FIREBUGS INFEST THE CITY Freqnint Inctndlarj Bltzts of Thnndtj and Frldaj Nights Being Investigated. DETECTIVES LOOK FOR TORCH BEARERS I'olirr Drtinrlmrnl Join with Ilrn Force to Ntnmn Out Ilelftn of t Terror In Wnlnnt Hill ' . . District. The police nto attempting to solvo the mystery of. tho three fires Friday night and tho two of Thursday night. All of these re believed tyy members of the tiro depart ment to havo been of Incendiary origin. Tho fires of Friday night originated In a peculiar manner, close together nnd with out any plausiblo cause. Thu tire fighters called tho police to their assistance. This had been done the night before, when two mysterious fires occurred In Walnut Hill. After Friday night's work tho In vcatlgatlon began In earnest. Chief Don ahuo has placed detectives on tho case and has stated that they will be thoroughly In vestigated. Chief Itcdell believes that tbo buildings, moBt of which wcro barns or sheds with bnrns adjoining, wcro set on Arc. At 10:02 Friday night rnmo on alarm for n flro In n conlshcd on the premises of J, Patrick, on Forty-second street between Franklin anil Decatur streets, Tho men reached the Llazo In tlmo to extinguish tho flames. This placo Is near tho Uelt Lino tracks. Tho first supposition wan that the fire had started from an cnglno j,ark. More caru fill Investigation showed that It was prob ably of Incendiary origin. Culled Out . Rill ii. Tho Walnut Hill company had Just re turned to tho houso when the alarm camo lor a flro In tho rear of 4028 Seward street, about two blocks to tbo southeast of tho first one. This was n shed leaning against a bam. Tho property belongs to Georgo Itlbbcl, but Is occupied by Daniel Downing. Tho Inquiry Into tho cnuso of this flro led to tho conclusion that tho shed had been flrcd. Whllo nt work with this flro tho men saw the reflection from another tiro across tho tracks. It proved to bo In tho rear of a barn at 414'J Hurdcttc street, ono block west and six north of tho flro whero the won wero at work. This was of moro con sequent than tho others, but was quickly extinguished with n stream from a hydrant. Tho thrco flroa in tho sarno locality and tho fact that no natural cause was ap parent for tho origin of nny of them led tbc men In tho flro department to tho belief that firebugs wcro nt work. Tliiimdny Mirlit'i Firm. On Thursday night flro was discovered In the Arctic lco company's houso nt Thirty ninth and Nichols streets and In n barn on tho premises of Louis Goldsmith, 3420 Hamilton street. Iloth of theso fires wcro of .suspicious origin and lent color to tho firebug theory concerning tho thren fires which occurred In tho eamo neighborhood tho following night. In discussing the fires Chief Jtedell said that hn'has but llttlo doubt that tho build ings wcro fired. Although ho has not ma do nn Investigation of tbo matter, ho says that tho reports of tho firemen show tho ear marks of Incendiarism In all, flvo of tho fires. LACKS EVEN THE FIG LEAF nut There (innd Ilrnann for tlie Scnnty Attire of Till Mniif C. S. Frazlor, a street car conductor, was only partially dressed when hotrushed down the stairs at 2021 Webster street crying "lire" yesterday morning, but ho hart a good excuso for his unstudied attire, for tho rea son that his clothes, when ho last saw them, wcro In flames. Ho had worked until after midnight Saturday morning, nnd It was his Intention to sleep until 10:30, hut n crackling noise and a room full of smoke had changed his program. Tho two-story frame h'ouse nt 2021 Well slor street Is occupied by ABa W. Hrchnra nnd family, nnd Mr. Frazler occupies a room on tho second floor. Tho latter gavo tho alarm of flro shortly before 8 o'clock yester day morning As tho hlazo nrlglnntod bo twoen tho studding, "mlco and matches" aro ascribed as tho cause. Tho building, which Is Insured, was damaged to tho extent of $75. Cheap liiNiiriint-e. Many a man has been Insured against Drlght's disease, diabetes or other danger ous nllmcnt by a fifty-cent bottlo of Foley's 'Kldnoy Curo. Meycrs-Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug storV, South Omaha. BANKS INDICATE PROSPERITY C'lenrliiK Home FlKiirrs for Current Week Slirnv it ("Srutlfyliiu; Increase. Thus far In 1901 tho bank clearings of Omaha ,hao Bhowcd u marked lncreaso over tho clearings for thn corresponding weeks of last year. For tho week Just ended the lncreaso has been $833,419. Tho clearings for tho pnst wock, nnd tho corresponding days of last year, are as follows: 1901. 1000. Increase, $111,911 169.024 203.917 110,61 73.891 103 919 Monday $1,333,236 $1,223,25.' Tuesday 1,100,760 901.15 "Wednesday .. 1,125,602 921.GS3 Thursday .... 1,066,087 933,403 Friday 1.045,543 961,649 Saturday 1,102,573 93S.651 Total .$0,835,810 $5,992,331 $533,419 WHY SO MANY FAIL The nenanu So Mnny Cntnrrh Ileino lle Are Ciiaucrcmtf ill. There are .few troubles, for which there aro so many remedies and so called "cures" as for catarrh nnd It may bo ndded there nro few diseases so difficult to really and permanently curo. Inhalers, sprays, powders, nnd douches am all applied locally nnd glvo temporary relief, often for only u few hours, and It is doubtful if anything llku ii real cure of catarrh wns over accomplished by tho uso of local applications. Catarrh is a cotiHtitutlnnnl disease, It Is In tho blood Ilka rheumatism and to curo It requires an Internal medicine to net upon the blood, to drlvo out the catnrrhnl not on from tho system entirely, and nnyono can rendlly sco that n snlvo or powder or Inhaler which simply clenrs off the mu cous membrane of tho nosu und throat can liavo no effect ou tho real causa of ca tarrhal disease. Tho rcmarknblo success of tho now n' tarrh remedy, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, Is because It drives out of tho system through tho natural channels, tho catarrhal pol on, the germs of grip, bronchitis und consumption nnd causes the hawking, spitting nnd gagging becauso tho excess Ivo secretion Is no longer supplied when tho blood is mado healthy from tho regu lar use of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, Tho remedy Is In tho form of largo 20 Brain lozenges, pleasant and palatably composed only of