10 TIO: OMAHA DAILY FTUPAV, rACTTSTnOT. BOSTON STORE REMNANTS Todij't Sal Mniti th Attendant L'nrj Lady in Omaha, of VEILS WORTH $1 AT IOC EACH L Grnntl Amorlmcn t of the iv SpritiK Wimh Knlirles, SIIUn, l)rri Good, Utc, I'rlenil In Induce laliliiK lluln Toil nr. REMNANTS OK VEIMNO, IOC. Thousands of remnants of high grade tellings, bruisells net, flsnnot, inauucs mid many fancy novelties, In white, black and blue with chonlilo dots, velvet dots and fancy embroidered; each remnant contains enough for lady's veil, and aro worth from COc to II each; on sale on main floor at 10c tor each veil. 250 NUNS' VEILING, SC YAIU). Thousands of yarns of nuns' veiling la nvenlnx sHaucn, pinks, light blues, creams, ultablo for waists, children's dresses and trimmings, in romnantu from 2 to 6 yards, but all of them match up, enabling a lady to get 10 or 20 yards If necessary, on ealo on main floor, Sc yard, NEW MOU83BMNI3 DE SOIE, 3SC YAKD. Hllk embroidered moussclln do sole, satin atrlpcd moussclln do sole, In all tbo pre vailing shades, remnants from 2 to 0 yards, but thoy match up; on sale on bargain square at 39c yard. NEW CHALLIS, 30C A YA11D. Greatest variety and most complete line of challls In Omaha, Unlit and dark grounds, all now designs, In remnants from 2 to 6 yards, but all match up, sultablo for dress ing eacqucs, houso gowns, child's dresses, etc.; on sain at 39c yard. 43 IMPOHTED CLOTHS, $1.23 A YAKD. Another lot of cloths in remnants, suit patterns, pants patterns, rainy day skirt jmttorns, In lengths from to 314 yards, all CI and 68 Inches wide, every yard guar- an toed imported anil nil wool, worth from 13 to J5 yard; on talo on bargain square at 11.25 yard. NEW SILKS, 23C, 30C, IOC AND 69C. Nover havo wo been ablo to display such on assortment of now silks as wo will place on sato for Friday. Everything that Is ehown In tho market In taffeta silks, bro caded silks, striped tnffetas, black silks, etc. Having purchased n manufacturer's samplcn wo wilt put them on salo for today In lengths from 3 to 6 yards at 20c and 39e, 49o and 69c yard. Short lengths of silk from U to i yard, go at Sc, 10c, lftc and 2oo for entire, piece. SALE OF NEW HEMNANTS. In the basement today theso wero not chown before 10,000 yards shirting prints, 2bc yard. Ono counter short pcrcalo remnants, lc yd Long remnants percale, 6',4c yard. 2So mercerized ginghams, now lot, 10c yd. nig tablo lino dimity remnants, 10c yard Ono big counter mercerized linings of all descriptions, 6&o ynrd. Ono big counter drapery ticking, denims nnd crotonnes, worth 40c, go at 1214c yard, Drapery velours, worth $1, go at 39c yard, 12'jo chambray gingham goes at GVJc yard, 1'lnln and fancy lawns, worth 25c, nt 3!4c 36-Inch wldo pcrcalo In light colors, worth COc, goes nt rc yard. 10c mercerized wash fabrics go nt 4c yd, And hundreds of other remnant bargains In basomcnt for Friday. IIOSTON STORE. OMAHA. J. h. Ilrandols & Sons, Proprietors. BELGIAN HARE SHOW SUCCESS Date or I.ornl Kxhllilt In Upended for the llrnclU of School Children. So great has been tbo Interest manifested in tbo Dolgtan hare exhibit at the Schlltz roof garden that It has been determined to extend tbo show through today and Saturday. Tbo hall lias been thronged since tho thow began with admirers of tbo popular llolglan hares, and many who went to tbo exhibit moroly to look on as a casual spec tator havo become, enthusiastic ovor tho llttlo animals and havo started a collec tion. Tho principal reason for extending tbo tlmo of tho show through Saturday Is In order that tho school children may havo in opportunity to visit tho exhibit. "My heart was