Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Gilbert J. Moffot li Sentenced to the
Penitentiary. .
Jlotfrl I'lcniU SnlH' Httmslve
Swindle liiiponrit lipon Hnll
runilo hihI liiMirimoo C'iiih
jinnli'N llln lU-coril.
Arrested at 6 o'clock Thursday night, ar
raigned In court at 10 o'clock yesterday
morning and In lens than an hour there
after lodged In Jail to await transfer to the
This I In hrtcf tbo toboggan slldo ex
perienced by Gilbert J. Moffot, tho alleged
railway and Insurance swindler, whoso ar
rest In Council muffs was detailed In Tho
Heo yesterday morning. A deputy marshal
Btarted with MoHet for tho penitentiary
last night. '
Tor quick action In tho courts tho case
of Moffot In a record breaker. His sentence
to tho penitentiary wiib hastened by tho
fact that ho readily entered a pica of guilty.
Wlillo Moffct was arrested and sentenced
In Council Muffs' Omaha Is nono tnq less
Interested In bis case, for be operated ex
tensively In this city.
During tho afternoon Thursday tho grand
Jury in Council Muffs returned an Indict
ment against Ollbort J. Moffct, alias
James D. Knrah, A. J. Smith,
etc., on tho charge of scheming to defraud
by unlawful uso of tho United States malls.
Tho prisoner has been living nt a First
avenuo boarding house, Council Muffs, for
about two months under the namo of James
I). Karah.
Moffct Is reputed to have swindled twenty
ono accident Insurance companies, eight or
ten of tho leading railway companies of the
east, tho street railway companies ot
Omaha, St. l'nul, Minn., Chicago and St.
Louis. Bo far as tho dotoctlvcs havo lcarnca
ho has gathered In, It is cstlmnted, over
$10,000 In tho last six years.
lie I'li'iiiln C.ullty.
When arraigned beforo Judgo Smith Mc
Phorson yesterday morning tho prisoner ac
knowledged that ho bad been Indicted under
tho right namo of Gilbert J. Moffct and
that ho was guilty as charged.
"You say your right namo Is Moffct, but
I nco that you also paancd as A. J. bmltn
and James D. Karah. How do you account
tor this Intiulrcd tho court.
"My wlfo is an nstrologlst and palm
reader and In that business It Is customary
to go under an assumed name. Karah Is
tho namo my wlfo uses."
"Hut how about tho namo of Smith. What
did you use that for?" tho court Inquired
At this point in tho questioning tho prls
oner commenced to show signs of cmbar
rassmnnt and It was somo seconds before
ho answered:
"I had an insurance policy undqr that
"So I understand," replied tho court.
In answer to further questioning by tho
court Moffet said his homo was at Sll
Twentloth street, Denver, and that ho had
'ii wlfo and two children.
"What were you doing In Council Muffs?"
nsked tho court.
"I came bcro to sell mining stock" was
tho roply.
Tho prisoner was represented by Attorney
John Limit and tho latter attempted to
mako an appeal to tho court for leniency
on account of tho prisoner's wife and two
"As I understand it; your honor," ho
mid, this In tho first time that tho defend
tint has, over been brought into u court of
Justice or charged with any offense."
Court' .SiiRfxllc Iti'innrU.
Tliu court Interrupted and Inquired It ho
know tho prisoner.
"Only as from what he baa told mo him
self," replied tbo nttorncy.
"I thought so," said tho court.
Tho attorney had nothing moro to say
mid Judgo Mcl'herson proceeded to pans
sentence, which was that tho prisoner
should be conQncd at hard labor In tbo
state penitentiary at Fort Madison for ono
year and a day and pay n lino of $100.
Moffet's taco Hushed and he was cvi
dently on the point of breaking down when
Jed from tbo court by Deputy Marshal
Tho particular charge on which Moffct
was convicted was for using tho malts In
an attempt to defraud tho General Accident
insurance corporation of Perth, Scotland,
through the general agents In Philadelphia.
