THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SAT CRD' A V, MARCH 2. 1901. U SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for there rolnnn "I " 1 r I?" "-.if." "i J ' - ,;.r 1 tor imfi ra tar ud Midif r at 1 1 loa . I Rule. 1 l-2c m ward flrwt Insertion, le ft word thereafter, Nomina" taken for lea than for the flrat ln.rr- 1 c'on. These atlTertUesaen ta aanat r n rnaaeratlrely. idrertlirri. br reanMtliiv m mmn Tbrred cheek, can hare auawera ad- i . . . . .... rnm f a inmnrrto letter la ears U?eM?n;dB.'r i::..J.r::'z? Tiii akrck WASTED- S1TLATIOSS. KXPERT accountant. Holbrook, Brown blk rot'NG German not fatly vr-d in English lancruiu-e. desires portion after 7 o clock ermines to assist In bookkreplw: or in ventory -norlt. Address K rc, llee WANTED. poslOon by eompt?nt trfok keeper, four years' experience, city refer ences, Add real K Bee A-M3U t Kfe 1 Be. WASTED MALE II ELF. CohStlgooWh ance. C. F. Adams Co., 1806 Howard St. 1 BtoJ 1 . . t. ,w v, ! time, catalogue i particulars free West ern rsarocrs i.nsuiuie, umum, . v B SIS :N or women to ai-1 roods to dty .rala. j FOR HENJ ooms newly furnished walk--ood pay and steady employment. Hit- ns dUtance with board. K. Bee abaugh 4i Co.. Ware block Omaha. r JJP " MEN Good . . I MEN to learn barter trade. TVe can offer ! belter Inducements now than any other season. It will pay yon to prepare at once for spring rush, only eight weeks re quired Our course consists of verythlrig requited of a first-class barber, including lectures on hair and skin diseases Oar .nil... la 1 A . I . V. rw n. rt furniture of VpecS Sen Tnd Srefi? facility f .UMeSful tfainlng Students Me alfowod Saturday and Sunday work in shops while liaming and ran earn rrom S1Q to tli before graduating Coropiott , outfit of tools presented V eah -ne. Steady posluons Euaranteed graduatea Call or write for beautifully lUuntratod catalogue, giving ail pwtlouWs. mailed free. Mo er Barter College, Id Farnam mi . Om.hit. B Mui me "WANTED nt once, a reliable and com- petimt piano tuner. Address A, Huvpe, ISIS Douglas. B K-1 W ANTED, a man to introduce cattle food and bog cholera remedies to the trade on tommlRslon. one who hs had exix-rlence ! In selling sattle or stock food preferred, i Address, with references. Cattle Food, S3G t Lumber Exchange. Minneapolis, Mtnn B Mil'S 4 WANTED, grocery specialty salesman en 'insure" 43?'1SSd opportunity ! ences. toltisuro reply, gooa opportunity. Address J Q. Bee. B-MS45 3 WANTED cood blacksmith st once, must te good on plow work. Address M H I Matthlesen, Superior, Neb B M33C S i A LARGE manufacturing concern in Omaha desires applications for vacancies as follows OfQce boys 16 to IE years old. male clerks 19 to 2 rars old, shipping clerk, artist or free-hand draughtsmen. Address K St. Bee. B M37tf X WANTED, a good harness maker; call on or write Fagan Bros., Casey, le B M3GT S HIGH grade solicitors and district man agers in Neb. and Iowa for Northw eslrn Life: also city managers Omaha, Lincoln, Council Bluffs, not insurance, but similar, salary or commifcEion. K 30, Bee B M3Q 2 YOUNG men learn Illustrating, bookkeep ing, advertisement writing by jnaili tui tion payable (X) days after a position is secured, proposition free, mention course in which you are Interested. Correspond ence Institute of America, Scrsnton. Pa. B M35S r WANTED, traveling salesman to sell dl rrct from our mills a good paying side line of dry goods to country dealers; good romtnishlnn Manufacturer, Box 1191 Philadelphia. Pa B M27 1" WANTED, man over a for traveling and advertising; moderate salary and all ex