Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Americw Soldier! Prsparing to Withdraw
from Ptkin.
llilllvli t'omiiiitntlt'r nml llimalnn I'.nrli
n Mlniirr nt Which tlm
Other' IHri Arc Ciiiilen.
final)- Aliirnt.
I'EKIN, March 3. The American prepara
tions -for departure am Rolns nctlvVIy for
wurcl. All filppllPH. cxppt rnoiiKh for two
companies, linvo heen packed and marked
for Manila.
The British plan contemplates n summer
along the I'd Ho and a general withdrawal
of forces to India, leaving In-hind by next
winter half a battalion of Welsh Fusiliers as
a Ircutlon Rtiard In I'ckln. together with an
Indian regiment to guard the railroad.
Thi flrrninns show few signs of Intention
to depart, hut they nrn endeavoring to sell
Mmo American and Aimtrallan homes an
well ns ,i iil;ititlty of onmels.
It Is reported that the l-'rrnch (ntend to
withdraw inueli of. their forces, leaving one
Infantry brigade, a regiment of cavalry and
Kome artillery to protect the French lega
tion and to guard Ju lines of communlrn
tlnn. A part of this. It Is understood, will
be employed to guard tno Franco-llclglan
railroad from I'ckln to Tien Fit.
In French military circles It Is nssertrd
that the French Intend to send a force to
be stationed permanently at llan Kow and
to guard the other end of the M tlnn rail
road, seventy-rivo miles of, which have,
been completed. More definite Information
on this point Is nwaltcd with anxiety by
the HrlUh, who regard such an Intention
with serious misgivings, hecattso calculated
to bring about complications with the Vang
Tse viceroys. If for no other reason.
Particularly noticeable. Just now arc the
sharp lines drawn between the various
nationalities at the. social functions, don
or.) I (laselee, the llrltlsh commander, gavo
un elaborate dinner, nt which only llrltlsh,
German and American representatives were
present. Including generals, ministers and
secretaries of legations. M. DeOlers. tho
Russian minister, gave a banquet, nt which
only Russians, Frenchmen and Altstrlans
vcre guests, while the Japanese minister
cntertalaned nt dinner last evening all
Americans and Japanese. Tho officers' club
nt the Temple of Heaven, where games and
other umuHcmcnts are provided, Is at
tended only by tho English, Americans and
Germans, with tho posslblo exception of a
few Jnpancso on rare occasions.
Olillililt Street ItllllMli.v Compiiuy till
nt Vet Deeltleil on IIm I'mti
nlile Aellolix.
There will- be no meeting of the board of
directors of tho Omaha Street Hallway com
pany WeJtiosday, as no quorum can bo se
cured because many of tho directors are
nbsent from the city. Mr. Nash and Mr.
Ilartou are in New York, Captain Marsh Is
In Nassau nnd until some of them return
to tho city no meeting can be held,
In the meantlmo the olllcers of the com
pany are ns much In the dark as tho gen
eral public regarding tho action of the
company In matters now before the board
for consideration. President Murphy says
that nothing can bo done In the matter of
tho erection of a new street car barn until
the Insurance adjusters mnko their report,
and that the matter of tho site for the new
building has not been determined. Person
ally, ho favors the reconstructloou of the
barn which was demolished by Mr;, but tho
matter Is III the hands of the directory.
Tho extensions of tho lino to Riverside
park and to Florence arc being considered
by tho members of tho hoard, but nothing
has boon decided upon at the present tlmo
nnd no action can be taken until the nb
Buiitcc.4 return to Umaha.
For ANKiitiltltiK' II In 1iiiiIi) er.
Finnic Tolbert. colored, Imtlsted upon
being pu lit for washing u buggy before tho
Job was half dotio nnd at tlm refusal of his
employer, 1.. U, Fast of Ml South Nine
teenth street, tnado a vicious assault upon
li I in Sunday evening, according to Fast's
story Tolbert. ii large, powerful man,
knocked Fast down and kicked him re
peatedly. Indicting- many severe bruises
and breaking bis Jawbone. Fast was
brought to tho city Jail ami attended by
Police Surgenn Ames. Tolbert was arrested
later by Detective Mitchell 'nnd Kmergency
Olllcer Baldwin and bonked for nn nssnult
with Intent to do great bodily Injury.
Some Pulpit Themes
I'll I th Hint Miiti-H Moiintiilnx.
A series of revival meetings was begun
nt tho First Iluptlst church yesterday by
I)r J. P. Orecn, president of William Jewell
college. Dr. (Irccn preached two sermons
yesterday nnd will nsslst tho pastor. Hcv.
C. II. Allen, Jr., In conducting Hcrvlcc&
every evening this week.
"Faith" wns the theme of Dr. Oreen'a
sormon yesterday morning. The story of
Abraham'.! willingness to offer his son ns a
sacrifice was relntcd by tho preacher and
Abraham was referred to as tho man ot
abboluto faith.
