Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Don't pay more than ioc. for a toilet'
soap. Jap Rose sells for that.
Rose is transparent perfumed
made of vegetable oil and
wicn roses --
Jap Rose
is Kirk's latest soap,
world-famous soap
no man can improve it.
Yet it costs but a dime a
wmth DrtoU Legislature Quick to Accept
Advert Eiport.
IVIlniarth Drnoanrca c paper At.
Inrkii I pun 111m All Print
ing In tu lie Dour In thr Mate
Approjirlmlon. Made.
Enstiaa MlnU'.ef Dtniti That His Gounirj
i Coretoat.
Xraotlntlnn nlth dilncr Arc for
Prrvrntlon f 1'nrllicr Dlatnrli
nnrr nnl fiuarnnty of afrty
for Frontier llntlniada.
In a few raorntBts the entire roof of the
house was a mass of ncs and In
remarkably short time the hotie and all j
lis contents except about W worth of '
household goods were consumed. The Are
was beyond the reach of the city water j
mains. The loss amounts to $SOfl, with MOO j
Insurance in the Fire Association of Phila
delphia. Mr. Brown will rebuild as soon as
the insurance is adjusted.
fitcittarj of Agriculture Bposicn
Sjitia ef Wireleii Teltgraphy.
LONDON, March 7 The covetamenl pub
lishes a dispatch from the British am
bawador at St. Petersburg. Sir Charles
Stewart Scott, relating to the assurance
given February br the Russian minister of
foreign affairs, fount Lamsdorf, concern
ing the Manchurlan affair It appears that
the Russian minister consented February Z'i
to its publication, as accurately represent
ing Russia's attitude In the proceedings In
Sir Charles Scott says. In part:
"Count Lamsdorf gave me the true ver
sion of what had taken place very readily.
He said he bad read allegations in the press
that Russia had concluded, or was engaged
in concluding, with China a convention or
permanent arrangement which would gi
Russia new right and a virtual protectorate
over southern Manchuria.
This he declared to be quite untrue, as
serting that the only ground for the rumor
must have been the fact that the Russian
military authorities who had been engaged
in the temporary occupation .tn paciflca-
l.UU U. .uc .v. l 1. T,. - ...... .,
reinstating the Chinese authorities, to ar- I " .... V l..
authorities a I neiri .
V,. . taKing UT. allies .erTiae inn ncan v.u-t
Omaha tlrrr ault at Lnlnitton. ,
LEXINGTON. Neb, March T (Special;
Telegram.) The beer vault belonging to the j
Omaha Brewing association, situated close to 1
tho Union Pacific railroad, was destroyed by '
fire at noon today There were twenty ton.
of ice in the building and a number of
empty eases and kegs belonging to M. t.
Coleman. These were saved. The Insurance
of JSOO on the building expired March 2 and
had cot been renewed. The loss Is Jl.OOO.
The origin of the fire has not been determ
ined. The fire department had a strong
south wind to contend against.
Farm Ilullillns at CheroUrr.
CHEROKEE, la.. March 7 (Special.!
The house, barn, sheds and hay and grain
of Julius Staxer. southwest of Cherolee,
were destroyed by fire at 5 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon. The fames started from i
chimney. The loss is U.OOH and the in
surance Jl.OOO.
Unnna Barn nnil Ttra llaraea.
ONAWA. la., March ". (Special.) The
barn of John Held, near the Illinois Central
depot, was destroyed by fire Tuesday night.
Considerable farm machinery and two horses
were lost. There was no Insurance. The
fire is thought to have caught from a sparU
from a locomotive
I'm Inn TeM Indicate a Orcalrr
Utllrlcnc.T Thnn l Claimed for the
rorelcner' Machine ot -ernment
Will Walt.
PIERRE, S. D., March 7 (Special Tele
gram. ) In the house today the general bill
lciulatlng building and loan associations
was killed by the adverse committee report.