penses to start, advancement, good rout, self-addressed envelope for particulars Road Superintendent. Z3Z Puntlar Bldc... Chicago. B M3S6 I WANTED, salesman to soil our filter and folding lunch boxes 7 per cent commit- jinn. The National Novelty Mfg. Co., 15 Arcn tit, i'nnuat'ir.iita. vk. b uzi r- SALESMEN WA7VTED. WANTED, wholesale clothing traveling salesman for Iowa and Nebraska, on'y applications considered .tiling at last iii.i.iu, accompanied witn references, m- eluding last employers no others con- sldered, Address "Clothlne,' Box &0ii. Cincinnati, O. M .TCE J I WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, 300 glrla. IS Dodge. Tel. nt C hS7 13 girls wanted. Canadian office. 1SS Douglas C Su TCUNG lady to learn massage, permanent position for right party. Apply rso Rea 1 31dx. w" c 3: AN experienced girl for general house work- good wages, Farnam St. C as-i WANTED. March I. girl for general house work, pood wags. Call or address U Barker Block. C H6-1 WANTED, cook. Mrs. A. L. Reed, SCO Far nam. C M23 WANTED, girl for general housework Mrs jrTea ii. jiae, in &. yiin av, c-uail -M30 lrfoTiTTl GIRL for general housework, small family ;ou5 x-ierce. c jih l GIRL for general housework, good wages. S. 3Cth St. C JOO-S COMPETENT girl. :sof Dewey Ave. C-303 3 GOOD girl for Park avenue. general housework. 1BC4 C M33S l- FOR RENT HOUSES. IF you want your bouses well rented placs them with Benawa St Co. D 59 ALTVATS moving H. H. goods, piaaoa. Office. lEUh Farnam St. Tel lu9 or UB. D ttj HOUSES for rent In all parts of tno city. Brennan-Lovt Co., 230 So. 13th St. D SO HOUSES, tctorts. Bemis, Paxton block. . D-8g SEE HENRY B. PATNE. CQ1 N. Y. LIFE. D 88 HOUSES, etc, T. Tt. Wead, 1ES4 Douglas. D 61 HOUSES and flata. Rlngwalt, Barktr Blk B i63 HOUSES wanted. "Wallace. Brown'sik. D SM NINE-ROOM modem nouse. large grounds FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim but shade trees, barn, thoroughly desirable, in ( tons, mall orders. Omaha Pleating Co., every way. rent. M0 to an Al tenant -wtvi referencea. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO , 16th and Douglas Eta. D 820 ELEGANT 6-room apartment. Winona. 2nd flocr, west side, steam heat, strictly modern. Janitor and telephone service, only Ml. So Apply at once, Payne-Knox Company, 1st Floor, N. V. Life Bldg, D-2US FOR RENT Modern 7-roora house, Hans, com Park. CS. "Phone E2S. D JOS T ta B- 26TH AVE., i rooms, modern, . 22T N. 19th at, rooms, i-xrn, 25. 1S20 N 27th st , 7 rooms, modern, tl7. 1S24 Bo. 3&U EL 7 rooms, EU 1923 S. ISth st.. i rooms; u. tOL fi. 33d st, i rooms, 112. GARVIN BROS., 1(33 FARNAM ST D-MM4 : FOR RENT, residence 10S6 Georgia ave., corner Pacific, 10 roams, attic, basement, at front, modern and extra convum meet; lot SaxltO, with tree, Inquire 214 First NatT Bank bldg D MS4I 7 GOOD six-room fist, city water in kitchen, K N 24th at. UO. Omaha Loan Trust Co, lith and Douglaa. D MHO rOR REST HOUSES. FOR RENT, t-room cottage, waler. RS. lawn. ccxd neigbbarhood. I'm or Bo p. car. nLuu Ernest Sweet, 612 X T Life. a wrii LARGE modern brick bruse. wKh bam. 212 S. 2&th s: inquire 24 s. tu T D-232 R .. w i-ti tt0nw roR HEl-riRXlULD ROOMS. STEAM heated room at The Thurston. S 171 DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam, i tr- ! housekeeping nf, E 674 3d St. Mary. ia-M-JO Man , E MS90 Marl BOtTH front room . laree clottet. modem ' ROOM3. 