t 'TUB OMAHA DAILY I5JJ 12: SI M)AY. 3lAKl.il 10, UKn. SMART WOMEN FIND A WAY Lent is Lent and Muit fie Faithfully Observed, but Then INFORMAL AFTERNOONS ARE HARMLESS I.riitrn Si-iiiidii In .Vol No I)rMir After All, liven TIkmiuIi Then- In a linn Upon tho ltrnll- Festive Function, Slnco tho Rcncral suspension of things nodal, the Inventive genius of the fash ionable women has assorted Itself and as n rosult a new diversion has been coined, an .amusement so harmless bh to bo per fectly .In keeping with Lent and at the same time aufllclently Interesting to benr repeating nearly nvory nfternoon or even ing of tho week and still rciauln popular, Pram uearly every nffalr of tho winter somo feature has been extracted and all combined In tho now diversion. Tho hoatoss luvltej a few to spend the evening or aft ernoon and, whllo sho docs not consider tho affair worth recording, society finds it well worth attending. As th majority of tho clubs meet fortnightly, last week afforded llttlo but anticipation of this week and time to rcllcct upon tho pleasures past. from the land of tho palmetto and orange grove como many letters written by Oma linns who nro" spending tho winter months In n tllmato of perpetual summer. At St. Augustlno and other Florida resorts Omaha fashionables ara mentioned among tho lead ers who are taking part In brilliant social functions. The fair which Is to be given at Met ropolitan hall tho week of March 25 for tho benefit of Temple Israel Is domandlng tho attention of many society women and promises to afford Omaha a week of un usual gaiety. I'lfllNtll-l'H PlINl. Mrs. Ilcnawa and Mrs. Dean entertained tho A. U. L. club on Friday afternoon. Mr. nud Mrs. Melksoll entcrtnlnod the No N'nnie Card club on Saturday evening. Mrs. Zolta Matthows, assisted by Mlsa Orcta McCay, entertained nt cards Wcdnes day evening. Mr. and Mrn. It. V. Mooro, 2J03 Franklin street, entertained Inforraallrat cards last Thursdny evening. Mlsa Emma Arnctt gavo ft party last Tuesday evening lu honor of Miss Mur ray of Plattntnouth. Miss Kdna Dull was hostess at a meeting on Friday evening of tho F. A. K. at her home, 2227 Miami street. Mrs. O. V. Sholes cutcrtnlned ft number of friends pleasantly on Monday cvonlng, tho occasion being Mr. Sholes' birthday. Mrs. Tlppery entertained tho South Sldo Whlit club delightfully Tuesday afternoon. Prizes wero won by Mrs. Lehmlng, Mrs. Curroy and Miss C'rlckman. Mrs. Robert J. Dinning was hostess at ft luncheon on Thursday, given in honor of Mrs. Osgood of Norwich, Conn., who is tho guest of Mrs. Charles It. Lee. Mrs. Robert Dempster entertained on Saturday nfternoon in honor of Mrs. Cald well of Qulney, 111., nnd Miss Plndell of Hannibal, Mo., who Is tho guest of Mra. Sylvester Rush.- Miss Nclllo Cunningham was hostess at Inst week's meeting of Tho Lobsters. Miss Julia Btrcltz entcrtnlnod tho snmo party on Wednesday and tho Misses Niillaon en tertained them again on Friday. Tho Merrymakers Card club met on Tues day evening with Mrs. J. D. Porterflold. High flvo was played throughout tho even ing nud tho prliea wcro won by Mrs. Fred Pearso nud II. L. Whitney. Mrs. C. 8. Stockuam entertained tho Hnppy Twenty Curd club on Thursday oven, Ing, tho prizes being awarded Mrs. Grif fith, Mrs. Duval, Mr. I'yko nnd Mr. Rich; urdson. Tho next moetlng will bo- held with Mrs. Duval. Tho 0. C. C. Luncheon club entertained Its men friends nt n card party on Wednes day evening at tho homo of Mr. and Mra. W. S. Wright. Tho prizes wero won by Mrs. Sherman, Charles Grntton, Mrs. Fret inont Crulg and John Byrnes. Tho members of, tho Happy Twenty Card club wero very pleasantly entertained by Mr. and -Mrs. Eugene Duval on Thursday evening, tho prizes for tho game being nwarded Mrs. C. M. Hlchards and Mr. W. I'lke. Captain' and Mrs. Hlchards will en tertain tho club at Its next meeting. Mrs. Stockdalo and Mrs. Sypcr enter tained a largo number of friends at cards on Widnesdny afternoon at their pretty now homo on Webster street. High llv.o was tho gamo of tho nfternoon and hand somo Wedgwood prizes wero Awarded to Mrs. K. W. Arthur and Mrs. C. M.'RIcl). ards. The members of the Merryvlllo club wcro entertained on Tuesday evening nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Hnzleton, on Man dnrson street, nud after several gumes of cards tho party was Invited to n supper prepared by Mesdnmes Hnzleton and Sher wood and Messrs. Mooro and Illshop, la compliance with tho decision' of tho club nt Its last meeting. Mr, nnd Mrs. James Morton celebrated their goldeu wedding on Wednesday even ing nt their homo, 1710 Chicago street, by a family dinner party, at which all of their children vvore present. Tho floral decora tion was' exquisite, quantities of blossoms having been sent In by many friends nnd theso wero used In profusion cvorywhoro. Th'o party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. James III' ART DISEASE. Somo Flit' In ltcmirilliitf the Haplil In crrimo of Heart Trouble. Hcurt trouble, at least among tho Ameri cans, U certainly Increasing and while this way bo lurgely duo to the excitement and worry of American business life. It Is mora often tho result of weak stomachs, of poor dlgestlpu. Heal organic disease Is Incurablo: but not ono case, In a hundred of heart troublo h organic. Tho closo relation botweon heart troublo nud pour digestion Is becauso both orcans are controlled by tho earao great nerves, the sympninciic una rncumogastrlc. In another way, also tho heart Is affected by tho form of poor digestion, which cause gas and formcntntlou from hnlf digested food. Thero Is a feeling of oppression nnd heaviness lu tho chest caused by pressure of tho distended stomach on tho heart ami lungs, Interfering' with tholr action; henco arises palpitation und Bhort breath. Poor digestion also poisons the blood, making It tblu and watery, which Irritates and weakens thp heart. Tho most scuslblo treatment for heart troublo Is to Improve the digestion and to Insure the prompt assimilation of food. This can bo dono bytho regular use after meals of some sate, pleasant and elTectlvo digestive preparation, like Stuart's Dyspcp sla Tftblets, which may bo found at most drug stores, and which contain valuable, ' harmless digestive elements In a pleasant, convenient lorm. It it safe to say that tho regular persls tent use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at meal time will cure any form of stomach troublo except cancer of tho Btomach. Full sized package of theso tablets sold by druggists at 60 cents. Little book on stomach troubles mailed free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mlcb. Morton, Mr. nnd Mrs. James Morton, Jr., and Mrs. Ooorgc Morton of Chicago, Mr. and Mis. Charles W. Morion, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Rogers of Albany, N. V., Miss Mar garet nnd Master C. W. Morton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs, J C Iteedcr entertained the J, 0. (', club Saturday evening nt cards, t'rlies wcro awarded Mr. Hurd Miller, Mr. Hess, Mr. Charles Wcltzenbach nnd Mr. Charles lined. Tho club will bo entertained next Saturday evening by Mt. nud -Mrs. Ilurd Miller. Tho Delta Epsllon Kappas cntcrlnlned at dinner oti Saturday evening In honor of tho Initiates, Miss Ocrtrtldo Whlto nnd Miss Marlon Connell. Tho decorations wero of maroon nnd white nnd tho guests wcro Misses Whlto, Connell, Valentine, Hartlctt, l'almer, Bryant, McDowell, Luclo Palmer, Messrs. Jayncs, Neely, Martin, Morris, Woods, Morse, Secrlst and Clinton Jaynes. Mrs. Aton and Mrs. 1'axton entertained tho members of the O. It. D. Card club on Thursday afternoon nt Mrs. Aron's .home, on Twenty-fifth street. Eight games of high five wero played, after which a de licious lunch was served. The first ptizo was won by Mrs. Keller, the second by Mrs. Vandcrhoof, whllo Mrs. Hosson suc ceeded In carrying nway tho prlzo of con solation. Tho l'rlscllln Kensington club took a trip to Mount Airy, tho beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hosenbcry, last Thurs day, and tho hostess entertained In a most charming manner. Those, present wero; Mrs. Uurd Miller, Mrs. T. C. Itlch. Mrs. Z. Hccdcr, Mrs. Itccd, Mrs, Weltzenbaugh, Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Harrlmaun, Mrs. Charles lloscubcry, Mrs. Staker, Mrs. C. A. Ornndon, Mrs. C. Itccd, Mrs. Hoblnson nnd Mrs. Mnrucll. In honor of her sister, Mrs. Howard Rogers of Albany, N. Y., Mrs. Charles