Tin3 CTMA11A DAI LA HJ3R: TTESDAV, JIAKCII 5, 1001 T X SI ONE SEAT IS FOUND VACANT Ruion for a Change in Formula Announc ing Joint Session Eallot. COMPLICATIONS IN PENITENTIARY MATTER fr .More lo Scrurr Hip Itreiin'it ruction of (lie (Hit HtillilltiK mill lloulit im In (lie AilvMiilillll)- or TnUluir Convict Alirunil, earnest and animated discussion beforo crowded galleries and lobbies. Senator Young was tho tlrst to speak. tie objected to tli.it portion ot tho bill which provided that the schools should bo located In tho Fifth and Sixth concessional districts. If the stale was to make any ap propriations for additional normal schools ho could glvo, numerous reasons why the Third district should bo considered. It contained a population of more than 211.000 people and was tho garden spot of tho (Continued from First Pago.) governor's ofllco has asked several neigh boring stales what they could do to pro vide for tho safekeeping of the convicts In their penal lustttutlons nnd arrangements (ould without question bn mndo for their Incarceration pending tho erection of a new prison, but the point Is urged that nothing In tho law Justifies or covers the detention of convicts outsldo tho state limits and that Nehrusku has no Jurisdiction to deprive criminals or any ono else of their liberty outside of Its own boundaries. If ft Nohraaka convict were taken Into another state he might apply forthwith for a writ of habeas corpus and It would be taking big chances to determine whether It would hold or not. At tho samo lime tho suggestion has been made that It would not be an untold calamity to have tho greater number of the penitentiary Inmates get away, because they could ho relied on to keep out of ths state and tho taxpayers would save monoy by being spared the expense of keeping them during the remainder of their sen. tences, which in most cases havo served tho purpose of Inflicting severe punishment for the offense committed. That tho stato has n ticklish problem on Its hands In Its penitentiary dilemma Is milto clear and lnotcad of becoming simplified It seems to bo more tangled than over. OM.V I'IFTV VOTKS MIUUKI) "None of M-mitoiiiil Ciuullilntea Conlil HhhIit Tlinl .Niinilirr. lloupacr. LINCOLN. March . (Special Telegram.) - Fifty votes would havo elected a United Ktntos senator In Jolm ballot today, oniy lilncly-nlnn members being recorded. There wiro no chnnges or moment, nc mim. aii. i, 31 Hitchcock 20 Ciniiiiio 7IKliikiilil 1'rocke.tt Clinic .... Dietrich ... Dunn Iliiltier .... Iliirliiu .... I liiiTliigtnn - lllushnw a Villi- III TIMiirtln 13 Melklejohn I'l.Morlnn 'JlKoKcwuter Thompson, TIlOllipSOII, Uelhorcld V. K.. V. II. Ilctnll. The republican vot was: Allen-D. Thompson. Ourrlc. Alidiows-D. K. Thompson, Mclklojolin. . ....I- f I,...,!.,,... fnrrl.. AriiistrmtH 1. I! Thompson. Melklolohn. Ilrcthc-P. H. ThompM.n, .MelKiejonn. it..ri..i ii i.' Tiiiiimison. MrlkleJohn. Ilrodoilck-llli.sliiiw. Mflklojoliti. Ill own uf Kurniis-I). H. Ihompson, Crounso. HuriHli-llinshaw, Ho.scwnter. t'nln--l. K. Thompson. Melklejohn. ornoor-Miiiiln. Itosewater t'rlssi'J-U. K. Thompson, Melklejohn. Crounse-Ilnrlnn, "iirrl. t unic- Kltiknld, Crounso. IMgur- D. H. Thompson. Crounse. Ilviins-Morlnn. Melklejohn. Fowler M. H. Tlioiiipson. Melklejohn. Kile.lrlch-Tliompfoii. Currle- Uallogly Wethereld. Melklejohn. Dull It. U. Tlioiiipson. Rosowntcr. Harlan U. K. Thompson, t'urrle. llnthoru -Morlati. Melklejohn. I llbbcrt D. H. Thompson. Melklejohn. Ilortuii Kliiknlil. Melklejohn. Johnson 1 1. H. Thompson. Melklejohn. f n'lin-IJ. H. ThompHiin, t'urrle. , li lie I). II. Tlioiiipson, Curr o. Lowe -1), i:. Thompson. Melklejohn. Mnrlln II K. Thompson, Crounse. li'i'utKiu--li. 15. Thompson, Currle. McCarthy IllnShaw, Itosewater. MK'nv - Martin, Itos;vutur. Mmd Dietrich, ltosewiitor."