THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. MARCH 2, 1901. 0 A Soldier's Life Is one of hardship and ex posure, and the danger from disease are as great as from shell and bullet. Here is a story of a life that was saved : I enlUted In Company E. First Rett mant N.w York olnnteer. at lb kvplnnlnr of the war with Htalu. Whlla on garrison duly t Honolulu I wis rleken wltb malaria, which compli cated with kidney troablf. I was In tha tin ml 1. 1 twntf.An i1iti.tnilvtini1lvhftrtd ray neaiin .uaiierru. m A wf .k n?r 1 came oat or the hospital the regiment tilled for borne. 1 arrived boms a perfect wreck, redured In weight irom 176 to HO pound. "Mr mother It strong believer In Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale ma 10 iaii mem. j oia. ana exrenencea a decided relief by be It me 1 bad taken three boxes. When I bad taken flTe k-... i w.. pured. The caln ws all roof, my acretlte rood and I had rained In fleh and strength. To-day I am a well man, thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink Plils. ' TnKTK A. Bweeixt, iT 2?rtn-rAojr Aitnw, Llxta, V. r. Or. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People r sold tr all dealers, or w.l be ent pot-paid "n tfiM of rrtre M reatt a -o or uti lin for srso. by addrtlr Da. WiLUam JliDicixa Co.. Scaeaeetady, N. Y. MILITIA PROTECTS PRISONER Crowd Eeccici Qaiet Whin it Observe! Prtantioni to Prevent Violence. COMCT DIES IN FIRE (Continued from First Page ) the new- wine w seriously damaged where It adjoined the main build I dr. A portion of the front wall has fallen In and the re mainder is In such condition that It can not be used for rebuilding. fcViat White la Avnllnhle. The only part of the prlion building proper that can be used for any purpose is the east wing, containing a cell room :0x50 feet, with extra high celling, and apartments for the deputy warden and family. The convicts will be housed in this celt room uutll other accommodations are provided. A quantity of blankets and several loads of fine straw were taken to the room this morning under direction of Acting Governor Savage. The blankets were taken from the storehouse of the Ne braska National guard and the acting governor has assured the prison author ities thst more will be furnished if needed. Until this afternoon there was some dif ference of opinion as to Just where the Cre originated. Some reported it was first seen in the warden's kitchen, others that it started In a front room and the theory was advanced by some that the fire had Its origin in the cell houre. Msbl Walrliman'a l)lcorr. The flames were first discovered by George Frollch, a night watchman in the employ of the Lee Broom and Duster com- j pany, which holds a contend for prison ' labor. He was In the main building just above the office when he made the discov- . ery and about the same time Warden Davis was attracted to the peine, by the same 1 odor. The flames then were raging In the small pantry room and were spreading rapidly over the kitchen adjoining. The oc cupants of that portion of the building were at once aroused and an alarm of fire was turned Into the prison fire fighting depart ment. Several guards manned the primitive hose cart and soon had a hose running from the pond south of the penitentiary yard over the slcckade and onto the scat of the fire. The flame.- had gained too great headway to be subdued and an alarm was turned In for the city department, which responded an hour later with a hose wagon and an engine. With these reinforcements the guards and the firemen from the city soan had three streams playing Into the Ore, which by that time had spread over the en tire second floor of the central portion of the building, up to the roof and over the cell house. Warden Davis directed the work and was assisted by Former Deputy Welch, who was placed in command of the guards. The roof of the cell house burned like tinder and th5 flames were soon eating their way down along the woodwork to the cells. As soon as it was seen that the cell house could not be saved orders were given to liberate all the prisoners and these were executed in ample tlmo to allow- all the convicts to escape. .After they had left the houte a guard was sent through to see thu no one remained and he reported later that be had visited every cell without finding anyone. Removing Official