Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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man ordered him to halt Ml. ky yelled
"Can't stop, can't t'.op "
Hut the bluecoat caught tfae fttcltlte
easily A search of the valise revealed all
of the rnntents Intact, even In th tin In
cash, which Ml. ky in his haste had not had
time to And He is now In custody and will
be held on the cbarce of larceny
itraieht R k
9W9 999m m9 ec 9 9990
G No. to- wai
ROYAL Baking Powder is indispen
sable to the preparation of the finest
cake, hot-breads, rolls and muffins.
Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to buy
other powders because they arc "cheap."
Housekeepers should stop and think. If sucli
powders arc lower priced, arc they not inferior?
Is it economy to spoil your digestion to save
a few pennies?
The "Royal Baker and Tastry Cook" con
taining over Soo most practical and valuable
cooking receipts free to every patron.
Send postal card with your full address.
Eouth Dakota Legiilaton Struggle with
That Problem.
ropullnU AoimiciI iif A 1 1 rl tin t III u Kill
.Mot lira lo Kvrry Art of Tlmse
Whu inner from
PIERRE, S. D.. March 6.-tSpeclal Tele
gram.) Proceedings In both houses were
tame this morning, following the excitement
of yesterday on the capital removal. The
house passed a number of house bills, prin
cipal arcong which one to create a sal
aried board of charities, which caused con
alderable discussion before It passed. The
friends of the bill took the position that
at present the heads of the sta c Institutions
control the board Instead of the board con
trolling them. A special appropriation for
10,000 for building a blind asylum was
pasted, as j a bill to raise the age of
consent to IS years, after several Attempts
to kill It by amendments. Uurke'a senate
tax bill, which failed for lack of two-thirds
yesterday, was reconsidered and passed.
Tbn aenatn nasie,! several hmnp hill i
tho principal of which are To repeal the f Dr- F- Spafford of Flandreau as presl
blll to prohibit the sale of firearms to tho i efnt- M F Greeley of Gary was re-inrti-n..
nrnvMinc fnr ih- ivnrff,nir,iinn ' elected secretary. The resignation ot A
of the mllltla under the nnme of stats ,
guard, and appropratlng J1.6SS deficiency ,
In the building fund at the Spearfish Nor
mal. At the afternoon session the senate
passed house bills appropriating J 1.000 de- 1
flclcncy for salaries of house employes,
changing the terms of elections of supreme
and circuit court judges, to piake their
election occur at the samo time with that
of other state officers; providing tevern
penalties for fraud on hotel keepers. The
senate concurred In the house amendments
to tho liquor license bill, but the commit
tee bad stricken out several provisions, and
after concurrence It was riulled back and
Is again In the air. as the house took the
tame action.
.rllhrr lliiu.r Millnltril.
The report of the conference commute
was so Indefinite that neither housa was
satisfied with Its work, and the committee
will ba ask el to try again, especially as tho
bill, so far as It could be understood after
the conference got through with It, was
evidently not understood by the members
ot either body. Martin, populist, a member
of the investigating committee, denied that
the bill fathered by Grots, the bouse pop
ulist member of the committee, for n board
ot charities of three, was a committee bill,
and opposed consideration ot the measure.
The apportionment bill was taken up and
cauaed a hot debate In committee of the
whole. Martin accused Iiwson, chairman
ot the committee, with having traded on
the bill to secure votes for the Aberdeen
school appropriation, but afterward apolo
gized for that statement, but Insisted that
bis party was being discriminated against
Stewart In his remarks referred to the
hsbll of the populists of attributing evil
motives to every act of those who differ
from them, and showed that the statements
of Martin were not borne out by the facts.
There were several other passages be
tween Martin and other members before the
committee finally reported the bill, which
was passed as reported, providing for forty
four senators and ninety-nine representa
tives. Ilouar Apportionment Hill,
The house droned through the afternoon,
putting In a large share of the time In dis
cussing the apportionment bill, and finally
passed Its meaaure, which provides for
forty-five senators and elghty-threo mem
bers, Several amendments were allowed on
the bill, but none ot Importance. The bill
as drawn leaves but one county In the state
Gives Appetite,
Produces Refreshing Sleep,
A Safeguard Against Mental
Dose. A smtll wino-Rlai full three
times a day.