Daaij" arTt-tnca by an at tack of grip and I suffered lntcnso agony until I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Curs. It mado me a wall man." B. D. Holman, trasburg. Vt. A aew wheel and Just tho ono you have always wanted. Read Tho Dee whocl offer. WILL IXTI'IIKST SMOKUllS. About the Miiiiiifni-turlnK nml Atlvcr- tlHlnir of ClKitrs. Sorao peoplo think, that because a cigar Is largely advertised, that It Is dono at the cxpenso of tho cigar and detracts from Its merits; but, this Is not true. Tho largo advertisers of cigars work on tho samo principle as other largo adver tisers; they call tho attention of tho pub lic to thoir article, and It must havo merit or It does not hold them. Tho cigar manufacturers who advertise largoly do a proportionately largo business, which enables them to sell at a smaller profit. They havo grfater facilities by buying In enormous quantities, and secur ing tbo cream of tho tobacco crop at the lowest prices, which is all for the benefit of tho smoker. Tho firm of Illrschhorn, Mack & Co. Is ono of tbo largest manufacturers In tho United States, and their Henry Cicorgo cigar Is strictly hand-mado nnd wonderfully good. At flvo cents, this cigar would bo an Impossibility wero It not for tho advantages nbovo named. Their Tom Mooro cigar Is also hand-made, and of specially selected Havana fillers and Sumatra wrappers, from their warebousos In Havana and Amsterdam. In buying direct, they save tho middle man's profit, nnd are ablo to give superior goods nt tho lowest prices. Wanted, a trained nurso to taku cnarge of a sanitarium; muit have experience, a good education and good business ability. Ad dress J 69, care Deo office. A new wheel and Just tho ono you havo alwas wanted. Read Tbo llco wheel offer. I'VUIIV TII1SIIAY In February, Muroli nnd Aurll the UNION TACIFIC will sell tickets at the following GREATLY REDUCED RATES J From Omahn to San Francisco, Loi Angeles and San Diego 125.09 Ogden, Salt Lake, Ilutte, Helena.... 23.00 Por.tland, Spokane, Tnconia, Seattle.. 25.00 New city ticket oITlcc, 1324 Farnam street Tel. 316. Union station. 10th nnd Marcy. Tel. 629. WILL HELP OMAHA JOBBERS INetr O.viierslllli of the Knimiis City, Fort St'ott .1 Memphis Iliillrontl. Omaha Jobbers ami manufacturers are congratulating themselves over tho an nouncement of tho purchaso of tho Kansas City, Fort Scott fc Memphis railroad by tho St. LouIh & San Francisco company, and predict that tbo chango In ownership will do much toward .advancing tho ma terial Interests of this city. Tho Memphis tlno has ever since Its con struction bcon a Kansas City corporation Rogardless of the equities of the various cases which havo come before, tho trans mlssourl lines for consideration it has malntnlned n position which has sustained tho contention of Kansas City shippers to tho dotriment of other Missouri river cities. This spirit was manifest In the contention regarding tho shipment of packing houso products to southeastern points, and also In regard to tho shipment of sugar. Tho 'Frisco lino Is a St. Louis corporation and has always shown n spirit of friendli ness to all Missouri river points regardless of particular location. At times when nil of tho railroads In tho traustnlssouri coun try wero practically united on n chango In rates which would destroy special prlvl leges enjoyed by tho town nt tbo mouth of tho Kaw tho refusal of tho Memphis to sanction tho agreement has mado It Impos slblo for tho other roads to adopt the changed ratos or classifications which would put all Missouri river points on the samo basis. It Is now believed that cxlstlug con dltlons may bo so