Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Davis foils ulnss.
Dm-li pells drugs.
Btockcrt eells carpets nnd rues.
Oku fixtures nnd kIoIios at Hlxby's.
Fine A n C beer. Neuninyer's hotel.
Wollmnn, scientific optician, 4V3 B'way.
W. J. Hosteller, dentist, lialdwln block.
Leffert, Jeweler, optician, IK nrondtvay.
J. A. Hnow uuctlonci-r. Il'way, opp. 1'. O.
Uorn, to Mr nnd Mm. J W. Miller, 610
Avenue K, a son.
Mr. and Mm. I.. II duuHor have kouc to
Denver on n visit.
Something new for Kodakers at C. L..
Alexander & Co.'s. 3U Hrondwny.
W. R Oraff, undertaker and dlslnfestir,
101 Bouih .Main street. 'I'hono mOo.
Get your work dono at tho popular Kaglo
laundry, 721 Uroadway. 'Phono 15i.
Tor rent, modern residence, In .heart o.
city, hy W, U Kerncy, 231 Main utreet.
Mn, Marv Poolu of l-'lrttt avenue ha gone
to Helena. Mont., on an extended visit.
Morgan & Klein, upholsterliiK, furniture
repairing, mattress niaklnp. 122 H. Main at.
The Independent Hub will meet this after
noon with. Mm. Krister on Madison avenue.
Mrs. Thomas MoiihIimii will leave thlH
neck for a month'M visit with lelatlves In
Mly Camp Aid roelcty wilt tomorrow
afternoon at the homo of Mrs 1. Wind, i.M
AVashliiiton avenue.
A want ad In Tho Hce will brlnp results.
The same attention bIvcii to a want ad In
Council Hluffa as at tho Omaha ofllce.
A marrlnge license mm Issued yestelilay
to II J. Craste. aed Si. of (loodmaii, Mo.,
und Anna D. Miihh. used 17. of Mlnden. la.
A few horses for wilo at IliiurlolUH' Music
House. 335 Uroadway. rthere the nrunn
Ktands upon the building. llroke, sound ami
The claim of tho trustee of the estate of
Marian It. Jrfferln for II. 1M iiKlnst the
Oltlcer & 1'lisey liank has been ordered pre
ferred. P. T. Snvder, formerly of the Illinois
Central el ty ticket otllce, lias koiio to Keho.
Utah, as tolcuraph operator lor tho I nlon
Judge O. D. Wheeler of the district court.
ln,l hi- IiIh ulfe and ihitlulltcr. left
vosterrtay for a short visit with rulutUos at
n..,i.rtn ft 'P 1
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McDonald of South
Eighth street are entertaining MM. I . 11.
Uhrber of Chicago and Mrs. I.. V. Cochran
of Ocatoii, la.
Frank I'lnhero was before Justice 1'eirler
yesterday on a charge of beating his wife.
Sentence was suspended during good be
havior for thirty days,
The funeral of George S. Clark will bo
this morning at 10 o'clock at the homo of
George, Parker, Ifii". Avenue U. Ilurlal will
be In Knlrvlew cemetery.
The "tax ferret" case against Hubert
Llpplnrott of Crason was dismissed yester
day by County Treasurer Amd, the in ecu
sary offsets being proved.
The sewing circle of the Womiin'H
auxiliary to Unite ICplscopal church will
meet this afternoon with O. II. Jucltson at
her home on South First street.
C. M. T.ovy, superintendent Iowa lines,
nnd II. H. Storm, nuperlntendent western
Jowa division of the Chicago, Ilurllugton &
Qtilncy lallroad, were In this city yester
day, Leonard Ames, vice gtand master of tho
Switchmen's Union of America, arrived In
this dry yesterday and will give a public
lecture tonight at S:IW In Labor hall on tho
labor Issue,
Hulidlng permits were Issued yesterday to
M. I.nrscn for a ono-story cottage on Flem
ing avonuu, to cost JS00, nnd to James
Peterson for a one-story cottage on Frank
lin avenue, to cost $1,100.
Former Cltv Jailer William Matlock
pleaded guilty yesterday In Justice Fun-lorn
court to assaulting Tony Preston, a negro,
nnd was lined $10 and costs. Tho civil ac
tion threatened by Preston against Mntlock
has been settled.
Juiigo AylcKwOrth In police court yester
dny morning was culled upon to arbitrate
tho family troublea of W. li. Davis and his
wife. Tho Judge talked to them and they
greed to llvo In harmony and both cases
were accordingly dismissed.
Judge- Wheeler's order appointing At
torney John M. Clalvln special adminis
trator of thn Thomas Olllcer estato was
tiled In the district court yesterday morn
ing. Tho order ronulroH that before e'lter
ng on tho duties of upeclal administrator
he shall lllc a bond In $1,000.
Ernest Zurbiirnch, employed for several
years at tho Oram! hotel, died Friday at
the home of his sister In Omaha. Tho
funeral was yesterday under the auspices of
iho flwlss society of which he wub a mem
ber, .urtiurach cut his linger, blood
poisoning set In and he died In agony, tho
arm having swollen to three times Its nor
mal size.
Ill Henry's big progtcsslvo minstrels will
appear ut the Dohany theater next Satur
day and Sunday. This company Is said to
bo now tho largest traveling, there being
ovor fifty nil white performers on tho pay
roll. It Is llkewlso said to bo one of tho
most cnrefully selected und best equipped
prganlzutlons of US kind In America. Mr.
