THE OiLAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, 31AIU II I. IUUL. ( X V SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlarmeots for these colnmns Trill tie tnUen nnlll 1U m. for the evening edition and until H :t( p. in. fur maritime and Snnilny edition. Rntea, 1 l-2c n wont lira! Inarrtlon, lo a iron! thereafter, .tntlilnu taken for (linn .. for Ilie drat Inarr- t n. Thrae ail vertlaementa moil In ran enuaecntlvely. rrqaeatlnft a nnm. tierrd check, can Iiiitc nntrrr nd drraard to a numbered letter In ear or The lire. Anarrera an addressed will ne delivered on preaentntton of tk heck onlr. WA.VflilJ SITUATIONS. EXPERT accountant. Holbrook. Brown bite A CIS WANTED, by general merchant poltion " collector or city salesman, own rig. good references. Addre K 4t, Bee. A-M543 4 W'ANTKD. position by experienced book-Keeper- bent of references. Address K 36, Hee A-MSB 4' WA VI' ED-MALE HELP. WANTED, we have steady work for a tew Rtort hustlers of good habits and appoar ancc. C. F. AJans Co.. 1005 Howard St. U tfl BARBER trad taught thoroughly In hrt time: catalogue & particulars free. cat rn liarbera' Institute. Omaha, Neb ... B A MEN or women to sc.i goods to city '.rJe. Good pay and steady employment. Hlx enbaugh & Co., Waro block, umalia. U WANTED, wire artists to handle new line. MEN to learn barber trade. We can offer big seller". Write for new catalogue of better Inducements now than any other j shells. I. L. Mitchell. Cedar Rapids. In. eason. It will pay y'.i to prepare at once J MI70 12 fur spring rush, only eight weeks re-1 - quired. Our course consists of evervthlng , TWjSTORY brick building and liascment. required of a first-class barber. Including good locution, excellent trackage, exclu lectures on hair and skin diseases. Our slve use to new electric elevator; rent college 1 newly equipped with modern1 reasonable. Inquire ixo Leavenworth St. furniture of special design, and every J M35I 4 iacimy ror successful training, atuuents ty are allowed Saturday and Sunduy work In mops wnue learning, una tan warn ironi tlo to SIS beforu graduating. Complete outtlt of tools presented to eneh one. Htendy positions guarunteetl graduates. Call or write for beautifully Illustrated catalogue, giving all particulars, mailed free. Molor Barbir Collage, 16BS Farnam st , Omaha. B MSB9 MS R ANTED nt once, i reliable and com- tent piano tuner. Address A. Hoepe, lnl3 Douuluii. fj J-4 IVANTKD, u man to Introduce cattle food anil hog cholera remedies to the trade on cum trillion: one who had had experience In selling .attle or stock food preferred. Address, with references, Cattle Food, Wo Lumber Exchang. Minneapolis. Minn. B-Mri 4 rOAT makers wanted. Tailor. Karbuch Blk. Apply Nlcoll the B-.M5il 'J HIGH grade solicitors and district man agers in Neb. and Urwa for Northwestern I.'fe; also city managers Omaha, Lincoln, Council Bluets, no' Insurance, but similar; salary or comm. union. K x. lice B-MJS4 VA.TKU- 1'UM.ILK HUM'. WANTED. IW girls. 15J4 Dodge. Tel. S7C C-457 13 girls wanted. Canadian ottlce. IK2 Douglas YOL'NO lady to learn massage: permanent Bosttlun for right party. Appiy 2) Bee I Hdgu c-r WANTED, cook. .Mrs. A. L. Reed. C& Far nam. C Mi3 WANTED, experlem 1 waist makers and draper: also skirt makers, apply at once: big vogert to good people. Address Se blck'u Dressmaking Dept.. Deadwood. S.D. C M5T7 3 WANTED, competent girl for general housework, small family. 111 H. uth nve. ' C-Mjso i 3IRL for general housework at 2W N. l!th street. C MSn.9 0 WANTED, operators on shlrM. pants and overalls. Byrne-Hammer D. G. Co. Fac t.r. lirth and Huwurd Sts. C-M5S7 I JRESSMAICERS wanted. Tailor, Karbach Block. Apply Nlcoll the C-.M553 0 ANTED, Ht once, cook at 1711 Dodge si. C-Ostl 7 l (ll IlKAT HOL'.HKS. If you want your houses well rented nlace tliem with Benawa .t Co. D 4j ALWAYS moving H. H. goods. Pianos. Ultlce, 1511V3 Fanium St. Tel. 16S3 or i?.. D-S46 ilOCSES for rent In all parts of the city. Hrennan-Lovo Co., 3?j So. 13th St. D-217 HOUSES, stores. Bomls, Paxton block. D-3IS SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 1 N. Y. LIFE. D-21'J HOUSES, etc F. D. 'Wead. 18"4 Douglas. D if) HOUSES and lints. Rlngwult, Burker Blk. D-J61 HOUSES wanted. Wallace. Brown Blk. D-JS2 NINE-ROO.M moU'rn house, large grounds, shade trees, barn, thoroughly desirable. In every way; rent. S10 to an Al tenant with relcrences. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. !th and Douglas Sis. D VJO FOR RENT, residence lOM Georgia nve, corner Paclllc, lo rooms, attic, bus.emcnt, east noni; moucrn anu extra convent-" ences' lot WX14". with trees. Innulru j14 First Nnt'l Bunk bldg. D-.M34: 7 GOOD six-room lint, city water in kitchen, 131 S N. 34th at.. S10. Otuahu Loan .t Trust Co., 16th and Douglas. D M34Q IiARGE modern brick hiuse. with barn. 2t S. Stth St. Inquire 201 S. 23th. D -353 S FOR RENT, good six-room Blnney St. house. 2423 D-76-4" &0 SO. 32D ST.. S-room cottage, $10 ft). OMAHA LOAN A TRUST CO.. 16th and Doilglns St. D-M450 3I7 DECATUR. '6 rooms, well water, good repair. SW. 3ST0 llHintltou st., 7 rooms, oily water In side, good repair. S14. PAYNE-KNOX CO., 1st tloor N. Y. L. Bldg. D 51547 3 S. 13. COR. 29th and Poppteton. S rooms, all modern, tine yard. HO. 1531 8. 2tth st , S roomu, all modern, cast front. S37..'A or Woolworth, S rooms, all modern, 125. 1921 S. 3tth. 3 blocks neet of park. 7-room modern. S20. 3110 Burt st., 7-room. city water, bath, gas, barn. SIS. 1133 N. ISth. 7-room. city water, closet, barn, IS. A few smnll cottages. S5 up. J. H. SHERWOOD. 387 N. 'Phone 3sS. Y LIFE. D MS I FOR REV!' I'L'lt.MMIEI) ROOMS. STEAM heated rooms at The Thurston. E-25 DEWEY European hotel. 