Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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David sells dais.
Davis tells drugs.
Htockert nails carpets and wrs.
Gas fixtures and globes at Ulxby's.
Fine A 11 C beer, Neumnycr'a hotel.
Wollman, sclentlilo optician, 403 B'way.
W. J. Hosteller, dentist, Hatdwlti block.
Loffert, Jeweler, optician, 236 Uroadway.
J. A. Hnow auctioneer, B'waj opp. I'. O.
A Rood phaeton Jar sale. Inquire at Unrtcl
& Miller,
Kor rent, modern rcsldenco In heart of
city. 723 Sixth uvenue.
Alderman McDonald left last evening cn
a business trip to Oes Moines.
BomethliiR new lor Kouukers at C. IS.
Alexunder Co.'s. 333 Broadway.
W. K. Graff, undertaker and dlslnfector,
101 South .Main street, 'l'liono JOtS.
. Oct your work done at the popular Kagl
laundry, 721 Uroadway. 'l'liono 157.
Morgan & Klein, upholstering, furnlturo
repauint;, mattress making. lifit tt. Main sL
Mth. J. I). MuttlnKly f Third street has
nn her RUests Mrs. T. lluaencrnnH nnd
kun (i I linrlan, In,
Attorn''' Herman Srhurz has recovered
from smallpox and will be dlxcnarRd from
the iK'HtlioiiHo today.
Ocorni T. (Ji'bhart of Dm Molnea Ih tlm
curat of his brother, W. '. Oebhart, of the
.Milwaukee city ticket otllce.
A U, Whltidaw of the Hostou u'ore re
turned ywterday morning rrom an ex
tended eastern business trip.
Mr. nml Mrs. II. McOunn huv been
called to I'rvrtcott, la., by the serious Ill
ness of Mrs. Medium's mot her.
A want 'ud In The lice will brlnir results,
Tim same attention K'ven to a want ud la
Council mutts as at the Omaha otllce.
James I'sher, 1R years old, was nrrested
lapt evi-nliiK, charged with stealing coal
from a car In the yards of tho Nortnwest
em railroad.
M. P. Ilohrer Is vlsltlntf In Chllllcoth'j
and SI. l.otlN and beforrf returnlnK home
will visit hlx son at the military academy
nt Mexico, Mo. '
Mrs. M. 11. HlrkM, broiI K, died jester
day morning at her home, wu South Tenth
utreut. Threo daiiRhtrrs anil ono son sur
vive her. Tho body will bu taken tomorrow
to Portsmouth, 1h,, for burial.
Will Turker, iiRed R, nnd f'hnrl.n Hal
com, 1'.', will have a hearing before JiiiIro
Aylenworth In pollen court this morning1
on tho elurRc of disturbing the peace and
(pilot of their neighborhood.
Tho funeral of II, C llrown wns yester
day afternoon from tho family residence,
Wi South Main streut, ltev. V. II, Cable,
pastor of Trinity Methodist church, of
llelatliiR, llurlal was In Kalrvlew ceme
tery, with MnHonic service.
I'ottawattamln tribe No. CI, Improved
Order of Ited Men, will rIvo a smoker
AWdnesday nlRht In tho new wlRW.un In
tho .Marcus block. Members of the Omaha
nnd South Omaha tribes have been Invited,
Several , paleface nre on tho list to bo prop
erly scaiped In order to furnish entertain
ment for the visitors.
Heph HtiRhes lost his bearings whllo
tryliiR to make his way homo early yes
terday morning and went to sleep on tho
front porch of an Oakland avenue resi
dence. The nolfp ho made alarmed the
occupants and they notified the police by
telephone. Hughes was Riven a ride In
the patrol wuKon and will bn called upon
to explain to Judge Aylesworth this morn
ing. N. Y. I'lumblng Co., telepnone 250.
JN MimuiiY
Three Itiindrril People (iuthrr In Nt.
I'rillli'la Aiivlt-r's.
Threo hundred peoplo revered tho mem
ory of St. Patrick In prose and song last
night at tho entertainment and social given
under tho auspices of tho Ancient Order of
Hibernians iu tho basement of St. Francis
Xavhr's church. Tho long hail was effec
tlvly drcorateri, tho slurs and stripes In
termingling with tho green, whllo handsomn
flowers In lavish profusion graced tho ban
quet tnhles. Following tho banquet this
program wan enjoyed:
Ornphophono Irish Airs
MIxm IIchhIc Shea.
