THE OMAHA PAIL V BEE'. jMUKD AY, M KCH 11, 1U01. Y y SPECIAL NOTICES Adrnrtlsemenln for these cnlimnt trill be taken nntll 12 tn. for tha westing edition nnd until 8:110 p. ni. tot' ouimlng and Santlnr edition. States, 1 l-2o n vrnrri Aral Insertion, lo a word therenfter. Nothing taken for ten than Uric for the flrat Inurr t'nn. These ailrertUeraenta muil br wwn consecutively, Advertise, liy requesting a nnm tiered check, can linvo nimrrers ad. 4reased to a nnmliered letter In car mt The line, Answers io aildrraaed will lie delivered oa preaenlatlon of taa keolc only. WANTBD-SlTUATlOSS. EXPERT accountant, Holbrook, lirown 111k ! WANTED, position as renorter on dally paper by young lady. Recommendations lUrulBUCU, MlUrCHM 1, U, IjeC. A-M700 11 AVA XT I : U M A 1, li 111:1.1'. t .WANTED, wo have steady work for a. few good hustlers of good namta unu uppcui unce. C. F. Adams Co., 10j5 l10'"? ItAfMtKtt Iriiln Inlmlit t hnrnllC 111 V In fllOrt time: cntalociiH ,t iiartlctllur freo. West ern Barbers' Institute, umuha, Neb. B-241 MEN or women to sell goods to city trails. Uood pay and steudy employment, Hix cnbuugli & Co, Waro block, Oinahu. 11-MH2 Murli WANTED Traveling salesmen; also udver- tlrcrH; cauu paid, 'i riuinpn wo., ua Texas. u-i.i-u- WANTED, two gentlemen of good address for special work In ronnecllon with salo of reference work; sulury. Cull K ltutnge mug., (.imniui. u WANTED, two tlrst-class Hulesmen fully experienced In plumbing steam and pump goods und lumlllur with thlx territory. AddresH or cull on II. C. Oradwohl. Ne braska I'lumuing Supjily Co. Ii-Miii WANTED, men to learn barber trado; i mif li thfiraiicblv In i-luht weeks by lec tures, Instruction" und practical expeil encc. Wo present outllt of tools, allow Huturduy wages mid guurantec 312 to (la weekly when competent; busy season now; nig demnnd tor gradjnteH. Wo havo placed over suu on piiiueo iruiu.i, iiospii;uH, hotels, country and city eliops, uh well ii lnf-ntlnir many In their own shops. Now Held open. No better trado In ex istence, write toimy tor epecmi njuins orfer nnd catalogue, nioicr niiroer i-ui-lege, H.-J3 Farnam St. JJ-M7U3 11 WANTED, good llvo truvellng salesman tf tin ti,1 1, fresh lneatu and lirovlHlons: experli nred men required. Apply, stating nge, experience iinu uaiaiy i-xptrutt-u, iu UoXL, 22, Hec. H-MMS13 ONE DUhUAlt a year protrctH you. We lssuo more accident policies man 7 other Kslmllar compuny In tho world, nrcaiiSH wo Issue tilt) most popular UlHl clicupetit liiMiirnnco written; 1 a year pays tor aw pone, umer uiuui" proportion; no ussesHinents or dua; .i,.th linn,.lllM wonklv indemnity. tree lm-dlcul iittcndanco, many other original und popular roaiures; enner sex ueiweun 1R 11ml cs veiirs! IIOO.ihjO doiioslted with New York lnsuranco department protettH policy Holders tinner our system; n nlnlmx nrniniillv nnd liberally settled: wrllo for nppllcutlon blank: rellablo rep resentatives wanten everywiieie. im " terntttlonal llcglstry Co., 1S9 Hroadway, isew YorK. is .iom 11- WANTED, coafmnkcr about March 25; 11 etitv worn, oust Aurunumson, iioia- rcge, Neb. H-MSoJ 11 WANTED, two specialty salesmen; salary. mi. t.l.l.. I, ftjV, 11 Ff H8T-CI.1ABS clothing salesman wanted. Wanumaker & Hrown, 1.': S. l.ith hi. I?-M930 11 WA.N'TIJU F1JSIAI.I3 HELP. WANTED, 200 glrla. W21 Dodgu. Tel. 70. C 24J kO girls wanted. Qanadlun oftlce, 1522 Douglas vnlivn Imlv tr lni I'll tmoai!irFO ncipniinniit posltlbii . for right party. 4 Appfy 220 Heo C-22 WANTED, cook. Mrs. A. L.. Heed, 2020 Fur- num. C-M221 LADY of refinement, convincing talker, wanted for Biiectal work among KnlchtB Templar; handsomo lncumu assured' to mi energetic, wolKcr. Adiiresr,. giving par ticulars, Fettor Printing Co,, Louisville, , ny, w Jiuau 11 WANTED, operators on pants, shirts and ovorull;'also 2ft girls, Apply to Hynie Hammer D. G. Co. factory, 12th aim How ard Ht. c m u WANTED, young ladles to travel nnd dem onstrate a patent medicine; statu ago and salary expected. Address l, zu, lieu oi- lice. C ai3.'9 11' FH llfcl.NT HOUMOs. IF you want your houses well rented place them Willi uemiwu et jo. uZij ALWAYS moving II. II. goods. Pluuos. Otllce, 151Ui Furnam St. Tel. 1539 or buj. HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city. Liroiinan-i.uvu v-u., iu ou, uiii ai. D-217 HOUSES, stores. Hcmls, l'axton block. D-21S BEE HENHY I). l'AYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. , u.rj HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas. D-230 . HOUSES and llats. Itlngwnlt, Uurker Hlk. U 251 HOUSES wanted. Walluco, Brown Hlk. D-252 (innn Hl.v-rooin Hot. city water In kitchen. 2319 N. 24th. at., U0. Omaha Loan & Trust Co., tutu ana uougias. u ,M3iu 3107 DECATUH, 0 rooms, well water, good repair. $10. PAYNE-KNOX CO., first floor N. Y. L. Hid. U SIC t-HOOM modern houso, $20. luqulro 1411. 1417 Vinton; v aiux ia 110 NOHTII zm st., u rooms, newly pu nfr.ul and nulnted. partly modern. 113. 2222 Izard t. 2 live-room llats, now, city wilier, sewer ami cioset, i. eitcn. Tho Hvrou Heed Co.. 212 80. 14th St. D-M709 FOUH-HOOM modem lint. 1112 S. ltth. D-M690 EXP. Del, Co., moving. Tel. 1195. 211 N. 16th. 1 a rtnrt a r UNEQFALLF.D, central, steam hent, nil modern seven-room house, Tlzard, 221 N. 21th. D-72S-15" 5 UNFIMINISHED rooms, flrst-clnss, nil modern, completo for housekeeping; 110 ciiliureu. 2121 .Miami mi. u 7io 4-HOO.M npartment, al modern. 810 So 22d street. u uo-ir S-HOOM modern lljt; well located; Inrgo . ... .. I - 1 f. 11 111...... luuiiin. iwiiiiiuii tw ouii, u,u muivu juiiun. U M7U5 FOH HENT. April 1. "7-room house, all - modern. 22d and California sts. luqulro W7 N. v. i.ifo. u jikd 11 FOH ItHXT FI'll.MSIIl'Jll HOOMS, STEAM heattaUrpnms at The Thurston. E 233 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. k2-i FOH tir.ivr. one inru wnii-iuniiBiivu uou- roum iyr bviiii.-uiuii, mm UUIII IfcW aIVV, WWM..V. ......-r '""r. .,,. k-M39 E-M3I1 12- ROOMS. 1900 Capitol Ave. TWO pleasant furnUhed rooms at SL N. 33d at. i!