12 THE OMAHA DA TLX BEE: SATURDAY, fAECIT f), 1001. FLORENCE WANTS TO RIDE Idovemint li on Toot to Becurs Eltotrio Our Cine from Omaha. NEW TRACTION COMPANY INTERESTED Co it it I - CnmniliilnnM,i Will Hp I'rtl-tliiii-il nt .Meetlnu f Hint Jlnily (it CI run I n l'rnii!hle for I'roinmed Line. Tho pcoplo ot Florence have Inkcn up the question of an electric lluo between Omaha uuil that city, with tho New System Trnctlon lotnpany, tho Omaha corporation which Is planning tho construction of tho electric line between Croston, la., and Wlnloract, At tho next meeting of tho county com tnUaloncrH tho parties Interested will ask for u franchlso which will grant them the right of way over certain public roads bo tweon Omaha and Florence, ami at tho next meeting ot tho Florence village board steps will bo taken to sccuro n franchlso from tho village. Tho company's Intention Is to construct tho lino from Amos avenue north to tho main street In Florence, running a branch to Forest Lnwn cemetery. A com mittee of citizens of Florence has tho mat ter In charge nt that end of tho lino and will present tho matter to tho commission ers. They express no doubt of securing the necessary franchise from tho county and village, nnd nro now looking , for a way from tho north lino of tho rlty limits to Ames avenue. LoiiUliiHT After Itlulit nf ny. Whllo believing tho council will grant them rlght-of-wny over Thirtieth street, they have anticipated possible refusal and will sccuro n right-of-way over private property if necessary. Several owners of real estate ulong tho proposed lino havo already given assurance that they will do nato necessary ground, and littlo remains to be secured by puruhaso or donation. Tho Now SyBtcm Trnctlon company will lnlroduco a novel Htylo of electric railway construction, thcro being no poles nor oerhoad wires. Tho power for the moving of trains Is transmitted through wires which nro carried in conduits along thc,sldo of tho rail nnd Is brought to tho car by a small trolley, which Is extended to tho edgo of tho car nnd touches the wires in side of thu conduit. Tho system has been pronounced safer than tho overhead trolley and tho expense ot construction Is but littlo greater than that of overhead wires. In tho conduits tho wires aro protected from tho weather and will last longer than when exposed. PROSPECT HILL EXTENSION 1'ronoiM'il Street Ititllwny Improve impiiI I.IKcly (o Hi- Mntle In Hit' fiir Future. G. S. Ilrnawn has taken up tho proposed opening of Thirty-third street from llurt to Cass and tho extension of the street rail way lino to I'rospcct Hill. For somo days tho matter has been In abeyance nnd It be gan to look as though tho proposed Im provement would not bo mado this season, but with tho action ot tho Prospect Hill Improvement club this week and tho de termination of tho chairman of tho com mittee to presa matters, It Is stated that tho work will be under way In a short time. An ofllcrr of tho street railway corapapy who declared this week that no work could bo dono by tho eoiupnny until tho return of certain members of tho board of di rectors, specifically excepted tbo Prospect Hill extension from that condition, saying that as tho board has already announced Bath Cabinets $5.00 As good as some that nro sold for nearly double abovo price seo them in our wlu Uow or wrlto us about them. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go, Cor. 10th t.nd Dodge, Omaha. Don't Buy a PIANO Until ynu'Miave Investigated our selected stock ot STEIN WAY VOSK EMEHSON IVKltS & I'OND STEOEIl STUCK A. II. CHASB and l'ACKAlll) PIANOS. . II.