Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Contractor! Look Orer Road -with Viw
to Bidding.
tnlon rnrllli; Improvement Are Al
lowed to Hm Temporarily nml
Force In Ilevoted Jo the Nerrly
Acquired I'rupertr.
W. IT. Kllpatrlck of tho firm of Kllpat
rlek & Collins, who had tho general con
tract for tho new cut-off for tho Union
Pacific between Iltlford and Laramie, left
Laramie last week with several of tho sub
contractors for a trip over tho Southern
raclfio with a view to blddliiK on tho cxten.
lvo Improvements which nro to ho mnd
on thnt lino thin summer. It In said that
they havo tho understanding that thoy ar
to have a meeting with Oencrnl Mnnagor
Dickinson, who has been going over the
Southern Pacific's lines.
A contractor who has been engaged In tho
work In Wyoming stated that It 13 his un
derstanding that thu Union Pacific has de
cided to abandon nil Improvements which
ore not nearlng completion and throw tho
rntlro fnrco of tho construction depart
moot Into Improving tho Southern Pacific's
tracks. They nro said to bo full of curves
and grades; tho ties nro said to bo old and
uncertain. The steel, however, Is said to bo
clqhty-pound steel and In good condition.
Practically nil of the grading U com
plelcd on tho Iluford-Laramlo cut-off and
the men nro moving nway. Some nro pre
paring for work on tho lines west of Og
den, some nro passing through hero for
tho work for tho Hurllngton on Agency hill
or tho Improvements west of Creston. Thu
Itook Island work In Indian Territory und
In New Mexico Is attracting ninny of those
who havo boon nt work for tho Union Pa
cific. IMlH.HinnNT IWI.MIlll HAS HI SKY,
Chief Useeutlie of the Itlo (iriimlp
Western Mnkrs llvpltwiiitlnn.
President W. J. Palmer of tho Hlo Ora.ndc
Western has Issued a statement over his
idgnnturc to allay the fears thnt tho Hlo
Orande Western nnd tho Denver & Hlo
Ornndn were to ho gobbled tip by the liar
rlman syndicate. The winding of the state
ment rather points to tho belief that tho
two roods nro tn comblno and that George
.1. Ooulrt will ultimately purchase the joint
All kinds of speculation has been rife
In tho west for tho pnst two or three weeks
because of tho eastern experts who have
boon going over tho lines of the Hlo Ornnde
Western. Thcso men havo managed to keep
their ultimate purpose In the background
nnd tho party for whom they were agents
Is still a mystery. It Is generally believed,
nnd In n measure confirmed by President
Palmer's statement, that tho trio wcro In
specting In the Interests of Gould.
In his statcmont President Palmer ac
knowledges that negotiations hnvo been tn
progress looking tn tho reunion of tho two
Itlo Ornnde. roads. As announced In the
dispatches soveral days ngo, ho says that
neither the Union Pacific nor tho Hnrrlmnn
syndicate havo any connection with tho ne
gotlntlous unless It Is an Interest In tho
stability of rates. In connection with the
remark about tho pending negotiations, he
refers to tho reported purchase of a large
sharp of tho stock In tho Denver & Hlo
tlrnndr by "Gcorgo Gould of tho Missouri
President Palmer nnd General Manager
Dodgo of tho Western have started on n
tour of Inspection of tho company's lines.
11 Is said that tho experts are on their way
cost, probably to report to Mr. Gould.
Itnllronit XntPN.
Yi. IT. Wood, general frolcht igcnt for
tho Union Paellle. Is homo from n trip to
Tim report Is current thnt tho Chloco.
fit. Paul, Minneapolis & Omalui railroad
contemplates mnkiug Its northern tntmlnal
III Minneapolis Instead of In St. I'unl. A
real estate ileal Is said to tie on foot liv
which tho otllrers of Hip ro:id nxneet tn
ncqulre tltlo to valuable property In thi.t
i:ny. wncro uiey win erect n. luinusomc
TO KIM, Tim 1 A.VDIllJI'f CI1HM,
In the. Only I'oNxllile AVuy of HnvliifC
it 1'erniiiiieiit Lure.
