12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: PATUTOAY, MAHOII 2, 1001. BODY IS TO BE TAKEN UP Two InUmting Deralopmenti in Iftrj Fitinon Inquest. FRIENDS OF DEAD GIRL GIVE TESTIMONY 8 hi- In gnlil to llitve Deislnrert Inteii- llun to Iteninln with Her Employe So I.tinir na Ufe Lnntril Doctor, to )lnkr Further Hxanilnntlon. Two Important developments entered Into th. Peterson Inquest yesterday, uno was tho discovery that It will bo necessary to cxhumo tho body In order to make n mora comnleto examination In tho hope or ascertaining tho cause of doath. Tho other wos tho testimony of Amanda Erlckson, saleswoman In a department store, tondlng to show tho relations which had existed between tho deceased and her employer, J 8. Collins. After examining five witnesses, which occupied tho greater part of the fore coon; tho Inquest adjourned until 9:30 Mou day morning. Yesterday Dr. W. 11. Lavender wob engaged In subjecting the stomach und con tents to a chemical analysis to see If he can detect traces of poison. This morn lug, accompanied by the coroner, ho will go to tho cemetery and there, nftor tho body baa been disinterred, will make a micro scopic examination of tho kidneys, and will also examine tho throat to learn It tho dc ceased could hnvo been suffocated by tho lodging of a clot of blood In tho windpipe. If this examination docH not disclose tho caueo of death further examination will be made. Mnlcmioninn TcatlUc. Amanda Erlckson was tho first witness placed upon the stand yesterday. She said In substanco: "I had known Mary l'eterson for several years and used to sco her often, but during tho two or thrco months Immediately preceding her death 1 seldom saw her. About threo weeks ago she came Into tho storo whore I am em ployed and said Bho wanted to buy a cloak. I showed her sovoral garments nnd as eho examined them wo talked of her affairs. She said Bho hadn't been feeling well for some time, and had tried to quit her Job, but that Mr. Collins had raised hor wages and had offered hor various other Induce ments to remain. Sho said ho had promised to Bend Iter on a trip to Europa next sum mer, and to mako hor a Christmas present of $50 so long as sho continued In his employ. Ko, sho suld, sho had made up her mind to stay with him as long as ho lived. "I said, 'You aro foolish to do that, Mary. I wouldn't mako any such promlso ns that to a man I didn't Intond to marry.' 'Well,' sho said, 'I haven't any home, and he has nlways been very kind to mo and I don't sco that I can do better.' And then sho put her handkerchief to her oyes and burst out crying." Mrs. C. J. Wcstordahl, 1717 Burt stroet, who had been called to watch the body whllo Mr. Collins went to summon tho coroner, was next called to the stand. After de scribing tho position of tho remains and the circumstances under which Bho saw them, she said: "It looked to me as If the woman had hcon murdered nnd her body placed In that position. This was cither the caso or olso sho died or was uncon scious beforo sho fell, as othcrwlso her arms would not hnvo.becn doubled up under hor body, but would havo been thrown out to break tho force of hor fall." This was also the testimony of John Van nusklrk, a young man who rooms at tho Wcsterdahl homo, and who accompanied Mrs. Westord&hl to the sccno of tho fatality. He added: "I remarked ns soon as I saw hi-r, 'Could she havo fallen and struck her head against something?' 'No. Mrs. Wes terdahl answered, 'that can't be, because there's no furnlturo or other, hard object anywhere near hor.' " He concurred In Mrs. Wcstcrdahl's opin ion that tho body had tho appearance of having beon placed thoro after death. Ida Cnrlnoti'a Story, Ida Carlson, who appears to havo been the most Intimate friend of tho deceased, told of tho lattcr's aiseelntlon with Will Stono, the young man who was on the wit ness stand Thursday. She said: "Sho told me of Will Stone's taking her to the waiters' ball ono night, I, think It was early In February. "Stono was drinking, and during tho course of the ovenlng got Into trouble with a policeman In tho bar room under tho hall nnd was arrested. That wiis why ho didn't tako her homo from tho ball. The noxt day some young men, friends of Stone, callqd on her and said Stono was In Jail nnd wanted hor to put up tho money to half hliA out. Sho went upstairs, she : ,'fqt 110 nnd gavo It to them. Sho remarked at the tlmo that this was