12th and Farnam. E-256 FOR RENT, one larga well-lurnished bed room for gentleman, near motor line. 256 South 7th street. Council Bluffs. E M349 LARGE sioam-heated rooms with private Imth; private home. 1S11 Chlcurfo. Plume L 2?5. E-3SI-4 ONE large alcove room, suitable for two gentlemen. Otm smuller room. also. Ex cellent neighborhood, no other roomers. References required. Me So. 20th. E-79-5 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, with light and heut. 2S7S Harney E-MUl J TWO or throe, modern house, light house, keeping If desired, one bloolc east South Omaha car No. 2122 N 11th st , corner Burdette. E-M563 4 KL'Il.MSIIEI) ROOMS AM) IIO.VII1). GLENCA1.RN. translents.Sl.2fclay LARGE front parlors with board; also smaller room, reasonable rates. The Roe, 2020 Harney F M331 UTOriA, F21 Davenport St. F-2JJ I t ItMSIIKI) ROOMS AMI HOARD. The Merrlam, good winter home. & Dodge r-s ROOMS and board, reasonable le Caa. LARGE front room. 3 8. 35th ave r-tn FOR IlKYf I Ft H,MHU HOtlM. FOR housekeeping, also Mar's ar barn. 2021 St. 0-M 1 UNFURNISHED rooms for light house, keeplng. newly papered and painted, "team heat. WIthneli bldg . 15th and liar- ( ney O-Jia 4 TWO fmnt rooms for light housekeeping. 1 Leavenwrrth st. G 7S '' FOR HEAT iTOItl A.MJ OFFICE. FOR RENT Store, In tlrst-cla. location; rent reasonable Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground Hoor, Hee Bldg. I 266 FOR RKNT The building formerly occu pled br The Bee at 916 Karnnm St. It has four stories and a basement which was formerly lined as The Bee pres sroom. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, see, etury, room M. Bee Building. 1-261 AliBXTS W V.VTBII. OKNTS or ladles to dn local work or gn oral agency work, will pay from S30 to SM per month. Call on or uildress A. E. Hill, till I'axton block, Omaha. J M432 10 AGENTS, with Hayes' metallic rubber tires for rocking rhnlra make St") per month. Address J C Hayes. US H. Locust St , Des Moines. la. J M472-4 WANTED, men with rlc to Introduce Mon arch l'uultry Mixture, straight salary SIS weekly and expense. Address, with stamp, .Monarch Mfg. Co., Box CE. Springfield. Illinois. J-M2SS ! MOIlVtil PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 312 014 Jones, general storuge and forwarding. -Ml OM. Van Cnr. Co.. 1611'x Farn. Tfls. 1689-S3. 3S wa.ti:ij TO IIUV. WANTED, seeend-hand, one-horse delivery wagon in good repair. Address C. II. Lee. uciievue, aurpy co . Neb. N M 6 "ROOM modern house, good made prop erty, about $l.:uj cash, stuto bottom price. I4S Charles St N-M533 4- WANTED, good colored cow ponies. 14 to 14l hands high, 5 to year old. sound and broke gentle to ride; will pay good price. Walworth-Hllllkcr" Co.. Cnlun Stock Yards Horse SInrket. N M559 5 WANTED to buv. chases, racks, column and brass rules, iiuolns. leuds, slugs anil four Job cases, at once. Address K 15. Bee Otllce. stating full particulars as to price nnd specifications. X 5T 5 'OH SLK Ft ll.MTlllH. CHICAGO Ft'RNITVRE CO. 1410 Dodge. Tel. W. New ,fc dhand furniture bought, sold, exchanged. O '.6J FOR 5AI.H IIOHSKN VEIIHT.KS, 1-yi'C. WHY experiment? Buggies, wagons, etc. rep'd by H. Frost will work. 14th Ac Lav. P-K3 ENTIRE stock of carriages, buggies and wagons regardless of cost. Anderson-Millard Co., Cor. ISth and Davenport. I'-30:-M25 FOR SALE-IIargalns. Beautifully matched carriage team, guaranteed sound and safe. Kino driving mare, young and peedy. Deslrnbl" pony with cart and harness. Latest pattern Bike buggy. In tine con dition. 12-gauge hammerless shotgun; also Marlin rifle Combination bookcase and writing desk. Address. P O. Box 1273. Omaha. P M44ft 5 FOR SALE, span mules, wagon, harness, SIM. 517 N. Y. Life. P-M451 5 roil .ali: mim i:i.laboi. HARD and soft foundation piling: hog fciiccH and cribbing. VW Douglas. Q 261 2DIIAND safe cheap. Derlght. 1116 Farnam. Q 265 SAFES; buy. sell exe'ge. Schwartz. 114 S. IX Q 2W TIMOTHY hay and all kinds feed and coal. Monroe & Co. Q 26S INCUBATORS. Send to the Sure Hatch Incubator Co.. Clay Center, Neb., for a handsome free catalogue. . Q 203 SEED SWEETS. Theo. Williams, Benson, Neb. QSI-J01 M23 FOR SALE, n very fine Jersey cow; Just fresh. 2S26 Webster St. Q M367 3 FORTY-HORSE boiler, SH. 517 N. Y. Life. Q-M452 5 CHICAGO CASH REGISTER-Write or call before you buy. We can make you money. C. W. Knley. general agent. Nebraska and Council Bluffs. Good agents wanted in every town in state. 211 South 12th St., Omaha. Q-MM6 U CLAIHVOY .T. MRS. FRITZ, medium. S19 North 16th. S 270 MME GYLMEH, genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge S 271 ELECTRIC THHATJIEM'. ELITE parlors, 15 South 16th. second tloor. T 101 MS MME AMES. 1613 Howard. 2d floor, room 1. T-187-.M24 MABEL GRAY. 317V- N. 15th St.. Flat E. T-.MS3r M20 MISS MAY LESLIE. 619 S. 16th. 2d tloor. T-M313 A2 rEIHO-TAL. PRIVATE home before anil during confine ment: babies adopted. Mrs. Burgot. 2629 Burdette. U 272 FRENCH accordion pleating: Ivory rim buttons; mall orders. Omaha Pleating Co., 1521 Douglas. U 273 SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent. White Sewing Machine, 1C2U Douglas. Tel. 2231. U-274 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during conllnement; babies adopted. 2306 Grant St. U 275 VIAVI Woman way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 34S Bee Bldg. U-276 M. GOLDMAN & CO.-Only perfect ac cordeon pleating plant In the west. Mail orders solicited. Suite 2u Douglas Block. U-277 TURKISH baths, massage baths electric baths, for ladles only: skilled womeu mu.tge operators; finest equipped baths in the city. Renstrom Bath Company. Rooms 216 to 220. Bee Bldir U-275 DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns & tupcrtluaus hair removed by electrlcty. R. 12 Frenzer block. U-279 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger, send for circulars. Empire Rut tura Cure, 932 N- Y. Life Building, Omaha. U-eM-Ml9 A BOX of Re-No-May Powder la not a luxury when It affords yuu a cure and secures the comfort and happiness of your room-mate. U M21S RHEUMATISM. raysls, goitre, female diseases, consumption, glandular swell ings, obesity, stomarn and kloney troubles, chronic diseases pured by Thyroid Lymph Remedies. Consultation and booklet free. Thyroid Lymph Co.. 101 Bee Bids., Omaha, 94-S-6 Burr block, Lincoln. Neb. U-164-M24 ATTENTION given collections and legal mailers associate uiionieys everywnere Niw Snvw-Churth Co , 401-4"5 N Y L L-M441 10 .11 OAKY TO LOA HKAL KfTATK. MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co . 