If you sea n woman or a man with lux
urlant, glossy hair you may bo suro neither
has dandruff to amount to anything. In
nearly every- caso where women and raon
havo thin, brlttlo hair they owo It to
dandruff. Thoro aro hundreds of prepara
tlons that "claim" to euro dandruff, but
not ono but Nowbro's Hcrplcldc tells you
that dandruff is tho result of a germ bur
rowing Into tho scalp, and that permanent
cure of dandruff nnd Its consequent falling
nnd baldness can only bo had by killing th
germ, and thoro Is no other preparation
that will destroy that gorm but Newbro's
Hcrplcldc. "Destroy tho cnusc, you re
move tho effect."
Auim Smith nml liny .tin ml em on At.
tempt to Drive Into a
IlruK Store,
Two well-dressed women who at tho no
lice station gavo tho names of Anna Smith
and Hay Mnndursou, wcro nrrcstod Sunday
afternoon at Twelfth nnd Dodgo streets
on a dnublo cbargd of bolug drunk and for
f8t and careless driving. When Sergeant
Hudson emerged upon tho sceno thoy had
driven their hprso upon tho sidewalk, nud
wcro trying to' force- him into tho door of
u drug store.
"Hello, sergeant!" was their greeting,
"Havo you coma to Jolu tho rough riders?"
When told that they were under arrest
one of the women broko away and ran, but
afterward returned to get her hat, which
tho officer had selied. Ho held them until
liolp arrived from tho station.
llobert W. Watt of Salem. Mo., writes
"1 have been troubled with kidney dlseusu
for tho last flvo years and have doctored
with all tho leading physicians nnd havo
tried all remedies suggested, without any
relief. Finally I tr!.d Foloy's Kidney
Cure and less than two bottles completely
cured inn and I am sound and woll.
Mcyors-DIllon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's
drug store, South Omaha,
In SInrch nml April (he
will sell tickets at tho following
From Omaha to San Francisco, Los
Angeles and San Diego, f 25.00
Ogden, Salt Lake, Butte, Holena 23,00
Portland, Spokane, Tncoma, Seattle,.. 2S.00
New city ticket office, 1324 Farnam street.
Telephone, 316.
Union station, Tenth and Marcy. Telt
phone, 629.
Vln Itoek lalnnd Itonte.
Tuesday, March 19.
To Utah 123.00
To Montana 23.00
To Washington 25.00
To Oregon .., 25.00
To California 25.00
City ticket offlco. 1323 Farnam St.
Tueiriny, Slnreh 10.
Tuesday. March 19, Homescokers' excur
sions via Rock Island Houto. Call nt city
ticket office, 1323 Farnam bt.
A new wheel nnd lust the one you bav
always v. anted. Ilcud The Uee wheel offr.
He Hoots for Kiuum City llccntun
It In HI Home
Ton n,
OMAHA, March IT. To tho Kdltor of Tho
Omaha Ileo; In your Issue of this date,
under "Auditorium Takes Shape," Mr. I.
W. Kellogg Is quoted as saying: "Kansas
Cltyans nro whooping It up for Kansas City.
They nro all telling about what a good
place Kansas City Is to livo In, but when
you ask them to go down In their pockets
nnd subscribe to a public c'ntcrprlso they
nro not there."
Is there any excuse for one to use the
truth with so much cconoomy7 The mai
who makes such n statement cannot be
tnkon seriously. Surely, If he knows any
thing, tho very opposite to this statement
must be plain to him about tho brightest
pot In this country today, commercially
and In every other way. Tho chief reason
why Kansas City occupies the proud posi
tion sho dots today Is because every ono
of her sons nnd daughters aro proud of her
and stand ready at all times to "whoop her
up," nnd ready, too, and willing to not only
ubscrlbr, but to pay liberally, nnd even
prodlgnlly, for ovcry public enterprise.
