Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1901, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
5a Tiriatifra ia tit Msactray ef tbi
Eeaatarial Deadlock.
Ifara to Baa is Aaotiar Ecntd Ifteta
Etera Disapproval
Fiftj-Fcai Prtxi?u, Sat AH '.
5oraiaai Irs PatHa.
sra to
Utlrn Reeflred EiprrlIT Gratlil
culaa t Reeelpt of Bfwtil
Avrl on Ocrnln of the
Death of q.ue-en Victoria,
3f. 3S. 4. 41. -t 4SE.
Allen SO 47 42 2T 48 -
Bre ....... -
C ruun.o ft H lO 1 !
Carrie 15 l'l 13 11 13 11
Dietrich -. I
Harrlaartan ....2 3 4 1 3
Harlan 2 1112 2
Htxbair 1I 22 21 l- ' 21
HItrhroek 1
Klnkald .......2 2 1 2 2 2
Martin 2 2 2 2 2 2
MelklrJnaa ....2 2 2H 2 2S 31
RM-watf-r . . . 1-4 1.1 1 13 13 1.1
Thampaoi, D. 1 3H 3 33 SO 33 3t
Thompson, W. H. SO 3 41 12 41 3
Wethereld ...... 2 2 2 1 2 2
LINCOLN". March 12. iSpeciat Telegram.)
The monotony of tie ballot Tor ratted
Sts'es senator In joint session was again
enlivened today if a, cilery play desired
to manufacture poDtlcal capital or the
fuslouists. Tie roU. call had proceeded
down to the aame of Hamilton -when that
worthy , under pretext of explaining hta
Tote, seat to the desk to be read a paper
pastrd us 'with aa edit rial from on af
the fusion organs sarcastically irruiM;
the republicans as Nebraska' redeemers.
At a single glance the secretary recognized
lti import and passed it to the lieutenant
governor, who promptly ruled it out ot
order as a tirade in ao iray constituting
. legitimate explanation of a Tote aad ia
rited aa appeal from hti deeislna. A net
work of motion aad points ot order w-aa
being Quickly spread out whea the pre
siding officer declared that the roll call la
prodrug should eontiaue uninterrupted.
while at its conclusion the appeal from his 1 for the protection of railway construction
decision would be again entertained. On 1 Russia would recall her troops from Man
roll call on the appeal, the chair was sus- 1 churia. provided the action of other powers
tatned by a vote ot 1U to U, merely a j did not place aa obstacle la the way ef
handful of fuslonists venturing to stand op j such a measure. In tho view of the aa-
for Hamilton aad those who had come to
his rescue. ,
The ballot for senator was In itself la .
ao way noteworthy as compared with those '
preceding. JlaTihaTi n'k Uu. unly rrpnb-1
11 can absentee and his Tote if recorded
would probably hare gon" to Hlnshaw and 1
Currie. Thompson's thirty-nine votes I
therefore showed his present maximum j
strength outside of comblaation. Edar
returned to Currie from Crounse and Mul
len cast his vote for Governor Dietrich,
these being the only two changes recorded
on the republican side.
Cancna Vote Four Time.
At the caucus tonight fifty-fear members
were present and four ballots taken, but
without much change. Adjournment was
taken early until tomorrow night. Just to
startle the lobby the caucus announced its
dispersement by a tremendous cheer, ia
teaded to lead outsiders to believe a nomi
nation had been made. But it was only a
premature April fool Jake, Vote In eaacus
1st. 3d. 3d. 4th.
Harlan a
Hlnshaw S
Scattering 1
.I'Lno ledarment from Kinar.
A souvenir letter that wtdl doubtless be
came historic was laid before tha house
by the clerk today, being the acknowledg
ment ot the memorial resolutions adopted
by that body oa the occasion of the death
of Queen Victoria, The letter, which is
type written on heavy mourning notepsper. j
embossed with a neat seal and autographed ,
by the marquis of Laaadawae. was trans-
mined by Ambassador Choate, The text
of the ccrresponence fellows:
1?(!1 -John Wul. Esq.. Chief Clerk of House
of Representative. Stale of Nebraska
Sir I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your letter datad th ultima, in
which you were good enough to transmit
copies of the resolutions of sympathy
adopted by the House ot Representati's of
the state of Nebraska, upon tie death of
the late Queen.
I lost no otsa in forwarding the Resolu
tions Is question to the Marquis of Laas
dawne. Ills Britaantr Majesty's Principal
Secretary of Stat for Foreign Affairs, aad
1 new have the honor to enclose herewith
his Lordship s reply staring that he laid
them betare the King aad expressing Hi
Majesty h staoere thanks for the same I
have the honor t be. sir your obedient
JCxeeHeney I have laid before the Krac.
Sly Sovereign, tie Resolutions wtuch were
adopted by the Legislature of tbe State of
Nebraska wson rereivtr.g the tatoUlgenee
of the death ox her lat Majesty. Queen
Victoria. Kant-ess of India, and which wer
forwarded ta me In y .or Excellency s note
tit tie i&te tost.
1 have been coosnianded by the King to
request your Excellency to eomvey His
Majesty's most artne-ore thanks for these
fresh p roots of the sftapacby which has
been shown to Ham and h4 Royal House
throughout tie CnittHt Statos ot Arafrtca.
In the heavy kws whK-b bus falles an ihem.
1 have the honor to be. with the highest
consideration, your Excellency's most obe
dient. huciWe sorvant. LANSDOWNE.
Hi Excellency. the Hon. Joseph H.
Choate. tr . etc.. etc.
Mr. Lndln Uaonernted.