- Ml:-kcll- I), t:. Thompson'."nofewater. .lnrsliiill- Hlimhiiw. Currle. Mnckiit 1. H. Thompson. Melklejohn. .Mullen Dietrich. Rom-water. Newell I), H. Tlmmpson. t'urrle. Olson of riielps 1J. H. Thonipnon, Mciklu oJlin O'Neill D. H. Thompson, Currle. Owens Crounse. Clinic. Itohwcr- lllnshaw. Crounse. Kiiiidull -llnrlaii, Metklejolin. Sltillhnrit -I). K. Thompson, Crounse. Snilthbergrr -vtherulil. MrlkleJohn. Kpcnccr - D. H. Tlininioun, Melklejohn. Mtr.elr.IItnMiiiw. .Mclklolohll. Mtelnmeyi'r- D. H. Thompson, Melklejohn Hwnnson- weiiicri'iu, .mcikicjouh. Hi'ott D. K Tlioiiipson, Currle. TcITt D. K. Thoiiiiisoii. Itmowiitcr. Trompon D. 15. Thompson, ltoewaler. Warner D. K. Thompson, Melklejohn. hltniore- lltiliier, Itosewater. Wllmivllliislmw. Hosewater. Wllklnson-D. 11. Thompson. Melklejohn Ymmir- Mnrlln. Itosewater. Mr Hpeaker D. H. Thompson. Itosewater, 1 111 i lamer, icoscwiuor. V n llooklrk D. H. Thompson. Melklc- ''"Absrnt Dalclrlge. Oleson of f 'inning, lllltnplirev. Illesner, Tweed, Mendenlmll, Welizl. Iteehly. Hrown of Otoe. Harris, tJnwne. Jouveuat. lepublleiins; Hunks, Cal kins, Thomssen, Itoyd. Heiill, relslger, Hprecher, Hei'her, Ciimniliis. Dahlsten, Dlnrs, Kdinondson, Hunter, Huwxby. Hoy, Lvman, llnunmi. Heiillng. Sehlnstock, W'ulkcr, AViitsou, Woolstenholm, fuslonlsts. SENATE ON NORMAL SCHOOLS l.iniK lli'iKHi Out llehiili- mi llir I'eiul Iiik HIM C.niN Wlllioiit llrlliilli- Action, (it, Van flosklrk's bill providing for a state veterinarian and necessary deputies The bill, with some minor amendments, was recommended for passage. Tho next bill to receive consideration was senate lllo 123, by Trompen, a bill which Increases the fees of sheriffs and doubles tho amount of mileage now allowed them by law. The bill was reported for postpone ment, after which tho committee arose. Its I report being adopted by tho senate, after which the members proceeded to the house The Grip Leaves Thousands in Its Path Weal, Nervous, Dyspeptic, I stale. In the beautiful town of Wayne, for the purpose of voting for United States with Its splendid business houses and pain- senators, tlal residences there Is a private normal school ono of tho best In tho state and tho people of Wayne, while not begging for :i normal school, are willing to donate to tho stato sufficient land nnd five buildings worth $30,000. There Is also a good private school at Fremont nnd It has been shown that these schools can educate as cheaply as tho state Institutions. The speaker was not In favor of moro normal schools, but if tho legislature thought the state needed them ho was ready to show that any argu ments which might bo advanced for the Fifth and Sixth districts could bo ndvnnced for tho Third. Ho wished to amend the bill so that It would provide for n third fchool, to be located In tho Third district. Ilnrlnii'n Itriisonn for Oppooltloii. Senator Harlan was against the proposed appropriations and quoted figures to show that tho stato was already paying over fjOO.OOO a year for educational purposes. "Why place these schools In tho Fifth and Sixth districts," said tho senator from York, "where tho population Is annually decreasing and where they havo no rail road facilities to speak of? Why not con sider tho Fourth district? Right In the town of York, a pretty little city of 5,000 people, centrally located and easy of ac cess, thcro is located n private educational Institution with splendid buildings and fine surroundings, which the city Is ready nnd willing to donate to tho stato should a normal school bo located there." However, HOUSE PUSHING ITS WORK Mnny IIIIU (ilvrn llimlltie, Cuiislilern- tlon nnil .Sonic Hrlinlcil III I.CMKtll, , LINCOLN. .March 4. (Special.) During tho course of tho busiest day since the scsston began the house today recom mended for passage tho bill providing for a system of freo public traveling libraries and mado some headway on the supreme court commission bill. Consideration of the tatter measure will be resumed tomorrow. Reports of standing committees, recom mending tho passage of tho following meas ures, wero read nnd adopted: II. II. nr. liv Mtirrav