106 Capitol avenue IT MS T FC'R RENT, one large weO-f urnltbed bed ruem for prnUemin. near motor line South Tth street. Council BluSa. E M24 LARGE steam-heated rooms Kith private bath, private home. 1E11 Chicago. Phone L ZSL E-Cl-4 Ftn.MSIIEO ROOMS A.VD BOAJIU. Cay. 1 Dou, LARGE front parlors with board; also i smaller room; reoaocapie raiea. jne kom, ZSSU Harney. F-JIW Mernam, good winter home, S Dodge ONE large front room, one southeast room. excellent board, prices reasonable 237 So 14 th St. f-o: i UTOPIA, ITS Davenport St. F 877 SINGLE room and board for a gentleman, 19U Capitol ave. F-1T1 Mar2 FOR KEXT- fFL'RM!HED ROOMS. FOR housekeeping, also Mary's ave barn. 2d St, G MJTi . UNFURNISHED rooms for light house- k.mng. new.U; JSnti' steam haat, IthnoJ bldg., 11th and Har- p'v (JM 4 roR UET STORE AD OFFICES. - prvTi;,. , .-.j,.,,, i-tlo-n .i"8,1,0,"1' .r?v t PeT24 p? """2, n1.,? a xsc Co- ground floor. Bee Bide i -sc FOR RENT, rtore. first-class location fir a hkrdware store or cash grocery on business sL'eet. Inquire 1130 S. ni st.. or !- i 1 llIC i Kli.H - FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied ny i d net at lib r'araara st it nas . lour stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably If interested apply at once to C C Rose vater. secretary, room 10Q, Bee Building. 1 :q rtm tor "Bt- first-class locaUon . T . furnlshlnc roods or shw Etore. rm Q st., S. Omaha. i-Mis r- AGENTS WANTED. TWO-STORT brick building and basement, good location, excellent trackage, exclu sive use to new electric elevator; rent I reasonable. Inquire 1309 Leavenworth St , ! J-I 4' I AGENTS on salary or commission, the j ! greatest agents seller ever produced,! every user of jien and ink buys it on eight. 3oo to 500 pr cent profit, one ageni s saies amounteo to uu in six aays, another t" In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X It La Crosse, Wis. J M3Q J PORTRAIT agents everywhere quit "cray ons." try washable ttnamellne . no glass, don t rub, cheap, Tamlly Portrait Co,, Chicago. J M36'J 2 WANTED, men with rig to introduce -Mon arch l'ouitry Mixture, straight salary J15 weekly and expenses Address, with stamp. Monarch Mfg. Springfield. Illinois. Co.. Box cr, J-M-CS STORAGE. OIL Van Stor. Co.. ISUK Fam. Tela. ISaS-Jti -tli PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Cc B12 sa Jones, reneral storage and forwardlne. S7t WANTED TO BUY. "WANTED, second-hand one-horse delivery wagon In good repair. Address C H Lee, BelWue, Sarpy Co., Neb N MT2 C WANTED to ouy a smaU pony, must be jierfrctly gentle broke to ride and work islngle Apply 1011 N 34th St. N MT3 r FOR SALE FURXITURE. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge. TeL SCto. New Sc Sdband furniture bought, sold, exchanged. O WO TOK SALE UORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. WHT rxtwrimenf Bua-cies. wacons. etc rep a ny a. i rost win work. 14th 6z Leav P 164 ENTIRE stock of carriages, buggies and wagons regardles of cost Anderson-Millard Co., Cor, loth and Davenport, . FOR SALE MlSCELLASEOl'S. . . T 7TT HARD and -.oft foundation piUng; hog fences and cribbing, Wl Douglas. Q Sic -DiUVI5 fe cheap. Deright, 1116 Ftrnam. SAFES; buy, sell exe'ge. SchwMtx, 114 . 13. Q-gH TIMOTHY hay and all Eieus teed and coaL Monroe & Co. Q Sig INCUBATOF-S. Bend to the Sure Hatch Incubator Co., Clay Center, Neb for a handsome tree catalogue, QUl SEED SWEETS. Theo. Williams. Benson. Neb- QM-201 MS- PORTABLE ottn for sale. "SOS Sherman Ave Q M36C 2 FOR SALE, a very fine Jersey cow, just fresh, 2K26 Webster Bt Q M3C7 t CLAlRVOt ANTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. CIS North 16lh B-SSS MME. GYLMER. genuine palmist. 160C Dodge ZENO, clairvoyant and healer, 191C I amam 6 lUiy-M.: MRS. HENRY, test medium. 