Henry, tho manager, has been In tho Held
for years, His auccess regarding the ex
cellent lino of features presented In his
program go to show that his ambition has
at last been realized. The list of talent Is
composed of strictly New York City vaude
ville favorites, each one having made a dis
tinctive hit hi that city.
N. Y. PlumUIng Co., telephone 250.
Davis sells paint.
Delour.'s stationery (apartment Is right.
Will buy a pair of HANAN
SHOES. The. price Is not
high whon It Is taken Into
consideration that these
shoes nro tho best mndo thnt
havo ovor been sold In Coun
cil Hluffs.
The styles nro up-to-date
nnd you will get your
money's worth In long serv
ice. Wo speak of Hnnnn's shoes
because thoy havo becomo so
popular, but wo have others
that will open your eyes to
renl bargains.
When you want tho best for
your money go to
!9, 31, 33, 35 Pearl St.
:8, SO, 32, 34 Main St.
These stores lu the center of the city and
occupied for many years by
John Beno & Co.,
the largest retail dry goods and clothing
dealers In western Iowa, who hnvo ro
moved to tnoro extensive qunrters In the
Eleeman building.
Rent very low to desirable parties on Ions
5 Pearl Stroet, - - Council Bluffs,
Negotiated In Eaetern Nebraska
and town. Jamoi N. Casudy,
126 Main St., Council Hluffs.
Funeral Director
(Successor to W. C. Estep)
g! I'UtltL b 'I'll li 1ST. Thunc V,
Eoji Aik for and Get (. Flict to Train
Thiir Bodies,
Crlllnp. In lie Cut Out to Afford lloom
for t'nrnllel llnrx, l.nililer nnd
HIiik" Pnrrnts Approve
the Pliiti.
The request of the boys that they have
A gymnasium In tht new High school
building will be granted. This was decided
upon nt a special meeting of tho Hoard of
Educntlon yesterday afternoon. It will bo
In tho hall designed for n drill room, tho
celling of which In only ten feet high. To
overcome tho difficulty of tho low celling
as far as possible, the beams at tho end
of tho hall under tho stage In tho audi
torium will be cut away and the celling
cut out. An additional height of three
feot will thus bo obtained at this end of
tho hall and will allow for the placing of
parallel burs, ladders and rings. Tho
space under the stupe will be fmxl3 feet.
The matter nas brought before tho board
by Mr. Sargent, who said that a number
of the parents of tho High school boys
had coino to him with requests thai ar
rangements bo mado for a gymnasium In
the new building. He referred to tho fact
that if the board had acted on his sug
gestion at tho tlmo It was suggested that
tho celling of tho. drill hall was entirely too
low and had raised It thrco feet by In
creasing the height of the walls of tho
building that much, the hall would have
made a far better gymnasium.
While tho matter was under discussion
Architect Schoeutgen suggested the feasl
hllty of cutting out tho celling from under
tho stage In tho auditorium. Tho expense,
ho wold, would not bo large, and It was
tho only plan whereby thu hall could be
utilized nt all for thu purpose of a gym
nasium. Tho matter was disposed of by referring
It to Chairman Sargent of tho committee
on buildings nnd grounds and Superintend
ent Clifford, with power to net. This means
that tho hoys will have a gymnasium.
Tho architects wero Instructed to pre
pare plans for tho approaches to tho
school and the retaining walls around tho
In tho matter of blackboards for
new building, It was decided to have
same as In use in tho graded schools.
Miss Ollvo Thompson, teaj-her in the
Bloomer school, resigned on account of
HI health. Miss Creto Hooker was ap
pointed In her place at $33 n month. Miss
Mnmlo Otl was nppolnted a substitute
Or. Ml. John Telln Wluil He Sees
Anioni; City Ilnrlemlrrn.
Dr. St. John, temperance lecturer, spoke
last night In tho Uroadway Methodist
church on "Tho Law and tho Liquor Trnf
flc," dwelling especially on tho violation of
tho state mulct law by tho saloons of this
city. In order to secure data for Ills' lec
turn Dr. St. John a number of sa
loons In tho morning nnd he described to '
his audience whut ho had seen.
Ho rend tho provisions of the mulct law
nnd described how he had seen them with
his own eyes violated by the saloons of the
city. Ho scored tho county and city offi
cials for not enforcing the mulct law, and
referred to the "power of the saloon In tho
administration of tbo municipality."
Ho accused tho city officials of permitting
tho saloons to bo conducted openly In vio
lation of ovcrv provision of the mulct law
n order to Increase tho rcvonues-ot tho
What I he Pnrkn Cost.
Tho nnntinl report of tho Hoard of Park
commissioners nas been prepared by Sec
retary Phillips and will ho presented to the
city council Monday night.
Tho period covered by tho report Is from
November 1, 1899, to November 1, 1900. The
board spont $5,113.03 In Improvements and
maintaining tha parks, and tho surplus
on hand at November 1. 1900, was $879.01.
Iho expenditures were divided among the
parks as follows: Falrmount, J3.C11.C3;
HayllBS, $148.76; Cochran, $517.19; Lake-
view, $130.62; miscellaneous, $398.85. The
largo expenditure for Falrmount park wan
caused by tho erection of a new brtdge over
tho high cut at n cost of $1,100.
Tho revenue for tho curront year, It Is
estimated, will be $3,500, and all ot this
will bo needed for the running expenses of
tho parks and leave no margin for Improve
ments. Tho board has under discussion the
advisability of asking a 2-mlU levy for next
.Sninllpox Uiinrniitinr Itnlaeil,
Tho smallpox quarantine on the Atlantic
house, on South Main street wns raised last
evening after having been In force fifty
throe days. During that period six pa
tients were taken to tho pestbouse nnd one,
n child ot tho proprietor, was treated at
tho house.
