Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1901, Page 6, Image 16

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Mnrcli 17, 1001.
ges and Work
In New Zealand
Kn & 1 ni"k. C t1'r'ntr!r.) hnvc srrntchcd thu country na w
WULMION, Now oaluiid. Kob. 27.- tooth comb f(Jr prulty , , nc
(Special Correspondence of Tin, !!co.)-l had ....I,,. Th iw nmti.t.. .......
loHl inyHulf In Auckland. I hud huoti visit
ing Mr. Frank Dillingham, our Aniorlcan
consul, who lives In ouo of tlio Hiiburlm
under thu shadow of Mount Eden, and had
Htarted hack on foot when 1 mot a uoursuly
dressed, rosy-cheeked, hrlglit-uyed, healthy
looking youiiK man and UHked him to direct
mo to tho Stnr hotel.
llli n fine
act as bar
maids. Tho law provides that uverv bar-
maid must bo given her half holiday once
a week or tho snloonlst pays $25. It Is
tho snuio with all classes of clerks and It Is
tho Bamo In tho factories.
Tho question of the day on which the
people nro to tako their weekly vacation Is
usually settled by tho municipal authorities.
Tl 1m flVltfl 111 Inlillnrir .if ., iron, n.t.t ......
"I am going that way." said he. "und, If llmicf( fr()ln Ulun ,,, aone ol ,, ,
you will walk with me, I will show you."
H i wo went along together.
"How am times herc7" said I.
"Very good." was tho reply. "Wu all
have plenty of work and we gut enough li
keep us from starving."
"What Is your business?" I asked.
"I belong to tho street-uleniilng brigade
I havo a Job with tho city -and I get .s
shillings (al out $2) pur day."
"What hours do you work?"
"nh!" with a laugh, "my hours arc not
had. No ono huru works more than forty
right hours a week. Wo put In enough
tlmo on tho llrst llvo days so that wo can
havo a half holiday Saturday. Wo street
cleaners have a soft thing. Wo havo only
four hours' work on Saturday. Wo begin
at I o'clock In tho morning and gel through
hy 8, so that wo really have tho whole day
for ourselves."
"Hut how about wages on Saturday?"
"Tho wages nro Jimt tho same as for tho
other days. I supposo I should sny I get
18 shillings ($12) per week Instead of 8
shillings a day."
This conversation glveB you soino Idea of
work and wages In Now Zealand. This Is
tho laud of tho elght-hour day and thu
weekly half holiday. So far as thu tnon
aru concerned the laws do not fix tho mini
tier of hourB. but forty-eight working hours
is the usual week of tho laboring man nnd
ivory pen on lias his weekly half holiday.
Hon, with plonty of money In Its treasury, Every factor keeps a record of the age, married and with their families repre
rosultlng from assessments upon Its mem- 8ex character of tho work, hours of work aonted a population of almost G.OOO.
bcrs throughout a porlod of years. As tho nn1 wages of each of his employes and If Now Zealand does all It can to prevent
funds Increased, tho old members decided l,,la ls not ln accordance with tho laws the sweating or housu Industry nt starvation
that all now unionists should pay an Inltla- Inspector will notify him of thu fuel and wages. There are laws against taking work
Hon feo somewhat proportionate to the proaccuto him. heme from thu factories, and tho employer
sharo each would havo In tho assets of the Xn Women uiitl Children. who allows his workmen to do so ls sub
treasury. Thcro wero but few laboring "Wo have vei stringent laws for tho Ject to a penalty not to exceed $50, while,
men who could do this, nnd tho consequence protection of women and children ln tho tho workman himself can bo fined $25. All
was that entrance to tho union was dim- factories," Mr. Tregear continued. "Wo work done for factories outside tho fne
cult. Nevertheless, tho union would not have women Inspectors who go from fac- torles by other parties must bu recorded
permit non-union men to work, nnd, though tory to factory to Investigate the condition nnd also thu names and addresses of thu
they could not handle all tho work them- of tho women. According to law no woman persons by whom said work is done, lo
boIvcs, they still protested against the ship or boy can bu employed for moru thuii Kother with tho amount paid for the same
owners employing outsiders. The ship forty-eight hours a week In a factory. No Any "no who gets work from a factory is
owners could not stand this. They took on boy under II or girl under 18 can work in "t allowed to sublet It under penalty of a
extra men nnd defied tho union. The mem- a glasa factory, nor can any girl under 10 henvy line. Ho must do the work himself
bors of tho union struck, nnd through their bu employed In u urlck or tllo works or or hnvo it dono by his own workmen on IiIm
rclntlons with the other unions brought any place wheru any dry grinding In tliu Piunlses. A label at least two Inches Bquniv
metal trade or thu dipping of luulfer "lllsl ho Put "pun all goods mndo outsldu
mutches Is going on. This Is to protect factories showing Just wheru the good
tho health of thu girl." wero initdo and how. The failure to nlllx
"L'p to what ago do you keep your ehll- hl'ch labels Is liable to a penalty ns high uj
dren out of tho factories?" 1 asked. J30 for each offense, nnd tho removing tliuni
"Wo do not allow any to uj emplotd after having been nillxed ls Unable up to
undor II and uli umkr lti must have passed t00. Fit A NIC 0. CARPENTER,
through tho fourth grade of tho public . , . . .