W. Morton gavo on Informal mustcalo .on Fri day afternoon nt her homo, 2219 Dodge street. Mrs. Morton woa assisted by Mrs. Necley, Mist, Northrup, Mr. Manchester and Mr. Wheeler, with Wnlter Young ns accompanist. Mrs. Rogers also contrib uted several numbers, Tho houso was handsomely decorated with palms, roses, carnations nnd potted plants and about ono hundred guests wcro present. Mr. and Mrs. Zabrlskle cntcrtnlncd nt a presidential party on Tuesday evenl'ig apropos to tho Inaugural ceremonies at Washington. A profusion of Hags and bunting, with pictures of tho presidents, furnlRhed tho decoration of thti boiiBc. A contest lu which the guests were required to name all of tho presidents, together wttli their native states, was ono of tho means employed for tho evening's enter tainment. Hnndsomo silk flags were given as prizes lu the contest. Mrs. M. M. I'ugh served tho coffee, and tho toasts, "Our Pres idents" and "Oreat Men,' wero responded to by Mrs. Mary a. Andrews nud Dr. Mer cer, respectively. Social l.iill-Chnl. Miss J. F. Fox is in New York. Mrs. LouIbo Sinclair and Mies Cora Hyor have returned from Now York. Mrs. J. Wllllnm Fisher will entertain at cards on Thursdny, March 14, Mrs, D. H. Strelght will, entertain tho Friendly Greeting ciub on Monday. . Mrs. H. W. Ilcvan and daughter have re turned from n month's visit In St. Louis. Mlsu Ida E. Knloy returned last week from au extended visit la Ohio and the cast. Tho Tuesday morning muslcale will be held at the homo of Mrs. Learned this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo I. IJabcock aro ie- cclvlng congratulations upou tho birth of a Unughtcr. J. L. Kalcy returned from Ohio on Tues day, where ho was called by tho death of nis moincr. Miss Myrtlo Fuller has gone, to Loxlng- ton, Ky., to spend several months with her grandparents. Mrs. Richard Lylo Wllnon of Chicago will nrrlvo this week, to bo tho guest of Mrs. Tallafcno. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Edgccomb nnd Miss Edgccomb hnve gono to southern California to remain until May. The Omaha Guards announce the third of their scries of dancing parties for Mon day evening, March 18. Mrs. Nowland has returned from Hur- Ilngton, la., whero sho has spent several months with her mother. 1 Mrs. It. S. Anglln left on Friday for Utlca, N. Y., whero sho will spend two months visiting her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Livingstone of 5S0 South Twenty-olghth street nro receiving con gratulations upon tho birth of n son. Thomas D. Furllch roturnod from Albany, If. Y on Tuesday to inako his homo per manently with his daughter, Mrs, White. Lnst week's meotlng of tho Junior Cook ing club was postponed until Wednesday of this week, when It will bo held with Miss Kllpatrlck. Mrs. Martin Calm of Chicago Is expected In Omnhn next week. Sho will remain to sing at tho Friday cvonlng concert of Jho Hebrew fair. Particulars have been received of tho wedding of Mr. Robert Cuscadeu, formerly of Omaha, nnd Miss Mlndon Sewcll of Plymouth, England. Tho marriage occurred at St. Savior's, Paddlngton, London, De cember 29, Rev. Mr. Squires officiating. Mr. Cuscadon and his brldo nro now In Berlin, where ho will contlnuo tho study of music. On Saturday afternoon, March 2, tho tnar- rlago of Miss Aunctto O, lingua and Mr. Albert Carroll of Iloston, Mass., wnu sol emnized nt tho homo of tho bride's aunt, Mrs. Elton S. Deall, In Now York City. Miss Hugus Is a daughter of Mr. John Hu- w oman's ork avd Monday afternoon All Saints' sisterhood was rntertnlncd bv Mrs. Euclid Martin. who was nBslsted by her guests, tho Misses Martin. Tho sisterhood will hold Its next meeting nt tun rectory Mnrcu is. The Chnncol guild of All Paints' church will meet Mondny afternoon with Mrs. II. Gn Strelght, 1337 South Twenty-eighth street. Thoro vtui a mothers' meeting nt Train school Friday nfternoon, at which tho mothers of tho children of that district met tho teachors for tho second tlmo this year. Tho object of 'the meeting was to gain nn acquaintance that will enable the mothers and teachers to work togothcr In tho Interest of tho children. Twenty-five or thirty womon wore prosunt, Tho teach ers wero nsslsted by the following young women