Tho expense of maintaining the quaran
tine nt tho Atlantic house, was close upon
$1,000, including tho pay of tho four guards.
The family of Hov. Henry DoLong, who
was found to bo suffering from smnllpox
Tuesday, state that he did not attend tho
Sunday' school convention at Neola as re
ported. He went to Neola with that Inten
tion,, but on arriving was so sick that he
had to bo removed direct from tho train to
tho residence of n clergyman. He was
brought back to Council Hluffs Sunday
Heal l'.itiile Trnimferx.
The following transfers were Hied yester
day In tho nbstract, tltjo and loan otllce of
J. W. Squire. 101 Penrl street:
Fred Nlcman nnd wife to Jurgen Sleli,
imU block 57. Allen .t Cook's add to
' Avoca, w d $ 873
Don Cramer to Carl F, Hethwlsch,
swU neU nnd e'Ss nw4 7-76-3S, w d.. 4,800
Christian Murtlmua Nielsen nnd wife
to Fred Christiansen. fei piock fit,
Alien cook s uuu 10 avocu, w a . i.ovu
John Dermody and wife to Don Cra-
mer, oVi nwU ne',1 swU 22-77-39 w I 5..60
Pheba A. Jones and husband to H. T.
inline., iui mmn .,
w d 12.i
Inwn Loan and Trust comnanv to II
T. Harbor, lot 10, block 9, Mace
donia, H w d 20
Charles II. Coy and wife to Colum
bus Reynolds, n'.a nwi 7-74-39. w d . 3,6")
Lourhamuh MnilHen to L. M. MndHcn.
undivided i lot 22. Audltor' sub of
se'i swU 12-75-40, w d 2o0
S. S. Hust. guardian, to L, M. Mad
neii, undivided U lot 22, Auditor's
sub of o'i sw'i 12-75-40, g d "JS2
John W. Throp nnd wlfo to Oscar L.
Lawsen. nw'i and n'fc sw', 23, oV
neU 22 and seU se'i 15-75-40. w d 21,600
Knos P. Corbaloy and wlfo to D.
Harding. o'4 neU II-TS-tl-nml w3
tffi; 1S-76-I3, w il 2,000
J. W. Hurkhultcr nnd wlfo to Chnrles
C. Dolan, seV S3 nnd w'.fc sw' 36.76
3.$, w d 12,600
George Mclennan nnd wlfo to G, L.
Do Witt, ew'i 5-71-SS. w d
Thlrti'cn transfers, aggregating.... $.3".C
Sue City fur Six Thouaniiil,
A. M. Simpson began suit In the district
rourt yesterday against, the city to recover
$6,000 damages for Injuries alleged to hnvu
becu received by u fall caused by a do-
fectlve sidewalk. Tho accident, he states,
occurred October 20, l'JOO, at Uroadway
and Seventeenth street, and was due to u
negligent construction of sidewalk, which
was composed of boards laid lengthwise
about two feet in width, being less than
half tho width provided for hy tho city
ordinances, He says that his Injuries con
slated of n dislocation of the left shoulder
nnd contusions on various portions of his
Ho asks for $3,000 for tho alleged Injuries
and $1,000 to reimburse him for the money
expended on doctors and medicine.
Two Suit for DlMircr.
11. W. Wiley married Ellznbeth Wllley In
Leicester county, England, July 1, 1H30,
nnd now alleges that his wife deserted htm
April 12, 1S62, nnd has sluco married
another man. He filed suit for divorce yes
terday. Mrs. Jennie It. Smith alleges that her hus
band, Fred 12. Smith, whom she married In
Council Hluffs In 1806, hns subjected her to
cruel and Inhuman treatment, several In
stances of which she sots forth In her peti
tion for divorce, filed In the district court
yesterday. She asks to be awarded the
custody of their 1-yrar-old daughter.
(Jravel roofing. A. H. Heed, 341 Hroad'y.
In Mictit for the MiirliiiKtuii,
Cellar Itiipltln A Northern
CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia Mnrch 6. (Special.)
Tho prospects nro favorable tonight that
tho IlurUugtou, Cednr Haplds & Northern
railway Bhop strike will bo settled tomor
row. A committee of strikers watted on tho
master mechanic this afternoon and after
a long conference was told that n reply
would be given nt 10 o'clock tomorrow
morning. Tho Indications nro that tho
men will bo returned to work under tho
old system. At thu same tlmo tho schedule
of prices for pleco work will bo posted
nnd tho men will he given a chance In test
tho system for three or four months, thoso
quitting who nro not satisfied with tho
arrangement. Tho company announces Its
intention ultimately to Inaugurate the
piece work system, but give the men an
opportunity of testing It.
Divorced Couple lteillilte.
"WATERLOO, la., March C (Special,)
A marrlngo llccnso was Issued hero yester
day to J. N. Hewitt and his former wife,
Hester A. Hewitt, both of whom nro well
along In llfo nnd have hnlr sprinkled with
grnny. Mr. Hewitt nnd his wlfo wero di
vorced March 10. 1100, tho wlfo bringing
suit on tho ground of Inhuman treatment.
She was given $100 In cash nnd $2,300 per
manent nllmony from an estate said to bo
worth about $3,000.
Injured In Alcohol i:pIonloii.