Opening Address By tho Chairman
Timothy Kelly. President A. o. ,
Song Tho Star Spangled Banner
Miss Juliette I.augo and Chorus,
riauo, Solo Irish and American Airs..
Miss Mliinlo I'nthank.
Vocal SoloSlucted ,
' William H. MeConvlll.
Address Solnt Patrick
. . Uov. Patrick Smyth.
Vocal Solo -Beautiful Islo of tho Sea.,
Miss Joscihino Scnhlll.
Address Ireland ti Nation
, . Kmmet Tlnley.
Vocnl Solo-Selected
. . , Miss Iloso Brady. ,
Address Ireland and America ....
J. .1. Hh.,1.
Chorus Wnrlng of tho Oreen
uins or nt. Krancls-
i'lano Holo selected
Hotsl Man rinds Hr In Tiara Ow Her
Hniband'a Note.
s inpntlietlo LniiUlurd lteturns Her
the Iine' Her AVnnilr rlnat Spouse
Had Pnlil am Hoard
oamniuy evening n man and woman
registered at tho Grand hotel as W. II.
Webster and wlfo and wero assigned to n
room. Their baggage consisted of two
small hand grips, but tho man stated that
their trunks wcro at the depot, but they
would not send for them until the next
morning. After registering tho mnn handed
tho clerk a 10 bill, which was placed to
ins credit.
After breakfast Sunday morning, the man
left tho hotel and half an hour later n
messenger boy brought a nolo addressed
to Mrs. W. II. Webster with tho number
of tho room marked on tt. Tho note was
A few minutes later Mrs. Wchtser sent
word that shn would llko to speak with
tho chief clerk. On going to her room, Mr.
Annls found tho woman In tears. Sho said
her husband had deserted her and had
started for Oklahoma. This much was con
veyed In tho note sho had received, but
nothing more.
When Mr. Annis addressed her as Mrs.
Webster, sho seemed surprised and said
that was not her nanio and evinced further
surprise when informed that this wa,s tho
namo her husband had registered by. When
asked If the man who had nccompanled
her to tho hotel tvas really her husband
the woman said he was.
Withhold Her Nnme.
Sho said they had been married two
years and that there homo was In Kearney,
Neb., but she declined to glvo her right
namo. She said ber husband had n violent
temper and that they bad had a slight
quarrel that morning. Sho was In great
distress as he had left her without any
money nnd also had tho checks for her
trunks, which wero at tho transfer depot.
Tha young woman, a pretty blondo of
petite form, seemed to Mr. Annls to bo
telling tho truth, so ho returned her tho
$10, which her husband hart paid, and later
sno went to Omaha, saying she would re
turn to hor parents in Kearney. Sho did
not disclose her Identity boforo leaving.
Tho man did not return to tho hotel.
Davis sells palnu
brick paving on Lower Broadway Is set fori fTIVITV A MflVP I) KM Ufl n
a hearing In the district court for March 2S. lb 1 1 1 1 I iUlUllU iVHlLKUllUj
This stilt Is regarded In tho nature of a test
case, ns the assessment Is attacked on the
grounds that part of tho assessment Is to
pay for the contractor's guaranty to keep
the paving in proper repair for n specified
term of years. This, It Is coulcaded, tnnkca
the nssessmeut Invalid. Should the suit be
decided in favor of Colonel Stendman, the
contracts for nearly HOO.OOu of brick rmvln.
now held by Wlckham will not be worth the!
paper they arc written on and the city will
bo forced to readvcrtlso for bids.
Tho paving resolution Introduced In tho
city council u few weeks ago was laid over
for final action and determination until
April 8 in order that the Stcadnian suit
might bo decided In tho meantime. Tho re
newed agitation for asphalt In tho Fourth
ward is expected to bring out n lively light
In the city council, as it Is known
that several of tho aldermen are firmly set
ugalnst usphalt and ns llrmly set. In favor of
Ensj with Branch Line Extensions and
Pleading with tha Asmiori.
.No rib mill Soulli 1,1 urn Drxlrrtl hy the
Cn in pn ii ! .iciiienlii In Itrccnt
Venr nnd iit Itnllrond lue.i
llim In ioun Politics,
ihi:h ti:.t hooks nHFintitnu.