Under the namo ot James D. Karah ho held
nn accident policy In tbo company and
claimed damages for Injuries alleged to
bavn been received on January 17 when n
runaway tiwltch rnglno from tbo Rock
Island local yards dashed Into n Wabash
passenger train at tho transfer depol
Moffct succeeded In collecting $50 from tho
Itock Island railroad, but when bo sent lu
his claim to tbo Insurance company. It be
came auspicious and investigations mado
by Franklin J. Moore, the assistant man
ager, led to tho unraveling of a glgantlo
hcheme which Moffct under sevoral aliases
bad successfully worked for several years
on accident lnsuranco companies, street
railways and Bovcral of tho large railroad
companies throughout tbo country.
.NiiIIiIiik Slow AImiiiI Him.
Kvldonco In tho hands ot tho government
authorities shows that ho defrauded tbb
Hopeless and Helpless.
. Thu consequences of a diseased condi
tion of the stomach nud digestive and
nutritive system are most disastrous to
the whole body. One by one every
oran may laconic involved. The mis
ery is maddening. The most extreme
cases of "stomach trouble" and the evils
resulting from it have been cured by Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It
fctrcngtlicns the stomach, purifies the
blood nud builds up the body with sound
healthy flesh,
"1 was taken with severe headache," writes
Thomas A. ttwarts, llox ioj, Sub-Station C, Co
lumbui. Ohio, then cramps in the stomach, and
my food would not digest, then kidney and liver
trouble, and my hack, got weak ro I could
scarcely get around. I just gave moneV to the
doctors wlicuever I thought thry would do me
any good, but the more I doctored the worse I
got until six years paued. 1 had become so
poorly I could only walk In the house by the aid
of chair, nud I got o thin I hail rnvn up la die,
thluklnc that I eoutd not be cured, Then I saw
one of my neighbor boys and he kald,BTuVe my
advice nud take I)r tierce's Golden Medical
Discover' and make a new man out of yourself."
The first bottle helped me so I thought I would
f:et another, und after I had taken eight bottles
n about sia weeks I was weighed and found I
had gained twenty-seven (37) pounds. I have
done more hard work in the part eleven mouths
than I did In two years before, and I am as stout
and healthy to-day, 1 think, as I ever was.1
Or. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure
Chicago & Alton, the Santa Fr, the Mllwau-
kec, tho St. Paul &. Duluth, tho Illinois
Central and tho Michigan Central railway
companies on bogus claims for Injuries.
The street railways victimized by him were
tho Omaha, Minneapolis, two ot tho Chicago
companies before tholr consolidation and thu
St. Paul Intcrurban lino. From mutual ac
cident Insurance companies, the Travelers
of Iowa among tbo number, he succeeded In
securing upward ot $10,000 during the last
four or Ovo years. The Aetna, Pacific Mu
tual, Preferred, Standard, Fidelity and
Casualty and New England Accident In
surance companies were also defrauded by
him for sums ranging from $200 to $950.
Moffct Is known to havo had an accom
plice, but tho latter, the government au
thorities say, has reformed and Is now lead
ing an honorable life. It was through Ills
assistance that they were enabled to secure
much of the evidence against Moffet.
Moffet's pcrsonnl nppcaranco would not
Indicate that he Is tbo shrewd man ho has
proven himself to be. Ho Is about medium
height, with curly hair and n long mus
tache, and looks like an Italian waiter.
When tho Insurance company first bo-
camo suspicious about his claim for In-
urlcs In tho Wabash wreck hero It sent
detectives from Chicago to shadow blm.
Tho man had been but n few days In Coun
cil Muffs when Moffct was awnro ot It
and ho wroto the company stating that In
stead of paying tho expense of a dotccllvo
to shadow him It would bo better for It to
uso the money In paying his claim. His
fraudulent schemes were always marked
with much daring and frequent success had
emboldened blm.
Injurlrn Mnr In Order.
How bo happened to be In Council Muffs
tho. morning of tho Wabash wreck has not
been explained, but that be was not a pas
senger In tbo train has been ascertained.
