Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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"Williia Eirrell "Will Now Prodnoe Wit
otsfii fo; Definis.
Proof ol.tnlt1ri! thnt Drlrnilnnt Wan
Armed Mnil (onrtlrd Ior While
the lloliltcry of the Saloon
Van In Proitrrx.
FREMONT. Neb., March G.i Special.)
The trial ef Wltttam Darrell. third af the
a.Wged amrderers ef Herman Zahn, it
piogrrsUDE tBHeh mire rapidly than dM
the other t. The evMeace and the wit
nesses arc about the tame at in the Rbri
and Gardner case.
Tfal morulER Henry UuebBe testified that
ifler Zbn nas shot he looked from the
window of hli room aero the street and
saw a small man stasdlar on the alk
unhitched. Defendant vrtt. stand tnc lookme
lata the saloen
"What then happened'- ashed Mr Stln
sen "This f el Ion and be xtite4 at Dar
ren, )n Mt tt the pad of the table vita
at eye dariac at the .iess. "he stayed
rataide He had a ma in Ma bMtd and he
po sled It at ate aad Mid 'Lve that
team ' 1 bad eto hitched aad I hipped p
and drove ff."
He as clrea a searches cro-e jamma
tlon by Mr Conk la which he t'-l'.eu tbet
Darrell Mood with hi back to the teasa.
Witness left the hltrhtec strap harplac
aad had Jrt Jrpd Into the tmpcr when
defendant tarad rosd aad, pontine, the
pan. ordered bin to lea re the teas. The
llcbt saoae. rtroorlr la DarreH's fare aad
on the iraa he turned toward him. aad
be drove away as fast as be coald Wlt
neMt bad ncvr s the man si?ce that
time until tbt afternoon In the roar!
room. He hltebel both borse securely be
fore leaving tbem and found one unhitched
wben he came ba'l. The state then rested.
Albrrt Blykl, brother of the witness, was
with him and. though subpoenaed, was not
put on the ft and The court room was
filled this afternoos
at the southwest corner of Zahn's nlace
wltb a revolver in ate baad A. few minute. QINSMORE GUILTY OF MURDER
aueraara he haw two small men of about
he uhf slie la front of the place He
fciard tbrm talking as they came out to
the cdse ef the walk. They fired eight or
'tn shots a creak the street at two ram
who were down in the sewer ditch One
cf them fired at him. the ball striking near
the cfesinc of the window where be stood
He was unable to identify cither of thefie
two men. They were strangers in Snjder.
ra h slender and rather below the modlum
bright and la general appearance closely
resembled Khra and Darrell. After firing
a ross and up and down the street, the two
Ben walked north lo the alley at the north
side of the saloon There be beard one
say to ibe otbtr. 'Tome tin. Bill, cow's our
(banr-e ' and the two immediately ran down
fhe alley towards the east, then In the
direction of the hotel.
Bartender KlcCen swore that Gardner
lef by the back door and Rhea by the front.
He didn't see Darrell at the time of or
tf-cr the shooting.
t Stolberg. hotel keeper, testified that
a few minutes before the shooting Rhea.
Gardner and Darrell left the saloon. Dar
reil then came back in alone. He came
up to Zahn, wbo was playing cards, and
said ' What fame are you plavlnc"" "Sheep
head Zahn replied. He rested his arm
on Zahn's sbou'dcr and looking down on
the card table asked. "Do I owe you any
thing"" "No." Zahn answered. He looked
at the geme a few seconds, then went out
the front door and It was not more than two
m nutes when Rhea and Uardncr came in
vith tbelr guns pointed at the crowd and
called out "hands up "
Mnnil Armed In llnnrim).
f.uuu un.n name of th- slate by the count? attorn',
or any such rounty
' That any railroad company or crr'-a-
. . tl-.n shall ! held respond- as hirelrbe-
Keuarci Afiectiar the Corporation Seat , fore pmvidj for the acts of n o" r
c-.. .4 n i T-ii I or mtmlier of said company
to Berate I BtEtn.1 Filr. That on or lfore the day of Januar
of eath year every romp!" or oorpi rntl"--
owning or loading line or portion uf lit e
PROTECTION FOR EMPLOYE AND PATRON I threry""?1 state sMIst 'of'all-M-rs-iris
I to whom free transport ttofi hs betri glttr
over such Ifne or nne or any part inre .r
as sea
employment of eiwh of such jwrsns with
;b corporation or company, ana su n list
i.!-. rr i-tiii r ....... . n..n ,n st11 during the yer last pa?
roldr for lull t oin penn t Ion , ,Kr -.y. ,w Mtr of th M,
tor lnjnrle Iteuardleok of Con
Irnrt nnd the Other llrcn
Inte Hntr and Pn.r.