changed as to pormlt Omaha to enter tho southeastern trndo on tho samo basis ns KansaB City and that tbo trado of tbo city will bo correspondingly increased. ni:covi;itii;s ritoat unit. Mrs. E. 1. Masters, at her homo In Moul tor, Ind., used Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno and Pills to euro after effects of grip. Mrs. A. E. Lopecr, in tho llttlo town of Modclla, Minn., used Dr. Miles' Pain Pills and Nervo and Liver Pills and was well In a, few days. President McKlnloy Is slowly recovering irom grip anu its uuer cnecis. Qeorpo J. rianncry was relieved of tho awful pains In tho head In fifteen minutes by tho uso .it ur. Miles' pm Pills. Now ho Is rapidly recovering at his homo In Buffalo, N. Y. jiir.ii. JIKTZ Fred, sr nged 6S years. Kunoral Baturdny, March Dth. nt 2:30 n. m. from family residence, 2056 Harney St. Interment Prospect Hill. I'lUIYN Abram N,, March 0. 1901, aged 82 yeurs. Fun .ineral from residence. 215 South Twenty. ninth avenue, nt 3 o'clock p. ni. Frldny. In- torment at t orest J. awn cemetery. Friends Invited. ALCOHOL llest fo per cent Grain Alcohol, pint... 40c TJest 95 per cent Ornln Alcohol, quart.. 75c Ucst 95 per cent Oraln Alcohol, gallon.. tV "Columbian Spirit' Wood Alcohol, pint. COc "Columbian Spirit" Wood Alcohol, qt.. COo "Columbian Spirit" Wood Alcohol, gal.. $2.00 NOTE "Columbian Spirit" In tho equal of Oraln Alcohol for every purpose except for Internal administration. It has no un pleasant odor. Common Wood Alcohol, pint 20c Common Wood Alcohol, quart fiOo Common Wood Alcohol, gallon Jug ,.,.1.60 "Common Wood Alcohol" while being of rather unpleasant odor Is all right lor burning. adovo prices do not include bottle- or Jug. nitlNQ YOUR ROTTLE. Sherman &McConnell Drug Go, Corner Kith nnd Dodice, Speaker Henderson Is again In tho chal In tho houso of representatives after a so voro attack of grip. J. C. Holfrey, foreman at tho Westing houso factory in East Pittsburg, had a so vero attack of grip, but ho used Dr. Miles' Nervlno and Pain Pills and was soon back in bis place. Rov. C. Body was In a serious conditio at his homo In St. Paris. O.. but nr. Mil1 Nervine nnd Nervo and Liver Pills pulled mm through nil right. Eastman Kodaks still lead. Soo tlio latest model of tlio No. 4 Cartridge; Kodak taken pictures 4x5, and enn bo used for either plates or illnis. List price 20.00 OUR PRICE $20.00 All other good makes ot Kodak and Cameras. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Farnntn Street. Developing and finishing by first class workmen. I'nMrr Time .North Tho Northwestern line, "Twin City Llm tied," now leaves tho Union station, Omaha, at 7:55 p. in. dally, Instead of 7:SG p. m., at formerly. The arrival tlmo at St. Paul Minneapolis REMAINS UNCHANGED. Through connections from the west aro thus assured and a MORE CONVENIENT tlms ot departure Is afforded Omaha and Coun cil muffs patrons. The samo magnlOquo equipment Is retained in service. City offices, 1401-1403 Farnam stroat NOTHING DOING AT PRESENT Tin Action In Itennril to Mtrrct Hnll iv n- liuprovcnirrttn Will Ho TiiUrtt for Thirty Diij-i. At tho headquarters of the Omahn Street Railway company yesterday It was nn nouneed thut ull persons Interested in the proposed extension ot the lines of the com pany nnd tho erection of barns may rest nssurcd that no action will be taken fur thirty days. It has been nscortalned that n quorum of tlio board of directors will not be In Omaha until the last ot March and perhaps not until tho II rat of next month, Pending improvements are of such magni tude that they cannot bo undertaken by the ofllccra wltlui'.lt the nctlon of