Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1901, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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A rare display of new spring merchandise
.lp VERY Important market center on the globe has contributed to our display of new spring goods, and it far surpasses all previous efforts. Fashions closest) followers will approve of our selections as the reigning "models"
L-'are closely followed here. The showing is very elaborate and also instructive. You'll feel repaid many times over for your visit here, and thank us for our comprehensive show. We are justly proud of it and are
.anxious to secure your approval. J. L. BKANDEIS & SONS. k . .
Silk Skirt Special
Box Coat Special
Ql'X Oft or Indies' good
ip.VO all wool covort
box coat, tnns and navies,
lined throughout now boll ol coves Actual
$6.00 valuo on salo for $3.93.
OQ for taffeta skirts
made with all-
over tucked top, wide flounce,
sot on with C rows of ruffled ribbon trim
mine, pnreallno lined and vclvot bound
worth $12.00, for $7.98.
New and stylish spring silks
Our display of fine silks this season is pre-eminently the best. Wo have made unusual
efforts nnd the result Is very gratifying. Wo aro showing tho season's grandost and richest foulard novelties, styles ns
adopted by l'nquln, Collon, Incurs and other leading French modistes. Tho novelty silks aro beyond description, tho colorings
and combinations are cxtromcly ram nnd beautiful. Fashion dictates have been closely adhered to. You surely will npprcclato
the display as well as tho following extraordinary values,
Now shipments of tho season's grandest and richest foulard novelties Btyles as adopted by tho leading French modistes
now doublo width foulards Louis XV and la pompadour foulards', at J 1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and up to $6.00 a yard.
100 pieces 27-Inch wldo heavy rustling taffeta In black and Extra special bargain In high class Imported iaquard satin
every shado of tho rainbow. This Is positively tho best bar- foulards In tho most oxcluslvo pattern lengths, conflued to
gain ever offered In taffeta. Dressmakers especially Invited to us. Tho now grays, black and white, roso, reds, now blues, etc.
comparo this taffuta with any $1.00 or $1.25 pm f thb finest collection of swell fcST.irds over shown t
quality sold elsewhere our
price, yard.
75 pieces now 2-lnch falllo silk, twilled foulards, Cheney Thirty pieces novcity armuro sceded silks, sultablo for
Bros, satin foulards, Persian foulards, all
season's stylo and colorings, worth $1.00
our prlco Monday
85 pieces of tho latest weaves In Imported black grenadines, novelty stripes,
narrow and wldo satin strlpns, checks, and barred grenadines, In- -4
eluding Iron frama and sawing silk grenadines, nil 45 Inches fyJ
wldo,, and worth $1.50 and 42.00, Monday's prlco
A A cnolco lot of Dlaln ani 'nncy B,118' '"eluding waist Z
&-kC dress silks, lining silks, fancy striped taffetas Q
" for petticoats nnd lining, yard wide, black and whlto
china silk, duchkeso sutln, fancy pllsso, etc., nil on sate at 49c and 69c yard.
New spring
hnt is a decidedly striking crcntion.
to compare with t)icva elsewhere in tho
city at any price our special offer for
Monday y
01am Morris' Esoolliotloni of Her Etrly
Exptritnoei on the Bttge.
Prlilp Fiercely Humblcil by thr Slnso
.Miiiinicrr l.llicrty In n. Coiurdy
I'urt tho First Step to
Tho third Instalment of tho autobiog
raphy of Clara .Morris carrleB tho roader
buck to tho 'COb, tbo heyday of Stiakcs
poarruu stars, recounting her Btmggles In
minor characters and her first hit lu farce
comedy. i?hu says In part:
IuoliliiK back to tho nctors of '05 I can't
help noticing tho dlfferenco botweon their
nltltudo of mind towurd their profession and
that of tho actor of today. Salaries wcro
much smaller then. Work was hardor, but
llfo was simpler. Tho actor hail no social
' Handing ho was no longer looked down
upon but ho whh an unknown quality; ho
was in short au actor, puro and simple.
Ha had enthusiasm for his profession ho
lived to act, not merely living by nctlng.
Ho had mora rfuporstltlou than religion nnd
no politics nt all; but ho was patriotic and
shouldered his gun nnd marched away lu
tho ruuks ns cheerfully ns uuy other citi
zen soldier.