L1.V30UN. March 6
the auatertnte bills pi s eed m general file
in the sttsale today are several which arc
quite l&tefesttag. sot the .least of which
is Senator Weber's bill, which provides tba'.
any centra rt between corporatlonf aad em
ployes whereby employes waive rights tn
damage on account of injury, are void.
The bill provides.
Every railway company organized or dv
shall be verlSed by affidavits in absolute '
terms by some resident of this state and
sucti venncatlon must ie maoe ;n tms
, etate. and a false verification In such state- ,
; ment shall subect the maker thereof to
(Special ) Among j the pains and penalties of yerjury i
mat any company or corporation rawing i
to file the statement provided for In 1
tkin 4 of this act shall forfeit and iy for
tach oflens the sutn of IK'.l
llepnlillcan Member of Loner Honor
from Otoe Count) uccniub
ine business In this state snail lv liabl- . 1
tor all damages aon to any employe of I '
such company in consequence of an negli- i NEBRASKA CITY Neb.. Mart h C Spe-KSrf'.iVJiaSIi-iRS5Se.r;
'M Telegram )-Repreentatlve Da id
npremr Conrt Affirm tlerlolon of
Ilnftnlo Count) lltrlrt
LINCOLN. March 6. (Spoclal Telegram.!
The supreme court today banded down
an opinion affirming the derision of the
district court of Buffalo county, by which
Frank L. Dlnsmore was found guilty of the
murder of Fred Lane of Odcma The de
fen iant has forty days to ask for a rehear
ing In the district court Dinsaore was
sentenced to be hanged and the supreme
court In the opinion given held that It had
no Jurifcdlrt'on to ehacge the sentence.
The date of execution will not be named
until after the time for rehearing expires.
The opinion is by Chief Justice Nerval
and covers about forty typewritten page
In Ht syllabus he says
Chapter llv of th- Criminal Code wht.-h
authorizes th pros-cutlon of criminal
offenses, does not violate the rule of uni
formity prescribe by M-otlon 1. article
vl of the Constitution.
Said chapter llv of the Criminal Code
authorizes the Aline of Hn Information or
an Indictment In each and .every county
Ir. the state and applies to every county
and to every district court, and hence Is
general In Its operations, and not soclaI
Said chapter llv of the Criminal Code l
not ..bnoxious lo sort ton It. article tl it
the Constitution, merely liecause it per
mits the prosecution of one j.erson by In
formation and another by Indictment irom
the same court.
Rulings on the admission of testimony
examined and approved.
One cannot successfully assail an in
struction whore on tendered him has been
given which is subject to the same criti
cism. Before a party can complain of an In
struction because not Futtlciontly siciflc
he mut request an instruction coverinie
! Brown died at 10 tl o clock this morning.
Since Sunday morning his condition had
been growing rapidly worse, and although
he rallied a few- times, no marked change
His ill-
any nersoti sustalninc such da ma cr
Every ccinwrailon organized or doing
business In this slate which uses steam or
electricity as a mot He tower In the prose
cution of its business shall be liable lor all
' 4tmurn. riMui In utiv -ti t , nl'. nf ti-lrti rnm I at. I.. ...... L . . I ... .J
Its agents, or by any m.siDftnagement of nt" back to last Thursday, at which
its engineers or other empires to any ier- ! time word came from Lincoln that he was
son sustaining sucn oamac'
No contract made tntween such comttany
or ci.rjoratlon and at.) of its employes or
other person and based uKn the rontin
cencv of the Injury or death ol any m-
ldoe. or nijeh jerson limiting the HaMliiy
confined to hit room and was threatened
with pneumonia. His wife, accom
panied by their physician Dr
Whltten. went to Lincoln Thursday
. . . . i -. n t the Totnt.
l t rr uoa h mjui liim wuiie iiuca r i , V " o.B .rinl ....
ill n v....i...n. m ...... .n ...a. i vm .
near the bar and Gardner keeping the men
lined up at the north elde of the saloon, he
saw Darrell standing lc the doorway. He
held something in his hand, which witness
thought was a gun. but was not positive.
It whs dark, about ten inches long and
looked like a gun barrel.
On cross-examination he said It might
have been a billy, but be was sure It was
not a glove or mitten.
The defense had several witnesses sub
poenaed. The defendant appears much more
at case than jckterday. He follows the
testimony of the witnesses closely and fre
quently talks In a low tone to his attorneys. I
particularly to Mr Cook. Yesterday after
noon hlE wife occupied a seat at hts side,
but she was not present this morning
This afternoon Sheriff Phillips of Cum
ing county testified that be arrested Dar
rell about 10 o'clock, January 5. two miles
ast of West Point. HI deputy, Felix
Gallagher, was with him. Defendant gave
hts name -as Burton and .at first denied
having been at Snyder, but afterward ad
mitted being there the afternoon before.