schools. No woman, and no buy or gill KCVCUlCU 1)' 11 LCttCl
under 18, can bu employed for iiiOiu 'linn
four hours and a half without an Inlcnnl 1,10 hazard f 1111 old letter sold by an
for mcnlB. Wo piovldo that .ill Hie meals '-"togi-apli dealer reveals a fact concerning
shall bo token outsldu the work moms. Mme- "u 0,1,1,1 which me greai wrnur was
This Is to prevent any work being dono
aurlng meal hems."
"How about wages, Mr. Ticgoar' Aro
any of your people paid in orders on
"No, wo havo Btrlct laws as to such mat
ters. Tho payment for labor In goods Is rnvt'11 lot'l(s- 11 was an error. Mine, do
Illegal. In actions for wages, poods or Staul's hair was red, a beautiful Venetian
articles furnished by the employer or sup- redI u nppenrs that red hair, so much
plied on his premises cannot bo brought ndmlred to day, was at the beginning of
forth ns a set off, nor can iho employer sue tl,u century held In horror. Thcro ap
his clerks for things so bought. Workmen I'enrs 110 doubt of tho fact. "It is to be
must bo paid In money, and at least once remarked," says this letter, which Is from
a month, If they so desire. In absence of n certnln Baron Cupelle to the chief of
written agreements thoso engaged In ll()"co of tho day, "relative to Mine, do
manual labor must be paid weekly, and If Stnol, who passes for having black hair lie
not so paid they can attach all money due cause she has always colored it. that It Is
or thereafter to become duo to the employer Naturally red. nnd It would lie easy for her
on tho work. The wages of tlnac who re- ,lius to make of It a disguise."
celvo less than $10 per week cannot be
touched for debt nnd where a man gees KllCllC 1 (IT'S ItCtlCCtlOIlS
utile to keep concealed all her life and
which nobody hns known till now
namely, that she dod her hair. Every
one, even her adorers, believed that her
hair wan black, and nobody knows how
many sonnets havo boon written to her
.-! jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjw '.,
appointed. In somu towns it is Tuesdny, in uloui u guucral sirike all over New
boiiio Wednesday, in some Thursday and in feoalaud. 'ihulr demands were uuruubuu-
many Saturday. Saturday 1b thu day usually able, uud tho sympathy of tho peoplo wub bankrupt tho wages of his clerks nnd work
chcBcn for tho factories, oven though thu with tho nou-uuloulsts and tho ship own- men for four months preceding prefer
tores ln thu samu town may close on an- era. Men camo from all places to help tho entlnl claims on tho estate."
Dther day. If Saturday ls tho day llxed ship owners. Tho fouling wus bo great I hero asked Mr. Tregear to glvj mo s:me
mere are certain classus of men, such as tuat oveu ttio clerks in tho stores united idea of wages In New Zealand. .'Io handed
grocers, butchers and market men, who for vacations, put on overalls and worked mo n government riport, from hlch I have
tuny meet together and choose another ilav for u tlmo on tho wlmrvcM us ciHiiinnii deduced tlm fullnu Iru--
for their regular holiday. laborers. Tho unemployed wero given "Knrm hands with board f,et fro;n $12 to "ly nH lnn,; "s "vr miir wl" Hla' 1,1 ,MlrI-
This closing of tho stores for one-balf places, and tho result was that tho strikers $20 per month, and without board from $t Tno nveinge man quits geltliu liis teeth
day each week seriously disarranges thy wero torrlbly beaten und thoy know It. to $1.7i"i per day. Shepherds receive from 11x0,1 ,en years before ho loses his Inst pollt-
Now York l'rcss: There Is no happy halter
for the horso with thu heaves.
