'. loot uj. ia atij'Hl 1, Ar 1 M C. 0S.117H Can. So. 2s insiil'Sf I. AH u 1. s.i3l 4 26... N Y. C & St L 4s.l09i(, N. & W. c. 4s... .1034 ore. IN a v. is 110 10 -is iw. Oregon H. j,. us.,l2-4 ne y. 154s. losji'St. Paul consols. li ,fd0,5si'-,-,v 121-i'St. P. C. & P. ls.118 W. c. 7S.140141 d0 5s 121 -MO N. Te. ,1 C inn ia. n..Alfl rln Im Chicago Railway 6s. Mil d. oiorado Ho. 4s.. S7 IS. R. & T. 6s 56 V i. i. 4 innuiTnvfl Xr 11 1 111 Lrlo gen. 1s 7s!l ,in 5h V. n- in?',; 119 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 'M. March 1.. March 2.. March 3.. March 4.. March &.. March 6.. March 7.. March 8.. March 9.. March 10. March 11. March 12. March 13. March 14. March L. -March 16, March if. March 18. 5 ?'K I 3 68 3 79 3 49 3 75 3 81 5 Mft I 4 65 a 81 3 42 3 70 3 6 26i 4 67 3 62 3 13 3 73 3 H. 5 3 J7 1 3 661 3 8I 3 j 74 6 22H 4 liS 3 51 1 3 78 3 60 3 88 u -'(;, 1 4 b6i 3 b2l 3 bbl 3 47i 3 74l 3 So -'(-tt 4 bU, 3 b2 3 bbl 3 47 3 74 3 I 4 b9, 3 bi 3 88 3 4l 3 801 ' X2H I 3 Wl 3 871 3 4 3 891 3 91 4 74 I 3 821 3 bo 3 Mi 3 91 4 70 3 64 3 twi 3 j ill 3 92 4 Hi 3 an a Mi I :i so 4 iu 6 39HI 4 J2 3 b.t 3 7t 3 67 I 4 06 0 41rj 4 71 3 b 3 7b 3 6U 3 81 4 03 1 l O Dili J BUI tl W I J oil ' j 3 b9i 3 79 3 64 3 82 4 10 4 76i 1 3 741 3 701 3 80 4 16 6 6 36m b -1H1 ii.ioi IV "''' "?clric BS..I7K . '.'-enirni IS.. M., K. A T. 2a. do 4s 117U .lOlii . M'lkl Union Paclflo 4s..l05'4 Wabash Is 119i do 2s 110 West Shore 4s...H5i wis. ucntrni is.. 91 Va. Centuries .. 96 6 39?4 0 40-4 0 4ov 4 79 3 62 3 78 3 9 4 2J 6 6o 4 Vo 3 6J1 3 69l 3 Wi 4 2! 6 56a 4 79 3 69 3 6s 3 80 4 M a WJ-, 4 Sj 3 tv 3 iui 3 (III 3 77 4 2 I 4 94 3 b 3 H 3 91 3 83 5 55H I 3 68 3 73 3 8S 3 81 1 4 46 Rid. Indicates Sunrtnv. TllQ Ultlnl.'ll 1111,,, I. mr nf tnr.. brought la today by each road was: CnDli. Itniru !.' IIaoa v.., .ti. oc 01. 1-, ny... u. oc 01. It. tiy I'nstnn Stock dnntntlons. V. ii ,Mn'"ch 18.-Call loans, 304 per COntt tlmn l,inM Htm nn . . ...i ilnyln jit. I.C111. VJIUCIlll Union Paclllc system. 18 C. it N, W. Ryl 12 V E. At M. V. R. It.. 2.1 6SH 141 121 161 H A., T. & S. F.., do pfd Amer. Sugar . do nfd Am. Telephone Tlnstnn Jf. At Iloston Elevated',171 ijosion t Mn... C. U. & Q t Dominion Coal. do pfd Federal Steel .. do pfd Fltchbtirir nfd . Gen. Electric .,, MUnlon Land : West End do nfd.. Ed. Elec. 111... N. E. a. A a Old Colony ... Old Dominion itunner Union Pacific . IM .162 . 39Hl .110 ... 91V ...144H ...215H ...I'M ...215 ...13 ...20K ... .16 ... 18 ... . !ii; West Electric ... 62H ,tClllSOIl 4M N. E. G. & C. Eh. M Adventure 13 Til , m... J1II1K. illlll, I.O. ... 1. Amal. Copper... ,10IH Atlantic 32H iiOMinu ac niont..n57 Cnl. & Hccla 860 Centennial 2IH eranKiiu zz-v Humboldt 50 Osceola K7 Parrot 53 Qulncy 174 Santa Fo Cop.... 7 Tamarack 343 Utah Mining .... SUA inona , 1, Wolverines 61 S. C. & P. Ry 3 C, St. P., M. & O.... 26 LI. & M. it. It. It it; C, U. Ac y. Ry C, K. 1. At P. Ry., K 1 C. It. 1. An 1'. Ilv.. W. .. Illinois Central 6 Total receipts Ill Tho dlsbOSltloll of the itnv'H reeelnla nna as follow, h, each buyer purvnaslug the num. iti ul neuu iiiuicutcu. lluyers. 1 l 20 2 2.. 17 3 1 1 10 10 It 4 i 1 69 39 3 !Nyt York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK. Mnrch IS Tim I'ntlnnlnr niu iiuuiuiiuiis on mining stocks: Omana Pncklntr Co G. H. Hummond Co Swift and Compuuy Cuduhy Packing Co Armour & Co It. Dicker At Degun Vanuatu At Co Lobman Ac Co Benton & Underwood.... Livingstone. At Schullur.. Hamilton Ac Rothschild.. L. F. Htisz U. F. Hobblck Wolf .At Mawhlnncy Other buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. 