He said be (pent the night of January 4 In
a straw-stack near Crowrll and was on his
way to Oakland to take the train for Floux
City He admitted being acquainted with
Gardner, having met him in South Dakota
last summer. He told the witness he
met Rhea and Gardner the afternoon before
between Crow ell and Snyder and went with
them to Snyder, staying there until after
the shooting. Witness said he saw defend
ant at Williams" place December 1. 1S00,
and he then gave his name as Burton.
A lit cli U Identified.
This testimony was fully corroborated
by Deputy Sheriff Gallagher. The burned
watch found in the debris of the straw
stack ftt the Williams -place by the wit
ness. Kcrkow. was Identified by Fred Deltz.
Jeweler, by the numlicrs as a watch which
was owned by Herman Zahn nnd was ad
mitted In evidence over defendant's objec
tion. Carl Blykl. a youth of IT. said h came
to Snyder about 7.30 January 4 and hitched
his team In front of Zahn'B pla-.-e He 'went
Into the saloon a few minutes before the
shooting and beard Darrell ask Zahn what
Came he was playing. He went out nnd
was in front of the harness shop, twenty
feet north, when Zahn was shot He went
after bis team and found one of the horses
mv In Its discretion give a cautionary' In
Counsel for th state In argument to the
Jury may crittcie the conduct of the de
fendant as disclosed by the evidence,
though such defendant was not a witness
In bl own behalf
It Is not erroneous to designate the de
fendant In sjch a cae In an Instruction
as "the prisoner."
Questions of mercy are not for the Jury,
but for the executive In the exercise of the
nardonlnr Txwer. and It Is not erroneous
to so Instruct the Jury In a prosecution for
I The following decisions were handed
I down
Riddle against Jenkins, reversed.
Melner ngulnst Moore, affirmed
McCurmlck 11. H. Co. against DavK re
versed Blair State bank acalnst Bunn. affirmed
Trompeti aguinst Hammond, reverned.
National Ufe Insurance company against
Butler affirmed.
Green & Van Duyn against Lancaster
countj. affirmed.
Shlebley atulnst Dixon county, affirmed.
Commonwealth Mutual Tlr. Insurance
company ucalnsl Jiayden, Judgment here
tofore rrndr.rwJ set aside and judgmerjt.iuf
atFtrlrt court affirmed.
Dlnimore-' against State, affirmed.
State ex rel Newby against Ellsworth,
l.amb against Olson, affirmed; time for
right of redemption extended.
Jerome against State, affirmed
Ptate ex rel Bullard acalnst Norrla.
State ex rel School District of Lincoln
against City of xiticoin. amrmea. suiuvnn.
J . dissenting.
State against Nebraska Savings and Ex
change Bank, affirmed
The case of the State against the Omaha
National bank was continued sixty days.
of any such company or corporation for afternoon and brought the sick man home
any damages under the provisions of this Friday morning. Saturday it was stated
l!Z V,"Z..J?:.U?i ' ,r "i i ttat toe threatened attack of 'pneumoma
wouio dc waroeu on ano inai an inr patient
needed was rest and quiet However, ou
Sunday morning marked symptoms of th i
disease were present, which developed rap
idly. The patient was in a weak and ner
vous condition occasioned by an attack of
the grip, from which he had Just recov
ered, and by the strain of the senatorial 1
contest and he was Illy equipped to combat
the disease.
His brother arrived from Philadelphia at ,
t:ZQ. He was recognized by the dying man. 1
David Brown was born In Pennsylvania
and came of the rlam. rugged Quaker stock, ,
He came to Nebraska City more than forty
years ago. He has been engaged of late
years in farming, stock real estate ,
and insurance, and has amassed consid
eraHe property. He has been postmaster
of Nebraska City, was a member of the ,
legislature at the time of th impeachment I
of Governor Butler nnd was elected last i
fall to represent the legislative district of i
Cass and Otoe counties. He leaves a widow
and one son aged 14 years.
The funeral will be from the family rest- J
dence in this city at 10 o'clock Saturday
morning. Burial will be in Wyuka ceme- i
tery. ,
Leclslntor to Attend Fnneral. i
LINCOLN. March C fSpeclal ) Owing
to the death of Representative David Brown,
which occurred at his home In Nebrka
City today the legislature will adjourn on
Trlday evening until the following week in
order that the members who so desire may
attend the funeral, which occurs Saturday l
A special train has been arranged for, to
leave over the Burlington at S o'clock Sat
I'l&lnu i:prr Itnte.