who contributed musical selections to tho program; Miss Halllc Harden, Miss Myrta Snelder, Miss Keys and Miss Hon rletta Reese. Dr. W. II. Hanchctt, who Is a resident of that district, addressed the mothers and teachers on "Health and Hap piness." Mro. Draper Smith was.nlso pres ent aa n representative of tho Woman's club and spake brlelly of tho aim of tho club In Its recent meetings with mothers nnd the school board. Tho Parish Aid society of All Saints' church will moot with. Mrs. L. A. Welsh, 2626 Dewey avenue, Friday, March 15, lit 2 J. m. Tho department of political and social science of the Woman's club will glvo t4,e gus of l'.isadena, Cal., and a sister of Mrs. Victor Caldwell of this city and Is well ' known In Omnhn. Miss Hugus has spent ii part of the. winter with Mrs. Caldwell In Now York nnd was In New York City on i a short visit. Tho wedding was not to hove occurred until later, but on account of I Mr. Carroll's business engagements they decided to bo married at once. Miivnni'ti I noil Wlinrrntioutx. Chat Itcdlck Is In Wyoming. John A. McSbane Is In Texas. II. L. Krcldcr Is In Chicago. Mrs. A. C. Mark Is In the cast. J. A. McNaughton la In Chicago. II. A. Thompson Is back from New York. Albert Cahti Is at homo from a western trip. Miss Carltn Curtis has returned from Chi cago, Major and Mrs. Mlchlo havo gone to Hot Springs Clifford Smith 'returned from Chicago on Tuesday. Captain Palmer has returned from Wash ington, D. C. Charles Ilclmcr has returned from a western trip. O. K. Scnflcld has gone to New York for a short trip. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. 0. Dozlor nro visiting In Dunlnp, la. John T. Yates has returned from a trip to Now Orleans. ' Edward Schoonovcr has gone to Iloonc, la., for a short stay, E. W. Dixon Is expected to return this week from Now York, J. A. Vlerllng returned from Denver tho early part of tho week, Miss Agnes Holland went to New York on Tuesday for n few weeks' visit, Mr. ai;d Mrs. Harry Weller returned on Tuesday lrom a brief visit In Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cudaby urc spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cowan. Miss Aunlo CUtnorc has been called to Nebraska City by Illness In her family. Dr. Dally, Mr. Love-Kelley nud Mr. Per kins went west an a little hunting trip laut week'. Miss Laura Sanderson has roturned from Hot Springs, Ark., much Improved In health. Mrs. C. D. Tovvnscnd left on Tuesday for Choyenne, Wyo to make u short visit with friends. Dr. and Mra. York returned on Monday from New Orleans, having spent Mardl Grns there. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo W. Manchester havo returned from their wedding trip through southern California. J. II. Rahm returned on Friday from n month's sojourn In east coast Florida paints and .Nassau, N. P. Mrs. T. M. Orr left the early part of tho week for Buffalo, whero sho will spend somo tlmo with her mother. Bishop Worthlngtou will arrive on Thurs' day from the cast nnd will bo tho guest of Mr. nud Mrs. Herman Kountzo. Mrs. Luddlngton and Mrs. Charles Hull have gone to San Francisco to meet Dr. Luddlngton nud Dr. Paul Luddlngton upon their arrival from Manila. Mis. F. II. Burgess returned on Saturday from Ann Arbor, Mich., with her daughter, Mlsa Edna, who has been attending school there, but has bad to glvo up her studies temporarily on account of her health. Out of Tom ll UlK'ntn. Miss Tcnn Heyklns is tho guest of Miss Ednu Martin. Wllllnm Barker of Chicago is the guest of J. C. Huteson. A. M. Tibbies of Marshalltown, la., visited friends in the city lust week. Miss Anna Fowler of Washington. D. C, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wiley Jones. Miss Mrtlo Trent of Suwannee, Ala., Is a guest of Mrs. T. S. Madden on South Nineteenth street. ' Mlsa Edytho Well of tho "Brown's In Town" company wus cntcrtnlncd during her engagement In this city by Mrs. L. M. Cohn. Prof. G. E. Barbour of tho State uni versity was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. .1. Irving Reed while In tho city from Lincoln Inst week. (irrriin (id TokcIIkt. Tho movement to orgunlzo the Greek letter fraternity men of Omaha into a Pan Hellenic society Is meeting with