BANCS TO A FENCE . POST Andiiw 0. Piterton tf Liigh ii Buicidt. WEARY OF LIFE IN SEVENTIETH YEAR jJaushlerinLitrr Believes Dlspat with Son Over Financial Mat ter Droit lll'iu to the , Deed. LEIOH, Neb., March IS. (Special Tele gram. Andrew C. Peterson was found dead, hanging to a fencepott, Sunday Jlernoon. He had lived with hli on Andrew, fifteen miles southeast of Leigh The man had made a rope out of several plecea of binding twine, tied It around hit neck and hung the loon of the other nd over the top of a fencepoit. Wbe found hU lifeless form was In a sitting posture, partially resting on the ground Mr. Peterson was a Dane by birth an was In his seventieth year. No reason 1 given for the act, but the theory was ad Tanced by his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Peter on, that It was the result of trouble with a lion regarding a small sum of money, Or. C. J, Alger, county coroner, wa called this morning and an Inquest held The Jury returned a verdict that the de ceased came to his death by his wn hand BLOODHOUND PUT ON TRAIL Lrci in .Mlrmpl to Follow Trsrk n Oni-Hlar at Dakota Cltr. i. . DAKOTA CITY, Neb., March IS. (Spe cial.j Sheriff Sides, with Dr. J. J. Mills and his bloodhound, appeared 'on our streets today and the word was passed around that the Edwards, Bradford Lumber company' hardware store had been robbed Saturda night. Twenty men and boys, headed by snerlff Sides and Dr. Millar, followed th hound for fifteen miles In a roundabout course to the home of Edward Ullven, a tables southwest of this place, when th bound refused to go further. A search failed to reveal any of the missing articles which consisted of knives, razors, spoons carving seta, shears, revolvers, rifles and shot guns. In all amounting to J 200. Mr, Ullven and wife and Alvonso Jolls, who I stopping with them, gave all parties the privilege of searching all tho premises. reward of $100 has been offered for the arrest and conviction of the thief. FINDS HER LONG LOST BOY Out Only After He Unit Been Indued Cntlty of rerjurr. Ad PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., March IS. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Agnes Allardlce arrived In the city this morning from her honre In Can ton, O., to sec her son who, under the assumed name of George Allen, was by Jury In district court hero last week found guilty of erjury. The mother and Mrs. C, E. Holmes of Omaha were In the office of A N. Sullivan when Deputy Sheriff J. I) McBrlde brought the prisoner Into the room. The parents had not known the whereabouts of their son for five year and the meeting was an affeottng scene. DIVISION IX DEMOCRATIC RANKS Delegate at Nebraska Cltr Withdraw from Convention. NEBRASKA CITY. March IS. (Special Telegram.) City conventions were held by both parties this afternoon. In the dem ocratic convention the gold democratic ele raent was defeated In the contest for or ganlzatlon and their delegates, twenty-four In number, left the hall and refused to take any further part, in tho proceedings. The remaining delegates, made up 'of populists ana rusion democrats, nominated a city ticket, aa follow: Conticllroan-at-Iarge, M. Bauer: cbuncilman First ward. Waltnr MeNamara: Second ward, Andrew Stewart; Third ward. H. Y. Blrkby; Fourth ward. E. D. Marnell; members of the Board of Ed ucation, J. Slchl, V. S. Hyer and Chris Coffey. The republicans nominated the following ucKei, wnicn is an exceptionally strong one- uounciiman-at-iarge, Fred nottman, councilman First ward. J. Conley; Second ward, Cal Chapman: Third ward, V. U Koeppel; Fourth ward. "William Lashen members of the Board of Educatloa, It. M. Targart, William Koontz and A. L. Tlmblln. Attnrka Stnlratlnn Armr Unit. FREMONT, Neb.. March IS. (Sp-fclal.) m me eavaiion Army meeting last nlfcht a gang of hoodlums attacked their hall with brickbats and clubs, breaking the win dows and damaging the building consid erably. As soon an tho police arrived on the cene they ran away. No arrests have been made. Several people in the hall were hit by missiles, but no serious Injuries were received. To Vote on License Question. hakvahu, Neb., March IS. (Special.) caiuraay nignt tne republicans placed In nomination the following ticket: Mayor. a. j. Moger; councllmen. First ward, S. J, Rice; Second ward, R. TV. Bayles; clerk. Jonn Fleming; engineer, Jesse Eller: treasurer. P. H. Updike. The