Another bill by Senator Weber, which
was placed on the general file today, 's
senate file Ir. a bill fixing maximum mU;
te be charged by express companies. It
The rates fixed herein are hereby de
eiared in the judgment tA the legislature.
easonabe maximum rates for lite trans
jKirtattori b express c-ompanles between
joints tn this state of commodities, goods
and merchandise.
No express company doing business tn
this state shall demand, charge or receive
h higher or greater rate for the transjKir
latton of commodities, goods or merchan
dise between jxtints in this otate than S-t
per centum ol the rate flxod. publtshed.
charged demanded or received for like
service b such c-omjiany on the first day
ol Ji nuari. 1W1.
No exprew company doing business In
this state shall give or promise to give any
privilege, favor or r.cht to an one ff its
patrons which It denies, refuses or with
holds from any other.
l n 1. 1 in ii m Itnllroad Itnte.
Still another bill by Senator Weber and
reported to the general file Is senate nie
1C6. fixing maximum freight rates for rail
road companies. The provisions of the
bill are as follows
The rates fixed herein are hareby declared
to b. In the Judgment of the legislature,
reasonable maximum rate for the trans
ports tion by rail, lietween points In this
stale, of tt c-ommodltle,. goods ami mcr-
i chandler described in this act
No railroad or railway compan) sua II
demand, charge or rexelve a higher or
greater rate than is herein fixed for ine
trarisnortHtion lietween liolnts In this state
of the following named commodities, goods
or merchandise, that Is to say:
The maximum rate for the transnortatlon
of wheat, flour, coal, millet, flaxseed, corn.
rnlr Committee Kancrt to
Into thr Mutter nf Ilnll
rond I'aisr.
LINCOLN. March f.. (Special Telegram I
The senate committee on ugly rumors
appointed more than a month ago for the
purpose of investigating the matter of
railroad passes, will meet tomorrow. Sena
tor Harlan said tonight there had never
been any charges filed with thp committee,
but he did not wish It understood that th
report of the Joint committee was being
held bark on Bccount of the senate com
mittee and that they would get together
some time tomorrow, at which time they
will be ready to consider any charges filed.
The house committee on public lands and
buildings today went to Omaha to visit the
State Institute for the Blind, six member
comprising the party.
Mas. Fravk Caktck,
IMerrl.l Street, Aioesbury, Mux.
This lettar- should oarry Faith
and Oonvlotktn tn thmHeartm
of all Slok Women,
" 1 kuflercd with inflammation and
falling of the womb and other dis
agreeable female weaVne&sea. I had
bad spells every two weeks that would
laat from eipht to ten day a and would
have to co to bed. I also had head
ache ana backache most of the time
and such bearing down pain& 1 could
hardlr walk across the room at times.
I doctored nearly all the time for
about two years and wemed to prow
worse all the time until last September
I was obliped to take my bed, and the
doctors thoupht an operation was the
only thins- that would help me, but
this I refused to have done.
"Then a friend advised me to try the
Pinkham medicine, which I did, and
after uslnp the first bottle I bepan to
Improve. I took in all five bottles of
Lvdia E. Pinkham's Blood rnrifler,
fo'nr boxes of Lvdia E. Pihkhtm's Dry
Form Compound, three boxes of Liver
Pills tad used three packs, pes of Sana
tive AVash, and I am as well now as I
ever was, I am more thtn thankful
every day for rnv cure." Mrs. Fraxk Merrill St Amesbury. Mass.
"dsn nn idir tM i
ojuui nlml fm frmt 9S(,I(M,.
ijydla E. flakhatn Kmdlclnm Om.
Pennsylvania Bnnli Wnnt to Collect
ou I'stlnc flood Iurd
b That Cltj.
BEATRICE. Neb. March 6. iSpeclal
Telegram ) The Greenville National bank
of Greenville. Pa . has brought suit In the
Vntted States court at Omaha against the
city of Beatrice to collect fX.O&O and Inter
est due on four paving bonds Issued by this
city tn 1R1. and due tn lPftft. The city re
fuses to pay on the grounds that the bonds
are Illegal and unconstitutional. The case
will likely be tried during the May term
of court in Omaha.
oats, barley ant' other grain and mill stuffs urday morning, and a larte number of ihe
shall Ik? Tt lt-r centum of the rate which
the railroad or railway comjian carrying
the commodities, goods or mere-handle,
published on the 1st da of December, 1WH.
as Its charge for the transportation of like
commodities, goods or merchandise, as
shown by lt printed sheet of rates or tariff
The maximum rate lor tne transportation
members of both houses and senate will go
to Nebraska City to pay Iheir last respects
to tbe deccastd member.
Spring Ailments
Steal Away Your Vitality
Feel miserable all over? Have sallow skin, dull headache, pour appetite, "blues."
nervousness, pimples, or general run down feeling?