Tho bill appropriating WK to Adjutant
General Humphrey for salary deficiency met
a similar fate. Wllmartb created a sensa
tion when be roee to a question of personal
prlvllegu and denounced as maliciously and
Intentionally false articles appearing in the
Minneapolis Tribune and Huron Huronlte.
Ha read the Huron article, which accused
him of being responsible for Huron being
left out in the choice of the capital removal
caucus and accusing him, by his refusal to
go Into the caucus, of acting under tho pro
vision of a trade which was intended to
throw Huron out. He vehemently denied
all the charges and denounced the writer
of the charges as' a malicious ltbeler and
slanderer and a liar of the first water.
. - ,The .ty)tue took un tho senate calendar
and passed the senate bills allowing action
to bo commenced or continued against an
executor; providing method of glvin
publicity to chattel mortgage sales; pro
viding for notice to telephone and tele
graph companies before disturbing their
wires by moving threshers, requiring rail
roads to fence their track along tracts of
lands fenced by owner: providing that any
fees or perquisite coming Into th hands
of stato officers shall be turned into the
atato general fund; providing for the levy
of taxes for the erection of library build
ings and maintenance of libraries providing
for turning all fees received by state Insti
tutions into the state treasury to be drawn
out by warrant; providing punUhment for
kidnaping; making the penalty for kidnap
ing and holding for ransom with threats
life Imprisonment; providing for waste
gates in mllldams. allowing the spreading
of all taxes on record as "consolidated
tar," and requiring the schedule to be
printed on the back of tax rctelyts.
l'nxara Appropriation Hill.
The houso conferees on the oil bill are
Price, Bullock and Hawgood.
Tho senate Immediately after dinner took
up tho bouse general appropriation bill and
passed It without change. When it passed
tho houso It was the bill the house "antl"
crowd Intended to force upon the senate,
tut where they afterwani expected to force
an extra session by this bill the senate
foiled them by killing all the amendments
offered by tbu antl-mlnorlty In the senate
and after voting down several amendments
the till was parsed under tho prevtoun ques
tion by vote of 30 to 13, with cries of "gag
rule" from the minority This Is the 'first
general appropriation bill passed since the
organization of tie state without a confer
ence and jangle to the laat minute
The senate passed senate bills requiring
all public printing to be done in the state
Catarrh has become such a common
disease that a person entirely free from
this disgusting complaint is seldom met
with. It is customary to speak of Catarrh
as nothing more serious than a bad cold,
a simple inflammation of the nose and
throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and
very dangerous disease ; if not at first, it
very soon becomes so.
The Wood is quickly contaminated by
the foul secretions, and the poison through
the general circulation is carried to all
part of the system.
Salves, washes and sprays are unsatis
factory and disappointing, because they do
not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S.
does. It cleanses the blood of the poison
and eliminates from the system all catar
rhal secretions, and thus cures thoroughly
and permanently the worst cases.
Mr, T. A. William, a leading dry-goods mr
chant of Spartanburg, S. C wnlra ' For years
1 Baa m vrvrrc rase oi
nasal Catarrh, with all
the dlurrreablc effects
which belong to that
dlcatr, ana which
make life painful and
unendurable. I used
siedieinea prerribd by
leading pnyiiciant and
(ugfttcd by number
ef friends, bst wlthoct
fettlag any better. I
hen began to take S. S.
S It had the desired
effect, and cured roe
after lakinff eirhleen
bottles. In my opinion 5. S. S. Is the only mrtfi.
cine now in nac that will effect a permanent cure
of Catarrh."
reducing the membership of State Board of
Equalization by knocking off the attorney
general; providing that taxes on no one
I class of property can be raised in a county
unless all other classes are raised in pro
portion, and memorializing congress for
constitutional amendment to provide for the
election of United States senators by direct
vote of the people.
Appropriate Monpy for College.