Sold by ill Dniftists. Refuse Substitutes.
Alum is used in some baking powders
and in mast of the so-called phosphate pow
ders, because it is cheap, and makes a
cheaper powder. But alum is a corrn
iVe. poison which, taken in food, acts injuri
ously upon the 'stomach, liver and kidneys.
absolutely without representation, either
Stanley or Sully, according to how the con
vention would select, and Goddard of Sully
was bitter In his opposition to the measure
nnd finally moved to amend, to add all that
portion of the state west ot the river to
Stanley or Sully, according to how the con
tentative, as that was In line with the Jus
tice of the measure.
The Drown county delegation was opposed
to the bill, but only protested, and offered
no amendments, stating that the senate
would pass ft fair bill and would never ac
cept the house measure.
The bouse passed the hou bills to in
crease the fee for filing brands from 11.50
to J2.C0; to Increase the fee for examinations
before the State Medical board to (10; and
fixing the qualification for entrance to the
state educational Institutions, Its purpose
being to shut out preparatory grades from
the institution.
The bill to pay J. B. McLoud of Hermosa
(SCO In full for his claim for supplies fur
nished to troops failed to pass by seven
votes, but will be reconsidered.
HcK"n( of South DnUtitii
Ur. I A. Spa Word
SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. March . (Special
telegram.) The new State Doard of Re
gents at- a meeting, concluded here today,
perfected a reorganization by tho election
M. Allen as secretnry of the South Dakota
Agricultural rollege at Drooklngs was ac
cepted, to take effect March -0, and R. A.
Larson, ex-superintendent of schools of
Deuel county, was elected his successor.
R. 11. Forsee of Hamlin county was elected
Btcretary of the State university at Ver
million. Heretofore It has been the custom
to delegate to a single member ot the board
the duties of looking after tome one ot
the Institutions under Jurisdiction of the
board. Hereafter there will be two mem
bers to each school.
Clllrc-ii of Mltclirll Kiprrt to llnvr
,N-ii flu t til t n k. Iiielinllnir Vuill
tnrlum mill Thenter.
MITCHELL, S. D.. March 6. tSpecial.l
There Is a strong indication that Mitchell
will have Its "City hall erected before fall.
Tte city council ordered the matter of
erecting a city building to be submitted at
the coming spring election, and that the
following question be placed on the ballot:
'Shall we erect a city hall not to exceed
an expense of 110,000?" It Is the Idea In
the construction of the city ball to Incor
porate in It an auditorium capable of seat
ing 1,000 pecple, and to equip It with a stage.
C unfile I'lmit Nearly Finished.
LEAD, S. D March 6. (Special ) It Is
expected that the mammoth cyanide plant
the Homestake company has been building
In this city for a year will be ready for
use by April 1. The plant will have a ca
pacity far treating 1,100 tons of tailings,
which will save the company J10.000 a
month that la now going down the creek
as waste. It Is expected that the Home
stake company will begin the erection of
another laige cyanide plant on the Cen
tral City side of the hill, a mile north ot
Lead, this spilng.
Arreated for n-rtrnlt rntlon.
YANKTON. S. D.. March . (Special.)-
William Tlce. keeper of a drug store at
Meckllng, Is under arrest. Some time ago
the women of that place made a raid oc
his place of business, ordering him to leave
town or take the consequences. Ho left,
but was allowed to return on promise that
he would not permit the sale of liquor at
bis place. Subsequently his clerk was ar
rested and at the trial it was found out
that he was not a registered pharmacist
and this led to the arrest of Mr. The.
WorUliiK -M llnnr n l)a.
There's no rest tor those tireless little
workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Mil
Hons are always busy curing torpid liver.
Jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague. They
banish sick headache, drive out malaria.
Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice,
work wonders. Try them. I5c at Kuhn
& Co.
CulleRlnle V. M. ( . . t'oni rnllon
MITCHELL, S. D.. March 6. (Spc:lal.)
Commencing Friday there will convene In
this city members of the Collegiate Young
Men's Christian association of South Da
kcta. The session will last over Sunday
and will be under the supervision of E. T.
Colton of Chicago, International secretary.
and C . Lcavltt. student volunteer sec
Spring will soon be here and what about
that old whttl? It needs new tires, new-
bearings, n r.ew saddle, new pedals. Read
The nee's great bicycle offer. Get a tew
wheel and sae buying repairs.
Ailiiiltteil on Trrrlliirlal Orlltlrntr
PIERRE, S. D.. March 6.-(Special. )-Tbe
supreme court, at Its session today, admit
ted S. M. rascoe of Mllbank on an old
territorial certificate of admission.
Use Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure.
A new wheel and Just the one you hTe
always wanteJ. Read The Uee wheel offer.
Year-Old Elbe is Bobbed of Underwear
and Nursing Eottli.
Attempt to l'nK lnfniitllr Apparel m
I'rre Lunch Counter .Napkin Meet
ulth Dlaninl Knllnrr nn (I Pu
ller Tnke n llnnil.
The man who stole the red-hot stove
and the wicked Individual who confis
cated the coppers from the eyes of the
dead Senegamblau are more or less antedi
luvian In peculiar thievery when compard
with a theft for which Micky Kroll was ar
rested last night.
According to police reports. Micky stole
a nursing bottle and a variegated assort
ment ot Infantile swaddling apparel from a
babe who has been on earth only since the
front end ot last year and who Is therefore
too young to defend himself.
Co-tncldent with the theft ot the baby's
nursing bottle and hemstitched underwear,
10 In cash also disappeared. Mrs. Frank
Frledenbach of Randolph, Neb., is the
ictlm. for she Is the mother of the bottle-
ess and musllness infant. Mrs. Frleden
bach was a passenger on a Northwestern
rain which left the Webster street depot
ast night. The money and the baby
articles wero In a valise wnlch was de
posited In a seat alongside Mrs. Frleden
bach. Lite C'nlu nnil Alirl.
It Is said that while the mother wis
making goo-goo eyes at her cooing little
one M'cky slipped through the train and
quickly nipped the valise. It was several
minutes before Mrs. Frledenbach discovered
her loss, and then It was almost time for
the train to pull out. So the cars whisked
Baby Frledenbach out of town without any
supper and witti little more underwear
than Cain and Abel wore In the Garden of
Meanwhile, so the police allege. Micky
visited several saloons In the vicinity of
the depot and tried to pawn the nursing
bottle and lingerie for a drink. He ex
plained to the bartenders that the milk
bottle would be Just the thing to hold
seltzer and he argued that the wearing
apparel would do very well for free lunch
counter napkins.
"Jes" turn yer lamps onto dese." he said.
as he unfolded the expanse of fleece-lined
muslin, "ain't dey dead ringers fer nap
The bartenders admitted that they looked
like napkins, but asserted that the fleece
lining was objectionable and one thirst
assuager went so far as to order Micky out
of bis saloon.
MleUy Kiirceil to ftrtreat.
Micky refused to go until he got ready.
but a knife as big as the blade George
Washington used when be pruned the grape
vines In Martha's Vineyard was brandished
over Micky's head and he decided to get
Having heard of the theft the police were
looking for Micky and when Officer Relgle-
The Itenxin So Many Cntnrrli llrmr-
ille Are L'nuuccraiifiil,
There ar few troubles, for which there
are so many remedies and -so called "cures
as for catarrh and It may be added there
are few diseases no difficult to really and
permanently cure.
Inhalers, sprays, powders, and douches
are all applied local!) and give temporary
relief, often for only a few hours, and it
Is doubtful If anything like u real cure ot
catarrh was ever accomplished by the
use of local applications.