Hrcordi. In the rx can time Warden Davis and a corps of assistants wire removing the offi cial records from the office. The flames Rain or Shine. The station agent is on duty. On his exact communication of train orders depends thousands of lives, and millions of dollars in property, each day. In his haste he runs out in the rain of the snow hatless and unprotected. Then comes me sequel bron chitis, or some other disease of the respiratory or gans. The most effective remedy for bronchial or pulmonary disease is Doctor Pierce'. Golden Medical Discovery. Almost aii remedies pre- acnDea tor such diseases contain opium or some narcotic which soothes by stupe faction. "Golden Medical Discov ery " contains neither narcotic nor alcohol. It stops coughs by cunng their cause. It heals weak lunjrs, builds up wasted tissues, and promotes the health of every or gan of the body. "I im a railroad agent," writes I. B. fetipki, Esq., of Barclay CHire County Kans., "and four years ago ray work keeping me in a wina room and stepping out frequently icto the cold air gave me bronchitis, which became chronic sua deep-eitrd Doctor failed to reach mr ease and advited me lo try a higher air Tout. ibrtnnatelr for me a trie ml adviaed toe to try Dr Pierce'i medicines, t commenced taking your Golden Medical Discovery ' and by the time 1 had taken the fcrst bottle t was better and after utiur four battles my cough wu entirely rone 1 hare found no neceaut for seeking another climate " Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate the stomach, liver and bowels. were gradually working down to this room and it w-aa afire five minutes after the warden completed bis work. Telephonic communication with the city was cut off and from that time It was simply a question of saving the east end. The firemen con centrated all their efforts in this direction and at 4 o'clock had the flames well under control, but this was uot until after they had completely gutted the officers' Mvlng apartments, the library, the cooking rooms, laundry and cell bouse. Lieutenant Governor Savage was notified by telephone at the Lincoln hotel of the impending dangtr at the penitentiary and he Immediately gave orders for the Lin coln company of the National guard to go to the scene Twenty-five members of the company were already at the armory and a special train was standing on the Bur lington tracks only two blocks away. When tbe word was given the men fell in, marched to the train and thirty minutes later were stationed at the various posi tions around the prison. Troona Cut OB Barnpe. The prison yard is surrounded by a high stockade on three sides and the main peni tentiary building on the fourth side. The troops were drawn up In front of the burn ing building and thus cut off the only pos sible way of escape. Tbe house and senate committees on public lands and buildings will visit tbe wreck tomorrow. George Pflueger. the convict who was burned to death, was sent up from Cum ing county, having received a life sen tence for killing his wife. Senator Oleson of Cuming county helped to defend the prisoner at the time he was convicted, and on account of his peculiarities he remem bers blm quite well. "He was a man probably 50 years old," said the senator, "and there is no doubt but that he was Insane, Some time in IS?: or 1S93, he returned from a trip to Iowa and went out to his home, some ten miles northwest of Wlsner, and shot his wife. They bad not lived together for some time, Pflueger believing that she had been un true to htm. Previous to this time, how ever, he had been adjudged insane by the commissioners of Cuming county, but later it was thought he bad regained pos session of his mind. Shortly after he had killed his wife he became despondent and refused to talk and from that day until the time of his death be had never been known to utter a single word. Even as his attorneys, we could not get a word from him, and during the course of his trial and even when sentenced, he refused to speak. The silence, I understand, has been maintained by him since his Imprison ment, nearly ten years ago, all efforts to make him talk or work having been in vain." TRIAL OF ALBERT SHENKLE QUICKLY. HELD For Anult iin 01 r I Hp la Tnkrn lo I'rnltrntlnr, 'there1 to Aitnlt the Inspiration of Indefinite Sentence. CARROLLTON. 111.. March l.