ONAWA, la., March 6. (Special Tele
gram.) Miss Emily Leach, an attendant
of Dr. C. W. Cope at his dental offlco In
Onawa, wbb severely injured this morning
by the explosion of nn nlcohol lamp sho
was holding. Tho lower part of her face
nnd neck nre burned severely and her hnlr
badly singed. Tho Injuries nro not
thought to bo fatal.
Timvii Without n Mnrnhiil.
ONAWA, la., March 6. (Special.) At n
mooting of the town council last night tho
resignation of Lowls Sumner, marshal,
was accepted. The council then refused
to attend to tho compensation of Sumner
until tho mayor should state the name ot
Sumner's huccessor. This' tho mayor did
not do and tho town Is without n mnr-
Sentenced for MiinxliuiKhlcr.
KNOXVILLE, la.. March C. (Special.)
John Davis was sentenced Tuesday to fif
teen months In the penitentiary nnd a fine
of $500. Ho Is ,tho mnn who was found
guilty of manslaughter for the shooting ot
ono Hallowcll at Husscy.
Sentenced for Shootliiur llnrher.
ALOONA, In., March 6. (Special.) Jack
Hoblson, tho man who confessed to tho
shooting of Fred Foster, a barber' of thlB
town, somo weeks ngo, has been sentenced
to seven yenrs In the Annmosa penitentiary.
Ueo Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure.
.Velirnnku nnd .Nelirnsknna.
Tho H. & SI. hna opened n new and com.
modlous depot nt Holdrege.
Tho old settlers of Western nronoso to
celobrate Arbor dny by setting out a large
number of trees In tho public park.
A new wing will bo constructed to the
Pender public school building, mnde nec-js-sary
by the lncrensed school attendance.
Tho stnte purchased the Thayer county
court house bonds for the permanent school
fund. Thev were nurchnsed on the basis of
34 per cent Interest.
The business men of Kearney have taken
a hnnd In tho question of "securing good
ronds Into thnt city. Thoy propose to raise
a fund to surface some of the sandy
stretches with clay.
Pawnee City Is expecting the. advent of a,
V. ...... k. f t. Tl , - .. .
uium-ii ui urn jvuuit jsmiiu loan, which, li is
thought, will bo built to connect up the
Omaha line with tho one being constructed
from Herrlngton, Kan., to El Paso, Tex.
N. Bonson ot Grand Island has purchnsed
2,560 ncres of bind In Shermnn county and
will keep 6,500 bend of sheop thereon. A
large part of tho sheep have nlrendy been
received and the remainder soon-will be.
Tbo friends of Horrv Wllklns. who for.
meriy worked at Audubon, la., would llko
to Know or nis wuerentiouts. lie Is n
printer. Anybody knowing his address will
confer a favor by sending It to the Repub
lican, Audubon, la,
S. F. Spokesflo'ld of Hed Cloud lost his
pocketbook containing $16T In bills. Hn
found the money Inter In a barnynrd. where
some pigs nan tnken llhertles with tho roll,
destroying a V2 bill and scattering the re
mainder ubout tho yard,
It Is the early grasshopper which catches
the frost, During the late warm spell thou
saiidB of them hatched out In the western
part of the state nnd now thev nre wIhIiIiiu
thoy had followed tho groundhog's plan nnd
gono nacK niio tneir holes when they snw
their shadows.
Frank L. Lemon, who hns 1,iii nnmlnrl.
Ing the Schuvler Quill ever since .Inlin f
Sprecher retired, hns been compelled bv 111
health to dispone of tho property. H. L,
Knowlton will edit tho pnper in the future.
Tho Quill Is ono of the strongest populist
pnpprs In the stnte
The town board of Klmbnll revoked tho
license or the only saloon In llio .pl.ico en
the charge that gambling was allowed In
the plnce. The saloon did not close and the
county attorney swore out complaints
ngntnst the proprietor, ehurglng htm with
peiuiiK liquor wiiuoui a license,
Halnh Lnsch. a vounir mnn whn llv nt
Hiivernn. as lately been giving somo exhl
blttons In somnnmbullsm. He was seen by
a couple of young women walking around
tho town about 11 o'clock at night, nctliiK
i in a Btrauge manner, a voumr mnn wn
notllled and found Losch sitting on a bench
I front of a store, fast asleep, They ok"
i i,m up, but the young man had no linowl-
edge oi now ne enmo there
YMPTOMS.--If you havo adry, harsh.ahd yollow skin.a dull pain in tho right side, extending to the shoulder-
blade and pit of tho stomach.a tenderness over the region of the liver.and sometimes an enlarge
ment of that organ, a hacking or dry ooirh. irragular appetite, shortness oi breathing, feet and hands gener
ally cold, a disagreeable taste in the mouth, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, heartburn, disinclination to
exertion if you havo any of these symptoms
You are Suffering from Liver Complaint, and Warner's Safe Cure will Cure You.
If you have weakness in tho loins, with frequent piins, an insatiable appatite, an unquonehable thirst, harsh and
dry skin, darkly-furred tongue, swollen and inflame I gnu 3, dropsical swelling of the limb, frequent hiccoughs, dilii
culty of passing water, deposit, or frequent pains in tho back, -you are suffering from some form of Kidney Complaint, and
Warners 5aie tlire 79 the only
Attempt to Blackmail a Greene Count
Farmer ii Uniucciifnl.
Dm Molnm Clem in nil I.enir for Mn
iilln (ii He .Mlnslonni-)- llllioi
Woman .Sues llutoiter fur
I.OXN Of lllisllllllll.