For relief of the village ot Tender, for $211.50, expended for enre and treatment of smallpox patients, 11. U. 350, by Dahlsten-To reduce express rates for transportation of commodities, goods or merchandise between points In Ne braska to 83 per cent of the rates llxed and charged for like service on January 1, 1S0L ii. ii. Liiy. nv Hears 10 nimiorise oum- Ttfiiiril of l'lirc-l'iiise nnd Kuiinlle.H to contract tot supplies) for thrco months to ono year for stale Institutions. H. It. 297. by Kvims To appropriate J2..000 Tor erection on stmt' nousu growio ui mnmmipnt In meniorv of Abraham Lincoln nnd to Nebraska volunteer soldiers ot late wars. II. It. 103. by Tent Relating to govern mpfit uf cpmphTV fiHKoelittlons. H. R. 174, by Knveny To regulate the mauufneturo nnd sale of lard. S. F. 72, by O'Nnlll To admit veterans oi r... I ..-I. - .....1 ,1. tit. 111.-.. I. .a . , . , . ... .i Lnin I npaninn-.tiiierit'iiii win ituu niu l mu 'i'" he was against additional burdens being inMiirrertlon to tho Soldiers' nnd Sailors' placed upon tho tnxpayers and no nopca trie Home, under rules nnd regulations govern- blll would not pass. Senator Mlllor, who lives In Iluflnlo county, spoko In favor of the hill. Ho thought the western part of tho stato should bo recognized. Allen Supports (lie Hill. Senator Allen, who Is tho acknowledged champion of tho normal school bill, made a strong speech in behalf of tho measure He muilo an appeal In behalf ot tho young pcoplo of tho western part of tho state, nnd defined the beauties nnd nccetslllcs of llberul education. "Tho only rcaton I am hero on tho floor of this senate," said Mr. Allen, "Is for tho 1 11 IT till' II- IllHtltlltlOllS. II. It. 302. by Huresh Relating to i:on Irurllnti nnil rpimlr of sidewalks nnd grid ing or streets m cities oi ino meiruiiouutii rlum: in tirnvcnt rnnslriictlon of wooden sidewalks nnd repair of wooden sidewalks that have deteriorated DO per cent of their original vniue. ii ii rt7i. nv Hpnr.i ii) create a couiiiiin slon of entomology and to authorize iitiamntlno. treatment and destruction of Infected trees or plants and to appropriate il .nun. it n. hv riil-To authorize city conn cil of Omnhii to deslgnnte at commence ment of cni'li year two dally newspapers that have been published for at least two vears. and each having a bona lido circula tion of 3,000 or more, as I lie official papers purposo of working for of tho city. In which shall no published all this bill nnd I hope It will pass." Ho do- :e;;,llKH required bv lnw to be published, nlcd Hint tho schools were as good as lo- it. It. 3S1. by Corneer To glvo pUy eomp- coted and thought the people should bo tniller of Omaha J t " I rt 1 1 " 1 . "J"''', willing to trust lo tho honesty of tho board fiVV'oflTSS.uWlS'ISSl.'S? an'rt'lo'tnth'K whoso fluty It is to locate tucso insiitu- inrlsd ct on away from the city cicrK. tons H. R. 399, by Armstrong To limit per Alter Senator Young had spoken again, -ft"' 5:Ui1(?,!,rV2!:,7.o0r In which he urged tho adoption ot tils nn,i t fx rate of Interest on bonds for amendment. Senator Currlo took tho lloor public Improvements In such cities at 5V4 nnd mado an nppeol tor tho normal schools. 1' ct11o ,,y Mnrtln-Deflnlng crime of Ho was ngatnst Senator Young's nmend- train robbery nnd providing punishment for incut, for tho reason thnt It would mean Hi commission tho defeat of tho entire bill. If tho bill l ute of Oilier IIIIU wns amended and sent back to tho house it other bills reported by tho committees would never rencli tne senate again, nnn tne ,vcro ,i8p0aed of ns follows: Dili was too goon a one to no hiuco. in com mon lust Ire to the children who aro grow ng up on the vast pralr cs of the west this the purpose of determining paying nun It es i in .L..n of petroleum and obtaining geological In bill should pnss. formation. Placed on general llln for eon Senator Owens, while living In the great Fpleratlon In committee or the whole. Was Sixth, was