The senate passed house bills Increasing
brand filing teen to J2.M: regulating tho in
corporation of mutual inscrance companies,
appropriating $4,600 for building fund at
Rrooklngs college, and appropriating S0
to make up the full deficiency at Madlcon
The senate jangled over the conference re
port on the oil Inspection bill and refused
to accept part of It. After several efforts
to a.'pept a portion of the house amend
ments Gllmore. Gunderson and Cahlll were
appointed as new conferees.
Further house bills were passed by the
senate providing that party In interest may
testify agalust estate of deceased; permit
tine incorporated towns and cities to be
separate election precincts, applying par
ticularly to towns which are located in more
than one township, and prohibiting any
name from appearing more than once on an
official ballot.
The senate parsed unanimously a resolu
tion recommending promotion for Major
Krenlnt Sraalnn of llouat.
U the evening session the house passed
senate bills granting cities power to sup
press illegal liquor traffic.. giing threshers
prior lien on grain for threshing charges;
prohibiting the plea of relationship or In
terest as a reason for refusing testimony
In civil suit; for construction of public
ditches, providing for care and leasing of
Fort Slsseton military reservation; Burke's
scavenger tax bill, authorizing the State
Assessment Board to make 1 milt deficiency
levy; providing for municipal ownership of
public utilities.
The Investigating commltteee is finishing
up lta report tonight. It will contain over
fifty typewritten pages and will condemn
the method of keeping records of the In
stitutions and the work of the board, but
will fall to show any criminality.
range with the local civil
modus vlvenda for the duration of
simultaneous presence of Russians and
Chinese In Southern Manchuria, with the
object of preventing a recurrence of dis
turbances in the vicinity of the Russian
frontier and of protecting the railway from
the Russian frontier to Port Arthur.
Xn lVrninnrnt Arrangement Made.
"Some details of the proposed modus
vlvendl were sent for consideration to St.
Petersburg, but no convention or arrange
ment with the central government of China
of any permanent character had been con
cluded with regard to Manchuria, nor had
the emperor any intention of departing In
any way from the assurances he had pub
licly given that Manchuria would be en
tirely restored to its former condition in
the Chinese empire as soon as circum
stances admitted.
'Russia was In the same position with re
gard to fixing the final date for evacuating
Manchuria as the allies found themselves
in. with regard to the evacuation of Pekln
and the province of Chi Li. When it came
to the complete evacuation of Manchuria,
Russia would be obliged to obtain from
the central government of China an effec
tive guaranty against the recurrence of the
attack on her frontier and the destruction
of her railway, but she had no intention
of seeking this guaranty in any acquisition
of territory or an actual or virtual pro
tectorate of Manchuria, her object being
simply to guarantee tho faithful observance
in the future by China of the terms of the
agreement which she had been unable to
fulfill during the disturbance."
The dispatch concludes by repeating
Count Lamsdorfs assurance that there bad
been no alteration of the former Interna
tional status of Manchuria, which would be
restored when the temporary military meas
ures had ceased and that everything at
Nlu Chwang and elsewhere would l re
placed in the former position.
and was soon all
Cau Claire, Wis.
right." Wm. Roerlcht.
McVry .
Old ot
She la
llnvlncr a Una on Chiinilirrlnln'n
Cough Itemnlj.
"Our druggists have had such a run on
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that tbey
have had to older more and today there is
none in the town. I went for a bottle this
morning and tho druggist said. 'Chamber
Iain's goes quicker than any other kind.' '
says H. Goddard, Edgemont, S. Dak. There
is good reason fot Its popularity. No other
remedy will loosen and relieve a cold so
quickly. No other will prevent a cold or an
attack of the grip from resulting In pneu
monla. No other Is more pleasant or safe
to take. For sale by all druggists.
"I had been in bed three weeks with grin
when my husband brought me Dr. Miles'
Nervine. Pain Pills and Nerve and Liver
Pills. I was cured." Mrs. J. Relnler,
Franklin, Ind.
That Duff McVey. a former member of the
fire department, Is not now dead I no fault
of his wife. Ada. She slashed his throat
viciously with a knife, narrowly missing the
Jugular, and then expressed bitter regret
that she had not killed him. Jealousy was
the cause.
