THE OMAHA DAILY 13J3J3: SATURDAY, MARCH 0, 1901. Telephone 691. Choice New Suits 'ATI our new, bandsomo Separate Skirts wo ready for your npproval price from 7.C0 to $50.00. Handsomo stylcu In Wnlklng Skirts. WE CLOSB SATURDAYS AT O P. M. AGBSTS roil KOSTUR KID GLOVES AXD McCALI9 PATTERJIB. Thompson, Beldeh 8. Co. V. M. C. A. nUILUISCJ, COR. lOTII AND DOUGLAS STS. owh home nnd u Mr llurnlmm from Tlldcn. I pnld no uttrntloti t thlH package except to lay It on the desk, expecting to give It to Mr. Thomssen. but before 1 noticed IiIh presence In tho house ho canio over to tny desk himself. unking .for It. and I handed It to him, not knowing what It wan, Q, Wah tho pneknge uddreHMCd to Mr. ThomHHnn? A. There whm no address on It. y. Who hnniled you thts package? A. Mr. Drtiendow, h 1 came In from the cloakroom with these friends of mine, lie asked mu If I hail Keen Mr. Thomssen. Ho mild he was looking for htm and hail a package for him. 1 Haiti I liad not seen him and wont on lo my denk, Mr. Drue low came till later nnd naked me If I would kindly hand that to Mr. Thomssen. That is my recollection of It. DrnrnliMV n l'lilliiiilliroilnt. Mr. Druesdow's evidence was takon up chiefly with assuring the committee of his good motives In supplying members with bills requested by them for tho purpose of Introduction. As to tho bills handed by him to Mr. Ilarbcr he said: Druesdow-l want thin explanation right. I have known Mr. Barber for six. seven or eight years. Sntnewhcto along about the 10th or 15th of Jniiunry h said: "Huvo y' J got a copy of Home telephone bills? I told him yes and hu wild that they were Intro, duccd, that is. bills regarding telephone matters, and n he muted before the com-inlttei- ho Hcnt them out to his homo at Krnnklln and had them copied. I never saw the bills and did not know what he did with them. They were bouse blllH. He re turned the old bills. 1 never had u ti Ik with him on the subject until last eiMies day. when the bills were Introduced. That Is nil 1 know about nny telephone, tele graph or railroad blllH. directly or hull rently. or nnyway. . ... .. Q. What do you know about this bill (In dicating exhibit D? , A. This bill? About two weekH ago Sen ntor Meredith nnd myself were at the Lin dell hotel. Wo walked around mid had a drink together. Now, you hcc. that by com mencing here It leaves something clso out. Q.-DId you deliver this bill then to Ben ntor Meredith? , . . A. The bill was In my room nud I to d Senator Meredith not to Introduce that hill. G. Ho went to your room7 here were the bills when he entered your room; a M'i..iv n'or.i mi the. dresser ami mere wns a kind' of u Htnnd there, and they wore on the stand or in that tirnwer, Q. Now. will you statu whyoii prepared nil ineso uiiih .' . I ,... ,.vlll,, It IMlllpMll'll I WIIH 111' terosted at the time In several bills here nt the legislature and there am members that hnvu coma to mo and requested me. I win toll von of one member: Senator Meredith says to mo ' ,, Q. Name Homo other. Wcie thero nny n.AH mivtlu, til Villi? A. Mr. Thomssen asked me for a bill and there was one member asked mo about an nrteslnn well bill, but 1 cannot recall who It WAS. Ilia Peculiar Kviiliiiiiitlon vmi i(Y.r imv explanation why a mnii in thn Insurance bUHlhCHH should be nuti..l 111 tllf.HH lllllH? . A. I will tell you. It whs Just this way. v.iii tnw.i tlin nni! bill of Mr. Thomssen h I .. ... int..r.cii,.,i in Hint unit If vou will no Hen these bills here thero was not one that i imvn reniiesteil anybody to Introilueu wltli .i... ..r iim lump 1 1 1 1 1 . There are two bills that I am Interested n here I if the lcglslnturo and they were not Introduced by mv reuuest. Tho other la on tho rebate llfn Insurance. . Q.-I want you to confine yourself to the iiiiiwiiol ilicsn uartles. A Kvrviinn of them was by reuuest of theso parties with tho exception of tho beer bill and I wish to Htato that there Isn't any man 'who can state tnni i uireeuy or nun. rcctly approached him on any matters per taming io uuw, ikthuw i iui Ho went on to explain that tho bills wero copied from old house, rolls and scunte tiles of previous legislatures and which he had preserved files of tho printed bills Mr. Harbor's explanation was that his activity with reference to tolephono bills wns purely out of patriotic regard for the teleohono company, which ho was anxious to protect nnd assist without nny thought of compensation. Ilarbcr said, .ho was at BLOOD HUMORS But for Them Most; People Would Be Well and Strong. ...... not merely free from pimples and other eruptions, but from internal do-(- . rangements that more and' more imperil the whole system. " These vitiated or morbid fluids affect all the organs and functions, ' membranes and tissues. , Hood's Sarsfiparilla removes all humors, cures all their inward nud outward effects, makes the blood pure, vigorous and rich. It does this most quickly in the spring but it always docs it. "Wo cannot