The publication in The Bee ef extracts
trom the testimony takes by the committee
Investigating the holdup looby seems la
have placed Repreeatativc Lafiin to com
pany ia which he does belong. Whne
Mr Lafila's statement before the com
mittee was correctly published it was mad
by him as a voluntary wttarss aad nothing
was shown connecting him with the lobby
ists la question. Mr. Jouvenat. who was
one of the members at the investigating
committee, said
"Nothing reflecting ou Mr. Laoia in aay
way was brought aat betere us aad our
commlttoe was unanimous that no suspi
cion whatever attached ta htm. The oaly
mention of his name came ia oenneeOau
with one of the bills introduced by Mr.
Thomssea, who said It was innocently
handed to him la a sealed envelope by Mr.
Lafiin at the request ot Drueadaw ad bod
sot been la his possession Aftcttu mm ate,
nor bad he knows the content of the en
velope Mr Lafiin came to us of his owa
accord, without a subpoena, to explain
.-,....,,.. t.,a t- .
l oatiucd oa Third Page j
Cm.alnl Attempt, to Bsplaln nnmU'
Conre in Manrbirlai
Mart 11. The Raw-ten
iwaft. waa sees today
ei naatta to
ftnasta eefg. . Cnaat Ca-
rtai snoi be . -d ta asalta
official erlacattam ax. Ms gf.
ntraest. hart la rtew a. jutt rc-
part be is ualtd to atato j hsdtvMaol
vtewu. baaed aa Ms lose ferrfbe la Cbiaa
as4 hta iaaaflarltT vtth the geaeral peatey
aiaim xu pan "tats ally sjaMalsed toward
The aaab&Jsaater 5rt rIM attestVan to
the Chtoii e tirruntm ot Saeetaa territory
last MMeater. There la a great ttrvu a
f aurtrer Wetwa the tvm emptfea. abt
.im IdaMBetnri in leasts. asl oaer th
Maaramriac hatnlarr tlr rhiaeM farcn. be
aaitt. atmrwi. nraalttlij 4etreatioii
aad tkre&tcatasr Roaetas tateretts. Thic
larartoa af Mark a eaaraoter. the id
kaBs4ar Hk the Btaaeia watjW bare beea
)Hstiae4 tbrs aa4 tk-rr la dectartag war
arctost Cktaa ad takias Maacbarta. bat
Bkm. tm uaK da s. aad ta that -verr fact,
the aahaaaoiiar aM. n the bot naswer
to the areseat reports mi Raala's parpotei
to abftarb Maacaaria.
Why Troop. rr- Xher.
The aaabannator iaa4 that L-9aet refer
esre waa hrias Eaaate la tareijra paaOcattoaa
aad 1c thta eaaatry to the areaee of Es- ;
tta. troapa la Maacbarta. Ia rnply the ;
ataMMior aahett' "Why are Oerawa !
troops. British traaps. AaerMaa traeps bsm! i
other troops is Fekla? la ach cade depre- i
datloaa w ere betat; easacitted. fareici la- j
teresM were la jespardr aad each aatloa .
seat Its traaas to rire dae tkrateetloa ta !
the Ures aad araperty a Its pple aad
to prereat the reeurreace of disorder.
laejutry was maije mt Caaat Caaiiai aa
to the seectse resort that aa asreeaseat.
esataiaiac a narabrr ef articles, was abot j
ta he aeaetaded bec een Rasota. aad Caiaa. i
He said that he was aat arr1-i of aay -saeh
areeaeat aad ia the absence of awh 1
adrirs he did aC. he said, feel at Mb- 1
erty to discuss the sbect. Bet sa gea
era! principles he potated oat that aay '
aereeiaent or uaderstaadtas; which Russia j
Slight make wtra Cbiaa woald tavafre tw i
e6estial features, aaaielr: rTrsc adequate
protection for Rustaa taterests la Maa
ehsria in order that there might be aa
repetitioB of dioordor and daacer to life
aad property, and. secosd. the maintenance
of Chinese terrfeortal tettesrrity.
Coarti" 1 t yrrr.
As far back as August St. Coaat Casotai
pointed out. the Russian minister of for
eiga aSairs ta a formal aete had announced
dearly- and distiocUy the potlay of Russia
ia regard to Manchuria. Ia accordance
with that declaration It could not be
doubted that whea order had been estab
lished ta Manchuria and measures lakes
bassader, whatever might be the under- 1
standing as to Manchuria, that territory 1
ouM remain a part of China, tie Russian
troops being withdrawn as soon aa this
couid be done with assurance that order
would be maiatained. naless new conditions '
are brought about by the action of other I
Charsre la Made at Fort Seott That
Amerlean Cmaader Have
Private X-heme.
FORT SCOTT. Kan., March IT The
charge was made xa a meeting of the local
Select Friends lodge her-j by John H. C ri
der, who has just retired aa grand master
of the Ancient Order of United Workmen
ot Kansas, hat the supreme officers ot
the Select Friends' lodge, which, was yes
terday declared insolvent, have same pe
cuniary interest la merging the lodge into
the American Crusaders of Kansas City. Ia
support af his claim he produced a Us: of
the supreme officers ot the Crusaders ana
showed that It contained the names or
nearly all the supreme officers of the Select
Friends. Some of the positions are
Supreme Select Friends officers present
when the charge was made denied it. In
sisting that their only object was to pro
tect the Select Friends. The local lodge
by a majority vote sustained Mr. Crider's
motion to defer the transfer of member
ship to the Crusaders. The Crusaders oiler
to assume all the Select Friends' policies
and pay SO per cent on the death claims the
sr year. 25 per cent the second year and
1 per cent mere after
Jail Janitor Tetlfl That Affection
for Mr. Allen Wu Motive
for Marder.
ECRLINGTON. Kan., March 12. Ia the
trial af James Harris for the murder of
J H. Alien of Otrumwa, John Je4t. a negro
Janitor of the county jail, swore that Hams i
had told bun the details of the plot andj
murder numerous times and that Harris j
claimed to be very much to lave with Mrs. '
Allen, the wife of the murdered mas. Mra. I
Allen was acquitted yesterday of the charge
of Instigating the murder. Harris refusing
ta testify agaiast her.
