TITE OMAHA. T)ATTjV ME: PUN DAT, MAHCn 10, 1001. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL ..mi.noh jin.vno.v. Dnvlo sells glass. Davis rolls drugs. titockcrt sells carpets and rugs. Ons fixtures and globes ut Hlxby's. Fine A 11 C beer. Noumnycr's hotel. Wollmnn, sclentMc optician, 403 U'way. W J. Hostctter, dentist, Haldwln block. Leffert, Jeweler, optician, 2M Uroadway. J. A. Snow auctioneer. U way, opp. I 0 Ilnm-To .Mr. and .Mrs. A M. I'oole, North Eighth strew, a daughter. Something new for Kodnkcrs at C. i.. Alcxandfr A Co.H, SB Hroatlwuy. V. F Graff, undertaker and dlslnfector, 101 South .Main street, "l'liono o00. Oct ycur work done at the popular l-K'a laundry, 721 Uroadway. 'l'hono 107. For rent, modern rcsldcncu In .heart o: city, by W. U Kerney. ai Alain street. Morgan & Klein, upholstering. ipulrltiK. matlrcMM making. 1-- h. Mam . rc l II llradlcy linn returneii inm n mi' to Salt I ,ake li y. jjciivui- unu .....- eril pollltH lessen lo ue a iruvunui; num. nisuu- For Mile cnenp, tnrnltiiro and fixtures of turc, coupled with tho strangcr'H plausl a largo bo'urdlng house. JohiiBton & Kerr, ,Hyf r0Ht u,0 accommodating night elerk Ml Hnindwny. an even $20, but, as tho latter has not been iJiuirk by Star of 3u)Unr, . at O. l!h"XXX fu V.",rC" 1 ' " F Titus, theosophlriil lecturer, win clvu n flee address at Woodman hull to r.iuiit ni k ti'i loi'k on "Memory. a Velatlve, Mrs Henry Itai-P, jr. ' lit lirlni rnatlltS. The same attention given to u want ad in Council UlutTs as at tho Omaha ollloo. Fur Hnle-lmrgtiln, account moving from city, furniture. Moves, gas Inmp and llx turrs. boys wheel. 131 1'ark live., up stairs. A mnrrluge license was Issued yesterday to Robert Campbell, nged 2, and Hertlia V Orm-!, aged 28. both of l'ottawattamlu comity Them will be no evening service in me Congregatlon.il church today on account of the union teinpemncu meeting In thu l'jrst I'resbyteila.i church. ,., The funeral of Mrs. Henry H. Spetman will lie ut 2 o'clock this afternooii rron the residence. Ml Fourth avenue, llurlul will bo In Tnlnlew cemetery. Hcv. J. W. Calfeo of York, Neb., who Ailed tho pulpit last Sunday at the ilroacl- way Methodist church, will occupy It again today for both regular services. lflx20 crayon pleluro and fnune, from good photos only, for 42.SO. Ciirycth. ar- tint. M isl l'lerco street. Council Uluffs. ovenlng Itev (I. Walk of St. l'aul's churoh will preach. SiMiday school will be ut 9:13 u. m. and morning prayer at 11 o clock. A meeting of veterans of tho civil war will bo Tuesday night at Kunkley's under- taking rooms om Uroadway to act In Hie ! hom.r f ,",c"r",' 1,omcs,c'"18 1,1 0kl'1 "(Jeorgn McCoy, 3f I'ierce street, reported to tho police yesterday the theft of six silver teaspoons and an equal number of silver forks from his residence Friday ""t'torney John M. Oalvln filed his bond In JI.(iW) yesterday with the clerk of the district court and letters as special nd- mlnlstrator of tho estate of Thomas Olllccr ti'iu iniui ii iu iiiiii. "Tho 1'nrls Kxposltlon," to bo given at thu Congregational church Tuesday even ing, will be a delightful entertainment. Views all tho way from Omaha to Paris will be given. Tho talk Is unique und full of Interest, The "I'.uiM Kxposltlon" at the Congrega tional eliurrli Tuesdny evening will lie tine. The llrst of tho course was well attended oud Miss Shaw's playing was especially en Joyed. Musical people regard her as an artist of raro promise. A eomniltleo has been nppolnted by the Trades and Labor assembly to organize u local union of tho Amalgamated Order of Meat Cutlers and lllitcher llelpe.rs of Amer ica. A meeting for this purpose, will bo In Labor hall Friday cve'iilng. Suiiervisorrt Ivernev and nrandeH will go lo Avont Tuesday to check up the olllce of the deputy clerk of tho district court. Thursday they will resume the work of checking up thu clerk's olllco hero and continue at It until completed. Congressman Walter I. Smith nrrlved homo from Washington yesterday morning mid expects to stay hero until congress meets In December. Ho' wns accompanied by Hubert Henderson, his private secretary, formerly a local newspaper man. "Last Hopo of Cnttschalk," "Cavallorla llustleiuia," "Intermezzo of Masc:ignl," "Convent