DES MOINES, March 0.-SpecIal.) In
terest In an almost forgotten murder mys
tery In Orceno county hns been revived by
an attempt at blackmailing a prominent
farmer living near Scranton. The fnrmer,
J. E, Mojs, somo tlmo ngo received n
letter, which had hccii mailed nt Cando.
N. D.. demanding of Moss the sum of $100
for keeping silence lu regard to a matter
nbont which Mobs una presumed to bo
familiar, but the matter was not slated.
Mr. Moso Is a wealthy farmer, but was not
nt all disturbed by tho receipt of tho letter,
tho contents of which ho mado known.
Yesterday he received nnother letter from
the same source which made explicit
charges against Moss and threatened him
with exposure and prosecution unless he
pays tho money. The letter connects him
with tho death of a man whoso body wn8
found north of Scranton nbout live yenrs ago.
Thero wub never any elenr explanation of
why or how tho man enme to his death, but
no suspicion rests on Moss. Tho writer
declares that one It. I'. Myrs, n resident
of Cando, but formerly living In Greene
county. Iowa, Is familiar with tho facts.
Ho says that tho evidence possessed by
Myrs nnd tho writer Is Fought by detec
tives nnd unless he Is paid money ho will
give It up. The money wns to he sent to
T. -M. Fee. Cnndo, N. U. The mnttor Is
being Investigated.
School Fund Apportioned,
The apportionment of tho permauent
school fund of the stnte has Just been
mado by the state auditor. Tho total of tho
fund January I. 1901, wus $4,750,510.72. This
money Is loaned on real estnto security
through the counties of tho stnto and In
terest Is apportioned to the counties In nc
cordnnco with school population. Tho
amount ot Interest thus distributed nt this
time Is $10S.'.ri6.11. Tbo nmount given to
counties In tho western part of tho state Is
as follows: Pottawattamie, $2,334.31: Mills,
$868.51; Montgomery, $837.33; Cass, $1,112.-
29; Harrison, $1,267.95; Shelby, $957.97;
Adams, $681.83; Fremont, $877.76; Page, $1,-
123.62; Union, $961.25; Taylor, $937.69; Craw-
ford, $1,153.29.
(f To I'reneh to Filipinos,
Ilcv. Dr. Homer C. Stuntr. started today
for San Francisco on to Manila, where ho will
take chnrge of tho religious missionary work
in the Philippines for tho Methodist church.
Dr. Stuntz spent eight yenrs In the mis
sionary work In India with remarkable suc
cess. On the cVe of his departuro for his
new field ho gavo a lecture on India to a
largo audience at Mount Vernon, whoro ho
has lived for somo time, which was at
tended by nearly 1,000 persons.
Tho Mount. Vernpn church complimented
him with n series of commendatory resolu
tions .ntid the congregation made him a
present of $175'1(iTho Epworth league gavo
him a handsomn gold, watch. Tho church
In Manila 1b saUV to bo growing very fast,
over 0,000 persons having united In tho
past six months. Before starting (or his
post Dr. Stti'nt'2, who Is to bo mlsslonnry
bishop oX Manila, visited Washington and
hnd a conference with tho president and
members of tho cabinet, with n view to se
curing their views on tho work In the
Siipn lliitelier for I.iikn of llimlinnd.
A sensational suit has been commenced
In tho dlatrlct court In Calhoun county by
Mrs. Lllllo M.j McCormlck of Iako City
against Haub" McKIm, formerly n butcher
of tho town. Sho clnlms damages In the
sum of $10,000 for tho denth of her hus
band, which death .sho claims wns due to
his having eaten meat from a "lumpy Jaw"
animal sold hy tho butcher. It Is claimed
that tho deceased contracted the disease
known bb "lumpy Jaw" and died there
from, and tho widow sues tho butcher.
Ilniird Cniiltullxt Demi.
Scott Home, president of tho American
Mutual Insurance company of this city, but
a resident of Hayurd, Guthrie county, died
suddenly In Perry of concussion of tho
brain and was burled ut Bayard today. He
was president of the bank at Bayard, a
member of tho school board and mayor ot
the town., JIo had njany other Interests and
was a popular' than.
Will Vole mi I'riinclilxe.
After overcoming many obstacles those
in favor of the proposed franchise for an
electric railway lu Crcston have secured
an order that tho franchise proposition be
voted on at the spring election. Tho city
council refused to order tho submission ot
tho matter to the people, claiming that tbo
proposed lino to Wlntersot, where It would
connect with J3es Molncs lines, would In
jure the busln'cfVi of Creston. A petition
was clrculated',(i'nnK property owners and
In this way the' matter was brought to tho
point of bolngivotcd on. The residents of
Macksburg and Wlnterset w!il also vote
on tho same subject, but In these towns tho
fooling In favor of the tom Is much nioro
favorable thnnVnt Creston
,pv Coipoi-nlloiiK.
The articles of Incorporation of the Acmu
Life Iimuanco company of Marshalltown
hnvo been amended and Its name ehnnROl
to tho Continental Life Insurance, company
ot Des Maine. John 1). Wells Is president
nnd 1. W. Shrivel- secretary.
Tho DoWltt Electric Light and Power
company has 'Increased Its capital stock
to $9,000.
Tho Stocker Mercantile company of Lo
pan has been Incorporated with $15,000 cup
Itnl; Frank D. Stoars, secretary and pres
ident; I. O. Lconnrd, vice president, and
Louis Thomas, treasurer.