Doubtful If ,S)lriu Cnn lie Put in
Fiirci; He lore September.
Tho nnniial meeting of tho Board of IMu
cation Is slated for this evening, when Pres
ident Henry and Members Stewart and
Cooper will retlro and T. J. Shugart, V.
S. Cooper nml S. S. Keller, tho newly elected
directors, will take their seats. It Is un
derstood thero will be no opposition to
tho selection of J. I. Hess ns president of
tho reorganized board,
A matter to comq beforo tho board to
night will be that of Inaugurating tho free
text book system voted for nt tho recent
election. Many people aro of tho belief
that their children will be given freo books
right away, but this will not be tho cuse.
II is even doubtful If the system can ho
put In force by tho beginning of tho now
school year next September. Thero aro no
funds at present available for the purchase
of tho books and tho levy to ho made for
this purpose will not bo collected till next
Tho law provides that tho board shall
havo tho right to levy1 a lax to provide
funds for tha purchaso of tho freo text
hooks, but such sum levied shall not be
In excess of $1,60 for each child. The money
must bo collected boforo It Is used ami tho
board Is prohibited from going Into debt
for tho books. Furnishing tho new High
school will tnko nil tho money on hand this
year, although It Is possible thero may he
$1,000 avallablo next September to mako a
start In the purchase of books. Thero aro
aoproxlmntcly 0,000 school children In the
e)ty, nnd tho levy on this basis would give
$9,000, Some nctlon In tho matter is looked
(or tonight.
MlMM HllMfn llt'
Vocal Solo Tho Brighter Day
. , . - Thomas Monfort.
Address Iroland and IJducatlon.
, John P. Organ.
Vocnl Solo Klllnrney
Mrs. A. A. Oovalt.
Address-Tho Irish KmlRrant
. Jolm M- 'Oalvln.
Chorus-God Havo Ireland
Olrla of St. Francis' Church and
A ilillniii'ii '
A9omnanlHt,,-J,,HS t'Udlo Porterfleld. MIhs
K. hills. Miss Mary ItoRcrs, Miss Mlnnlo
umiiiiiiK u mi jwins husio iirady.
.tltimlreU Join the KiiKlen.
HI Henry nnd his minstrels were tend
dercd nn ovation on tholr return engage
ment at tno nohnny opera house last night.
Manager Stovenson had to hang out tho
Btandlng room only sign eorly In tho oven
lng nnd tho minstrels played to the largest
nudlouco seen hero In many years. In the
afternoou IU Henry and several members
of his rompany were Initiated Into the
joeni lodgo of Ragles, and the members
turned out In full forco in the evening to
Kivo mom tho glad hand. Mr. Henry was
caiico. iicroro tno curtain for a speech.
Old Itondinnster of Oiunlm l- St. I.oula
James Fitzgerald, who died In St. Joseph
last week, wns formerly rondmaster of the
Omaha A St. Louis rullrond, with head
quarters in this city. Ho was 49 years of
ago anu leaves n wife and two daughters
Ho wns a member of Council Bluffs tent,
KulghtB of tho .Mnccabees. Ho llvnd In thin
city seven years nnd removed to" St. JoseDh
two years ago and cntored tho employ of
iuo icrmwui company. His death was duo
iu pneumonia.
Gravel roofing. A. II. Heed, E41 Broad'y.
Shoes for Men
Shoes for Women
Shoes for Boys
JVShoes for Girls
Shoes for Children
Shoes for the Babies
In fact wo nro the shoe store of the
ciiy wnero you can como ittlrt get
what you want and go away satUi
llrd. Every pair of shoes wo sell wo
guarantee and our constant aim Is
to pleuso tho peoplo who trade with
I.iitik for the Ilenr,
rnperty Oirnern of Fourth Wnnl
It end j- to Tnke Kxtreme Methods.
Property owners In tho Fourth ward on
tho streets proposed to bo pnved this sum
mer nro determined that thoy ahall be
paved with nsphaitum or not at all. They
will resort to the injunction method beforo
they will allow theso particular strocts ami
avenues to be paved with brick. This was
tho statement, made yesterday by F. J. Day,
tho real estate agent and largo property
owner In tho Fourth ward.
