JO THE OMAHA DAILY JH3E: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL In Abainca of Outsidt Support Whtut Old's with Diollne. HEAVY TRADE IN CORN DURING FIRST HOUR Ontu .MnrUrl Ik .nrrcitr nml Shorts Cover Under Inlliiciico of Corn Provisions llulo ((iilrt lint I'lrni. CHICAGO, Mnrch U.-ln the absence ot outside support the whent market closed with a dectlne of sc todny, while the other leading speculative miirkcts on 'chnngn held llrm, corn closing 'ifie, onts '4e nnd pro visions IV?rl5e higher. May wheat opened VuUc higher at Toe to 7514e, under the short-lived support re sultant to hlghr Liverpool cuttle and tho mildly hulllHh Kovernment report made yes terdny afternoon. There was a fair amount of outside buying the first few mltiulcs. hut tho hulk of purchnse wan made by local shorts, It wa noon left to local bulls to tako euro ot tho murket and they proved unequal to the tank, nlthoiiKh the bear premium wan it t no time Hevcre, or even serious. Considering tho divergent views expressed by lending traders the compara tive Inactivity of tho market Is a puzzle. The bull argument, embracing recent re ductions In crop estimates for Argentine. Austrnlln, Krnnre and In the northwest, are answered by pointing to the fact that May wheat Ih now !c higher than It was a year ago. It was this answer which was made to tho government report. The liberality -jf seaboard clearances last week, as well as today, mnke u review of the previous day's reports of "no ex port Inquiry" look peculiar. The day's re ceipts, both In the northwest and Including other primary points, were under last year's receipts nnd the fact that this Is the crop senro season was made prominent by dam age claims from Ohio and Indiana. The market, however, without any particular prensiire, worked off during the forenoon to Tt'kflToc. The report of LW.onil il. (.old here for export and seaboard claims of .17 loads taken for the other side caused n rally to 7&'f'"nlic, but this rally failed of support nml the market reacted to 7t17lTiic and 'closed easy, o under yesterday, at 7!ie, Ronbonrd clearances In wheat and Hour wero equal to 357.W bu.. while primary re celpls were Wd.0) bu., compared with fi-SI.-f') bu, Inst year, .Minneapolis and Dtiluth reported nftlcars. against 21S Inst week and 032 a yenr ngo. Local receipts were 72 curs, A of contract grade. The world's visible de ceased CI,''') bu. Tho government statistical report of corn reserves was more bullish by comparison thnn that on wheat and was reflected In a heavy trade during the llrst hour of trade In that cerenl. Unsettled weather also helped tho bulls, but later the market be crime more quiet and prices eased off on the. Improved grading of receipts, there be ing K7 cars of contrnct out of -IM cars re ceived here today. Country acceptances wero reported light, whllo shippars claimed their mnrket somewhat Improved, May sold between 4l'4o and i)-(?i40?c, closing lAr(i higher at 4(W?llc. Oats were somewhat nffected by corn, shorts covering under (lie Influence 0f that mnrket's strength. On the wholo the mar ket was a narrow one, lacking speculative features. A good shipping demand was re ported, but tbo htislncrs done was not given out. Mny oats opened at 2IHfr2.VV sold sparingly at Zlie, declined to SP.tfJl-Mttc and closed ,ie higher at 2ll,W52o'4c. Receipts were SIH cars Provisions wern llrm, without much busi ness being transuded. Tho strongest phase of the market wnH near the close and It was also tho most nctlvo at that time. Tho market was baro of offerings most of tho day. Near tho end a llttlu emtio out and was qtileklv nbsnrbed. Mny pork sold be tween JII.82W and $11.90 and closed 13c higher at Jli.flO: May lard closed Be up at $7.0) and May ribs 74c Improved at $7..t2Ki. Ksllmntcd receipts tomorrow; Wheat, no cars; corn, 2.10 cars; oats, l.W enrs; hogs, :oono head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Opcn. High. I Low. Close.l Ycsy! Whent Mar. April May Corn Mnr. Mny Oats Slur. Mny I'ork- Mnr. May July T.nrd Mar. May July Sept. Mnr. May Sept. 73i 73'i' 74U i-r, lVrf'i 7t?! i5t 3D 0i 33 lOSWTilWa'Utl 2.W 23W 214 23i1?; 14 70 14 no II 60 II Ki 14 75 II R2'4 11 ou 7 r.7!4 7 B2V4 7 55 7 m 7 Ki 7 70 7 30 i Mi 7 dO 7 fi25 7 05 7 67 7 20 7 25 7 25 7 :12!V 7 2iW 1 su 7 ."t2'4 No. 2. Cnsh quotations weie as follows; l'LOUH-Oull: winter patents. M.OV03.KI; siraigius, mwj.wi; clears, w.wma.zo; spring specials, JI.201T4.30; patents, 3.KKtJ3.70; Btrnlghts. $3(Mi3.30: bnkers. J2.2OfI2.C0. WIIKAT-So, 3 spring, C7(fj72c; No. 2 red, ii-4'irnii:. I'OIIN No. 2. 30'4c: No. 2 yellow. 30Ue. OATS-No, 2. 255125'ic; No. 2 white, 27'ff oc; on, .1 wiiue, .o?4(((.'i')4C. KYK No. 2. 33c. HAHLKY Good feeding, 4Co; fnlr to cnotce minting, kihopac SKHDS-No. 1 (lax. J1.53V4: north western, Jl.&Mi; prime timothy, $4.10; clover, ciiniriici grime. iu. iu. IMtOVIHIONH-Mess pork, per bid.. SIl.TiVfi 11.75. Iird, nor 1M) lbs.. K,r57.n7',4. Short ribs sides (loose). S7.25fi7. 10. Drv h:i 1 1 ) shoulders (boxed). STVill C Sliort clear VHIHKY-Dnsls of high wines, $1.27. Tho receipts nnd shipments toduy wero as ioiiows: Articles Receipts. Shipments. I- lour, bbls :tG,miO 35,(no Vheal. bit 131,("i0 K'.tOO Corn, bu 171,000 IKi.ufK) Oats, bu 379,000 20ti,000 Jle. bu lfi.OOO 3,000 ltarley. bu I7,l) Vlji On tho Produce exchango today tho but ter market was Inactive; crenmerles, jfTf 21c; dairies, HJtlUc. Cheese, iiulet, Vfl.w 4i"ic, I'.KK", nun, irrsu. ii'j'm.'c. m:w voiiic ii:.M:it.ii, mahki: r (Ill II I II till IIS of Hie liny mi Vnrliius Ciiiiiiiioilllles NEW YORK. March 12. - FLOt'R - Re- teinn, .ii,Mj.i iiiiih.; exports, 1 1.191 bbls.: market moderately active and tending .umiv u, t'liinu hi nyiiiiminy with whent; Minnesota patents. $.loif 4.30; Minnesota bakers, $3.lVif3.25; winter rmicuis, w.iii'ii ,w; winter straights, $3.I5 d.uu; winter exiras, .-.wkii.'.m; winter low grades. $2.45j2.fiO. Ryo Hour, steady, fair in gnoii, tj.wuvi.iii, Choice to rallcy, S3.iiJj 3.50. Iliiekwheal Hour, quiet nt $2.1li2.5. HUCICWIIEAT-Dull nt 60a62c, c. I. f New York. CO R N M E A I Fl r ni ; yellow western. 91c; city. 90c; Ilrumlywlne, $2.43'2.50. RYE Steady; No, 2 western. i!Se, f. o. b., nflout; stale. EtM(&7t', e I. 1'., caiiuts. BARLEY Dull; feeding, IM4Sc, c' I. f., ipw itirK; inaillllg. o.iUC. BARLEY MALT-Dilll: western. CJTOp WHEAT Receipts, 15,301) bu.; exports, 131,- tin. niui, nn-iiu , ,u, . ren, ie, r o. b nlloat, and 7ic, elevntor; No. 1 north ern, nuliith. SS'nc. f. o. b.. nllont! Mn l hard, Duliith, 91ic, f. o. b., afloat. Options opened quiet and tlrm on the. irovernnwoit report of farm prospects, but was nffected by realizing on tho part of room traders, be coming weak and unsettled late Iu the ses sion. Bearish Intimations were encouraged by disappointing clearances, liberal north. west receipts nnd liquidation, Closed weak hi ttgjtu iieciine, .Miircn cinseii at 7vc; Jiny. 7'ic: July. ntfi71ic. closed at 79c. CORN Recelots. 179.100 bu.: exnorts. 3.7:1-; bu. Snot, easy: No. 2. tSWc. elevntor. nml 4fi;c, r. o, b., alloat. Option market hold ii very nrm opening, nueiiden ny active eov rrlng. H Inter weakened under an mlliiHt ment of long account, but rallied llnnlly on Into cables, small cnrlots, estlmntes anil ilntiinml frnm nlinrta Murnli nlnMn.1 n f JCI'. Mny, 4Gvk(W,e, closed at I6jic; July, Vbii t fac, cioaeu ai uc; ncpiemoer closed at ovc. OATS Receipts, 1?J,200 bu.; exports. 