apeak too highly of Hood's Saraapa rllln. We have used It for yeara. Have, taken It for strengthening the system and purifying the blood and for Inflammatory rheumatism. It can not be excelled." Mrs. Delia Darber, Herrlck, Neb. "We have used Hood'a Sarsaparllla In -our fam ily very successfully as a spring medicine nnd for that tired feeling, general debility nnd Impure blood. It Is the best tutdlclno te know of." Albert Q, Cornell, Marihfleld, Mo. Deo, March S, 1901. - Finely Tailored. IN HEADY TO WEAK GAUMESTfcS Our aim is lo soil only the choice and so lect designs. Common, every day styles are found everywhere. Our suits have the fine, distinguishing touch so much de sired by well dressed women. Princess Skirts are much admired. We have them. Some of the new gowns are a revelation of beauty and the prices not high. Elegant stylos from $20.00 to 15.00. All fiiir new Petticoats, both In "black taffeta Bilk and mercerized goods aro now being shown In our Clonk Do nartment. The people who fit our Suits, Skirts and Coats nro all experts. Lincoln In conucetloii with senatorial mat ters, It being well known that no is Melkjejqhn nttachu. ' llornn'H lliinlnens n( l.liieolu. Tho only other testimony of special In teres! Is that of cX-Henrcscn'tatlvo 0. S Mornn of l'lattc county, who modcBlly ad mlttcd that ho had gono down to Lincoln to attend tho legislature nnd tako bath for the benefit of his health. Ilo'ndmlttci that ho hud approached Ager of tho Dur llngton with a request for a pass for him self, hut Insisted It wns oh the" strength o his previous connection with tho legislature Ho claimed to he a special friend of itep rcscntntlvo Tanner nnd volunteered to glv Agcr some Information. O. Did vou say to Agcr that Tanner' vtimiuitu ivi.ri lli'll Vv I .v. no. Mir. i iio noi inuiK ho. i cunuu UAii Will. 1 Mlldttlll. Q. Did you say tliat nis wire whh hickt A. Yoh. sir. And right there 1 beg your mrdon. I may have said that Mr. Tanner s xiiciihch were Heavy una tnni his wne whh sick, but have no recollection of stating mo condition iu nis iiiiiurn in uim nun-. Mr. Ager and I nlwayH got along well to gether and 1 may hnvo dono It In Mint con nection. Moran admitted having had n conversa tion with Hewlett about the ittate fair bill. Moran Mr. Itewlrk came to me about nn appropriation for the stato fair. I cannot recollect everything mai was sain, i ioiu him I did not know as to that and be spoke something with regard to It nnd Mr. Tan ner anil somebody else who were oppnseu o the bill, ti ml wanted me to see Mr. 'run ner. I told lilm t did not Know wnnt 'run ner would do In regard to It. 1 opposed this permanent location two years ago. y. Did you suggest that he shuuld pay anybody anything? a. .MyHeii. Q. Any particular num mentioned? A. I wanted $100. 1 told him I couldn't Htay here, that 1 waH going home the next my aim coiuu noi imoru to stay nere wun expenses. 1 opposed It two yearn ago, nut now, I looked upon It'us ii Htntc Institution mill woinii nave io ou niippn.irti tin 'oucn, that I considered it legitimate and that I thought 1 could conscientiously worK for It, nnd then I hiiUI to him: l can only do this. 1 can go to the memberH T am acquainted with and call tp' their attention; the merits of .this, bill." ftml I outlined the: way that I would.tallt to them. "Now.'1 1 Hnid, "1 want yoi to understand that this! is all 1 enn do," and I snur tnni ii .was permanently located here' and a state in stltiitlon and tbm X believed It ought' to bo taken up by tho state, and that If that wiih worth anything to him I wanted some- tliltig lot it. Pnl Xti Price mi Jlemlitjru. Moran "denied emphatically that he bnd told nWlck that he could got anybody to vote on some measure for. a consideration of $10 and still more emphatically, that ho claimed ho could control other votes for $5- Moran's attitude ou tho pass question Is Illustrated by tho following, after explain ing that he was a fusion member of tho IubI legislature and of tho legislature. preceding: .Q. 1 think you stated you hnd requested of Mr. Ager n pass over 'the lines hero In Nebrnskn? A. Yes, Mr. Q. Had you been In the habit of hnving piiHses? A. Yes, sir, I htfve had pussealnco I hnvo been a memlicr of the legislature. Ecsciuni Care. Ao Pnjr. Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles. Your oruggiBt will refund your money If I'AZO OINTMENT falls to cur you. ra cents. Pish nnd nme lllll In Defenlrd. JKFFKKSO.N CITY. Mo., Murch 8. Sen ator's fish and gsrac bill was defeated In tho senate today by n vol of 12 to 1. Under tho terms of tho measure no person could kill nny nnlranl or birds except for scientific use. It also created tho oltlco of fish and gnmo warden at a salary of $2,000 a year. Among other restrictions tho bill would have prevented women wearing feath ers In their hats. Hood's SarBoporllla promises to euro and keeps tho promise, ABSENTEES ARE THE FEATURE Annlyenarj cf HajnarrVi Election Bringi No Remits, CHANGES -ARE FEW AND UNIMPORTANT I'dtiiM or All the Lender Mimv tin; Cited of Short Atleiidnoci Xo I lid leu tin im of llellultc Itl'fttlltH. llnllotK- :ir. iio. :i7. :m. 4ii. Allen till ill Uii r 17 lii Lefue .... ..... . .. l C II, 11 OKI ...... .. 