255 bil 24$ 31j bio 497 4jU 937 1,1.V 313 1,013 919 274 991 3.0.M la 320 Ii9 43 j... 126 L9 3 8 26 6l3 1,049 1.... 4..., 6.... 1.... 1..., 1010 .1920 702 280 100 240 ,. 233 STOCK 3 SO 3 40 CALVES 1 1SS0 4 00 .1 15 6 25 50 6 60 i 10 cows 1 1 1 140 140 120 130 0 01 ft 50 6 75 tt "j AND 3... 17 .1 16 HEIFERS. 706 1 40 428 500 753 H 525 2 80 L 670 3 no 1 870 3 10 I 910 3 25 L 960 3 40 STOCK CALVES. 3.. 223 i 25 2 300 1 310 3 M 4 307 8TAGS. 1 1050 3 00 1 1160 ST0CK.ERS AND FEEDERS, 3 40 .1 60 3 95 4 10 A 15 1 CO 1 3 60 3 1 48 51 2 7( 606 2 950 3 U 21 55 41. 510 W0 651 PS3 850 768 575 350 3 I 6.... , 9M . 779 , 645 , 360 631 876 , 832 440 848 S03 75 3 CO 3 2 J 35 4 35 .1 10 3 M 3 51 .1 60 3 i'0 .1 70 3 75 461 S70 v.o Kit 20 829 31 1072 2 990 7 850 52 723 1 600 55 650 fi 1 , 28 70S 67 736 25 656 37 796 20 1220 35 626 36 683 16 410 30 450 Ills! t,nl,f Monday's supply of hogs In sight today, and tho market started out nil tile way from steady to 2V4c lower than on Saturday, The average today Is Just a shado lower, ys tho iMinu 111 average prices will snow, xnc best IIOCB sold mostly nt i.V!V714 with n Inn nt $5.w, which was the same as Saturday's nest tirlce. Tho run nf medium weights, however, sold at $5.65, which made iiiui inu most popular prico 'tno ugntcr lveiuiiin. ot wnicn inure were it iroon mnnv on sale, brought from 15.6214 down. The last end ot the market was fully as good as tho tlrBt half, and tho yardi were cleared tn good season. It was, ot course. tno less ucsirabio kinds tnat wero left until the end, but they brought fully us much as they would at any time during the morning. Representative sales 4 05 4 20 I :v I 10 4 2t I 21 4 35 HOaS-Thcrc was 4 K I 35 Itf 4 10 4 15 4 F0 4 50 I CO I 50 4 M 4 55 I f-5 4 r 4 60 1 tn 4 ;c 4 7b 4 90 4 iO .1 usual steers, $l.5f75,7S: dressed beef and butcher steers, ll.lOfre.Jfl; stecrm under 1.000 lbs., $3.i5fl.6); Mockers, ntul feeders. $3.25374.75, cow; iiiui helfors.; cannors, $1.25 f2.8; bulls, $2.40tf4.00; Texas- ami Indlnn steers, W.WfiN.tS; cows, nnd heifers, $2 soft 3.i0. HOClS-Recelpts, 11,300 bend; rnnrke 5C '"""i.plgs and llRhts. $S.60v.63; puckers, 6,POB.7o: butchers. r,.7fliiR.Mi. oiint.t' AND LIOO t a i t , a ii..iai. hend; market steady; native muttons, $4.00 j ruVi Ln,mb8' W.W115.30; cullii nnd bucks. viMv,I.,V,r-k l,ry "" Mnrket. OnlM ),PU.K' ,"Mftrch ".-.DRY GOOD!! inlrii 1. LiW cnttoiiH wcro reported iiearfv nti'V't 1 ,0,y l,l't they nro Mill m rlmnJi i..i""1" lntUltleS. TllCro Is tho i H'0 Ume tho market nnd tVrPrei i r .,. nrV ,V'",,n" l,lct " lrovIotii mtrknl .!,,! "Vl Cl0l,!, C0t"'Cd dull, the market not respond he tn th .t..i.c cut but down nrodllnttnnu 1-I.. tino u h " . '. ."," Olnghams are i asl us Xl, iTiffi"" nnd 11,0 tono ' l markc? U NEW Quiet; Snunr Jlnrket, ORLEANS, March 1S.-SUOAR- n",?" ' y-'l'ic: , cenfrlfug 11 yellow; 4i4M 9-luc; eccoiuIh. 35fO 15.10c; molasses very strong: open kettle. s!,v.. ' "lomB8C3. NEW YORlv. Miiri-li Hlui'n i ?'.Ul-i!i S& rclV""' 3Wo: ce.itrlf, ca 1. 94 tent, 4 l:32c; molnsscs sugar. 3 9.32c. Re flned, steady; crushed, 6.75c: Powdered 5.35c; granulated, B.25c. powdered, No. A V. US lOO 1U2 UU 96 104 bl lib 72. 74. 