100 1)11. Spot, steudy: NO, 2, 30-?c: No. 3. 30Vo No. 3 WllltO. 331(33tic: No. 3 White. 32 43 . track mixed Western. 30tff3Uic: track while S2U36V4c. Option market opened llrm with corn ami was tniriy wcu sustained ail day without feature. HOI'S Quiet; slate, common to choice, 1900 cron. 17U20o: 1899. 114115c: old olds. itA c; rnclilc const. 1900 crop, iGfii9c; 1599, ll4i llo: old olds, 2 J 6c, HAY-Steody; slilpplng, 77'.4'&80o; gool to choice, swale. HIDES-Steady; Gulvchton, 20 to 25 lbs, 18H01W: Calltornln, 21 to 25 lbs., Uc Texas drv. 21 to 30 ids.. H'iUlsc. l.rCATHER Steady: iiemlock sole Tluciios Ayres. light to heavyweights, stip ueld. 23M,W24fce. PROVISIONS -Beef, steady; family. $10.50 nil.BO; mess, j.s.noaj9.ij; uecr iiams, Rtvsoip 19.w; pncKei. j.aeiu iv.ju; extra iiiiuu msss, 71 74 "Mi 741; TlVfe-Q-ls 75H "ihMi ""-mi 21 24 2W 21 II 70 1 1 Ki 14 V) 11 57'i 14 G7V4 "Yk" "Yin" 7 7 fi.i 7 05 7 70 "Yis" "Y:a" 7 32H 7 S7H IK.0091C.C0. cut incuts, nrm; picuica bei lies, J?f310.50: pickled shoulders, $5.M; pickled hams, 3 2i9.7&. Lnrd. tlrm; west ern steamed, $7.!"0; retlned, llrm. continent. $.0R, fioulh Amerlen, $s.75. compound, $S.W f!6tS. fork, quiet; family, $l5.fif 16.W; short clear. $ll.7MI0.Mt; mess, $14.254f 15.26. TALLOW-Stesdy; 1 Ity ( per pkg.l, 4dW Pic. country (pkgs. free), 4'kQ6',ie. ItlCU-lMlet, domestic, fair to extra, 3' iii'ie; Japan, 4V0tSe. IltTTHlt-lteteipts, 10.472 pkgs., llrm; fresh creamery, l"122cs Juno creamery, 15 iT(20c; factory. l'riHNc. Cli:i:SK-ltecepts, 1,52.'. pkgs.; strong; fancy, large, colored and white, llftll'.ti'; fancy, small, colored, 12'c; fancy, small, white. Ulmjr. H( If IS Receipts, ll.SIU pkgs.: firm nnd un changed, w-tern, nt mark, lSHtlHci south ern, t mark, lWiltc. .... l'Ot'LTRY-AIIe, unsettled: fowls, 11c, chickens, l"c; turkeys, lie; dressed, llrm; turkeys, iwio'sc; fowls, 8"4fflo4c. . I'llYATDUrt iltcnilv: .IcrseVs. $l.2j( New York, $I.Wi1.70; Long Islnnd, $l.MfJ Xit- Jersey sweets, $1.75fj2.CO. MKTAI.H- After 11 continued decline of over 11 week the tin market In Now York took a decided turn for tile ncuer to my. Tlic t rmness here, however, was cnieuy a matter of sympathy with London, but a llirht siipeiilatlve movement helped consid erably and pi Ices wero about 2.1 points up on big futures, to $25.Sn, with the close llrm but quiet. Tho advance 111 London was 17s fid, to 117 10s tor spot and 111 ,s 11 on futures. Hales thero amounted to 120 tons spot and m tons futures. Tho local cop per mnrKei ruien inactive, ieuiureipnH aim unchanged. At London prices wero 3s 9d low it, with spot closing at 70 and 7ulls 3d ror futures. l.eiul was (inn ami un- ImiiL'pil. whlln Hiielter was weak nlid 24 points lower at $3.IKn3.Ir, In symimthy with ilu, drrllne nbriiiid. The close for snot was 5s off, to IC Is Gd. Domestic Iron markets wero innctivc anil prices more or icss nom inally unchanged. OMAHA VIIOI,nSAl.U MARKETS. Condition of 'Crude nnd Cliinlntlons on Maple mid l'nney Produce. KOG9 Receipts liberal; good stock weak 1141 livao. LIVH rOULTUY Hens, 6',i8"c: young. staggy and old roosters. 3i6:': ducks, tv4 Qlc, getsc, 0Vsi(7c; turKcys. titfo. KRKrfH DRliSSKD 1'OULTRY Hens. 7V4 5iSr: lonsters. Idtic: ducks. M'nSSc: geeso. Us'.ic; turkeys, ugiitwuigtit, icaluc; heavy, 7 4Jc. DAMH-Mallnrd ducks, per doz., $2.utf. 3.W; teal, $1.2.Vul.C0; mixed. $1.2.Vfll.5o; Jack- rnnnits, no sine; voitontuiis. i&itswc. HUTTiiii common to rutr. wenK at uu K'M'i choice, lHUloc, separator, 22c. ritESIl OYHTHHS Klrst grade, soua packed. New York counts, per can, 3Sc; ex tra selects, 32c; standards. 25c; medium, 20o. Heconu grade, slack lllled, New otk counts, per can, 3oc; extra selects, -Q; sdindards. 20c: bulk standards, per gal., $1.25. rilOZICN FRESH ! IHH Ulack bass. 18C; whltu bass, 10i'; bluetlsh, 11c; bullheads, 10c; bluo llnt. c; catllsh, 12c; cod, 9c; cropple. 10c; cIscocb, 7c; halibut, Uc: herring, 4W be: haddock. 9c: mackerel. 15c: nerch. Bu 7c; pickerel, 7c, pike, 9c; red snapper, 10c; snimon, uc; huiiusii, dc; smcii3, ivc; iroui, 10c, whltellsh, be. I'tQKONH-Llve, per doz., si. VKALS-Cholce, 910ci HAY I'rlccs quoted by Omnha Wholealo Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, H.lij; No. 1 upland, Js; medium, $7.00; uuarso, . Ryo straw, $5.C0. Thcso prices aro for hay uf uood color nnd auullty. Demand fnlr. Receipts. 15 cars. OATS-No. 2 white, 2Sc. CORN No. 3, 35c. URAN-$15. VEGETABLKS. 8PlNACH-rcr bu. box. 75c. CUCUMUERS-Hot house, per doz., $l,50O W, as to size. I'ARSNH'S-l'er bu., COo. Tl'RNIl'S lcr bu. basket, 50o. ui:irr.s-icr bu., 40c. CARROTS-I'or bu 40c. LETTUCE I'er bu., 40845c. RADISHES I'er doz.. 35c. I'ARSLKY I'er doz., 35c. POTATO HS-Pcr bu.. 45Jt55c: Idaho, ncr bu.. OOjfGCc. SEED POTATOES-Natlves. B5BC0o; Red River Valley, SOc: Triumph, $1.01. BWiilST POTATO ISH Per bbl., $1.75. CAHHAGE-Ilollund seed, per lb., lQ2c. TOMATOES California, per 6-bnskot crate, $1.50. oisioxMS-onio, per bu., si.75. CELERY California, as to size. 505775c: Kalamazoo. 25fr3Gc. CAULIFLOWER-Callfomla. ncr crate. $2.75. Lie ANS Wax. ncr bu.. S3.50: string. Der bu.. $3.25. EGG PLANT Per bu. box. $3. PEPPERS-Pcr bu. box, $2. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Florida, por qt, 45c GRAPES Malaga, per keg. J6.5OilD.00. APl'LES-Per bbl.. $4.25: Wasblniiton. ner bu. box, $1.75; Bellliowers, $1.90. CRANBERRIES Bell nnd Rue e. 19 ner uui.; jerseys, per um i-i.M; per crate, V- TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES-Ciillfornla seedlings. $2.00 9.5.1; iS.TKfia LEMONS-Callfornla, extra fancy, $3.25 .50; choice, $3. BANANAS Per bunch, according to slzo. :2.00J2.W. fius callfornln. new cartons. 75c: lay ers. C5c: Imported, ner lb.. 131115c. DATES Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, Salrs, 60 pur iu.; liuuottecu, uyjc par iu. MISCELLANEOUS. 1IIDKS No. 1 green. bMc: No. 2 creen. No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 8c: No. 2 veal cult, 1. 10 15 ids., uc; dry nines, hyic; sneup pens, xiidc; norsu nines, 11.D0r1z.2a, ,,0, Atfu, lit berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb. lS20c: raw peanuts, por lb., 5&5t4c; roasted, 0V4O "Vjc; Brazils, lc; pecar.d, l'ij 12c ; cocounuts, St. I.iiuIn (.'ml n nml Provisions. BT l.niTIH Alnr.M, ! Will.? AT T No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 72Vic; track, 74irf "Hie: May. 73Vic: July. 72c: No. 2 hard. 70W, 5(71c. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, SS'icj track, 39c; May, 39'f.o; July. 39Hc OATS Lower: No. 2 cash. 26c: track. 2014 i27c; Mny, 25ic; July, 25c; No. 2 white, KYK-steniiy; 52c. FLOUR-Inuctlve; patents. $3.5503.75: ex tra fancy and straight. $3.1Cft3.35: clcnr.; low grades, J2.2itj(2.w. a I'Jri DM Timothy, sleudv: uvcruga re celitts, $3.7Mi l.l); prime worth more; flax, nominal at CORNSIEAL Steady at $2.05. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track. 77c. II A Y Timothy. llrm nt J10.OO1fi2.00: prairie, easier at o.t"rtio.w. wuiswi steady at si. 27. I RON COTTONTI ES-$1.00. BAGGING 7(((7ic. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONB-Pork. llrm: lobbing. $15. Lord, llrm at $7.15. Drv salt meats, hlchcr: boxed lots, extra shorts. $7.37! clcnr ribs, $7.50; clear sides, $7.B2',4. Bacon, higher; boxed lots, extra shorts, $S.12Vi: clear ribs, $8.25; clear sides. $S.37W. Mi;TAl.H-l.end llrm; $l.22',iTi 1.23. Spotter iiriiti'fi,i.rtM, oiiiKMio asaeii, Pf)ULTRY-Steadv: chickens. 7ff?Sei fur keys, fi4u9u; ducks, 10c; geese, CEf7c. Hl'TTUR- Easier: crenmerv. lliUc tin lr . lfiMKe. i;(i(;s Higher: uc. RUCUIPTS-Flour. 5.000 bbls.: wheat. 49.. lioo bu.; corn. 132,(iO bu.; oats. 65,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Fuur. lS.oaO bbls.: whent 95,000 bu.; com, 11(1,000 bu. ; onts, C5.000 bu. (illlliuex lu Allllllblr SiiiiiiIIcs, NEW YORK. March 12. Sneclnl cnble nnd telegraphic communications to Bradstreet's show the following changes In available supplies from Inst accounts: Wheat, Dulled states and Canada, east of icocKies. decreased nil.: at oat nnd in lsurope, decreased 900,000 uu,; totnl tiup ply. decreiihed COI.Onu bu. . orn, I'liiteu niaies ami L nuaua, east or uocKies, increased j, Oats. 1'nlted States and Canada, enst of nocKies, iiecreuBen ji.'av1 nu, Among the more Important Increases re Dorted are those of 178.000 bu. ot Chlcnirn nrivato eievniors, o.-,uiu 1111, at Portland .Me., nnd MXW bu. at Chattanooga. Tho leaillllg decreases included those or 400.000 bu. at northwestern Interior ele vators. 210,000 bu. at Mnnltoba, 91,000 bu. at port Huron ami uo.onii nu. at uepot Harbor, t no combined siock ot wheat at Portland ore., and Tacoma and Seattle, wash,, in creaseii iiu.uiA) 1111, last wcck, ICiiiiianN City (.ruin nnd Prorlnlona, KANSAS CITY. March 12,-WHEAT stay, tiiMiwc; .liny, wtyuwi'ic: cash, No, ! hard, ii7ifif.SHo; No, 3, CS'jiiCOHc: No. 2 red 0911 iOC; ISO. 3, B7y09C CORN Mny. 37c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 33ic .Ml, . WlllIC, .UJ7.1 C 0. .1. JDC. OATS- No, 3 white, 27Hc RYIC-Nn, 2. 61140. IIAY-Choleo timothy, $10.50; choice prnine. .iiixil"i..i. Bl'TTERT-Creumery, 17j20c; dairy, fnncy, it. EOas-Wenk; fresh Missouri nnd Kan sus stock, lie dozen, loss off. cnseB ro turned ; new whltowood cases Included, '.4c more. RECEUTS-Wlint, 61,600 bu.; corn, 19,200 till rt.itu I l.. ' .t.8.LU'.'Au;NTS-u:h'' ".COO bu.; corn to,! uu.,, s.iw uu, Peorlii Miirkrl. , BI'IOIIA, March 12,-CORN-Dull; No. 2, OAlH-Firm; No. 3 white, 26Uc. billed IIU Hill WHISKY-On tho basis of $1.27 for tin IBIIl-u Kuuun. .MlniiPiiliolla Wtivnt, Flour nnd trail MINNEAPOLIS. Mnrch 12, WHEAT Cush, 71c; May, 73!itf7lc; July, 751i. On track: No. 1 hard. 7fie: No. 1 northern. 7le; No. 2 northern, 65t'41(70Wc. KLOl'R-Klrst patents, 14.054.15 isecond patents. n.R54.0O) first clears. $2.9CS3.00; second clears, fl.WTZ.fO. IlltAK III IIUIK, Ji;i.ll'(IlJ.iJ. ' DiiliHIi (irnln Mnrhrt. DL'H'TI I. Miireb 12 WHEAT No. 1 hard, 74T4c; No. 1 northern, 72?c; No. 2 northern, irif70c. LUitK-;i7Hc; May, sic. .MtlVHMHNTS (IT .STOCKS AMI BONDS. Lnrue'Pnrt of Hiinltiess Done Diirlnu liny In S pceiiln ( I e. NEW YOtttr Mnrrh 12 The slock mar ket continued spotty today and lnrgely miiilo up the operations of professional traders In Indlvldunl xtnrks. Munv of these operations were bused on causes peculiar (o tho stocks affected nnd the traders pro fessed to be following tho leadership of In siders In llin fltnek In their Imvlnir. How ever this mny be, It was evident that mirely speculative operations played a largo part in mo nay s dealings, as realizing sans came Into evidence In every case where a considerable advance was made, resulting In sharp reactions. There wus more or less realizing going on all day, the sustaining Intttioiice or the strength In special stocks being availed of to take profits Iu the gen eral list. The result of (his Is seen In tho net losses nrcvnlllnc here and there, some of them lu Important stocks, Tho principal features of the news of tho day was the excellent tralllc returns of the railroads. Esneelallv tho southwestern railroads, the bituminous coal carriers and some of the southern roads showed a large Increase In their gross earnings over those of tho corresponding week of Inst yenr. The MpMlnu nf ttm ,l perhaps tho cntisn of the dtlllnesa and slight weakness In tho nntbraelte coal group, although contldence was expressed mm no siriKe was to Do reared, rue con tinued low rnle for cull loans neutralized tho effect of (ho deplntlon of the cash re serves of the banks by reason of tho drain to tho sub-treasury nnd the growing de mands from the Interior. The government report of the February exports of agricul tural prouuciH might tie regarded ns un favorable, psnocllltlv iih thr forrlcn truilo 111 mnnufuctiirers for the month Is expected ui augment me inning cut in the exports, onipnren wiui the sume momu or inst yenr. Tho heavy decline In cotton exnorts Ileitis to exitluln tho recent firmness of sterllnir cxchangei- a minuter or tno important movements or the day were In tbn ntneks of minor rail road companies and rumor was busy with stories or projected consolidations to ac count for thoie Advances. This was true of thn Toledo, St. louls & Western stocks, toe common rising i, tno Wisconsin Cen tral stocks nnd the Iowa Central stocks, tho common of which rose 3'i nnd thn pre ferred 3U. St. Ituls & San Francisco llrst preferred advanced 2. the hccoihI nrpferreil 2 and the common on persisting stor ies of refunding of a consolidation nnd ab sorption Into the Gould southwestern roads. Tho upward movement In part wns proba bly prompted by the meeting of stockhold ers, Tho express romnniiUs. which have been dormant, advanced sharply over tho last I lint ll tin 1 1 . American Kvnrnx.u rm :t and lost It; 1'nlted States Express IU and The. strength In Tobacco was dub to n be lief In benellts to nceruc from reduced tnxes. Amalgamated Copper weakened on reports of a renewal of hostile projects In Montana. The smelting slocks fell on tho notice of or tho unit sorption of tho Guggenheim Interests. Tho eiiiimerniion or such special Inlliielices might bo considerably extended, but the resulting price movement lu other cases was less, although It extended from 1 to 2 points lu a number of stocks. The closing eoiisiiieruoiy unsettled ny the prollt taklng. Tho railroad bond mnrket continued nc tlvo nnd uenernllv firm hut nm.. r tim less active bonds yielded to some extent. Total snles, par vnlue. $5,B95.nnn. United rumen .is iieciiueii -7i nml new 4s advanced k per cent on the last cull. Din following urn tll cllitdtlr- r.rlro. ., tho Now York Stock exchange: Atchison Wabash (hi nfil do nfd ll.iltlmnrn A O... 92H InXIV C7Ji, 151 (V Wheel. L. E .. 15V .. ;:i .. 19! ..121 Canadian 1'iic... do 2d nrd CiiniuTa So Ches. fe Ohio Wis. Central .. Third Avenuo . Chicago G. W.... rv. it. x? o H. d O. pfd.... National Tubn .. 9li . r.:i ..101 Chi. J lid. & L 33t.ii do nfd do prd 111. & E. Ill '.. A- N. W Adams Ex .11V) 10914 173 12514 76 lOJi, 2f-(i American Ex 192 U. S. Ex t:i C, R. 1. .t P.... c. a. n. . st. l Wells-Fargo HX..142 Amcr. Cot. Oil... 2fili Colorado So do pro , Amcr. Malting., do nfd do 1st pfd. iln "d nfil , 5!: Del. & Hudson., tiol. T.. & W lfiV4 Amer. S. & R... do nfd , J'.t.HJ Denver R. G... SJ'Vl Amer. Spirits.. do nfd ""4 fifil4 no pid Amer. S. Hoop.. do pfd Amer. S. & W... 17 aiii Erie 1I11 1hI tifd Ot. Nor, Pfd llopklnir Coal .. . JkT .1.1 97; do nrd Hocking valley,. Amer. Tin Plate. fil?i do nfd 101 Illinois Central... Iowa Central .... do pfd l.iikn Frio Xr V . . 13114 Amer. Tobacco.. .12214 M9i do prd 11,1 Anne. MIn. Co... Hi 4214 do nfil Brooklyn R. T... 79 Lake Hhoro , L. N Muulinttnn L,..., Met. St. Ry HOW uoio. I' 1101 a: 1.,. 4.1 . hit. ,120' ,16Vi . IS? unn, tonacco .... mu 111, 111 u.. ...... ...lOt) Federal Steel , ... 421i Mex. Central ... Minn. & St. L... do pfd ... 8914 . 7S .10S Gen. Electric Glucose Sugar . . .212 do nfd ... 4714 Mo. Pnclllc . 9214 do prd Inter. Paper . do nfd ... 'J.i ... 23 Mobile & Ohio. M.. K. &. T . M . 21 ... 75 do pfd M J. IVnfrnl ... . 01 .155 .111 Laclede Gas 811 National Biscuit. 41 N. Y. Central ... do pro 9.1 National Lend ... 15 do pfd Sj National Steel ... 43 Norfolk .t W.... . ft) . X5 do nfd No. Pnclllc do pfd Ontnrlo & W.... . S7?i . 3211 do pfd 101 N. Y. Air Brake.lfit No. American. 71 Pnclllc Coast .... 52 Ore. Ry. & Nnv . 4 '. . 7C do jtfd Pennsylvania ... Reading ,152i . S1K . 72Tt . 4.1 . 65 . MS . 45- . M 7114 . 30 . 60H .149S do 1st prd 88 do 2d nfd fi2 do 1st pfd do 2(1 nfd I'licnic .mill it?. Pnnnln'H (la 10.1'; Rio O. W Pressed S. Car... 36 do nfd do pfd 7414 Pullman P. Car., 206 S. R. & T 4U Sugar 139 St. L. & S. V.... do 1st pfd In Vtl nfil.. St. L. Southw... do nfd 110 nrd mi Tenn. Coal Sz 1... 52W St. Paul U. S. Leather ... 12 do ntd "iMi do nfd 1VJ St. P. & Omaha .125 U. S. Rubber 18 ho. Pacltlc So. Railway do pfd Tex. & Pacific... 41H 244 do pid Western Union .. 8S 78S4 jwiini. v otiptir ...ini' 3T.I ttepuniio j. ,v; a.. jbv, I'nlon Pacific ... 91 1 do prd... Oils do pfd . 85 P. C. C. & St. L. CO Tntst-rccelptB. Nominal. New stock, Tho Commercial Advertiser's I-ondoii limine ai cablegram snys: Tho stock mnr ket hern wus Idle today and prices wera Irregular. The settlement, which Is nro- ceeiiing quietly, disclosed very light specu iimvo accounts, even in Americans, in vestment Issues wero dull on tho new Vie lorlan loan of .C3.000.fi00 In 3 per cent bonds nt 8514. Tho American department was quietly nrm, nitiiniign 111 tno arbitrage transactions New York was n seller on bal ance. Berlin bought Northern Pnclllc and Canndlan Paclllc, offering freely culls on Northern pacltlc, nt 3-li per cent for the end of Juno and 1 for the end of September. That Iindon Is amazed nt this recalls the ract that neriin played the game success fully In the receivership period of tho Northern Pacific. General enntnniro rales nrn r.(Ti5',4: St. Paul and Atchison 314; Den ver & Rio Grande 2. Tho bank has bought .UG.0OO of gold In bars. Money was easier at -it tor can lonns unci - tor demand. JSVw VorW Money .Mnrket, NEW YORK. March 12. MONEY-On call, steady at str-M per cent; prlmo mcr cnntlle pupnr. 4fi4'.i per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-FIrm, with actual business In bnnkers' bills nt Jt.ST'j for demand and $1.84 for sixty days; posted rates. $l.854.85. SILVKR-Cortlflcates, 6114ff63c; bar, 60Tc; Jlexlcan dollars, 49c. BONDS Government, Irregular; state, steady; railroad, Irregular. Tho closing prices on bonds today aro ns follows: U. S. rof. 2e, reg. do coupon do 3s, reg do coupon do 4s, reg do coupon do old 4s, reg... do coupon do 5s, reg do coupon D of C. 4 Atch. gen. 4s do adj. 4s Canada So. 2s,... O. & O, 4'4s do 5s C. Ac N. W. c. 7s. do 8 F dob. 5s, Chicago Ter, 4s.. Colo, So. 4s r. & R. O. 4s.... Erie geuernl 4s.., F. W. ft 11. C, Is, Gen. Electric 5s., In. Central Is..,, L. A N. mil. Is.., M.. K. & T. 2s.,., do ts..., 105H1 105V HO. 1101J 137't 137 113 114 N. Y. Central Is, i')7i; 131'ii 105T4 ,10S?I 10.1V5, HP K"14 126 IPiW 9I4 100$ ,117 5 ,131 1S4U ,usi5 N. J. C. gen. (is,. No. Paclllc 3s.... do 4s N Y. C & S L. Is, N. W. con, Is.. Oregon Nav. Is.. do 4s Oro. S. L. 6s...., "do consul 6b,. Reading gen. 4s,, Rio G. W. 1b St I, & I SI c. 5s 11115' 11114 123 l'H 9;i' lllStySt L Ai S F g, ill 10714'St. Puul consols 12l 'St P, O & V Is, 140V do 5s .1:1 . 9.! .11614 . 51 .119 . 85 .HSU .119'i .lOIIli ns-. So. Pnclllc 4s.... So. Ral!way 5s,. S. R. & T. 0s... ,T. & Pacific is.. do 2s Ml ll ilU 10P4 79 UP. Union Pacltlc Is Wabash Is do 2s West Shore 4s. Wis. Central 4s. 111'i 89U Va. centuries . 95H Bid. Offered. I'o re I mi I'lnniicliil. BERLIN. March 12. Internationals wero quiet on the bourso toduy. Apierlcans were well maintained. Canadian Pacific Improved on faorabln tralllc returns. Iron shares wero tlrm. owing to an unverified rumor that the American steel combine was seek- Ine 11 connection with the Bnehiimer cast steel factories, to be followed by n combi nation of German nnd American steel syn dicates. Americans wero lifeless, Trans- van 1 runs were firm. PAIIIH Mni-r,!, 11 Hnlnri nt thn 1111011. Ing on the bourse today was Inactive, owing III II, fl.l.... (It, uttnn.lnltlli 11 In the posliif.n lit South Africa, other un favorable Influences nnd the nnpronch of the settlement which prevented dealing. In ternationals wero quiet, except Brazlllnns, which recovered on tho Improvement In the rate of exchange. Rio tlntos wero weaker, LONDON, March 12. The umoiint of Mil lion tnken Into tho Unnk of England on balance today was 6,(Xi). Gold premiums quoted nt Buenos Ayres, 12.20. Boston Stuck (liiotntlon. ttns'rnv Mr,.i, i?.Cnli loans. 2'4ffl ner cent; tltno loans, 3'sf?4 per cent. Ollkinl closlnu; A.. 1. H. F .... oj'Y I'nlon Land West End West Infill, HIcc. Atchison Is ( o nnt p , Amer. Sugnr 62 102 (10 pid 121 Amer. Teleiihnne.159 N. E, O. &. C. 5s, Adventure AKotiez MIn. Co.. Amiil. Copper ... Atlantic Huston & Mont.. fix 13 2IS. uu 32 Boston t Albany.2)l lioston Elevated. WI (ioston St JIu ne.1911? C.. B. Q 1M Domlnlnii Conl.. . '"'t S57 do nrd 110 Butte & Hoston. Cnl. & Hecln.... 02 Federal Steel .... i.t4! S5S 25 22J4 621s 90 do tint 89 Fltchliurg nfd I4t Centennial Franklin uen. lilectrlc . .21314 Humboldt I'iii Osceola do pid Ed. Electric ill. .241 Parrot 52 Mex. Central . . . . 1SH Qtilncy N. E. G. St C 12'p Santa Fo Copper. Old Colonv 2ir.ii. Tamarack 17 714 533 :u 6i; 63 Old Dominion ... Utah Mining .... iiunner is Winona Union Pnclllc .... wVWolvorlncs .rrr York .Mining Stocks. VRU Vdlll.- tt...l. n Th. fillnwlnir nrn quotations uu' mining stocks: Adams Con Alice 23 :'5 VH) SI 5 1M 50 110 CO Lit tin Chief II soo 60 8 10 outturn Ophlr Phoenix .... Potosl Snvngo .... Breeco Brunswick Con. Comstock Tun..., Con. Cal. Xz Va.. 5 Deaivood Ter... Horn Silver Iron Silver Sierra Novndn .t . 65 ,.3S5 Small Hopes Standard .... Leudvlllo Con t'oiiilKlini nf the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Mnrch 12. Today's state- ment of the balances In the general fund, exclusive nf the $i50,om),(ino gold reserve In tho division of redemption, shows: Availa ble cash balance. $lt9,49S,162; gold, $SS,339,5J5. Hunk ClrnrliiKft, OMAHA. March 12,-Clenrlngs. $I.H1.S2I: corrcspoiidlng dny Inst yenr, $931,700; In crease, $197,121. CHICAGO, Mnrch 12.-Clea rings. $22,732. 910: balances. 12.177.073: hosted exchange. $1.85111.88; New York exchange. 25c discount. NT. LOUIS, March 12.-Clcarlngs, $7,i:. 705; balances. $1,239,691: money .easy. 51(7 per cent; New York exchange, par bid, 10c premium nsked. BALTIMORE. March 12. Clearlncs. S3.. 