nppohed to the bill as It stunds recommended for Indelinlto postponement and does not think there Miould bo two ir!S',Tlrl.m,ca?lc,H, anapp, normal scnoois in mo western pan oi uic prlatlon l Wi,w, II. It. 349. hv Zlmniercr To provide for making four wells In stnte of Nebraska for state. "It Is time for the people of No brnskn to look themselves In the face and Inquire whether or not they can afford two moro normal schools," said Senator Owens. "You will find that every senator who represents it district In which there I nnnrunHlutloii of committee Is located a stato institution will probably laneous subjects. II It. 171. bv Hamilton To nrohlhlt mnnii fiiptitre anil sale of Imnliro beer. Jn- lptlnltelv liostixmed on recommendation of committee on miscellaneous subjects. II. It. 21!. by Tanner to puiiisn persons rmini snioklnc ricarettes In imbllo streets or buildings. Indefinitely postponed on rec oil iniscci LINCOLN, March 1. (Special.) Tho sen nto Ibis afternoon, by tho dcclstxo voto of 21 to 0, agrceil to tako up house roll 37, tho normal school bill, for the purposo of considering It out of Its plnco In commlt tco of tho whole. Tho result was a most A nappy Mother l-'rolickitiR with her baby makes one of the prettiest spectacles ever seen in the home. Hut nothing is sadder to sec than the unhappy mother, weak anil nervous, striving in vain to hush the. cries of her weak and nervous babe. There can be no happiness for vote for this bill, not because of Itji merit, but for tho protection of their own Insti tutions. They did so two years ago. with but one exception, that being" Senator Arends of Otoe." Senator O'Neill took exceptions to the remarks of Scnnlor Owens. Ho bad not been threatened with regard ' to cutting down the appropriations for the slnto in- titltutlons located in Lancaster county, pro vided he did not support the normal school bill, He did not believe In taxing the whole stato for the education of lhoio liv ing In the eastern section of tho state, and was thereforo In favor of the bill. A motion to arise and report progress was defeated by a close vote. Ilnrlnn Mil" nil Amendment, Senator Harlan fcnt up nn amendment which cut out of the bill nil rcferenco to districts nnd which would leave tho board freo to locato them nt any point In tho state should tho bill pain. Ho had been accused, he said, of being suspicious of tho sctlon of the locating board. Now, if tho friends and supporters of this mcnsuiu wero willing to trust the board, why thla reference to the Fifth and Sixth districts. Mnko no reference to districts, but let tho board uso Its best Judgment If tho schools aro established. "Senator Currlo makes a pathetic appeal it I? 1F1Y hv Mrlnr-Tn raise Mfilarlpit nt cltv comptroller, ponce judge anil prose cutor of Omaha. Indefinitely postponed on recommendation ot committee on cities and towns. II cm in ni p ml cil for Pikkiikp. With Andrews of Frontier in the chair tho houso In committee of tho wholo roe ommended tho passage of tho following bills: It 17 " . ' lit I iililinji I ii !, 1 1 1 Hnrl urn. clncts. townships, fines or the accoml class or villages having less than fifty resilient freeholders to issue bonus lor public Im tirovetiii'iits. If. II. 1T. by Crockett To do awny with ofllco of township tax collector. Tho vote on this measure In committee of the whole was 31 for paastigo ami so for postpone' input. II. 11. r.n. by .MocKPtt--to provide for present poms oi compensation in county Judge's ofllco In Lnnrnsler county, to mako up tor slump in i.ancasier s pop nation. II. It. 20. bv Hrown of Otoe To create n system of public traveling libraries and lo appropriate Jl.ooO therefor. II. it. ,.. iiy i.oonus hi provide ror dis connection of property from limits of municipal corporations. If It. SO. by lleekly Relating to organl zatlon of towns and villages. II It. 121. by cm -to promote the nu b c nemiii oy tue regulation oi snnuary con strucllon of drainage and nliimhliii:. If. It. 