flattering success. At tho suggestion of Luclen Ste phens a list of Greek letter men will be secured betoro any attempt Is mado to call a formal meeting nnd perfect tho organiza tion. All frnternlty men In tho city wero requested through tho papers to leave their names at tho Excelsior office or nt tho storo of Stephens & Smith. Moro than 100 men havo registered already. It Is estimated that thero aro between flOO and 00 Greek letter men In tho city. As soon au the names of 200 of these men havo been secured steps will bo taken to cull them together. At tho present rate of registration It Is likely that n meeting will bo called within two weoks. Tho purposo of the organization Is to bring, all "friU" men together to renew col lego memories. Annual banquets nnd smok er nro contemplated nnd tho organization may result In tho establishment of a reg ular club. Miss Julia Officer, piano, Karbach block. Borolzholu'er, milliner. Is now located with tho O. K. Scofield Cloak and Suit Co. Knhl & Johnston's opening of fifio mil linery Monday and Tuesday, March 11-12. All styles spring millinery on display at" Joyce's, 1C21 DouglaB street. Opening later. in fTlub and Vharity. first of Its series of three meetings on nodal settlement work tomorrow nftornoon a: 3.45 o'clock. Mrs. Georgo C. Thompson will rend a paper on "Tho Origin nnd History of tho Social Settlement." Mrs. O. W. Clark will preside. Tho announcement that Rov. A. 0. Hlrnt Is to lecture on tho subject "Will tho Coming Educated Woman Marry?" has cre ated not n llttlo Interest among tho womon of Omaha. Thn fourth volumo o! tho series of sketches from tho lives of great nrtists, by Mrs. Jcnnlo Ellis Koysnr, wus Issued lust week and contains sketches of Turner, Corot, Mlllnls nnd Lolghton. Seventeen of these sketches have been published In the four volumes and tho other eight will nppoar In two volumes. While theso books wero Intended for young people, thoy aro equally adapted to tho uso of tho more advanced student. They nre the outgrowth of Mrs, Koysor's long experience ns leader of tho art department of tho Woman's club nnd other art classes. Tho twontleth meeting of tho Cllo club was hold with Mrs. Ed McEachron, Locust street and Nineteenth nvenue, Friday aft- ernoon. Tho subject for tho afternoon was "Scotland." Mrs. W. D. Crawford was tho loader. After roviewlng tlm early history of Scotland the ciub listened to an nblo pojicr pn "Wallace und Bruce," by Mrs. D. W. ' Merrow. Auother Interesting fea ture of thn meeting was tho reading by Mrs. Jnno Trnlll of "Diuco Bofore Bannock burn" and tho quaint little poem, "Sho Noddlt to Me." The slnglug of Scotcb FUND CONTINUES TO GROW W. II, llciiiirtt .Mitkr llir llnntirr Sttb ftfiililloii In Hi)' Auditorium Fund fop Hu- I'nul AVroU. The banner subscription to the auditorium fund last week was made by W. R. Bennett ft Co., who ndded their iinmc to the long and growing list of of subscribers for $1 000; Other subscriptions swelled tho total or the week to $3,222 and maKes me grnnu total of tho fund $12S,Efl2. The week's subscriptions were ns follows; Previously reported., f 125.370 A, Almas i Anheuser-Itucti Brewing company.. 3"u Myron U. Unrr 23 Isaac 8. Itascall . William H.,Whltehorn 2.; Underwood & Treadwuy 6 I. J. Dunn 10 A. 8. Billings 15 . it. uunsoius Frank J. BurUlov 25 Simon Trostler 25 u. u. i,oueck -y . N. Dorwurd t 2j A. O. Htenlmti M Owen McCaffrey 1 Andrew Murphv....' W0 Julius Trcltschke, a) W. 11. Bennett Co l."0 l ii, l'onrso JnilK'N W. Mntr'iilO d J. Ilelnor fi . II. Mclions , b Mux Goldsmith 6 iMutt Itrtner lvimer H. Hood " Charles L. Kemlrlfk Wllllnm II. Wilbur r, Ocorge W. Lower l C. K. Hood 5 Arthur II. Wnrner 6 W. a. Crounso r, Blanche E. Griffith f C A. ltoyc T. Frederick Fnwkner 5 Hoblnson Bros w Webster, Howard & Co 50 ( F. Joiiuh f II. KiuiiIhom 5 n. a. Biome io Martha E. (inrk, M. 1) 5 0. It. Kclley Henry B. Lemon 1 10 J. t Moore, AI. U 20 1. E. Frederick P0 J. 1'. Outh 25 Arthur W. Partridge " 1" H. W. Powell 2.". Mnrguret C. Woolmnn 2 A. II. Burnett lu F. It, Beenmn 1 10 A. F. Borsliolm 15 A. O. Elllck 3 Dr. It, 8. Luck : 6 James E, Kelby 25 Cush 25 Arthur II. Drlggn l K. L. Lomnx ltd Margaret, McCarthy 10 J. J. KnnlKhen K LenU & WUIIaniM M W. If. Mlliuer (donation) .... 