3uS South 12th W-tW WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. Ueorge & Company. 19n Farnam street. W-Hl Jl.O-J and upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. W Farnam Smith A Co . ISM Farnam. W ISI LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at t per cent, borrower can my lli or any multiple, any Interact date; no -delay. Urnuan-tx)v Co., X So. ISth St . Omaha. Neb. W-S WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co.. 1TM Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. , W- MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lo -st rates. O. F. Davis Co., lfi Fnrnnm. W 1 MONEY to loan at 3 and SH per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle, 461 S. ISth. W-JM PRIVATE money to loan. J. m N. Y. Life. H. Sherwood, w-:s; FIVE per cent money. Bomls. Paxton block. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1MI Douglas. V-iV4 S AND J4 ner cent loans W. H. Thomas, First National Bank building. Tel. 16m. W-2M PRIVATE monev. 5. Ji. per cent; no de lay. Garvin Bros.. 1613 Farnam. V 1 i AND ."aj per cent city and farm loans. Gatvln Bros.. 13 Farnam St W-MO MOMIV TO LO.V. CIIATTI1I.S. WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE UB. It is easy to advertise lowest rates, as others do, but we feci positive that If you will make comparisons you will be con vinced thut you can do better with us than lsewhire We loan on furmiure. pianos, live stock, etc., or we will make you a SALARY LOAN without Indorsor or mortgage. We charge nothing for muKlng the loan and you receive the full amount In cash. You mar pay It back In one month or take six months or more In which to repay It, and you need not pay for It one day longer than you keep It. Our terms are the easiest, our business Is confidential and our motto is "try to please. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 113 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. S3. (Established 1SK) 3uS So. 18th St. X-M3IS MONEY TODAY. Loans made in amounts from 110 to on household furniture, pianos, horses, car nages, etc.. without removal, or on your S-A-L-A-R-Y without security. All or a part of the money may be paid back the tlrst month or no part of It need be paid back for several months. Each payment made reduces the cost accordingly. Em ployers and neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business relations. People who need money are Invited to call and get my terms and compare them with what others offer Loans of other com panies may be transferred to inc. No charge for papers. AH business strictly confidential. Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE. ST. Paxton Blk.. top tloor. northcust corner ISth and Farnam. Entrance on litth St. Tel. 75. .V-294 S A L I. O A N S R Y LOWEST RATES IN CITY. WE POSI TIVELY WILL NOT RE UNDERRATED. RAILROAD MEN RECEIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION REBATE GIVEN IF LOAN IS PAID BEFORE DUE. WHY GIVE A CHATTEL MORTGAGE WHEN YOU CAN GET MONEY ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE? STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. EMPLOY ERS NEED NOT KNOW. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. AMERICAN LOAN CO., rv . rr.i nPf til-it t-t-.'i ROOM 601. BEE BUILDING. X-295 SALARY LOANS. If vou are employed by a responsible firm we will loan you sums from S10 to S100 on your note at much cheaper and easier rates than elsewhere. Of this we are positive. Absolutely no charges for papers. Nothing deducted from amount desired Easiest partial payments Reliable Credit Co.. room 303. Paxton Block. X 232 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern jpon their names without security; easy payments. Tolman. 440 Board Trade bldg. X 231 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elrv. horses, cows. etc. C. F Reed, 319 S. 13. X-297 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows. Jewelry. Duff Green. R. S. Barker blk X-29( SALARY loans at reduced rates. Omaha I Credit Co., 526 New York Life Bldg. ' X 290 IILI.KSS CIIA.M'BS. CASH on easy payments buys 23 strictly lawful mlckeli slot machines for drinks cigars or cash, will earn S2 and upward weekly each. Earl Clark & Co , Furni ture Manufacturers, Chicago, III. , Y-310 FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and carriage buslnefs in south central Ne braska. For further particulars address Box OM. West Liberty. Ia. Y 311 FURNITURE of 7-room Hat, fine location, completely equlpiwd, full best class room ers: extra opportunity to make money. J. II. Johnson. S41 N. Y. Life. Y-.M153 FURNITURE of 42 rooms, elegantly nnd completely equipped, full of nrst-class roomers and boarders; no beter location In city. If you want a paying business Investigate this lmedlutel. J. H. John son. S41 N. Y. Life. Y-M154 WILL take long lease on brick stable if built, centrally located, nnd pay good rent. Address J 55, Bee. Y M4 WANTED, partner In manufacturing busi ness, must have S1.2u) to $1.50) cash and manage, business, a. great opportunity. Address K 42, Bee. Y M429 4 A GOOD paying businessHnr Sl.V), paying from S73 to Sim per month above all ex penses: will trade for farm or city prop erty. Address K 31. Bee. Y M454 5 SUBURBAN drug store, tine trade; reason for silling, other business; half cash, bal ance good land; nearest drug- storo to 5.u) populatlbn Address K 56, Bee Y-M5V.I 5 FOR KXCH .GE. WILL trade stoves and furniture for horses. m N 16th St , 7.