-Gturded by four companies of state militia to pro tect him from a mob determined on lynch ing. Albert Shtnkle. who, on December id last, crlmina'ly assaalted the 16-j car-old daughter of Charles H. Ciller of Carrollton, was early this mornlag taken from the Springfield county jail, put on board a spe cial train and brought to Carrollton. Through streets lined with silent spectators he was hurried to the court bouse. An hour after the arrival of the train Shenkle had pleaded guilty, bees promptly given an In determinate sentence by Judge Owen Thompson and was on bis way to the south ern Illinois penitentiary at Chester. Although threats of lynching had been freely made by the citizens of Carrollton, and, although tbe streets and grounds around tbe Jail and court house had been patrolled by an armed mob determined apon using summary measures, eer since It was announced that Shenkle would be brought here for trial, there was no disorder at tending Shenkle's arrival and departure. Apparently nearly tbe whole population of tbe town was gathered around the depot and along the streets leading to the court house but the troops, forming a cordon around the train as soon as It stopped and surrouudlng Shenkle when the latter, heavily shackled and accompanied by baerlff Conley. alighted from the train, prevented any hostile demonstration. NEBRASKA NEWS. Tn Improve Ynrtlo anil Multiline. COLUMBCS, Neb.. March 1. (Special ) The Union Pacific will expend several thou sand dollars in improving the yard and track facilities here this spring. A force of men will soon begin rearranging the yard. The large bridge over the Loup river. Just west of town, will be almost entirely replaced. This Is the largest bridge on the system except the one across the Missouri at Omaha. Three spans of this bridge will be filled In and the bridge parts removed and used on the Grand Island branches. Double track will also be completed to this side of the bridge, a distance of two miles. Six new stalls will be added to the roundhouse and If the company and city authorities agree upon a location a new freight depot will be built. Inalitutr limner. Superintendent.. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb. March 1. (Spe cial Telegram.) The Institute for the Blind in this city was today formally turned over to tbe new- superintendent. Prof. J. T. Morey. Rev. J. E. Harris, who has had charge of the Institution for two years, re tiring. A reception was held in tbe chapel, attended by the board of trustees, the teachers, students and families of the out going and incoming superintendents. The board of trustees elected Mrs. J. T. Morvy matron of the Institution. nentlenimi Cuie .Next. COLUMBUS. Neb.. March 1. (Special.) Judge Hollenbeck discharged the regular panel of Jurymen in the district court this morning and adjourned court. This has been a three weeks' session and one of the most important in a number of years. The arguments for a new trial In the Gentleman murder case and in tbe case of the State against Burrell will be heard next Thursday. I.utc AVnnta r Trial, BEATRICE, Neb.. March 1. (Special Tel egram.) Judgo Lctton adjourned court to day for this term. Judge A. Hardy filed a motion for a new- trial In the Lutz arson case, but Judge Lctton said be would hand down his opinion regarding a new trial at the beginning of the next term, which is April 29. In the meantime Lutz will have his freedom, provided he can furnish bonds for IIOO. More- Smallpox nt Crete. CRETE, Neb.. March 1. (Special.) The fifth case of smallpox developed In tbe West w-ard yesterday afternoon. The school board has Issued orders for the compulsory vaccination of every student. The first case having developed at the Burlington depot, the company has closed the depot until thoroughly fumigated. A coach on tbe sidetrack is doing duty as station. i sr x 7 M INQUEST IN PFLUEGER CASE Jurj' e relief I nanliuuna That Con vict Came lo III Dentil Tlironeh .o Official Kanlt. LINCOLN. March 1. tSrjeclal Telerram 1 An Inquest was held at the penitentiary! this afternoon over the remains of Pflueger end after listening to the testimony of a dozen witnesseu the jury returned a unani mous verdict finding that the man came to Ms death by suffocation and exonerating the prison officials from blame. The offi cials were commended for their efforts in attempting to get 'all the