Holt also testified that Harris had told
his he would play Insane at the trial and
would reruse to taut at aa. Harris' re
fusal to testify against Mrs. Allen was ex
ptalaed by a statement made to Holt that
he was so much under her control that he
couid say nothing against her in her pres
ence. Sheriff Green and other witnesses
swore that Harris had made a confession
to them.
laerrsiiig of m-ltlc Company'
Capital Restricted l atll Trial
Come Olf.
TRENTON, N J . March IX The court
of errors today beard argument la the
sase of William M. Donald against the
Amerleaa Smelting aad Refining company
DocaM la trying to prevent the eompaay
from inereasing its stock ta 1100,000.000 and
asqulring the plant of Guggenheims by pay
lag tor it in stock of the consolidated com
pany. After the argument today, the court
went into conference aad decided to con
tinue the stay. This win prevent the carry
ing out at the proposed purchase until the
ourt of errors has finally disposed ot the
matter The case is expected to come np
la the court ot errors Immediately after
the argument la the ante-spring election
ease, which has been set far Monday. It Is
aot expected that the American Smelting
case will be reached before Tuesday
Denver Alderman Killed.
DENVER. March IX Alderman James A
i .T)tfTTv was instantly Killed tonignt bv fari
inir from the sixth floor .f the Arapanoe
, H 1 1 1.H n it ' Vii, arround .r.r x i ,mr .
! uw ,-ace are on the sxr-.Jj Soar of the
I hi-iidlrg and ho a-ridtita.:v fell iver tho
bannlater Ho was fi tram f ars aad
J pronuarat i social circles.
bandits attack paymaster
Hajor Pkisti'i Tea Kb Siti 75,000 ia j
irald by Eard Efatay. .
Tirort Captures Se-reral of Them
A"f Cacaran Manila. Daitapaa
Railroader .otrlVe tor
aa Increase.
, ...
JLkXlUL March M.-Piyaster Msjor
Plekea with $TS.(K poW aad aa escort
ot tea aMMtated aea trod Company D e ,
ixteeath recular infantry, was attached ;
by a party of thirty baadHs on the road ;
between BarMDbeaaj aad Eehaue, ta the ,
prortace at Xaeva Ttocaira,
A hard Ssht easaed aad the robbers were i
roated. The funds were saved. Corporal j
Hoeker wjs killed
a private was
More thsa S 0K) Ilecaaos took the oath
of aSectasee to the Casted States last
LieiMeasat John I Miaes. with Cots
paay K. Seeoad Caited SaXet iafaatry. ea
easmtered a body ot iasargeats south of
Bueaa Vista, Martodacrce island, oae
Amerlcaa betag killed aad three wouadee.
A combined eSert is .betng- made to crush
the lasorgeats Is Mariaduque lslaad aad
tea expedttioas are out.
Capture Become Jamrmia.
A detachment of the Forty-sixth rotea
leer iafaatry captured are rebel officers
aad thirty mea. isgether with forty -seea
rifles, aear Indanit, proetare of C&nte.
Calo&el Robert L. BuOard af the Thirty
ninth volunteer infantry has recetred the
surrender of the lasurgeat. Colonl Bopea.
with two officers, thirty-three men and
twenty-aise rifles at Bala ran. proriace
of Bataagai!.
Lieutenant Thomas L. Sherourae ef the
TBtrty-taira voraateer tniaatry. wttn a i
company of natlv- scouts, defeated forty I
laourgtats ia the mountains beyond Santa
Maria, prorinee of South Docas. ir
Crey of the Forty-second volunte-r to.
faatry captured one Insurgent oScer and I
two bras cannon near Mo rone Major El
more F Taggart ot the Twenty-eighth vol
uateer iafaatry captured about twenty
five miles south ot Cagayaa the followiaaj
members ot the revolutionary cabinet
Aazellae Abejechuca, military chief, aad
Gusto Chaclan. Ramon N'erc. Santiago
Ceatelk). Ramon Chavez and Fausto Piodo.
The native employes of the MaaHa-Dajra-paa
raJroad nave struck for a S9 per cent
increase la wares aad the company ha?
offered aa advance of IT per cent. Native
engiaeers received oaly 129 per month aad
conductors, firemen aad hrakemea less.
When the native engineers struck the com
pany employed Americans at 1125 a month.
The Mindanao prisoners have arrived at
Philippine Conmlnlaa Condneted to
Taynba with Ceremna) 4Ieta
to Hollo March n.
TATA3AS. Prarluro of Tayabaw iealhora
Luzon. March 12. The American Philippine
commission left Luceaa this morning and
rode seven miles through the cocoanut
groves to Tayabas. They were escorted by
a delegation of 100 natives aad a detach
ment of Philippine cavalry. They received
aa enthusiastic welcome.
Tomorrow the commission will g0 to
Marinduque Island and thence to Romblon
island on Saturday They will organize
seven of the smaller adjacent islands into
a province. afer which civil government
will be established oa the iBlaad ot Mas
bate, The commission will arrive at Ilollo.
Paaay Island, March 30.
About PiarUMMI la for Lady Cook,
with Interest on S23tL,0H)
Other Fare WelL
LONDON. March 14. By the terms of
the will of the late Sir Fraacis Cook, all
his estates ia Portugal aad two-thirds cf
the other property go to the eldest san.
Francis, by the testator's first wife, and
the remaining third goes to his sob Wynd-
Lady Cook receives ;5.000 aad' the in
come for life from an Investment of 30,
000. The testator's wife and her daughter
receive 53.000 and aa Income for life for
the lnvestient of 100,000. The collection
of pictures Is left In trust for the eldest
son aad his heirs, as though entailed. The
pictures are to be kept la a gallery. There
are ao charitable bequests.