"Tho average man has little faith. It)
a. SQvere test men nro amazed to find that
they bellevo little. It Is not wise for
Christians to bonst nt their religion. Re
ligion ts not n good thing to bonst of. The
moro n man talks of religion tho less he
Is npt to huve," snld Dr. Oreen. "We may
havo lino creeds nnd may profess to be
llevo them with grent fidelity, but In tin)
hour of trial nnd aflllcllnn all theso nre
frequently wiiBhed away nnd (Jod nlono re
mains for us.
"In Abraham the world Is shown a mnn
who had perfect faith In (lod. Ho pre
pared to execute tho orderB of the Lord In
eplto of the fai t that tho death of his son
Isaac would havo been tho greatest nfMc
tlon that could havo befallen him. Ho did
not consult his wife and his friends as to
whether he should obey tho Lord. Ho did
not try to Invent somo means ot avoiding
tho orders of his Master.
"This grent trial came to Abraham Into
In life. It Is not so In tho career of most
men. We ordlnnrlly meet our reverses nnd
temptations early In life, Wit we would do
well to Imltato the oxnmplo set by Abra
ham. Ho stands forth as tho fathor of
Jews nnd Christians alike, tho man who
was faithful In the greatest trial man over
encounterrd. No man enn realize whether
ho possesses faith until ho meets such a
trial as Abraham encountered." of title.
llev. 0. N. Dawson, pr.stor of the Seward
Street Methodist Episcopal church,
preached Sunday morning on tho theme,
"Perls of City Life." "In.aglno a Oodless,
churcblesH, Sabbathless city," he said, "a
city of saloons, wlucrooms, brothels,
gambling dens, vulgarity, obscenity, pro
faulty, drunkenness, wretchedness, misery,
wiint nnd woe a veritable Sodom, given
over to the worship of llaechus lust riding
'with loose rein riot running rampant
tho homo of vice nnd voluptuousness! What
' wonder that It Is written that Abrahnm
looked across tho plain one morning nnd
nw tho smoko of such a city, arising as the
smoke of an oven. Sin brought ruin. Tho
wages of pin Is death to the individual, tho
city or tho nntlon. Tho snme snd story Is
true of Nlnoveh, Ilabylon and other cities.
"Cities havo ever been storm centers.
Th recent growth of our American cltle
is a Just cause for alarm. In 1'iiO one out
of thirty ot the inhabitants ot tho United
"Ilromi's In Tonn"
Like the Hoyt plays, the Smith, rtrowu
nml .tone fnrres will nlnaVfl find favor
with a class of theater-goers who enjoy a
hearty laugh nnd those who do not caro to
havo their other emotions played up,on by
tho heavier forms of dramatic entertain
ment. It matters little whether tho com
pany bo good, bad or Indifferent, so long
ns the laughs are In tho lines and situa
tions, as In 'the case with Mark Swan'n
"Ilrown's In Town," which opened an en
gagement at Iloyd's theater Sunday after
noon, and one Is pretty suro of being forced
to laugh enough to add n few pounds
nvolrdupols, If there is nny truth In thnt
old saying that "to laugh Is to grow fat."
Thf company that presents "nrown" this
season, which Is tho second time this clover
farco has been seen here, Is nn evenly bal
anced nnd caimhle one. It Is headed by
Miss Maude Knowlton. a comedienne whom
locnl theater-goers will remember for her
clever work ns Mrs, Brown In the plcco
Inst season. Miss Knowlton Is oven more
handsome nnd winsome thnn ever. There
Is it tone nnd finish to her work that
stamps her as an artiste of ability and om
worthy n stellar position In the theatrical
firmament. There Is a number of merito
rious specialties Introduced during tho per
formance, among which nre some good Imi
tations by Oeorgo Kbnrr ami some enter
taining songs and clever dancing by Jessie
Mae Hall.
Tho engagement continues tonight and
concludes Tuesday night. ,
C'ri-lulif on Orilieiini
The vaudeville entertnlnment offered at
the Crelghton-Orpheum Inst week was con
sidered by regular patrons of this form
of entertainment to bo one of tho best that
hns been seen nt this popular playhotlsh
during tho present season. The highest
compliment that can be paid this week's
program, which had Its Initial production
Sunday afternoon, is that It Is In every
way as good as nnd In Home ways better
than Its predecessor.
Headed as It Is by that family of ac
robats, tho nlno Nelsons, with seven other
meritorious nets, there Is no good reason
why It should not please everybody. Thl3
Is tho third season the Nelsons have played
this theater, and while there has been
but little change In their marvelous act It
creates ns much Interest nnd enthusiasm
as though It were entirely now. Tho poo.
plo seem never to tiro of seeing this fnmlly,
which has really become dccliUdly pop
ular here. A tenth member In the person
of a. tiny 2-yenr-old girl has been added
to the troupe and she Is by no means tho
lenst Important personage In tho fnmlly.
Thomas Dempsey, William K. Mnck and
Margaret Ilurnham offer ono of ,the most
amusing sketches In vaudeville In "A Man
of Chance." It 1b by Wllmer nnd Vin
cents, nnd the funny situations, which fol
low ono another with lightning rapidity.
keep the audience In nn upronr of laughter
during almost the entire twenty minutes
of Its progress. It Is well Interpreted and
a decided hit.