109.933; balances, $683,783. PHILADELPHIA. Mnrch 12. Clcnrlnes. $15,753,508; bulnilces, $1,724,355. iiuniuiv, .Mil ren i. (jiearings, Si8,ws,:w; balances, $3,121,814. NEW YORK, March 12.-Clcarlngs, $301, lw9,r8; baluuccs, $ll,K),7t5. Wniil Mlll-ict. ST. LOUIS. March 12 WflOl Weak and lower; medium grudes, 1201812c; light tine, 12flCc; heavy line, 10B12c: tub washed, ISff i.( BOSTON. March 12. WOOI-Tho wool market shows little change from the aspect of tho last fow weeks. There havn been liberal sales of territory grades nf wool and prices do not seem to strengthen, For lino medium and line, or good fair staple, tho scoured basis Is about I0fI2c. with the strictly staple article selling nt 45W4SC. I'iccco woois arc quiet, with prices nominal In (ho nbsence of business. Australian wools call for 63T73c. LONDON. March 12. Tim second series of 1901 wool auction sales nnened todav with a good attendance. The offerings numbered n.titHi nines. There was a strong demntid from thn home trade: the continent took moderiite quantities. Thero was a largo se- leeitou oi uapo or i.oou J lope and Natal sold slowly at old rates. Several parcels were withdrawn. A fair selection of merinos met with a good demand and sold ireeiy at unchanged prices, crosshreds wero 551714 per cent lower. Following nro tho sales In detail: New South Wnles. 1.200 bales; scoured, 9di$fln3d; greasy, 414drls. Queensland, 2,100 bales; scoured, SdJilsCd; greasy, 49',4d. South Australia, 1.10) bales; scoured, 9d?r1s; greasy. 7diS14d. West Australia, l.fioo bales: scoured, 7141; greasy, 3!4?Sd. Tasmaiiliii' VnO bales; greusy, 4 iiMi. rcw Zealand, i.too Dales; scoured. 41i,K10d: greasy. 5si?77d. Capo of Good llopo and Natal. 1,300 bales; scoured, lUVtf laid; greasy, 4fr7d. Cotton Mnrket. NEW YORK. Mnrch 12. COTTON-Snnt closed quiet: middling uplands, 8e; mid dling gulf, 9o; snles. 1,834 bales. Futures closed barely steudy; March, 8.32c; April, 8.32c; Mny. 8.35c; June, 8.37c: July. 8.41c; August. 8.13c; September, 7.75c; October, . ,,, iiiuvi, i.iriv 1.1111 llUt , I ur, NEW ORLEANS. Mnrch 12.-COTTON-Onened ensy nnd closed steady: sales. 2.750 bules; ordinary. C9-lfic; good ordinary. 71c; low middling, 7c; middling, 8c; good mid dling, 8 15-lCc; middling fnlr, 9c; receipts, 7.542 bnles; stock, 311,023 bnles. Futures. Mnrch, 8.52c: April. S.3S(S8.41c: Mny, 8.37(fj) S.SSc; June. S.37i8.3Se; July. S.ItiiHfl.SOc: Au gust,; Mcptemuer, i.mi.nic; unto- ner, i.4.'ii7.4fc; -sovemuer, 7.8tc Did; Decem ber. 7.12o bid. ST. LOUIS, March 12.-COTTON-Dtil and l-lfio lower: middling, 8c; no sales; re ceipts, 2,210 bnles; shipments. 2,110 bales; stock. 73.791 bales. GALVESTON, March 12.-COTTON-Qulct at s lu-iuc. Oil mill Rosin. NEW YORK, March 12.-OILS-Standnrd, $7.93fi8.00. Colonsccd. steudy; prlmo crude, 27145i2Sc; prime yellow, 31V;. Petroleum, quint: rellne.d Now York, $7.93; Philadelphia and Baltimore. $7.90; Philadelphia and Bui-' tlninrc, lu bulk, 7.Sj. Rosin, dull; common to gcod, $1.60. LIVERPOOL. Mnrch 12.-OILS-Llnseed, 22s. Ttirpentlno spirits, 27s 2!41. Cotton seed, reilned. stcnd.v nt 19s fid. Rosin, com mon, steady at 4s613d. Petroleum, lellncd, Tallin, .. 73', I ' SAVANNAH. Ga.. March 12.-OILS-Snlr Its turpentine, llrm at 37c. Rosin, llrm nt following quotations: A. B nnd C. $1.11: D, $1.20; E, $1.25; F, $1.30; G, $1.35; 11. $1.C0; 1, SLIM iv. i.u; m, Jl.w -n, si.yj w 'i, 2.0o; W W, $2.25. (,'(i (Tec Mnrket. NEW YORK. March 12.-COFFKE-Snol Rio, dull. Mild, quiet Tho market opened steady, with nrlces iinehanued to 5 nolnts higher and ruled tolerably firm during tho early session on room covering nnd scatter ing demand from abroad, brought out by 1111 advauco lu tho Rio exchtingo rnto. Tho market lurther Improved In thn arternooti on general buying, the result of tho late bullish Havre news and the street demand ror spot corrce. The selling was brisk dur ing thn day Thn mnrket closed steudy, with prices 59710 points net higher. Total sales reached 46.250 bans. Including: March. 5.95c; April, 5.90c; May. B.lhVfitic; July, e.OaW u.i"c; nepiemncr. (i.iuiyo.iou; wciouer ami November, 6.15c; Decemoer, tuoc. S'i'iv York Dry Cumin Mnrket, NEW YORK. March 12. DRY GOOI1S Mnrket for brown sheetings and drills dull, limited home demand and little for oxnorts: prices easy and decidedly Irregulur. Duck business quiet, with rendy sellers. Bleached cottons without change In prlro and demand moderate. Movement of wldo shcetlnns not helped much by lower prices, .Denlms quiet anil Irregular. Ticks and other conrso eolored goods also quiet. Print cloths Inac tive, f an uivcr nuns oxpeciou 10 go on short time. Prints and ginghams quiet and unchanged. MANCHESTER. March 12.-DRY GOODS ciowi nnu yarns quiet ana unchanged. Sugar .Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS, Mnrch 12.-8UGAR- ijuioi; opnn acme, au'(-'7c; open Keiue, ..stntrlfnivnl H7Liilllr.' nun I rlf Hen I VAllnw VMU 9-16c; second's, 2d"3 15-lCc, Molasses, sienny; ceniriiugai, sn;uc. NEW YORK. March 12.-SUGAR-Raw wenk; fnlr totlnlng. 314e; centrifugal. W test, 9 3-3e; mnlnssen sugar. 31ic; refined, easy; stnudnrd A. 5.03c: confectioners' A. 5.05c: mould A. 5.00c: cut loaf. 5.75c; crushed, 5.70c; powdered,; grnnuiuieu, i.wc; ennes, 5.60c. Molasses, steady: New Orleans open kettle, good to choice. 39?44o. LONDON. March 12.-BEET SUGAR March, SsUUd. i:viiporiilrd mill Dried Frnltk, NEW YORK, March 12, EVAPORATED APPLES Selling orders wero numerous on prlmo and fnncy grades, nnd as con sumers wero not unxlous to take hold, an easier mnrket resulted, though prices were not quotably lower. Stnto common wero quoted nt 3?ifi'4ic; prime, 3ft5c; choice, u'.t'qoo; laucy, ix;nc. Dnimrr of Flood Our, f PHILADELPHIA. March 12,-Reports re iclvcil today from towns alone thn Sits quehanna and Schuylkill rivers state that an danger or a noon nas nassea, .m vorg Lancaster. Harrlsburg, Reading. Bethlu. hem. Allenton and Easton the water Is falling rapidly. At WrlBhtsvllfe, on the Susqiiehnnna river, the wnter Is rising slowly, but no Ice gorges have formed en tho river. There Is no Indication of a gorgn either at Safe Harbor, Turkey Hill or vorK iiHven, inree 01 1110 worst points on the auaquenanna ueiow ttarrnourg. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Hmieit Run of Cattle for Bomi Tim tod Market Rnltd Blow and Low or. HOGS AVERAGE A SHADE STRONGER Liberal Receipts of Sheep, bnt the De mand Win Snlllclently l.nrge tu Tnkc Wlint Wns Oaercil nt l'rsc tlcnlly Yusterdnj's Price. SOUTH OMAHA. March 12. Receipts wcrt: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Oiticuil Monday uulcliil Tuesday 1,406 I,ti6 U,u47 U.V22 ,k9 i,t2U Two days this week 6,12 12.106 14,412 sumo ciaya last wees,.... b.oil U.&OJ H,ti2o name weuK ueforu U.itaO la,it9 13,121 same three kicks ngu.. MJf li'.eji damo lour weens ago.... b,J2 U,4U b.Mt Same day last yeai b,Ml U,2ll lb.UH AitlUbu pmcu paid fur puks tur mo ;ao. sweiui uab, with comparisons: 1901. i900.1893.lb3S.18U7.lS36.1895. Feb. 25.., Feb. 26... Keb. 2.., Fob. 28.., Murch i., March 2., .March 3., .March I., .turcn 6., March 6., .uarcn ., March S., .March 9.. .March 10, .March 11, .mu ren 12 6 37T4 b 3J, o 27',, 5 a 3t;ai 5 31?, o it-t 5 39i o UtbI 8 39'fcl 5 10741 3 C3 I 3t62i 3 61 3 52 3 0l 3 b2 I 3 54 J 6)1 3 63 3 f 3 b3 3 7D 3 81 3 C 3 78 3 So) 3 M 3 SJ 3 89 3 76 3 Vb 3 80, 3 79 3 74, 3 49 3 42 3 4J 3 87 3 l0 3 4l 3 49 3 48 3 iU 3 65 3 6l 3 W 3 6i 3 01, 3 70 3 75 3 84 3 70 3 82 3 131 .1 a: 3 it 3 74 i9) 4 65 4 1)7 1 3 77 4 t5 4 C6 4 bJi j 4 74 4 70 M 3 74 3 M 3 SW 3 'J 3 91 3 MDI 3 3 79 3 92 6 Vii IV 1 06 4 (2 .1 4 73 3 81l 4 03 3 8I 3 S-i 4 10 3 8i 4 16 I 3 591 6 ! 