s THE OMAHA DAILY BE.R: FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Xudlng Speculttirfl Grain Optloni Art Handled on Declining Market, CORN OPENS WEAK AND THEN STEADIES Unix I, mil In llnnlm-Mi with llrnv Lutn (if Lnim IVuv lulon Art He mill MroiiK, li-iilim lit Miinll Ailt mire. CHICAr.O, Miirch T.-t.radlnp; uprnilntlvp nrnln option were handled on a dt-i-llnliiK market today In i'ijuhpIciiouh confront in tlio -lt-nr-cut HtrctiKtli of Ihik produrt. Tin-ct-rcnl Hl.unp wan proclpltatpd by wi-aUnenn In out, wheat cIokIiik ',4S-. itii ". and oatn ' lower. ( J'ork i-loai-d 30c, lartl 7lc iind ribs T'.yilUo higher. UprnlilK (raimurlliiiiM In wlinnt wrro Inner at 7fiVo.V' for Atay delivery, a condition of Hpeenlatlvo alTalm due to a variety of lieariidi Inniiotieci". Liverpool yim ilrprtiHRrd lo lirRln with; nortliweKt ie tclptH were lllieial and the weather of a mild eharaeler. ealrnlated to alllle irnji (liimnce report. t'ommlHHloil limine wild lieuvlly and during the it rut half hour the market wan pounded to TGMfTu'tr: the mai kei heeaine dull and under lueal nuyiiiK. mueh of II eoverhiK by Hhort, reaetetl to TO'ac. A lepnrt thai home wheal hud been Mild dlreei lo llainhuru hehx d the market it thin time. Alea n while, there wac koiii"! HCtlMtv In July Wheat willeb deerea-e.l ilM lxi'uint under May lo Mile. Murine the lorenomi the prono ineni weaklier oi eorn and out and the dlMi-our-irIhk export Klluatlon awoke betirH to llm )oHKiblllty or the Httimtloii and the market lei lined with Home eeleilly 10 Jfn and loed weak, 's'f.e lower at 711 Kf. I'.x jiorlerit reported eighteen IohiIh taken. Sea board i-learaneeM In wheat and Hour were en ii a I to nsn.ino bii.. while primary ic-pIpIm Vote IATmi Int.. enmpnrecl with Gvi.nim IiiikIi. rlc IiimI year. MlmiciipoilH and Dubith u tiorleil III corn, iiKalliHl x2 liwl week and ti-'l a year into. Local leeelpls were forty three earn, three of eoutriiet nraile. Corn opened weak on treer '-oiintrv offr Jukh, liberal reeelpm and a nlaek MlilppltiK demand. An estimate plni'lnK Hie ainouni of 1'irii In farmer'n hands at MHi.noo.oio tin. llelH, l oiupareil with ":'.Mm,im 1iihIh-h ill Hie eorreHpondlUK time a year UK", wan iiIfo depreHHhiK. althouuh ll wuh notliiiiK more Merlotm than a kiihk. The pro'lHlciim tdleiigtli exerted ItHeir ill behnlt of the fitilliiK market and aeeonipllMhed Home re covery, but the oatH weakueiiH under thin unci enrn Kltimpeil off Hharply to the ponient of t lie day, where the market Hleailled on the reported engagement of lllty-ceven IoihIh tor export. May Hold between lo-V and tOMl-IO-V and eloHed V lower at lVii 10V KeeelptH were ilYi ear.", one of con traet Krade. As wuh the pane ypHtprday, Hip nntu mar Kct ted In the woiikiii-hm ol the nraln mar kelH. Heavy lotH of Iomk oatH trom hold ers tlreil of Hie featureless market formed the hulk of the offerlUKH, bin on the de cline, hours put out Home fair short Unci. The market Hteadled and recovered frac tionally nenr the clone on prollt-t iklng by xhortH. May Hold between 2.i','ij2o4e and 24 So and i'IohpiI lie lower at 2l'ac Hec-clpts Were ln." earH. Provisions were aetlve and Mron. The market opened at a Hinall advanep, becauoe of u light run or lions, and advanced Hhnrply on buying by an inlluentlal packer, who, according to an eHtlmate, bought MHi barrels of pork and l.uno.oon pounilH of ribs luring the day. Other paekcrH lio.ight iiIho, vvhllo scalpers sold on Hip advance. The close wan fining. May pork Hold between J It. 2.1 and tll.tfi and cloyed :iOc higher nt fU.W.b; May lard between $7.50 and 7.5T!s. loHlng 71s UP "t J7.r,2VS1i7.riS, and -May rlhs between 7.12',s nnd $7.2iVTt7.22'A, with I ho i'Iohc "WnlOc up at J7.17'.4'ii7.20. KHtlmiitcd recelplH tomorrow: Wheat, Kl earH; eorn, 2t"i cam; oatH, 203 cars; JiogM, 2ii.(i head. Tho lending futures ranged as follows: Artlclcs.l Open. High. Low. Close. Ycs'y. MVhent Mar. A pi II May I'orn Mar. May Oals Mar. May l'ork- Mar. May Lnrd- Mar. May .Inly Jtlbs- Mar. May Hept. 73 7aT 7P.Hi ei',4 71 lii'i 71i'ii:!,7lii5i. 7t', 7CU1S 75U 75 -yj V.'m I ."AM 3S7 2S, .isaji xyn lO'snl 10'!, Wtfrt, IOV'.s WiWt 21 I 21 23 21 2l'i 2I, 25l(, 2i 2IT 2;",, s nr.-. it 071,3 It 23 14 63 II 23 H 62i0 H 22Vi I ' U) 7 42'i 7 no 7 .r.7Va 7 SO 7 f,3 7 4714 7 53 7 6214 7 55 7 (V) 7 52',i, 7 13 j 7 03 7 1214 7 22V4 7 I2!j 7 20 7 10 7 "Si 7 .12 V4 7 25 7 .10 7 2214 No. 2. FLOCK Hull; winter patents. J.1.TOj:!.S0; Mralghts, 3.20fl3.GO; clears. $2.0)3.30; poring Hieclals. $1.2011 1.30; patents. $3.50i3.70: UralRhts. $3 003.30; bakers. J2.20ff2.50. WIIHAT No. II Hjirlng, fi7(ff71c; No. 2 red, Ml4','7BP. 'OHN-No. 2. 3.1c; No. 2 yellow. 33c. OATK-No. 2. srAjftSS'sc; No. 2 white, 2Sc: Ko. 3 white, 2614ft iftse. HYIC No. 2, 52c. HAHLKY-Kalr to choice malting. 4V&5fie. KKKOH-No. 1 Mux. 11.51; No. 1 mirth west fin. J1.56; prime tlinothj. $ 1. 10; clover, con irart grade, J10 73. IMtOVIHIONH-Mess nork. ner bbl.. J14 n- II 10. Lard, per loo llm.. J7.l7t4ft7.52.. Short ribs sides tloose), J7.10Jc7.30. Drv sailed shoulders (boxed). J.37'j'iiti.6214. Short clear lldes (boxed). J7.50fi7.62i4. WHISKY UiihIh of high wines, JI.27, Sl'OAHS t'ut loar, J6.25; granulntud, J3.72; ronfectloners' A, J3.59; off A, J3.4I. Tho receipts and shipments today were ns follows: Artlclen Ilccelpts. Shipments. I'lour. bblff 4:1,000 2,s,iii Wheat, bll 54,000 31.0m) rorn, bu 2.'LS,000 191,000 Oats, bu ;121,(kio lS,oi) Jlye. bu 5,000 lo,m( Itarley, bu Hl.uoi' y.ono On tho 1'roiliico exclmugo today the but ter market was dull; creameries, lbfi2.'e; dairies, lOffl'Jc. Cheese, dull, 10iffllc. JCggs, dull; fresh. 1314c. NHW YOICIC tif.MMlAL MAIUCKT. 41 untntluim of the Day mi Coiiiiii oilltlra, Vnrlo us NEW YORK, March 7. -FLO PR-Receipts, 12,09$ hbls.; exports, 10.9.KI bills. ; unlet and without feature of Importance; Alluncsotn patents. St.IOff 1.30: Minnesota bakers. S3.flnfi3.26; winter patents, J.'l.ffiff' 4.00; winter straights, J3.45fii.oo; winter ex tras, J2.50ff2.S5; winter low grades, J.'.toW 2,(!0. Rye Hour, dull, fair to good. J2.S0W a.15, choice to rancy, J3.20ff3.50. Iluckwhcai Hour, dull, J2.10(ir2.15. HUC1CWHUAT -Dull at flff62c, c. 1. t.. New York. CORNMUAl-Stcndy: yellow western. Jl; city. 91c. Ilrandywine, SiiSfiJ.oD. RYK Dull; No. 2 western, 61c, f. o. b., nlloat; state, 164S7c, c. I. f.. carlnts. 1IARLHY Dull, feeding, 16c. c. I, f., New York; malting, li2f(70c. HARLKY MALT Dull; western. G.Vff72c. WIIHAT--Receipts, 5.100 bu.; exports, 10.-.,- 000 bu.; sales, X75.00O bu. futures, 12S.IHH) bu. spot. Spot, dull and eanler; No. 2 red, W)ie t o. b., nlloat; No. 2 red. Tic, elevator; No. 1 northern Dulutb, S714C, f. o. b., nlloat; No 1 hnrd Duluth. 911c, f. n. b., atloat. Op tions opened lower under cables, good weather and further declined under really,, lug; returned to best prices 011 covering, following rumors of large export sales, ngnln sold olT under renewed realizing, ex nort rumors not materializing. Closed weak. March. 