question of license will be anbmltted to the votera. The high license caucus renominated O An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial fleets of the well known remedy, Btbup or Piqb, manufactured by the Califokxia Fio Syrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining-the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the tastn and acceptable to the ay a tern. It Is the one perfect strengthening laxa tl , cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fnverr gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bdwels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of tho remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the CAuroitNiA Fio Stbcp Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to aroid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, AX rBAlfCISCO, CAX. loxruvTixx. xt. mrw tobx. jr. T. Fw sale by alt Druggists -Price Me. per bolll THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; TUESDAY. MARCH 19. 1001. A. Hertog for mayor. Fred Haseloh, First ward, and L, S. Martin, Second ward, for councllmen, the remaining ticket being the rae aa tne republican. At the school caucus A. J. Moger, L. O Aaer and Conrad Pauley were nominated members of the School Board. Crete Cltr Ticket. CRETE, Neb., March IS. (Special.) City caucuses were held Saturday night by both republicans and democratlc-fuslonlsts. Re publican nomlnatlona are: Mayor. O. H Hastings, renominated; clerk, Frank Ne dela, Jr.; treasurer, Albert Heidi; police judge, John Oravell; engineer, Prof. Brown or Doane college; councilman First ward v, L. Lovell; Second ward, John Brysoni Tnird ward, Adam Blllborn; members ot school board, C. B. Anderson and Dexter Drake. Democratic nominations are; Mayor, J. H. Bahners; clerk, Fred Kind; treasurer, Fred Francl: police Judge, Fred Hler: en gineer, rrof. Brown; councilman First ward. C. A. Hill; Second ward, Hibbard Johnson; Third ward, W. S. Chlndlr memocrs or school board, M. H. Fleming ana i nomas patz. Two Tickets nt lint I.I rnr. DAVID CITY, Neb., March 18.-(Speelal.) ' "u ucKeis are in the Held for the municipal election this spring. The renub jican ticket Is: Mayor. C. H. Al-lrleb; city - a. Myers; city clerk, W. S. McCoy; police Judge, E. B. Taylor; coun cllmen. First ward. A. E. EUlng: Second -aru, v,. f. Downing; Third ward, I. E Doty. The fusion ticket Is. Holland; city treasurer, G. W. Gates; city clerk. J. D. Rising; police Judge. A. 1L rnomson; touncllmen. First ward. W. W sioweii; Second ward, A, B. Roya; Third ward. M. J. Bouse. The prohibitionists ssy mey win also have a ticket. Praps Dead In llnatlnRS. HAbTI.NOS. Neb., March 18. (Special Telegram.) O. R. Sims, one of Hastings' oldest Inhabitants, dropped dead tonight at 6 o'clock at his home. He had been down town as usual this afternoon and apparently was enjoying health, but within ten min utes after he had reached home he sank down into his chair, at the same time com plaining tbat he did not feel well, but h fore any medical assistance could be pro cure ne oiea or beart failure. The de ceased was a member of the cltr entirirll na was niung bis third term. Unl One Tleket at lnham. AUBURN, Neb.. March 1R iSn.,.1.1 a city caucus was held Friday night and an immense crowd was present By a mutual agreement but one set of candidates was uamca ana me license Question u tn t,. oeciaca at the no 11b. Th tiv.t (.. Mayor, J. w. Darrah: elerV. rh.rie. Macaer: treasurer. R. c. Boyd: enclneer. nacKer; ponce ludce. S. L Caldwell? members cf the council. John McConnell. D. A. Meese and J. A. Slmnsnn. Mot to Prosecute Boop. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. March 18.-tSneell.l After an Investigation this morning. George F. Mosburger. owner of the shoe store broken into yesterday by Jesse Boop. decided not to prosecute the offender and ne was taken home by his father, John Boop. a farmer living ten miles northeast of town. The lad confessed to breaking Into the store, but hardly seemed to realize the enormity of his offense. dominate Village Trustees. CLAY CENTER. Neb.. March IS. (Spe cial.) The question of license for a saloon will be voted on this spring. A license party was organized Friday night and the following nominated for trustees: George Rich. H. Stephenson. A. Garrison, N. L. Davis. Last night the anti-license party nominated C. Detweiler. J. O. Barnett. George