7 7 7 II II Clinic lit 111 lit lit 10 lit lllctriel i! 11 - I 1 .. lllll I'lllUIOII . . . . 1 it !( U lliiru 1! - it U I 1 IIMclll'iM'U HU Uil !l IT O HIiihIiiiiv II tl lit 111 '22 21 Kln..lild U 14 1! U U 1 .Mm tin i :i i :i a a Mfiuipjuiiii ....:io ao :tr as an ao .Morion i a a .. .. Huxl-twlter ..... II !. in It I." IO TiioniiiMiiii, i). i:. ;io :ir. ;ir :io :io :tn 'I'iioiiiiimuii, t . ii. j7 n s no it -it n ct hoi i io a a a a a LINCOLN, March S. (Special Telegram.) Absentees wero again tho feature of tbu ballot for senator. Some Interest attached to the voto today on account of Its being the anniversary of the election of' Senator Hayward. Tho vote: Allen UKInkald 1 lieruo :i Martin 2 Crounso .i.UellUelotili 26 C'urrlo II luiM-wiiter It) Hitchcock liTnoinpmin, D. i:... & Hinslmw 2l'i'noinpsun, W. li... it tlarlitu I Vvuiliuroiu - Harrington j Volt; Ill llotnll. Tho republican voto was: Andrews u. li. Thompson, MclUloJolin. A r.imlbl 1 1 null ii ... I'nrrli. ' Armstrong L). li. TliumpHon, Alcikk'john, uuiurigu curriu, ltosc water, ijcetiiu U. k.. inoiiiptyjii, Alclklujohn. lleekiy D. 1.. I'lioiiiuaou. .Unlklcjulin. iierlul D. i:. TliutiipBon, .Mclnlfjulm. uuaniT lilnnlui is, Kieiltlejonn. " itruucricK imiBiiuw. curriu. brown of Furnas l). li. Thompson, uiounse. liuresn lllnshaw, Hose water. Cain 1S li. Tnoiiipson, .lulKieJohn. Ltiineer iiliibiuu., mij.uv.iin.-l. Crlscy D. K. Tiiumpsuu, Meiklcjohn. Ciuuiihc nlimliuw, cjirio. Kugur D. li, ilioiupsuu, Crounse. livuns lilusliiiw, MclKleJohti. l''o.sier D. L.. Tliuinpauii, .Mclklojohn, i ntin icli U. i. i noinpsoii, currlu, Uallugly Wethureld, Muiklejohu. Uuwiii. Wctticrclii, MelKlejulin. Hall D. U. Thompson, Kusowater. iiarian u, j:;. unompgun, utirrie. lliuris D. K. TtioiupHon, MelKlejohn. llutliurn iliiishuw, .Melklfjolin. lnuiieri D. li. TnoiiipDon, .Meiklcjohn. llortun KiuKulil, MelKlejohn. Johnson ot Phelps D. i. Thompson, ltosew (iter. Latllu li. li. Tliotnoson, Ourrle. Lriine, D. t,. 'Ahoiiipauu, (Jurrio. Lowe U. li. Tnumpauu, iMelnieJohn. Martin D 12. Thumpton, Crouusc. Mct.arger I) li. 'i nompsou, Crounse. McCarthy lllnsuaw, Itoncwutvr, McCoy .da run, iiubuwuler. Mead lllnshaw, Hose water. AR'iiuuiniaii iiinHliaw. nose water. Mockett D. li. Thompson, MelKlejohn. iMuilfii Hinshaw, itosuwnter. ' Newull Li. li. Thompson, Currle. ulubiiu ot Cuming iiinsnuw, crounse, O'Neill D. li, Thuiiipaoii, Currle. uwens lunsnaw, ciiriie. ltohwer llliifliaw, Crounse, banuall Hill Kin, .Melitlejohn. bcott D. li, Tliumimon, Currle. bhellhorn li. li. 'Ir.ompsun, Crounse. Bpcitcor D. 13. Thompson, Mclklejohn. mecle lUiishaw. MeiKleJohn. Bteliuneycr D. li, Thompson, Melitlejohn bwuiisou iiinsnuw, uruuuse. TefTt li. H. Thompson, currle. Yrompon u. 15 ii(omiior),,Croansc, Tweed HlnslmW Melitlejohn. -l In lllnshaw. J;oi"uwuier. Vun UosKlrk li, li. Thompson, Melkle latin. Warner D. H. Thompson, Meiklcjohn. WlnUnore liinshaw.rKosewatctv . Wlletax lllnuhaw. Hosuwater. .. VVllklnson-D. li. 'l'hulnpoii, Melklejohn, Young Auirtlu, llosewntur. Mr. Speaker D. li. Thompson, ItosCwuter,, Absent or not voting: SmUhDerger.J WCJ1ZI, .Mien, ui!oii, joiivciiiii, currle, Humphrey, Mfirshnll, rcpniillchns! Webber, HtockweliriK'nll. jieecner. Pitnoy. jjaintnen Llohty, Cuinpoell, .liuntur, ,1'eislngeiv VUIKtr, wnrniK, wtttsgn, tusiunutis. PoIIIIch mill .No rm ii I .Selioiiln. Tho stubborn light over the normal "achool bill Is not readily Understood by spec tntors, to whom It appears to be a sec struggle for a division -of tDe ap proprlatlons In behalf of tho western part of the state. The performances that hnvo been pulled off from the sunato chamber have bordered closo onto the fnrco comedy and nro worth fully double. tho price of admission. Kvcry technicality of parlla mcntnry practice is resorted to by the friends and opponents of the measure to such n degree as to bewilder tho most ex pert parliamentarian who1 might happen to occupy tho chair; tuo only wonder Is that the inotluns, points of order and questions of personal privilege hftvo not been more Inextricably mixed up. The fact Is, how over, that oven tho most anient friends of the bill hnvo long slneo given up any Idea of getting It transformed Into lnw, but they have been egged on by tho fusionlsts, who havo for tho most part lined up In favor of tho bill solely for the purpose of putting Uovornor Dietrich In an awkward post tlon. The governor has practically glvon it out that ho will veto tho hill If It evor reaches htm and the fusionlsts nre anxious to force him to make good his word, with the Idea that a veto will be so much po lltlcal capltul for them In the Fifth and "I used Hood's. Sarsaparllla ns a blood purify Ins medicine and found It