THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: PATVHDAY. 3IAKCI1 2, 1001. NO EXTRA SESSION NEEDED Henia Conenki in Esnato Ammdmiati to Araj Approprittion BilL tbow some consideration for the taxpayer. 'Olvo us a rest," be cried, In conclusion, amid laughter, Mr. Elliott's motion was defeated, 84 to 132. The bill was sent back to conference. The final Conference report on tho Indian appropriation bill was adopted. The sneaker appointed Messrs. licmen- auguratlon ceremonies, were among the spectators. The appeal taken by Mr. Morgan from the decision of the chair on his Mcaraguan canal amendment was the pending amend ment. Tho vote resulted In sustaining the chair's decision, 36 to 16. Mr. Hoar of Massachusetts moved to -,w r.miMiran' Warner nf nil. reconsider the committed amendment an- MEASURE NOW GOES TO THE PRESIDENT nols. lepubltcan; Long of Kansas, repub- proprlatlne $100,000 to enable the secrc- llcan; Newlands of Nevada, silver repub- T i war a uegin xne construction oi a llcan, and Maddox of Georgia, democrat, on memorial bridge across the Potomac river the commltteo to frame a bill regarding em- at Washington observatory ground to a ployes of the house during the recess. The P01" 00 tn Virginia side. Personally ne house then at 6:15 took a recess until 0 an earnest advocate of the project. o'clock tomorrow morning, the time tx- eminent nrcnitccts nan criticised severely tween 0 and 11 In the morning to be de- lne present pian proposed, as tho triage voted to unanimous consent legislation. was l b the grandest of Its kind In me woria, 10 live l.uw years, it would be I'inl.h of (hp Contest Over Leaiata tlon for .tt rosDcsslona Attended by I)rraucrsl' Ilemotint ra tion AKiilnut Hull. WASHINGTON', March 1. The house re- moved all possibility of an extra session by WEST concurring in me unaie amendments to tne army appropriation bill. The vote stood 159 to 134. It was a strict party vote, with tho exception of Mr. McCall of Massa chusetts, Mr. Loud of California, Mr. Drls coll of New York and Mr. Mann of Illinois, who voted with the democrats RECEIVES Senate Adoptu Amendment Affetclna; It Uxnoaltlon at St. Loiil. and Charleaton Favored. WASHINGTON. March 1. At the opening Mr. Cooper I nf today's sesilnn of th. senate a confer- of Wisconsin answered present and was not ence report on the bill to permit Pima rairci. ine oil! now goes to the president, county, Arltona, to issue Ofty-year 4 per The house was brought to a voto by a cent bonds to redeem certain Indebtedness special ordet- prepared by the committee on was agreed to. rules, which permitted an hour's debate on I Senator Piatt of Connecticut chairman a side. The debate was not especially note- 0f the senate committed on relations with worthy. The Philippine and Cuban amend- Cuba, submitted the report of that commit ments were defended by the republicans and tee upon the results of Its Investigations assailed by the democrats. Into Irregularities In Cuba. The committee ATTFNTIflN the part of wisdom to proceed carefully and Mr. Allison hoped the amendment would be reconsidered and that It would be so changed that the plans be submitted to the secretary of war and approved by him be fore any part of the appropriation should be used. The senate agreed to the memorial bridge project, limiting the price of the bridge to $5,000,000, $100,000 to be Imme diately available. An attempt to secure a vote on the bill disclosed the absence of a quorum and the sergeant-at-arms was directed to bring In absentees. At 1:10 a quorum appeared and the sundry civil bill was passed. The senate then went Into Th htilv a1 t In r InpM.nt nitrrA.l at fid I ,,A, n II- 4Z . I I .1 .1 V... I CACKUUVG BCSBIOU BQI1 BUUrtljr aiier UU' close of the debate when Mr. Hull of Iowa, makes no recommendation bcrond that M""1"1" whose name had been connected with a contained In the following paragraph: lumber and development company In the "in the oplnlen of