wholesomo antiseptics nnd so safe to uso that llttlu children use them with perfect safety nnd benellt If tho little one Is suffering from colds, croup or cough from nny cause, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets havo been tn tho market scarcely ono year, yet tlu'y have met with audi popularity nnd success that druggists everywhere' in the United States and Cannda now havo them In stock and report a constantly Increasing demand for thtm. DEMAND FOR UMBRELLAsI City llnKlneor HoneiTntrr Tnlks of the I'reslilentlnl Inmigti rntlon, ''Washington was n sea of umbrellas the day of the. Inauguration. Early In the morning the weather was pleasant and than It began to rain. It was Impossible tq en joy the ceremonies because of the brigades of umbrella-carriers, who stood every where and shut off tho view," said City Engineer Andrew Rosowntcr, who has Just returned from Washington. "Tho men In tho tarado wero so thoroughly drenched that It was almost Impossible to tell what they would havo looked like under normnt conditions. "Ono noticeable feature was the slight applause which greeted Admiral Dowey and General Miles. They rode together In tho paradd and the applause they called forth wns very faint. Everywhere I heard poo pic remarking about the lack of enthusi asm over tho naval hero. "Dowoy was a very striking figure His Inrgc, gray moustacbo stood out In strange contrast to tho gay uniform ho wore He resembles his pictures so much that It can not bo said that tbo crowds failed to recog nize him. Several Washington men re marked to mo that on many occasions the public has shown tho samo coldness toward tho admiral which characterized tho Inau guration crowds, "McKlnley seemed to be the one man In whom everybody was Interested. Tho rainy, dlsagrccablo weather did not dampen the enthusiasm of tho crowds sufficiently to prevent tho president from receiving n rousing reception all along the lino of march.' On his return from Washington Mr. Rose water stopped In Chicago and had a consul tation with City Electrician Ellicott con cerning subwnys and tbo best plan for bury ing electric wires. "Mr. Ellicott tells me that In his opinion n city should own Its own subways and bo nblo to regulato wires. In many of tho streets In Chicago various companies havo constructed their own subwnys, and tho streets nro so thoroughly underlaid that It Is nlmost Imposslblo to find space for addi tional ducts. Ho says that In tlmo Chicago will bo compelled to force all wires Into subwnys that nro controlled by tho city," said tho city engineer. "The streets aro continually torn up by tho various com panies which aro repnlring their wires and ducts. "ny forcing all theso companies to use a common subway repairs could be conflaed to n small portion of the street nnd tbo public would bo spnred tho Inconvenience caused by tho continual tearing up nnd relaying of paving." TAKES PART IN DISCUSSION Superintendent I'ciirae linn Hid. Sny About I'nlillc School System. Superintendent Fearso said when asked about tho reported statement of a High school teacher concerning an entering class of forty from tho eighth grade: "It Is hardly likely that a teacher made such a statement. Sho or ho has probably 'been misquoted by soma ono In reporting what wns Bald. If, howover, a'ny teacher made such n statement I havo no doubt tho sumo pupils could bo tnken after receiving her Instruction In English nnd a test could bo given them which would show results upon which quito or damaging statements could bo based as thoso which wcro attributed tc( the teacher referred to. "Tenchers sometimes fall Into tho habit of criticising pupllB received from teachers In tho grades below. Sometimes, of courso, pupils nro not as wpll prepnfed In somo or all subjects as they should be. It Is notice able, howover, thnt tho best teachers aro tho ones leant likely to mako comment of this kind. Teachers of the eighth grado In Omnhn nro nlmost without exception well prepared, skillful teachers, who do good, thorough work. "I'uplls who enter tho High school find themselves In such different atmosphero nnd under bucIi different conditions that they do not apptar to advantngo until they bo como accustomed to their new surroundings, new methods of work and new teachers. Until this feeling of newness nnd strange ness hns worn off theso pupils nro easily disconcerted, and by questioning them In a stylo different from that to which thpy are accustomed might bo mado to appear Ig norant concerning things about which thoy wero really well Informed. "A teacher who Judged hnstlly or did not understand her pupils nB well as sho might would perhaps conclude that they did not know tho striicturo of nn English sentenco, or wero doflclent In Home other Important department of knowledge. High school teachers should be, nnd usually nro, scnslblo nnd conslderato In theso matters and ro member thnt college and university peoplo often mnko tho snmo criticisms upon pupils received from tho High school that High school teaehera aro sometimes disposed to mako upon pupils received from tho grndes below." "I had n running Boro on my left leg for seven years," writes Mrs. Jas Forest of Chippewa Falls, Wis., "and spent hun dreds of dollars in trying to got It healed. Two boxes of Ilanner Salvo entirely cured It." No other sulvo so healing. Meyors Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store, South Omaha. THIS BEATS THE COAL MAN FornKern for I'nel Hip Vp Ilonril Side lvnlli In Ghoulish (Slee. Wooden sidewalks In outlying portions of tho city nro disappearing with a regularity which convinces tho street commissioner that many families arn making retrench ments In their coal bills. Men nro kept busy all tho tlmo fllllug cinders and dirt Into tho holes which aro loft In wnlks by wood thieves. This Is dono to protect tho public from Injuries nnd to prevent dnmago suits agninst tho city. Hoards havo been stolon from walks in nearly all parts of tho city. In the vicinity of Thirty-third and Hamilton streets city employes huvo found that the sidewalks havo buffered worso than In nearly any other ne'ghlorhood. Extensive repairs havo auo been inndo at Thirtieth and Doulevard streets, Twenty-first