During tbo past week a representative of
a largo Chicago conrcrn has been In the
city conferring with Alderman McDonald
and n number of tho property owners lu
tho ward. Ills company lays what Is known
ns tho Trinidad asphalt shoot and ho told
the property owners that they wero nuxloufl
to do work In this state. The company laid
tho asphalt paving In Cedar Kaplds, la.,
and is anxious to secure a foothold In this
city. In order to do this tho representative
said his company would mnko n prlco lower
than $2. Tho bids beforo the council laBt
summer wero $2.28 and $2.31,
Property owners In tho wnrd havo taken
tho matter up again vigorously und peti
tions for asphalt paving will bo circulated
this week. Mr. Day stated yesterday that
thero would be no dlfllculty in securing a
majority of tho property owners abutting
on tho streots proposed to bo pavttl to sign
I tho petitions in favor of asphalt. Ha said
that If tho council refused to acccdt to tbo
wishes of tho Fourth ward property owners
in this mntter that steps would be taken to
provent any paving at all.
Insist on Their Property ItlKhtn.
Mr. Day denied that tho agitation for
nsphalt in tho Fourth ward was to provont
any paving this year thero. Ho said tho
majority of tbo property owners wcro
anxious to Jiavo tho streets improved, but
would Insist on their rights to select tho
material, seeing thut they had to pay for it.
Tho streets proposed to bo paved aro First
avenue, Sixth, Seventh and Klghth streots.
Property owners who favor asphaltum
take tho stand that already more brick
paving has boon contracted for by tho city
than cnn bo possibly lnld this Hummer, as
the manufacturers of vltrllled paving brick
cannot supply the material. Tho demand
last summer wns greater than tho supply
and tho samo conditions, they say, will pre.
vail this year. On the other hand they say
if nsphalt Is used, It can bo Contracted for
and laid nil within ninety days.
Alderman McDonald, who represents tho
Fourth ward In the city council, will as be
fore, champion the domands of the property
owners In his bailiwick for asphalt. He
said yesterday: "The people In my ward
want asphalt nnd It seems to mo that tho
council should accedo to tholr wishes. Tho
city has already contracted for more brlc.
paving than cun possibly bo Inln thu coming
summer and I do Hot approve of putting so
much paving Into cold storage, as It were,
and permit tho contracts to hang over for
a year or more. If tho council will porstst
In refusing to glvo my wnrd nsphalt, the
property owners Interested will tnko tha
matter Into tho courts and It Is not nt all
unlikely that nil the paving may be tied up,
Tho Fourth warders aro determined to re
sort to drastic measures In order to obtain
what they consider are Ihelr rights,"
To Set Aside llrlek ArMiiient,
Tho suit brought by Colonel J. J. Stead
man to sot asldo tbo assessment for tho
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. James N. Cnsady, lr
12ti Main St., Council Bluffs.
Funeral Director
(Successor to W. O. Estep)
i ss pmia biiwur, 'piioiie
I'o AititANur. Tun stiii:i:t lamps.
(.'oiiuelliiieii to .Meet Tomorrow nml
MuUe Tour of the City.
Tho city council will meet as a committee
of the whole tomorrow afternoon to nr
rnngo the locntlon of tho lights under tho
now contract with tho Citizens' Gas &
Klectrlc Light company. Tho nldermcu will
mako n tour of tho city for this purpose.
It is practically decided that tho oloctrlc
light towers will not bo used under tho
now contract, ns tho form of lamp cnlled
for by tho contract Is not effcctlvo nt such
a height. Doing away with tho towers
will permit of a greater distribution of
lights.'s stationery department la right.
.Many PledKc SliciierN.
DKNISON, la.. March 17. (Special.)
Under tho auspices of tho Woman's Chris
tian Temperanco union, Mrs. Hltchcox of
Canada conducted a scries nt gospel tem
peranco meetings In this place at tho Bap
tist church last week. Two hundred and
forty peoplo signed tho pledge nnd seventy
now members were added to tho Woman's
Christian Temperanco union. At tho closo
of the meetings, Mrs. Plimpton, who has
been president of tho Woman's Christina
Temperanco union over slnco It wns organ
ized, twenty-six years ago, and who will
Lromovo to Colorado, bade farewell to the
union In a short address.
Tel In Wlint Texas Iteeelveil,
NUW YORK, March 17. Tho cltlsens' re
lief committee, organized last September
by tho Merchants' association of New York
for tho relief of tho Texas hurrlcano HUf
ferers, has IhsuciI Its Until report, showing
that tho committee collected and forwarded
to Texas cash und supplies which, with tho
expenses lu transportation and collection,
amounted to $101,217.11.
