Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DAILY HICK: Fill HAY, 31 ARCH 8, 1001.
Ml. Milt MUVntlN.
Davis sells s'"'
Davis rells drugs.
Blockett sells carpets mul rugs.
tins fixture mid globes at Hlxby's.
Tine A 11 C beer. Neumnycr's hotel.
Wollinun, cclentlflc optician, VO U'way.
W. J. Hostettcr, dentist, Haldwln block.
I.cffcrt, Jeweler, optician, 234 Uroadway.
J. A. Snow nurtlonecr. II' way, opp. I'. O.
r. K. Kimball has gone 1" I louston. Tex.,
m business.
Myrtle, lodge No. 12. Dcgieo of lienor,
will nut meet thin evening. t
Something new for Xodnkcr at C. 1.
Alexander At Co. s, 3SI Uroadway.
W. F. draff, undertaker and dlsinfcctor.
101 South .Main street. 'Phono -08
(Jet your work done at Ihu iionulRf bagle
laundry, 721 Uroadway. 'Phono 167.
Thomas KIiikhIcv of cnsciidc. la.. Is guest
nf C. J. Alilils at Hie tlruiul hotel.
I mmtorn rfHlilrtien In llCJrt Of
city, by W. .. Kerncy. 231 Main street.
Morgan & Klein, upholstering, '""ilturo
lepulrlng, inattrcsi making. 122 8. Main st,
Mrn. (.(urge MeClareti and son of C'll?Ko
are guests of Mrs. A. Ileresholm of l-alr-
law avenue
Hninuel It. Kimball of !ulcOurg. 111.. Is
guest of his sister, Mrs. George- Strain nf
Kojrth street.
Miss Messmore of Fourth street Is homo
from Itlver Sloux, whero she has been
teaching school.
City Treasurer True has paid out $1,om) r
the money deposited by tin- motor company
for the Mouth Main Htrcet paving.
A want ad In The lice will bring results.
The same attention given to a want ad in
Council lllufts as at the Omuhu olllce.
.lames O'Neill of Hancock, la., formerly
sheriff of Pottawattamie county, will re
move with his family to this city next
A few horses for sal- at Uourlclus' Music
House, SK Hroiidwa. Where the organ
stands upon tho building, llroke, sound and
Jjdgo Thornell sent word yesterday that
ho would reconvene district court next
Alondav, when ho would take up the mat
ter of the Hledentopf estate.
Mrs. F. II. Kvans of Garden City, Kan.,
arrived last (.veiling on a visit to h( r
parents, Mr. and Mrs I.. Merkel of Uasn
lugtou avenue, and other relatives In this
Tho case against William Powell of
Twenty-ninth street and Avenue I, charged
with beating Ills wife, was continued In
Justice Ferrlcr'H court yesterday for thirty
V. J.. McKeonun of 313 llonton street
placed a sample case containing cutlery
Inst evening on a platform In front of oi
ler's grocery store on Uroadway, while he
went Inside to make purchases When he
came out ho found some one had taken tho
Hefore G. W. Cook of 100 Lincoln avenue
went to bed Wednesday night he locked the
.loor of hla henhouse, containing three
dozen pure-bred chickens. Yesterday morn
ing when ho went to feed his feathered Hock
he found tho door locked, but tho henhouso
Ill Henry's big minstrel aggregation will
appear ut tho Dohany theater next Satur
day and Sunday. This attraction Is espc
clally orgnnlzed for the large cities, and Is
said to be tho largest, most expensive and
best of Its kind and class on the road. They
have Just llulshrd one of the most success
ful tours of the east that any minstrel or
ganization has ever made, and all along
their route from tho cant, It In said, they
huvo met with crowded houses.
I.. W. Itoss, master In chancery, will
today hear tint Intervention or Krcd Heck,
administrator of the estate or Christopher
Heck .In the matter or the receivership of
the Omaha Ai St. Louis railroad. Chris
topher lleck was killed in August, iS9S,
while driving across the Pony Creek cross
ing, by an Omaha & St. Louis train. The
administrator sued for 10,ttKJ, the suit being
now pending In the federal court, and later
Hied a petition of Intervention In the re
ceivership case in order to have his claim
made a lieu against tho properly ot Hie
road In this state.
N". V. numbing Co., telephone 230.
Ileal IX lite Trniisrers.
The follonlng transfers wern filed yester
day In the' abstract, title and loan olliro of
.1. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street:
W. M. Frederick and wlfo to Jens
ItasniL'ssen. wV4 ac. of lot 3, and sub
div se,4 nc'i is, lot 13, mul subdlv
nw'i seU.aud vi I.Cl.ue. of lot 2,
Auditor's' Mihdlv, nf'i o ls-7,i-t3,
W. d G20
Chicago, .ltock Island & Paclllo Hall
way company to George S. Wright,
ne'i nwU and lot 3, In 2U-7I-I3, i. c. d. 1
Anna S. Overman and husband to
William Kbncr, e',i iiw'j 21-75-11,
w. (I. ."TO
John 1. Chapman and wife to Jnmcs
A. Craft. wVj ne'4 33-70-11. w. il S.Gf'O
George F. Hughes, executor, to Eliza
beth Hughes, lots t and 2, block 8,
Kuhank'M 2d ndd, cxr. d WO
William S. Coe and wlfo to K. W.
