Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1901, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Til 33 OMAHA DATTjY SUNDAY, MAItCII 17 100 1..
Social Lift Enlirened bj Informal Dinner
DcllKlitf"! Mlllr flnry of lli Ilncli
dor nnit tin; New Society Olrl on
n Wluily liny lie view of
the Wrck.
There was a notable picking up In matters
social laM week. It was club wccK ana
besides tho regular meetings thcro woro
many dinners and luncheons, besides gath
erings which at any other season of tho
year would have been called dancing or
card parties. Theru aro to bo a number
of these this week, at least several after
noons and evenings aro marked "taken"
ou the calendars of somo of the smart set.
, Thcro are n few women In town who
profess to be delighted with tho quiet of
the season and gossip soys that In at least
three, If not four, of theso cases there in
good reason for their feeling so, consid
ering tho surprisingly elaborate wardrobes
that aro being made.
A well-known bachelor blew around a
Douglas Btree't corner one morning last
week and rather forcibly collided with a
young woman who, with sadly disheveled
hair and hat very much over one cyo, stood
braced against tho wind, which whirled
gusts of snow and flapped her golf skirt
Ucforo her while sho was lost In contem
plation of an airy array of dlmltlcs and
batistes that filled n store window. "Oh,
1 beg your pardon!" ho said as Bho faced
about and simultaneously caught wildly for
her hat, which tho wind had Instantly
shifted to a correspondingly extreme po
sition on tho back of her head. A look
of surprlsn crossed her faco and found
an Intensified rcllcctlon In his as ho recog
nized In tho very much disheveled llttlu
figure one of tho season's debutantes. Tho
recognition wns mutual and, smiling
brightly, sho said, as shu drew her hat
forward, raising It slightly to allow tho
disarranged locks of brown hair to blow
back under It: "Old you ever sco any
thing so lovely In all your life?" "No," ho
cnnfflsxml. "I never did." Sho lowered her
head to avert something besides tho wind
as she said: "Tho dimities, I mean." '
IMriiHiiri'M 1'nsl.
Mrs. 11. 0. Strclght was hostess at Mon
day's meeting of tho Friendly Greeting club.
Tho Tuesday morning muslcalo met with
Mrs. Myron Learned last wcok.
Miss Anno Leo entertained n few friends
at dinner on Sunday evening nt tho Mil
lard. Mrs. Harry Lyman entertained Mr. Fran
cis Wilson. Miss Curtis and Miss Carlta
Curtis at luncheon on Tuesday.
Tho Hon Ton Card club met on Monday
evening at tho homo of Mrs. Ilufreno,
Twenty-ninth and I'opplcton avenue.
MrB. Peter K. ElBasscr gave a very pleas
ant afternoon one day last week for tho
members of tho Twin City Coffee club.
Mr. Victor Dellolt of 2732 Charles street
XfM host on Friday evening at a gathering
of tho members of tho Excelsior Social
Miss Luclla Hayman was hostess at a
rcd-and-whlto luncheon Saturday, at which
covers were laid for Misses Saxman, LcFlla,
llUHton and Parks.
Complimentary to Mrs. Learned, who Is
Mrs. Lovo's guest, Mrs. Lyman gavo a
dinner on Thursday nnd Mrs. FulrOcld en
tertained on Saturday.
In honor of Mrs. Learned of Chelsea,
Mass., Mrs. Lawton gavo an informal
Kensington tea on Wednesday afternoon
for about a dozen women.
11. S. Berlin gavo n dinner In the white
and gold dining room of tho Millard on
Filday for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cudahy, Mrs.
Lomax and MIbs Lomax.
Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Dinning of 2501 St.
Mary's avenue entertained a party of four
teen frlendB on Thursday oventng in honor
of Mr. Voegcl of Mansfield, O.
Miss I'carlo Norman entertained a largo
party of friends ou Monday evening at her
homo. 2318 Charles street, tho occasion
being her' seventeenth birthday.
Tho Lobsters gavo a party on Friday
evening at tho home of tho Misses Nlel
son. (lames and sovoral musical selections
furnished moat pleasant entertainment.