Transatlantic Liner Plan to Far-
aLr the Trade at Liver
pool. (Copyright, !!, by Press Publishing Co
LONDON. Marrh 13. i New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. James
Bruce Ismay, managing director of the i
White Star Mae. proceeded ta America today
oa ue uceanic oa aa important mission con
nected with the vlctnallag of the company's
Sect. It Is rumored that the company con
templates victualing its steamers In
America for their round voyage. This will
entail a serious less to Liverpool traders.
Take a Few Week' Ret with Hla
Family and Ride Horse
back Dally.
iCopvright, 19.R. by Press Publishing Co.)
MEXICO, March 12. New Tork World
Cablegram Special Telegram. The alarm
lag rumors concerning President Diaz's
condition are unfounded. There Is no truth
la the story of his insanity. He is stopping
at Cueraavaca with his family for a few
weeks' rest. H Is taking daily horseback
rides and Is apparently In good health.
Movements of Oeean Vrasela Mareh 13.
At New Tork SaJled Ligurta, tor Genoa ;
Sleertaji. for Guiagiw. fit. Louis, for
Southampton fwrmanir for Liverpool. Ar
nvea Piuladephian. from Liverpool. No
madic from Liverpool.
At Hong Kong Sailed Empress of Ja
pan, for slULngnai, Nagasaki. Yokohama
and Vancouver B. C Arrived (previously)
Steamers Doric from San Francisco, via
Hoaoluiu. Tokobarna., Nagasaki and Shang
hai, Miioa, irom Portland, Ore. via To-
At Yokohama Arrived Empress of
China, from Vancouver. B. C. far Na
gasakL Shangnaj and Ho-ng- Kong.
At Bremen Arrived Kaiser WUhelm der
Grosse. from New York.
At Rotterdam Arrived Steamer Patter
dam, from New York, via Boulogne,
At Dover Passed lata, from san Fna
oisoo. via-Valparaiso aad St. Vincent, C. V
far Hamburg.
At Sydney N. S. W Arrived (previously
Ventura, from San Francisco, via. Hon
olulu and Auckland.
At Constantinople Arrived Augusts
Victoria, oa Orient cruise
At Qu-enstown Sailed Lake Megan rir
far St Jhn. N B. and Saxnma, both
from Liverpool. Teutonic from New York,
for Liverpool.
At Souutampfui Bailed Lain, from Bre
men, fcr New York,
Prfha- of Urir Bloeka of Bnrlla--tou
In Be Followed by Dlrecto
rate Representation.
yKW yORKL Mirrh ix Tb- Mn aad
Epre today says "It was feemed today
I fraa aa auibantau're woarro that :be larce
Mocka of Chicago. BarHturton ar Quiacy
soaek aira hare bees booght la the oaoa
market the last foar weeks, caasia a
Jaop of tea potats la taw prtc, were taken
far the Uatoo Factac. aad wrtiia a short
tkae thai will be fallowed hr the eiectian
of seToral Caiac PseUk men to the boars
af directors of the BurHartoa cmafmay
"The etoser relatioos whssh will foUo-n-
tirB raKm PaetSic and BaHaairto.
are s I3pna- than tS- parchaM
f tp Smvtnt Part3c . ,hr Vaioo Pa- '
Tie Barllanoa was tfae ooopaay
wWea rao,t to b tearta w VniHl
p1Jrt2. te traaseoattoeaxia leraHary. ti,
iart- -..-Mae- itt Vnsk aarf cm.
orada and threatentue to buHd aa lade-
trs4nt Une of , a vs thvPaaSr coasc
Surh a load wouM neesarilr parallel
the I'aton Partac to a sreat degree, aed
there Is reasoa to belirre fhat the Bur-,
Uagtoa people were lendiag aid, to Eie of i
the reretttiy isrorporaied eompaaies. a eta- j
biy that pracnoted by Senater WhStaai A ,
Clark from Salt Lake City to Las Angeles. .
"The Caton Psriae will not' bare a roa -0lltag
later est ia the Burniroa. for he
purehawa ot Burlington stoak so tar ag- '
grecate not sjch mors thaa half the t
amauat outataading, which Is SWSJCMt,
larluding the last wsue
"The Cniea Par'Of purshaaes are said
to be between 100.000 aad .3SQ.D00 shares
and the holdtsga are to be lacreosed whea
it can be done at 'oarosrtrms'tn price
Railroad Men In Mleblatjui and Wl. I
--on.ln Appeal Inr lax me
dia Ir Aid. . .
GRAND RAPIDS. Mirk, ilaroh 11 Rag- !
lag along the entire roast of Lake Michi- ;
rth of Grand Rapids and reachra .
.0TJ"r tie Sadaaw vaHey la one of :be
it disastrous storas ta years. Report,
" f ' arr eo,
att 1 i
northeast ot here. Is a Me to "move. j
So far the winds have been southeast- ,
erly. but railroad mea fear that it ia turn- j
teg northwesterly aad the worst 1s to eerae. I
Grand Rapids & ladlanx paasesger trains
ar- stalled between here aad Mackinaw !
City. Two Pere Marquetre passenger truss
are fast ia the snow aadare rapidly being
saowed ia completely, aad there, are freight '
trains out on both lines which are banked j
ia with walls of snow and frozen slush. 1
The strength of the blizzard may be un
derstood wheu It Is known thai the windows !
ot the coaches aad the cabs ot the eagiarn '
were la some instance broken ia. . ;
The trainmen In reporting from the north j
say that their situation js perilous and ask '
for Immediate aid. They say the snow Is j
falling In clcuds and that, they are unable 1
to assist themselves. j
ASHLAND. Wis.. Marrh 13. One of the ,
worst blizzards In the history of "Wisconsin ,
is raging. Business Is practically- sus
peaded. street cars are tied up and the peo- '
pie are remaining; driers. fstreeta re )
literally choked with snow -and railway .
trains are seversl hours late.
