TUE OMAHA DAILY VEE'. VELrN JiSDAY. MAllCII G, 1001. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES $V ,drertlemen1 for these roloram rtll be taken until IS ra. for the evening edition and until S.30 p. tn. tor luornlnK nd Snnriar edition. Rate. 1 I -So a nord firt Insertion. In nor thereafter, Nothing taken for Ira than for the first lnrr- t on. Tbete advertisements nut b rn ennecatlely. A dvertlera, b requeuing- a nam tiered check, ran have mnrri il 4rred to a numbered letter In ear of The llee. Aninrn n addressed will be delivered oa presentation at tb heck onlr. WAXTEU SlTLA I IONS. EXPERT a fo.ntant Helbrook, Brown III A"L ! W ANTED, iKJtluon by experienced book- , niti uv4 ui references. Aaari'i"1 ' A-MiS5 6' vami:u-mi,i: HELP. W ANTED, we have steady wo'fc for a few good hustler of good habit and appear ance. C 1'. Adam Co.. 10 Howard St B-140 LARBEE trad taught thoroughly in short time, catalogue, A: particulars tree, w em Bar bars' Institute. Omaha, Neb. IV Ml MEN fir women to fell Rood to city irade. c,,.od pay and steady employment MX enbuuph A- Co . Ware block, Oroaba. B M412 Marti HEN to learn barber trade We ran offer lutler Inducements now than any other hen Min It will pay you to prefiare at once or spring rjMi only eight weeks rt , .ired. Our course consist of everything ; 'julred of a nrst-eUs barber, lncludlnc 1' turec on hair and skin diseases. Our t .liege Ik newl, eqtrijied with modern iurnlture ot special design, and every facility for successful training Student are allowed Saturday and Sunday work In fliojin while learning, and can earn from M t'i fll iH'fore prwdUHtlnp Complete outfit of tml prefented to earn one Steady poFltlon guaranteed pradjatc? fall ot write lor beautifully Illustrated 4'aloptx-. cl1ni; all tiartleulat . mailed rf. Moler Barber College, lffia Furnam St Omaha B-MSNt MP CAT makers wanted. Tailor. Karbach Blk. Apply Nlcol! the B-M5VI HIGH crade KOlicttora atd district mtin acr In Neb. and Iowa for Northwestern l.'fe. also city managers Omaha. Lincoln, council Bluffs, net Insurance, but similar; salary or commission. K 30. Bee ll-M&M EST MAKERS wanted. Tailor. Knrbnch JHock. Apply. Nlcoll the B-MK-i WANTED, competent platen press feeder, steady situation; gotid wages. Address statl'ig (jaalinctitlons. the Kenyan 1 'Tint ing tc Mfg. Co.. Des Moines :a. B-MW7 6 DETECTIVES Men wanted, experience not necessary; If exiTlenced. state par ticulars. Box 1. Philadelphia. Ta B-M(t C WANTED, traveling salesman for lowa: one who has an established trad among retail liquor dealers; none other need i.pply. Address F. W. A- Sonr. St. Joseph. Mo. B-M9W. ! ATTENTION' Here is a monty-maker. Live men with UW or IWH' in cash will lit y one-half IntereM In fKi or 10" automatic tndlng maetiltms itolnc tVj to sum tlHll . also guarantee salary tt.W or ffw daily. If you have the money answer quik. Exclusive right to one man. Waters Mfg. Co , Ml Modluah Temple, Chlcugo. B-M(4 C WANTED, flrst-class carpet satcumari; only thobe with long experience neea apply IloHton Store, Omaha. J. ,L. Brandeir. & Sons, Jr.uprlftors, B M621 C SALIjMAN wanted to call on doctors only on tifhalf of the leading Arm In the busl nrns, also one outride city imd for xoiilh ( rn Illinois, established trade; ponltlon liermanenf: applicant must be Intelligent, indefatigable and state experience. Ad dress P. O. Box t!. Philadelphia. II MC19 WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, sample, Vtc, I lig Bureau, Chicago. B-MC14 C SALESMEN wanted to sell our goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade. We are the largest and ony manufacturers lr. our line in the world. Llbtal salary paid. Address Can-Dtx Mfg. Co., Suvan iiah. Ga. B "WANTED FUJI A L.E HELP. A AXTED. 200 girls. 124 Dodge. Tel. S7C. C I4X f. ) girls wanted. Canadian office, ire Douglas C !44 Y'Ol'XG lady to learn massage, permanent position for right party. Apply 220 Bee Bldg. C-ttS WAXTED, cook. Mrs. A. L Reed, 3C20 Far nam. C M23 WAXTED. experienced waist makers and draper; albo skirt makers; apply at once, bis wages to good people. Address See blck's Dressmaking Dept., Dead wood. s.D. C MS77 S GIRL for general housework at 2034 X. liuh street. C MMKJ C WAXTED, at once, cook at 1711 Doage st. C&SG7 DRESSMAK1XG taught thoroughly. Sys tern received highest reward ut Paris. Pupils cut and make own dresses. Call or send for circulars. McDowell Djessmak lng School, 2t S. 15th St G1S-516 ICarbuch block. 5S7 SI 1(4 GIRLS wanted to make shlrla, pants, overalls and duck Clothing. Apply at once. Byrne At Hammer Dry Goods Co . factory, 12th and Howard Sts. C 5K 10 AXTEp, Immediately, thoroughly com petent cook at 3tJ2 Davenport st. ; wages lT month, apply between the hours of 2 and 6, or 7 and 9 p. m. Mrs. George A. Joslyn. C MG11 7 "WANTED, good girl for general house work. ISIS S". 2Sth St. C MiWb s WAXTED,' nurse girl, st Apply 220S Hsrnr C MC2I 7 LADIES' fl.W kid gloves free by distribut ing f cards; send size and color. Na tional Glove Co., St Joseph, Mo C-MG16 C AGENTS wanted for Halleck's extracts; permanent profitable, easy work; refer ences required. The Abilene Drug Co., Abilene Kansas C i-Al.ESMU.N WAVIED. SALESMAN wanted, un energetic, hustling man to represent u kid glove marulac turer in this territory, to sell on commis sion; must lie thoroughly reliable nnd have a trade, statu rutrenees anU par ticulars. C T . P. O. Box 2,517. New York m as c roit iii:nt-iiui scs, IF you want your houses woll rented place them with lltuawu Co D US ALWAYS moving H. H. Office. 