Miss Taylor entertained tho Jahracl
Ohccul club on Monday at hor Ihomo on
South Twenty-eighth street. At tho con
clusion of tho attcrnoon'B gamo luncheon
was served.
Mrs. William Fisher entertained a largo
party at hlgh-flvo on Tuesday afternoon
at her homo In Kountzo place. The prizes
woro won by Mrs. Horry Wcllcr and Miss
Jcsslo McKune.
Last Tuesday's meeting of the Noname
Card club was hold with Mr. and Mrs. G.
M. Weaver at tho Merrlaui. Mrs. Harry
Weller and Mr. Eugeno Brando being tho
successful players.,
Tho Cooking club met on Wednesday aft
crnoon with Mrs. Luther Kountzc, tho
nftcrnpon bolng given over to sewing,
Next Wednesday tho club will glvo a lunch
eon at Mlsa Kountzo's.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Holier t Purvis entertnlncd n
dinner party of fourteen on Saturday even
ing at their homo on St. Mary's avenue
Tho decorations woro of yellow, daffodllls,
with sprays of smllax being used.
Tho Cooking club met with MIbs Flor
ence Kllpatrlck on Wednesday, Miss Helen
Millard being the guest, of honor. Tho
members present were: Misses Towlc,
Edith Smith, Elizabeth Allen, Ethel Morse,
Helen Beck nnd Kllpatrlck.
Tho Misses Taylor entertained a few of
their friends nt cards on Monday after
noon In honor of MIsb Armstrong of Ham
ilton, Mont. Miss Ilullle Patterson was the
fortunato contestant for the prize. Those
present were: Misses Halllo Patterson,
Kdlth Dumont, Mabel Stephen, Maude
Koyci, Clalro Northrup, Kdlth Bncll, Lulu
Armstrong, Jean Campbell, Cagwln, Lucy
Taylor, Anno Taylor.
On Thursday evening nt her homo on
Hamilton street Miss Mary Murphy enter
tained the members of the Geo Whiz club.
The early part of the evening was devoted
to' whist and music, after which a two
course luncheon was served.
Mrs. A. D. Marriott nnd Mrs. A. O. Ilu
chanan entertained at an Informal Kenslng
ton on Friday afternoon for tho members
and friends of tho Chaucol guild of All
Saints' church. A guessing contest was tho
featuro of tho afternoon, ut tho close of
which refreshments wero served.
Tho Ametlc club met last Wednesday
afternoon with Mrs. W. J. Colvln, 210 North
Twenty-fifth Btrcel. Tho prizes wcro won
by Mrs. L. N. Oondcn, Mrs', it. B. Fred
ilckson and Mrs. F. J. Despechcr. Mrs.
Sol Hopper, 226 South Nineteenth street,
wilt entertain tho club next Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Walmor of 1628 North
Twenty-sixth street entertained a party"
of friends very pleasantly on Wednesday
evening at a hlgh-flvo party. Tho game
lasted until 10:30 o'clock, when prizes wore
awarded Mrs. J. H. Dcllart, Mr. C. E. Good
man, Mrs. F. C, Best and .Mr. F. C. Best.
In honor of Miss Clayton of Oskaloosa,
la., Mrs. L. L. Thomas, 1309 South Thirty
sixth street, entertained delightfully at
cards Wednesday evening. Prizes were
won by Mr. Hhko and Mrs. J. 11. Weaver
Mr. McCune and Miss Weaver. rendered a
few vocal selections, nftcr which a chaf-Ing-dleh
Biipper was served.
The members of the Happy Twenty Card
club were entertnlncd at tho homo of Cap
tain nnd Mrs. Charles M. Itlchards on
Georgia nvenue Thursday evening. Tho
prizes wore won by Mrs. Arthur C. Smith,
Mrs. E. Burko. Mr. Eugene Iluval ana Mr,
C. S. Stockman. Tho club will meet next
week with Mr. and Mrs. Fallon.
Tho Ahnmo club was entertained last
Thursday e tiling nt tho home of Mr. and
MrB. Bert Cox. 603 South Eighteenth street,
Progressive high-five wns the gamo of tho
evening, nftcr which luncheon was served
Tho prizes wero won by Mrs. K. S. Fisher,
Mrs. C. W. Foar, Mrs. Welsh, .Mr. W. F.
