TitE OMAHA DAILY HUE'. Til L U.SDA , .MAUC1L T, 11)01. SI SPECIAL NOTICES ArirertWemenl for these calamus rill lie takeu anlll Vi m. for ths rfnliiff edition nnd unlit 8.30 ji, ni. for murnliiB nnd Sunday edition. Hates, 1 l-2c n Tord flrM Insertion, In s word (hereafter. Nothing taken for lent tlmn !iro for the first Inner t on. These ndrertlseraenl moat be? ran consccntlrely. Advertisers, by reqne.tlnr a nam. tiered check, can have nnsrrers ad dressed to n numbered letter In cars) I The llee. Anmen ao addressed will he delivered oa presentation of t aheek only. WAXTHD-siTUA MOXS. EXPERT ai'eountant. Holbrook, Brown Blk UNDERTAKER wants position, good ref eremes. Address Lock llox 6, Bedford, ! A- Mgfl " wanted-malii help. ANTED, wo have steady work for n few good hustlers of Rood hablH and nppear mice C, r. Adams Co., 1G3 Howard St. B 210 HARDER trade tnught thoroughly In short time; catalogue particulars free. West era Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. n 2U MEN or women to sell goods to city trad". Good pay and steady employment. Hlx cnbnugh & C6 , Ware block, Omaha. B-Mli: i'aj COAT makers wanted. Apply Nlcoll the Tailor, Karbach Blk. B-Mit 9 11IOII erode solicitors and district man agers In N'!. nnd Iowa for Northwestern Life; also city managers Omaha, Lincoln, Council lllu.'fs, not Insurance, but similar; Kulary or commission. K 34, lire. Il-MMI VEST MAKERS wanted. Apply. "NleollThe Tailor. Karbach Block. B-MoM-lo WANTED, traveling salesman for Iowa; on, who has an established trade among retnll llquoi dealers; none other need apply. Address F. W. & Sons, St. Joseph, .Mo, U-M1 BAl.L8.MBN for cigars; new plan, quick sales, good business, big money. Con sumers' Cigar Co.. Ut S. 1th St., St. Louts. B- DARREH wanted at once; JI2 u week for llrst-elus workman; Bteudy Job; must be sober. Address W. O. Hall, Norfolk. Neb. B-M0I5 10 ri 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 i young men lo travel; new proposi tion. Cull or address OTJ Paxtoti blk. 1I-.M6I2 0 YOl'NO man with some experteuco In dry goods or shoes, with somo means, to tako active Interest with established llrm In .Montana. Address K 61. llee. II-.MO ! wanted female help. WNTlJuT 207 lrU.152Uodgo Tehlx" C-2IJ SO girls wanted. Canadian offlce. li'Sl Douglas C-.MI "YOUNG lady lo learn massage; permanent position for right parly. Apply 23 1 lice bldg. C-tiS WANTED, cook. Mrs. A. I.. Itccd, K20 Fur num. U MC3 WANTED, experienced waist makers and draper, also skirl makers; apply at once; big wages to good pcoplu. Address Seo bick's Dresgmaxlng Dept., Dcadwood. S.D. C-MJ77 9 WANTED, at once, cook at 1511 Dodge st. C u-vj 7 DRESSMAiaNCS tujght tlrough1ly.HyZ tern received highest ruward at I'arls. Pupils out und make own dresses. Cull or send for circulars. McDowell Dressmak ing School. :VJ S. 15th St. 615-Slti Karbach block. 6V7 9 JO) GIRLS wanted to make shirts, pants, overalls and duck clothing. Apply at once, llyrne Ac Hammer Dry Goods Co., ractory, j2lh and Howard 8ts. C SStf lo WANTED, Immediately, thoroughly, com petent Cotlk- ArT2'DaVniTaiT'st:;"VA"g'if 22 per month apply Is-tween tho hours ot 2 and 0, or I and 9 p. in. Mrs, George A. Joslyi). C-MOU 7 WANTED, good girl for general house wcrk. 13tS H.-2Sth St. C-JIOrt 8 WANTED, nurse girl. SL. Apply r.ts Harney C-M622 7 COMI'ETENT girl for general housework; gotnl wages. 2i30ti Dewey avc. WANTED, girl for general housowork, H2 Sotith aitb Ave. c-t'l-!l I'Oll Ur..NT-HOLM. IT you want your houses well rented place them with lien.twa & Co. D 2ii ALWAVS moving II. II. goods. 1'lunoa. ulllcc, tSlIVj Furnum 8t. Tel. 15JD or S'tl. , D-214 HOl'SES for rent In nil parts of tho city! Urcnnun-Lovu Co., 32u So. 13th St. D-2i; HOUSES, stores. Uemls, I'axton block. D-213 SEE HEN II V B. I'AYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE D-213 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead. 152 Douglas. D HOUSES and Hats. Klngwalt, Barker Illk D-251 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown Blk. D-23 NINE-BOOM modern house. large grounds shade trees, barn, thoroughly desirable, Jn every way; runt. U0 to an Al tenant with references. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 10th and Douglas Hts. D FOR RENT, residence IOCS Georgia nvo corner Pacific, 10 rooms, attle, basement east front; modern and cxtrn conveni ences' lot WxHO. with trees. Inquire lit First. Nal'l Bank bldg. D M3I2 7 GOOD six-room 1I.M, city water In kitchen. 2313 N. 21th St., $10. Omaha Loan A: Trust Co.. ISth and Douglas. D M3I0 LARGE ntodern brick house, with barn. 202 S, 2Sth St. Inquire 201 S. 23th. D-333 S FIVF, UobMhouse. SIC S.lith h! D-5SS- StrtT DECATUR, C rooms, well water, good repair. IH). PAYNE-KNOX CO.. Ilrst iloor N. Y. I.. Bid. U 502 S-ROOM modern house, fX. 1417 Vinton; Innulro Kit. D-M057 13 I'Oll II i:T-ji"l II.MMIIKII ROOMS. BTEAM heated rooms at Tho Thurston. , . , . E-253 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam, E-2J4 FOIV RUNT, one large well-fumlshed bed room for gentleman, neitr motor line. 2S6 South 7th street, Council Bluffs. E-M3I9 npOMS, 193 C.lpltOl AVC E-M3I3 12 ONE large alcove room, suitable for two gentlemen. Ono smaller room, also. Ex cellent neighborhood, close In; references required. 6iO So. 20th. K-379 10 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, "with light nnd heat. 2)78 Harney. E-MIJl D I'lll.MNIIF.I) ROOMS AMI 1IOAI111. a LnNCAIllN, tr'anslriTtirri.25dayT 163s Doug F-S57 LARGE front parlors with board; also smaller room; reasonable rates, Tho Rose, 2020 Harney. F-Mt UTOPIA, 1T.1 Davenport St. F-259 The Mcrrlam, good winter home. 25 & Dodge F-2M ROOMS and board, reasonable. 