Ward. uci 3-75-3S. w. d 8,000
Kllzabeth H. Newton and husband to
Adolph Wunder, b swU 2 and nw'.i
nw'i 11-77-41. V. d C.IOO
Tannic Peebles et al to W. F. Woods,
neU 111-7 1-3S, w. d S.WO
Fannli- I. Tod J to Kdward F. Cotter,
lots 9 and la. block IS, Ncola, w. d.... 937
Charles L. Clnar and wlfo to ICmma
Gundraiu. sVs lot 22, Johnson's add,
and sVi nib eVs of lot C, O. P. of Coun
cil llluffs. w. d LOW
William A Mynster and wife to Fro
mont llcujamhl, n 20 feet of lot f,
block r; lots 1 and 2, block 1, Myn
ster's add. d
George C. Holleail and wlfo to S . J.
Wood, ne'i 22 and n!4 nlj sw'.i swU
23-7 1-3S, w. d s.r.oo
L. M. Lano ami wife to A. S. Klser.
one uudlv 1-ti Interest In w tl feet lot
II and all lot ID, block D, Macedonia,
w. d
C. II. McCready and H. II. Lane and
wives ti) K. I).. F. A. and L. M. Lane,
unillv'j Interest in w 0 feet lot 11 and
all lot If., block li. Macedonia, w. l... l.lm
lleiiben Woodmaney ami wlfo to Addi
son S. Klser, s'i lot I, Pnrk add,
Maceiloiila, v. d 3(1
F. W. Van Horn and wife to William
Heed, lot 11. block 13. Carson, w. d.. ISO
llannes 1 1 Illicit and wire to Herimiu
Stoldt, lots 6 and 0, block t, Mlndcn,
w. d ....!. WW
C. P. Wnsser and wife to Claim II.
Jacobseu, lot 4, block XI, Avoca, w. d. 500
Gilbert F. Osier and wire to Dorcas
Osier. 20 oo. hi nV swli lii-74-8ti. i.
c. d 1
Total nineteen transfers $11,205
Pa vis sells pnlnl.
MllrrlllKl- LifCiiNci,
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
tho following;
Nnmn nnd Hesldence. Age.
Jens M. Anderson, Pottawattamlo 3U
Ceiilo K. Jensen, Pottiiwattiimlit 20
Addison M. Craver. Omaha 21
Marie Hansen, Omaha 13
Will buy a pair of IIANAN
SIIOKS. Tho price Is not
high when It Is tnkeu Into
consideration -thnt theso
shoes ure tho best made thnt
.- hnvo ever been sold In Coun-
" ell llluffs.
1'biv styles are up-to-ilntfl
fnfl you will get your
money's worth In Ions serv
ice. Wo speak of liansn's shoes
bcenuM' they hnvo become so
popular, but wo hnvo others
ihnt will open your eyes tu
real bargains.
When you want the best for
your money go to. ...
- -
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
ana lowa. jimci .-. ,nauujr, ji.,
126 Main St., Council muffs.
Funeral Director
(Successor to W. C. Estep)
KH 1'IXUlli alTHKUT. '1'liiuiu OT.
Wholmle Dealers of Iowa and Nebraska in
Annual Session!
lolincco Trlnls lllve 'I'hcni a ('rise (if
llt-iirllitirn mill Muuiit- ltun
tlim is Aii(IiIiiu lint
Mi eel.
Sixty-four Jobbing houses were repre
sented at the annual meeting In this city
yeoierday of tho Iowa and Nebraska Whole
unlu Ureters' association and It sns the
largest and most representative the or
ganization has held for pi; vera I ycarj. Th.)
sessions were held behind closed doors In
tho League room at tho Grand hotel.
Theso officers were elected. 1'rcsldcnt,
Snmuel .Malum, Oltutuwa, la.; vice presi
dent, Charles H. May, Fremont, Neb.; sec
retary and treasurer, John Mehlhup, Jr.,
Dubuque, In.; executive cointnlttea for Iowa,
Samuel Mahon, Ottumwa; John Ulaul. Ilur
llngton; A. P. Spencer, Oskaloosai cxccil
llvo commute for Nebraska, Kdgar Allen,
Oinalin , I. M. Itaymond, Lincoln, Charles
II. May, Fremont.
Questions Incident to the trade were dis
cussed, special attention being paid to the
trusts and combinations nf capital In tho
manufacturing line, to protect themselves
ngalnst which the wholesale grocers or
ganized. "The Situation In Which the DIs
trlbutlon of Tobacco. Is," was a question
that came in for more than ordinary dis
cussion, and tho consensus of opinion as
expressed by those present wns that It
was totally demoralized. The trusts and
combinations of capital vvcro said to ho
tho bane of the wholesale grocers' life and
It was reported that the manner In which
they force him to handle their particular
goods make him do so at a loss. This was
tbu keynote of most of the discussion.