Spang, Mrs. H. Mathcs and Mr. W. C.
Mrs. John S. Knox nnd Mrs. J. A. Kuhn
entertained tho Wednesday Luncheon club
last week nt Mrs. Knox's homo on Georgia
uveuue. Pink and whlto wcro tho colors
used In the details of tho luncheon, after
which tho afternoon was devoted to high
five, tho prizes being won by Mesdamcs E
Itood. W. J. Garrntt, J. S. Whlto and W.
II. Clurko.
In honor of General Lee and Miss Lee,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Yates gavo a
beautiful dinner on Tuesday evening. Tho
decoration was entirely of yellow, tho
centerpiece being a handsomo bunch of
Johnqullls, whllo tho places wero marked
with bunches of purple violets. Tho guests
present were: General Leo, Miss Lee, Hon.
J. Sterling Morton, Mrs. Manderson, Mr,
and Mrs. Pritchott, Mr. and Mrs. Cowln,
Miss Kountzc. Mr. Frank Hamilton nnd
Mr. Earl Gannett.
Assisted by Mesdamcs Portcrflold, En'
glo and Sherman, Mrs. Heynolds enter,
talncd (he Florentino club at Its lost meet
ng, on Wednesday, at her homo In Flor
ence. Nearly tho enttro mcmuersnip or mo
club was present, tho women being seated
at flvo small tables, each of which wus
differently decorated Tho score cardB for
the gamo which followed wero dainty at
fairs, painted In pansy designs, as "were
the plates and bonbon dishes that were
given as prizes to Mesdamcs It. L. Whit
ney, Uwlght Williams, Love, Kelly and
Ilhondcs. There will be ono moro meeting
of the club on March 29 at the homo or
Mrs. W. 8. Olbbs. when tho husbands of
tho members will bo present.
Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Talmage at
2637 Parker street was taken possesBlou
of Saturday evening, March 9, by n num
bor of their friends an Informal Btirprlso
party to colobrato the nativity of Mrs
Tulmage. Music and song and a very fas
clnatlng gamo mado tho evening pass all
too quickly. At 11 o'clock coffee, cake
and fruit wero served. Tho beaming coun
tccance of cveryono present Indicated that
tho occasion has been thoroughly enjoyed
Thoso present wero: Mrs. Hathaway of
Lincoln, Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Talmage
Misses Margaret Houston, Jean Campbell
Minnie Wilson, Victoria Samuels, Eatelle,
Iluby and Ethelyn Forbes; Messrs. Denton
H. Painter of Lincoln, Charles O. Tnlmago,
Henry B. Lcmere, Clnranco E. Canan, Kll
gour, Newcomb, Leon Coulter, Richard and
David Houston.
during his brief stay hero as General Lee'
Miss I'carlo Harrow has returned, Iron
Chicago, whero sbo has been spending the
Miss Crounsc returned to Lincoln on Moil-
lay after a short visit with her sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Weller left on
rlday for Cincinnati, whero they will mako
their homo In future.
Miss Corn Saycrs Is expected home this
week from Lincoln and Grand Island, whero
he has spent some time.
Mrs. W. J. UurgessMoft on Tuesday even
ing for Chicago. Sho will visit in Kansas
City before returning home.
Mrs. Jameson and Miss Edna Jameson
hnvo returned from Shrovcsrort, La,, whero
they havo resided for tho Inst year.
Miss Ellen McShnho returned from St.
Paul, Minn., on Monday, she having spent
somo tlmo thcro with her sister, Mrs. Sargent.
Mr. Herbert Cook has returned from tho
cast, whero ho has resided for somo timo
past, nnd will mako his homo in Omaha
Mrs. Samuel Katz left last week for a
trip through tho south, where sho will visit
her old homo In Harrodsburg nnd spend
somo tlmo In Louisville, Ky.
Mrs. W. S. Rector nnd daughter, Vivian.
eavo today for Chicago, whero they win
Bpcnd n few weeks at tho Chicago Beach
hotel visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. Scovlll.
Movement mill Wlierenliotil. '
Mrs. J. J. Dickey has gone to Denver.
Mrs. E. P. Peck has gone south.