63. ...209 ...230 ...231 ..219 3,026 4,197 7,6J supply of Adams Con 23 Alice its Ureece 120 RruiiBwick Con... 24 Comstock Tun.... 6 i:on. t;ai. & vn...lw Ter.... 50 Horn Silver 110 Iron Sliver mi Ltadvllle Con Llttlo Chief Ontario Ophlr Phoenix , Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes ,. Standard . It ,.850 ,. 60 .. 8 . 13 .. 5 . 35 . 65 ..890 Totnla CATJIjE There was a. irnnrl catt o on sale una packers started out from tho beginning to buy their cuttle lower. In cluded In tho receipts wcro about 35 curs of beef steers, nnd It Is safe to uuy that buyers took oft about all they put on tho I'un "i last week, une maiuel on beef steers uu 11 whnln mnid ). .,ii,it..,i Wealt'to a dlmu lower in extremn'rasiiR. nnd u seiicrs wero Holding for rteady prices tho market was nonn inn nntlv.- TI,,. ,tr. cllnc seemed to bo general on nil kinds, both good and bud. The demand from thu feeder iuyer tor warmed-up cattle, however, tended to hold Driers mrmin nn it,,., .inc of cuttle showing quality. j.iiei-0 wus not mucn cnange noticeable luuay in inu ikicus paiu tor cows and heif ers. Thcro were about 30 cars on sale and buyers went after' them and bought them up In good season at Just about uteuay prices, a he best grades in particular wcro nuiiicu, xnu trauo on onus tniu mnrnlnir u-um rather druggy and sellers found It difficult IO aiHUOSO OI ineir III'IIVV Illl.l nnaruA IimIIo ino nandvweiirhtH. inwnviir u,,i,i r.i.iu T 1 T. ntrtmn r.- . . I . II .... .1 " . , . ',,-. . ' . m....j niuv r.n oieauy at ia'.-sn per ounce. "i mm uui mucn umereni irom last week, MONEY-3l2(r3U ner rent. Tim rata nf I Veal calves brought irnoil. linn nrln uiHcuuni in tne open market for short bills lor three months London Stock Quotations. LONDON, March 18. 4 p. m. Closing: Cons., money...96r,-16Erle do account. ...96 7-10 do 1st pfd Atchison 60H Pennsylvania ... Can. Pacific 93V4 Reeding St.. Pul 15tiNo. Parlfln nfn Illinois Central. ..112 lOmnd Louisville X Anaconda ...'!! Union Pacific Ilfd XS lltnnd Minus N. Y. Central. ...14,S7i- S0H 78 16 911, 7H is 3Hif3 9-16 percent; uuia, ovitt.iTti per cent. Hank Clearlnsrn. OMAHA. March IS. Rank rlnrlnc. Miv $1,092,114; corresponding day last year. $950,- tiu, IIIUI t-'anc, 411,WV. CHICAGO. March 1R Clnnrlniro t? ?1S . oioi uuiiuices, w,'.-i posted exenange, i.oowi.oavs; incw iorK exenange, 2oc discount. BT. LOUIS. March 18. Clearings 17 5nS.. 408; balances, $1,506,723; money, 6S7 per cent; Now York exchange, 20c premium bid, 30c premium naked. RALTIMORE. March IS Clenrlncm IT. OOA.Vlli UUIItllCt'H. .1.,0. I'HILADELPHIA, March 18.-CIearlngs, $13,330;878; balances, $2,310,394. BOSTON, March 18.-Clearings, $16,4C9,765; balances. $1,167,803. NEW YORK. Mnrch 18. Clearing 11ST. OO nftf. 1 t n. .nf. a , V , C03,WU, UU1UI1CU.1, 41,1,1.. Condition of the Treasury. rASHINGTON. March 1S. . Tnrtnv'i. statement of the treasury balances In thej nvitviiii auiiu, cAuiumvu oi tne kuiu renervu in tno uivision or redemp tion, shows: Available cash h.ilnnn.. iin. 643.705; gold, $91,846,691. Tho supply of feeders was mnr. iihami today, out prices held about steady. Choice nun tumc in uitriicuiar were ready sellers, and warmed-up cattle showing quality were bought mostly for feeders. Tno common luiim ui uii Kinua were neglected BEEF STEERS. No. 42 1 Cotton .Mnrket. NEW YORK. March IS Thn rnllnn mnr. ket today was very active and much of tno time unsettled, 'ino weak English ca bles, showing a decline of 2H6H points. wero disappointing. Our