15UH Farnam St cooda Pianos. Tel. 1L59 or fee D 216 HOUSES for rent in all parts of the city Brcnnan-Love Co., KM) So. Uth St D-247 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block " D-245 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 X. Y. LIFE D-riV HOUSES, etc. F, D. Wcad, 1524 Douglas. D 250 HOUSES and flats. IUngwalt. Barker Blk D-Sl HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown Blk D-2C: NINE-ROOM modern house, large grounds shade trees, barn, thoroughly desirable. In even wav; rent. Ul) to an Al tenant viih references. OMAHA LOAN AXD TRUST juiii ana vuugias sis. 1 x iuh ii-iM, resiaenco nvn, ueorgla ave, comer Pacldc. 10 rooms, attic, basemuu, east front, modern and extra conrenl- encct' lot CCxl40, with trees. Inquire M4 run i xianK omg u-wu GOOD six-room fist, city 'water in kitchen. 2319 X 24th st. J10. Omaha Loan A- Trust Co., Ibin and Douglas. D M310 LARGE modern brick hojse. with barn. rt- a, m st inquire -it s, ath 13 34 i FIVE ROOM house MC S, lMh St D-vSS C KOII RENT IIOt'Ml. J40T DECATCR. rooms, well water go4 reualr H4L PAYNE-KNOX CO.. flrt floor X. T i. BH I'OK ItK.NT-rt KMMIUU IIUO.MS, STEAM heated rooms at Tbe Thurston. E $K DEWEY European hotel. 1Mb and Farnam. K ate F"E RENT, one Urge wet). furnished bed room for gentleman, near motor line 2W South Ttb street. Council Bluffs. E Matft ROOMS !!; Capital Ave. E M4J! ir ONE large alcove room, Mutable for two gentlemen One smaller room, also Ex cellent neighborhood, close In. reference required .V So. 2Wh. E-J7V ) HOOMS. furnished or unfurnished, with E II Ul riiiMMir.n ikmoji- ami iinAim. QLENCA1RN. transltnts.ll.Xilay. l(K Dour I--S7 EAIlGE front parlors with' board; also smaller room, reasonable rater. The Rose. sm llarner r-MSB VTOI'IA. 17n DavoniKirt St. r-as The Merrlam, cood winter home. Dndce ROOMS and board, reasonable. I40fi Cas. F-57-Al' LARGE front room. R-9 S. Sth ave. H4 N. ll'TII. modern room with board: beautiful front parlor, with bar window; terms reasonable ! MK0 ROOMS with board. 6 S. StHh st. K-M 11 n'RNlSHED rooms, board, avenue lW!i Capitol r-Aififfi ir I'OH HUNT t MM HMMIUII HOOM. FOR housekffpine. Mary's ave also barn. 2C4 St c mst; TWO front rooms for light houiekejilnc. 1SW Leavenworth st. G 57b 7 on hi:t vroui: ami okimci:. rOR RENT Store, in flrst-clus location; rent reasonalut Appl H. C Peters A. Co., srounJ floor. Bee Blag 1 ;6C FOR RENT The balldinc formerly oecu filed by The Bet at i1) (J Karnam St It has lour stories and a basement which wa formerly t.sed as The Bee pres sroom. This will be rented ery reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C Jtose water, sec etary. room l'.V, Bee Bulmtng. 1--U A;llT waxteii. GENTS or ladles to do local work or gen eral ugency work; wlil puy from $;o tu Jv3 per month. Call on or uaurcss A. E. Hill, v!4 Paxton biocK, umaha j-ilC H- WAXTED, wire artists to handle new line, big seller. rite ior new catalogue ot shells. 1. x. Mitchell. Cetiat Kapius, la, J-M47U 11" CATHOLIC agents, outfit free, men or women, town or oountrj , write at once, c. P. A: L. Co., ;4 DearDom st . Chicago, 111. J Mwt, v TOItAtiE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. SE vl Jones, neutrul storage and torwurding. i'bl OM. Van Ctir. Co.. 1511 Farn. Tela. lsr-Si. 2w IVAVrED TO UlY. WAXTED. secend-hand, one-horse delivery wugori in good repair Aacress C. H Lee, Benevue. carp cc. Neo. N M fc WANTED to buy, chases, racks, column and brass rules, quoins, leuus, slugs and four jet cases, at once, -auress K &5, Bte Onice,- stating lull particular at. tu price and speclncuuons. . S7i s roil SALE rill.MTLHE. CHICAGO FVRNITl'RE CO.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. jicti. New A: 2dhanu furniture bougnt, sold, exchanged. O ;W I'OH AL1II(HI!US, VEHICLES, ETC. WHY cxjieriment? Buggies, wagons, etc. rep d by U. r'rost wl work, litn tc ua P-:w ENTIRE stock of carriages, buggies and wagons regardless of cost. Anucison-Mll-laru co, cur lain ana Daenport. i- 2V.-M25 roil hALl-MICELLA.VEl . HARD and soft foundation piling; hog lentes and cribbing yoi Douglas, v 2DHAXD safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam. C i - SAFES; buj. sell exe'ge. Schwartz, 114 S. 11 TIMOTHY bay and all kinds feed and coal. Monroe A: Co. c StiS INCUBATORS. Send to the Sure Hatch lucuuutor uo., ciay center, !vi tor a handsome tree catalogue. Q-2US SEED SWEETS. Theo. Williams, Benson, FOR SALE Five bead fresh cows. Call afternoon. Jesters lard, 2oth and Burl Sts. Q aH-il CLAI11VYA.M. MRS. FRITZ, medium. tl North Itth. S 270 MME GY'LMER, genuine palmist l&fi Dodge s? 271 MRS. HENRY. test medium, 1707 Cass. S-MtKM k' ZENO, clairvoyant and healer, 1915 Farnam. a MSWl J ARETOU In trouble of any kind? Are juu dlssatlstled or jwrplexed as to what to do" Are the things that are troubling you yond our reach ' It so, you need the ad vice of u protessional. not a card reader, star gazer or fortune teller. Bat ont who has made occult science a life study Prof Barton is a Clairvoyant. Palmist aim Or. cult Worker of the highest order and can advise you on till affairs of life, such as love, courtship, marriage, divorce. htalih. etc. He reunites separated couples! set tles lovers quarrels and causes upeedy nnd happy marriage with the one you love. Also advice in buslner, speculation, wills, deods, sales, exchanges, removes the worst case ot evil influence, an purines private. Office, 1714 Douglas st . between 17th snd IMh sts. lleaatngs. i w it yoj bring this advertisement. S Mu" MRS. HENRY, test medium. 17P7 Cass. s-sias 11 KI.ECTIUC TREATMENT. ELITE parlors, CIS South 16th, second floor. j m ais MME. AMES, 1U5 Howard, 2d floor, room 1. T 1K7-M24 S17V. X 15th St. Flatll T-MS21 MUO MABEL Q RAY. MISS MAY LESLIE, 512 8. 10th. 2d floor T-JUI A2 PEIISO.VAL. PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2G20 Burdette U 272 FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim buttons; mall orders. Omaha Pleatlnz Co.. liC4 Douglas. U 272 SUPPLIES for all machines: machines for rent White Sewing Machine, 1C20 Douglas TeL 2SS4. 