Hut nbovu all and beyond nil else tho men
nnd women respected their chosen profes
sion. Tholr constant association of mind
with Slmkespiviro seemed to havo given
them a certain dignity of bearing as well
as of speech,
Today our actors havo In many cases
won some social recognition and thoy must
therefore gtvo a portlau of their tlmo to
A Simple, Urn-mil' Ileinrriy for tho
Curo of rilrm.
A person contracts n cold, pneumonia,
rbeumntlsm and pleurisy from exposurn;
dyspepsia nnd liver trouble from dietary
errors and the cuuaes of most diseases aro
easily traceable, but although piles nnd
rectal troubles aro as common as nny of
theso, tho cnuso Is obscure.
Violent exertion, as In lifting, sometimes
produces them nnd a sedentury occupation
Is by somo supposod to bo a predlsposlug
causo, but as n. rulo piles and rectal troubles
appear without appareut provocation.
Thcro aro many pllo salvos and ointments
which glvo temporary relief aud wheu theso
tall tho patient, It he can afford the expense
and Is wining to tnko tho ri?k, has recourse
to n surgical operation. Hut there Is ono
remedy which gives Immediate relief and
Iho regular uso of which will bring abouC a
permanent curo and thnt Is tho well known
Pyrnmld l'llo Cure.
In long standing cases tho Pyramid has
proven to bo tho only curo except a danger
ous and exceedingly painful surgical opera
tlou, and its advantages over any kind of
oporntlon nro many, as It Is palnloss, causes
no Interference with dally occupation, and
being In tho form of a suppository Is always
convenient nud ready tor use.
Tho Pyramid Pllo Cure U an offoctlvo
combination of soothing oils nnd nntlspetlc
nclds. It contains no cocnlno nor nerve de
stroylng oplntcs and unllko most pllo salves,
rontalns no bl-chlarlde of mercury nor any
Injurious drug of any Kind.
All druggists sell tho Pyramid Pllo Curo
at 00 cents for it complete treatment of
tho suppositories.
A little book an cause and curo of piles
will bo mallod frco by addressing Pyramid
Drug Co., Marshall, Mich.
L In Omaha, worth up
waists and entlro
In silk department
We want to tell yon that our
Millinery this wciison. Ifl right up
to the Urnudols stniulnrd the
best an Is our cuHtoin. we hnve
closely studied tho creations of
every famous designer. Wo
bought ninny of the originals for
copies; thus the noted Paris, Lon
don nnd New York models aro
portrayed In our own workrooms.
For Monday we offer you a 8plen-
did lino of hats that have been
copied as we describe above, also
a number of New York pattern
hats at $10.00. They nre trim
med with rare ornaments, foliage,
roses malinc, silk, etc. Kaeh
Thcro's none
social duties. They aro clubmen and an
othor portion of their tlmo goes In club
lounging. Thoy draw largo snlarles and
too frequently they havo to act In long
ruuning plays that aro mado up of smartish
wit and cheapest cynicisms mero froth
and frivolity, whllo tho cffectlvo smashing
of tho seventh commandment hnd been for
so long n tlmo tho principal motif of both
drama nnd fnrco that ono cannot wonder
much at tho general tono of flippancy pre
vailing among tho theatrical peoplo of to
day. They guy everything and everybody
and would Jeer nt tholr profession as readily
as they would at an old man on tho street
wearing a last year's hat.
Thoy aro sober, they are honest, thoy nro
generous, but thoy seem to havo grown
uttorly flippant nnd I can't help wonder
ing If this alteration can havo como about
through tho chango in their mental pabu
lum. At all events, ns I watched and listened
In tho old days, It teemed to mo as If thoy
wero never weary of discussing readings,
expressions, emphasis nnd action. Ono
would romark, say at a rehearsal of Hum-
let, that Macrcady gave a certain lino In
this manner nnd nnother would Instantly
oxpross a preference for a Forrest or Dav
enport rendering, nnd then tho nrgumont
would bo on nnd only a call to tlio stage
would end tho weighing of words, tho plac
ing of commas, otc.
A Slinru Smili.
