SPECIAL NOTICES Ad vrrllarmenln for llieiie column ttIII be krn until 12 ni. for Ilia evening edition nml until H:'.t p, iu. fur mornlnK and Hnndnr edition. Rules, 1 l-Sc n word first Insertion, In n word tlierenfter. Xnthlng taken for lena flmn l!r,o for tlie ftrat tnner tfon. ThCie nd vert dement mini b rta cniisecntlvelr. Adrrrtl-r, r ren. Beating a nam. fcrrrd check, ran linre nnnncra ad. frf. " n "unhed letter In cure ? T"" Anmeti o nddreased will lie delivered on presentation of ta heek onljr. WATi;i)-siTL.UIO.'S. EXPERT accountant. Holbrook, Urown lllk A-233 WANTED, position hk reporter mi dnlly paper by young lady. Recommendations funilithcd. Address I, 6, live. A -Mi 11 WA.vriju-jiAMi help. WANTICD, wo huvo stoutly work for a few good hustler of good hublts and uppeur ancu. C. F. Adams Co., 16u5 Howard St. R-240 UARRICR trulii tuught thoroughly In short time; catalogue ft particulars free. West ern Uarbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. 0)1 11 UN or women to sell goods to city tradj. Uood puy mid sternly employment, Hlx ciibuugh & Co, Wuro block, Ornahn. D-MI12 Maris COAT makers wanted, Apply Nlcotl thu Tullor, Kurbucli Rile. H Mo'R 9 VEST MAKERS wanted. Apply, Nlcoll (lis Tailor, Km bach Rlock. R M.w3-lo UAHREH wanted ul once; Jill a week for llrst-cluss workman; steady Job; must be nubcr. Address W. U, Hull, Norlolk, Nub. D-MOlii 1U '1HKE1C yotniK moil to travel; now proposi tion. Cull or ttddrwwj au l'uxton IiIk, . H-M0I2 9 WANTED Traveling salesmen; also udver. Users; cash paid. Triumph Co., Dallas, Texas. D-Oil-1 1 WANTED, 2 or 3 aood job compositors; cun glvo about ouu month's work. W. C, Dcltch Ai Co., Sioux City. In. H-MGSJ 10 WANTED, young man famlllrr with Hu tlonery business to solicit rity trutla tor local jobbing house; mate experience and Hillary' whined; rcfcrcncea luiiulrel. Ad dress JC 07. Hco. . UM072 HJ WANTED, traveling salesman to sell direct from our in 1 II h a good paying sldo line or dry goods I,, country dealers; good com mlsxlnu. .Manufacturer, Rox 1102, I'hlla ilelphlu I'a. ' H-M701 !) WANTED, man, upright character, to manage business or old established (lour.c; salary JIN per week and expenses puynole each, weok direct trotn huudquiirters; ex pt'iiso money udvunced; position permit, ncnt; reierence. MftBditrn nouM', i(n Lax ton Dullditig, cnlcngo. ii-.Mhis iu WANTED, mun to travel In Nebraska and employ local representatives; $00 montiily unit all expenses t xtnrt; position pet ma ncnt; Helf-uddreMxed envelope for purtlcli lartii Chat". 1'hllllpH, l'ontlac HMk., Chi cuko It-MMl? 'J AVAN'TKD, two Kcutlemcn of kooi! addreH for Hpcclifl wyrk In Coniiectton with xule or rcftrenco work; Bulury. Cull WS HaniKu HldK., Omaha. II MUM li WANTHU, two llrat-elasH HitleHmeit fully expetieneed In plumblnK nteam ami pump KooiJm and lamillar with, thlH territory. AddieHft or call on II. ('. (Irudwolil, Nu brUHka I'lumbliiK Supply Co. U'-MTll WANTKU, men to learn barber trudu; lauKht thnroUKhly III vlKht wevku by lee .tureH, hiHtrueiioiiH anil practical experi ence. Wo present oiltllt ol tootw, allow Saturday wukcm and Kuarantee i to ?li weekly when competent; busy seuHotv bow; IiIk ilemand tor KraduateH. We have placed over on palace traltm, liuHpltuls, lintels, country and city miop, an well an locating; ninny In llielr own nhopH. Now Held open. No belter trudu In ex istence. Write today for Ktteclal Hnrlnir offr and ciiliUok'UP. Mohir liarber Cin-, U'Ke. Ifii.t Farnain Mt. H M7(C1 ll S.iii:sMi:N u'ANTiin. " WANTKD, wholesalo clathliiK trfiveMiii? Haleuman for Iowa and Nebrauku,; only appllcuticiiH connlilered' SellliiK at leant no,!"', uccompanted with reteruiices, l:i ..t...i,. ...... i .... ...i ciuiiiiiK mm eiuinu ci , iiu ipiii'i evil Mlderrn. Address 'Clotning, HOX ftHN. Cincinnati, O M700 IU WA.VTUII-rUMAI.H IIKI.l'. WANT1SU, !00 Blrla. 1621 Dodge. Tel. 870. , ' C-rM 10 KlrlH wanted. Canudluu olllco, 153 Douulan ' C-KIl YOUNG lady to leurn .niaBsiiKo; permanent ponltldu lor rlsht, pftrty. Apply s.v llco lIlilK. C-GJ2 WANTKD, cook. Mra. A. L,. Iteed, 30:u I'ar nam. C filjjj WANTICD, experienced waist innkorn and drupel", uIho tdclrt mukerx; apply at once; bit; worch to uood puopit;.. Addrexs Se bick'u DreKsiuilKlui; Uvpt., Duudwood, S.D. U-M577 1) WANTED, at once, cook ut 1711 Dodge Ht. C WW 7 DItESHMAKINU taucht thorotichly. Sys teul received hlchcHl ruwaru ai l'arls, I'upUH cut and muKu own UresseH, Call or xend' for cliculurs. McDowell Drcxsni.ik ItiK .School, LVJ tj. 15lh St. uld-51ti Kurouch block. ui7 'j 1W (illtl.H wanted to make shlrtx, piiutx, oVerallH and duck clothing. Apply ut mice. IJyrnu s Hammer Dry Uooils Co,, lac lory, I'Jth and Howard bta. C U9 lv WANTED, girl for general housework, 1121 Mouth aoth Ave. . C-tkw-6" l.ADV of rcllnemelit, eoiivlnclng talker wanted for special work umoug Knights Templar, handxoino Incomo usmired to an energetic woruer. Aaoicxr., giving par ticulars, 1'etter 1'rlutlng Cp i.omuville, Ky. w C-M0W) u- WANTICD, at 2ul3 Chlrugo t., competent Klfl for-general hOiixewoiK. ' ' Mtai lu VOH It MAT IIOIjMCS. IF you want your houses, well rented place them with Ueunwii. ,t Co. D 115 AIjWA VS moving II, H. ' Olllce, IDU',2 Kainum St. goods. l'luuos. Tel, 1653 or 863. D-L'IU HOUSES for rent lu all parts of tho city, llrcuuuu-Luvc Co., 320 So. lath St. D-,217 HOUSES, stores. llenils, l'uxton block. D-ilS BEE 1IENIIY U. PAYNE, tWl N. Y. UFE D-Si'J ' HOUSES, etc. l D.Vcad, 1KI .Douglas. j D-1'60 HOUSES und Mats. Ulngwult, Darker HliT i-ai ' HOUSEa wanted. Wallace, Urown WlT ' m :i .ui p-aa GOOD six-room Hat, city Sviiter lif kltclien" 2319 N. Jlth Bt.i flu. Omaha Loan & Trust Co., 10th and' Douglas; e.M3W l.AItaE modern brltk' luuse, with barh. jus s. ssth dt. lnaiilfo 201 s. sat!!, D-3J3 S Sl7 DKOATUH, 6 rooms, weirwutcr. good repair. Jlrt. t , l'AYNE.KNOX CO., Ilrst lloor.NfV. I,, ma. ' D-6D.'