Hells of Splndler" and 2.19C other Pieces at KV a. copy at .Jfouricius' Music house, .115 Jtroadway, where tho organ stands upon tho building. Telephone W. Tlie hp.wy snow yesterday was responsi ble for more or less damago among the elec tric light, telegraph und telephone wires throughout the city. Ilrukrn wires wero re ported last evening and the linemen of tho companies weco kopt on the Jump repairing, them. Tho First Church of Christ. Scientist, will bold services this morning ut lOM.'i o clock In the Snpp block. The subject will lie "Substance." Sunday school will fol low Hie service. An experlonco meeting will bo held Wednesday evening ut 8 o'clock. .11 m Muck, who was arrested Into Friday night In a ' South Main street saloon, where be was doing the bad maij act with a pair of brass knuckles, was lined J3 nnd costs In pollen court yesterday morning for carrying concealed weapons and an evident Jag. N. Y. numbing Co., telephone 250. Dnvls sells imltit. iuii:.ks nii'i oi J A 1 1. AT DKMHON, Yoiiiiur Mil li Simiieeleil of l.'omiitlclty In i;ireH Itolibery. Tho pollco were notified Inst night by tho sheriff of Denlson, la., that a young man who was under nrrest thero on rusplelon of being Implicated iu tho recent theft of an express snio containing a largo sum nt Manilla, la., had broken Jull and was sup posed to be headed this way. The escaped prisoner's nunio wns not given, but ho was described na lining between 22 nnd 25 years of ago and wns supposed to bo without coat or hut. Tho sheriff said ho wor will ing to pay $2f. for tho man's arrest. Smith & llradlcy have put In a new un to-dalo glass front In their store on Ilrond- wny, the glass for which won furnished b ueorgo a. hums. Wo will still sell eggs nt 10 cents on Monday. Hnrtel Miller, tel. 359. Our Weather Han lmn hIvoii uh itjiutlior batch of winter wi'iitjiiu' mill lor thu next fow days tliero will be Kltislt nnd iiuiil to try tho patience of jie ilestrliins. Wo want to remind you tlint we liuvo the lluest lino of rubbers in the city and you will certainly need them (lurlnc this Unit) of year wo null tliein rlsht down to tho lowest Hkiuv just tlio samu us we do our shoes, SARGENT'3 Look for the Bear. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska ana town, james N. lasaay, Jr., ui main m., ouucu uiuus. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (Successor ti W, C. Estep) UH rmill. S l id -JUT. Tliouo U7, BLUFFS. RAILROAD AFTER CHECK MAN Burlington Authorities Hops to Oat Hold of H. L. Cutnmingi. GETS MONEY FROM HOTEL NIGHT CLERKS Make Sltmv of llrnss Tnn for Hiik MUKC, lull There I'niti'ii to lie .No (Jooiln to lluck Them "H. L. Cummlngs, Now York." This was the. nnmo Inscribed upon mo register of (ho Orand hotel Friday ulsht about 9 o'clock by a stranger who pro- 1 . i . . .... . . . 1 1 .. .. .MH rtM. . I - , , the' business, ho considers tho cx Plenco cheap at the price. After registering tho stranger, whoso appearance Indicated nothing to arouse sus picion In the mind of tho night clerk, throw on tho counter, sample trunks "These nro for my two and I wont tho largest samplo room you have In the house." Night Slcrk Snyder assured him (hey had Just tho Bample room ho wanted and, calling tho porter, turned over tho baggage checks to him. He then assigned th stranger to a room on tho second Hoor and offered him tho key to It. II. L. Cummlngs, however, was not prepared to retire uo i.. i .. 1. .i t... .t.i i. euny mm ivmumi-u lie w Inter. Ho went Into the barroom, bought R cgnr nn,i returned to tho counter ond, taking a match from thu case, lit It. ,", , ,,. n Hmoko from tin Hetween the p Mrs or smoKo irom tno fragrant Havana ho aBkcd tho clork where tilu telegraph ofllce was. "The fact of tho mttcr s he said, "on starting out on ohlleed to leave my wife, this trip was " ''Ke t ny wiip, who wns sick, In New ork and I murfl send her n telegram tonight without fall." Ho wn8 loi,i tnc telegraph ofllco was but a few . Btrcol , on kfl ? tho clerk a check for $35 on a bank In Lo- Kansport, Ind., which ho said was from thc noU8c Do represented. .... Cautious, ltiit Advances Money, ..j wouj be much obliged if you would glvo mo about $10 on this. I supposo my two sample trunks are ample security