did all H was claimed to do. It strengthened my stomach and braced up my eyetem generally." Cornelius Gardner, Eagle, Neb. "I had sores on my faco when I began taking Hood'a Sarsaparllla, but since taking two bottles ot this medicine I have had no more sores. Mag gie arlfftn, Trenton, Mo. Sixth districts, whose people have been per suaded to bcllevo thai two normal schools nro almost within their grasp, Sofnrns the fusionlsts nro concerned, therefore, 1 -eir eagerness to pass tho bill Is entirely In sincere and prompted only by n desire to put tho governor In tho hole. Slnleineii t friini Mr. Sirrrlirr. Ilepresentatlvo Sprecher has furnished Tho lice with tho following statement, re questing that It be published: Tho published slntemont that I nm 'prominent In opposition to Itosewnter' haa no foundation, I am not in favor ot nu tleuns or combinations of any kind on the senatorial question and 1 certainly would not In nny such proposed tleups voto as n populist for n republican for senator whom I" would not voto for If 1 were n repuu- llcan member. Ab to Mr. Itosewater, I consider him tho nblcst man of any repub lican mentioned for tho scnntorshlp. fur ther, ho ought to be, Btid I believe Is, the most neceptablo to the rank and file of tho populists of tho stato of any republican, owing to his pa.U record on anti-monopoly measures nnd nis refusal to support men nominated by his party whom he considered simply corporation tools nnd not men of tho people. It was his fight on such lines that mndo It possible for tho populists to elect their first govrrnor of isoDrasKn While Mr. Itosewnter has fought the popu list party hard and while I do not Indorso his Ideas nor acts In many respects, yet I nm not In anv way lighting hltn, as pub Ushcd. The worst feature In connection with an election of Hoscwatcr by nny fUBlon votes would be tho slap It would give to Mr. Hitchcock. Aside from this one point. Mr. Hoscwatcr would bo very acceptable to me." Iteliirn of Hie (iinernur. Governor Dietrich, accompanied by sev- crnl members of his military staff, turned tonight from Washington. ro He went Immediately to his homo nud re ftnlued from speaking of stato matters for publication. Ho conferred with LleuteVint Uovornor Savage and I'rlvnto Secrctnry Lindsay relatlvo to tho fire at the peni tentiary, hut announced later that ho would havo nothing to hay concerning his plaus uutll tomorrow, and possibly not then. When nsked If ho would call a special ses sion of the legislature for unllnlshed busi ness. Oovcrnor Dietrich said: "It may be advisable, to call a special sesslori. but further than this 1 have nothing to tay." General Harry Insisted that the Nebraskn delegation made a hotter appearance In Washington than tho representatives of any other western state, Illinois not. ux ceptcd. "Kverythlng wns In our favor," said lie. "We had a complete mart, our horses wero better, and altogether It was the bet look ing staff. The members of Governor Yntes' start nro millionaires, but In the Inaugural exercises money wns not thu only thing that counted." SENATE TO AID SOUTH OMAHA fluirler lllll llelnii lltmlipil ho Thill It Will llponmo ii l.niv cxt Week. LINCOLN. Mnrch S. (Special.) In the scnuto this morning houso roll 160, known as tno south umana cnurter inn, was brought up, tho committee amendments ndopted and the bill advanced to a third reading. It will be taken up nud pnssod early next week and will probably be signed by the governor nnd become a law beforo next Thursday. There wnH some ob Jcctlou raised to rushing the bill through lri this irianner, a "motion prevailing nt one time U, .luy.(IUoyp untl.1 Mondny In order that- SonatofcJiaidrigo might nnvc an op portunlty to acqunlnt niniBclt witn tne pro visions of tho bill, but when tt wns ex plained that thu bill had been practically agreed upou1 Whei various committees frnrii South OidalinA arid that It wub very ctMiendat 0iat K berfmo,'U law before next Thursdny.Sonatdr .nalilrigo consented to tho bill being ndyanq'rid to Its third read ing. ,; riiinl SelioolH In Ili-iit. Tho .only reference made to normal schools lictbe snuito, today was xontnlned III n motion by Senator Currle, who moved that further discussion of the bill bo made u special, order for next Tuesday after noon at 2 o'clock.' Senator Currle was ex cused from duty today and his motion was simply to preveift"any disposal b'olng made of tho bill during his nbseiirc. The motion was r.dopted without opposition, Senator Martin lemarklng that by that tlmo tho anils would ho ready to renew the fight with moro vlgcr than ever. The meeting of the senate committee on "ugly rumors" which wns to have taken place last night did not materialize, but according to Senator Harlan, the chairman of tho committee, a report will be mado be fore- lnany days. "There havo been no charges filed with our committee," said Senator Harlan, "but we propose to make, a personal Investigation to ascertain If