Mrs. Hlltz-Paxton, a rather hnndaomo
worn nn, who, until recently dlvorcod from
her husband, was quite prominent In San
Francisco social circles, nnd who through
force of circumstances entered tho dra
matic profession, offers n vocal specialty
that Is one of the features of the bill. She
has a soprano voice of beautiful quality
and rich tone and wins considerable np
plauso by the rendition of some light clas
sical pieces and a popular nlr of long ago,
"Annie Laurie.
Tho Learner sisters do a clever acrobatic
act. Hacker nnd Lester perform sorao de
cidedly dlfllcult and dangerous feats upon
tho bicycle. Coakley and Hucsted offer a
itnglng nnd dancing net thnt wins with
tho audience, especially the dancing of Mr.
Coakley. Ahern and I'ntrick and tho
Klnodromo pictures, which arc all new this
week, complete tho bill.
Mtneo's Troeiutcro
Fred Irwin's nig Show, which opened to
capacity business at Mlaco's Trocadcro yes
terday, Is by far tho best entertnlnment
offered at the houso this season. It Is In
deed a big show, as about thlrty-slx people,
who uecm to be the limit In the burlesque
lino, appear In the performance. Mr,
Irwin has evidently not been carried away
from tho correct managerlnl point of view,
for ho has permitted his observations to
cover the whims of the plensuro-scckcrs
who sit In front and look for something
moro than pretty girls In gaudy attire. He
States lived In cities of 8,000 or moro; in
1890, one out of three.
"Among tho perils of city life I mention
first the fact that tho city Is tho homo ot
political bosslsm, tho homo of tho saloon.
Chicago has one saloon to every 218 of
population, Now York ono to every 200,
Cleveland one to every 192. Tho city Is tho
home of criminals. In 1850 there wns ono
criminal In tho United States to every
8.50U of population; In 1890 ono to every "SO.
"In the slum portion of cities the saloon
Is twice ns numerous ns In other parts nnd
Illiteracy le four times as great. Tho
church Is falling to keep step with tho
growth of tho cities. Its tendency Is to
movo back to respectable portions of tho
'town. We need n revival of Christian
sympathy, missionary zenl, religious socia
bility, love for souls tho spirit of work."
Huw In AVorNlilp (ioil.
"Uod is a spirit nnd they that worship
Him must worship Him In spirit and In
This wns tho text employed by Rev. J. W.
Jennings, presiding elder of tho Omaha
district In his morning dlsrourso nt Hans
com Park church Sunday. "Tho woman at
the well to whom Christ spoke these
words," snld Rev. Dr. Jennings, "was Just
such a person as wo find often today.
Her untcrlnllsm brought her to tho point
of doubting. 'How is It?' sho asked' 'tlm
well is deep nnd Thou hnst nothing with
which to draw wntcr.' Hut God was then
nud Is today nil powerful.
"Jcsua explained to tho woman that the
water of life needed no vohlclo In which
to be carried other than tho thirsty one's
willingness to accept It. Christ Is the con
necting link betweeu tho natural nnd tho
spiritual. Ho Is tho true mediator of tho
inexhaustible, human needs nnd the inex
haustible reservoirs of lnllnlto supply.
Christ Is tho keystone In tho nrch of nges
nil human, nil natural and yet all dlvlno
nnd nil spiritual,
"Christ began where Moses stopped.
Christianity in Its spiritual precepts, Its
spiritual truth. Its spiritual oxpcrlenco nnd
Its fcplritunl destiny supersedes and rises
far nbove JudaUm. It is possible In every
Chrlstlnn experience to havo the conlldence
of Paul when he declared 'I know whom I
have believed.'
"Wo n ay havo to change our views about
forms and about the letter ot tho law.
Tho one thing that will never chango ts
tho spirit. It is of tho eternal: 'I know
whom I havo believed nnd Ho will keep
thnt which I have committed against that
day.' "
Trrf nn AdvrrtUlna.
Rev. E. F. Tretz, beforo delivering his
sermon at the Kountzo Memorial church
last night, devoted about fifteen minutes
to an attack upon what ho termed "the
billboard nuisance and the pernicious In
tluenco of certain kinds ot newspaper ad
vertising." Tho point that he reached was
has the pretty girls In plenty nnd costumes
gaudy, but he has not been content to let
his show stand nlone on theso acquisition!".
Bvcry member of tho company has tnlent,
something unusual and tctnnrknblo In this
class of attractions.
Tho big hit of tho bill Is tho Cornnllas, n
family of eight exceedingly clever acrobats.
Their performance Is really n revelation
In strength nnd skill tlrnec Mnntclt, a
singer of good voice nnd correct expression,
fills another Important position among tho
features. W. 13. and Edith Drowning pro-
sent n pleasing sketch, In which a coon
song thnt has been given here a hundred
times beforo gets Its first proper rendition.
Bernard & Watson nnd Phil H. Morton
turn In acceptable specialties and the olio
Is rounded out with both living and mov
ing pictures of superior quality.