79c; clos.-d, Mn, 79 7-HHr , tl-iuo; cioseii, mifcc; juiy, ii"iu;p; closed CORN ItecPlpts, 70.00() bu.; exports, W'MV Ml. Spot, mill aiut wciik; -o. -j, w.te, eleva tor, and I7lc. f. o b.. atloat. Olitlmw opened lower with wheat and under poor ratues ann gocu weuinei, in men on large export sales, hut again turned easier and closed wenk; May, 45,fjlCc; closed, 457,c; -lulv pinned. 43c. OATS Receipts, 42,000 bu.: exports, 42.000 hu, Spot, easier; No 2. 31c; No. il, 3014c; No. 2 white, 33e; No. 3 white, 32V4o; track mixed western, wysKrax , iracu wiuie, .muoe. up. tlons. dull and nominal, unps Omot: state, enmmon to choice 1900 crop. 17ff20c; 1S99, llfflSc; old olds, 2ffi Cc; Pnctllo coust. 1900 crop, 17ffl9c; 1S9?, 11 lc; old olds, 2tfite. HAY Quiet; Hhtpplng, 77!4ffS0c; Rood to chnlco, BJljltvinc. H1DKS Firm; Galveston. 20 to 23 lbs. 1S1419!jc; California, 21 to 25 lbs., i9e; Texas dry. 2t to 30 lbs., H'iylbc LKAT1IRR Steady; hemlock solo, Uuenos Ayres, llgltt to heavyweights, Slip ie; ncld, 2.W,ii4e PROVISION'S- Itcef, steady; family. J10.50 D 11.50; mess, JS. 501 (9. 00; beef hams, JlS.5lfp 19.00: packet. J9.Wi lo 50; extra India mss, J15.00ffl6.0i. Cut meats, steady; pickled bel. lies. J8.(XVfri0.i); pickled Bhoulders. S6.G0; pickled linniH, J9.5txii 10.00. Lard, llrmer; western steamed, J7,Wij relluil, Unit; con tlnant. SSj South America. Js.W; compound, JS.rfiO.b'i. Pork, tlrmj fsmlly. J1S.50; short clear. J14.7Sffl6.50; mess. J14.23ffl5.00. TALLOW-Steady; city (J2 per pkg,), 4Sff 4?o: country (pkgs. free), 4!iW5!fcc. RICR Steady: domestic, fair to extra, SU (f(4"n: Japan, 4ff4Tic. HUTTKR-Rpcelpts, 1.7S9 pkgs.; firm; fresh creamery. 1722c; June creamery, IS'11' av. factory, llfflSe ' CIlEESB-ltccelpts, J,0 iUbs.; etroiiBi fa'KV, Urge, colored nnd white. HJfll'jc; t 1 in , idnall. colored, 12'jc; fancy, imull, White. 12il.C. . , KtinS Itecelpts, 7,727 pkgs.; unsettled; western, at mark, 1515'ic; southern, nt mark, llifM5c. . , I'Ol LTitY Alive, .'leady. fowls, 10'jt ; elilekens, !i'4e; t'irkoH, He. Dressed, linn; turkeys, HWiluWc; chickens, 'Hjliic; fowls, Vfi P)i POTATOES - Steady; Jerseys, $1.231.75; New York. JI.5iHfil75, Long, Island. J1.H8 1 7'v: Jersey sneets, Jl.734J2.u0. I'liANLTS Quiet; rancy hand. picked, 44t5c; other domestic, 5c. JiIliTALS There were no noteworthj changes In the metal market toda. Specu lative Interest was lacking, with the Infor mation from abroad about as predicted. Tin was dull and about unchanged here, though a shade lower abroad, where prices closed at linasnd for spot and fututes i:lt. 7s tid. The nominal close here was on the basl of j;il.25?i2iS Ti. Copper was fentureless and unchanged at ft for Uike Superior and I6.!4 for casting and electrolytic. Lead In London wiih ipilel and unchanged. Speller though displaying a weak undertone In the abseiicp or buvers, was not iiiotably lower, closing at J.l!ii4i:l.!i7'4. Amerlcnn Iron mar ket, dull; pig Iron warrants, J9.5offlo.); northern foundry. J15.'X$ 16.50: southern foundry, Jll.5?ii5.75; s.ift southern, JI3.0oj 15.75. OMAHA U 111)1. i:Al.t: MAHKCT.M, Coiiilllliiii or 'I'rnde nnd (liiotntlnns on Mnple nnd I'nnej I'nidiiee, HfUJS-Uecelpts liberal, good stock weak at I21ll2'je MVH I'OCLTIIY-Ilens, fii,77o; young, Muggy and old roosters, 3it:; ducks, 614 lie; gese, I'l4fi7e, turkeys, tVf(7e. KltK.SH Dlti:SSi:iJ I'OCLTUY-IIens, 714 fise; roosters. I ft So; ducks. Mi'4e; goese, s 'its'iv; turkejs, lightweight, Sliioc; heavy, 7 11 Sr. (1A MK - Mallard ducks, per do... J.1.00? 3.50; teal. JI.OT'(I.75; mixed. JI.Gottl.7fi; .Mck rabbits. JI.Wl.r.0. cottontails. OOcfftl.P). linTTi:u-Cominon lo fair, 13c; choice, II folfic; s'pnratot. 22e. t'HIISH UVSTCHS- First grade, solid packed. New Yotk counts, par can, :!Se; ex tra selects, 32c; slandnrds. 25c; medium, V: Second grade, slack lllled, New York counts, per can, 30o; extra silrcts, 26c; standards, 2c; hulk standards, per gtl., SI.25 FIU)Ci;N FmjSII l'ISIt- Ulack barn. 1p; while bass, loe; bluellsh, lie; bullhends, lor; blue litis. 7c; catllsh, 12c; cod, 9c; cropple, le. clscoes, 7e; halibut, He: herring, 4? !'; haddock. 9e; mackerel, 15c; perch, 5V 7c; pickerel. 7c, pike, 9c; red snapper, loe; salmon, He: sunllsh, 5c; smelts, loe; trout, 10c; whltetlsh, Sc. IMOUONS- Live, per doz., Jl. VICALS-Choice, 9ttl0c. HA V Pi Ices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Healers' association: Choice upland, js.to; No. 1 upland, JS; medium, J7.50; conrse, tt. Ityo straw, J5.50. These prices are for hay or good color and iiuallly. Demand f dir. Receipts, 10 cars. I tATS-No. 2 white, 2so. CORN-No. 3. 3f.c. 11RAN-J15. vi:gi:tarli:s. SIMNACH -Per bu. box. 75c. Cl'CfMHKRS-llot house, per doz., J1.50 2.), as to size. PARSNIPS-Per bu., 50C. TCRNIPS- Per bu. basket, 60c. HLKTS -Per bu., 40c. CARUOTS-Per bu., 40e. Li;TTrci:-Per bu.. IW43c. RAl)ISHi:S-Per doz., 35c. PARSLHY- Per doz., 35e. POTATOKS-Prr Int., 45'(53c; Idaho, per bu . ttVuCv SIOHI) I'OTATOKS-Natlves. rM60c; Red River Valley, wc: Triumph. $1.01. SVI:i:T POTATOi:S-Per bbl., J1.75. CAIIHAOF, -Holland seed, per lb.. Iiff2c. TOMATOKS Callfornlu. per 6-basket crate, JI.50. ONIONS-Ohlo. per bu.. Jl.75. CHLKRY-Callfornla, ns to size, 50ff75c: Kalamazoo, 23fi30e. ACLlFLOWini-Cnllfornla, per crntc, J2.i5. ItHANS-Wax, per bu., J3.50; string, per Int., J3.25 K!ti PLANT I'er bu. box, J3. lM:i'Pi:RS-Per bu. box, J2. KRt'lTS. STRA WI1KRRIKS Florldn, per nt.. 43c. (IRAPRS-Malaga, per keg, J6.5Off9.00. APPLKS-Per bid.. J4.25; Washington, per bu. box, J1.73; Hellllowers, J1.90. CRANIUORRIKS-Ilell and Ruglc, J9 per bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., J5.50; per crate, S3. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANr.KS-Cnllfornlu seedlings, I2 00ff 2.23; navels, J2.75J3.25. u 3 r)'''c'mU'eJ3al,r'3rnlU' CXtra f,l"c'' I3.23ff to'V'-'y'-''01" bu"i;,l "ccordlng to size, FUJS California, new cartons, 75c; lay ers, (',; Imported, per it,.. 13ffl5c. DATKS-Perslan, In fiO-lb. lioxes, Salrs, Co per lb.; Halloween, 5V4o per lb, MISCKLLANKOUS. HIDKS-No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 1; No. 1 Halted, Cv; No. 2 salted. 6'ic; No. 1 vial calf, S to 12 lbs., So; No. 2 veal c ! .-V'-l3 lb?" ,Ic;. '.ry ,,1,lp!'' Millie; sheep pells, 2.ii(iDo; horse hides, Jl. 60(92.25. Nl'TS Ihigllsh walnuts, per lb., 13c fil berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb. 18ii20c: raw peanuts, per lb., 6ff5Uc; ronsted, U14ff ilte: Jlrazlls. lie; pecans, l'3ftl2c; cocoAnuts; each 4!te. ' St. I.iiiiU (iriiln nun Pro vlxlnti.v ST. LOUIS. March 7.-WHEAT-Lowcr: No. J red, cash, elevator. 72ic; track. 74 iffViV"'- '3c: Jl"l-. 72o; No 2 hard. 71i4fi713ic cash. 37?c; track, 3Sic: May. 3SV; July. 3S4ft3STio. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash. 26c- Iriett 2sit'rea,Uy' "5,iCi JU'y" "5UC: ie' itYK liasler nt 62jc. V l.tjl U hlend' anil mnrn nnlli-n. .. Vi1!?; ..',i','"I';' '5: rxirn tiitu-y and straight. ;Wi ' '"r' '"lw Krnt'cs, 2.:6 SLLDS llmotllV. Steilllv? nvni-rx-n eclpts, J.1.70ffl.OO; prltno worth more" Flax. I Mi 1 11 1 till I at ?1.0J. ' ctillMMWAI-Htcady at $2.03. 11RAN Higher: sucked, cjioi imni. rutt G77c. $!(;',, KK$i " y: timn,ll'' 7.50fil3.5O; prairie. WHISKY-Sleady at $1.27. 1 RON COTTt )NTI KS-J1.00. IIKMP TWINU-Do. HA(KlINC;-7ff7e. Lard, hither at iT.L'u. Drv u.n ....,, higher: boxed lots, extra shorts, J7.25; 'clear ribs. Si .17'3. clear sides, J7.5). Raeon. higher: boxe.l lo s. extra shorts, J7.S714; clear ribs SKIS': clear sides, JS.25. Miy r A I. s I, cad. firm. SI 2iUfi 1 c)i.,. stronger. $:t.SWf a.S2,-. " 1 l'Ol'LTRYTSteady; elilekens. 7ff7UC; turkeys, 7''jffSe; ducks, 9c; geese, 5Q6c. ' da,,,,l!V.i,,77.SU'UUy: t'rtil,ncr-' WW J'XUiS Iowcr at 12c RKCKIPTS-Flour, 6,000 hbls.; wheat, SS,. (H bu.; corn. US.noo bu.; onts, 41,000 bu SHIPMKNTS-Flour. S.OW bb s. ' wheat S3.000 bu.; corn, i55.ouo bu.; onts, 18,000 bu. I.Uertiool (irnln nnd Provision. LIVERPOOL. March 7.-WIIRAT-Snot lull; No. 1 California. Cs 21mI: No 2 red western, winter, 5s lid; No. 1 northern Jul v"7,,si ff'-Vi ; ,"t"cs nula,; M,,' 53 Ji-Vt; l')'pN"Spot. quiet; American mixed, new, 3s 9d; American mixed, old, 3s HLd- fill tures. fpilet: March, 3s S'id; May. its 91.1t July, 3s 9'4il ' '" ' FLOL'R-St IajuIs fancy winter, ntendv. Ss fid. PIOAS-Cnnadlnn, iiulnt, 6s fid. JIOPS-At London (Paclllc coast), j;ff T'ROVISIONS-nccf. easy; extra Indian mess, 61s 3d. Pork, prime mess, western easy. KJs. Ilaim, short cut, 11 to 16 na ' dull at 12s 3d. Ilacon. Cumberland cut. 26 to 30 lbs , dull, 42s 6d. Short ribs, 16 j( u" dull, 41s 0.1. Long clear middles, light to 31 lbs., quiet. 41s; long clear middles. henv, :i.- to 40 lbs, dull, ji 3d; short cleHr backs, 16 to 21 lbs., quiet. 37s 9d; clear bol. lies, II to 16 lbs., quiet at 43s. Shoulders square. 11 to 13 lbs., dull at 3ts fld. Uird' prime western, In tlerres, steady. 3s6d' Amerlcnn rellned. In palls, steady, 3S ad HI'TTHR Dull; Uncut United States. 90s: good Vnlled Slates, 70s. ' ' ClIKKSH-Dull; linest Ameilcnn white 4Ss: llncst American colored. 49s. ' TALLOW-Prlmo city, quiet, Jos Id; Aus trallan in London, easy, 27s. KuitniiK City lira 1 11 unit I'm vIkIiiiik KANSAS CITY, March 7 WI 1 HAT May f.tll'iiiie; July, 66Wc; cash, No. 2 hard ffl'tmOe; No 3, G6'u&c; No. 2 ltd, 70ff71ci No 3, tisi70c. ' CORN-May, 37'c; cash, No. 2 mixed 33V; No. 2 white. :t7e; No. 3, 36c. OATS-No. 2 white, 27ff271ic IIYH-No. 2, 5114P. IIA1 cinilcp timothy, HO.JO; cholco (inline. '.u,r.MV. lll'TTKR Creumery. 170i2Oc; onlry, fancy 16c. IUlCiS--Lnwer: fresh Missouri and Kan KIIS Hock. HUe dozen, loss off. cnne v.. turned; new wliltewood enses Included, 1.0 niori' Ri; liiPTH-wiient, Jij.bk) bu.; eorn, 27.200 llll.. um-. . nil. SHIPMKNTS-Wheai, 40,010 hu.; 12,S(i int.; oats, t.ooo bu. corn, I'eiirln MurUel, PKORIA. March 7-CORN-Inactlve, nnmlllll I. OATS Innctlxc; No. 3 1, mi,, 1 tbroiich. white, 2614(1126, WHISKY-On tho basis of Jl.27 for fin Ishcd goods. I'lillnilelpliln I'roiliiee Mnrkrt. IMIH.ADKLPHIA. March 7. HITTTKH- Flrm; fancy western creamery, 221,c; fancy western prints, 22c; fancy nearby prints, " KUaS-FJnu and BUoJ demand; jresh nearby, Kk , fresh w stern. 16c. fresh south western, 16c; fresh southern, 15i CIIKLSK Firm, New Yo.-k full erenms, fane, small, I2iitl2'4t; New York full creams, fair to choice. inMU)tc. 'loledo 11 nil 11 Jlnrkrt, TOLKDO, O.. March 7 -WIIHAT-Moder-nteiy active and lower; cuslt, 78V; Mn' 80c. July, 7?c. CORN-Dnll; cash. 10c; May, 4114c. OATH-Steady; cash, 2c; May, 2ii c. KYH-62'.4c. CLOVIIRSKIJD-Old. $6.33; 1!99, prime, $6.t, cash and March. Ji!.7o. Mliineiipiills Mllll.el, MINNEAPOLIS, March .i.-WIIUAT Cash, 7J,c; May, 74',c; Jltly, 75'4e; on track, No 1 hard. 75Hc; No. 1 northern, 731(,c; N 2 northern, 6?Uff701ie. f LOl'R First tiatetits, Sl.iu'd t.l.'i; second patents, 3.KV(i4.00; llrst clears. J.'.9J4l3.W; second clears, J1.90ff2.l). IIRAN-lllgher; In bulk. $13 Off 13.23. tllliiiuKee (Irnln Mnrkrl, .MILWAPKin:. March 7.-WIIKAT-DU11; No. I northern, 7Sfi76o; No. 2 northern, 711b t! 7.1c. ItYK Firm; No. I. 52c. IIARLKY Firm; No. 2, 57c; sample, 40ff 61 14c. tt i:sii:.'r.s i .stocks ami ihlmi!. flock AlnrKet Mnl.es Unite lunron-i ltel-.tiince AKiilimt Hear llrUe. NUW YORK. Matrh 7 -The market made quite a vigorous resistance tills morning to an early bear drive. Hy means of the sus taining Inlltieiue of Individual stocks early losses were largely wiped out nnd tho level or prices generally carried over last night, but during the latter part of tin- day tin' market succumbed to depression nnd specn latlve liquidation eaine Into force. The re sult Is 11 predominance ot net losses on the day A few slocks maintained a marked net gain, but they were ratlter. ialp.ibl under manipulation for their sustaining In lltleuee on the rest of the market while protll-taklng was going 011. The narrow ing supply of available credltH and the call ing of loans by some of Hip longs was tho most Important Inlluenee In the reaction. In addition the leactlon had grown strong under the Inlluenee of the manipulative pools and the selling to take proilts by this class of operators In 11 market where the public Is not taking a large part had tho of tect of turning prices downward. There has grown up some feeling that the recent ease or the money market has been In some sort due to artlllclal causes prompted by the desire of large capitalists to Insure smooth sailing for some of the Im portant llnanclal operations recently set Htlo.il. Such artlllclal ciifp must iieccssarll be limited In duration, the natural course of events having their Inevitable results In due time. Resides the absorption of over J:l,6. (41O bv tin- subtrcasury from tho money mar ket and the seasonable turn in the tide of the Interior movement to New York, the money market has felt the effect this week of the payment by the Union Pnollle of half the purchase pi Ice of Its controlling Interest In Southern Paclllc. The Pennsylvania rail road Is also reported to have puld over sev eral million dollars on account of the Long Island railroad purchase. Money rates have consequently closed and some of tho holders of the stocks on margin have been prompted to liquidate. This sell ing was particularly marked today in Penn sylvania. Union Pacific and Hurllngton, which were made the subject of Joint opera lions for a rise during the last few days. An effort was made to continue pool opera tions for the advance by a revival of re ports of the absorption by Orcat Northern nnd Northern Paclllc Interests. Tills had the effect of lifting St. Paul 1. An iidvance In Chesapeake & Ohio of IT, on talk of large earnings and an Increased dividend was a strengthening factor nnd there was quite an active speculation for the rise In People s tins and Sugar. With the exception ot Chesapeake At Ohio, which snved a net gain of 1, these stocks lost practically all their gnlns and tho selling movement carried tile principal active railroad stocks from 1 to 2 points under yesterday. Among the less important stocks which were pushed up at times during tho after noon were; Ilrooklyn Union and Consoli dated, with advances of 6 and 6V4; Pullman. 