1 1 it (I I Ml mil- lit ii Lows.
The question of handling sugar so as to
avoid loss by the Jobber has ulways been
a prolific subject for discussion ut these
meetings and It caino up yesterday for Its
usuul round. The discussion resulted In tho
adoption of a resolution endorsing the Mc
Mahou plan for the purchase am! ualu ot
tho saccharine matter so that It will not
entail a loss to tho Jobber.
Tho members of the association, while
being a lot of genial men. uro n very close
corporation when It pertains to their busi
ness nR wholesale, grocers, and do not care
to discuss anything that may transpire at
their meetings.
Among thoso In ntteudanco were. J. P.
Ilurg, Keokuk; John Ilnlul, Ilurllngton; L.
A. Stnmlll. Keokuk; Fred II. Zniser, Hur
llngton; J. M. Gobbler, Muscatine; J. P.
Vnn Patten, Davenport; D. K. Howell, Deb
Moines; J. C. Plane. Independence; C.
Shenkberg, Sioux City: 0. .1. Moore, Sioux
City; T. It. Hlggs, Ccntervllle; John Mehl
hop, Jr.. Dubuque; II. II. Ilrederbccke.
Davenport; D. K. Smith, Davenport; C. V.
Hancock, Dubuque; F, N. Schrocder; Du
buque; W. It. Prouty. Des Moines; T. C.
Given, Creston; 13. K. Hradley, Nebraska
City; O. W. Merrill, Dea Moines; A. K.
Coddlngton, Keorney; K. L. DAm, Des
Moines: A. K. Cady, St. -Paul; Honry Myer.
W. II. McCord, Omaha; C. G. Underwood,
Lincoln; C. II. May, Fremont; I. M. Itay
mond. Lincoln; Ft. M. Warllcld, Sloux City;
Fred K. Center, St. Joseph; K. J. Duscl,
Kansas City.
Gravel moling. A. 11. Heed, 511 llroad'y.
SPKCIAI. HA I.I. (IT. I'Oll Till'. WO.MDN.
It IntoltfN the l.i-vylnu f i'nv of Six
TtloiiNiililt Dulliirn,
Secretary Hoss of the Hoard of Education
Is having threo Bets of ballots printed for
tho school election next Monday.
Ono will contain the names of the repub
lican candidates nnd eight propositions, an
other will contain the nnnics of tho demo
cratic candidates and the eight propositions,
while tho third will contain only tho sec
ond proposition, and this will be for tho
Tho second proposition Is: "Shall there be
levied upon the .taxable properly of tho dis
trict a tax of Jti.000 for thu school house
fund, so much thereof ns may bo neces
sary to ho used In tho erection ot an ad
dition to the Second Avenue school build
ing In said district?"
Under tho law of Iowa women are per
mitted to vote only on a proposition In
volving tho levying of taxes or the bonding
of tho district for school purposes. Sep
arate ballot boxes must bo used for thu
votes cust by tho women and the Judges of
election nro required to ninko a scparato
report of theso ballots. Women are not
required to register, but they muy bo ques
tioned by tho Judges ns to whether they arc
21 years of age.
So far only two members of tho bonnl
have notified Secretary Hoss or their sc.
lection of Judges and clerks of election In
their wards. In the First ward Director
Swnlno has selected N. W. Williams and
Orval Ilrnwu ns Judges and John Corlles as
clerk. Tho law nllows two clerks: but Mr.
Swnlno Is of tho opinion that ono Is suf
ficient. In tho Third ward Director Sar
gent has selected A. C. Graham and II.
Ourcn ns Judges and W. M. McCrnry and A
II. Nichols as clerks.
They Are AcciihimI of Mtiiilluu Millet
l.ntv In Knxt OiiiiiIiii,
Low Wlnklor, Alfred Illumbcrg nnd
George Cooper, saloon keepers In that por
tion of Unst Omaha known" as West Counrll
Uluffs. wcro arrested estcrday on war
rants Issued from Justice Hrynnt's court,
charging them with pinlntnlnlng nuisances,
Tho causo of- complaint Is jhat they have
eo fur failed to pny' the mulct tax as pro
vided by law.
For several years tho county has experi
enced more or less trouble In collecting the
mulct tnx In that portion of tho city which
lies west of tho Missouri river and Is more
gonerally known us Cut Off The law mnkes
N'o. 29. 31. 33. 3.1 Pearl St.
No. 28, 30. 32, SI Main St.
These stores in tho center ot tho city and
occupied for many years by
John Bono & Co.,
the largest retail dry goods nnd clothing
denlers in western lowa, who have ro
moved to moro oxtumlvo quarters In tho
Klseman building,
Hunt very low to desirable parties on Ian
S Pearl Street, Council Dluffi.