tho board. Auiiouiiccnit'iitfi of the Thriller. "A stranger In n Strnngo Land," an American farce comedy wholly devoid of tho suggest Ivcness that too often marks tho best work In French comedy, will bo given at Uoyd's theater Suuduy afternoon and evelilug. Tho farco Introduces many novel Ideas and Incidents In Its story add s presented by u good company under the management of William A. Urady and Joseph R. Grlsmor. On Monday and Tues day Francis Wilson and a splendid comic opera company will present "Tho Monk nt Malabar." Tlio salo opens this morning. A now wheel nnd Just tho ono you havo always wanted. Read Tho neo wheel offer.. .VIInm Knltxlit nil Anii'rli'iin f'lrl. PORTLAND. Ore.. Murrh 7. Miss Portia ICnlirht. who has brought suit In London against the duke of Maniiicsti'r for breiuii of promise, l n daughter of Colonel N II. Knight, now u lawyer of linker City, Ore. Ill her childhood Miss Knight de veloped moro than ordinary ability ns an elociitloniHt. which resulted In her being given an cdtirutlon to lit her for the stago, Earlv In July, l&'J!), sho left for New York and later went to London. $20,000 Beauties Five new dining cars, coaling somewhat moro than $20,000 null, will soon bo placed In scrvlco by tho Ilurllngton, In design nnd in appointments tho cars establish a new sinndanl. Tho Interior woodwork and chairs are of Flemish black oak, richly carved. Archways at tho ends of tho car aro ornamented with wrought iron, ilnlshed to bnrmonlzo with tho Flemish oak. To eat a Hurllngton meal In ono of tho Iturltngton's new cars will bo even a greater pleasiiro than heretofore. Dining-car service to Chicago, to Denver, to Kansas City, to tho Dlack Hills and the Northwest. Burlington Station, lOtli and Mason Sts. Telephone 128. Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam Street, Telephone 250. Big Hearted McCummott Me bun n heiirt In lilm bluiicr than u mule when It comes to the dumb liruto intention yesterday iih ln was entering n Farnam street cafo for his lunch u poor lnlgnill cant farmer dog rubbed up aguli.st him and pleaded with him lor something to rut no oouuin i sumo u so nu iuuk inu money ho hud Intended for his own lunch, mado ii bee lino for a butcher shop wbero ho Invested tho 23o for tho fanner dog. Mo will get his reward In tho next world. t'raiiier'n Kidney Core. T.'u llroino llulnliir Ilully'H .Mult Whiskey N5o .otttn ('renin 'nine' CVIrry Coniiiiniiiil 7"o Willi! of t'nriliil T.jo Pierce Pri'Ni'rlptloii "o Si'iitt'n IIiiiiiInIoii 7."u OxoiiiiiInIoii o ColtNfnot Uxor eturiint ....a ".'O N. S. H 7r.o Mnltril .Milk Illc, 75e, il.in Pliikliniii'N Coiiiiioiiml 75a CUT PRICE DRUGGIST lilt It nml CIiIimiko. SCHAEFER IS. AV. Cor Nebraska Is n, land of plenty. Its prosperous citizens havo 4 money to loan. Its bonds, mort- Beats a Farm Loan. KilKl'a llini wuwtinia uiu uuwv and Interest rates aro low too 4 low- for prolltablo Investment. 4 Ranks havo reduced Interest on tltno deposits, nnd 11 safo C per cent loan la hard to llnd.Tho aver- ngo man who accumulates a small vuni each year Is looking for a safo and prolltablo Investment, nnd tho now lssuo of 5 per cent Gold Debcnturo Honds, recently announced by tho Equltublo Llfo Assurance Society of tho United ' States, comes nt a most opportune, time. Such uttractivo terms havo , nuver ncioro neon oricrcu to smau Investors. Tho bonds urn to run for 15 or 20 years, at the option of tho purchaser; tho Interest rato la D per cent; they may bo secured In lilftnba nf tl f M Nt titi.l im nml tir.t backed by u surplus of tCC.OOO.OiO, which earns tho Interest to bo paid. And tho most remarkable offer mado by