I THE OMAHA" DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1901. 10 TO FUSE OR NOT TO FUSE 0 That li th Question with Two Faotloni of Petir Ooopir Olub. POPULISTIC COUNCILS ARE DIVIDED I'lrmrnl AVlilcli rormnrly Favored Fmalon Mim Onuoaea II MutMc of Antla Ulssrcfcil li' u .Member. There Is stnfo and contention In the rotor Cooper club. To fuse or not to fuso In the question which draws a lino ot dc markatlon across tho councils ot the"or Ksnlzatloii, which Is holdlnK Its regular meetings Monday nights In tho Arlington block. Strango as It may seem tho mem bers of tho society nro not lined up on tho question as was to be expected. Here tofore tho men who havo been In favor of fusion, those who had led tho rank and file of the club into tho democratic slaugh ter house, havo boon tho ones who held office under dumocratlo appointment or who aspired to such proferment. This tlmo some of tho appointees of democrats aro the loudest In tho denunciation of fusion. They havo pledged themselves to ono an other to hco that tho democrats aro per mitted to namo tholr own tlckot nnd that tho populists maintain a separato orgau liation with a distinct tlckot iu the Held. Tho men who favor fusion aro generally thoso who have hoped for nothing and whose hopes havo been fulfilled. I'liliiillntlc View nt It. In order to understand the situation In the club It Is nocessary to get at It from a. populist's standpoint. One of the men who favor fusion with the democrats In tho campaign this fall thus expresses It: "Tho talk of those who are opposed to fusion," utd he, "la directly In the In terests of the democratic party. That party has used the populists until there Is nothing more to be gained from them. Wo all know rtiat at the present time the Peter Cooper club Is made up of men who will voto the democratic ticket under any and nil circumstances that Is, the great majority will. Some of them will get out and shout for tho people's party, cut ai the sarao tlmo they rcallie that they are trying to galvanlzo a corpse. Tho demo crats sco defeat staring them In the face this fall. In fact, there Is no hope for them, and they are simply making a play to get Into lino for the future. The demo crats do not want fusion. They desire to namo n ticket composed exclusively of democrats and to have the people's party nominate n full tlckot. Then tho defeat will be attributed to a division In the fusion forces and the populists, as such, will bo eliminated for all time to como "Now wo aro in a position to force tho democrat! to accord us a placo on the ticket. Wo know that this will bring no practical strength to the ticket, but It will leavo us whoro we can demand some thing In tho future, when a change In ex isting business conditions may make It posstblo for tho opponents of the repub lican party to elect candidates. Just now wo aro In a light for the control of the fusion organization. If we fall to fuse this fall tho organization passes entirely lnts the hands of tho democratic party and the weakness of tho peoplo's party In Doug las county Is exposed. aiuttvr ot tlio atrnlKhln." "We plalm that we have at least 2,600 voters In the city, but on a atrnlnht ticket wb could not poll over 20 per cent of that number and the democratic allies In the Teter Cooper club know that Mich Is tho case. Having used the party to fotst them selves Into office, thoy aro now anxious to kill It and pass tho entire opposition to the republicans Into the hands of the demo cratic party. This may work In Doujlus county, but what will be Us effect in tho state? This question has bean ruined In tho club moro than once, and Is answered by the opponents of fusion by the state ment that tho state has gone Into tho re publican column for good; that opposition to tho republican party cannot bu miulo on state lines for many years to come and that all opposition must be local In Its charac ter; that tho democracy, except In certain counties In tho western part of the etato, la the only ono which can frame up this sort of opposition, aud that therefore tho day of tho peoplo's party Is passed forever, Kvory fellow who In In favor of putting . separato ticket In the field, with tho ex ception of a few dreamers, Is doing so In the Interosts of the democratic party, which must find Bomo excuse for tho foregone defoat, and feols like It must got Itself Into n position to bo tho only ourvlvor of tho fusion forces. HOSTO.N .VI (Mil) CLOAK IIAHOAINS. A . II m In-r of Very Important Clonk OfTi-rliiKK for 'I'liursilny Hnlc. J1.50 LADIES' DItnSS SKIHTS, GDC. A cholco lot ot colored dress skirts, worth J1.