S. Ward and F. Troxel. Hebron An t l-Llcense Tleket. HEBRON. Neb.. March 18. fSDeelal.1 Saturday night the citizens' antl-llcente party had thtlr convention and nominated the following: Mayor. S. White; clerk. B. A. Young; treasurer. Z. W. Knode; mem bers of school board. C. M. Wethcrald and F. A. Powell; councllmen. First ward. ir. J. Long; Second ward, E. E. Boyes; Third warn. j. M. Sbaw. REPAIRS FOR PENITENTIARY GoTtmsr Dietrich Btndi a Bill tad Uimre te th Hons. SUGGESTS A STATE LIGHTING PLANT rolnts Oat Wherein a Great Saving- Can He Made and More Satisfac tory Service Itendered Than I'nUer l'renent Conditions. permitting the refunding of certain bonds. The bill was drawn up for the relief of the people of Nebraska City, the supreme court having recently .decided that bonds voted to the Missouri Pacific railroad must be paid. In 1886, when Nebraska City pre cinct was composed of four wards in Ne braska City and some adjacent territory, bonds to the amount of 140,000 were voted to aid in procuring the right-of-way of the Missouri Pacific railway. For many years the levy was made to pay the Interest on these bonds, but the legality of the pre cinct having been questioned, It ceased to exist. However, the commissioners con tinued to make the levy until enjoined by the courts not to do so, but since the supreme court has held that the bonds shall be paid it was desired to have the bonds refunded, and for this purpose the bill was introduced. Meserre to He a Flanker. Former State Treasurer Meserve has graduated from the farm through the treas urer's office Into the banking business. He will locate the first of next month In Hastings, where he will direct as president the affairs of the Aiams Countr bank, into which he has bought. LINCOLN, March IS. (Sneelal.l The fol lowing communicat on from Governor Del. trlch, with bill attached, mi read In the nouse mis afternoon ,Tp. the Honorable Speaker and Members ot the House of Representatives: A recent lymiiasruuon at tne penitentiary, on tne night of J-ebruary 28. wrought such destruc tion iu mai portion ol the structure equipped with cells and prison appliances mai it has become necessary to eauln the new apartment with cells nnd appliances and repair the damaged portion. rui whs purpose i respectruuy request that the sum of 00.Cp0 be appropriated for new cells and annllanrea In the new cell apartment and Xvmh be appropriated to re- ebraska Cltr noit juuiciousjy expended will be sufficient to equip the new cellhouse with 180 steel cells wun the latest Improved appliances moacrn sanitary renulatlon. rebuild a repair the part damaged and will make ..... . jrviin ui Micij, uvui i ibichko Great western nn-. fire and escane or ronHrt. nmnntr he brat "lrrn UOya In the land. Thus arranged, the accommo- 1 rresldent Hill of firent canons win ic sufficient, at the prevailing Northern. rnie ui increase, ror tne ne.xt quarter oi a trniur. vrw vnntr i.i. u t...... . . . . vu !. i-resiaent A. B. cago Great Western rail- Aebraska Cltr Snbslltntr. WASHINGTON, March 18. (Special Tele. bffiTO ?er'rh'ia"mPaTeSr,na,arnene,: 1 t" .M' Thlj make n nm tni.i nfttinrlm Mrh iubstltute clerk In the Nebraska Cltr not. office. "d PURCHASES FORT DODGE LINE Now Purify, Enrich, Rebuild. You Meed New Life in the Sprints. Dr. Greene's NERVURA BLOOD AND NERVE It of , I desire to call your attention to the ex- , 1?" '".w V" travngant system ofvllghtlng the various otlckney of the Chi state iiiaiiiuuons cenierea in una ronucuuug i roaa. listen mnnv fhat h . . to the city of Lincoln and the advisability purchased from President i t . . and wisdom of Instituting a central elec- fJ " ., v- re,,3,e,nt J- J- Hill of trical plant at the university of sufficient tne rat Northern railway ,n th. nt. proportions to furnish light and power for standing stock and bonds of the Mason rlty al of these Institutions. . . & Fort Dode railroad. Th. 5"T independent or the extra labor required , "v " pur and the cost entailed to keep the plants In "ro an "tatea. The road will be repair the annual cost to the slate, at held as a proprietary line nf h. rn la time, for llchtlnir Is anoroxlmatelv as I nrui u...-. . 