- 6-KOOM modern house. 120., HIT Vinton; Inquire HU. p Mt7 IS l'OH. AUNT, riew modern C-ronm cottage, near West Fa mum at. cor line. The O. V. Davis On., 1605 Kurnutu at. D MOO) lu 0-HOO.M modern hou.'e. rent 23. Chrltty llros., So. Omuhu, Neb. D 6!1 10 l'OH KENT. 7-room hou.io. modern, Huhh com purk. J23.W. "l'hone 62J. D-6J7-1;) KOUH-JtOOM modern Mit. 1112 3. llt'h, r D-M090 IPC NORTH 23d xt., rooms, newly pa- I'erl .und pulnted. partly modem, 16. 2S2 Uard st. 2 live-room Huts. Hew, city ....w,1',r' wer and closet, J12 each. I ho llyron Heed Co., 21J So. 11th St. D-M70!) EXPHESSMEN'H- Delivery CaT TefllM.' 2H N. 16th. D-flW A7 roil itMXT-i'i iiMsitr.n uooms. .STEAM heated rooms ut Tho Thurston E-233 I'lMl JtEM-l'l lt.M!IIKIJ HOO.MN. DEWKY European, hotel,. ,13th and .Kurnam. E-2J'' VOll RENT, ono large Wcll-furnlshed bed room for gentleman, near motor line. 2W fjouth 7th street, Council llluffs, E-.MJ'J ROOMS. 1S0U Capitol Ave. E-M313 12 ONE large alcovo room, xultnblo for iwo BPtitlemeti. One smaller room, nlso. Ex cellent neighborhood, close In; references rcriulred. 600 Bo. 20th. E-379,10 ROOMS, furnlxhed or unfurnished, with light ana neat, -jis iiarney, E-MI31 S TWO ilcapunt furnished rooms at 812 N. K!1 ROOMS with or without biurd. 2VsO Hnmcy SI. KMW) If I t ItMMIIKII IKIO.M.H AMI llliAltl. OI.ENCAIRN, trnnslcnlx,J1.25day. XM Dong F-ZjF IiAROE front parlors with board; also xinaiui room; rcasonaoiu rntes. 1 lie. iioso, jt.v uurr.ey, vMoVl UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. K-250 Tho Merrlum, good winter homo. 23 & Doilgo 1- A ROOMS and board, reasonable, 2I0S Cass, F-3T3-A1 . bAimi: frcnt room. & S. 23th nvc. K-D31 ROOMS with board. 310 S. 2Cth st. K-MS96 11 rt'RNISHED rooms, boards 1M9 Capitol avenue. r jhusi iz- 621 N. 23d, nicely furnished rooms; good board. !' CM-13 l'OH lti:T-l M'l It.MNHCII ROOMS. 1 I'NFt'RNIBHED modem rooms for men and wire only; 110 gasoline; references re ililircd, 181U (J nice St. U-Mm8 9 2 UNEURN18HED rooms. C2l Si 19th. U-Mtl 9 TOR It M.N T .STORES AMI OKI'ICUS, FOR RENT Store, In llrst-clus location; rent reusonuoit, Apply R. C. Peters & Co., sround lloor, Rue lltug, 1 2C6 FOR RENT Thu building formerly occu pied by Thu Rib ut 91U 1'iirnum St. It has rour stories and a ouHemeut whk'h wus lormerly used us Tho Uei; pre sroom. This will bu rented very rcuHonubly. If Interested apply ut ohco to C. C. Ilosu water, sei: etury, room 100, Rto Dullulng. 1-261 DESK room, liuiulro 712 N. Y. V. Rldg. " 1 ViVS AIIBM's V.t,Ti;il, OENTS or lailicH to do local work or gen eral agency work; will pay from t'M to fgo in 1 iniiuiii. au on or uuuress A, v.. inn, fall I PuMon block, Omulia. J MI32 0 W ANTED, wire artists to handle new line, big xellers. Wrtto tor new catalogue or shells. 1. x Mitchell, Ceuur Rapius, lu. J AH70 12 SOMICTHINO new; xend lOu a'tid recelvu' a uamiilo of Khiishm curn leathers. Auentx wanted. Knusus Com l,-euthe'r Co., bu 1-UXlOll 1JIK. J WjO-AU" AOENTS on snlury or commission: The gieutedl ugeiits seller ever .produced; every useY ot fen and Ink bjiys If on Might; to (Mi per cehl piollt; opli ugent H xulcs umounted to in six daya; ilooiliei tsi in two houtH. x.IOuroe Mtg. Co., x 16, l.a Crosse, Wis. j M7i3 lo" PORTRAIT agents everywhere iiult "crayoiiH.-' Try wuxhablu unauiellneH; no gliiBs; don't run; cheup. Family Portrait Co., Chicago. J Miol 9 WAXTMII-TO RI'.NT. TWO unfurnished rooms or one very large one, with bolird, iletween Juckson und Woolwotth, 2th and S2d. Aoutess, K W, Dee. K-MUJ9-10 ' hlOHAdlw PACIFIC Storage und WurChouso Co,, 912, 914 J ones, general utorugc Und forwurdtng. -Ml ' OM. Vun Cnr. Co.. lGll'j Fam. Tela. 1569-!tJ. " ' - 5W A.NTMD TO IILV. WANTED at once, driving team, state color, uge, welgnt ana price 'Address X.3, I've; N-(Si-lo IO II tl.l I.M FUll.V IT Lit 1-.. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO., 1410 Dodgo, Tel. mm. Now': i'llinuiu turulturo huubiu, sold, o'jchungeil,, O 2U2 FINEST line of new und Bucotid-hatiil turn! turo in tno city; Inxpect our stocu beloru iiiiyiiiK, wo wnoiexuiu 10 country ileuierx; priceH low. Enterprise Furniiure Co., loj-i ti. lllli, comer Dodge. O M.l A? FOR 3.VI.E-IIOHSMS, VWIICLliS, BTC. ENTIRE irtock of carriages, buggies und wagons rcbutdluss ot cosi. Andeivou-Mll-tutu o., ,or. utn una Davenport, i iOi-M23 OMNI1IUS, newly pufnted; light trap, new una up-to-date. it. Frost, mh t l,eav. I'-iW HARD und soft fonidatlon piling; hog leiu.es und cnuolng. 9ui Douglas, 2U) 2D11AND uuto cheup. Dcright, Ulti Furnum. y-2uj SAFES; buy, sell exc'gc, Schwartz, 1H H, 13, W 2tit TIMOTHY huy und-ull kinds feed und coul .domoo & co. y 2w 1NCUUATORS. Send to tho Sure Hatch iucuoutor Co., cmy (.enter, iu tor u Imuasomu treo catalogue. Q 2g9 SEED SWEETS. Thep. Williams. Renson, Web. y.M-201 M2a FOR SALE, two very line Jersey c6ws: just fresh. 2S20 Webster St. W -020 10 CUTLERY of nil kinds ;fTnest "i?noTnt ho city; wo gilnu razors, sneurs, cllpputs, etc. A. Uudeland, lolu Doilgc, tit. JJ-MCIU AO FOR SAKE Two cows; Just fresh, "itiuulrii ut 30J Woolworth Ave. Ci .M0UI-.1, WIRE tenco for poultry, Uelglaiihare. hog Held or lawn, wire, Worlw, oil , '.mh a;, Cj-.M07 jy7 10-HORS1J' power gusolln'o eiiglno lu good ordyr. PW. 3724 N. 21st t. W M714 i'j CliAIUVOk AKTS, MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North lUth. MME QYLMER, genuine palmUt. ICOS Dodge S-27t CE.N'O, clulrvoyant und heuler, 1915 Fu'rnura. ; U.M59 9 MRS.' HENRY, test medium, 1707 Cass. S-M013 11 Ml.Mll'ltlU TJt;..T.UM.T. ELITE parlors, 615 South 10th, second rioor. T M Ms MME. AMES," 1015 Howard, 2d floor, room 1, T-187-M2I MALI EL QUAY, 217H N. 15th St,, Flat E. aUSS MAY LESLIE, 012 S. 10th, 2d floor. TVMal3 A2 CAMILLE DUVAL, 019 Bo.