-M752 Marlti WILL excnlge clear vacant boulevard lots In Chicago for South Omaha Improvd or eastern Nebraska farm lands. Owners only address, Anton Holverson. If; N. 21th St . South Omaha. Z MHO 9 HORSE and carriage to exchange for a cow H 49, Bee. Z-M546 ! FOR NAI.1; REAL ESTATE SNAP 13.710 tine busdnesH lot, two blocks south depot, luth St. Inquire 1411 Vinton. nu-ra MIS HOUSES lots, farms, lands, loans; also tire Insurance. Bemis, Paxton Blk. RE 312 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnum St. RE 313 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A McAllaster. land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omahu. Neb. RE-314 CHEAPEST lot In city ot Omaha; 62'i-foot east front In Nelson's addition. M. J. Kennard & Son, 310 Brown block. RE-313 SEE HENRY B. PAVNE, 601 N. Y. LIFe! RE 316 FARM LANDS. Write Spotswood Veatch, Moscow, Idaho, for list of farm lands In the famous Pa louse countryv RE Mlfri 1 FOR SALE. 440 acres l, miles from Mos cow. Idaho, all under cultivation, H acres bearing orchard, good buildings, well wa. trred. 225 acres In tame grass; one of the best farms in ne I'ainusu country: price, W per acre. Address Spotswood & Veatch. Moscow, nialio. HE 51197 ! , FOR SALE, a bargain. lots on 20th. 22d and 2Sd sts.. Umwn Park, South Omaha I v H Green, 405 N Y Life building. J RE-U34I 7 lt)lt 5 A I.KIIK h HMTATI8. S-ROOM cottage and lot. 19th nar Lake St cheap. Box JTJ. Kearney. Nb. RK itPMO SPECIAL BARGAINS IN IMPROVED PROPERTY. S K. cor. th ami Poppleton ve.. room all modern house, fine large yard. lt ft. frontage on Georgia ave.. K ft. On Pop pletnn ave., both streets paved nnd perma nent wnlks. one block from street iar; potse&eion given at one. Price, J,0. 1M1 8. i'th street. S rooms, all modern east front, house. lot 50x10). asphalt paved st., permanent walk, fully .paid. Price. ti,U0. might shade this a little. 1M1 S. 23th st.. S-room all modern louse, lot COxl42. fine shade, paved st.. perma nent walk, fully paid. Price. S4,2C). part cash, balance long lime at t per cent. 1313 S. 29th. T rooms, city water, bath small stable, lot 50x16". paved street, permanent walk, paid In full. Price. S4.9J9; part cash, balance monthly payments. 1706 S. 27th st , 7 rooms, city water, large barn. lot Juxiso. Price. Sl.l'tf. 171 S. 26th. 2-tory. east front, "-room house .lot 50x132. on grade. 3 blocks from st. car. city water In kllchtn. bath room but no other plumbing, Prtco. Sl.a.V; part cash, balance in monthly payments. N. W. cor 34th and Martha: has a frontage of over 14 lots. 7S ff.. depth 133 ft., just right above grade .fine shade, puved street, permanent walk. S-room modern hou-e. electric lights, large lmrn, 2 box stalls and man's room, has private drive way and also all special and regular taxes paid. Price, S3,w; part cash, bal ance long time. 2212 Cass st.. 2-story- house, rent S3D. large lot. 91x132. Price. $fi,70U. 3SM Leavenworth. 1-story cottage, rent S7, lot 47x114. Price, Snn. 2C North 13th st., 2-room house, lot 4ixl00. Price. l,l0. 2S51 Douglas, S rooms, rent Sill Price, SI, 3C0. 20S S. 2sth uve.. 4 rooms, rent K Price, VS6. Sli Burt st., S rooms, house rent S. lot 3Sx 10). Price. SSoO. 2K'tf Capitol ave.. 6 rooms and basement, rent 2. Trice. 1.X. 1 block north Amos ave. bet. 27th and 2Sth, 6 rooms, lot 46x130. Price, J2S cash and as sume taxes. LARGE LIST OF UNIMPROVED PROPERTY. PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN. WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. J H. SHERWOOD Phone Vf! N. Y. Life. RE-M531 4 FOR SALE. 550 acres, all under cultivation, It acres orchard. 2V0 acres meadow anil tame pasture grass, good 7-room house, largo barn, living springs on every so acre tract, 4 miles from railroad, if de sired will sell with farm 100 head cattle, 13 head horses, harness ami farm ma chinery. Address Spotswood Ac Veatrh, Moscow, Idaho. RE-M193 4 TWO of the cheapest lots In the western part of the city; must be sold this week M. J Kennard & Son, CIO Brown Block. RE 378-S FOR SALE. N. E. Cor. 15th and Davenport sts.. 66x132 feet. Price Jl&.Ct"), terms easy; or will rent for long term. The Byron Reed Co.. 212 S. 11th St.. Omaha, Neb. RE M533 3 FA It 31 FOB HEAT. iV) ACRES, near South Omahu. RICH BLACK LOAM, good building, windmill, running water, fruit. mile to railroad station. This is a VERY CHOICE FARM. For further information write or call upon .i R. C. PETERS i & CO., 1702 Farnam St.; J3j! Bids. M523 3 meuicai;? LADIES out of health tlnd prompt relief. Box 232, Omaha. Neb. Confidential. -319 LADIES, S500 reward for an obstinate, long standing abnormal case suppression, any cause .old Dr Jackson's Vegetable Female Medicine falls to relieve In 24 hours with out pain or loss of work, no ergot or tansy home for confinement cases. Mailed S3."0. Dr. Jackson. It. C. Dept.. I. 167. Dear born St.. Chicago. M-ZT7-16 VIRTUA.MA cures lmpotenc- resulting from Indiscretions or debility, gives vi tality, vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, aspirations of youth health, fitting for success, happiness in business; profes sional, social, married life;; S2, or 3 for S3. Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt of prica. The KIdd Drug Co.. Elgin., 111. American Office, retail, wholesale, Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. M. A. Dillon. South Omaha; Davis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs. Full line rubber goods. MCICEL PLATING OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 2S3. -331 TICKET BROKER. CUT rato tickets everywhere, bin. 1505 Farnam. Telephone P. H. Phll- 7S4. -332 LAl'XDllV. OMAHA Steam laundry, shirts, 7c, collars, 2c; cuffs, Ic. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547 -333 MTAJIJIUIll.NG AM) STUTTER ISO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. -334 CARPENTERS AM) .IOI1IIHIIS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attenaeu to. j. i. ucniuree. nun and Lake Sts. 370 IIICYCI.ES. WE HAVE the only Vulcanizer In the city ror nuggy tires, we no mis wont as gi -xi ns can be done at the factory. 1622 Capi tol Ave. K5 JL.Mv. B. & M. Junk house, J. Milder. Jop.. dealer In all metals, bottles, etc. Carloads a specialty S)l-S03 Farnam, Qmaha, Tel. 2378 M337 P VWVIIROKHRS. EAGLE Loan Ottlce. reliable, accommodat ing; all business coiilidentlal. 13"1 Douglas. -329 PATENTS. INVENTORS GOT AN IDEA? , We handle patents copyrights and trade marks; you give us the bun' Idea and we will do the rest: modern equipped machine shop and foundry In connection. Official Gazette on tile; guide book fre. Mason. Fenwlck & Lawrence, patent lawyers. 1406 Howard St.: Tel. 1449. Omaha. J. P Cronln, repr. INVENTORS, we ask no fee until the patent is procured, if we fall, wo get no fee: advice free. Sues & Co.. Patent Law- yers. Bee Bldg.. Omnha, Neb. Long "lH- tnnco telephone. 1623. IIS Marl3 I) VACl.Mi. LAST chance, last term for this season, begins this week at Morand's dancing school. Crelghtpn hull. Adults. Tuesday nnd Friday, S p. m.. reduced price S3 for ten lessons; children, Wednesday 4:15 p. m., Saturday 2 p. tn.. 2") lessons S10; pri vate lessons dally, assemblies every Wedncsduy 3S3 12 ACCORDION t'LEATIVG. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best quick est. Mrs. A. C Mark, S. E. Cor. I7th and Farnam. 33C OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. ' 1664. Alice Johnson, D. O.. ladle. 1 dept., Gld E. Johnson, Osteopathlst. Mgr -317 M E DONOHUE D O of Still school Klrksville, Mo , 604 Paxton Blk- Tel. 1367 -OtOltTII M AM) T I'ICWIt ITIMJ. A C VAN SANT'S School. 717 N Y Life . -2 BOY LKS College. Be Bldg. court reporter principal 03 NEB. Business &. Shorthand college. Boyd's rneater sst - - I "ol.. It A Doug - GREGG Shorthand. Om. C t IM I BATOR AM) llltOODKIt!' INCUBATORS and brooders: catalogue free Write Burr Incubator Co.. B 2. Omaha. Neb. Fnc lory at 25th Davenport. 479- 3131 ELOCUTION IIKADIMi, MRS, DOR WARD. Studio K3 KAI'llllT ACtOt VrA.Vf. LESSONS in bookkeeping, etc . day or evening. R. 15, Com. Nat. Bank. G R. Rathbuu. 3W VI ll.MTUIIi: hi:i iiitiNo. TEL. 1321. M Walklin. 2111 Cuming St. It! OUCH VIM-IPS. BADGES, medals. Om. PI t, Co . Bre Bldg. Tel. 2S3;. -327 IilllDS AM) T.V.II)ER.IY. STOCKS Bird Sture Id1" Leaenworth. 324 PORTO Popular Tours RICO March 'J. Illut trated program. 2i (lay-, all ixpeuse. 10s Pjymond t Wbltcomb, lOi Adams St.,Chlciao LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice is hereby given that the reguar annual meeting of the stockholders or the South Plutte Land company will be held at the ottlce of said company in Ltntuin. Neb., at 11 o'clock a. m., on the 6th day of March. A. D. 1W1. By order of the Board of Directors. Lincoln, Neb.. February 4, 1S01. C. 11. MORRILL, President. a. B. MINOR, Secretary FW30t (iOVElt.NJIE.NT NCTICK OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER nmuhti. V..i "s uait Healed nro- i posals. In triplicate, subject to the usual . conditions, will Tje recelvol at this olllce until 2 o clock p. m., central time, .nunii 30, 1W1, for the construe Hon of a brick hos pita! of 12 beds at Fort Robinson. Neb also for heating, plumbing and gas-piping same. Full Information furnished upon ap- plicaton to this otllce. or to the uuurter- i master. Fcrt Robinson, Neb . where plans nna specincations may ne seen, t-roposms , v ti ti vtii vwav i C. Q. M. IIIVx;faiax.e. A- iia n . M1-2-3-4-5-27-2S.M POSTOFFICB NOTICE. 1 Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as J cnanges may occur ui any lime Foreign mails for the week ending March S. 1901. will ilose i PROMPTLY in, all cases) at the C.enerai PonofHie as fal lows: PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR earlier than closing time -hown below. Parcels Post Malls for Gcrmary close at 5 p. m on March 4. per s s Kaiser William der Grosse, via Bremen. March t. per H. a. Karlsruhe, via Bremen, .ind March S, per s. s. Patricia, via Hamburg Regular and Supplementary Malls cloje at Foreign Branch half hour later than (.los ing time shown below. , Trnnantlantlt; Mull-. TUESDAY" At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s Kaiser Wllhelm der Grosse. via Cher- , bourg. Southampton and Bremen WEDNESDAY At 6:3 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. a. Vnderland, via Southampton tmall must be directed "per s. ?. Vader land"); at S:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Teutonic, via Queonstuwri: at 10 it. m. fur .BEL GIUM direct, per s. s Southward imall must be directed "per s. s. Southwark' i. THURSDAY At 7 a m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR QUEZ. per s. s. La Bretagne. via Havre imalls for other parts of Ejrope must be directed ' per s. s. La Bretagne ' SATURDAY At 4:30 n. m. for Et ROPE. ner s. s. Lucanla. via Oueenstown at . a. m. for DENMARK direct, per s s Norse (mall must be directed "per s s Norue t; at 7 JO a. m for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s Amsterdam ma must be directed 'per s. . Amsterdam at " a. m. for ITALY per s H"hru lollern. via Naples (mai! must be dire, ted per s s. Hohenrollem ' i PRINTED MATTER. ETC This s eamtr takes Printed Matter. I'ommerctal Papeig and Samples for Ocrmany The same class of mall matter for other p irts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unites specially directed by her , Vfter the closing of the Supplementary " Trans-Atlantic Malls named abme. ad ditional supplementary mans are opened on tho piers of the Amertcan, English. French and German steamers, anu re main open until within Ten Minutes of t tho hour of sailing of jteamer Jlitlla for South nnd Central Anierlen, . . . 