Catarrh Is a constitutional disease. It Is
In tbe blood like rheumatism and to cure
It requires an Internal medicine to act upon
the blood, to drive out the catarrhal nol
son from the syatem entirely, and anyone
can readily see that a salve or powder or
Inhaler which simply clears off the mu
cous membrane of the nose and throat can
have no effect on the real cause of ca
tarrhal disease.
The remarkable succes of the new ca
tarrh remedy, Stuart s Catarrh Tablets, Is
because It drives out of the system through
the natural channels, the catarrhal not.
son. the germs of grip-, bronchitis and
consumption and causes the hawking,
spitting and gagging becaase the excess
ive secretion is no longer supplied when
the blood Is made healthy from the regu
lar use of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets.
The remedy Is In the form of largp 30
graiu lozenges, pleasant and palatable
composed only of wholesome antiseptics
and q safe to tme that little children t.s
them with perfect safety and benefit If
the little one Is suffering from colds, croup
or cough from any cause.
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets have been in
the market scarcely one year, yet thvy
have met with nuch popularity and success
that druggists everywhere lt the United
States and Canada now have' them In stock
and report a constantly Increasing demand
for them.
South Omaha News 8
That South Omaha Is grow ng Is cvldemcl
by tue tad that a ics.aerable Sirlp of acre
pioperty in the Thlid ward is to be cut
up into lots and placed on the market II.
Jetter Is the owner of a tract of land be-.
tween Twenty-sevintn and Thirtieth streets
and Madison and Y streets, and he propose
to bate this land laid out Into city lots and
placed upon the market. The Increasing
demand lor residence propsrty in the Third
ward has caused Mr. Jettei to decide to
ptat about twenty-five acres ot his land
and place It upon the n-arket. Only a short
time ago Sullivan's addition was platted
Into eighty-three lots and every lot has
been sold with the exception of two. which
are being held for the erection of a llohc
mlan Catholic church. The ready manner
In which lots In Sullivan's addition were
sold convinced Mr. Jetter tbt. there was a
demand for more property In that trinity,
and it is understood that engineers will
commence within the next day or two lay
log out lots. '
Real estate dealers say that property In
the Third ward Is corstantly Increasing In
value, and that within a cry few years
desirable residence lots will be haw tu
In addition to the plats referred to Mr.
Jetter proposes to plat and offer for sale
four acres on East Q street. This land
lies between Thirteenth aud Seventeenth
streets. Should these landj be placed upon
the market soon It Is thought that thcr
will te considerable building in the spring.
Laboring men are dally making Injuries of
dealers In materials as to the price of
lumber, cement, etc , and carpenters figure
that n large number ot small dwellings will
be erected In tho Second, Third and Kourth
wards this year. -
After Dick IA limttun.
Chief Mitchell has sent descriptions oi
Dick Livingston to a number of cities anil
towns In the vicinity of South Omaha with
the hope that he may be apprehended. Liv
ingston departed suddenly from South
Omaha on Monday after passing a number
of worthless checks. The checks were not
forgeries, as he signed his own name. When
the checks passed were presented at the
bank they were thrown out and stamped
"No funds."
It Is thought that Livingston Is In Sioux
City, but even if he Is arrested and brought
back it Is doubtful if he can be convicted,
owing to the laws of Nebraska being lax In
this respect. The bank on which Livingston
drew his checks once carried an account
with him, and It Is asserted that when he
goes oa trial he can merely assert that he
was of the opinion that the bank would
carry his overdraft. With such a state
ment made It Is asserted that Livingston
cannot under the present laws he convicted
of obtaining money under false pretenses.
Compliment llepreaeiitn live.