convicts out of the building and particular stress was laid on the Pflueger case, because a man had twice been sent into tbe cell house to see that this man had safely escaped. It had been reported that the man bad . been seen In the prison yard after the con victs had been taken out of the building, but the Jury was unable to substantiate this report Several witnesses gave hearsay testimony along this line, but no one was found who would testify before the jury that he had seen him outside the cell bouse, Coroner Graham thought the man became dazed by the smoke and fire and tbe ex citement and wandered aimlessly into the cell where he was found dead. Tue Jury took this view and rendered a verdict ac cordingly The testimony brought out the fact that a man had been sent into the cell house twice to see If all the convicts had escaped, with instructions to look especially for Pflueger, who has never been considered responsible for his actions. fleprr.en tn 1 1 r Ilrortn nt Home. NEBRASKA CITY. March 1 (Special Telegram.) Representative David Brown, who was taken ill in Lincoln yesterday, arrived home today, accompanied by his wife and physician. Dr. E. M. Whitten His condition Is much Improved this even ing. His trouble is nervous exhaustion. Dr. Whltten states that a few days' rest and quiet are all he needs. l.rctnre to Farmer. TRENTON. Neb.. March 1. (Special Tele gramsProf. Bruner of the Etate univer sity gave a talk to farmers and stockmen of Trenton and vicinity at the court house upon "Extermination of Bugs and Grass hoppers." The professor gave some valuable advice and a number of experiments will be made during 'he season. ELECTRIC WIRE IS TO BLAME Defect In the Iniulatlou Cause !iuall Ulnae lu Ilaarmrnt Wall. LINCOLN. Marca 1. (Special Telegram.) Tbe prison authorities, this morning con cluded the fire originated from a defect in the electric wiring. There had been no fire in the kitchen stores since 7 o'clock tn tht evening and the room was not occupied after that time. Warden Darls passed through the room at 10 o'clock and noticed no indication of fire at that time. In sup port of tbe theory that tbe fire was caused by the wires the authorities pointed out a place in the basement wall where a small fire started from the electrical current early last evening. Tbe Insulation on all the wires was old and in many places so rotten t that it had fallen off. A prison guard in j the basement noticed a small flame near a it iu lur DHcacm, out ;t was extin guished with little difficulty. A piece of charred timber near thta fuse and a piece of burned tnsu.ated wire substantiate this theory (inr Through Ire. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. March 1 (Spe cial. ) While returning from his farm on the island last evening William Gllmore, a farmer residing three miles south of ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of S KaoStmlla Wrapper Below. Tary aaall 4 a aay f;taasassa(s& CARTER'S FOI KEAIACHL FIR DIZZINESS. FOR I1U0USRESS. FOR TORPIB LIVER. FIR CRNSTIPATION. Ttt SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECIMPLEIIIR Iff Plat'smomo. broke through the l-e on hc 1 Missouri river and tbe team and itu went down It was with great difS'u that Mr. Gllmore succeeded In resrung aM llolne. Chsnari nt Mirlbj, SHELBY. Neb. March 1 (Special -E Petteys. who has been buying hogs and live stock for fifteen years, sold his yards and business to tbe Omaha Elevator com pany. They will run it in connection with one of their elevators here. Edward Neptune has sold the City hotel to Dr. W. D Thompson. Vigorous at 1 1 9 Years '" Abraham rV Klmer nn rue tttli Vdrtlirl'. iT-re llrrxlnr Kntrr I'lnttmioiith llnn.e. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. March 1. tSpe- , rial ) The home of Ole Roman waa en tered by a burgler during the absence of tbe family Nothing of value was taken. FIRE RECORD. AVIIIier Confectionery More. I WILBER, Neb.. March 1 (Speclat)-The confectionery stock of T. A. Clements was damaged by fire early this morning start lag from a cigar store. It was Insured for t SS(0 In the Seward Mutual company, which will not cover the loss. The building, be- longing to Frank Jarsueh, Is only slighlly damaged and covered by insurance. Ilu.inr.. Portion of Park Hlier. GRAND FORKS. N D.. March 1 A fire . which started at I o"clock last night con- f