thero is anything In these ugly rumors and If nny member cr any outsider lias any charges to make, wo are ready to give him n hearing, However, I do not think we will have any thing sensational to report. So far aii this legislature Is concerned, In speaking for the senate, I am ot tho opinion that this -Is as clean a body of men as ever congregated Iti tho legislature of this state." The, uroma of good cigars filled tho senate. chancer this afternoon, as soon ns the sonntu had resolved Itself Into .committee ot tho whole, Senator .Martin arose and stated that be had a motion to make, "At tho request ot tho senator from Doucltiv, who Is too modest to make tho motion him self' said; Senator Martin, "1 wish to mako ii motion that 'the rules bo suspended nnd that bmokliig bo permitted on the floor whllo wo nro In eommltteo nf tho whole now about us fellows wnu havo no cigars?" said Senator Ilcutlng. I move that tho secretary bo Instructed to furnish tho senators with cigars," said Senator Martin; and In a fow moments Sen ntor McKlssnn was circulating among tho members with a box of good cigars, Tho source from which tho cigars wero obtained will probably furnish material for the com mlttce on "ugly rumors." Routine Work of (lie Moil'. The suuate this morning listened to a pe tltlon signed by 125 Omuha worklngmen, asking tor the passage ot senata flic 257, Senator Llddcll'B bill providing for a frco employment bureau. Tho petition wns placed on flic. In compliance with a motion made yester day by Senator Currle, that n committee of three bo named to confer with a Ilka committee from tho housu an house roll 117, relating to tho manner in which con Btltuttonal amendments shall lie submitted, the chair today named as tho committee Senators Currle, Owens nnd Hansom. Senuto tile 76, by Van llosklrk, legislative redisricting bill, was reported for passage aud went to the general file. Sennto file SOU, by Harlan, relating to town boards, also went to general file. (.'oininlttee of (lie Whole. Five bills were considered In eommltteo ot the whole this afternoon, Senator Zlcgler being In tho chair. Four wore recom mended for passage, tho measure which met tbu fato of Indefinite postponement bolug sonate file U'J, a. bill by Edgar ot Gage, which provides for the trial by Jury In certain contempt cases. It was also the only measuro which brought out any dis cussion, vigorous speeches being mado against It by Seuators Crounso, Martin and Hansom, the author of the bill being the only ono speaking In Its behalf. The bills which were recommended for passage wore ns follows: S, F. HI. by Martin DennliiK train rob bery and providing a death penalty wherg loss of life results from hucIi rbbcry. 11 it. 1X0, by Wenzell-For tho relief of tcrtuln cltUciw of Puwneu county. S. 1 202, by Young-curative net. 8. l- l'j t'urntlve net. Tho eommltteo nroso shortly beforo 5 o'clock and the senate Immediately took an adjournment until 11 o'clock Monday. house anTfreTght rates 'Wnt'lii I'IkIi Conies li llirr Hie OHIn lllll AfTt'CtlHK I.I c- Mtoek SlilpinenlB. LINCOLN. March S. (Special.) The houso closed the legislative week today with two exceptionally busy sessions. Tho gen eral file was Hwolled by the nddltlon ot several bills reported from the stnndlna committees nnd n number of measures wero favorably recommended by the committee of tho whole. The major portion of the morning session was devoted to a discus sion over the ndvancement of house roll 255, by Ollfs. The act wub only recently re ported from the committee on railroads, and therefore, was occupying n place al most nt tho foot of the general file. A motion to advance tho bill for eommlt teo of the whole was lost by a small mar gin, but afterward n motion carried to In struct the sifting committee to recommend It for consideration In the commltto of th whole on Tuesdny. The bill wns In tho hands of the rnll roud committee of the house since the fourth week of tho session, and nearly ull railroads In tho stato had attorneys and representatives on the ground to fight lis progress. The measuro relates to tho shipment of live stock nnd llxcs tho maxi mum rate to bo charged, it was brought out In tho nrgument nnd testimony that tho nronostd rates aro about 10 per ccat less than the rates now In force. The committee nppolnted to Investigate tho origin of suspicious bills reported this morning that It was unable to submit a complete report of tho testimony, nnd by it voto the report filed yesterday was mado a spcclnl order of business for consider ation Monday morning, at which time tho tcsUmony will he produced. Uy n vote of DS to 13 tho house this afternoon voted to ndvnnce fcenate file ii, relating to the Incorporation of villages ot from 5,000 to 10,000 population. On this motion the vote when first taken wan Bllchtlv In tho negative, but afterward a call of the huuso was ordered and after several absentees wero brought In It car rlcd by tho voto