Mrs. J. D. Crelghton left on Tuesday for
Mr. C. II. Bugbec has returned from the
Mr. Herbert Gannteo has returned from
Mr. and Mrs. L. I, Abbott have returned
from Chicago.
Mr, E. W. Dixon returned from Now
York last week.
Mrs. E. II. Spraguo is expected homo
from Chicago today.
Miss Clyde Blunchard has gono to St
Joseph for ,a few weeks.
Miss Margaret Ogilvle has gono to Dallas
Tex., to spend six weeks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Manderson left on Thurs
day evening for Florida.
Miss Edna Cappcll has gono to Los An
golcs to remain until June.
Mr. W. Famam Smith went to Chicago
last week for a brief stay.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Conncll spent a few
days In Chicago last week.
Mrs. Buchanan nnd Mra, James E. Boyd
left ono day last week for California.
Mrs. Bailey has returned from Iowa,
whero sho wns called by tho death of her
Mrs. Walter T. Pago hna been called to
Charlottesville, Va by the death of her
Lieutenant Day left on Wednesday for
Fort Lcavonworth, much to tho regret of
tho many friends ho mado in tho city
In honor of General lce and Miss Anna Lee
on Tuesday evening. ,
Miss Dora Shane and Miss Emma Mur
ray of Denver aro visiting their aunt, Mrs.
Fabcr, on south Twentieth street.
Miss Blanche Sorenson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Sorenson, has returned
to Omaha on n Icavo of absence from Port
land, Ore., where sho holds tho position
of supervisor of music in tho .public schools.
Miss Sorenson has been visiting for a month
In Tacoma, Scattlo and St. Paul.
Out of Town Guest.
Miss Lcdwlch Is tho guest of hor brother.
Mr. Deraln Lcdwlch, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Miller of Des Molncs,
la., aro visiting relatives In tho city.
Mr. John Egbert of Hamburg, Germany,
is a guest nt tho home of Mrs. W. lUBevan.
Miss Marlon Kirk of Mobile, Ala., is tho
guest of relatives on South Twonty-nlnth
Mr. William Forbes of Knnsns City Is
spending somo tlmo tbo guest of Omaha
Mrs. C. S. Dickey of St. Joseph Is ex
pected tomorrow to bo tho guest of Mrs. V.
O. Strickler.
Mrs. Gaffey of Pierce, S. D., Is In tho City,
guest at tho homo of Judgo Thumcl on
Dodgo street.
Mr. Voegcl of Mansfield, O., Ic the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dinning of 2501 St.
Mary's nvenue.
Miss Hcykens, who has been tho guest of
Miss Edna Martin, returned to her homo In
Iowa on Monady.
Mrs. W. R. Clayton of Oskaloosa, la., is
tho guest of Mrs. A. J. Hako on South
Twcnty-Bixth street.
Mrs. F. E. Martin of Hot Springs, S. D.,
Is visiting Mrs. Georgo Goodlct of 2051
North Nineteenth Btrcct.
Mr. nnd Mra. Miller of Dcs Moines aro
visiting their relative, Mrs. Livingston, at
DS0 South Twenty-eighth Btrcct.
Mrs. D. O. Clarko had as her guests last
week Mra. Lane and her father, Mr. Tomp
kins, who aro on tholr way cast.
Mrs. W. B. Henry of Bellwood, Nob., and
tho Misses Welso and Dlcdcrich of Avoca,
In., aro guests of tho Misses Urlau.
Hon. J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska City
was in Omaha, tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Henry W. Yates, for two days last wcok,
having como up to nttend tho dinner given
Soclnt Chit Clint. '
Miss Dalcomb is expected homo from De
troit this week.
Miss Edna Martin will entertain tho
Eldccn club nt Us next meeting.
Tho Walnut Hill Luncheon club will be
entertained next tlmo by Mrs. Conrad.
Tho Jollv Eleht Dancing club will give
a party on Saturday evening nt Washington
Mesdamcs Benawa and" O. M. Weaver will
entertain tho A. B. L. club next Friday
Mrs. II. L. Whitney will entertain tho
Friendly Oreotlng Whist club on Monday,
March 25.