75 aeorgo II. Thummel (donation) M Tho union Helling company 25 Mr. Webster 25 Wllllnm Allstadt 2 Ernest Z.ltzmurin r Wllllnm '.Itzmann 5 J. Fred Bllz r. E. L. Dunn 5 Murle K wan son 5 American lliiml-Sevved Shoe Co.... 250 Carrlo O. Browne f, Krod II. Hoyo 25 D. P. Mount 25 Total 4123,592 lenrlvrn (,'oiinollilnte. Mawhlnuey & Holllday, Fifteenth and Douglas, have Incorporated with G. W. Ryan of Ryan & Co., 109 South Sixteenth, under tho name of Mawhlnnoy & Ryan Co. Tho business of G, W. Ryan & Co. will be closed out of Its present location, whllo the now firm will contlnuo tho business nt tho Mnwhlnncy & Holllday location, corner Fifteenth and Douglas. Millinery Onriilnir, Commencing Monday, March 11, and con tinuing through the week, Miss Ducy will havo on display spring millinery at 310 South Fifteenth street. GOING WEST INDIES (ienernl nnil Mm. .MiiudcrNou Will Sail from Tampa on Health Seek In ir Trip, General C. F. Manderson has so far re covered from, tho effects of his recent Ill ness that ho oxpects to depart next Thurs day for St. Thomas, capital of tho Duutsh West Indies. Ho will bo accompanied by Mrs. Manderson nnd they will bo nb sent several months hi tho hopo of bene fiting tho general's health. They will sail from Tampa, Fla., and their first stop will bo at Nassau. The .MInnon I.enner, Just recently come from Now York, have opened their dressmaking pnTIors In tho McCnguo building, i-oom 212. Mrs. A. C. MarK will enlarge hor tailor ing dep't thla spring and will secure, the most capablo ladls' tailors whllo In N. Y. Berolzhelmer, milliner, Is now located with tho O. K. Scofield Cloak nnd Suit Co. GENERAL LEE WILL GO WEST ltellreil (.'out mini tier WIII'Tiiko Trip ' of Tiro MoiiIIin1 Duration (o l'aellle C'onNt. It Is tho Intention of Genornl Fltzhugh Leo to leave In ft week or two for a trip of n couplo of months' duration, visiting points In Cnllfornln, Arizona, Mexico and Oregon. Ho has not yet determined ns to his future plans. Ufa. family is now in Arizona, whero Mrs. Leo went to seek rO" lief from bronchial trouble. Sho lei Im proving, hut will remain thero for a month or moro longer, . Milliner)- OprnliiK. Commencing Monday, Mnrch 11, and con tinuing through tho week, Miss Dacy will havo on display spring millinery at 315 South Fifteenth street. All styles spring millinery on display at Joyce's, 1624 Douglas street, Oponlng Inter. Kahl & Johnston's opening of flno mil linery Mondny and Tuesday, March 11-12. songs by Miss Currens nud Miss Cora Hover concluded tho program. Mrs. W I). Per clval, 1S23 Corby street, will entertain the club ou March 22. Tho Success of tho Saturday morning muslcnles which nro being given for tho benefit of tho Crecho hns been greater than was anticipated, An extra program Is be ing planned. Tho Jewish Woman's Sewing society Is working nearly ovcry day for the fair to be given nt Metropolitan club, Tho fol lowing women will presldo over booths: Art booth, Mrs, Charles Klrschbaum; fancy goods, Mrs. A. Cahn; flowers, Mrs. Reich tonberg; dolls, Mrs. Harry May; refresh ment', Mrs. L. Holler; enndy, Mrs, S. Frank; lemonade, Mrs. J. Klein; telegraph, Mrs. Ben Roscnthnl; postofflco, Mrs. F. Adler; Gipsy tent, Mrs. G. HanB; wheel of for tune, Mtsses Vorrls; furniture, Mrs. A, Heller; clothing, Mrs. I. Brown; groceries and cakes, Mesdamcs A. Newman and I.' Kauffmon, Mesdames A. Brandcls, A, Simon, II. Kil ler nnd H. Unverzogt constitute tho enter tainment committee nnd Mesdamcs Max Morrls.-necker, Rothschild and Levy will serve as a reception committee. Mrs. I), T. Leohnes will entertain the LndlCB' Aid society of Tenth Street Metho dist Episcopal church Thursday afternoon, Garflold circle No. 11, 'Ladles of (ho Grand Army of the Republic, has com pleted nriangements for n literary enter tainment to be given for tho benefit of the relief fund March 13 lu Red Men's hall. ENTIRE ALOE & BOUGHT $5,000 A enmnk'tc and un-to-rtuiV stock rors, brushes everything usually found in a modern reLnil drug store, at half price and less. On sale today, !Monday and every day until closed out. See our splendid line of line perfumes at bar gain prices. This stock is going fast don't wait if you