274 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement, bablts adopted. 25 i Grant St . U 275 A BOX of Re-No-May Powder Is not a luxury when It affords you a cure nn Rocures the comtort and "happiness of your ruuiH-maic. u XI .T3 TURKISH baths, massage baths electric baths for ladies only skilled women massage operators finest equipped baths In the i!t' lur.Kti-cm Hath Ccmpa' j KxiBiv '.ti f 22V, Bee Lldg, t-2 j personal. JJ OOLD.MAN & ro-only perfect oe rordeM pleating irtant lo the- wc -MuM older? soUclte Suite Douglas Biocl." v-rn VIA VI Woman war to health, rational. wsaesor home treatment. Me Bee Bide "U-276 DB. ROV. ehlropodlM ; oom & tnerauouf hair removed by eletrly. It. if Frenicr block. f-Ttr nMEt'MATlSM. paralvBis. cottre, female dleaer. oonMrmptlon. clnndolar rwell ncF. oberlty. stomach and kMney troatiler. chronic dlseae urd by Thyroid Evmpb Remedies.. Consultation and tiooklet Ire. Thyrjld Eymph Co.. 101 Bee Bids . Omaha W-4-0 Burr block, Lincoln. Neb. Rl'l'Tt'RE cured; no knife, no pain, no dancer, send for circulars. Empire Jiut ture Cure, m N. Y. Life UuIWIdb. Omaha ATTENTION plven oHectJon and lecal matters, associate attorneys everywhere. New Snow-Church Co.. 401-4(6 N. V. E. V-M441 16 T0 orphan toys 18 wojld like to work on a ranch. Address Jaik and Frank Emerson. : Lafayett Place. N Y city, V Y. i mch MOMSV TO LOAN-HUM. ESTATE. MONEY to loan on Jmprmed- Omaha real estate. Brrnnan-Love Co.. XR South l.'th. W ISO WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. George A: Cotnpari). ltf.il Farnam street. W-l LQANS tn eastern Nebraska and westrrn low a -farms at u per ent.; borrower tan pay JlOi or any multiple, any Interact date; no delay. Brentian-Love Co.. 300 So. Uth St. Omaha, Neb. W 35 tl.OW and upward to loan on Improved city prop-rty -nd farms. W Farnam Smith Co.. ism Farnam. W-:s: WANTED, rtty and farm loans, also bonds and warrants R C. Peters & Co., :70T Tarnam St.. Bee Bldg. W MONEY to loan on farm and city property; low trt rates. O. F. Davis Co . im Farnam. w-:ss MONEY to loan at 6 and St per cent on Omaha property. W. B. MeiKlc, 4W S. lith. w rm; PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, ! X. Y. Life. W-a.7 FIVE per cent money. Bcmlr, Paxton block. v PRIVATE money, r. 1). .Wead, 3S51 Douglas. W :S9 5 AND EH ir cent loans AV. H. Thomas, First Xatlonal Bank building- Tel. IMS. PRIVATE money, E. 5?. C per cent; no de lay. Garvin Bros., IGlt Farnam. W :fl 5 AXD 5t pet cent city and farm loans. Oatvln Bros . lOJ Farnam St W Kt) PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 9S7 X. Y. L v-:?7 CASH on hand. G E Turklngton.'en.". Bee. W MM JIO.MIV TO LOA CHATTELS. WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. j It is easy to advertise lowest rates, as i others ao, but we teei positive that it you f vincetl that you can do better with us than eisewhtre e loan on furniture, pianos, lic stock, etc.. or we will rauke you u SALARY LOAN without iruiorsor or mortgage. We charge nothing lor muicing the loan uuu jou receive the lull, amount In it vh. You may fwiy-lt back in-one -montn or taKt. six months or more in which to repay It, and you nceu not puy Jcr it one day longer than you keep it. Our terms ale the easiest, our business is coutiuenual olid our motto is "try to please OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 11U Board ot Trude Blag. Tel. 22!). (Established liHZ) ;mti So. luh St. MONEY TODAY' Loons made in amounts trum 510 to 50 on household furniture, pianos, iorfces. car riages, etc., without removal, or on our S-A-L-A-R'-Y without security All or a part of the mono may be JuJd back the nrst monih or no part of it need bij paia back for several months. Each payment made reduces the cost accordingly. Em ployers and neighbors know absoUilely nbthlng ot our business relations. .People, who need money are invltod to C4'll. and get my terms and compare them ivlth what others offer. Loans of other com panies may In transferred to me. No charge for papers. Ail business strictly confidential. Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAY'LOE, C2S Paxton Blk., top floor. northast corner If.th and Farnam. Entrance on ICth St Tel. 74!i. X-2W A LO A X S LOWEST RATES IX CITY WE POSI TIVELY WILL NOT BE UNDERRATED. RAILROAD MEN RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION. REBATE GIVEN IF LOAN IS TA1D BEFORE DUE. WHY GIVE A CHATTEL MORTGAGE WHEN YOU CAN GET MONEY ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE? STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL EM PLOY" -ERb NEED NOT KNOW. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. AMERICAN LOAN' CO.. ROOM (WL BEE BUILDING. X-2S5 ' SALARY" LOANS. , , If you arc employed by a responsible firm we will loan you ums from fie tollOu on your note at much cheaper nnd easier rates than elsewhere. Of this we are positive. Absolutely no charges jor papers. Nothing deducted from amount desired. Easiest partial payments. Reliable Credit Co., room 3"3. Paxton Block X 292 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per tnanent position with resjKinslble t-oncern upon their names without security ; easy payments. Tolman, 410 Board Trade lildg. X 2H3 MONEY" loaned on planus, furniture, jew. elry, horses, cows. etc. C F. Reed, 219 S 15. X-297 MONEY loaned on pianos, turnUuiu. horses, cows. J-wtlr Duff Green, U, k. Barker blk X-2DS SALARY loans at reduced rates. Omaha Credit Co.. KO ;vew York Lire Bldg. X-21'9 m i. ness cn.i.ci:s. $150 CASH on easy payments buys 25 strictly lawful tnlckeii slot machines lor drinks, cigars or cash, will earn 12 and upward week! each. Earl Clark & Co., Furni ture Manufacturers.. Chicago, 111 . Y-Slfi FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and carriage business in south central Xe braska For further particulars address Box VO, West Libert), la. Y' 211 FURNITURE of "-room flat, fine location, completely equlpjied, full best class room ers, extra opportunity to make money. J 11 Johnson. HI X Y". Life. V-M155 FURNITURE of 42 rooms, elegantly und completely equipped, full of Ilrst-clust rrmmrrn pnd boarders: no beter location In city If you want a fiayinsr business 1 Investigate tnis mediately. J. H. John son, bll N Y" Ufe. Y"-ML4 WILL take lonr leuse on brick stable if bulit, centrally located, und pay good rent Address J 55, Boo. Y K34 ATTENTION given collections and legal matters, associate attorneys everywhere. New Snow-Church Co., 401-4'6 X. Y. L. Y 141-H rOR SALE, ot good discount, fine stock of groceries and notions; good loontlon Ad dress K 57, Bee. Y Mo! 7 FOR SALE, cmly racket store In best town In eatlrrn Nebraska, good location, splen did cash trade, all new- good.- Address K 5fv. Bee . . Y'-MCtt l DENVER, the proper plaVe. to Uvfi, for health for, wealth. A nobby restaurant and lunch counter for sale, new fixtures, mw range, cash register, etc Good loca. tltul by the Denver theater Investigate al once or lose rare opfiortunity. Gall -or address JohnsortA: Co., 1754 CurtU st , Denver Y-MGH7 !" BAKER wants location, hove charge of Urge shop eight years experience i ity tow-j prvitn-ed. ii n P r r Cre .'ii, ia. Y M.t. ' l"OH EXCHANGE. WILL trade stotr and furniture f,r horte. W N Itth ?t 7.-MT5C Mt1 WfEI. 'xcalye clear vacant boulerarj ots in Chi'-airn for South Omaha Impr "d or eastern Nebraska larro lad Owner only address. Antnn Holtrs.n to? N. Mth St.. South Omaha. Z-MW'I- 1 i TOR U,ll-lllSAL itati:. j AN IMPORTANT REAL ESTATE NOT1CKV PAYNK-KNOX COMPANY Have ien HMHtXi sol agents for ail KOt'NTSCB PlwCE VW ownsd and coa trolled b MR. HERMAN KOCNTEE, and le now offers them for aliout one third their formar valac Plats can ne a mined and prlct and Atrms of putdwse slvett at the OSice. Any "of our obliging Dalesmen staAd lead" to show you these fine lots at any time Just think oit It: A iKrautlful. VMeot lot in KOUXTZE PL.CE for I7 PAYNE-KXOX COMPANY MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE BLDQ. RE MW 11 SNAI' K.. flsMi buiunewi jot, blocks south delict, 10th SL Inquire 1411 Vinton. EE-MS MIS HOt'SES lots, farms, bends, loans, also fire Insurance. Bemls, Paxton Bll: RE "a: CHAS. E WILLIAMSON, 13 Farnam St RE-SI RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by hc Union Pacitle Railroad compati) 11 A McAllaster. land oommlsslonrr V n.oti ac4ne Headquarters, umaha. Net RE i4 CHEAPEST lot Jn'V.pf Om.h. tw,1 east iron' in .eir-wu wnin. -vi- v front in NelMHi s addition, k'r-inurd A; Son. J1D Brown block 1ir.vnv ti t'AYVF ma N y l trr: SEE HENRI B. IAYNB, Wl - " I FOR SALE, a bargain, lots on. Wth. SM and sts.. nrown l-arit t-'jutn umana. W. 1L Green RE M3tH 7 &-ROOM cottage and lot, lMh near Lake St 1 cheap. Box S7X, Kearnlry. Neb I r, r- - TWO of the cheapest Vow in 'he western part of the city; must be wild this wetk M J Kennnrri A- Son. HU BroW'l Bl"l k RE-37S-S . FOR SALE. X. E Cor. IMh and Davenport sis.. (-.6x132 feet. Price Jlf..tv.'. terms tusy. or will rent for Jong term Th Byron Reed Co., 212 S llth st , Omaha Neb. RE MM5 9 22-roOT biisln. ss lot on If.th st only 4 blocks from Fartiun. for S2.i Hickn. lb Board Trade HE Mffti V ' .MEDICAL. t.intr.R tvid rutird for ai r.hstlnate. lonr itiinrtlnV ahnfirnMl rise. sJintireKlon. at.v I cause .old Dr Jackson's Vegetable Feraaie Medicine fails to relieve in .4 nours wun. ; out pain or lots of work, ro trut tr tansvonie fir tontineinriit cases. MallcU l?.im or Jnrktoii It. t!. DfM . 1 1CT. De.ir- liorn St . Chicago M 297-1S DR. LE Due's Fcmaie l:'guiator. posl- , lleiy warraniea cure uie roon siuu- lt: .w,. . uorn cases oi xuunwuy iui'jibB, iin-bw. i lorttles, onstrucuons ana sjppressions i -r.V.i. i.."1 "l- ' eieprione h.l ut brought on from whatever cause; 12 a 'tl J"1") and Marcy Sts. Telephone C. package or 2 :or C; sent anywhere pre- Leave. Arrive, paid on receipt of price, The Kidd Drug . J Jin Otj Express. . ..a .:55 am ai0:25 pm bo., Elgin, ilk American Office, retail, I Twin City Limited a 7:. pm a S.1B fim wholesale, Myers-Dillon .Drug Co., Omaha, , Sioux city Local a s;W am a S: pm M. A. Dllioi, South Oiaaha. Davis Drug a Dally a vm Co., .Council Bluffs, U line ot rubBcr COoas, i LADIES. 1 positively guarantee Golden Seal, never falling female regulator, will lelleve most .obstinate teases ot delayed t periods In 'Ave-' hours; aert secure tr m t observation. !.(. Dr Antii? Fowl-r 2741 . Olive st, St Loulw Mo j IMTiaW, INVENTORS GOT TiNID ? WV handle patents coprigits anatade marks, you i u-lve us the bare Idea ana Ve "will do the t rest, modem equipiie-a rnscnmc snop ana foundry in connection. Official Gazette on file, guide bofik lree Magpn. Fenwlck A. Lawrence, patent lawyrrsY4M Howard St; Tel JHH. Omuha J. P. Cronln. repr 320 INVENTORb. we ask i fee until the patent ts procrod. if uc fail, we get no fei , jtdvlce free. Sue A Co., Patent Law yers. Bee Bldg . Omaha, Xeb. Lcng dis tance telephone, 1C22. lib MurlS' -HORTHAM1 AMI TYPEWItlTI.NG. A. C. VAX SAXT S School. 717 X Y" Life. BOY'LES' College, court reporter principal, Bee Bldg. 22u NEB. Business A: Shorlliapd college. Boyd s Theater. 