6'4; General Klectrlc, 2, and a number of others from 1 to 2. There was a turn aguinst tho shorts In some steel stocks not In cluded in the United States hteel corpora tion which resulted In advances from 21i to t; In the Ilepuollc Steel stocks. Colorado Fuel and Tennesseo Coal. All of these slocks fell back after the demand from tho shorts had been Hatlslled. Tho pressure against Amalgamated Copper carried It off at one time 17i und It closed with a net loss of a point. . .. Tho steel stocks continued very dull nnd generally heavy. Provision had been made ror trading on the Stock exchange In the certlllcatcs Issued by the trust company in return for tho stocks deposited In assent to the merger, tint there was not 11 single transaction In these certlllcatcs except In American Sheet Steel certlllcates, which stock has not heretofore been traded In on tho Stock exchange. Sonus contusion was caused by ill-Informed unnonncementH that provision had been made for trading in cer tlllcates of the Htocks of the United Steel corporation. Options In these securities are still conlined to the curb. In tho shapo of contracts to deliver when Issued. Tho bond market was quiet and Irregular today. Sales, par vnlue. $5,40u,0nn. United States refunding 2s declined ', per cent on the last call , The new Frankfort municipal bond, Is sued In the recent 15,UU0,ouo marks loan, will be listed shortly on the New York Stock exchange. This statement wns authorized by Speyer &. Co., who have already placed nenrlv tho entire issue In tills co.mtry. The bonds yield about 3 per cent Interest. They are to bo prepared In denominations nf i.Ono marks each. or. approximately. il.000. Application probably will be made to list oilier loreigu government iuiiiih 011 itm Kpw York Stock exchange before long. since lluaniiers agreo that such arrange- inetitH would do more to securo a perma nent nmrket tor such offerings in Nee. York than anytntng etse. The tollowlng are the closing prices on the Now York Stock exchange; Atchison 67:!Wabash . ie do ptd Ilillliiifire & O... 911 91 W-!4 571. 41 An ..f.l . 31 i. Wheel. ft'L.'ij . I!i . 3I4 . IS .120 . 9i . r-:;iA Canadian Pac... r-.,.,,ilii Kn 110 .11 pru Wis. Central . Ttilril Avenue Ches. ft Ohio.... Chicago O. .... C. U. ft Q .. Ii. ft O. pfd... lli'n .Mitiouai nine in nfit Chi. inn. At i iln llfll ...102 A.l.i.iu l.v W. Chi. ft U. HI. 106U1 American Kx 1VT14 u. s. Rx m.i C. & N. W C, It. I. ft P i r c St. I,. ,173 12 lit. 7614 91. wciis-Fiirgo kx.i:i7 ,vmer. 01. uti, !i! Colorado So no pin Amer. Malting do pfd Amer. S. ft R., .In ,t, t-5 do 1st ptd ,i .,,1 f,i II .i.v If 14 git! Del. ft Hudson.. I-1..I I. Xr W l'Vs 1914 39 SS't Deliver ft R. O. Amer. Spirits iln nM do pfd Erie. ilo IhI mo 17 361 . 27TV Amer. S. iioo'p . I1.1 110 pro Amer. S. & W. ,li, r.,',1 SB, nt. Nor. pfd 19714 151b HocKlug 1 oat .. Hocking Valley. Illinois Central.. 91 50 Amer. Tin' Pl'iiie! I." ,'30 . 27 . 51 . 41 111 .2101, I no pin 1014 Amer. Tobacco. .jliO',4 Iowa central ... ,i nf.1 1111 inn ill! Anne. Mln. Co... 47 I!.mlj.ti'. i n- -1! Lake Ki lo ft W. do pfd T.nrfp Shnro ...w.n.,i, 1... iu Colo. Fuol & 1... 4514 L. ft N Manhnttnn L.... Cull. Tiihnrpn ... 464 ...19014 lis'i! 110 prn Federal Steel' dn nfil Met. Ht. ny Mex. Central ... Minn, ft St. L... IUI-4 .. 44 .. 89 (leu. Klectrlc ilOSVs Ulucose Sugar ..... .in ...H',4 .. 47 do bid M,i Pneltlp 13 Jtlil . to Inter. Paper . Mobile ft Ohio. M.. K. ft T .. 271b . 2iu4 00 pin r.ii l.iii.in,tn nu .. 7114 do pro N. J. Central ... V V Central... AM'. National niscuit." 39'4 hill Wi lli n .li:i! no pin .. ts'i Natlonnl Lead Norfo'k ft W.... do pfd No. Paclllc do pfd Ontario ft W.. . Ore. R.v. ft Nav do pfd Pennsylvania ... 15; . 85 1 no pru . MlTJINntlonal Steel -.7.1 iln nfil Mil 151 102 f!l(L '. V Air Itriabu'ir. V4 ! U' ''No. American.! 75 . us i-aciiic (.-oast I'.ll.l dn It. I nfil ". ;il- . lo 2d pfd . . hi . 6' ueaiung do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rio G. W do pfd St. L. ft S. F.... do 1st pfd ilo "d llfll . 7K ''acme .Mall ll. Peonli-'u Hub .101 . ?04 , 61 Pressed 8. Cnr irl I fin nfil '. its3, Pullman 'p'."c'n'r"2oi ,1 ,. S2 11. it 1 Sugar ..HP ..12.1 St. L. outhw . 2'i ilo nfd . do piil St. Paul iln nfil . 5S .153 Tenn. Coal ft l'. Di'k 12H 7414 1 . w. Leather .. tin llfrl 194 11!.-. St. I', ft Omnlia U. S. Rubber.'.'.'. 19 5S So. Paclllc So. Railway ... do pfd Tex. ft Paclllc. Union Paclllc . do pfd . 13V4 do pfd Western Union.. Ilelillhlln 1 u mo. su do pfd..! ; oid: p c i a. m 1. i.f 16-4 bivi no-. iuui. ii)iier ...il Trust receipts. New stork. The Commercial Advertiser's lindon llnanclal ciiniegrniu says: rnere was a re uptlon on the Stock exchnnso here today Kverythlug except Americans 8itfferd be lausn money was tighter and no news ramo out to Indicate posltloi, in South Africa. Tho American department en Joved fairly brisk trading. In the eatly bo'urs prollt-taklng put stocks down a little, tint ihltf Hiinn ended and the market nil. lied under tho lead of Atchison preferred and St. PjiiI, which were In good dpmand. Then Npw- York camp In with support, buy. Ing chiefly ChPsapeakP ft Ohio shares. Copper sharps were weak. Tlntn illldetii Is now estlmat'd t only 45s. The bank hnncht B.n of gold eagles. The harden ing of money rates was enured In part by the repayments t- the bank of a big per cent. Time money, 3 per cent; discounts, S'ifiS'i P'r cent. Hrokers, however, are lighting hy of new loans, expecting tho government soon to disbursp hpavy amouul, Tim iviirnnrv tradp reports show tlmt ex. polls liavo dcctcuscd 'J.i per cent, due mainly to the fall In Iron nnd coal prices Imports have lucrcatcd 5.9 per cent, chiefly In cerenls. ev York .Money .MnrUet. NEW YORK. March T.-MONKY On ill .li-nilt. .i 1 Hft.ji. ..a t,rlm mer cantile Paper, 341Ji2 per cctlL .Tu.iiM.Mi ri.ci f A '" r.iisici. iiu tiial business in bankets' bills nt Jl ST nr for r ii'mand and at Jl.ll4 for rtxiy nays; iMteti rutfa i tr.!,. nnd si sst.: com I" mercial bills. ll.'ttLtjl.M. SII.VI'll..l'nrH)i....;. utli.Tr! Mnvlr.m dollars, 19c; bar. Sic. iiu.-nub--mov rnmcnts. wciik; siiiic, in- ac ,.-, luuiuiiii. irreguiMi. rl ti-' rlfiKitic ..el .... .... iiiif1 tndnv ars follows; . Si. ref. 2s. reg do coupon do i's, reg do coupon do now 4s, reg. ilo coupon do old Is, reg. . do coupon do 6s, reg do COtlHJM ) or I' a lo5'4 N. Y. Central Is I0.V4 N. J. C. gen. 5s. Ill No. Pacltlo 3s... Ill', do Is....... .... .li;-'4 N Y. C ft S I. is 13734 N. ft W. con. N lla Oregon Nav. Is. .114 Mo Is lll i Oregon S, L.. 6-. DPi do cousol us... 12.1 Reading gen. Is. ,103, Rio C. W. Is.... . 