for such amount.' Now, it happened that tho hotel had ,)c(,n touchc,i oniy a fow wcckj, aK0 oy tuo enterprising Mr. Dennett, alias Mr. Spraguo, and tho clerk was doubtful about the1 propriety of cashing any stranger's cllecki Thu nianager happened to bo out, but tho clerk knew whero he could reach him by tolcphono nnd ho referred tho mat ter to him. The answer camo back to ad vanco Mr. Cummlngs $5 or $0 on tho check. Tho clerk bud nothing less than a $20 bill In tho drawer and, thinking that a man with two largo sample trunks ought to be good for that amount, handed him tbo $20. Carefully folding tho bill In his pocket' book, ' Mr. Cumuilngs slowly sauntered toward tho bar, whero ho purchased a drink. Clerk Snyder, thinking tho matter over, camo to the conclusion that perhaps ho had douo wrong In giving the stranger tho entire $20. Ho Bent tho porter after Mr. Cummlngs with a request to seo hlra. "Certainly," said the plaustbln stranger, I shall be delighted to seo Mr. Snyder, Tell him I will bo thero just as soon as 1 finish this glass of beer." Tho porter car. cled back tho message, but that was t'nn last Been of "Mr. Cummlngs." As soou ris tho porter's back wob turned ho left th bar by tho street entrance. When tho porter went to tho depot for tho trunks ho learned they existed only In tho Imagination of tho fertile Mr. Cum mlngs. From the railroad peoplo ho learned, however, that tho checks formed part of n number that had been stolen a few days beforo nt Albla, la. Work Nmiic Cnme In Omulin. Yesterday morning tho pollco were noti fied and A. J. Anuls, chief clork of tho hotel, went to Omaha to confer with tho pollen authorities there. Investigation on the othur sldo ot tho rlvor disclosed tho fact that Mr. Cummlngs had victimized two hotels thero In a similar way. Shortly after f o'clock Friday evening, accompanied by a woman, ho appeared at the I'll x ton hotel, whero ho registered as J. W. Williams and wife, nnd asked for a room with a bath nnd an additional room tor samples. Hero ho left two baggage checks calling for ramplo trunks from Albla, la., to Omaha. With flic saruo plnus Iblllty that ho .evidenced in Council Uluffs he succeeded In securing $20 on a check for $40 on tho same bank In Logansport, Ind. After being assigned a room ho nnd his wlfo sauntered out for a breuth of fresh air. I3ut they never camo back. Shortly beforo 8 o'clock he registered at tho Millard hotel as II. L. Cummlngs, the same namo ho used on this sldo of the river, and hero ho lost no tlmo In getting a check for $35 on tho samo bank lu Lo gansport cashed In full. Adopting the samo tactics as ..t the 1'axton hotel, ho snuntered out to get a breath of fresh air. Tho search for fresh nlr took him in tho direction of a Council Uluffs car, which ho promptly boarded. Tho Ilnrllngton railroad authorities have taken tho matter up and they expect to havo Mr. J. W. Williams, alias Mr. H. L. Cummlngs, soon In tho tolls. He Is be lieved to bo working his wny south. Wo will still sell eggs at 10 cents Monday. Ilartel & Miller, tel. '359. Gravel roofing. A. II. Heed, 541 Droad'y. F Ik lit the Mulct l.nw. Alfred Blumberg, one of tho throo saloon keepers In Cut Off arrested for falling to pay their mulct tnx, waived examination beforo Justtca Bryant yesterday afternoon and gavo tint! In the sum of $100 for tho action of tho grand Jury. Lew Winkler and George Cooper, tho two other snloon FOR RENT... THE BEN0 STORES No. 29, 31, 33. 35 Pearl St. No. 28, 30, 32, 34 Main St, Theso stores lu tho center ot the city and occupied for many years by John Beno & Co., tho largest retail dry goods and clothing dealora In western Iown, who havo ro moved to moro extensive quarters In tho Klsemnn building, Bent very low to dcslrablo parties on long lease. E H, SHEAFE & CO ItENTAL AOENTS. 