&S tniys a beautiful Chlckerlng upright. VA buys u rrllablo Squnro piano, $10 buys mi Organ, In good condition. $168 buys ft now upright piano, fully guaranteed Terms. J5.0U eiish Jl per week. New pi nnoH for rent. Flno tuning and repairing promptly done. Wrlto ror eumioguo, prices una terms, r pay us a visit ot Inspection. or SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, The OKI Reliable Pinnn House, iaiU I'Mrnmii Street, Onmhn. UU7 llroiulvmr, Council IllnRi, ' Tel. Jt. Its Intention of building as soon as tha street was put In propor shape, tho mat ter was In tho hands of the executive ofll ccrs and the work could start without a farther meeting of the Irectory. Uefore tho work can be started by the street railway company It will be neces sary to grado California street at Thirtieth and to make a fill nt considerable extent at Thirty-third and Lincoln streets. This work will bo done by tho city and will be paid for ultimately by the property owners along tho lino of tho road. Tho appraisers have llxcd tho damages of opening Thirty third street nt 111,210, an amount which Is considered fair by the majority of tho peo ple concerned. Tho ordinance for tho grading of Cnllfornln street was prepared in February, but has not been Introduced In thn council yet. Interested parties will attend the meeting of the council in com mlttco of the whole Monday afternoon for tho purposo of having tho proposed ordi nance considered and reported for passngo at tho regular meeting Tuesday evening. Cnsenrlnc lit Alt IlrucK.xtn. Cures Biliousness, Constipation and Dys pepsia, or money refunded. 1'rlco CO cents. Book explaining cause and cure mailed froe. Ilea Ilros. & Co., Minneapolis. Minn. GOOD MONTH FOR JOBBERS Iiiorrnne of Trmlc Duriiiic February Over CorrPMiionilliiK .Month of it Vrnr Ami. Tho business interests of Nebraska for tho month of February nro reported by commercial agencies to bo in excellent condition. During opening weeks of tho month tho Jobbers of Omaha and other Nebraska towns reported that business wns not ns good as for tbo corresponding time last year and In one or two instances com plaints were madn.becnusa of what the Job bers considered k decline, but when tho month was closed and tho books were bal anced It wns found that the Increase -In business of February, 1901, over the corre sponding month of 1900 was from 10 to IS per cent. Tho avcrago of prices has been lower on goods handled by Nebraska Jobbers this year than a yenr ago nnd tho Increased business thcrcforo means a grcntly In creased tonnage, which has hnd a marked effect on tho dividends of Nchraskn rail road lines. From n retailer's standpoint the month was not as satisfactory as It might have been. Dealers in heavy clothing and In rubber goods suffered most nnd In some cases It was necessary to ask foV exten sion ot credits nt tho first of tho month. Thcso credits in general havo been met nnd wholesalers report collections excel lent. Tho effect of tho unseasonable weather has been offset by Improved con ditions In nil parts of tho state, so that re tail merchants on tho wholo nro In better condition this year than they wero twelve months ago. One featuro of tho Nebraska retail trndo Is tho number of changes which have tnken place. Tho number of failures Is small comparatively, but slnco December approx imately 1,100 business changes have taken placo In tho state. In most Instances theso changes wero dissolutions ot partnership nnd tho records show thnt in a majority ot cases tho retiring partner went into business on his own account. CAUSU OK FALLING HAIR. OnnilrufT, Wlilrli In n Germ Disease Kill the Germ. Falling hair Is caused by dandruff, which Is a germ disease. Tho germ In burrowing In to tho root of tho hair, whero It de stroys tbo vitality of tho hair, causing tho hair to fall out, digs up tho cuticle In littlo scales, called dandruff or scurf. You can't stop thn falling hair without curing tho dandruff, nnd you can't euro tho dandruff without killing tho dandruff germ. "De stroy tho cause, you removo tho effect." Nowbro's Herpicido Is tho only hair prep