Half an hour after tho accident bo appeared
at 803 First avenuo nud engaged a room.
About 10 o'clock that morning ho returned
to tbo houso with his right hand bandaged
tip and ho said bo bad been hurt In tbo
wreck. Ho went to a local physician, who
attended blm. It devoloped that by tightly
bandaging bis wrist be managed to give It
tbo nppcaranco ot having been Injured.
Soma years ago ho had a rib broken and
this same rib was used by blm when
occasion needed to defraud tho accident
Insurance companies.
Moffct, under tbo namo of Knrah, and his
wife wero In Fremont, Neb., last fall, where
they gavo exhibitions of magnetic heal
ing, palm reading, otc. His wife is now
In Denver.
Cnnonrlne. lit All Drucicivts.
("!urH HlttfVJfinpfi PnnntlnHTinn nml Hti.
- - 1 --- . . . -
pcpsla, or money refunded. Prlco CO cents.
Uook explaining causo and euro mailed free.
ilea uros. & Co.. .Minneapolis, .Minn.
Ifnnir nn fn vnllr rinllnr fill vnll ttnt tft
Hayden Dros. Saturday but read their ad
first on page 7,
Opening lleluycd.
Frank Wilcox, manager of tho now Sorosls
Shoe Store, says tbo new storo will not open
until Wednesday, March 20th, on account ot
tho non-arrival ot Important lines of Sorosls
shoes enroute to Omaha for opening day,
When they open noxt Wednesday It will bo
with a complete lino ot Sorosls shoes aViJ
Ill Slnrnli mill April I he
will sell tickets at tho following
From Omaha to San Francisco, Los
Angeles and San Dlcgo $25.00
Ogden, Salt Lake, Uutto, Helena 23.00
Portland, Spokano, Tacoma, Seattle... 25.00
New city ticket ofllco, 1321 Farnam street.
Telephone, 316.
Union station, Tenth and Marcy. Tclo
phone, C29.
Atiiioiiiii'i'niittN of tin Then tern.
There will bo n special souvenir matlnco
at tbo Orpbcum this afternoon, nt which
tho' women will receive a pickaninny pbo-
toture and tho children a box of candy,
Tho program this week Is unusually at
tractive and diversified enough to suit all
tastes. Tho program Is mado up prin
cipally of comedy good, clean, wholesomo
comedy. PItrot Is a mimic of extraor
dinary talent and his tncea ot prominent
personages are very cntertnlnlng. Foy and
Clark, in their "Spring of Youth," havo an
act that Is extremely funny. Tbo hit of
tho show Is Miss Josephine Gussman and
her pickaninnies, threo In number. The
youngest Is n bright little chap of about
.1 years, who endears himself to the audl-
onoo from the time he steps on tbo stage
Calluban nnd Mack offer an act that Is
pleasing, yet humorous, whllo Low Hawkins
is a mnnologulst ot raro talent, whoso songs
and Jokes aro all new. Scott nnd Wilson
us tho farmer and tbo collego ntblote, per
form the acrobatic part of the program o
tbo delight of tho greater portion of tho
audience. It Is a positive pleasure to listen
tn the singing of Kelly nnd Vlolctte, and
tho costumes aro very pretty.
Tbo cast of the Hnnlons' "Lo Voyage en
Suisse" Includes such well-known panto
mlinlsts nnd singers us Charles Guycr,
Sehrodo Hros. (William and Charles), Al-
leno Crater, Nelly Daly, Robert Ilrodcrlck
Edwln H. Carroll, tho four Hills, tho
CJapello sisters, Hessle Clayton, Harry
Rich, Done Hoffman and n chorus and bal
let of fifty. This company Is booked nt
Iloyd's for an engagement ot four per
forroances, beginning tomorrow afternoon
Jur; G'uln Dovtu CI n I m nt Ten nil
from Fifteen Thiiii-tuiiil Dullnra
In One Mcki'l.