221. by McCoy To authorize board of trusters of any vlllnco now incorporated or which may uereaiier no incorporated, to purchase iiincis, lots or grounds, to bo used tor para purposes. ii. ii. i:ii. ny iitimpnrey Heiating to for tho poor boy and girl of tho west," settlement of estates after death. cnM Kpimlnr Ilnrlnn. "vet Iwo vears aco ho If. It. 23. by Ilathorn To return home stated on this lloor thatMio caroo from tho Ue1 Willow county to Russell F, Western pari iu uiu ninir, yjhtiu uil-iu wern no normal schools, but Whero tho Supreme C ourt t oi.tml.,!...,. pcoplo woro as well educated as thos of H- K- H7. !)' McCarthy, providing for nnv section, nnd ho nt that time coldly appointment of nlno supreme court com voted against a bill for the creation of mlssloncrs, was taken up lato In the after normal schools for western Nebraska." noon Senator Lyman spoko In favor of tho bill As this measure was similar to senate and euvo several reasons why they should Ho 133 tho latter wns, by general consent bo located In tho Fifth and Sixth districts, substituted for tho former. Tho discussion Tho pcoplo of those two districts pay moro over tho bill occupied the tlmo of tho houso than one-thlnl of the entire taxes of the unill adjournment state, said tho speaker, and they should bo given some consideration. Senator Crounso thought the senate should bo farther advised as to tho flnaucl.il condition of tho stnte, and for tho purpose ot giving the finance committee tlmo to gather this Information ho moved to nrlst. economy thero should bo no more than six ond report progress, but the motion was lost comniiiibloners. Whltmoro seconded th An amendment by Kvnns of Lincoln county, to reduce tho number of commls sioners from nlno to six, preclpltoted the argument. Mr. Evans explained thnt whll ho wns heartily in favor of tho passage of tho bill ho thought that for reasons of either mother or child without henlth. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription " tias done wonders" for mony a woman, by restoring tier health and open ing for her the way to happy mother hood, this really wonderful medi cine is not a cure all. It is a prepara tion specially de signed to cure dis eases peculiar to women. It dries debilitating drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, cures female weak ness, and removes the causes which generally make women nervous and sleepless. There is no alco hol in " Favorite Prescription " and it contains no opium, cocaine or other narcotic. Mm. Jiinci V Blacker, or in Cither lor Street. Syractiie, N. V., write "Your medicines have done wonders for inc. l'or yeata my health waa ery poor; I had four iniKarHagef. but Hlnce takitiz Dr. l'lerce'a Fa vorite l'retcriptlon and 'Ooltlen Medical Dl tovery,' I hnve much better health, and now I have a fine, healthy baby," Use Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets with ' "Favorite Prescription" if the bowels are inactive or iriegular. by n vote of 14 to 13. The motion on tho amendment by Sena tor Harlan was then votrd and lost, the amendment by Senator Young Including tho Third district meeting the samo fato by r. closo vote. Senator Allen then moved to recommend tho bill for par-sage, but his motion wns declared out of order. Senator Crounso, who Is opposed to tho bill, had not Intended to speak on tha uicnsuro today, but the attitude of tho normalltcs, who seemed to lino a shado the bettor of It, In Insisting that tho dis cussion bo concluded today, resulted In his making a strong speuch ngalnst tho bill. After Senator Crounse had finished speak ing a motion that the committee nrlso and motion to adopt this amendment Kcpreseniniivti uoomls vigorously op posed the amendment nnd pointed out tlui thero would bo no economy In reducing tho number of commissioners. Iln explained In detail the overcrowded condition ot th supremo court docket and insisted that six commissioners would havo to work enough longer to get