THE OTs ATI A DAILY BEE. PATTED AT, MATtCTI 1, 1001. a Members of Benevolent and Secret Societies of America Write Enthusiastic Letters to Dr. Hartman Praising Peruna MME I E BAVEAS. MRS T.W. COLLIN 5 MR C.L. BYRON BERTHA WENTNER MRS. MINNIE STEEVES ANNIE GLEN MR5.ANNA NICH0L8 MRS. HARM ET A.S.M AR5H 1 M (irnnil I, mine of I'lTO .MllSOIIS. Madamo Isabella KUcn Havcas, Llfo (lovernor of the Grnnd Lodge of Free Minions of England, sayB: "Whllo traveling I con tracted n most persistent cold. My head nchcd, my eyes and noso seemed constantly running, and my lungs wcro sore. A druggist recommended Poruna, which cured me." Isabella K. Havens. J.oynl Mystic Legion f Minnesota. Mr. James S. Parks, 293 Endtcott nulldlng, St. I'nul, Minn., writes: "I prize Peruna, for Us healing qualities in cases of catarrh of tho stomach and lungs."' James S. Parks. Independent Order of Koresters of loirn n. O. Tucker, Treasurer Independent Order of Foresters, of Council Bluffs, la., writes: "Peruna has been both doctor and medicine chost nt my mother's home for years. Wo use It suo ccssfully In kidney troubles, liver com plaints, and. stomach and bowel diseases." II. O. Tucker. Chicago North Side Woman's Club. Miss Dado Stegcman, Superintendent of the Chicago North Sldo Wom nn's Club, writes: "Peruna has been used by members of our club for stomach trouble, gen eral debility and la grlppo with very good re sults." Miss Dado Stegc man. Younir Woman's (.'lull of Montana. Miss Rose Cullcn, Pres ident Young Woman's Club, writes from 921 Oa leiia street, Butte, Mont.: "Whllo finishing school I was exhausted from over-study and could nolthcr eat nor sleep. Two bottles of Peruna cured me." Roso Cullcn. Catholic Kuluhts of Anierlcn. Mr. Mathlas Lelf, Sec rotary Uniform Hank Catholic Knlghtrf of America, writes from 3327 N. Clark street, Chi cago, III.: "I have used Peruna for thrco years as strengthening tonic nnd tlnd It valuable when tho system gets run down." Mathlas Lelf. Independent Oriler of (Jnoil Tcmplnrs of WhsIiIukHiii. Mrs. T. W. Collins, Treasujer I. O. C. T., of Kverett, Wash., has used tho great ca tarrhal tonic, Peruna, for an aggravated case of dyspepsia. She writes: "After having a severo attack of la grippe, I also suffered with dyspepsia. After taking Peruna I could soon cat my regular meals with relish, my system was built up, my henlth returned and I have re mained In excellent strength and vigor now for over a year." Mrs. T. W. Collins. Chlcngo German Wnmnn's Club. Mrs. C. L. Byron, President of German Women's Club, of 646 Lincoln avenue, Chi cago, 111., writes: ""I was cured of a severe case of bladder trouble. I had severe headacho and drag ging pains with It. Aftor using flvo bottles of Peruna llfo looked different to me." Mrs. C. L. Byron. I.ckIoii of I.oynl "Women of Jln, Miss Mnttlo B. Curtis, Secretary Legion of Loyal Women, of Boston, says: "I suffered for over a year with general weakness nnd debility; also severo back ache I took four bottles of Peruna nnd am entirely cured of these maladies." Mat tlo B. Curtis. Daughters of tlir Confederacy. Mrs. Col. E. J. Grcsham of Hcrndon, Va., Treasurer Daughters of the Confederacy, writes as follows: "1 suffered with catarrh of the head and lungs In Its worst form. I took six bottles of Poruna and they were worth a king's ransom to roe. I am a truo believer In Po- runn." Mrs. E. J. Qrcsham. I An Illinois Knight Templar. In a recent letter from 5900 Michigan avenue, Chicago, 111., Col. T. P. Moody, a prominent Knight Templar, says: "I suffered wllh catarrh for over 25 years; for 10 years I had catarrh of tho stomach. I took Peruna and am better than I have beon In 20 years." T. P. Moody. Illinois Woinnn'n Alliance. Roxa Tylor, Vice Presldont Illinois Wo man's Alliance, 910 E. 60th street, Chicago, 111., says: "During tho past year I gradually lost flesh and strength