1707 Cass. s M210 r ELECTRIC TREATMEJfT. ELITE -fiMlora, CS South 10th, second Boor T to Mt MME AMES, ltni Howard, 2d floor, room L T 1ST M-24 MABEL GRAY, 7-t N ISth St Flat E. T MUSI Ma ntO PERSONAL- PRIVATE home before and during confine ment, babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2620 Burdette. U WO 1224 Douglas. V-iSl SUPPLIES for all machines; machines tor rent. White Sewing Machine. 1620 Doug las. Tel. -2234. U 42 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and 1 Grant St. U sij --A-n -Anin.n'. vrsv tn Vi y 1 f V. nl.n.) wholesomt home treatment. Mi Bee Bldc. Ut4 L GOLDMAN t CO. Only perfect ar cordeon pleatlne plant In the west Mail orders solicited. Suite 230 Douglas Block, opposite Haydrn a. U 7W TURKISH hatha, maaeaee baths, electric hatha, for ladies only; skilled women miuin onerators. finest eoulDM-l haiht In the city Resstrom Bath Company, OR. ROY, chiropodist, coma & superfluous balr removed by electricity. R. 12 Fresrar block. V-va RUPTURE cured, n kulte, no pain, no dancer sena lor circulars, empire kud. turv-Cure, K2 N Y LU Building, Omaha V-fH Mi personal. WK RENT sewui maealne for 75c per ! week; we repair and mB needles and at- . ticfcmenu far any toitlilas made. Neb. Cycle Co.. Cor 1Mb & Harney. Phot.e V MIS MS A BOX of Rc-Ne-May Powder la not a luxury wnen k aneroa you a cure Mid , seture the oomlert and happiness of your room-mate. U-E22 I . - ALTHA Dinelii; clus at Get-mania Hall' Saturday cvesfus. March 2nd. i CHICKERINO upright piano $1CS. In excel. Ibf fntvrtit lT- r- t i (it unit ... t-rr. ,.. . lent eondltloc. each or out iiiimmii Bchmoller & Mueller, IBS rarnarn St Telephone 1SS. U MKS-M-: wm.MJlTla, naralvsm. rottrr t A i aAkal ffiftl iTntitlin r ' li A M It t" sti Sacs obesity, stomach und kidney treble. chronic t ured by Thyroid Lymph 1 Remedies Consultation and booklet free. Thyroid Lymph Co . liH Be Bids.. Omaha, W-&-6 Burr block. Lincoln. Neb FRECKLES absolutely removed, new and harmless proceas. l(c for receipt iris Parlors, aui Douglas. f M3 r MOXEY TO LOA REAL ESTATE. MONET to lo&n on Improved Omaha rea: estate. Brennan-Love Co., :JS bouth 11th. i W RJi WAVTCD-Cltv loans bonds and warrants. " ,J nrv, snA .'Tita b rtf to loan on lmnroved nltv ; property arid farms. W Farnam Smith i j Co.. 1C0 Farnam. W ftOO . LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western t Iowa farms at b per ctnt. borrowers can 1 pay w mumiJir, m.u) inieresi no eeluv Brcnaan-Lovt Co. m . B. 13th St.. Omaha, Nen. 'VT Q1 I WANTED City and farm loam, also bonds and -wMrants. R. C Peters &. Co., 170! Farnam SL, Bee Bldg. W SS j MONET to loan on farm and cltyproperty; 1 lowest ratea. O. F. Davis Co.. UQTFamam W-Sl MONET to loan at t and per c-nt on Omaha property. W-9.C PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, 1 83 N T Life. W-W6 FIVE per cent money. Semis, Paxton block. I W-MT I PRIVATE money. F D. TVead, ltT.4 Doa glaa, j VV-81B t AND SH per cent loans. "W H. Thomas, First National Batik building. Tel 1UI av sjy PRIVATE money. C, SH. t per cent' no de lay Garvin Bros., 1QS Farnam. w to CASH on hand G E. Turkington, St Bee tV 30C- MOXEV TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARY LOANS. It you are employed by a responsible firm we will loan you sums from lib to IliXi on your note at much cheapo and easier rates than elsewhere. Of this we Ms positive. Absolutely no charges for papers. .'wo.w.c tiw 1 a . v " ivt ..... , Nothing deducted from amount ooslred. FlMMest Tinrtlsl ,n,vmt RkIIiIiIm C!rc.dlt i Co., room 2U3. Paxtoa Block. X "1 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their names without security, easy payments. Tolman. 