McVey was seated near the stsge of
Mickey Mullen's 'garden" about 12 o'clock
last night enjoying the gyrations of a Jap
who was doing a turn on the slack wire.
The orchestra played soft and slow as his
wife slipped unobserved up the aisle. She
paused a moment to make sure of her
weapon and then she gave blm a slashing
cut with all her might. The woman turned
and ran. while McVey cried, "Stop her. she
has killed me!"
Police Captain Her had stepped in the
door a few minutes before and he grasped
Mrs. MeVey as she ran. In her hand was
the bloody weapon. It was only after a
struggle that the captain obtained postes
slon of It.
Both husband and wife were hurried at
once to the city Jail, where the one was
attended to by Police Surgeon Ames and
the other locked up. MeVey's wound was
WASHINGTON. March 7 -Since last
autumn the Navy department has suspeadfd
the experiments In the employment of wire
less telegraphy as a means of communica
tion between naval vessels and between
vessels and the shore. Up to this time
none of the warships has been equipped
with a permanent plant. While It may be
true that Marconi Is coming to the United
States and that he may, while here, com
municate with the Navy department some
proposition looking to the Installation ef
hta own system of telegraphy on our naval
vessels, the Navy department has not yet
engaged blm to do so.
Rear Admiral Bradford, the chief of the
equipment department, which naturally
would Install any such means of eommuai
cation, has had conferences with some of
the most eminent electricians in the United
States as to the availability of the wire
less telegraph for naval use. But so far j
nothing like the ideal system has been j
reached. j
Wllaoii Let Lour Knnn,
The latest proposition has been broached i
by the Department of Agriculture. Secre- i
tary Wilson, hearing that the navy was
casting about for a serviceable system of
telegraphy, has written Admiral Bradford
to notify him that the Agricultural depart- I
ment has been experimenting for some time
with wireless telegraphy, and has attained
remarkable results. His experts assert i
with the greatest poslttveness that they j
have evolved a system radically different .
from Marconi's, and of far greater ef
ficiency. I
For obvious reasons the details of the
process are kept secret, but it Is probable i
that within a short time a practical ex
hibition will be made on board ot a naval
vessel. The bureau) of equipment for
tunately has a considerable appropriation
made In a lump sum at Its disposal to
cover the expenses of Installing all kinds
ot electrical appliances aside from those
connected with the mechanical department
!of the ship and when Secretary Long gives
the order a part of this will be spent In
trying Secretary Wilson's experts' device.
The outcome will be watched with the
greatest interest by all naval officers, es
pecially in view ot the announcement that
not only Great Britain, but Germany and
the other European maritime powers have
already ordered the installation ot wireless
plants in their navies.
1 !
i. . . .nir i i mi r iiii .
Do You Have Rheumatism? Have You Bladder
or Uric Acid Trouble?
Intllnnapolla and Loniarllle .Mny Take
tho Place of Denier
and Pueblo.
Jrr Oder o( Trcumarh.
TECUMSEH. Neb., March 7. (Special
Telegram.) Jesse Oder died in this city at
10:30 tonight ot pneumonia after a short Ill
ness. Mr. Oder was S2 year ot age. He
was born In Harrison county. Ky.. March 21,
1519. There he resided till 1533. when he
went to Fayette county, where he married
Miss Jane Cochran in 15i3. Franklin
county then became his home, where he re
sided ten years, and then removed to BloLm.
lngton, 111 , and later to Berlin, Sangamon
county. In 1SS4 he removed to Springfield
and In 1S&6 came to Nebraska, where he
made his home with his daughter, Mrs.
J. A. Dillon. His wife and four children
survive him. The children are: Mrs. Dil
lon and D. R. Oder of Tecumicb, Robert A.
Oder of Oklahoma and John C. Oder ot
Berlin. 111. The funeral will be from the
Dillon homo here and burial will be In Ber
lin, 111.