the committee the In- Philippines, frankly acknowledged that ho formation obtained Is so full and SDectflo natf invested money In It. He said It was alas to render further Investigation and in' legitimate enterprise which was not looking qulry unnecessary, In view of the fact that for government favors. DEATH RECORD. Prominent llener l.nvrj-cr. DENVER, larch 1. Joseph W. Taylor, Subsequently wben the alleged frauds In connection with the one of the most prominent members of the he stated that the company would not havo postal revenues of the Island are now belnr; Colorado bar, died unexpectedly last night, Invested money If Bryan bad been elected investigated by the courts of Cuba In cases He had been In a nervous condition for two the democrats Jeered and hissed and where officials alleged to have embezzled days and to quiet him Dr. A. B. Wheeler shouted that It was because It Bryan had or misappropriated postal funds are being gave him an Injection of morphine. He was been elected-the Philippines would not have prosecuted." The Investigation cost seized with nausea and strangled to death been exploited. Mr. Lcntz of Ohio chal- $14,934. lenged Mr. Hull's right to vote, but Mr, The report was permitted to He on the Hull voted we. table, with leave to Mr. Money of Mlssls- Thtj final conference report upon the In- slppl to present a minority report If he illan appropriation bill was adopted and a desires. number of minor bills were put through the I'ettlRrerr .Ann In Turned Down. Iiuai stages. . The resolution of Mr. Pettltrrew to dls while unconscious Born in Jacksonville, III., fifty-nine years axo, Mr. Taylor received his legal educa tion as a student under Adlal E. Stevenson, former vice president of the United States. He served In the Fifty-first Illinois Infantry as second lieutenant and afterward took Proceedings In Detail, charge tho committee on Interstate com- uJe In tbo Ann Arbor school. Then he The house met at 11 o'clock. A resolution merce from consideration of what Is known was adopted, closing the house wing of the as the car coupler bill, which requires capttol from midnight, March 4, to 2 p. in. sworn statements concerning all railway March 4. except for members, members- accidents to be filed with the Interstate elect and former 'members, employes of the committee, was rejected 15 to 36, house ii nd ticket holders. Mr. Jones of Arkansas gave notice that Tho house defeated the motion of Mr. tomorrow he would ask the discharge of the Elliott to concur In the Charleston exposl- Judiciary committee from consideration of Hon amendment to tho Louisiana purchase the anti-trust bill. bill, ayes SI. noes 132. ' In accordance with notice previously Tho committee on rules then reported the 1 slven Mr. rrltcbard of North Carolina ad- moved to Leavenworth, Kan., where he was active, both In law and In politics. While living there he served two terms as county attorney and was also a member of the Kansas legislature. He moved to Leadvllle In 1879 and came to Denver ten years ago. She! ton Girl Die In Onuilin, SHELTON, Neb., March 1. iSpcclal.)- Mlss Minnie Dickinson, daughter of A. D. Dickinson, died at the Presbyterian hos nlfal In Hmiiria Tl'id aa Any n 1A n'lttAntr n.l special order for the consideration of the U'rorssd the senate upon the resolution of her bf)df wag brought here ,or burali she army dim sou a ron can on a uemana xor .. was one of a class of four young women that tho previous question ensued. The result Scnatcr-elect Damons of North Caro Una composed tne ls01 srBdUatlnS class from was, ayes i-tj, noes nu, i nis auowea i iu uv luiumincc uu iiihuckc" nuu cic. twenty minutes on a side upon the adoption I tlons, with a view of Investigating the that Institution and would have completed her second year In July. She was a grad- present conditions which led up , to his elec- uate of the shehon Hgh gchoo)i cags of '93. Her death was caused by typhoid pneumonia. I'loneer of