8 " i incorporated .into State capltol 2.0 , i .J me purcnase includes the Executive mansion 1M fleW near Fort Dodge, owned by the me rncnaicsf w "cuBicr uuuij uoai company .uiiiiuiat; a a aaV Hospital for the Insane 1,W0 university and farm 495 Power, weather bureau and carpenter, shon 7 .v. Unlversltv school nf mnslr son Coal at university 6.031 Power at penitentiary 5,460 rower at insane hospital Total .. tis.Kii Bavins of water to university under vrnirai piani arrangement.. 1.055 Total The Cost of llptitlnc st th. rnnllnl fnr tho last month alone was LTTS. Tio mil of nrn. vldlng power and Hunting these Institutions un me same uasis or comparison under tho ruiiupru central piani system is: tor power and llchtlnB the several buildings at the university, univer sity farm, capltol. executive man sion. Home for the Friendless, peni tentiary. Hospital for the Insane and coal ror heatlne nnlvrltv tin iaa Present cost n . . -v.nT, unt proposea plan 10.400 -ei saving per year under nronnsed P'n ... 10.4M lnis net uavinr nf iin 1R nmnnntin 1. does to a reduction nf VI n.r .ni ln takes Into account only the lighting of the buildings and does not Include the saving ... .ai.u. nuu in rrDBirs. in rn n-num amount to several thousand dollars addl- The COSt Of Instituting snrh o I- proposed. Including all the wiring and mate rial needtd, would not exceed XA.OW, so that the amount saved the state each year, to say nothing of the advantages in the The purchase of the Mason City rnrt Dodge railroad gives the Chlr.n x. ureat western a line to Fort Dodge and connection with coal fields there. Beyona the construction of a new line from Mason City to Manilla Junction a conneetir. in b made with the company's St. Paul's line ana a new Branch will connect with the company g cnicago division. The Mason City & Fort Dodre rilr ciiruus iron Mason city to near Fort Dodge, about ninety miles, and was built some years ago by President J. J. Hill. There are $1,380,000 bonds outstanding and ri V nfA A M, SIOCK. WITH FIVE BULLETS IN BODY Farmer Kear Rose Hill Fnn.j 11.. Under Snsplcloos Clrcatn-stances. OSKALOOSA, la,, March IS. H. H. Drake, farmer, waa today found dead in hi.' nouse nve miles north of Rose Hill, with fiv umicis m nis ooay. Drake waa wealthy and was known to have cash about the yiacc ne oia Dcen aeaa three days more. Two Deaths nt Gothenbnrar. GOTHENBURG, Neb.. March 18. rKne. clal.) Olof Engstrom died at his home north of town yesterday of consumption. He leaves a wife and five children. Mrs. S. N. E. Johnson died at her home eight miles east of town last night. Sho leaves a nusband. To Bid for Lodge Location. CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. March IS Rn.. way of adequate ilchttntr rm.i.. clal.) The larxer cities of th st.t. tn.t education, would In less than five years be near the Pythian center, will be invited to y2$&n& r'vr, hrrst,nri,oB largement of the electrical plant at the unl- ,odKe' Knights of Pythias of Iowa. Grand verslty. Prof. Morgan Brooks of the de- Chancellor Bernard Murphy of Vinton this verrynedn. Wt the committee to whom Into' the mitter and from Zkolt Sum&ttl tvch m' cn be M make these deduction!! Hr rimwn mavm thai A. reDOrt. Uhmltflnar ihm mma n k J crbeensaT. VoriiSh?UfSr " city in August. Ztfo odpae5'raa,nedteBhraaachh,er .'.T "n 7 "ore profit- at tne penitentiary and furnish such power ,D1' lMn buying a bottle of Prickly Ash ...ttdaheni?yluP' t0.Kh"- Tltn Bltters-you get four for one. A kidney Ainu p.un .ti.U nroviaea 1 -n.nlrln. 1 1 . . 4 u Nominates Illarh License Ticket. LONG FINE, Neb.. March IS. (Special. At a citltens' caucus last-nltht were nnm. lnated the following, to serve for two year? on tne vuuage ooara: j. c. Castle. W. M Putnam and B. Reckard. These are high license men. Nebraska nnd Xebrnskans. Some person, to the authorities unknown. one night recently smashed a largo plate r;iu wmuow m tne aiore or William Zu auf of Pierce. Local parties are maklnir to construct a telephone line from Arapa hoe to Goener. It Is Intended in nnnn "it iuna utsiaiicc sysiem at Arapahoe. Ncllah contcmnlates the erertlnn nf n oi... hall, combining quarters for the fire com pany. The new building, which It has prac- finally fi.n tnAA in . . . ... sianiiai Dries, structure. Drunlng is to have a flftv.hnrri Ann. , 1 1 -11' r m . ' iiuti. ..cpurjf ... u.d ut r.usnr areea to con strict and operate such a mill fnr n hnn... oi i.ouu, nnu int citizens ot the town The westorooK elevator at Altsinn lapsed, comnletelv wrecking th. .,,iMin and spilling buihels of wheat, corn nnu ouii. nnu n. pne. i ne