The two burlesques nre fun producers of
tho first rank. Tho singing numbers nre
especially good and tho comedy, furnished
by Harney Hernard and Hilly Watson, docs
not ro amiss. There aro ti score and ten
of shapely girls nnd tho productions nre
dressed In true Weber & Flold'B style.
"When tho grip left me my nerves am'
heart wcro badly affected; but I begsu
taking Dr. Miles' Nervlno and Heart Curo
and wns soon nil right." Wm. Hocrlcht,
Enu Claire, Wis.
(Continued from First Pngc.)
other partial agreement on the sundry civil
appropriation bill and stated what Items
were still In dispute. Upon his motion a
further conference was ordered. Mr. Car
ter continued his speech nn the river and
harbor bill, severely criticising many items
In tho measure.
Ileforo the executive session Mr. Nelson,
In charge of the river and harbor appro
prlatlton bill, gavo notice that ho would
not give wny for any measure that would
give rise to debate. This statement was
mndo when Mr. Allison ptesentcd tho sun
dry civil hill. As long as the river nnd
harbor conference report Is before the Hen-
ate t blocks the consideration of tho sun
dry civil bin nnd no debute can be nail on
Items, from which tho senate will have to
recede before there can be an ngreement.
It Is not known how long the fight Is to bo
kept up on tho river nnd harbor bill.
At 2:20 n. m. the senate went Into exec
utive session.
At 2:10 tho doors were reopened and Mr.
Carter continued his speech against the
river nnd harbor bill.
.KorKim' .Motion Tallied.
At 2:55 Mr. Carter closed his speech. On
motion of Mr. Calllngcr tho motion of Mr.
Morgan that the senate recede was laid
on the tablo and the bill was then sent
back to conference.
It was the general opinion of tho senators
that this means the defeat of tho river nnd
harbor bill, as other senators Intend to de
bate It nt length.
Senator Pcttlgrow called the nttantlon of
the senate to the fact that n bill had been
lust. It was tho art to promote tho safety
of railroad cmrloyes, tho bill which passed
Sunday nfternoon. It was said that the
houso had concurred In the sennte amend
ments and tho bill had been enrolled and
signed by the speaker nnd lost between the
houses. Mr. Pcttlgrow denounced It as nn
outrage nnd charged that It bad been
"stolen" or "lost on purpose."
Mr. Lodge said ho heard tho clerk of the
house nnnounro the house's action un the
bill, hut bad been unnblo to find tho bill
nnywhere. On motion of Mr. Pettlgrew tho
senate ndopted a resolution ordering n rc-
enrollment of tho bill nnd requesting the
speaker to sign It.
Western I.eiiKtie .Meeting.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Mnreh 3.-Preidciit
ThomiiH Illcltey of tho Western league an
nounced tonight that a meeting of the
leaguo win no neiil at tno Hotel liyan in St.
raui on Tiiursuay afternoon, March 7.
Ho Hnlr No Ciiml, lint Often Cnuae
to Full Out.
Many hair preparations aro "fake" be
causo they are merely scalp Irritants. They
often causo n dryness, making tho hair
brittle, and, finally, lifeless. Dandruff Is
tho causo of all trouble with hair. It Is a
germ disease. Tho germ makes cuticle
scales ns It digs to the root of the hair,
where It destroys tho hair's vitality, caus
ing the hnlr to fall out. To cure dandruff,
tho germ must bo killed. "Destroy the
causo, you removo tho effect." Nowbro's
Hcrplcldo Is tho only hair preparation that
kills tho dandruff germ, thereby leaving the
hair to grow luxuriantly.
Central Thoughts of
Sermons of Yesterday.'
a suggestion to tho members of tho Wo
man's club to boycott nil newspapers that
publish objectionable advertising.
"Tho women of this city havo it In tholr
power to cleanse the advertising columns of
the local newspapers," said tho preacher,
"by simply refusing to tako Into tholr
homes any paper that prints an advertise
ment of patent medicine or nny other oh
Jecttonnblo article. When they refuse to
rend such n paper tho dry goods merchants
and other heavy local advertisers will not
use the medium, and In order to bring back
this class of profitable business tho pub
Ushers will soon glvo Into tho demands
of the women."