to tho bottom of tho docket to mako the decreaso in tho number no saving at all. Kvnus' amendment was de fcated by a viva voco voto after It had been nttacked by sovornl members. In eluding McCarthy, tho author of tho bill. Tho discission was further prolonged by the introduction of an amendment by Whit more to change tho name "supreme court commissioner" to "Hurremo court rcferco" In report progress wns carried nnd the bill will 8pcaking for the amendment Whltmoro ad bo furl her discussed tomorrow. The lien' ato at 11 o'elock adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow. .Scuulom ApoliiuUc, At tho morning session soon after tho scnato bad convened, Senator Martin arose and stated that on last Saturday ho was not feeling well and had probably mado some remarks which wero better unnnld. If ho had hurt anybody's feelings ho was borry and wished to apologize. He was followed by Senator Owens, who stated that ho was also feeling a little out of humor on Saturday. Ho apologized lo the senate and also to Senator Ransom tor remarks made by him last Saturday Senator Harlan, with ono eyo on Sena tor Ransom, suggested that It unyono else dealred to make nn apology that this was a splendid tlmo, but no ono took tho cue and the senate went Into committee, of the whole, with Martin In the chair, for this purposo of considering bills bn general me. The first bill taken up was smote file versely criticised tho wholo measure. an Intimated that If his motion carried h would seek to have the referees authorize only to determine findings or conclusions for submission to the supreme court GRAIN-f) VJ THE PURE V J unnui vswi rub Coffee injures growing children even when it is weakened. Grain-0 gives them brighter eyes, firmer flesh, quicker intelligence and hap pier dispositions. They can drink nlltlieyw;antof Orain-O the r.ioro the better, and it tastes like coffee. Allcrocen; 15e. andSSc atarrh Wrecks. mm. n w m.fflB2 "For Grip and the after-effects like debility, nervousness, dyspepsia and other catarrhal conditions resulting from the Grip, in the entire Materia Medica I have found no remedy that equals Per una for prompt action." Dr. S, I, If art man, President The Iart , man Sanitarium. From iV. V. Journal." "During the re cent Grip epi demic, claiming a million victims .'fttore, theejji- ieitcy ef Fauna in quickly reliev ing this distress ing malady audi lingering of effects has the oj on tin cut.' LIKI3 A DEMON grip has crossed our country, leaving behind scores of .l,f ul...1 ...nnl.o' I'lijnitiii n i vLnm Victims of cntarrh of tho head, ca- arrh of tho throat, catarrh of the lungs, catarrh of the stomach, cntarrh of tho kid neys, catarrh of the pelvic organs, aro to bo counted by hundreds of thousands. Crip s epidemic catarrh, and sows tho seeds of chronic catarrh within the system. This is so true thnt few grip sufferers aro ablo to make a complcto recovery until hey have used I'erunn. Never In tho history of mediclno has a remedy received such unqualified and unl-. versal eulogies as Peruna. ,civ lurk A lilcrninii'n IWprrlnice. Hon. Joseph A. Fllnii, ulderman Fifth District, writes from 101 Crlstopher street, New York City, nt) follows: "When n pestilence overtakes our peoplo wo tako precaution ns a nation to preserve the citizens against tho dread disease. "La Orlppo has entered thousands of our homes this fall, and 1 noticed that the peo ple who used I'eruna woro iti'lckly restored, while thoso who depended on doctors' pro scriptions, spent weeks fn recovering, i leaving them weak and emaciated. "I hnd a slight attack of la grippe and nt onco took I'erunn, which drove the dis ease out of my system in a fow days and did not hinder tne from pursuing my dally work. "I should like to see our Hoard of Health glvo it ofllctal recognition nut! have it used generally among our poor sick peoplo In (Jrenter New York." Joseph A. Fllnn. D. L. Wnllnce, a charter member of the International Harbor's Union, writes