It mnndHtoiy on the county attorney to
enforce thu payment ot this tax and the In
formations Died jesterday were sworn to
by Constable Albert! at the former's Instl
Ration. Dlutnbcrg on being brought before Justice
llryunt demanded an Immediate trial, but
nt the request of tho county attorney It
wns postponed until Saturday morning,
when tho cases ngalnst the other two men
will nlso be heard. All threo gave bonds for
their appearance In $300 each.
Delonn's stationery ir-parttucnt Is right,
wn.i. co.mi: to omaiia M'.vr.
I'lrt Vice Prenldi'lll of Mi Itclinicii's
I iilon TetlM of the Order.
Leonard Aines. first vice president of the
Switchmen's Union of North America, us
greeted by a good-sized audience last night
at Labor hall, where he spoke to railroad
men and tho members of the loc.l labor
He proved himself an Interesting ami
fluent speaker and his address wns listened
to with the closest nttentlon. His remarks
wcro devoted chiefly to the organization
with which he Is connected. He spoke of
Its steady growth through the country and
told of tho conditions which he had found
prevailing nlong tho railroads over which
he ha truvclcd. He complimented the local
union on the excellent condition In which ho
had found It. which he said was largely
duo to the excellent officers at Its head.
Ho referred to a dispatch to the effect
that tho safe of the grand lodge In Iluffnlo
had been broken Into uml ?20,00O of the
union's funds stolen as being entirely with
out foundation, ns no money was ever kept
there, but was deposited In one of the na
tional banks nf that city.
Hdltor Ford of tho Switchmen's Journal
of Omaha and J. Itynn, mnster of the South
Omaha Switchmen's union, were present nnd
made short addresses.
Mr. Ames will speak In Omaha Saturday
evening and In South Omaha Sunday, going
from tho latter placo to Denver. Today he
will tnko a rest, hnvlnr; traveled 110.383
miles In the Interest of the union since last
June, with only three days' holiday nt
"I was given up to did from heart and
nervous troubles caused by grip. Six bot
tles each of Dr. Miles' Heart Curo nnd
Nervlno cured me." Mrs. John Wollct,
Jefferson, Wis.
1 1 1 ICS OF SKIMv AMI fiOPIIIlll.
Purlncm Who Dent In 'liieni Are . un
lit Vniiiince.
A warrant has been Issued for tho nrrest
of "Ueddy" Dowers, who recently got Into
troublo over the snlu of a horso and buggy
to Saloon Keeper Plnnell. This time Dow
ers Is charged with embezzling money be
longing to Tim Smith, his partner.
Dowers and Smith went Into partnership
recently In the skunk nnd gopher hide busi
ness nnd two weeks ngo shipped a consign
ment of hides to nn eastern firm.
Smith mado tho shipment nnd wrote the
firm Instructing it to remit the money to
him. Dowers secured tho letter, tore It up
and wroto nnother directing tho firm to re
mit to him and not to Smith. Tho firm re
mitted to Dowers nnd Smith Is now out
his share of tho hldo partnership deal.
Smith, when he applied to tho county at
torney, was told that It being a partner
ship affair no criminal action could bo main
tained ngnlnst Dowers nnd that his only
recourse ngalnst his partner wns by civil
hiilt. Smith, however, succeeded in secur
ing n wnrrnnt for Dowers' nrrest from Jus
tice Ferrler, but Dowcru has not yet been
"I wns in bed five weeks with the grip
nerves shattered, stomach and liver badly
deranged. Was cured with Dr. Miles' Norv
Ino nnd Nervo and Liver Pills." D. C.
Walker, Hallsvlllo, O.
Mrs, MnrKiiret V. Spetinnn.
.Mrs. Margaret Catherine Spettnan, wife
of Henry H. Spctmanj'dlcd Wcdnesdny night
nt her home, U30 Fourth avenue, of paraly
sis, after an Illness of threo weeks. Her
husband, threo daughters and four sons sur
vive bcr.
Mrs. Spetiunn hud been u resident of
Pottawattamlo county forty-six years. Six
years ngo she and her husband took up
tbclr homo In this city.
Tho funeral will bo Sunday afternoon nt 2
from tho residence and burial will be In
Falrvlcw cemetery. The family requests
that no flowers bo sent.
Iliiiuier lllvc.
Tetter, eczema and skin diseases yield
quickly to the marvelous healing qualities
of Hanner Salve. Mado from a prescrip
tion of a skin spccinllst of world-wide
fame. -'5e. Meyers-Dillon Ding Co.,
Omnhn; Dillon's drug store, South Omaha.
Ccilnr IIiiiiIiIn (Mile Ik In llcfuic In Trent
Mlth strll.erH mul i'l'iiiilile
CKDAIt HAPIDS, la., March 7. (Special
Telegram.) Tho Ilurllngton, Cedar Hapids
Northern olllclnls this morning refused to
treat with the strikers unless they re
turned at onco under tho piecework system.