224 GREGG Shorthund. Om. C. Col., 1C & Doug LAST chance, last term for this season. begins this week at Morands dancing school. Crelghton hail Adults, Tuesday I ten lessons; children. Wednesday 4;15 p. ' m. .saiurai n. m . -it lessons nu. nn- ate lessons tlallj . assemblies every Wednesdaj . j .1 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. T. "L. "Bldg. Tel. 1004; Alien Johnson, D. O.. ladle, dept. Gid, E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr S17 M. E. DONOHUE. D O., of Still school, Kiiksville, Mu, U4 Paxton iMi. TeL 1M7 l.OST. : LOST, package of iiec pictures ana one certificate, tietwecn 15th nnd If.th. on Dodge, Return to 1750 Lwavunworih Ro- ward. Lort fi"3 5' TAKEN up at 2T19 S nh. one stray horr owner may have samt by aylng for ad ertlsemept Lost-MC20 b LAI DM 1 . OMAHA Steam Laundry shirts. t; collars 2c. cuffs. 4. 1750 Ltat en worth. Tel 547 STAMMERING AMI Tl'TTERLNG. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Rumge Bldg 4 tltl'E.NTEIlv AM JOIinERS. ALL kinds of carjienter work and repairing promptly at '.ended to. J T Oclilltrft, 2utn und iakt Sis .Jo BIC CI.ES. WE HAVE the only Vulcanlzer In the city i for buggy tires We do this worK as gi od as can be done at the factory, 1C22 Capi tol Ave r-Cl JL.NK. B. & M junk house. J Milder. Prop . dealer In all metals, bottles, etc. Carloads u specialty. !ji-hu3 Farnam, Omaha. Ttl. 2S7 Mli-i ' HE Mil A.N HARES. MARCH 5th, Cth,lth thlsBee slip gojdTor Jli on purchase of Cfti or more, write for prices The Mid-Continent Belgian Hare Co., 1S23 S. 15th St.. Omaha. Neb. -MOUl C INCIHAKIKS AM) IIIIOOBEHSh INCUBATORS and brooders, catalogje free Write Burr Incubator Co . B 2. Omaha, Xfali, Factory at 2Mb A: Davenport 17K-MS1 MCKEL PLATl.VG. OMAHA PLATING CG-, Bee Bldg. Tel, 2525, 231 TICKET IIKOK1.-II. CT T rar tickets everywhere P H. Ph i b,j, 15"J I'unium. 'itlerb'r.e "il. SJ. V VWMIItOKUf. EAGLE Ixmn moe rc'lahlc. accommodat ing, !' tun,e (.onudestiai 131 t'ouclss i:l'i:iT A CCO l TAM', LESS.NS In bookkeeplag etc dar eNer.Ing R. IS, com Nat Bank a Katntion i!Lot tTio. iu:imo. MRH .nARD. Studio CM X Ifth St -rrr-Ai M HMTt'llE IlEPAlRIXa. tel isn M S Walkiin 2111 Cuming St - 111 llllElt M'A3II. BADGES medals Om. PI t Cc . Bee Bldg Tel. as:-. .r: lllims Afl TIMUEIlMV. STOCK S Bird Store IP Leavenworth S Accoiinio.N n.i:ATiti. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick est Mrs. A C Mark S E Cor Eth and Fa mam V& RAILWAY TIME TAIII.E5. CHICAGO & XORTH western Railway 'The Northwestern Line City Ticket Offlc. 14fl Farnam St. Telephone. Ml Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephont CSf. l-ave Arnvt. li.i.co Ste- a '') am all:S0 pm I'asfenger ... .a 4:ld pm a i. IV am I , V Marshalitown. Cedar liunld ntws Chi - go al0:X am a l:u nra sp- tiai, ,.rt"u a-'"i East a 4:5S pna a 4:04 pm Fast Mall, Chlcugo to Omaha ....... a Ml ptn S?J!lwf-'1,,c"W L'1 d ' 7:41 vm L:5! ,,,,', "., ,.' 1 ,, U Dally FREMONT. ELKHOKN & Missouri Vailey Railroad - "The Northwestern Lint General Offices , 1'nltod States Nalionrl Bank Building, S. W. corner Twelfth iiid Fat- "f1 T' kft Office. 1401 Farnam St 1), t.nl 1th uttrt VI,.ti,r CfK I l er i.j Leave. Arrive, I "la k Hills Dcadwood, 1 Hot Springs . j S:(iO pm a 5:00 pm i yoming. easier und Douglas d l.0 pm c ivJi pm 1 "nstlnge. lork. David i City, fuperior. Geneva, Exeter ur.d Seward. ..b S: pm b 5:M pm Norfolk. Verdlgre and ' t rr''?1''nt - ":3 am blti:2 am iLlnolr,. Wahoo and , ' Fremor.t Local c T:M am H Ziaiy' h Jjaiy b Daily except Sunday, c Sun' ?"V.',J d Dally txrept Satuitluy. -"J juonuay. .fjrr i gtrT"v' CITY A; PACIFIC JKTs&jm Railroad "The North- Jglljjl!tJ qc's" rnUed"" G't t""' ' fillilAmnff Xntiorial Bank Building, j vsmjmw c- . ihiui K flMj t.-rt.. o.- rtfir. rn- ir ii" on", i.cnri oaw CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis A: Omaha Railway "The North-w'tftt-rn Line" General Offices Nebraska Divi sion, liith and Webster Sts City Ticket Office, Telephone. Ml. Depot. I 1 Fiirnam fii 16th anJ Wtbsttr Sts.' T.-lrLC1J,y PaRflngtr aJtSjava. aKlOpm s.maoiM't:e-r-. , ull.lUam aloux t ity AT- Xonli- tastNt braska a 2 .4i pm KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph A Council Bluffs Railroad-"The Burling ton Route Ticket Office, 3502 Farnam Street Tele phone, 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele-I-hone. 12S. KSSlJll'i? '-"n. am StLoFbcrfoSt a,0:31' "m am ttDarijanfl St h0ul a 1 10 ,n) aU 1S ara BtRLlXGTOX A: Mis souri River Railroad -'"The Butllnpton Route" General Offices, Xortn west Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam Street Telenlionn. j.,a uuinngion bikxioh, ienin and Mason Streets Telephone, us. t,eave. ii - llnrilncs and Arrive. j Met, ooU a s.40 am Line In DetAt". Coio 1 mrir. 1 tah California a 4'2Ti pm a 7:33 pm a 2:00 pm a K:15 om Llnc.ln A: Blak Hills a J:4X pm ?V'n ,fU,.rx Li i b -:00 n a ?:17 aS 'Lincoln Fast Mall. .....b pin a C.l, am w yxnure, kwuik .a E:I9 am bll:55 an a C:45 am bll '05 am Denver. olorado. Utah " . -- South Bend, Louisville. Plutmmouth . b T-. PrnnV I'mttSmOUlll I.3J pm und Pat.lic Junction, u 7;00 Jim a S:2v am Beilevue, Platumouth nrdTu'ti Junctlcn al2.10 am a Dall b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON At Q-lnrj Railroad '"The Burlington Route" Ticket Office 1502 Farnam Street T lephone. 250. Depot Tenth and Mason streets. Telephone. 12S. Leat e. Arrive. Da, Kh' ('! icago Spe cial a 7:30 am al:15 pm i Ch -ago estlbuled Lx.a4:(Kpm li 7:45 am j cTJrago LikhI Express a :) am a 4:0i pm ( chlcagi Limned .. . .a 7:50 pra a 7:45 am Fust Mall u 2:4i pm ' n Dails UNION PACIF1C--THE OVER lanf. Route "General Offices N" E Cor. Ninth and Farnam Strei-ts. City Ticket Office. HS.'4 Farnum Street 'Telephone, at. l- int. Tenth and Marcy Sts. 