Republicans and democrats alike arc com
ntimpntlae the hard work done by Renre-
sentatlvea Wilcox and Hunt In cooaection
wun tne oou;u uiuiua v, ..-..
been for the efforts of these two members
of the legislature the bill wouia nave neen
shelved for some time to come. South
Omaha people who are familiar with the
charter say that It meets the need of South
Omaha, and considerable credit Is due to
Councilman Johnston for the part he took
In framing It Mr. Johnston Is a student
of municipal governmeat and secured the
charters of several cities before commenc
ing the work of writing the charter as It
passed the house. All this work was gratui
tous, and In addition Mr. Johnston went
over the printed copy for errors and per
sonally wrote the amendments as suggested
by those Interested.
In the senate It is .expected that an
amendment will be mado providing for a
library levy In order that tho Carnegie
gift may be accepted.
,, CroTV In Jail.
Members of tbe South Omaha police force
became tired tho other day answering In
quiries about Pat Crowe, so a little Joke was
framed up and It worked to perfection. A
real nice fat crow was secured and placed
In the rear celt at the Jail. Then the word
was sent out that Crowe was In Jail. Every
policeman who told tbe tale gave It out In
Bind CDQUUeUCC UJIU swu luc jail - n J
of curlout people who wanted to take a look ,
at Crowe. After exacting all kinds of prom-
Iscs from the curious visitors Chief Mitchell
rnnvovert th visitor to the rear of the
Jail, where they were treated to the sight ot I
a dead crow. Since this little scheme was
worked the officers have not been called up
every fifteen minutes of the day and night
by people who wanted to know something
about Pat Crowe.
I.lve Stuck Figures.
During February 51 6"3 head of cattle
were received at the yards here and of this
number 34,755 were slaughtered In the pack
ing plants at this place. Over 2.500 head
were driven luto the country as feeders
and the balance. 13.639. were shipped out
by rail. The majority of this latter num
ber went to the feed lots of Nebraska and
Iowa. Ot hogs 19S.5T1 head were received
and 198.406 were sent to the South Omaha
abbatolrs. Sheep receipts for the month
amounted to 80.1S4 head and 61.953 were
packed at this point, leaving 13,890 to be
shipped out andj,3T4 to be driven to nearby
feed lots. This Is considered a first-class
showing. The total number of cars re
quired to bring these shipments to market
was 6.291.
Western llnLoln Dr). ,
It Is asserted by those whq have been ,
over the territory that western Dakota is
badly In need of moisture. Unless tbe In- i
dlcatloas point to a liberal supply of rain
In the spring tbe cattlemen In that section
will not make any heavy purchases of young
stuff. Should rains come early It Is pre
dicted that stockmen will hasten south to
make purchases. Tbe grass Is reported to
be In poor coudltlon. as hardly enough snotf
has fallen to keep tbe ground moist. Stock
men predict that tbe spring will open early
and that It will be a wet one. It this Is so
tbe ranges will be restocked.
I'rcipnseil ev liiilimtry.
It Is reported that the Omaha Hay Press
Manufacturing company Is dickering with
tbe Thomson-Houston Electric Light com
pany for a lease ot the old lighting plant
on Railroad avenue. Ever since this plant
was dismantled the building has been
vacant It Is asserted that on account of
lhe trackage the building will be a suitable
one tor tne nay company, tuc oniy oiner-
enre now- existing is In the price ot the
rental and it Is thought that this will be ar
ranged within a day or two.
I lilted Labor I'nrlj.
The united labor party, which for several
years has taken quite a prominent part In
local politics, is to be reorganized with a
view to taking a hand in the coming elec
tion. A committee, composed of Frank
Hart. Janius Salmon. M J. Fitzgerald, J J
Daly. A. V. Adams. T. A. Daley P J,
Tralnor. P. C. Caldwell and T 11. Hatcher,
has tbe matter of reorganization In charge.
A report will be made to the main body at
a meeting to be held next Sunday
Cunper Plnnt llunnlnir.
Manager Welsh of the Omaha Cooperage
company made tbe statement yesterday that
1 the plant was now- running with about fifty
men at wcrk. He f jlther said that no dis
turbance of any kind hwl occurred a tlf
works and he did not look for anyth-g of
the kind. As soon us the plant is in running
order again more men will be put to work.