-twt r . . .-. ...111 . ,...H.t rt-vrt llnriiai, 11UU.MO Willi l"Ul UJ jjjfjjj j j I'OR HENT, nicely furnished front room with largo closet; mouorn iiouko; iuhiuh family; rereroncea requireu. i;" di, E M792 11 r-nnii ftiminhe.i rooms with bath, all mod ern, for noUBeKeeping, on oouin uiimim line. 155, In. 17111. ji .Miai ii- WANTKIJ TO II EXT. S UNFURNISHED chambers, nin ana wuo. 31V ii. inn. u-ui I'lll.MSIIEI) ROOMS AMI IIUAIII1. GLENCA1HN, translents,.25day. 16C9 Doug 7 UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport 8t. F-259 Tho Mcrrlnm, good winter home. IS & Dodge ROOMS and hoard, reasonable. 2190 Cass, 1 tflJ-Al" LARGE (rent room. 600 8. 23th nve. F m IIOOM8 with board. 316 S. 26lh st. F M.Wi II' . Ft'RNlSIIED roomi, board. 1909 Capitol avenue. f aits K' S2I N. 23d, nicely furnished room: good board. F s 13 614 N. ISth, board and room, $4.n0; front parlor to rent. F MS70 12 on m:T u.vFuitMHiini) rooms. FOL'll unfurnished rooms. 2010 Davenport. U 11 Toil Illl.NT STORES AM) OFFICES, FOR RENT Storo, In flrst-clns location; rent reasonauio Appiy it. u. I'eicrn & Co., ground floor, Hue Illdg. 1206 FOR HENT Tho building formerly occu pied oy j no e.'ce- ai urti rarnam hi. it nns four stories und a basement which was formerly iisod ns Tho Ileo pres sroom. mis win i rented very reasonably If Interested Apply at onco to C. C. Hoso water, seir ctary, room 100, IJco Uulldlng. I 2G1 8TOHEH, unequalled. Apply Tlzard. 221 N 24 I -ITSJ-31 STOHEHOOM and basement, North 2Uh ni., niniaom tor piumucr. iiouiroon, Hrown JJIock. 1-M7C7- AOliM'S WAXTUIJ. WANTED, wire artists to handto now lino. uig fcnors. write tor now catalogue oi shells. J. ii. Mitchell, Cedar KupIcJn, la. J MI70 12' SOMETUINO new; send 10c and receive a Huippio or Kansas corn reamers. Agents wanted, ivunsas corn reamer co., mu l'axton Hlk. J-6W-A6' AflENTS WANTED, to sell celebrated M & .M. and I'. 8. urc pressuto lnmp; ex clusive territory, 'Iborul contracts; more iiriiuani man eieciric urc; w per nmir. Win. rurklnsou, State Agent, Madison, Neb. J MUSS lfl WA.NT15U-TO IIBXT. WANTED, modem S-room detached houn ny .May 1st; urnt-ciuss tenant. Address li 11, UCC. IV iSS-ll STOItAdE. PACIFIC Storago and Warehouse Co.. 912. vii jones, gciicrui utorago anu forwarding, i'til OM. Van Ctor. Co., 1311V4 Furn. Tcls. 1B59-SK!, 2W von sai.i:-FUiiMTi;ni. ClUCAOO FUHNITUUB CO.. 1110 Dodce. Tel. uirju. .New .t suiianu furniture nought, soiu, n.xciiuiigcii, u iv. FINEST lino of new nnd second-hand furnl tu re in the city; Inspect our atocll before buying; wo wholesale to country dealers: prices low. Enterprise Furniture Co.. 102-1 8. 14th, corner Dodge. U-M.J71 A7 FOH SALIC IIOHSKS, VEHICLES, IJTC. ENTIRE stock of carriages, buggies and wagons rcgaruicss of coat. Anuerson-Mii lard Co., cor. ism and Davenport. 1' LUi-.MM OMNII1US. newly painted: light trim, new unu up-to-uatc. i-rost, nin . L.rav. FOH SAI.U MlSCIr.I.l.AM)OL. IIAIID and soft foundation piling; hog fenceu unu criuuing. wi uougius. :ui 2D1IAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam. SAFES; buy, sell exe'go. Schwartz, 1H S 1. 13. TIMOTHY hay ur.d all kinds iced and coal, Monroo'& Co. g-2CS INCUBATOHS. Send to tho Suro Hatch Incubutor Co., Clay Center, Neb., for a huudsomo free catalogue. Q-269 8 BED SWEETS. Thco. Williams, Uenson, CUTLEHY of all kinds: finest lino In tho c ty; wo grind razors, s oars, clippers, etc. A. Undeland. 1510 Dodgu St. Q-M649 AC WIHE fenco for poultry. Belgian hare, hog Held or lawn, wire wonts, a. 'Kin st. li-attiiS jy? FOH SALE. Tuft's soda fountain. 16 syrup u draft tunes, wun manor. Total adder Nutlonal casn register. Address 401 Nuckolls St., lied oaK la. Q-MS07 11 ALL kinds of fruit, shudo and oniamental trees; liowering snruus, evergreens; grupevines nnd small fruit plants; write for prlres. W. L. Crosby, North Omaha rvtirscries, I'lorcnco, iou. y aiswi-ia UliAlIlVOYANTS. JlHS. FRITZ, medium. 19 North lCth. S-270 MME OYLMER, genulno palmist. 1005 Dodgo H 271 MILS. HENHY, test medium, 1707 Cass. H M613 11' llIiECTJtlU THEAT.UU.VT. ELITE parlors, 615 South lCth, second floor, 1 JMil AS t : 1 MME. AMES, 1010 Howard, 2d door, room 1 T 187-A12I MABEL OHAY, 317Hi N. 15th 8t Flat E. MISS MAY LESLIE, 812 S. 16th, 2d floor. t aioia as CAM1LI.E DUVAL, 619 So. 16th, 2d iloor. T 621 -6" MIHft WILLIAMS, mnssace. mucnetlc elec trie, hot aicoiioi spougo uatns. ti. 14111 st., room 1 aiuia 1. PEItSO.-VAL. 1)1!, HOY, chiropodist; orns & superfluous hair removed by ulcctricty. it. 12 Frcnzer block. . U 2i9 PRIVATE homo boforo and during confine ment; uauics uuupiuu. Airs, uurgei, 2U21 Uurdette. u 2(2 FHENCH accordion pleating; ivory rim buttons; man oruurs. uinunu i-iouting uo, 1521 Douglus. U 273 cmit.ll".S for all machines: machines fo rent. Willie sewing jiaciune, iiuu uougius, Tel. 2331. t'ltlVATE hospital for ladles boforo und during coiiuuumunij uuuiea uuupiuu. jvu QrtUlt St. U-27 A BOX of He-No-May Powder is not a inviirif wiien 11 uiLuiun juu u turj unu secures the comfort and happiness of your loom-mate u uu TURKISH buths, massage baths electric bulllB, lor lauiea uiiij, oivinvi tiumcii masago operators; unesi etiuippeu uuuu In the city. Heiistrom Bath Company, Hooms 216 to 220, uea wag. u -m viAVI-Woman's wny to health; ratio Mholesome homo treatment. 348 Beo II lonal. Hldg, I T nul'TUHE cured: no Knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Empire Hup turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha liUl-MW cordeon nUatlnu nhint In the wost. Mai orders solicited. Suite 200 Douglas Block I US77 RHEUMATISM, paralysis, goitre, female diseases, cnnumptioii, gutnuuiur swcn lues, obesity, stomach and kidney troubles chronic diseases cured by Thyroid Lymph Remedies, consultation anu booklet free, rnyroiu i.ympn co,, iee mug, uniuuii; yi-o- uurr uinci;. Lincoln, jueu. U ltH-12 YOUNO lady (brunette) would like to hear from retliied. teniperato gentleman (30 to tin mutrlmnnlallv Inclined: trlllers need not answer. Addre Miss Gertrude Uurkley, Oen. Del., Lincoln, Neb. MO.M1Y TO I.OA.N-HEAI, i:sTATI2. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha renl estate. ireniinii-t,uve co,, jw south i;un, W-2S0 WANTED-Clty loan, bonds nnil warrants. uuorgo a. company, ion Furnam street. LOANS on enctern Nebraska and western lowa farms at t per cent: borrowers can pay or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Hrennan-Lovo Co,, 300 Bo. 13th St. Omaha, Neb. W 233 000 nnd lir.ward to loan on Imnrovcd eltv property Mid farms. W. Furnam Smith & Co., 1320 Furnam. W 2S2 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bondi and wnrruiii. 11. tj, raters t Co., :wi Farnam St., Bee Illdg. W 2SI PRIVATE money to loan. J. 11. Sherwood, W-2S7 IOTJ N. 1. 1,110. MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowen raics. u. u- Davis co., iwo mrnam. W 283 MONEY to loan at 5 and 6'4 per cent on Omaha propc crty. W. H. Mtlkle, 401 H. IStli. FIVE per cent inunny. Bonis, l'axton block. w as PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas. W-JS9 imiVATt 13 money, C, fit4, C per cent; no de rvln Bros., 1613 Furnam. W 'M lay. uarv AND 6' per cent city nnd farm loans, Gatvin Bros., 1013 Fnrnnm St. W S99 RIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. V-2S7 AND C'4 per cent loans. W. 11. Thomas, First Nutlonal Bank building. Tel. 1613. W-2W CASII on hand, a, E. Turklngton. ftXl ne. MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. WHEN YOU NEED MONEY' SEE US. It is easy to advertise lowest rates, as others do, but we leel positive that it you will iuuku comparisons ou will bo con vinced that you can do better wlth uu than lowlier a luau on furniture, pianos, live stock, etc., or wo will muKo you a SALARY LOAN without indorsor or mortgage, u cnargo nothing lor limiting the loan uuu you receive the lull umouiil In cash. You may pay It buck lit one month or iiiko six months or more in which' to repay it, anu you neeti not puy lor It one day lunger than ou Keep it. Our terms uro thu easiest, our business is confidential und our motto is "try to please, OMAHA MOR'lUAGE LUAN CO.. 119 uouru oi Trade Bldg. Tel. 2J93. (Estuullshed 1S9J; M So. luth St. X-M3IS MONEY TODAY. Loans made in amounts from (10 to $230 on household furniture, pianos, nurses, car nages, etc., without removal, or on your S-A-L-A-ll-Y without security. All or u part of thu money may be paid hack .tho urst tnouili or no purl of it need ho paid back tor several mouths. Each payment made reduces thu cost accordingly. Em ployers und neighobrs know utiuolutely nothing of our business relations. People whu need money uru invited to call uud get my terms and compare them with what otners oner, i.oans of omer com panles may liu transferred to me. No charge lor papers. All business strictly contldentlal. Quick service and lowest rates guuiuntecu, J. W. TAYLOE. 633 Puxton Hlk., top iloor, northeast corner 16th unu furnam. untrancu on luth st. TCI. HO. A 231 S-A-L-A-R-Y L-O-A-N-S. Wo loan $10 lo sluo upon plain notes. No security or mortgugu required. Ketiato wnen loan is paid ueforu due. uy weeKiy or semi-monmiy or monthly. WE UUARANTEE lowest rates. WE GUARANTEE us cusy payments. uoom mi lieu uunuing. AMERICAN LOAN CO. X-M71.1 SALARY LOANS. If you aro employed by u responsible firm your nolo ut much cheaper and easier W M Ml,, ,UU,. JUU Ullllin L1 I I (111 rules man cisuwnure. ui una wo urc positive. Absolutely no charges tor papers. Nothing deducted from amount uesireu. Busiest partial payments. Reliable Credit Co., room ;wJr i:a.ion jsiocit. A 29J MONEY' loaned salaried people holding per manent- pusuiufi Willi L'npunsioiu concern upon their names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 410 Board Trauo bldg. MONEY' loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- city, norses, cows, otc. u. v. need, 319 ti. 13. A 297 MONEY' loaned on pianos, furniture. Iiotmhh cows, jewcirj. uun. urcon, , , uurKer hlk X 21S SALARY loans at reduced rates. Omaha crcau co t2b xncw lorn .ite Bldg. X-299 MONEY to loan. I. Zlegler, 409 Waro illock. A 3166;- HUSI.NESS CIIA.VCES. J1D0 CASH on easy payments buys 23 strictly lawtui wicKci; siot mucniucs tor unnKs, cigars or cash; will earn $2 uud upward weeKiy cacn. lan uian: at co., i"-tiriil turu .Manufacturers, Chicago, 111. . Y-310 FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and carnage uusmess in soutn central ise brusku. For further particulars uddress uox WJ, west .uiueny, ju. x jii WILL take long leaso on brick stablo If built, centrally located, and pay good rent. Aiiuress j uu, ute, x si ATTENTION 'given collections nnd legal muiiera, ukpuluiu ,iiiuiiivj u vi v wii.Te New Snow-Churoh Co., 401-405 N. Y. L. Y 11111 FOR SALE, cattle ranches on C. & S. R. R 3) miles from cneyuuue, wyo. Aiiuress D. M. Arnold, islay, wyo, Y-M651 17" DOCTORS nnd LIFE INSURANCE MEN" select healthy locations for their luml les SIX of them OWN HOUSES AND LOTS IN BEMIS PARK, Y M076 11 A CLEAN stock of groceries, butchers' out ut. four Itnrr cash carriers und iMauouu cash register: can bo bought cheap: all in llrst-cluss condition, Address G, w., Box S3. Omaha, Neb. Y M6I1 13" UR1C1C YARD uround to lease. 36th st und Ames avenue. Apply 2iiK uristoi st, IV .f-,7 10 -.HIVI 4 RESTAURANT for sale cheap; doing good husiness; good reason for selling, aii dress 'A, Beo olllcc, South Omaha. Y-MSI2 11" FOR EXCHANGE. WILL trado stoves and furniture for horses, SOI N. 10th St. Z M75S MUN6 DOCTORS and LIFE INSURANCE MEN select healthy locations tor tncir fatn'iirs. BIX of them OWN HOUSES AND LOTS IN BEMIS PARK. .-M677 11 FOR EXCHANGE, stock nnd grain farm ,60 acres, near Jlavwood. l'Tontler count), Nob. ; 400 fenced, 180 In cultivation, good improvements, house, snens, crios, gran ary, windmill, etc.; possession given a nnpe. Also Improved farmfi In Clay nnd Nuckolls counties, 'liiesn nronerties will do soiu on reasonablo terms or will trado for cleur Imnrovcd property In Omnha or South Omaha, or small farms nearby. Inquire of owner. S. A. 8BARLE, Telephone 1412. Wl Bee Building. Z-M820 11 FOR S.VI.l-.