Colonel Charles C. Abell Is confined to
his bed wtth grip at his home, 3177 Daven
port street.
MrB. Fred W. Clarke will be nt. homo to
her friends on Thursday, afternoons during
March and April at 2022 Webster Btreet.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James G. Wallace nnd little
son expect to sail from England for homo
next week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wallace huo
been gono a year.
E. II. Waller and Miss Paulino Ncstlo
woro married on Tuesday evening nt tho
homo of tho bride's parents, Rev. Thlclo
officiating. They wcro attended by Miss
Sylvia Mucklcr and Mr. Fred C. Waller,
tho wedding being quiet nnd .witnessed by
only a fow friends. Tho wedding was fol
lowed by a supper, after which
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wuller left for n short trip.
They will bo nt homo to their friends nftcr
Murch 18 at 2801 Chnrles street.
Miss Gcnovlovo Elllck was married to
mp. Aiirn l'nrmnr Saturday afternoon. Thu
wiuldlnir took tilaco at St. Martin's church,
South Omaha. Rev. Irving Johnson wns tho
nnii-liitlni? rlppevmnn. Only a foW Of the
Intlmato friends of tho contracting parties
attended tho wedding. Mr. Purmcr was at
tended by his brother, Frank Parmer,. nnd
Miss Patricia Darraugh of Council Bluftu
Bcrvcd as bridesmaid. Mr. Alfred Elllck,
a brother of tho bride, gavo his sister away
in nrnnntnnrn with tho ceremony of tho
Episcopal church. After a short visit In
Kansas City Mr. nnd Mrs. Parmer will
mako their homo In this city.
llroi-KC Crook Pout Adopt .Memorial
In Honor of .Mlicrmiiit'n Hero
Georgo Crook post No. 262. Grand Army
of tho Republic, adopted resolutions at
mo last, regular meeting denloi-lnc tho ro-
cout death of Dr. Sherman A. Yule, nn army
Burgeon In tho Philippines, nnd oltorlug
condolences lo his parents. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Henry O. Yule. Tho father Is a member
of tho Georgo Crook post and tho mother
of tho Post Relief corps. Both are promi
nent In Grand Army circles.
Tho resolutions recited that Dr. Yule
was a born patriot, bearing the namo of
that grand old soldier who destroyed the
eauso of treason In his inarch "From At
lanta to tho Sea;" ho wns a good boy,
n noble youth, was truo to himself, truo
to his God nnd country, nnd thoso who
knew him most loved him best.
All styloti Bprlng millinery on display at
Joyce's. 1621 Douglns street. Opening Inter.
Eureka Parlors, hair dressing, manicur
ing, shoe polishing. 220 So. 17th, Beo bldg.
Alt Rtyles spring millinery on display nt
Joyco's, 1621 Douglns street. Opening Inter.
To Our I'ntroti
Of Omaha nnd vicinity who hnvo patronize l
us during past years, and. to all who uuy
accord us n part of thulr trade in tho fit
ture, wo wish to nnuoiinro thaf wo wilt
endeavor to. merit n continuance? of favors
nt our new location. Wo lire now showing
nil tho now and Into patterns In sprint:
millinery nnd wilt be pleased, to rccclvo
a call from you.
With O. K. Scolleld Clonk nnd Suit Co.,
1510 Douglas St.
New spring millinery at F. M. Shadcll
& Co., 1522 Douglns.
A Kcho.
"Oh! Miss Mayer, now I am satisfied
thnt tho Ro-No-Mny Powdor Is n posltlvo
euro and nnyono annoyed with odorous nnd
excessive perspiration cannot afford to be
without It; ono box" has cured my patient."
"Yes, doctor, but how can tho incredulous
bo convinced that It Is not injurious to
atop tho cxccsslvo perspiration?"
"Send them to mo and they will no longer
This was the conversation heard in the
elevator of Tho 'Beo building.
Ro-No-May Powder manufactured by A.
Miycr Co., .116 Bao building.