this Society Is that Its bonds mny bo purchased on tho Installment plan in fifteen or ' twenty unutinl or semi-annual ' payments. It bents a farm loan , pays better than a government bond. Fur further particulars heo 4 Mrs. J. Benson. Siar-RtbociNo ADwunfiOdr. CORSETS The "Nemo" Hip Spring Corset gives the effect of full hips to a thin woman and reduces the hips of the too generous form. It has boneless, there fore unbreakable, sides. It gives a military erectness of car riage. Auother new invention is tho military belt attachment, which compels women to walk correctly. .With the "military bolt" attachment, boned with genuine whale bone, white and black $3.50 (Without the "military belt" . $2.50 Straight Front, Erect Form Corsets in W. B., R. & G., P. M., J. B. Thompson's Glove Fittiug, La Grecquo, Warner's and oth ers, up from $1.00 Bee our new Spring Dressing Sacques. H. D. Neely, Manager for Nebraska. J 206-208 Bee Building-. HAYDEi Dress Goods 50 pes. of black crepons, -10- in. wide, worth 50c yd., U!)e. HO pes. black ercpon, worth 75c, yard, ;5!)c. 100 pes. black figured prunel las, worth 75c yard, Hoc. 75 pes. prunella, black, L'oc. 50 pes. half wool plaids, 5c. 50 pes half wool cashmere, 7-jc. 50 pes. of half wool serges, 10c. 75 pes. of silk striped challis, 29c. 100 pes. of strictly all wool challis, 2t)c. SO pes. of dotted henrietta for waists, US)c. 10,000 yards of remnants in half wool, silk and wool, all wool, etc., at 5c, 30c, 15c, and L'5c a yard, worth up to 1.50. 5,000 yards of from o?e to JSc yard. Table oil cloth, yard, 15c. Shaker llannel, yard, 23c Extra heavy outing flannel, yard, 5c. Insertions and embroideries, lc. Ribbons, all colors, yard, 5c. Madras ginghams, .'2-in wide, yard, OAc Standard prints, yard, .'Uc. shoot hi"- at Furnishing Bargains l.adlr.V 23e vests at 10c. SOU dozen ladles' medium weight vests, In II n't) Jersey ribbed, that were made to bell ttt 2,c, on sulo at Hc. Mctt'H loo rotlars at Sc. Closing out nil tho odds and ends In men's T.'c underwear at 25c. Hoys' 50c dark colored shirts at SDc. All I ho besi styles in men's Mo work ing shlrta for ono day at SOc. 1 lot of ladles' all wool hoods In black, worth $1.25, on salo at -,'c. 1 lot of ladles', mon'M nnd children's Iwmo that nru worth up to 20c, on sale ut Tts. SI'KCIALS IN hAUIliS' SKIUTS AND WAISTS. I.aillos' drcHH skirts, worth $2.50 for Mc. Ladles' French ilanncl waists, worth J for '.'Sc. Ladles' rainy day skirts, worth J), lor $2.90. Ladles' wrapper, the $1 quality, nt tSc. Ladles' underskirts, $2.50 value for $1.00. 100 suits worth $15, for $S.W). 40 new stylo skirts and 50 new' suits nt $15. $20. $:' and 10. Received today. siii:i:t .music. How Is this 'or low prices on sheet mu sic? Tomorrow Is Friday, bargain day at our store, so wc have decided to have sorno bargains In our sheet jiiusio depart incut. vo will pltiro on salo sticli lilts as "When tho Harvest Days nro Over," "Yo.i llroko Sly Heart," "Way to Win a Womnti'H Heart," "its Just Hecauso Lovo You So," "For Old Times' Sake l'llny." "Every Huco lias a Flag Hut tho Coon" both thu song nml cake-walk. Utiiky MollloqulcH, Cake-walk, all tiny Friday, 17c, by mall ISe. Wo are selling somo veiy ulco sheet music ill le peroopy, by mall 2e. Lots to select from. Vocal unit Instrumental, mandolin mitt guitar, violin and piano, piano duels, violin ioIos, mandolin solos, etc. While they last only lc per copy. Havo you st.cn tho choice lot of nntheni books we aro offering you at only 25c each. All of theso books Imvo sold at Irom 75o up to $2.50 per copy. Our price to close them nt only 25c each. Still another lot of books wo want to call your attention to. We have placed the last lot of odd books wo havo In our stock out on our cojutors. Theso collections aro very choice, being works from tho pens of sueli conposcrs as llach, Mozart Scharwcnka, Chopin, Utibcnsteln, Wagner Llzst, Overture; albums, Fotir-1 land a bums nlso Included In thin lot. Not ono of theso collections ever sold less than from ."5c to $2.50 per copy. Our price while thoy last only 23c each. Theso collections will not Inst Ions and nnyono interested had better como early. 