Oril. OrtD, Neb.. March 1. (Special.) At 3 of the rule. The speaker announced the appointment tlon. The address was a political speech, of Mr. Bull of Khode Island, Mr. Joyce of dealing with purely political events and Missouri and Mr. Bartlett of Georgia as conditions In that state. temporary committee on accounts until the Consideration of the sundry civil bill was meeting of the Fifty-seventh congress. rtsutned. An amendment appropriating Mr. Hepburn of Iowa, with the revenue $10,000 for aa examination or and report on o'clock this morning occurred the death cutter bill, and Mr. Cannon, chairman of the topography and geology of tho territory 0f S. S. Haskell. Mr. Haskell came here tho appropriation committee, struggled for adjacent to the forty-ninth parallel west of jn 1873, being the first settler. He owned the right of way. The speaker pounded his the 110th meridian was adopted. the original townslte of Ord and the first gavel for order. Some une complained that Montana and Wyoming Itange-. store and hotel. Ho was 79 years old. The he could not hear what was going on. ..... PnnlIM.rahii, dhat a commlttpe funeral will be tomorrow at 2 p. m. and amendment was adoDted. permitting settlers Mayor J. H. Carson has requested that to tiasture live stock uoon forest reserva- Business nouses close irom imu to 3:30, tlons In Colorado, Montana and Wyoming, A stroke of paralysis last week was the with a nrovlslon that the nrlvlleire should cause OI aeaiu "That Is not the fault of the chair," said the speaker. "He cannot put lungs Into membert,." (Laughter.) Mr. Hepburn moved that the house go Into committee of the wholo to consider tho revenue cutter service bill and Mr. Cannon appealed to the house in the Interest of the public business to vote down the motion The motion was voted down 122 to 132, Mr. Burton, chairman of the committee on rivers and harbors, then asked unanimous ronsent that the house non-concur In the senate amendments to the river and harbor bill and agreed to a conference. Mr. Hep burn objected. The speaker thereupon re fcrred the bill to the river &nd"harbor com mittee Several conference reports upon minor bills were adopted. Kxnoaltlon Illll Sent Hack. Mr. Tawney presented tho conference re port upon the St. Louis exposition bill, which agreed to the senate amendment pro vldlng for closing the exposition on Sunday and disagreed to the Charles exposltlou amendment. The report was adopted. not be transferable. An appropriation of $200,000 for gauging the streams of the United States and far I the investigation of underground currents and artesian wells In arid and semi-arid sections was agreed to and on motion of Mr. Foraker the provisions of the amendment were extended to Porto Rico. Mr. Hansbrough precipitated the old dis cussion of the reclamation of the arid lands by offering a substitute for the provision Just adopted, providing that moneys re ceived from the sale of public lands should be used for establishing reservoirs. Mr. Fremont Conntr Pioneer. SHENANDOAH. la., March 1. (Special.) Word was received here this morning an nouncing the death of one of the first set tlers In Fremont county, Joe Moore of Rlverton. Ho was ready to movo to Ne braska a short time ago, when bo was taken 111 with pneumonia, resulting In bis death Wednesday evening. The funeral takes placo Friday mornlngat Rlverton. He leaves threo sons and two daughters. ConanI Wood Die. at Kiel. WASHINGTON, March 1. Word was re- Allison made a point of order against tho ceivei at the State department today that substitute that It was general legislation, Alexander Wood of Pennsylvania. United and thn point was sustained by the senate states consul at Kiel, Germany, died this yeas, 34; nays, 20. morning of paralysis. Mr. Wood was ad- A nnai coherence report upon ine iu- D0 nted consul at Kiel n October. 