and Grant streets, Seventh nnd Mason streets nnd ou West Leavenworth street. Tho paving bill which Is now pending In tho leg sl.turo provUes that temporary side walks of rlnders or gravel may bo laid. In cuso this bill becomes n Inw wooden side walks will bo done away with. PROMOTERS LOSE INTEREST Omnliii A Fremont llnllwny Franchise (lurntlon In Almost n Ileml Issue, "The promoters of that railroad seem to havo dropped out of sight." bo remarked Commissioner Hoctor nt tho county bonrd meeting yesterday when tho recommendation of tho Commercial club as to tho provisions of the Omaha & Fro mont franchise wero read. Thero wns no ono prrBcnt with nny Interest In tho rnll- road project and tho commissioners let the Commercial club communication slide Into tho file rack without ceremony. It Is stated on good authority that tho Fremont frnnchiso, In tho form recoin mended by the Commercial club Is not no ceptnblo to tbo promoters of the enter prise and they havo given up all hope of securing a favorablo contract with the county. The members of the county board believe the Incident la almost closed, THJfc. OMAHA Sour Stomach? Back up a sewer, and you poison the whole neighborhood. Clog up liver and bowels, and your stomach Is (ull of undigested food, which sours and ferments, like garbage In a swill-barrel. That's the first step to untold misery Indigestion, foul gases, headache, furred tongue, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that Is horrible and nauseating. CASCARETS quietly, positively stop fermentation In the stomach, make the liver lively, tone up the bowels, set the whole machinery going and keep It In order. Don't hesitate! Take CASCARBTS to-day and be saved fr;om suffering i aTaTaTaTafaW -aTaTM aanTaVaTaW jos. KiiEnuno. THIS IS THE TABLET . OtTAKAJITKB TO CURE nil bwUrtiblM, npendlltU, biliousness, rysslai, bnd blood, wind on thn atomncfe. blonted bowU, foal mouth, fdah Indlcrttlon, plmnlrs, imlnsaxter cuttaic, Her troablot antlotr com plexlon ood dlmzlaru. Whrn your bowrla don't raoro rrjrnlnrlr yo nro feCOoc olck. Constipation kills mora Boonlo than all other dlMaorstocrther. a atarter for thn ehronle allmenta nnd lonir yeara ofanarlna; that coiaa arterwarda. Tio matter what all. yon, itnrt tnkfna; CANCAKKTM today, for y will n!Trr rt well and bti well nil the lime until you put your bnwela rUht. Take our adtlcet atart with OARUABETS today, under an abaolnto aaaraatea to cure or money roTunded. Ui OMAHA WRAPPED IN SNOW Downy Flakei ai Largt ai Bauctri Oomo Down in Bnnohei. STORM OF TWO YEARS AGO IS RECALLED AV'entlier Man, Mounted on Top of Uncle Sntn'a Hip; Iloime, Clmoklen lu Glee nnd Snj There's More to Conic, t Omnhn is enveloped In enow. Precipita tion started at 12:40 o'clock yesterday. Preceding tho downpour of snow, n raw, damp wind provalled for several hours, which mndo the smart young man sorry that ho had rushed tho season with his spring ovorcont. Tho chango from wind to snow wns a relief. Street car traffic was moro or less handi capped early In tho progress of tho storm, but prompt action on tho part of an army of workmen Is keeping tho tracks clear and tbo cars will perhaps contlnuo to run oven though thero may bo somo variation from schedulo time. Itccalla Another Storm.. Two years ago, on March 11, thero was a snow storm which mnrked an epoch In tho history of Nebraska weather. In fact, It was ii blizzard and many citizens wcro caught down town nnd forced, to remain away from homo over night by reason of street car blockades. Tho storm of two years ngo was vividly recalled yesterday and many peoplo wondered If thoy were to bo compelled to repeat tho cxperlcnco of two yenrs ago nnd walk home. That day, two years ngo, tho north nnd south cars wero snowbound by 8 o'clock In tho evening und tho Harney nnd Fnrnam lines gavo up nn hour later. Tho present storm bus indications of staying qualities and tho weather man on top of the federal building said he could nco enough snow coming down tho slopes of tho continental dtvtdo to keep up the fun until some tlmo Sunday. For two days tho weather has been of nn uncertain character. Friday night there was Indication of rain and Saturday morning tho amateur prophets of tho streets cljaugcd tneir announcements to snow.- Nobody vns surprised, therefore, when tho storm begnn nnd tho only question was as to how lung It was to last nnd how had It was to be. Temiirrntiirc Tnken tt Tumble. Tho tempcraturo dropped to the neigh borhood of 30 degrees and at 12:10 o'clock tho snow began to fall. All through Friday night it hnd been coming down tho eastern slope of tho Ilockles. Saturday morning It had reached North Platte, from which camo thn report of two-tenths of nn Inch cf snow. Tho direction of tho storm Is southeast, having spread all over tho northwest. Tho Indications nt tho weather bureau nro that tho storm will extend over tho Mis Bouri valley Into tho region of the Missis sippi and 'along tho lakes. Snow Is ex pected In nil of theso localities: No great chango of teraperaturo Is an ticipated. When tho snow began It was about tho freezing point and tho belief nt that tlmo was that the mercury would not vary more than 4 or 5 degrees, JUDGE STRAWN'3 TWO WILLS In Iloth Instrument the Wife I Nnmed n Hole Heir to Katiitr. Rose E. Strawn, tho widow, has applied to the county court to probate tho will of tho lato Judge Wlnflcld S. Strawn. Sho says tho estato consists of S2u,000 worth of real cstnto and $3,000 worth of personal property. Tho interested parties, aside frpm the widow, are threo brothers and threo sisters of tbo deceased. Two wills of tbo late Judgo Strawn nro on flJo In tho county court. Ono was mado on July 21, 1890, and tho other on Septem ber 23 of tho samo year. In both wills Mr. A Novel Feature for Ottiaba. On Friday, March 15, 11. I'edmestky open tho Grent Western Turkish Hath In stitution, which will bo tho llnei-t equipped nnd most thoroughly nrrungvtl of uny west of Chicago. Mr. I'edmestky just recently returned from New York City, whero he procured the services of threo expert opera tors. He. Intends making tho jilurh strictly up to ditto nnd Ih putting forth every effort to innkc tho Institution complete In every