until I was unablo to perform my work properly. Peruna gave mo now life and restored my strength." Roxa Tyler. Sccretnry Illinois Ladles of fl. A. It. Mrs. Julia C. Brown, Secretary Henry W. Lawton Circle, No. 27, of Pecatonlcn, 111., writes: 'I am thoroughly convinced that Peruna Is a reliable family medicine. It Is a splen did remedy In cases of Indigestion or any Irregularities of the stomach." Mrs. Julia C. Brown. Illnli State Council of Women. Lucy A. Clark, Vice President Utah Stato Council of Women, Farmlngton, Utah, writes: "Peruna Is a good remedy for grip, ex treme weariness or frequent backache. It keeps the body In a healthy condition." Lucy A. Clark. A Prominent Snni1ny School Worker . Miss Bertha E. Wentncr of Buckley, Wash., a prominent Sunday School worker, writes: "Having tried several remedies for chronic catarrh of tho bronchial tubes with out being helped, I began to think thcro was no euro until I tried Peruna. A great chango for tho better nt once took place, and after two months' faithful uso Pcruiu cured me." Bertha E. Wentner. Chicago TcnclierV l'cilcrntluii. Miss Jennie Johnson, President of tho Chlcngo Teachers' Federation, writes from 3118 Lake Park avc., Chicago, III.: "During tui past ten years I havo been n teacher In Chicago and havo often found myself worn out nnd In need of a tonic. Among tho differ ent remedies I havo tried, none havo helped mo more than Peruna. I And It especially helpful In enses of catarrh of tho stomach; It restores tho funrtlons of nature, In duces sleep nnd builds up the entire system. It has been a great help to me." Jennie Jobnsou, IlllnolH AVoinnn'n Alllnncr. Mrs. Minnie Stccvcs, President Illinois Woman's Alliance, 42 Delawaro Place, Chi cago, 111., writes: "Ever since my son, now grown, wns born I linvo suffered with some peculiar weak ness of tho pelvic organs which no medi cine seemed to reach. My sister nsked mo to try Peruna as a last resort. It worked wonders with my system and In a few weeks tho pains began to lenvc. I kept on taking It and nm now In perfect health." Mrs. Minnie Sleeves, Applcton Von tin I. miles' Club. Miss Mary Coats, Pres ident of tho Applcton Young Ladles' Club, of Applcton, Wis., speaks In glowing terms of Peruna. A letter recently received from her by Tho Peruna Mcdlclno Co., reads ns follows: "1 am glad to call tho attention of my friends to Poruna. When that languid, tired feeling comes over you and your food no longer tastes cood, and small annoy ances Irritate you, Poru na will mako you feel like another person Inside of a week. I have now used It for three seasons, nnd find it very valuable and efficacious." Miss Mario Coats. I. miles O. of A. Illlnol It. Mrs. Lavlna Walker, Department Chaplain of Ladles of tho G. A. It., of Illinois, writes: "I have used Peruna when worn nut nnd found results. Ukcr. WIH most gratifying re Mrs. Lavlna Wal Illinois Clirlstlan Temperance I'ntnii Miss Mattlo L. Guild, President Young Pcnplo's Christian Tcmpornnco Union, of Chicago, writes: "I havo found Peruna to bo the beat rem edy for catarrh I havo ever tried. I beliovo It worthy of endorsement." Mattlo L. Guild. Dnuuebrn Society of Ioitii. C. N. Peterson, President Danncbro So ciety, Council Bluffs, la., says: "Constant confinement In my store began to tell on my health and I was breaking down. Flvo bottles of Peruna completely restored me to health." C. N. Peterson. lorra Athletic Association. John II. Corllcs, Council Bluffs, Iowa, Secretary Iowa Athletic Association, writes the following: "I suffered for threo years with severo trouble of tho kidneys nnd other pelvic or gnns. I used Peruna for U weeks and It cured mo." John H. Corllcs. Higher Kilnentlnnnl l.cngiic of Wash ington, I), C. Miss Frances M. Ander son, Secretary of tho II 1 g h o r Educational League of Washington, D. C, writes as follow a: "About two months