Ono night I had been ono of tho crowd
of "witches" I bad also had my placo at
tJiat shameless papier macho banquot given
by Mncbeth to his tantalized gucMH. aud
then being off duty, was ns usual planted, lu
tlio ontranco, wutchlug tho acting of tho
grownup nnd the grown-great. I.ady
Macbeth was giving tho sleep walking
scene. Her method wus of tho old, old
old school. Bho spoko nt almost tho full
power of hor lungs throughout that mys
terious, awe-inspiring sleep walking scene.
It Jarred upon my feelings I could not
havo told why, but it did. I believed my
self alono nnd when thd mcmcry-liauntcd
woman roared out: "Vet, who would have
thought tho old man to havo had ho much
blood In hlni?" 1 remarked "sotto voice:
"Did you expcct to And Ink In him?"
A sharp "ahoml" right lit my -shoulder
told mo 1 had been overheard and I turned
to face oh, horror! tho stage manager.
Ho glared angrily at mo and begau: "Since
wheu hnve tho ladles of tho ballet taken
to criticising tho work of tho stars?"
Humbly enough, I enld: "I beg your
pardon, sir I 1 was Just talking to my
self, that was all."
Hut ho went on: "Oh, you would not
criticise a rending unless you could better
it so pray favor us with your Ideas on this
Each sneering word cut mo to tho heart
Tears filled my eyes. I struggled hard to
kep them from falling, whllo I JUBt mur
mured; "I beg your pardon!" Again ho
demanded my rending, saying:' "They wero
not tori old to learn," nud In bhecr des
peratlon I exclaimed; "I was only speak
Ing to, myself, but I thought I.ady Macbeth
was amazed at tho quantity of blood that
flowed from the body of such nn old man
for when 'you get old, you know sir, you
don't have so much blood as you used to
aud I only Just thought thnt as the 'sleep
Ing men wcro laced' nnd tho knives
smeared nnd her hands 'bathed' with It,
she might havo perhaps whispered: 'vet,
nlio would have thought tho old man to
have had so much blood In Tilm.' I didn't
mean an impertlurnco nnd down fell tho
tears, for I could not talk nnd hold them
back at tho same tlmo.
Ho looked at ma lu dead silence for a
taw moments, then he said "humph" and
walked away, whllu I rushed to tho dress
Ing room ana cried and cried, and vowed
that never, never again would I talk to
mvself In tho theater at all events.
If tho family thoutor was disliked by
those who had already won recognized
yosltlops, It was at least an Ideal placo
to $1.50 yar, vJlf
drcsscg worth 75c
A wonderful sale of rugs
iwiug to a very fortunate purchase wo are able to offer you tho most remarkable rug
bargains It has ever been your good fortune to secure Notwithstanding tho exceedingly low prices wo quote, you will
find nny bIzo hero (from tho smallest to tho largest.) Tho variety of grades, styles and patterns Is nlso very extensive, thus
presenting you an excellent assortment to chooso from. Considering the vast lmportnnco of such n salo It Is hardly necessary
to urge you to como tomorrow. However, tho values make a strong appeal an Irrcslstlblo one wo believe.
$5.00 wilton rugs $1.25
Persian Wilton Rugs, size "
30x72 worth JG.00 I
on nolo nt
$3.50 moquetterugs 1.98
AxmlnBtcr nnd Moquctte rugs, handsomo
oriental designs worth J3.D0 f f
on salo at
Lowell carpets at about one-half price
"tAealso place on sale tomorrow a largo quantity of tho famous Lowell ingrain carpets.
This Is tho only kind that comes wound on a stick. These were purchased at auction In Chicago and are from the Sal-
vago stock of Iloot, McHrldo & Co., of Clovoland, Ohio. Wo secured tho cream of tho stock and guaruntco every yard ab
solutely Bound and perfect.
Tapestry Hrussels Curpct that jfonorally O Hrusscla Carpet, Velvet Carpet, Moquettc and Ax- J
Bella at "Go a yard, go at minster Carpet thut generally soils at $1.25, on salo at U7y
These bargains will undoubtedly cause a great rush Monday morning and wo havo made
cxtcnslvo preparations to accommodate you. Extra sales people, extra floor space, etc. ncmcmbcr that all tho goods
from tho' Salvago stock of carpets nro guaranteed absolutely sound and perfect. Dur tng this sale no mall orders will bo filled.
1,000 dozen ntl linen napkins drummers'
slightly soiled. Worth up to J-'.oO, on
In which a young girl could begin her pro
fessional lite. Tho manuger, Mr. John A.