An old bachelor ls a mar. who lias tlioug'it
seriously enough of getting married.
Thu average woman can keen a secret
work of tho commercial travelers. Thu l.iilmi Inn Men In I'lirlliunt'iit. $230 to $:ino per year, and shearers about
morchnnts will not buy on a holiday and "They reconsidered tho situation," con-
tlio salesmen havo to rogulato thulr trips tinned Mr. Tregenr, "and decided that their
o as to skip tho holiday towns on such only ehauco for a fulr show In tho future
tuya. Thu railroad guides publish thu was In electing worklngmen to Parllniuunt.
iiniues of tho towns, with thu dnys of the They at onco began thoir campaign, adopt-
week set asldo as holidays opposite each lug tho rule that every candidate of the
tewn. worklugmun's party must bo a worklngniau.
On half holidays tho streets nro as do- They then argued tho question of their
Horticl as on Sunday. Thoro aro crlckui rights in tho shops, on tho streots and on
matches, golf meetings and excursions, tho stump, and as u result soou had enough
Most of tho peoplo put on thoir best clothes momborB In Parliament to hold tho bnlauco
and go to tho parks, nnd tho wholo town of powor. Tho peoplo outsldo tho laboring
tnkeB a vacation. Some go off Into tho classes became Interested ln tho struggle,
country, nnd you will now nnd then meet Public sentiment changed. Tho peoplo saw
a man on n tramp trip from Saturday to thero wero two aides to tho question, and
Monday. On audi dnys tho saloons arc wo now havo n number of worklngmon
usually open. They nro not known ns mombera of Parliament."
saloons, but hotels, nnd you never expect "Hut do your worklngmen representatives
a hotel to shut up. Ab far as 1 can aee. stick to their class nfter thoy aro elected?"
however, there Is much less drinking nt I naked.
uch times thnn you would o.xpoct, nnd "in most cases they do," replied Mr. Trc
nothlng llko that of Saturday nfternoons genr, "but In some not. In tho lattor In
In tho cities of Scotlnnd. stuucea tho worklngniau atarts ln enthusl
Thu clerks seldom work much mora thnn aetlcnlly. Ho ls all for labor and nothing
eight hours a day. I hnvo gono along the for capital. He la soon corrupted, however,
atreeta at 8 o'clock In tho morning and hy bis association with tho rich. Tho din
found many of tho stores still closed. Thoro nors nnd attentions of his wealthier Par-
la also n provlBO that merchants and banks Hnnlentnry follows turn his head. Uy tho NHW ZEALAND'S KAMOUS LABOR SEC
leal ambition.
If a woman had her own way her Inst re
quest would probably be for them lo ilx
her luilr a certain way for the funeral.
There are more men than women in the
world, but If half the women had the men
they wanted tliuro would bo none of us left
for the rest.
The average man respects a woman who
Is honest enough not to try to smile when
ho Bteps on tho back of her dress and they
both hear It tear.
Thu Ordinary Citizen
Detroit Journal:
stood aghast.
"What! resign?" lie exclaimed.
I.'x m.l. .1 i. . . ...
v o uiuj me inner any you wero telling mo
what a sinecure your olllco is!"
Tho Mero Politician smiled wnnly.
"My dear sir," ho replied, "hnvo you
n.ver reilected that It takes only a llttlo
shal lag up to mnko sinecure spell Inse
cure?" Eplgrammntle this, and suggesting that
thf Mere Politician was perhaps, after nil.
less mere thnn had been thought.