Omaha Medical Graduate Fall Vic
tim to Army ervlee In Phil
ippine. DES MOINES. March 13. fSpecial. i
Sherman A. Tale, a. resident of De Moiaes,
whose parents and relatives live in Omaha,
died ia Manila. Marrh 4. and intermacton to
that effect was received by his friends here.
Mr. Tule was acting assistaat surgeea in '
the volunteer army "When be lived here
he was cashier of the Iowa Savings and Loan
company and a popular young man. He had
studied medicine In Des Moiaes and was
graduated from a medical college in Omaha.
He secured appointement to a position
in the hospital corps and went to Hono
lulu, where he was made contract surgeon
and given charge of the large hospital there.
He was aftrrward made assistaat surgeoa
with the rank of captain aad sent to Manila. 1
The dispatch from Manila announcing the
death of Yule gives no particulars.
Elpren Meenger Wheelberc' Hmr
row Encase in "Wreck "W'eat of
lenven worth. Kna.
LEAVENWORTH Kin.. March 13. '
Leavenworth I Kami wertera passenger I
train No. Z was ditched aear Soldier, sixty
five miles west of here, today and eleven j
passengers were Injured. The most serl-1
coaly injured is Leo Chad wick, superin
tendent of bridges aad buildings.
The express car caught fire from an over
turned stove, and the train crew was com
pelled to cut Into the car to rescue Express
Messenger Heary Wheel berg, after which
the fire was extinguish)!. The wreck was
caused by a defective rait
I GoT(.rnment P7
Indian Mr!p
Franklin County Lnder Ham.
nrr-433 la Top Bid.
TOPEKA, Kan.. March IS. The govern
ment began here today a public sole at the
remaining lands of the Chippewa aad Mua-
1, i l i 1.14..
i see uisumi , aiiuaiea W r . tjuiuj.
The reservatloa consists of about 1.3O0
acres lying ia the Marias des Cygae val
ley and Is very fertile.
For the purpose of this sale the gov
ernment divided the land iato tracts at
forty acres, about thirty-five in all. aad
put on them a low valuation. The bidding
was spirited. The lands were appraised
by the government at from ti to 17 50 .aa
acre, but S30 and SS5 are the tap bids.
Circuit Court Trial Result In Their
Coavletloa a Murderer of
Mr. Hadaon.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan.. March IX After
a three days' trial la the circuit court a
Jury fcuad Andy WUhura. Son Thsraburg,
Joe Turner aad John Wilson, who were
Implicated la the raid on the Millwood
saloon last month, guilty of the murder ot
Mrs. Hudson ia the first degree, as charged.
Ball was set at 110,000 for Wllburn aad Tur
ner. 15,000 for Wilson aad JLOOO for Thorn
burg. Their cases will be tried at the AprH
term ot the district court.
Bryan Starts for- Home.
WASHINGTON. March IX William J.
Brym. who arrived here last night, left
this afternoon tor his home la Nebraska.
Mr. Bryan during his stay in this city was
the guest of C T MeEride. a personal
friend. He had a long conference with
Judge William M Springer aad was called
upon by a number of local democrats.
Denver Drnwrati ame n Woman.
DENVER, Mar' a 13,-The democm
'try (-en-en- n tadav Mrs,
Eliia ML Anderson fcr city clerk,
Aadrs-w Ciraefie Esdowt Fsid far Bii
tiled ErzplcTst cf tit Cocpizj.
Write Feellnaly or the Relation Ci
lntinar Between Emplorr a.nd Km
plo) ra and Crarea l'rfaerrs
tloa of Ravrniony.
JITTSBCTW. Mareh 11-Tw, ramaani- !
ratieaa from Aadrew Carnegie which are
ofSciaUy made pabUc tsigbt. ten af the
steel king's retirement from active bust- j
aess life aad cf his doaatloa of SS.0.fX.4 I
tor the oadowaent mt a fand for superaa- !
auated aad dteabled employes of the Car- I
acgie eoaspany. Thto beaefscttoa Is by far
the tarcest at the maar created br Mr. .
Caraegie. aad is probably without a eaus-
terpart aaywhere ia the world. This fuad
will ta e wl- laterfere with the rootlaa
aace of the sariags fund established by
thm Mmfilliv ftmmn ... . a tw fV. -
at ot its employes. Ia th Mad nearly .
tZ.m.m ot the eplores savian, are on !
deaoslt. ueoc heh the rnzmv hr -- ,
. ' , ' , .
trat pays S per sent, aad leans money ,
to the workmen to hoild their owa hemes.
ilr Caraegie's arst letter Is addressed
eure 'if Tir.aJ' iZ,t it Totaarrow moraiag a raeetlag wiO be Hta death was ,aiet aad patevess. thor,
wres them at his eonttemed interest la that j e0re u n. . gradaal Maklag aacll the end easac.
t. aenaaut u,i.. I fot - i "f tie raooraL It baa beea vhsrh was aarked by a sagl gasp tor
BV- -ww- T ,. SUM " aoaarary paOberers sb.ll breatb as We departed tra the body mt
Prertdent aadaag?. tbTca-lie Caa- xht sa'tabers as eaataec 1' is aat tae great statasaa. The relatives, wtBh
pany Oeotlessen-Mr Franks, mf -RWer. kao-s pasltivHy how tamer ot them win a fow eaceattocs. aad sevaral ot the toracr
win head over to you aposi your aecepacae came, but it is rwapesed by the aMaaber prrsideat s aid aad tried frtosda were at
rbStoV'fir iTe SaSwIr: ( - the -a-tly that all ,111 be her-. , the bed, whoa he psed a.wT.
p-s. As far as they oouid be mkW by tele- I The geaeral r eaodltloa was sa bad data
The taecwe of XJ.fms.O'Kt to be spent la ' grama, the members of Geaeral lla.-rtesa t nwrsiac. after a reatleoa alga, that the
TcH,mtsn7rDV ?"L:'K ;:re l' '".r1!. t
have beB clg ta Interest of csaofHi to , household at the time of the eaatrattoa tad couW act be far a aad att the but
earb of these libraries hittterra. and this , of the term at his executive oflce. were ledaa scat out from the sick raooi were to
Sftlre a "V-na 9t SS-(" t5ereaitr ror i prsmpHr aatiaeil af his death, aad aseet af I tats effect, sa that the fa miry aad trteoc
"w., , (MW1 (wwl j them win attend tie fuaeral. With the were prepared whea the Saal Mao.- tarns.