tho $10 sho had been sav ing with tho Intention of buying iyoung Stone an overcoat." The witness nddod that sho novor liked to call on Mary Peterson at tho house for tho reason that Mr. Collins acted as If ho didn't llko to have her entertain callers. "He acted grouchy nnd would never speak to mo when ho would seo mo there," sho snld. Sho knew nothing ns to tho rolatlons between Mr. Collins and his servant furthor than that sho had heard Mary Bpeak .of his being kind. The brothers of tho dead girl havo em ployed a prlvato dotectlvo to collect evi dence. In tho hope of finding the person re sponsible for hor doath. They aro also In vestigating the report that sho had $200 in a bank of the city. It was understood that this money was on deposit In tho First National bank, but Inquiry there falls to confirm the report. Mllner Ktnrla for TrsniTRsl, CAPETOWN, March l.-SIr Alfred Mllner started northward to take up his new duties as governor of tho Transvaal and the Orange Illver colony. Keep Young If you are young, you nat urally appear so. If you are old, why appear so? Ayer's Hair Vigor will surely restore color to gray hair, and it will also give your hair all the wealth and gloss' of early life. Do not allow the falling of your hair to threaten you longer with baldness. Do not be annoyed with dandruff Out dollar a bottle. If your druggist cannot supply you, send us fi.oo and we will express a bottle to you, all charges prepaid, lie sure, and give us your nearest express office. J. C. AVI. Co., X.bfrlli Mais. Send for our beautlfujj book or The Hair. BIDDING FOR MARKET STALLS City Unit In ThriiiiKcil with deners Seeking I'rlvl Icnen. (lai Two hundred market gardeners crowded Into tho ofneo of tho Hoard of Public Works yesterday. Tho annual nuctlon of mar ket stalls was held and the crush was worse than at the advance Bale of seats for Mmc. Ilcrnhardt's performance. .William Coburn, secretary of the Hoard of Publlo Works, acted as auctioneer. Tho prices secured for stalls was much In excess of that paid last year. Tho first elghtcon stalls sold brought $900. Last year tho en tire receipts of the auction wero nbout $1,000 for tho 1C8 locations offered to bidders. Among the crowd of sturdy gardeners wero three women Mrs. Albert Mohr, Mrs P. Samdlln and Mrs. Frank Stratbucker. These women elbowed their way among tho struggling men and secured places near tbo auctioneer. Their high-pitched voices were heard frequently among tho bassos who took pnrt In tho bidding. Tho first cholco of stalls was sold for $80. Tho bidding started at 125, but tbo prlco was advanced rapidly and J. F. Wilcox walked off with tho plum at $80. Sovcral stalls brought $65 each. Tho highest price paid Inst year was $35. Bosldes paying for locations tho people who sell vegetables In tho market aro charged a fee ot 10 cents for each day they offer their produco for salo. SAME OLD STORY AGAIN Count' Attorney nnd Olliern AiiNwrr In C'nc Already rnnnei! Unon, Flic George W. Shields, I. J. Dunn, Miles Mitchell and P. J. King havo filed their answer to tho petition of Edward Hose water, In which they aro charged with conspiring to harass and annoy tho peti tioner by causing his frequent nrrcst on re peated charges of violating tho corrupt prac tices law. Judgo Fawcett, after hearing arguments ot counsel, granted n temporary Injunction In tho caso a couplo of weeks ago, by which tho defendants nre re strained from filing numerous Informations against Mr. Hosewater, wbtlo all tho charges which they havo to mako against him may bo Joined In ono action. In tho opinion ot the court It Is tho duty of tho county attorney nnd his deputies to Join all tho charges In ono action, and their falluro to do so Indicated a desire on their part to persecute and annoy Mr. Ilosowater, Whllo tho court has already ruled upon tho chief point, the case has not been finally disposed of and fo that reason tho de fendants havo put In an answer. Tho defendants repeat In their latest document tho charges thoy have .heretofore mado ngnlnst Mr. Hosewater. In sub stanco they assert that ho distributed money among numerous voters of tho democratic faith In South Omaha to Induce them to work for tho republican legislative candi dates, who wero pledged to support him In his candidacy for United States Bcnator. When tho breath Is foul and the appetite dts'ordeied Prickly Ash Bitters Is tho rem edy needed. It purifies the