5 Pearl Street, Council Blurts. men arrested on similar charges, had their cases continued until Tuesday, They stated their Intention to fight thu payment of'tho tax, alleging that they had not been en gaged In tho business, of selling Intox icating Honors. t (it ssi i: m.'iii i,i: is ix oi;htoi)Y. .Mrs, (irnlinni, the ('iiiipliilnniit. l'nlis In KITort to Hold Iliisbiind. Detccttvo Wclr returned last night from Dps Moines, having In custody flusslo Schulc, who is wanted hero on a chnrgo preferred by Mrs. Qraham, living at 3101 Twenty-eighth avenue, Omaha. Several weeks ago Mrs. Graham filed an Information against her husband and Miss Schulc, who, sho alleged, had stopped nl a hotel In this city under tho names o! Mr. mid Mrs. Frank Morrison. From hero tho couplo wero trnccd to Dos Moines, where tho girl was arrested Fri day, but Oraham hud gone to Llgonler, Ind., whom his father Is president of tho Ll gonler Carriage corupauy. On advice from here, young nriiham was placed under arrest and Sheriff Cousins hud made all arrangements to go to Llgonler yesterday to gut him when a telegram was received from thc sheriff tliero saying: "Cannot hold tlraham according to law, Hnvo let him go." (Irnhnm Is said to havo mot tho Ctrl In Lincoln, Neb., where her parents live, whilo his wlfo was visiting In Oklahoma. Tho First National bank of Kssc.x, la., has awarded tho contract to Ueorgo S. Davis for tho plato glass in Its now bank build ing at J'ssex. Woodward Bros, of this city arc tho architects. Wo will still sell eggs ot 10 cents on Monday. Ilartcl & Miller, tel. S."!. SL'IT AtJAIXST MOTOR COMPANY. V. II. I'nrUli ami W. W. Cole Kiln 'liielr I'nper. The papers In tho suits of W. II. Tarlsh nnd W, W Colo against tho motor com pany wero hied In tho district court yester day. 1'arUh seeks to establish a mechan ic's Hen for $180. SI against ono ot tho lots In Mnnawa park on nn old claim against tho firm of Townsend & Hoed, builders of tho new Manawa railroad. As his reason for not bringing suit against Townsend & Heed, ho sets up thc allegation that thc motor company, ho 1b advised, ngrecd to pay $1,600,000 to them for tho road and tho resort nt Manawa and that of this sura $1,000,000 yet remains to bo paid, W. W. Colo su?s for $1,638.81. Of this amount $035.75 represents a claim for wages, whllo tho balnnee is for a stago, platform, scenery and other articles which lie says tho motor company appropriated to Its own uso and which wero his property. Men's shirt waists hnvo mado their ap pearance locally, John IJeno & Co. having put In a largo line of theso popular nov elties In fetching pnttcrns. They nro also showing their spring lino of soft neglige shirts, tho best they have over had. Styles right, prices right. The new spring blocks In stiff and soft hats, all qualities, at John Bono & Co. Vesper nt St. l'nul's. Tho fourth of tho present series ot vesper Bcrvlccs will ho held at 4 O'clock this afternoon In St. Paul's church, ltev. Gcorgo Kdward Walk, the rector, will prea'.h and tho choir. n3sl8tcd by Mrs. Neolo Ogdcn McLeran of Chicago and A. A. Covalt, cornctlst, will give tho following program, under tho direction of W. L. ThlckBtun, organist: Organ Prelude 1'llgrlm's Chorus, ..Wagner tl aaulnn.i1 l.lftl.lllt I t TlnVS .JnfftVX (b) Mugnlllcut Somervell Shndows of the Kvenlng Hour Buffum Hymn-1 Heard tho Voice of Jesus Suy.. Dykes Offertory Hymn Adoro To nnrnby Song for Cornet Kvenlng Prayer. ...Hansen A. A. Covalt. Anthem Jerusalem the Oolden Warren Organ Solo March of tho Magi Kings (by request) liubols Contralto Solo From the Depths.. Cuinpaiia Mm. Neolo Ogdcn McLoran. Anthem Savior, Breathe an Kvonlng Blessing ..Cienrgc B. Nuvln Mr, Mitchell nnd Chorus, necessloniil Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand Dykes Organ Postlude Belgian Marcli Clarko W. L, Thlckstun, orgnnlst und director. Wo will still sell eggs nt 10 cents Monday. Ilartcl & Miller, tel. 359. on Dolonr?'s stationery irjpartment la right. Henry' Mlnslreln Are n Success. A considerable audlenco greeted Hi Hen ry's minstrels nt tho Uohany opera houso lust night and thoentertnlnment proved a meritorious one. Tho stngo sotting In the opening ensemble is decidedly pretty and effective, whllo tho costumes, Uko tho pro gram, nro bright, clean and up-to-date. J. Albert Gates, as tho Interlocutor, was a feature. In himself und II' Henry has lost noiio ot his cunning with tho cornet und showed himself as much ot nn nrtlst as ot old. His Imitation of an Irl8.h bngplpo on his favorite Instrument wns Inimitable. Tho specialty olio Is first-class, without a Elnglo dull turn In It, Tho company will appear ngaln tonight. Heavy Ileiioslt of Lend. Information has leaked out of' a heavy deposit ot lead having beou discovered In this city. Tho location of tho find Is 307 Broadway la DeLong's stationery depart ment, whero the largest stock of lead pen cils In town Is kept. Fabers, Dlxons aud all thu lending kinds, 30c a dozen. Now Is A good tlmo to sow hluo grass seed; wo havo It. O. Younkorraan ic Co., seed house. Council II I ii It n Socle!)'