Tho monthly meeting of tho Ladles' Aid
of Central Presbyterian church was hold
on Friday at tno nomo or .Mrs, weBier-
flcld, 2612 Cnpltol avenue, nnd was devoted
to tho lllllng and ticlng of a quilt pieced
by tho Sun Shlno club of the south branch
of tho Young Women's Christian associa
tion, Tho quilt Is to be given to somo
charitable Institution ,ot tho city nnd as it
was pieced by tho llttlo girls, it will prob
ably go to tho nursery of tho new Child
Saving Institute. Tho society has, donn a
great denl of work for tho Institute, hav
ing formerly attended to all of its mend
ing. In celebration of tho first anniversary
of tho opening of Pacific' school, the mothers
of tho children of that district wcro in
vited to meet thero at 3 o'clock on Friday
afternoon, and In response about slxty-flvo
women assembled in n motherB' meeting,
which has become such a popular moans
of securing co-oporatlvo work between tho
parents and teachers. SeatB wero arranged
for tho guests in tho kindergarten room
nnd tho program opened with n musical
number. "Incline Thine Ear," sung by n
well-trained chorus In tho hall. Miss Mc
Carthy, tho principal, then introduced Dr.
Hanchott, who addressed tho meeting on
"Health and Happiness In tho Home,"
which Included a variety of practical sug
gestions and ndvlco. Llttlo Miss Nelllo
Bundy read a selection most appropriate
to tho occasion, und Master Harry Roberts
sang. Mrs. C C. Belden was present ns
a representative of tho Woman's olub, also
a number of teachers.
Preparations for tho next meeting of tho
National Congress of Mothors, which Is to
bo held In Colummis, O., Mny 21-24. nra
being vigorously carrlod on. The program
committee has secured Bomo-of tho most
eminent specialists of tho country nnd
ovory session Is to ho repleto with Inter
esting and valuablo features, The City
Federation of Woman's clubs and tho Board
of Trade of CoUimbus aro making oxton-
slve preparation for tho entertainment of
tho guests nnd delegates, of whom a grenter
number aro expected than nt any other
congress. Tho ontlro plan for this ycais
program Is to aurpuss that of any provlous
Patterson discussed tho "Greek Kingdom;
Ita Rlso and tfttf Future," and Mr. C. G.
Pcarso rend n paper on tho "Greek Consti
tution in Theory) and Practice." "Modern
Greece" proved n most interesting' and
profitable subject. Miss Wallaco brought
tho members of the club Into touch with
Greoce and Greek Ufo of today by reading
a cuarming letter from Mrs. nomer Lewis,
who was traveling in Greece in' October.
Press women nil over tho country are
looking forward to tho mcotlng of tho Ala
bama Women'B Press association, which Is
to conveuo In Tuscaloosa April 10 nnd 11.
Tho session is to, bo attended by many of
tho moat prominent women of the profes
Blon, who will participate in a discussion
of woman's real valuo on a newspaper out
sldo of the woman's department.
Tho children's Industrial work Is soonto
bo taken up In Council Bluffs in a way that
promises excellent results. Fifteen young
women of tho city are meeting weekly and
recolytng Instruction in tho work from
Mlsa Sarah MaFarland, who Is tho assistant
of Miss Mngec, and thoy will soon open
classes for tho children of Council Bluffs,
which will bo held In tho Associated Char
ities building, the young women giving
their services.
Mrs. J. Benson.
Just in
"a large and hand
some line of the
New Shapes
and Styles
Dress Skirts.
Last week's meeting of Chancel guild of
All Saints' church was held at the homo of
Mrs. Strclght. It was decided that tho
guild tako the caro of the cottas of (tho
choir. They havu recently ordorea, for'uso
In tho church, a set of handsomo book
marks mado of green gros grain ribbon era
broldercd with tho ecclesiastical designs
Tho next trcetlng will be held with Mrs
E. E. Hastings.
Tho board of directors of the Woman's
Christian association will hold Us regular
monthly meeting at 10 o'clock Tuesday
morning In tho parlors of tho Young Men's
Christian association.