During the winter the glandular system becomes sluggish on account of the heavy
meals and long continued cold and all the excretory ducts whose ottice is to separate and
throw off all effete matter which is poisonous and injurious, have become "clogged, and in
stead of the refuse matter being thrown off it is absorbed into the system, poisoning tin
blood and debilitating every organ. At this time of year they need renovating or cleans
ing, and for this reason people should take a spring remedy, spriug is nature's time to ren
ovate and make new.
Tor the after-effects of la grippe not hint; equals Dr. Kay's Uenovator. as it acts upon
the entire glandular system and renovates and invigorates every organ. Uy this process
the blood becomes purified, the nerves toned up and the whole body invigorated and the
health restored to its normal condition.
Dr. Kay's Renovator
banishes your spring ailment by renovating the entire system and bringing ever, organ
back to its former health-making power. 1 revivifies the whole body, clears the bowels,
tones up the stomach, stimulates the liver, strengthens the kidney., and thereby builds uj
firm flesh and vigorous muscle, sharpens the appetite, thrills veins with rich. red. rush
ing blood and infuses bounding vigor and glorious health into every pan of the body. It
cures the after-effects of La Grippe and
Renovates the Whole System
Rev. Wm. H. Vanderzee, 713 C Street, Lincoln, Xe 1 . writes: "Before tak
ing Dr. Kay's Uenovator I found mental work difficult, had no ambition, and the sense of
fear and dread was constantly with me. and that "tired feeling" ever present I eyes
feel stronger, and 1 worked all day in the ?uu without making them feel uncomfortable.
Last night it was after twelve o'clock before I retired, and although this morning iva
rainy and gloomy. I arose at five, after a refreshing leep. with sunshine in my soul.'"
We Will Give You Free Advice
Write us all about your symptoms and our physician will gladly send you personal
advice Free of Charge. He will also send you samples of remedies and Dr. Kay's Home
Treatment, a valuable book on the treatment of diseases, free. Do not take a substitute,
no matter jvho tells you some other reined v is just a-s good. Insist upon tringDr. Kay's
Kenovator. It has no equal. If you can't get it at druggists, send the priee direct to the
Dr. B. J. Kay Medb-al Co.. Saratoga Springs. N. Y.. and it will be sent, prepaid, by mail.
Dr. Kav & Uenovator is sold: Tablets. 2rc. DOc. and Liquid. $1.00.
Auficultural Papers.
ST. EDWARD. Neb.. March C iSpecial.) ia
The farmers' institute, which held Its ; released, sixty-two. 1.1 0.4 w.
of hard and soft lumber, laths, shingles. ( m 6.EFoa tsterday. was s success Mrs
awir, rueii nuu iriiuur, r.., ...... . vv-.m ...
and stucco shall 1 SS I -r centum Of the
rate which the railroad or railway com
pany carrying the commodities, goods or
mercnanuise. piuuisneo on wie ii nay i
December. 1W, as Its charge for the "trans
portation of like commodities., goodF or
merchandise, as shown by Its printed sheet
of rates or tariff sheets.
The maximum rate for the transportation
of horses, mules and cattle shall be K per
centum of the rate which the railroad or
railway company carrj-lnc the commodities,
goods or merchandise, published on the 1st
dav of December. 1W!. as its charge for the
transportation of like commodities, goods
or merchandise, as shown by Its printed
sheet of rates or tariff sheets
The maximum rate for the transportation
of hogs and sheep shall be per centum
of the rate which the railroad or railway
company carrying the commodities, goods
or merchandise, published on the 1st day
of December, ltk as lis charce for the
transportation of like commodities, goods or
merchandise, as shown bj its printed sheet
of raten or tariff sheetv
No railroad or railway company shall
grant or bl.ow to any person, company or
association upon the transportation of
freight, eithee directly or indirectly, any
secrrt rate,
E. T. Farmer of Albion read a puper on
"What Is the Best Education for the
Girl?" Addressee were delivered by L. D.
Stltson. E. A. Burnett, E. Von Tarell and
Chancellor E. Benjamin Andrews of the
state university. Some agricultural papers
were also read by home talent. The meet
ings closed this evening with a stercoptleon
lecture by E A. Burnett of the Nebraska
experiment station.
city mortgages filed. J18.125.74. released,
five, i:.2S.41. The chattel mortgage rec
ord shows seventy-five mortgages filed
J29.354.05. released, fifty-four. J1D9.125.S7.
One deed in foreclosure wa filed.
A. O. I. V. Annual Banquet.
CENTRAL CITY. Neb. March 6. (Spe
cial, i Tbe annual banquet of the Central
City lodge. Ancient Order of United Work
men, was given last nlgbt A special train
from Aurora brought ISO visitors and many
were present from Marquette aad Chapman
The Ancient Order of United Workmen
band of Aurora played
Chnrsed wltji Menllnc Ilarnr.