1SD9 aian appropriation mil was agreed to. Resuming consideration of the sundry A. J. Croaa of the IlnrllnRlnn civil bill, a committee amendment was CHICAGO, March 1. A. J. Cross, freight Mr. Elliott of South Carolina moved that adopted appropriating $30,000 for tho edu- contracting agent of the Chicago, Burllng- tno nouse rcceoe ana concur in tne unarics- catloB ot children In Alaska, inn ovnntiiHnn nmnrtmpnt. Thin nmpni!. I ment rarrled IISO.OOO for a aovernmenL cr- Eapo.ltlon. Get a Booat hlblL at the Interstate and West Indian ex- The last committee amendment was that position to be held at Charleston from Jan- relating to the Panamerlcan exposition to uary to June, 1902. Mr. Elliott argued be held In Buffalo and appropriating $500,000 warmly in behalf of the amendment. "Why." to be dlsDursed ny tne J'anamcncan tx ho asked, "should Charleston be dlscrlml- position company unoer ruies to oe pre nated agalnst7 Money had been approprl- scribed by the secretary of the treasury. at! for the ChlcaEO. Nashville. Omaha. Mr. Cockrell of Missouri offered aB an ton & Qulncy, Is dead at his home In Rl verslde, a suburb of Chicago. Ho was In his sixty-seventh year and had been with the Burlington road twenty-six years. CLEA.M.V WOMAN. 12rroneonlr Thlnka 11 r Sconrlna; Her ncnip mat ne enrea unnurnrr. Cleanly woman has an erroneous Idea that Buffalo and other expositions. Why not tor amendment to the amendment the Louisiana by scouring the scalp, which removes the Charleston?" Furcnase exposition Dill, appropriating u''uu ntui", bub i curing me aanurun. The amendment was supported by Mr. $5,000,000 for the St. Louis fair, the amend- ane may wasn ner scaip every day, and yet Davidson of Wisconsin, Mr. Newlands of ment being Identical with the bill as it have dandruff her life long, accompanied Nevada. Mr. Talbert of South Carolina, Mr. passed the senate. by falling hair. too. The only way In the Snl?r of Maw York. Mr. Pnttlmer of South The senate agreed to the amendment world to cure dandruff Is to kill the dand Carolina and W. A. Smith of Michigan, and offered by Mr. Cockrell without division ruff germ, and there is no hair preparation was opposed by Mr. Tawney, Mr. King of and also to an amendment for the Charles- that will do that but Newbro's Herplcldn. Utah and Mr. Cannon. Tho latter, In the ton exposition. Herpiciae Kining mo aanarun germ, leaves course of his remarks, declared that from Mr. McComas of Maryland then made a the hair free to grow as healthy nature this time on his voice and his vote were point of order against the amendment ns 1 Intended. Destroy the cause, you removo against appropriating the people's money amended, that It was general legislation, the effect. Kill the dandruff germ with but after Mr. vest baa pointed out that uerpicioe. the government s solemn pledge had been riven to the city of St. Louis and a llttla Colorado Springs Smelter Onena further debate the entire amendment was I m-ulAV"MM.i.rt'-un' V-0'0- ..March 1.- agreed to. Pi An amendment appropriating $200,000 for began operations today, employing 2M men. a revenue cutter tor service in Hawaiian for expositions. It was time, he said, to RUSSIA ASRS TOO MUCH ' Ching and Ohang Torced Into Ooratr bj ' Manchurias Demand. OTHER POWERS WARN AGAINST IT I'uzrletl Chinese Stnteanien I'nnac Be tween (lie Devil mill tlie Ucen llluc Sen o Tnlk .Mutters Over. PEK1N, March 1. Prince Chlng and LI ( Hung Chang met this morning and had it ' long consultation over the new demands of Russia regarding Manchuria, hlch vir tually means absolute Russian control, while at the same time China would be rc- sponsible should anything go wrong there. Both of the Chinese plenipotentiaries ad-1 mlt that they fear to refuse these demands, although recognizing that compliance' means tho loss of a province to China.! They also think that compliance might mean trouble with other powers, for Rus sia announces that only Russians and Chinese will be allowed to trade there ex cept at the greatest disadvantage, Prlnco Chlng will request the adflce