That Is whnt mnkes her great. Thoy havo
never failed In nny undertaking for the pub
lic good, nnd there Is not very much talk
about It cither. No city in tho union has a
broader minded or more public spirited set
of men thnn has she. Here's to Kansas
City God bless her.
Iiinprlpllnn In nn Allium I. end to mi
AlrlitK In the Police
Tho case of Lilly Cootcr against Itocc
Hallahan will bo resumed this morning be-
foro Judgo Learn. Lilly, the wife of L. M.
C'ooter, mid Itoae, tho wife of Jeremiah Hal-
ahan, aro next door neighbors, living on
Ilurdettc street near Thirty-fourth, und they
nro now trying to scttlo their differences
n 'tho Justice court, Lilly seeking to hnvo
Hoso placed under bonds to keep tho peace.
Tho two families lived amicably, even Inti
mately, until a month ngo Then ltoao un
dertook to wrlto nn appropriate sentiment
n Lilly s autograph album, and selected
To Lilly:
Helmut tno uuies or urn niioy
They broil not, ncltlior do they chin.
This, sho thought, paid a delicate compli
ment to her neighbor, but tho neighbor
thought otherwise. To her mind there was
nn ulterior meaning between tho lines of the
couplet, and she told Hoso bo, not neces
sarily confining her remarks to tho lan
guage of Mowers. Then hatchets, mopstlcks,
pistols nnd bricks wero brought Into ubo
with such vigor thnt tho Uurdetto street
conservatory looked like u stono qunrry
list after n blast, nnd It Is said that Hose,
'tho fnlrest (lower of dimpled spring," came
out second best.
.11 n ii Who Mnilc a Chump of ltliunelf
Tnl-en SuliMt tlule for
man with a distraught air nnd ono of
thoso uow-fuBliloned fried egg hats en
tered n Douglas street restaurant tho other
day and called for a cup of coffee.
'A cup of black coffee, if you please,"
ho said.
"How mnny lumps?" naked the waiter,
flourishing tho tongs over the sugar bowl.
"No sugar, but you may bring mo the
mustard nnd vinegar."
Tho wnlter remarked that It was an odd
tlmo of tho year tri bo paying election butt.
"This Is no election bet," replied tho
customer, mixing his Mocha and mustard.
"Yesterday I saw a pockotbook on tho
sldownlk nnd passed It by, thinking somo
kids had n string to It. I was dead wise
you know. Tho mAn that was coming nlons
Just behind mo picked It up nml found three
bills, a couple of theater tickets and
somo pool chips In it. Last night I slept
standing up In tho corner and this morn
ing I nto my eggs with sugar on them."
The customer stirred In 'a little vinegar
and sipped tho mixture thoughtfully.
"Anythlug else?" asked tho wnlter.
"Yes; you might bring mo a little saluu
thinner .Salve.
Totter, eczema and skin diseases yield
quickly to tho marvelous healing qualities
of Danncr Salve. Mado from a prescrlD
tlon of a skin specialist of world-wtdo
fnme, 25c. Meyers-Dillon Drug Co.,
Omaha; Dillon s drug store, South Omaha.
I'nn inner ten n Ex poult inn.
Nothing since tho World's Fair at Chi
cago In 1893 has elicited tho widespread In
terest that Is manifest nil over tho world In
the Pan-American Exposition, which Is to
be hold In Uuffnlo from May 1 to November
1, 1901.
Tho 'purpose of tho exposition Is to Illus
trate tho progress of tho countries of tho
western hemisphere during a century of
wonderful achievements and to bring to
gother into closer relationship tho people
comprising tho many states, territories and
countries of tho three Arooricas. Acting
undor proper authority, tho president of tho
United States has invited nil thu republics
and colonies of tho American hemisphere to
Join In commemorating the closo of the
nineteenth and beginning of tho twentieth
century by holding this international expo
sition on tho Niagara frontier.