In tho case of tbo Northwestern Mutual
Llfo Insurnnco company against Lewis II
Kent tbo Jury brought In a verdict giving
tbo plaintiff Judgment for $1,700, the full
amount of the claim, and allowing the de
fendant nn offset of b cents for damages
Tho lnsuranco company sued for ront and
Kent put In n counter claim for $15,000 dam
ages on account of tho defective condition
of the property. Judgo Slabaugh instructed
tho Jury that any damages allowed tho de
fendant must bo nominal, for the reason
that tho alleged Injuries resulted from
avoidable circumstances.
Cluirlen llelucu .Smith, Oiiiuliu Hoy
AVlm Died In l'lillliiliie, AVI It
Hi- Hurled Sii mlny Afternoon,
Tho body ot Corporal Charles Ilelden
Smith, who died at Manila January 13, ar
rived In the city Thursday nnd tho funeral
will bo hold from tho rosldence of tho par
ents of tbo deceased, 310S Corby street
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
The young mau was n son ot Mr. and Mrs,
Uarton C. Smith nnd was a member of Com
pany D, Tblry-nlnth regiment, United
States Volunteer Infantry,
Ilt'oil of III trrnut timiil Union of Coop
era Will Try for Settlement of
South Omnliu Strike.
John D. Hammer, president of tho Inter
national Union ot Coopors, is in tho city to
attempt to settlo the differences between
tho local unions and tho Omaha Cooperage
The attorney of tho company states that
ho docs not believo an agreement can be
reached on tbo basis of the present demands
ot the union, as the. workmen request tho
company to resume a class of work which
has tor a long time been carried on at
Oriit of Tax Cam Walking Oat to Entiifac-
tion of Munioiptlitj.
mirt llolili that I'ropertr Owners
.Muni Vay Tuxes lu Cnsc
Vlirri Tin-)- Ilno
Heaped Hcncllt.
Thrco victories havo been won this week
b tho city legal department In suits
btought to nunul taxes. In each case the
rliiclpal of estoppel has been raised on ihe
round that thu plaintiffs profited by the
taxes and havo no right to question their
Tho most importnnt suit was brought by
Mary M. Heed to Invalidate $5,777.51 worth
f taxes levied against property in the
vicinity of Twentieth street and Poppleun
avenue. This property was acquired by tho
plaintiff under foreclosure and tbo prlco
placed upon it by tho appraisers was $21,-
8.. From this amount delinquent taxes lu
tbo sum of moro than $5,000 wero deducted.
Tho snlo took place several years ago and
tbo entire amount now duo tho city Is about
When tho attorneys for tho plaintiff found
that James II. Adams, tho assistant city at
torney, would defend tho taxes on the
ground that tho plaintiff bad admitted the
alldlty of tho taxes by deducting tbcra
from tho prlco paid for tho property, tbo
ult woh dlsmlsced.
Another similar enso for a smaller
amount of money was dismissed tor tho
same reason. Judgo Fawcctt has mado
such direct rulings on this point that per
sons who are fighting taxes do not caro to
havo bis decision reiterated ami many
cases whero estoppal will work havo been
An Interesting suit Is now pending, in
which the plaintiff seeks to invalidate $1,000
worth ot taxes. It can bo proven that in
acquiring tho property upon which the.
taxes wero levied ho deducted $2 of this tax
from tho purchase price. Tho court has
ntlmatcd that tbo deduction of this umouut
1$ an admission ot tbo validity of tho cntlro
tax and the city legal department expects
to estop tbo plaintiff from bringing the tax
Into question.
A Horrible Outlircnli,
'ot largo sores on my little daughter's
head developed Into a caso of scald bead,"
writes C. D. Isblll ot Morganton, Tenn., but
Ilticklon's Arnica Salve completely cured
her. It's a guaranteed euro tor .Bccma,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers
and Piles. Only 25 cents at Kuhn &. Co. s
I'm in ClileiiKO to Florida
Without changing cars a 32-hour run with
all tho comforts of modern travel at your
command. Leave Chicago Union station 12
noon via Pennsylvania Short Lines any
Tuesday or Friday on Chicago and Florida
Special and arrlvo Jacksonville and St.