want a bargain. Here are a few items out of hundreds: Sonps 23c' Packers Tar Soap loo 2oc Cutlclira Soap 20c $1.00 Lublns Soap (nil odors) ole 73c Lublns Soap 43c 60c Lublns Soap 2m: 10c Oatmeal Soap vc (Have about 1 gross 3 cakes box.) 10c Violet Soap , fc 6c Wool Soap lie Wool Soap, small size, 2 fof Re 23a Juvenile Soap 10c 10c Juvenile Soap fc 20c Ueegam'a Tnr Soap Se 60c Socleto Hygienic Soap 2!)c 314 lb. bar Green Cnstllo Soap 25c 4 lb. bar White Castile Soap 10c V, lb. bar White Cnstllo Soap 5c 60 gross Toilet Soaps, various brands all go nt very low prices. Fresh, standard goods nt bargain prices. Entiro $5000 stock goes at bargain prices. Nothing reserved. Wo bought cheap for cash, and our customers got the benefit. Como early and select a list of bargains Wo only mention a fow articlesbut everything goes at correspondingly low prices for cash. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. S. E. Cor. 1GTH AND FARNAM STREETS. The S?osls Shoe Store Will open Next Saturday, March 16th .... WITH all tho new things In wom en's, girls' and boys' shoes-no mi..,. 'a ., OAi I.-..,I. U , . . Kurbnch Block. We will havo the 7 l,iHt mmlnrti lln.f n.iln I., u tnr.i I,, tl.n t west. A storo fully lu keeping with tho Sorusls lino of shoes. 45 different styles of f ,rv HorottiB enoes not nt h ' 45 different prices nui every pair The Sorosls Shoo Storo will also carry u special 250 linn of vvonHMi s welts and turns nt BOTH TIIF.S13 LINUS OF FINK SIIOKS AT TIIKSK POPULAR, PRICKS COMR IMRI3CT FROM MAKKIt TO WKARKIl Sorosis Shoe Store 203 S. 15th St. Frank Wilcox, Mr. VOl 11 OlM'tlltTI .MTV TO (SKT A l'lANO AT FACTORY I'ltlfllS AT Ol It Great Clearing Sale Our stock consists of tho following fa mous makes: PACKAlin, IVI'lllS .fc POM), STHl.WVAV, STCIiKII, . VOHI3, STUCK, i:n:itso., a. ii. ciiAsn, STIt.Vt UK, mill ill ii iiy (iIIkt innkrx. BILLINGS UPRIGHT, ebony case, only..$ S5 FINK MAHOGANY UPRIGHT, almost new v $125 BKAUTIFUL SAMPLK PIANO, brand now $118 FINK C1IICKKR1NC. UPRIGHT, good condition $16S WE SELL FOR CASH OR ON $5 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. You can save money If you purchase dur ing this sale. Every Instrument Is a bar gain. NEW PIANOS FOR RENT. AUTISTIC Tl .MMJ AM) HIM'Allt IMi I'HO.MPTI.V DIIMl. Catalogues and prices furnished frco on application. SCHMQLLER & MUELLER, The Old Reliable l'iiino House, i:ii:i I 'urn n in .street, Omuliit, U:t7 llromluny. Council lllnfT.v Tel. JOU'. ENDORSED BY MEDICAL PROFESSION WORLD FAMOUS MARIANI TONIC Til i: 12VIM2NC12 Submitted clearly proves that the medlciil profession ns well us all who have used Vln Mini a n I proiioiuuc it. UN J2QUALI2I), AHSOLU TI2LY SAFI2 AND UI21JAI1LI2. All Druc'-iists. Refuse Substitutes MurrliiKu l.lei'iiNi'H, Tho following murrlngu llcenst-s wero Is sued by tho county Judgo yesterday Namo and Residence. Age. John Hamernlck. Omaha....' 3u Caroline HauinelBter, Oninhu 25 Vnldeuiar Hansen, Omaha II Hella Peterson, Omaha : , 20 Henry N, Safron, Omaha 2') Dora Mayrowich, Omahu ,,, 23 j ) STOCK PENFOLD CO.'S RETAIL BY THE MYERS-DILLON on Bargain Counter of puk'iil nu'tliciiics, soups, toilet nooils, perfumes, combs, mir Toilet Goods 23c Pcnfold's Tooth Powder ' 10s 25c Kozodont 60c Sozodont ...... 15c 4Sc 25c Snnllnl Tooth Powder 13c 60c Sanltnl Liquid 2Sc 25c Penfold s Tooth Wash" 10a 25o Lyon's Tooth Powder 17c 25c Wild Rose Tooth Powder 100 80c Hind's Honey Almond Cream 3t!e 23c Pcnfold's Velvet Cream 10c $1.50 Oriental Cream $1.00 ioc Wright's Dento Myrrh Tooth Soap.. IXc 25c Wright's Myrrh Tooth Snap 12c 25c Wright's Dento Myrrh Powder .... 12c 25c Wright's Dento Myrrh Tooth Paste 13o 25c Pastcrlnq Tooth Pnsto 12c 23c Dr. Bulley's Tooth Powder lie 25c Rlcksecker's Tooth Powder lt'o 25c (2 lb.) Capo May Sea Salt 3c 50c (ti lb.) Cape Muy Sea Salt 10c Mrs. J. Benson Sewing Machines Wo sell WiyiKLUIt & WILSON, ball bear lug machines, or any other sewing mnchlno you may want, for cash or $5.00 down nnd 75c per week. Second-Hand Sewing1 Machines You ought to Fro before buying n ma chine, .what wo run sell you. Tho following prices nro for Mc.idny only: Former Price. Monday. 