Hlx lllulinexi, the Dispenser nt Wnsh
liiKlon, PIiiiir to Semi .cliriiNkn
Mlel Weather.
-Forecast for
No. 29, 31, 33,
No. 28, SO, 32,
35 Pearl St,
3 Main St.
These stores lu tho center of tho city nnd
occupied for many years by
John Beno & Go.,
tho largest retail dry goods and clothing
dealers In western Iowa, who havo re
moved to more oxienalva quarters In the
Elsemnn building.
Bent very low to desirable parties on long
Pearl Street, - - Council Bluff
Monday nnd Tuesday:
For Nobrnska, Kansas and South Dakota
Rain Mondny nnd probably colder: Winds
becoming northwesterly; Tuesday fair.
For Iowa Rain Monday; warmer In east
ern portion, falling temperature in oxtromo
westorn portion; southerly winds, becoming
westerly; Tuesday fair.
For Illinois Increasing cloudiness and
rain Monday; warmer in central nnd north
ern portions; enst to south winds, fresh to
brisk on the lake; Tuesday fair.
For Missouri Occasional rains Mondny;
colder in western portion; winds becoming
northwesterly; Tuesday fair.
For North Dakota Rain or snow Monday;
lower temperature; northerly winds; Tues
day fair.
For Colorado Occasional rains Mondny
and much colder; northwesterly winds;
Tuesday fair, except occasional snows in
mountain districts.
For Wyoming nnd Montana Occasional
snows Mondny; winds generally northerly;
Tuesdny fair, except light snow In mountain
I.oi'itl Iteeord.
OMAHA, March 1. Ofllclal record of torn
poraturo' and precipitation compared with
tho corresponding day of the last three
, , 1901. 1900. 1S99. IRK.
Maximum temperature .. 75 4 33 49
Minimum temperature ... 2ii 9 21 2
Mean temperature or, 2.S zi I!S
Precipitation 00 .00 .ill .(O
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and slnco March 1.
Normal temperature 37
Excess for tho day
Total excess slnco March 1
Normul precipitation
Deficiency for tho day
Total precipitation since March 1.,
Deficiency slnco March 1
Deficiency for cor. period, 1900...,
Deficiency for cor. period, IM19....
Report from SIhIIihin 11 1 7
.01 inch
.01 inch
.46 Inch
.22 Inch
.21 Inch
.10 Inch
! M.
"2 B
a? S3
; Si3
-; a
nmaha. clear cs
North Platte, part cloudy Ct
Cheyenne, cloudy 4s
Salt Lake, cloudy 4
Rapid Oily, cloudy
uuron, ciuuiiy , , a
Wllllston, part cloudy 42
Clileaifo, clear to
Ht; IxiulH, clear tE
St. Paul, cloudy 4$
Davenport, clear m
taiiiis v. 1 iy, cieur 70
ueiena, pari ciouuy I as:
Havre, cloudy 40
Illsmarrk. clnmli' I jl
tiBlveston, cloudy ', 001
T Indicates traco of precipitation.
1,'jcal Forecuat OilUlal.
rirtl .00
01 ,0U
DES MOINES, March 17.i-(Spce!o1.)-Hc.
tween tho building of new bridges anl
"cut ofts" and tho planning for construc
tion of new branches, and tho annual wrest
ling match with tho state executive council
over the question of assessment of rail
road property for taxation purposes, tho
railroad companies doing business In Iowa
aro uncommonly busy this month. Not
withstanding that last year con
struction was more nctlvn than usual nnd
a great nmount of mllengo was ndded to
tho total of tho state, tho present year
promises to outstrip nil others In tho num
ber of new lines constructed. Among tho
lines routcmplnted or considered ato tho
Rock Island extensions from Ottumwa to
Divenport, Outhrlo Center td Carroll, In
dlnnoln Into Missouri.
Illinois extension, from Cedar Rnplds
Bouth to connection with Iowa Central,
Uurllngton cut off between Mount Pleas
ant and Davenport, nnd cut offs nlong main
Milwaukee extension, Iloono to Fort
Mnrshnlltown & Dakota extension, from
(lowrlo to Rockwell City.
Northwestern extension, from Algoua to
Sac City.