2I0S Cass. F-373-AI LARGE frcnt room. H)9 S, ath uve.. F-JSl ROO.MK with bo.ird. 11(5 -S. 2t!th st. F-MW U FURNISHED rooms. Voarq 1W9 Capitol Hvenue. F M62S 12" van nnvr t-.KL'iiihiii:n hooms. TWO front rooms for light houskeplng. Ltavinvrth su - 0-S7S 1 rou m:T-f.Fi iiMiiii:u room. 1 1'NFI HN1SHED modern rooms for men and wife mily. no gasoline; references re quired. 1M0 Grace fit a-Mtfs 0 2 UNFURNISHED room. MMi S'Toth. U-M9I ! OH IIIJ.IT-.iTOItH AMI OFFICE. FOR RENT Store, in flrst-clas location; rent reusorinoi Apply it. c l'etcrs a: Co., jrouna noor, llee Blug. lM FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by I'hc Bit at VIH runiam Ht. It has lour stories and it uanernem which tas formerly useu us The Bee pres srooiu. This will be rented ery reasonably. If Interested apply at onco to U. VJ. ttosc wuter, s.c etary, room IW, Bee Bullulng, DESK room. Inquire 712 N. Y. L. Bldg. I riio-S AIJUM'M WA.Ti:i), GENTS or ladles to d3 local work or gen eiul agency work; wilt pay from t to W per month. Can on or uduress A, K. Hill, li I'axton biocK, Omaha. J M 132 lli WANTED, wire artists to handle new line, big sellers. Write tor new catalogue ot snells. i. i.. Mltcneil, Ceuar Itapms, la. J .Utiu 1S WA.MUD-TO HUM. TWO unfurnished rooms or one ery large one, witn board, uciwven JiiCKnon ana vooitorm, nn una mti. k mm lu- MAN and wllu and baby wishes room nnd bonru not loo lar out; statu terms .itnl tun particulars. Aduress K ft.', Bee ollice. K .UmJ 4 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage und Warehouse Co., 912 VU jones, general storage anu torwurding. HI OM. Van Ct r. Co., 1511.s Farn. Tcls. iS6V-6tt, FOR MALE FIRM tXRC. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO., 1410 Dodge. Hi. .M. Nen' 2tlnuuu turinturc bouKill, sold, fxchutigcu. u ;oJ Oil SAI.I HORDES, vkiiici.es, utc. ENTIRE siock oT curruues, buggU-s and WUKOIIS rtKUlUleSI Ot COSl.. AlUI-l'au!l-.MII- miu .o., (.or. lotn una i)uviipori. l- Vf-M23 OMNIBUS, newly painted; light trup. new anu up-tu-d'ati. iu rrost, nth at l.eav,. P iW 1'OH AI,K MlSt ELI, A.rJtS. tl.VRD and soft foundation piling; hog fumes und cnoulng. Douglas, vi 2m 2DHA.ND suto cheup. Dcrlght, 1UC Farnam. SAFES; buy. sell exe'ge. Schwurti. U4 S. 13. W 2W) TIMOTHY hay and all kinds feed und coal, .uonrou & Co. y 25 INCUBATORS. Send to tho Suro Hatch llicuuator Co., ciuy center, rsuu., tor u huuusomu treu catalogue. Q 2j'j SEED SWEETS. Thco. Williams, Benson, Neb. CJM-201 M2j FOR SALE Five head fresh cows. Call afternoon. Jesters lard, Zoth und Burt Sts. Q WO d FOR SALE, two very line Jersey cows. Just fresh. 232 Webster St. Cj-GM lf $15.00 BUYS new roll top desk; cost double. Windsor Hotel oitlce. y-Mii 7 CUTLERY of all kinds; iinest lino In tho city; wo grind razors, shearr, clippers, etc. A. Undelnnd, 1H6 Dodgu St. Q-MU49 A CLAIHVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. S19 North 16th. a-o MMK OYLMER. genulueTialralst. 160S Dodge S-271 MRS. HENRY, test medium, 1707 Cuss. S-M&iO S 5CENO, clairvoyant and healer, 1915 Farnam. S sum u - MR J. HENRY", test medium, 1707 Cass. t S-M413 11 ELECTRIC THEATME.IT. ELITE parlors, 615 South JOtti, second floor. T 104 MS MME. AMES. 1615 Howard, 2d floor, room 1.. T-W-M24 MABEL GRAY", 317V- N16th St., Flat E. 1 .USOl JUT MISS MAY LESLIE, 6l2 S. 16th, 2d Iloor. T-MA1J A2 CAMiLLE DUVAL, 619 So. 16th, 2d Iloor. 4 0l .10- MISS WILLIAMS, massage, magnetic rlec- St.. room 2. T M643 13 PERSONAL DR. BOY", chlropodlBt; corns & superfluous hair removed by elcctrlcty. 11. 12 Freliiep block. U 2i9 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2620 Burdette. U 272 FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim buttons; mall orders. Omaha Pleating Co., 1521 Douglus. U 273 SUPPLIES for nil machines; machines for rent. White Sewing Machine, 1620 Douglas Tel. 2334. U-274 PRIVATE hospital for ladles heforo and during conllnement; babies adopted. 230 Grunt St. U 275 A BOX of Re-No-May Powder Is not a luxury when It affords you a euro and secures tho comfort and happiness of your room-mate. U M212 TURKISH baths, massage baths electric baths, for ladles only; skilled women massago operators; nnest equipped hatha In tho city. . Renstrom Bath Comoanv. Rooms 216 to 220. Bco Bldg. U 274 M. GOLDMAN &. CO.-Only perfect ac cordeon pleating plant In tho west.. MuJl ordirs solicited. Suite 200 Douglas Block. U-277 VIAVI Woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 313 Bee Bldg. 0-276 RHEUMATISM, paralysis, goitre, female diseases, consumption, glandular swell ings, obesity, stomach and kidney troubles, chronic diseases cured by Thyroid Lymph Remedies, Consultation and booklet tree. Thyroid Imph Co.. 101 Be Bldg., Omaha. 91-o-C Burr block, Lincoln, Neb. U-1M-M24 RUITURE cured; no knife, no palu. no danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, W2 N. ", Llfo Building. Omaha. U-S.M-M19 ATTENTION given collections and legal matters; associate attorneys everywhere. New Snow-Church Co., 401-IU5 N, Y. 1 U-MIIUO W. I). P . come home. Father falling. U-631- .MOMll lO LOA-llr;.Vl, ESTATE. MONEY lo loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 309 South 13tli, W-2SU WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. George & Company, ial Furnani street. W-211 LOANS on eustorn Nebraska nnd western lowu farms at 6 per cent; borrowers can pay Jliu ot any multiple; an Interest date: no delay. Brennan-Love Co., -D00 So. 13th 8t Oirmho. Neb, W-2S3 . J1.O0O und upward to loan on Improved city property und tarms. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 132o Farnam. W KJ W ANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. c. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam' St., Beo Bldg. W 2S4 MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowest rates. O. F Davis Co., U0S Farnam. . . W-2S4 MONEY to loan at S and 8H per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle, 401 S, ISth, W-2S PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, S N. Y". Uto. W--.17 r i iu l.tl.VA Hi; I, IJM'ATI.. I FIVE per cent monej. Bemls. PaMon block. W-2S4 PRIVATE monv V t. tv'esii. rl Mnuataa-. ' W-2S9 ' AND per cent loan. W. II. Thomns, Urst National Bank building. Tel. let). . , W-:w. PRIVATE money, 5, ui. C per cent; no de lay. Garvin Bros.. HU Farnam. W Wl 5 AND pet- cent city and farm loans. Gatvlu Bros., 1613 Farnam St. W S PRIVATE money Sherwood. St! N. Y. il W-.17 CASH on linnu. G. E. Turklngton, or, B?e. , W MaDI JIO.MJV TO 1.0A-CHATTi:i.S. WHEN YOU NEKD MONEY SEE US. It is easy to advertise lowest rules, as others uo, but wu leel posimu tliat It you will inaKu comparisons ou will be con-, vinccu mat you can do better with Us tnan "lsow.litre s c loan on furimury, pianos, nu stock, citf., or wo will mike jou a SALARY LOAN without muorsor or mortgage,' We cnargo nothlilg tor nmuing the loan mihi you receive tne tun amount In cush. You may pay it buck In uno nonm ur titKo six months or more in winch to repay It, ana you necu not pay tor U one day longer tlun you Keep It. Our terms uro .the easiest, our business Is coutlucnliul and our motto is "try tq please. OMAiiAiMoinuAUE luan ca. Ill) Board Of TraUu Bldg. Tel. 25).. (Eslaoll&lli'd IS:'.') Mj do. Pith St. X-M3t . v MONEY TODAY, Loans made in amounts trom $10 to f2W on household furniture, plutios, hurses, car riages, etc?, without removal" or on your S-A-l.-A-R-Y without security. All qr a part of the money may bo paid back the. nrst month or ho part or ltMiced bj paid back tor several months. Each payment made reduces tho cost accordingly. Em ployers and neighbors know uosoltitely nothing ot our business relations. J'eople who need money are tnvlted to' call drid get my terms anil compare them with what others offer. Loans of other com panies may bo transferred to me. No charge tor papers. All bustncfs strictly coniidentlal. gulck scrvlco and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE. 633 Puxion Blk., top iloor. northeast corner 16th nnd Farnam. Entrance on 16th St. Tel. 7!o. N 291" S' A L ... L O A N S II v LOWEST RATES IN CITY. WE I'OSI- TIVKlil Wll.1, UT IJ.NUIJRRATED, RAILROAD MEN RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. REBATE GIVEN IF LOAN IS PAID BEFORE DUE. WHY GIVE A .CHATTEL MORTGAGE WHEN YOU CAN GET MONEY ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE? STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. EMPLOY. ERl) NEED NOT KNOW. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. AMERICAN LOAN CO., ROOM Wl. BEE BUILDING. X-29J SALARY LOANS. If you arc employed by 11 responsible ilrm we will loan you sums from 110 to J100 on your nolo at much cheaper and easier rates than elsewhere. Of this we ure positive. Absolutely no charges for papers. Nothing deducted from amount aeslrod. Easiest partial payments. Reliable Credit Co.. room 303, Pax ton Block. X 232 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their names without security; easy payments. To! man, 440 Board Trado bldg. X TJi MONEY" loaned on pianos,- furniture. Jew. clry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, . 31S S. 13. MONEY" loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, jewciry uuu urccu, n. s, ASurKiT lIK X-2M SAIjARY" loans at reduced rates. Omaha Credit Co., 126 New Y'ork LUp Bldg. , X-299 ni-pi.i;ss .chaxces. .j. JIM CASH on easy payments buys 25 strictly lawful (nickel) slot, machines for drinks, cigars or' cash; will earn J2 and' upward weekly each. Kurl Clark &s 'Co.. Furni ture, Manufacturers, Chicago, 111. Y-310 FOR SALE, agricultural implement and carriage business In -south central Ne braska. For further particulars address Box 603, West Liberty, la. Y-311 FURNITURE of 7-room flat, fine location, completely equipped, full best class room ers; extra opportunity to make money. J. H. Johnson. 811 N, Y. Life. T M155 FL RN1TURE of 42 rooms, elegantly and completely equipped, full of llrst-class roomers pnd boarders; no betcr location In city. If you wnnt n, paying business Investigate this (mediately. J.. Ji, John son, 3U N. Y". Life. ,Y" M154 WILL takr long lenso on brick stablo if built, centrally located, and pay good rent. Address J 65, Ben. Y 831 ATTENTION given collections and legal matters, ussoclato attorneys everywhere. New Snow-Church Co., 401-40J N. V. L. Y-4I1-U FOR SALE, sit good discount, tine stock of groceries and notions; good locution. Ad dress K 57,- Bee. V M633 7 DENVER. the proper place- to live, for health for wealth. A nobby restaurant and lunch counter for salt; new fixtures, new range; cash register, etc. Good loca tion by the Denver theater Investigate at onco or lose rare opportunity; Call or address Johnson & Co., 1751 Curtis st., Denver; Y M607 8 FOR SALE, only racket store In best town In eastern Nebruska; good location; splen did cash trade; all new1 goods; Address K5S, Bee. - YM618 10 BAKER wants location; have charge of large shop; right years' experience; county town preferred. BOS N. Poplar, Crcston, la. Y M012 S A WELL established sarde and harnets buslnesx for sale; cun give poisesslon Im mediately; good reasons given. Address K 63. Bee. Y" M633 10 A CLEAN slot-k of groceries, butchers' out lit, four Barr cash carriers nnd National cash register, cun be bought cheap; nil in first-class condition. Add.'ess G. W.. Box S5, Omaha. Neb. Y' M6U 13 FOR SALE. On It In ranches on C S. R. R. 20 mile from Cheyenne. Wyo. Address D. M, Arnold. Islay. Wyo. Y M651 17 I'Oll EXCHANGE. VILL trade stoves and furniture for horse1. tut rv. itiin.tti. . Mjji Mario WILL excaltfe clear vacant. boulevard lots In Chicago for South Omaha Improved or eastern Nebruska farm lands. Owners only address, Anton Holversoii, 