Mr. Trofz began his discussion on the
subject of billboards. "Every city," said
he, "has a right to bo beautiful and. In
fact, It Is not complete until It ts beautiful
If thero Is one thing that mars tho beauty
of our Amerlcnn cities moro than do tho
telegraph poles It is tho unsightly bill
board. Thero is absolutely no necessity for
tho existence of tho billboard. It serves
principally as an ngont for tho desecra
tion of tho memories of our patriots
philosophers and great men, whoso por
trtnlts are emblazoned on the board to at
tract attention to some particular brand
of cigar or somo tuircuulous patent rem
cdy. I have heard that billboard ndver
tislng pays, hut I don't bellevo It. I am
nn avcrngo man and possess the thought
of nn nvcrngo man, nnd don't romember
when tho seductive .Influence of a bill
board advertisement over lured mo Into th
purchase of nny particular article. Tho
billboard Is a nuisance, nn offenso t
aesthetic nnturo and a menace to our moral
Mr. Trefz said the newspapers should ho
censured for advertising fraudulent medical
nibtltules, quack doctors nnd nil patent
medicines. Ho snld:
"A newspaper thot attempts to cxcrclso
a strong moral Inlluenco through Its cdl
torlalB and endeavors to ail hero to the
truth In Its news reports- nullities such
work for tho unllftlng of humanity when
It carries lies and demoralizing luforma
lion into me nemo tnrougn its advertising
columns, When a doctor advertises that
lm can cdro anything ho lies, and when
newspaper prints his announcement to that
effect It lies. Any newspaper that gives
publicity to u medical instltuto that robti
the people is n party to tho oxtorMon, anil
deserves tho same measure of conmire,
"1 don't beftovo that a newspaper ought
to publish a patent medicine advertise
ment, because all such advertisements nre
prevarications. Did you over notice how
they read? Hero Is a fair sample- 'Dea
Sir: I havo been suffering for years with
n heavy mortgage on ray farm. I poured
two bottles of your remedy Into my well
and It raised the mortgage.' You think
that sounds silly, but It Is no moro rldlcu
lous than tho uverago patent mcdlelno
ndavortlsetncnt. "
South Omnlui News 8
At tonight's meeting of the council Mar
n will cause the Introduction of an ordi
nance providing for the opening of Y
street from Twenty-fifth street across tho
Union Pacific and Itock Island rlght-or-
ay. It Is deemed necessary to open n
(rest across tho tracks In order to ncrom-
modnto the residents In the vicinity of
Highland school. At present the tracks
re fenced from tho 0 street viaduct south
to' Morrill's crossing In Albright. In order
to assist In tho opening of Y street Malthas
otter hns offered to dedicate n strip 01
ground twenty-flvo fiot In width from
Thirtieth to Thlrty-slxth street ntid n strip
Ixty feet In width from Twenty-seventh
o Thirtieth street. The dedication of this
much ground will nsslst grenlly In iirrnng-
ng tho details of the opening of the street.
Many small property owners arc anxious to
have this street opened, but It Is nssertod
that tho railroads are opposed to It, as
watchmen will have to be stationed nt th-3
rosslng nnd an electric light maintained.
'ouniilmnn Martin thinks, however, that
the ordinance will pass In spite of tho op
Something will most likely bo done with
ho refunding bond Issue, 'as. tho commit-
eo appointed some time ago will very
likely make n report. The bonds can be
old at par without any question, but tho
council Is nnxlous to secure a premium.
Tho premium question hasp however, been
lrtually knocked In the head by tho no
tions of Danker Hannan of Council lllufls.
Certain members of tho city government
re still dickering with Mr. Hrinnan In
hopes that he will tako tho bonds nt the
irlco ho hid for them.
llonrit of Kilucntliiii Tnnluiil.
Tho regular monthly meeting of the
Hoard of Education will he held tonight.
Reports and recommendations will be re-
elved from Superintendent Wolfo nnd tho
sunl routine business transacted. Illds for
the removal ot tho old Corrlgim school
from Its present location to Mclla's addi
tion will be opened.
Something may bo dono about erecting n
new high school building. Ono plan is to
rect a wing containing eight or ten rooms
nd thus relieve the prcssuro on the prcs
nt Central school. If arrangements can
be coti'plet'ed the work of preparing the
Ue will commence not later than the
middle of April. It will tako nn Issue of
$100,000 In bonds to erect tho wholo struc
ture nt onro and quite a number nro op
posed to nn Itsue of bends ut this tlmo
on account of the city's flnnnclnl condition.
As tho school district Is not bonded it is
thought that there would be no difficulty .n
veiling school bonds nt a low rate of In
terest. In enso bonds nre not Usued tho eight-
room wing will be erected from tho revenue
derived by ,tbo district from liquor li
censes nnd other sources.
Checking City Hooks.
Recently tho committee on finance of the
council was Instructed to employ an expert
to check tho books of tho city treasurer and
tho clerk. In tho past this work has been
done ouco a year at a cost of from $225 to
2S0. Now the committee has In view an
expert who will undertake to do the check-
ng for $1"C. Councilman August. Miller Is
of tho opinion that thero Is no necessity
at this time to expend this amount of
money nnd will so recommend to the coun
cil. Ho says that when Treasurer Koutsky
completes his term tho books will havo to
bo checked nnd a rpport made. As Kout
sky Is under good and sufficient bonds. Mil-
cr does not think that tho expenditure Is
warranted at this! time, especially on ac
count of the depleted condition ot the treas
ury. AVant Cienn Streets.
Frequent complaints nro made to city of
ficials In regard to tho draymen who con
gregato at the corner of Twenty-fifth and
N streets. The constant standing of horses
at this corner causes an accumulation ot
manure, which Is permitted to remain on
tho pavement for weeks at a tlmo. A day
or two ago Street Commissioner Clark
stated that hereafter ho proposed to clean
this corner onco a week In order to do
away with complaints.