9.1 St L ft I M c. .is IW ,8t 1 ft S F g. 6s Uni'i.St. Paul consols .121' St. P.. C ft P- I" .lull An 5m .107' .1.11 7t' .:. .0t4 ,!0Jt4 .110 loth .1274, .116 . IMS .tH4 .117 .130 .1SI'4 .HSU .121 . 9-1 .116 . r..i'4 .11814 . Ki -106' 4 .W .109'4 .1154 . JS A ten. gPll. Is.'.'.'.' 110 auj. is 'anadii Sn. '.' Cites. Ac O, 114s'.. 110 on N. W. c. 7s do S. F. d. 63.. Illcillftl 'IVr la ills'. .So. Paclllc 4s.. . 97' 4 . ti .1024 .In Km Colo, So. IS. S. R. ft T. s.... '. & R. a. 4s . rle cenernl i IT. ft Paclllc Js... do 2s Union Pac. 4s... Wnbash Is do 2s West Shore 4s.. Wis. Centrnl Is. a. Centuries ., '. W f. n e I. SV,4 .176 till!. uon. i.iectrlc 5s. 4. I'entrn lu . ft N. mil. 4s'. .1011 1.. iv. a T. 2s do 4s llostnn MtoeU ((notations. HOSTON, March 7.-C11II loans, 3'3'4 per -111: llnm lit.iii. -il'Hl nit, i-nl llltletilt Cc closing: .. T. ft dn nf.i S. F. Union Land .. West Knd Westing. Klec. . 4 . 96',4 Amer. Sugar '..'.. rln nfil Hl4 12.1 I61',4 2.V. 171 IT, US', 3S' 110 . 61 .101 Atchison 4s N. II. (1. ft C 5s. Adventure Ring. Mln. Co... Amal. Copper .. Atlantic Knstou ft Mont. Unite ft Hoston. Amer. Tel. . .' ts 124 Hosion ft Alb v. Huston Lleviiled Hosion ft Me c 11 x. n .I00'4 3.IU .357 . 9S .Jw5 . 25 . 2,. . 25 . liiU Dominion Coi'ti " do prn 'ederal Steel ... do pfd 'Ilelilitll'tr nf.i II C11I. ft Ileiin JViiCpntennlal H3 Uranklin Hen. Klectrlc 21341 Humboldt do pfd M I '.lee 111 i:j 215 17 12 10s 37' Oxceola Parrot Qtilney Santa Fo Cop.. Mex Central"."! N !! ii .c i .iiu 7'. Hit I'lilmil. Tamarack .;ii.i . 35 Old Homliilmi ... Utali .Mining .. iiunner Union Paclllc . . 19 Winona . 614 Pl'iWolverlnes London Mock (luotnt lonn. LONDON, March 7.-1 p. m.-CIosIng 'ons., money, 96 11-K, Krle 19 iln tincnlllil 'II-. T.'.tt An luf nfa ll'.TL Atchison 591,,'Pennsylvnnln 7S'i , 11.... . .11. - iiiitiiiit. il I'tic... ;i iKPlllllIlg H"B SI. Pnul I.VSU1N0. Paclllc pfd... 90 Illinois Central.. 131'. Unjid Trunk .... 1i .vuinviiie .'v.'.' Annconuii i-.-n lllilll Vnn nfil ITIiitwl flnnn 4'J N. Y. Centra' ."nsi4 HAR fllLVKR-Dull at 2S'id per ounce. MONUY SMiffl per rent: the rate of dis count In the open market for short hills Is r. per cent; for three months' bills, 34 per cent. Ne York Mining .Stocks. N13W YORK. March 7.-The following are quotations on mining Mocks: Adams Con 23 Little Chief .. Ontario .. 15 ..775 .. 5S .. S ... 10 ..10S .. 24 .. 65 ...3S5 Allco 49 llreece 123 Ophlr ltrunsw ck Con. . 23 Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes . Standard Comstock Tun ... 5 Con. Cal. ft Va.150 Deailvood Tcr 50 norn i ver 110 Iron Sliver 69 Leadvlllo Con 5 I'orelcn 1'lnnnclnl. LONDON. Mnrch 7. Monev crew firmer today. The revenuo collections continue to denude the market and short loans are scarce In spite of considerable borrowings from the Rank of Knglnnd, Discounts were firm. In view of the dearnrss of money, mil holders are dlspnscjl to retain them, re garding thpi present recovefy as temporary, pending the immincttce of heavy dlsburre ments on tho part of the government. Rust neis on tho Stock exchange did not Im prove, being donllnated' by the uncertainty as to money and the absence of Soulli African news. Consuls were dull In ex pectation of forthcoming government, county council and others. Americans opened firm, though their advance was less pronounced. There were several fractional reactions, nut prices closed good. I'nion Pacific was the feature. Kafllrs were uulet and fair. The amount of bullion taken Into the Hank of Knglnnd on balance todny was .t&.nw. Mpanis'i is, 1 2. uoiu premium at Romp, 5.40. PARIS. March 7.--Prlres on the bourse today opened firm, except Spanish 4s, which reacted on the completion of the formation of the Sagasta cabinet. Later prices all around were heavy on prollt. After con siderable delay the list In the last few days In Rio tlutos declined lu sympathy with American Copper. Toward the close Pnrnuet stocKs nan a Hardening tendency, ivnuirs wero llrmer. tnreo per cent rentes, 10.1 271-e for tho account: exchange on London. 25f 21c for checks; Spanish 4s, 72.9214. hkkmm, March 7. international quota tions were dull on the bourne today and Spanish Is were easier In response to Paris ndvlces. Americans were llrmer. locals opened weak, but hardened. Tho attack on limpcror William Had almost no errect on prices, as his majosty's speedy recovery Is expected. muttiAY, .vinren i.-rne rnte 01 discount for the Rank of Rombay was reduced from 9 to S per cent today. IlanU t'lenrlns". OMAHA. Mnrch 7. Hank clearings todny. fl.066.9J,7; corresponding day last year, J955, 403: Increase, J110,6!i4. CHICAGO. March 7-Clcarlngs, t2l,0S6,224: balances, S2.701.bSt: posted exchange, fl.S5(?j 4.JS'a; New York exchange, 25c discount. ST. LOUIS, March 7.-Clenrings, S7.143.313; balances, fl,3S0,02S; money. 6Q7 per cent; New York exchange, par bid, 10c premium asked. CINCINNATI. March 7.-CIearlngs. S2.550.- J00; money. 2!j4(8 per cent; New York ex change, "VjfilOe discount. PHILADELPHIA. Mnrch 7.-Clcarlngs, J14.690.406: balances, $1,590,111. RALTIMORIi. Murch 7.-Clcaringa, $3,695, 9(0; balances, 1379.343. hoston. March 1. clearings, S23,7i5,4.i; balances. Jl.631.069. NUW YORK, March "-Clearings, $283, 40X.842; balances, Jll.3ll.71G; subtrcasury debit balance, 1302,359. Condition of the Treninry, WASHINGTON, March 7.-Today's state mcnt of the treasury balances In tho gen eral iiiun, exclusive 01 tue ii.oj,ix gold reserve In tho division of redemption, shows: Available cash balnnce, 1147,718,022; gold, 156.150,369. Wool Mni-Uct. LONDON. March 7.-WOOI.-A snle of 3.711 bales of sheepskins was held today. There wns a fall attendance, but not mnnv continental buyers. Speculation was fair at January rates. The demand tor cross breds was less satisfactory and prices were 5 per cent lower, mainly on medium full wooled grades. Following are the sales: New South Wales, 49 bales; clothing and combing, 45f(uVid. Victoria, 1.231 bales; clothing and combing. 2UJ6VI. South Aus tralia, 958 bales; clothing and combing. i i?6!iid. West Australia. 376 bales; clothing and combing, 2Sil6d. Tasmania, 314 bales; clothing and combing. SSt.I'vl. New Zea land, 39S bales; clothing and combing, :nt(i 4VI. Puntnx arenas, 25S bales; clothing, 5(l. ST. LOUIS . March 7. -WOOL-Un-chanced: medium grades. 121il9c: light line. 121J15e; heavy tine, H!4ll2c; tub washed, 18021 iso- Sugar mill Vlnlnsses. NKW YORK. March -.--SUOAR-Raw. steady; fair rednlng, 3;c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4!io: molasses sugar, SHc; rellned, quiet; crushed, Oc; powdered, 6.60e; grnnu luted. B.&Oc. NKW ORLKANS. March 7.-SUOAR-Qillet; open kettle, 3'i3 13-16c; open kettle, centrifugal, 3TWll'4c; centrifugal yelloiv, 4,4n'5 1-I6e; seconds, 24iff4i-. Molasses, steadv: centrifugal. bfi20c; hyrup. none. LONDON. March 7.