For this Important event tho Nickel Plato
Itoad has Issued an attractive descriptive
folder pamphlet elaborately Illustrating the
Pan-American Exposition, the bulldlugs and
Tho Nlckol Plato Road is tho short lino
between Chicago nnd Buffalo nnd nffordB
competent train service from Chicago to
Uiinaio and New ork ulty. In connection
with tho Delawnro, Lackawanna & Western
or West Shorn Honds. Its trains aro com
posed of modern equipment on which no ex
trn fares aro charged. Meals on Individual
club plnn, ranging In prlco from 35 cents
to U nro served In dining cars on tho
Nickel Plnte Road.
Call on nny ticket agent for Pan-Amcrl
can foldor of tho Nickel Plato Road, or ad
dress John Y. Calahan, General Agent, 111
Adams atrcot, Chicago.
Parties desiring hotel or rooming accom
modatlons nt lluffalo or Niagara Falls dur
Ing nny period of tho Pan-American Exposl
tlon aro Invited to apply by letter or other
wlso to F. J. Moore, General Agont, 291 Main
street, lluffalo, N. Y.
Even the Preachers
AdvcrtUe nowadsys. A minister in tba
enst who advertised In tho papers that ho
wanted 500 girls to henr his next Sunday';
sermon bad u crowded house. You can got
nnythlng you want by advertising tor it
through the columns of tho right kind of
newspapers. Moral: Look at us.
Crumer'n Kidney Cure ..........
Kuy'fi llenoMitor '.
Ku)'h I.iiiiiiii; llnlm
DufTy'H Mult Whiskey
7 So
I.ntiia Crenm Itlo
I'nlne'a Celery Compound ...... TBo
Wine of Ciirdiil 7ftu
1'leree'H Prescription 75ci
ticott'a EuiuUloit 7.1o
OioiniilHlon 7(lo
Coltsfoot Espectornnt 7oo
I'lilmn Tnhletj ,, .Itlo
White, million Itemed y fl.tll)
S. S.
S. ,
Molted Mill-- -too. 7r.c It.l
l'lnkhnm'M Compound ., 75o
S. W. Car. lOtu and Cktcauo,
lor tht Van with Capital Chuncss Are
Good, Gaji Boms WllUr.
Other Industrie Would Hp Even .More
Iteitiuiierutlve - Crenm llrlims n
l'nnpy l'rlpe nml So Do
"Honolulu and tho Inland of Oahu offer
exceptional opportunities to young men of
limited means und unlimited Industry nnd
push. All the people who arc now In tho
Island aro crazy over sugnr-ralsing nnd but
little attention Is paid to anything else,"
said Homo Miller, who has Juut returned
from a trip to Hawaii. "There nro mnny
business chances for men who hnvo somo
means, but I do not think it Is much of n
placo for people who would bo compelled to
Vtork on n salary.
"Tho Islands havo hnd a great boom since
their annexation and prices nro Inflated.
This Is not n good time to Invest In land,
Everybody Is sugar-mad nnd no attention
Is paid to anything but the sugnr Industry.
Cream sells for $1 n gallon In Honolulu.
,'ows thrive there, but few people havo
gono Into tho dairy business nnd the supply
of milk und cream is so limited that tho
prlco Is almost prohibitive.
"In tho Island of Oahu there aro so fow
vegetables raised that tho hotels In Hono
lulu get many of their gardun stuffs from
San Francisco. This seems .unusual when It
Is taken into consideration that all sorts
of fruits und vegetables thrlvo In the island
und tho limited supply Is duo only to tho
neglect of tho Islanders to pay attention to
Laborer Are Hcnrce.
"Land which Is not available for sugar
raising Is used In rice culturo nnd qther
crops nro neglected. Cane Is planted and
harvested nearly every month In tho year.
The tempcraturo varies not moro than ten
degrees through tho cntlro yenr nnd tho
farmers glvo no thought to tho seasons.
During ten months of tho yenr tho cano
mills and sugar refineries aro In operation,
Labor seems to bo very scarce, nnd much
sugar goes to wasto every year becauso
laborers cannot bo had when they arc
Many Porto Hlcans havo been taken to
tho Hawaiian lslands'to work In tho fields.