Des Moines & Iowa Falls line, to connect
with IlllnolE Central.
Den Moines & Iowa City, new road.
Gulf & Manitoba lino, across state,
through Ruthvcn, Sac City, Carroll -and
Thero aro other projects of more or less
dollnltcncBfl, but some nt least of these
named aro suro of completion this yenr.
A significant fcaturo of tho movement of
tho present year Is that thero Is a tendency
to mako connections for tho southern out
let to tho exclusion of Chicago and tho
Atlantic seaboard. Tho north nnd nnuth
roads nro becoming raoro Important and
more profltnblo. Last year tho Minneapolis
Sr. SI. Louis built into Iowa nnd has un
questionably planned to mako still further
extensions southward. Tho Rock Island has
reached out for South Dakota and Is now
preparing a southern outlet. Tho Gulf &
Mnnltoba project, an old one, has been
revived with some signs of real llfo. Tho
Rock Island Is gradually Invading tho ter
ritory of tho Uurllngton In southern Iowa
nnd In duo tlmo tho old deadlock with ref
erence to oxtcnslons In tho territory be
tween Wlntersct nnd Council 1) luffs will
bo broken.
ANDCNNiiieiit Problems.
Tho ptoblera of assessments now before
tho cxccutlvo council of tho Btato Is no
easy ono for solution. Representatives of
tho leading railroads havo been heard In
behalf of their respective lines, nnd others
nro ynt to bo heard. Tho Iowa law contem
plates that tho council, "acting ns n board
of assessors, shall consider tho question of
earnings, vnluo of tho re'ai estate, cost of
roadbed and all other facts of material as
slstnnco In arriving- nt a conclusion ns to
tho vnluo of thrf property., Tho reports of
tho companies Indicate that by reason of
different methods of bookkeeping or for
other reasons thero Is a wldo varlnnco he
tweon tho reports on tbo main Items. Tho
arguments mndo by tho railroad represontn
tlves thus fnr havo served only to confuse,
tho members of tho council. It seoms more
than probable that this question will ho
tho most important ono considered. It la
now regarded ns certain thero will bo
substantial Increaso In tho railroad iisbchs-
Manner of the Iiiereime.
Last year tho council had a hard light
over tho question of assessments, John
Hcrrlott. then Btato treasurer, Insisted that
about $5,000,000 should bo added to the
railroad assessment for that year. Ho was
opposed by tho threo others on tho council
nnd no n result thoro were many bitter
words. Tho assessment on tho lines operated
tho year beforo was slightly Increased, but
becnube of tho large number of new lines
added with lower rnto of assessment tho
nverago for tho year was reduced. Tho
assessment on tho main lino of tho North
western was Increased from $11,250 a mile
to $1I,C00 a mile, hut bcrauso of tho now
mllengo added tho average assessment for
tho Northwestern Hystem was reduced from
$6.C13 per mllo to $5,672 per mile. It is
bclloved that tho council will mako a sub
stantial Increaso In tbo assessment of tho
Northwcstorn. Tho Rock Island main lino
was assessed $11,000 Inst yenr, tho samo ns
beforo, but tho addition of tho long Gowrlo
A: rsorthwestern lino reduced the assess
mcnt on tho entire system from $0,92(1 per
mllo to ?fi,)0G per mie, t,0 belief has
been general for some years that tho Rock
Island was assessed too high, compared with
othor Inrgo systems, and It Is expected
thoro will bo no Increaso on Its lines excopt
on tno now branches. Tho Uurllngton main
lino wns assessed last year at $11,250 per
muo, yet ino gross earnings wcro more
than $5,000 por mllo' more than on the main
lino of tho Rock iBland. Tho entlro sys
tein wns assessed at $7,214 per mile. Tho
Milwaukee was assessed only $7,100 por
muo on tno council Hluns division, nnd $1,
C01 per mllo on tho entlro system. Its cam
ings snow that it is on a par with the
Rock Ulnnd. Tho Great Western Is slated
for a substantial Increaso In tho assess
mcnt. Tho mnlu lino, with earnings of
$11,453 per mile, was aBsessod at $5,500 per
mue, ami tno system pays on $1,700 per
mile. Tho roportH show that It has In
creased uniformly 7t per cent In business
on all parts of tho system tho last venr
me iiurungion, ucunr uapnis & Northern
will probably experience a ralBo from tho
valuation of $1,410 per mile, as it Is now a
good paying property. Tho loa Central
another good paying proporty may bo
slightly raised from Its valuation of $3,603
per mile. Tho main lino pays on $5,000
a mile, which is high in proportion to tho
grots earnings, Tho Illinois Central Is nlso
Biateu ror a substantial Increaso from Its
$1,700 per mllo for tho entlro Hystem, not
withstanding tho now Omaha lino shows
an Increaso of U per cent In gross earnings
per mile. Tho Sioux City & Pnclflo showed
a substantial Increase of earnings last year,
but the assessment was reduced from $6,000
What ShaJi We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
tvery day. Let us answer it to-day. Trj
to $5,800 per mllo. The Minneapolis &. St
Louis, in view of Its expensive now lino,
whuh Is not paying, may not be Increased
In valuation., nut if tho council mnkos a
general Increase in valuation of Iowa rail
roads to tho amount of $2,000,000 or $3,000,
000, oven tho railroad representatives
will not bo greatly surprised,
AeNtiifnt llnexlliitt In Politic.