5IONDAY At . a. m. for BERMUDA, per . West inuir. uii' s b. Pretoria. TUESDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.i fc-r CENTRAL AMERICA , ex- cept loma iiinn in .ti hi rmini L.ncoln. Denver. .oio PORT8. per s. s- Unance. via Colon imail rad0 fjtah. Californta.a 4.23 for Guatemala must be directed "per e s 1 Lincoln &. Ulack Hills .a 9.00 Finance"!, at 11 a. m. for BRAZIL per s. s. Button (mall for Northern Brazil. wnmlnn ttenubllc. Urueuav and ParT- guay must be directed 'per s s BilffoT'i. ni i::) n. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s Ml- mlrul Farragut. irom jiosion. ni u u. m. for NASSAU, per steamer from Miami. VEDN ESD A Y At 9:30 a. m. for INAGUA and HAITI, per s. h. ML Vernon: at ltt:3f a. m. for PORTO RICO, per U S. Trans. I port, via San Juan, at 12 m. for CUBA. I YUCATAN. CAM PECHE. TABASCO and , CHIAPAS, per s. s. Orizaba, via Havana1 and Progreso imall for other parts if Mexico must be directed "per . s url- , zabn i. at II p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s Admiral Schley, from Philadelphia I THURSDAY At 9 a. m. isapplemertry '":VV. m.i for CURACAO and VENE- ' fUKLA. per s. s iiutiur imuu iir sat nllla and Carthagena must be djrc ted nee a. iiiiuur I FRIDAY-At 9 a m. for BARBADOS and NORTHERN BRAZIL., per s s (ami- timse. at 1- m or ,ix.m jiri n. n ugani. via Tamplco (mail must be directed 'per Niagara"), nt 12 30 p. m 'hup- idemeiitary l p. m. tor n iik and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. s New York, at "11 p. m. for NASSAU ner steamer from Miami, Fla. SATURDAY' At S a. m for BERMUDA, ner s. . Trinidad; at 9 a. m (supple mentary 9:30 a. m) for PORTO RM'O ivta San Juani. VENEZUELA and CUBA CAO per s. s Philadelphia (mall for Pa vanll'la and Carthagena must be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"), at 9 a. m. for GRENADA nnd TRINIDAD, per . s. Maraval. at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s s Mexico, via Huvnna; at 10 a. in. isupple mnntnrv 10:30 n. m.i for FORTUNE ISiAnD. JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and CARTHAGENA, per s. s. Athos imall for Costa Rica must be directed "per . thos ": at 10 n. m. (suppiemertary 10 a m ) for HAITI, per s. s. Andes, at 10 a m. (supplementary 10:30 a m.i fur r-Xo'c i .... A direct, tier s. s. Adirnnilnr-k at 12:30 p. m. for NIATANZAS, NL E- ( VITAS. CAlBAltlt.."S, I1AH.M.UA and Gill A HA. per s. s. Curltyba (ordinary mall only, which must ue uircciou -per s a Curltyba"' I Mn fot Newfoundland, by rail to North i Sydney and thence by steamer, closo at this oft' -e dally at 6:30 p. m (connecting h,.n everv Jlondav Wnesil.iv nnd "urtoy). sS3l. - fo? illquelon? byV.f"1! Boston ana thence by steamer, close at thIS OniCe UMH l V.J li. 111. .i.uiia iui Cuba, by rail to Port Timpa, Fla . rfnd thence by slcanvvr, close at this ottlce ) dally, except Monday, at "6 u. m. (the j :.. .i-n.. . r.'ta. ... connec niih 1 e l,muio . wnvo- day and Ftiduy) .Mails for Cuba, by rail to Miami. F!a . and thsnce by steamer, close at this otlilce ev-ty Monday and Frl- day ut "11 p. m tuils tor Mexu.. City. overland unless- specially addresied for dispatch by stevmer, cioe ai omie daily ut 1.4) p m. and 11 p. in. Malls for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by rail lo New Orleans and ih.n,N hv ateHmer. close at thla otllce dully at "1:90 p. m. (connecting close here i,,Hn , tnr ItellT.v lnertn f oriel anil ...... i.. in. i T..,in.. tnr fiMta him , "Ruglstertd mall closes at 6 p. in previous .ia" day. Trunaparilln Alalia, Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China aid Philip pine Is ands, via San Francis. o lose here duilv at 6 10 p m 'in o Mar. h :U. iniiu- slvc for diapati h per s i Mptb Mills (or Australia except ttest Australia, 1'O.oTOFI'ILK .OTIttX whlilt 1 forwarded via EjropeK New' Zealand. Fill, Samoa and Hawaii, via Shu ' FrsjiH'l-eo rtcs her dally a' P m 1 after F bruary "Wh and na to March m,M , Ittclusite. ol on arrH.i. ot . s. Luranla. du at New York March 1, for dlspatih ner s. a. Sierra Mall for Australia lexcept West Australia Which -foes via Europe and New Jtealan-I which goes via San Franclaci. and Fljii-The Islanda. via Vancouver, close here daily at a.' p. m. UP IO Marcn I. inciu-le. i dispatch per s. s. Wartmoo (suiiplennn- , ury malls, via St-atfl- rlo at v m , March ; mall must be dlreclext per . Warrlmoo"). Malls for China. Japan and Philippine Islands. Ma Taroma. cloe here dails a' ' p m. up tn March 7. inclusive, r . dispatch per s s. olympla. 1 Mail for Tahiti and Marque via San Frunclaco. clos her dally at p m. up to March S. Inclusive, fur dls- patch per s. s. Australia. Malls fui Hawaii. China. Japan and Phil Ipplne Islands, via San Francls-o close here dally at t). p m. up to March 10. inclusive, for dispatch per s. Anur lit Man j. Malls for Hawaii, via San Franelso . t" here dally at $: p. m. up to Vluuu 11 for dispatch per a. s. Mariposa. Malls for Chimi and Jaonn. via Vancouver lose here dally ut S.30 p. m. up ' March inclusive, tor dlsputch t er s. s En;res of India (registered tn.iil must be directed "via Vancouver Malls for Australia (except West Austral; i, . which I forwarded via Europe), New Zea land. Fiji. Samoa and Hawaii, via San 1 Francisco, close here dally al i.f p. m .UP 'V"J" elusive, or on arrival of s. s. Etniria. due at New fork March 23, for dispatch per s s. Sonoma. Tranapai Ifle malts are forwarded to pert of sailing 'lally and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their un interrupted overland transit Registered mail .uses at 6 u. m previous day CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster lMstoMUr. New York N Y March 1. l""1 RAILWAY "IT JIB TABLE, CHICAGO A NORTH. western Railway Ttie Northwestern Line" City Ticket Oracc. l01 rarnam ai. leicpnonn, . Ml Depot, Tenth and ' Uarcy Sis. Telephone -O. ( i.cavo. Arrive. Davllaht Chlcaco Spe cial .. . a 7 00 am all:30pn.! i.nicgo ras-enger ... .a i.u pra a :w am , eastern express, utt Malnes, Marshalitawn. .'