402 N. 24th St., South Omaha. &-MII4 9 AN JW Imported magic lantern a-t'u phono ' graphic outtlt nnd n M50 Luther bicycle for good driving horse. Don't answer this ad unless horse Is Al. Address K 59. Bee. Z-637-S WANTED TO TRADE, a ftne blooded nnd gentle' Shetland pony for a rldtng horse or pony, UdtHblo for a young girl. Ad- ' dress iC fry Rie. ' Z 636-S FOR SAI.E-IIEAI. ESTATE. AN IMPORTANT REAL ESTATE NOTICEM! PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY Have been appointed sole agents for nil KOUNTZE PLACE lots owned nnd con trolled by. MR. HERMAN KOUNT5E, and he now offers them for about one third their former value. Plats cun ov examined and prices and tsrms of purchase slven at tho office. Any of our obliging salesmen stand ready to show you theso line lots, at -any time. Just think of It! A beautiful Co-foot lot in KOUNTZE PLACE for 750. I 'A V N E- KNOX COM PAN Y. MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIKE BLDG. RE-M595 11 SNAP Ja.7ll fine business lot, two blocks south depot, 10th St. Inquire 1111 Vinton, RE S39 MIS 5-ROOM cottage and lot, 19th near I.ako St. cheap. Box 373, Kearney, Neb. RE-vM-19 for s i,i:-he u. i:?t.ti:. Hoi'SES lots, forms, lands, P'ans. also fire Insuninci. Uemls. I'axton Blk RE .iw CHASEWILUAMONr 120S FamnnrsI RK-.ni RANCH AND FARM lands, for sole by the Union Pacltlc Railroad company. B. A McAllaster. land commissioner, Union Vitiiflc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. HE-3H HELP AUDITORIUM! BUY I1E.MI3 PARK LOT. RE-.M6I6 lo CHEAPEST lot lit city of. Omnha; 62'i-foot east front In Nelson's addition. .M J. Kcnnurd & Son, 310 Brown block. RE 31j SEE HENRY B PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE-316 FOR PALE, a bargain, lots on 20th, 22d n.id 2Sd sts., Brown Park, South Omaha. W. H. Green. 4'K N. Y. Llfo building. RE-M36I 7 TWO of the cheapest lot In the western part of the city, must lie sold this week M. J. Kcnnard St Son, 310 Brown Block. RE-37S.S FOR SALE. N. E. Cor. 15th nnd Davenport rts., 66x132 feet. Prtco JlfstW; terms easy; or will lent for long .term. The Byron Reed Co., 212 S. 14th St., Ott-tha, Neb. RE-M53 0 NEBRASKA LAND LIST. We are exclusive ugentsiof eastern owners who wish to clocc out their holdings. We give you below a few' pnmples. Wo havo lands In thirty different counties ot the state:' 160 acres In Dundy counts only $tSoi. so acres In Sherman 'county, ro.vo. 640 acres In fuster county1.. SJ.om.W. 320 acres In Holt countV U&fim. 160 acres In Knox county. $t.A0.O. We ran suit you botli In rc and quality. PHILIP POTTER- .t SON CO , Thono 47. 311 New' York Life Bldg. ' . ' RE 6.15 0 iLlTAUlMTOinUMl'BUY BEMIS P.TTlK LOT. RE-.M6I7 10 FARMS AND RANCHES. 2,100-acrc ranch, well Improved, plentv of . water. Joins good town .on B. A: M . J!,wo. I 1.12IJ acres, dlegnnt'stocK futm. $10.1.U") l Hcres, 11 very choice rnnch, Joins good town, well Improved. 1I.M) Finn U seetliin. Imnroved. il.M.OO. &) ncres, well Improved, fine stock fnrm, I Douglas Co. I have a few very fine Doug las Co. farms that can be sold und pos session given If taken quick; ntso, r.boitt 50 lino farms In Jljirrlsoti Co.. In., within SO mllon of Omnlui. Lands In Nebraska ns low .ts Jl.50 per ncro. Lyman Wulermnn, 60U Bee Bldg. RE-C3I 6 2 COTTAGES atid line cornor ou.Popplcton nvo, J1.S75. Si'. house, furnace, bath nnd closet, $1,900. House, barn and largo lot, West Center, 11,2.V. 4-r. cottage and 30-fL lot; 25th nnd Burdette, T70J. 2 lotji on 2lth. ntar Vinton Sts., $1.00). F. D. Wead. J52I DouglasHt. RE-fl32 8 G TEN-ACRE tracts adjoining Millard, cholco terms. See Nelson & Hoelclc, 319 Ramge. RE MC56 S EXCURSION .March 12. Obsm-eriieneUt' Farms, choice, selected, having from 60 to U) acres In full wheat, on crop payment only; ono hundred dollurs cash required. Round trip, $10.53. Get ready. Nelson & Hoelck, 319 Ramge Bldg. RE M655 S HELP AUDITORIUM! BUY HEM IS PARK LOT. RE-M6IS 10 .MEDICAL. LADIES. $5CO rewurd for an obstinate, long standing abnormal case suppression, any cause ,old Dr. Jackson's Vegetablo Femalo Medicine falls to rclleva In 24 hours with out, pain or loss of work; 110 ergot or tansy home for conllnement cases. Mailed $3.00, Dr. Jackson, R. C. Dept., I. 167. Dear born St., Chicago. M 397-16 GONOVa Is a Frcnh treatment for male and female, for the positive cure of Gon orrhoea, Gleet. Unnatural Discharges, In flammations, Irritations, and Ulcerations of tha mucous membranes. An internal remedy with injection, combined, war ranted to euro worst enscs in one week; $3 per package or two for Jo. Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, 111. American Office, retail, wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omana; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council. .Bluffs, -IMlt line of rubb-ir sTOods. '" 11 LADIES! Chichester's Ehgllrti' rennyroyal Pills are the liest; safe, reliable: take no other. Send 4c stnmpi , for particulars. "Relief for 'Ladles" in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Phlladelpnia. Pa. t PATENTS. INVENTORS GOT AN IDEA? We handle patents copyrights nnd trndo murks; you give us the buro Idea nnd we will do tho rest; modern equipped machine shop' and foundry In connection; Official Gazetto on Ille; guide book free. Mason. Fenwlck & Lawrence, patent lawyers, HOC Howard St.; Tel. 1419, Omaha. J. P. Cronln, repr 320 INVENTORS, wo nsk no feo until tho patent Is procured; if we fall, we get no fee; udvlccfree. Sues A Co., Patent Law yers, Beo Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Long ills tjince telephone. 1623. IIS Marl5 SHORTHAND AXIJ TYI'EWllITIXO. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. BOY'LES' College, court reporter principal. Uto Bldg. 223 NEB Business & Shorthand college, Boyd's Theater. 