aration that kills tho dandruff germ. Herpi cido is also a delightful hair dressing. WILL TEST THE ORDINANCE llnliea Corpm Cam- of Groper II r own Will lie Heard Snturdny Marnln it. Tho habeas corpus caso of David Drown, tho North Twenty-fourth street grocer, who proposes to test tbo constitutionality of tho Sunday closing ordlnanco, will bo dis posed ot In Judgo Baker's court Saturday morning. Tho writ wns mado returnable yesterday, but as Judgo Baker Is engaged with tho Stuht larceny ease, ho decided to continuo tho habeas corpus bearing. Brown wns nrrestod for violating tho Sun dny closing ordinance and lined J10 In police court. Ho usscrts that tho ordlnanco Is unconstitutional becauso It is class legis lation, applying only to grocers and meat dealers. IlavInK a linn on t'liniulierlnln' CoukIi llrmeily. "Our druggists havo had such a run on Chamberlain's Cough lteuiedy that they havo had to older more and today there Is nono In the town. I went for a bottle this morning and tbo druggist snld: 'Chamber lain's goes quicker than any other kind.' " says H. Ooddard, Edgcmont, S. Dak. Thero Is good reason toi Its popularity. No other remedy will loosen and relievo a cold so quickly. No other will prevent a cold or nn attack of tho grip from resulting In pneu monia. No other Is more pleasant or snfo to take. For salo by all druggists. 15 V 1211 Y TUESDAY In February. March and April the UNION PACIFIC will sell tickets at the following GREATLY REDUCED RATES: From Omaha to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Dlogo $23.00 Ogden, Salt Lake, Butte, Helena.... 23.00 Portland, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle,. 25.00 New city ticket office, 13Zt Farnara street. Tel. 316. Union station, 10th and Marcy. Tel. 629. Annnnucenicntn of the Thriller. "A Stranger In a Strango Land," which conies to Boyd's theater for two perform ances next Sunday, in nddttlon to being new to Omaha theater-goers, is said to be n farco abounding In clean, xpontaneous fun of tho Amorlcnn variety and Is wholly dc void of tho coarseness thut marks tho French farco productions. On Monday nnd Tuesday Francis Wilson nnd company will present their new comic opera, "Tho Monks of Mnlabar," which has met with universal favor and success. Tho ndvanco salo al ready insures big houses. Knitter Time North The Northwestern lino, "Twin City Lim ited," now leaves the Union station, Omaha, at 7:55 p. m. dally, Instead of 7:35 p. m., formerly. The arrival time at St. Paul Minneapolis REMAINS UNCIIANUED. Through connections from the west are Ihui assured and a MORE CONVENIENT time of departure Is afforded Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs patrons. The same magnlOqus equipment It retained In service. City offices, 1401-1403 Farnam street Leave Clilcnuo Tnemlny. Arrlr In Flurliln WednemlN). No cbango of cars by going on Chicago & Florida Special, leaving Chicago Union edi tion 12 noon Tuesdays, and nt tho same hour Fridays, for Jacksonvillo nnd St. Augustine. Tho most convenient service for a southern trip. For details apply to II. R. Dcrlng. A. O. P. Agt., 218 South Clark st Chicago, 111. Dir. ii. MET, Fred, sr. nged &S, years. Funeral Saturday, .March Mil, nt 2:30 p. m. from family residence, 516 Harney St. Interment I'rospcct 11111. IIWIIII.VV .SA'H HDAY SPECIALS. IIojm' f.00 WiilKtx nt Stir. tOO dor. Mother's Friend waists for boys from 4 to 11 years, with separate collats, made to, sell nt fl, on sale at 29c. MEN'S $1.50 WHITE SHIRTS AT 69C. 300 doz. men's fine white laundered shirts, ono of tho best brands made: every shirt warranted perfect and worth jl.50; on salo at 59c. Men's $1.00 colored laundered I shirts nt 19c: men's 75a medium weight,! Jersey ribbed shirts nnd drawers, 39ei men's $1.25 colored laundered shirts, In all tho new styles, at 73e. Hoys' $1.00 colored nnd whlto Inundercd