Anuetta Krunt of Ponieroy,
SLOAN. la.. March 7 (Special.) Miss
Annetta Frost died very suddenly Tuesday
night at her home In Lakeiort township.
Services will bo conducted by Rev. C. M.
Van Marter of the Methodist Episcopal
church this afternoon and the body will
be taken to Pomeroy.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., March 7-iStvclal
Telegram.) It 1 highly probable that both
Indianapolis and Louisville will be Included
In the tircilt of tho Western league. The
Intent plan of the magnates Is to merge the
Denver and Pueblo teams Into one and
place It In Louisville, under the manage
ment of Packard of Denver and llulen of
Pueblo. Bv merging the two teams under
one franchise onmher place In the circuit
would be left open and would be given to
Indlananolts. Hulen Is wllllnr to accent
1 the proposition.
, It Is now up to Owner Packard of the
Denver team. George Tebeu of Hanson
City is in Denver conferrlnc with Hulen
and Packard, and a decision may be
. reached today.
I Concerning the matter President Hlckey.
who returned home this morning, said
I "We have not decided to take the cities
into ine circuit yet. out ir we uo we want
to have It all arranged so that nothing will
remain but to sign the contract and have
the LoJlsvllle players report. I recognize
the fact that the two cities would greatl)
strengthen the league, but we don't want
to act hastily. We must move cautiously
Wo rcnllze that this ts our chance Hnd If
we fall to take advantage of the oppor
tunity to embrace them In our circuit a
minor league may be formed to Include
them and then they will be lost to us.
Iresldent Hlckey left tonlcht for Pi-
dlanapolls, wnere he will hold another con-1
ference with President Watklna. From '
there he and President Watklns will iro to
Louisville. He w(U return to St. Jusvpli
probably Monday. The rrieetlng of the ,
magnates which was to be held In St Paul
Tuesday has been again postponed and will I
be held a week trom Satjrduy. I
lrakn Team Defeated. I
CHICAGO, March 7 At the SporUmen h
ahf'W to.lH.j- at the Coliseum, in the bHket I
ball contents, the Stevens Point W!.'
team uereatel the I nlverslty or Nebraska
by a score of 3i to 13. The unlverslt) hon
put ip a good game, but were unfortunate,
ns they made sixteen fouls, from A'hlch
their opponent! scored nine of their s
Caaearlne at All nrwrgUts.
Cures biliousness, constipation and dys
pepsla. or money refunded. Price 50 cents.
Book explaining cause and cure mailed fn.
P.ea Bros. & Co.. Minneapolis. Minn.
Beatrice Helilence.
BEATRICE, Neb.. March 7 (Special
Telegram- At 5 o clock this morning the
residence of E. L. Brown, located on the
old brewery prcperty just north of Linden
Tree park, was totally consumed by fire.
Mr. Brown arose, as Is his usual custom, at
4 30 and started a fire In the kitchen stove.
fminrl in be about five Inches long on the
rlffht sld of the neck and a half Inch deep, i cured me and I
reoulrlna nearlv a dozen stitches to close It. . Meyers-Dillon Drug
No serious results are expected.
A charge of cutting with Intent to kill
was placed against Mrs. McVey and her
husband was held at the Jail as complain
ing witness. Both talked freely about the
affair. Mrs. McVey was outspoken In de
claring that she meant to kill him and was
only sorry that she had. not done so. Mc
Vey said that be was married uecemoer b
and as his wedded life had not proved happy
he had begun divorce proceedligs a week
llreeda Dandruff, Which Caaea ratl
ine Hair and Finally Balnneaa.
Prof. Una. Hamburg. Germany, Euro
pean authority on skin diseases, says that
dandruff is as contagious as any other
malevolent disease, and that one common
source of the spread of dandruff is the uso
of the same hair brush by different persons.
The way to avoid catching dandruff or any
other disease from another's brush is to
insist on the use of Newbro'a Herpiclde. It
not only kills the dandruff germ, but It Is
also an antiseptic that will prevent the
catching of any disease whatever through
contagion ot another's brush.