21 GREGG Shorthand. Om. a Col., 16 & Doug DANCING. LAST chnnce, last term for this season, begins this week nt Mornnd's dancing school, t.'relghton hall. .Adults, Tuesday and Friday, g p. in., reduced prlco $5 tor ten lessons; children, Wcdnesduy 1:13 p. m., Saturda. 2 p. m., 20 lessons $10; pri vate lessons cully; assemblies every Wedncsdny. 33512 )STH4I'ATIIY. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y". L. Bldg. Tel, 161; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcopathist. Mgr. - -317 M. E. DONOfUJE. D. O.. of "stjllTchooT Klrksvllltf, Mo., oOl Faxton Blk. Tel. 1367. 31S I.O.ST. LADIES gold open-faced watch und gold chain, between 14th und Douglas und 21th aud' Parker stcoexs. Sultunlu reward, Leave at Frenzer, 15th' A; Dodge. Lost 629-6' STRAYED, horse, saddled und hrlTiledTbiiy color. Return to 2763 S 'Jth and reeelvo ru waril. I.ost-M6l4 9 LAI . Mill Y. OJl.Vl'A Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c, cults, Ic. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 647. STAMMERING aS'H SKITTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn". I?l namgc Bldg.' -3.14 CAIll'ENTEII.Hi.VMI IIOIIIIERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20tn and Lnku Sts. 37o BICYCLES. WE HAVE the only Vuleanizer In tho city for buggy tires. We do this work as gvod as can Ihi done at the factory, 1622 Capi tol Ave. 635 JUNK. B. &. M. junk house, J. Milder, Prop., dealer ill nil metals, bottles, etc. Carloads a specialty, soi-ws Furnam, Omahu. Tel. 237S M337 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable, accommodat ing, all business coniidentlal, 1301 Douglas, 329 TICKET BROKER. CUT rato tickets everywhere, p. II, phi), bin, 1503 Farnam. Telephone 784. 332 FA It MS FOR RENT. f0. NEAR Florence nnd SO In Iowa F D Wead, 1521 Douglas St. -633 I AM ED I O HOItltOW. WANTED t. borMW I."M" uii K g nl ilece of bit'lnoss properij for i tnrs at H tKr int hi able seml-nniiuully . prnT wllltear Insiwwtlo.i. et' Address all nm inunl' mIIoiim to K til. Bee. Sir. IS IM I IIATOIIS M HltOOllEIIS. INCUBATORS and brooders; catalogue freo Wrlti Burr Incubator Co . B 2, Omaha. Neb Factory at 25th S: Davenport. -I79-M31 EM'EIIT ACCOI XTAXT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc . dav "or evening. R. 13, Com. Nut. Bank. G. R. Rathbtin 3.13 ELOI I TIO.N RKADIXO. Mlia. DOR WARD. Studio 623 N?9tli 'St. 377-A1 I t It.M I L ltE Itl'.PAIIll.NC. TEL. 1331. M S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. -330 lit IIIIEIl STAMPS. BADGES, medals. Om. Pi t. Co., Beo Bldg. Tel. 2SAj. -227 lllllllS AM) TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1003 Leavenworth. -32s ACCORDION t'l.UATIXG. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick est. .Mrs. A. c .MarK, s. J-, cor. 11111 uuu Fitnum. 335 RAILWAY TIME TABLES. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Tha Northwestern Lino'' Clly Ticket Ofllce, 1101 Farnam tit. Telephone, 561. Depot, Tentn and Marcy Sts. Telephono 629. t ........ Arrive. Da ii,. 1 Chicago Spe cial u. 7:0u am Chicago Pusecngcr a 4;13 pm Eastern Express. Des Moines, Murslialltown, Cedar Ruplds and Chicago al0:55 am Eastern Special, Chi- cJifo nnd East a 4:53 pm last Mall, Chicago to Omnha Omah.i-Chlcugo L't'd ..a 7:13 pm Fast Mall Cedur Rapids Passenger a Dally. alt:30 pm u SiW uin a l;0o pm a 1:05 pm 11 2:15 pm 11 s:o4 urn a S;30 am u 5:30 pm FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Vuiley Railroud "Tho Northwestern Lino" General unices, i'nltcd States Niltlbiril Bank Building, S. W. I'nrni.r -Tu.-wlfth im.l t.'.ir. nam Tsl 501, Tel. H5)i. Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Furnum St. Depot, 13th und Webster Sts. , Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Dead wood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm ".yomlng. Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 3:oO pm Hastings, Y'ork, David tUy. Superior, Geneva, Exeter und Sowurd. . ..b C:C0 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Verdlgre and. I reriiont b 7:M am bl0:23 nm Lincoln. Wahoo and I remont h 7:30 am bl0;23 urn tremont Local c 7:30 am a Daily b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only d Dully except Saturday, o Dally except Monday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Lino" General Oltlces, United States Nutlonal Bank Building, S. W. Cornor Twelfth . rurnum OlS. tic Ket, , S 'T """"" i. Telephone 661. Dc pot. lentil and Murcy Sts. Telephone 629. I.eavc. Arrive. Sioux City Local a 8:W uin u. Dally. 11 i:l5 11111 u 3:50"pm CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, tlnneapolls & omuha. Rullwuy "Tho North western Line" Gcuerul Offices. Nebraska Divi sion, If.th und Webster Sts. Cltv Ticket mtlro Kurnam St. Telephone, 561. Depot. Sts. and Webster Twin City Passenger... a 6:W urn n 9:10 pm Omaha Passenger all:10 um Sioux City & North- um east Nebraska a 3:15 pm a Dally. ' KANSAS CITY, ST. JO seph .& Council Blurts Rullrond "Tho Burling ton Route" Ticket Office, lo02 Farnuni Street. Tele phone. 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. 12S. Kansas City Day Ex a y-20 nm THroR-i' & :Sio;io pm Leave. Arrive, a 6:25 pm u 6:15 am a DiTliV1 Louls .aSlOpm all 15 am BURLINGTON MIS sourl River Railroad "Tho Burlington Roulo" General Offices, Nortn west Comer Tenth nnd Farnam Streota. Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam Street. eonone. mo. Burlington otation, Tentn und Mason Streots. Telephone. 123. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln, Hastings nnd McCook k!'0 aln a ":2-J Pm Lincoln. Denver, Colo- rado, Utah, Callfornlu.a 4:2. pm ti 3:00 pm Lincoln & Black Hills, .a 0:0") pm a 6:13 om Montuna. Puget Sound. .a 9:W pm u 6:45 um Lincoln Fust Mull ,b 2:00 pm a 9:17 um vi'vinnre. Beatrice nnd Lincoln a S-.40 am Denver. Colorado, Utah and California....... .. South Bend. Louisville. Pluttsniouth b 3:3j pm Ft. Crook, Pluttsniouth und Paellle Junction. .a 7:00 pm bll:55 nm u 6:15 nm bll:05 am a S:2U nm Bellevue, Pluttsmoutli and l'ucllk Junction. .al2:10 am 11 Dully b Dally except Suuduy. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON A: Quliicy Railroad "The Burlington Route'' Ticket Ofllri' lUri Furuam Street. Telephone, 250. Depot Tenth and Mason streets, Telephone, 12s. Leuvc. Arrive. Daylight ,.ioi c'hlc.ico Sne- i u . . M..1 Chicago cntllMiled ICx.u 4:0 pm it 1 .30 um nl0;15 pm a 7:5 um Chlcauo l.oi (1 Kxnress.a 9:30 am 11 l:i.' n Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm u 7:45 a m am H8l .MUll a Daily. a 2:45 pm Telenhone. C29 Leave. The Ovcrl.tnd Limited. .a s:20 am The Chicago Portland Special a 8:50 am Tho F.ift Mall a 8:50 nm The Mall and Express. .Ull:3 pm Lincoln. Beutrlco nnd Arrive. n 7:30 pm a 7:30 pm u 3:25 imi u 4:25 pm titromtdmrg Express.. b 4:f" pm UV'-.W pm 1110 I'ucilli. .xjresij.. .u -t:.o pin The Atlantic Express... Grand Island Local b 5:30 nm u 6:50 am b 9:33 am a dulb b Dally except Sunday CHICAGO. ROCK LSI. and .fc Pacltlc Railroad -"Tho Great Rock Isl and Route" City Ticket Office. 1323 Far, nam Street. Telephone, 42S. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sis, Tele- - pnone, G23, EAST.LCaVC'- ArrlV' Des Moj .cs and Duven- . port Local a 7:23 am bll:35 am Chloico Express btl:!5 urn iiMOnm Des MolnfH Local . . a 4:20 pm a 4:13 pm Chlcngo Fast Express .a S;uo pm u 1:25 nm Des Mollis. Rock Ihi- 1 nnd and Chlcugo u 7:40 pm a 9;35 pm WEST Lincoln. Colorado Spgs., " Denver. Pueblo and West, , a I'M pm a 4:13 pm Colorado Oklahoma & Texas Flyer .-.a 5:20 pm a 9:50 am a dall. b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Hallway-City Ticket Office. 1604 Farnam Street. Telephone. 281. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Te-lephonc, g) Leave Arrive. IMILWAUKL ( hicago Limited Ex. a :0O pm a S: am Chicago & Omaha Ex b 7;15 am b 3:40 pm a dally, b Dally except Sunday, 1401 15th To MMSt-V UNION PACIFIC'THE OVER TjwVirar la"d H"Ute "-Getiurul Offices Nma Streets. City Ticket Office. 1321 ll'HWffj Farnum Street. Telephone. 316 JlKTW Depot. Tenth and Marcv Sts R.VIl.WVV TI.ME i.xiii.i:. M'SS'It Ttt PACIFIC RAIL r. a 1 (It 11-ral Oftlres Hrtd Tt. ket unices. Southeast "i r llth And Douglas Sis T' lephone, lot. Depot, I nl M, t'tation. Lttvr. Arrive. St Louis nm Kansas City Express it 10:00 nm K. I' . St. L. Express. 10;Ji pin n C: Pin :( nm a 6 Le.u. from Fitll and Webster Streets Nehrask.i Lovitl. Via We. ping Water b l.lo pm alO:li am a Dally b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA .t ST. LOUIS RAIL ro.ul Omahu. Kunaas city Eastern RnlIrond-"The Winn, v Route' Ticket Of !! e, ltl" Farnam St. Tele phoiK 322 Depot, Tenth nnd Mim Streets. Telephone. U9. Leave. Arrive. St Lo .ls C.r.it.uu B.il! Expres a 3.13 pm a S:20 am Kansas Cltv & Uuliu V a .'jo am it 9:00 pm 1 L L I N O 1 S CENTRAL Raliroad-Cliy Ticket Of llce. Hi'3 Farnam Street. Telephone, 218. Depot. Tenth und Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express .a 7:00 am a 11.26 pm 11 7:15 pm a i:u6 am Puul b 7:W am b 9: 10 pin Paul ciiic.igo Limited Minneapolis & St Express . ...... Minneapolis A.- St Limited a 7:1 pm a S:05 am Local from Fort Dodge Council .Huffs h 4:30 nm a S:15 um Fort Dodge 1 .01.1 1 from Bluffs n u:ij nm except Sunday. b Dally WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Ofllce. 1115 Farnam Street Telephone. 32S De pot. Tenth nnd Marcy Sts Telephone, 62U l.iavr. wii.v Louis 'Cannon Bali' xpron n 5 1j pm n S.20 am u Dally. eon .Tt VHP 1 . iihii SKMI'MONTMLY a fins SHiea isCowciios r tpitacso sirvicc niMosiuaesiosa. ALONG THE NORTH 9HORX HAVANA, MATAMAS, CARDENAS, SA0UA. CAI BAOE.t, hUEVITAS, QIRAKA, ssi BARAC0A, sn4 stiir ft. UUVfMWSTriAMSniP jNEJ7WllJaml3J. Slaw Y'orlC City. RAYMOND ft WHITCOMH, JI Uhlon Bquara, Now York. For Tickets, Stateroom Reservation and Qeotnl information of tha MO BILE BKRVICE, apply to Ticket Agent Mobile & Clilo It. R. and Bouth ru Ry. POSTOFFlCi; NOTICE. Should bo read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time. Foreign malls for the wck ending Murch 9. l''l. will closo (PROMPTLY In all cases) ut the General Postotllco .is fol lows: PARCELS POST MAILS cluso ONE HOUR cut Her than closing time shown below. Parcels l'ost Malls for Germany cIosh at 6 p. m. on March 4, per s. h. KuUor Wllllum dcr Grosse. via Bremen; Mttreh b, per s. s. Karlsruhe, via Bremen, and Murch s, per h. . Patricia, via Hamburg Regular and Supplementary Mulls closo at Foreign Brunch half hour later than clos ing time shown below. Trnnsiitliintli: .Mull. THURSDAY-At 7 u. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA nnd LORENZO MAR QUE., per s. h. Ln Brelugnc, via Havre (malls for other parts of Europu must be directed ' per s. s. Lu Bretuguo"). SATURDAY At 4:30 a. m. lor EUROPE, ner a Lucunla, via Utieenstowu; ttt 7 a. m. Tor DENMARK direct, per s. s. Norgo (mall must be directed "per s. h. Norge"), .it 7:30 it. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Amsterdam (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Amsterdam' ), at S a. m. for ITALY, per s. s, Ilohcn zollern, via Naples (mall must bo directed "per s s. Hohenzollorn"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Pupera and Bample-s fur Germany only. Tho samo class of mall matter for other parts of Euro-- will not bo sent by this bhlp unless specially directed by her. After tho closing of tho Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Malls named above, ad ditional supplementary mans nro opened on tho piers of tho American, English, French und German steamers, nnu re main open until within Ten Minutes of th4 hour of sailing of utcamer. SInlU for South nnd Centrul America, West Indies, Etc. THURSDAY At 9 a. m. (supplementary 930 a m.) for CURACAO und VENE ZUELA, per s. s. Hlldur (mall for Savu ullla and Curtliugena must bo directed "per a. s. Hlldur"). FRIDAY At 9 u. m. for BARBADOS nnd NORTHERN BRAZIL, per n. s. Cama tense; at 12 m. for MEXICO, per s s. Nl agura, via Tatnplco (mull must be dlr ted "per s. s. Niagara"); at 12:30 p. m. jup- per s s. Trinidad; at 9 a. in. (supple ...ntnrv 0:2'J u. m.l for PORTO Hll.'n (via San Juan), VENEZUELA and CURA CAO, per s. h. Philadelphia (mall for Sa vanilla nnd Curthogena must be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"): at 9 a. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per s. s. Muraval: ut lo a. 111. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m, (supple, mentary 10:So u in.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAJLUCA. SAVANILLA und CART'HAGENA, per s. s. Athos (mall for Costa Rica must bo directed "per s. s. Athos"); ut 10 n: m. (supplementary 10:30 a. in.) lor HAITI, per s. s. Andes; ut 10 a. in. (supplementary 10:30 u. m.) for COSTA uivA direct, per s. s. Adirondack; at 12:30 p. m. for MATANZAS, NUE VITAS. CAIBARIF.N. IIARACOA and GIBARA. per s. s. urltvbu (ordinary mall only, which must be directed "per s. b. Curityba"). Malls fot Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney and thenco by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:20 p. in. (connecting closo here e cry Monday, Wednesday una Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston and thenco by steamer, close at tills ofllco dally at 6:20 p 111. Malls for Cuba, uy rail to Port Tampa, Flu., and thenco by stenmor, closo at this office oaily. except Mo.viaj. at "0 a. m. (the connecting closes nro on Sunday, Wednes day and Frlduy) Malls for Cuba, by rull to Miami. Fla , und Uunco by steamer, closo ut this bffilce ev-iy Mondav and Fri day ut 11 p. m. 'nulls tor Mexico City, overland, utile specially addressed for dispatch l.v stcrmer, ciose at this olllca dally ut 1:30 p. in. and 11 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortez nnd Guutemalu, by rail to New Orleans and thenco by steamer, closo nt this office dally at "1.20 p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays for Belize. Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala and Tuesdays for Costa Rlcu). Registered mall clones at (i p. in. previous day. Trniispnclllc Mulls, Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philip pine. Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p, m. up to Marc!: 2d, Inclu sive, foi dispatch pt. a. s. Coptic. Malls for Australia lexcei uv, Australia, which Is forwarned via Ujropc). Now Zealnnd, FIJI, Samoa and IIo.f.n, via San Frnnclsco close here daliy at C;30 p. m. after February 9th and up to March 2d, Inclusite 01 an arriva, or s. s. Lucanla, duo at Now York March 2d, for dispute)! per h. s. Sierra. Mulls for Australia u xeept West Austrullu, which goes vl.i Europe, und New Zealand, which goes via Hah Francisco, and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dally nt 0:3) p. m. up to Murch 2. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. WTirlmoo (supplemen tary mulls, via Seattle, close ut 6:30 p. m. Murch "4i; mall must be directed "per u. s Warrlmoo"). Mulls for China, Japan and Phlllpplnu Islands, via Tueoma. closo hero dally at 6:3i) p. ni. up to Murch 7. Inclusive, for dlsputch per s. s. OlympU. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via Pan Francisco, close hero dally at 6:3o p, m. up to March , inclusive, for dU nutch per u. n, Australia Mails foi Hawaii, China, Japan und Phil Ippluo Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:00 p. m. up to March 10, Inclusive- for dispatch per a. s, Amur, lea Man.. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, closo hero dally nt 0:30 p. m. up to March 11 for dispatch per s. s. Mariposa, Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, close here dally at 6:30 p. m, up to Murch "19. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Enures, of India (registered mall must n! directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Australia (except West Austrullu, whlcfi is forwarded via Europe). New Zea land, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via Sun Francisco, close hero dally nt 0:30 n. m, after March "J nnd i.p to ,Mrth 23, in clusive, or on arrival nf a. u. Etrurla, duo nt New fork March 23, for disputcu per t. s, Sonoma, Locnl a Dally rSceS founc a dull ft HI yjiVN YORKOTrnTO MOBILE " riiMi-MoaTair7saasit:5' wttaw wrm v p ementnry 1 p. m.i ior 11 iiks island and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per k s. New York; ut "ll p. m. for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami, Fla. 3 ATl-llIJAl ,l II. in. ior lirill.ML'lJA. WORK PROCEEDS RAPIDLY Protpct for Ihchmrwl Expojitlon Are Highly Encouraging. BUSY SCENES AROUND THE BUILDING Exlillill U 10 Include H Lit He of E e Tr illion from Hundreds of Different "otircea (irnliiK Ditto Is Drterniliirit. The work of arranging the exhibits at ths industrial exposition is proceeding al a rapid rate. The vans dellterlng goods can scarcely reach the wareroom doors nnd In tho building the employes of the committee nnd tho workmen from the houses of tho exhibitors present a scene of Industry which Is gratifying to nil persons Inter ested lu the success of tho entcrprle. The promotion committee, una decided to open tho exposition on the night of March H nnd It will require nil of the time be tween this day and Hint to get the exhibits Into position. Yesterday morning for the Ilrst time Mr Glllnn. tho superintendent, has been oble to gain an Idea of tho space required by tho exhibitors. The