1 Singer $5.00 $ 1.00 3 Singers, high urm lo.no 0.00 1 Now Home 10.00 5.00 1 Domestic 12.00 ti.00 1 White 20.00 10.00 I Whlto ft.00 0.00 1 Davis 12.00 fi.00 1 Wheeler ,i Wilson No. !.... W).0rt 15.00 1 Wilcox & Ollibs 25.00 12.50 1 Singer, good ns new .m.00 10.00 Three modern, drop head sewing machines nt ono-linlf regular price. We rent pcwlng machlneH for 75c per week. We sell needles und parts for, and. tepulr every sewing mnchlno manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, (ihOUtili 12. .M1CKI2I., ,M a n liner. Corner Fifteenth and Harney Streets. Kidney Disease Can Be Cured. Thero Is not a physician who precenbes a better modlelno for Kidney and Liver dlsoases than ' gramer's wmm km liver cure No doctor would think of giving a better medlclno and many will cheerfully, tell you thero la no other inedlciuo so valuflblo for kidney troubles as Cramer's. If you are tho least bit skeptical as to tho merits of this wonderful remedy, scn4 us your numo and a sample bottlo will bo inullod you frco of charge1. Tin- rullovvliiw ulniiiK ,'inloi xi'iiii'iit , nun .VI i, .liilin . .St-i-inn n, I'rt'xlili'ii t of I In- I'Vilrriitloii of l.iilmr, ii iiiiin w Ua Iiiin IihiI moro In iln tilth Nftlllnir Htrlki'H nnil In I'll 1 1 I'll upon to n rlill rule imiri' liiliur illllleiiltli'M Hum nny mini I. hum ii, Hi- It ri'i'iimili'il iin ii mini nf itoml niiiiiiiI Jiiilui'iut'ii I, unit ncluliN 'tiT word lie ullerx. . 'I'lili omtlil In cum I lii'e tin; moot nl.ril lenl of I In- iiii-rlli of IIiIh uoiiili'i-ful iciiii'il). Permanently Cured Him. ALIIANY, N. Y., Dec. H, 1900. CRAMRR CHEMICAL CO. Gentlemen. Bevcrul months ago I pro cured a sample bottlo of your excellent preparation. I had been a sufferer from an nggrovatcd form of kidney troublo for years, so began taking It at onco. The contents of the small sample so relieved me that I Immediately purchased a largo bottle, and after tnklng three bottles It effected a pormanent cure nnd I havo not suffered n day since. I can freely and with Joy recommend your valuable medicine as It completely cured mo of a very severe casiv. of kidney trouble and to anyone who Is ro troubled I would sayj Try It by all means and get relict. JOHN C. SKKMAN. Trcildent of the Federation of Iibor. JOHN C. SKKMAN. r Free Samples To provo that Cramer's Kidney Cum Is a great remedy, a samplo bottlo will b sent to anyono who will uddress tho Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, N. Y., froo of coat. If your druggist has not got it, write to our western agent, Cramer Chem ical Co., Omaha, and ho will ship you a largo bottlo by express, C. O. D, Prlc $1,00 all charges paid. v . Cramer Chemical GOES DRUG STOCK DRUG CO. Patent Medicines $1.00 bottle Cranier'fi Kidney Cure .... 60u boxes Kld-no-olds Diamond Dyes nil colors package $1.00 West's Brain nnd Nervo Treatment $1.00 Hood's Snrsnnnrllln ISo 2ja 5.1a 62o tiOa 2j3 ll0 2.3 C..i 12a 4So 6Sa 21c 30o 2oo 2So 62a J $ 1 .00 Now tiro's Iterplrldo $1.00 quort bottlo Duioy Port Wlno .. 75c quart bottlo good Port Wine 35c Cnstorla 25c bottlo Dromo' Celery 60c bottle Holt's Malt Extrnct $1.00 bottle Perijiia , 2iU' Bromo Quinine $1.00 Kirk's Hair Tonic $1.0i Wine of C.irdul 60c Foley's Honey nnd Tnr 60c Syrup of Figs t. 75c bottlo good Shcrny Wlno 50c Munyun's Remedies , $1.00 Swamp-Root Infants' and Children's Wear A la rye and handsome stock in all lines of these yoods. Long slips from LTie up to verjj handsome christening robes. Handsome short, dresses from f0e up Kilt suits, ages 2, 2 nnd years, nre up. Colored dresses, ages I to f years from -trc ii). Children's long ami short, cloaks, 0 months tt JO years. Children's aprons, -t to 12 .years. Complete line in any goods yon could need for the baby out tits from $10.00 up. 300 Bicycles In stock. Never bo fore wns thero such n lino of Wheola shown In Omaha. This stock Is mado up of tho well known ' ' I ii in Ii lit Hie) t'lei $40.00 ami $50.00 lliii'iii llli'yrli'N Meiii'ilN IH- "1h It II HI Ii 1 1-1- llli'yi'lr Wo 111' .VniiTlcnn Till-: RKLIANCi: tho best mado wheel Ik Omaha for the money choice of equipments.-. .. . HKOKNT up-to-dato at $30 $15 $25 SUPERIOR only Your gowl judgment will tell you to look thin stock over before buying a wheel. Second-hand wheels from $1,00 up. Co,, Albany, N. Y. flip r