&0, on sale at tltc. Ladles' black figured dress skirts, newest styles, well lined, velvet bound, worth $2, for SSc. 18.00 TAFFETA SKIIIT3 FOR $3.08. Ladles' fine taffeta nnd peau do solo skirts, very good quality, plain, braided' and nppllqued, nicely lined, well bound, worth up' to $8, go on sale at $3.98. LADIES' JS.50 SUITS, JI.3S. Ladles' blouso suits, mado ot all wool novelties, new I'Alglon collar on blouso, gcod lining, fillt-tilmmed, new cut Hare skirt, strictly up to date, worth JS.EO, for $4.98. $8.00 SPUING UOX COATS, $4.08. Ladles' coats, madu of lino covert, stitched seams, silk lining, new sleeves, newest stylo, $8 values, at $ 1 . 9 S . LADIES' $23 TAILOR MADE SUITS, $10. New spring suits made of the very choic est material in the latest and most ap proved styles. Thcso were mado cspcclully for Frankcl llros., Dcs Moines,, but owing to tho store being destroyed by lire wo so- cured them from the manufacturer at about half price Values up to $25, on sale at $10. 130STON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Drandeis & Sons, Proprietors. Read the real estate columns today. STOCKMEN OBJECT TO TOLLS DRAWS NEW GRAND JURY HonrcKeiilnt 1 vr ClllzeiiN Arc Chosen for Conrt Service nt M Tci-iu. The new federal grand Jury to bo sworn In April 1 for duty In connection with the United States district court was drawn Wednesday afternoon. . Threo hundred names wcro placed In thn jury box and shaken up, after which the Jury comints sloner and tho clerk of tho court drew alter .natoly from the receptacle, one namo at a tlmo, until twenty-three namos- had byen drawn. Thcso will comprise tho new grand Jury. They aro as follows: William II. Abcr, 1202 North Thirty-sixth street, Omaha; James llittlcr, Lincoln; J. T. Uunford, Western; J. II. Pecker, Pl.itts mouth; L. D. Ilennott, Plattsmouth; W. II. Cash, Kearney; A. II. Christian, York; Michael Foster, (Ireenlcy; William F. Hay- ward, Chadron; J. II. Losoc, Hastings; Mal colm McLean, Ogallala; E. J. Mack, O'Neill; J. M. Parker, Kennard; N. R. Perslngcr, Central City; W. H. Reynolds, Chadron Joseph Snathcrn, Humboldt; J, II. Stlchley, Geneva; F. P. Sheldon, Nehnwka; L. 13. Train, Stoelo City; Albert H. Prlmble, Lin coln; II. II. Watt, Columbus; Ralph A. Weston, Beatrice, and C. J. Youbgstadt, Wahoo. A ftderai grand Jury may havo not inoro than twenty-threo members nor lebs than sixteen, aud of these twclvo must ngreo upon an Indictment beforo a truo bill can be returned. Loyalty to III Kiunloyer. That young man who consented to havo a portion ot his blood let out to save his em ployer, Bet n remarkablo example ot hero Ism. Thn Incident shows what power thero Is in good blood Thero Is only one natural way to get good blood, and that Is from the stomach. If tho atamach needfi nsalsf. ance, try Hostctfcr's Stomach Dlttcrs. This wonderful medicine cures dyspepsia, lndl gestlon, constipation, nnd makes rich red blood. HIS INJURES SOUTH OMAHA MARKET Union Fnrllle Ovrim the llrlilur, White StucU In llunillci! Iiy ill vnl Lines nnd Herein 1,1c the Cntme. Iowa cattlemen who havo been buying feeding cattlo In South Omaha havo regis tered u protest against tho bridge arbitrary hlch Is tnxed against them In shipping such cattle to their feeding grounds. It Is said by ono who Is familiar with tho cattlo market that this arbitrary is working gainst South Omaha and Is diverting such t ratio which would uaturnlly como thero to Chicago and other markets. Tho situation has prevailed for some time, but It Is said that the effect Is be ginning to show on tho market and the restlgu which the South Omaha mart has .hold In tho sale of cattle for feeding Is shrinking. Tho