M- M ' exeepUan of ex-Secretary at State John W i The gradaal faMtog mt the resarkable
aSnJ"60" 0t 'be 0th"r S4-"nuw a ta bo j Fostor. whe is traveling ia Mcxca and - strencth shows by the pattest became mac
FU-M-Te provide for emptove, of tie ' "" be teeat"1- ' received jsaKicetble to the atteraaas and a lew no
Carriegle rompuiy in all Its works. mae, ! the notlees forwarded Secretary at the meats before the ead there was aa ?
railways, shops, etc.. injured in its servten. ' Treaoary Charles W Foster. Foetoria. O. : purest breakdown oa the aart at tba
$LtlmT,it "Ch 'liaTT of War Stephen B. Bfttn,. S- Sr as be sarrcadered to the ASsea
Seood-T poevide small prnlon or aids 1 v"-- errtXTT ot the avy Bea- i acatnet wWch be bad bean aa bravety bol-
to such employes aa. alter long and credit- Joscta F. Tracy. New Tork. Secretary of uc far so brit heura. The eaaare waa
t.'Z- fhrh TX(TJnti rt--!tie Interior John W Nae. St.. Iv ! "hTjT shrTkn. nrthe refa-
stanres need such help in thetr old se and rs. -,i u. w,.-,.v- mn 87 n pnysnriavaa ana tae rea-
wbo make a god JsT of it. Should tivs- 1 Po-:nat'9r GapriJ Waaamaker. Phfl- , mM and friends, who had retired frasu
us-s not rfluir- all of the reveua and a
sural-us of X2l.ef9 be left after ten v ears'
operation then tor all over this workmen !
in nulis ,ther than the Carnegie company
in .vuegnray county snail Become eUctbi- :
for sarttapatlon in tb fund, th aulls
nearest the werks of tae Carnegie Steel
company being nrst embraced. !
This fund is aat Intended to be used as a '
substitute for what the company has been j
in the hohit r ntr, in 1
rrorn it- it is intended to so stiU further
and give to the Injured or their families, or
in employes wno are aenly to old age
JJ" ta- own, seme pro- j
viston against want as lonat as needed or
until young children can become self-sup- i
porting. I
Pension STifm rAn.u
Tour Tireirfe-r i. ,., , ,
f erring for some time past aa. to the -possi-'
bmrr of introducing -a pension and bene- Harrison. He will leave here probably to
oTSSiSOSS. the exacf- time of de-
srlvania. and Baltimore &. Ohio railroads. I Parture has not beea determined, accom
We and it -a. diciT.-prttbS3 ia.a44uat.ta. i.fart4 by Mr. McKinl aad Secretary Cor
TC teljou- The party w, stop at Canton for
to make this fund the foundation of such j a day or more aad Mrs. McKlaley wilt re-
system. ( mala there while the president aad Mr.
prlrto to dr;Si"meutta,Con,yoU t0 "P- It U
be thinks worthy of sir! from tie fuad. and 1 aot that aay members of the cabi-
the president will to turn report to' the net will go.
d!-ectors Mtthl. remmenrfatJon fwaf. ; Althocch expected, the death of General
each vVar. st lnc an account of the- fund ' Harrison was a distinct shock to the preri-
and -f Its distribution, sbiul be published in j dent, the two men having seen much at
I?..'L?",frr,!Lm. ?il"ir?.i'PtLctp,'"'.s ted j each other while the former was la the
pioye may what is being done. Pub-1
licit y in Oris manner will. I am sure, have
a bueliclaJ effect.
I make this aist use of surplus wealth on
retiring from business aa an acknowledg
ment of the dr p debt which I owe to the
workmen who have contributed so greatly
to my suecrss.
HI Three-Lesrsred toL
T bope the cordial relations which exist
betw-een employers aad employed throa gh
ost all the Carnegie works may never be
dtsrurtvd . both employers and employed
remembering what 1 said In my last speech
to tne men at tiomesteau- "Labor, capital
say fareweU. Hancily. there la no ren
farewell in one sense, because, although no
longer an employer. I am stifl and always
must be a friend, deeply Interested in the
happiness of ail whom It has been my good
fortune to know and work In sympathy
with for so many happy years. Always
truly yours, ANDREW CARNEGIE.
Cashier Johnson of Mir Bank
Changed with SllMl.lXXl Crookrd
ne HI Property Attached.
NTLES. Mich.. March 13. The directors
of the suspended First National bank to
day Sled a declaration against Charles A,
Johnson, the missing cashier of the hank,
alleging that forgeries amounting ta tl00,
000 against leading citizens of this county
have been committed ty him. It was found
today that there was a great quantity ot
forged paper held by the lnstltutloa.
Bank Examiner Seldea filed papers with
the county clerk at St. Joseph attaching
all of Jehason's property, hut It will not
cover the shortage by maay thousaads. No
trace of Joimscn was discovered today.
Ot the fsrged paper found J20.000 was
against T. L. Wilkinson ot St. Joseph, a
member of the abstract firm ot Dix &. Wilk
inson, which did a large business with the
A petitloa will be seat to the comptroller
j of the treasury, asking him to appoint some
local business man receiver ot the bank.