5 percale, yard, JlAc HAYDEN BROTHERS "Try it, and you will find it a home necessity" SHERIDAN leanest, cheapest, hottest and best coal mined in u joining. viwuk WHITE, 1605 Farnam St. Tel. 127 Howell's Anti-Kawf H 71" , r . means just wnat it says, it is against a cough. It cures the cold and stops the cough. It is not a mixture its a .scientific pr-T - ration for ctii iiif; a cough. .Never take at substitute other lire not its Kooil 25c a bottle at I)ni Stores. ON BARGAIN SQUARE i " $169 SENSATIONAL SELLING TODAY f 9-F,fINE SH0ES iw,9Pir, fr1m . th0 Knl'lT stock of allocs of I)cs Moines, iow, sold to us by the administrator of tho estate nt a fear, ftil micrlllcc uiul from tho well known Omaha stock of shoes sold to us by Kol ley. StlBor & Co., which thoy sold to us for much less than cost. I Your choice of all the men's shoes, In black and tans, patent leather and enamel that were marked to sell for up to $100, all on bargain squares now at 91.08. At 3 Tour choice ot 1,400 pair Thompson nros.' men's line shoes, mad to re tail at $5.00, at, pair f.t.oo. ON BARGAIN SQUARE ON BARGAIN SQUARE ON BARGAIN SQUARE 29c For Infants' soft sole hoes, worth 75c. 50c For child's shoes, worth l,VJ. 39c! 59c For ladles' small sizes. shoes, worth up to w.w. For ladles' narrow width shoes, worth up to $5.00. 98C!$I25 For child's hoes, worth up to $2.25. For misers shoes, worth up to J'.'.TD, ON BARGAIN SQUARE 75c For child's $1.50 shoes, sires 6 to 8. $.98 For ladles' shoes, worth up to $3.60, The ontiro m a i n aiale filled with Kolley, Stigor tfc Co. 'a la- d i o fl' fino h h o o 8, nil Bizes, black, tan and au tomobile reds, welt antl turns, made to retail this Mason from $1.00 to $.00 pair. Take your choice on barfaln snuarn ii.iwiii.ii.i'in WANTED! j Every lady in Omaha, every lady in South Omaha, every lady in Couiv cil Bluffs, to know that wc have ad ded two new departments during the past week, and invite you to visit these departments. You'll bo surprised at the way wo make prions on Ladies Hosiery, Ladies' Handkerchiefs. Wo do not advertise earload hits no jobs--uo 1 rash all new, clean, cheap, but food hosiery and handkerchiefs. LA MISS' (JOOI) QUA LI TV, seamless cotton i C n hose, in black, tan and fancies lOU LADJH8' KXTKA QUALITY, black, tan and fancy colored cotton and lisle thread hosiery "r in plain and lace stripes tKJ LADIES' FIX 13 QUALITY jWo-llircad niaco cotton and lisle-thread hosiery, split foot and solid -n blacks, also fancy stripes with lace effects JJs LADIES' (5001) J. LACK, lace and Uicheliou ribbed, lisle thread, ingrain dye many pretty .4 patterns to select from TD LADIES' EX.TKA QUA LIT V. fast black, spun silk, in grain dye, special values not to Q g- be found elsewhere OJL LADIES' It EST IlLAUIC, pure thread silk l r C hose, worth 2.00 for L.jkJ LADIES' FINE QUALITY, embroidered, lace edge hand kerchiefs, scolloped and plain 1 Ap real 2()c values for LADIES' ALL LINEN, plain white, hemstitched, j, and ij inch hem, and fancy i Els-i lace edge 2ie and lcW l.oth these new depart incuts on main lloor easy to Hud 1 s HAYDEN Hams. No. 1 sugar