difficulty arises from thn fact that the bridge across tho Missouri river is. owned by tho Union Pacific company, while cattlo that arc sent to Iowa feeding points ro carried by other roads, tho Ilurllngton, the Northwestern, tho Milwaukee, the Hock Island, tho Illinois Central and the Omaha St. Louis. Thn uniform rnto for all of these roads, as stated by the odlclals when asked, is ,tho local into from Council Plults to tho feeding gtounds, plus $4. This $4 Is tho arbitrary against which tho protest has been raised by Iowa cattlemen. Tho roads pay tho Union Pacific for the use of tho brldgo In two ways; Uy tho year, estimating tho amount by tho number at cars, or by comparison with some other roads, nnd by a specific rato ot $4 por car load of freight passing over tho bridge. At Union freight headquarters It was said that tho freight rates aro established by thu reads handling tho freight nnd that on eastern business tho Union Pacific has nothing to do with tho rates beyond collect ng tho brldgo toll on tho total amount ot business done. Tho way the tariffs stand uow, nn Iowa shipper pays tho local rate from Council DIutTs to bis feeding ground plus $4. It he hould bo shipping beyond u certain limit that arbitrary is forgotten. For Instance, ono freight man cited the case of a ship incnt to MarBhalltown, la., to which place he said tho rato would bo tho samo from Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs n a shipment to Ncola, however, tho ship per would have to pay tho toll thai tho shipping company would pay tho brldgo com pany. It Is asserted by a man who Is Interested n tho stock business and who has Inquired Into the situation among thoso men who buy cattlo for feeding, that this arrange ment is driving the patrons of the feeder market from South Omaha to other places and that thoy nrq feeding whero they can sectiro moro favorablo rates. HVF.UY TUUSDAV. In March nnd April tlm UNION TACIFIC will sell tickets at tho following GREATLY REDUCED RATES: From Omaha to San Francisco, Los Angeles nnd San Diego $25.00 Ogden, Salt Lake, Butte, Helena 23.00 Portland, Spokane, Tacomai Seattle. . 25.00 New city ticket olllcc, 1324 Farnam street, Telephone, 310. Union station, .Tenth and Marcy. Tele phone, 629. A aew wheel and Just the ono you have always wanted. Read The Dee wheel offer. TA0ITS)O. lUSDHUPP WO.VT WASH OUT. Tlio norm that Cauae It tin to Its nimtroyvd to On re Dandruff. Many a woman spends an hour twloe a week icourlnir her uraln. thinking- .rmS. blnjr off the scurf will cure the dandruff. Two hour a week at tho a'ge of 40 years, she hns pent 2C0 days of 12 hours each, or y two-mirns ot n, yenr or ner lire, in that vain hope'; vain bocauao you can't euro dandruff without kllllne thn dandruff nm. and tho only hair preparation on earth that win tio mai is rvawnros "Herplclde alio a llellahtflll hair rtrcHatllr and thni-nmrli aiitWeptto against all contagion from use nr mnr nair brusncs. it is also a de- iiinuui nair aressing. Read the real estate columns today. TBADC MARK nCaiaTKRKB. SHOE STORE. Will open March 16th, I 901, at 203 So. J 5th Street, Karbach block. The most modern shoe store in the west, for the exclusive sale of women's, misses' and children's shoes. Sorosis Shoes THE STAMIAHU OK THE WOULD. Krank Wilcox, Mniiniier. V,n trained nurse to take charge of I A sanitarium; must havo experience, a good fjiUinntton and good business ability. Ad dress J SB, rare Deo office. . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. A. M. M tint nil, axwoll of Bcatrlco Is at the Iler A. unit Vob huen born to Mr. nnd Mn. T. T.. Otimbu, Ml'. tlnrt Mrs. George aoonholmer of West i'olnt nr nt tho Iler Grand. ,1, (J, HfrtKp Jind J. A. Miller of Hastings rKls.(tireit Wednesday at tho Murray. Ii, Hllimnl and daughter of Valentine, Ot'ftfH, J'. 