Augusttno next evening without stepping
from tho train. For details apply to H.
R. Dering, A. G. 'P. Agt., 248 South Clark
St., Chicago, 111.
Seeds that grow como from the Nebraska
Seed company, 1513-15 Howard st.
Hayden Bros.' big ad Is on page 7.
$10,000 DRUG SALE
Wo never havo handed out nu many
drugs In so fow days ns wo have during
this sale. MONDAY will bo tho LAST
Hero nro SOME of tho articles wo havo
to well und tho nrlces nt which wo nro
About 9I boxes Magnet Pllo Cure at.. BSo
'mjoui. iw i.ou uuiiieM rcuuwa nyrup..
i.u Doilies i.uu xizn j'eruna ai uio
TM boxen il.W West's Nerve Treatment. 19c
Snti Gabriel Port nnd liureundv 25c
$1.00 Wnrner'H Ixig Cabin Sursnparllla. WV:
i:i Domes ji.ui KirK.s nundnirc cure.. 4ie
u il.w bottle cnko'M Dandruff: Cure nt. 50c
I.SS0 (20 gross) 10c Diamond Dyes, nil
colors, nt Go nkcr.
2SS Jl.00 bottles Wine ot Cnrdul at r.7c
30 packages Laxative liromo-Qulnlnc. llo
About 100 i'o bottles Hozodnnt nt Ho
Every article quoted new and fresh goods.
$l.0i) slzo lSurnhum's Ilecf, Iron nnd
Wlno 31a
About 10,000 Eo Sticks Hlnck Licorice,
l wo I Or 60
l.tioo big bottles Household Ammonia at Be
Kbit Emulsion. $1.00 size 49r
$1.00 bottles Phillips Syrup Wheat Phos-
juiiim in ,oc
$1.50 bottles Vln Murianl -it $1.05
2.SS0 85i bottles Gcnulno Cnstorla nt 21c
$1.00 bottles Trommcr's Mult (nil kinds)
nt 65c
About 1.000 25o bottles Carter's Llttlo
i.iver i'iiih at 'c
.r.00 bottles lmnortcd Hitter Water nt.. l!o.
500 pint bottles ORUDIS Carbolic Aeld
"t o each
Nono of tbexn coods mil bn mnlleil. nml
If wished sent by express or freight 25C
Sherman &, McGonnell Drug Co.,
Corner 16th and Dodge, Omaha.
s Chicago Record
has 61 of these Tvoc
writers in dally use-
It you want a typewriter, why not
come first where you can sco
WRITER In its best form?
ot all kinds for nil machines.
New Century
The finest catalogue
ever issued is
yours for the asking.
Write or Call.
United Typewriter and Supply Co,,
HIM I'liriiiiiu St., Oiiiuliu.
Notwithstanding the reports and lm
nrmalnna fiVirriirl ft t lia tsitr iVt II A HOT
AND DRUG STORE formerly occupied 'by
J. 4. f unci a: IB
Still Open
and doing business tbo same as usual. In
fact, the storo has never been closed.
Three names, familiar to tho patrons of
tbo corner in tho Drug, Paint and Gluts
line, aro now conducting the business.
They uro P. M. Crowl. John H. Clark and
Henry Jchnnszen. Messrs. Crowl and
Johnnszen have been at the old corner for
over thirteen yeurs. Mr. Clark wbh for
merly at tho corner but lately conducted
the Economieal Drug Co, We have all the
old prescriptions for 30 years back, and
you can have any of them refilled just the
same us beforo, with the lies;. Knowing
the deuvinds of the trade for drugs, paints
nnd glass, and having n full stock of all,
wo cordially sillcit u share ot your pat
Can't shut uj up. Open day and nUhU
UO.tMKI Us HIGH Ult 1 1)12 .OII.IC SOM. .