grain can bo saved with comparatively small loss, but there Is nothing but klndllnur wnnd 1.. , t the elevator. Robert G. Douelas. hainr position as principal of the Bertrand schools, has retired from the editorship of the Bradahaw Republican. John B. Dey who formerly made the Republican one of the strongest papers In that nart nf th. state, returns to his old position. The people of Valley object to the at . la ment that the town Is with tectlon. as stated in the report of the re cent flro In the Whttmore barn. Tho town has a splendid system of Arc protection, but the barn was outside of town and be. yond the reach of the water system. The citizens of Creston. whleh ... cently visited by a disastrous fire which consumed a large part of the business ixir tlon of the town, are exhibiting the rleht kind of plJCk. The burned structures will be replaced by brick ones, the brick al ready being on the ground Xcr som-j of them. John Griffith of Red Ootid recently lost vaiuiiuie ouurijiurii uuii in i peculiar manner. The animal reared backward nnd fe!i over the bank into a erect:. The water was not deep, bet the bull landfd on his back and broke through Ins tbln ice. re form he could be placed rljl: end ul h -owr.n On accojnt of trouble between th. hmi. ness men of Savage and the Short Line Railroad company the station at has been closed by the company. The bns ness men were dissatisfied over rates and had their frelaht shinned to a town on un. other road and hauled over to Savage nnd the company said, ' .No business, no station." Former MUsourtans who .lvc t.uar v..-. tit er re k had a reminder of old tlme.i the other day. A farmer who Uvea near that plca caught a "possum which h'i(t taken refuge under a nay siacK. How the animal came In that part of the country Is a snyaury. aas this is the first one ever koti in ivt section. . The animal Is now comfertnbly housed in a cage and exhibited aa a curiosity Colonel Nell Brennan of O'Neill received from Ireland a harp-shaped device deco rated with tho genuine shamrock from tho old sod. It was sent to hlra by the Slaters of Charity In his old home In Tr.ind Colonel Brennan iias been a constant con tributor to the work of the Slaters and very year Just before St. Patrick's dnv they send him some such remembrance of the land which gave him birth. Casearlne at Alt Drnc.Mi. Cures Biliousness, Constipation and Dys pepsia, or money refunded, Price BO cents. Book explaining cause and cure mailed free, Uta Bros. & Co., Minneapolis. II! so. for the use ot exhaust steam for heating- the university and the expense of rearranging the heating plant to that end Is included in the foregoing estimate. Conditioned upon such an Improvement In the facilities for iracnins ana Demonstrating work In elee. iricity it is possible, if not nrnhuhl. ihn the Board of Regents will agree to defray ..... t,.cUre irtiiiB.iiKinK tne nesting sys tem out of funds of that Institution and inuo ma ne h corrcsponamg decrease, ap proximately K.500. in the cost to the state. . present tne capltol, Home for the J-rlendless, governor's mansion. Chemical nan, reprasica hall and Mechanic Arts buildings at the university and penitentiary O r. n tr Il L. . 1 . . . ..p, .Tvi nun uKui uy a private corporation, so that this very unsatisfactory and expensive arrangement must nnnttnu. ener and bowel cleanser, for one dollar. kidney strength- Four medicines REMEDY is the Bemt Spring Tonio and Restorative. Mmkmr mf BLOOD, NERVE, STRENGTH, mnd ENERGY. nL,; ,' J rvn 141 pnramor 8t, Chicago, - w. 10 V?? th for Sood I hare received from the use of Dr. Orsene's Nerrura blood and atrre n"5; nonertlr in a critical condiUon. 1 took AiTiiZ f U? wy husband-a advice, as it ti nH? PrTi' 1 f m I hd at time., and also XL ?d.T" troublJ Ith my heart. Now I oan tnilr 1U1. thatl am entirely free from all Uie above nM ailments. The first bottle that I took made ms feel ' w -t'r tQlrJ bottle I was completely n.n5 xpr-. mrcratltud. for thi rood i'V AtrirtA from th. use of Dr. Green-. Nerrura flood aad nerrs remedy," ' Mothar Earth cloansec and puriflea herself and grbt henelf anew in dainty frethneaa, and in rich, new life and beautr in the uprinir. Thus should man and woman be. Thu will Dr. Greene's Nerrura blood and nerre remedy make them. It inviforatea the nrTf and purifies the blood throws back the shoulders, cives new life and enertries, and vi tallies and revivifies the health. It girts to woman vigorous and queenly bearing and to man that power and strength which emanate only from sturdy health. If humanity in eeneral would keep its health intact by the use of this precious discovery, the life of the race would be indefinitely prolonged. DR. GREENE'S NERVURA Qvmroomma Sirhtf WmnknmMm. Dr. Greene's Nerrura cures nervous -)...,. tion, spring' debility, dyspepsia, weakness, despon decXtk,any nd liver complaints, insomnia, and all of the various ills arising from 'weak nerves and impure blood. It makes weak people strong, and sick and run-down people well. Mas. 0. 