DAKOTA CITY. Neb. March fi. (Sps
clal t Rufus rancher of South Sioux Cltv
rclwte. drawback, unreason-' was yesterday arrested by Sheriff Sides on
Hike' IlrneOt.
LINCOLN. March C (Special.) Tomor
row night at tbe Oliver theater In this city
will occur the first annual benefit of
Lincoln lodge No. 80. Benevolent and Pro
tective Order of Elks, at which time the
members of the local lodge, assisted by
members from Omaha, Des Moines and
other cities, will produce "A Night in Bo
hemia," a modern production in two acts.
Tbe Lincoln lodge, organized less than one
year ago. Is now recognized as one of tbe
leading loigrs of the west, and Its elegant
quarters are not surpassed by any In this
ship lor use of cars, or any un
due advantace. whatever, or dtrectly or In
directly charge to or receive from any tier
eon, or iK-rsoiis. or association, or corpora
tion anv greater or less sum. compensation,
or reward than Is charged to or received
from any other irfTMin or jwrsons. associa
tion or corporation for like service in the
receiving, transporting, storing, delivering
or hauling "f freights.
No railroad or railway company shall
give or prornWe to give any privilege, favor
or right ' any shipper ot freight over Its
line which it denies, refuses or withholds
from any other shipix-r of freight over Its
Anv railroad or railway company which
shall' violate Hny of the provisions of this
act shall pay to the state a sum not less
than $10). nor more than II. for the firm
violation, for the second violation not less
than ll.Ocifi. nor more than JS.(i; for the
third violation not less than nor more
than HO.!'"!, and for every sutixequeni vinn
complaint of A. H. Falrrhild ot South Sioux
City, charging Fancher with tbe theft of
a set of harness on tbe night of February
22. He was bound over to the district
court for 1160.
e tun lin (Jlrl Sevrrelj- llnrned.
NEMAHA. Nch. March fi-(Special. )
Miss Annie Burns. lC-year-old daughter of
James M. Burns of this place, was standing
by the stove In a room of thr school, when
rum cojii-am' elects orricEns.
Itentrlee Driisrlmrnl Int J. I. Wood
at Its llrnd.
BEATRICE. Neb.. March f.. (Special Tel
egram.) These officers were elected at the
annual meeting of the Beatrice volunteer
tire department tonight- President. J. P
Woods, first vice president. A H Hall,
second vice president. William Teach, sec
retary. William Scott: assistant secretary
A. C. P.vle. treasurer. Charles Gedennes.
ihlct. John S. Walker, first assistant chic.
Curt Ballard; second assistant chief. John i
The department has a membership of 100 I
The firemen arc discussing the probabliltj
of giving a Fourth of July celebration this
year. After tbe business meeting the hours
were pasted over refreshments and cigars.
hrrlfT Ienlr Clinrte.
SCHl'YLER. Neb. March 6 (Special. )
Sheriff McLeod. whose resignation was be
fore tbe county commissioners, has with
drawn It and denies the charges that were
placed against blm
' DR. A. D.
Winter Wheat Damneed.
GENEVA. Neb. March f. i Special ) It
STRICTURE Home Treatment No
nri fiL PPT new and Infallible
is believed that the winter wheat Is dam- . " rJtJZtfJr&Z
her dress caught lire. Nearly all her cloth- aged somewhat by the severe weather tn , business Cure guaranteed
Ing from tbo waist down was burnod off ' February. WINARY Kidney and Bladder Troubles
Searles & Searles
Most Successful and Reliable
Specialist in Diseases of Men,
Are you r.ffilcted wltb Varicocele or Its results Nervous Debility and Lost Man
hood Are you nervous Irritable aad despondent Do you lack your old-time enercy
and ambition Are you suffering from i.tal weakness, etc There Is a deranccmrct
of th sensitive oreans of your Pelvic System and even though It gives you no
trouble at present, it will ultimately unman you, depress your mind, rack your nervous
system, unfit you fcr married life and shorten your existence Why not be cured be
ANTEE We have yet to see the case of Varicocele we cannot cure Medicines. el
trie belts, etc will never cure You need expert treatment W treat thousands f
rases where the ordinary physicisn treats on. Method new. never falls, without r
ling, pain or loss of time
("VITALITY WEAK.made so by too cloao
y.pplleatlon to business or study, revera
mental strain or grief. SEXUAL EX-
Her recovery is doubtful.
To Kinnilne Vct Tolnt Applicants.