Ilontou .Sore Mnl,e llir Mint Hi
miirUiiMi' Sllu. I'liri'linni
7C, IOC, 2oC, 30C, 40C, 690, 9SC.
On March 1 Messrs. Welt Haskell & Co.,
483 and 485 Ilroadway, ono of tho largest
silk waist manufacturers In New York City,
discontinued tho silk waist business.
Tbcy had on hand
And they closed out tho entire lot to us
(Boston Store)
We aro thereby enabled to offer you on
Monday the
All nt a fraction of tlielr real .worth.
Remember this glorious silk sato starts
Monday, and whatever you do, don't miss It.
J. L. Urandcls & Sons, Proprietors.
Wanted, a trained nurse to tnko chareo of
a sanitarium: must bnvo oxperlenca, a good
eaueation nnd good business ability. Ad
dress J 69, caro I3eo office.
Low prices lowered fo tho lowest notch
Saturday at tho big store of Hayden Ilroa.
Read tho ad on page 7.
Direct Line Across the Continent
will sell tickets at the following reduced rates
from Omaha
San Francisco, Los
Angeles, San Diego,
including: all main line points, north
California stato line to Colton, San
Bernardino, and San DIoeo
Saturday is
The Mvcrs-DIUon Drucr Co. offers tho
fold Co. nt it creat nncrltlce nrlco sale.
aro not unloading, old, shelf-worn, musty Koods, Wo uro closing out the new, fresh,
up-to-dato stock ot n woll known, modern drtiK store. Every old customer of tbo
Aloe & Tenfold Co. knows what tblR nuaiix. and they nro Invited to comparo our
cut prices nun mc regular priee.i wnicu
Hero aro a few Hems out of many tho
Patent Medicines
Jt.M Magnet Pllo Cure Mo
tl.OO Uburna Wc
$1.00 lluwley's Curlene Ko
J 1.00 Proctor's Sarsaparllla Wo
$1.00 Foley's Kidney Cure K0u
$1.00 Foley's Honey Tar Mo
$1.00 llawley's Shampoo Mo
ZjO .Mothers Koniia At ivc
10c Mothers' Senna M tc
23c Penfold's Tooth Powder 10c
$1.00 Allen's Celery Compound Mil
25o Penfold's Hyru of White Pino Co... lic
$1.00 Kirk's Hulr Tonic 4So
$1.00 Perunn C3o
23c Shunter's Malt l.xtrnct izc
23c Malt Vlvlne Ifto
$1.00 Wlno Cardut CSc
23c Ilromo Quinlnu 12c
Wa Honrs Aiait nnd iron c
Cor. 16th and Farnam Sts.
Heady or not, step In and look try on a few give us your candid opinion ot
them ask to see the swell Raglan; when It comes to stylo they uro the real thing.
They are made for and worn by men of fashion evorywhoro. Apropos of Haydou
Hros. clothing, It Is tho most talked about In Douglas county and state of Nebraska.
Tho mirror will tell you Us looks. Tbo guaranteo under which our clothing Is sold
insures its lasting quality. Cash refuudod or a now garment for any garment bought
here that does not do Justice.
Wo are showing a truly grand aBSortm ont of Dress Overcoats for spring. The
swell Ilaglan nnd nil other popular shapes, mado ot tbo fabrics that
fashion decrees for tbls season, at $12.50, $10.00 and JL tJJ
Also tt.o best line hereabout of llglit w eight and medium wolgbt Overcoats, that
In cut, make, fabric and trim cannot bo
garments elsewhere here at $3,00 and
Kxtra special In our boys' and children's suit department.
Wo nro showing this spring flvo of tbo best makes of boys' nnd
children's clothing In America nt Just about half tho prlco other
stores would chargo for same makes.