Robert R. Watts of Salem, Mo., writes
"I have been troubled with kidney disease
for the last five years and have doctored
with all the leading physiclana and have
tried all remedies suggested, without any
relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney
Cure and lers than two bottles completely
am sound and well,
Co., Omaha; Dillon's
drug store. South Omaha.
To Prove what SWAMP-ROOT, the Great Kidney and Bladder Remedy,
will do for YOU, all our Readers May Have a Sample Bottle Sent
Free bv Mail.
Pa;n or dull in the back is unmis
takable evidence of kidney trouble. It Is
Nature's timely warning to show you that '
the track ot health Is not clear. .
It these danger signals are unheeded, I
more serious results are sure to follow; i
Brlght's disease, which Is the worst form '
evidence that your kidneys and bladder
need immediate attention.
In ti.klng Swamp-Root you afford natural
help to Nature, for Swamp-Root is the
most perfect healer and gentle aid to the
kldncyb that is known to medical science.
Swamp-Root Is tho great dltcovery of
of kidney trouble, may steal upon you. Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and blad
The mild and the extraordinary effect der specialist. Hospitals use It with won
ot th world-famous kidney and bladder I dertul success In both slight and severe
remedy. Swamp-Root. Is soon realized. !t caes. Doctors recommend it to their
stands the highest for its wonderful cures patients and use It In their own famllle..
ot the most distressing cases. A trial will because they recognize In Swamp-Root
convince anyone and you may have a the greatest and most sueessful remedy.
Schools at Kearney and Ileatrlre.
LINCOLN. March 7 (Special.) The sen
ate committee on Reform schools. Institute
for the Feeble Minded and Home for the
Friendless today submitted its report in re
gard to the Reform school at Kearney and
the Feeble Minded Institute at Beatrice.
Both institutions were found In good condition.
sample bottle for the asking.
Lame back is only one symptom ot kid
ney trouble one of many. Other symp
toms showing that you need Swamp-Root
arc, obliged to rass water often during
the day and to get up many times at
night, inability to hold your urine, smart
ing or Irritation In passing, brlckdust or
sediment In the urine, catarrh ot the blad
der, uric acid, constant headache, dizzi
ness, irregular heart-beating, rheumatism,
bloating. Irritability, wornout feeling, lack
ot ambition, loss of flesh, sallow complex
ion. If your water whin allowed to remain
undisturbed in a glass or bottle for twen
ty-four hours, forms a sediment or set
tling, or has a cloudy appearance, It is
SIOUX CITY. March 7. (Special. I Mi33
Evelyn Coleman, alto singer of the chair of
the First Congregational church, and
Stewart B. Sabin of Chicago were mar
ried Tuesday evening. Miss Coleman met
Mr. Sabln when she was singing In Chi
cago church choirs. He also Is a singer.
SLOAN. Ia.. March 7 (Special.) W H.
Buser and Miss Harriet Wray were mar
ried this noon at the bride's home east of
town. Mr. Buser Is engaged in the hard
ware business here. Miss Wray Is daughter
of ex-County Supervisor W J. Wray.
"Grip robbed me of my r.eep and I was
nearly crazy with neuralgia and headache.
Dr. Miles' Pain Pills and Nervine cured
me." Mrs. Pearl Bush, Holland. Mich.
must first poasM
virtue PUPJTT.
that all Important
Is absolutely pun in every aenae of
the word. Its all-ronnd roodnasa and
genuine beer purity haa ajainad for
"Blats a most enviable hold en bear
drinkers cverytrhere. Eh all seed
you a caaeT
Taale for taa Weavk.
VaJ. Blitz Brvwlng Co., MUwrnuJcaa.
141S Daaarlata Street, Tel. 14MU.
If you have the slightest symptoms of
kidney or bladder trouble, or if there is a
trace of It In your family history, send .it
once to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton.
N. V.. who will gladly send you free by
mall, immediately, without cost to you, a
sample bottle ot Swamp-Root and a book
of wonderful Swamp-Root testimonials.