from 15 Western Atcniie. Minneapolis, Minn'.: ! "Following a severe attacks ot la grlppo ' I Rppmpil In In, nfTpptpil li.nlll nil nvpr. 1 Buffered with severe I ackaclie, ludigostion nnd numerous ills, so I could neither cat nor sleep, anil I thought 1 would glvo up my work, which I could not afford to do. "One ot my customers who was greatly hclpetl by I'eruna advised mo to try It nnd I procured a hot lie. tho samo day. I used It faithfully and felt a marked Improvement During tho next two months I took live bottles, and then felt splendid. Now my head Is clear, iny nerves are steady. I enjoy food, and rest well. I'erunn has been worth a dollar a dose to me." D. L. Wallace. Mr. O. H. Perry. Atchison. Kas.. writes: "Again after repealed trials of your mcd- , Iclnes, I'eruna and Miinalln, 1 glvo this as my expression of the wonderful rc- suits of your ery vnlunhlo medicine In lis I effects in my tnso after repented trials. , "First, It cured mo of chronic bronchi tis of fifteen years' slnndlng by using two bottles of I'erunn In January, 1V.H, nnd no return of It. I "After I was cured of bronchitis I had I la grlppo every winter for several winters. Hut through the use of I'erunn II got grad ually weaker In Its severity until It dwin dled down to a mere stupor for two or thrco days. Now the stupor docs not trou mo any more." O. II. l'erry. Mr. Nicholas F. ltossltcr. caro Cleveland Clly Water Works, City Hall. Cleveland, O.. writes: This winter 1 had n hevero attack of la grlppo which compelled mo to leave my ofllco anil seek medical assistance. Al though I followed the doctor's ndvlco faith fully I felt no better, anil reading in tho papor that Peruna would euro It I sent for some. I began to mend In Icsb than three tlnyH, and nlthough I was still very weak, 1 fell that I had tho light medicine, IN ten days I was back at my desk feeling better and stronger Hum I hnd In somo time. "I'erunn not only cured tho grip, but It Improved my general health, Increasing my capacity for physical and mcntnl exer tions." N. F. ltossltcr. V Coiiui'cxaiiiiiii's i:perlcncr. Hon. M. W. Howard, Congressman from Alabama, has the following lo say In regard to I'erunn.: "I hao taken I'eruna now for two week and find I inn very much relieved. I feet thnt my cure will be permanent. 1 have. nlBo taken It for In grippe, nnd I tako pleasure In rcoiniuendlng I'eruna as an excellent remedy lo all fellow sufferers. " M. W. Howard. Congressman Howard's homo nddrcss In Fort Payne, Aln. If you do not derive prompt nnd satis factory lesults from the uso of I'erunn, write at once to Dr. llarlman, giving a full statement of your rase and ho will bo plenscd to glvo you his vnlunhlo advlcn gratis. Address l)r llnrtmnn, President of Tho llarlman Saiitorium, Coluinbiii, O. Judges. Ho would also nsk that only Judges of tho district court be eligible to appoint ment. At -V4r ii motion liv yimmprpr In nrllnllrn was enrried. This iifllnn Ipft tlin bill nn :i special order for tho nrxt meeting of tho committco ot tho wnoic. VETO FOR UNIVERSITY LEVY Scnntc mill Uoiinc Cnninilttrcs Decide Agiilnnt Appropriation on Onc .11111 lliinlfi. LINCOLN, Mnrch 4. fSpeclal Telegram.) Tho scnato and houso committees on finance, ways nnd menns havo vetoed (Jio proposition to approprlato tho cntlro pro ceeds of a 1-nilll levy for tho University of Nebraska. Tho committee reports will bo mado pub lic in a fow days nnd will ho submitted to tho Icglslnturo In tho form of amendments to tho pending appropriation hill. Tim rovenuo from tho trust and endowment funds wilt go undiminished lo the university though It Is not likely that tho entire 1 mill tnx will bo so appropriated. Tha budget prepared by Secretary Dales of tho board of regents called for tho full tnx, but tho committees agreed that it would bo unwise to authorize the appropriation when thero Is but llttlo chnnco of collecting nil of tho taxes so levied. If tho committee reports are adopted about 48 per