-16th. 2d" floor. ' T 021 .40 MlnS WILLIAMS, massugo, nuiBnotlc elec tric, hot alcohol spungo ouths. -607 S. 13th J,,:.'rl'um 3, T-M64J u ELITE parlors, 016 South lfitH, second floor. T-M712 As PEKSO.VAl,. DR. RO,. chiropodist; corns ii superfluous hulr removed by clectrlcty, R, 12 l-'renisr block. U -.'i9 PRIVATE homo before and during confine incut; babies adopted. Mm. Rurget. 2OJ0 Uurdette. U 272 FRENCH nccordlon pleutlng, Ivory rim buttons, mull orders, Omaha Pleating Co., Ij.'I Douglus. U 273 THK OMAHA DAILY BKEt SATL'KDAY, i'i:rso.ai SUPPLIES for all muchlnes; machines for rent. Unite Sowing Machine, 1U20 Douglas. Tel. 2514. U-274 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before- and during conllncment; bublcs adopted. 2300 Orunt St. C-276 tv ROX of Re-No-May Powder Is not a luxury when It alTorus you u cure und secures the comfort and happlne.ix of your loom-mute. U M21" TURKISH baths, massage baths electric baths, fot ladles only; skilled womuti musBUKO operators.; iliu-st equipped baths In the city. Renstrom Ruth Company. Rooms 210 to 220, Rco Rldg. U-278 VIAVI Woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home trcutmciit. 018 Reo Rldg, U-278 W. D. P., come home. Father falling. U-C31-S RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no dunger; send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Rulldlng, Omahu. U-fj54-A113 ATTENTION given collections and legal matters; ussoclutu attorneys everywhere. Now Snow-Church Co., 401-403 N. Y. L. U-M4I1 10 M. GOLDMAN & CO.-Onlyperfectuc-cordeon pleutlng plant in tho west. Mull orders solicited. Suite 200 Douglas lllock. U-277 RHEUMATISM, paralysis, goitre, female diseases, consumption, glandular swell higx, obtslty, stomach und kidney troubleH, chronic diseases cured by Thyroid Lymph Remedies. Consultation una uooklul tree. Thyroid- Lymph Co., 101 Heu Rldg., Omuhu, 91-5-0 Uurr block, Lincoln, Neb. U-10I-M31 MO.M'J V TO l.U.V.N RMAI, ESTATE. MONEY lo loun on linnroveil Omuhu reul estate. Urennan-Lovu'Co., 'M South 13th. W-2Jj0 ANTED City louns, bonds nnd wurrnnts. Oeorge ,c Compuny, ltn Furnam street. V-241 LOANS on euxteru Nebraska nnd western lowu farms at 0 per cent; borrowers can pay Jiw ot any multiple; any interest duto; no delay. Urcunun-Luvo Co.', 300 80. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-2S3 Jl.Ooo and tipwArd to loan on Improved city properly i.tid farms. W.- Futnuni Smith' : Co., 1320 Furnum. W 22 WANTED, city und farm louns; also bonds anil warrants. R. c. Peters & Co., 170J Furnum St., Reo Rldg. W-2M PRIVATE money to loan. J. II. Sherwood, 939 N.Y. Lite. ' W-2S7 MONEY td'loiin on fnrnruild city property; lowest rates. O. F.-Davis Co., 1603 Farnnm. W-2S5 MONEY to loan nt C and 5H per cent on omuhu property. W. U. MelKle, 401 S. 16th. W-2SU FIVE per cent money. Retnls, Paxton Wock. W-2M PRIVATE money. F- D. Weud, 1521 Douglas. AV-2VJ 5 AND O'b per cent louns. W. 11. Thomas, First Nutlonul Rank building. Tel. 1CIS.' 11, . 'R1VATE inoiicy,. G, OVi, 6 per cent; no de lay. Qarvln Pros., leu Furnam. W 291 5 AND 6'A per cent city und farm, loans Oaivhl Rros., 1013 Furnum St. V S99 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W-2S7 CASH on hand. a. E. Turklngtuu, C')3 Ree. W Mu'Jl MOMiY TO LOAN CHATTELS, WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEEUS. It is easy to advertise lowest rules, as oihcrs do, but Wu leet positive" thui tr you will inuKu comparisons you will be con vinces ltlll t Villi cull (lit battel' Wltb us t tnun- eiscwiieru u loan on fiirnuure, pmnuH, live siuck, etc., or wu win inuKu 1 uu u SALARY LOAN without inuorsor yr mortgage. o cuargir uotlilng lor luuHing the loun aim you reeeie tllU fUll Ullllllllll in cash. lou ntuy pun 11 buck, In ono4 montn or in no six moiiths of ' nioiu 111 whicti to' repay It, onu you need not pay ior It duo day longer Hum you keep U. Our terms uro tno eusliHt, our business Is coiinuenliul und our motto is "try to incuse. "OMAHA MUR'IUAUE L'vAN CO., Ill) iiouru ot '1 ruiii' nine. Tel. smiS. i So. loih.st. X .M3IS , MONlJY TODAY. L LlinllH tnillln 111 .llnnlllilu tr,n,i tin 1 tl'J .it household' turnlturv, piunos, horsesr ctir-i nuges, etc., wiihoui temovul, or tin your o-A-i.-.wi-i witnoui security, ah or tt purt of thu money miry bo paid back tho urxt month or no part ot It need bo paid buck tor severul months. Each payment muile reduces thu cost accordingly. Em ployers and neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business reiutlom. I'eopiu who need money ure Invited to cull und get my terms und compuro them with . what others offer. Loans of other com p tu 1 1 oh .niuy bo trunsterred to me. No charge tor pupors. All buslucsH strictly cuulldentlul. Quick hcrvlco und lowest rules guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE. C33 l'uxton Rile, top.-iloor, northeust corner 10th and Futuam. Entrancu on 10th,St, Tel, 716. X 291 SALARY LOANS. If you ure employed by a responsible Arm wo will loun you sums troni io to 1100 on your nolo at much cheaper und easier rules than elsewhere. Of this wo, uro positive. Absolutely no charge tor i.uput'B .Nothing deducted from amount' desired Eusiest partial payments. Reliable Credit Co., room 30J, Puxton Rlock.. X "9j MONEY louned salaried people holding. per- tiuoi.tt I.,,.,..., , -r.iuiisiuiu concern upon their mimes without security; eusy payments. Tolmun, 4lu Roard Trado blUit X-iilj MONEY louned on piunos, furniture. jUw, clry, hori.es, cowb, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. A ZJI MONEY loaned on tifanos. furniture . imr. vu., o, uuit uivil, I. 0,'lliirKCr buy . V i1 J SA LA IU' loans ut reduced rales. Dmulia Credit Co., 620 New York Lite. Rldg. N A MONEY to loun. I. i51cgler, 109 WarT7loclT X-MOli.' K.A.1..A.II.V I .ri. l.M-U " " Wo loun $10 to $100 upon pliilu notes. No security or mortgage