1'httt of Beatrice and A. F. Dlels hi ptiriiniur nr mate uueum at tne Millard, MBlirHBkiitm nt tho Merchants: p. , fUBnilDl', , 44, 4llinOIQP, 0(1)11(111); U. 4eW - inan, Unthenburg; Georgo Frlederlch, Plnrimt T, L. Aokerman. Stanton; F. C. relln. idwlniri Daniel Kerr, Plorco: a. Wll- nmi, iiunnai w, n, wrower. runner; F. D. Ynuinr, Mariiunttn; a, C. llrondel. HaniD- v. avenoy, $Th8 Chicago Recor lias 61 of these Tvne writers In dally use YOST If you want a typewriter, why not como first where you can see EVEItV GOOD SORT OF TYPE WRITER In Its best form? TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES ot nil kinds tfor all machines. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. in I W, P. Htmkln. York; nmeri ti, i, neney, Lincoln. HARRY MORRILL u mad, Ho says marriage license busi ness s not belsk enough. Thoy come In nair and he kicks because thoy don't coma III hunohes, nut Morrill always was a Junker, WE HAVE KICKERS too but our patrons kick for moro of our Cough Byrup. They all say thoy have never found as gooa a medicine for Coughs and uoios, ana at such a reasonable price aOo A HOTTI.E. THEN OTHERS KICK for Egyptian Lotus Cream the preparation that never falls to cure chapped hands, face and Hps and tho price ot It is only lOo A HOTTI.K. CUT PRICE DRUGIST New Century The finest catalogue ' ever Issued Is yours for the asking. Wrltco7all. United Typewriter and Supply Go,, 1014 Fnrunm St., Ontahn. SCHAEFER ts W. C. 10th and Chicago. from Manila and $55 men of tho neventli vn1nntr.or Dn March 10 Gustave Zower of Company I Jumped over board with suicidal Intent. Ills body wns not recovered. 7 Twice for Shipping Oattlt Aoroia Miiiourl EWor Bridge. Tlilrty-H.-veiith lloya Arrlvr. SAN FRANCISCO. March 13. Tho I'nlted StateK transport Iluford arrived here toduy rrom tlio l'lilllppines. it urougnt seventy Mvo discharged soldiers nnd civil employes Brushes Going at half price and less. Part of the Aloo & Pcntotd $5,000 stock at closing out prices. ( COc Tooth lirtishcs 2Zo 25c English Tooth Brushes 14c 25c Japuncso Tooth finishes.... 10c 20c Japanese Tooth Brushes...'. 10c .15c Prophlactls Tooth Brushes.. 22c 25c, 15c and COc Nail Brushes at 17c 25c Hair Brushes ITc 50c Hair Brushes 25c $1.00 Hair Brushes 50c $4.50 Hair Brushes $3.00 $3.00 Hair Brushes $2.00 About 3 dozen bath brushes, all kinds go at halt price. You'll miss a grcnt chanco to save mouoy If you miss this snle. Tho bargain counter Is loaded, but goods are going. You'll havo to hurry. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. lOtli mill Filriiuin Streets. NOTICE Notwithstanding tho. reports and im nresalona n bread In tho city, the PAINT AND DRUG STORE formerly occupied by A. l uuer UO IS Still Open and doing business tho same as usual. In fact, tho store has never .been closed. Three names, familiar to tlui patrons or tho corner In tho Drug, Paint and Glass line, uro now conducting the business. Thoy uro K M. Crowl, John 8. Clark and Henry Jolianszen. Messrs. crowl ana Johanszen have been at tho old corner for over thirteen years. Mr. Clark was for merly at thn corner but lately conducted tne ueonomicni urug uo. we nave all tne old prescriptions for 30 years back, and you can have any if them refilled juBt the same ns before, with tho best. Knowing tne (tenvinus ot tne trade ror drugs, paints ana glass, unci naviug n run hiock or nil wo cordiaiiy snucit u snare or your pat' rouuge. , FULLER DRUG & PAINT CO., H02 DOUGLAS STREET. Can't shut iu up. Open day and night. Thlnv- Fortieth and Harney, frar VrlvtXe Charles Connoycr. fs Pie .71 nver- H. Pnrrotto, ISO North '. llnllillnK Permit. The rltv liiilMIno- Insnortor has Issued tho following permits: Emma McMullen, . . I III IIIMi irmnr uwriniiR. .t'vv. rce, addition, JHi Thirty-second, re pairs, $250. Seeds that grow come from the Nebraska Seed company, 1513-15 Howard st. Head the real estate columns today. T SI0.000 WORTH NEW DRUGS Being sold at prices, way below regular wholesale price. Wo woro "l.ONCI" on goodB. Our ware'houso at 1G14 Dodgo street Is "Jammed." Thcso prices will unload It. Here are SOMK of tho articles we have to sell and tho prices nt which we aro GIVING THEM AWAY POIt CA3II ONLY. About 91 boxes Magnet Pllo Cure nt u9o About 165 $1.50 bottles Fellow's Syrup voo 720 bottles $1.00 slie Peruna at 64c 288 bottles $1.00 Ncwbro's Herplcldo at... $9c 720 boxes $1.00 West's Nervo and Brain Treatment at t 19c 720 quart bottles San