sumed the business portion of Park Rirer causing a lesr of oter 1160.000, with only partial Insurance. Car ftnrn In ChleaRo. CHICAGO. March 1 The car barns of the Metropolitan Elevated railroad, with tight motor cars, were destroyed by fire to nlcbt. Loss J30.000. HYMENEAL niltli-l!lllert. SHELTON. Neb.. March 1 'Special I Last night at S o'clock, at their new home, were married Dr E L. Smith and Mrs. M. E. Gilbert by Hev. L. W. Scuddtr ot the Presbyterian church. CURE SICK HEADACHE For a clear complexion, bright sparkling eye and vigorous digestion take Prickly Ash Blttera. It puts the system In perfect order. AMERICAN WILL SIGN THEM Vice Prr.lilrnt of the LeaKur Wire 7.linmrr to Promise I'lajer a Welcome. WASHINGTON. March 1 C L Zlmmer of the Base Ball Players Protective asso ciation has received tbe following dispatch from C. W. Somers, vice president of the American Base Hall league: "Make announcement to the public to the effect that players can sign with us.' Mr Zlmmer Is in Washington spending a few days preparatory to his return home to Cleveland from New York, where he met the National league people. He said that he preferred not to discuss the ques tlon of players signing with opposing leagurs at this time While the agreement which he had signed nith the league mag-natt-s In New York does not prohibit play ers signing with whom they please, yet It did provide that all Nationaj league or Eastern league players who signed Ameri can leag-je contracts should be suspended pendlnp final action by the Protective asso ciation as a body. Mr. Zlmmer thinks the question of the status of players who slim with opposing leagues will be taken up im mediately by the association and deter mined by a mall vote. MAY HAVE TO SIDETRACK Enotrrn i'nfflllwta Likely to Kn cotinter Stiff llnrrlern at California State Line. SAN FRANCISCO. March l.-If Governor Gage signs a bill paused by the assembly. anT there Is every indication that he will, prize fighting In California will be out of fashion and the crowd of eastern pugilists who are heading this way will have to find some oth-r port. The bill makes any spar ring contest, private or public, with or without gloves, a felony punishable by a One of not less than H.OW xit more than tj.OOO and imprisonment frptrt one to five years. .... .... The provisions of the 1)111 also Include those who send or accept challenges or who carry or deliver such challenges or ac cept any and those who assist pugtllrts ta training for a fight. Vnleji pressure Is brought to bear upon the governor that will Induce hlra not to sign the bill the pro posed fight between Terry McOovern and Hegerty. the Australian, cannot be pulled off. MAKES YOUNG SANDOW QUIT Perry Qneennn of Milwaukee' Itrtlre Mr. Jacob Qultr Carl- In the Game. MILWAUKEE, March l.-Perry Queenan of Milwaukee knocked out Morris Jacobs (Young Sandow) of Kansas City tn the third round of a six-round bout before the Mil waukee Boxing club tonight Kid Sayres of this city got the decision over Alex Burke of Milwaukee In six rounds. Helrrre Ha to Stop It. DENVER. March 1 Kid McPartJand of New York lost to Ruddy King, colored, of Denver in the fourth round of what was to have been a ten-round go before the Colo rado Athletic association tonight. Referee English topjed the right after McPartland had landed a left on the body and a right to the Jaw. King was staggering arouna tne ring and McPartland was trying to get to him. VotiiiK for Montana Senator. ur.i.ENA. Mont.. March 1. The fortieth ballot for senator taken today resulted. Carter (rep.). 32; Frank (fus.), 30; Conrad ifus.l. 13: cooper tius.j, j; .-uaginniF uus.i, t; Toole, 1. Amateur Theatrical. "The Spy of Gettysburg," a thrilling mll!-trn-v drama, will be alven br the K. O. B. C 'Dramatic club at Creighton hall next Thuraday evening for the benefit of the Union Veterans' union. ABRAHAM E. El MER, 119 Years Old. Abraham E. Elmer, on his noth btrthdav, writes us and says DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY has been his only medicine for several years, that it has kept him well and strong. He is still in pos session of all his faculties. It is the most marvel ous case on record and has puzzled a number of the leading physicians. OLDEST IMAN MN THE WORLD DUFFY'S PURE HALT WHISKEY The Standard of Purity and Excellence for Nearly Half a Century HAS PROLONGED HIS LIFE f- TRACY ST.. UTICA. N. Y , Jautiary 20. 