Tiiiulred. TlAl.fllu tt'lt..,. I....... 1 4 ...il.l ........1 ...ii, an IH-1UI1I IIUlX Puy weekly ot seml-mouRily or monthly, WH -GUARANTEE lowest j-ateV" ' v. ui i.ii us euxy payments. i.iiuni wi ice oiiuamK. AMERICAN LOAN Co. X-M715 III SI.M'.HS CIIA.NCES. 150 CASH on easy puyments buys 23 strictly. uwiiii inicnttii sioi iiiucnines ior iirimts, cigars or cash; will earn $2 and upward weokiy eneh. Enrl Clark.it Co., Furni ture aianuiuciurcrs, uuicugo, III. ' "Y-316 FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and carriugo nuHiueuH in houiu central No brusku. For further purtlculurs address Rox WM, West Liberty, lu, , Y 311 FURNITURE of 7-loom flat, line location, ...I.i,all. mi III .......I ri.ll I. ..a. 1 ' vviui'ivicir fc-i,,.,iw,, m, uL-ni uiubs ruuiu- era;, extra opportunity to make money, J. '11. Johnson, 811 N. Y. Llfo. .Y M15i FURNITURE of 12 rooms,, elegantly and completely eiiulpped, full of ,llrsj-clas4 ivunibiFi ..w... ..v. .. , ,,w ,,r-,,ri lUlllllUll In city. If you want a puylna businis Investlgnto this tmedlutcly. J. II. John Bon, 841 N. Y' Life... , Y M151 WILL take long leuso on brick' stable If num. ceiuruiiy lucmeii, and puy good rent. Address J 65, Ree, Y 3I ATTENTION given collections and legal , . . ..... .. nBni.lnlA'ni,nm.uu. .... i . . New Snow-Church Co,, 401.105 N. V. L. . Ywill-11 DENVER, tho proper pluco to live, lor lieann ior waaiin, -a nonuy restaurant and lunch countea, for sulo; now llxtures, liuw rntm;, cash register, etc. Good locu. tlon by tho Denver theater. Investigate ut onco or lose rare opportunity. Call or address Johnson Jfc Co., 1731 Curtis ht., Denver. Y-M007 6 FOR SALE, only racket store In best town III Qunitill ei't'l annii , kjuii luuimuii; spieil- did cash trade; all. new goods. Address KM. Ree. Y-M01S lj A 'ELL established sai'dlc and hurneis uusiiica lueriiiy, 11111 give possession im mediately; good reasons given. Address K 03, Ree. Y MOM 10 FOR SALE, cuttle lunches on O & 8. R, R, fi nines iruiu 1 iieyeiiui1, wyo, Arlilress D. M, Arnold, lilay, Wyo. 1 Y-M051 17 111 sim:?i CIIANCI!-. DOCTORS and LlFElNSl'lTANFi: SthN select healthy locations f6r their Inliillle-. SIX nfthem OWN HOUSES AND LOTS IN RHMIS PARK, Y-Mfi7 11 A CLEAN stock of groceries, butchers' out nt, four Rarr oash curriers nnd National rush register; ran be bought cheap; nil hi flrst-claxi condition. .Address 0. W., Rox ij, OmaliH, Neb. Y M6I1 12 FOR SALE, my store btilldlDg, 21x00x20, nt Mend, Nth., also my photo galleries at Mead .and Wnhoo. For particulars In close, stamp and uildre.ts Rox Cgfi, Wahoo, Neb. YM702 10 GENTLEMAN with !(Mvlshes To become a partner In good paying business. 1, s, Ree. Y-M708 10 RRICK YARD ground In lease, 3th st. und Ames tiven.te. Apply 2,02 Rrlstoi st Y-.M707 12 for n.vcii.woi:. WILL trade stoves nnd. furnltliro for hones. c-'i 1UIII 01. .'IIU,. .Muni) WILL excnlgc clear vacant boulevard lots lit Chicago for South Omaha Improvrd or eastern rscurasKu tnrm uiniis. owners only address, Anton llolverson, 102 N. 21th St., South Omuhu. tt-MHQS AN js.'i Imported magic lantern n 73 phono, graphic outfit and a M Luther bleyelo for gooa driving norse. uon t unswer tins ua Ulilcxs horse Is Al. Address K 69, Ree. V. 637-S WANTED TO TRADE, n line blooded mA gcntlo SlK'tland pony for 11 tiding horse or pony, suitable for a young girl. Ad dress K o, Uie. , 030-b DOCTORS and LIFE INSURANCE MKN select healthy locations for their fnin'lUs. SIX of them OWN HOUSES AND LOTS IN REM1S PARK. Z-MG77 11 FOR SAI.M-RIvAL KM'.t'ri; SNA1' K.'Vl fine bUsiuesH lot, two blocks south depot, 10th St. Inuulrc 1411 Vinton. RE-S39 .MIS 5-ROOM cottage und lot, isth near Lake Ht. cheup, Rox 373, Kearney;-Neb. RE-3S0.19 HOUSES, Jots, farms, lunds, louns; also lire Insurance. .Remise puxtof) Rllt. UK S1J CIIAS. ErwiLLrAMSONri203 Farnam StT RE-513 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale Uy tho Union Puciiic Railroad company. H. A. McAlluster, hind commissioner, Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Nob, ,, RE-C14 CHEAPEST lbt fit City df Omaha; 'Woot east front lu Nelsons addition. M. J. Kcnnurd Si Son, 310 Rrown block. . RE-313 AN IMPORTANT REAL ESTATE NOTICE1II 'PAYNIC-KNOX COMPANY Havo-becn nppolnted solo n,gcnU3 for all KOUNTZE PLACE lots owned nnd con trolled by MR. HERMAN KOUNTZE, add ho now offers them' for about one third their former value.'' Plats can 00 examined and pr.lces und tsrms of puichaso given at the olllce. Any of out obliging sulcstnch Btand ready to show you theso lino lots at uny .time. Just think of it! A bcautlYut 60-foot lot In KOUNTJSE PLACE for J730. PAYNE-KNOX COMPAN Y. MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE RLDG, - RE-Mltfj 11 HELP AUDITORIUM! RUY REMlS PARK LOT. . RE-MolO 10 SEE HENRY R. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE. RE 310 TWO of- tho Cheapest lots m ihe;.uestcrn part of the city; must Jiu xola-thls week M. J. Kclituiru i bun, Jiu Rtonti Rlock. RE 378-8 FOR SALE, N. E. Cor. 131 h nnd Davenport ts., tKixiaj feet. Prioi lo,uv; terms eusy; or. will tent lor long lerni. t'Xho Ryton Reed Co.,, 212 t). 14tn Ht.',,tmabu, Neb. ' , RE-.M63S 0 HELP AUDITORIUM! RUY REMlS PARK. 1.UI. ' 1 Hp-.MUli HI 2'COTTAGES and line corjier oh Popplcton ave, l,b70. ' S-r. house, furtincc, bath'.nud closet; l.WO. House, burii'luid huge lot, Woat Center, . J1.250. - ' 4-r. cotfcigo uli'd 30-ft. loC.23th und Rurdctto, iW). ' r 2 lots on 21th, near VintoifSts.. l,ot. F. D, Weud. 1B2I DotlglaK St. - RE 632 8 HELP AUDITORIUM! RUY RE MLS PARK LOT. RE-MUM 10 DOCTORS and LIFE INSURANCE MEN select beulthy locations lor thalr i.imineN, HIA ot them OWN HOL&Es ,NU l.O'IH l.N REMlrt PARK. RE-.M07a 11 FOR SALE nt sacrifice, or will trutlolor improved Omuhu property, vuluuuie uliln cumbered ten-ucto loniiiu ranuh In San J'lcgu city, l. aiiiuruiu; xi-veii oiobltn Hum street cat, beuutltully loeuted; trees beat ing; death ot owner iiuces.iltutes Inllneul ute sale. Address L I, Ree olllce. RE MUM 10 MMIIICAI.. LADIES, 1300 reward for an obstinate, long. Btiiuuing abnormal case supprehsiou, any lmiimi ,oul Dr. JucKsoue Vcgetuble Femulo Meillcuia fulls to rcliuvu tu 21 houru with out pain or loss of WorK; 110 ergot or tansy limnu for conunemeni cases. Mulled ti.00, Dr. Jaukson, it. C. Dept., 1. 