Tho Hosteller Furniture nnd Carpet com
pany of Waterloo, capital $30,000, has been
Incorporated by E. L. Hostcttcr nnd W. C
Tho Columbus Junction Telephone com
pnny with a capital ot $8,000 hns been In
corporated; A. S. Thompson, president nnd
manager; F. M. Mosehery. secretary, nnd
N. T. Hendrlx, tteasuier.
Tho State Linn Metal compnny has been
Incorporated at Sioux City. Tho capital Is
Jtemxlu tnn mm oure you.
$SO.000, Incorporators, Craig White, E. H.
Hubbard nnd J, W Hubbard.
llloatlng after eating, Indigestion, flatu
lence or wnler brnsh, may be quickly cor
rected through tho use of I'rlckly Ah Hit
ters. It strengthens digestion, cleanses
nnd regulates tho bowels.
L'nptnlit lltirlou,
LINCOLN. March G. (Special.) Word
hns been received here of the death nt
Salt Lake of Captain A. F. Hurton of Com
pany n, Fifty-first low a volunteers,
During his service in the Philippines Cap
tain Hurton was charged by members of
his own company with cowardice, tho case
attracting wldo attention nt tbo time. The
chnrgo was made that the captain hid In
a ditch while his company wnt In action,
but such charges wero never proven and
when the captain returned with his regi
ment ho wns given an honorabto discharge
and tho report from his officers was of a
high character.
Captain Hurton was formerly from VII
llbca, la., where ho was superintendent of
the city schools. Four ycnrB ago ho came
to Nebraska and accepted a position as
superintendent' of tho Wymoio schools,
which position was creditably filled by
him until nbout two weeks before tho close
of tho school year, In tho spring of 1899,
when ho suddenly disappeared, his friends
being unablo to account for his absence, un
til a week later when word was received
from him at Des Molncs, whero he had en
listed as a volunteer, and had been made
captain of the Vllllsca company, with which
company ho served during tho tlmo tho
Iowa regiment was In tho Philippines. Thu
charges against him arc said to have come
from members of his own company, who
had objected to bis being mado captain of
the company on the grounds thnt he wns
not n resident of Iowa, nnd font the cap
taincy should go to a member of tho com
pnny, but every charge was met hy Captain
Hurton, and nn Investigation nt his own
request resulted In his ncqultlnl on overy
Theron c, I'reniiiiit'n 11 ml Mnjiir.
FREMONT, Neb., Mnrch 7. (Special
Telegram.) Theron Nye, first mayor of
Fremont, died at 11 p. in., aged 73.
Theron Nye was a nntlvo of ilrookflcld,
Madison county, N. Y., and was born
July 20, 1828. Ho staid on the home farm
till 17 years of age, when ho engaged In
various occupations, nnd in the spring of
1857 ho moved to Fremont. He engaged
lu farming until 1866, went Into pnrty
ncrship with S. H. Colaon, James (!. nnd
J. T. Smith, under the stylo of Nye, Col
son & Co., operating as dealers in lumber,
grain nnd ngricutturnl Implements. In
1873, William Fried ontercd tho Arm nnd
In 1882 Mr. Nyo bought tho Interest of
Jnmcs G. Smith. Tho firm did a Inrgo busi
ness. Tho average annual sale of lumber
was 5,000,000 feet and upwnrd. In March,
1880, tho firm shipped 233 cars ot corn and
tho trade steadily grow. Tho annual sales
of implcmentn soon passed tho $10,000
mark. Mr. Nyo became owner of a flno
herd of shorthorn cattlo of tho best blood.
He was not only the first mayor of Fre
mont, but served two terms. His first
election was In tbo spring of 1871. Ho was
county treasurer two terms, begtnntug
1863, nnd had been a county commissioner.
III.s wlfo wan Miss Caroline M. Colson of
Hamilton, Madison county, N, Y., and
they were married In May, 1854. Two sons
were born, Fred Nye, who was ono of tho
editors of tho Omaha Republican, and Ray
Nye of tho Nyo-Schnelder Co. Mr. Nye
was president of tho First National bank of
Pioneer of finite County.
COLUMBUS. Neb.. March 6. (Special.)
Andrew Mathls, a pioneer settler ot this
county, die J at his home in Columbus
Wednesday suddenly of heart failure. Mr.
Mathls was born in Canton Berne, Switzer
land, February 25, 1830, and came to Amer
ica at the ago of 20. He was married In
April, 1855, at Columbus, O., to Susan
Grunther, who survives him. Ho came to
Platte county In 1858 and settled on the
famous Shell Creek valley, which was his
homo until nlno years ago, when he moved
to this city on account of falling health.
Tho funeral will be Thursday.
Charles II. Itiiiixoni,
SIOUX FALLS, S. D March 6. (Special
Telegram.) Charles H. Ransom, a business
man of Sioux Falls, died from Hrlght's
disease. After coming west from Plntts-
burgh, N. Y., In 1885, ho was for two years
a resident ot Omaha, and came from there
to Sioux Falls, where ho since lived. Ho
Jias for years been Identified with tbo busi
ness Interests of Stoux Falls. In June ot
last year deceased was married to Miss
Marguerite Irving, who survives him. The
body was taken this nfternoon to Pitts
burgh, N. Y., for burial.
I.chiIvIIIc MlnliiK KiiKlnrt'i.
DENVER, March 5. A cablegram received
today announces the death In Liverpool
yesterday of Thomas W. Good, aged 50
years. He was ono of tho prominent min
ing engineers of Leadvllle during the early
days of that camp. Four years ago he went
to London and formed a connection with n
syndicate lor the promotion of American
mining companies, which bought several
properties In Oregon and Idaho upon his
.Mother of Crete Mnyor. 1
CRETE, Nob.. March 6. (Special.) Hon.