Kllsler, was an excellent character uctnr,
as well as a first old man. His wife, Mrs.
Efllo Kllslcr, was his leading woman his
daughter Ktlle, though not out of school
nt that tlmo, nctcd whenover thcro was a
very good part that suited her. Tho first
singing soubrotto was tho wlfo of tho
prompter and tbo stugo manager. Tho
first old woman was tho mother of tho walk
ing woman, nnd so It camo about that
thero wus not oven tho pink Hush of a
flirtation over the first season; and, though
another season was shaken and thrilled
through nnd through by tho elopement of
James I.owis with Miss Krnnklo Hurlburt, a
young woman from private llfo In Cleveland,
ynt In all tho year I served In tho old
theater, no real scandal ever smirched It.
A lilt of Ilronil Coninly.
My manager considered me to havo a real
gift of comedy and ho several times do
oJarod that my being n girl wus a distinct
loss to tho profession of a flno low come
dian. It was In playing n broad comedy bit
thnt my odd oxporlenco camo to me. Mr.
Dan Setcholl was tho star. Ho was an
extravagantly funny comedian nnd ,tho
laziest man I ovor saw too luzy oven to
rchcarso his most Important scenes prop
erly. Ho would sit on tho prompt tnblo
n table placed near tbo footlights at re
hearsal, holding tho manuscript, writing
matcrluls, otc, with n rhajx at cither end,
ono for tho star, tho other for tho prompter
or stage manager anil with his short legs
dnngllug, ho would dozo a little through
other people's scenes, rousing himself re
luctantly tor his own, but Instead of ris
ing, taking his pluco on tho stage and ro
hciuslng properly, ho would kick his legs
back and forth nnd smiling pleasantly,
would lazily repeat his lines where ho
was, adding:. "I'll bo on your right hand
vhen I say that, Herbert. Oh, nt your
exit, Kltslor, you'll leavo In tho center, but
whon you como back you'll find me down
After telling James Lewis several times
nt what, places he would And him nt night,
Lewis remarked In despair; "Well, Ood
knows wh4ro you'll find me at ulght!"
"Oh, never mind, old man!" answered
tho over-smlllug, stcadlly-klcktug Sotchell,
"If you'ro there, all right!" If you'ro not
there no matter!" which was not exactly
Of cottrso such rehearsals led to many
errors at night, but Mr. Sotchell cleverly
covered them up from tho knowlcdgo of
tho laughing audience.
It Is hard to Imagine that lazy presence
In tho midst of awful dlsnstor, but ho was
shipwrecked while making tho voyage to
Australia, Put-blind to tho future, ho at
that tlmo laughed and comfortably shirked
his work In tho daytime and made others
laugh when ho did his work at night.
In ono of his plays I did -a small part
with him. I was his wlfo, n former old
maid of crabbed temper. I had asked Mr.
Kllslcr to make up my facd for mo as an
old and ugly woman. I woro cork-screw
side curls und an awful wrapper. I was a
fearful object nnd when Mr. Setchcll first
suw mo. he stood silent for n moment,
then ntter rubbing his stomach hard and
grimacing, he took both my hands, exclaim
ing: "Oh, you hideous Jowcl! you posl
tlvoly gavo mo a cramp at Just first sight
of you, Oo In! llttlo girl, for all you'ro
worth and do Just what you please you
deserve tha liberty for that makeup!"
Took Illm nt 111 Word.
And, goodness knows, I took h'.m at his
word and did anything that came Into my
giddy head. Kven than I possessed that
curious blxth senso of tho born actress,
and, as a doctor with tho aid of his stotlto-
scopo can hear sounds of grim warning or
of kindly promlso whllo thero Is but silence
"to tho stander-by, so an actress with tha't
stothescope sixth sense detects even tho
forming emotions of her audience feeling
Imported Cloths
Worth $3,50 a yard at $1.25:
Wo nre offering ull tho now Ta'lor
cloths that aro so much In demand, at
an extremely low prlco. nvcry de
slrablo fabric, Including heavy broad
cloths, kerseys, meltons, poubto, chevi
ots, camel's hairs, zlbellnes, vicunas,
clay worsteds, and Venetian. All
steam sponged and shrunk. 'Ihei-e tuo
specially ndapted for run-about skirts
capes, jackets, and tailor suits. They
aro worth up to $3.50 a yard nil on
salo Monday on bargain Kjuuro at
$1.25 yd
In thin nlo ire nre oITerliiK
500 made-up rugs
In sties to fit nnjr room, Ktinr
nntred nlmnliitcly omul anil
perfect, nt about
14 their regular value
Included In thin lot nre line
AxmlnMrrn, Wiltons, Velvets, etc.