mentioned. Itenrcsentntlvo K. M. Waring of Holt county, ono of the fusion members, roll nnd Borlously sprained tho tendons In his right leg yesterday. Just beforo tho cIoro of the session tho houso resolved Into committee of tho wholo and reconsidered tho ndoptlon of the amendment to the Btipremo. court commls slon hill, by which tho oourt was dlrcctod io appoint noi less man nvc ui iuu uuni mlssloncrs from tho political party casting a majority ot votes ut the Inst general elec tion and four from other parties. Kepro- sentatlvc McCarthy, tho Introducer of tho nmendment asked for the reconsideration nnd his motion carried without opposition Representative Lauo Introduced a resolu tlon to uuthorlze W. 11. H. Stout to mako the stato a party to a damage sJlt nrtslng from the old prison contract. It was as serted that Stout had sustained damages to the extent of $3U'.K, this being tho sum named lu a Judgment given by tho district court of Lancaster county. After some further discussion tho resolution was tabled on motion ot K.dmondson. l'nrincr Killed In IlnutiMiiy. YORK, Neb., Murch 8. (Special,) Wll Ham I'eiper, a German farmer of Heaver township, this county, was In stantly killed while returning to his borne COFFliK HITS HARD. AIiiionI Killed ii Callfornln tilrl. A young lady In California had a remark able experience with coffee drinking. The details urri most Interesting to anyonu who even suspects that coffee Is damaging to tho health. She says: "I drank coffuo from a child, and n fow yenrs ngc my health be gan to break down, everything I uto or drank distressed me, nnd I settled Into a chronic form of dyspepsia accompanied with a hendacho every morning, and wns very Irritable most of the time. I could not sleep without taking a sleeping draught Whllo a. first tho pains in my Btomacu wero slight, they kept growing worse, until finally tho most whulcsomu food nnd drink would cnuse Intense ugony, and n few mlu utes nftcr eating 1 would hnvo to throw everything up. My doctor had been telling me for some time that eorteo wns hurting me, but J did not believe It wns true, for 1 saw many people drink colfeo nnd thrSght I could. Of course, In this condition 1 could not sustuln my llesh and strength, and 1 lost In weight from 18.1 pounds down to 00 pounds, and became n perfect skeleton, starving to death In n land of plenty. I wns confined to my bed and dying by Inches The doctor told mo there was no cbanco of my over getting well as my stomach was worn out. They had begun to wonder how many moro days i wouiu live, uno uay a lauy friend called und told how wonderfully she had been helped out of stomach trouble and headaches by leaving off coffee, and using I'ostum Food Coffeo nnd Grape-Nuts Food. Sho went right to work and mado me a nice cup of I'ostum nnd propnreda little Grape-Nuts, 1 dreaded tho torture ot taking anything Into my stomach, but sho coaxed mo to take a spoonful of I'os turn nnd of Grape-Nuts. To my great stir- priso I found I did not have any pain to speak of in my stomach, nnd tho food ac tually staid down. Kveryono vas completely mystified. In a little time niterwaru i uronn three spoonfuls ot the l'osttim and took a little moro of tho Grape-Nuts, and that stayed down and seemed to sootho my nerves and glvo mo a restful feeling. Soon after tho doctor came and my nurse told him that, for the first tlmo In three weeks, too! had stayed on tho stomach He could hardly believe her as ho thought death was very ncur. Then ho wnnted to know what 1 hod boon eating nnd drinking, Ho took home somo of tho Grapo-NutB and I'ostum, Tho next day he said there was no mystery about It, ns ho had anal yzed tho samples und said lie had found a pre-dlgcstrd food, nnd ono that would not hurt tho 6tomiv.ii, nnd the I'ostum was tho most drink ho had over seen. Ho said that It did not exclto tho nerves an did coffee, nnd that It was nourishing nnd built up tho system Instead of tenting It down. Iio had my nurso give mo more ot tho I'ostum and Grapo-Nuts and said there was ono chance in ten that my system might bo built up and my life, bo saved lu less than a week b tlmo I could drink halt u cup of I'ostum nt once, and how It did quiet my nerves and make mo feel like I was getting somo strength. Sx day after beginning I'ostum I went to bIcop tho first tlmo In two months with out taking a sleeping draught, bo Btep by step I kept on Improving. Tho headaches disappeared. My stomach became stronger each day and I gained steadily In weight. At tho end ot four months I folt like a now person, and had gained fifty pounds In weight, could slcop well, eat plain food, aud, all In all, feel well and strong again. My head Is so clear that I can think bet U-r than I ever could, I know, and all ot our friends know, that tliere Is not the slightest doubt but that I would bo In my crave today but for Postum Food Coffeo nnd Orape-Nuts. You can publish this account If you wish but please only uso my Initials." Miss