Where thoro Is no weekly arrangement the must close their plnccs at f In tho nfter- .ud ot the llrst sciilou ho has risen abovo
day lasts for eight hours uud when men nru noons for two-thirds of each month. Thero !,a claca and changes his wurMiif, for a
employed by the wouk thoy piece out tho Is a penalty for delivering goods on n half tweed suit. At tho end of tho next session
ulght-hoiir day by working overtime, so ns holiday, and tho Inw provides that tho you find him ln a black broadcloth with a
to glvo them only four or five hours on clerks shall not bo worked longer on ordl- tall bat, and thereafter ho probably votes
Saturday or boiiio other day of tho week, nary dnys to make up for their halt holiday, with tho capitalists. As a wholo, however,
All government employes put In forty-olght A Clint with St-orftiiry (or i.iitior. our worklngmen make fairly good ropre-
hours a week. The various tradeB unions n wna to ask boiiio uucstlons about this sontatlves."
Ilx this ns their tlmo and nt present tho nnd other labor matters that I called tho 1 asked ns to tho feeling between labor
only peoplo who work longer nro tho men other dny upon thu Honornblo Edward Tru-
on thu farms and thu clerks In tho Btorea. Kenr, nt tho Labor department In Welling-
Thero nro a few trades which necessarily tun. Nuw Zealand has a department of
require some overtime), but, as a rule, tho ubor which ranks oven with the other do-
nnlons equalize this and thu law steps In partnients of thu government. It Is on tho
anil Biipporls thu uiiIoiib in their rules. Hnmu basis as tho Treasury department and
5 cunts per sliuep. The sheep sluarera have
their union and regulate wages.
"Masons, bricklayers, plustarors and car
penters get from $2 to 33 par day, nnd
plumbers nnd painters about the' sninf.
Saddlers uro paid from $1.75 to $.'.50, shoe
makers from $1.50 to $2.30, and valch
mnkera from $2 to $3."
As to common everyday laborers, thoy got
and cnpitnl. Mr. Tregear replied:
"I think it la very good. Aa I told you,
WU linvn lint hnil n ntrlbn fnr anvm, vnnp.
- - " -- ,-, , , - , , - .... . ....
and thero aro no Indlcntlona that wo shall " , l'lr (11 u,K"i noma.
havo nny In tho future Tho govorumont LnR",tu'H 'rom $2 to $3 per day,
has enacted certnln factory laws and our ""'"'a "' ' -,uu, uuicners from $
11 n l 111 IH imillJ ltUKI4 llllUUb ....... . . tt u uuu wu ,i
It was recently decided In a trouble bo- Agricultural department, and tho socro- arbitration and conciliation acts remove tho " 1 r , K nnu ""'JPositors from $10 to
tween the employers and the BhoeinnkoiB tnry for labur baa as much Inlluonce In possibilities of strikes." " vy
of Auckland that forty-eight hourB must bo Nuw Zealand as a cabinet minister has m "dive mo aomo Iden of your factory laws, , ryk'"mls s,orcs clerks are paid from
considered u full week's work, nnd that no thu United States, Tho present head of Mr. Tregear," said I. 7.u0 to $-0 per week; grocery clerks receive
shoemaker should bo paid less than 20 cents the Labor department Is Mr. Tregenr. Ho "Theso laws regulate the building und "om 7 r'u lc ,er WL'ek 1111,1 bakers about
an hour. Thu Auckland butchers limit hns been secretary for labor for tho past mnnngoment of tho fuctorles. They require 1 10 BamQ- T'JU wages vary In thu different
their lnbor to slxty-ono hours, but thoy tako decade, and has been ono of thu prlmo that tho buildings bo well ventilated and lir,Icca of Now Zealand, tho highest bulntr
off nlno hours of that tlmo for meals, so movers in all of Nuw Zealand's export- that tho machinery bo so protected as to lia', B0'" llol,ls'
that tho week's work is forty-olght hours, ments for tho benefit of tho laboring tnon. presorvo tho llfo and health of tho em- . Bvernment hns a minimum wage for
Tho wnges of tho different classes of butch- it was in Ills olllco at tho department of ployes. Every factory must havo certain certain classes. According to law overy
crs aro llxed by law and the employer who labor that 1 mot Mr. Tregear. Ho Is a sanitary arrangements. It must bo kept " 0 work8 111 tho factories must re
breaks the law will bo lined not to ex- Blender, bright-eyed, Intellectual looking clean ni.d must furnish fresh drinking colvo 80llll,thing. It Is Imposslblo to retain
cecd $50. ,an about 10 years of age. Ho Is u good water. nn nPPrentleo merely for tho privilege of
I hnvo before mu boiiio decisions of tho talker, especially on tho subjects nearest "Aa to tho management of tho factories," 'earning r. trade. Noting peoplo under 18
government bonids of conciliation and his heart, namely, thoso connected with tho secretary for labor went on, "wo havo yol,r8 ot "8" mU8t hu paid at least $1 per
arbitration regulating such matters. In nil tho lnbor movements. During our convor- ninny laws to protect tho worklngmen, nnd , ley nr K'rls IU"' 11 wuok "
of them tho union rules na to tlmo nro up- satlon ho told mo that ho was ot tho hot- especially the unions. Tho factory law ls they aro boya, Irrespective of overtime, and
hold nnd nn hour rntu of from 25 to 50 per tout n socialist, nnd that ho believed Now such that It Includes nearly overy working- y th0 fllctory nct tho pay for overtime
cent higher than tho regular wages is Zenland's efforts townrd equalizing tho man In tho country. A fuctory Is defined ns cnnnot bo cs than 12 cents nn hour.