samples all grades all sizes all perfect tho
uulo nt, dozen
Incipient dissatisfaction beforo it becomes
open disapproval, or thrlllng at tho intcuso
stillness that over precedes a burst of ap
And, that night meeting with a tiny mis
hap which seemed to umuso tho uudlcnco,
I seized upon It, elaborating It to tho limit
and making It my own, after the manner of
an experienced old actor.
.Mild.' it MM.
There was no elegant comedy of manners
In tho scone, understand; it was Just tho
broadest farce, aud it consisted of tho des
pcrato effort of n hen-pecked husband to
assert himself and gra,sp tho reins of homo
government, which resolved ltsell at last
Into a scolding match, in which each tried
to talk tho other down with what result
you know well without tho telling.
Tbo stage was sot for a morning room, I
with a tnblo In tho center spread with
breakfast for two; a chair nt either sldo
and, as it happened, a footstool by mine.
Ills high silk bat and some papers, also,
wcro upon tho table. For somo uncxplaln-
ablo cause, the silk hat has always been
recognized both by auditor nnd actor, as
n legitimate object, of fun-making, so when
I absentmlndedly dropped all my toast
ctusts into that shining receptaulo, tbo
audience expressed Its approval lu lnughtcr
and so started mo on my downward way
for thut was my own Idea, nnd not u re
hearsed one. When my husband mourn
fully asked If thero "wu3 not ono hut bis
cuit to be had," 'I dollberatcly tried each
ono with tho back of my knuckles nnd re
marking "yes, hero is Just ono" which
was tho correct lino In tho play I took It
myself, which was not In tho play. And
so wo went on till tbo scolding match was
In my first noisy speech I meant to stamp
my foot, but by accident, I brought It dawn
lipop tho footstool. Tho people laughed--
I saw a point I lifted tho other foot and
stood upon tho stool. I)y the twinkle. In Mr.
Setchell's eye, as well- as by the laughtor
in front, I know I was on tho right track.
Ho roared ho lifted his arms abovo Ills
head, and In my reply, nB I raised my voice,
I mounted from tbo stool to the seat of tho
chair. Ho seized his hat and with toast
crusts falling about his face und ears,
Jammed It on his head, whllo in my Inst
speech, with my volco at Its highest
bcreech, I lifted my foot and firmly planted
It upon tho very breakfast table.
It was enough tho storm broko from
laughter to applause. Mr. Setchell hail an
other speech one of resigned acceptance of
second place but as tho applause continued
ho knew It would bo an nntl-clitnnx and ho
signalled tho prompter to ring down the
Hut I I knew ho ought to speak! I wn8
frightened tears filled my eyes!
"What is It? I whispered, as I sturted to
got down.
"Stand stllll" ho sharply nnswered then
added: "It's you, you funny llttlo Idiot;
you've made u hit, that's all!" and tho cur
tain fell between us ami tho laughing crowd
In front.
The prompter started for me instantly
from his corner, exclaiming In his anger.
"Well, of all cheeky dovllment I over heard
or saw!" Hut Mr. Setchell had him by the
arm In a second, crying: "Hold on, old
man! I gavo her leave oho had my, per
mission. Oh, good Lord) did you sco thnt
ascent of tho stool, chair and table? Ha!
ha! ha!"
Niicvrss mill Teurs.
I stood trembling Uko a Jelly In a hot
day. Mr. Setchell said: "Don't be fright,
oned, llttlo glrll That applause was for
youl you won't bo tlned or scolded; you'vo
mado a hit, that's nil!" and he patted mo
kindly on tho shoulder nnd broko again Into
fat laughter.