A short tlmo beforo wo left Honolulu a
largo number of Porto Hlcans landed and
wero sent to work In tho sugar plantations.
Mnny Japanesn nnd Chinese aro employed In
tho sugar Industry.
'Governor Dole does not seem to bo popu
lar with tho natives. They Insist that they
should have a man who Is moro In sym
pathy with them for n ruler nnd would Ilka
to havo a governor who has natlvo blood In
his veins. For tho most part they seem
to bo well disposed toward tho United
WnlkliiK Is Out of l'nvor.
"Honolulu Is a city of 40,000 people and Is
wonderfully well Improved. It has flue
public buildings, n line station, far superior
to anything in Omaha, and many private
residences of grent beauty. Tho streets aro
all macadamized with lava. Everybody
rides and drives In Honolulu. Laboring men
ride homo from their work lu carriages.
Tho eight-hour day Is observed by me
chanics of all sorts. They quit working at
1 o'clock In tho afternoon. Tho sun Is very
hot nt that tlmo nnd tho laboring men can
not walk, so rldo in carriages It tho street
cars do not go Ho their homes.
'Ono company has 00 automobiles In use
on tho streets of Honolulu. Other com
panies also keep automobiles for rent nnd
mnny aro owned by wealthy citizens. Tho
chief street car lino Is operated with horses.
but all tho lines nro to bo consolidated and
will bo run by electricity very shortly.
"Until two or three years ago theft was
unknown on tho Island. Hotels hnvo no
locks on their doors and thcro seems to bo
no effort to keep Intruders out of private
residences or public buildings. Men leave
valuable Jewelry In unlocked rooms nnd
seem to hnvo no fear of robbers. Tho
natives do not Becm to bo energetic enough
to steal or do nnythlng clst
'Americans nppcar to be at tho head of
all tho chief industries nnd havo tho upper
hand In business. There aro somo English
men nnd Germans In business, but tho
Americans predominate. Honolulu Is es
sentially an American city In tho nowcr
portion. Amcrlcnn customs prevail and a
man from tho United Stntes feels quite at
Horrotvn n It Ik, II DrlrliiK nml Is
Captured hy the
John Sheridan, while walking down Cum
ing street Suuday afternoon, saw a horso
nnd phaeton hitched at tho Intersection of
Sixteenth street, and was suddenly re
minded that a rldo would very materially
add to his enjoyment of tho beautiful sun
shine. So ho appropriated tho rig and went
for a drive. Meanwhile, at her homo, Forty-
eighth street and Ilrlghtou avenue, Mrs. J.
S. Fadden was wondering why her husband
didn't coma with tho phaeton.
Mr. Fadden canio out of tho store nnd,
observlug thnt his equipage was gono, told
his troubles to a policeman.
And Shcrldnn twenty blocks nway.
Two hours later Officer Ryan chanced
upon "Fighting Phil's" namesake Just as
tho latter was nlightlng from tho borrowed
rig at Twenty-second and Cumlug street.
Thon followed a foot race between them,
with Sheridan less than a block away, and
tho officer finally overhauled him. At tho
police station ho explained that ho had no
Intention of stealing tho rig, but merely
wnntetd to borrow It,
$10,000 DRUG SALE
vo never nave iinnucii out nn many
drugs tn so few days as wo havo during
this sale. MONDAY will bo tho LAST
Hero nro SOME ot tho articles wo htvo
to sell und tho prices ut which wo nro
About 91 boxes Magnet Pile Curo nt.. KS
About KB $I.D0 bottles Fellow's By run.. 95
720 bottles $1.00 size I'eruna at fit
720 boxes J1.00 West's Nervo Treatment. lia
San Gabriel Port nnd llurgundy S6a
J1.00 Wurner's Log Cabin Sarsaparllla. Wu
127 bottles 11.00 Ktrk's Dandruff Curo.. 47c
2S0 51.00 bottlH Coke's Dandruff Curo nt. 60o
;,u i. grossj iw uiamouu uyes. all
colors, at Co pkc.