1901. ,v Dear Friend On this my 1 iqth birtnuay it e'ves rne"Pcay ure to tell you how grateful I feel for w hat your valuable whiskev has done for me. It is my only medicine. Mv health is still gooa and I am a strong and vigorous as a man could expect to be at eighty years of age, notwithstanding I am 119 years old today. 1 have taken no medicine but Duny's Pure Malt Whiskey for several years. I take it in an egg-nog three or fcur times a day and it stimulates my blood and keeps rae w ell and strong. It is both food and drink to me. My hearing is good. 1 can walk around, dtess and undress myself, and I thank God for what Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has done for me. It is truly a blessing to old people. I cannot say too much in its praise I know I would not be alive today if it were not for your whiskey. Very gratefully yours, ABRAHAM E. ELMER. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey aid nlrectlnn. Stimulate and Enriches the Blood. Invlcorates the Brain. Builds Nerve Tissue, ' -. Tones Up the Heart, Fortifies the System Against Disease Oen If vou wish to keep young, strong and vigorous and have glow of perfert h?a''h, take DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISr spoonful in half a glass of water or nu k three times a day and tal Aids Digestion. Stimulates and Enriches the Blood. Invigorate the Drain. Builds Nerve Tissue t- . ., .... . it - . 1 . ! .. r,i.... n.m c nd trolnnra Life innr. i n i n c iiciri. f-orkiiic inc svjtkcui j - - . m- ' . . . . ...... 3 have on your cnees ine ;HISKE, r-gularly, a tca- 1 H.iv anrl take no oth-r medicine 1. ,n r.n . nor r. cm -itVi thi- rviu-in thr svstem and aeoress tne heart (Quininr depresses the hrart . while DUFFY'S PURE MALT HISkfcA tones and invigorates the heart action and purifies the entire system. . ..... Write tts and state vour esse. It will cost vou nothing for advice. e Ke an interest in all our patie'nts. We will set d vou a medical booklet free, w hich contains symptoms and treatment of erh disease, also many convincing testimonials of mar velous cures. Dl'FFY'S PL'RE HALT WHISKEY is the only one taxed by the United States government as a medicine. It has been the means of saving thousinSs of lives. It will save yours if you v iu try it. 1 here is none -;jusi as &oou rM-ctrvc m'Dtr Mat t wwicvFV rUafor uhn uv nn is thinklnrOi nl' 1 vruit -it : any ULrri 3 rL Kb .MAUI uniSMVl. 1 nc ocaici iwiu avi a uiiw...k v. profits only, not of your health. The rrauin- is sold in sealed bottles only, om io you in bulk it is not the genuine. Be sure that you get it. ' ou can buy it at druggists' or grocers', or direc:. Jt.oo a bottle. If NO FUSEL OIL. DEATH OF HENRY H. CURLEY former Attache of Omalin Weather llurrau Ciolrra In Indian apoll. Henry Curley. who was formerly em ployed In the Omaha oQce of the United States weather bureau, died Saturday, Feb ruary 23, In Indianapolis. Ind. Mr. Curley was transferred from Omaha to San Antonio, Tex., a few years ago. He re signed his position with tbe government to go to Portuguese Central Africa, in the employ ot a transportation company doing business on the Zambesi river. On his way home last December he contracted rheumatism. It settled in his heart and developed into dropsy. Mr. Curley was compelled to leave Africa on account 0! fever. He had Just rallied from a serious sickness when he started tor the United States, and an unusually long and rough Toyage proved too much for blm In hu weakened condition. Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are Ignored by t'-.ose tireless, little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills, Millions are always at vorru night and day, curing indigestion, bilious ness, constipation, sick headache and all stomach, liver and bowel complaints. iy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only :5c at Kubn & Co.'s drug store. EXTEND QUAINT GREETING Bitian Katires Meet Philippine Oomtnii siea with Provincial Pomp. BOATS ALL PAINTED AND BEFLAGGED Taft and Aoclnte Towril to Shore In Canopied llnrtte. vtlth Half .Naked Inlander Mioutlnc Welcome. Noinlnnt Ioiik by Prralilent. WASHINGTON, March 1. The president today sent tbe nominations to tbe senate Theodore Beall, register of the land of fice at Leadvllle, Colo.. John