. Tho Woman's Whist club met ut the homo of Mrs. Albright Mondny evening. Tho Wednesday Whist club was enter tulned by "Mrs. Drayton W. Bushuell. Tho Ladles' Aid society of St. Paul'H mot Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. C. It. Tyler. The I'nlty guild was entertained Friday nfternoon by Mrs. Lew Ilammsr ut a Lonteu tea. Tho Monday Euchre club was ontertnlned by Mrs. II. Ogdeu. Dainty refreshments wero served. J. B. Atkins gavo a dinner "Wcdncsdny evening In honor of Mrs. Gcorgo Ilemlng ton of Neola. Covers were laid for ten. Tim Misses Bechler of Avenuo H havo Issued Invitations for u "Chill Coucarno" dinner to bo given ut their homo Sunduy. Mrs. Thomas of Sixth street cntortatned Thursday evening In honor of Mrs, C. B. Willie nf Ord, Neb., who Is visiting lu tho city. Mr. and Mrs. O. I'. McKesson were pleas nntly surprised by a number of their friends Monday evening, tho occasion bolng their thirty-third wedding anniversary, Tho young women of St. Francis' academy gave a inuslcale Thursday evening In the parlors of tho Instltutldn. Thoso taking part lu the program wero: Mlssoa Pratt, Agnes. DeWltt, Boydston, Conway, Halo and O'Neill. A largo number of friends und patrons attended. Mrs. II. A. Scarlet wiih hostess ht .an elegantly appointed luncheon Friday In honor of Mrs, McClaren anil Mrs, Van Court of Chicago. Tho decorations wore yellow Jonquils und tills color idea was carried out us far as posslblu lu tho re freshments Covers wero. laid for twelvo. Aiiioiiht the Cluli. The Every Thursduy club met Thursday morning ut tho homo of Mrs. Evnrutt, Tho Athenian club will moot Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Kirklnnd, Fifteenth avenue. Tho beginner' French class will meet Thursday afternoon under tho direction of Miss Ellen Dodge. Tho AVomuii's club held Its usilul meeting Monday afternoon lu tho Merrium block, English history, was the topic. Tho Art department of tho Council Bluffs Woman's club met Mondny afternoon at thu homo of Mrs. John P Davis. .Mrs. F. W. Miller uutllig uj ihulrmau. Tho topic discussed wns "Corrcgglo, tho Greatest Mnster of Chlnroscuro." Those on the program wero .Mrs. Hunter, Mill Pile and Miss Dodge. Tho beginners' class In German will meet ns usual Tuesday afternoon nt tho club rooms under tho direction of Miss Kllen Dodge. Tho advanced French class of tho Coun cil Bluffs Woman's club will meet In tho club rooms Friday afternoon under the di rection of Madame Lnllurc. Tho Central University Kxtenslon club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Miss Kthel Witter, Klcventli avenue. Tho club has taken up Greek history for this season's work, The Literature department of tho Worn nn's club met Thursdnv afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. K. C. Smith. Mrs. !'. A. lilxby acting as chairman. Tho subject for tho afternoon was "James Fenlmoro Cooper." Tho Ideal club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Walter Bates. Tho program In cluded tho study of Holland und Its lend ing artists, Tho club will meet this week at tho homo of tho vlco president, Mrs. 1. C. DeVol. Tho Now Century club met Wednesday afternoon nt f'o home of Mrs. Joln L. Templeton. Tho regular program on an cient history was given. Those t nklng part woru Mrs. Slavely, Mrs. Sweet, Mrs. Denny and Mrs, Swalne. Tho Oakland Avenuo Heading club met nt tho homo of Mrs. Arthur. Those tuk ing part In tho nrognun wero Mrs. Street, Mrn. Towslee. Airs. Arthur, Mrs. orctltt nnd Mrs. Sylvester. Tho club will havo Its next meeting ut tho homo of Mrs. Harle. Tho local executive board of tho Bien nial met Monday afternoon In tho club rooms. Heports from all tho committees nro now In. Tho printing commltteo gavo nn estimate of tho probuhlo cost of their work during tho biennial. Tho regular weekly meeting will bo held tomorrow In tho club rooms. Tho Current Kvents department of tho Council Blurrs Woman's club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. P. J. Montgomery. Tho topic for tho nfternoon wns "England's Soldiers." Mrs. Montgomery nlso read il letter from Mrs. J. B. Squires, who Is trav eling In Kgypt. Mrs. Walter I. Smith fa vored the club with two vocal solos In her usual charming manner. ItenI Hnlitte Transfers. Tho following transfers wero filed yester day in tho ubstract, tltlo nnd loan offlco of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Nnnnlo A. Fuller to George P. Smith, lot u, In St. Bernard Placo add, w d..