4 Indicates Sunday. The otnclal manner ot cars of stock brought m lod'iy uy each rond wnt: .n,1n linn. UI,.. Il'.rtll C, M. & St. P. Ry O. .t St. L. Ry .Missouri Paclllc Ry.... Union Paclllc system.. C. A: N. W. Ry F., E. .t M. V. R. R... S. C. & P. Ry C, St. P.. M. A: O. Ry. II. H. M. R, It. R C, It. it (J. Ry K. C. A; St. J C R. 1. Ai P., cast Illinois Central 1 2 3 :i 2 42 19 23 1 1 48 41 1 5 . . ti 41 II 31 28 7 6 3 1 7 . . . 5 5 3 1 196 ns ns Total rccclnts 196 US 38 5 Tho JlspoHltlon of the day's receipts was us lollows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber ot head indicated Buyers. Cattle. Hops. Sh'p. Omaha Packing Co 590 1,157 1,21:1 1.923 G. II. Hammond Co 3ol Swllt and Company 6i4 1,490 Coiliiln- Packlnit Co 1.0QH 1.6:9 2,113 611 Armour A; CO ml 4, '160 umaha Pock. Co., K. C... 99 G. II. Hammond Co.,K,C. M R. Hecker Ai Ucgan 201 Vunsimt & Co 99 I. L. Carey ii 1 .oilman Ac Co 80 W. I. Stephen 12 Livingstone Ai Schaller,.. 254 Hamilton & Rothschild... 69 L. F. Husz 18 II. L. Dennis Ai Co 22 B. F. Hobblck 19 A. S. Mawhlnney 1 Wolf Ai Mil man 1- Other buyers 323 190 Totals 4.IS5 8,415 7,351 CATTLE There wns tho heaviest run of cattlo hero today that has arrived In some little time, mid ns several 01 me ninj wero lato tho morning was well advanced before many cattlo had changed hands. I'acKers started out and wero iiiuuiiig cmi- Hlderably lower on beef steers. As a rule, their bids wero all of a dime lower, and In a great many cases they took off a good dent more thnn thnt. Whern thu cattlo happened, to Just suit them they did not bid so much lower, but nnythlng on tho common order wns hard to move nt nny price: It was a slow market rrom start to llnlsh. and It was lato before anything like a clearance was made. Tho cow mnrket wns nlso rather slow ami lower. Buyers wero taking off on all kinds and tho ceueral market could safely bo quoted 10yl6c lower than yesterday. Tho itetter grades were, or course, easier m dispose of, but tho undesirable kinds wero very slow salo and fully 15c lower. Bulls wero ulso a little lower than they wero yesterday, though good handy weights brought very satisfactory nrlces and wero In fairly good demand. Veal calves did not show much of any change. The demand for stockers nnd feeders of good quality was of liberal proportions, and tho better grades sold readily at goon steady prices. Thero wero not very many on sale, and consequently tho yards were soon cleared. Feeder buyers nlso took hold of the warmod-up cattlo of good quality better thnn they hnvo for tho Inst few days, and were better bidders than the puckers. Good she stuff wns also In good demand at strong prices, Common stuff, however, or an Kinds, wus neglected, tiep rescntativo sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4 45 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 M 4 55 4 53 t 55 4 55 I 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 75 , 4 75 ' 4 75 4 80 4 80 6 00 6 00 5 840 $3 SO 15 1275 16 !S6 90 3 11(0 1 ,1280 ,1073 , 867 , 9S0 4 00 4 00 17 1207 20 ....1270 ....1178 ....1151 ....1123 ....1178 ....1066 ....1247 1158 ....1278 ....1188 ....1172 ....1293 ....1387 ....1209 ....1440 ....1150 ..,.1330 ....1150 4 05 4 15 4 15 15.... 16.... 20.... 6.... C.... 41.... 20.... 35.... 21.... 33.... 19.... 40.... 24.... 18.... 1.... 19.... 2... 41... O ..1011 1295 $4 25 41... .1020 4 30 4 30 4 3) 13 , 12 17 , 1l'.'.'.'.!'." .. 844 ..1070 ..1031 ..1090 ..1023 ..1166 ,. 905 . .1220 ..1159 ..1236 ..1159 4 35 4 35 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 45 4 15 4 45 4 45 VI 9 19 , 34 18 16 20 ..1086 18.. . STEERS TEXAS. 17. 1181 4 IHJ 4 30 C 2 10 2 50 Id.. ..1227 4 75 7 822 COWS. 2... 1... 15... . 955 . 99i) . 912 . 975 .1100 . 930 1.... 1... 1... 1..., 6... ,..1210 ...1120 ...1466 ...1250 ...1158 ...1205 ...1070 3 ?3 3 35 3 40 3 40 3 50 3 50 3 55 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 75 1. ..1120 2o 6 16'.".'.'.'. 1 10 1 3 1 9 17 2 3 5 12 22. "e! 20 15 3 O 23'.'. 13 3 1 930 1 740 ...1146 55 .1335 2 CO 975 2 10 2 85 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 20 3 15 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 23 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 30 3 30 3 3 965 60 .... 966 ....1240 ,...103i) ....1100 ,....1260 1020 ,....1226 .....1(05 ,....1270 ....1040 1092 ,....1158 1040 1115 .....10S6 ,....1091 10113 ,....1095 966 1030 1053 3 65 3 63 3 65 3 65 2 iVi 3 70 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 1 5 3 75 3 85 3 83 3 S5 3 95 4 05 ....1070 .... 920 .... 830 ....1060 ....1172 ....1125 ....1050 ....1125 a". 2. 6 1105 4.. 855 9... 1... 913 1250 1255 1320 1240 101 1086 1210 1007 1?3'1 3... 3... 1... 1... 3... 33 COWS AND HEIFERS. 14 61 23 .1W 3 .VI 11.. !U2 3 80 3 90 4 05 3 50 3 75 3 75 3 85 3 85 3 85 4 00 4 05 . 99 1 . 99i) . 950 . 866 . 590 . 740 . 600 . I6S . 833 . 690 . 890 . 620 3 IB 31.. ,..1066 3 1.1 ...1097 ... 665 ... 430 ... 793 ... 790 ... 950 ...963 ... 610 ... 9il8 ,..1120 ...1000 HEIFERS. 2 7.. 2.. 3.... 1.... 2.... 1.... 10.... 3.... 1.... 20.... 1.... 1.... 2 75 3 00 3 00 3 25 3 30 3 35 3 10 3 40 3 50 16... 21... 13... 13... 10... 22... .12... 1... 4... 4 10 t 25 . COO 3 VI STOCK CALVES. 123a 3 1.1 ) 1440 3 40 1360 3 20 1 1610 3 60 13S0 3 35 1 1500 3 60 1210 3 25 1 1510 3 .Ml 1750 3 25 1 1710 3 50 1700 3 25 1 1730 3 65 9S0 3 35 1 1S20 3 AO 1410 3 15 1 1430 3 70 9S0 3 35 1 1S30 3 80 1310 3 10 CALVES. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 300 4 'l 9 IRS 6 75 310 5 00 1 130 6 75 140 6 50 1 160 7 00 .150 6 73 1..' STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS 475 75 l''.4 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 3.. . 770 .1050 . 740 .1170 . 410 3 00 3 15 3 20 3 23 3 30 496 , 760 60) , 510 3 50 3 60 3 61 3 70 BULLS. 12. 1. 1606 3 3n STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. B20 3 JO 29... 6(2 I 20 1 2 1 1 38...... .... 480 .... 685 .... 8"0 .... 670 ....1164 .... 650 .... 860 .... 720 ....1 ...,1060 .... 820 .... 726 .... 370 . . , . 73S 3 20 3 30 3 25 3 60 3 75 1 00 4 (0 4 00 4 00 t 00 4 ro 4 00 4 0) 4 no 05 14.... 21.... 46.... 12.... 7. . . . 24.... 7.... 1.... 18.... 45";! 8..., 18,.., II. . 21.... 993 886 102S Z8 600 954 1000 920 600 1062 506 1065 672 913 I 25 4 25 4 6 4 21 4 40 i 10 4 30 4 r. I 35 4 35 4 45 4 40 4 45 4 50 I 60 IS. 1. 2, 1 3....... 1. 6, ...... 6 $13 20 96 4 Oi S 43 4 60 1 6to 4 20 3 473 4 75 53 740 4 20 31 424 (', HOGS Thero wns n good liberal run of hogs hero today, but packers wero good buyers and ns a result the market opened fairly nctlve and about llko yesterday morning o. 11 shnde better thnn the gen eral mnrket The bulk of tho sales went nt $3.40iif5.42'4. with a -top ot $5.50. The high price was paid for two loads of fnncv fat backs weighing over 400 pounds, hut they wero of better quality than an thing thnt has been here for nnne time. It did not take long for Iho hulk of tho hugs to change hands. Tho inst end of the mnrket did not show much of any change, though It was the common kinds thnt wero left and they sold all the way from $5.35 to $0.4214. The mnrket ns u whole nverages a shade better, but part of that Is owing to the better quality un sale. Representative sales: No. Av. bn. Pr. No. Av. Sh, Pr. 23 95 ...