Gabriel Port Wlno at 25c 73 bottles $1.00 Warner's Log Cabin Sars.tparllla nt 60c 127 bottles $1,00 Kirk's Dandruff Curo nt 47c 280 $1.00 bottles Coke's' Daudruft Curo at 50c 2,880 (20 gross) 10c Diamond Dyes, all colors, nt 6c pkg. 288 $1.00 bottles Wlno of Cardut at Q7c i.440 26c packages Laxative Bromo-Qulnlno at 11c About 400 26c bottles Sozodont, at 14c Every article quoted new and fresh goods. No "culls" or "stunts." About 5,000 $1.00 size Burnham's Beef, Iron and Wlno ., 31c About 10,000 5c Sticks Black Llcorlco Two for .1c 1,000 big bottles Household Ammonia at Co 140 bottles Park, Davis & Co.'s Egg Emulsion nt 49c 90 $1.00 bottles Phillips Syrup Wheat Phosphate at 75c 144 $1.60 bottles Via Marian! at $1.05 2,880 35c bottles Gcnulno Castorla, at .....21c 144 $1.00 bottles Trommer's Mnlt (all kinds) at 05c About 1,000 25c bottles Carter's Little Liver Pills at U'o 2,600 bottles Imported Bitter Water nt, bottlo 15c This sale won't last but a few days as thcso prices will move things. 600 pint bottles CRUDE Carbolic Acid nt 25c each 200 $1.00 bottles Duroy Port Wlno at 43c None of thes goods can be malted, and it wished sent by express or freight 25o must be added tor boxing. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge, Omaha. N$8 fy 1 rtQWhy Suffer Pain T aa Whllo bavins tooth ex tracted? When Vitalised Air Is usod. you feel abso lutely no pain. Can be taken by any one. Mado fresh In our office every day. Set of Teeth...., $5.00 up Oold Crowns $3.00 Tift's PMlaMpbia Dintal Rims 1517 Douglas St. A SUBJECT FOR INVEoTIGAT ON- beforo Easter; Is your plumbing. To see that It does not breed disease dur lug Summer's sultry heat. Sewer Baa In your homo will caiiBe dangerous diseases, nnd your plumbing should bo overhauled to llnd leaks or breaks. o will Investigate your plumbing and put It In order, or put In new open Haliltarv plumbing or steam or not wator heating, at n reasonablo cost. Free & Black, 18011 Fur mi m. Phono 1O-10. mm 1 IbBbB EVERY TUESDAY IN MARCH and APRIL tno Union Pacific 4SoV th0 only Direct Line Across the Continent will sell tickets at the following reduced rates from Omaha TO California, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Including all main line points, north California state line to Colton, San Bernardino, and San Diego S25.00 TO Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and Washington, Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah, Butte and Helena, Montaaa $23,00 Portland, Oregon, Spokane, Washing ton, Tacoma and Seattle, Washing ton $25,00 NEWCITftlCKEfiOFFICE. 1124 FARNAM STREET Tel. 3I. UNION STATION. TENTH AND MARCY STREETS Tel. . Cloaks and HAYDEN s "I never saw such bargains." "And such pretty suits."" Wo havo searched every wherewo have visited every storo In town, nnd I never saw such a pretty line of suits, and the prices seem to bo very reasonable." Tbeso and kindred remarks we hear every hour In tho day In our cloak department. The Great Sale on the Suits, Waists and Skirts detained by the railroad company at Duftalo, Now York, on account of tho recent snow blockade. Is now on In full blast. It will pay every lady In Omnba. Wo havo them on salo this week. Tho railroad company hns nllowcd us half tho Invoice cost ot tho goods and you reap tho benefit. 1 There are S5 suits silk lined throughout that we bought to sell at $25.00 the company allowed us half now only S00 suits made up In the new cton nnd bolero styles, with tho new L'Al'glon collar, jackets nnd skirt trim med with braids and satin' Btraps they wero bought to sell nt. $20.00 the railroad company nllowcd us half now only 200 suits nearly all silk lined throughout mado up in the now fashlonablo nobby styles In flno Venetians and cheviots bought by us to sell at pJ $37.60 tho railroad company allowed lJ 5 us half now only Delayed Silk Waists There aro still 600 Silk Wolats made of flno taffetas and corded silk wo bought them to sell at $1.98 the company mado us n liberal allowance now only Ladies' Skirts from the Buffalo Blockade 100 Skirts, well made, perfect fitting, now only 100 rainy day Skirts and 350 Dress Skirts, I n