G. II. Hastings, mayor of this city, received
news last night of tho death of his father,
W, II. Hastings, at bin homo near Aurora,
111. The deceased leaves three sous In this
stnte, Oeorgo H. Hastings nt Crete, W. H.
Hastings at Wllber and Frank Hastings at.
Grant, Neb. G. H. Hastings leaves today
to attend the funeral Friday.
Use Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure.
r.enornl Store nt ItocUfnrl.
BEATRICE, Neb.. March 5. (Special
Telegram). Word was received here to
night that the general merchandise store
of M. A. Willis, at Rockford, seven miles
southeast of hero on the Burlington &
Missouri lilvcr railroad, was destroyed by
flro late this afternoon. This was the only
utoro In town nnd contnlned the postoflke
nnd telephone station. Tho stock was esti
mated at $1,500. A family by the nnmo of
Fuller, who had been living upstairs, had
moved out only half nn hour before tho
flro started,
It II II ll lIllillllllH".
PIERRE. S. I).. March 6. (Special Telo-
gram.) The buildings nnd contents on tho
ranch of W. M. Alrhart. residing fifteen
miles down the river, wero destroyed by
fire Monday night, causing a loss of $3,000,
with no Insurnnce.
send for
fVWARNER'8 SAFE CURE CO., Roohostor, N. Y., Todny.-n1
;aMu.1;-1.,i'hi-"j" -wtfarHrrmrr"-1' -
Indianapolis. Ind , November 16, tSotj
Pxmin SYRtir Company:
Dear Silt: We have been keeping house (or five yeats, and are never without
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. We find nothing to equal it for stomacli trouble, and
my children like It as well as candy.
One night recently my wife was giving a dose to Wilraer, our baby (one and a
half years old), and Nelda, our little girl (four years old), r.ried for some, too. Her
mamma told her she didn't need it, and thru she said: "Can't I lfck the spoon ?'
It is so pleasant to take, the effects are so good, we hate to be without Dr. Caldwell'i
Syrup Pepsin. Yours truly,
11' Mittr Kmlirfriu HthL
AllDruggists, wholesale and r ct ail.
bio Vllallzcr.Uiopreicrlptlonof nfnmom Trench pliystrtnn.w'll nulcklvriirnyoii of nil
nervous or clviiwn ui the generative urcsm, wicli u Jluulniod, Iiiininl,
l'uliia In llio Illicit, MrniliiHl I'.iiilatUiot. Xrrvan ll bllllr. llnile
Uallliieaa to Hurry, l'.xlinuallna ltrnlti. Tnrlrnrrlr nnit Conatlpnllnn.
It Hops all linnet by ilny or nlfttiL l'rcveiitiiulckn"nof UltclmrRo. which I tnol checked
li'Ats to Hperiuutorrha'n and all thn hnrrori ot tmtmtrncy. 't I'l tKN'.clft)iitln
llvir. thn kliinprn nntl Ihn nrtnarv nnram fit nil lmnnrlllPA. (! 1)11 II UN ! Rtrpimthf'u
and restores smiil I weal; orRnnn.
Thn reason sufferers nre not cured by Doctors l.ibeeause 00 percent are troubled with I'roatnlllla,
CUI'IDKN'K the only known remedy to cure without nn operation. tVK)0 testimonial. A wiltirn
punruntoa Riven nnd money returned If S hnzra decs not effect a permanent ctli. 1LW n box,0 for 1 4.00,
by mall, bond for imier circular Bnrt testimonials.
Address IIAVOI, atKUICINK CO., l o. llor 3178. Hn Fnincbco. Cat.
Special OommiisUnor Queuda Denies B
port of Belligerent Intention!.
Dcclnrca Hint If Any I'i'I-hohi Arc In
IcrcMcd In MnUInu Trouble for
I'liclr Snm Thoy Are
Hit; Trnltor.
HAVANA, March C An Investigation Into'
tho report circulated In tho United States
by a nowa agency that tho United Stutca
secret servleo olllclals hero had been In
formed that plans aro on foot fo:- a Cuban
uprising and that It Is not to bo avoided
now by tho offorts of leaders to hold tho
revolutionary element In check, elicited tho
following Btiitcmcut from Scnor Uonznlcs
do Quesada, who was thq special commis
sioner of Cubu ut WushliiKton, und who
wus said In thu dispatch referred to to hao
couflrmcd tbo statements mado.
"I havo not mado any statements regard
ing nn uprising, if any persons nro Inter
ested In fomenting nn uprising they nre
not Cubans who aro In favor of Inde
pendence, but parties desirous of seeing
Cuba crushed forovcr. What wo havo to
contend Rgntn3t now Is American public
opinion. Thero Is no prospect of fighting
Ueo Cramer's Kidney and Llcr Curo
WnNlilMKtiiu Iliiroini AViiritN HriixUii
Hint hnniftlilitu'N Prnliiilily (ioliiu
lo Drop l'rliln.
WASHINGTON, March n.-Korecimt for
Thursday und Krldny:
l'or Nebraska Continued warm. Incrcas.
Ing cloudiness Thursday; winds u'cncMlly
southerly: Friday occasional ruins or snow.
Kor Iowa Increasing cloudiness nnd
wnrmcr Thursday; winds becoming south
easterly; Friday rain or snow.
l.ocnl llft'oril.