$5U0 73 .'22 ... 5 40 23 90 ... 5 () 68 261 40 5 40 110 145 ... 5 20 80 220 ... 5 40 15 152 ... 6 .'ID 81 19i'. 40 S 40 S6 172 4 0 5 30 76 230 80 6 40 61 251 ... 5 37(4 81 238 ... 6 40 96 171 ... 5 32 j 81 212 M) 6 40 73 215 80 ft S7(j 67 227 ... 5 10 50 HO 80 6 37tj CO 2SI :() ft 40 77 193 ... 5 3JI.4 76 239 40 6 10 84 203 40 f. 37 a 73 233 ... 6 10 69 215 ... 6 37U 72 216 40 6 10 75 177 ... 5 :i"!v 78 242 ... 6 4214 in u y i .H'a til .11 ... (1 ll'.i 70 i'.i oil, p. p-i,. 'wi i.,ir 68 253 4'HI 6 10 IB r. 191 81 254 200 ft 40 64 224 ... 6 I.' U 68 246 40 o 10 80 228 ... 5 IS 77 211 80 6 40 65 215 ... 0 i:l 60 258 10 6 41 63 272 16) 5 42 60 258 40 5 10 66 210 40 5 42U 65 243 40 li ; CO 243 240 5 40 1 256 ... fi 10 5S. 250 ... 5 I'U 61 229 ... 6 10 67.. 26 243 ... 5 40 61,. 19 276 120 5 40 61.. ..219 40 r. 42I4 ..267 ... 6 42'J 67 223 80 6 10 69 257 t) 42 76 234 ... 6 10 72 267 ... 6 2U 61 214 ... f. 10 62 215 ... 5 42'? 47 254 40 6 4 0 60 231 80 6 42W 1? n.?u I,., - ia r .... . " -W1 J7I (I ' 0 ... 1, 'y9 88 245 ... 5 10 65 239 ... 6 121, 12 220 ... 6 40 6S 235 120 6 42lJ 57 289 100 5 40 74 227 80 5 42'; 69 230 ... 5 40 72 258 ... 5 121, 68 252 120 6 40 73 23S ... 5(21, 62 250 80 6 40 75 240 1C0 6 42'n 69 223 80 6 40 67 276 40 6 I2C 96 1SS ... 6 4 0 76 220 160 5 I2 70 227 ... 5 4 0 77 219 ... 5 1214 67 233 40 6 10 68 215 160 5 42 , 69 26S 80 5 10 83 231 160 fi 42'", 21 2n ... o 10 61 210 80 6 I2l., ' 72 239 80 5 40 68 25S 80 5 42U 14 200 ... 6 40 75 216 80 5 4'.'ts 87 20S 160 5 10 62 269 120 5 42li 79... v.. 205 40 5 10 66 208 ... 5 12'i 45 228 ... 6 10 72.. 1. ..SB ... 6 45 10 225 ... 5 40 57 288 160 5 4, 66 226 ... 6 (0 62 263 ... 6 45 S 207 ... 6 40 45 327 40 5 15 21" ... 6 40 18 261 SO 5 43 W) 188 ... 5 to 61 27S ... 5 15 13 220 80 5 (0 171 no I ... f, 4." -' 196 40 6 40 61 217 ... 5 45 228 240 5 40 71 25s 80 6 45 jl 2"5 ... 5 (0 42 246 ... 5 45 217 40 5 10 12 267 ... 5 45 4 213 40 5 40 23 243 ... 5 15 69 220 40 5 10 68 2V) ... 6 7'-i !f 192 . . 6 40 68 281 ... 5 17V, "I ;230 hvi filO 102 422 So 6W SHEEP Thero wns nnother liberal run Of Slleeil horn Im1nt nml Ihn mnrlri.t wnu actlvo nnd Just about sternly with yester day. I'ho bulk of the receipts wero mado up of sheep, good lnmbs being very scarce. Homo of tlm henvlerwelght ewes may huvo sold a trllle easier, but the situation ran best bo described by culling It a good steady actlvo market. The bulk of the offerings wero sold 'n good senson. Quotations: Choice fed wethers, $l.00ff 4.0); fair to good wethers. $l.25ft4.40; choice lightweight yearlings. $5.00ff4.8o; fnlr to good yearlings. $l.40ij4.60; choice lightweight owes, $3.75li4.10; fnlr (o good owes. 43.60W :t.i5; eholci! lambx, $.90'S6.15; fair to good lnmbs, $l,704.i); feeder owes, $3.25ff3.60, feeder wothers, $3.76H.00; feeder lnmbs, itvj'U.iv. itepreseniauvo sales: No. Av. Pr. 10 cull lambs 61 $4 00 1 western ewe 100 4 ml 220 western owes 1C9 4 10 western ewes 115 4 10 81 reeder lnmbs 62 I 33 102 western wethers ini 4 4n 244 western wethers 10S 4 fit) i western wethers 120 4 in 410 western wethers 123 4 61 23 western lnmbs . 67 I ID ui western liimhs 10 western welluirH 70 4 60 103 4 55 61 I 75 81 5 00 110 a IH Mi 3 75 105 4 0) ID 4 00 119 4 00 62 4 0) 55 4 10 .... 107 4 10 90 4 10 105 4 10 .... 90 4 65 108 I 55 108 4 55 120 4 60 .... 92 4 60 90 4 75 78 4 90 81 4 95 (,. 'I n. 312 western lnmbs 49S western lambs 11 western ewes 15 cull lambs :06 western ewes 215 western ewes 191 western ewes 10 cull lambs 2 western ewes 5S5 western owes l western ewe 453 western ewes 1 western wether 87 western wothers 02 western welliprs I61) western yearlings MiO western wethera 647 Mexican yearlings -1 , .... 1 ..... . 1 1. 1-1 , ittiiiun ........ 151 western lnmbs 59 cull ewes 200 western ewes ICS 3 80 69 western wothers 80 4 W) 212 western Iambi 81 5 05 209 western lnmbs 83 6 05 CHICAGO LIVE .STOCK MARKET. Choice Nicer Stood), Other Slim lliiK" Strong; tu Higher. CHICAGO. Mnrch 12. CATTLE Recelnts. 4.5O0 bond, including 300 head Texatis; chulco steers sleady and others slow; nuicners stock, steady: Texas steers, slow, bulls. strong; good to prime, $5.ooj0.00". poor to mod 1 niti. $3.65fr'4.9o; stockers nnd leeders, $3.50f3.05; cows. $2.60fi4.25; heifers, $2.0O5f 4.00; caimers, Ji.9usj2.i10; nuns, strong and loo higher nt $2.8504.10; cnlves, choice steady nnd others 15f25o lower at $l.0oii6.25; Tcxiih fed steers, $1, 004(1.95; Texas grass stcors, $3.35f 1.00; Texas bulls, $2.6013.75. HOGS Receipts, today, 21,000 hend; to morrow, 28,000 hend, estimated; loft over, 3,000 head, strong to 214o higher, closing firm: ton. $3.7214: mixed and butchers.-$5.40 15.0714; good to cholco heavy, $5.60i(5.72l4; rough heavy, ..4nu..u; ngm, ,.n.i'i(; bulk of sales, $5.655.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS RecelnlH. 11.000 head; sheep, steady to strong; Iambs, fitrong nnd 10c higher; good to choice wethers, $1.40 (fll.85; fnlr to choice mixed, $4.00(4.50; west ern sheep, $4. 4014.85; yearlings. $4.76'i(5.00; native, lnmbs, $l,6oi(5,45; western lnmbs, $1.90 !!O.U. ICiinxnn City I, lie Stuck Market. KANSAS CITY. Mnrch 12. CATTLE -Re ceipts. 760 head natives, 900 bead Tcxans and 150 hend cnlves; native and Texas beef steers, Mrong; bulls, steady and 10c higher; Blockers nnd feeders, steady nml 15c lower, native beef steers, $1,601(5.65; stockers and feeders. $l.00,fi.lH: fed westerns. $1,2515.25: Texans and Indians, $3.854.80; cows, $3.10fi 4.2.1; hollers, ;i.,w(4.n; runners, 2.2ortf3.oo; bulls, $3.25if4,75; calves. $l.00f(0.&0. HOGS Receipts, H.OoO head; market 2ti 5o higher; top, $5.00; bulk of snles, $5. 121.4ft 5.55; heavy, $ri.62V.i'?5.00; mixed packers, $5.45 VJU.IM, 1IHIII, .l.Ml'((tl,tli, II1K". $1. IU'40.. HIIKKl' AWIJ LAM UN lleClllplS, 2,000 head: market strong: western lambs. JS.uWii 5.15; western , wethors, $1,2571.65; western yearlings, $1.1011.90; ewes, $3.751.25; culls, $2.60(63.50. St. I. (Mil Live Stouk .Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Mnrch 12. - CATTLE - Re celnts. 3.40) liciul. Including 2.000 hend Tex- ans; murket steady; native shipping and ex port steers, $t.8ur((f,.,&; dressed beef and butcher steers, $I.105.30; steers under 1.000 lbs., $3. 85(-l.65; stackers and readers, $2.KW( $1.65; cows nml heifers, $2.0011.85; dinners, $1.25J2.85; bulls, $3.25J4;W; Texas and In dian steers, $3. 35ft I. GO; cows nml heifers, $2 104.50. HOGS - Receipts, 10,200 head; marKei stendv; pigs and lights, $5.4.J5.65; puckers, )5.4Oi5.00; butchers, $5.6OjS.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,950 head: market steady; native muttons, $1.25 4J4.75; spring lambs, $3.0017.25. St. .litHcpli Live Stock .Market. SOUTH ST. JOHHPH, Mo.. March 12. (Special.) Thn Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts, 1.200 head; market nctlve, strong; unlives, $I.20cj.3.i; Texus and westerns, $3.65(5.2o; cows and heifers, $2.25(4.50; bulls nnd stags, $2.25f4.85; year lings nnd calves, j.j.i&'ui.iij; stocKers aim feeders. 13.351 1. 60: veals. $l.75i7.00. HOGS Receipts, 5,100 head; market 2?Gc higher: all grades, $5,40jS.60; bulk of sales, $5.15(5.50; pigs strung. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.300 head; market uctlvo and steady; lambs, $t,905.15; yearlings. $1, 51)1(4.75; wothers, $4.40 '1.63; ewes, $3.83ij4.25. Stock In Sight. Following aro the receipts at tho four principal western murkets for March 12; Cattle. Hou'S. Sheep. South Omnha 4,674 8,459 7,620 Chicago -1,600 21,000 11.000 Kansas City 1,660 11, 000 2,000 St. Louis 3,4i) 10,200 l,9oo Totals .,...11,230 60,650 22,420 Neiv CoiiuiiHiy Pay 1)1 vIiIkiiiIn, NEW YORK. March 12. It was an nounced toduy that tho managers of thn United States Strel corporation will pay tho dividends on the pieferred stock of tho American Steel Ai Wire company nnd the National Steel company, declared yester day, to all preferred stockholders of record on March 2, and to holders of receipts for deposit with tho new corporation. Tho divi dend on the common stock of the American Steel & Wire enmpuny, nlso declared yes lei day, eocs with stock of March 20, tho last dny for deposits with the new, Tho dividend Is anble Aprl' 2. ir (ho common stockholders withhold shares tn get dividends they will bo burred flen entering the new corporation. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI. No. 107C. WhaloiTnKfllust Kitchen. Ap peal L Mil Dakota county. Appeal lis missed. Opinion by Nonal. C. .1. Filed February 20. i9q. 1. Seetlcn o;."i of tho C ode of Civil Pro ccdure dots not give tho right to have re viewed by thu siipiemn court on appeal tho decisions made by 11 county court In (he se( tletiK'iit of the estate of 11 person decerts, J, such decision can be hero reviewed by error proceeding nnlv No. Ulos. Pinkhrti'n itgalnM Plnkham ct nl. Anpeiil rrom Olue countx. Judgment. Opinion by Sullivan. J. FlU-d February 20, 1901. 1. A reply alleging Hint the defendant a counterclaim did not accrue within Mm period provld-il by law for asserting such c'lilin, nml containing no facts from win li the conr luslon Im deduced, tenders no ssm nnd such allegation may be entirely dure gnrilcd. 2. A defendant In tho actual ofcupancv of land may show under a fjvutrul dental that ho 13 the equitable uwnei, and thus tie I01A un action brought by the holder of tho legal title lo establish his ownership 111, d recover possession of iho properly. 3. The right to commence and nroscc ilo an action may bo Inst by delay, kit the right to defend a suit for the posses'lott of property Is never outlawed. 4. Evidence examined and round to sup port the decree. 5. A party whose claim lo pioperty foils nnd whoso rights nro not affected by an erroneous decree l not entitled to huvo such decree set aside or modified. No. 11770 Gordon ugalnst Moores et nt Error from Douglns county. Rexcrsed ami dismissed. by SjIII.ii, J. Filed February 20, 1901, 1. Section I'O of the charter of metropoli tan cities (chapter ., Session Laws 18U7), lo thu extent that It assumes to confer upon the district courts authority to rcmovo pa lee magistrates tor misconduct III olllce, Is legislation prohibited by the constitution and therefore void. 2. Whether tho power to remove nu olllcer for nlllclnl. misconduct can be concurrent I v exercised by two departments of the gov ernment without iolntlng the provision of the constitution rchidug lo iho dlsii I tuition of (tow cis, quaere. No. 110"i5. Stover ugalnst .Tompkins et ul. Appeal Ironi Hamilton county. Opinion by Holciimb, J. Filed February 20, lld. 1. In n proceeding to revive a dormant Judgment the defendant and Judgment debtor must be held to hae litigated In th action wherein tho Judgment was obtained every matter necessary to support any defense lie then possessed ngnlnst the de mand of the plaintiff for a judgment ngalust him. 2. lu such proceeding no objection enn bo urged or Inquired Into which goes bo hind the original Judgment not directed lu Its validity. 3. A plaintiff In foreclosure proceeding may lawfully purchase the properly sold to satisfy a decree lu Ills favor. The fact that he afterward sellti the property for a stun equaling the amount of the ibereo and cokIs cannot affect his rights with lesneel to a deficiency Judgment obtained In tlio equity iiciiuii. "I want a wheel, but have no money." Is this your fix? You can enrn one by do ing a little work for Tho Hoc. Read our great offer to hoys and girls, RtiONTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men 12 Years In Omaha VARICOCELE- HYDROCELE cured. Method new, never falfc. without cutting, puln or In,, nf t(,,m SYPHI I I Ccured for llfe'nnd thepobon 7 1 ,,fc,,'tuuroiighly rleativif flora tbo system. Soon every lgu and symptom disappears completely nnd forever. No "IlltEAKINO OUT" or thidlsse otlthesltln Or fllCH. 'IVnatmpnt pntitaln. -in ,1 n .-,.,, . drugs or injurious medicines. WEAK MEN ,'0Hi ov manhood from K beviiai 1 v cesses or Vicmis to Nunvoud 66XUALLY iKniurr or Kximustiov. WASTINO WgAKNRsl lNVO(.(7.NTAItV LoHSKM, with Kama- Dkcat In YoiiNfj nnd Mippi.b Amn. lack of vim. vigor and strength, ultn sexual orgnnnlmnulrid nnd weak. STRICTURE Itsdlrslly cured with a nniT ,'rt C and infallible Horns Treat una ULtti ment. NoinHtrumnts,nnpain, no detention rrom hnsiness. (lonorrhoea. Kidney and Iltadder Trouble. CIMCKS OUAKANTKKI). Contultatlon Fr. Tmtmfnt by Mall. (.Ml on or atress 110 8. !4th St. Dr. Searles & Searlas, omaim. Neb. Mp.Q NO CURE, NO PAY m IQ ir you hiiromftll, wrak nig-int. EnUi lo,t l,nwrr or weakrulnit 0iln, LjvU uur Acttum Orgntt Pevelojicr will ) iTttoro yon without ilntR or Um m m electricity , 33.000 In ttf not nita rnllttrci not otto returnMi im I 11. P. frntuli write for p.Hli'iilArK. rnt fctili 1 In plain cnvHopo. LOCAL APPLIANCE CO.. U Cmriei Slot.. Denver. Cola FIRST CLASS PUlXHAN SLEEPERS ...DAILY HBTWUBN... OMAHA AND SAN FRANCISCO Without Changs GREAT ROCK iSLAND ROUTE All the best Scenery of the ROCKY MOUNTAINS and SlllHKA NEVADA by Daylight In both directions. DININU CAR SERVICE TllVOUOlt. ) BUFFET LIBRARY CARS. For lull Information, reservations and Itiner ary "Chicago to California" oddrrs City Ticket Office, 1333 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Buy FRYER HILIi OK LEADVILLE nt (ic a share; Company controls 17 claims In tho heart of the District; property bolns operated with a steam hoist; has a record of production of J150.000.00. Buy PRIDK MlNINO COMPANY STOCK at 20c a shnro; the compnny owns 45 claliiM and n large mill; is a steady snippet and employs 25 men; will undoubtedly pay dlvl. dends this year. Write for Information coucernhiR divi dend paying stock showing on Investment of better than 33 per ront, to Herbert 8. Shaw, offlcos 14 and 15, Brown Palucu Ho tel, Denver, Colorado. Approved stocki Bold on Instalment plan. Direct private wire to all Colorado exchanges, CHARLES G. ADSIT 226 La Salle St., Chicago, III. Bonds, Stocks and Investment Securities bought nnd sold for cnsh and on mni'Klu. Prlvato wlro to Now York, CIiicuko Hot. erenecs: Continental National Bunk. 111. beruluii UanUintf Association, Itoyal Trunt Company JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone lOUtl, Oiiiiibn, Acb, COMMISSION, (;l(.U.N, I'KOVISIOM. nnd STOCKS, llonrd of Tinilr, Correspondenci)' John A. Warren Ik Co, Direct wires to Chicago and Now Vor S5.00 A ' i 11 If. 1 .