So many local manufacturers and business
! firms are embarrassed by the suspension
. that It Is vital to the town that the bank's
affairs be settled with all possible speed.
The report of the bank ezamlaer Is being
awaited by the anxious depositors. The
fuads of both the sity aad county are tied
up la the hank and all municipal business
is practically at a staadsuIL
Explodes While Haallnr Coal Train
aad Three Men Are
TRENTON. N. J, March IX The boHer
ot engine No. 623 oa the Lehigh Valley rail
read exploded this moraiag while the en
gine was pulling a ccal train near Mud Run
aad three men were killed. They are:
The engine was blow iato the Lehigh
river and the mea instantly killed. The
traia w-as aot affected and ran for same
I distance without the engine. It is no..
i known vnat caused tae bourn o explode as
1 t was a comparatively new oca. t
and business ability are the three legs of a i lmation of General Harrison. j aunt were ahta present-
three-legged stool, neither ia first, neither "To the People of Indiana General! Mrs. Harrison kneeled at the rightham!
anrnroulifr nes'L- He ; Ben3an,n Harrison, ex-presldent of the i the bed. her husband's righthaad
wMMwaoms aT lStatntad for many years past un- , grasped la hers, while Dr. Jameson held
an enemy of all ' J ostentatiously enjoying the undisputed honor the lefthaad af the dying man. counting
I knew that I have done my duty in re- af indUna's most distinguished eitl- , the feeble bulse beats. In a few momenta
ifnteTVvf. and 7u rTr; died at his home la Indianapolis at i frieads had beea summoned to
heart is foil I have enjoyed so much ray ' 4 45 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, March the room the end came. Dr. Jameson an
S1011111 worlCTen- "'.AVi18' 1 33' 1ML He et th final and inevitable j nouncing th Bad tact. The great sMenea
rL-SsVif tho-tlt! BP'SSrwrrfeh i.drt tl ! nmmoas as he had met every emergency ' that fell upon the sorrowing watchers at
riroaet for N-rak Tmir ThuradaT-f
'Ttads OeaeraUy Jirlliwoler!y . rndaj '
Tair. ,
Temperature at Omaha Yeaterdayt i Dee. H.. Dewr.
a. in
l au m . .
7 a. m . .
' P- n" I
- P. ni
3 p. m ..... .
4 p. m ..... .
3 p. m ..... 4
ti p. m......
. p. sn ..... i
p. tn ......
! p. m ..... ,
... 32
... 3R
. .. 33
.. 33
3T ,
3i .
! a. m .
10 a. m.
11 a. m .
12 m... .
Ire.byterlan Chnreh with
uamntai laMaft .Members aa j
llannrary Rearer.
. . . . 1
r? TTZT Marth --The fuaeral
Hir -
H"s ?Tf f ?"rtrt"
----- -- .
eaajreh. at
a ember far aeariy Arty years. The Bv.
' M. L. rlosaes. pastor at tbo First Praaby.
I tertaa chares, will have charge ot the tor-
This sitoraooa it was decided at a aeet-
7 "wT! t
"jTL LX?
" - i
rotuada of the capttol all day seat Sorar
. . .... . ,. .1
ar Tke kicfcfU Kmmc virtrt it ta t tfce
, IHiver t&e Kate mC IMUasa to par U1
. Van anM.'aao.aal fa -WA - - 1 aaWi -1
A telegram from Mrs. Mary Harrison-
MrK- reeeed to tie citv tonlcht an-
McKre received is tie city tonigat an- ,
aOTacrl1 - : " ' i
morrow. She will be aeoampaaied by her .
ynKi,.A v- Brte af OtmwiL Coeral i
hUBband. M.s. Berto of Ottumwa. General ,
Harrison s sister, will sot be able to at- :
tend the funeral on account of ill health.
nnreinriiT m aie to a t-tt-li n
rnCSIULW I Tl-rtivO IU Ail CrtU
MeKlnley Lrair. Ua.hinctna Today
. . . -
Canton and w 111 no to In-
dlanapoll for the Funeral.
WASHINGTON. March li President Mc- I
Klniey will attend the funeral of General j
"ecutive offiee. The president during the
evening sent a telegram or condolence to
Mrs. Harrison.
Indiana Executive Isanea Official In-
trnrtlou to Cltisen Lpon Occa
sion of Ilarrlon Death.
Durbia tonight Issued the foUewiag proc-
in nis eventful me, wita rare courage aad
with unfaltering faith.
"As a lawyer ha received generous reccg
altipa as one la the forefront of his pro
fession, as a soldier In the war tor the
preservation of the umoa ho achieved en
during fame, as president of the United
States he maiatained in full measure the
dignity aad time-bonored tradition of that
office, as a citizen he was ressctsd tor bis
-V14.. .. 1. . 1 . , . .
w ir J " "J
l . v. . .. , . .
wi wi- aiuc L.mj. nrrc caaiac
terized by reverent regard far prinriple.
. " .-ouU..m., ""
termination, aad attended to duty eon-
scieatiously. He relied oa his awa strength
and his own conception of right ta the dis
charge of his obligations to the state, the
nation and mankind, thereby ma Via g his
career with conspicuous Individuality. The
greaur part of his lite was given to public
servlcB aad ia every service he was cslkid
to fill he gave abcadant proof of hia ability
, aa Integrity.
Ta the death af General Harrison every
citizen of Indiana will readily realizs that
the state has lost its most distinguished citi
zen, one who has left the Impress of his
genius oa the pages ot history, and whose
name will forever be associated with the
foremost statesmen and patriots of the
eventful age la which he lived.
Therefore, as a mark cf respeoet ta the
man whose world's work Is done. I direct
that all public business be suspeaded on the
day the mortal remains of Geaeral Harri
son are lying ta state, tint the Sacs of all
buildings be placed at halfmast during the
customary period of mourning, aad that
such other honors b paid to tie distin
guished dead as befit the occasion.