?" Kaj"-S !- m . i-o-nm ESsVeVT sV.eclal.- -Chl.aX0-5S''m tM Pm j rseo nr.d iia:. a 4:3 nm a 4:ffi Dm Fait Mall, Chicago to . Omaha Omaha-i'hlUi;o"L Vi'.'.'a 7.13 pm a bw am Fast Mall a S:3j am 1 Cedar Rap.aa l-assenger a &:U put a Dallv. FREMONT. ELKHORN Mlssoun Valley Railroad - "The Northwestern Line" - General Offices, United Htaict National Trei'fthdaVnanStl.' I rirkei ir-i um t-o. A.","-,!" V-iT -e- l-eav. Arrive, Black Hil.n Da.i.i I Mot bprlngs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pra i yomlng, Cusper and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Il:l-ftntsi rnr. rtt.l.l PltV QiinaHn. V ., eter ana Seward ...'b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm nnon, eraigre anu Fremont a 7.0 am bl0:25 am Lincoln, Wahoo and Fremcnt b 7:30 nm b!0:23 am iremont Local .... c 7:30 am u Dai.v b Dally except Sunday, c day only d )ally except Saturday Uaily except Monaai. r Sun. BIO".V citt t PACIFIC ' Railroad - "The North-' K0r two long hours he waited there. No.v Oflic".n V-nlTed"GSUt"i he would hold a vantage place at the rail National Bank Building. ' ing. but would retire as he saw his sweet H. . W. Corner Twelfth hflr, of yesterday with her lover of today and frarnam sts. ricitei Office. 1431 Farnam St. Telenhone 5-TL De- 1 pot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Tclepnone C2J. Leave Arrive. Twin City Express ....i J:55 am al0:25 pm Twin City Limited a 7 55 pm a s 16 um Bloux City Local a 8:0) um a 3:50 pa a Dally. CHICAGO. ST PAUL., he saw them spooning together. That re Minneapolis A Omaha assured him and ha resumed his guard on Railway "The North- i .. ..,,, western Llne-'-General the viaduct. omces, Nebraska Dlvi- By this time many of the attaches of slon. 13th and Webster ., Unon station were interested In the 14cT FnTn, St. iephVnt. 'rJST" Dol 15th and Webster Sts. 1eave. Arrive. Twin City Parse r a t..CJ am a 9:10 pm all:iU am umana asenHeT Slous. City A: North east Nebraska a Dally. a 3:15 om KANSAS CITT. ST. Jo seph & Council Bluff) Railroad 'The Burling ton Route" Ticket Office. 1502 Farnam Street. Tele phone. SM. Depot, Tenth and Mason Stre-ts. Tcle pnone. 12S Leave. Arrive, a 6:2 pm a 6:15 am Kansas City Day Ex. a 9 20 am Kansas City Night l-:x..aK:30 pra St. Louis Flyer for ait Jcseiih and St Louis.. a 5.10 pm all:15 am a Dally 'l'TV INGTON & Mis souri River Rallroad "The Burlington Route General unices. North west Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Otllce 1502 Farnam Street. Teieohone 2507 Burlington station " ,ep.0"n- Telephone. 125. Burlington Station. Tenth , Leave. Arrive. Lincoln Hastings and j Uik . :- am a 7:33 pm pm a 3:00 pm nm u fi:45 am 1 Montana ruget Sjund n 9.U) pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3.W pm 'i:17 am I Wvmnre. Beatrice and Lincoln ...... .. .a S:I0 am bU:55am a 6:45 am bll:05 am uenver oioraao. uiua nnn California South Bend. ' outsvllle, Plattsmouvn b 3:33 nm Ft. Urooit. I'lattsmouth and Paclllc Junction, a 7:00 pm a 3:20 am Belltvue Plattsmouth and Paclllc Junction. .al2:10 am a Daily b Daily 3xceut -ur.auy. CHICAGO nURLlNGTON i 4 Qulncy Railroad "The , Burlington Route" Ticket Office 1602 Furnam Street, I Telephone, 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason utreets. ' Telephone, 123. I t-eave. Arrive, i Day.lght Chicago Sce- cla. a 7:00 am alO:!1! pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex a 4:00 pm a 7:15 am Chicago Local Espren a 9:3J am a 4:05 pm i.rucugu unrnvu a i ijizi a i: ata . Fast Mall a 2:13 pm i a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- Oineral Offices and Ticket unices. Southeast Corner 14th and Douglat Sts Telephone, 104. Depot, Lnlon Stattun. Leave. Arrive, 1H St, Louis and Kansas City Express a;0-V. am a 6:i5 Pro K, C.. St, L. Express. .dl0:50 pra a 6:15 am Leave from 15'n and Webster Streets: Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Water . b 4:10 pm al0:45 am a Dally t Daily except Sunday. JH1CAGO. ROCK ISL and & Pacific Railroad The Great Rock Isl. and Route" City Ticket Olflce. 1323 Far nam Street. Telephone. 42S. Depot. Tenth and Miiicy ais phone. 629. Leave. EAST. Tele. Arrive. I ... , u" lP es and Da von I rP?" S"n ..." hii f?2 b,i:?i; Chicago Kxprcss nil :15 am a -0 ' "'rkrwi S lit ! please ( fast Express a e0 pra a 1:23 a 7 25 am bll:33 am am pm Dt Moines. Rock 1st and nnd Chlcago...a 7.10 pm a 9:13 nnj Lincoln, Colorai'o Spgs.. Denver. I'urola and Comi ado " "Oklahoma i ' CTai Flyer a 3-M I Valli. Da, eni' " tya" 1"" m West ......... a 1:33 pra a 4:15 nra nm a 9:50 am unday. ILLINOIS CENTS A L ttallrnad-City Tlckot Of fice. 1102 Farnam Street. i clephotie, 245. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. vpirrssi i iLHOf' Chleas-o Exnress ...aiMtm ali:2u pm .. a 7.43 pm u a;u3 a in St. ...b 7:00 am b 3:10 pra St, . a 7-15 pra a S:05 am i Chicago Limited , .. Minniapolis and Pul Kxnrcss lllnncatJolls and Paul Limltl Fort Dodge i,ocl from . Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm a5;15 am Fort Dodge Ical 'r-m I Council J a Dally, Council Bluffs , .a i-J am b Dally except Sunday. i MMm jsav-f "240 1 it All. H V TI.MF. IA 111,119, UNION PAr!FIC-"THK OVER, isn! Houte" General OtTiecs N E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam t'ets City Ticket Ottlce, ljii f artirm Street. Telephone. IlL Depot. Tenth and Marcy sti. ltfephone. C3. ' i-ave. Arrive The OverLind Limited a am a 7:30 pm ChlJago-Portiand Special " J" am a j:3o Dra iu rn The Mall l.'ncoln Fast Mall ..i s;ig am a 3:25 5m and Kxpres- aii.33 pm a 4:is bm Beatrice and v Strom-burg Kxpress .b 4:08 pm bl2 10 nm The Pacific Express;25 pm P Tne Almntie Kxpress,. m Grand Island Local ...b S: pm b 1:3S am a Dally b Daliv except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE a St Paul Hallway City Ticket Offlir, iu4 Farnam Street. Telephone, at Depot, Tnth nnd Mason Htieets. Telephone, c9. Leave. Amu MHWAUk Chicago Limited Ex ...s 6.iw pm a 8:as am Chicago & Omaha Ex. b 7 i5 am b 3:40 nm a Dally, b Dall" except Sunday. OMAHA A SI LOUIS RAIL, road -Omaha, Kansas city ft Eastern Railroad "Thi Qulncy Route" Ticket Of fice. 1415 Farnam St Tele phone. 