This was flatly rejected by tho men, nnd at
l o'clock tho men In tho car nnd paint shops
Joined the strikers. It Is reported that the
strike Is to spread further. Tho men are
well organled and perfectly orderly.
Aaiioclulloii In lli'leriiilni-il tit (Iiim
Hie 1 1 inn In Clinton,
CLINTON, la.. March 7 (Special.) Tho
Ministerial association of this city has
started out with a determination to dose
every saloon In tho city nnd the members
hnvo begun Injunction proceedings ngalnst
eighteen or tho suloon keepers of the city.
The only method open for the liquor deal
ers to escape prosecution Is. to como under
the provisions of the mulct Inw, and this
they rctiiBo to do, In order to create public
sentiment, the Ministers' association
brought A. C. ltnnkln, a tomeprance lec
turer, to Clinton, where he delivered a
series of lectures to largo audiences. Thu
liquor dealers promised to operate under
tlie mulct law providing enough signers
could bo hccured to the petition of consent.
Tho petition was circulated and enough
signers were secured to allow the saloons
to operate.
The Ministerial association promised thu
liquor dealers that If they would operate
their places in accordance with tho law
there would bo no Interference. This tho
liquor dealers consented to do, hut took
no further action In tho matter, yester
day a committee from the association
waited on the saloon keepers and on being
Informed that tho liquor dealers did not
Intend lo comply with the law, decided to
close nil the saloous In the city.
Many of tho leading luminous men arc
opposed to (be action of the minister!.
I'oyliiii (ii'lH Sttern Years.
SIOUX CITY. la.. March 7. (Speclal.)
Tho authorities In Sloux City have received
word that Frunk Peyton, who caused the
Sloux City officers so much trouble, has
been given sixteen years on one charge
In St, Louis. Threo other indictments hung
over him. Peyton lived In Sloux City sev
eral years ago, It is said he 1ms spent
t4li out of the Inst eleven yean In Jail.
When ho was arrested In St. LuuU n few
months ngo It was asserted he confessed
to having murdered John Itotison. In Sioux
C(ty, Inst December. Tho officer brciURhl
bim to Sloux City and ha denied having
mado a confession, Ho was returned to St
Iowa Delegation in Oongreis Wn'.ti Till
After Campaign.
l iiltci'sliiS (in I in Annln Mtnte
lliirlltiuton Hitllroinl Hcpitrl With
heldHe Muliu'ft Mil n (imrucil
it 1 1 ti Ml IlllllllIK,
DKS MOINL'S, Mnrch 7.-(Sperlnl ) - The
lowa delegation in congress will not dis
pose of Iho federal appointments In the two
collection and Judicial districts of the state
until after the campaign of this year No
recommendations wilt be made to the presi
dent until the convening of congress next
winter unless it is with reference lo the
United States marshals This decision wns
renched nt n secret caucus ot the thirteen
lown membeis of the house and senate held
In Washington Inst night. A dispatch from
Washington to interested parties contains
the Information tbnt nt tho mucus no oppo
sition was manifest lo the present two
marshals, Messrs. Georgo M. Christian of
Orlnnell nnd W. II. Knott of Wnverly Hut
In regard to tho other positions there arc
several candidates nnd II was decided In
view of the fact that the members ot con
gress have had no opportunity to consult
with their friends since the contest has
como up that tho ( uncus should adjourn
until the first week In tho next congres
sional session,
The opposition in both districts is aimed
primarily at the prosent attorneys McMil
lan In the northern and Miles In the iiouth
eru dlstrirt. Hut the postponement of the
caucus until fall is tnken here among the
best Informed persons to mean thnt both
of the present attorneys will be retained in
their position's nnd that there will be a
change In both colleetorshlps. It Is ex
pected that II. o. Weaver, present repub
lican state committeeman, who Is a candi
date for attorney in the southern dlstrl't.
will be prcvullcd upon to accept the col
lectorMiIp to succeed Kemble nnd In the
northern district It Is believed Patterson
will bo turned down for collector nnd that
Snmmls of Lemurs, or some other person
from tho northwestern corner of the state,
will be named as collector In his place
Tho only other matter disposed of at the
caucus, which wns held In Senator Allison's
committee room and was presided over by
him as the senior member of the delega
tion, was that 'u the ense of the death of
George A. Stone of this eltv Congressman
Smith of the Ninth district should be per
mitted to name his successor. Mr. Stone
Is national bnnk examiner for the southern
district and is lying critically III nt his
'ionic here.
Kxniiiliuitliiii nf timiril Ollleers,
In accordance with a now law of the
date tho llrtt meeting ot tho examining
ooard, to cxamino members of tho lowa
National guard who have been elected to
otllccs In the regiments or companies, met
at the state house today and examined the
list class pummoncd beforo the board.