T. Ingram, Daniel Arms and George L. Wales, all of Montana, to be mineral land commis sioners in Montana. To be assistant paymasters in the navy: Frederick G. Payne of New Jersey, Fred erick Colby of New York, Edward Goodhue of Massachusetts and William R. Browne of Pennsylvania. To be a civil engineer In the navy: Reuben E. Bakenbaus ot Illiscis. rteeoanlrr Omaha OZemlrr. Detectives Mitchell and Drummy were In Lincoln Friday and Identified three men ar rested there the night before for highway robbery as old-time Omaha offenders. One of them. Frank Burke, had served a thirty day hentence here and another In South Omaha and had been run out 0? town by the police. C. M. Breston and James Ward, the other members of the gang, have done several small Jobs here, but it Is the first time any of them have been known to try anything as serious as a holdup. They have been positively identified by their Lincoln victim. Belgian llarra on Club Table. The Belgian hare as an article of food was tested at a banquet of the Belgian Hare club of Nebraska at the Schlltz hotel last night. A six-course supper was spread before forty members of the club and tn vlted guests and all said the hare was great eating. Speeches on various phases of the Belgian hare Industry were by J It. Mc Dowell. W R. Howard. Miss A. M. Cook of Omaha, F. G. Wilcox of Brltt, la., and P. E. Crabtree of Denver. W. T. Stafford of filoux City. Ia.. was toastmaster BALANGA. Province of Bataan, Luzon, March X. When the launch bearing the members of the United States Philippine commissioners appeared off the shore ot the mountainous peninsular province of Bataan It was met by more than 100 flag decorated bancos, propelled by from four teen to eighteen oarsmen, stripped to their waists. On tbe boats were painted the names of the towns they hailed from and in them were the bead men of each vil lage. The oarsmen shouted, Viva!" The whole procession then scurried toward the shore, headed by a sail banco towing a canopied barge, in which were the mem bers ot tbe commission and their party. Tbe barge grounded amid a crush of small boats and tbe younger natives sprang Into the water and dragged it to a point where wagons were bub deep. These carried tbe visitors to dry land, at Puerto Rlvas, thence to Balanga. passing through lines of natives aud streets cf Cag decorated bouses to the military headquar ters. The public session of the commis sion passed off as previous public sessions had elsewhere NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Core Impotsncy. Xigbt Emissions, Loss of Mem ory, an watting aiteates. all effects of telf-abuse or exeen and indiscretion. A nerve tonic ind ,blood builder. Briori the nlnk clow to Dale cheeks and restores tb nr of youth. Hy mail 1&O0 rar box. 6 boxei for $2.50, with our bankable gaurantee to cur or refund tbe money paid. Send for circular and err ot our bankable guarantee bond. EXTPA STRENGTH t IrJkVW 6O ; PILLS' SO CTS. Nervita Tablets Posltivelr guaranteed enre for Los of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Parel. Locomotor Ataxia, Nerroos Prottan tlon. Hysteria. Flu, Insanity. Paralysis and IBs Heiults of Excestlve Use of Tobacco. Opium or Liqnor. By mail in plain packnee. S1.00 a box, 0 for S5.00 witu our bankable guar antee bond to cure tn SO days or refund money paid. Addre NERVITA MEDICAL CO. OlntonA Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, I Lie For sale by Kuhn it Co., Uth and Douclaa 8t. Omaha, Neb.: Goo. tt. Davis. CouocU Bluffs. Iowa. ii COLDS Radway's Ready Relief cures ar.d pre vents Coughs. Colds, Sore Threat Influen. xa. Bronchitis, Pneumonia. Swelling of th Joints, Lumbago, Inflammation. Kh'iima. tlam. Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache. Asthma. Difficult Breathing. Radway s Ready Relief is a sure cura for every Pain. Sprain. Br ils-s. Pains in th Back, Chest or Llmbn It was the first anil Is the only Pain Remedy that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allavs Inflammation and cures congestion, whether of the Ijngs, stomach, bowel, cr other glands or organs, by one application, Catarrh Can He Cnreil. Catarrh is a kindred ailment of consump tion, long considered Incurable; and yet there Is one remedy that will positively cure catarrh in any of Its stages. For many years this remedy was used by the' late Dr. Stevens, a widely noted authority on all diteases ot the throat and lungs. Having ! tested its wonderful curative powers In thousands of cases, and desiring to relieve human suffering. 