of other ministers. Not MnnaliiuRhtcr. I Private Calvin of the Ninth United Stutcs I Infantry has been acquitted of the charge of, manslaughter brougnt against mm tor Kill ing a French soldier who was endeavoring to pass a post where Calvin was sentinel. BERLIN, March 1. Statements repre senting that Germany, Japan and Great Britain havo Jointly remonstrated ajalnst Russian annexation of Manchuria are offi cially denied. Tho facts ot tho case are that the powers constituting the triple al liance nnd Great Britain, Japan and the United States have separately made to the Chinese plenipotentiaries In Pekln friendly representations as to how t'nwlse It would be for China, nt the present stage ot the peace negotiations, to grant any power separate concessions and thus render more difficult an agreement with tho powers. United States Ambassador White con firms tho foregoing declaration of German officials, adding that the United States Is In perfect accord with Germany In this mat ter. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER WnahlnKton Ilurean Predicts Two Dnyn of Fnlrneaa with Slilft InK Winds. WASHINGTON, March 1. Forecast for Saturday and Sunday: Nebraska Fair Saturday: lower temper- turo In eastern portion; northerly winds, becoming southerly; Sunday fair. Iowa Fair Saturday; lower temperature In central and western portions; westerly winds; Sunday fair and warmer. Missouri Fair Saturday; lower tempera ture in northwest portion; northerly winds, becoming variable; Sunday fair, warmor. North Dakota Fair Saturday; nortneriy winds, becoming soutberiy; bunaay rain and snow In eastern portion, fair In west- n. South Dakota Fair; lower temperature; northerly winds, becoming southerly; Sun day warmer, fair, except rains probable In eastern portion. Knntas Fair Saturday; winds cecomins outherly; Sunday fair. Coloi ado Fair Saturday; winds Decoming southerly; Sunday fair. Wyoming Generally fair Saturday; southerly winds; Sunday fair. l,orol Ilecord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, March 1. Official record or tem perature ann precipimwuu uumi"" corresponding day oft fethg. Maximum temperature, .;V72 51 W 33 Minimum temperature. S5 IS U 13 M 34 - Ji 00 .() T .01 Minimum temperature Mean temperature nAn..liiftn Record of temperature ana prccipiiuiiuii t Omaha for this duy and Dl:e March 1, 1901 : Normal temperature.., Vvnoan fnr the day. Total excess slnc March 1. Normal precipitation.. Deficiency for the day -04 Inch Total precipitation since March 1.. .00 Inch Dene ency since .Marc.i - WILL SEND $2.50 FREE. , ;n nnn m av.n.M. and covering an area of six acres, cost J7j0.. Franklin Miles. M. D., LL. B., the ' T,ZU wm treat Crlpp,e Creck ores "rln- i " Celebrated Specialist, will Send a Course of Ills New Special Treatment Free. Cliff DwellltiR-a to lie Preserved. An amendment offered by Mr. Wolcott, looking to the preservation ot the cliff dwellings In Colorado, was adopted. Mr. fialllnrer offered an amendment nrn. When an experienced physician offers to vidinic for the printing of 16.000 conies of give away $40,000. worth of New Treatment the messages and papers ot residents. for diseases of the heart, nerves, stomach j0i000 C0pie8 0f which should be sold to the or aropsy, u is conclusive eviaence mat ne ecneral Dub c at cost by the sunerlntend. Has great raltn in It. And wnen nunoreas ent of nubuc documents. Mr. Galllneer de- of prominent men and women freely testify clared that perons were traveling over the to nia unusual skiii ana tne superiority ol country and jelling for $15 this public doc- I.I- - - (. I - I . . L. (It- II... I I ... ins ut opcciai trcuiuicui uis uucrauij ' I umtnt, which could be produced for $5, certainly wonny or serious consideration, j, was a raUd perpetrated upon the DeoDle. clpally. Million Dollara for Fair. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. Mnroh 1 Mil was Introduced In the housn toduv p.nnm. prlatlng $1,000,000 for the St. Louis '.Vorld'n IU1I i PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. S. V. Ersklne of Norfolk la nt tho -tii lard. J. D. Roberts of Fullprtnn la nt ih mil lard. S. J. Weekes of O'N'elll I nt thn lio- vjruuu. Thnmaa Klllin nnri 'N? T T7ntM - i. That Dr. Milts Is one of the world's most h aald and had been so declsred a few dava mont are at tho Murray. ' successful physicians Is proven by bun- by a New York court. The amendment .Mrs. H. E. Owen and Harry Owen of dreds of testimonials from well known peo- waa aRreed to. Norfolk registered Friday at the Murray, pie. One patient cured after failure of An amendment offered by Mr. Scott set- -.- ..lJifi.' ?f tJ'e furnishing eleven Grand Rapids physicians, two after tln(r alde a part of Rawlins park, In the turned from New York. oeiDg givea up oj six ana seven i.nicago District of Columbia, for a building for the Nebraskans at the Merchants: E. M. Bird pnysicians, anotner alter nine or me jeaa- Daughters of the American Revolution, was a.nQ. wfnston of Qothenburc. L. v. lug doctors In New York City. Philadelphia .donted V.,CK 0Tr Hwaxrd- E. Thompson of Lake- and Chicago failed. adopted. l'daeP'k J'f ?;arT o"P City. George W W. AniWann. T l.innnl ITtll X'h . - - ... i"5 " wwuitl. writes: "1 was entirely cured after I had An amendment offered by Mr. Fairbanks Wayne and W. it wJSr Xr'ai'u.' UBe" 0 , .iinrvth nv iv hunt Vion.Ht Tk. I ... . . . . 1 ' " . . i j nf -i .. -rr " providing mat me commissioners nereto- clal treatment worked like magic," Mrs. ; A . .., ., C. W. Phelps. Stfatton. Neb., says: "When appointed to codify the penal laws of I commenced taking special Treatment the United States snail codiry all laws ot I was In an almost helpless condition from a permanent and general nature was much for ma that I am now able to at. adopted. tend to business." Mr. Morgan offered an amendment au- The eminent Hev. jv. jueii. u. u.. or thorlxlng the president to acquire from SK,0?ii.?io0.. GwTt affiarn Nicaragua and Costa Rica territory sut- State Sunday School Union: "We desire ftctent for the construction of the Nlca to state that from personal acquaintance ragua canal and appropriating $10,000,000 ZZJtlXtX. n'Va'n who ha. U" that purpose. Mr." Allison made tie ' ' ' . . 1 . " 1 . i 1 . - I In.,. Y. A . V. n . laDOr nor money to Keep llimavil uurcuai l ijuiuv ui uiuci Ksmu.i hue ftiucuuucui, lu.i of tho great advancement of medical scl- it was general legislation. Mr. Morgan ence. .... contended that all thn legislation which had ever been secured on the canal bad been ac- A thousand references to, and testlmon- ,a. inim """"h- ini U , 7r compllshed in connection with approprla- F.rmers and wives, will bo-sent free ioanUi He ,aM ,hat li30o.oo0 hd ol- on "4U" . i ..ii, ! realy been apent In connection with the .wIJEr ".SAe.?a.0t S'.iL '' "J canal. Mr. Allhon's point of order was luuiwusm ' sustained and Mr. Morgan appealed. nor W ine ora nary metuuu.. The mmU thtBi at g.10 p m took " -" cess until 8:10 o'clock. unrlh nf treatment, esneclally nreDarcd I for their case. free, with full dlrectlcls. we NIM Seaalon. would advise them to' send for It at once. All of the public galleries of the senate Address DR FRANKLIN MILES, 201 to were thronged with spectators when the 209 State Street, Chisago. Mention this body reconvened at 8:10 p. m. Hundreds oauer. ' ltr-8cri. la the city to attend the la- Fna.anaua ...,. ..,A..U.. .7T wm.w vn am ouni ur raiN. Uiad Intiniilli and Eilemalli. CAUTIQMl aald (k...b ui.-Uu.J Htzsl priptriljom, reprsianltd to ba ihs saaia as" Paad'i Eilf.rt u.kl,k ...n. ...,., .vn , naiwaicansi aairr tint f atMttlt aA l.k.. Ik. II. . 1 ' " " -- mill iwij, m poison. IliSaiiM Dr. Kay s Utioure cures all ULIIiliriS lemaie aiceases. .tt a rug. w w " w irlsu. II Illustrated book aad advice frna. Dr.B. J. Ksj, SaraUxa.N. X KIPAN'S TABTJLES la an effectual cur for tha Ilia which orictnata In a Wad rtoaj. .04 Inch Dellclency for cor. period, ,1900. Deficiency ior cor. icriuu, io Ileporta from Stntlona at 7 1 04 Inch 04 inch .11. STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. 