Iti-pnlilli-iin (iiili I'rhlnj Mulit.
A meeting of the Young Men's Repub
lican club will be held at rooms In the
Murphy block on Twenty-fourth street Fri
day evening. It Is expected that an execu
tive committee will be named nnd that
other matters pertaining to the coming
election will be attended to. Every mem
ber of the club Is urged to be present to as
sist In the work In hand.
Mncic City (!iilp.
I'pchurcli lodge and degree team
meet tonigni tor worK.
Lou Ktter, chief of the fire department,
spent yesterday In Lincoln.
regular meeting of the Eastern Star
will be held on Saturday night.
Miss Lillian Marshall will return from an
extended western trip this afternoon.
A daughter has ben born to Mr. and Mrs.
John Cook. Twenty-tlrst nnd T streets.
According to an uptown sheet the pas
sage of the charter wan the work of one
man. i
William Van Duen Is n new member of
; Police force, who is acting hm day
L;e DanUi,,, th(. nfKro who invfd 'pos-
pum wlth tne police. Is serving a Ave days'
sentence on tne rocK pnc.
Odlcer Robinson tiled a complaint asrainst
Grsnt Kellogg yesterday afternoon charg
ing him with resisting an omcer.
It Is reported that t). M. Click, the
present building Inspector. Is a cundldate
for the ofllce of tax commissioner.
Dennett of tho Sun s.iys that Miles
Mltclirll Is being lunhrd by hin friends for
the ofllce of sheriff of Douglas county.
Tho Infnnt son of William Fltzgerild.
Fortieth and W streets, died yesterday
and will be burled ut o ciock this urt
ernoon. M n. John McDowell, who Is e-nroiite
from the east to Join her husband at Colo
rado Springs, Is the guest of Mrs. S. C.
The attention of the street commissioner
Is called to a bad washout on the eaat sldo
of Nineteenth street, between I and Q
T. Jorgenson has sold out his salnnn on
Twenty-fourth street and declares his In
tention of retiring from the liquor business
for a time.
The newspapers are under obligations to
P. A. Wells for wiring tho Information
from Lincoln as soon as the South Omaha
charter passed the house.
The republicans have the call on tho
Woodman hall for a convention to be held
on March 16 and the democrats will be
compelled to look elsewhere for nuarters.
Use Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure.
. .... , . , . ,.,, v, ,
Rea(J Tfae Be( whee, ofIer
. nnm RRPlITIFV:
I LUUrM. DrltVllltO.
The regular quarterly meeting nnd
smoker of the Omaha Uar association will
lie held at the Commercial club rooms at
S o'clock Friday evening.
Charles Hacker and Myrtle Wlthsrsnoon,
both of Fremont, were united In marriage
Tuesday morning by Rev C. N. Dawson.
fastor of the Seward Street Methodist
:plscopal church, at his residence.
Hen Wlttlc. Sam Davis and 81 Sutton
were acquitted on a charge of daylUht
breaking and entering at a preliminary ex
amination In police court Wednesday ntt
ernoon. They were charged with the theft
of some goods from the house of William
Thompson at 913 North Twenty-third street
on February 17 The evidence was not
sufficient to hold them, bjt they were Im
mediately rearrested by Detectives Demp
sey and Jorgenson for the lesser crime of
petit larceny.
Charles Robblnr was fined J5 and costs by
Judge Learn In police court Wednesday
afternoon. He wa charged with malicious
destruction of property The complaining
witness was John Kowalskl. a saloon
keeper at Thirtieth and Walnut streets.
Knwalski asserted that Robblns left his
saloon Tuesday night and a few minutes
laur a rock came sailing through the win
dow Rushing te the dour to Investigate
the trouble Kowalskl saw Robblns disap
pearing In the darkness
Little Liver Pills.
Must Benr Signature of
5m Fsc-Slmlk Wrapper Below.