LOT 1 Boys' strictly all wool double breasted knee QElr-t
pants suits, all sires, 0 to 16, at "Ot
LOT 2 IJoys' very flno doublo breasted kneo pants in fine -4
check, cassiniere and cheviots, all sizes, C to 16, at 1 JL O
LOT 3 Hoys' 3-plece kneo pants suits, vesteo suits and double breast
ed knee pants suits, all sizes, 3 to 16, grcatost value r SZf
ever offered, for ' OvJ
LOT I Hoys' extra line Ilusslan blouso suits, snllor .suits, vestee
suits and 3 piece knee pants suits, all now 1901 ff
spring styles, at O JL KJ
LOT 5 Our $1.20 and $3.00 suits aro tho best made in America, and
are bettor than any $7.60 to $10.00 suit elsewhere. .
LOT 6 Over 160 now spring styles In boys' and youths' long trouser
suits at $3.76, $5.00, $6.C0, $7.50, $10.00 and $12.60 suits, worth double.
Selling the most clothing in Omaha.
,.- tnAOt Minn hioisiihso.
On account ot not receiving tho full lluo
ot Sorosls Shoes lu tlmo for Saturday open
ing, nil of which aro now en route, we will
open the new' store with complete lino of
ladies', misses' nnd children's Sorosls Sho-.'S
Wednesday, Alarcli 20
Sorosis Shoe More.
203 South 15th St.
Frank Wilcox, .Miiungcr.
aPv ' 1
Union Pacific
Utah, Idaho, Oregon,
Montana and Washington,
Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah,
Uutto and Helena, Montana
Portland, Oregon, Spokane, Washing
ton, Tacoma and Seattle, WashlnE-
Bargain Day
$3,000 rctnll druc stock of the Aloo R- Pen.
Hwenlui: reductions iintlilim reserved. Wn
iney nnvo iiiways piiiii ror rcuauio Boons.
stock Is going fust buy now.
Tooth Brushes
c ..we. , ,11,1111, o lui; i ijuiii ill uniiLV. . .
2S iloz. Penfold's 2fle Tooth llrushes.
ui iioz. i-eiti'iui h .ic room jirusnos.
23 c
Illegir's 60c oz. Perfumes, ounce 23c
UlokHerker's Mo oz, Perfumes, ounce.. Hie
l.azell H we oz. I'eriumes, ounce .'So
Miiilnot 60c oz. Perfumes, ounce 1
"Violets" 73c oz. Perfume, ounce 45o
Good Violet Haclii't Powder 2f
And n dozen other well known makes at
half price.
The I ta ilcn HriiN, triulr murk
on n Knrnient iiieiinn your money
liiick or it lien' uni'ineiit for nny
reiinoiinblc eiuisc for iIInmiiI lHfne-tlon.
'uoui id iiiz, txie ami uic lirusnes..
23c Penrold's White Petroleum
13d PenfoldV White Petroleum
23c Penfold'H Almond Meal
23c Penfold'H Witcii lluzel
Are Ready.
Are You Ready?
d Istlngulshcd from $10.00 fj CS
0X O
jih jusi a jimk' cany to tallc to you about Spring
Clothing, so we'll call .vour attention to u fow impor
tant items that you can buy now regardless of tho
changeable weather:
Men's Spring Dcrbys, at $1.50
Men's Spring Fedoras, at $1.50
Men's Spring Golf Hats, at $1.50
Years of experience and search for the best have
gone into the make-up of our hats We're selling the
. best
Doilar-and-a-Half Hat
In America for the money.
Sprirvg Top Coasts
Just a word We'd
who think you cannot be fitted or suited in a ready
made top coat. Maybe you haven't tried? Maybe
you've met disappointment trying somewhere else?
That's no fair test. You'll find lots of styles here
lots more grades lots more coats than any body
else has got.
Less price for the same value or better value for
the same price others ask. It's a saving either way
ypu look at it.? to those are our figures.