$ 1,150 ! red .'1 lessen and wlfo to Jurcer Hornholdt, lot 1, block 32. Avoca, w d J. It. Swanson and wife to Ernest K. Klopplng and K. T. Williams, lota 10 and 11, Auditor's sub, nwi nw'.i 30- 16- t3, w d W. D. Crawford and wlfo to W. C. Stoogcl. nwU nci und neU nw',1 20- 17- 1l, w d , T. J. Clark and wife to J. J. Lang, WW nwVi 7-7T-38, w d V. II. L. II. Jennings to Flora A. How ard, part or Vi so"; seU 30-75-41. w d Morris Hough, guardian, to A. D. 'j Interest in n',4 nci Ve'i 5, w 12 acres mv'4 nw'j 9, u 2S ncres noJi IieU 8-70-43. ir d ! 730 600 2,320 2,950 400 200 John J. Splndler. administrator, to n cce Marlon Palmer and wire to Frank ' Collars, cV4 ne'.i and i mvH no"; l-,5-40, w d , 4,8(0 Charles J. llysham nnd wlfe'to James find Gcorgo C. Hollenu, w4 33-74-3S; lot 1 in wJ4 nw'.i and oi nwU 4-73- . w d 25,256 James and David Carmlchael and wives 10 James nnd ueorgo C. BmIIcuu. Hel 32-74-3N. w d.....' Frances Wright und husband et al to Morris Hough, w! w.; 4, w'i so'i sqU 5 nnd c se swtj 6-76-43, w d.. Samo to A. D. Hough w 12 acres nwii n,; !,H"rt mv' nw!i 8 "il ii neU se.'.i 6-76-43, w d J. W. Squire and wlfo to Andrew Pe terson, westerly lot 3 of ofllclal resurvey of lot 27 In out plat, w d.. 9,920 2,500 493 750 Fourteen transfers, aggregating... $61,893 COl.LEUn STUIIF.XTS 1IAVU IJUIIATE.' Iowa nnd Mltiiicmita Unl vrrnltlm Lock lloriin n( Iimvii City. IOWA CITY, la.. March 9. (Special Tel egram.) Tho eighth annual debnto between tho universities of Iowa ond Minnesota was listened to nt tho opera house tonight by a largo and enthusiastic audience. Thc ques tion discussed was, "Resolved, That it Is uiiwlso for tho states to attempt to tax per sonal property." Tho Minnesota team, composed of P. J. Thompson, 0. P. McElmecl and II. B. Gls lason, was perhaps thc strongest that over debated with Iowa here. Iown, In Its turn, wns ably represented by 11. B. Nolnnd, J. W. Morso and II. E. Spangler. The decision hinged upon tho Interpretation of tho ques tion. Minnesota argued In favor of a tax on Inheritance nnd tho cnrnlngs of corpora tions. Iown showed by statistics nnd de cisions thnt this wns n tax on personal property and ao claimed tho victory. Min nesota In Its final rebuttal argued that a tax on personal property Is the Barao as a persona! property tax and quoted letters from standard authorities. Two of tho Judges, which wero President C. E. Shclton of Simpson collego, Indlnnola: Hon. Sidney A. Foster, candldnto for gov ornor of Iown, and Prof. Stookoy of Coo col lege, Cedar HapldB, voted for Iowa. Iowa has won six nut of eight debates bold After tho debato tho debaters, Judges nnd friends wero banqueted by Iowa studentB nnd professors. I.nliorer Sues Itullronil. LEMARS, la., Mnrch il. (Special.) All gust Hoppo, n young laboring man of this city, has begun suit agnlnst tho Chi cago, Minneapolis & Omaha railroad. Hoppe alleges ho sustained Injuries lust week, owing to 'their negligence, from which ho will suffer tho remainder of his life. While helping to loud n car of horses on ono of the Omaha curs ho was thrown down a steep embankment, fracturing his nrm nnd receiving Internal Injuries. Ho assorts tho accident was caused by a do fectlvo chute. P. Farrell of this city Is his attorney. Three HcntliN In Sliemiiiilonh. SHENANDOAH, In., March 9. (Special.) May Armstrong, daughter of J. 1). Arm strong, seed corn denlor, died Thursday noon of heart dlBcaso and lung trouble. Sho had Just returned with her parents from California, whero a fow weeks had been spent for her health. MUu Missouri Heed, daughter of Cyrus Heed, died Thursday afternoon of con sumption. Tho