Vmzy mall std as aaay
fv take as refix.
tTSm I rarely rfUHcyVW
I JslJslJsM
witting to resort to any makeshift to meet the conditions. At present,
however, considerable' additions to our factory facilities enable us to l.cep
the trade supplied with resl straight-front corsets 'at retail prices from to $2.50, and also our 39-, 19-, Empire and other
numbers. There are over seventy styles and sizes of R & G Corsets
a corset to fit every figure. R & G Corsets are the corsets that do not
stretch. Every hairbreadth of stretch is tiVen out of the goods by means
of steam-heated iron forms. This gives a permanency to the right shape
and form that will stay in it until the last day you wear it. Every R
k G Corset is sold with the understanding that it must give satisfaction
.1 .1... J..1.. ...til - notu nne free of COIt. If
to tnc wearer, ur wc m "rTv "
j.,t.. : ,.nA m hii mme and we will tee that " ,
)UUI V. ..1.1 , . j . . t - - - - -
vou arc supplied with what you want.
Commistiomri Eipress Confidence in Hid
Mtn's Future Docility.
Competent Am-nts should lie Chotrn
nml lleliillii-il In ftlllce I'rrinn
nently Continuous Policy of
Ail in I it 1st rn I In n Needed.
WASHINGTON. March 6. -The annual re
port of the liosrd of lndlati Commissioners
expresses a confident view of the Indian
sltjatton and says that the policy of Jus
tice pursued by the government and the
better knowledge of the power and re
sources of the government of the United
States which now prevails among the In
dian tribes will render Improbable any re
newals of serious rioting and attcmrjtcd
war on the part of the Indian tribes.
The report says there Is a need of com
prehension and continuous policy of ad-,
ministration In Indian affairs which shall
look to the speedy extinction of a separate
bureau for Indians and a separate Indian
administration. It says that one of the
difficulties In administration has been the
pressure by whites to 'secure possession of
the large nrvns of land held by the Indians
arid of no use to them now. tho dlsnP"r
ance of gntne having deprived them of their
'value as hunting lands.
The report recommends the choice gf
competent men as Indian agents and per
manent tenure for tho agents who Khou
themaelves us qualified.
It also recommends the lircnklng up of
Indian trust fjnds Into Individual holdings
and tho tlxlng of n date at which these
holdings shall be paid to the Indians en
titled to them. It Is urged that Indian
children be placed In the public schools of
tho states and territories wherever it Is
practical. The report says the work of al
lotting lands tojthe Mission Indians of "all
fornla should bo resumed and completed
KILL Tllli IlA.MIItlTP fiKftM
Or Your llnlr Will l ull Ont Till lnu
llrrome llnld.
Modern science has discovered that dan
druff is caused by a germ that digs up the
scalp, in scales, as It burrows down to the
roots of the hair, where it destroys the
hafr's vitality, causing falling hair. and.
ultimately, bsldness After Prof. Unna of
Hamburg. Germany, discovered the dandruff
germ all efforts to find a remedy failed until
the great laboratory discovery was made
which resulted in Newbro's Herplclde. It
alone ot all other hair preparations kills tbe
dandruff germ "Without dandruff hair
grows luxuriantly "Destroy tbe cause, you
remove the effect.'
.Inntea .McArtlinr Is C'liptnrril.
HELENA, Mont.. March C-James Mc
Arthur, former convict, wnnted on a charge
of killing Captain Dots. in twenty miles west
of Helena February 15, has been captured
In I ta vail I county. In the western part of
the state, after a hard chase It Is claimed
that MrArthur killed Dotson at the Instance
of the latter' s son, who Is serving a ninety,
nine-year sentence in the penitentiary
Use Cramer's Kidney and Ldver Cure
A new wheel and Just the one you have
always wanted. Head The Dee wheel offer
New Pianos From $137
On easy monthly payments full and
see our very Hue aKsortmeut of pianos
anion; wlileh mo tho world-renowned
Kimball pianos Knabc plnuo Kraulch
& Bach pianos Hallet Davis plauos
MiTlmll pianos Neeilhnm pianos -Whitney
pianos Schunian pianos
nuigti others We nro pii-pared to
make you pikes on all our pianos that
nobody can bout Our terms are the
easiest nnd our prices tbe lowest.