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone. a. Leave. Arrive. ct. Louis Cannon nan Express a S:13 pm a 1:20 am k - an. I-ltv nnd QuInCV Local a ;W am a Dally a 9:09pra W ABASH RAILROAD Ticket Ottlce. 1115 Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. Dt pot. Tenth and Marcy Bts. Telephone. 629. Leave. Arrive. 6t. Louis "Cannon nail Express " 6;1S Pm "a a Dally. CAN SHE WIN THEM BOTH (Jue-llon ome People Would l.lUr nil OninltK tJlrl ti Vuaer T briii. It was the liolee between an Omaha lloer and another one from Bay City, Mich . ' that she made Sunday afternoon. Per- . . mnV thn oholeP. "r" ----- but she did Just the same. Slio spent tne afternoon with one; she went to the depot and waltel with him until the train lefl: -h.. U!v.1 )i..r tinilkurehlnf throtiah thi , j , him a, the car pulled past the depot. No, she Is not my wife." said tho Omaha man. "Wc were to have been married this spring, but we won't now. I won't marry her after this performance " For two hours the Omaha man had stood on the viaduct watching the loving couple ad fhne ulrnlleil on nnd ilnwn the UlAtform. He had followed them from her home, lie nail lountt tne .uirniHau ioer. v.uu come down to spend Sunday and -whom he found held a place In the garden of love whlrh he had supposed was nil hli own. He slipped down the west stairway and found them standing at the west end of. the depot, chattlr-s'. They almost mw him. but he dodged under tho stairway. Hut that was too close range for the watiher as the couple were too apt to see hlra. so he retreated to the viaduct above, where he could command a view of the gates admitting to the tralnshcd and at the same time watch the doors by wnicu she must make her exit to the street. , . ... not on ib come into signi street and he had to beat a linsiy rcircai bohlnd the baggage wagons along Tenth street. When they had returned to the waiting room he became bold again and even ventured to tho train platform, whero "t.le Jove scene and were watching It with interest. The Northwestern train pulled In and the parting tune came, ine .hicih gan man got aboard and sho waited for the truln to pull out. She waved her handkerchief and returned the salute ho gavo with a kiss on the hand. Bdt she know what was awaiting her when shi should emerge on the street, for the cIohh watch the Omaha man had kept had not escaped her sharp eyes, so she retired to the women's parlor to play a game of freezeout. Not so with Mr Omaha.. He waited soma time, and then must have mistrusted tha game, for he camt stealthily down the ninrble staircase, looking along every seat, and finally found her rockjng contentedly ia the side room. Twice he stepped to tho door, but his courage failed him. His mlud was made up. On the way down he bad pronounced the ultimatum. "No," he t-ild, "I'll never marry her. We were to have been married this spring, but not now. 1 am giad I found her out before, she becamo my wife. No. I'll- never marry her after this performance." At length he called her out and they sat down on tho seat to talk matters over They sat there for a long tlmo and the intercste-1 spectators wondered what was transplrlug. Only Mr. Omaha aud tho woman knew, but all could guess when ut last they arose aud went up tn the ele vator, sho leaning on Mr. Omaha's arm and smiling loving up into bis face. W. L. Yancy, Paducah. Ky., writes: "I had a sever case ot kidney dlscasa and threo of tho best physicians in southern Kentucky treated me without success. I was ltduced to try Foley's Kidney Cure. The 11 ret bottle gave immediate relief and three bottles cured mu permanently. I gladly recommend this wonderful remedy " Myefp-Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store. South Omaha. PIINPRAI flF IIIDRF STHAWlM ' rUNLnrXL, Ur JUUUC OinMIffl M n o n x l.ny Their Deceased Brother Atvny Accorilliiu to tiie Ordcr'a Itltunl. The funeral cor.vlceB of tho late Wlnfleld S Strawn were held nt 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon In Masonic temple, Sixteenth street ajid Capitol avenue. The Episcopal service was read at the hall by Dean Camp bell Fair and Rov. T. J. Mackay, und the ceremonies at the grave In Forest Lawn cemetery wero In charge of the Masons. Rev. Mr. Mackay ; reviewed Judge Strawn's llfo briefly and paid high tribute to hla noble character. "Hit was a man ot extremely nervous temperament and quick to take offense and to rerent an insult." said tho preacher. "He -vaa human. Liko all other men. he bad his faults. But he was honest and sincere. Ho lived up to the high Ideals of Masonry and his church. He was a thorough Christian gentleman." A quartet, composed of Mrs. W. W Turner, Mrs. Myron D. Smith, Jules Luin bard and 1. C. Haz1ton. sang "Lead, Kindly Light" and "By Cool Slloam's Shady Rills." Thomas J. Kelly and J. E. Butler presided at the organ during the ceremonies. Tho coffin was covered with sheaves of American Beauty rosea anil surrounded by many beautiful floral emblems. Mount Calvary commandery of Knights Templnr gave a handsome Maltese cross of white rores. in which vsas a small passion cross of rd roses. A keystone of white roses and violets came from the Royal Arch chapter, and tho nine lodge was represented by square and compass of red roses and vio lets. Judge Lee Eitelle. W. D. McIIugh. Iiiac Congdon, Frank Ransom, Albert Swartz lander anil W. A. Corson wore the pall bearers. The Knights Templar scte.l n.i guard of honor. Any boy or girl can get a new bicycle his spring. Read The Bee's great wheel offer. -TCTaf WtjWaaWJffjy