I went down to my room I sat down with
my head In my hands. Great drops of.
swoat came out on my temples my hands
wero icy cold my mouth dr,y that appluuse
rang In my ears! A cold terror seized upon
Sale of new spring dress fabrics
Tphis store always makes it a point to offer their patrons tho best values that can be ob-
talncd. Whenever n fortunato purchase favors us (as Is often tho case) wo readily sharo It with you. Thoso spoclal bar
gains merely lllustrato tho question In point. Wo recently made somo very lucky purchases lucky for us nnd lucky for you. ns
It enables us to offer you decidedly up-to-date dress fabrics at n great deal less than they aro actually bringing In tha wholo
ealo markets today.
New Spring Dress Fabrics that we securod from a well known Fronch importer go
on salo Mondny. They aro the fabrics that nro considered tho proper thing for this season. Silk poplins, silk nnd wool figured
crcpo do chlno nnd etamlnes, nil "clinging" fabrics you will observe. These aro all 46 inches wldo and nro -4
sultablo for ball room, theater and dinner gowns. Wo havo all tho new shades, heliotrope, shell pink, tur- I rW
quolso, cream, pearl, gray or black on salo In dress goodB department, I f A
per yard i M. Jmq KS
New Black Dress Goods Silk finish New Novelty Dress GoodsAn immnnM
l'lerolas Is also one of tho favored fabrics, wo received BO now assortment of now silk and wool novelties and plain wcavos
pieces, nil deep lustrous black, In small nent do- i Q French vlgcraux. mohair brllllontlncs, silk striped bedford cords
signs, worth fully 75c a yard, on salo In dress f-fjCJ flKured mntelasse, albatross, beragee, storm serges - '
goods department nt, yard
$2.50 velvet rugs 98c
Unfrlnged Velvet Hugs, two
yards lon, worth $2.r0 M
on salo at
Art squares $2.98, $3.98
Art squares In all sizes, very choice pat
terns and styles, fQ a 1 AO
zrivT. i-Voso.Vo
outsldo ones uro
25c, 50c, 75c
mo a terror of what of tho public! Ah,
it was n tender mouth and it was bitted and
bridled ut last. Tho reins wero In tho
hands of tho public and It would drlvo me
The' public! Tho public! I bad novor
feared it before because I had never rea
lized Its power. If I pleased It! well and
good I If I displeased It I should bo driven
forth from the dramatical Kden I loved. In
which I hoped to learn bo many things tho
atrlcal and to bceomo very wise and I
should wander nil my llfo In the' stony
places of poverty and disappointment! I
clenched my hands and writhed In misery
ut tho thought! I seemed again to hear
that npplausc, which had been for mo my
very self, and I thrilled at Its wild sweet
ness! Ah, tho public! It could mako or It could
mar my whole life! Mighty monster! with
out mercy! Tho great, many-headed crea
ture, nil Joweled over with florco bright
eyes Its countless cars nstralu for error
of nny kind! That beat tho perfumed nlr
with Its myriad hands when pleased when
pleased? A strnngo great stillness Beemed
to closo nbout me something murmured:
"In tho futuro In the dim futuro, a woman
mny causo this many-headed monster you
fear to think ns ono mind to feel as ono
heart! then tho bit nnd brldlo will be
To make room for the
many pieces at a bargain to move -them,
X. lift fiohl Parlor fhair UpholHlcml in
Kill; (laiimsk very graceful $00
design 10 for -
No. r2.' Davenport Mahogany finished frame
upholstered in finest vclour finely curved
hand polished fniinb 30.00 $1 Q50
Davenport a bargain
Xo; 1(( Library Itocker Qunrter-sawed gol
den oak hand polished embossed leather
'seat and back very large and $Q50
comfortable '15 value for
This is a chance to pick up some very good bargains and we invite you
to call and look through the store.
honriettas, etc., up to
bargain square at, yard
New Spring Dress Goods consisting of bright finish
mohair brltllantlnoa and plain and striped effects, all wool homespuns, nngllsh
Jncquards, dlngonals, tweeds, coverts. Krench serges and Herman llonrlottas In
blacks and all colors. Theso aro all wldo fabrics and nro worth up "
to 7to a yard on salo on bargain S,
squaro at, yard ', JmKJi
A marvelous offer
Ladies' $25 new spring Tailor-made
suits for $10.