Btomach, liver and bowelB, sweetens tho breath, promotes vigor and cheerfulness. Announcement of the Thpntrrn. The Orphoum Is enjoying unusual Dros p'erlty this week, the elephants attracting largo and enthusiastic audiences. Every- ono that has seen them say that without doubt It Is the greatest animal act In tho world today. Naturnlly a large and clumsy abjmal, ono does not look for anything very graceful, but after seeing the act they are forced to admit that they aro exceed ingly graceful. Their antics amuse tho children and mako their elders open their eyas In amazement. Another act that H jery plcnslngJsth. comedy sketch, "Tarn ing a Husband, as presented by Miss Moreland, assisted by Harry JcnkLis. A speclnl school chlldron's matlnco will be given today. Tho coming of Sembrlch at tho Hoyd on Thursday evening, March 7, promises to be u gala day for music lovers. The salo of seats now In progress Indicates that sho will bo greoted with n brilliant audience. EVERY TUESDAY In February, March and April the UNION PACIFIC will sell tickets at the following GREATLY REDUCED HATES: From Omaha to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego $25.00 Ogden, Salt Lake, nutte, Helena.... 23.00 Portland, Spokane, Tncoma, Seattle.. 25.00 New city ticket office, 132 Farnam street. Tel. 316. nlou station, 10th and Marcy. Tel. 629. Every article in Hayden Bros.' ad on pago 7 Is a bargain. ORDERS NEW STREET GARS Vlrnt Ilellvcry of Twenty Open Cnr. Will lie Made About the Middle of May, W. A. Smith, general manager of tho Omaha Street Railway company, has re turned from the east, whero he went In quest of cars to tako the placo of those consumed In the Harney street fire. Ho found great difficulty In making contracts for early delivery nnd only succeeded In ar ranging for the delivery of twenty cars In May, the earliest time In which any could bo delivered. The cars contracted for will bo summer cars of the samo typo ns those already used by tho company. Thoy will probably bo ready for tho track by the mid dle, of May. Despite reports to the contrary, the com- party has not yet doclded as to a building to tako tho placo of tho one destroyed. There has been some talk of building on Vinton street and ot rebuilding on the Harnpv street Bite. No conclusion has been reached and nothing will be done until the work of adjusting the Insurance has been completed. Whllo there Is no hitch In tho settlement, so fur as known, considerable time will elapse beforo tho matter is adjudicated and unti that time all talk of probable action on the part of tho company Is premature and unauthorized, according to tho state ments of officers ot tho company. MARINE BAND IS COMING Auditorium Committee .Miikm a Nota ble Mimical KuicnKr iii nt. At a special meeting of the auditorium committee yesterday It was decided to ,seouro the United States Marino band for two engagements In this city on April i. Colonel Leigh Lynch, business manager of ithe. band, was In tho city yesterday, njalflng dates for tho band. He had been In Lincoln, where he secured an engagement for April 3, nnd, finding the next day va cant, came to Omaha, calling upon Presi dent Sanborn of the Auditorium company, The manager stated that the band had teoured permission from tho secretary of ,tb'e' navy to leavo Washington for a five weeks' tour of the country, after tho In augural ceremonies March 4, and that Its .lUriprary was now practically arranged. Unsaid that tbo band consists ot seventy four pieces and that sixty-two would ac company the band on this trip. The ques tion of terms was arranged cosily and the band will make Its appearance for a raatl 'nee' and evening performance April 4. It Is estimated that the auditorium committee wll clear at least $2,600 on the engagement, (mavlng popular prices for both occasions. , ,A,t the meeting yesterday a subscription fop $1,000 was received from J. E. Market of (he Millard hotel. CO-OPERATE WITH KNIGHTS Proposition for Union Bstwetn Ak-8ar-Ben id Auditorium. IDEA MEETS WITH GENERAL APPROVAL I'litilln Affair C'nn Join I'ntc nmt Jlo p AloriK Mcely, Is the lle llcf of Well Informed Cltlsen. When the suggestion was mnde last week that the Knights of Ak-Sar-Hen tako quar ters In the now auditorium building upon Its completlou tho suggestion met with such Immediate favor that many of tbo commit tco wondered why It was not mado sooner. When tho matter was brought beforo the