ZSS J1.00 bottles Wlno of Cnrdul nt 67c
a packages Laxativo Uromo-Qulnlnc, He
.ooiii iuv uoiiics sozouoni at He
Every article quoted now and fresh goods.
JI.00 slzo Iiurnham's llccf. Iron and
Wlno , 3tc
About 10,000 Co Sticks lllack Licorice,
two for -. BC
1.000 big bottles Household Ammonia nt 5c
l'gg Emulsion, U.W fIzo ioc
J1.00 bottles Phillips Syrup Wheat Phos
phate at 76a
S1.&0 bottles Vln nt ji.os
L'.SW 35o bottles Genuine Castorla ut 2lc
Jl.O) bottles Trornmer's Malt (ull kinds)
at C5c
About 1.000 S5o bottles Carter's Llttlo
Liver Pills nt i2o
:,dw uauies unporieu inner water at., is.
60) pint bottles CRUDU Carbollo Acid
nt 2Jo each
Noun of theso goods can be mailed, and
if wished sent by ox press or freight 5C
Sherman &McConnell Drug Co.
Corner Kth and Dodsv, Omaha.
llnlpli Jllftlmcer Tell of n
Mieillllou lu the
Ralph lllttlnger returned Saturday after
noon from n several weeks' visit In Colo
rado. Usually Mr. Illttlnger's western trips
aro occupied solely with affairs connected
with his cattle business, but the last ono
was productive of an cxpcrlenco rather out
of tho ordlnnry.
Arriving In Colorado Springs he met W.
Montgomery, u prominent Colorado min
ing man who devotes most of his time to
hunting nnd fishing. Mr. lllttlnger ac
cepted an Invitation extended him by tho
Colorado Springs man to 'Join In a linn
hunt. They went Into tho same region
whero Vlco President Roosevelt recently
spent five weeks in quest of big game nnd
hnd tho samo guide, Johnnie Cough, who,
with his famous hounds, piloted tho vlct
president on his hunting trip.
It was a great experience," said Mr.
Ulttlugcr, "and I wouldn't havo missed it
for n great deal. 1 am not n particularly
enthusiastic sportsman, but llon-huntlng
would stir tho blood lu thu veins of the
most phlegmatic individual. Wo went to
tho Whlto river country and, even though
It hnd been pretty well scoured by "Teddy''
Roosevelt and his party for flvo weeks be
fore wo got thoro wo had a remarkably suc
cessful hunt.
In tho six days thnt Mr. Montgomery,
Johnny (lough and I were In tho mountains
wo captured thrco mountuln Hons and four
wildcats. I killed one of tho lions myself.
Our guldo Jollied us up by snylng that wo
had mado a record, hut I guess It was In a
measure true, for In the flvo weeks Roose
velt was out after gamo his party only cap
tured seventeen lions.
"Wo wcro particularly fortunate In sc-
Selected Havana
teration, artificial' flavoring or impurity
of any kind is used in making
5 Gent C&ar
"It Brinn8 Havana Home to You.'
Tell your dealer nothing else can
tuko its pluco.
lllatrlhutors, Oniuhn.
Guests of the Burlington
"Going out of Omaha the other day over tho Hurllngton Route I heard
an old word used with a new application. Tho conductor In speaklug ot
his passengers referred to them ns guests. Tho word Implies that you nro
under tho roof-tree of your friend. Ilvcry comfort nnd convcnlonco of tho
placo Is yours. Hero your welfnro Is guarded, your privacy respected,
your wishes anticipated, and the servants of tho placo seem to havo been
hired Justfor you, for they movo quietly, yet quickly to do your slightest
bidding, all without obtruslvencss, demonstration or thought of fco or
favor." Ulbert Hubbard in tho March Philistine.
"Every comfort nnd convonlonco" Is yours If you travel via tho Bur
lington In going East, West, South, Southwest or Northwest.
Ticket Office,
1502 Farnam Street,
Telephone 250.