-HEAl, ESTATE. J1.OW.00 HOL'BK, 6 roomB, und barn, full corner lot near street car. 2o, o. ism HE-.MS25-16' H1RP1AI. ni-'FUIl TINS WEEK. I lots one block from High school, each having 30 feet frontage on asphalt paved street, also sower, gus, water, etc. All tuxes for theso special Improvements nro paid In full. These lots are a little above tho street crude. The locution Is all Ilia i-nnlil he desired, helmr one block ftom street cur nnd within walking distance of UllSlllfSP. Jlll'U aiu l'l l"l. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Fnrnnm. RE-M&79 It SNAP 3."00 fine business lot, two blocks south depot, 10th St. Inquire 1411 Vinton HIS 8JU .MIS HOUSES. lots, farms, lands, loans; also lire insurance, itcmis, raxtou ijik. hu, .us CHAS. E WILL1AS1SON. 1203 Farnam St, ur- 3u RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by th Union Fucltlo Hnllroad company, 11. A, McAllaster, land commissioner. Unlo Vuclilc Headquarters, Omaha, rub, RE 311 poit . i . i : 1 1 1 : v iy iihtati:. AN IMPORTANT REAL ESTATE NOTICE!!! PAYNE-KNOX COM PAX Y Have been appointed sole agents for all KOUNTZE PLACE lots owned nnd con trolled b MR. 11ERMAX KOUXTZrt, and he now offers them for about oil' third their former value, Plats can oo examined nnd prices und trms of putchasc given tit the ullice. Any of out obliging salesmen stand ready to show you theso lino tots at any time. Just think of 111 A bcuutlful 50-foot lot In KOUNTZE I'LACE for J7J0. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE Ul.DO. 11E-J1j9j 11 SEE HENRY U. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. 111316 I OCTOR8 nnd LIFE INSURANCE Ml'.N select healthy locations for their r.iinlln'S. 8IX of them OWN HOLSES A.ND LOTS IN 1IEM1S PARK. RE' -MOTS 11 31EDICAI,. LADIES, tUA) reward for uu obstinate, long. siaiining nuiiurmiii cuu suipression, any caiiou ,oid Dr. Jackson's Vegetable Female Medicine falls to relieve In 21 hours with out pain or loss of work; no vrgot or tansy homo for confinement cnsesi .Mulled 13.00, Dr. Jnckson, R. C. Dept., 1. 167. Dear born 8t., Chicago. M-397-16" GONOVA Is a Frcnh treatment for ntalo and, tor tno positive cure of Gon orrhoea, Gleet, Unnatural Discharges, In flammations, Irritations and Ulcerations of tho mucous membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst canes In one week; (3 pel packugo or two tor to. Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin. 111. Amerlcnn Ullice, retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co,, Omani; M. it. Dillon, South Oiuuha: Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line of rubLnr goods. PATENTS. INVENTORS GOT AN IDEA 7 Wo handlo patents copyrights ami truua murks; you give us the Ijaro idea and we will do thu rest; modern equipped machine shop and foundry In connection; Olllclal Gazette on lllo; guide book free. Mason, Fcnwtck & Lawrence, patent lawyers, liotj Howard St,; Tel. 1119, Omaha. J. P. Cronln, repr. 320 INVENTORS, wo osk no feo until the patent is procured; it wo fan, wo get no fee; advice free. Sues & Co., Patent Law yers, Beo Hldg., Omnhu', Neb. Long ills tanco telephone, 1023. 118 Mario" SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 X. Y. Life, 322 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. lieo mug. 23 NEB. Business & Shorthand college, Boyd's i neater. -324 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C Col., 16 &. Doug DANCING, LAST "chance, last term for this season, ueginn mis wcck at .uoranu s dancing school. Crcluhton hall. Adults. TupjiIhv and Friday, 3 p. m., reduced jirlcu 5 for ten lessons; cnuuren, wcunesuay 4U5 p. m., Suturdu. 2 p. m., 20 lessons lo; pri- vnto lessons dully; assemblies every weunesuny. xu i WAN'TEU TO 1IORROW. WANTED lo borrow' !J4.000.00 on a Good pieco or nusiness property for & years ut u per cent, payable soml-unnunlly ; property will bear Inspection, etc. Address all com munications to iv gi, uec. MGK l'l BELGIAN HARES. FOR SALE. 23 fine Belgian hares, out of I in nortea siock. prize winners, ut reasonauio llgures; have a fow ut,U each. Como curly nnd luivo your pick". ' Inquire upstairs, 1113 South 16th St., one block south of wiiuam hi. 607-u OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 513 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tol. ll'J'.l' Alii., .Tnlitmnn 1") Cl. ln.ldiM ilnnl uiu r.. joniisuu, usieopuiiiisi, jiigr, -317 M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school. ivirKsviue-, -mo., tut t'axtou uik. xei. i.stif. 31S WALL PAPER. 3c a roll and up; painting, paper hanging, decorating, ueisey, ii, a. mn. Tel. loos, -663 LAHNUIIY. OMAHA Stenm Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, c; cults, io. i7ou ieavenwortn. lei. 547, 333 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING, CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bldg. 334 CARPENTERS AND JOIlllEHS. ALL kinds of curpenter work and repairing promplly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake Sts. 370 BICYCLES. WE HAVE the only Vulcanlzor in thn city for nuggy tires, wo uo mis worK as gcuu uu can bo done at tho factory. 1622 Capi tol Ave. 635 JL.Mv. B. & M. Junk house, J. Milder, Prop., dealer in uu meiuis, uoities, civ, .uriouus a specialty. tfjL-wi Furiium, umuhu, Tel, 2o" M3Ji PAW.MIROICERS, EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing i uu uuslnesa contiuentiui. imi uougias, J29 PRINTING, HAVE it printed right. Wutcrs Printing co., 422 so. lain at. rnonu -11. OSS A7 Plflt.VITimE IIEPAIRI.Nti. TEL. 1331. M. 8. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. AW FARMS FOR RENT. M. NEAR Florence and 80 In Iowa. F. D. It I 1?1 J Ml fi cuu, jjs iuubiua ' -vo TICKET BROKER. CUT rato tickets everywhere. P. II. Phil bin, 15Uu Farnam. Telephone 74. 