board of governor of the Knights of Ak Snr-Ucn that body unanimously agreed with tho proposition nnd tho question which now confronts tho commlttco Is to provide for tho festival society. Tho union of forces Is not only Indorsed by tho members of tho board nf governors, but by tho general public. II. J. Ponfold, who Is a member ot both organizations, said: "There Is no doubt In my mind that there should be but ono head In tho management of tho Knights of Ak-Sar-Hen, tho fall fes tlvltlcs and tho auditorium. All thrco are public affairs which must draw their sup port from tho sntno people, nnd they could bo better managed under ono head than through thrco separate channels. It Is my opinion that tho matter will eventually re sult In this." Other Interviews nro as follows: John Latcnscr If you would mnko tho auditorium the success which, we expect, thoro must be no combinations with other societies. Mako tho building nn auditorium pure nnd slmplo and keep the other thing out of it. If, however, financial necessity requires, n union ot forces might bo advisable rather than to havo no building. Fred Paffcnrnth A union between the societies Is tho logical conclusion of the existing conditions. If tho auditorium Is to bo but a slnglo room It will be dead property for many months In tho year. With the soclottes united tho building can bo made to produco a revenue John Utt Unlto tho societies by all moans, or rather let there bo co-operation. They aro both good things and why should thoy not work together for tho common lnterest7 J. F. Cnrpentcr I think It would bo n good plan for tho knights to havo a homo In tho auditorium. Thoy will help pay tho expenses. G. W. Hooblcr I nm much In favor of having n place In tho building for tho Knights ot Ak-Snr-Hcn. Wo should have a source of rovenuo nsldo from tho occasional entertainments which will fill tho big hall. F. E. Sanborn United action on the part of both societies Is tho only thing to do. Thoro Is no ground for debate on the proposition. ".New Orlennn for the Tnurlnt" Is tho title of an Illustrated booklet, Is sued by tho Illinois Central railroad, de scribing the points of Interest In New Or lenns, La. For copy, address W. H. Brill, D. P. A., Omaha, Neb. You'll find what you want at Hayden Dros. If It's In town. Read their ad on page 7. THESE CUT PRICES CUT $1.00 Klrlt's Dandruff Cure, wo sell 5 o Coko Dandruff Cure, wo sell .".Sc M Syrup of KlgH (genuine) 30o 60o Morrow's Klil-no-okls 40c J1.00 Mmc, Yalo's preparations 75c $1.00 Peruna 76c $1.00 Wyeth's llccf, Iron nnd Wine "Go $1.00 Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil.. 76c $1.00 Steams' Wlno of Cod Mvcr Oil 75c $1.00 Juyncs' Expectorant 75c $1.00 Wampolo'H Cod I.Ivor Oil 7Ec $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot 75c $1.00 Wlno of Curdul 75c $1.00 Plerco'H Favorite Prescription 75c $1.00 Miles' Ncrvlno 75c $1.00 Hood s Sarsaparllla 75c $1.00 Malted Milk 75c $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Remedy 75c Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go, Corner Kith nntl Dodge. The noxt Homoscckors' ExcuVslon at Tery low rates leaves Omaha via Missouri Pa cific on Tuesday, March t, for points In Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, etc. For pamphlets, rates and information, call at TICKET OFFICEl 8. E. Corner Fourteenth and Doasla. To Ogden, Salt Lake City, nutte, Helena, Anaconda and Missoula ,' To San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacra mento, San Jose, and many otner Cali fornia points ) ill jL&&h Tickets at 1502 Farnam St.-, and at Burlington Station, Tenth and Mason Sts. J. FRANCIS, rienernl l'nsienifer Agmt, Omithii, Null, , GOING TO THE PHILIPPINES Hecrnlta I.cnre for Fort MclCcnzIc, Where They Will l'rcnnre for Service In Orient. Fourteen recruits left yesterday on the Uurllngton for Fort McKenzle, whero they will bo put Into training for entrance to tho Tenth regulars. Thoy wero sent from Fort Crook nnd wero In charge of Sergeant Ambroso J. Helgcr. It Is under stood that theso men will be used to re cruit the companies that nro Intended for service in tno Philippines to run strcngin. ' Tho arrival of tho companies of tho Tcuth ! from Cuba is expected any day and Immc- dlntnlv Ihn .nrnttnnl.. n 1 the. rAcliiiAnt nt I tho forts will start for tho Orient. Tho traffic arrangements for tho transfer havo been dated for next Tuesday, though this date Is not nt all certain. This Is when you get tho best for the least money, with ney goods every day In tho year. Hayden Bros., with an ad on pago 7. Attention, Sir KnlKhtut The members of Movnt Calvary command cry No'. 