'it lephone, C2D l,eae. Arrle. The o- crland Limited, a s:20 am a 7:3ti pm The Chicago Portland Spe ia. a !:50 am a 7if) pm Tie Tust Mail . ..Hs:50am a 3:25 pm The Mail and Express. all:35 pm u 4:2i pm Lincoln Beatrice und Stromsburg Express, b 4 pro bl2.30 pm The Pacltlr Express . .a 4:24 pm The Atlantic Express . a 6:50 am Grand Island Local. . b S:3o pm b Si:35 am a dully b Dully except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices and Ticket Offices, Southeust Corner 14th and Douglas Sts Telephone, 104. .Depot, Union Station. Leave. Arrive. St Li :is am1 Kansas City Express . . .a 10;(w am a C:2S pm K C St L Express.. al0:50 pm a C:15 am Leave from J5th Webster Streets and Via Nebraska Local Weeping u Dalll Water ... b 1:10 pm 10:45 am b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of fice. 1402 Farnum Street Telephone. 215. Depot. Tenth und Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chbdgo Express Chicago Limited Minneapolis A- SI. Express Minneapolis St, .a ':( am 11:2& pm . . .a 7:45 pin :0i am Paul b 7:00 am b P:4(i pm Paul a 7:45 tint a :ol am Elmlled rort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs .. b 4:30 pm a t:l( im Fort Dodge Lorul from Courctt Bluffs . . .a C:00 am a dally b Dally except Sunday CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City Ticket Office, 1504 Farnum Street. Telephone. 2M, IMIIWAUM uepoi. Tenth ana Mason Streets. Telephone. C20. Leave Arrlvr. CHleago Limited Er ,, u C:(K) pm a s:05 tn Chicago A Omnhn Ex b 7 -5 am b S;4o pm a oaii) d i-'tti y exeepi nunasy i Da .ctt l tii mm flTTi Mm, $a5aSaP1" HAIL, W.l Y TIME 'I'ADLB. CHl AOU. ROCK 1S1. an ! A- Pacific Railroad The Ureat Rock Isl and Route City i ket OlSlce. 1981 Far. -n Street. Telejihonf . Depot. Tenth and y. r y Sts. Tele- I h lie (BS Leave. Artlx-e F AST D' M r? .J t'avei port i . Hi a T. am by am ( ro'-ao Lxjtss lll:tf in a 1:10 am IV M lne Looai a I'Djim a 4:4i pm Chi. ac last Exsres. a t.t pm a 1 .55 ptn Des Molne Rock Is- and and Chicago .. . a T pm a . pm , . WEST Lincoln Colorado Sps Der.vtr Pueblo and r. stw ; , . . 1.) pan a 4. It pm Colorado Oklahoma A Ttxas Fhtr a : pm a V am u da: b Dalh except Sundar OMAHA A: ST lOUIS RAIL r 'ad-omuha Kansas Cltv A ijiFtcrri Railroad "The W :ro Route' -Tlcket Of t 141.' F.imara St. Tele rhonc srr Deiot. Tenth and Mnrcv Streets. Telephone. CM Leave Arrive. St L' us t ,noi' Ball Exnress a i ll tn a tM am ! Kansa City k ijulncj ! Local . . a ?t9 am a pm I a Dafl. . a I. II pm a l:V am l.E(i.VL .NOTICE. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice U hertby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders ot the South Platte l.and company will be held si the office of said company in Linooin, Neb . at 11 o clotk a. m.. on tne tth day or March. A D llf'l By ordtr of the Board of Directors. Lincoln. Neb.. Febtuary 4. HVi. C H. MORRILL. I'reC.dent. A. B. MINOR. Sttretary. 11dsl POS'IOIMMCE MlTKE. Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as rhuKLi mn oocur at anv time Futeicn malls tor tin week ending March l!a. will close (PROMPTLY In ml mai,at ut the nenrrm 1 'afclolllc-e. as fol- , . i.i..t r- tiun Mill c ...... .. O V T? I HOUR eaVller tl.an " closing time .hown below. Parcels Port Mails for Germany ' close ut h P m. on March 4. per s. s. Kaiser . William der Grosse, via Bremen. March d. per s s. Karlsruht. via Bremen, and March I, tier e. s. Patri'-ia via Hamburg. Regular and Supplementary- Malls close at Foreign Branch half hour later than clos ing tims shown below. TrHiiontlHiitle MnlU WEDNESDAY' At C : a m. lor EUROPE. per s s vaQsrianoMu .uuiampioii imall must be directed tier s. s. aucr-1 land' i. at s.30 a m. (supplementary lo a m.t for ucitui'ii, per s. s. it-uionir, vtn C'Ufcenstown. at Iv a. m for BEL GIUM direct, per s. s. Sojthwark itnsli must be directed "per s s Southwark "i THVRSDAY At 7 a. m. tor FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. fePAIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and 1AIRENZO MAR CJUEZ. liei s h 1 a Brriagne. via Havre (mails for other parts of Earope in-irt be uirected ' per s. s La Bntagne "i SATURDAY -At 4:30 a in ior EUROPE, tier h s Lucanla. via Queenstown, at , k. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Ni,rge (mall must be dlrnted "per s. s. Norge"i. at 7:30 a. in for NETHER LANDS dlre-ct. per s s Amsterdam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Amsterdam"); at n- rn tor ITALY, per s. s Holien zolltrn, via Naples (mail must be dire-cted per s s. Hohenzollern"! PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes Trlnted Matter, Commercial I'apets and Samples for oermany only. The same class of mall matter tor other parts ot Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by her. Alter the cluslnR of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Malls named above, ad ditional supplementary mails are opened on the. piers -ot tho Ame.rss?i. EngUsh. French and German steamers, ana re main open until within T(n Mlnuies of tho nour of sailing of steamer. Mail for South nnd Central America, "West Indie.. Etc. WEDNESDAY At a m. for INAGUA and HAITI, per s s Ml Vernon, nl 10:3?, a m for PORTO RICO, per U S. Trans ,,ort vln San Juan: at 12 tn. for CUBA. YUCATAN. CAMPECHE. TABASCO arid CHIAPAS, iier s s. Orizaba, via Ilavanu and Progrtso (mail for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Ori zaba' i, at 1. p. m fur JAMAICA, per s. zabu 1. ai i ji. " a, &. . i Admlra rcmey. irtun i uuun una. THURSDAY' At a. m (supplementary J 30 a mt ior (.iiiav.w ana zi'ELA. tier s s Hlldur imail for Sava nllla and Carthagena mast be dliecied "tier s. s Hlldur FRIDAY At i a tn for BARBADOS and NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s a. Catna iense; at 12 m for MEXICO, per s. . Ni agara via Tampleo imall must be cHrecUid "tier s. s. Niagara" i. at 12.30 p. m. (sup nlcmentary 1 p. m.i for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN KKPI'BLIC. ;.cr s. s. New Y"ork. at 11 I tn. lor NASSAU. tier steamer from Miami l la. 1 