332 INCUBATOHS AND HIIOOIIEHS. INCUBATORS and brooders; catalogue free. Write Burr Incubutor co,, li 2, Omuhu, Neb. Factory ut 2Sth & Davenport. 479-M31 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or evening. 11. lo, com. rai, uatiK. u. it. Rathbuu. -320 ELOCUTION READING. MRS. DORWARD. Studio 023 N. 19th St. -377-A1 lltllllER STAMPS. BADQES, medals. Om Pl't. Co., Bee Bldg, Tel. 2533. 327 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick- est. Airs. A. c, iurK, a. r.. cor. jitu unu Farnam. . xa 1IIRIIS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK H Bird Store, 1213 S. 16th. -328 I' I'll OLSTE MING. GLOBE COUCH CO., 1319 Lcuv'th. Tel. 2529, -M710 RAILWAY TIME TAIII.ES. CHICAGO & NORTH western Hullwuy 'Tho Northwestern l.lno" City Ticket Olllee, 1W1 Farnam St. Telephone, 561. Depot, Tenth nnd Murcy Sts. rclephoue 629. ... ... LA-ttve. Arrive. lJajllgnt Chkugo Spe- ..fl"! .u7:0'lnnt nll:30 pin Chicago Pnsrenger a 4:13 pm u :lo urn Lastern Expriss, Des Moines,, Cedar RnpUH und I hlcago nl0:33 am it 1:03 pm Eastern Special. Chi cago and East a 4:53 pm u 4:03 pm l'Mst Mmi, Chicago tu Omaha , u n5 pin Omah.i-t hlcugo L't'd 7:13 pm u !:0o am lust .Mall it 8:.lo urn Cedar llaplds Passenger u 0:30 Pin u Dally. FREMONT. ULKHORN & Missouri Valley ltnllrond "Thu Norlhwostern Line" General Oiliccs, L'nltcd States Natlouul Bunk Building, 8. W. V.UI I1C1 iwriiui 1IIKI I'UI- Tlckct Otllce, 1401 Fat nam St. Depot, 15th nnd Webster Sts. iinck IIIIIs, Deadwood, UMC' .M"; irlng a 3:cw pm i Joining, Cuspcr and Dough,,, u 3!0o Arrive, a 5:30 pm e 5:00 pm ;,?. ''. ,urKi uuvid City, Superior, Gonevu, ',ir,7ill 1, ,1 '" u.w MI1 I, w.w flll UAVIlT UI Mil Knlfni.! I. I. P aa .... .u,o, . ciuiHiu unu Lincoln, Wrthoo nnd i7m..nt. b 7:30 10:2S am .1.... . ? y:y"J. xpi ounu.1). c null day only. , Daily excent Saturdnv. e uuny except Monduy. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" Uotlerul OIllccH, United States Natlouul Hunk Building, 8. W. Corner Twelfth V-,T. "U IMllllUlll BIS. TICKC'l pmce. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 661. Do- oi. iciiin unu Murcy Sts. Telephone e.. Twin City Express.. juavc. Arrive. ..a 6:65 am ulo:25 pm . .ii 7:55 urn ii xrir, ,im win tuy i.iniucd.. Sioux City Local. .. a!:wiim ii 3;jj pro u Dally. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis A; Omaha Hullwuy "TI10 North western Lino" General Otllccs, Nebraska Divi sion, 15lh und Webster Sts. City Ticket Olllco. 1101 Fiunnin St. 15th and Webster Telephone, 561. Depot, Sts. I.enve. Arrlun Twin City Passenger. . .a 6:W am n 9:lu p'm Omiiltn Passenger ullilOam bioux city At iNortn- enst Nebraskn a 2:15 pm a Dally. M1SSOURI PACIFIC RAIL-road-General Olllces and Ticket Olllces, Southoast Comer 14th and Douglus Sts. Telephune, lol. Depot, Union Station. v ' Leave. Arrive. St. i.ouls and Kansas City Express - u 10:00 nm a 0:23 pm 1C. C, St. L. Express.. al0:50 pm u 6:15 am Leave from 15th and V'pliter streets: Nebraska Local, Via Weeping water ... u 4:10 pm aio:45 am ti Dally, b Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO xeph &. Council HUl Its llallrnml "Tli,. tlncOn,-. ton Route," Ticket Otllce, 10U2 i' ornnm aireei. tcic nhnne. "Ut. Denot. Tenth uud Mason Streets. Tele phone, J 23. J-.CUVC. Arrive Kansas City Day Ex., .a 9:20 a' m a 6:25 pm a 6:15 am Kansas city Night Ex..al0:30 pm oi. i.uum r li ur, ior nt. Joseph und St. Louis.. a 5 10 pm all 15 am n uauy. iiMiii t vmviv m. MiH. sourl River Itullnmd- Thu Burlington 1101110 General unices, otiii wost Corner Tenth and Furnam Streets. Ticket rwtlnr. lAn! ri,i ni'n ,n IJurlln'gtou Station, Tenth Teiephuiiu. ioe. "u'lriT;Knn TV and Mason Streets. Telephone. 1-3. MceJik " 8:10 am a 7:33 Lincoln, nwivcr, Colo- , LI ncoln V Black HI lis . .u U:W .m u 6ij5 urn JJ Ilium -.J'MVrtM, 11 iki 1 nm si K!JA din Lincoln Fust Mall .! 2:00 pm Wymore. Heutrlce and Lincoln Denver, Colorado, Utah and California.. ....... South Bend, Louisville. Plattsmouth P"1 u 9:17 am bll:55 am a 0:45 nm bll:0u nm A' iTirino Junctlon..a 7:00 pm a S:20 am Bellevue, Plattsmouth nnd Puclllo Junctlcn..nl2:10 nm a Dally. 1 Un' VXQe Sunday rmr'AGO. HllRLINGTON .1. (Inliiny Itnllrnni1''iqi. Burlington Routo" Ticket Olllce 1502 Furnum Street. Telephone. 250. Depot Tenth ami .Mason streets Telephone, 12S. Leave. Arrive. 1 ..1. llMim.fl fill... ciai 1 .""i .1111 uiv.iti ,1,11 Chicago vestiuuicu ra.mwpi a 1 no urn Chlcngo Local Express.n 9:30 um a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:45 um Fust Mull a 2:4a pm n Daily. CHICAGO. ROCK 181 uud & Paclllc Railroad "The Great Hock Isl und Route" City Ticket Otllce, 1323 Far. nam Street. Telenhonc 428. Depot. Tenth and Mnrcy Sts. Tele phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. EAST. Des Moines and Davcn- nort Local a 7:25 am hll!l nm uuicago express un:io um a 8:10 am Des Moines Local a 4:20 pm a 4:15 nm Chlcngo Fast Express. .u 5:00 pm a 1:25 pm ues aiouisi, mock isl and and Chicugo a 7U0 pm a 9:33 pm W I'lH l . Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., ueuvcr, i-uenio anu West a 1:."!0 11m n 4-15 nm Colorado. Okluhoma & Texas Flyer a 5:20 pm a 9:30 urn a uauy. u uuuy except wuiuluy. UNION PACIFIC-"TIIE OVER land Routo" General Olllces N. E. cor. Ninth und Farnam Streets. City Ticket pmco, 1324 Farnam Street. Telephone, 316, uepot. Tenth anu aiarcy his, Telephone, uu. i-eave. The Overland Limited.. a 8:20 um Tho Chleairo Portlund Arrive, a 7:30 pm Special a S:G0 nm a 7:30 pm Tho Fust Mall ..a S:50 dm a 3:25 pm The Mull and ExpresH..all:35 pm a 4:25 pm l.inrnln. Ueutr ce nnd Stromsburg Express.. b 4:03 pm bl2:30 pm 'rim I'nclUu Express..., a 4:23 pm Tho Atlantic Express,., a 6:50 am Grand isiunu i.ocai u:m pm u 9:30 um u dally, b Dally except Sunday, CHICAQO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Rullwuy-Clty Milwaukee TicKet umce, jaui I'lirnuni Street. Telephone. 234 iZ'ST.PAlll' 1 Depot, Tenth and Mnson Hirecis, leicpnone, Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex....u 6:00 pm a 8:03 am Chicago Ai umanii r.x,.n 1:1a nm u j;w pm a dully, u uauy except aunuuy, OMAHA &. ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas City it Kuslern linuroati "Til Quincy Route" Ticket Or nee. 1115 Farnam St. Tele phono, 322. Depot, Tenth and .Marcy ntreuin. leiepnune. 029. Leave. Arrive. ... t Pannnn Itnll i..vV,r .. a 6:15 pm a 8:20 am Plln X. OlllllCV iVocal a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a Dully. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallroud-Clty Ticket Of fice. 1103 Farnum Street Telephone, 245, Depot, Tenth und Murcy Streets lAiavc.. Arrive cnlcHg" med.:: ::::a7i45,im aium j- . . . . . uu n ,! nm. nll!'i nm Minneapolis & hi. raui Express ;r';-;"b 7:00 Bm MintienpollH Hz St. Paul Limited a 7:lo pm Fort Dodge Locul from Coum ll BlulTs h 4:30 pm b 9:10 pm a 8:03 am a 8:15 am Fort Uoaga l.ocui uuin Council Bluffs a 6.00 am a dally, b Dally except" Sunday, hum hit., Tel. 561. 'lei. 143a. mm? 1ILLI0NS OF TINY FISHES Uncle Sum Hu Hem Hatched for Unitttl States Strenmi. 0WA WATER GIVES THEM A START t Purity Mil Ur (lip Kmhrwi Swlm- 111 it. Stronu, nnil 11 llock Iloor Keeps Tlieni friini Get tliiK: l'rrrlh. DES MOINKS, March 10.Sneclal.)-Iti fow states of tho union are the Inws for the protection of fish In the streams bet- er enforced than In Iowa, for tho prc- ainng sentiment of the people ns u whole in the direction of caring for tho fish ml encouraging thcut. Ono good tenson why such Interest Is shown In fish culture in that ono of the finest llsh hairl.rrl ns In ho world 1b In Iowa. It is a ronslilerabht institution with a rapacity of hatching BOO.UOO llsh each year. Thoso mllllous of Ilttlo fishes uro not turned loose In Iowa trcams, for this Is n United States fish hatchery nnd the fish are sent from Iowa to nll-tho ntrcnms of the north nnd north west wherever the government is attempt ing to preserve the fish, Tho fish hatchery which thu government mnlntahis lu Iowa Is n Ilttlo stream known s tho south branch oi U10 Manooketa river In Dclnwitro rounly. Tho stream Is noted for tho purity of Its sprlug water even ns 1110 county is famous for the purity of Its butter, which Is tho chief Industry of that nrt of lown. When the government resolved pon establishing n new fish hatchery somewhere In tho northwest, only n few cars ago, attention was called to the character of this stream. TI16 exnerts Isltcd o number of proposed locatlotis and eclded that not one offered Biich splendid water as thu location near Manchester. Ia. The source of tho water supply Is a spring or series of aprlngn located in tho valley a half mile from the hntchcry, nnd from heso springs thcro flows Into und throuch tho hatchery every minute of the year bout 1,200 gallons of pure water of a tem perature of 50 degrees. This temperuttiro does not vary -a 1th tho seasons, for tho water flows from benenth a rock roof, which rims beneath tho hills. Without such a water Rtipply a fish hntchcry could not bo maintained. llullt Out of Wnulo I.niids. The hatchery wan located about five years go. Tho valley was then waste land, Now a handsomo bulldlug thirty by sixty feci in sizo contains tho hntchcry proper, with numerous lesser buildings and rooms for the uttendunts. The hatchery is also sur rounded by a beautiful park. The sur roundings nro Just such ns would delight tho eye of a true nportsnmn. Tho fences nro nently whitewashed, the buildings aro rchltccturnlly handsomo and there Is a tnll flagstaff from which floats an Ameri can flag. It. S. Johnson Is tho superin tendent of the hatchery. Tho water from tho sprlug-fed stream Is brought through pipes Into thu hatchery and Into largo funks six feet above tho floor of cement. Tho nursery room, la heated by steam. Tho water from iho tanks Is let luto the hatching boxes through faucets. Tho nursery nnd hatching boxes aro only fourteen Inches wide, but they nro ten feet long and about ten Inches lecp. Tho eggs, brought In on trays from tho brerdlng ponds, arc laid on a wlro netting and the box Is covered with a black ciotn on a frame, to exclude the light. Fifty Dii y to Hutch. with tho water at a temperature of about fifty degrees the eggs.' which aro very small, hatch in about fifty days. If tho water should bo' colder the period of Incubation would bo longer. The hatched fishes drop through tho wlro netting Into running water below nnd nro carried Into tho feeding boxen. The feed of tho little pollywogs Is nothing but beef liver, chopped line. Thcro nro sometimes 20,000 of tho llshes In one feeding box nnd they eat a teacupful of thn feed three times a day, In duo time they will ho turned out Into the outdoor ponds to remain until they nrt lnrgo enough for Bhlpment. Tho fish In tin breeding ponds at this tlmo of tho year nro the rainbow trout. At tno proper tlmo tno female fish aro caught In nets and the eggs collected on trays. Each trout will produco about 600 eggs annually after .1 years of nge. Tho bass aro much more prolific, ylcldlpg from 5,000 to annually. In the hatching and nursery boxes nt the present tlmo thcro aro thousands of eggs of three well known varieties of trout the rnlnbow, brook and lock leven. These, with tho black nnd rock bass, aro tho only kinds of fish raised at this hatchery nt tho present tlmo as regular thing. There are, however, a few thousand small salmon at the hatchery, hatched from eggs left by a government fish car a few weeks ago. Beautiful na Itiitnliuw. This specleB of llsh from California Is al most as beautiful as tho rainbow trout and grows to weigh twcnty-flvo to thirty pouuds or more. Tho bass do not begin to spawn until In May nnd tho stock fish nro nil lu tho artificial lako on tho grounds. Tho trout In tho hatchery will . go Into tho outdoor ponds about May 1. Theso ponds aro Cxlu feet In size nnd three feet deep Thoy aro fed directly from tho springs Many thousand of tho young trout will bo taken during the early summer to streams lu the northwest and will be turned loose to earn for