detail. Tim cooling room, tho hot room, thn plunge und tho massage rooms nro un questionably tho llncht over neon III Omaha. The resting upnrtmentH nro also strictly modern. Tho manugement Intends to af ford tho customers every convenlenca pos slblo and Invites public Inspection. TJIH NOVKli FKATL'HU connected with this concern Is n llnely equipped barber shop. The chairs will ho conducted by YOPNO I.ADIKS, nnd each one bus credentials to show that she Is a pustmaster nt tho tnnsorlal art. Mr. Pud meslky Imported the young Indies trom Chlcngo nnd ho guarantees lhat there nro no barbers In Oninlm that can excel them at tho trnde. Remember the opening day, Z' rlday, March IS. 107 Bouth Hth Street. DAILY BK13: STfNDAY,, anaate '"Ict-t. - BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. Strawn bequeaths all of his proporty to his wife, the only difference In tho two Instru ments being that tho later ono provides that the wlfo shall bo tho solo executor uader tho will. Manner Snlve, Tetter, eczema and skin diseases yield quickly to tho marvelous healing qualities of Ilanner Salve. Mado from a prescrip tion of a skin specialist of worhfcwldo fame. 25c. Meycrs-Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store, South Omaha. CITV OFI'ICIAI. NOTICUS. NOTICE OF THE SITTING OF THIS CITY COUN CIL AS A HOARD OF EQUALIZATION. To tho owners of the lotB, parts of lotH and real cstnte described herein or nluttlug on or adjacent to tho streets, alleys or avenues herein named or situated In wholo or in part within nny of tho dis trict heroin upecltlcd, und all being within tho city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska: Yoir and each of you nro hereby notified that tho city council of thn city of Omaha will sit u h ii Hoard of K'qunllzatlon at tho council chamber in the city hall, Omaliu, Nebraska, tliroo days, from 10 o'clock u. Ai. until 6 o'clock p. m., commencing Tucs duy, March 12, 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., for tho purpose of considering and equalizing tho proposed levy of special taxes and as sessments as shown by "Proposed Plans of Assessment" prepared by thu city engineer and approved by tho Hoard of 1'ubllo Works and now on flfo In tho ofllco of tho city clerk, and correcting any errors therein and hearing ull complaints that tho owners of property so to bo assessed and taxed may make; said special taxes and ussess mcnts proposed to bo levied being neces sary to covc& tho cost of tho Boveral Im provements' duly authorized to bo mado and now completed, as follows: To cover tho cost of damages awarded nnd cost of appraisement under nnd In iiurHUaiico of Ordinance No. 4682, for tho purpose of opening Hrowno street from 24th street west through tax lots 2 nnd 3, section 4, township ir., rango 13, amounting to tho sum of Jl.212.S0, which sum It Is proposed to nssess upon tho lots and rcul estato specially benefited by snid opening, as follows: ,,,.. Lots i nnd 8, block 2, Andrews & Henson'H Addition, at J3.00 each J C 00 Lots 9 and 10, block 2, Andrews & Henson's Addition, at J3.60 each 7 00 Lots 11 nnd 12, block 2. Andrews & Henson's Addition, at JI.Oo ench 8 CO Lots 0 und 7, block 4. Willis Park Vlnee, at JUO each., 9 00 Lots S and 9, block 1, Willis Park Place, nt Jj.ih) each 10 P0 Lot 10, block 4. Willis Park Placo 6 00 Lots 1 to C, lncliisle. block 1. Lessen- tlno's Harntoga Addition, at J3.M) each 21 00 Its 1 to 6, Inclusive, block 2, Lessen- v tlno's Saratoga Addition, at J3.50 ench 21 00 Lot 11, McEnteo's Addition 1 40 Lot 12, McEnteo's Addition 2 SO Lot IS, MoEntee'M Addition 4 20 Lot II, McEnteo's Addition 6 tiO Lot 16, McEnteo's Addition 7 00 Lot IB, McEnteo's Addition S 40 Lot 4ii, McEnteo's Addition S 40 Lot 47, McEntee'H Addition 7 00 Lot 4 McEnteo's Addition 0 GO Lot 4!t, McEnteo's Addition 4 20 Lot Do. McEnteo's Addition 2 NO Lot M, McEntee'H Addition 1 40 Lot U block 1. Oxford Place 10 w Lots 2 to ii, Inclusive, block 1, Ox ford Place, at SliO.OO each 100 00 Lots 7 to 11, Inclusive, block 1, Oxford Place, nt JC.00 each 30 00 Lot 12, block 1, Oxford Place 3 W Lots 1 to U, Inclusive, block 2, Oxford Place, at J20.00 each 120 00 Lol 7 to 12. inclusive, block 2, Ox ford Placo .III ench 3fi 00 Lot 31, Taylor's Addition 10 00 Lot 42, Tnlor'H Addition 14 00 Lot 43, Taylor's Addition 12 CO Lot 41, Taylor's Addition 11 !0 Lot 45, Taylor's Addition ,.. 9 80 Lot 1, Warden's Sub 4 20 Lots 2 to 6, Inclusive, Warden's Sub, nt $4.00 each .t 20 00 That part of ax lot 2, section 4-15-13, lying north of Hrowno street ns opened 335 00 That part of tax lot 3, section 4-15-15, lying south of Hrownu street ns opened 350 00 To covor the cost of dnmnges awarded and cost of appraisement, under and In pursuance, of ordinance No. 4725, for tho purpose of opening and extending 33d street from Hurt street to Cnss street, amounting to the sum of J10.957.00, which sum It Ib proposed to assess upon tho lots and renl estate specially benefited by sold street opening, ns follows: Lot 1, subdivision block 1, Hernia Park.J22 00 Lot 2, subdivision block 1, Hernia Park. 17.W Lot 3, subdivision block 1, Hernia Park. 13 00 Lot 4, subdivision block 1, Hemls Park. 11 00 Lot 5, subdivision block 1, Hemls Park. 10 00 Lots 6, 7. x, 9, 10 and 11, subdivision liloek 1. Hemls Park, at J9.00 oachT. . 51 00 Lot 12. subdivision block 1, Hemls Park 10 00 Lot 12, subdivision block 1, Hemls nark 11 00 Lot 14, subdivision block 1, Hemls ParK 14 00 Lot 15, subdivision block 1, Hemls Park 18 uo Lot 10, subdivision block 1, Hemls Purk 23 00 Lot 17, subdivision block 1, Hemls Park 24 00 Lot 18, subdivision block 1, Hemls Park is 00 Lot 19. subdivision block 1, Hemls Park 15 00 Lot 20, suudivision uiock i, itemls Park .., 412 Oil Lot 21, subdivision block 1, Hemls Park 10 00 Lota 22. 23, 24. 