Heretofore all persona elected to positions
have been commissioned without examina
tion and this has been the means of per
mitting a number to enter who wcro In
competeut to attain, to high positions In
tho guard, much to lis detriment. Here
after all examined lit the manual
of arms, eJ,(,,,lbefore being commissioned.
Tho examining board consisted of Colonel
J. A. Oltnsfeil, Inspector general; General
J. R. Lincoln or tho Fifty-first regimen',
Major J. T. Hume, nsshtnnt Inspector gen
eral; Major E. E. Lambert. Fiftieth regi
ment, and Dr. W. S. Conkllng, assistant
surgeon. Those who appeared before tho
board today for examination wore: J. T,
Posten, captain, 'Company 11, Fifty-first
regiment', VHIiKcn; S. S. Hoylnn, second
lieutenant. Company A. Fifty-llrst. Des
Moines; S. P. 'Webb, captain, Company I,
Fifty-first. Bedford: A. Kvans, second lieu
tenant, samo company; E. 1). Middleton,
first lloutcnnnt, Company II, Fiftieth,
Davenport; II. (J. Mcllumey, second lieu
tenant, same company: J. W. C'owles, sec
ond lieutenant, Company II, Fiftieth. Charl
ton; Kugcuo M. Enett. first lieutenant,
Company L, Fiftieth, Newton; Albert M.
Kennedy, second lieutenant, samo company.
J. Y. Wlckershani. who was elected second
lieutenant In the Vllllsea company, was ex
cused from c'xaniinntlon at thl.i time.
Tho Inspection or the companies or the
gunrd Is proceeding slowly. The inspector
general nnd, assistant have Inspected the
companies or the Fifty-first regiment nnd
next week start out to lslt the companies
of the Fiftieth In the southeastern part of
the state. Tho first company to be In
spected Is nt Charlton and this will be
Tuesday. Next week the companies nt Ot
tumwa. Centervllle. Keokuk and Fnlrlleld
will be inspected. The hecond week I'hcre
will bo Inspection nt Ilurllngton, Washing
ton, .Muscatine, Davenport, lowa City nnd
Grlnnell nnd the Newton company will be
Inspected on Tuesday of the next weei.
There Is ono vacancy In the Fiftieth, hut
It will be filled hy the Albla company at an
early date.
Vote (n (,'oiiNDllilitte Sclioiiln.
Superintendent llarrett has decided a
nurd-fought Hppeal case fiom Plymouth
county. Involving on effort to secure fur
ther suldlvlslon of school districts. He has
upheld tho action of the towiiBhlp'board In
Marlon township in refusing to build an
other sehcnlhouse. He llnds that If another
district was made the average attendance
at tlie schools would be less thnn twelve
each and It, would bo better lo arrango for
transporting some or the pupils.
Tho result or this derision Is that at
tho school election next week the voters or
tho townshlji will ote on a proposition lo
abolish all ithe subilistricts and have one
central township school, with arrangements
for transporting pupils from a distance In
vehicles. Tho state superintendent dcclrtol
In Ills opinion this ran be done and the cost
or iranspoii'ut'nn can be pa Id out of the con
tingent fund.
lllirllliutiill HoliiliiK Off.
The Ilurllngton railroad Is now the only
ono or the trunk lines crossing lowa that
has not yet roported to the state executive
council for taxation purposes. The secre
tary of the (outuil yesterday telegraphed
tho olllclalif demanding that the report be
made at once and received u letter saying
It would be hero some lime this week. This
morning hn again telegraphed a demand
that nt leant certain portions or the repot t
must ho hero Immediately In order that til
lable ot comparisons can be made. The
company Is waiting to malic the report lu
liude all the new portions or tho system in
lowa. The report or the Illinois Centra)
company shows that tho Oninhn lino or 1,11
miles wns not profitable tho first year, the
net loss on that branch alone being JIM,
207.01. There wns also a loss on the On
awn branch, but the net earnings for the
entire system In Inwa last year amounted
to The entire mileage In the
stale Is 701 nnd It M valued at $3,310,):!$.
I ultfrNli Claims s ii ni n,
William J' Haddock, tho secretary of tho
Hoard ot Itcgents ot the t'nlvcrslty or lowu,
has discovered tho existence of sums due
tho university from Iho state or Iowa
amounting' to $11,123. Six thousand dol
lars, of this amount has been recovered
rrnm tho HJUe .upon presontallon or the
olainiB ot the university. The unlcrslty
now asks that the state pay tho balance or
the amounts due, all being owed under the
lie and J'e neally boxed writing
paper In one lot, on
sale today only,
a box
Lot of Tooth Powder, Dental Fluid, Mani
cure Powder, Curling Fluid nnd Florida
water, that sold at 23c and ,'IAe. on sale
today only, a bottle
Ladles' 17c fleece lined Illack Hose,
all sizes, on sale
today, only, per
12Hc Persian Flannels, suitable for spring
waists and dressing eacqtlcs. mostly light
colors, on snlo today only.
yard ,
Including all main line points,
north Cnlirornln state line to ( ol
ton, flan Uemardlno and ban
New City Ticket Office
aame Interpretation ot the laws ot lown.