N U., Scbastopol, Calif. Full namo and au dress given to those Interested upon ap plication to the I'ostum Cereal Co., Ltd., Uattlo Creek, Mich, , from Waco Tuesday evening, His team h enmo frightened when nenr homo and ran Lawny, .throwing Mr. reiper out ot me wagon on his face and breaking his neck. new legislative districts Arriiimrmriit lleelded t poll liy Ilif Hennlp Cum milter l llcndy In Deport. LINCOLN, March 8. (Special.) The sen- ate has taken the Inltlatlvo In tho matter of bringing the various apportionment bills beforo tho legislature. Karly In tho week the committee reported for passage the bill Introduced by Senator Young, which has for Its object the reapportionment ot the congressional districts of the state. In the opinion of tho members of the committee there will be no trouble lu getting this bill through tho Renate, but they'nro not so sure of Its fato when It comes up for consideration In tho house, where the re publican majority Is so small. In regard' to tho legislative redisricting bills even moro apprehension Is felt. The sonate committor" todny reported favorably on senate fllo 76, Sonntor Van llosklrk's bill dividing tho state Into new senatorial nnd representntlve districts, nnd while tho bill has been gono over with ronsldernblo care by tho committee and changed until the title Is about the only thing left ot the original bill, it Is still objectionable to many of tho members, especially those of tho central and eastern portions of tho state, whero tho representation Is some what cut down by the provisions of tho bill "Wo haven't much hopes of getting this bill through," said a member of the committee today, "but It Is n Just measuro and wo are going to work hard to have It pass It helps the western part of the slnto and iilso Douglas county, but tho representation Is based on population and no fair-minded man should object to any community hav Ing what Is due It." The bill recommended for passage re district tho stato as follows, the number of members being Indicated by tho figures following each district: Sruntorlnl DIMrletx. First Pawnee. Richardson. 1. Second Johnson, Nemaha, 1. i niru cass, utoe, l. Fourth Chhh, Otoo, Sarpy, Douglas, 1. lTfth-SannderH, Dutlcr, I. Sixth Lancaster, 2. Seventh (Inge, 1. lilglith Jefferson. Saline, 1. Ninth Thayer. Fllmore. 1. Tenth York, Sewnrd. 1, Kloventh Polk. Hamilton. Clay. Adam Kenrnev. 2. Twelfth Nuckolls, Webster. lTniiKiin. l. Thirteenth Phclns. liar an. Gosper. Fron tier. 1. Fourteenth Fnrnns. Red Willow. Hitch cock. Hnyes. Dundy, Chase, Perkins, 1. I'lrteenth Douglas, I. Sixteenth Washington, Dodge, 1. Seventeenth Hurt. Cumlnir. 1. liighteenth Tiiurston. DaKotn, Dixon, i Nineteenth Cednr. Pierce, Antelope, 1. Twentieth Madison, Stanton, Wayne, 1 Twenty-first Doonf, Nance, Merrick, 1. Twenty-second Platte. Colfnx, 1. Twcnty-thlrd-Hall, Murrain, 1. Twentv-ronrth llownrd. Sherman. Vnl ley. Greeley, Wheeler. 1. Twenty-tlfth Ho t. Knox. Iiovd. 1. Twentv-Blxth Custer. Gnrtleld. Loun, Maine. Ilrown. Hock. Kcya Pnhn. 1. Twenty-seventh Dox Hutte, Manner, Hcotts HItirr. Sioux, Dawes, Sheridan Cherry, Grant, Hooker, Thomas, Mcl'her sou. Logan. 1. Twenty-eighth Lincoln. Dawson, Keith Deuel, Cheyenne, Kimball, 1. Ilppresciilnllvc Dlslrlel First Richardson, 1. Second Pawnee, 1. Third Pawner, Richardson, 1. Fourth Johnson, 1. Flfth-Ncmahn, 1. Slxth-Otoe. 2. Seventh Cass, 2. Kliihth-i-SaimdciB. 2. Ninth Lancaster, 6. Tenth Gage. 3. Eleventh Jefferson, 1. Twelfth-Snllne. 1. TiilrtcentlirJoffcrson, Saline, 1, Fourteenth Thayer, 1, Flffeenth-Flllmore, 1. Sixteenth Thayer, Fillmore, 1. Seventeenth York. 1. Klghteenth-Soward, 1. Nltieteecnth York, Seward, 1. Twentleth-Hutler, 1. Twenty-first Polk, 1. Twenty-second Hamilton, 1. Twenty-thlrd-Clay, 1. Twouty-rourth Adams. 1. Twenty-lirth-Adnms, Clay, 1. Twenty-hlxth Nuckolls. 1. Twenty-seventh Webster, 1. Twenty-eighth Kearney, 1. Twenty-nlntli-Franklln, 1. Thlrtlcth-Phelps, 1. Thlrty-tirst-Harfiin. 1. Thlrty-Fccond Furnas. 1. Thlrty-thlrd-Hed Willow, 1. Thirty-fourth Frontier. Ilnves. 1. Thirty-fifth Illtchrock, Dundy, Cluine, 1 i iiiriy-jixin Lougius, i.j. Thirty-seventh Douglas, Sarpy, 1 Thlrty-elghth-Wnshlngton, 1. i nirty-ninin uoiige, Fortieth-Hurt. 1. Forty-Ilrst Cuming, 1. Forty-necond Washington. Dmlee. Hurl Cuming, 1. j'orty-tniril Thurston, DnKutn, 1. Forty-fourth Dixon. 1. Forty-ilfth-Cedar, 1. Forty-sixth Knox, l. Forty-seventh Hoyd, Knox, 1. Forty-eighth Wayne, I. Forty-ninth Madison. 1. Fiftieth Mndlson, Stanton, ITfty-lirst-Coirajr. 1. Firty-second Platte. 1. 1. Firty-thlrd-Platte. Mutter. 1. i' iity-iotirin Antelope, i. Flfty-nfth-Hoone. 1. Flfty-hlxth-Plorcc. 1. Fifty-seventh Merrick, 1. Flfty-clghth Nance, 1, Flfty-nlnth-Hnll, 2. Slxtleth-Huffaio, 2. Sixty-llrst Sherman, Howard, Greeley. 2. Slxty-spcorul-Valley, Garfield, Wheeler, 1. Sixty-third Holt, 1, Slxty.fourth-Mrown. Kcya Paha, ltock, 1. Slxty-llfth Custer, 1. SIxty-slxth-CUHter, Mlnlne, Loup, 1. Sixty-seventh Dnwson. 