market nnnnnH easy at a tiecune or own points under heavy receipts. Foreign selling was a feature all uiung tno une to uctouer. At ono time ca bles showed a slight Improvement and our martlet, wiir inclined tn resnnnn. nttt rn. nowed liquidation followed ndverso reports from spinning districts. Talk nf rrvhirp, i production at Fall River, tho selling com- nuiiL-u jiuviiik presenteu a recommendation for that nurnoso. which wan n-nnrtml in havo been signed by the representatives of numerous mius. wnn tno movement involv ing 2.000000 SDlndles. lnerensed local ratitlnn Tho concerted movement at Fall River was mougni iikeiy to lie nttended by corre spondlng activity on the part of the more scattered mius, not only in Now England, but in the south as well. This tendency ntul largo recnlnts renewed thn weak un dertone to room sentiment, although there wus snino ouying on tno reaction tncory pan tne assumption Unit tne entire ruturc St had become oversold, lint rnvtrlntr ivn the nrlnclnni sunnnrl nf thn mnrknf. Thn close was steady nt a net decline of 9ftl2 points, npoi closed quiet ami Ho lower; middling unlands. St,a mlddllnc iriilf. HT.r- Bales, 800 bales. Futures closed steady; March, 8.17c; April, 8.19c; Mny, 8.21c; Juno, ft nnr. Tut,, c n , .. . , , t' . M . 1 ' U"IJ, D,.tU AUKUIi OU , Ol'lllUIIlUUI , 62c: October. 7.48c: November. 7.23c: De cember nnd Jnnunry, 7.36c. GALVESTON, March 18,-COTTON-,Qulet at 8 ll-16c. 24.... 3.... 1.... I.... 3..., 1 , 9 6...'.'.".'.' 1 u 14 , 3 6... 9... 11..., 4..., Av. .1021 , SSO 867 1000 U2U 1200 877 908 1040 897 983 1020 910 600 Uu 1015 .1280 .1078 ...1217 ... 932 ...1260 ...1062 ...1090 ...1226 ...1070 ...1652 ...1139 ...1022 Pr. 3 95 4 10 4 00 4 10 4 00 4 la I 15 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 25 4 25 I 25 I .5 I 3u 4 35 4 35 4 . 4 3a 4 3a 4 40 4 10 4 40 4 10 4 15 4 45 4 -5 ! i5 No. 14 19 9 .8 24 1 1 31 4 21 15 17 11 6 , 33 17 18 11 35 14 10 20 4. 17. '' Av. 997 1055 1064 1047 1140 1040 1090 1150 ,....1030 1094 ....1196 1160 1151 ....1032 1128 ....1411 ,....1226 1261 1160 1161 ....1220 1303 1395 1332 1439 13o0 .1195 STEERS AND HEIFERS. Pr. 4 4U 4 45 4 15 I 45 4 4) 4 50 4 60 4 50 t .0 4 50 -I M 4 50 4 CO 4 65 4 :ii ti 00 4 t?J 4 70 4 70 4 75 4 75 1 80 4 85 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 UO 5 00 9. .,940 i 15 4 25 17... COWS. 761 4 25 2 1 7 3 880 860 931 906 u 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1026 .1210 .1060 . 590 . 976 . 995 . 940 .1070 .1040 ...1110 Wool Mnrket. BT. LOUIS. Mnrnh It-WOnt Ingnllv. u,i.i(ii,!Ki.-ii , iiit'iiiiiin HniuL'H, i.caiofta; heavy fine. 10fll2c; light fine, 1215c; tub wnshed, 18ff27Hc. LONDON. Mnrnh IS Wnnt Thn nfrnr. lngs at the wool miction sales today num. bered 9.812 bales. The attendance was largo unu luiiiyuiiuun iinsk. iTices snowed a iiaruening tendency, some viclorliin nnd Queensland greasy merinos were In nctlvo request at full rates for America. French mm uerman buyers operated rreoiv, but the home trade secured tho bulk nf thn nt. ferlngs. Severnl parcels of Good Hope nnd 1-.IIUU Kreasy ware taken ror America. Iglit Capo of Good Hono and Natal sold 'ell. Following nrn thh Hales: Knw Rmith vwueH. mi naies: scoured. lOcmis 41! irrinv. 7HQ8d. Victoria, 1.300 bales; greasy. 4fil0d. south Australia, loo bales: greasy. 5li7d. Queensland. 1.300 liiilns: scoured. HUiIuvir mi-, Kreuay. dqiiixi, west iiiHirana, uu bales; greaBy. 3?