107, jjoui born St., Chicago. M 397-10 DR. LB DUE'S Fem.'iio Regulator, posi tively wurrunted to cure tno Inost tub born cases 01 monthly stoppages, irregu larities, obstruction auu sjptiresslons brought on 110m una lever euusu; .' u pacKugo ot '4 tor Jj; sent anywliero pro paid 011 receipt ot price, 'lliu Kiuu Drug Co., Elgin, ill. American Olllce, retuu, wiiolesuie, MycrH-Uilluu Drug Co., Oinuiia; M. A. Dli.0.1, (jouth omuhu, Davtu Drig 1. 11.. Council uiulls. i''uu lino ot ruuur goods. LOST, STRAYED, horse, Biuldled and bridled; buj eolor. ituturu to L'iOU S. Uth und reeehe rv ward LoslMUll 9" I'ATM.NTS. INVENTORS GOT AN IDEA? We hundlu pntents eoii rights 11 1111 tmdo marks; you itlvu-us thu Din u idea unit wo will 'do thu Yost; modern equipped muihlno shop und foundry h; connection; ofllclai Gazette on lllu; guide booK tree, Musuii FeilWtck & Lawteuco, putetu luwycrs. ilwi liuwurd St.; Tel. II iu, Omahu. J. i'. Cronln, repr. -3-.-0 INVENTORS, we usk, no feo until tho pulent Is procured; If wo full, wu gut nu tee, udvlcu free. Sues At Co., Patent Law yers, Rco Rldg., Omuhu,. Neb. Long dis tance telephone, 1023. , 118 Mario- MlORTIIl.MI AM) TYPIJWHITIMj. A.C. VAN SANT'S School 717 nTyT Ufo! , -J22 ROYLES' College, court reporter principal. Ree Rldg. . . ' i.n -323 NEIL- Rusluebs & Slroi thund collegu.-iRoyd's Theuter. GREGG Shortluind. 6m. C Col., 10 & Doug DA.VCl.Vti. LAST chance, last term for tjiPi season, begins this week nt Morand a dunciiig bchool, crelghtun hall,.' Adults, Tuesday und Friday, S p. m reduced price ?.i ror ten lessoti; children, Wednesday Uli p. m Saturda. 2 p. in., 20 lessons 410; pit. alo lessons ually; aHsemuiies every Wednesday. 3SJ U OSTIvOP.V t in. JOHNSON Institute, 613 N. Y. L. Rldg. Tel, lOiil; Allen Johnson, D. O,, ladles' dept.; GUI E. Johnson, Osteopathtst, Mgr. " -317 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school. Ivlrhsvllle, Mo., Ool Paxton Hlk. Tel. 1367. -31S WAI.li I'APKIt. So a roll and up; painting, paper hanging, decorating. Kclsey, 117 S, I7th. Tel. 100s. H3 1't HMTI'RIC RMI'AIRINO. TEL. 1231. M S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St, -330 MAKCII 0, 3 001 IMIlt Itl'.N'l-LA.M1. I' OK RENT, 4 acres garden land: I1011 vnrn and well. lnitilr A. Arnemann 1 rnrnum, Room is. -Mi?pS 1" sc. log in WA.STIRI-TO IIORROW. WANTED to borrow H.OOOW on 11 good piece of business jiroerty for 3 years ul 0 per cent, iiayuble soml-iiuntinlly , propertj will bear Inspection, ete. Address nil coin munlciui'lns to K tl. Ree. -MO?, lb lir.l.OI VV HARMS. FOR SALIC. 23 line Kclelan liares.unt nt Im. ported stock, prize winners, nt reasonablo ngures; uavc a tew ni fi eucti, 1 ome early and have your pick. Imiulra upstairs. 1413 South 16th St., one block south ut iniam ai. 007-13 I.At'.MlRY. OM'AHA Steam Laundry; shlrti 2c; cuffs, 4c, 1730 Lenvcnwo s, 7c; collars rth. Tel. 517. -33.1 VrAMJIMRIXG AMI .VniTTMRlMi. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Rldg. CARPi;TMRS A.M) JOIIIIERK. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly nt'.ended to. 0. T. Ochiltree, 20th und Luku Sts, 070 IIIL'VCI.MH. WE HAVE tho only Vulcnnlzer In the eltv for buggy tires. Wo do this work ns gcod us cun no uono at tno laciory. iu;.' cupi tol Ave. 033 .It.VK. U. & M. Junk house. J. Milder. Prou.. dealer In all metals, bottles, etc. Carloads a speciuity. M1-60J r arniim, umunitT lei. M3Ji l'AW.MIllllKHUS, EAGLE Loan Olllco, reliable, nccommodat lngiuill business conlldcntlul. 1301 Douglus. piu.vri.vt;. HAVE It printed right. Waters Printing Co., 422 So,' 16th St. Phono 2190. -ivs A7 'ARSIS FOIl RENT. 80. NEAR Florence and &0 In Iowa. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas St. 033 5 TICKET IIIMIIvr.lt. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II. Phil bin, 1505 Fariiam. Telephone 784. 332 IM'UIIATOKK AMI 1IROOIIMR.S, 1NCURATOR3 nnd brooders; cataloguo free. Wrlto Rurr Incubator Co., R 2, Olnaha, Neb. Factory ut2Slh Si Davenport. -I79-M31 MXI'MRT ACCOU.VTA.M'. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or evening. R. 15, Com. Nat. Rank. G. R. Rnthbun. 320 ELOCUTION HEADING. MRS. DORWARD. Studio 623 N. 19th St. -377-A1 llllllIIMIl STAMPS. 'RADGES, mcduls. Om. Pl't. Co., Beo Rldg. Tel. 263,1. K( A C CO 1 1 11 1 OX VI, MAT IMG. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick est, Airs. a. c. MurK, H. J'-, uor. inn una Far num. -333 11I1111S AMI TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Rlrd Store, 1215 S, 10th, -32S LI'IIOI.STMKI.VG. OLORE COUCH CO, 1519 Leav'th. Tel. 2529, Jlliv RAILWAY TIME TA11LMS. CHICAGO & NORTH western Rullwuy "l'ho Nortliw extern l.'lno" City Ticket Olllce, 1101 Fnrnam St. Telaphone, 601. uepol, Tenth and Murcy Sis. folepliouo 029. ivuavc. Arrive. Dujngiit Chicago Spe cial u 7:00 am nll;30 pm Chlcngo Pnsfenger a 4:15 pm ub:IOum Eastern Express, Des Moines, Murshulitown, Cellar Rapids und Chicago ul0;35 am a 1:05 pm Euitfein Sieclul, Chi- . cugo und Eust a 4:53 pin a 4.03 pm Fusi Mull, Chlcngo to Omahu ,, a 2:15 pm Omuhii-clilciigo L"t'd ..u 7:15 pm u 8:00 um Fuse Mull u 8:30 urn Cedar Kuplds Pusscnger u 5:30 pm a Dally. FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri V'uiley Railroud "Tho Northwestern Line" General Olllcon, united Stutes National R&llk Rulldlng, S. W. comer Twcitui uuu I'ut- . .. , .Jill 1 .... C vtll.C, ,W, I (.,,11111, . ueiAJl, loin uud Webster Sts. ... , . Leave. Arrive. Rluck Hills, Duutlwood, Hot Springs a 3:o0 pm a 3:30 pm Wyoming, cusper und Douglus d 3:00 pm o 5:'J0 pm Hustings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter und Seward. ...b 3:00 pin b 3:00 pm NoriolK, Vurulgro unil I'lemont b 7:30 urn b!0:25 urn Lincoln, Wahoo and Fremont b 7:20 urn blo:25 am rrumutit Locut u 7:30 am u Duily. b Dully uxcept sunnay. c Sun dsy omy. d Unity except Saturday, o Vimy except Monuuy, SIOl'X CITY & PACIFIC Rullroud "Tho North western Lino" General Olllecs, I'nlted states Nutlonul Ruuk Rulldlng, S. W. Corner Twelfth und l.'iirii.iin Kim. 