"Done at the capital at the state of In
diana, at Indiana pofla. this the 13th day
of March. In the year of our Lord. 1301, at
the Independence of the United States the
125th, aad of the stale the eighty-fifth.
"By the Governor-
"V B. Ht'XT. Secretary ot State. '
All Pay Tribute to Harrison' Per
sonal Character, Thnnsh Dlf
frrlna a to Ability.
LONDON. March 12. All the maraing
pspers publish long memorials -of General
Harrison. The DaHy Chronicle says-
"It may bo long betars America Sads aa- j
other president as capable and eoaserva- '
tlve. "
The Standard expresses the opinion 'hat
General Harrison has not left a deen mark
n 'is h,'3ry -f h.s routfrv be .ke a.'
i ie papers un a
pcrscaal character
"'bate o h.s
., , , ., ,
SaUoa i Tntj-ik0. ?nsidrt irpirti it
T7I. T, Jl w.
tertrtr 5nr Pally Arsacei rsa Ccsdl
tica ef Eeau-CcsscioatasaT.
Ssrrawiag Menbars Abort tis Hediide Eeir
5o rartiar; TTcri
Third of HI Illnatrlous ,int-Born
in Aorth Bead. Ohio. Anarwt
2t, 133 Served from
1-t to 1M)X
IXWAXAPOLtS . March H G3-xil Bea-
usls& KUTten iM it 4 c clMk tills
3 ttjrmMTI 11 itta MSlf r inn' -
sick room to the Bbrarv bew were
mvit mi.-.-mI .,. v.
- v
geaetal befar he passed away.
News of the death soraad uuickhr
tinmAdumt the hi. iT.
tB " 3 aa1 "8
mare tattaMU, trts at oace hurried to
rertdeace aad offered til ear services,
-.-.-i, .,.
saica. aowever. were not seeded.
Indianapolis In .Voarnlag.
The ward was bulletined by aH the news
papers and thus communicated to the peo-
l pie on their way home in the evening. The
announcement caused the greatest sorrow-.
nearly everyone having nurtured the hope
tht Geaeral Harrioan
would recovar.
Within a few moment! the Hags an aH th
pubUc buildings and most af the down
town business blocks were hatnted at half
mast aad other outward manifestations at
mournfcic were -tan de.
None of General Harrison's rhfidren was
prrrent at his death, neither Colonel Run-
! sell Harrison aor Mrs. McKee having
I the city, although both were hur-
' ryiag on their way to the bedside of thetr
; dying parent as fast aa steam would bear
; them.
j Elizabeth, the little daughter, had bn
taken from the sick room br her scrse
! before the end came The group at thi
bedside included Mrs. Harrison. W. H. II.
, .Mine;
Samuel Miller, hte sea, the Ro?.
M. L. Haines, pastor of the First Presby
terian church, which General Harrison had
attended tor -sa atany j-ears: Secretary
Tlbbetto. Drs Jameson and Dorsey, Colonel
I Daniel Rassdelt. sergeant-at-arms of the
United States senate aad a dose personal
; friend of the dead ex-president; Cttffard
I Amck and the two aurses. who have beea
i 13 constant atteadaswa at the bedside.
! Geaeral Harrison's two sisters aad aa
me Drawee was oroaea oy tae voice ot
Dr. Haines, raised in prayer, supplicating
consolation far the bereaved wife aad
family, mingled with the sabs of tha
Friend Are Notified.
Steps were at osee taken to notify the
friends and relatives abroad that the end
hud come. Cotooel RansdeK dlspstohed
telegrams to prominent men at the aa-
tianal capital, including th
Iadiaaa sea-
Utars, Messagas to relatives la
cities were also disnatrhed Immediately.
General Harrison had beea cneonsoious
for hours before hte death, the exact Urns
.u v. ,j ,. , , .....
being hard to determine. He spoke to no
ane today and failed to recognize ,evea hta
wife. The greater part af Tuesday, too,
he was la a semi-conscious oondttien, al
though be was at times able to reoogstaa
those at bis bedside. At that time be rec
ognized aad spoke to Mrs. Newcomer, hla
1 aunt, who had Jatet reached the home. He
'also spoke to Mr Miller, bat the words
being very Indistinct, however, onry "doc
tor" aad "ay rungs" being understood.
Almow. the last wards he altered were ad
dressed to his wife, of whom he laqtstrod
shortly before he became UBconfictous if
the doctors were present.
Oae af the most pathetic tacideats at
the whole illness af the geaeral occurred
Tuesday before he became anooasctotie. The
general's little daughter, Elizabeth, waa
brought Iato the sick room for a tew mo
ments to see her father and offered hta
a smaU apple pie, which she herself had
made. General Harrison smiled his reaeg
nitton of the child and her gift, but the
effort to speak was too mach aad he eauti!
do nothing more to essres hla apprecia
tion. Today all effarts to arouse the slowly
! d ,B '' ad
died without a word of recognition to aay
ot the loved ones who surrauaded him.
After tie announcement ot General Har
rtfcaH s death thia evening tha house was
thronged with friends who came to pay
their respects and it was not until a lata
hoar that the stream af callers ceased.
Many of those who came brought Sowers.
Na change has yet beea made ia tha
surrauadlags by the undertaker, aad will
aot be until tomorrow morning. The body
ties ia the same pustUan that It did when
death came. Aside from the darkening ot
the roam, no rhasge was made.
Graver Clevelaitd'B Tribate.
PRINCETON. X J Mareh 13. Whea ta
'.trviewed tonight by the Associated Press
orrespoadent ex-President tl-velaad nad
tie following staiemea
on -he death o'
Former Prtsldeat Ha'-r-n
am exreed'ngiy sieved fcv b sal a
iteUigracc of Mr Hs'.sons dea a, tor.