3- Cc S3 na North Platte, partly cloudy. Cheyenne, clear Salt Lake, clear , Rapid City, clear Huron, clear , WilllHton. cloudy , Chicago, raining St. Louis, cloudy St. I'aui, raminB , Davenport, clear... ......... Knnsaa City, partly , cloudy. lelena. partly ciouu; Invre. nartly cloudy niamari'k. cloudy Galveston, clear .00 .00 .00 .00 .10 .00 .on T .00 T .00 .00 :oo .00 .00 .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. Ij. A. WEL8IT, Local Forecast Official. SPRING AILMENTS Steal Away Your Vitality! Feel miserable all over. Have sallow skin, dull headache, poor appetite, "blues," nervousness, pimples or general run-down feeling. A peculiar listlessness fills the air, ambition and en ergy flee from you and you are left in the grasp deceiving of some insidious spring disease. Don't neglect it! Don't! Slight as these symptoms seem, they corrupt every organ, poison your blood and steal away your vitality, Dr. Kay's Renovator Banishes your spring nihnent by renovating the entire system and bringing every organ back to its former health-making power. It revivifies the -vvholt' body, clears the bowels, tones up the stomach, stimulates the liver, strengthens the kidneys, and thereby builds up Arm flesh nnd vigorous muscle, sharpens' appetite, thrills veins with rich, red rushing blood and infuses bounding vigor and glorious health into every part of the body. It cures the after effects of La Grippe and li.U.. RENOVATES THE WHOLE SYSTEM Uev. WM. H. VAKDERZEE, 713 C. Street, Lincoln, Kcbr., wries: "Before taking Dr. Kay's Renovator, I found mental work difficult. Had no ambition, and the sense of fear and dread was constantly with me, and that ""tired feeling" ever present. My eyes feel stronger and I worked all day in the bright sun without making them feel uncomfortable. Last night it was after twelve o'clock before I retired, and although this morning was rainy and gloomy, I arose at five, nfter a refreshing sleep, with "sunshine in my soul." a WE WILL GIVE YOU FREE ADVICE, Write us all about your symptoms and our physician will gladly send you personal advice, Free of Charge. They will also send you sample of the remedy and Dr. Kay's Home Treatment, a valuable book on treatment of diseases, Free. Do not take a substitute, no matter who tells you some other remedy is just as good. Insist upon trying Dr, Kay's Renovator. It has no equal. If you can't get it at druggists, send the price direct to Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs, X. Y., and it will be sent prepaid by retiirn innil. Dr. Kay's Renovator is sold, Tablets for 25c and 50c, and Liquid, $1.00. PULLMAN ORDINARY 8LIEPERS DAILY Personally Conducted Excursions to Calif ortiia and Oregon in Pullman Ordinary Sleeping Cars SEATTL c01 pBUfTE OX THE CHEAP EXCURSION RATES EVERY TUESDAY UNION PACIFIC A. (ft. uke crrr 6lNVtF LINCOLN piuvnwoimi hn oisao DINING OARS, MEALS A LA OARTE These Excursions leave Omaha every Wednesday and every Friday at 4:25 p. m. for San franclsct and Los Angeles, and every Friday at 8:20 a. m. fir Portland, Ore. Detailed Information. ofeeerf ally rnrnlaha. JTBW CITY TICKET OFFICE, ISM Faroan St, Tal. BIS. ' CKIOlf STATION, 10th ana Mur, Tal, OM. STEAM HEAT PINTOH LIGHT, ETC, MDIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. '1 DR. KAV'S RENOVATOR invigorate nd rmoTates tha STstem; purines nnd enrlcbos the blood; cures the wort dyspepsia, conRUpatlon, headache, llverond kldnejs. ZSoandll atdrugglsts. Frc R advice, sample and book. Dr. 13. J. Kay, Saratoga, K.Y. PVRfM ENOVATOK TOM '.SBBBBBBBBBBBEEEH BEBEEEBKaKaKaKaW MOORE Cigar Costs the smoker 10c; 2 for 25c; according to size. k America's Favorite" because of its superior quality. Always uniform. 15c; . fc. tfruco 6t Co., Oaiaka, WaH. mm. ioc te. ai aii anurguru.