1. Sixty-eighth Lincoln. 1. Sixty-ninth Deuel. Sherldnn. ni, i Seventleth-riicrry, Keith, Grant, Hooker, Mcpherson. Thomas, Logan, 1. Bcvciity-iiisi uox unite, Blnux, 1. Sevmity-second Chevonno. Hcnth, mmr Manner, Kimball. 1, Keventy-third-Lincoin, Perkins, Hayes, Frontier, Gosper, 1, CONFERRING 0N 0EADL0CKS (iinli'iiinn lliinnn IvsprrnneM Hope llc- pulillfint Si'iiiilnrn Will lie Hleclril. NBW YORK, March 8. Tno World says; Senator Ilatina, chairman ot the repub lican national committee; Henry C. I'ayna of Wisconsin, vice chairman of tho com mittee; Perry Heath, chief of tho repub lican press bureau, and R. 11. Schneider, Nebraska member of the national commit tee, wero In conference nearly all tho duy and evening nt the Wnldorf-Astorln. They enrao hero to consult about the deadlocks over tho election of United States sena tors in Nobruskn and Delaware. Late last evening Senator Hannn said: "Tho object of tho conference Is to pro- vent tho legislatures of Nebraska and Duluware adjourning without electing sen ators. Unlets tho deadiocKs aro broken our party will suffer and It is our desire to havo the two states represented lu the senate by republicans duly elected by the legislatures." "What Is tho result of the conference?" "Wo havo every reason to think that the deodlocks will bo broken." Senator Hanna expects to return to Washington toduy. Mr. Payne sails for Uuropo tomorrow, In ii We'll KuiMvn Criminal. NBW YORK. March X.-Cnftaln Titus of the detective bureau said today that Al fred Parsons, tho Now Haven prisoner ch'argeil with attempting to swindle Pret.1- IICUV IlilUlu J.IIV. in nui J'.IJKUliU LnscelleH, but thnt he in Ross Raymond, nlmosl UH wen Known im i.aHceuev, uup tnln Titus says Raymond was arrested in ISiO on ii charge of forttlng u check and wiih sentenced to two yenrs Imprisoning ti eninnliLlnnnt then wan Edward Conn. nn November 22, IfcM. ho wuh sentenced to ten years imprisunioeiii in i'.ntmiiii ioi forging a bill of exchange on John lillei of Winter Garden, near London, Knglnud naymond was Hiiliseiiiently arrested in WIb couslu for some small offense. run rmii' t'l'iti; that doi:n ct'iir. Laxutlvu Uromo.Qululne removes the cause. Read About Our Boys Suit Sale And then conic and sec what we arc Selling: in Boys' Suits at $3.50. GlothimgCs H. B. CORKBIl lnth AMI DOUGI.AH. II w pltiM ou tall other ti ws don't tell ui. Hot Springs, Arkansas, The Greatest Health Resort in the United States. TICICKT OFI'IOHl 9. 12. Corner Fourteenth and Doimlns. Dr. McGREW OUIcc open .'un tliiuoUKly from S n. in. to O i. in. Smiilnyn from 8 a. in. to r p. in. fDr. McClrew at age M. i nn most succi;ssrui. SPECIALIST In the li oiiliiieiu ot mi uiiiiim or l)l cnaea und I)loi'tler of .Men Only, -ti lean' ciperience, 1.1 jenr In Oiiiulin. VARiCIMLli AN J HYuROtltiLc A permanent cuio guaranteed in lens than 10 days.wllhout cutting, pain or loas of time, V i ui. iiikfb. luicu iii uoa tt ua .i OlmUIUnr. without pain it hindrance num A perfect and permanent euro guaranteed. ninuli IP jiiki nil lllnoil Diseases Clireil dirnlLld by a treatment which Is far more butiaiuctory und successful than "Hot Springs" ireutmcnt, nnd ut less than half the cost. All breaking out und ulgiis pf the dlseuse dlsappcur at once. A euro that is guarantees tor me. nnn cases curcu ot ncrvyin UUU dcbllltv. Ichs of vitality and MANHOOD;" bashfulilos.i, Gleet und ull unnatural discharges. Cures Unnrniileed. CoimuItiUlou Free. CHARGES LOW Medicines sent- everywhete free from faje P O. Uox iuu. umcu over ziu auuin in street, between Furnam anl Douglas treats. OMAHA. NKI AMLSHMISYI'S. nnVTt'C Woodward .V Ilurgoss, JDUI L 3 MunnKori. Tnlupliono 101'J SI .VDAV MATI.MJD AMI MGI1T, Wm. A. Hrady and Joa. Grlsnier's Production. The New York Manhattan Theater Comedy HuccesH, "A Stranger in a Strange Land" Uvmilinr Prices 23c. Wc. TuC. Matlneo Prices 25c, Cue. Monday I Tiiemlio KIIA.i in wik.hi III "The .llnnU of .llnliilnir." PrlccH-2."e, Wc 73c, J1.00, Jl.W. HeutH now ou sale. oniiHTN Candy Festival Saturday Matinee 11 Nelsons !) nij.M psTDiii ki:i.i,i:ii .c mack. : ll.VCittOll A. I.USTUII. Tonight 8:20 CIIAKi.llV A: lUilvSiiil). MILS. IIMTZ-PAXTON. LliAMICIl NI.STISIIS. Alll'.lt.V ,V PATRICK. Tiiv ICI.MIDItOMD. PiiceH-KvenliiB-- We. 25c, fWc. Matinees Wednesday, lOo and 25c; Haturdny, We and r i,,w frnnt rnwH reserved. 500. for tho Amalour Festival In llio nunr futuio Miaco's Trocadero I 0"a MATI.NHi; TODAY MM'. -'' '.NO piSltFOHM M 13 TOMI.UT. FRED IRWIN'S BIG BURLESQUE GO. A nitjn rollei tlon of perfectly formed wi liuinlioud In two inirlesiiiii.'H. hvenliiK prices, 10-20-IIO cents. Smoko If you lJko. Commencing tomorrow, Jacobs' Gay Hut terlllea Hurlwiun Co. CUT OUT THIS COUPON Present at Bee offlco or mall coupon with ten rents nnd get your, choice of PhotogTtphlc Art Studies. When ordering by mall odd four cents for postage. , AUT mjPAUTMENT, The Bee Publishing Company OMAHA, NKU. . ft I