1, Knights Templar, nnd sojourn ing Templars nro requested to meet at tho asylum on Sunday, March 3, 1901, at 2 o'clock p. m. to servo as escort to Ne braska lodge No. 1 on tho occasion of the funeral of Past Commander Sir Wlnflcld Strawn. Per order. OSCAIt ALLEN, Commander. Wanted, n trained nurse to tako cnarge of a sanitarium; must havo experience, a good education and good business ability. Ad dress J 69, care Ueo office. Saturday It's 5c If you want tho nicest preparation lor chap ped hands, face and lips made, buy a bottle of our Egyptian Lotus Cream Saturday for 5c. Only one bottle to a customer. SCHAEFER CUT PRICE DRUGGIST . W. Car. ieth aa CbtoBs HAYDENs Cloak Department. facturers, making up over must be Omaha to their value. these sample wholesale price. 100 suits Just received from Now York secured by our buyer on his roceut trip, on salo Saturday They nro madp up In the nevest styles, worth $14, $15 and $18, all In one lot, to mako this a tremendous sale, nt $7.90. A MANUFACTURERS' STOCK OF SKIRTS Max Solomon, known as the "king of skirt makers," of Now York City, sold his entire reserve stock of rainy day walking nnd silk skirts, at a fraction of 'tholr value. Rainy day skirts with pleated backs, In light, medium and dark colors, the JG.D0 quality for $2.90. Pedostrlenno nklrts, 1G rows of stitching, tho hang is proper, tho stylo Is correct, they are worth $10, on salo for $1.98. 100 ladles' all silk taffeta skirts, with new flare bottom, trimmed with laco applique, a skirt sold In this town for $12, your choice of the lot for $5.00. HAYDEN BROS Low Rates West and March 5, 12, 19 and To all points on the Northern Pacific Ry. west ot Missoula. Including Spokane, Seattle, Tocama. Portland, as well as Vuncouver and Victoria, R. C To all points on the O. R. & N. Co.'s lines, on tho Snokano Fulls & Northern rty. and the Washington & Columbia River "it. R S23 $25 CHARGE CONTEMPT OF COURT Friend of WnllcrV Union Snld to Hate Violated n Teniiornry Injunction, Judgo Estcllo has Issued an order requir ing J. O. Jenkins and J. S. Allenbcck to ap pear beforo him at 10 o'clock next Monday morning nnd show cause why an attach ment for rontempt of court should not bo Issued against them. In n petition filed by II. J. Rtcen the chargo Is mado that Jenkins and Allenbeck havo violated tho Injunction of tho court restraining tho Walters' union nnd Its members and friends from distribut ing unfair cards In front ot the petitioner's restaurant. A Piano of sterling worth in a handsome mahogany rak or walnut case. Wo havo Just made a cash purchaso ot n limited number ot flno instruments Belling gencrully tor $225 to $300, according to tho man who sells them. Tho ndvantago we gained by paying cash wo glvo you In mnklng tho price $142.00 First payment Jo. 00, bulanco $1 per week. New Steinway, Vosc, Stcger, Emerson, A. B. Chase, Packard, Sleek, and Ivers & Pond pianos cash or $10.00 monthly. New pianos for rent. Artistic tuning and repairing promptly done. Catalogues and prlr.es furnished on application. Visitors always wclcomo. SCHM0LLER & MUELLER, The Old Kcllable Piano II oubc, mill Fnrnnm Street, Omnlin. 1137 Ilrondmir, Council TitnfTa Tel. 1(12. The Second Gun in Our Three manufacturers' stocks on sale Sat urday. SAMPLE SUITS from 7 New York manu subniited for comparison when our spring order of suits, on sale Saturday, FOR ONE DAY ONLY. All left returned to the manufacturers in the evening. This is a rare opportunity ami ono never offered before to the ladies of buy stylish suits at about half They come in all styles and all materials, and are without doubt the best variety and best; selected stock of sample suits ever shown by any western house. All suits are marked in plain tig nres by the manufacturers and they permit us to sell them at such a price that we can give you 25 per cent oil' the manufacturers' Ono table of skirts In serges, broadcloths and homespuns, worth $5, for $2.98. A MANUFACTURERS' STOCK FRENCH FLANNEL WAISTS They aro mado by Tobias & Schurman, tho best known waist manufacturers In New York. On sale Sat urday nt one-fourth their value. They como In black, blue, brown, red, old rosj, and till tolors. Thoy nro mndo with