He sure to say that you read this gener
ous offer in the Omaha Morning Bee.
If you are already convinced that Swamp
Root Is what you need, you can purchase
the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size
bottles at drug stores. Don't make any
mistake, but remember the name, Swamp
Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the
address, Blnghamton, N. Y.
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
cures every kind of rough, la gnpp. bronchitis,
tore throat, croup, wnooplng cough, etc. Nevet
deranges tnestomacn. AtDruapiata, 10 & 2
Get Ahead
of the
Spring Rush
For Offices.
Advice to
Office Seekers,
April and May are the months when
most people do their moving, The
prospects nre that the demand for of
flces In Omaha was never so great as
it will be this spring Ther are not
a great many rooms vacant in
The Bee Building
but there are among them several
which are particularly choice, one di
rectly in front of the elevator on th
6th floor; one on the 1st floor next to
the entrance to The Bee business of
fice, a suite of three rooms on the
Jrd f oor, and a very large office and
vault on the ground floor facing 17th
street. Besides these, there are four
or Ave tmallor rooms In various parts
of the building.
The rents are reasonable and the
service perfect.
Ground Floor, Bee Buildinf, Omiha.
gfm " the only purely veg-
WM. etable blood nuriner
nV nV kV Vnnwr, in,4 th rre.t. I l ouncll lllulTa Man Director.
,.ki, nf ' v,., -j: CHIC'AOO. March 7-The interstate Re-
aVaBasW -l Cf 5.lAbIoPa medl tail Hardware Dealers association todav ,
tmW a cines and tonics. V hanged It name to the National Retail!
If you have Catatrtt don't wait until it I Hardware Dealer 4stoclanon and thes.
i .1 .-j i i I officers were elected. President. W P i
WUUJa uk, .uu wiurn., u lI,ewU Albany Ind. vice president. rtror2,
iHabbard Pin Mich direct.-, rs. K 1 Mil.
e- Wocm n i.i 11 T 11- iges M
n 8. D Fred M F-dirf St J w- M
J A SlU.f Srjth Bend. Id aid H A
!.! I ' Bluffs, la. .
Kin at once the use ot S. is. b.. and send
for our book on Blood and Satin Diseases
cd write our phvsicians about your case.
I'armelre- In Third l'lare.
NEW YORK. March 7 The trapshooting
In the continuous match series resulted as
, f -tlnw A. II. Fox, 1 straight breaks. (
. Fred Gilbert. ), F. S. Parmelee. 33. W. R. '
Crosby :7, and R. O. Helkex. 1L I
I "After suffering for two months from a '
, severe attack ot grip I found quick relief i
and a lasting cure by using Dr. Miles' Nerv-
Cnre." Harry
Inc. Pain Pills and Heart
I Abbott Cincinnati, O.
Your Story
" Every morning I have a
bad taste in my mouth; my
tongue is coated; my head
aches and I often feel dizzy.
I have no appetite for break
fast, and what food I eat dis
tresses me. 1 have a heavy
feeling in my stomach. I am
getting so wealc that sometimes
I tremble, and rav nerves are
all unstrung. I am getting
pale and thin. I am as tired
in the morning as at night."
What is the trouble: Im
pure blood.
What is the remedy r
SI.M a bottle. All drur.r!st.
Take one of Aver's Pills
each night. You cannot be
cured while troubled with con-
Stipation. Price ISc a box.
Wrt tti docu-r freely a i the pintcnurt In
your ee Tu w I rteetre a prompt reply, kir
eU, Vt J t ATia,LoTtl Man.
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5c. cigar
Smokers wonder why the Henry deorge Is a so much finer smoke than
any other five-cent cigar We will tell you THE COMBINATION OF
IN ANY OTHER FIVE-CENT CIGAR, and Is the manufacturer's secret.
The smoking public get the benefit Try one and you will join the ranks
of steady Henry- George Smokers.
E. E. BRUCE & CO.,
Omaha, Neb.