Improvement Club Tonight.
Tonight tho Southwest Side Improvement
club will meet at Maccabeo hall, Thirty
eighth nnd Q streets, for thq purpose of de
vising means to secure further improve
ments. What Is wanted Is bettor street
car service, more electric lights, an Im
proved condition of tho sidewalks nnd gas.
Tho gas company Is now working on the
proposition and Intends laying mains to
Corrlgnn addition as soon as tho weather
will permit.
Ilrllef Assiic'lntlnn Meeting.
The annual meeting of tho Union Stock
Yards Employes' Relief association was held
yesterday and theso officers elected for a
year: A. L. Hunter, president; L. M. Cock
roll, vlco president; James II, Bulla, secre
tary nnd treasurer; Frank Jones, C. O.
Nouns, William Fitzgerald and A. R.
Parker wero chosen directors. During the
last year the association paid out over $300
In sick benefits.
Mnule City (innnlp.
Packers look for nn Increase in business
before long.
Mrs. C. A. Hrcnzlcr has gono to Nellgh to
Islt her son, Herbert.
J' nn iuiikio vvjiiiu .ut,,, juai in..,. i nu ii, -
nnd water commltteo Inspected several
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
very day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
rlellelnnta ntiil lionllbfol iloccert Pre
spared in two minutes. No boiling' no
Daicinfrt naa uouinp water ana set to
rool. Flavors: Lemon. Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a package
It ,fei- "oer -
Without Changt
..All the btt Scenery of the ROCKY
Daylight In both directions.
Por (all Information, reiervatlontand Itiner
ary "Chicago to California" address City
Ticket Office, ijij Farnum St., Omaha,
Mra. iVimlon'a AonthlnK flyroji.
Has been used for over FIFTY YKAttS by
Ct'RES WIND COLIC, nnd Is the best rem
edy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Drugglita In
every part of the world. He sure und auk
for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," nnd
take no other kind. Twcnty-llvs cents a
tennis Sntiinliiy nnd the prleo naked wits
Muster Eddie Christ hits gono to North
Platte to visit friends.
John F. Rltchnrt of Lincoln wns a vNltor
In tho city yesterday.
Tho council will meet again today s u
bnnrd of equalization.
Representatives Hunt and Wilcox will re
turn to Lincoln today.
An auxiliary of the Red Men will be es
tablished on Wednesday night.
Thero will be ii meeting of tho High
school ulumiit oil Tuesday evening
The lyiibor temple building committee Is
working hard for the building fund.
Mrs. Henry Witch of Keiitiniil is the
guest of Mr. and Mri. John F Schultz.
Dealers sny that there Is u coiislili-rablo
demand Just now for building material.
Yesterday was n dull day with the police,
only one or two minor arrests being nulde.
Pome democrat nre niK-onitlng the iiotnl
nation ot Dan Itatiuoti for t.ix commls-
Humor Iiiim It thnt Dr. Wolfe will decline
a re-elcotlun u superintendent of tho pub
lic schools.
Tho question Is what will tho council do
about repairing the west side of Twenty
fourth stiect.
Commissioner Clark ns t tin t he will
commence cleaning N stret today If the
weather permits.
Dr. Wlieclcr's sermon on "Tin- Kx.iltcd
t'hrltft" yesterday morning was mi able ef
fort well received.
Preparatloiif lire being iiimlo nt the stock
yards lor the big shorthorn sale to bo held
on March 12 and 1.1.
It Is reported that the cooperage plant nt
Thlrty-llfth mid I streets will be reopened
some day this week.
Today the regular monthly meeting of tho
South Omnlui Live Stock exchange will be
held In Exchnuce hull.
Hlds for the reinovnt of th old Corrlirim
school building will be opened this evening
h the Hoard of, Education.
Receipts of Ivikh from Iowa continue to
Increase, as South Omnlni Is considered tho
hi-Ht western imirKct In the country.
Quite a number of llvo Hock dealers here
will leave for Denver today to attend tho
caitiemeii n convention called for March D,
John Dnle of Onmlin delivered nn Interest
ing talk to the members of the Young Men's
Christian association yesterday afternoon.
A buMness mini snld yesterday: -What
we want Is thrcn tlrsi-elass republicans ns
cnmlldiitcH for metiibcrs of the Ho.ird ot
Representative Wilcox said yesterdnv thnt
the South Omnlui charter would 'ihely
come ip lm tho house on Wednesday for
third rending.
Nearly everyone is talking about the com
ing spring election nml there is consider
able conjecture as to what the conventions
will do In the matter of nominations.
No treatment for colds and grip leaves
the system In as good and healthy a con
dition ns Chamberlnln's Cough Remedy.
Tho grentest danger from theso diseases Is
of their resulting In pneumonia. During tho
ninny yenrs this remedy has been In uc.
no case of n cold or nttnek of the grip hav
ing resulted In pneumonia, has ever been
reported to tho manufactuiers. which shows
conclusively thnt It Is n certain preventive
of thnt dungorous disease. For salo by all
"I want n wheel, but havo no money."