-RKKT SUGAR February, s ?4d. Oil Miirket, OIL CITY. March 7-OILS- Credlt hnl. ances, $1.23; certificates, no hid; shipments S9.773 hbls., average 95.S5S bbls.; runs 101.110 bbls.. average, S1.774 bbls, NKW YORK. March 7 otLS-siandard. S7.!fy8.nO. Cottonseed, firm. Petroleum, nulet. Rosin, unlet. Turpentine, dull. LIVKRPOOL. March 7 -OILS-Turpentlne Eianis. 111111, .is ;iq. i.iusceii, .1., LONDON, March 7.-OILS-Llnseed, 21s ;m, Tiirpentino spirits, sis. Stock In lht. Following are the receipts at thi four principal western margeis lor .M -ire 11 1: Cattle. Hun. Sheen. South Omaha 2.254 5,(71 6,336 Chicago 9,ooo n.ofo ps.ooo Kansas City 6.4m S.6ki 2,11m St Units 2,600 6,900 300 Totals. 19,231 39,313 20,KS OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET . Light Run of Otttl find Market Ruled Aotiri and Stead; to Strong. HOGS OPEN SHADE HIGHER, CLOSED WEAK Heinnnd Knllj Kiinnl to the Mippl.v of Micrp nnil Prices I .miked sternly lo Mronger noil I.itnitis ynlil In Abonl YeMlerilH)'s nlclics. SOUTH OMAHA. March 7. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Mieep. Ottkial Momlav :.6'l fi.isl 5.431 Olliclal Tuesday 2,W3 i.tul 6 Oil Olticlai Wednesday 2,:t.;'j h'AM J.Us Olliclal Thursday 2,Jo4 o.'M ti.-'.W Four days this wcck....lo?120 25731 20.SW aino days lost week. ...11.611 a,M"J 1S.WI Millnn ....... .1.. , ,. 1.1 I -.,1.-1: ucil'ic ?,'J1V o-.-,.i-a -ii-ii Same threo w-eks ago..l3,0Ji 3o,ul6 1J.'."'I Same tour weeks ago.. 10,211 2S,4in ls.tv Sumo tuys last year 7,722 2a,lu2 il,1)l average pruo paid for hogs for tho past several days, with comparisons; I 1901. !KK).1893.;1S9S.1S97.1S96.1!95. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 13... 17... 18... 19... 20.. 21.. i 5 i.J'4 I 5 22 4 75 II m; i 76 3 58 1 a 52 M 4 78 3 SO) 4 74 1 3 47 4 69 3 55 4 691 3 5S 4 h9 3 6.11 I 3 681 4 (Vi I 4 117, 3 62 3 77 I 4 bt 3 51) 4 66 3 52 t 691 3 57i 1 3 621 I 74i I 4 70 3 6I I 71 3 3 S9I 3 J 3 J)7 3 91 I 3 95 3 Ml 3 SI, 3 83 3 -.9 3 Ml 3 6 3 isi 3 Ko 3 .SO I 3 87 3 8J1 I 3 361 3 25 3 31 1 3 3 3j1 t ;t 3S 3 3 3 41 ! 3 191 3 42 3 4;'l 3 S7 3 601 3 4i 3 49 3 4M 3 ivi 3 921 3 73 3 M 3 90 3 l5 3 Ml 3 ;ij 3 Ml 3 7h 3 Si 1 .t 7s 3 S7 3 7s . 3 10 3 S3 J 7ot 3 81 3 70, 3 Ji ll 74, 3 SI 3 6 3 74 , 3 M 3 74 3 90 3 vii 3 J9 3 91 3 mi j 91 3 79 3 92 3 Si 4 Ui I 5 3JUi I 6 29-;, 1 I 5 32UI I ' I I 5 37',l i 5 i & 26;,, I b 25U ! b 22U I 2i' i f :! I 5 31 1 6 37-' Feb. Feb. 24. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. j. . 26. . 27.. 2S.. March l March. 2. March 3. March I. .March 5. Mnrch 6. .March 7. 3 65 3 J.9 Indicates Sjtiilny. , Tho olliclal number of ears of stock brought In todny by each road wns: Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.H'scs. C, M. ft St. P Ry ... 1 1 Missouri Paclllc Ry.. .. 3 U. P. system 19 16 ! C ft N. W. Ry i 3 F., li. ft M. V. R. It.. 33 20 S. C. ft P. Ry I 1 11 C, St. P.. M. ft 0... 13 11 H. ft M. R. R. R 13 11 2 1 C, II. ft Q. Ry 7 5 K. C. ft St. J. Ry 2 1 C, R. I. ft P., east... 3 S C, It. 1. ft P., west 1 1! Total receipts .... RS M 22 1 The disposition of the dny's receipts wns ns follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omnhn Packing Co 172 S3D 461 . II. Hammond Co 2S6 323 222 Swift and Company 157 l,4su ttxi Cudahy PacklnK Co 637 1.9.12 212 Armour ft Co 251 MB 216 Omaha Packing Co., K. C. 5i R. Hecker ft Degan 273 .... Vanuatu ft Co 67 Lobman ft Co 21 Livingstone ft Schaltcr... 5 Hamilton ft Rothschild.. 29 L. F. Husz 15 II. F. Hobblck S Other buyers 126 .... 3.819 Totals 2.0S7 6.422 5,686 CA'ITLK There was another light run of cattle here today nnd the demand being quite liberal the market ruled active and steady to strong all around. Reef steers of good quality were picked up early this worn ins nt prices that looked strong as com pared with yesterday. Where tho cattle just suited them they paid perhaps a little higher prices, but as u rule the situation could best be described by calling It a strong, active market. As high as $3.40 was fiald for a bunch of steers, which Is the ilghest price puld In some time. The less desirable cattle, of course, were not In ns good demand, but owing to tho light supply of tho choicer grades they moved quite readily at good steady prices. Tho cow market was also active and fully sternly with yesterday. Mcdlumwclght heifers or cows of good quality wero ready sellers and In some cases brought a Utile stronger prices today. The ordinary run of cow stuff sold fully sternly, particularly early In tho morning. Some of tho late trains that arrived did not fare qulto as well, as puckers had lllled their more urgent orders and sellers did not Und the buyers quite ns nnxlous for supplies. Mulls wero In good demand today If thev were of good quality and prlcos could safely be quoted steady to stronger. Calves ulso brought good tlrm prices and the same Is true of stags. Blockers and iccaers did not show much nf am- chance. There wero onlv a few on sale and anything at all desirable met with rendy sale at fully yesterday's quotations. Tho wnrmed-up cattle are, of course. Im proving owing to me netter marxct ror beef cnttle. Representative sales; BKKF STKKP.S. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 1185 3 50 3 1296 4 40 7 94X 3 60 37 11S6 4 10 1 800 3 75 20 .....1025 4 15 I 1200 3 75 11 1110 4 60 21 1060 3 SO 1 970 IUI 5 960 3 95 20 SH) 4 60 3 S00 4 00 7 105.S 4 65 16 729 4 00 1 950 4 55 1 1000 4 (10 36 USS I 55 1 700 4 10 3 1(H) 4 65 3 9S6 4 10 15 1046 4 61) 12 9r5 4 10 17 1192 4 75 2 10SO 4 15 30 1320 4 76 6 11S3 4 25 47 1352 4 75 3 S30 4 25 42 1350 4 75 8 1023 4 2i 14 1302 I 75 1 1020 I 25 S 1125 4 75 1 1130 4 25 3 126i) 4 SO 1 1430 4 15 23 1273 90 12 1050 4 35 9 1222 4 90 S 1000 1 P5 15 1373 6 10 7 9INI 4 0 10 1307 6 40 STICK HS AND HEIFKRS. 14 IV i 5ii 1 9 ma I 60 COWS. 1 700 2 no 2. .- S40 2 CO, 6 1236 3 30 1 S20 2 25 1 1H0 3 33 2 955 2 25 2 1000 3 3 1 S20 2 25 4 11S7 3 35 1 S6D 2 25 2 1130 3 35 3 943 2 25 1 1320 3 35 4 993 2 35 13 1016 3 35 3 946 2 50 3 1110 3 40 1 1080 2 75 3 1213 3 !0 1 926 2 75 1 1110 3 10 1 1060 2 75 L 1020 3 15 1 1050 2 75 3 lnyi 3 ,o 1 1100 2 75 1 1020 3 50 2 935 2 73 6 1070 3 ;o 1 K40 2 75 20 1IS4 3 50 2 1045 2 SO S 109J 3 50 2 1050 2 9i) 1 1270 3 50 4 1230 3 00 1 1110 3 50 3 1000 3 IHl 1 1300 ; 6u 3 1136 3 fO 1 1370 3 50 1 S00 3 00 6 1036 3 60 1 900 3 00 2 1115 3 6'l 1 910 3 00 11 1032 3 60 925 3 '.'0 2 120(1 3 69 1 1090 3 00 2 126i 3 6.1 1 11 00 3 () 11 10915 3 65 2 1040 3 liO 10 1022 3 61 6 100S 3 10 12 1115 3 03 2 1135 3 10 4 1167 3 65 12 1120 3 10 II 11SG 3 1,5 2 1115 3 10 3 ,.1070 3 70 1 K20 3 10 1 1340 3 75 1 1030 3 10 4 1027 3 75 1 1140 3 in 1 1010 3 75 1 1170 3 15 2 SV 3 73 3 1216 3 15 2 ICi', 3 75 8 951 3 13 1 ly.'ni 3 75 6 1170 3 15 1 1160 3 75 1 1150 3 15 S 91S 3 SO 6 1110 il 20 1 MM) 3 S3 1 lid) 3 20 6 1216 II),.-, 4 990 3 20 22 1096 3 S5 1 1120 3 23 3 1196 3 1-0 3 1250 3 25 2 36i 3 90 2 1245 3 2 7 6 1341 3 90 10 1123 3 25 2 1065 3 90 1 1240 3 25 6 HSJ 3 90 ' 1106 3 25 JO 1266 3 93 1 1050 3 23 9 1311 3 9:, 4 1072 3 25 1 1270 3 93 4 1060 3 23 3 2uo 3 yj 3 12S3 3 30 1 'UO I 00 COWS AND HEIFKRS. 