(7id. Tasmania, 10O bales: scoured. 45(GM,il. New Zealand. 3.600 hal.tut scoured, fkisiio lHd; greasy. 3Hnu. Capo ui uuuu iiupo nnn iNntoi, irno nines; greasy, 4'i5d. Punta Arenas, 2,800 bales; greasy, 4186ftd. Coffee Mnrket, NEW YORK. March 18. COFFEE Snot. Rio. barelv steadv: No. 7 Invoice. 7Uc: mild. dull; Cordova, 8Jfl2Hc. Futures opened steady In tone, with prices 6010 points lower, following ndverse cables, heavy re ceipts In Brazil nnd unsettled open market tor spot supplies. Tlin ncciino was ar rested by covering, with liquidation active. The market closed steady tn tone, with prices Mi 15 points lower. Total sales reached 48.250 bags, Including: March 0902), 6.06c; May, 5.65o: June, 6.70c; July, 5.75c; September, October and November, 6.80c; uecemoer, d.miwaic; January, ,mc, 2 940 .luih 1 390 1 1060 1 1210 1 1020 1 1000 9....'. 1052 1 1120 2 990 1 1110 4 950 3 1013 1 1050 6 1212 Z 820 .1006 4 1315 7 1134 1 870 1 1000 6 1083 1 850 2 1195 1 9S0 8 1087 1 1000 1. 6.. 1.. 1.. 3.. 3.. 1.. C.. 4,. 18.. o.. 3.. 1.. 1.. 2 1 1 1 o 29 7 1 1 1 2 2 7 900 1036 1120 1150 1036 1143 1030 1091 2 25 2 25 2 40 2 50 1 60 2 60 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 76 2-75 2 76 2 75 2 SO 2 80 2 85 2 85 2 85 2 90 2 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 19. 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 13 J 15 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 10 . 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 .1 25 1 i5 3 25 I 25 3 25 3 25 3 55 3 35 2.... 2.... 6..., 1.... 7.... b.,., 8.... 1.... 15.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 16.... 2,... 6.... 9.... 11.... 1.... 17.... 4...., 1 6 4 2 3 6 ; 7 8 17 3 2.. 1.. 1C. 1.. 19.. 1.., 920 1230 1100 1286 1140 1068 1091 1072 , 1340 966 1080 1210 1140 1100 1170 1028 .,...1036 1051 1000 1063 1020 1050 1000 1174 905 1005 .1013 .1140 .1062 .1166 .1162 1220 4. 1... 9... is". 17... w". 1... 1065 ....1730 ....1031 ....1,160 ....1016 ....1170 ....1165 ....1080 ....1222 ....1080 ....1060 ....1094 ,...1231 ....1190 ,...liu5 ,...1280 COWS AND HEIFERS. 99: ...loco ...1036 ... 950 ... 850 ... 610 ... tw ... 950 ... t95 ... !"73 ... 1S5 ... 690 ... 870 ... 850 ... 625 ... 640 ... 988 ... 870 ... 690 ... 770 ... 740 ... 740 ... 901 3 40 3 65 4 00 HEIFERS. 9. 3... .1150, .1150 3 35 3 35 .1 -0 3 40 3 1U 3 40 3 iO 3 40 J 40 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 60 CO 3 UO 3 CO 3 65 05 3 65 I 65 3 65 3.63 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 i5 3 75 3 80 3 80 ' 3 85 3 85 1 85 3 85 3 85 2 TO 3 90 3 90 3 90 3 90 3 90 3 95 4 00 4 00 4 05 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 25 4 00 4 00 W 213 12t 20 71 201 69 275 83 ilo 137 203 76 'iti 43 214 82 223 76 230 62 265 61 2t5 63 212 76 210 77 219 47., 66. 65.... 57.... .,2J3 ...218 ...233 ...ill 243 282 Uli. Pr. ... lv ... h ... 5 lo b Ul 0 i.'H b bl',. 5 Wv 6 WH b ui 6 6 6 62H to C U3 r, 65 a 16 & 1.6 A 55 u IkJ j to. 6 55 3 66 b 55 i. 65 C 65 C 65 & 65 . 65 65 40 iw 80 40 ltyj 80 120 200 120 'bi "ii bO 40 40 '40 80 No. Av. Sh. Tr. 4.1 M ...DIM 71 247 SO' b 55 71 230 66 226 16...:. .265 66 281 69 220 CO 194 68 251 61 219 68 213 81 230 65 259 66 236 69 216 70 24S 61 251 65 233 67 239 61 2C9 1 2t 7f 217 77 221 HI 265 tl 273 EO 270 1C 286 M 264 C 255 80 40 40 120 6 65 5 65 5 b5 6 rs 0 55 n Id bp7i 3 1)1,1 6 67H t ui 5 5' 15.00 A MONTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men 12 Years In Omah. VARICOCELE a HYDROCELE Mf"0" new, never falls, without cutting, pm or . i"""'i nine. thesvstem. n? 