25, 20 nnd 27, subdivi sion block 1, Hemls Park, at J9 each.. 51 00 Lot 2 subdivision block 1, Hemls Park 11 00 Ixit 29, subdivision block 1, Hemls Park 12 00 Lot 30, subdivision block 1, Hemls Purk 15 00 Lot 31, subdivision block 1, Hemls Park 19 00 Lot 32, subdivision block 1, Homts Park 13 00 Lot 1, subdivision block 0, Hemls Park , 20 00 Lot 2, subdivision block , Hemls Park 19 00 Iyit 3, subdivision block 0, Hemls Park 10 (0 Lot 4. subdivision block o, Hemls Park 13 00 Lot 6, subdivision block C, Hemls Park 11 00 Lots 6, 7 and 8, siibdlvlsluu block ti, Hemls Park, at J9.00 each 27 0) Lots 9 to 15. Inclusive, subdivision block 6, Hemls Park, nt Jlo.OO each 70 CO Lots 10 and 17, subdivision block fl, Hemls Park, nt Jltl.00 each 32 00 Lot 1!, subdivision block 6, Hemls Park 23 00 Lot 19, subdivision block 6, Hemls Park - 28 00 Lot 20, subdivision block 6, Hemls MAKCH 10, 1001. bro. lor obV tb.w "After I was Induced to try CA8C.1 HETS, I will never be without them In tho house. My liver wis In a very bad shape, and my hoad ached and I had stomach trou ble. Now, since taking Cascarct-i, I feci flno. Mr wife has also used them with beneficial results for sour stomach " Jos. Kitcnuno. 1921 Congress St., St Louis. Mo. orr ARA!VTr.En TO rtlltEi Fhr yrnra no I be drat box of CAS CAKRTA waaaoltl. Now It l.nttr alx million boxra a yrar, areater than any almllar medicine In the world. Tbla la nbintute proof or arent merit, and onr brat trattmunlnt. We hiiTrTullh, and will aril CANCAKKTH abaolatrly saaruuteed to eure or money refunded. On buy todity, two 60 hoxea, alve thorn n. fnlr, hoar at trlnl, us per aim file direction., nnd If yon nro not antlafted nfter uslnff one fiOe hm. return the nnused AOc box and tho empty box to ii a by mull, or the druggist from whom ynu pttrchnaed It, nnd act your money ImrU for both boxea. Take onr nil vice no matter what alia you stnrt todny. Health will quickly follow anil you will blcs the dny vnu Krai atartrd the uao afUAdOAKKTH. ltnok free by mall. Addi maUlil 1UIDT CO., . Ists srCsltaf. CITY Ol'FICIAb .NOTICES. I'arlt 40 00 Lots 21, 23 and 23, subdivision block 6, Bemls Park, nt J23.00 each 63 00 Lots 21 and 25, subdivision block C, Homts Park, at J2I.00 each 48 00 Lots 20 and 27, subdivision block 0, Hemls Park, at $23.00 each 40 00 Lots 1, 2, 3. I and 5, subdivision block 7, Hemls Park, at J9.00 each 45 00 Lots 0, 7 and 8, subdivision block 7, Hemls Park, at $10.50 euch 31 50 Lot 9 subdivision block 7, Hemls Park.. 17 50 Lot 10 subdivision block 7, Hemls Park. 21 ") Lot 11 subdivision block 7, Hemls Park. 35 00 Lot 12 sllbdlvHIou block 7, Hemls Park. 23 CO Lot 13 subdivision block 7, Hemls Park. 22 50 Lot 14 subdivision block 7, Hemls Park. 22 CO Lot 15 subdivision block 7, Hemls Park. 21 fo Lot 16 subdivision block 7, Hemls Park. 21 00 Lot 1 subdivision block 8, Hemls Park.. 15 00 Lot 2 subdivision block 8, Hemls Park.. 45 00 lAl 3 subdivision block 8, Hemls Park., to no Lot 4 subdivision block 8, Hemls Park.. 22 00 Lot 5 subdivision block 8, Hemls Park.. 20 00 Lots 6 and 7 subdivision block 8, Hemls Park, at $12.00 each 21 00 Lots 1 nnd 2, block 9, Hemls Park, at $19.00 each 3S 00 Lot 3. block 9, Hemls Park 42 50 I.rf)t 10. block 15. Colleen Place.. 14 0) Lot 12, block 16, College Placo 21 0) Lot 13, block 16, Collego Placo 2H 00 Lot II, block 16. Collego Place 41 00 L.ots t und 4, lsvamr addition, nt J11.00 each 22 00 Lots 2, 3, 5 nnd 6. Evaua' addition, at J10.00 each 40 00 Ixit 7, Evans' nddttlon 17 00 Lots 8 to 14, Inclusive, Evans' addition, at $3.00 each . 33 00 East 500 feet of block "A." Hawthorno addition (except part taken for 33d street) 43 00 Lot 1, block 1, Hawthorno addition.... 53 00 Lot 2, block 1, Hawthorno addition.... 12 00 lit 3, block 1, Hawthorno addition.... 01 00 Lot 4, block 1, Hawthorno addition.... 4D 00 IOt 5, block 1, Hawthorno addition..,. 45 00 Lot fi, block 1, Hnwthorno addition.... 47 00 Lot 7, block 1, Hawthorne addition.... 46 00 North 40 feet lot 8, block 1, Hawthorno addition t 30 00 Lot 10, block 1, Hawthorno addition.... 40 00 Lot 11, block 1, Hawthorne addition.... 3S oo Lot 12. block 1, Hawthorno addition.... 37 00 Iotn 13 and 14. block 1, Hawthorno ad dition, at $35.00 each 70 Q0 Lot 1, block 2, Hawthorno addition.... 61 jo Lot 2, block 2, Hawthorno addition.... 63 00 Lot 3, block 2, Hawthorno Addition.... 61 oo Lot I, block 2, Hawthorno Addition.... 60 to Lot 5, block 2, Hawthorno Addition.... 4S no Lot 6, block 2, Hawthbrno Addition.... 47 On Lot 7, block 2, Hawthorno Addition..,. 43 00 Lot 8, block 2, Hawthorno Addition.... 43 00 Lot 9, block 2, Hawthorno Addition.... 42 0) Lot 10. block 2, Hawthorno Addition 10 00 Lot 11, block 2, Hawthorno Addition.... M oo Lot 12, block 2, Hawthorno Addition 3S 00 Lot 13, block 2, Hawthorno Addition.... 36 00 Lot 14, block 2, Hawthorno Addition.... ;io 00 Lot 15, block 2, Hawthorno Addition 16 00 Lot 36, block 2, Hawthorno Addition.... 16 00 Lot 17, block 2, Hawthorno Addition 16 00 Lot 18, block 2. Hnwthorno Addition.... 17 00 Lot 19, block 2, Hawthorno Addition.... 17 no Lot 20, block 2, Hawthorno Addition.... IS (0 Lot 21, block 2, Hawthorno Addition.... 19 00 Lot 22, block 2, Hawthorno Addition 19 00 Lot 2.1, block 2, Hawthorno Addition.... 20 00 Lot 24, block 2, Hawthorno Addition..,. 21 00 Lot 25, block 2, Hawthorne Addition.... 21 00 Lot 26, block 2, Hawthorno Addition..,, 2J uo Lot 27, block 2, Hawthorno Addition 22 00 Lot 28, block 2, Hawthorno Addition.... oo Lot 1, block 9, Hawthorno Addition.... 31 Oo Lot 2, block 9, Hnwthorno Addition.... 21 Co Lot 3, block !. Hawthorno Addition.... 17 00 Lot I, block 9, Hawthorno Addition.... 10 CO Lot 6. block 9, Hawthorno Addition..., 10 00 Lot 6, block 9, Hawthorno Addition.... 10 00 Lot 1, block 10, Hawthorno Addition.... 16 Oo Lot 2. block 10, Hnwtliornu Addition.... 20 00 Lot 3, block 10, Hawthorne Addition.... 22 00 Lot 1, block X Hillside. Addition No. 1.. 21 00 Lot 2, block.3. Hillside Addition No. 1., 17 00 Lot 3, block 3, Hillside Addition No. 1.. 11 00 Lot 4, block 3. Hillside Addition No. 1.. 10 00 Lot 5, block 3, Hillside Addition No. 1.; 10 W Lot 6, block 3, Hillside Addition No. 1.. 10 00 Lot 7, block 4, Hillside Addition No. L. 10 00 Lot 8, block 4, Hillside Addition Nn. 1.. 13 00 Lot 0, block 4, HIMsldo Addition No. 1.. 12 00 Lot 10,block 4, Hillside Addition Nn. 1. 11 00 Lot 11, block 4, HlllJldo Addition No. 1. 14 00 Strip of ground lying cast of und nd Jolnlng block 4. Hlllsldo Addlton No. .1, known us prlvato street 23 00 Lot 1, block 4, Hlllsldo Addition No. 3.. 31 00 Lot 2, block I, Hlllsldo Addition No. 3.. 23 00 Lot 3, block 4, Hlllsldo Addition No. 3.. 