cured hams, 9c. No. 1 lean bacon, 12'ic. Hulk oysters, 25c nml 40c. Cheese, and Butter Specials Kudd's Am. Club bouse, 18c. Fancy full ircam, Y. A. cheese, 12',Sc. Canadian Hed Cloud cheese, 16c. A fancy full cream Ohio cheese, He. Neufcbatel (Durham brand), Dc. Fancy separator creamery, 21c. Choice, country, (A good tablo butter,) lCc. Fish Prices Great Cod Klsh sale. 1-lb. blocks pressed cod fish, worth 7',Sc a pound, at D,e. 2-lb. blocks Grand Hanks cod fish, worth 9c, at 7'4o 2-lb. bloeka Georges snow whllo cod fish, worth 10o pound, ut Mfcc. Wholo strips Georges' heavy white cod fish, worth Ho pound, at 12',4c. Imported Norway Anchovies, S l-3c pound, Now saurkruut, 3 lbs for ivc. Grocery Specials 11 bars White Spanish &cap, 23c. 1 pound tapioca, 7t4c. , . 1 pound sago, "'.jC. Itroken rlro, Bo. I'cnrl barley, 5c. Lentils, G'.jc. Spilt peas, CVe. 3 bottles French mustard, 10c. 3 bottles pickles, assorted, 2."c. Teas and Coffees Tea slftlDRP, now only, 20c. Good broken Java and Mocha, 10c. . Kood coffeo for 15c. Special drink Java and Mocha, 23c. Now seasi n 1). K Japan, only Sic. I'"nnry KngllRh breakfast tea, only SV.tc. Oolong, Young Hlson nnd Imperial, 10c. HAYDENs Sample Shoes Most Remarkable Shoe Bargains Ever Of fered. Ladies' line ?l and 5 sample shoes ul.$l.i)(. Men's fine 93.no, $1 and ." sample shoes at 1.90. Ladies fine 2.50 and !?I1 sam ple shoes at 1.31). Men's fine 2.75 and 3 sam ple shoes at 1.39. All the fine sample 1 and 5 shoes for ladies, from French, Sliriner it Urner's factory, in V)lack and tan, vici kid and pat ent leather, with hand sowed welt soles, on sale at 1.9(5. All the ladies' fine 2.50 and 3.00 sample vici kid and pat ent leather shoes from J. NY. Naylor's Rochester factory, on sale at 1.39. All the men's fine 1 and 5 sample shoes from J. V. Smith Co., in patent leather, vici kid, anil Kussia calf at 1.90. All the men's 2.75 and 3 sample kid and calf shoes from Mvron F. Thomas, at 1.39 HAYDEN BROS. 'an S. a BADE MARK RE-NO-MAY POWDER Registered A. Mayer Co. Ill I: BUILDING, OMAHA, NUB. required. in pink box not only relieves, but po Itivuly cures all disorders of tho feat, etops odorous perspiration, cures ten der, swollen and painful feet. RE-NO-MAY POWDER In blue box removes all bodily odors. If properly used no dress shields aro If you ruin your gloves with cxccsblvo porsplratlon, rub tho palms alter thoroughly drying them with thu powder. In cases or "auituai sweating, uso tho powder in pink box. For axlllUry (armpits) sweattug, llmi directions for uso in tho cover of tho bluo box. Tor obstlnato sweating or chafing, bathe tbo niTcclt'd parts with tho Ho-No-.May Astrlngcnto .ntlseptlc l.otlon. It must bo dls tlnctly understood that the HK-NO-MAY I'owder Is not a toilet powder, but strict ly 9 curative, hygienic and antiseptic povder, and should not bo used for Infants as a tollot dusting powder. Talc, powdered starch or eluillar products without any Intrinsic value, aro Incxpcnrlvo nnd suillclent. HI'-M-.MAV COWDI'll, rndorscd and prescribed by leading physicians. For moro ample Information, con tult Miss Mayer. 310 Uco Ilulldlng, Consultation free dally from 2 to i. .MANUFACTUM-aU UY A. MAYER CO., 316 Bcc Building; Omaha, Neb. Sold by all Druggists anil Olovo Dealers. THU lal.MlSAY K.MVKS AM) I'CHIKS. am made to our own order every plcco g'jnrantccd. They .1.. ,tlu m. I.. lrvitil n ral.tl liltlv a-nt fl I III17 I 111' limn aauw.in nwtn ft. wpi ....... .. tntln moro than tbo cheaper grade goods. You can rot mako a mlstako In bujlng theso goods. I.ook for tho namci S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 151(1 DotlKlus St.