funeral was held today. Mrs. Sarah J. Bliggs died Wednesday night. Tho funeral wus held today. Settle with Tnx l-'crrct Man, SIOUX CITY, la., March 9. (Special.) After a great deal of litigation nnd con siderable troublo tho Woodbury County Hoard of Supervisors has succeeded In disposing of George Powell, tho tax ferret man, by agreeing to pay him about $2,800 to drop all proceedings against tho county. Former Deiuocrntlu Chiilriiinn, DES MOINES, March 9. (Special Tele gram.) Edward Campbell died, after short Ulricas, at Fairfield today. Ho hnd boon chairman of tho democratic stato com mlttco many years ago and was United States marshal under Clovoland. To Hvcuipt l.onn Coiiipniilen. SIOUX CITV, la., March 9. (Special.) Tho building and loan associations of Sioux City have won their fight beforo tho Hoard ot Supervisors for tho exemption of their stock Horn taxation. Auree Upon MlnliiK Sonic, OTTUMWA, In., March 9. (Spoclal Tele gram.) At tho ond of a thrco weeks' ses sion tho miners and oporntqrs agreed upon a scale and aro now In Joint Session to rat ify tho same. t.'ri'Kton I'lillllenl i'nuiMiN, CUESTON, la., March !. (Special.) Tuesday evening, March 12, tho republicans will hold their city convention and tho democrats the ovenliig of March 11. Addltluuul lonu .Vent ou MntU I'uife, j'nuin uuiuirn, sin neft, n Mi acres 1154 se',, 11 acres in no corner nei fwli. 34 acres In seJ nwtf, 25 acres In swU nwi'. fl.7S.ari. n ,i New Line of Ladies Suits Tte prices or Monday only $3.00 Ladies' Kainy-Dny Skirls, in oxford gray, neatly iiinsiiod with nil nnd slitelied round bottom on Monday' only 1.00 Ladies' Wrappers in liL'lit, medium colors, on sale .Monday DOc lino of all wool Tlaid Dress (Soods. US nclies wide, in 12 different Hi vies, O ES"i on sale Monday at, yard Fringed und figured Deniin Slant! Covers and fancy figured pique and deniin on sale Monday only, each ) 7 ------ New line of Wall Paper fH CLQfHS HAf M.0JTHCRUSED 10 (OVERT CHICAP HOMES. House of 5 rooms, two elbsets, pantry, cellar, well, mmill burn, J.oo; smnll nuy tnnnL ilnwn. hnlimcn monthly. 6-room iiouy closot, puntry, cellar, ntuble, cistern; prico ivw. 6-room holme, closets, pantry, cellar, city water In house, statue, shade trees, iutko lot. icooil location: nrlee S1.3M. 5-rno'm house .closets, puntry, cellar, cis tern, uath, stuPlo; prico m Gooil 6-room house, pantry, closet, china closet, city waier, ceunr, nam, i,ju; within 4 blocks of P. O. A Slum. Good S-room house, hath and clnset, pan. try, china closet, ceuar, city water, cis tern, linrn, coal house, piped for Kns; price. M.750. 9-room house, bath and closet, city water, largo oarn, snauo trees, 10c iixiw, oniy M.00O. Flno larfip house of 12 rooms, besides base ment und attic, steam heat, hath, closet. as and bnrn, two lots; cost ubout $15,000 to Improve) only $t,0oo. FARMS VOH HALE. lSO-ncro farm It miles from Council Uluffs and Omulin, 123 acres In cultivation, ) room houso, dnubln corncrlb, well, also 3-room house, stable, corncrlb, well; lino corn land l'rlco only i'ZSM per acre, A snap. 210 acres IS miles from Council Hluffs and Omaha, all koimI. smooth level land, houso, barn, cribs, well, etc., closo to railroad; for Bale for u fow (lays at $10 per ncre. Very cheap. I.nrno list of farms nnd houses and lots. Also houses 'for rent. Call und get par ticulars. JOHNSTON & KKRR, Tel. 117. Ell Uroadway. HYMENEAL Nc hoe MUml-ll rii il ley. MITCHELL, S. D., Marcli y. (Special.) Henry J. Huhoeuthal and Miss Sndlo llrad lcy, from tho Crow Creek Indian agency, wero accompanied hero by Miss Frances Stephens, daughter of J. II. Stephens, tho Indian agent, nnd wero married by Hcv. It. B, Heath at tho Episcopal church. T. c. Iiurna, register of tho United States land ofllce, gavo tho bildo uway. Mr. Schoenthal Is the chief clerk at tho ngency and his brldo Is a teacher In tho Indlnn school at Crow Creek. After tho wedding tho party took tho nfternoon train for I'ierro to spond tho week with frionds. inn AVcxt Point AVimIiIIiikk. WEST l'OINT, Neb., March fl. (Special.) John A. Mmvltz und Miss Nelllo Hupp wero married yesterday at tho homo of tho bride In this city by County Judge Krako. Last Wednesday County Judgo Krako married Miss Ilerthn Ilecrbohm nnd (Jus tuvo