six rows of tucks In back and 12 In front, and trimmed with brass buttons. A waist worth $4.00. for Saturday only 90c THE SALE OF HENRY ETTELSON'S WRAPPERS will be continued Saturday, Flannel and petcalo wrappers, with 12-ln, flounce, separate waist lining, trimmed with two rows of braid, $1.60 quality, for, each, COc. Ladles' and children's jackots nt one third price, Saturday. Read big bargains on page 7. Northwest 26 $25 $25 Who's Your Hotter? Seldom si customer leaves this store without buying a hat after a look through the department. It's utterly impossible, in the limit of newspaper adver tising, to properly introduce our values in men's hats you must see them to appreciate their values. Men's Fedoras, in black or brown 75c Men's Fedoras, in black, brown, gray, pearl $l.)0 Men's tine quality Golf Hats, 2.00, ?2.50 and $3.00 Men's Pasha nnd Uailrond shapes, $1.00, 1.50 and.. 2.00 Nebraska Special Stiff Hats 25 different styles, 4 J to f deep. SHE WINDOW ON FIFTEENTH STttEET. Ask the hat man for u shape card. WE HAVE EXACTLY 167 Men's Fine Winter Overcoats and About 325 Extra Fine Men's that we will not carry over of tho best wo have shown To make a quick salo wo at. Suifs and Ovircoafs worth $18 and $20. Overcoats in flno coverts, oxfords, and patent beaver.. Suits In finest worsteds and Imported tweeds. Men's $10.00 nnd $12.50 suits for 'l Mon's $7.60 nil wool suits , i '"ml for Men's $8.60 to $12.50 sample coats and vests-for Men's $3.50 Sample Pants $1.50.. Mostly small and largo sires, such as and 48, (waist sizes.) Men's $5.00 regular stock pants for Men's $0.50 rcgulnr stock pants for Special Special advantage ltnoo pants suits breasted styles, nil Hoys' $2.00 all wool suit for Hoys' $3.50 flno casslmere suits-for Boys' $4.60 very flno for Boys' $6.60 oxtrn for Boys' 60c all wool for Boys' 75c corduroy for TrUnk S3le T mah0 room for our sprln8 IlnB' wo out 100 odd trunks now In stock at nctual wholesale cost. Fine canvas covered, heavy stool bumpers; hardwood slats, Yalo and Excelsor locks the entire lot on sale Saturday. Hat Sale Men's $3.00 stiff hats on sale Pusha shapes worth up to $2.00, nt 76c all colors and sizes. READ BIG BARGAINS ON PAGE SEVEN. HAYDEN BROS SELLING THE MUST CLOTHING IN OMAHA. Registered A. Mayer Co. BLR BUILDING, OMAHA, NEB. 1) required. If you ruin your gloves with after thoroughly drying them with the use the powder In pink box. For axllllary (armpits) sweating, find direction, for use in the cover ot tho blue box. For obstinate sweating or chafing, bath, the affected ports with tho Ro-No-Moy Astrlngento Antiseptic Lotion. It must be dis tinctly understood that tho RE-NO-MAY Powder Is not a toilet powder, but strict ly a curative, hygienic and antlsoptlc powder, and should not bo used for Infants aa a tollot dusting powder. Talc, powdered starch or similar product, without any intrinsic value, nro inoxpenslve and sufficient. UB-K-MAV POWDER, endorsed and prescribed by leading physicians. For more ample information, con sult Miss Mayer, 316 Beo Building. Cousultatlon free dally from 2 to 4. MANUFACTURED BY A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb. . Sold by all Druggists and Glove Dealers, SPRING IS HERE Brighten your table with new alverwre. TV. are showing n very nlco lino of sterling .liver and plated goods. Spond a few minutes nt our store. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, l.SKJ Douglas St. . We're ready with nil the new things in the way of Men's Hats for spring. HAYDEN S Winter Suits to another season. Odds nnd ends of some this season. give you unrestricted cholce- 10.00 30, 31, 32, 38, 4042, 44 2.50 3.75 Boys1 Suits. sale of boys' 1901 spring of vestee and doublo sires 3 to 10. 95c 1.45 worsted suits flno suits ' ltneo pants , knee pants at 76c.. Soft hots, in Fedora, R. R. nnd RE-NO-MAY POWDER In pink box not only relieves, but pos itively cures all disorders ot the feet, stops odorous perspiration, cures ten der, swollen and painful feet. RE;NO-MAT POWDER in blue box remove, all bodily odors. If properly used no dress shield, are excessive perspiration, rub the palm. powder. In cases of habitual sweating, Po You Need Teeth Our best sets of te.tb are .0 natural In color, form and translucency that they drive away all susdI- don or art. Fit and workmanship guaranteed. Sets of teeth, $5.00 up. Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms r 11517 DougluHSt. mm m