'I'lokeL Office, nui Furnam St. Tulephono 001. Du pot. Icnth nnd Marcy Sts. Telephouu 029. . .... Leave.- .Arrive.., Tw n City Express u 0:55 urn ul0:25 pm Twin City Limited u 7:63 pm a 8:15 nfh Sioux City Local a 8:00 uin u 3:30 pm a Dully CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Mlnueupolls umaha Rullwuy "Tho North wHtel n Liny" -general OfJlces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and vubser Sts. . city Ticket Olllce. l'a ina m SI. Iclcphone, 601, Depot, and Webster a is. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Pussengcr...n 0:ui am u 9:lo pm Omuhu Passenger .... an-M UItl Slfiux City & North- ciist Nebraska uSilonm a Dally. v ' '' UNION FACIFlr."TIIiC OVER, lunr! Route 'General Olllecs N. E. Cor. Ninth uud Furnam Streets. City Ticket Olllce, 1321 Farnain Street. Telephone, 310. Depot, Tenth uifd .Murcy Sts. Telephone, 029, . ueuvis. . Arrive, Tho Overland Limited.. 11 8:20 urn 11 7:30 pm Tho Chicugo Portluitd Special :..aS:50nm a 7:30 pm Tho Fust Mall a 8:5o am a 3:26 pm Tho Mull und Express. .ull;3i pm 11 4: So pm Lincoln, Beatrice und Stromsburg Express..! 4:03 pm bi3:30 pm Tho Puclflc Express..., a 1:23 pm Thu Atluiltlc Express.,, u C:50 am Grand Island Local.. ..b 5:30 pm b 9:33 am u iiuny, i' 1-Ai.cin minting. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIJ. road-General Offices and Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner lltli and Douulus Sts. Tolephone, 101, Dupot. Union Ktatlon, Leave. Arrlvo. Is and KutiBaB Express u 10:00 nm a 0:23 pm St. L. Express, ,ulO:50 pm 11 0:15 urn Leave from 15th nnd W'ebxUir atreets: Nebraska Local, Via W'eiplng Wnter ... b 4.10 pm ul0:15 am u Dally, Li Dally except Sunday, 'It I. uvi. lt-1. llJ). 1401 15th St. X.ou City K. C It VII. WAY 11.1110 'I'Altl.U. CHICAGO, MOCK 1SL - ml Pacific ItallroMil Tho Orrat Rock Isi- lid Route" - City ' ! ket Office. 1933 Far i' .111 Street. Telephone, I . Depot. Tenth wild Many tfts. Tale- pholie. OKI. j. t- Leave. D.s Molnr uul DiUrn-' port Loc il ... ;;28 , r,hltlVJ0, KVt , -.1)11:15 am pes Molnis Local . ... 4:2y pm l hlcago l ust Express .11 u:w pm Dcs Motn-s. Rock 1st. Arrive. bll.Sn nni n N:10 am a 4:W pm a 1:25 pm and and Chicago. . a 7:10 pm it 9'. pm Lincoln. Colorado Spgit . " Deliur, Pueblo and W est HlSfl nni Colorado. Oklahoma & 1 Texas Fiver u :.. n 4:15 pm ft dull), b Dully except Sunduy a 9:60 am c,n''aV,' ,1VAUKHH A St. Paul Itiillwny-Clty Ticket Olllce. l,',o Farnnm Street. Telephone. 2l. Depot, Tenth mid Mason Streets. Telephone, it's. 1 -,t, .... t ...... .. MlLWAUh 1 11 crigo Llinlte.l Ev u :ti pm a S:03 am Chicago & Omaha Ex. b 7:15 nni b 3:40 p ...... j .tu j l. ll ouiitIil , OMAHA .Vi ST. LOUIS RAIL. ronu- uuuiiia, Kansas city Eastern Railroud -"Th.i Qlllney Route" Ticket Of lite, 1115 Furnam St. Tele phone, 322. Depot, Tenth and Many Stteutx. Telephone, li.V Leave. Arrive. St. Lotus Cannon Rail uxpress u i.is pm n S:20 am Kansas City & Qtilucy Local a Dally. .n ?:oa nm n 9:00 pm ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallrond-Clly Ticket Of lice, HiV2 Furnam Street. Telephone, 2IS. Depot, Tenth ami Marcy Streets, leavc. Arrive. Chlcngo Express a 7:00 urn 1111:2311111 v iiiL-ago 1, milieu ,. u ,;u pin MltllleunnllM X- At Piml 11 8:05 u m h 9:10 pm n 8:05 nm u S:13 nm lix press u Minneapolis A; St. Paul 7:00 am 1. which . ,..u 1:1s pm l ort Dodge Local from Countll Rlurts b 1:30 pm T.,rl ll.irtir.i I ...-I :15 pm 1111, lw.ll llllitTu .. CM ..... adally. b D.illy'excopt Sunday. WARASII RAILROAD Tleki't tllllce. 1115 Farnuin Street. Telephone, 322 De pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Tt lephone. 029. I n "1 i Arrli'n St. Loufs "Cannon Rait" ... . . Express a ii i.p pm n s:.v am u Dally. KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph At Council RlufTs Railroad "The Hurling ton Route ' Ticket Olllco, 1302 Furnam Street. Tule phone. 230. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele Phono. 128. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex a 9:20 am a 0:23 pm KunsuU City Night Ex .al0:30 pm ti 0:15 ant St. Louis Flyer, for St. Joseph und Ht Louis, a 6 10 pm all 15 am 11 Dully. Rt'RLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroud -"Tho Rurllugtou Roulo" Ginerul Olllecs, Norln west Coiner Tenth and Farnain Streets. Ticket Olllce, 1302 Farnain Street. I'elnnlw,,,.. Rutliugto!! biuuoti, leiun and Muson Streets, leicpnone, 1.3. ' . .... vo Arrive. Lincoln, Hustings und a 7:33 pm n 3:00 pm 11 0:15 om 11 0:15 tun u 9:17 uin bll:55 am a 0:45 am bl 1:03 urn .lncoln, Denver, Colo- J..., . it. T.i. rv.iirnrula.il 1:23 nm . .'"U.'..UU'"V.',.V. "l . !lt(KI .111 Ms:;uriouna::a s ,,. Lincoln Fust m 111 i"- Wyn'HI?. Ull"lr,co.,m!l,is:.0n, l.lllUlll ... Denver. Colorado, Utuh and cnurorniu.......--. South Rend, Louisville. P nttsmouin " 't Crook. V iittsmnuin and Piicltle Junction.. a 7:00 pin a 8:20 am Ilellevue. , PI tsmou 1. nnd ruc-iiiu ywr '' . . ,.., V 11 Dully " l Dully except Sunduy. CHICAGO. RURLINGTON At Qulney Rullroud "Tho Uunlpgtou Route" Ticket Olllco 1502 Furnam Slreut. TeluphoiU), 250. Depot Tenth uud Mason streets. Telephone, yx Ll'UVO, Arrive. al0:15 pm 11 7:45 nm 11 4:03 pm a 7.45 am u 2.15 pm Il.