shirts, with separate collars, nt 49c. Men's $1.50 medtumwclght wool shirts and drawers nt $1.00. BAG AND 750 SHIRTS AT 23C. S0O doz. men's and boys work shirts, In light and dark colors, every shirt war ranted perfect nnd made to sell at 50t and 75c, on sale nt 25c. OIIEAT SAMPLE SHOE SALE SATURDAY Tho most extraordinary bargains In fine shoes for men, women and children; nil tho newest nnd latest styles; every pair war ranted. All tho ladles' lino sample $1.00 and $3.00 hand sewed vlcl kid and patent leather shoes nt $1.9C. All tho ladles' fino sample $3.50 nnd $1.00 Russia calf nnd va lour ralf shoes, In tnns and blacks, ou salo nt $1.96. All tho men's Ann sample $3.50, $1.00 and$3.00 box calf and Rusaln calf, tan und black shoes at $l.9fi. All the men's finest snmplo $1.00 nnd $3.00 vlcl kid and patent leather shoes on salo nt $1.96. IN Ot'R BARGAIN SHOE DEPARTMENT. Ladles' fino $2.50 nnd $3.00 vlcl kid laco shoes at $1.39; ladlos' fine $2.00 nnd $2.25 kid button nnd laco shoes at 98c; men's satin ralf $2.50 laco shoes at $1.39. Infants' 50c soft solo laco shoes, 19c. HAYDEN BROS. cngo. aged 3 months: Gertrude Woller, 160 Webster, nged 3 month; Emma Oninslc, 1SI3 North Eighteenth, nged 23. nirthi-Frank Knrel, 1227 South Twelfth, boy; II. V. liny ward, 2710 Jackson, boy; John IVteron, Kli Izard, hoy; Pletro Monctirn. 1235 South JSiiieieentn. hoy; Wll-' llam McGlvnn. 1512 North Seventeenth, i boy; Fred Dunne, Ninth nnd Haiu-roft, girl. ! Kahl & Johnston's opening of fine mil-! llnery occurs Monday and Tuesday, March 11 nnd 12, Km itntla Irill nn,l I 'lili.Linii Mltte. No, 1 California limns, 7c; fresh pork snuiagi', 74c, dry salt meat, 7'ic; bone loss pigs' feet. 7'ac; bulk oysters, 25c nnd 10c; bt.ncless cottage hams, 10c; No. 1 lean bacon, 12jc HAYDEN I1IIOS, Wanted, a trained nurse to take cnarge at a sanitarium; mint have experience, a good education nnd good business ability. Ad dress J 69, care Bee office. Sam'l .Bums, 1318 Farnam, announces the arrival of tho King Charles' ware. Mortality Stntiallm. Tho following deaths nnd births wero re ported to thu rlty health commissioner for tho twenty-fuur hours ending nt noon Fri day: Dentils Mrs. H. Ifnlne, Douglnx rounty hoxpltul, ngrtl 51: Ella Christina Dlneneii, 2001 Hurt, uged 7; Huby Carlson, 2S3I Chi- Martin Reum Of tho Central Market says Max Goldsmith don't know anything about his business .Mux put in mi ndvt. stilting thut Martin wanted u wife that he was rich nnd wanted omo one to help spend his money Ho snys thnt while he Is not poor ho Is not ilch nnd when he wants a wlfo ho'll do the selecting himself. Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c I'artcrs Liver Pills 15c Stuart's Tablets 40c llar-Ilen 40c I'cruna 75c llosti.tter's Hitters 75c Duffy's Malt Whiskey S3c llromo Quinine 15c Sclincfer's Cough Curo 20c AJax Tnblets 40c lludyan Tablets 40c W'yeth's Beef, Iron nnd Wlno 75c I'alno'H Celery Compound 75c Wine of Cnrdlil 75c Carter's Liver Pills 15c Pierce's Prescription 75c Dr. Karl Cramer's I'ennyroynl Pills. ...$1.00 cruicccD jt price abnHErcn druggist S. W. Cor. Kith nnil Clilcnuo. HAYDEN: New Spring CLOTHING For big and little boys. The Haytlen Bros, trade mark on n gar ment means your money buck or a new garment for any rea sonable cause for dissatisfaction. Delightful surprises for the, .youngsters and their parents Sat urday. Wc will display an extraordinary variety of new stylish clothing for boys, at our wonderfully low prices. It's the best made clothing in America. It's the latest styles and newest pat terns. Little men ', to 10 years have been specially well looked after. We'll help you to the best, nattiest' you could wish for Russian blouses, beautiful, 2.75 to .?