OMAHA, March . Olllclul record of tem
pcrnturo and precipitation computed with
tho corresponding dny of the Ian three
yearS1 4001. 19'XI. ISM. 1S1H.
Maximum temperature.... 17 2 M
Minimum temperaturo 11 11 -2 31
Menu temperaturo 18 4 4t
Preclpllntloii "0 Mi .00
Hecord of temperaturo and precipitation
at Omnha for this day and since March 1,
Normal tempcrnture
Detlcluncy for tho day .,!
Total excess since March 1 .li'i',',;.",?
Normal preclpltntloi t
nellclency for the day. ........ 01 '.l',1'
Total precipitation sinco March 1... ljnpo
nellcloucy since March I .. . il Ijcli
Kxcess for cor. period. 11X10. 11
Dellciency for cor. period. lb'JJ mill
KoiiortN from Station t 7 I. M.
: c
; a
: n
5 c
: 3
Omaha, clear
North I'latte. clear
Cheyenne, cloRr
Halt Luke. City, clear
Itupld City, clear
Huron, cloudy
Wllllstnn, cloudy
Chicago, clear
St. Louis, clour
SU I'nul, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
Kaunas Cits, clear
Helena, cloudy ....
Havre, partly cloudy
Hlsmuick. clear
tlalvcstou. partly cloudy
431 471 .00
:ts I
4"! .INI
n, .no
Xfi .)
501 HQ
T Indicates trace of prcelpltiilloii i - 7,v
l A r, i nl 1 .
free sample to
It what It lacking In mm
and women who arc not
as strong as they should
be; when they nre WEAK an J aaflHk
nave ro iinercy or Amwtion.
Vital Porch Is nothing but
Electricity. When you are .
tick, there Is not enough
I.lectrlcllv In the svslen nndfl
II must be supplied. Nature!
win not supply II. tor, per-V
li.ins. Nature has been Im- '
rosed upon. ,ty Ulectrlc
licit and Suspen
sory supply the needed blec
tilcliy and ou soon become
strong and vidimus. I give
joun legal written guarantee
that my lielt will cure you; If
It falls I will refund every
cent ou pay me for It.
Entirely different and must
not be confused Willi other
electric belts. It lias soft,
silken chamois covered
sronge electrodes which pre
vent that frightful burning
and blistering caused by ah
other belts, which hive bare
metal electrodes. Mv Halt
can be renewed when burned
out foronlv 7tc. no other can
be renewed (or aiy price, and when burned out ll
worthless. I absolutely guarantee tny Elecrt'c
licit to cure Varicose Veins, every form of Weak
ness In either srx, restore Vitality; cure Rheumatism
In every form. Kidney, Liver and Hladder Troubles,
Constipation, Stomach Disorders, Nervous and Gen
eral Debility. Lame Back, all l-'emnle Complaints, etc.
Write to-day for my book. "The finding of tha
Fountain of Eternal Youth." Sent free, postpaid, for
the asking. Hook will tell you all nbout It. Soliomyby
DR. BENNETT Electric Belt Co.
Itoonia IS to.itl DoUKlua Illoolf,
UoiIku a ii U 10 tli istrculu, tliuuliu, Neks
Weak Nerves
People cannot help svorryiug when
their nerves nre weak, That feeling of
languor, dullness nnd exhaustion In
the fearful condition which often pre
cedes insanity The power to work or
study illinluishcsnud despondency de
presses the mind night and day,
If you nre nilTering the tortures of
Nervous Debility, there Is no knowing
how soon you may decline to something
more horrible, lint you can get well.
The youthful strength, buoyancy nnd
happiness can be restored by the use of
They have cured thousands, and we
have o much confidence in them that
we give nn iron clad guarantee with a
S3.00 order
Sent nny where In plain package. 81.00
tier box. 0 boxes for 6.1.00. Hook free.
Address Pkal Medicine Co., Cleve
land, limn
Bold by Kuhm ft Co., 15th and DouglM,
and M. A. liltlon, Houtti Omaha-
Dohany Theater
Saturday nnd Sunday, Mnrch 'J owl 1".
Positively I.nrgt'st In tho World
Special train of finest uhow vars In thu
Hour our Orcat Hand--10 Members.
Scats 25c , 35c, S0e. 7Cc; box $1.00. Special
Saturday matineo.
RENOVATOR InvlKomtes and rrnuTBtcs tho
hystom; nnd enriches tho Mood; cure-i
this wornt dyspepsia conHttpntton, neiulocue
liver und kidneys, SSoandJI ntdrUKKlstn. Kre!
R nit v I c sample end book tKaat
Dr II. J. Kay Saratoira, N Y
t'o Ills ti fur unnatural
Irritations or ulcerations
b.i to airioiui. ui mucous itirmnrsnts.
K.fnu r.outt(Ua, rainiaas, am not aitria
qi.CntuituCo, ut or poltoiipui.
LCINCINN1TI,0.H no,a y siruMtuu,
pr wm in pisin rtrr.
hy iprs, fttsH. for
l ui. or fl linltln., aj.'jsj
I'lrmil' ft riiiMt,
I'ib Cros Rheumatism Cure, o
prompt and nur oure for rheumatism In
uny form. Cures ir.tatlcs, lumbago, neii.
ralKla. uout, pains In the back, lumrnatt.
miff and Mwollen joint. The best bipod
purifier made A wonderful remedy bis
cured th&usands, will imre youtry it At
drui; stores or nut by express, prepaid,
1'rlco ) oo. Had Cross Drug Co., Council
lllufts, Iowa,