What lends added luterest to tho assess
mcnt question this year Is tho fact Hint It
Is hopelessly tangled up with pelltlcs. Last
year thero was a squnro division In tho
council, brought about by tho nctlou of
Treasurer Herrlott lu Insisting on an In
crenso Hi tho assessment. He contended
then, and has contended ever since, thai
tho railroads do not bear their fair shars
of tho tax burden. It seems prnbnblo there
will bn 11 material increase in tbo railroad
nssessment, especially on lines which havt
been comparatively lightly taxed.
Ion n Orator Selected.
Otto llrackett of Iowa City will represent
tho University of Iowa In tbo Northern
Orutorlcal leaguo contest, which will bo
hold nt Io.wn City May 3. Tho Northern
Oratorical leaguo holds annual contests nnd
comprises tho universities of Michigan,
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Chicago,
.Norttiwestcrn nnd Oberllu college. Mr
llrackett won this honor by securing first
placo In tho preliminary contest held nt
Iowa City last night. The other contestants
wore: F. S. Merrlnn, llenjnmln Ilonrdmnn,
C. C. Converse, J. AI. Mehnffey and Harry
Fitch, rnnklng In tho order nnmed. Tho
Judges 011 delivery worn: Row T. E. Green
of Cedar Rnplds, Judge It. E. Dcomer of
Red Oak, atid Rev. O. S. Rollins of Daven
Mexican AVnr Veternn lleiul,
Gcorgo W. I), Wado of Eddyvlllc, n vet
eran of the Mexican war. Ih dead and his
funeral was hold nt tho Iowa Soldiers' homo
at Mnrshnlltown yesterday. Wado was n na
tive of Kentucky, 86 yenrs old, but at tho
tlmo of his enlistment In tho Mexican war
lived at qunlcy, III., where ho cntored tho
First Illinois Infantry ns n prlvnto in Com
pnny A. Ho served a year In tho Mexican
war. Ho had been for many years a resi
dent of Wnpcllo county, but somo years ago
went to tho stnto homo with his aged wife.
Ho wns both blind nnd deaf.
Towimlif Centriil Selinnln.
Tho school patrons of Washington town
ship, In Story county, havo practically do-
ermined upon abandoning tho sub-dlstrlet
plan for schools nnd adopting that of a
central school for tho township, to which
nil tho children of tho township will bo
tnkrn In public conveyances. At tho nn
nual school meetlug a proposition to build
an additional school building was promptly
voted down nfter due consideration, be
catiso It v,ns tho deslro of those present to
havo tho central plan considered. A com-
mltteo was nppotnted to investigate and re
port on n feaslbln plan for school consoll
datlon and a voto in favor of having tin
matter taken up was unanimous.
A now whcol and Just tho ono you havo
always wanted. Rend Tho Roo wheel offer
Jciilntin of IIIm Wife.
MOUNT VERNON. 111.. March 17 -I.lgo
Taylor was fatally shot by Robert C Hill
last night. Hill, it is said, was .IciIouh of
liiyiui M niieiuioii 10 Jims oivorccd wife.
inn Kiivc inmscii up.
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared in two minutes. No boiling 1 no
baking I ndd boiling water and set to
cool, Flavors: Lemon Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a package
fit your gt occrs to-day. 10 eta.