themselves. Tho total cannclty of tho hatchery Is 2,500,000 llsh nnnunlly. Now fish nro being received constantly for breeding purposes, for ns much enro mils bo exercised In seloctlng fish for breeding an In tho selection of live stock for similar purposes. For Xeliruwkn Strciiina, While tho llsh hatchery In Delaware county, Iowa, Is 0110 of tho newest of tha government hatcheries, It is regarded as Important becnuso It is co near thu runny streams of Inwn, Minnesota, Nebraska and tho Dakotas that need constant replenish Ing with young llsh. . Under tho present Iowa fish coiumla aloner, George n. Delavnn of Spirit Lake, there has been a great Increase in tho In tcrest taken In fish among Iowans nnd now It is rnro that the Inws aro violated with out discovery. Not only aro tho fish along tho many Iowa streams cared for and pro tectcd, but attention has been given to tho fish in thn lakes and in tho bnyoun alung tho Mississippi river In tho northeastern pnrt of the Htato. The Cedar, Iowa, Des Moines, Skunk, Coon, Turkey nnd Wnpslp Inlcon nro all excellent fishing streams and In many place, the nconory Is beautiful nnd tho opportunity for outings Is tin rivaled. "When 1 was prostrated with grip nn my heart and nerves were In bad shape, wr. Allies' iMervino anu iteart euro gay me new life and health." Mrs. Qeo. Colh Elgin, 111. (I'lii-yoiinc N'eeila IHvellluua, CHEYENNE, Wyo., Mnrch 10. (Snclal. At tho ddllur dinner given by tho Chey eune uus ncss Men's association a commit tee wan appointed to look up tho matter o building nnd loan associations nud draw up RAILWAY TI.MI5 TABLE. W AH AS 11 RAILROAD Ticket Ofllce, 1115 Farnam i.ihninri vi 1 vieiiiiwini w ' UIA 'rulanltfilin I 11 "J Vi2525JCi pot. Tenth and Marcy Sts 11 -.-a .. 1 'i a (innnnii. linJ. Leave. Arrive, at l.niilu "f'linrinn Hall" Express a 5:15 pm u 8:20 am a Dally, a set of buuks nnj pnptrs for ttibscrlptlotis to the stock Aiiothrr lonliultti'e ns ap pointed In look up the installment plan of building homes. It r,n the sense of Inst night's meeting that rrsidenre houses must to bulll here quickly in order to meet tho tlemnmis of tho rapidly li.cre.iflng popula-tlou. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI No. 11676. Coone uguliiit State. Error from Dawson county, opinion by Sullivan, J, Kllcd February in, Uiq. 1. An Instruction Is not erroneous which. In substuiice, Informs the jury that Just censure of n witness, or tho trstimony which he bus given, cannot be grounded on the fact that he hits performed 11 duty Im posed upon him by luw 2. Section 20, chapter I, Compiled Statutes 1W with resnect to the keening of Intoxi cating liquors for ttii- purposti ot sale with out n license. Is valid legislation. 3. An otllcer having I'hurge of tho Jury wuM 11 witness on the trial und kuo mate rial evidence for the state He uccompn- led the Jury to their room and remained till mem for several hours while they were deliberating on their erdlct. Meld, that he olflcer was cut tv of mlsronduct preju dicial to the lights of the defendant and mat u now trim should nave poen awurueii. No. 11707. Acorn el nl iiKiilnst comity or Dodge ct ul. Error Irom Dodge county. JildHinent. on In on in- llolcomii. j. l-'tieu February 20. 1901. 1. Whrro the nroceeil uus under the pro vision of urlli'li- I. ehnnter Ix of the Com piled Statutes of ly.n, for tho establishment r it drainage ditch, 11 county iiouru ac- iu res lurloilletlon over the sublect matter under consideration, iinv mere irregularity or want of exnet compliance with all of tho tutiitury provisions win no uecnieu iiisum lent to render void the wholo proceedings taken recording such mutters. 2. In estnldlnhliii; 11 Irnlniii.'n ditch mm levying qieclul assessments for bcncllts re- eliril the turlxdlellonnl stens reull red to be observed ure. First. 11 petition signed by one or moro owners of luml to be uffeeted uy the proposed ditch; second, 11 proper IjoikI as provided by stututo for cost, to bo approved uy tno cierK; mini, u mining ny the board on iii-tual view lliut the proposed Improvement ,s necessary and will bo con- luclve to tho health, convenience or wel fare of the nubile: fourth. Hint thu proposed ditch Is thu best route for thu contemplated improvement, ulul, llftn, that notice to per mits on whose lands tho rout Is to tie ap portioned and the owners whose lands uro to hu l a Ken or dainaged snail nave ueen given 11 h provided by statute. J. The provisions of section 2 to tue et feet that iiRsi-SHini'titM shall not tie set usldu In conseiiuencu of any error or Irregularity committed or appearing In nny of tho pro ceedings, must lie given the force, und elfeot finny justiueii ny me language useu wueu ppiind to errors, irreguuiriiien or 11011 ompllnnco with .tlie strict letter of every provision or the stututu not going 10 mo Itiestiou 01 jurisdiction. 4. Whcro 1111 engineer is nppointeu ny mo board, lifter It hits found the route desig nated to bo the best, tho Improvement necessary nnd conducive to the public) enlth, convenience nnd welfare, who goes non the line of the ditch petitioned for. makes 11 11 mil survey, sets grudn stukes, notes Intersections und makes n profile and plat, fixes tho dimensions uud slopes of tho banks, etc., and his report Is conllrmed by tho board, the notion taken will bo deemed to bo thill or tho hoard and i)i compiiutico with the statute. The fuct that thu lino ns Dually established vurles from that de scribed In the petition, hut ror u less ns tanco than Is allowed by the petition and bv statute, does nut affect thu validity of such pToceedlngs. , b. A petition which uescuoes wuu icr tnlntv the point of beginning of a dralnuuu ditch nnd which direction tha samo In to run, giving tho nectlons through which It pusses und thu place whcro terminating uud proviuiug mill tno lino inu- vary irom u itruiglll uuu to 11 void improvement!! uuu take udvuntuge of tho ground, nut not moro bun 100 rods, is n sutncieiil compliance wiut Um nriivlhloiiM of tho statute, to Klvo tho board Jurisdiction to hct 1n respect to tho suine. 