18 00 Lot 4, block I, Hlllsldo Addition No. 3.. 16 00 Lot 6, block 4, Hlllsldo Addition No. 3.. 10 00 Lot 6. block 4, Hlllsldo Addition No. 3.. 9 CO Lot 7, block 4, Hlllsldo Addition No. 3.. 9 00 Lot 8, block 4, Hlllsldo Addlton No. 3.. 9 00 Lot 9, block 4, Hlllsldo Addition No, 3.. 9 00 Lot 10. block 4, Hlllsldo Addition No. 3 9 00 Lot 11. block 4, Hlllsldo Addition No. 3 9 00 Lot 12, block 4, Hillside Addition No. 3 10 CO Lot 13, block 4, Hlllsldo Addition No. 3 16 CO Lot 14 .block 4, Hlllsldo Addition No. 3 19 CO Lot 15, block 4, Hlllsldo Addition No. 3 24 00 Lot 16, block 4, Hlllsldo Addition No. 3 33 00 Lot 9, Hillside Rt'servn 9 CO Lot 10, Hlllbldo Reserve 9 00 Lot 11. Hlllsldo Reserve 10 00 Lot 12, lllllsldu Reserve 18 00 Lot 13, Hlbsldo Reservo 20 00 Lot.14, Hlllsldo Pesurva 7 00 Lot 15, Hlllsldo Reserve 6 00 Lot 10, Hillside Reservo 19 00 Lot 17, Hlllsldo Reservo 17 00 Lot IS, Hlllsldo Reservo 9 00 Lot 19, Hlllsldo Resurvo it Co Lot 20, Hlllsldo Recsrve SCO Lot 1, block "Ai" Lowe's Addition 21 Oo Lot 2, block "A," Lowe's Addition 13 CO Lot 3, block "A," Lowe's Addition 11 00 Lot 4, block "A," Lowe's Addition 6 00 Lot 5, block "A," Lowe's Addition....'.. 6 00 Lot 6, block "A." Lowe's Addition 6 00 Lot 1, block "F," Lowe's Addition 22 00 Lot 2, block "F," Lowo's Addition 13 CO Lots, blnck "F," Lowe's Addition 11 CO Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 und 9. block "F," Lowo's Addition, at $7.(0 each 42 00 Lot 10, block "F," Lowe's Addition 11 00 Lot 11, block "F." Lowo's Addition.'... II CO Lot 12, block "F." Lowe's Addition.... 23 Co Lot 1. block "fl." Lowo's Addition.... 21 00 ! Lot 2. block "!." Luwo'H Addition.... 15 00 1 Lot 3, block "G," Lowo's Addition.... 12 00 i Lots I, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, blnck "O," Lnwo Addition, at $7.00 each 42 00 Lot 10, block Lowe's Addition.... 13 00 Lot 11, mock "u, i.owo s winiiion iu vi Lot 12, block "O," Lowo's Addition.... 25 00 Lot 1, block "M," Lowe's Addition.... 26 CO Lot 2. block "M." Lowe's Addition. .. 16 00 LnfO, block "M," Lowo's Addition. .. 13 00 Lots 4. 6. o; 7. S nnd v. block "M," Lowo's Addition, at $8.00 each 4S 00 Lot 10, block "M," Lowe's Addition.... H 00 Lot 11. block "M," Lnwo's Addition.... 16 W Lot 12, block "M," Lowo's Addition.... 27 00 Lot 1. block "N," Lowo's Addition.... 28 00 Lot 2. block "N." Loue'B Addition.... 17 00 l.iit 3, block "N," Lowo's Addition.... 11 W Lot 4, block "N," Lowo's Addition.... 9 00 Lot 6, block "N," Lowo's Addition.... 8 00 Lot 6, block "N," Lowe's Addition.... 8 00 10c. 25c. 50c. NEVER SOLD IN BULK. DRUGGISTS CITY OFFICIAL NOTICF.S. Lot 7, block "N," Lowe's Addition.... 8 00 Lot 8, block 'S," Lowe's Addition.... 9 00 Lot 9. Mock "N." Lowo's Addition.... 9 00 Lot 10, block "N," Lowe's Addition.... 15 00 Lot 11, ulock "S," Lowo's Addition.... 17 00 Lot 12, block "N," Lowe's Addition.... 29 00 Lot 1, block "S,1' Lowe's Addition.... 30 00 Lot 1, block "H," Lowo's Addition.... IS CO Lot 3, block "S," Lowe's Addition.... 15 CO Lots 4, 5, 6. 7. & nnd 9, block "S," Lowo'.l Addition, at $9.00 each 54 00 Lot 10. block "H." Lowe's Addition.... 16 00 Lot 11, block "H," Lowo's Addition.... 1'JU) Lot 12. block "8," Lowo's Addition.. .. 31 CO Lot 1, block "T," Lowo's Addition. ... 32 CO Lot 2, nlnck "T," Lowo'h Addition.... 19 W lsil 3. block "T," Lowo. addition 16 00 Lots I, 5 and 6. block "T," Lowe.s nd dttlon, at $10.00 each SO 00 Lot 1, block 5, Lowe's 2nd addition.... 92 00 Iit 2, block 6, Lowo's 2nd addition.... 40 00 Lot 3, block 6, Lowo's 2nd addition 41 00 Lot 4, block 5. Unvo'a 2nd addition 93 00 Lots 1, 2 and 3, block 2, lowo's sub, at $1.00 each 12 00 Lots 4 nnd 5, block 2, Lowe's sub, lit $.-..00 each 10 00 Lot 6. blnck 2. Lowo's Sub S 00 Lot 7, block 2. lnve's Sub 9 00 Lnts 8, 9. 10, 11 ,12 and 13, block 2, Lowo's Sub, at JI3.C0 each S CO T ot-11. liloek 2. Lowe's Hub... v. 9 60 lit 15. block 2. Lowe's Sub 8C0 t.ntx tfl mid 17. block 2. Lowe's Sub, at $3.60 each i 11 00 Lots lis nnd 19, block 2, Lowe's Sub, at $1.00 each 00 Iit 20. block 2. Lowe's Sub 6 00 l.otn 1. 7. 3. 18. in and 20. block 3. Lowo's Sub, nt $4.00 ench 24 00 t iu J r. It; nnd IT. block 3. Lowe's Hub, at $3.00 each 20 00 LOt 6, UIOCK if, liOWO H BUD o VI Lot 7, block 3. Lnwo's Sub. 9 00 Lot 8, block 3, Lowo's Sub 10 00 Lot 9, block 3, l,owo'H Sub 11 00 J.OIH 10, 11. 1. lino U, UIOCK J, HUWU a Hub, at $12 00 each 4S 00 I M 14, block 3, Lowe's Sub SI 00 Iwit 15. blnck 3. Lowo'h Hub 8 00 Lots 10, 11. 12 anil 13, Lindsay's nddl- Hon. at $5.60 each..... 22 00 Lot 14, Lindsay's addltlnn 8 60 Ixit 15. Lindsay's addition 9 60 Lotn 16. 17. 18 nnd 19. Lindsay's nddl- Hon, at $ll.0i) each 4t 00 Lot 1, Morsman Park 13 00 Utt 2, Morsnian Park 13 00 Lot 3, Morsman Park 11 " Iit I, Morsman Park 12 ") Lot 5, Morsman Park 11 00 Lot 6, Morsman Park 11 0 Lot 7, Morsman Park 26 W Lot 8, .Morsman Park -i oo Lot 9, Morsman Park 27 (W lit 10, Morsman Park 16 00 Lot 11, Morsnian Park 4 00 Lots 6. 6 and 7. block 8, Omaha Vlow addition, at $2.10 eiich,...' 0 30 Lot 8, block 8, Omaha. View Hddltlon.. 3 50 Ixit 9, block 8, Omaha View addition.. 4 'J) Lot 10. block 8, Omaha View addition.. 7 00 LotH 5. 6 nnd 7, block 9. Omaha low addition, at $1.60 each... 4 60 Lot 8. block 9, Omnhn View ni d t on.. 2 60 Lot 9. block 9, Omaha Vlow add Hon.. 00 Lot 10, block 9, Omaha View uddltlon.. 6 () Lot 11, block 9, Omaha View addlt nn.. Jj Lot 12, block 9, Omulia Vlow add It on.. 3 00 lint 13, block 9, Omaha View addition.. 3 00 LotH 14, 15 and 1G. block 9, Omaha View addition, ut Jl.bO each............ o 40 Lots 5, 6 and 7. block 10, Omaha View n.i.iitlnti. nt !) cents each 2 ,0 Lot 8, block 10, Omaha View addition.. 1 60 i mi CO CO 40 T.nt in l.loek in. Omaha View addltlnn. -co Lots 11, 15 and 16, block 10, Omaha View uddltlon. at $1.20 each............ 3 CO Lots 16, IT and 18, block 11, pmuhn View addition, at 00 cents each....... 1 80 Lot 19, block 11, Omnha V ew add t on. 1 00 lxit.20 block 11, Omaha View addition. 1 2a Lots 21, 22 and 3, block 11, Omaha View addition, nt $2.00 each............ 6 00 Lot 21, block 11. Omaha V ow Add on. 1 .a Lot 25 block II. Omaha View Addition. 