SATURDAY" At tt a m. for BERMUDA. tier s s. Trinidad, at s u. m. '.supple mental ii.3(i u m I Ior PORTO RICO (vi.i Sun Juan i. VENEZUELA and Ct'RA. CO iier s s Philadelphia (mail lor Sa vunilla and e'Uirthageiia must lie directed per s. s. Philadelphia": at Si a. m. tor GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per s. s. Maraval: at 10 a. m for CUBA, per s s. Mexico, via Havana; at lo a. m. .supple mentary 10:30 a. m i for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SA VANILLA and CARTHAGENA. per s s. Athos (mall for Co-ta Rica mutl be directed "per s Athos"). at 10 n. m. (supplementary 0:0 a. m. for HAITI, pel . t. Andes, at 10 a m. (supplementary 10:d0 u rn.) for COSTA j.iv A direct, per s. s. Adirondack, ut 12.30 p- m. lor MATANZAS, NUE V1TAS. CA1BAR1EN. B ARA CO A and G1BAKA, per s r Curltybu (ordinary mull only, which must be directed "per s. Cunt; be ; Mails for New-foundland. by rail to North Sydney nd ihenct by steamer, close at this office dally at t no p tn (connecting close here eery Monda . Wednesday ane aturda Mails for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston ana thence by steamer, close at this office dally at C.30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by nJl to l'o.-i Tampa, Kla , and thence by stunner eioie at this ofllce caii). except Mcaday. ut "6 ti. m (the connecting closes arc on bjndsy. Wednes day nnd Friday i Mails for Cuba, by rail to Miami. l"i . and thwice by steamer, close ut this ottlice cvos' Alonaav und Fri day at "11 P m ViHiifr ior Mexluo City, overland, unlesw rpeciallj aoaressed for olspateh bteiMner. close i this office daily at l:3o p m and 11 p in. Mails lor Costa Rica, Belize. Puerto Cortex und Guutemaiu. b rail lo Xetv Orleans and thence bj steamer, close at this office dally ut ''lO p tn "connecting close here Monda. r for Belize. Puerto Gorier, and Guatemala and Tuusdays for Corta Kieaj. "IteglFiered mail closes at o p. m previous day. Traa-llic Molls. Mails for Hawaii. Japan, China and Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, close here daily at f,:30 p in. up to March 2d. Inclu sive, for dispatch per s. s. Coptic. Malls for Australia (except NVe-t Australia, which is forwarded via Ejropej, New Zealand. Fill. Samoa and Hawaii, via Sun Francisco '-'ose here dn:'y ut C:30 p. m. after February "i'th and up to March Id, Inclusur or ou arrlxa, ot s. i. Lucanla. due at New York March 2d. for dispatch per s. s. Sierra Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and Xew Zealand, which g.ies via San Francisco, and Fiji Islands, wa N ancouver. close here dally ut f..3fi ji m. up to March "". Inclusive, for dputch per s s. Wurlmoo (supplemen tary mails, viu Seattle, tlusc at d:30 p. m March "ud. mail must be directed "per s. s Warrimoo ') Mails for China. Japan and Philippine Islands, via Tucotna, close here dally ut C:3u p m up to March 7. inclusive, for dispatch per s. s ejlympla. Mulls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisoo. close here daily at f.:3u p. m. up to March s. Inclusive, for dis patch per r s Australia. Malls foi Hawaii. Chlnu, Japan and Phil ippine Islands, via San Franclsop, close here daily at C.Su p. m. up to March Id. inclusive for dispatch ir s . s Amer ica Marc. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally rrt t:S0 v. tn- up to March I "ll for dispatch per s. s Mariposa. Malls for China ai.d Japan, via Vanoouvor, I c'.ose here dally st fc:30 p m up to I March !. Inclusive, for dlsnaicb Per s. s Etctress of India (registered mail I must be directed "via Vancouver") Malls for Australia (except West Australia, ; -which Is forwarded rla Europe. New Zea- land, FIJI Samoa ana Hawaii, via San il'HSlBBW.I j- WABASH RAILROAD - flST' Ticket Office. 141 l'wrnara litli Street Telephone. SS De ) ViV.iy pot Tenth and Matey Sts. r yr-C5i Telephone. (t V Lea. Arrive. Kt 1 .nuia ,'ur.nrttl Hail Expre. u Dali; Francisco, -close here dally at C:!r v. tn. . afttr March 2 and up it. Mi.rrh "2 In- elusive or -r nrrlviii cf r s il'rurla. c.e . ut Xcw i'rK Mi-rrh JS, for dlrpatch per J r i S r.cniu, BBBBtftHtBBaBBBBBBBBVABBBBBBBBBB -fffffffff l News I South Omaha Nov President Henry C Murphy of ;he Youer Mrus P.rpubncan lub hit tailed i. turn ing of the ilub lor Thursday crrilnr, at rooms in the Murray I lock At this tare ing it it thought that President Murphy v.., send in the names ot the executive com tntttee. asd otbrr business cf cotif Idcrab laiporiaace will come up for ctnldera.tlon In seal;tiig of the work in band Presi dent Murphy said last evening "Tkc club Is now thoroughly orgailied. or will be a soon as the executive committee I samcd We propose to work on the aggressive plan aad naturally expert to accomplish a great doal of good for the cause of republicanism la Sosth Omaha. This club of yovag men Is comtsod of the ery bet timber In tbo city and tht membcri are enthusiast ir While 1 admit thm tbrrc is a great deal to tie accomplished we Irel ronfidest o! being able to do our share end then some' As new constitute! the club is compose! of about 2M members and an effort will be made to ran this membrrthlp up to nt leas' 4(H. Etrr slaee the erganlzatloa of the club several years ago the yotiar. jcp-.b-llrans of the cUy have lalrh n groat dra. of interest In local state and national pi ties, snl the club to some exlrnl has letMr been a political school For the spring camHlgn it is prepose.l to hold a number of meetings in various part of the city and also to establish headquarters whrte meetings may be held and literature distributed. Call for f it Election. It is asserted in stHnr rlreles that the republican tit y central committee made ac error in Issuing a call for the primaries and convention to be held the middle of March. The democrats drew their lwplra tlon from the present Lincoln charter and called for the nominal Ion of all official mcniioned in the Lincoln charter. Thi attlon wts taken for fear that the nr South Omaha charter might not become a law In time to be effe-tne this spring Re publicans, however, called for the elociion of four (ouncllmti and three members of the Board of Education The tepubllcan call provides for the nomination of any other officers or modlllcatioa of offices mention-.'