8. Cobb S34 Smith 8t, Providence., R. I., says: .ij For V?.76" 4 hta troubled with IndireVtlon, kidney and liver trouble, Mrere nervous headaches ani neuralgia. There was a terrlbW pain and prett-ure in mf stomach. Bometiroea for three weeks at a time I could take no nourishment but lime water and milk. I lost forty pound!. In fact, I was completely prostrated. I commenced using Dr. Greene's Nerrura blood and nerve remedy, and the. change which took place was wonderful The terrible racking pains through my head and shoulders left me. Where I could eat nothing but the lightest kinds of food, I can now at anything without the slightest distress pf any kind. The kidney antUirer trouble hailsft me, and. In fact, my friends are surprised at my wonderful cure." Dr. dreeae, 35 W. 14th St., New York City, la the most successful specialist la curing mf voua and cfcroalc tflsMses. He has rtmediea for all ferns of dUeaae, a4 will give free con. ti h ana utki, aersenany ar by latter. Dr. a Greene's Nervura Brings Vigor and Health. MOROCCO MUST APOLOCIZE Stats Department E tarts Onsnl Common to Mais Ipecisl Dsmaadt, ARMORED ICRUIIER H CWVEV&Ct MAYIE RAIN AND MAYBE SNOW eastern Aeliraska and Kansas to Have Some Kind of a 1'reclplta tloa Todsr. ' unless me proposea plan Is carried Into execution. The only other wa V Olifn 1 In construct a separate plant at the pentten- oitu muuiu necessiiaie an out lay almost as great and It would still be necessary to maintain two plants, as one Is required for educational Instruction at Excess Charge for Service. 1 Wr,ce 'or "Sht'ng the penl tentlarv Is Il.MO Der vear. hit in to this the contracting; corporation has filed day' fair claims for excess llchtlntr. .n..ji.. I aay lB,r' a period of five years, aggregating I6.0M 1 I For North Dakota Generally Moreover, me piani at the university at this time Is not alone Inadequate for edu cational and lighting purposes, but It Is in such condition aa to necessitate an early outlay of several thousands of dollars fo- . There are many reasons WASHINGTON, March IS. Forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday: For Nebraska and Kansas Fair in west ern portion; occasional rains probable, turning Into snow In eastern portion Tues day; colder; brisk and high northwesterly winds; Wednesday fair. For Iowa Rain, probably turning into snow, Tuesday; colder In northern por tlon; much colder In southern portion; winds becoming brisk and high northwest erly; Wednesday fair. For South Dakota Fair and colder Tucs day; brisk northwesterly winds; Wednes- ni. 1 1 r. V. n o. 1. I., unouia ne located at the university. It means that the machin ery will have close Inspection and be under vuusiniH ouici vjaion oi me expert elec tricians at all times, without additional ex pense. And it means and this Is a most significant feature, considering the nnrt electricity promises to play In the future . i""-"'"i"- "i inventive genius that the University of Nebraska will be equipped with as good a plant and be as well nre pared to educate on the subject of electric ity as any of the great colleges of the coun- j fair Tues day, with colder in southern portion; brisk northwesterly winds; Wednesday fair. For Colorado, Wyoming and Montana- Fair Tuesday; brisk northerly winds; Wednesday fair. Loral tleenrd. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUnEATT OMAHA. March 18. Official record of tem perature ana precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 190L 1900. 1899. 1S9S. Maximum temperature.... 00 45 25 47 Minimum temperature.... 4. 25 19 39 Mean temperature 54 40 12 43 I'reclpltatlon w .00 .01 .12 Iteeord of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1, bill, which 1 respectfully request be Intro- Normal temperature 19 duced and considered, provides for an an- Excess for the day 19 propriation 01 iz.vjz.w. wnlch sum Is re-1 l olai excess since iuarcn 1 109 3ulred to replace the 700 woolen blankets Normal precipitation 05 Inch ellvered to the warden of Deficiency for the day 05 inch .. . . . .. " ' !'. ... 11.1 II 1. I - . . . on tne nignt 01 tne disaster nt that lnstltu- TotaI precipitation since .Marcn 1 46 inch .iuii. 1 nrpc iiiaiincLs are oeing used at the I ieiicienc nuivc mmi-n i n men pennemiarj-, ana to replace them the tendency ior cor. penoa, ismu 33 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1899 14 inch Itrports from Stations at 7 I. M. STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. Omaha, cloudy........... North Platte, cloudy Cheyenne, cloudy , Salt I-ake. clear Rapid City, partly cloudy... Huron, cloudy Wllllston. cloudy Chicago, cloudy , St. Louis, cloudy St. Paul, cloudy Davenport, cloudy Kansas City, cloudy Helena, cloudy Havre, ciouay. within appropriation Is nrrurr CHARLES H. DIETRICH. Governor. DaldrlRe's upremt- Court Dill, Upon the pjconimendatlon of lhe senate Judiciary committee, senate file 109, Senator uaiunges diii providing for an Increase In the number of supreme ludees. has been so amended that the supreme court of Ne braska shall consist of six Judges Instead of nine, as the original bill provided fn The amended bill also raises the salary of the Judges from i:,500 to $3,600 per year. The bill as It was. returned tnt . . J J..W- vldes: The supreme court nhnli .i.. .... Jjdges. a majority of whom shall be neces sary to form a quorum or pronounce a ile rlslon. provided that the court may in Its dUcretion organize In two divisions of three Judges each, and in that case the unanim 011s decision of the three Judges of a di vision shall oe accepted as the Judgment of the court. Provided, further, that In cae wie wiree juages ot a dlv Is on shall Hlsmarclc cloudv 'Vr . . 'wm i"u"ara lurtner. that the chief Justice or a majority of the Judces may order that any cause or matter shall be heard In the first Instance by the entire vuu... ..... iiciio. ci me constitutionality of any act shall be Involved ih .ATiit? matter or proceeding shall be considered by the entire court. The supreme rnurt hll ti... i i -. Jurisdiction In cases relating to the rere' m-, n.ii i..r in wnicn tne state shall be a party, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus. proniDiiion ana such sppellate Jurisdiction as may be provided by law At the first eeneral election after the adoption of this section there shall be elected four Judges of the supreme court, who shall be classified by lot. so that one 01 infra snau noia omce for a term of one year, one of them for a term of three years, one for a term of five years, one for a term of six years and one judge shall be cic-iiru annually IJierfUIier To Aid Nebraska City. The senate committee on finance, wars and means today recommended for passage sennte file S10, a bill Introduced by Senator Areods at the request of the governor. 2 9 r3 ?S : 2 3 B : c ?a . 1 . o tl 3 it. 3 . . J M .. 46 60 .00 .. 40 IS .00 . 30 3 .01 . 42 48 T . 44 48 .00 .. S 34 .01 . 16 Si .01 . 36 68 .00 6i n .00 . 31 40 .00 . 61 63 .00 . 61 6g .00 22 41 T . 26 3C T . E 40 .00 . 64 64 .01 T Indicates trace of precipitation. t A. WELSH. L-zCal Forecast Official. Parpose State Is to Secure Atonement for lndla-nltr and Hasten Fay nest of Some Old Claims. WASHINGTON, March 18. The State de partment is giving renewed attention to the tettlemcnt of the claims agalast th government of Morocco. The claim ot Marcus Ezagul, who was murdered in June last, has been adjusted by the payment of 15,000. But there are other claims equally meritorious which have not been satisfactorily adjusted. Re- cently the State department gave these consideration, all efforts on the part of Mr. Gummore, the consul general at Tangier, to adjust them having proved ineffective. Under these circumstaaces a special mis sion, following in this respect the practice 01 other governments, seemed necessary instructions 10 inn end today were sent to Mr. Gummore, as well as further in structions to demand an apology for an apparent discourtesy on the part of the grand viiler aad the minister of foreign affairs in attempting o defeat the purpose of the State department to dtspatcn a spe cial mission to Morocco City. The armored