1 00 Lots 26, 27 and 2S, block 11, Omaha View Addition, it $0.60 each ' Lot 1. block 12, Omaha Vluw Addition. 3 I Lot 2. block 12. Omnha View Addition. 1 Lot 3 block 12, Omaha View Addition. 1 I Addition. II fiivn - - J. '.' .. 'i. In I... ri,.u, Aililltlnn 3 111 80 50 Lots 4, 6 and 6, block 12, Omnha View Addition, nt $0.90 each............ ..... 2 i0 Lnts 19, 20 and 21, blnck 12,. Omaha Vlow Addition, ni i.-v u acn. ........... o r Lot 22, block 12, Omaha Vluw Add t on 2 Lot 23, block 12, Omaha V ew Add t on .2 Lot 21, block 12, Omaha Vlow Addltlo'i 4 i ni i tiinek III. Omaha Vlow Addition. 6 40 00 00 Lot 2, block 13, Omaha Vlow Addition. 3 00 Lot 3, block 13, Omaha Vlow Addition. 2 50 Lots 4, 5 and 6. block 13. Omaha vVIow Addition, at $1.50 euch. ..... ............ 4 60 Lots 19, 20 und 21, block 13, Omnha Vlow Addition, at $1.80 eacn........... 5 40 Lot 22, block 13, Omaha Vlow Add tlon. J Lot 23, block IS. Omnha View Add I on. 3 W Lot 21 block 13, Omaha Vlow Addition. f Lot 1, block 11. Omaha Vlow Add t on. 7 00 Lot 2. block 14, Omaha Vlow Add on. 4 J) Lot 3, block 14, Omaha View Addition. 3 CO Lots 4, 6 and 6. block 14. Omaha Vluw Addition, at $2.10 each............... ... 6 30 Lots 19, 20 and 21, block 14. Omaha TOnTnl IB blunt ; 22 Omilhd View Extension, at $3.00 each 9 00 Lot 1. block 2, Park Place 67 CO Lot 2 block 2, Pnrk Place CO 00 Lot 3 block 2. Park Placu . ... .......... .111 oo East 67.23 ft'Ct of lot 4, block 2, Park Place .........10100 West W.25 fcot of lot 5, block 2, Purk Place 118 00 Lot . block 2, Park Place 102 M Iot 7, block 2, Park Placo 69 00 Lot 8, block 2, Park Placu 66 oo Lot 25, block 2, Park Place 56 W Lot 26, block 2, Park Placo 69 CO Lot 27, block 2. Park Placo 102 00 West W.25 feet of lot 28, block 2, Park Pluci 148 00 Eust 57.25 fect of lot 23, block 2, Purk !t ri nek 10. umillia view uuuuiuii.. Lot 10. block 10, Omaha View in i t on. J Ixit 11, block 10, Omaha View add t on. 4 Lot 12. block 10. Omulia View addition. 2 Lot 22; block II, Omaha J ew AH It on. 4 00 Jut 23 block 14 Omu iu V ew Adt loll. 4 to Lot 2lblock 14, Omaha View Addition. 8 Oo l ot 1 block 15, Omaha V ow Add Hon. 9 00 Lot 2 h dock 15 Omaha View A( d It nn. 6 40 Lot 3 b ock 15 Omab.i View Addition. 4 60 ots 4. 6 and 6, block 15. Omnha Vluw Addition, at $2.70 each 810 M.ntr AK I tin. ILL SJ.-iU Ull Ull. Lots 19, 20 .mu -i. oiocu ii. View Addltlnn. at $3.00 'ench. ....... ... 0 CO lot 2" block 15, Omaha View Add ton. co i nt 23 block 16 Omaha View Addition. 6 p0 Lot 2t I. ock 5 omaha View Addition. 10 oo 1 ots 6, C and 7, block 21. Omaha View l.'xteiislon. at $2.10 each 7 20 Lot 8. I lock 21, Omaha View Extension 4 00 i nt S block 21, Omn in View Extension 4 bO I St 10 block 21. Omaha View Extension S W Lnts 6. 6 and 7. block 22. Omaha View intension, at $2.70 each 8 10 Lot 8. lock '22. Omaha View Extension 4 50 Lot 5 block Omaha Vlow Extens on 5 40 Lot 10. block 22, Omaha Vlow Extension 9 CO I I t 11 block 22, tiiuahu Vlow Extension 10 ou Lot 12 block 22, Omaha Vluw Extens on 6 oo CITY OFFICIAL MITICi:.". piaco ....u . . . .?.7...... 101 00 Lot 30, block 2" Park Placo Ill 00 Lot 2, block b. Pnrk Placo 0 00 East 127.T5 feet of lot 3, block 6 Park Place KS 00 West ij of lot 4, block C, Park Place 107 00 East ii lot 5, block 6, Park 1 Mitre 70 00 West , lot 6. block 5, Park Place 32 00 J.ot 7, block 6, Park Plnre 63 00 Lhts i to ( inclusive, rotter Cobb'a , Sub, at $Ui each ...i 6 00 Lot 9, block "U." Prospect PInco...... 30 00 Lot 10, block "H," Prospect Plnco 13 tO Lot U, block "11." Prospect Place 11 CO Lut 12. block "II," Prospect Place 9 00 Lnts 13. n, ii. nnd if., block "H." Pros- peel Plate, at $0.00 each 21 00 Lots 1, 2. 3 nnd 4. ulock "C," Pros- , 'T0-1 aco' ,lt iM tnvh 24 00 Lot 5, block "C," Prospect Placo 9 f It 6, block "C." Project Plnco 11 60 Lot .. block C." Prospect Place 13 00 Lot K, block 'V." Prospect Plnco 31 00 Lot 9. block "IV Priianeet l'liieo M 00 Lot 10, block "C," Prospect Place 13 00 Lot 11, uiock "C, Prospect Placo 12 00 Lot 12. block "C." Prospect Place 10 00 Lots 13, 14, ti n'ld 16. block "t" Pros pect Place, at J0.W each 2 00 Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, l lotk "U," Prospect Place, at 17 00 euch ;s 00 Lot 6, block "It," Prospect Plnre 10 00 Lot 0, bloc k"ll." Prospect Place 12 00 Lot 7, block "It." Prospect Place 14 00 Lot 8. block "II." Prospect Place 3J 00 Lots 1 nnd S, Shcltun's Hub, nt $11.00 each 28 00 . Lots '2, 3, 6 and 7, Shelton s Sub, at $13.00 cue!: 52 W Lnts 4 and 6, Hhelton's Sub, nt $8.00 each tit nt Lot 1, block 4, Hununlt Plnco 7 00 Lot 2, block 4, Summit Place 6 00 Lot 3. bloik I. Summit Plnco r, oo Lot 4. block 4. .Summit P arn 4 nn Lots 6 and 6, biock 4, Summit Place, nt N.oo each r, oo Lot 7, block 4, Summit Place 2 00 Lota S nnd 9. block 4, Summit Place, at $1.23 each 2 M Lot lo, block 4, Summit Plnco 2 Oo Lot 11, block 4, Summit PInee 3 60 Lot 12, block 4, Summit Place 6 00. Lut 13. block 4. Summit Place 6 00 Lot it, block 4, Hununlt Plnco s oo Lot 15. block 4, Summit Plnco 9 00 Lot 16, block 4, Summit Plnco 11 00 Lot 17, block '., Summit Placo 13 00 Lot 18, block 4, Summit Plnco 15 00 Lot 1, block 6, Summit Place 15 00 Lot 2, block r. Summit Placo 13 00 Lot 3, block f. Summit Ptaco 11 00 Lot 4, Mock 6, Summit Placo 9 00 Lot 5, block 6, Summit Placo 8 00 Lot 6, bljck 6. Summit Placo IS CO Lot 7. block 6, Summit Plnco 8 t) Lot 8. block 6, Summit Plnco 3 00 Lot n. block 5. Summit Placo 4 (O Lot 10, block 5, Summit Place S CO Lot II, block 6, Summit Placo 6 00 Lot 12, block 6, Summit Placo 7 00 Lot 1, block 7, West End Addition ... 7 00 1ot 2, block 7. West End Addition. .. 18 no Lot 1, block 8, West End Addition .. 2 00 Lot 2 block V, West End Addition,... 9 CO Lots 3, 4 and 5. block 8, West End Ad dition, at $6.00 each IS oo Lot 6, block 8, West End Addition.... loco Lot 7, block 8, West End Addition .. 11 i) Lot 8. block 8. West End Addition.... 19 no Uit 9. b'ock 8, West End Addition... . 21 no Lot 10, block 8, West End addition 16 0) Ixts 11. 