two or more persons aro , ', " "' "' ..
charged for all overtime.
Wi eUI) llnir llnllihl)-.
Tho weekly half holiday Is compulsory.
Tho dny la usunlly llxed by thu local
authorities nnd tho factory or merchant who
rights of man to bo tho beginning of a do- n place in which
volopinent which would spread and which working for hlro nt any trade or handicraft;
would In tlmo bettor tho social condition nny such place conies under tho fnctory
of mankind.
I nsked Secrolnry Tregenr how tho labor-
keeps ills store open la fined for doing bo, lug mon had come to get tho upper hand In
even If ho dismisses his employes. If the Now Zrnland, Ho replied:
tnorchnnt keeps his clerks ho ls fined for "a orlglnntod In a Btrlko which failed. It
that. 1 seo a record of n mnn In Koxton wnB tho Inst strlko we hod, and It wbb local Inspectors.
who employed two lioya under 18 years of n)0ro than seven yoars ago. At that tlmo into districts
ngo on Saturday afternoon n fow months tho unions controlled mnny branches of of ono of these Inspectors. By law tho fnc-
ago, Ho was cnllcd up by tho court nnd trndo and they wero fairly woll united, torles must bo open to such Inspection at m nv ,.,. .
act anil is aubject to government Inspec
"And nro nil factories Inspected?" I asked.
"Evory one of them," replied Mr. Tro
Tho labor department has Its emnlovmnnt
burenu3 at Wellington nnd nt 200 other
places, covering nil parts of Now Zealand.
At theso bureaus those who want work and
thoso who want workers register nnd the
govomment brings tho two togothor. This
is so not only ns to fnctnrins imi,.
llllf. .l.. ,... i . .n . '
.u uu.u u tuioi iiiDiifuiui- uuu JUj ilotnest c service nnd fnrm ,n.,
-a. i no country ib divided up these bureaus tho government gets many of
ami each Is under the charge 8 employes for the public works and In
You can savo your
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from tho ravages
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small cost
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Proof Bag-
keeps moths out a bag iawts for
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Nothing better for preserving wool
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iV NEW I.nVR HnNn i,nti. . i..
Bomo cases it advances money to laborers 1Iluslc. waits chorus, entitled, "Oii the
their new nlnces of am. i V'r, V A"""". 'r.K9- . r1""' wnlst Hut
heavily fined. Another mnn employed n Among others thcro was a union which nny tlmo of tho day or night nnd their ployment In ono year morn thl m' ' Ijleccs) aonts' Hhlrt'not if i;i...Hr hi" kSw
carter to work on a half holiday. Ho paid handled all freight at tho wharves, called managers must give nil Information do- obtauVed work thron.h th i . ' D cnL' i?t,AI,,,nlT",,; 0110 ' nv
about $5 and costa. Tho aaloon.a.s hero ,ho Mnrltlmo union. It was an old organlza- sired as to the workmen or workwomen. TS numbed '"than UoTZo cSjo" I &Sn Ai