Ready or not, atop In and look try on a few-give us your candid opinion ot
them ask to sea tho swell Raglan; when It comes to stylo they are tho rcul thing.
They aro made for and worn by men of fashion everywhere. Apropos of Haydon
Hros. clothing It Is tho roost talked about In Douglas county and stuto of Nebraska.
Tho mirror will tell you Its looks. Tho guarantee under which our clothing Is sold
Insures Its Insting quality. Cash refunded or a new garment for nny garment bought
hero that does not do Justice.
Wo nro showing n truly grand assortment of Dress Overcoats for spring. Tho
swell Raglnn nnd nil other populnr shapes, mudo of tho fabrics that fT Cj
fashion decrees for this oenson, at, $10.00 and X 'iJVJ
Also tt.o best lino hereabout of light weight nnd medium weight Overcoats, thnt
In cut, make, fabric and trim cannot be distinguished from J10.00 O W(?
garments idsewherc hero at $5.00 and 0 JL tJ
Extra special lu our boys' and children's suit department.
Wo aro showing this spring flvo of tho best mnkes of boys' and
Children's clothing In Ainerlcn at Just about half tho prlco other
stores would chargo for sama makes.
LOT 1 noys' strictly all wool doublo breasted kneo Ori
pants suits, all sizes, 6 to 16, nt "Ow
LOT 2 Roys' very nno double breasted kneo pants In lino -4 fj C
check, cuBBlmoru nnd chovlols, all sizes, 0 to 16, at 1 JL O
LOT 3 Hoys' 3-plcre kneo pouts suits, vesteo suits nnd doublo breast
ed kneo pantB suits, all sires, 3 to 16, greatest valuo r g f
over offered, for Jmil'DJ
LOT 4 Hoys' extra lino Russian blouso suits, sailor sulta, vesica
suits and 3 plcco kneo pants suits, all now 1001 j '
spring styles, at .., 0 JL O
LOT B Our J4.50 and $5.00 suits aro tho best made In America, nnd
are better than any $7.50 to $10.00 suit clsawhcro.
LOT 6 Over 150 now spring styles In boys' and youths' long trouscr
suits at $3.75, $5.00, $6.50, $7.50, $10.00 and $13.50 suits, worth double.
Selling the most clothing in Omauu.
curing the snrvlccs of Johnnny (lough. He
Is a wizard If there ever was one, und has
i a roputatlon ns n guide thnt Is wldo-sprcud
"Cough hnd about fifteen dogs with him
nnd each ono of them seemed to have nn in
stinct almost human. When wo sturted
out of u morning the dogs coquetted about
Just like bird dogs, scenting hero nnd there
for u trail. Finally, when onu struck a
lend ho begun to yelp nnd tho whole pack
took up the cry. Frequently, 1 was up on
the mountain ridges when Iho dogs would
scent u trail down In the valley below ami
their long, mournful yelping was nhoul ns
cieopy n sound ns I ever heard. It seemed
as though tho sound enmo from the throats
of a thousand hounds, Instead ot tho fifteen
that composed the pack.
"Tho hounds rarely ever failed In treeing
their victim. Tho mountain lion Is n most
cowardly animal. When tho hounds ov r
toko lit in tho first treo furnishes a retreat.
It tlm Hon only know his strength he could
loar nn ordinary pack of houuds to pieces,
illt very seldom docs ho show light, (lough
lias three bloodhounds that accompnny his
pack at dogs nml they spring on the Hon
nnd fight desperately as soon as tho ani
mal conies off his perch, which Is usually
as soon ns ho Is shot the first time."
"I had a running soro on my left leg
for seven years," writes Mrs. Jas Forest
of Chlppown Fulls, Wis., "and spent hun
dreds of dollars In trying to get It healed,
Two boxes of Hnnner Salvo entirely cured
It." No other boIvc so healing. Meyers
Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, Dillon's drug
store. South Omaha,
Wanted, a trained nurso to tuko charge ot
a sanitarium: must have cxpcrlenco, a good
education and good business ability. Ad
dress J 59, caro lice office.