Qlnublus, both ot this county. They aro children of old settlers. Jorn-l'lxlir r. HUMBOLDT. Neb., March !). (Special.) Honry V. Jorn nnd Miss Sadie Fisher wero married yesterday by Rev. Moessner of Ver don, tho ceremony taking placo nt tho heme of tbo bride's father several miles cast of town. Wo ruler-ll' I n p. HU.MI10LDT. Neb.. March 9. (Special.) Tom Woister and Miss Magglo Helno wero married at tho home of tho bride In Daw son, Thursday night, and wll! mnko their homo near thut town. FIRE RECORD. Sioux City I'relKliI House. SIOUX UITY. In., March 9. (Special Tel egram.) A fiNi In tho Sioux City & l'aclllo freight house here tonight did $2,000 dam age, mostly to freight Btorod in tho build ing. The blaze started from n defertlvo ftua and for a time tho big building was threatened. I'liitlntuoiitli llliu'kmiiltli Shop. l'LATTSMOl'TH, Neb, March U.--(Spo-cIhI.) Between 1 aud 2 o'clock this morn- Wliitelaw & Gardiner Boston Store, Council Bluffs, Iowa. senilis bound sale 1.98 and ET at - v 22.50 drop chine on sale jm4KJ tops, 1Ap lVyL Wliitelaw & Gardiner, But 0, What a Difference from the clothes that Smith & Bradley Sell. Boys', youths' and children's suits, in all the stylish cuts made Don't miss seeing them at 415 Broadway "If you have tliem from us, they're right." MAKE Our Specialty is Shirts, Collars and Cuffs Evans Laundry Co. Phone 990 Ing flro consumed tbo wnlls and celling of tho blacksmith shop near tho brass foundry In the Uurllngton shop ynrds. Tho shop whlstlo and lire bell gnvo the nlarra and tho prompt uctlon of tho flro department nnd tho shon men prevented a serious con- . ' n 1 . ,1 n I uiinnnaml In linu. ' started from live coals. r SOFT. (il.OSSV II A I It. It (.'no Only Ho Had AVIiert: There I Xo UnmlriilT. Any, man or woman who wants soft, glossy hair must be freo of dandruff, which causes falling hair. Since It has benomo known that i) a nil ruff is a germ disease, tho old hair preparations that wore mostly scalp Irritants, havo been abandoned, and tho pub. He, barbers and doctors Included, have taken to using Ncwbro's Hcrplclde, tho only hair preparation that kills tho dandruff germ. E. Dodd, Dickinson, N. D., says: "Hcrplcldo uot only cleanses the scalp from dandruff and prevents tho hair falling out, I but promotes n new growth. Herplcldo I keeps my hair very glossy." New Lino, of Lu(!ies, Rainy-day Skirts High grade Sewing Machine, every one guar anteed for live (5) years at thc following reduc tion for Monday only: :ir Cabinet Sewing Machine- EZf) on sale Monday for ikJ kJVJ !?U7 drop head Sewing Machine 1 HA --on sale Monday for - vvf head Sowing Ma Mondny for 13.75 3Jc grade of Wall Paper on Bale Of Monday only, per roll Ul)e Opaque Window Shades, good line of colors, 7 feet, long, on wile Mon- O day only, at each 4kJ New line of Embroidery The "Comstock Process'' la the most succcR.iful method for reducing nnd relieving pain In nil kinds ot dental operations tbat lias yet been presented to tho public. It has been used by lending den tists of tho east for nearly two years, and lias been pro nounced by them to bo entirely satisfactory. Our patients nro delighted with tho results It produces. If you nro nervous nnd your teeth nro sensitive we will bo pleased to explain It to you. . ..Telephone 15 H. A. Woodbury, D. D. S, Council Bluffs. 30 Pearl St. Grand Hois) 522 Pearl Street, Council Bluffs IMPORTANT PARTS in snnltary plumbing, as In llfo. nio often played by thu llttlo things. Tho lack of n mite of n washer, n single broken or wornout thread on a scrow or cap In nn escape pipe, may bring you annoyanco, possibly sickness. Wo havo a care for tho llttlee -tho bigs look out for themselves. Rest modern methods nnd appliances nro useij by us; materials and workmanship thoroughly reliable. X C, BIXBY & SON, 202 MAIN-203 PEARL, Tel. 193. COUNCIL HLUFFS, I A. Dohany Theater Saturday and Sunday, March 9 and 10, HI HENRY'S MINSTRELS Positively Largest In tho World. FIFTY ALL WHITE STARS. TWELVE CULTIVATED 8INOEH8. SIX MODERN COMEDIANS. 11 NEW YORK CITY VAUDEVILLES 14 COMIC SOWOB. LATEST IIALLADS. ORAND CHORUSES. Special train of finest show cars In tha world. Hoar our Great Hand 10 Members. Seats c, 35c, COc, 7Sc; box J1.Q0, Special Saturday mattoco. J 1