BEATRICE. Neb. March 6. (Special
Telegram. Tbe examination for admis
sion to West Point, from the Tourth con-
ilnn the buth of X10.(i. to be recovered by i cresslonal district, will be held at the
the state in a civil ac tion, and a recovery , court noUM. nm Tuesday. There are about
mnv be had in one action for as many viola
tions of this act as the defendant company
was gutlt of when the action was com
menced. It is nereb made Ihe duty of the attorney
general to Institute in tbe supreme court,
and of each county attorney to Institute In
the rountv or district court of his county,
such action as ma 1k- proper and necessary
lo enforce the provision of and collect the
penalties Imposed b this act
v nenever an anion i urouKiu
300 applications filed. The examination will
be partly oral and partly written.
MoeLmen l"-eI Heavier.
VALENTINE. Neb.. March C (Special t
The sudden change from spring weather
to chilling cold and northwest winds caused
no damage to stock Interests, but caused
Wheels Wheels' Wheels' 'how they go'
Ride a Bee wheel and be In the swim.
stockmen to feed heavier and give close at-
any railroad qr railway company for having tentlon to herds. Nearly all are provided
llardMnrr Dcnlrrs Meet.
CHICAGO. March 6. The annual conven
tion of the Interstate Retail Hardware
Dealers' association met here today for the
discussion of matters pcrta m ic . the
hardware trade Two delegates from each
of the following states were present
Michigan Illinois. Indiana Missouri Iowa
Kansas North Dakota and Kentucky
Ohio. Wisconsin and Minnesota were also
represented but they arc not yet members
I of the association.
t,Jl?ak..Eltckt.SurnlJlf: J-'l?'.' Frequency of CESSES In middle life or from the effects
inn ourr junr u r -.-i' vr.i vni-c nr-mi ttt -,r wir . T's-etTr-
mented. For boquet It has no superior. t CVPil I IC curpa for life and the poison WASTING WEAKNESS INVOLUNTARY
aaiw uioroBKn.y cieansrc irom lAJbtKB. with EARLY DECAY In YOl'NO
-i.i, ouuu eiH iiu mjiiiviuiu lino . 1 1 IULiTj-.Mj .U . 1SCK OI Vim. Vigor.
".'i0'S?'X.t?','. B"1 JrT .No and strength, with sexual organs Impaired
vING OTT of the disease on 'he and weakened prematurely In approachlns
rfrous drug or lnjurlou n)dtrlnes
Home Treatment
oia age ad yield rapidly to our new
treatment for loss of vital power
One personal visit is preferred, but if you
cannot call at ray office, write us your
symptoms fully Our home treatment Is
luccescful and strictly private, Our counsel Is free and sacredly confidential
Consultation Free
Call or address
Treat meet b) Mai
119 So. Wth Street.
charged, demanded or ren-eived. cither
dire'Ctly or indirectly, a tiigner or greater
rate for transporting any of the commod
ities, goods or mcre hancflse named herein
than that tixed by this act. the defendant
company shall have the right to prove. If It
can. upon pro;er allegations tlrFt made In
Its answer, the unreasonableness of such
rate, and such proof sha'.l constitute a com
plete defense to the action
Cut. Off l'r.
Senator Routing's bill, the object of which
i is te prevent the giving of free rallroBd
with good sheds.
Has Sjlnitom of Smallpox.
SCHUYLER. Neb.. March . (Special I
Ellsworth Dowty. who was exposed to
smallpox at a hotel In Oklahoma and re
turned here, has developed all the symp
toms of the dlseaae. The proper precaution
ary measures have been taken.
Call lor State Warrant.
LINCOLN. March C (Special.) State
Treaturer Stuefer today Issued a call for
1106 OdO of state warrants, which will be
payable on March IS. This is tbe largest
amount ever represented In a single rail
Revival Services at Yetrk.
YORK N'eb. March P (Sneclal I Re-
transportation, was placed on general file I Vlval services have begun at tbe Christian
today. The bill provides: I church. Dr M. L. Anthony, evangelUt Is
Be it enacted by the legislature of the state meeting with success There hate been
That1irshali:be unlawful for any railroad J be united with the church.
company or corporation or j mm-.. .
Dr. Searles & Searles, Omaha. Neb.
"A Perfect Headache
Cart, Thr enly
stimulant without
"Wm. Olllette."
emolove thereof to clve to any person ex
cept an officer or employe of such company
or corporation free transportation over any
line or part of line within this state, or to
Issue any pass, token or ticket or device
for the same.
That any person or corporation or com
pany guilty of any of the violations of any
of the orovlslons of section 1 of this act
shall forfeit and pay for each offense the
sum of t-Vio tn te recovered for the use of
l'nr Trrntlnc Smallpox Patient.
YORK, Neb-. March 6 (Special ) Tbe
county board, In session yesterday, allowed
the claim of Dr. E. B. Hanna of I1S1 for
medical services in treating York county
cltUcns fcr smallpox.