12 nnd 13, block 8, West End nddltlon, at $11.00 each 42 00 Lot 1, block 9, West End addition 3o 00 Lut 2, block 9, West End addition 20 00 ljot 3, blnck 9. West End uddltlon 27 00 Lot 4, block 9, West End addition 26 00 Lot 6, block 9, West End addition 25 00 Lot fi, block 9. West End nddltlon 21 01 Lot 7. block 9. West End addition 22 In) Lot 8. block 9. Wesf End addition 21 ) Ixit 9. block 9. West End nddltlon 19 00 Lot 10, block 9, West End addition 11 CO Lot 11, block 9. West End nddltlon 10 1)0 Lots 12, 13 mid 11, block 9, West End nddltlon, nt $0.on each is 00 Iit 15. block 9. West End addition 9 0) Lot 16 und 17, block 9, West End nd- dltidii, ut $10.00 euch 20 CO LotH IS and 19. block 9. West End uddltlon, ut $11,00 each 22 (0 Lots 20 und 21, block 9, West End ad dition, at $12.00 each 21 00 Lot 22, block 9, West End addition 13 00 Lot 1, block 10, West End addition...,. IS 00 Lot 2, block 10. West End addition 7 0) West 250 fcot tax lot 2S, section 9-15-13. 1(0 10 East 260 feet tux lot 29. section 9-15-13.. 410 (0 West 250 feet S. W. L of S. E. 'i of S. W. U section 9-15-13 wo oo West 250 fect of tax lot 35, section 16-15-13 as CO West 250 feet of north 832 feet tax lot 32, section 16-15-13 720 no Sub lot 2 tax lot 7, section 21-15-13 39 ft) Sub lit 3. tax lot 7. section 21-16-13.... 3S 00 To cover tbo cost of constructing sewer In sower district No. 251, amounting to tbo sum of $4S5.72, which sum It is proposed to assess upon thn lots mid real estato In cluded lu sold district according to special beuclltH pro rata per foot frontago nt tho rnio or h.vzvk per loot, lis tnnnws West 23S feet sub lot 4, tux lot 63, section 10-15-13 S2I2 $6 West 128 feet sub lot 5, tax lot 65, section 10-15-13 130 61 Sub lot 6 tax lot KT, section 1015-13.. . 40 K8 Sub lot 12 tax lot 65, section 10-16-13.... 20 til Sub lot 14 tax lot 63, section 10-15-13... . 34 70 Sub lot 15 tax lot 65, section 10-15-13.... 6 12 To cover tho cost of constructing sower lu sower district No. 255,iiinouutlng to tho sum of $192.62, which sum It Is proposed to nssess upon thn lnts anil real estate cluded lu said district according to beuclltH pro rata per foot fruntngo at tbo rata of $1.0319 per foot, as follows: West 38 feet lot 4, Howe's addition 39 32 Lot 6, Howo's addition n 33 LotH fi. 7, 8 und 9, llowo's addition, nt $41.10 each 163 CO West 238 feet sub lot 3, tax lot 53, section 10-15-13 jpj 31 To cover tho cost of constructing sower In sower district No. 266, amounting to tho sum of $'31.9I, which sum It Is pro posed to nssess upon the lots and real es tato specially benefited by said sewer con struction, us follows; Lot 2, block 13, Deer Park (except part taken for boulevard; $;s C7 Iots 3 to 9. Inclusive, block 13, Doer Park, at 42,62 each 233 34 Lots 10, 11 and 12, block 13, Deer Park, at $12.01 each 127 83 Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, block 13, Deer Park, at $12.62 each 213 10 Lot 18, block 13, Deer Park (except part taken for boulevard) 31 CO Lot 1, block 4. Hazel Terrace 71 01 Lot 2, blnck 4, Hazel Terrraco 12 cy North half lot 3, block 4, Hazel Terrace 21 31 Lot 6, block I, Hazel Terraco 5i 01 ' To cover tho cost of constructing sewer lu Sewer District No. 257. amounting to thu sum of $968.48 .which sum It Is proposed to assess upon the lots und real estato In cluded In said district according to special beuclltH and according to the usual back process, pro rata per foot rrontaga at thu rata of $0.38623-13 per foot, ns follows: Lot 13. block 2, Cntnlpn Placo $17 96 Lnts 14, 15. 16, 17 mid 18, blnck 2, Catalpa Place, at $19JI2 each 96 6i LotH 19, 20, 21, 12 and 23, block 2, Catalpa Place, at $19.31 each 90 65 Lut 24, block 2, Catalpa Place 17 96 Lot 1. block 1, Clarendon 18 U Lots 2 to 11 inclusive block 1, Carcndon Addition, ut $19.31 each 193 10 Lut 12, blnck 1, Clarendon Addition.. 18.15 Lots 21, 22, 23, 21, 25 und 26, Durant Place, ut $17.3" each 104 21 Lot 1, Flacks nub Catnlpa 2nd) 12 36 Lot 2, Flacks sub (Catalpa 2nd) 11 97 Lot 3, Flack's Sub (Catalpa 2nd) HOT Lot 4. Flack's Sub (Catalpa 2nd) 12 75 Lot 1, Frederick's Addition IS 64 Lots 2, 3. I and 5, Frederick's Addition, nt $19.31 euch 77 21 Lot 6, Frederick's Addition 18 15 Lot 1, Marlon Plnre 18 64 Lots 2, 3, 4, 6 and 6, Marlon Place, ut $19.31 each 96 65 West 132 feet block 7, A. H. Patrick's Addition 03 73 Sub Iocs 3 and 4, tux lot 15, section 9-15)3, at $31.67 each '.. 63 31 To cover tho co-t of tearing down build ings, under and lu pursuance of Ordinandi No. 4836, amounting to tho sum of $14. lo, which sum It Is proposed to assess upuo lot II, block 5, Kountzo & Ruth's Addition, frnm which said buildings wero removed, To cover tho cost ol constructing per manent sldowalks, done under contract with tbo Grant Paving Company, amounting to tho sum of $672.11, which sum It Is proposed to ussevs upon tun cast 132 feet ot tux lot 33, section 27-16-13, olung nnd adjoining which said walks wero constructed. Tho "usual fccullng back process" to wblch reference is made 111 this notlcu Is as fol lows: One-third of such pro rata cost upon tho one-sixth purt of tho whole, amount of tho ground to tu assessed llrst abutting upon the street lino along said Improvement. One-fifth of such pro rata cost upon tho second one-sixth purt of thu whole amount of said ground next adjacent. Ono-slxth of such pro rata cost upon tho third one-sixth part of tho wholo amount ot snld ground next adjacent. And three-tenths of said pro rnta cost upon thu adjacent or remaining one-half of suld ground. You uro further notified that snld "Pro posed Plans of Assessment" nro now sub ject tn tho Inspection and examination of nny of Hiu. owners of suld lnts or pieces of rcHl estate, or of any other person In terested In said proposed assessments, at thu ulllco of tho city clerk, und that It Is propose!! lhat, unless for good und spfllclent cause It ni-ty bn otherwise ordered und de termined, the .cost of asld Improvements, re spectively, bo assessed on the several lots, nurts of lots und pieces of real estato, us shown by said "Proposed IMuns of As sessment." Ylm, and each of you nro horoby notified to uppuar bolero said Hoard of Equalization ut thu tlmo and placu above specified, to mako nny complaint, statement or objection you may desire concerning nny of sala proposed IuvIch and assessments of special taxes. Omaha, Nebraska. March 6, 1001, W. II. ELHOURN City Clerk. F. W. UANDIIAUKR, Deputy.