440 Buard Trade bide. X- MONET TOQAt! Loans made In amounts from 10 to 1250 on rlagcs, etc , without removal, or on your S-A-L-A-R-T without security All cr a part of the money may be paid back tha trst month or no part of It need be paid oaca: i or several months, iacn riaymeni made reduces the cost accordingly Em- piojers anc nragnoors Know ausniuiei) nothing of our business relations, People who need money are Invited to call and get vay term and compare them with what others offer Loans of other com- panles may be transferred, to me. No charge for papers. Ail business strictly confidential Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J W. TATLOE. B2 Paxton Bile, top floor, northeast comer it) m una y Fmam. intrance on jtiu TeL 7C X "CI S A L LOANS R Y lowest rates in city. we posi tively will not be underrated. Railroad men receive speclkl A"JfTT REBATE GIVEN IF LOAN IS PAID WHY GIVE BA FCHATTEL" MORTGAGE TV HEN YOU CAN GET MONEY ON , ERS NEED NOT KNOW CALL AND BE CONVINCED. , AMERICAN LOAN CO.. ROOM W. BEE BUILDING. X C" WHEN YOt VFfn vnTT REE US. It is easy to advertise lowest rates, a others do, but we feel positive that if you , will make comparisons jou will be con- i vinced that you can do belief with us than lehr. w inn on furniture. pianos, Iit,e stock, etc., or we will make you a SALARY LOAN without lndorsor or mortgage. We charge nothing for making the loan and you receive the full amount In cash. You may pay It back in one month or take six months or more In which to repay It, and you need not pay for It one day longer than you keep It. Our terms are the easiest, our business is confidential and our motto Is "try to please. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22S1 (Established lfaD M So. 16th St. X-M3t MONEY 1 aned on pianos, furniture, lew. elry. horsea. cows, etc. C. F. Reed. SIB S. li X-Blt MONET loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, jewelry. DuJt Green, R t. Barker blk. X tl SALARY loans at reduced rates. Omaha i Credit Co., L26 New York Life Bldc. , X-220 Ul SINES CHAiCCS. tlSO CASH or easy payments buys 2S strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks, cigars or cash, will earn 12 and upward weekly each. Earl Clark i. Co., Furni ture Manufacturers. Chicago, 111. T-SM FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and carriage business in south central Ne braska. For further ptrtleulart address Box 60X, West Liberty, la, Y M7SI FURNITURE of "-room flat, fine location, completely equipped, full best class room irs. extra opportunity to make roney. J. H. Johnson. Ml N Y. Life Y"-M13 FURNITURE of 42 rooms, elegantly and completely equipped, full of flrrt-clast roomers and boarders, no letter loratlon In city It you want a paying business investigate this immediately. J. H, John son, Ml N. Y. Life. Y M154 WILL take long lease on bncit stable if built, centrally located, fuid pay good rcui. Aoaress J so, nee. l j DRUG STORE for sale, located In south eastern Nebraska; spot caab; invoice COuo to J2.000. Address K 21, Bee.. T MIDI 2 PARTT to furnish means to prospect min ing claims, Black Hills, good prospects, would do work personally; am experi enced and reliable, confidential. Address K 22. care Bee T M3C3 2" FOR EXCHANGE. A FINE 185.00 Impcrted magic lantern, at eood as new, only used a sburt time; suit able foi lectures, churches or lodge enter tainments, a bargain. Addreat F C. Be office. Z 179 I WILL stoves and furniture for torse. sen N icth it. Z-M7"2 Ms-H I FO1 KALE OR TRADE three valuable j goid-heartns patented mining claims In Colorado, whole or part, or will put them into a sioca company Aaaress J E Iszard, SS Sherman Ate., Omaha. Z M39R I" TRADE OR SALE, a livery bualness tn Omaha, also for sale a gentle Jersev. Holstein milch cow, and calf 3 weeks o'jl. bnerwooa biames, cor utn ana Madison t Ave . Omaha. z M3s FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SNAP JS, 700 fine business lot 2 blocks south depot. 