-i vlluli! Chlnmn Sue- clul u 7:30 urn Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.11 1:00 pm Chlrugo Local Express a 9:30 am llicugn j, milieu u iuu pin "list Mull a Dally. .rVYORK(fll:fl)MOBILE ron tMI-MOHTMLY.IIKKP' WECHLV I FINE SNIPS INCONNtCTION WrrH PttSOlO StRVICC mt otuionio.s ALONG THE NOKTH SHORE HAVANA, MATANIAS, CARDENAS, SAuUA, CA. mt3E.t, M'EVITAS, OIBAKA, ut UARACOA, " 101 mir Hut Mtixsor; STKAMHIIIP J.INE J7 w Vllllamt. Nw Yorx City RAYMOND & WHITCOMR. K Union Sauar. Now York. For Tickets, Stateroom Reservation nd General Information of the MO BILE BERVICE. apply to Ticket Agent Mobllo & Ohio il. R. and South em Uy. ClDDtC 11 lours. Low prices. tUltUrt Sail June 22. July 0. Itineraries nt Edwin Jones, 402 Putnam n., Rrooklyn. N Y ('ruiiil Tour A11111111I Ibe World lu 1 1III1E. IIU dnH, mil)- mi,t(7." cxtienxen. Itin eraries ready. GO MII.N,1IM.T NOTICM. WANTED for l. S. army, able-bodied un married men, between uges of 21 und ?5; cltlzciiK of the United States, of good character and tnmpernto habits, who can fcpoak, 1 pad und wrlto English. Rourulti specially desired .for -ervlco hi Philippines. For Information upply to Recruiting oill ccr, Cor. 10th und Dodgo sty., Omuhu, Neb. I'OSTOFFICIi nutict:. Should be read DAILY by all Interested, us changes muy occur ut uny time. Foreign mullH tor tho week ending Mutch 9, 1901, .will clouu iPROMFTLY 111 ml ciues) ul the Gciiurui l'ostotllcu as fol. lows: PARCELS POST MAILS cloeo ONE HOUR euiller thun cloying time .diuwu below. Pa ree la I'ost Mulls for Germany clobu at l p. 111. on .March I. pur s. s. KuUur WlllUiin der Giosst, via Rremen; Mutch 0, per h. h. Kurlsruhe, via Rremen, uud Murcli &, per s. s. P.itrtulu, via Humburg. Regulur uud Suppleinentury Muilu closo at Foreign Rrunch liulf hour later than clos ing lima shown -below. Ti'iiiixittliinllu MiiIIn, SATURDAY At 1:20 u. 111. for EUROPE, per a h Luciuilu, lu (jueciistown; ut u. 111. for DENMARK direct, per s. a. Noibu (mull must bu dlivtieu "per m. s. Norge"i, ul i-M 11. m. lor NETHER. LAN Dh dlrecl, pur s. u Am.luiuum (mall must bo directed "per s. . Amstenluiu j; ut, 8 a. m. lor ITALY, per h. b. Holien zilliTii, via Naples (mall must bu dlrectud per s. llohenzollern"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC-Tlilu Btenintr lukua Printed Muttel, Commerclul Pupois uud Sumples for uurmuuy only. The sumo class 01 mull inntter lor oihor purts of Europe will not i sent by mig gln unless specially directed by her. Alter the fluxing or tho supjuememary Truus-Atluntlo .lluls ininied above, ua. dltlonal BUppiemuutury muns 111 0 opened ou tlio piei-u of thu Amuricaj-,, KngiUh. French und Gernmn Bteumors. aim to. main open until within 'tin .Mlnuie of viiu nour of nulling 01 utcumei. .M11IU liif.Miuth uud t.-riKiiii Aiiierleu Vet Indies, Rtu. ' 8 A T U R D AY A t 8 a. in. for RERmuda per b. b. Triniuuu; nt 9 u. m. i8UdoIu. mentnr (via bu LAO, pel uiilliu "per s, filll.'W Muruvul; ut W it. m, Mexico, mentur; 1SLAN CART I I tatft liiea mum i,u tint'uieu "per B u ' ttt.,1V,'. (H'tPPleinentury 10;3i) tor IIAUI, per h, b, Andes, at lo ,tintm ompiitiirv lll.'ni .. . ' . Athos"); ut 10 a. COH iA a illrett, per s. b. Adlroiiduck. ut 12:30 p. mt for MATANZAS, Nl'lli VITAS, CA1RARIEN. RARACcIa and GIRARA, pers, . Curltybu (ordlnury ;nu IffKfsWSff! y 9:00 a. m.i tor PORTO ltico 11 Jliunj, VENEZUELA iimlf- 1,1. r h. . Phtladolphlu tmuli tor Su- uuu wu nuifctiiu must bu directed , b. 1 uiiaut ipuia ) , ut 9 u. ni. for UA and -iltlNiliAii ZJ"' ior CL'RA. por . s. "-'t lai n. n . Via jiuvunu; 111 in u, n,, (Hiipple. u, Jiiiumi-n, nrtvawtjjA and l AG EN A, pur u, b, Athos tmull tor I 1 I'o.vtorii'ifii mi ririj. mil), which must be directed "m.r 7 curltjbii . Mails foi Newfoundland, b lull i North Sidney Mini thue i siaiiiei, v0x , ihli title duily ut tl.jw p. m. teouiiet'tlnu' Hose hr u iy .Muudn.v. Wednesiiuy and Saturday. MhIU fut .Mlnueioii. by run to Huston and thence by steamer, elose at this olllce dull ut 0.J0 p. 111. Mulls jor Culm, uy tall to Port Tutuim, l.'ia., and theneo by teumr. close ut this olllco dnlly, except Mendnj, at tl u. m. tho tounectliiK closes are nu Sunday, Wednes day nnd Friday) Mai's for Cuba, by rail to MluhM, Flu . and thunco by steamer, close at this oilllte eiiy .tuniiav mni i.'rt dny ut Ml p. m. 'latis tor Mexico City, nverinlid. linlesi, snoclilllv niiilr....i r.,r dispatch ry stepiner, eioso nt this ofllcu daily ut :M p. in. and 11 p. ut. Malls for ctHia inca, iieuze t'tiurto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans anil thence by steamer, close nt this olllco dally at "1:30 p. m. (connecting close, hero Mundane tor 1UMI7.P. Puerto lortrx and Gtmtelnala und Tuesdnys for Costa Rica), 'Rvglslured mull closes ut 0 p. 111. previous uuy. Tiiin.inellle .Hull., Mulls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philip, plno Ihlauds. via Situ Finnclsco, elose hero dally at : p. m. up lo Mm-!; 2d, Inclu slve, tor dispatch pe. s. '.'optic. Malls for Austrnli. texesst W'e-; Mistralla, which Is forwarded . viu Europe). Now '.calami. FIJI, Samoa nnd Haw.m, via Sau Finiiemeo. elo" tietv dully at 0:30 p. in. after February 9th mid up to March "Id, Inclusive, 01 on aritva, of s. h. I,ucanlu, duo at New Yrik March 2d, for disputed per ... s. Sierra. Malls for Australia .xcept West Australia, which goc Ma Li.10,10. und New Zealand. whlchv goes lu S.i'i I'runelsco, uud FIJI Islands, via Vuiici ,wr. close hero daily at 0:9) p. m. tip to March "2, Inclusive, for dispatch per h. k Warlnioo tsupplemen tiny mulls, via Unit tic, close ut 0:ii0 p. m. March ".id, mall must bu dlrecttd "ir s. h Wairlmoo"). Mails for China, .lapnit and Phlllpptt . Islands, ln Tucomu, close here daliv nt CM p. m. tip to March 7, Inclusive,' ior dispatch per s. s. Olytnplx, Mulls