Seeds thnt grow come from tho Nebraska
Seed company, 1513-15 Howard st.
leaf, free from adul
Burlington Station,
iOth and Mason Sts.
Telephone 128.
The lliiydeii llrim, trade murk
on u uarinent nieniiM your money
liaclv or u iiimv garment for nny
reiisunuhle uniiNU for tllxNutlinfuu
t Ion.
Are Ready.
Are You Ready?
Spring Top Coals to the foro.
Now are ,vou to know if .vou'ro right or wrong in com
ing lioro for ono? Woll, the strongest fit o tor in our suc
cess as clot liiors.
"The Lending Clothiers of the Grout North West," ns
we're culled in our ability to prove that, our clothing is
nway ahead of any, at present, competition. Use every
precaution you please in order to satisfy yourself.
Selling for $5 in Place of $8
Men's handsome gray worsted lop coals, Italian serge lin
ing, reinforced, nicely finished, satin piped, Ul ff
not $8.01), but
Selling for $7.50 in Place of $10
Men's light color covert, serge lining, velvet collar, nicely
finished ami reinforced, satin piped ftL
new spring styles not 10.00, but P CJVJ
just lot) Sample Suits of the high class variety and 75 Sample
Skirts of wool materials and finest silk fabrics.
It is sullicient to say that we got them at one-third their
price. They will be 011 sale Monday, ami, as usual, samples aro
sold for about one-half their price. These are an elegant lot ami
we will adtl materially to our already stupendous stock of Suits,
Waists and Skirts.
Prices Run Like This:
9.75 for 18.00 SAMPLE SUITS.
Ladles' silk taffeta nnd corded silk wnlss, worth $6.00, for $2.95.
Indies' sprlnR capes, worth $0.00, for $2.08.
Ladles' wash waists, 39c. ,
Ladles' liRht-welKht sprlnR jackets, taffeta lined throughout, $7.50 each.
Ladles' percalo wrappers, 15 lncbo flounce, 60c each.
I'. S. Sluco writliiK tho nbovo wo havo just received by express 100 beautiful
suits, Iii nil uowest ereiitlons; hotter eventbon thoso ot last wcok, at $10.00, $15,00,
$20.00, $30.00 nnd $40.00.
Tho liveliest cloak department In Oraaba.
rwooi MAWif' jj
For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers
Consultation Free from 2 to 1. When ordering by mall
ndd 5 cents for postage.
"All men should know the value of wisdom,"
No less than of
The liesl co.'il milled in Wyoming. We niri'.v t)Vl Pennsyl
vania hard coal.
VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam St. Tel. 127
And the Skirts
Ilcautlful creations; high class materials.
$3.00 for $10.00 taffeta silk sample skirts.
$ir for $.10 taffeta silk samplo skirts.
l)0c for $2.00 wool samplo skirts,
$2.75 for women's $3.00 rainy day samplo
$7.50 for beautiful hroadcloth samplo
skirts, trimmed with stitched taffeta bands.
Ladies' Spring Jackets
Ladles' spring coats, worth $10.00 for
J 1.08.
Ladles' taffeta eton, bolero JnckctB, worth
$12.00, for $7.60.
Ladles' llnu tnffota eton, bolero Jackets,
mado of tho famoiiB Wlnslow taffetas, on
snlo nt $12.50.
Special Prices to Coax
You from Your Homes
Ladles' I'Mnnueletto Wrappers worth $1.50,
for Cflc.
Ladles' French flannel . waists, vorth $1,
for 50c.
Manufactured by
4, Mayer Company,
316 Bee Gldg.
RENOVATOH In'luorutes and renoTntes th
hwtcm; purlnns and t-nrlvbes tbn blood; curt-n
the norxt dysppirsln. con&tlputlon, heudachn,
liver und kidneys. iSonndtl uldrUKglsts. Vrtn
R advice, sample und bonk.
Dr II. J, Kay, Haratoifu. N.Y,