10th St. Inquire 1411 Vinton. RE-altU HOUSES, lota, farms, landa. I01 J lsjsraice. Bemls, Paxton Blk. loans, alao fire RE 923 for saleheal estate. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 13 Fareja ?! RE K-. . . , . ' - RANCH AND FARM lands ior sale by a, l iilec Faafie Railroad company fi a McAnaster land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters. Omaha. Neb RE Bi . . - CHEAPEST lt lc crty -f Omaha; CVfor-t at front In N-Hton's addition M J Kennard & Bon. ZW Brown block RE S3 FARM LANDP tVrlte EpoUwood 4c Veatch, Moncow Idahr, I u. fr f a rw l&ndji Iti the funuiua T'h. louse countrv RE M1K 4 in - ... 1 FOR SALE 40 acres Vx miles from M is. ce . Idaho: all under cultivation, a res beartnz orchard, rood buildings. c:: wa tered, S acres in tame grass, one o' '.he best farms in the Palouse country . price M per arre Address Spots woou i Veatch Moscow, Idaho. RE MIS? 4 FOR SALE. 55l acres, all under cult; vatic -14 acres orchard, 3u0 acres,, meadow and tan tiasture crass, good i-rom huuse large nam. living ?.... -trj i- acre tract miles from raiiruao oe- sired will seH e with farm n neac t-attie IS h:ad horses, harness and farm ma chinery Address Spots oofl &. "t eatch Moscow, Idaho, RE-M13S 4 F0R SALE, a bargain lots on 20th. i2d RE-Man 7 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relle Box X Omaha, Neb. Confidential let -95 DR LE DUE'S Female Regulator, post lively warranted to cure tb most stub born cases of monthly stoppages, irregu- lanues. oosirucuons ana suppressions brought on from whatever cause, K a package or : tor , sent anj-wbere pre. paid on receipt of price The Kidd Dr.,g Co. Elgin, 111 American Office, retail. whcl'saie, Myers-Dillon Drur Co Omaha, iVl. A. C10U11, VllitU, iJtk IIS 1MUS Co.. Council BiuSs. Full line of rubber goods. 1'ATE.VTS. IN". E.NTuRS GOT AN IDEA "r handle patents, copyrights and trade mark! y u m .n M n" rr -m ii h. rest, modern iqulppud shop und foundry in connection. Offlda! Gajettc on file, guide book free Mason Fenwlck 4 Lawrence patent lawyer. lofi Hosur; St; Tel H4fc. Omaha. J P. Cronln. rrpr, -sea INVENTORS, we ask no ee until the patent is procured, if we fall, we iret no fee. advice free. Sues fc Cr . Pate-t Law yers. Bee Bldg-. Omaha, Neb Long dis tance telephone Id 416-Mar.lS ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleat'ng cheapest, best, quick est Mrs a. C Mark, S. E. Cor 17th and , Farnam. Wl INCIUATORS AND BROODERS. i , INCUBATORS and brooders, catalogue ' TVIf Tli. lni-lslnr tn Omaha. Neb. Factory at 28th t DxTecpirt CT MIOHTHAND AND TYPE WHITING. A U VAN ANT' a School N. T. Life. res BOTLES College, court reporter, principal 1 NEE. Business t Shorthand coJegt, Bovd'a Theater. 431 , anortnanx ua. u. t-oi., is tt ijoug, , s2 j OSTEOPATIIl. JOHNSON Institute, CIS N. T. L. Bide. Tel. lbW; Mict jpmihori. d. o.. ladies dept.; Gld E. Johnson, Osteopathist, Mgr. 93 M- E. DONOHUE. D. O., of Still nchool. Kirkrvllle, Mo., M Paxton Blk. Teh 13G7. -SJ4 WALL PAPER CLEANER. C M1DDLEMIST. experienced cleaner, 'phone VS&, leave orders with Lewis Hen derson, florist, lulU Farnam street. 163 MarS EXPERT A CCO L"I A N'T. LESSONS In bookkeeping, ctr, day or evening. K. 1T, Com. Nai Bonk. G. R, Rathbun. 