(5.00. Vestecs,'the newest, $l.ir to ?r.r0. The popular sailor suits, all the newest kinds loop front, reversible shield, newest colorings, new est fabrics, 2.75 to ?5.0U. Hoys' double breasted suits, knee trousers, 100 styles to select from, for 95e to 5.00. See our dark blue spring serge, all wool, color fast double breasted suits, U-pieec and vesteo suits, Same goods, 2.50 and I.75. Sco our new 2-plcce suit, coat mado 3 button cutaway sack style, with l;nco trou sers nnd belt, for young men 7 to 10 yenrs, at 2.50 to $6.00. Young men's suits, with long trousers. We prcparo an Immense assortment ot the clothes moro than nny three stores in tbo city nowest styles, perfect fitting suits, for $3.73 to $15.00. 12 new lines of $5.00 nnd $7.60 young men's suits, go on salo Saturday. Extra special salo of boys' perfect fit ting, odd long trousers, sizes, waists 2R to 31, for 05c, $1.50 and $2.50. Regular $2 to $1.50 values. HAYDEN BROS SELLING TI1E MOST CLOTH 1X6 IN OMAHA. $5,000 DRUG STOCK On Sale at The Myers-Dillon Drug Company at Less Than Half Price. We desire to state to the public that we have purchased the entire retail drug de partment of the Aloe-Pentold Co. This purchase includes a very large stock of druggist sundries, such as brushes, perfumes, combs, mirrors, soaps, sponges, and in fact everything kept in a retail drug store. We propose to close out these goods commencing Saturday morning, tho sale to continue until all goods are sold, at ery Low Prices. Soaps 25c Tackcrs' Tar Soap 15c 25c Cutlcura Soap 20c $1.00 Lublns Soap (all odors) Clc 75c Lublns Soap 4.1c 50c Lublns Snap 2Sc 10c Oatmeal Soap 5c (Havo about 1 gross 3 cakes box.) 10c Violet Soap 6c 5c Wool Soai 3c 6c Ivory Soap 4c 25c Juvcnllo Soap '. 10c 10c Juvenile Soap 6c 20c Heegnm's Tar Soap 8c 60c Soclctc Ilygenlc Soap 20c 3 lb. bnr Orecn Castile Soap 25c li lb. bar White Castllo Soap 10c U lb. bar Whlto Castllo Soap 5c 60 gross Toilet Soaps, various brands all go nt very low prices. Fresh, stundard goods nt bargain prices. Toilet Goods 25c Penfold'a Tooth Powder 10s 25c Sozodont 15c C0c Sozodont ...... 45o 25c Sanltal Tooth Powder ; 13c 50c Sanltnl Liquid 2So 25c Penfold's Tooth Wash ..: 10a 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder 17c 25c Wild Iloso Tooth Powder 10o( 50o Iltnd'B Honey Almond Cream 3Cc 25c Penfold's Velvet Cream 10c $1.50 Oriental Cream $1.00 25c Wrlght'B Dcnto Jlyrrh Tooth Sonp.. 13 25c Wright's Myrrh Tooth Soap 12c 25u Wright's Dento Myrrh Powder .... 12c 25c Wright's Dcnto Myrrh Tooth Pnsto 13c 25c Pnsterlno Tooth Pnsto 12c 25c Ur. Halloy's Tooth Powder lie 25c IMckseckcr's Tooth Powder IGo 25c (2 lb.) Capo May Sea Salt So 50c (6 lb.) Cape May Sea Salt lOo Patent Medicines One case Munyon Itcmcdlcs containing about 250 25c Remedies nt 13o 35 60c Ilcmcdles nt 28c 28 $1.00 Itcmedlcs nt '....680 Ono enso Diamond Dyes, about 185 pack , ages, all colors, good assortment, at.. 6c 5 COe bottles Hops Kxtra Malt 20c 37 $1.00 bottles Park Davis' Lofoten Cod Liver Oil 4Sc ID $1.00 bottles Park Davis' Egg Emul sion Oil 58o S4 25c boftles Foley's Honey nnd Tnr.. 12c 47 KOo bottles Foley's Honey nnd Tar .. 24o 3 $1.00 bottles Kramer's Kidney Curo .. 60e G $1.00 bottles Ubursa 60c 2 COc bottles Warner's Safo N'ervlno... 25o 64 50c boxes Kldneolds ISc 109 $1.00 boxes West Nerve and nraln Treatment 25c 72 25o bottles Penfold's Whlto Pino Syrup 10c Entire $5000 stock goes at bargain prices. Nothing reserved. We bought cheap for cash, and our customers get the benefit. Come early and select a list of bargains. We only mentioD a few articles but everything goes at correspondingly low prices. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. 