The nmountB du the univerBlty arlno from
tho rctunal or tho auditor or Htatc to Ihhuc
warrants for tho innneyH due tho university
under cxIbIIhk appropriations when tho old
code and Hcsnlon laws were replaced on Oe
tolier 1, 1 807, hy the new code. The
amounts duo and tho laws under which they
are appropriated are: Under the laws or
1878, jr.,000; under tho lawn or 1SS1, $6,000,
under thn laws or ISni, $2,083.3.1; under tho
laws nt ISftfi, $1,011.67; totul. $H,12r,. The
Hecond Item or $fi,000 wns until to the uni
versity ill January, 1901. "The University
oi lown, says Hccrctary uamiocK, now
claims theso sums ainnuntliiR to $8,125 and
requisitions thereror uskliiK payment are
laid before the auditor or state." The first
Item ot $5,000 Is ono-qunrtvr or the an
iiiihI appropriation uinde hy tho Seven
tconth Ronernl assembly, laws or 187S chap
ter lxxvl. p.-iKo Ofi, ror the endowment and
suppoit of the university. Tho quarter
which is due In that from July 1, 18!7. till
October 1, 1807. lielni; tho last quarter be
foro the code took effect.
Worked mi MIi'hciI Sulmllc. '
The arrest of M. A. P'laher In Des Moines J
recently on nn order from Clarke coumy '
will result in a trial with some in
tercHtinR features. Klthor brought suit In
Clarke county a number or years uro Tor
damaKcs ror Injuries received by railing olf
a brldKC. Tho suit nover came to trial, u j
nttcr UtiKorinK alons Tor several years was
finally compromised by the county paylnR
him $1,000 cash and kIvIhk him two war
rants ror $1,000 each, payable In the future
Tho compromise was authorized by the
Hoard of Supervisors on advien or their at
torneys. Fisher was supposed to be crip- .
pled tor llle. Ho came to Des Moines and.
It I- aliened, Immcdately got over his oil-
ments. The Brand Jury In Olnrko county j
indicted him for perjury and ror obtaining i
monev under raise pretenses. The trial will
hltiKH upon (he question or simulation of In-
Juries and fnlse representations as in his
Wheels! Wheels! Wherls! how they ko!
Ill do ii lice wheel and be In the kwIiii.
I'nlverslty Trnck Mrrt.
HIOUX (MTV, la.. March 7.- (Hpeclal TeK
uruin.) Contracts liavo Im-ch hIkihmI bind
nig the I'nlverslty of Nebraska and the
I'nlversllv of South Dakota to a truck meet
ill Sloux City May .!. Some close contesis
arc looked rnr when they onie. tiiKeth- r "ii
IJccorutlnii day.
TO t LUIi '1 11 1 J (iltll'.
Advice l It I'lliniilln l'li nIcIii ii,
Kirst nnd foremost, M'.ST.
Take earn of yourself. Your already
weakened nerves want rest and must havo
It. If tho attack Is severe, k" to bed and
remeln there More fatalities rtsult rroin
neglect of this precaution than from an
other ca- ke.
Kat sparlnRly- Vour digest Ivo organs are
In no condition to take car of largi quan
tities of lood.
Drink plenty of pure, cold water. It al
iays tho fever, stimulates tho kidneys to
action and opens up the pores or tho skin.
Keep the bowels open with Dr. Miles' Nerva
and Mvcr I'llls.
Take threo doses or Dr. Milts' Nervine
per nay, and '.( you cannot sleep tnko nn
extra dote at bedtime. To further control
tho lover and to overcome tho peculiar
nehes ami pains of grip, use Dr. Mllos' 1'aln
i'llls. Thty act quickly and effectually
and no bad trtects result from their uo.
Theso remedies havo been thoroughly tested
more than a million times nnd tbolr eftl
clency Is thorotighlj established. They
never tall to glvo relief
Dr. Miles' Kemedies can bo round at any
drug store, and they r old on a posltiva
guarantee that first bottle or package bens
fits or money refunded.
!SffW0 V
SAN DIEGO atli.s.s.i!ttc a..,-
Whitelaw & Gardiner
Boston Store, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
33c Lndles'
Corset on
nalo today,
only .
Whitelaw & Gardiner
Boston Store, Council Bluffs,
W1 ; ; 1
i i is At- ulcivln arai aaraMWB
Remarkable Reduction
in Rates Via the
During the Months of
March and April, 190 J.
-1324 Farnam Street. Tel. 316.
Union Station 10th and Marcy Streets. Tel. 629.