73 BELGIAN HARES. FOR SALE, 25 fine Belgian hares, out of lrn. ported stock, prize winners, at reasonable figures; nae a few at H each, come ear y and have your pick. Inquire upstairs. 13 South 16th st. one block sourh of ' WilUam at lot M2 WANTED TO BORROW. 11000 ON four acre, highly improved, ad-j joining So. Omaha private money tire- j lerrea Aaaress v ai care Bee, so. Omaha M 271 BIRDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCirS Bird Store, 1003 Leavenworth. PA M'N BROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential, 1301 Dour'ai. -836 FIRNITlflK REPAIRING. TEL. ISO. M. S. Walklln, ail Cuming St. 241) HCU1IER STAMPS. BADGES m Tel 235 1 dais. Om. Pl'L Co.. Bee Bldg. 837 NICKEL PLATING, OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. : -BOo TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P, H. Fhll bin. 1306 Farnam. Telephons 784. SQ LAI NDUY. OMAHA Stexm Laundrj; thlrts. 7c, collars. . r - f-. 17t;ri T.itveriia'nrtH Tl U? ' ' K2 z STAMMERING AND STUTTERING, CURED Julia Vauchn. 430 Ramge Bldg. KS CARPENTERS A.XD JOBBERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing Dromptly attended to. J. Ochiltree. 90th and Lake Sts. 270 BICt CLES. WHY not get your wheel enameled be- E I' BiL; Tt S'tfS WmJ j"". .... .- Jl'NK. B. M Junk house J Miidcr, Prop dealer In all metals, bottlrs, etc Carloads a specialty aOl-euS Farnam. Omaha Tel 2S7k K23T PORTO Popular Tours trttrd program 5 cays. a, txpeuses. Btyniond A W tltcomb. I0J ACamt Jt..Ctlcoo RAtLWAV TIME TABLES. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Ot fice. 14S Farnam Street. Telephone, 2ta. Dtrot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Exprea-t - irr? S .TT? pa Chlcajo Smiled . - :U- am Mtnm apolis and bt. . Paul Express --b ..00 am b S:o pa Minneapolis and BL Paul Limited .. .. -a : pm a l:0t aa Fort Dode? Local from Council Bluffs ... - b 4-30 pm a lot aa Fort Dodge Local 'ram Council Bluffs .a t 00 am a Daily, b Dailr except Buacajr. R.ULWAT TIME TABLE. i tTHJCAOO NORTH- weaiern nan way -in Northwestern Line" City Ticket OSee. M Farnam St. Telephona, U3 Depot. Tenth an1 Marcy SI. Telephone d Loava, Arn r . WTlCbl Chlcaco 1 ciaj Chlcari pasecrer JiSr Moines. Marshalltown, Easter Si.erdaU Chi- ' pm a :( pa Fast Man. Chlcaco to Omaha a :C pa Onaha- i aR Ltd. a i pm a y v am a fJb aa a too Pa Fast Mai; Ceoar Rap.a nssencer a Do)v FREMONT, ELKHORN Vflaftntiri Vtttl.f Pntlm&ll - "The Northwestern i vT a ..01?C'J! Bank Bidet " TV C7" Ta-l ft t Srtivtkm QtaV 1 Pofan'dSh1;.6,! I Leava. Arrive. iiiack Hi,ls. Deadwood. ' Hot Eptings a S.-00 nm a t:00 pm WJomtric. Casper and ' ; ijougias .... d Saw pm ttwpa AVvnXT,V- rld i " -T inn . . k 4nn v-n K imn rtr Uortolk. Verdlrre and . Fremont ... .... .. ,t "06 am blG:3 am I Lincoln, VTahoo and ' Fremont b at am blO:S am Fremont Local e 7:M am I a Dally b Daily except Sunday, c Sua- j cay on.y d -Jaliy except Saturday. , Dally except Monaa. A3 S1Vw S1TT-r PUS 1 fffffl toek yarda wiU go to Denver Railroad Tne fsortb- i . , . . " . .. . western Line" General next week to attend a meeting ol -western Office. United States cattleman, called for the purpose of or EWCoVer B-S& eoelatlon composed ex- and Farnam' Pts. Ticket 1 1 uslvely of cattlemen. The organization of Office. 1401 Farnam St, Telephone &GL De- . pot. Tenth and Marcy Sta. Telephone . , Leave Arrive. Twin City Express :5 am alO:X pm Tw - l y Lin ted a ".S pm-a s ii am UUIil Vll "4...m. . B.w m.i m mw 1 a Dally. 1 CHICAGO. ET PAUL.. 1 ' 'FFICE CHIEF Ul'ARTERM ASTER Minneapolis Omaha ' Omaha, