THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: Tf.ES DAY. MARCH 10, 1001. n SPECIAL NOTICES AdrerlUrnent for these colamna will bp takea anlll I'J ra. for the evening edition and anlll 8 no p. Ml. for maiiUi and Sanilar edition. Rates, 1 l2o a word flrat Insertlna, le a rrord thereafter. Bathing taken tor lees than SSSo for the flrat liiser t.'on. These tdrtrtlit nciU ! be rwm conseeatlvely. Advertisers, 7 requesting: a nam he red check, can hare answers ad dressed to a namhrred tetter In car f The flee. Answers addressed wilt ha delivered reseaLallea ( the keek ealr. WA.NTKU srrtA 1 lOMS. YOUNG lady stenographer out of position dfelres general olnce work. Address. L K. B.o A M2--l FIRBT-CLABS dressmaker will sew by day, reasonable. e;i 8. l911 Mt AVA.V1ED MALE UHLP. WANTED, wc have steady work for a few good hustlers of goou namts nu appt ante. C. F. Adams Co., luu Howard 31. UARUER trade tauaht thoroughly in short tlm, ratalogua u prucuiars irye. tn jjarotrs insmute, umatia. Sej.u WANTED, good solicitors and state ngents, Insuruncc men preierroi. cull lt J? 1 . Lite lllflg. . AV ANTED, a traveling sulesinan. $ood posi tion to rigni pari). ,iu" v. -- --- . Y. Lite Uidjtj jj" , , WANTED, men to learn barbof trade; onfy t wttK-) required; nao ihisiiIohs paltit 1S weeKly -altlUi- rautlate this pillik. lumiHiraiively littie exietie. Ay rite uaroer colienv, XtU urnam sU x. A ANTED, llrst-olass salesman to sell und vi"AiTK!v rKKilckwtier. competent, to i.un.iiM r.imiiiwte h?i i)I bOOK. KlVe Mge, vtwirlcnue and salary expecteu. v.1 1. Lee. AVANTED, llrst-cUss salesman In Kcrits' ..... ..i. ...t,.i. tniHin: none out tho tnai nave hau years of e-xperlonce .....i n v 11.141,11, lure. iiin.tii. branaiis Sons, proprietors. 1I-M30I 19 u'ivtl'ii ihr. nr four competent spe cialty salesmen on salary and expeiwea to Jln-iseni a large anu wen e.tuollstiod manutucturlng nouse in owa' """" aim Minnesota; none but tnos navmg had exlKrtiencu as buiesmen unu who lire iiule to turnisn lirs t-ias reterrnces need apply, to strictly nigli-graue salesmen e ,i , otfer an exceptional pruMsitlun with """i uesiran.e opportunities oi "dvaiKemcm; . . i-intf .mia line, iircvious e 7 I n i mill nr,i,lll eiiuiioyment. Adurss L 3. care t he omana Bee. The above Is irom one oi the largest and best known c'slabllsnments In tne couu try. ihu omuha Bee. b mjtj h oALESMEN for cigars; ne plan, quick somers cigar Co.. w. S. ,.n a.t.. c Louu. slut, good uusin., " uiunc. - " i VVA.X'IHU FiiJIALli llfc.Lt'. AVANTED, -JW girU. Ii2t Dodgs. Tel. 6. c -J UU wanted. Canadian oOlce. 1S22 Douglas WANTED, ladles to learn nBiraresaiiig, manicuring ul tacial nisagc. i""f weeks leuuired by our uieniuu i i experience, cpcn ii,.w,w.w,., ,- r. A .YObNO ( lady. .PtJ d wl? worn; entail lumiij , wood -l COMPETENT girl, two In family. 12J j So. th at. " WANTED. -an exjK-rlonced and fully com-uelinl-lior.bouK.wpcr to lUku ctvafge i ....ifii. ui .r, u. tiuoka. .vi letercnc.s required; salary. to.w pei month; txst- uou perin.uia. Auuie.. L - - .MTHNTru-aJf . . . l.miio t - . AVANTED, u competent cook. Apply to 112u Parn avc, c ji-ii la FOR HU.NT I10LES. IF you want your nouses well rented place mem im ncua w ... -v. ALWAYS moving 1L H. goods. Plalios. uince, UUVs Farnam bu 'il. or &&J. HOUSES for rant In all parts of the city. I Brennan-Lova Co.. Jau So. Llth tit, ij -ii HOUSES, stores. Bemis, Paxton block. GEE HENRY' B. PAYNE, UJl N. Y. LIFE. D JU HOUSES, etc. F. D. AVead. Ii24 Douglas. D M HOUSES anu Hats, ttingwalt, BarkerBlk. HOUSES wanted. AVallace, Brown Blk. D J52 GOOD six-room flat, city water In kitchen, Co., Htn and Douglas. FOUR-ROOM modern flat. 1112 S. llth. D M694 EXP. Del. Co.. moving. JeU 11W. 214 N. 16th. D 30 A7 'ROOM modern nat well located; large rooms. Kennard d. Son, 310 Brown BIock. D-MiU FOR RENT, residence. 10M Georgia ave., comer Pacific, 10 rooms, attic, basement, at front, modern anu extra conveni ence!-; lot exlV with trees. Inquire 3H First rial 1 nana wiog. t w a FOR RENT S-room modern house, 4o a month. 3221 Harney St. D 11 1 FOR RENT. S0 North 22d St.. ten-room modern house, lino location. Key at 304 North 22d st. D-M IS 1006 N. 23D 8T., 6 rooms, city water, sewer and closet, J15. The Byron Reed Co., 212 S. llth at. D-M29I FOR RENT, new 10-room house, north part city, water and gas, near motor and school, Enquire AV, I. Klerstead, Room o, cuy nan; rent. k montn. D-MM FOR RENT, boarding house, 16 rooms, good location. Inquire ltX3 Davenport street. D-Sil-20' FOR RENT. 2027 N. 20th 8t.. S-room modern house. 120. 2116 Spencer St.. 10-room modenf house, $30. 2211 N. SOlh 8t.. 10 rooms, modern house, as). gtC. PkLs C C rnnnia tnA.UmlW..ii.A til alwl s t ja w S w lliwuv sts UJ U9t, fJil 1121 Wirt St., 10 rooms modern housu & barn. 160. lilt Rurdctte St., 9 rooms modern house, SIS. Ul No. ttth St., S rooms modern houss, S2S. 3)10 N. 27th St.. S-room house, city water. IIS 2412 Caldwell, S-room hotise-. city water, 110. HRENNAN-LOVK CO.. 3C0 So. 13th St. I-3W-!4 FOR REST Ft'RMSHED ROOMS. STEAM heated rooms at The Thurston- " R SSI DEVVET European hotel, ljtb and Farnam. E 23 HOUSBKBEP1NO rooms, li up, 2823 St. Mary's. E-MJI7 All' Mary ROOMS. 19oTcapltol Ave. E-9CT SL'NNY room, newly furnished, ra N. 19th Bt. tUMiH W FURNISHED rooms for light hausekrep- lng or without. Apply to 5ir Farnam st, " itnuuw i , , KM34 2i FL'K.MIHKD ROOMS AND BOARD. mrvnunN II -Miv lfiOS non OLENCAIRN, transltnls.iL2May, isratwug ' UTOPIA. 1771 Davenport St. IT1?!. Th. Mtnlam. good winter home. 25 A DU, luKe oruer iui nun. I SOJll. I m.NU new, sena ivu anu itn a i pay jiyj oi ny muiupiu; any Rod Co.. Llniuin, to., uox sr airplo of Kansas corn teatners. Agent uate; no delay. lirunnan-Lovo Co., wanted. Kansas Coru eatnr Co.. I Bo. lath St. Omaha, Neb. AV 2 . - - - l'UXlOtl U1K. u WKl-rtO 1 TRAA HLER for Nebraska, permdnent po- , jjojO anj upward to loan on Improved city sitlon witn 8M lay. Los Ange'es riuii WANTED, resident boys' clothing snlesmun property nd turms. W. Farnam Smith & Cider Co., bt. Louis. it i to tnorougniy cover the entire statu oy Co., lw Farnam. AV 2s2 eiu, upicimiu ucii.-MM ; rv;,. nueooaru, kiicucu .urniiurc. QK rOUR FUKNlTuKE. PIANO. OKuA.N. Wc-eK IMCd ujJr tt: ,N. lth St. O-HM X liORafct), lAW UK AM PERI tof"""" 'uCole. 1 "flUm - ' BOfN AL PhOrtlY WITHOUT Icu1(fcn ..b.rohsE., vkhicles, tvrc Val, a-LiaiuCiT OK dlai. I I RAMMED HO O.MS AMI HOARD. ROOMS and board, reaionabl. lvn Cass. F-37J.A1' LARGE (rent room. tC9 S. ath ave. F Ml 4 N. 23d, nicely furnished rooms, good TUB n03E. W Harney Raty reasonable. A F-MJ2J Alt FOR RB.AT OFtRMMIEU ROOM5. TWO unfurnlanid rooms; also two base ment rooms, 1120 N. uim UNFURNISHED rooms, single or ensutte, gas, water and steam, suitable for light housekeeping. Wlthnell Building. ISth and Harney. G M272 13 l'3?V?l?n Chambtn t0T molJd wife. ?l . litn. " FOIl IIK.NT STOltlift ASU OFFICII. FOR RENT Btore, In flrst-clas location," rent reasotiabi Apply R. C Meters & Co., srouna noor, uee uiog. i m FOP. RENT The building formerly occu pied by The lict at 016 Farnam Bt. It hss tour stories and a basement which was formerly ised as The Uee pres sroom. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested spply at Oncu to C. C Rose water, stir tury. room U'J. Ueo Uulldlng-. 1241 STORES, unequalled. Apply Tltard. m N M 1 MiJi-31 8?.lBS??LB,baeS,,t Nit.!i.rdik C at.; suitable for plumber. HulbnJOk. Urown Ulock. I-M.67 run iir.r.i, siore room. .11 onuni j -j ono to five, years. AddIv the Uyron Reed Co.. ZU ti. 14th St. 1 Mill .I 7T S71T, vtth vault a PJt KDIl ItHS'T nffln.. w nrst noor or an top noor, iui-mio imuti m . imtnhii. fur .innll iobbmit or broker age business or storage. Midland Glass I uud I'alnt Co., Hiu lturncy si. t ji-m i Aliti.NTS AVA.ATEII. llrana of boys' and children s doming on stralgnt commisMon basis, omy ex- rlenceu und thorojgniy comment saUs-1 hi.ii .. r. .iu.ipMi .l.irw... wtMlinif 11 rill I itpresenteu und amount ot sales lor tn pam ear, G. Llppmann at hone, ,ui andi iw urouuwHy, crf xorg city. J M261 Vj WANTED, agents of ability to sell our new zutn Century ComDined Lite and wnt'r 'douche SilrV, "amount Si bustness; old linu company . capital -"uj,. WJ. jcuure.s Conservative Lite insurau-je company, Masonlo Temple, Denver, Colo. J AVA.ATKD TO RENT. i uNt'UHNlSllED chamuers. roan ana Wits. JU litn. Ci ill I STORAUsZ. PACIFIC Storage and Wamhouse Co., S1J- U jones, (teucral storage and torwaraing. ML OM Van Cl,r CO i uuw ei,4 ua-id. IfcU FOR SALE Fblt.M I ,..... CHICAGO FURNITURE CO., Hlo Dodge. 'xwt. tu. tw itouaua tuttutuie bouguc "d. changed. lure in iho city: inspuct our kiuck Dviore Wuvinur wuolesai 10 country deiiK-rs; prices low. bntcrprtsd Furniture Co., IW-s u lllni cmtr uOUge. O Mail AI ENTIRE stock ot carriages. bugl Wagou regardless ot cost. Anuei.i es and adn-Mll- iaiu co., cur. ijtn auu Davenport. 1 2UI-M2J HORSES and mares, two Incubators and lialit u ran in u cmcnens. c. j..ruimer. a. i. cor. Vuinut iiiu ccuietur.. cuuiiui ulutts. r Mt 1 ,.,rl, -.,. iih, -4- uuaKtesT etc. it r ro.t. ltth & Leaven'worin - p aw orally horse, with or without surry and harness, w. n. craig, tn . .... Ave. P-Ja7-21' FOR SALE MISCLLA.AEiOLS. HARD and soft foundation piling; hog feuces and cribbing. u LfougiaK. c m .1)110 safe cheap. Derlght, Hid Farnam. CJ Jfci SAFES; buy, sell ejtc'gs. SchwarU, 111 S. 12. W M TIMOTHY hay and all kinds teed and coat. Munroe it Co. VI 2w i - 1NCUBATOKS. send to tne cure natch ilicuualir Co., ciuy cenici, .eu., tor a handsome Irtu catalogue. Q 'Mi SEED SWEETS. Theo. AVllIlams, Benson, Nb. 4M-3U .M2i' CUTLERY ot all kinds; finest line in the city; we grina rasors, snears. ciippurs, etc. A. UndeUnd. 13lt Dodgu St. Q-M6t9 AS WIRE fence for poultry, Belgian hare, hog held or lawn, vvira n orm, uu a. -sin si. g-MtfT JyJ I jo-SYRUP soda fountain at Peterson Bros., lis S. ISth, cheap for cash. Q MM 20 ST. BERNARD dog; handsomest pup In the city: tins peuigree; nousc-uroae ana rona of children call or write to K. E. Mumti; HOh Farnam St., Omaha. q 16 is'. MASQUERADE make-up outfit, contains paints, powders, burnt cork, nose putty, beards, spirit gum, etc.. the lot mailed for 6o cents, cnas. jiarsnuii, -iir iock port. N. Y. g 7W FOr SALE, new range, bargain; also fur niture, rany to leave city. N3 cnicago. y sio-ji- TINNER'S tools for sale cheap. Northeast corner 13th & Harney. Q-3&4-1S TA'PBVV'RITERS, great slaughter In prices; A" '! s:n :. absolutely new Mannaiians mouei nam racn. cash F. O. B. Chlcaco Callgraphs, second-hand. In nrst-clasa condition. l$ to 125. F. 8. Webster Co., Ill aiaaison si., vnicagu. vt is- FLORISTS. LoUI3 LECLU6E. successor to B. Haas, mi Vinton Tel. ZETs. i'lanu. cut flower designs; hall, residence, wedding and crave decorations. Orders promptly filled Ey mall or express. Wl-.vS. CLAIKVO VAXTS. MR3. FKITZ, medium. Il North ltth. tf 5i0 mmk GYLMER, ge " I nulne palmist, ltd Dodge a Jit ELECTRIC THEATMEHT. ELITE parlors, cli South Hth, ifcond n00r. MME. AMES. li Howard, 2d floor, room 1. MABEL Q RAY, 317V, N. Hth . CAMILLE DUA'AL. OS Sa HUl, 2d 3oor. ii MISS WILLIAMS of St. Louis, masssae. magnetic, electric treatmsnt. JO! N. lbth room 3. T M64I As MISS MAY LESLIE, UU Howard, 2d" floor. T Mill A2' FEHSOAAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns superfluous hair rsmovsd by clectrtcty. R. , a r rcuxnr blocic U-2W PRIVATE homo bsfore and during confine. ment, babies adopted. Mrs. Burget. -U20 Buroette. u m FKBrv;i accordion pitaunc; ivory nm uttonJ. ma order4. Omaha Pitting Co., U24 Douglas. U-273 SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim I oew,ns IVf? i .. .. . .... i 1 a I'EIlSOAAI. PRIA'ATE hospital for ladles before and during eonnnement; Daoiea aaopieu. Grant SL b-27i RUPTURB cured, no knife, no pain, no danger, enu tor circulars, r.miiire iiup iur Cure, w2 N. Y. Lite Building, Oman. U-SM-Ml BOX of He-No-May lUAUljr nucu 11 ?-'--""- I secures tnc comtort anu dpr"" , your toorn-male. U-M212 VlAVI-Womarrs way to health; rational. wholesome borne treatment. JU Bee i Bldg. U 3iS TURK8H baths, massage baths electric baths, for ladles only, sKiuea somen massage operators, nnest equipped baths In the city. Renstrom Rath Company, Rooms :i to 2iV, Bee Rldg. U 271 HHEUMATISM. paralysis, goitre, femal, diseases, consumption, glandular swell tngs, obesity, stomacn and Ktaney troubles. enronic diseases cureu oy inyrom L.ympn Remedies. Consultation and Dooklet free. Thyroid Lymph Co.. SOO-2-4 Bee Dldg., Omaha, tHo- uurr lllock. Lincoln, Neb. U-141-M.t AVATs'TED, roommate; references. L U, iiee. u i.oi i" M. GOLDMAN & CO.-Only perfect ac cordeon pleating plant tn the west. Mall otdsrs solicited. Suite a) Douglas Ulock. U AVANTED. permanent home on farms for tnrec coiorea uoys. ages s to is years, aim two oinor ikivs aoout me samv hkvi Child Saving Institute. c M. si' Ml DDLEM1ST, wall paper cleaner; be; , references, rooms cleaned U an up. tel. Rat. U-M3l ii' best nd UO.AUY 'l'O I.UA-ll.AI, USTA'l't.. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. JJrtnnan-Love Co., am South lath. WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. oeorge Company, IwjI r'arnam street. AV tai LOANS on eartern Nebraska and western loa farms at Der cent; Dorrowers can -23 WA.vrtu, city ana tarro loans, mso oonaai and warrants. R. C Pster- it Co.. Farnam St.. Ree Rldg. MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., liOi Farnam. V M MONEY to loan at 6 and H .per cent on omana propeny. w. a. ,ucikic, ivig. FIVE per cent money. Rem... Paxton block, rtrjtviTC mnnv P n Wead 1&24 Douelas PRIVATfc money. F. D. AV ead, l PRIVATE money. 5, 5W. Pr cent: no de- lay. Garvin Bros., leu earnam. -- - ..... ... ..... . . 6 oaVitn Kro. l.u FarnarS uSu"fr 1 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 9J7 N. Y. L. 6 AND &H per cent loans. VV. First National, Bank building. VV. H. Thomas, TCI. 1015. W-i CASH ou hand. G. E. Turklngton. &C Bte. MO.AEY TO LOA.N CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN EVERYBODY. If you wish to make a little loan why truuule your menus wnen you can bor row money from us on one nuurs notice without publicity or trouble! AVE LOAN MONEY LOANS FKOM I10.W TO I.UO.OO. ANY LENGTH OF TIME, flVE imNTH OK ONE YCAlt. We guarantee our terms and rale to be the very lovet anu within the reacn ot ail. Liueri;! nd cpurteous treatment, to uVvrybouyr anu u wviiu yuar iiuywuuu. COME AND BE CONVINCED. ' VVe also make loans to SALARIED PEO- PLE on tneir flai.n ;uito. .o puu ciu'un i5ii going elsewhere, S. E. COlC ItiTH AND DOUGLA8 STS. BROWN BLOCK, ROOM 312. X-M120 WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. 11 is easy to auveriiso lowest rates, as others uu, but v leel pomiive that U you will raaae coiuparisona you will b con viiiCcu tnat ua cau do better with, us tnau eUenhviu loan on luriiuure, pianos, live stock, vie, ur m win suit you a SALARY LOAN without liiuumur or mortgage. Ae cuargo uuinlna lur tuaaing tht ,uU aiiu UU Icceive iiio luu ttiuuuiit in csh. You may pay 11 back 111 one uiuiiiii or iako six mourns ur mule iu to rcbuy it. ana ou neeu not vay tor it one day luiiget' tnan you Keep it. Our terms ate the easiest, our uuainess is aud our tuoltu is "try to pieas. UMAiiA AlOlt'lOAUb CO., UJ uuaru ot i'rauu Xlldg. 'lei. ZJli. lEslauiuunu Iw.'j uv ou. ith ei. X MJU MONEY TODAY". Loans made iu amounts trum 110 to 2s0 on household turnuure, pianos, norscs, car riages, etc., wiihoui leiuovai, or on your S-A-lA-K-Y without sscurity. All or a tiart ot tne money may o paid buck the nrst month or uu part ot it need uo paid Dues; tor aeterai months. Each payment made reduces ine cuai accoruingiy. .m S oViur" SSKSS Srtt who need money are inviied lo call and . fv frniM and nimhiirH ifi.m u-itn what others offer. Loans of other com mmiK mav b transierrd to mi. No charge lor papers. All business strictly connaentiai. Quick crvtc and lowest rates guaranteed. 1 J. VV. TAYLOE. 633 Paxton BlK., top noor, northeast corner 16th and Farnam. Entrance on 16th St. SALARY LOANS. If you are employed by a responsible tirm we will loan you sums irom sly to l0o ua I vour note at much cheaper and easier rates than elsewhere. Of this we ara positive. Absulutsly no charges lor papers. Nothing deducted from uiuouni centred. unKET loaned salaried people holdlnr Mr. uvon their namta without security; easy f. ..... Tnlm.n ,1.1 tlnnp.1 T- . .. ' 1. 1 ., I m mHiuuii miu ...uuiuiuifl cuni'pn MONEY" loaned on pianos furniture. lw. MONEY, losned on pianos, furniture, horses. cowl, jewelry Duff Green, R. i; Barker blk X-2W SALARY loana at reduced rates. Omaha Credit Co., &26 New York Llf Bldg. MONEY to loan. L Zleg ler. 409 AVare Olock. SEE Private party for salary loans. lloo m zu urown uiock. X-M121 Short time loans. J, Pleasants, SI Barker blk X 127 UUSI.tESS CUA.VCKB. $1M CASH on easy payments buys 25 strictly I lawiui tnicacn sioi maenmes lor annas. cigars or cash; Kill earn $2 and upward weeiciy cacn. can ciara c co.. t urui tura Manufacturers. Chicago. III. r-3io FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and I ,n . . ., . ...... I . . braska. For further particulars address Box sua, West Liberty, la. x sit I STEAM dye and cleaning ahop In city of 10,000 or H.OOO Inhabitants for sale for tt: a good chance for a dyer who understands his business, omy snop in ins cuy. Ad dress L i uee. x Miba FIRST-CLABS restaurant for sale. Sai Blng. 1516 Webster. Y,-M241-21' HIHDS AND TAXIDERMY. Sam 1 STOCK'S Bird Stor. 1245 6. lCLb. -321 FOIt SALE-HEAL ISSTATK. RANCH AND FARM lands tor sale by th .1 Unfo.i Faclllc Railroad oompan), II. .V. McAllaster. land commissioner. cmon 'aclfle Headquarters, umahu. Neb. RE TH rrin OII.K mm lamia, stock ranches And . business locutions in the Corn Belt coun-1 try. W H. Clements. Lyons, Nab. iil ltii I .Tr.,. - .... In,n.: nuusta. mw, wiuia, -- -, insurance Bemls. Paxton Blk. RE-sU3 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1103 Farnam SL SEE HENRY U. PAYNE. K1 N. Y. : LU-'E. WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room hOUSe, ClOSJ to gOOU car -ieril owner anxious to sell. M. J. KtHnard I &. Son. A'S-ID Urown Rlock. RL M2 SNAP-Jiuflne business lot. two blocks south depot, 10th St. Inqulremip tnton. MKI1IL At.. V1RTUAMA cures Impotencj resulting from indiscretions or debility, gives vi tality, vigor, restoring ues;m, amottlons, aspirations of youtn. health, fitting for success, nupplnese in uunnes. prote. slonal, social, married life;; U. or 1 for IS. Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt of price, 'lhe Kldd Drug .Co., Elgin, 111. American Omce. retail, wholesale, Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, M. A. uiiion, buuth omana, Uavi Urus Co., Council llluffs. Full line rJbber good. LAD1E8I Chichester's English rennyroyal Fills are tne best; sate, rellubls, Uke no other. Send 4c stamps tor particulars. "Relief for Ladles' in letter by rsturn mall. Ask your druggist. -Cnlcctstsr Chemical Co., Fnllaaelpnta, Pa. BlIORTII.V.ND A.NU T s I'UWHITtXU. A. C. VAN SANT'S SchoOL 717 N. Y. Life. BOA'LES' College, court reporter prlnclpaL Bee Rldff. -S3 NED. Uuslness U Shorthand college. Boyd's Theater. "m OREGO Shorthand. Om. C Col., li & Doug I'ATEMS. .. ,r . patents copyrights i una . trade wark- you f "Sl". &-rn'ie,nfn. .no1,? Ji?5 rest; moaern equipped machine shop and foundry in connection; ortldal Guzelto on nle, guldu cook tree. jason, rcnwicK Jc Lawrence, patent lawyers, ik Howard be: Tel. liu. Omaha. J. 1'. Croniu, rvpr. tv PATENTS No fee unless successful. SJts K Co., Bee uuilding, omana. .cd. ids jc-is- AVATED TO RORROAV. AA'ANTED to borrow J2.300 on $ worth Improved real estate security. Address L1, Bee. -tfW H' WANTED to borrow R0W.W wi a good pieco ui uusniess jirupe.v ,, '" ' pur cent, payable eenil-aunuallj propel tj win Dear inspection, eic. auuk.j an com munications to K tl. Bee. iioM 19 OSTEOPATH. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y". L. Rldg. TeL loot; Alice Johnson, D, O., ladles dept.; Old E. Johnson, ostcopatmst. Mgr. ill M. E. DONOHUE, . O., ot Still school, Kimsvllle, mo., m raxion uitc iti. urn. J u INCUBATORS A.NU BROODERS. INCUBATOR3 and brooders; catalogue tree, write uurr incuoator Co., u z, Omaha, Neb. Factory at th 4c Davenport. t-MJl LOST. LOST, gold .crescent pin, set with pearls, LiDerat rewara tor return to uu s. jjin. Lost Mlit u LOST, bay mare; blind lp left eye. Prltch ara, uee mag. - - losi aiau FACTORIES FK ItEST. FACTORY, laundry. or srocary building, corner., oanlel c,,ratlorson,i23 farnam, AVALL PAIJBR. a- d rnll and uq! na.lntln?. rjaner hanzlnc decoruUng. Kelsey, 117 S. 17th. TehJfiOi. rAWS BROKERS. EAGLE Loin OfSce, reliable, accommodat ing; an business connaentiai. iwi uougias. PR1.TI.G. HAVE It printed right. AVaters Printing co., 422 bo. utn ac rnone aw, , C13 A I LAU.APHV. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, xo, cutis, to. iiMJ Leavenwortn. lei, Hi. Hi BICYCLES. WE HAVE the only Vulcanlxer in the city tor buggy tires, we oo mis -worn as gcoa as can tm aone at tne tactory. itwi i;api- tol Ave. w STAMMBHl.tG A5D STUTTERIKG. CURED. Julia A'aughn, li) Ramge Bldg. i CARPENTERS A.ND JOB11EKS. ALL kind, of carpenter work sndrrln, prompuy ai.enaed to. a. i. ucniuree, win I iw a to. and Luge Sts. FLKMTtllK REPAIR1.XG. TEL. 1X31. M S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming SL -w JU.AK. B. tt M. Junk house. J. Milder, Prop., deals in nil m, n i. Doiiirs. cll. caiioaui i specialty, sol-sv3 Farnam. Omaha. TeL 227 EXPERT ACCOL'HTAXT. LWajNS in bookkeeping. or llathDun RtllHEIl STAMPI. BADGES, medals Om. Pl'L Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. '335. : URIIOLSTERISG. GLOBE COUCH CO.. 1519 Lav'th. Tel. 2S2, ACCORDION PL3ATI.G. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick est. Mrs. A. c. Aiara, t -ur. mil mi Farnam. TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets overywhsre. P, II. Phil tun. lutt Farnam. icituum . ELOCITIO.V An READING. MRS. 7X)RAVAKD. Studio C23 N. 19th St. Al Slat Mist aiuiaaacinaana at ancawsj itma TMieauawam ALOMC TIM a)MsTsl AVANA, MATA.1IA5, CABAEXA5. SAQUA, CA1. UntH, MveriTAS, OIIAIA. sas IAJUC0A, aia siif aMts. UCMSOK rTEAUSniPLlNE-JT wtmsmat. iswr Torft RAT ! Ual M.fl.t . 'HUM u at nniiLvaa, aaan Bauaia. Nsw York. t- . . 1 . k. . . . H, t . r ri m P...Fv.tlnH and Gassaral information of the MO BILE IXRVICE. apply to Ticket Agent Mobile Ohio R. R- and South rn Rr. r RAII.AVAA TIME I AMI). FREMONT. ELKHOHN it Missouri Vailey Railroad The Northwestern Line" General Olllcee, , J billliTU t7uii. on .muni Lank Hutidlng, H. W nam Sis Ti ket omce. 1401 Farn.i ret. Si. Depot. Utn nnd AV'ebste tel. ltd. corner Tweittn and Far. arnam at. r St s. Leave. A Ml v. U1.i!lf..,.,1" Ocadwood, Hotfcpnngs a 3:W pm a i.'jO pm vvyotntntT, casper and Douglas d J:0O pm e 5.4 pm Hastings, York, David Clt Superior, Geneva, Lxeter and Seward. ...b J:C0 pm b 8: pm NortolK. Verdigre and fremont b 'M am b!0:3 am Uncolii, Wahoo and Fremont b :S0 am blOS am Fremont Local c 7:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day omy. d Daily except Saturday. Dally except Monday. r-utrAnn x. vnUT It. I CM1CAUO AUKTU 1 Nnwtera tta City Ticket omce, 1B1 Farnam St. Telsphone, Ml. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone 029. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7.-00 am all:C0 pm Chicago Pattenger a 4.U pm u sil'J am ivasiern, Lcs Jioirej, iiurenaliloM), Cedar Ruplds and Chlcacu atA!U m a l:A2 nm Eastern Special, Chi cago ana uasl a t:a pm a t:Xi pm Fast -Mull. Chlcauo to Omaha a 2;I5 pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd ..a 7:13 pm a s:uu am x an iuu a s:m am I Cedar itapids Passenger a pm a uauy. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis ti Omalia Uuimnv Tho North- wt stern Llnu 'General Ottlccs. Nebraska Divi sion, loth and Weoster sis. City Ticket Oltlcs. nui i- St. Telephone, ML Dtiwt, ISth atu vscbster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger.. .a u:w am a 9:U pm I. Omaha Passenger. ,au;l'Jurn Sioux city At isonn- east Nebraska a Z:U pm a Daily. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC lllirnurl "The North- western Llnu" General Oltlces, L lilted States Nutlunul Bank Ruildlng. S. VV. Corner Twelftn nnd Piirruim Uts. Ticket Omce. act Farnam SL Tolephone 66L De- pou renin and Marcy sis. -icicpnono t. leave. Arrive. T In City Express a 6:56 am a!0:25 pm I Twin City Limited a 7ii pm illUam SIouk City Local a s:w am a 3&i pm a Dally. millLlNGTON A Mis souri River Railroad Tha Uurllncton Kouto"'- General omces, Nortn i Tinier Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket nm.-t.. imi turnam Street. Burlington Station, Tenth and Mason streets. ii-muuhonii. US. leave. Arrive. Llncoin. Hastings J;ta arfl a 75 pm Lincoln. Denver, coio a J;m pm Lincoln ."ViKjiuhd 5 W ptu a sa km Montana. Pusei aouna JJm a u ttU1 Lincoln Fast itai.i. '. Wymore. Beatrice fcm bu. ""'rXdoruuh 1:m am Unve., Jrr-77 " a: a 6:li am Lul-P". a Pm bll:( am eilevuc PiAtif mouth 4c a 8:20 Km I Pacific Junction . .-..a 7.W pm a ..- m tlle.Vvn'rltlc 'jui.Tcn"al2:10 am VU ?.clUS Dally f except aunaay. rivma CITY. ST. JO sepn 04 cuuuku oiuu. Ratlroad-'The Burling in.. Knnta" 'ticket Oftlce. iirr i-virnum Mtreet. Tele- phone, sou. tiepoi, iemo and Mason Streets. Teiu- u - - -. t. . . I nhnna. 12$. l jiv(. Arrive. nil. niv Ex...a :ai am a :25 pm &Ssis SuyNMgtEx lalupm a:iaam 8lSSh ud Si' Lbuls:. 6 10 pm aU 13 am a Dally. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON ic guincy Railroad "The? Burungion nouic iicnet Omce liv.' Farnam Street. Telephone, 2so. Depot Tcntn ana iuusan streets. Telephone, us. Leave. Arrive. iiuviihi i.i.i.ra SDe- cial i "W am al0:20 pm Chicago AVstibUlea ux.a pm u j: am Chicago Local Expresa.a ic3d ara a 4:uj pm Chicago Limited a 7:40 pjn a 7:45 am Fast Man pm a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallroad-Clty Ticket Of flee, 1102 Farnam Street. Telephone, 245. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Streets, Leave. Arrive. Chicago express a ,.w am au.-o pra Chicago Limited ... a i Pm a- am Minneapolis & SL Paul b i N am b 9:40 nm Minneapolis & SL Paul Limited " o.w am Fcrt Dodge Local from Council Bluffs .........U 4:3) pm a S:15 am Fort Dodge Local from Council rsiuns a o.w am a dally, b Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC-"THE OVER land Route 'General Ottlces N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office, llil Farnam Street. Telephone, Mti. Depot. Tenth and Alarcy Sts. Telephone, O. Leave. Arrive. tv. ni-..t.-nit Limited.. a s:ju am a 7:3o pm The Chicago-Portland Special ... rt,,i u . The Fast Mall a am a 3:25 pm The Mall and Express. .all:to pm a 4:2 pm Lincoln, neairice . Stromsourg circ..u fiu uu. iui The Pacltlc fcxprcs....a s;.s pm Tho Atlantic Express... a S:M am Grand ifianu Lcai u a;jw pm u w.i am a dally. " uuy excepi ouimajr. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL . road General Offices and Ticket Ottlces. Southeast Corner Hth and Douglas Sts. Teiepnone, iin. Depot, Union Elation. Leave. Arrive. OU.. . in-fin ,n n ,l nn. kT C.. SL L. Express'..aloo pm a :i5 am Leave from iw " AVebsier airrev.. vhrsska Local. Ala weePinB 11."' M a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. ROCK 16L and St Pacific Railroad 'The Great Rock Isl and Route" City Ticket Otflce. 1223 Far nam Street. Telephone, 422k Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Tele phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. EAST. Des Moines and Dawn- hurt I-ocal a 7:23 am bll:33 nm Chicago Express bU:U urn a i:lo am Des Moines icu a yi pm a s;i pm Chicago Fast Express. .a s:w pm a 1:20 pm Des Moin?s. Bock Isl and and Chlcago...a ,:40 pm a i:Zi pm Lincoln, C61orado. Spgs., Denver, Pueblo and AVest 1 H2J pm a 4:13 pm Colorado. Oklahoma St Texas Flyer a S:20 pm a 3:50 am a dally, t Dally except Sunday. OMAHA ii ST. LOUIS RAIL- road omana, Katisaa city i Eastern Railroad 'Tht Qulncy Route" Ticket Of nee. lltl Farnam St. Tele phone, 222. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone, Leave. Arrive. r- . a .. S.n.,nn llSl! Oi. louif .... . ...A Express V."' ' "'" Pm '"0 ro KanLs City & Qy r)Ca , , a i:w am a :co pm a, Dally. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE it St. Paul Railway City Ticket omce. iao4 Farnam Street. Tolephone. 2VI. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets, xeiepnonc, u. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited ax... a ;00 pm a :03 am Chicago &. Omaha Ex. b 7;1S am b 3:40 pm a dally, u uiy except uuuu.. 1331 wmm jnsfnTrlat. IMiiwAumj FOTOFFI( K MITIl i:. AV A HA 8 II RAlt.HOAD - I Ticket Oftlce. IRS Farnam Street Telephone, xs IU'- pot Tenth .tid Msrcy Bts. teiepnone, w Leflte. Atrlvt. St. Louis "Carnon Uall ' Expres a 5 1? pm a 1.20 am a Dally. C.UKVJr'Ci Ball June . July . Itineraries of Edwin Jones, 462 Putnam av., ttranrf Tonr Atounil the World In 1102. 112 days, al- "l.U'a expenses, tun. ernrlcs ready. POSTOFFICK .NOTICE. iBhould b read DAILY by nil Interested as change .nay occur at any time ) I Foreign t.-nis tor tne wee cuuinK mrcn i M, 11, will close : (PROMPTLY In all rases) at thy. Postomce as follows. Par- i iaitiril ceis, J'osi .Main close one iwur mini i"""l. . , 7 . , . i.,u. P.-ir.-.U lomt I This reclment U no of lh Iti r.iilrv C,ML.K 'v, " " rtrfftilsr and (tiinnlctiientarv mslls clOe at I Foreign ."ranch half an i hour later than closing tlmo shown below. I Trani.Atiitutic "tinlls. I f AVEDNESDA Y At :30 a. m. for Kl'HOPE fS.rir; iVY,, I .Ah.. i. K .1 (mall for Ireland must bo directed per s. s. New York"); at S:3o n. m. ('U)ipIo- mcntary 10 a. m.) for El'ROPE. per s. s. .uajcsiic. via wucensiown. i i . ;u. 'v, i BELGH'M direct, per s. s. Kensington tmall must be directed "Per s, s'. Ken- sliixton "i. THrRaDAY At 7 a. m f-.r FR.VSVE. SWITZEHLAND. IT A LA . SPAIN. lOR- Tl'OAL, TURKEY. EGYPT, OREEt'E, intlTisH INDIA and 1XJRENJJ MAR- Qt'EZ per s. s. LAqultalne. via Havre mat s for other parts of Europe must be dlrccted "per s. a. L'Aqultalne '). ATL'RDAA At a. in. lor EUROPE, per s. s. Campania, via . u uee ns town; at i aj a. n. tor rt,i iir.iiuA.wo nireci, per s. s. Potsdam (mail must be directed "per e. a. Potsdam"), at s a. n. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Alter tmall muit uc anccieu pet n. . mn. . "HRINTED MATTER. t earner tukcj printed ma ETC. This iiatun nn,i unin, f..r Germany only. aiier. commercial i Tho same clas of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this shlu unteas sueclallv directed by her Vftef the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Mans anove, aauinonai supplementary malls are opened on the I piers oi mo abkiwsu, ',.""'"' and German steamers, and romuln open I until within ten minutes of the hour oi sailing ot tjteumer. Malta fur South and Central America, AVest Indira, Elf, TUESDAY At 9:30 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA I (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA- CIFIC PORTS, per s. m. Advance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be ill- r.i,l n.r . . AAvnr"! at two n. m. for JAMAICA, per s. a. Admiral Farra- gut, from Boston; nt '11 p. ra. for NAS S4AIV nor Htpitmer from Miami. Fla. WEDNESDAY At S a. m. for BERMUDA, per a. s. Trinidad: at s:30 a. m, tor i INAOt'A and HAITI, per s. s. Itutn- Sgfo'. "via" m;rn0aVnuncrIaLndPC5an'.o's (mail must be directed "net s. s. Bel- laglo"); at 11 a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. a. Wordsworth (mall for Northern uraxll, Argentine Republic. Uruguuy and Para- guay must be directed "uvr s. s. Words- worth"); at 12 m. for CUBA, Yl'CATA.N, CAMPECHE. TABASCO and CHIAPAS. per s. a. Yucatan, via Havana and Pro- grcso (mall for other parts of Mexico must rtlrfi-ti',1 "unr . a. Yucatan"): sV,..5i&tyamL&pp,SraT TURKS ISL.VND and DOMIMCIN RE- PUBLIC, per s. s. Cherokee; at 11 r. m. THURSDAY At 10 a. m. for HAITA, per , s prlia W1,,lam tV (ma tor curacoa, from I'hlladeipnu. iriniuau, cnczueiat, urmsn unu uuicu 4itii.inft muit he iiirfripti -Dr a. . t'rina William IV"); Hi iz m. for samiauu, tier s. a. San tin it o de Cuba: at "11 p. m, for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, Fla. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per ft. r. Ithaka, via Tamplco (mall must te ai - r.. . " . re c tea "per s. s. itnaga"). satuiiuai-At :w a. m. tor auum; TINE REPUBLIC, URUGUAY and pakauuat. pe rs. a. v irgn: at s .i. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per s. a. Grenada; at i u. m. (supplementary 9:3-) a. m.) for PORTO RICO (via San .-uan) A'ENEZUELA and CURACAO, per s. s. SaX?cl..iraai!I ,Hir.?.Han.l.ll?.nd.Cai'nrl gena must be directed "per s. s. cara- cas"j; at sao a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS, T. CROIX. LEE- WINDWARD ISLANDS, and DEMERARA, tier s. s. Madlana; at 10 a. m. for cuua. tr s. . Mexico, via Ha- vuna; at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 :."; J.?5T,l4NIE 'iBTiu" g'enVV'auI aRCo.ta Rica must be directed "per s. s. Altai"); at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) .OiVbVa! at 12:30 p. m. for MATAN55AS, CA1- RARIEN, NUEVITAS, GIBARA and $AfS&WA'i?l$&l&7?. Ollnda") Malls for Newfoundland, by rati to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this attice dally at 6: p. m. (connecting close here every Monday, AVednesdiy and Mall. ter Kllnll.tnn liv rail In Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this olnce dally at 6:a) p. m. Malls lor Cuba, by rail to Port Tumpa, Fla., and thence by steamer, close at this office dally, except Monday, at "i a. m. (the connecting Closes on sunaay, eunes . .. .. . I.l n Xf.11. nr .... .a I ?PfJh.lhlliSiyS;Utwt was atneken with smallpox Sunday io Jkliuiiii, r mm iiii;iii.o ujr nieamci, close at this ottiee every Monday and Friday at "11 p., m. Mails for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this omce dally at 1: p. m. and 11 p. m. Mails for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cor- tex and Guatemala, by rail to New Or- leans, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 1:30 d. m. (connecting closes here Mondays far Belize, Puerto , . ... T,... 1,.1.,U.A mall n . I.U9I. i.,C. ...u.v.vm blueel . , C p. m. previous day. Trans. I'acltto 3Ialla. Malls for Hawaii. Japan. China and Phil ippine Islands, via San F.anclico. close lu're dally at 6.20 p. m. up to March mn, inclusive, ior aespaicn per s. s. cuy oi i-eaing. JHU13 ior -iiiii. uuu waiJdii, ua ancouver, close nere uany ai oj p, ra. up to iiarcn 19th. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Empress ot inoia iregisiereu man must be directed "via Aancouver"y. Malls for Australia (except Vest Aus- tralla, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zealand. Fill. Samoa and Hawaii a. r, r,in,im rlr. h. .ijiiu ., . j.-li p. m. after March "3d and up to March -Z3, inclusive, or on arrival oi s. s. ttruriu. aue at .ew vorx jiarcn sa, for dematch a. s. Sonoma Malls tor Hawaii, China. Japan and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, rloie here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to March -JSth, Inclusive, for despatch per a. a. Gaelic. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which cors via Europe, and New zPu. land, which goes via San Francisco), and Fill Islands, via Vancouver, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. after March ! and up to March 30th, Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Mlowera (supplementary mails, ia Seattle, close at 6:SU H. m. March '21st Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, cl.'se I ...II.. . . C ,IA . m. .an .. ...... ..... nerc un. . f. uw iu Apiii "ik for desnatch txr S. S, MarlDOea. Mails for Tahiti und Marquesas Islands, via Dan t rauvutu, ,V'"r. oany at 6M p. m, up to April 10th. Inclusive, for derpatch per a, a. Australia. Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port ui buiiius nuii j ..iiu vi'c aciicuuie oi ciQS- lng Is arranged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit, . LEGAL XOTICE. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the county court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Issued In favor of Jar. J. Justice ana Company and against John Urbanczyk, and to me directed. I will, at ten o'clock in the forenoon on Tuesday, the Hth day of March, I S01, at the store room known as number 33) South ISth street, Omaha, Douglua County, Nebraska, offer for sola at public vendue for cash, the tn- tire stock of furs, capes, cloaks, muffs, rugs, garments, fixtures and furniture and all other proparty of John Urbanczky situated In his said store room. The raid gooas were taaen on aiiacnment as tne property of John Urbanczky. FRED W. McGINNlH. M. fc-d-lo-l e. Constable. GOVKRXMIJXT .tOTICE OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER- master, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., March 1, lWl.-8ealed proposala. in triplicate, will be received .here until 11 a. ra., central time. Aorll II. 1501. for constructing 1 DUliaing or .triiiierr uuiu iuuui, anuu., .. , .. I . . I . . nl.l.Mlill,. an1 .l..(n. .1,. In.' at tfila poaL Informatloh furnished nnllcatlon here oi at omce Depot Quarter master, Omaha. U, 6. reserves right to ac cept or reject any or all proposals or any nan thereof. Envelopes to be Indorsed 'Proposale for Public Buildings," addressed r l" M'CAIITHT. Q. M. Mar U-aO-a-22 A 16-17m .'HORSES AKR BADLY WANTED rtmiii Wsj Cacti & Ckisfi it War Cepartmat Plant. ANOTHER CALL f OR BIDS IS ISSUEO Lack nf Horses AMU 1'rol.nlilr Delay enillna nf Troup to the I'hIU Ipplnr t ntll. .Middle of ii miner. ,"","!: "UB as uo.c.i in ine nee issi aaturoay, toe ruuius ui ine nri oaiiaiion oi tne t our- tr,th cavalry to the Thlllpplnts may hare . untll ... fif ' . "glruents provided for In the n. army bill and Is In course of organliallon at Fort t.eatenworth. All the men have been re- criiltrd and all the nimnlli utt the honri fcave ,m nt0 Mrvfd upoo lbe ,rouna, , . -,,. ,;.,"..,, ftorts to bur botsrs not a alnele animal has come to hand at y!t T1,c Proposals to furotth 42S head t-hlcb ,.,,.,. , ... recently sent to Washington for ap- proval have been rejected by tht socrctary or war. Their horses wer to have been used lo equip the first battalion of the Fourteenth cavalry. Six contractors were found lll- ""' " V" ," iaK undertako ths Job of fui animals, thtlr average bid per furnishing tb head being bul ,h), ln ,he e,timaton of the sec .,,, . , ,h ... c. retary or ar was too much. Ha had been accustomed lo buying cavalry hcrtrs for us ind ijg, 1Dj lnc pfije ieemcj exorbitant. s c, ... ... ... .... ... fco he h" """I'd the bids, and has Issued another lot pf advertising circulars, calling for sealed proposals In triplicate to be sub- raRttd br Msrfh 22. May Telegraph lllda. ., . , , . ... . circulars coairaciors are urgca o fxpodlle thtlr bids as much as possible, They arc reminded thsl the Ususl thirty ,i.. . .n....i .ci. ... " " - " . "--"r, . ... .......... .....: ul .UU.U....UB proposals, ' thy say, "bids msy be made nf telegraph, to be supplemented later by ..., ZrnrJ.. . ,.! ,,,,. h. formal proposals by mall. Delivery will b requircu to commence oy April l, ana be completed, If awards ara made, by May 20." It Is observed that the new circular calls for only 250 head of horses Instead of the ' " im tm. ... m original 42. This was -xplslt attache of Iho quartermaster's Ined by an s office as follows: "There were fewer responses la lQ u"1 senei oi circulars man was ex- peeled, so the deportment has decided not to conflne its search (or horses (o the De partment of the Missouri, but to extend trie canvass oTer me entire mianic wesi. a smaller number Is callr-d tor this time In the hopo that there w.H be more bidder Speaking of the proposed movement of troops to the Philippines, ho said: "The n, n .. , ..niiariitanil it u tn nH ih n. 1 ' , , ! V ! V tire Fourteenth cavalry to the Philippines, one battalion at a time, as fast as tbsy can be equ,pped, The flrllt battalion was to . '"A w .t. mji. s... .v.. hsTe moved by the middle of April, but the trouble In setting: suitable horses at a Prlce wl Probably cause the . . . ....... i J-.i-. u b delayed several weeks. It no. JQ EXEMPT ACRE TRACTS tsummimonrr i-irminc iu uppoic Tax Mraanra Which, lie Snya, la Vicious, Tax Commissioner William Fleming will ico io Lincoln loair id oddoic in,; go to Lincoln today to oppoic h: - , , , -. , measure pending in the legislature which exempta acre property within the city Ilmi.. nmaha from ellv taxes. In dls. ,ml of omaba from city laxea. m ais. cussing the measure Mr., Htmlrig said; "Such a law would work a great bard- ship on taxpayers of the city. It I evea ' ,.,,'' . vn. vr.v ia.a more vicious than the bill which provided for the exemption of all acre property iocttea more than two miles from tbs . , . , - ... .,, ..,,M..v geographical center of the city. Although this bill does npt propose to exempt acr property from taxation save by action of the city council or the district court, auch a measure should not be enacted even with these safeguards thrown around it. Some ' tb. most valqabl. residence propertyltt the city Is In acre tracts that are unlm- proved and could be exempted under the Proposed law The measure , Intro- duced by Loomla ot Dodge." BABE GOES TO PEST HOUSE I Mrs. Ella Hammond aad Little One Fall Victim ta Smallpox. Mn Vila Hammond nf S022 Rurdstlit , . . . , ...... and removed to the emergency hospital, together with her three-monlh-old baby. Th. eniid i. not iuffernr with amallner Tn ? n,'Q ' n ..?.8, !. iB1"P0X but the doctors do not think It can escape the disease and decided that It was beet for .e tittle tot to accomnanv the mother ;f tne , 10 ' PW tne moitier Into quarantine. Other members of the Hammond family are under quarantine at I Wl C 1 1 COHlf. Cecil Williams, a 16-year-old boy living at 2613 Caldwell street, was also taken with smallpdx Sunday and removed to the; emer gency hospital. Ten other members ot the illlama family have been placed under quarantine. Harrlasre Licenses I . , . r , . Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following persons: ,, Tt..,. vAMltlTm H K Oretnn Veh i oxri,9,r,i n s-.h G h .nl; Ure"1 a'he' " Samuel J. Llndsev. Portland. Ore Age. . . si . . IS .... 21 Mary E. Van Luckum. Omaha..... 31 I v nuam r.xsirum, iiinaen, ia .i Alma, mping, atiiioen, ia ,..s Jt Jess C. Hambrlght, Omaha,.. 2D Frances uonneii, omana,. .. S3 GOVERXMKST NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES 1 Department of the Interior, omce of in. dlan Affairs, Washington, D. C. March 7. 11. Sealed proposals, indorsed "Proposals for beef, flour, rtc," as the case may be, nn.t illrertrd to the Cnmmlmlninr t ini, Affulis, 22S Jehnson street. Chicago.- III.. I ... . . .... . .... . win oe recoivrn unui i o ciock p. m., ot I Tunulsr. Anril U. tar fnrnl.hln. fn. h. Indian Service, beef, flour, bacon, bean. coflee, sugar, rue, lea anl omer Brttclrs of subsUtence; also for boots and shoes, groceries, soap, baking powder, crockery, ucrlrulturr.l lmulements. oalnta. old. arliaa 1 tinware, wagons, harness, leather," shoe iinuuiK8. iMuuiciji uiv,i naiuwjipe, scnooi and medical supplies, and a long Hat or miscellaneous articles. proposals, In- ,,r,wl PrnnnAls for hlnnkrla if rx-t I . cotton Koods. olothlng. etc.." as the ess mitv tit. and directed to the ('ommiuln,r nf Inrtl.n Affairs. No.. 77 und : Vnt.w street. New York City, Will be received un- til 1 o'clock p. m , of Tuesday, May 7, jjoi. for furnishing for tht Indian Service, blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notlona, hats and cup. Bids must be made out on government blank. Schedules glv- lng ull necessary Information for bldosrs will be furnished on application tohe In- dlan Office, Washington, I), C: Nos, 77 and TJ Woosler street. New York City; Ztt John- son street, Chicago, 111., No. Uts Howard street, Omaha, Nebr.; the Commissaries of Subsistence. U. H. A., at Cheyenne, Leav. enworth, 80. Louis, St. I'uul and flan 1 Francisco, me uoniriasicrs ui nioux city, Y'ankton, Arkansas City, Caldwell, Topska! Wichita and Tucson. Bids will be opened at the hour and days above stated, and B V " Thi' VA.ri. JSI rfirtit to determine the point of delivery arid t0 reject anv and all bids, or any parr of ,ny Di, w A. JO.NKS. Commissioner, mA 11 tn An. 1 on WANTED for U. H. army, able-bodied un. - married men, Between ages oi nno a: - cltlzana of the unitea Statea. of acusd character and temperate hablta, who can speak, read and write English. Recruit specially desired for service In Philippines. For imormawuii uuir iu r cer, Cor. 16th and Dodge at-. Recruiting om- vraana. rveo.