4 M. '' ' swl 3 93 16 1110 3 Vi COWS AND HULLS. 9 941 : I-' HEIFERS. 10 501 3 1.1 1 5S0 3 65 2 635 3 25 1 716 3 70 1 9u0 3 kl 45 9IJ 3 75 3 S10 3 40 i !f Ml 6 S30 3 40 19 S42 3 f 1 690 3 50 3 fi,S I ie 2 933 3 60 2S SSI .".9) 4 773 3 50 1 : 95 4 737 3 M 4 t042 3 93 3 533 3 50 9 1061 I 05 2 625 3 t'o 7 59 4 25 BULLS. 1S20 2 S3 1 2O50 3 50 1 1650 2 90 1 1160 3 50 1 1170 3 10 1 2050 3 50 1 1.150 3 15 1 1730 3 61) 1 t490 3 IS 1 1391 3 50 1 XV) 3 25 1 1Sii0 3 60 1 920 3 ?.0 1 1420 3 65 1 1240 3 35 1 1160 3 1.3 1 1150 3 40 1 13') 3 65 1 1320 3 40 1 1710 3 TO 4 1335 3 (0 1 ltwn 3 90 1 1100 3 15 1 1650 3 9i) 1 12S0 3 60 STAGS. 1 1190 2 7o I U40 4 40 1 1450 3 fio CALVES. 3 306 3 lu 1 150 6 25 I SCO 3 75 1 300 6 25 ISO 6 " llll 1 , loo ; i.j 1 .. it" 6 "i STOCK." COWS AND HKIPKRS 1 Of) .' 1.1 2. . . . tjU .1 iu 4 tell :l 2.'. 2 70 3 2 . . . . k. 3 .V. I 77 3 W STAC. P. 2 . . .I0v0 3 SO STOCKIiRS AND FlJKDrJRS. 6 IliJ 2 h iW I la 3 6"(l 2 50 9 !A' I il" 2 Mln 2H 13 '" 1 5v0 3 (V 2 J W 1 ,-.M 3 10 6 TSU I J" 4 .sv5 3 60 1 K 4 M) 1 yf) I 20 ti If '' 3 9!ii 4 2 UK 1 IIOOS-Tliero was not n heavy run of hogs today and the market started out about 2Uc hlghet than estetda morning. Thu first hogs sold largely at 5.3i'ili. ID and some prime heavyweights sold as high as $5.13, or 6c better than yesterday's top The hogs began nun lug inward the scales ipllle rapldlit, but before there as time to sell mote than half the receipts the miu-Kvt weakened and packets were only offering f3.n2V-4i5.Xi. The last end of the market wes very "slow, as the best hogs were sold llrst and packers were not pal iletilarly atiMoits for what was left. The provision tnaiket opened higher, which Improved conditions somewhat. Kverythlug but the light, trnsuy stuff sold mostly rrom 5.3.i to ?.I0. f'hp closu was n'd as good us tho opening, 1 tit still It was belter than the weak time. Rep preseli'atlve "tiles' No. A v. Sh. IT. No. Av. Sit. Pr. S4 IS" 210 f. 30 5S 21 2i"l 5 I7'j 40 1 S3 ... 5 32's l"i 221 2 ft 31 '.4 UK 179 10 oVJ'4 M 267 2il 5 :l7'a l- in ... nil."; W RI ... H ila 93 172 ... Ii 32', Ml 251 I Ml f. ;I7W 12 210 ... 6 If, Iff 215 ... 5 '17'. M 2"9 $0 6 IB. 35 21 1 ... .1 ;ii'j 67 211 ... 5 3fi 9.' 211 ... S .'7j 61 222 ... & 35 71 239 160 5 iTa so 2io so f, :i3 17 :,', ... ;, j-,n. 16 Id! SO S Hi ,i7 201 .. f, is . . .ssi y) f, :m 46 232 M 5 33 M 21.1 ... 5 35 M 215 120 5 Hi 5S 237 ... 6 Ki S3 212 ... 6 '15 73 217 40 5 3.'i 75 2i i 120 6 35 II '.iM ... 5 35 34 231 ... 5 34 15 236 SO 6 3 31 207 ... 5 35 26 215 ... 5 ?: 60 253 ... .MIS 71 20s 10 5 ;n 17 197 SO 6 ST. S 1W 40 6 35 S7 19'.) ... 5 35 56 1.ll Ml 5 35 53 291 ... 5 35 6J 259 ... 5 ll'i 73 217 ... .MB 1,6 SID SO 5 !!.'i IV1 231 ... ,MI5 s. .1., . .1 .l,i in Iii ... f, .7'.. 75 229 ... 5 .;7'J 71 211 !- .. ',7: 61 116 .. 5.171, III 21 . ,1 ii" . 61 i'A! SO 5 In 70 251 .. 5 4 1 S7 2fd .. 5 I" 72 25v Ml (, 4" SI 2n6 . . 5 Hi 5S 29.1 ... 5 10 10 .'Ill .. i W 27 210 V) 5 HI 01 22 ... P I" 1.6 222 ... T HI 72 2.W lliO ., in 40 212 ... 5 40 71 222 . . 5 10 66 2M . . .', 10 17 321 ... I" 71 213 ... 5 10 51 229 ... 5 to 60 290 ... .1 'O 'i 11 in .1 .1.1 10 ii 10 73.. 73.. .239 12") U Jul 65 250 In ..201 ... 5 ;:71.. 02 263 5 HI 70 210 160 5 37'j 5 296 SO 5 40 SI 231 SO 5 .',7Vj 67 302 SO 5)0 SS 230 ... 6 37'- 60 2.M ... 5 40 9(1 192 40 5 37; 61 271 SO 5 I2'a 76 2i IS U'O 5 37'. 61 2Mi ... 5 15 71 220 ... 5 :i;l" 66 257 ... 0 15 67 240 SO 5 :!71-j SHKKP There w's Just a fair run nf sheep hero today nnd the demand wan In good shape, so that the market ruled active, and steady to strong all around The feel ing seemed lo bo 11 little heller on sheep, though, than It was 011 lambs. Wethers sold as high as 11.65, which looked ?troug as compared with yesterday, and other bunches brought 14. 60. There were no light weight yearlings 011 sale. Colorado lambs sold at J5.05, but they were lighter than the 15.CO lambs of yesterday, so that the market today looked about steady. Quotations: Choice fed wcclieis, $l.40If 4.6. fulr to good wethers. !4.255j4.40- '.-iiolci llfhl wiili-lit vnif-tlncru ti rirb-,7i KIV ffllr til I good yearlings, 14.4014.60: cholco lightweight ewes, $a.7:ij4.lo; ralr to good ewes, $3..w 2.75; cholco lambs, S4.90ifi6.15; fair to good lambs, SI.70fiT4.90: feeder ewes, 13.23tf.l,50, feeder wethers, 13.76y4.00; feeder lambs, J4.0J (114.40. Representative sales iNO. IS wethers 399 western wethers.., 165 western wethers.., 12 bucks , 203 western ewes , 230 western wethers .. 31 Colorado wethers . 31S5 Mexican yearlings 14 lambs , 173 Colorado lambs 73 Colorado lambs 81 Colorado jambs .... 131 Colorado lambs ., Av. Pr. 90 4 63 118 4 60 107 4 67 149 2 75 93 3 73 S9 I 05 101 I 10 77 4 70 M 6 00 7S 5 05 76 6 03 93 11 05 90 6 03 CHICAGO I.IVIJ STOCK MAHKKT. Cnttle Mend) Hog Open Illuber nnil Close WpmU Slieep Strung. CHICAGO, March 7.-CATTLH Receipts. 9.000 head. Including 600 Texans; generally steady; dinners lower: good to prime ulcers, S5.061i6.25; poor to medium, $3. 0151 5. 00; stock ers and feeders, strong, V2.75'n l.tfl, cows, 12. 65ft4. 25; heifers, $2.7v(4.60; canners, $2.0) W2.60; bulls, slow. $2.60i 1.25; calves, steady, 14.001.f6.25; Texns fed steers, ll.Uolf 1.90, Texas grass steers, S3.53("4.00; Texas bulls. S2.S0fj3.in). HOGS Receipts today, 1S.00O head: to morrow, 22,1X4, estimated; left over, 3,530; opened shnde higher, closing wvak; top, $5.65; mixed nnd butchers. $5.35'ft5.62l,:,; good to cholco heavy, $5.60f?5.G5; rough heavy. $5.3(Kif5.l5; light, $5.355j5.00; milk of sales. 15. 47151)5.5714 SHKKP AND TiAMBS Receipts, 16,000 head; sheep strong, lambs steady to slow, good to choice wether.t, J4.20fH.fc5; fair to choice mixed, $l.0o?4.0; western shpcp. 14. 351(4. S5; Texas sheep, $2.50fi3 76; nntlvo lambs, ll.60fj5.25; western lambs, 13.60fj5 25 K nil inn City Live Stuck; MnrUet. KANSAS CITY. March 7.-. "ATTLK -Receipts, 4.200 natives, 1,20) Texans, 70 calves; native beef steers, steady to 10c lower; Texans, atendy to strong; others steady : native beef steers, Sl.70f6.&5; Mockers and reeders, $4,001)5.15, Including heavy roeders nt $4.25f 1.75; fed westerns. 14.6OTi5.50: Tex ans and Indians, S3.75WI.70; cows, $2.2311' 4.2a, including canners at $2.25fi3.00; heif ers, $3.25f!4.75; bulls, $3.00fi 1.60; calves, $1.00 Q6.00. noGS-Recolpts. 8,500 1-ead; market steady; top. $5.17!.: bulk of sales. $5.30fi' 5.15; heavy, $5.35fi5.l7'-; mixed p.vkors, $5.35175.15; light. $5.20fi5.371'-: nigs. H.6OI1 5.15. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpls. 2X.O market for sheep stcudy to 1J0 higher, lambs steady, western lambs, $1.S0f?5.O5, western wethers, $1.251.65; western year lings, $1. 40g5.00; ewes, S3.75fJI.25; culls, 2 60 Q3.60. St. Lo 11 1 Live Mock Market. ST. LOUIS March '.-CATTLK-Reeclpls. 