'hr.:111?17 'lHMrf from ss.Sf&njsa'si'.sisa'j- "" tnrtAn KIEK'"1"" "i ,?nwioonfrora Kc mm' Si 210 40 B 57H C bit, 5 57',i G 57H & oiy2 c biy, i 67 H 0 &7fe 11 67 H ti ou r 60 5 60 1 60 6 CO SEXUALLY ifvn?? ?J-'1? M ?.T?N.KnTo W Annan W. . K V.-".'vV.u.r.r". V "lotf. With BAIILY IlkoAT In Youno and Mtppllj Aoid. lack of rim. vigor and strength wtVh sxual organs Imnalrixl ami weak. ' 8TRIOTUREn'0''r.c'f,'twlth x new ond GLEET ,5 ""me Treat. no detentloTTroT'bnel Ulduey and nia.lrier Tronbif "onorrnosii, f?.. Trf.lmjnt by M..I. Dr. Searles & SeaplesJomahi Neb. ),V,. 1,-.. r, W1H a Hocrnl supply of n. ii.!- . V... ,.uyL oul mnritct ruled uctlxo nnd Just about steadv. nnrlleularlv Y.,lna K.r.S Colorado lambs sold ns nnu wetners brought JI.C5 and S i1,16, .A.,'0 munches of lambs sold. HP.?' .a lUUo tnn tno samd kind broiight last week, but as n general thing V" . ",,,u uc ituoieu nuout stca'jy. Tho few feeders ofTered ulso sold nt good, steady prices. ' Quotations: Choice fed wethers, H.OOfll 4.00: fair to good wethers. l.251.40; cholco lightweight yearlings, J4.60tfl.SO; fair to good yearllngs..H.4O'fl4.C0; choice lightwolghf jwes,,4.25; fair to good owes, 3.75ff ..v,., i.iiuiii, ioimus, o.inrifo..3; iair to good .uuiuo, i.ixfJ(,.uu; leeuer OWCH, 3.23913.60: J4.3OS4.60. Representative sales: No- Av. 11 cull ewes 65 3 government ewes 113 182 western ewes ju 10 cull lambs 62 63 western ewes 7c 220 Colorudo owes lot 39 yearlings and wethers 90 410 western wethers no 12 natlvo yearlings rS 413 western yearlings 103 114 western lambs 79 NO CURE, NO PAY. lfymiliaTetnill,fWnrKni, lout powrr ur weakening- draim, our Vacuum Organ IieTclnnrr will tfitorn yuu wlihout druini or lfctilcltyt 7,000 In iie notour. lambs. 61 western lambs 64 194 western lambs.. 63S western lambs.., 497 western lambs.., 521 Mexican lambs.. 71 cull cwch 64 cull ewes 20 cull ewes 263 western ewes ... 37 cwCs 224 ewes 1 ewe 127 ewes 399 cull ewes 3 western wethers 9 western wethers 15 cull lambs 401 western ewes ... 220 western ewes ... ,70 n'a.ln,n ... w nkaivill ,,,.... 1UU 61 Colorado end western ewes,. 107 . western ewes 10: 1 western lamb si 239 western wethers bl 242 native lambs t: 181 Colorado and western lambs 9; 77 66 79 77 89 91 96, 81 93 96 80 101 98 116 105 61 98 109 106 IT. J2 2G 3 12H 4 00 4 00 1 25 4 55 4 tW 4 65 4 65 4 90 5 00 6 00 6 05 6 15 5 25 2 60 2 60 2 75 3 60 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 85 4 00 4 00 i 00 4 10 4 15 4 15 4 20 4 25 4 25 4 65 4 90 6 10 MEN allure 1 not 0110 rdiirnnli not' O. U. fraud 1 write for. lOCUAPPtlANCE CO., !72Thorp Blk.,ndlinip(.,.. NER VITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor nod Manhood CurelmpotoDcy. Night Emlsilons, Loss of Mem. Uijr, mi WUSIIIIV Uisnnties, all effects ot folf-nbimo or excess and Inttltcretloir. A nerve tonlo nd Wood builder. Brings tho pluk glow to pale ciioo.'iB nnn retioros inel .fire of youth. By mail (SOU UNI hnr. el hn... r,..l 3.60, with our bankable g-aurantee to cure or Mfund. the money paid. Send for circular - w . wM uuuuuio Kuurauieo ooQd. Nervita Tablets rT,TT Ctellow ladbd Immediate Remits Positively gtisrantoed cure for Loss of Powsr. Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locoimitor Ataxia, Nervous Proit. Fesults of Kxeosilve Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mall iu nlaln pneksgo, $1.00 a box. 0 for A.OO nrlth nne hanl.hi. J,.... !5JbfnA to .H,ro ,n 30 dy or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton. JnrUinl Sr . RHIRAr.n. It I- Vor salo by Kuhn 4k Co.. 16th and DoubIm bi, umatia, ner.; uu s. Davis, Council Bluffs. lows., 60l PILLS w da 1 CHICAGO MVE STOCK MARKI2T. 2 00 2 60 2 CO 2 75 2 8t 3 IO 3 00 3 00 3 00 .1 15 3 16 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 .1 25 8 30 3 .".5 3 40 3 40 4., 1.... 14...., 70.... 1.... 1.... 2.... 4.... 685 480 845 836 810 870 825 847 ?25 620 760 830 911 620 790 1 650 3 HO 7 9S0 ' 660 1... 6... U." 1... , !I60 .1220 940 RUI.1,8. I.vnnorntatl and Dried Friths, NEW YORK. Ttfarch 18. KVARORATKD Ai'1'i.KH Market rather unsettled and weak as to tone; prices decidedly below uaturnay. 1110 depression was the result neavy orrerimrs and nn advance nf ex. port Inoulrv. Htntr. common. 2i(tc: cholee. MlfiUc; fancy, Vie. 1..... 1 1 1 INU 1 1450 1 1350 3 1190 1 108O 1 1670 3 1... 1IK0 .1 25 1 00 1 960 2 60 2 90 .1 10 3 15 .1 26 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 1. 1. 1 26 3 ZD ,1133 1850 1UUU 1.,.,, 16V0 1 1530 1 1690 1 1660 1 1480 1 1790 1 1430 1 1120 1 IUO 3 40 3 60 3 50 3 65 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 65 I 70 3 75 3 75 3 K0 3 80 3 85 3 90 4 00 4 10 4,10 4 21 3 43 ? 50 1 60 3 Ul ,1 60 3 55 3 60 s ee 1 no 3 65 .1 iO 3 76 lalllf. Sternly tn Lower llniri (Inon Weuk Mirep I.imvit. CHICAGO. March 18 f VTTI.H-tle. celpts, 21,000 head, Including l.ouo Texans; cholco steers, steady to strong; others slow to 10c lower: hntennra' innlr nlmik" Texans steady; good to prlmo steers, $4.80(i u.w, iiuur 10 inuuiiim, J.uvui.iii; stociters unu lecuers, w.tKn.ta; COWS, 12.fibtin.35; heifers. 12.657?4.6o: ennners. .l.omz.Cil: IimIIh J2.60fi4.25: calves. Jl.50fi6.75: Texas fed steers, J4.O0-85.00: Texas grass steers, J3.40; xcxhs nuns, HOUS RccclDts. 34.000 hend! tnmnrrnn. i,vw, estimaicu; lett over, i.ouo; opened weag to 6c lower; closed strong and active; top. J5.82U; mixed and butchers. $3.651' 7714: good to choice heavy. 15.705.S''Ur rough Tieavy, $5.55fj5.65; light, J3.60JJ5.75; bulk of sales, J5.65ijiG.75. HHEIOI' AND LAMIlft TtePKlntn. m M.1 neno: sneen ateniiv to stromr. venr lncu steady; lambs slow to 10c lower, except light, steady; good to choice wethers. J4.50 wo.uu: iair to cnoico mixed. Ii.oofi4.iin-. western sheep, J4.6OJI6.00; yearlings. J1.75ft 6.10; native lambs, $1.6505.45; western lamos, fti.uurga.ia. New York I.lve (Hock Market. NEW YORIC. Mnreh 1R lli.iuvn!ai?. celpts, 4,333 hend: steers steady to a shnile higher: bulls and cows firm; steers, .i""iulr'1' -v'i aiiigs. ei.iowt.iio; nuns, J3.25iff3.90; exports, JI.60; cows, $2.103.60; cableH steady for live cattle at Liverpool; London firm at lldjUc; sheep, WdiS'ic; inntiin, III! nilllllllCIllS. I.01VCS, T6- celnts. 2.911 head; steady to firm; veals, J4.00gi.75; choice, J7.65ftf.75; little calves. HIIKE1' AND LAMHS-Recelpts, 1.493 ueuu; sueep sieauy; lamus oponed 'steady to firm, closed slow to 10c lower; sheep, J4.005.00 culls, J3.00ri3.50; lambs; J5.50 6.20; ono,cnr nt JO. 25; clipped lambs, J5. .1,.tJ9JSdllicc,I,t8' 3'B80 nead; market weak L FIRST CLASS PULLMAN SLEEPERS ...DAILY UETWUEN... OMAHA AND 5AN FRANCISCO Without Chang GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE MnnSI-r WSJ' ..Scenery of the ROCKY W&ffl NEVADA by DININC CAR SERVICB TMROUQH ) BUFFET LIBRARY CARS. Forf?.U!.n'orm"t,ol,'reerv"lonndltlner" VZl. .Cti to c"-nlu" address CltV Tkket Office. 