16TH AND FARNAM STREETS. Low Rates West and Northwest March 12, 19 and 26. April 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. ; $23 To Ogden, Salt Lake City, nutte, Helena, Anaconda, and Missoula To San Frnnplsco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, ) OR San Jose nnd many ether California points 9aO To all points on the Northern Pacific Ity. west of MIbsouIo, Including Spokano, Seat tle, Tacoma, Portland, as well as Van-, couvcr nnd Victoria, II. C To all points on tho O. It. & N. Co.'s, lines, ' on the Spoknno Falls & Northern Ity, nnd tho Washington & Columbia Illver It. H,. $26 $25 Tickets at 1502 Farnam Street and at Burlington Station, Tenth and Mason Streets. J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. WHO'S Y01R NATTER? We make a special ty of selling the beist J lino of J $1.50 Men's Hats in America. The come in si in hats They come in soft hats Thoy come in golf hats They come in fedora hats They come in railroad hats They come in pasha hats They come in tan, pearl, blue, black, steel, gray, buckskin, otter, metria and brown. 115 different, stylos in black stiff hats to select from, in cluding the Stetson shapes. Full line of boys' and youth's hats. 1515 Douglas 1515 G3 a 'O Oi o u a u o CA (A JS Douglas 1515 Remainder of Stock to go at any price No sale ever equaled THE ROCHESTER SHOE CO.'S Great Rebuilding Sale, 1515 Douglas 1515 MEN'S SHOES-LIMA BHAOKETT, STACY ADAMS, $1 ami ?." shot's ry oO Sntunlny'B price Men's hIioch, choice of entire slock regardless of price or vnluc tans nnd blnclc, and patent leather Included Saturday -4 only 0 MEN'S SHOES nrolsen lines, 200 pairs TQ worth up to J.I. 50, Bala price 0"L LADIES' SHOES Lnlrd Shoobtrt'a nnd Armstrong's all $5.00 nnd 16.00 shoes ry CSO Saturday only Jml'&zr LADIES' SHOES-Sorosls', Queen Quality, Ultra Cholco of cntlro Htork,$l.G9. Indies' shoes broken linos, 230 pnlrs, 2Dn, 49c, CDc. MISSES' SHOES. CHILDREN'S SHOES ENT1HE STOCK DIVIDED IN FIVE LOTS 29c, 49c, 69c, 79c and $1.18 1515 Douglas St. H o (6 cr o Ci o Hi o 3 P a a p (A J515 Douglas 1515 NewSpringSuitsUAYDFN; New Skirts UsyjffcDi TpUr o C"C Selling rapidly and in many cases at llC VV TT did Id one-half price. 700. now stylish suits. to be sold Saturday. They are made with an exclusive style not to be found elsewhere. 100 suits, in tine serges, taffeta lined jack ets, v'illi the new llonnee skirt, made up in the newest styles, trimmed with straps of stitched taffeta, on sale 10 Cft nr. li-BcrV Ladies' suits, in all the newest materials and newest styles, lined throughout with silk a suit worth 30.00 one of our lO Cfl leaders for Saturday at IUJU Ladies' fine Tailor-made Suits, direct copies of imported styles worth AA 40.00, for LJiW 240 suits, in all the new styles, jackets silk lined throughoutthey are O FTH worth 18.00, for UB JU 500 Silk Waists that our buyer secured on his recent trip to New York were detained at Ibiffalo by the railroad company and just received. They will be on sale Saturday on our second floor in cloak department. They are O QO worth up to 10.00, your choice at Second consignment of manufacturers' stock of skirts. Ladies' Serge and Brocade Skirts at only 98c Ladies' Kainy Day Skirts, made of plaid back materials, sev eral rows of stitching, at, each '. $2.75 Ladies' Silk Taffeta Skirts, worth up to 10.00, for $3.00 Ladies' line Crepon. Serge and J'ebble Cheviot Skirts, worth 7.00 ami 8.00, for 3.S 20 dozen ladies' French Flannel Waists, worth 1.00, for.. MSc We have exactly 175 ladies' .Tackels, some of the best we have handled this season, left. An opportunity never equaled to buy a jacket. Jackets worth up to 20 on sale Saturday at 1.75. Wo havo 200 children's Jackets left. Wo have divided them Into two lots. Lot one only J1.08. Lot 2 only J2.9S. Tho tremendous salo of our ladles' wrappers will be continued Saturday. HAYDEN BROS. r Your Teeth j i At n precious, Nattir do- mands they recclvo the host t treatment. t All thai Klclll nnd rxnerl- t enco rnn accomplish Is at t your command here. T Teeth Crowned J5.00 I IJrldgo Work, per tooth.. J5.W Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms t 1517 DoiiKlusSt.