I'latte County Mortcrnicr Record.
COLUMBUS. Neb.. March C (Special. )-
the school fund of the county wher the Following is a copy of tbe mortgage tn-
for state warrants, and it was mads praslble suit is broi.ghi before m y court of com- jebte2ness record for February lfOl rifty
by the transfer of the sinking fund to the iV"of '"railroad' JtMwn'JS . mortgages filed, worth J106.S5C.C0
general fund. A bill conferring this au
thortty recently passed both houses of the
legislature and was signed by tbe governor
The sinking fund contained about JS7.0OU.
Tbe warrants called are numbered from
C2:0i to 6410.
rn llempltal at I" re mo in.
FREMONT. Neb., March 6. (Special l
Tbe hospital erected this winter on the
corner of Broad and Fourth streets was
yesterday opened for public Inspection
Wben the necessary furniture and surgical
appliances arc put In tbe hospital will be
as complete as any tn tbe state It has
accommodations for fifty to seventy-five
patients and an operating roon and eleva
tor and conveniences of all kinds. Tbe
walls and floors are so deadened that n
sounds ran be heard from adjoining rooms.
Uie Craratr'a Kidney and Liver Cure.
R Tear for a Pain
Orjy expeeunt mother, er these u-hn v. -
children, know the fun meaning of these wor4s.
tverj traasn iSreld tell every other womin about
'MOTHER'S FRJEMD." thai vmiy i..
rr.ent that dtepall Mil omln Incident ts ctrwiek
There U noth.Eg like i"
;vp.S. MORTON. f Hlot. S. C. writ T. nurhc.t t&w V.
he Mid U isuc. tutui.- Mr l(t ia m""2 !j?VC
. ... . . ....... in HI.V lAit twCUtv OanUMl.
UdnusffipieiiaMllx.Uuiittil'MotliCt-lFlltluL "
SaldbrtlltftrrurCl.oc will t int Wrrae.. ia s-'
mir cl price. fcl.OO. iMt entitl.a - Mhrrt.ood.o0.
...mut .nrere.uoj ' ' -- ir uitn oi ii peouet , BrcJ iirt t V
urum ppUctioa. Seal yma fricnU tdare.t. f
THE tlRtnimn r.iYzrt imn rn
' " v-auuM, wm.
Orans;eine is a physicians prescription
perfected after 30 years' study ana test.
Harmless beyond question, effective
as proven by thousands of living wit
nesses for the relief and cure of
Headache, Grip, Colds, Asthma,
Neuralgia, Women's Ills, Stomach
Disturbances and many other ills.
"Two years' ue of Oran-e!ne prtei
it tbe best remedy I hare erer kDOwn.
In my f snrilyit cures ererr ailment."
Writes H. R. Kesyon, Buffalo.
Sold by irnecistis generally in K and Ww
parkerri. A trial peel age will be sent te
any address for 2-ccot ttamp.
S S PICS'? 3 ft'
111!... . Dr. Kay s Uticure cures all
JLlClIrS female diseases, .tt drug
w w pj, tl illustrated book
and adrioefree. lir.B. J. Ka . baratoca, N. V
Get Ahead
of the
Spring Rush
For Offices.
Advice to
Office Seekers.
April and May are the months when
moat people do their moving The
prospects are that the demand for of
fices In Omaha waa never so gTeat a
tt will be this rprtnf There are not
a rreat many rooma vacant In
The' Bee Building
but there are among them
which are particularly choice, onr di
rectly in front of the elevator on the
tth floor; one on tbe 1st floor next to
the entrance to The Bee business of.
flee, a suite of three rooms on the
3rd floor, and a very large office and
vault on the gTound floor facing Uth
stteet Besides these, there art four
or five smaller rooms in various part
of the building,
The rents are reasonable and the
service perfect,
Ground Floor, Bee Building, Omaha.
Monthly Hefiniator. sau and Suro. Hitter
reus, uruggisis er rj man. rrict, tz
Send lor Woman's Sateouird 'trtei.
WILCOX MED. CO., 32 1 N. I5tto St., Pull., Pa.
Sold by Sherman ii McConsell Drue Co.
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm MEN
cured everr fclnfl of eourh. la i-ritir hrnnfMtU 7amWm M V
KEttVE SCANS quickly cur
N'eiToumtM, Mi rriuiu of sbcie,
f lUlnr nj&utiuucL dratai. lottrt.
end mrc launcncc
w TT7 . ...... M T m JcccccB M w lumri men
ore mroai. croup, noopine oourn, etc. ever nal. wea nrtt lot i-(-r riote Hum
ocranccitnestociaca. AtUrusrUta. IQ&' bbcrcia a McUtneli sac Kuna a uo. aruccim
1 tii st