Is this four fix? Vou can cam one by do
ing a little work for The Hoe. Head our
great offer to boys and girls.
Wore Will IteeoM-r.
M. I,. Ware, the I'nlon Paeltle engineer
who attempted suicide by shooting himself
Friday nfternoon, Is reported us being on
the road to recovery by his physicians. No
apprehension Is held by them of his condi
tion changing for the worse. At llrst It wns
thought Ware's eye would have to be re
moved nnd the bullet extracted, but yester
day un examination disclosed that the eye
had not been Injured.
Boy$ and 0irl$
This is the greatest opportunity
ever had to get a $50.00 Bicycle.
Arrangements can bo mado for Fancy Specialties and Racers for a few
moro orders.
Start In early and you can bo ono of tho lucky boys and girls If you try.
Wc would rather have you all rldo $50.00 wheels, but If sorao of you
cannot get tho required number of subscriptions wo can glvo you a good
wheel for less.' Vou can tako your choice ot any $10 Road Wheel for 120
Thero are somo very good wheels that sell for $30. We will give you
one of theso for 90 orders.
Wo have some mighty good wheels for the llttlo boys und girls for only
CO orderB. Think of It.
So you sec nobody Is barred out.
All our boys nnd filrlB can rldo wheels this spring.
A Now Wheol and Just tho Ono Vou Havo Alwuya Wanted.
For further particulars call, or address SS
The Circulation Department,
ii i tie oee t-'UDiismnir wo. w
llewiirc of Imitations
It l hichli approved for the imi agiccable 7t
ullich it imparls In Soups I'illi. tisnir, tint
and Co.d Meats, Salads, Wclrh Kaicblts, etc.
tt'ontlnued from First I'age.)
and thero woi no disorder and no arrests.
The linal estimate of the size of the In
augural parade os given out nt military
headquarters tonight was. Military, regu
lar and volunteer, 22,021; veterans' organ
izations. 200; chic societies, 7.S0O. Out of
this number a totnl of about 17.600 arrivals
hnd heen oillelnlly reported to tho reception
committee tntly in the evening.
Oenernl Francis Oreene. grand mnrshnl,
estimates that the parade will tnko four
and a half hours to pass the reviewing
stand If no unforeseen contingencies arise.
Assuming that the Inaugural parade actu
ally gets under wny on Us return from inw
capltol at 2 p. in., this will make If T.S0 by
the time the last section passes the White
HotiKO. The day at the White Houso was
uneventful. The bulldlug wns closed to the
public and but for the UU of Vice l'resl- j
dent-elect lloosevelt the dny was not nota
bly different from mnny others. !
Tho president, nccompnnlcd by his
brother. Aimer Mrlilnlcy. and Mr. Hnwks. '
n vlfltnr. attended church In the morn- '
Ing, nnd on his return found thnt Mr. and .
Mrs. lloosevelt, their two children and Mrs '
Cowics had arrived and were with Mrs. I
McKlnley In the purlor. I
llne Mnn;' ("nller.
Their greetings were very cordial and
after half nn hour's conversation they
withdrew, Mr. Hoosovclt to mnke a call on
tho secretary of tho navy. At 1:30 tho
president nnd Mrs. McKlnley nnd their
guests, who number nbout fifteen, sat down
to luncheon. I.nter on. Oenernl Joe Wheeler
nnd John Jacob Astor rnlled to pay their
respects. A number of other out-of-town
friends rnlled at Intervals, but remained
only n short time. Secretary and Mrs.
(Inge, Secretary Hoot nnd Postmaster Oen
ernl Smith arrived nt 4 o'clock to look'
over nny bills that mny have como from
the capital, but they found little to re
fiulro their attention nnd soon left. Tho
grounds on tho north front of the White
Houso were constantly thronged with
strangers who enmo for n look nt tho his
toric mansion. Many of them wero militia
men from Pennsylvania. Massachusetts and
other eastern states.
The only show of excitement during tho
day occurred when the West Point endcts,
I bended by their line bund, swung out of
j Fifteenth street nnd marched In superb
I style up the nvenue In front of tho execu
i tlve mansion. Then the crowd broke forth
with cheers nnd hnndclnpplng that ubnwcd
Its appreciation of the faultless align
ment nnd military bearing of the young
"When 1 was prostrated with grip nnd
ray heart and nerves wero In bad shape,
Dr. Miles' Nervine and Heart Curo gavo
mo now life and health." Mrs. Goo. Colle,
Elgin, 111.
Dentil or Kilillr .Metirntli.
After nn Illness of only four daya F.ddlo
McCJrath. son-of Matthew M. McCruth of
1 the Western I'nlon otllce stuff of telegraph
i era, died yesterday nfternoon of cerebri)
i splnnl meningitis, nt the family home, 2S2:l
Franklin street. The boy was 8 years old
una popular.
I'red Mctr'N Condition.