In selecting tho subject, "Will tho Comlns
Educated Woman Marry?" for his lecture
in tbo auditorium of tho First Methodist
church' on Tuesday evening for tho benefit
of tho Epworth league, Dr. Hirst has In
terested tho majority of tho club women and
By lnvltntton of tho oxccutlvo board of, teachers of tho city, especially as that
tho Massachusetts Stato Federation of subject Is receiving so much attention
Woman's" clubs, there is to bo a couferehcu from leading educators. Miss M. Carry
of nil of tho clubs belonging to tho state ThomaB, president of Bryn Mawr college,
federations of tho six Now England states, has determined that up to a very recent
This couforenco is to bo held in liosiou uuiu u nine over nun ui me Bruunuiea
a.,-11 11 ..mi 12. nnd has been called for of Vassar collcgo havo married, and tho
1 -- ' . . . i . .... .. n
tho nurnoso ox promoting a ciosar
quatntancc and greater unity of Interest
among tho women of Now England,
Tho art donartmcnt of the Woman's club
completed on Friday tho arrangoment of
proportion of the other femalo colleges Is
about tho same. In a recent article on
school and home education Prof. Charles
Do Garmo of Cornoll university nsks:
"Aro Wo Developing n New Sisterhood?"
Ho speaks of tho largo and Increasing num.
tho now pictures and casts in the children's her of teacherB that never marry, predict
room of tho public library nnd tho result
is most gratifying. This completes tho
work with the excoptlon of attaching tho
gilt tltlo plates, which Is to bo done Boon.
On Friday tho members of tbo department
and their guests will havo an Informal
lng that of tho 500,000 women now teaching
In tho schools or tho United States, one
half, If not two-tl)lrds, will remain Blngle,
and those who adopt tho veil of tho now
sisterhood of "Intellectual motherhood," or
school teachers, the majority am' women
tea drinking in tho children's room, that with tho most natural qualifications and
nil may seo what has been accomplished. education for tho real motherhood. While
no does not assign any reason lor mis cou-
Georgo A Custer post and Woman's Ito- dltlon, ho speaks of the social Isolation of
lief corps will hold open ca'mptlro on Tues- tho educated woman and deplores that so-
day evening, March 26, at Red Men's linn, cloty bo falls to appreciate her.
A fellowship has recently been founded Tenth Street City mission was crowded
In memory of tho lato Mary Holland Stono on Thursday evening with children gathered
for tho now term Just opened In a school from all parts of that district to hear tho
of housekeeping conducted by the Woman's atereoptlcon Illustrated talk on tho Span
Educational and Industrial union of Dos- Ish-Amerlcnn war and other historical
ton. This prlvllego promises to bo striven events In tbo history of tho country by Mr.
for by mony of tho bright young women Stevens, which had boon arranged for thorn
who havo taken up housekeeping training by Miss Magee. Thcro wero fully 150 chit
as a profession. dren presont, who enjoyed tho evening's
program, oio of tho features of which was
Unity club met Friday evening, March tho singing of "Marching Through Georgia"
15, at tho residence ot Mr. C. 8. Stcbblns, by a chorus of colored girls, during which
1230 Tark Wild avenue. Tho subject of tho scenes from tbo march wero thrown on
papers read and tho discussion that fol- the canvas. Tho chorus was sung by all of
lowed was "Modorn areeco." A paper on tho.chlldron. The cvonlog was so success-
tho "Continuity of tho Greek Raco" was ful thnt Miss Magee hopes to bo able to
read by Miss Currlo O. Urowno. Mr. II. C. repeat it, using a different subject.
Will open Wednesday,
March 20th, with a com
plete line of Sorosis shoes
The store is furnished
and fitted with the newest
ideas of comfort and convenience for the women folks.
There will bo music nnd llowors at the, Sorosis Shoo Store Wednesday.
Every woman in Omaha and vicinity is cordially invited to look us over on
that day and the invitation holds good for all tho days after only tho enter
tainment will bo more marked on that day A colored maid will bo in constant
attendance sho will look after tho comforts of our visitors and polish tho ladies
There is nothing sensational about Sorosis
shoes oithor in style or price Thoy aro sim
ply good shoes, made after hygenio laws on a
sensible, shapely last. Sorosis namo was
adopted by special permissian of Mary Dame
IIpll, President Sorosis Women's Club, JVew
York City. Tho namo moans, "A collection of
perfect parts, forming a complete and perfect
whole." Sorosis shoes aro admitted in shoo
circles to bo The Standard of the World.
203 South 15th street.
Frank Wilcox, Manager.