ago 1 was taken very 111 with la grlppo and was obliged to go to bed, I took threo bottles of Perunn with very beneficial re sults nnd was nblo to leave my bed In a week and regnlned my usual strength very soon. "I hnve nothing but prnlso for Peruna, and recommend It to thmo similarly afflicted when ever I can." Frances M. Anderson. Knights or l' thins of Vel.fnsUa. II. S. Emory. Vico Chancellor K. of P.'s, writes from 213 N. 16th street, Omaha; "1 can recommend Peruna as a cure for catarrh of tho stomach nnd head: also In kidney complaint nnd weakness of polvlo organs." II. S. Emory. Callfornlu (Srnnil Army of (lie He public. Hon. I). L. Jnycox, Chaplain G. A. It., writes from K65 Broadwny, Oakland, Cnl.: "I contracted severo bladder and kid ney trouble. I used Peruna for four months and bellevo myself cured. I would not be without Peruna In time or need for ten times Its cost." D. L. Jay-cox. Betsy Itnss Kilticn ( 1 ii ii I niul Benev olent .Society. Miss Maggie Welch, Secretary Betsy Ross Ed ucational Society, writes from .128 North Stato St., Chicago, III.' "Last fall I caught the most severs rold I ever had In my life, my lungs and throat beenme so sore that I was In great dis tress. All rough reme dies nauseated me and nothing gavo me rollef until my doctor said ruthpr ns a tnkn. 'I cuess lL Poruna Is the only medl U clno thnt will cure you.' I told him I would cer tainly try It and immedi ately sent for a bottlo and nfter taking It faithfully tho cough gradually diminished and the soreness loft mo. It Is fine." Maggie Welch. ii. A. It. Belief Corps of Washington. Mrs. Jano Baxter of Fremont, Wnsh., President O. A. R. Relief Corps, writes tho following: "I used Peruna for a. severo and contln ued bnekacho and found It the only remedy that could over cure mo. Mrs. Jane Bax ter. Schnnchlsehcr Sncngcrhiiml, Chicago, Fritz Vollmer of Chicago, III., President of tho Schwaeblscher Saengerbund, of Cbl cngo, III., writes: "I suffered with catarrh of the throat and was afraid I would lose my voice. took Peruna and It cured me promptly." Fritz Vollmer. Baxter Itchekah Lodge, Kansas City. Anna P. Nichols. 906 Main street, Kansas City, Mo Vico Grand Hebckah lx)dge, says: "At times my system beenmo entirely run down, I could not sloop well nnd lost my appetite. Since I havo used Peruna I feel llko a different woman." Anna P. Nichols. (en. II. W. I.Hirton Circle, Ladles of the (i. A. It. Mrs. Annie Glen, Edgcwatcr, III., Presi dent Ocn. H. W. Lawton Circle, No. 27, Ladles of tho G. A. It., writes: "I have suffered for nearly eight yctrs with more or less backacho and bearing down pains. My druggist recommended that I tako Perunn and It was simply a God send to me. Inside of flvo weeks I wns once more a strong and happy woman." Mrs. Annlo Glen. Order Knstern Star, Chicago, III. Mrs. A. E. Howe, 239 Rush street, Chi cago, 111., Worthy Matron of Chicago Chnp tcr, No. 161, Order of Eastern Star, writes: "There Is no mcdlclno I know of that is so perfect a healer for all cases of catarrh nB Peruna. It Is a friend to women, alio vintlng tho pnlns peculiar to tho sox nnd restoring them to health and strength." Mrs. A. E. Howe. Betsy Boss ldacatlonul anil Benevo lent Society of Illinois. Mrs. Alice Rush, Conductress Betsy Ross Educational and Benevolent Society, writes from 42 Delaware Place, Chicago, 111.: "Peruna has my best wishes as it cured mo last winter of a cold which settled all over me, causing a bnd catarrh, and no doctors or medicines helped mo. I could not sleep nights and lost flesh until I took Peruna. Three bottles of Peruna roado mo a well and happy woman again." Mrs. Alice Rush. American Anti-Trent Society of .Minn. Joseph H. Rldgeway, Secretary American Anti-Treat Society, of St. Paul, Minn., writes: "It Is with great pleasure that I endorso Peruna as an honest medicine, competent to do all It