T1.IE IiUrnJN OF SIMJIXO fiuds us with the largest cloak
department, and with more new
more new waists than any other house between Chicago and San
Francisco. They were made by the very best manufacturers in
Now York city and other eastern cities, some of them come from
abroad and some are direct copies of foreign styles. We are
pround of the assortment and henr
nrc In bolero, cton and other styleR-allwIth tho now L'Alglon collar. The sklrti
nro lined with mcrceried satin, with new llounro and flare. Jacket nnd skirt an
trimmed with stitched bands of tho famous Wlnslow taffeta they wero bought by in
to sell for $15, on Bale Saturday at $10.00.
Women's tnllor-mado suits, flno imported Women's skirts, flno serges, chovlots and
materials, lined throughout with tbo fa
lnous Wlnslow taltcta, elaborately trimmed,
direct copies of Imported models and ox
elusive In stylo, equal to nny $10 suit, Sat
urduy only $18.f,0.
Our buyer secured when In New York
City, a manufacturers' entire (.lock. Tbo
first shipment camo in and has been fold.
Tho second shipment arrived yesterday and
will be on salo Saturday. Women's
tailored walking skirts, with pleated backs,
several rows of Mltchlng, mado by tho
manufacturer to sell at $3, Saturday nt $2.73
Women's skirts of all silk taffeta, nicely
trimmed with Spanish net nppllnuo, they
aro worth double, only $5.
Women's skirts, brociulo and plain ma
terials, percalluo lined and velvet bound,
they are worth $2, for 00c.
t0Lr)4$f ot odoroU and evens O
jUSVtTTi if pfPl',o fM bo4y, pilot, V
' For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers
Consultation Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mail
add 5 cents for postage.
You can laugh
at this windy weather If you will
ue our Kgyptlan Lotus Cream, A
few applications of It and you won't
have chapped lips and bands. Its
the finest preparation mado for
chaps and It costs only lOo a bottle.
You won't bark
either night or day It you tako a
tew doses of Bchaefer'B Cough Syrup
It knocss a cold In one night
costs but 20c.
b. W. Cor. lOlu and Clilcuuu.
11 Ice to see
Spring Suits
and Skirts
suits and more new skirts and
.complimentary remarks from scores of tho
best dressed women in Omaha, on the
styles that we are displaying. On tho
other hand, the prices are low just a liv
ing profit.
To guarantee to you that our prices are
correct, we will submit lo your hand for
comparison, from one 10 live . garments.
(Jet others to do the same and buy from
the house that sells you the most stylish
garment for the least money Women's
man-tailored suits, the greatest variety
you ever saw. They are manufactured
from reliable homespuns, cheviots and Ve
netians. They come in light grays,
browns, mixtures, blues, blacks, tans and
castors. The jackets are lined throughout
with the famous AViuslow taffeta. They
- I Venetians, trimmed with stitched straps ot
taffeta, worth $7.60, for $3.08.
60 dozen ladles' wrappers, with deep
flounce, extra wnlst lining, for 50c each.
25 dozen children's wrappers, made froir
Sea Island pcrcalo, $1.60 quality, for $1 oncl
200 children's Jackets, worth $3.60, fot
100 ladles' Jackets, worth from $10 tt
S20, tho last chnnco to buy a winter gar.
ment, only $4.75,
Ladles' silk waists, made from the fs
mous Wlnslow taffeta, lu tho cxtromo now
styles, worth $S to $10, for $1.98.
A now lino of silk skirts at $26, $33 anil
New imported suits at $35, $15, $50, $&!
and JC0.00.
Manufactured by
A. Mayer Company,
316 Bee Bldg.
Why Suffer Pain
While having a tooth ex
tracted? When Vitalized
Air is used you feel abso
lutely no pain, Can be taken
by any one. Made fresn in our
ofllce every day. ,
Set ot Teeth $6.00 up
Gold Crowns $6.00
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1517 DounlnnSt.
Pl r IT 3 tours. Low prlco.
EURUrb Bull June 22. July 6.
, .i..nri..u ,r lMtuIn .InneH. 462 Putnam av..
"nimiV'nur Around thu World In ItMlit.
I Vi iliiya, only iM,()7ft expenses. Illn
ernrlen ready.