for Tahiti and Muriiuexus lxl.tnib'. via Han Francisco, elose hero dnllv nl 6: p. tu. up to .Miinli 8, lnclufhc, ror dH palcli tier s. h. Australlu, Malls foi Hawaii, China, Jnp.ni and Phil ippine Islands, via Sun Francisco, nloo heto nully at fl:3o p. tn. up lo ,'dareh 10. Inclusive, for dispatch per 8. s. Amei leii .Mart.. Mails for Hawaii, via San Vrunclsco. cfoso hero daily at r.:) p. ni. up to March 11 for dispatch per s. s. Mariposa. Mulls for China and' Japan, via Vancouver, close here dully nl 0:30 p. in. up tn March 19, Inclusive for dlrputoh per s. s. Emi rest, of India (registered mall must bu illtected "via Vancouver"). Mulls for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe), Now Zea land, FIJI, Samoa nnd Hawaii, via Sau Francisco, closo hero dally at 0:30 p. m. nfler March "Z and up to March 23, In clusive, or on arrival of s. h. Etrttrla, duo nt New fork March 23, for disputed per s. s. Sonoma. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port ot sailing dully nnd the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption or their un interrupted over la ml transit. Registered mull closes at 0 p. m. pruvlous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postolllce. New York, N. Y., March 1, 1901. THEY PAY TOO MUCH TAX Aued by Tren.inee tlcuiilnu' Ynttn Inu; 1111, lllrctiN lllu. Deeper TIiiiii .Neeessnr , Other cliy tiensurers have found trouhlo In making people pay their own taxes, but Mr. I leanings Is Mich a successful Collector that ho hus persuaded people to help their neighbors out. Dr. J. II. Hiltten of 201 South Thirteenth street Is seeking to recover tuxes ho -paid for another mnn who boro the same name. Tho treasurer's collectors descended upon Dr. Hiltten and In his liasto to get rid of them tho doctor l-ald nil the tuxes they demanded. , Upon examining his receipts Dr. Ilutleit found that he hud paid Inxes for yents pre vious to his resldoneo In the city. An In vestigation showed that another man of tho sumo name hud fulled to scttlo with tho city. T. J. Mooro of 220 North Sixteenth street had a similar experience. In his liafito to nvnld a practical exemplification of Mr. Hennlngs' improved methods of collecting city luxes ho forgot to examine , his state ment nnd finds that he paid his own taxes along with thoso of a mail of tho samo name who lives In another part of the city. The city comptroller has been asked In refund tho moiJfry to theso men. but after consulting1 tho attorney has decided that It would not bo wlso for hi in to do bo without Bonie action of thn mayor nnd council. These enscs will be brought to the attention of the council nt Its next meeting. Wheels! Wheels! Wheels! how they go! Rldo a Rco wheel and be In the swim. M'KENNA WILL GET WELL Injured Miresn AtesseiiKer I. Itesllui; MiinII) In 11 Columbus ' HllKlllllll. With twenty stitches lu his forehead, an injured arm and n soro chest. Frank Mc Kennu, tho express messenger who was In jured lu u wreck at Columbus Wednesday night, Is said to bo resting as easily aa could bo expected. Ho Is still In tho hoa- pltal ut Columbus. The Injured maun father returned from Columbus Thursday night. Tho most danger In McKenna's con dition Is In his chest, whrro ho has con siderable pain, but tho -doc 1 01s have- not been nblo to dotcrinlno whether ho was In jured Internally. Ills arm 1h not broken, as reported, though tho uso of It augments tho pain In his chest. MeKennii wan the victim of treacherous trunks In his car. They arc tho most de tostablo things that ran ho carried when a wreck occurs, for they plln up nnd then keep on moving until they huvo a man who happens to land under them thoroughly crushed. McKonna had a good supply ot litem tho night of tho wreck und suffered In consciiuoncn. Relatives of John Mccdhnni, who wns killed, arrived Thursday frnm Onnwn, nnd tho coroner's Inquest was hold this nfler 110011 at Columbus. C. F. CROWLEY TO LECTURE Popular Coin-Mi (0 lie Given nl t'roliclitnii CoIIcko Iliii-liiK the Present Month. Tho faculty of Crcluhton enllee,. .in. nouuecs that thrco complimentary lectures will bo given by Charles F. Crowley, A. M., Ph. (1., on hclcntlllc subjects of overy-Uay Interest durlmt tho month of Mnreh. Theso lectures will ho free In tho friends nml pn- tronn of tho unlvernlly, und admission will bo by Invitation. Tho Ilrst locturo will bo given Tuesduy, Mnrch 12, tho subject being "Tho Trolley Wlro and What It Carries." Ill his talk the lecturer will nn Into thn question of electricity, giving definitions of terms una tno eueci ot currrnts. Tho Bllblcct of tho second lecture. In lm given Mnreh 19, Is "Tho Food Wo Eat ftnu tho Air Wo Ilreuthc." showlnc- llin efr,ipi nf different foods and climates 1111011 rnunlilnil Tho last lecture of tho series will ho de livered Mnreii 20, tno Biibjcct being "What Wo Drink." Tho Mieakor will enter Into n Hclcntlllc discussion of water nnd tho aiip. ply of that fluid lo largo cities. It is understood mat it tills courso metis with tho niinroval of thosn for wlinm It U prepared olhor lecture com sua will follow. I.celure on Anelent Riinie, Prnf. G. E. Hufber. heud of thn Latin ,le. nartment of the Statu university, ilcllv.m.,1 a lecturo lust night hi the city hall tin "Ancient Rome," Prof. Rarber In an nu thorlty on this subject, us ho has spent soma time among tho ruins of Home, whore n number of pictures wero taken under llla direction, which ho used hi connection with a stereoptlcoii to lllustrata his lecturo last night. Two musical selections wero glvon by ho Omaha High School Mandolin club. An admission fco win charged und thn proceeds of tho lecturo will be used to start a Latin library for tho now High school, Do you rldo n wheel T Why not ride tho best? A llco wheel Is tho only kind to get. Read our great offer to boys and glrU.