cent of tho monny that will bo required by tho university will bo rnised by taxation, while f2 per cent will come from the United States or other pormanont funds. TAKES TURN FOR THE WORSE Condition of llrprcsciilnd vc Ilrtnvn Marc Nerlonn nnil DllllctiK (o Drill With. NRnRASKA CITY, Neb., March 4. (Special Telegram.) Tho condition of Rep resentative David Hrown changed sharply for tho worso yesterday and ho shows no Improvement this morning. A well defined enso of pneumonia has developed which Dr. Whltten states will be difficult to deal with owing to tho patient's weak ond nervous condition. SrrtliiK Out l"l n en In .lull, DAKOTA CITY, Neb., March 4. (Special.) John N. Peysen and Jimmy Flynn. both of Covington, who wero each convicted nt the recent term of tho district court of tho illegal falo of liquors and fined $100 and costs by Judgo Graves, nro now confined In tho county Jail, pnylug their sentences. James C. Riddle, who was convicted on tho samo charge on two different counts, and fined $100 on each 'count, has given bonds In each case ConveyliiK- Schuyler llcnl lOntiitr, SPIIUYLUR. Neb., March I. (Special.) Irstrumonts to tho number of thlrty-thren wero filed In tho county clerk's ofllco March 2. Fourteen of them woro warranty deeds, amounting to $41,770. All hut four con voyed farm property, ranging from $33 to $50 an ncro. A tlfteen-acro fruit farm sold for $166.66 an acre. Sovcn mortgages wero tiled, aggregating $S,850. In A urn In Water Cnmuilniiioni-r. HUMllOLDT. Neb., March 4. (Spuf lal.) John R, Gird, who has served the past year as water commissioner, has resigned nnd" Major Nines reinstated Al Hales, who had served In this capacity several years, but was removed by tho same mayor about a year ago, (Murk In llroiiKlit to Oninliii, FRBMONT, Neb., March 4. (Special.) Officer Druramy of tho Omahn police force this afternoon took C. Clark, who has been In the Dodge county Jail since November, to Omaha on tho charge ot robbery Clone and another party wero arrested hero in November on the olmrgo of larceny or nn overcoat from Attorney Ashtmi of Oram! Island. As tho charge against Clark In Omaha Is more serious than tho ono here, which Is at tho most only larceny from tho person, tho Dodgo county nfllcers turned 111 m over to tho Douglus county authorities, I'liillc Illxer Ice Hi-ciiKn I p, SCIIUYLF.R. Neb.. March I (Special.) Tho Ico moved from tho Platto river yes terday without doing any damage to wagon or railroad bridges. Tho dam being built In tho north channel hy tho Hurllngtnn wn3 affected somewhat, but not bcriously. ' ICC tiOCN (Mil III I'lllllNIIIOIllll, PLATTS.MOUTII, Neb., March 4. (Spe cial.) Tho Ico wont out of tho Missouri river at this point yesterday. pi MM MANHOOD RESTOKEDJS: bla Vltullzir.thQprpwrlpUoiinf nfiiranns French pliyilel.in, will nulcWvoiirii you of all iivrvuuaor alicnaimnl (lie nenrrutlva oruaim, such iu I.t JInliiol, SiiMiinnln, a'ulim in Uiu lttirli. Mi,iii,i,ki iittiki..H. '! nun flrbllll.v. 1'iiiiiile IfnfllnraNlo Slurry, Ilxlinuvllnu llrnlna, Turleneclc nnil :uitlinilon. f lUtopaull limsealiyduyornlKliU l'ri'VetitiiqiilcWnf"Hof duelling, winch If not checked lea.ls to Bpcrinutorrliu'H and all tliu horrors of imnoti-ncy. '(' lil'.N'Hcloaiiwntfci II Vnr. I h n L lilnnva it ml tin ii.ltm.v f.rr.i.ita nt nil I m nurll li.a uu itaiwicn niuu i , i.l. in a ill. v V t'S ii:a'K ttreugtUum . Tlinrennon HUfferJra aro not cured hv Doctors l became 1)0 nor cent nro troubled with lrna(nlllla. CDliDKNK the only known renic tly tit euro without nil operation. WW toitUiiioiilulK. A written puaranteoKlven and mom-y returned If hon adnta noV cOcct a iwrmuueut euro. 11.W a boi.fl for iJ.00, byinall. bend fnr KiiKi'.cfrrulur anil tentlmimln's. AUdreM IIAVOI, JIIIullIL'INF. Co., P.O. iloz 317(1. Kan Froncbco. Cat. roil SALD IIY MYICHS-DILLOS i.HUO CO.. 1UTU AMI K A II. HAM. e)IRT IN THE HOUSE BUILDS THE HIGH WAY TO BEGGARY." BE WISE IN TIME AND USB SAPOLIO OS?- Ywwaaawia sizsr