. Mormon OlahOPS' PI lis me In ue oi.r so cjii by Ir.dco oltti. Mornioi
Church ami inejr loiiotw., rniuiur van the ivorit cum In old tml yuu'i arlilng liom eilem
of Klf buie. dlMlpuloii. ctceuci, cr cljitttle-smoklnff. Curoi Lost Mnnhood, lm
potency, tost Power, Night-Losses, Spermntorrnoon Insomnia, Pains
In Back. Evil Desires, Seminal Emissions, Lamo .nck, Nervous De
bility, Hfladachs,Unlltnesu to Marry, tpsit of H?M Semen, Varlcocsts,
or constipation, fifeips Qul,oknes of pis- Crfll choree, stops Ner
VOUO.TvyltOhlnK Of Eyol IdJ. l.llccn arc ImmrTIiitr fJ2A"J riiipm"tik'oi aril iKiitiiry in
crcani Stimulus the It. In mul nrtr tf ntrr. lot,
or money rtluiulcLt, witli ft tncl Circuhri free. AHrirMgr
10 Pearl St.
For Grip aches nso Dr.
Miles Pain Pills.
dold by nil Druggists.
Wo Tvlll Par tliu nlKco fur nnv mnn nt
Idvcr Complaint, liyipepslr. sick Headache,
Indigestion, Uomdlpntlou or t'c jtivencks wo i
U.,M... ...I... ...lit. I ,1... 1 .. ,11.. ...... '
.nt,,,,'. viiv i.oi-iiin, iiiu Li'iu linio
I.iltle Liver Pill, when tho direction! are strict
ly compiled with. They are puic'y Vegetible,
andnnvfr fnll to glvo rntltrnctlof. !iVi hues
conUlli 100 I'llls, 10c boxes ontntn 40 I'llls, 6o
boxes contain 15 I'llls. llown.oof Mibnltuliona
snd linltntlons. Kent by mud. Matnps taken.
MKKVITA Mi:nr.:i, ro.. cor. ainton and
For sale by K'limi s Co.. ISib auu nougUs
8t., omahn. Neb, Ono. ti Davis. Council
HIuiTh, lowa.
UENOVATOUIn; grates and nwas the
svstcm puiltlcH an.) enrlcttis the flood-rue
tho wor-.t ilvhnensi,i. c i.Rtinatlm, itn. l..
liver ,mu ki int" cnrdl ntdruifr'Kie i.v...
lldvirn Rninnln ...... I.. .
....... u..i ,.' ,-,. ii, u.
iir IJ J l uy. Sarutoga, N' V.
no curm, o pay
If Vflil ...
..,'...-.-..,.11 -i-iiKfiiEini,
our Vnmtiim Orira i llt-vr-lnpcr will
ryaiois you without. rlniiTi or
faiiiira TT -i.Tij. ii.uuu in nn i-oi nnn
10CAI APPUANCE CO.. 414 Cutnj fltot.. flenm. Colo
ULICUx K femnli) disease,,, .it druj.
irlsts. II Illustrated book
niunvloefro, Ur.U. J, Ua,, Baratowa,. V;
Lot of Itn.- Silk, suitable for "V
wnlii- were sold fit 7cc nnd Jl.cO.
on sale today only. J' J
a ynid v
Whlto honry-coi'iih Cotton Tow ol, pmf
regular price 1'Jlic on sale T
today only, for M
l.00 while crochet frlitecd lied KSV
Spread, and without fringe,
on sale lodny only, u $ J I .
nt. each ' w
Missouti nivnit to
OriIimi mul Suit l.nLr
,.,:r.k:.. i $23
nn, 1
i It 3 . I tali
Unite mul llelc
31 on I ....
Portlniiil. Ore COR
iiiiUmir, WnMi ( ftQ
Tin-mini mul Seal tie, f
6 I .r t i hy m .1 UbiuiJ A written cu'ilnt?-, to tun fflpH" rJr "ip rr.-n, Oal.
UllUti CO.. 10T1I AXD KAHNA31.
To Whom it IViay Concern
Tins is to certify lhat I tunc Instructed Ur. If. A. Wood
bury in my met hods of making and tisitiR "Kthcric .Solu
tion:) After examination I am satisfied that Dr. Woodbury
Is fully .ompuU'iit In eoiy rospoct mid csn pcrrorm any of
i he operations upon hensalvc. dentine or exposed uurvoi
without pain nnd without Injury. L, W. COMSTOCK.
. ..Telephone K5.
II IL Woodbury, D. D. S-, Council Bluffs-
Next to
Grand Hotel
is best
'il.idsione rirw., Agents. Omaht.
Dohany Theater
fi.ituuho and Ht'nd.n. March !i nnd 10,
Trvf y WQTDPf Q
jL'jL ft i N jZ? JL FTC MJ I j il
' X
Positively Largest in tho World
CdMI'' rfn.n'US.
Special train of finest show rnrs in tha
Hear our Orest Hand 10 Members.
Reals 25c, 3Jr, ,10c, 76c j bos 91.00. Opeelsl
Saturday i.iitlncc,