MbiIc aid Art. 1613 Oootlst
Our Misses' Department
is tin lar-vst department of muses'
Mutes west of ChleiiKo no nhue store in
i the wi'fet can show as many dllTereut
1 styles, ipiitlltlcfe, and t Itltlis it
we do-un mutter what you uant In a
misses' feline. u have It and In tho
slze mibues' shoes at $-.-5 child's
shoes at 1.7.V-that are mado of llyht
welkin 'letted calf and gcnulnu vlel
kid, with genuine welted K!es, never iu
the hlfetory of Omaha oboe feelllns lias
Mich a value been offered In n muses' or
child' b shoe--wo ask those who are not
neiptainteil with tills department t
come iu and see If vtlint e eluiiu U
not true,
Drexel Shoe Co,,
talalngo Sent I'rrr (ur llir Asking,
niul-. Lu-to-Unle klir. llouas.
and is the curse: c"
comfort with the es
sence of style. It it
stralcht enouch for the
prevailing vogue vi
curved enoueh to conform
to healthful anatomical lines.
In 1000 we were unable to
fully meet the demand for
itraieht-front coods ind un
Prof. D. Barton
As a test In tho reading he will tell ot.
your full name and age, whom and when
ou will marrj
He gives ndvl-e on business, speculation.
Investments, Insurance, love, courtship nnd
marriage, locates mines, Interprets dreams,
tells of your friends ami enemies, removes
all evil Influences. There is no home sj
drearv nnd sad, no life so wrecked nnd
blighted, no heart so sad and lonely, t.o
condition of circumstances so complicated
or Incomprehensible that cannot ti set
right nnd kept right utter a visit to this
Inspired prophet of modern times. Call
and be convinced of his superior powT
Dlsuv!s nnd drunkenness cured without
medicine or surgery. QUICK nnd sure or
NO PAY. Evil Influences removed, lost
affection restored and brings the sun
rated together und causes n speedy nnd
happy marriage with the one you love
proper advice. Locate your property,
friends and mining stock of nil kinds nnd
goes into all details of your affair withojt
asking a question. So great ntv his powers
that he can tell your FULL NAM K. Do
not call for amusement, but If In trouble,
COME and be helped to succeed.
Thn nnlv rhilrvnvnnt In tho world who
positlvelv gives n guaranty to reunlt the
separatcsl nnd cause u speedy and happy
marrlago with the one of your choice.
How you can have good luck?
How you can succeed tn business?
How you can make your homo haupy"
How- you can conquer your enemlfsT
How you enn marry the one you choose?
How you can make anyone love you?
How soon your lover will propose?
How j oil can get a position?
How you cau remove bad Influence?
How you can control anyone?
How ou can settle your quarrel?
How you can hold your husband's love?
Hew vou can keep your wife's love?
llenillnK )!." II ion HrliiK till nrt-
ertlseinriit. 1
Office, 1714 Douglas St.
He-twcen 17th and lStli Street.
(I Mice lloursl A. l. to S I'.
I,nd' Mold in At tenilnnce.
Cough dire
Cures Quickly
It has long been a household favorite
for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pneu
monia, Asthma, 'Whooping Cough and
&U other Throat and Lung Troubles:
It Is prescribed as aspacltlc for Grinr
Mothers endorso it as an infallible
remedy for Croup. Children like It.
Prepared by E. O. DeWItt A Co., Chloage.
trU- lf, Kjj iL
T-acUItKS all lildnsy
uiicun, use:
ache, etc. At "true-
Im. or bT initL
etc, ot Dr. B. J. Uar. Sur"c, N. T
I Free tiook. 4-
i Jim B-anwAJkt tuckt.