Fearkel Dros. of Des M olnes, Iowa, directly nftar
tho destruction of tholr store by flrn counter
manded all their orders. These suits wcro, at tho
time, being mado for th rm and the manufacturer
was forced to seek another outlet. It was a
critical tlmo of tho year for him, (as tho materi
als had to bo paid for, tc.) nnd ho was forced to
accept our offer of about BOc on tho dollar.
Tho fabrics aro tho very choicest tho season
nffords, all tho new weaves and colors. They nro
mado In tho latest stylos nnd lncludo tho season's
cleverest creations, Included In tho lot aro
the new collarless
etotis, bolero and
tight fitting fronts
with tho now I.'Alglon collars, gilt and brnld trimmed
and taffeta stitched. Many aro all silk lined. Values
up to J25.00 all on flalo tomorrow
for only
changed that woman will hold the reins
and will drlvo tho public!"
At which I broko Into shrill lnughtcr In
splto of flowing tears. Two women enmo
in ono said: "Why. what on earth's tho
matter? Havo thoy blown you up for your
(lidos tonight? What need you care, ou
pleased tho uudlencc!"
Hut nnother said, quietly: "Just get a
glass of water for her sho has a touch of
hysteria I wonder who caused It?"
Hut I only thought of that woman of the
dim future who was to conquer tho Public
who was she?
Why that round of npplausc should havo
bo shattered my happy confidence I ennnot
tinderstnnd but tho fact romalns that from
that night I havo never faced a now dl
ence, or attempted n now part, without mif
forlng a nervous terror that sometimes but
narrowly escapes total collapse.
Portn Ttlro has a clgarmakcrs' union.
Tho Patternmakers' union of Iloston In
sures tools.
Ono woman to every ten men worked for
wnges fifty years ago. Now the rutlo Is
one to four.
Nearly 11 per cent of tho total number of
vn go-earners In Minnesota nro women, ac
cording to tho report of tho Btato Labor
For tho first tlmo In tho history of At
Silumick nilSk
March Prices
new goods we have
No.. 0 P arlor
D i v a n-Uphol-stered
with Bilk
damask, tufted
back, mahogany
frame, Fronch
legs, $25 value.
March $1 q50
price . .
No. 201 Sideboard
Heavy hand carvings,
two largo beveled
Fronch plate mirrors,
size of top 00 inches
long, a massive, ele
gant, $50.00
Sideboard $285
brass claw feet
large lower shelf
$1.00 values, on sain nn
lanta overy printing ofllco In It, Including
book. Job and newspaper olllccs, Is a union
Tho Herman government nr.t only sells
life Insurance to its subjects, but It re
MUlri'H those who cam less than n certain
amount Jo bu Insured ngalnst Illness und
old ugc.
The labor commissioner of North Carolina
reports that the wnges of tho mechanics
of that Ktnln Increased 44 per cent In the
last year, hut that tlio wugeworknrH havo
received no benefit, bm'niiso the cost of liv
ing increased In proportion.
The annual nport of tho commissioner of
labor of Connecticut for lOOo ..lows nn iin
uuul dully wngo for the artisans und labor
ers of J1.53. against i.4'i for tho preceding
year. The average yearly wngo was $152.04,
against 120. 01 for 18MI.
John M. Hunter, tho retiring president of
the Illinois State I'nlted Minn WorkerH,
was the American fraternal dolegute to the
llrltlsh Trades parliament ut London Inst
Michigan lias become the big furniture
muriufucturtng stnto of tho country. At
Corunna, Mich., men employed lu the fur
nlturu factories reculvo 75 cents n day. A
recent effort In organize a union resulted in
the dlchurgo of nil thoso Interested In tho
Members of the Hlndery dirts' union In
Washington, D. t, nro demanding thnt all
employes jnt the government printing olllce
should Join their organization, nnd havo sot
tho tlmo limit for so doing nt April 7. Sev
eral hundred havo taken ndvuntugo of tho
opportunity, nnd It Is bcllovod that by that
duto nearly nil will bo In tho union.
No. Hit) Parlor Jocker Embossed leather
scat ami back handsomely carved finely fin
ishedvery artistic design $6225
10 article a bargain at
No. 750 Parlor Table fancy shaped top-
size of top UOx.'lO
10 table for
No. 88 China Case Swell ends and swell
front very fine design highly polished Eng.
lish oak hand carved trimmings $1 Q50
115.00 cabinet at A