At n Into hour last night the doctor snld
thnt the condition of Fred Jletz, sr , was
very serious, there having been llttlo
ehitngo during the lai-t twenty-four hours,
You Can Have
Your Choice
Here is
Our Offer:
Wc will give you your clioico
of any -?50 bicycle made for 150
new, one mouth .subscriptions to
the Daily and Sunday Uee. If
you cannot collect in advance,
just turn in the name and ad
dress and t lie carrier who deliv
ers the paper will make the col
lection and we will deliver the
wheel as soon as the subscrip
tions have been paid.
Any boy or girl can get 150 pcoplo to tako
THE BEK ono month and help thcra to got
u wheol. It makes no difference where you
llvo or whero you get subscribers. TRY IT.
these are all $50
high grade
Thii ilfDMure It on trtij bcttl
JOHN Dl'NCAN'S SONS, AgenU, New Tori.
You're Making
No Mistake
When You Order
It la bo thoroughly good and
pure po3BOB808 a flavor no
honest nnd satisfying that
you nro atiro to appreciate it.
Bond tn your order for a oh no.
Non-Intoxlcntlng Malt Tonlo
All Druggists
Val. Blntz Brewing Co.
1412 notltflna .St. Tel. 1011.
If I hnd Grip I would
UBe Dr. Miles' Pain Pillp
and Dr. Miles' Nervine.
Sold at all Druggluts.
55.00 A MoirrH.
All Private Diseases
and Disorders of Men
12 Yearn in Omaha.
Method new nevor falls,
without ciittlUK. pain or
loss ot f Imp
S YPH 1 1 I Retired for life and thopoUon
T r,",,-,,thoroii!hly rleaui-it from
th' lyatetn Soon i-i-frv lt-n unit Hvinninm
ilUiippt-arH complotely nmt forrvor No
"HltliAMNO OUT" of thPdlnmsnonthoiiklii
or faeir Tri-ntlnant routalnn ao danuerous
drugs or Injurious ini-dlrliK-n.
WEAK MEN '''" (,K M iMiooDfrnm l-;
bcviiai i v 'ohm or Victimsto NkkvouS
Wasting Wkaknrss I.nvoi.untaky I.obrks,
with Emii.v 1)ki.'ay In Yopno and Midiu.k
Aokd, iacU of vltii. vlgcr nnd Htrmgtb, with
exnnl orunni inumlrid nndweaU.
STRICTURE ndli-liy cttrHd with A new
nrl OLFFT1""1. liifrtlllble Ilonifl Treat
ana uutt t ment. NoinMrunifuts.nopaln,
no detention from buaim-is Gonorrhoea.
Kidney and Illiiditor Trouble
clinics iuakati:i:i).
Consultation rrrf. trtitmmt by Mall.
Call on or artdrrjs 119 S. '4th St.
Or. Searles & Searles s Omaha. Nob.
If rnu llATfi inifttl. paL nrv.nt.
Ion power or nr.krntnic ilralni,
our ViuMium Unim lorclor w4ll
1 1 .torn you without dru nr
clertrlcltTi 15.000 In uei not nun
fatlurr notone returned, no (.' o II. fraud i wrltfor
p.iilruUr. ent .enled In pluln enrelope.
tOCM. APPLIANCE CO.. 414 CniriBi 3io Denver. Colo.
KJ E. Smith & Co.
" V Importers and Jobbers ol .
Dry Goods, Furnishing Good
Uestern Electrical
vv Company
Electrical Supplies.
Electric Wiring Uelli and Gas Ltehttaf.
a. W. JOHN8TON, Mpr 1510 Howard St.
Davis & Cowgill Iron Works.
1(01, lBOtl and lBOfi Jaokaoa Htrt,
Oniafaa, Neb. Tel. (SUM.
. Zkbrlikle. Agent. J. B. Cowrlll. Mgr.
Improved Quick and Easy Rlilnc
Steam, Electric and
Hand Power Elevators.
fleml for catnlnzu.
1008 stn uiisei. ibiciuivh
H. Davis & Son
f m Asrnta for tUn Hlchro4
bntetr Hatrm anA
l-'lrr llnnra.
Elevator Hydraulic and lUnd EleTatau
Elevator rcpalrlni; a specialty. Leather
Valro Cupa for Elevatori, Emlnea aad
Printing Presssei.
navid Bradley & Co.
J Council ItlnH's, lowii
Gasoline Engines
Vertical, Horizontal unit I'ortiibl,
from ono lioro power up.
Jobbers of AKrlcultural Iinpk-mi'iits and
everything in wutur, steam anil Kas sup
226 La Snllo St., Chicago, III.
Bonds, Stocks and
Investment Securities
liouRht and sold for ensh and on irmrKtiiH,
Private wlro to Now York. Clilrngo Uiif.
crnnci'H Contlnuiitul Nutlonal Hank, III
bernlan Dunklin; Auuoclutlon, lloyul Trust
amesHlTjoyd Vcb. ' "
Telephone lOIttl.
Omnlui, ,cli.
llonril of 'I'ruilr.
Correnpondence: John A. Warren & Co.,
Direct wire to Chicago and Now Yuj v