scrgei, cheviots and homespuns they are worth $5.00 the compauy mado us n big allowance now " tJ C A. KJ 12.50 10.00 2.98 ! DO YOU WANT TO SEE? 90c only -tho railroad company 5.00 75 all silk Taffeta Skirts bought to soli at $10.00 allowed us half now only During this sale we have taken all our winter weight jackets and divided them Into two lots Lot 2 All Jftckcts worth up to ff JJJ Lot 1 All Jackets worth up to $15.00 now on sale at . Children's Jackets There aro just 170 ot Lot 1 Includes all Jackets worth up to $5.00 they go at Ladles' French Flannel Waists worth up to $3.00 for 400 dozen Wrappers, mado from tho very best poicalo, trimmed with 2.98 just 170 ot 1.98 $25.00 now on solo at them. Wo havo divided them Into two lots: Lot 3 Includes all Jackets worth, up to $7.50 they go at UOo two rows of Do you want to set' the royal shape iu which I 2.98 braid 15-ln. flounce separate waist lining extra wide at hips como In blues, black, reds, cadots and grays $1.60 quality on sale tomorrow 98C 55 dozen Wrappers, with 16-Inch flounce worth $1.00 on salo at we've -put our stock of Spring Clothing It's on tho second floor lightest brightest . cheeriest clothing room in the west and the clothing fits the rooms. If you are critical and exacting in regard to your spring top coat or spring suit, we'd be pjeased to have you visit our store. There's no stupidity in the origin of "Ne braska Clothing'' and none in its destiny. Spring Top Coats and Raglans $10.00 ill Place of $15.00 MEN'S OX.FOIU) OKAY llAGLAXDS, strapped senms cuffs on. sleeves, velvet collar, stylish AH new 101 cutnot but iiYJ JJ $15.00 in Place of $20.00 The "new Kitchener," one of the latest, creations for spring wear, velvet, collar, satin lined sleeve, serge lined body correct in every respect M41 OPl not $20.00, but 4lt-J.VJJ $13.00 in Place of $17.50 The new "Xewkotc," perhaps you'll like this style better than any other if you do, they are (tL 1 CC not rr.ro, but , iplxjJJ i Jfo mutter where you have been buying your qlothiug, you will find that our storo is different. The difference lies in the foundation stone of our business. SATISFACTION AT ANY COST. UAVnEIT Laces and llAlUCIlS Embroideries Not damaged, Now on sale. Bought from Carson, Pcrio Scott & Co., of Chicago, not the slight- est imperfection. These goods did not even get damp, but nro of the same lot that were settled for by the insurance people on account of damage in transportation on the ocean. Do not miss this sale. 15c torchon laces, per yard -lc 15c insertings, per yard . . . , 75c tuckings, per yard $1.00 all over laces, per yard ' 50c val laces, per dozen yards i 1 75c val laces, per dozen yards - -uu The new batiste laces, gallons and all overs, 25c up. 75c chiffons, per yard ' 75c Liberty silk, per yard 75c Mousselin De Soie, per yard ..- 39 75c Oriental laces, per yard , -rc 50c -Oriental laces, per yard , 15c 20c Oriental laces, per yard 5c 25c embroidered collars .. $2.50 Yenise lace collars ' - $3.00 all over embroideries, per yard ?l-0 $2.00 all over embroideries, per yard &0e $1.00 all over embroideries, per yard 25c Po not miss this sale. You will save money by buying your spring and summer laces during this sale. Holding's silk thread,' only 5c per dozen. One day only. Best brush binding, only 5c per yard. HAYDEN BROS. 50c HAYDEN BROS. You're welcome to eomparo our work, prices aud treatment with that of any other IIENTIST In tho city. In all points we lead. Our work excels, our charges are moder ate and all cases are treated with skill and promptness. Wo mako a specialty ot TKKTH WITHOUT I'l.ATES FULL SKTH FftOM fl..00 IJI'WAIIDS. BAILEY, the Dentist, 312 Paiton Block, 10th Farnam Htm. I'aoue lOtD. Lnr Atlcaastt. twaci msh( jlU WV34 -' rmpit, ind ft WV. RE -NO -MAY POWDER Manufactured by A, Mayer Company, 316 Bee Bldg. PRICE 50 CENTS. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers Consultation Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mall add 5 cents for postage. THE SMOKERS PREFER I'M 1 L.IJIHJIInafl BECAUSE THE JOBBERS' PROFIT IS ADDED TO THE QUAUT1 r. K. IOB H. C CO., atANUFAOTimiCHf, Wt, L0VM, U9, VMUR r y i i