1333 I'arnam St., Omaha, "St. Louis Gannon Ball" Leaves Omaha, 5:15 p. Council Bluffs, 5:20 p. m. ' 'Kansas Gity & Quincy Express" Leaves Omaha, 7:00 a. m. Council Bluffs, 7:45 a. ra. Knnxna City Mvc Stork Mnrket. KANSAS CITY, March 18.-CATTL72 Receipts, 4,000 natives, 1,350 Texans. 450 caivcs; marKet loifisc higher on heavy beef steers; native beef steers, J4.601i5,C5; stockers and feeders, tt.75fli.xn! J4.25ffl.33; Texns ond Indian steers, tt.oofl) u.uu; tuwu, j.ivrii.;u; neuers, Ji.nrM.iii: runners, J2.25ft3,00; bulls, t3.Wai.2b; ca'ves, $l.0O?f6.00. 1IOOS Receipts, 9,600 head: market IV-M 6c lower: tof) sales. $5.7214: hulk of sales. J5.55H5.65: heavy. $5.(KVf(5.72Ui: mixed nnelti ers, $5.5505.65; light, $5.30a5,60; pigs, J1.70ff 6,40. 8IIEHP AND LAMIIS-Recelpts, 1.(00 neau; iiimns luc lower, siiecp sieauy; wept em, $5,0055.15; wetlicrs, J4.4074.70; western yearlings, Jl.60g5.00; ewes, JI.0W4.25; culls. f..iirjdtiu, St. .Insppli Live .Stock .Market. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. March 18.-(8pe. clal.) The Journal quotes: CATTLE Itecclnts. 1.200 head! mnrlrnt steady to weak: nntlves. Jl,105.20! Tevn nnd westerns. $1.65(35.00; cows and heifers. J2.25tfl.G0: bulls nnd stags. J2.25tf4.80; yc:fr- iiiikb nnn cnivrs. o.ioiM.w; siocKors and leeutirn. jj.wi i.'ki; veais, H.IVtfi.W. IIOOH Rece ntH. 3.300 hend! mnrhi opened stendy, closed weak; all grades J3.671itf 5.72ft; bulk of sales, J3.(Xgc,G5; pigs steudy. ' H IS ' ANU I.AMR8 Reeeln nom iieiui; uihl iniiiiiH unu sneen Hiemiv! imnHH tl fmiOK vnrllnfTB 11 Rln ts.. ... ..... JI.MSLSO; ewes, J3.Mtf4.25, Stock In Mlulit. Following are tho recelnts nt tii. innr principal western markets for March 18; flit 111, lino. Ilk..,. South Omaha 3.1 in i via Chicago ,.. 21,000 3l,C0i) 23.0110 Kansas uity ,,,,, d.350 9.600 1 Jfi St. Louis 2.600 11,500 1,400 Tourist tntcs now on sale to Arknn sriB, Fioriau, uuun nnti oilier winter re sorts of the south, llonicsookcr's ex elusions one fine plus for tho roiiutl trip, on sale first and third Tuosdny each month to ninny points uouth. All Information, nt city ticket olllce, 1115 Furnuni street, (Paston hotel block) or write Harry E. lUoores, O P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb. UURd TUURSELF t Uio Ul( for unnttural illiclirjo,lDlimillonf, Irrltatloni or alucrctlona of mucous mtinbtanw. I'alnliuii. iiud not kitrla. lTHtEtCHtMituCO. "r Pl"Be. ur m in nam wripMr, km In I to ft daji. SI"V uhhbuii rJl kTAj oft U irllar. l.y mprtii, PpraM. for if Oi, or 3 bottlea, I7.7S. M ihr rji r"!MMt. w Totals 32,013 69,023 ,33,019 Ht. Louis Live Stock .Mnrket, ST. LOUIS. March 18.-CATTIf:-Rn. celpts, 2.600 head, Including 1,700 Texnns; manici sieauy; nauvo snippinc and export ILCOX TANSY PILLS Monthly Regulator. Salt and Sure, Never Falls. Druggist or by Mall. Price, 12 Send lor Woman's Sileauard (free). WILCOX MED. CO., 328 N. l&th St..Phlla., Pa. Sold by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm cures every kind nf cnuch. la grippe, bronchitis, uro iiinmi, uruui, nuuuiniiK uuutfii, 011 never deranECstlmHtouiach. At JJrugeists, 10&26 JAMES E. BOYD & GO . Telephone tolll), Oiiiiilin, Svh. COMMISSION, ((RAIN, 1'ROVINIONS nnd STOCKS, llnurd f Trnde. Correspondence: John A. Warren ft Co,, Direct wire to Chicago and New Tork i