cruiser New York with Ad miral Rodgers aboard, Is rapidly Bearing Gibraltar with every prospect of reaching Tangier by the end ot this week. It will take Mr. Gummore aboard and convey him to Mazargan, where the consul general will disembark and go overland to the Moorish capital. The New York will remain at Mazargan under his orders until some sort of a settlement is reached, and Mr. Gum more was today notified to this effect. CONDITION OF IOWA BANKS FIftr-One Bullions In Individual De. posits In Institutions Outside of Des Moines. WASHINGTON, March 18. (Special Tel egram.) The comptroller of currency today made a public report of the condition of the national banks of Iowa, exclusive of Des Moines, at the close of business Feb ruary S. It shows: Loans and discounts. 50,806,233; gold coin, J,78S,571; legal ten ders, S1.349.2SO; national bank notes is sued, 17,675.800; Individual deposits, $51, 517,139; average bank reserve, 80.45 per cent. Snrceon at Charles City. Dr. E. G. Dennis has been appointed pension examining surgeon at Charles City, 1a. Railway Mall Clerks. Brayton Sweet of Webster Junction. H. L. Duncan of Columbia Cltj and James L. Piper of Oakley were appointed railway mail clerks. Ilrpalrs at Connell Bluffs. Vincent Battln was awarded a contract for repairs to the Council Bluffs, la., post-office. "MOTHERHOOD" ! A Bk Am tUrlm jtrur -r-- nT tells plain facts that everyone of the gentler sex ouphttoknow. Its common sense advice saves pa UDC dresses. If the readers of this L-nnu- nf pain, trouble and anxietv. One or more mniM sent upon request, to one person or to different ad- expectant mothers, they will do them a Kreat favor by having this book sent to them. Address the oublishr. TU tlaNIIU KECIXlTeB CO., Atlanta, Sa. WW Sprtti tht Clod TUitfs. STRICTURE Dissolved and Removed Forever. No Cutting or Pain. 1 Do Not Treat All Diseases. But Cure All I Treat I Treat Men Only ' and Cure Them to Stay Cured Specialist in Diseases of .Men. Of the State Electro-Medical Insti tute. 1308 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. It matters not how lonK you have suffered from stricture, nor liovr many different doctors hove disappointed you, my treatment will cure you just as ccrtninly us you come to our office for trcntmcnt. I will not do It bycuttlng or diluting. My treatment is entirely original with me and perfectly painless. It completely dissolves the stricture and permu. ncutly removes every obstruction from the urinary passage. It stops every symptom, allays, all inflammation, reduces the prostate gland when enlarged, cleanses and heals the bladder and kidneys when irrl. tated or congested and rerttores health and soundness to every part of the body affected by the disease. We also cure to stay cured by our combined Electromedical Treatment Varicocele, Syphilitic Blood Poison, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Rupture, Kidney and Urinary Disease, and all associate diseases and weaknesses of men. We charce nnlhlnir fnr ..Hv-.i. counsel and give to each patient a LEGAL CONTRACT to UofS for our promises a nVntn'0rth 5'0Ur Whlle to lnvestlBa,e care that has made life f anew tSltiTudM "if you cannot cal! at our office write us your symptoms fully. Our home treat nent by correspondence Is always successful. f 11 References: Best Banks and Lending Business iMcn in lhl City. CONSULTATION FREE. Office Hours: From 8 a. m. to8 n. m. Sundavs. in n. m 1 . - - - - v " - t w a. a at I STATE ELEGTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 FarnaraSt,, Between 13th and 14th Sts., OMAHA, NEB. Get Ahead of the Spring Rush For Offices. Advice to Office Seekers. April and May are the months when moat pople do their movlnc. The prospects are that the demand for of flees In Omaha was never so gTeat aa It will be thta spring. There are not a treat many rooms vacant In The Bee Building but there are amonc them several which are particularly choice; one di rectly In front of the elevator on ths tth floor; one on the 1st floor next to the entrance to The Bse business of fice; a suite ot three rooms on the 3rd floor, and a very large office and vault on the rround floor faelne l?th stleet. Besides these, there are four or five amaller rooms In various parts of ths building. Ths rants are reasonable and ths .atrvtcs perfect. R. C. PETERS & CO., RENTAL AGENTS, Ground Floor, Bee BnlldUf, Omiha. . i )