6. Where the record biiowh that 11 county board adjourned Itu sitting 11 1 thn court house and went lu 11 body lo view the pro posed ditch nnd that they m.ido such view und afterward resumed their Hitting, such act Is a compliance, with tho statute und tho law made, will hu regarded nn me aci 01 uiu board uud not Us lndlvldliuln. 7. Where the engineer divined tno pro posed ditch Into working sections and showed In euch tho distance nnd number of cublu feet lo be removed, together with tho cost of romovul, nt thn cstlmuto upon which thu total cost Is arrived at, this, with the report of thn assessment to bs levied on each parcel or tract of land for speclut bcncllts. Imparts nil tho information hill would tie in cuse or uu apportionment of thn number of lineal feet nnd cuuio y.irdti to each hit or tract of land according: lo 1110 ucueius which win rruii iu c from thn ltniirnvcmcnt. und Is 11 sufficient compllunco with the provlslutm of tho Btut- utu in 1 nut respect. 8. An Irregularity In not apportioning und rniim-tliik? tin, liumbcr of linear feet and cubic yurds to euih lot or tract of lutid ac cording to bonellts. Held, harmless error, since tho parties complaining mudo 110 ef fort to bid on tho work of construction. J. In determining npeciai uciiciuh uccruing tn land bv reason or tho construction of a drainage ditch it Is proper to tnko Into con sideration wuutever win come 10 inu 1111111 from tho drum lo muxe n moro vmuaniu fur tlllnire. or mora ileslrablo UH a tilaco of residence, or more valuable In tho general market, tho trtio unu until icsi ueing wnai win iw the lniiiieiico of the nronosed Im provement on the market vuluo of tho prup- rty. .. .... . ...... 10. liviuenco examined iinu uciu 10 support tho finding nud order ot the county bourd levying spcclul assessments for benefits ro culved by reason of the construction ut a drainage ditch. ... . . 11. Where 11. county bourd hnB acquired Jurisdiction to uct, tho preBumption lu iu favor of me correctness unu rcguiuriiy 01 tho proceedings taken, and Itu action should not no overiurncu excepi wueu 11 m muuu to nfllrmutlvely nppeur unit tno action taken Is erroneous, 12. Tho nudings 01 tno county uoarit us ti, tin, necessity of u proposed tlralnago ditch und thut tho public health, conveni ence or welfare win uo promoted inereny cannot thereatter bo mndo tho subject of a controversy hh to whether correct und well founded or not. It Is tho cxerclso ot a dele gated power, political or administrative In character, and not judicial, conferred upon tho county bourd by tho sovereign authority of the state acting through Its legislative branch of government. 13. Tho provisions of ncctlon 6, nrtlclo ix of thu constitution, thut "thn legislature, may vest tho corporate authority of cities, townu nnd vllluges with power to muku locul Improventfiits by special assess. ment or uy special tnxation 01 tuu property bencllted," do not prohibit tno legisiaiuro innn i-uiiii-niuh uiu I'uiu-i in imikn local Improvements by 11 Hpeclal usscssment or taxation of properly ber.e- llted upon counties, iwaisi v. uriuin, ji Neb., litis, followed.) 14. Tho urovlsloiiK of the Klatuto under consideration held not to bu violative of. any of tho provisions of sections 3, 13, 21 und 24 of urtlcln I of tho constitution. No. 11711. lioweu uguinsi ntnie. fcrror from Nemaha. Reversed. Opinion by Hol- comb. J. Filed February 20, 1H01. 1, An instruction in 11 criminal prosecu tion, which casts tho burden on u defendant to prove tho defonso Interposed by 11 pre ponderance of tho evidence or beyond a reasonable doubt. Iu erroneous. 2. Tho giving of an Instruction Incorrectly stating tho law In not cured by unothcr In struction on tho Hiuno subject which Is cor rect, tho Inconsistent Instruction being con fusing anu leaving inn jury in uuuui iih 10 which Is correct, nnd It belug'lmposslhle to know which In fact wnu accepted by them lu their consideration und application of tho cvldenco In tho case. 3. An Instruction regarding the testimony of wltnesseii, which invadeu tho province of thn Jury and deprive them of tho right to Judgo of the weight and credibility to ho at tached to ma testimony 01 sucn wnuenaea, is erroneous. No, 11733. Garnenti ngainsi Kcniiau. i.rrur from DouchiH cnlintV. Alllrmed. Opinion by Holcomh, J. Filed February 20, 1901. 1. Where It hos been held on error pro ceedings In thlH court that 11 petition statea a good cnuse of notion, ovldenco sustnlnlng tho nllugutloiiH'of such petition is sulllclont to support a veruici unu juhkoh-ih iu iiui of the plnlntlffs in tho action. ... 2. Whcro In a conveyance of real cstatu the grantee accepting tho covenants to pay an Incumbrance on the land conveyed In tho following woidn contnlned In tho deed: '"Subject to Incumbrances amounting to $14,000.00, which the suld Joseph Gurnenu (tho grantcn) hereby assumes and ngreeu to pay ull the Interest nn thu Hiimu from De cember 11, 1690," Held, that such ngrcomont l founded on a valid consideration, binding on tho gruntee, and will support nn action for tho recovery of thu debt thuroby as mimed. . , 3. During tho pendency of tho action ut law for tho recovery of a dobt secured by mortgugo, tho iilnlntlff begun nn action lu equity In tho federul court to enforr.o IiIh lien us ngalnst thn mortgaged property, ob taining nt tho same Hum m tho federal rciiirt lenvo or authority under thu provl- slons of section MS of thn code, nn existing prior to Its amendment In 1897, to prosecute ills action ot law. Held, that tho pendency of the equity notion did not work un nbuto ment of the suit ut law. , , t, The enforcement of the provisions of the section of tho statute, referred tn bo longs to a court of equity nnd they are not Intended to chunxe or nffent tho jurisdic tion and practice In a court of luw. Wheols! Whcclsl Wheels! how they got rtl'le a Bee wheel and be In tho swim.