1 will send free of charge to all sufferers from catarrh .asthma, coo- j sumption, and nervous diseases, this recipe, In German. French or English, with full ' directions for preparing and using. Sent by j man ny auarciuuK, vwka Bkiuiii, uaiuiuk this paper. W A. Noyes. StT Powers block, Rochester, N. V. Our Bicycle Man Is aceeting the thanks ot several prominent society ladies who gave a most unique re ception on George Washington's birthday His fertile mind suggested removing the furnace and putting In tts place the orchestra. The guests were delighted and surprised to hear the familiar strains of music in every room. None could discern the origin of it. Tbe day was ccld and blustery and whenever the temperature went below- 70 degrees one of the servants called down through one of the hot air registers for the tune of "A Hot Time," which made tbe thermometer register up tn the K'S. A little thing like moving and resetting a furnace was not much ot a Job, as it is a part ot our business, as well as supplying castings tor all stoves and ranges ever mad. Wa'er fronts and gasolene stove repairs. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS Telephone 000. 1207 Douglas 8t Easter Sunday April 7- We are already making preparations tor Easter Sunday we make to order almost anything you desire Jersey Ice cream rolls, 40c quart composed of vanilla, strawberry and chocolate, enough tor 6 or S persons biscuit glaces, plain, 13 doien biscuit tor tonle, biscuit a l'ltallen biscuit a 1'Orleans lee puddings, tl quart egg cog, extra Netselrode, Diplomatique, Victoria, Lalla Rookh. Melssonnler, Prussian bomb glace punches, Roman, qts., 75c Creme d Menthe, qts., Jl Chartreuse, qta.. Jl champagne, qts , J3 Mousse Olace, $1 qt. Aux Cafe Aux Maroons, Aux Pistachios, Aux Cherries. To insure prompt delivery orders must be sent In before Saturday, April Cth Out of town orders must be In before Friday April Stb W. S. Balduff, 1520 Partita St Next Meeting nt L Aneelea. ATLANTA. Ga.. March X. In a telegram received here from Mrs. Rebecca D. Lowe, president of the General Federation of Women's clubs, she announces that at the meeting of the executive council of the federation Just closed It was decided that the next biennial meeting of the General Federation of Women's clubs will take place March 1. in Los Angeles, Cal. run ixTBit.VAL a.vh extiiilvai. isr. A teairpoontul In water will in a few min utes cure Cramps, Spasms. Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhoea. Colic. Flatulency, and all Internal pains. Bold by Dr.iggists. RADWAT & CO-, U Elm St,. New York SA CHICHCSTCSt'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal pills l-Ct"X . . Orli. J mm Cel.. iw CIIICJIKSTEirs KNGLISH lit ti r.n ia ,t!u, t! h V .kf ...u,r. ntniH I.ctr SsktlllatUat 4 I Uaaa. ;f jr tr.(:.t r 4. la "Rr.r tmr l..tln,'l, uiw, j ra. M r.t ...... r-vt-i ... fir it- jp WnMPM MTM mm m. w fni.eouuinErrot. Tuny. reonrroTii aoi a ,r f a.iurt i locjr mrno-t bbttlnite ew rrtltrrd ;i a ttw dart, HUj ; Sfcermsn & XcConnell t4 Knhn & Co, drogrUti FEMALE BEANS a-reat muottiir refo. Jaicr.iiroiicet,teL, Kimball Pianos- Need no Introduction to anybody, tbelr reputation Is world wide Tbcy are en dorsed and used b.v tbe most eminent artists In tbe world For tone, elegance of workmanship and durability they are unquestionably tbe finest made. All tbe various styles In tbe most costly veneers ean be seen at our salesrooms. We will make you home special Induce ments in terms on these pianos. We do fine tuning, repairing, polishing and moving. A. HOSPB. Hull ui Ait 1613 Ontla The Whole World Over- Drex Ij. Shoonian's boys' shoes are , recognized for style and durability I never lu your life have you bought a boys' bhoe for a dollar and a half that equals this one provided you've a boy and have Ivougbt bin shoes from Drex I Sboomaji everybody knows that leather has gone up and Is still a-going but we go right on selling the same shoe for the same money $1..V) n pair -that's the way we have always done (the best for tbe money no matter how much the money. Drexel Shoe Co., CataloKna Seat Free for ta Aaktnat, Omaba'a Up-la-atala Shn tlonaa, 141k KAK.NAM TlttSEtT.