2.6i head. Including l.soo Texans; mnrket i.ctlvo and steady; native shipping and ex port steers, SI.!H3'5.65; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.nOf5.30; steers under 1.000 lbs.. $3.85fi 1.60; stockers and feeders, $2 50 f4.60; cows and heifers, $2.00WI.7S; canneri $1.2512. 7j; bulls. $3.oo-n3.75: Texas and In- dlan Hteers. $3.50fj'l.7o; cows and Iielfer. $2.50113.60. HOGS Receipts, 0,900 hend; market strong nnd active; pigs and lights, $3,101(5.43; pack- 1 ers, $5.. '151? 5. 60: butchers. $5,5055 05. 1 SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpls, 300 head. , market steady: native mutton. SluofilSn; ' lambs. $4,6315.25; culls and bucks. $1 Vli I 4.00; western lambs, $5; western sheep, $1.60. 1 St. .loseiih Live Slock Mlll'l.et. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Man h 7 -tSpe- ' clnl.) The .loutnal q.ioles as follows. CATTLE -Receipts. 1,000 head, market steady lo 10c lower; natives. $1. 1515 31, , Texans and westerns, 4:i.051i3.15; cows nqd I heifers, $2.25f I 43; bulls and slags. $2 2-Vi ! 1.75; yearlings and calei, $l.651i 1.75; stock ers anil fecderr. S3.3.Vnl..riO; veals. $l.75f7ii 1 HOGS Receipts, 3 SV0 head; market um i- nged about steady; .ill grades, $' .l-'jli 6.17'S; bulk of sales, $5.37'-fj3. 12'..; pig , steady SHKKP AND LAAI11S- Receipts, .!. ' head; market steady; lambs. $1 9n'.". I '.. , yearlings. $l.601il.75, wethers, fl.lii'n I ,, ewes, $.'I.S5'i4.23. j t 11 IVe e Mini. el. NKA YORK. .Mnlih 7 1 IFPUH The mark"! lor futuies opened ste.idi. with prli es 5 points higher, and linmeili.il-l di -vtiopeo marked strength on entering for eign suppoit ti tul but lug I'm' Investini lit 11 (-in int. based ii npoi's of n sharp .id vnnco In lib, 1 m hung" r.ite. t rnn-r late' -allies from Kurepeitn markets ,1 better I demand foi spi 1 and obiciec ( brnr uj,- , CHARLES G. ADSIT 226 La Salic St., Chicago, III. Bonds, Stocks and Invsstmenf Securitie LoiiRlit and sold for cnali and on marRlm. Prlvato wire to Now Vork I'IiIchro Itef. f-rulu'o.s: Contliiontiil Nntlonul Hunk. III. urrnlnn Ilunklnu AHuoulutlon, Itoyul Trubt Comiunv JAMES E, BOYD & CO. Tclriilione Kllllt. Omnhn, l. COMMISSION, r;nAi.v. provisions mm stock, llnnrtl nf Trailt. CorreepondiT.ee: John A. Wrrn it Co Direct wires to Chtcaco and New Vork 1 ... . 330 I 50 I 1 3aO 5 ;o 1 . 1 . . 210 6 no 1. cn -Mi'.i The murk-'i ruml nff'r.-.n th clout, on iiruMt-iaklng and ilosed mi. i.'.v wl'ii pi it-en uiichangid lo - points 1, ' higher. Total sales roaehetl 3U.5"J bags, in titldlng. Match, ll.IOtMi.l5e; Mil), lt.2Ml6 ' "i . June, 6 2.V. Juh, il.;lli.nc; August, 6 4 September .Hid October, li. IM&6.SIV , i cetnlief. ti.HHfi nnc; Jnuuary, iUKc. Sp. Rln, iiuiet: No. 7 Involci. 7'tc bid; Cord" .1 7'tc. New nil. Hit liiioiU llnrket. NKW Yi iRK, Match 7 - No furtlin liwtlges are leporteil In blenclicil cotton', which are In fair demauil today. No new business Is repurled for PNpnrl lit brown cottons and Inuni- ileniaiiit Is unlet. Price Irregulni. Ciiars-'-rnliifeil cot Ions ipilot and unchanged, prim cloth- inactive through out. Inn iiucliaugeil In piicc, mints met ginghams ate In uteroge request and no change in price, cotton linings Irregular In staple line. tiii: 11 i:i.i-v vihki:t. INSTRUMKNTS placed on record Tin rt iln . .Man Ii 7 Wnrrnnt Deed.. I). P. Hnpper and wire ( : It. Hop per, lot 3. block 9; lot 5 and U lot 4. block I; lots ii and 7. block V nlet loo $ I. so A. M. Hrnwn and husband In A. M. Kellev, lot 1. Remington's subdlv J,n5n Herman Kouulzc utul wire In l-'nilik and Mary K0I10111, lot s, block 12. Koun;r.e'H 2d mid t.jui Anion t .In no tun 11 li nud wife to Paul Itllejclmeler, lot 3. Storz subdlv 1 M A Reek et ill lo V. . J. Uigc. hp', 19-16-11 7,0.. 1 II. C otto nud I111pl1.mil to Mutilieiia Saiinde.'S. w' uw'4 20-15-12 Otn.ibn Really inmp.iuv In ,M, I-'. Pail rldge, w f& feet lot 1, block J. Wei-t Ihid add 1 Samp to A. II. Pni t ridge, e tw feet lot 1. block 2. Mime f .., Total iinnuiiii of transfers f.'i.toi 56.00 A MONTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Diseases VJ MdDisordcrsof Men 12 , ears in Omaha. VARICOCELE "HYDROCtLE ""en t cuttlni?. rui In nr 4..A 1 S Y PH I LI Kc,uc'1 ' n'llfpsnd thepolson w a thoroughly elewrf from the system soon every lcn and ttymrtom ! !!"l)r?-r?..'omPI",,'ly '" forever. No "DKBAIvINO OUT'' of theillnesRo on the skin or fc. nriuinnt rontHlns tio dauctrous drug.i or Injurious medlrlues. WEAK MEN l""1" ok M Mvnoon from f.e ,-Y,,., , v CrV.cr VllTIMSTONEKVOCH a . DUALLY DKIHMTY or IUllAtlRTION, W -RTINO VVBUCNKSK INVOI.CNTAHV LoHKIS, with L.Mtt.Y Rki'ay In Yor.NO and Miwilr AoEb, tack if vim. vigor nud strength, with sexual orgitnslmtmlrtd nariw-rak. STRICTURE Hadleslly eured with x new nnil CLPFT '" Iufsdllilo Rome Treat, una tuttl meut Nolnstruments.nopaln, no detention from husmets, Gonorrhoea, kidney and Itladder Troubles. TltKS CHMItA NTKKli. Cajiiultatlon Frer. IrMtmrnt by Mill, n I, C ulV"1 "ral1!1tlr,,',. HO S. !4th St. Or. teles & Searles.gmaha.Neb. FIRST CLASS 1'ULLHAN SLUEPBR5 ...DAILY HETWUBN... OMAHA AND SAN FRANCISCO Without Chang GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE M'ltl!1.;,!f,J,e,, .Scenery of the ROCKY f,,0V.NTA!N? nnd SIERRA NEVADA by Daylight In both directions. DININtJ CAR SERVICE TIIROUOH. ) HUFPET LIBRARY CARS. For full Information, rerrutloniiaiidltliier- gry "Chlca.o to Cullfnrnla" utldrcat City Ticket Office, 1313 I'nniani St., Otnalia, Pit D JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA DRY GOODS. E. Smifh & Go. Importers ind Jobbers of Dry Goods, Furnishing Goodt AND NOTIONS. WHEN IN OMAHA ISIT Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Co. now it sti:i;t, OMAHA'S GREAT NEW HOUSE, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Uestem Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. Electric Ylr!n Belli aid a as Llckttnf. G , V. JOHNSTON, .Mgr. 1510 llowatd Kl SAFE AND IKON WORKS. Davis & Cowgil! Iron Works. MANUFACTtmKRH AND JODDBRB OF MACIIINKItY. GENERAL ItKPAIJUNO A BPBCIALT1 IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, JBOl, inoa nnd intlB JoU (itrrat, Omnhn, Nrfc. Tel. 03H. B. Zabrlskle. Aeent. J. B, Cowftll, Mgr. ELEVATOR SUPPLIES " ELEVATORS In. proved Quick and Kiitiy Kleins Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATCH GATES. Hand for cataloiuo. Klf.lHALL linos'., COUNCIL BLUFFS, U, 1008 th Stuat. Telephpua 111. c H. Davis & Son Acrntu for the Hlclimo4 nfrtr t,nt l-"lr IJoor. Klsvator Hydroullc and Hind KlIeTatori. nlevator rcr-lrliiK n tp'dilty- t,ther Vnlvo Cur tar Kleratorn. Enlu aid Prlntlne Vrtttttt. 00NE GO. Miiimfit n rir nnd Joblir-M of Steam and Water Supplies tir Mi Kind llll I mill HIIII 1)111 (il, VS ST, " GAiOJ.INEENGINES AND GRAIN ELEVATOR MACHINERY Gasoline Engines Vertical. Horizontal and Portuulo, from one horse power up. Jotihf.rn of Acrlcilltural Implements nr.d )Vrytlilnc ill water, steam -nd fas uup-nlla. 1 Wt ! L 1 UMiiut i&tri I 11IIM 1 Jl.'. I . I. ' 'MM, 1 oieinoi! Mf. 1 ' P wlthon haviti Bradley & Go. J Council Hinds, Iowa