claims. I havo used It sovcral tlmea In cases of severe colds and catarrh and know of nothing that cures so com pletely and at the same time builds up tho system." Joseph II. Rldgeway. l.oynl .Mystic I.eKlou or Minnesota. Miss Anna RubscII. Past Worthy Pat roness, writes from 293 Endlcott Building, St. Paul, Minn.: "For yenrs my system was In a peculiar ly receptive condition for catarrh when oxposcd In any way to Inclement weather. "Now, for thH past year and a half, I havo used Peruna In such onscB nnd havo found that It not only cures mo quickly, but It also cleanses my blood nnd renders mo less liable to catch cold." Miss Anna Rus sell. Ilobsnn I'ost, i. A. II. Mrs. Clara Thomas', Chief Guard Robson Post, G. A. R., of Albert Lea, Minn., writes: "I suffered with govern kidney and blad dor troubles. I used Poruna and am glad to say ttmt today I am a perfectly well woman, thanks to Peruna." Mrs. Clara Thomas. Women of Woodcraft, Washington. Mrs. JoKophlne Benson, Guardian Grand Circle, Women of Woodcraft, Seattle, Wash., writes: "I contracted a severe cold on my lungs last fall. Peruna not only completely healed my lungs, but cured tho catarrh of my head as well, which had set In." Mrs. Josephlno Benson. I, O. O. I". of Washington. Moses B. Crane, Secretary I. O. O. F writes from Tacoma, Wash.: "I can endorso Peruna as a euro for kidney troubles ns It affords speedy and satisfactory results." Moses II. Crane. Wnmnn's Ilencvo- lent Association jF", of Chlcngo. Mrs. Henrietta A. S. Marsh, President Woman's Benevolent. Association, of 327 Jnckson Park Ter- tace, Woodlawn, Chlcogox III., says: "I suffered with la grlppo for seven weeks and nothing helped ran until I tried Peruna I felt nt onco that I had at last secured tho right medicine and kept stead ily Improving. Within three weeks I was fully restored." Henrietta A. S. Mnrsh. LnUe View I.oiIbc of Foresters, Wm. Ubelaker, Presi dent Lako Vlow Lodge of Forcstors, writes from 3327 North Clark street, Chicago, III.: "When I have beon ox ooscd to wet or Inclem ent weather my chest would hurt mo nnd I would have serious Indi gestion, nnd I would bo lnld up for a day or two, causing inconvenience and pain. One of my lodgn friends advised mo to try Peruna ns It had helped him, and I found that a bottle cured me. If I feel badly tow I nt once tnko two or throo doses nnd I And It keeps mo In flno health." Wm. Ube laker. VnlWreln Association. Mrs. Catherine Toft, President Valkreln As sociation, writes from 5619 Cottage Grovo nvo Chicago, III.: "It has been my privi lege to ndvlso n number pf my friends concerning tho best mcdlclno In cases of u worn out con stitution. Know of noth ing better than roruna In cases of catarrh of tho stomach and for liver troublo It Is of superior merit. I glndly endorso It." Cnthorlno Toft. Itoynl Templars of Tcmpernnce. Hon. John Elliot, Pres ldont Royal Tomplars of Temperance, writes from 1216 Ellsworth St., Phila delphia, Pa.; "I have found so much help In cases of cntnrrhal troublo, also in kidney and bladder diseases that I can recommend It to all sufferers. It Is a ro llablo medicine," John Elliot. W. C. T. V. of Illinois. Mrs. Anna B. Flcharty, recent superintendent of W, C. T. U. hendquartera at Galosburg, III., writes as follows from 401 Sixty seventh St., W., Chlcngo, III.: "My health failed mo n. few years ago. I took Peruna and am well." A. B. Flcharty. IlIP Ii most gratifying results." gans. I used Peruna for 14 weeks and It need for ten times Its cost."-!). L. Jay- " took Peruna and It cured me promptly."- kidney troubles as It afford, speedy nnd Peruna apd . well."- W i,ufUC K -Mrs. Lavlna Wnlkcr. cured mo."-John 11. Corllcs. j Cox. Fritz Vollmer. satisfactory results. -Moses II. Lrane. A. B. Flcharty. MATH IAS LEIF JOHN H. CORLJES D.L.JAYCOX H.J.EORY FRITZ VOLLMER MOSES B.RANE J0HNELL0T ' B, i 1 1 1 1 ., , .- , , ... I