. as may be requited by any t hangs in the Isw. This clause may, it Is avsrrted. per- mil he nomination of a full ticket In case it is deemed advisable to do so. It is ruracrrd that if the democrats nominate a full ticket and elect it, posmssIoh ot the ofbecs can be swurod hv proceedings in the courts. Uili is p'o'.ably wlat the demo crats had in mlDd when the itll was Issued lniueti .Needed. Afir n.akine an Isxritlrutlon Coroner p i,ap decided that it will not be ...... k. .t. necessary ,o jioig an inqnisi ovrr inr re main of Charle srhlffbautr. who com mitted suicide Tuesday li drinking car bolic acid. The coroner loarnod that Schiff bnuer had frequpntl" threatened to take hi life, and he considered that the holding ot an inquest would entail nsodle ix pens upon the count'. Funeral ervie over the remains ef Frhlfftauer will be bell at 10 a. m. today. In :be case of Chris Bleuss the roronrr found that tbe iDjurios mstaicd were purely accidental und no loquost wlil be hcM. Blauc will be burled today. .(i Itliimt . Altbougb quite a number ot claims nnl bills were paid by tbe council Monday night no proviMon-was made tor the firemen or policemen and these servants of the ! will b" compelled to either submit to a heavy discount or go without their pay un til some arrangements can be msde. On? police ofl.rcr said yesterday that he guessed be would have to go to work in a parking house as he 'ould not wait until fall to; bis money. 1 is thought that the council will endeavor to raise money from some sourer within a short time in order that the men :n these departments may bo pail lmprot rnirut Club Iteleuatlou. Today two delegations from South Omaha and one from Omaha will wait upon the directors of the Omaha Street Railway company and urge the extension of the n . , rr-1 . -.. . V ., . . .. , . L- ., aoum juirieemn ureei iiiuiur uuc. iin cm n,nl,n i.mirn, -u-itt ho mnd " "' " V". . . ' of members of tbe East S16r Improvement club and from tbe city council. On Mondav night an ordinance was passed by the coun cil ordering the car lines within the city limits to lx so extended as to furnish trans portation for Tesldentf In tbe eastern por tion of the ci'y. The South Omaha dele gations arc hopeful of a favorable hearing N III Sell (-(irrlunn School. The advice of Dr Wolfe, superintend ent of the public schools, has been ul.o by tbe Board of Education and the old Cor rigan school building will be offered for sale. Some members of tbe board wanted to remove the building to Mella's addition and establish n school there, but as tbe cost of removal would be nearly JCOO u was deemed better to sell the structure The build'.cg is a neat two-room structure ucd will mulct a comfortable dwelling. It Is thought that the board will secure a very good price for the building. Centrnl iouiinlltee .Meet Tonight. A meeting ot tbe republican city central committee has been caKod tor tonight to disc-uss plans for the campaign and make other necessary arrangements. Through an ocrsight ot some sort both tbe deruocritlr and republit-un i-onvraioas have beru culled tor the same date ut the hall oiri tbc South Omaha National hank building This matter will be discussed at tbe meet ing of tbe central rommlttrp tonlcbt snd an investigation will be instituted to see which party has the right to use tbo bs'l on March 10. Ile(jnet lor .Mniicj. Clerk Shrlgley Is in receipt of a com munication from tbe Guita Percba Ruber company asking thm warrants be issued for the 805 feet of hose purchased last Oclo her. Al the time of the purchase there war some trouble about the matter km o tig lb" fire and water committer una tbe hose wts ret urn w5 to tbe depot. Tbe bill is for Js!ft the price to be paid being at the rate of 11.10 a foot. Il is understood that Chvr Etter h$ given an order for the hose and will place It in service as seen as he can test it. Mnulc City (iosklp, Clifton Is anxious that nn ordinance lie passed regulating the posting of bills in the clt Tbe Home Missionary society of th Methodist church will meet with Mrs. C W Smith on Wednesday, March 13. A sidewalk has been crderod to be laid on the south side of K street from Twent -fifth to Twenty-eighth streets An ordinance is to be drafted for tho laying of a sidewalk on the west sMc of Twenty-sixth street from A to B streetr J. M. Buhcurian. formerly a teller nt the Puckers' National bank. Is an applicant for the position of expert In checking ut the city's books Crosswalks have been ordered laid as follows. Twentieth and U streets Twenty-second and Q and Sixteenth and Missouri avenue. , Friends of W. B Vansant are urging him to lM-uome a candidate on the ropunllrau ticket for member of tho council Mr Vansant served one ic-rm In tho council and stepped out of office villi- a record to be trivial. Anna Mc-Cloud of Omaha win be noti fied to place a sidewalk rn front of her property at Twenty-fourth and Q streets at grade A similar notice has been a.r,t her twice before In case no uttemkiti is paid to the thtnl notice the city wlli Co the work and charge the cost to th trop etty. "UT bttlt was TJS.P1T atTetTcd by in at tack of grip and ; suffered lstcsse Egosy uctil I began t&kisc Dr Miles' Heart Cure, ! mele me t well mac " S D, Hoiaas, .fitcurc. Vt