When a good phy
sician prescribes beer
for a patient it is
Schlitzbeer. A phy
sician knows the val
ue of purity.
Ask him howgerms
affect beer and he
will tell you that few
stomachs can digest
them. He will say
at once that impure
beer is unhealthuil.
You will know then
why we brew
under such rigid pre
cautions why we
even filter the air that
touches it; why we
filter the beer, then
sterilize every bottle.
If you knew what
we know and what
your physician knows
about beer, you, too,
would insist on
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Try n ense of Schlltm lleer, Tel. 11 IS,
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European &'2 Absolutely
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A Modlri! PlnuUlt llotll, Coni,lr( In ill lit ai-polnl.
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UI4 wlet in J tcltfJiuie In cvny loom, CuUln line .celloi
IRIiSaiiauM J,r- Kny sUticuro curctall
ULlCllr B fcmalo dlhcnhCM. .H dnirf.
gists. SI Illustrated book
and wlvlca frno. Ilr. U. J. Ku, SaratoiM.N. V.
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Muriled mm ami llirn Inti.twllni
la mirry mount ukit u Ixjii utmnlihlna rriuiui
imill walk lurra iinrl iikt fuiwpr r.ftli .,,1 . ali.iat
Sherman & JtcCooneJI uud Kubn wu urugcliti
If Toil have imnll. wp&k nnrim.
(Mt power or wcakcnln? diains,
our tcuum Oritan IieTelopvr will
leiluro you without ilruKt or
fltftrldtVi TS Ml 111 USA, ttntnn
Ull ii re, notonerHurnnl, noO O. p. raudi writs for
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lOCtl APPLIANCE CO., 171 Thorp Bit., Indianapolis. Ind.
IIII'AN'H TAltt'l.KB In" mi ofrVetlen .,.r.
for tlio 111 which ortslnntn In a bad Btom.
ach. 10 for t. At ull druggists.
What Gordorv
Quality Means
Gordon perfection tarta with
tho purchase) of tho boat raw ma.
terlalj It continues with the beat
modern hat maklntf methods by
killed workmen) It ends with the
production of an Ideal hat
I woman wears
I Gordon Hat 1
I ato knows I
lie looks
well, J
rHZh. ADVICE cjr our 1'HyslcIons and a FREE 8AM PLE
v "" rroo nomo i rontmont a no imgo 11 ustrued fonV
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Di" Kay's Renovator
Cures the very worst cm n of uynpepMa. Consllnatlon. Hondaehr. 1
ICItlnnv il.fltttift.a. nml Int. 1 fAti1r ,,f Tnn.t . i" ITT": 'I
send us2SctK. or (1.00 and wu will Bond Dr. Kbtv Itenovatnr bv
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Snnd for mwif nt ,i
cept ny pubstltuto but
DR. Q. J. KAY MEDICAL CO., Snratoeta Bar naa. N. Y. 1
John Beno &f!o
A Choice Showing of luistcr Styles In
Ladies' Tailored Suits,
Jackefs, Skirts and Waists.
Thoro is not a lino of thoso aooda in tho two nittnn
kj that cnn Huriioss ours in point of stylo, matorial and low-
ness 01 prlco. A pront many of thoso aro
representing tho hitihost skill of tho best designers of
appro vod fashions, nnd aro pricod nhout
One-Third Less Than if Bought Regularly
Enstot' Novelties in nil tlonnrtin
third floor,
The "Comstock Process''
Is the most successful method for reducing nnd rollovin
pain in all kinds of doutnl oporatlons that has yet been
presented to tlm public. It has been used by leading don
tlsts of tho cast for nearly two years, and has been pro
nounced by them to bo entirely satisfactory. Our patlontg
nro dcllKhted with tho results It produces. If you nro
nervous nnd your teoth aro sensitive we will bo pleased to
explnin it to you. 1 1
. ..Telephone 145
H. A. Woodbury. D. D. SM Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. Grand Hotel
"V I '
John 0. Woodward & Co., Distributors,
Moritz Meyer Cigar Co., Distributors,
Council Bluffs.
" 0f h "It has justly won its laurels." Soups,
Affile Fish, Game, Hot and Cold Meats, etc., are
&&Jyu crimen a most delicious flavor bv usincr
Lea & Perrins'
SAUCE tlgiutuf. ii on nnr botttt