I AGAIN I fllf . (
I MARCHir number "of The Mt!, LllSlIt
Delineator. The APRIL tmM$ffili3tfJr T mmmM
NUMBER Is now ready W&SSmffl rS? SpWI'i
1 650'000 ialH pi
SinCle copies, IS cts. Send ?i.oo WMtWm I W ,V AfA'ittfip
to-day and Cct for an entire year Mf vlCXfftHRW 1 jM K!SffiWm$
fSMOJ. tr
ttIMUJ( Kt plllCLHr. At HCeiO'UAlKVX'UnU
nan uuunci i-uii um ..u. .........
11.00 Warner'H I.oi? Cabin Sniwiparlllu.
127 bottles J1.0O Klrk'B Dandruff Curo..
"in ti m imtiln Coku'H Dandruff Curo nt.
$10,000 DRUG SALE
Wo never havo handed out nn many
drugs In fo fow days us wo havo during
this sale,, MONDAY will bo tho LAST
Hero aro SOME o tho articles wo havo
to nrll and thu iiilces nt which wo nro
About Ob boxes Magnet Tile Curo nt.. Mc
iv,i n: 11 so l.ntllfs Kcllow's Hvruii.. itoo
TJU bottles 11.00 size I'erunn at Clo
7i) boxes 1.W West's Ncrvo Treatment, lo
tin "ii i.rviuMi lOn Diamond Dves. nil
colors, nt oo ikc.
28S ll.OU bottles Wlno ot Curdul nt G7o
2So nackiiKcs I.axullvo llromo-Qulnlne. 11c
About W0 23c bottles Sozodont at 14o
Kvery nrtlrlo quoted new nnd fresh goods.
11.00 size Hurnham's Heof, Iron and
Wlno 3,0
About .10,000 Ro Sticks Hlnck Llcorico,
two for
I, 000 big bottles IlousohoUl Ammonia nt So
Kgg Emulsion, 11.00 slzo 49c
II. 00 bottleB Phillips Syrup Wheat l'hos
phato nt . 75o
11.60 bottles Vln Mar nnl at....... 1I.0G
2 bso S5o bottles Genuine Castoria nt 21c
11.00 bottles Trornmer'a Malt (nil Kinds)
at , o
About 1,000 25o bottles Cnrter's Llttlo
Liver t'llls at 12c
2 K00 bottles Imported Hitter Wntor lit.. Ibo
600 pint bottles CltUDE Cnrbollo Acid
at -" each
None of theso goods can bo mailed, nnd
Sherman &McConnell Drug Co.,
Corner ltith and Dodge, Oiuuhs.
& WILSON ball bear
ing machines, or auy
other sewing ma
chlno you may want,
for cash or $5 down
and "Go per week.
Second Hand Sewlnff Machines,
You ought to seo boforo buying n ma
chlnb, what wo ran sell you. Tho follow
ing prices aro for Monday only:
1 Slugor r..oo t 1.00
1 Now Homo 10.00 fi.00
1 DonifBtlu 12.00 6.00
1 Whlto 20.00 10.00
1 Whlto 12-00 n.oo
1 Davis v 12-00 c-00
1 Wheeler & Wilton No. 9, 30.00 13.00
I Wlloex & Olbb3 23.00 J2.&0
I Singer, good us now.. .. 30.00 16.00
Thrco modern drop head sowing ma
chinos at ono-half regular price.
Wo rout sowing machines at 7Sc wcok,
W6 cll needles and parts for, and re
pair every sowing machlno manufactured.
Columbia Illoynlm
Hume Illp)-nlvit
Ntrnrim llleydr
Itaiuliler Illojiilr
Wolff Amcrlenii
In stock. Never bo
foro was thcro such
a lino ot ivhcolu
shown in Omaha,
This Rtoclc Is mado
ui ot tho woll
THE ItELIANCE the best mado wheel In
Omaha for tho money
cholco of equipments ....
ItEOENT up-to-dnto
only ,.
Your good Judgment will toll you to look
this stock ovei boforo buying a wboul.
Second hand wheels from Si up.
(iHOKOi: K. .MICK EL, .Manuucr.
Corner Fifteenth and Harney Streets.