nrst floor of tho main building will he devoted to heavy manu factures. An electric motor will bo placed In tho rrnr of the room nnd this will supply power for tho operation of sorao of tin lights and a number of machines which will bo set up ou that Iloor. A dally pro gium of events will bo printed from a preis which will bo one of the attractions of the machinery division. All Sorts of run. Tho northern end of the third floor will bo devoted to a series of attractions ot a general nature, including bicycle riding and feats of btrength and skill. Tho southern pnrt of this Iloor is to bo occupied by ex hibitors. Tho second Iloor Is given over entirely to the exhibitors und tho workmru havo practically finished tho decoration ot the booths, In the decorations under tha control of tho committee Ak-Sar-Uen colors havo been Interwoven with those of the re public. Tho local exhibitors have exercised their own skill aud taste, making an ensemble of color pleasant nnd striking. Tho extent ot some of the exhibits Is a surprise to tho committee, nnd, while il was decided to hold a drawing onco each even ing, it may bo found desirable to dispose ot from three to six articles each evening. Among somo of tho now exhibits received Is an incubator. The manager of this patent chicken hatchery will Install his plant immediately nnd promises that those who visit the exposition during tho Inst week will havo an opportunity to secure chickens "made while you wnlt." Arl Is Included. The east room of the ground floor has been set npnrt for tho art department. Local artists with oil nnd water, the Ceramic club nnd other art workers havo applied for space to nu extent that In dicates that tbn nrt room will be well tilled Among the receipts from tho cast yesterday wero a number of photo gravures and lithographic work of remark ably able design and execution which havo liccn donated to tho society nnd which will be displayed ln the art room, The executive cotnmlttco of tho Audi torium company will meet at tho Com mercial club rooms at early luncheon to day and after a brief business meeting will proceed to tho exposition building In a body to Inspect the work so far completed Uso Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure. MR. BELLSTEDT BUYS BRICKS They Are .ol of the Gold Ynrlcty, lion ever, for the Buyer Is Wise. Herman Bcllstcdt ot tho Bcllstcdt Con cert band has the honor ot being tho first person lo purchase one ot tho auditorium bricks, and Instead ot ono ho purchased fifty, which 1U bo distributed among tho members of tho band. In tho correspond ence between tho bandmaster nnd tho audi torium company Mr. Sanborn mentioned tho bricks with the Intention ot the company selling them to ralso funds, nnd that letter brought tho following response, under dato of March 3: Among the most pleasant days ln my professional career arc thoso I spent In your city within the last eighteen months and I have cause to think In no other cltv where we havo given concerts tho number of friends of our band exceeiU that of Omaha, which, of course, is most gratifying to me. In commemoration of the nbovo fact I beg leiivo to send my check for S0 In pavmont for Ilfly souvenir bricks to lie distributed nmong the members of Ilcllstcdt's Concert band. That the greatest success attend a most arduous undertaking, which Is ox celled only by thu public spirit of the people of Omnha. Is the sincere wish of truly yours, HERMAN BELLSTEDT, Use Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure. LAND TRANSFERS ARE BRISK Kcmnrknlily Large Nnles Reported T'lrouKhont Hie Western Country. The land movement In tho west socs on with unprecedented vigor nnd tho sales that urn being mado are enormous. Yes terday's mull at the offices of the Union Pacific Land company brought ln applica tions for 6,360 acres, divided In fourtoen ap plications Most of these ranged trom SO to 610 tracts and woro farming lands In cen trul Kansas, One application, however, was for 2,880 ncres In Arnpahoa ' county, Colorado, tho applicant being A. N, Craw ford of Fort Morgan, Colo. Tho sales In Nebraska aro large, In' the offices of the Burlington yesterday wore seen the list of tho transfers In Gage county which had been filed In one day. They show that people are realizing what for tunes there arc still dormant In the fields of Nebraska and the farming lands are being taken up. Fto Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure, WILL BUILD NEW RESIDENCE T. .1. .Miiliiiney Hum Plnus for Erection of Modern House on houtu Tlilrt-Seveiili Street. Plans for tho erection of a residence on South Thirty-seventh street, between Far nam and Harney, by T. J. Mahouey are lu the bands of tho architects. The plans Bhow a modern rceldenco in ovory particu lar and tho estimate of the cost Is J H,000. with a probability ot a few thousand dollar .being added to this befaro the houso it completed. Tho work on the building will not begin until about Juno 1 aud It Is ex pected that tho houso will be ready for oc cupancy before tho beginning ot winter. SI. Patrick liny Celrlirnllmi. On the evening of St. Patrick's day tho IrlHh-Amorlciwi of Omuha mid South Omaha will celcbrnte with an entertulnmcnt ut Wutihlngton hall. An unusually at tractive program has been nrrangod, tha principal feature being uu uddrenaiiy Rev, M P Dowllng, 8. J., president of Crolghton university, on "Tho Spirit of St, Patrick In tho Irish Race," (iOYUnNMI5T NOTICE, WANTED for V. S. army, able-bodied tin miirrlsd men, between ages of 21 and 25: citizens of tho United States, nl good character nnd temperate habits, who can hpcuk, lead and writs English. Recruit fpeclully desired for service In Philippines. For Information apply to Recruiting Offi cer, Lor. Kth and Dudgo its,, Omaha, Nsb,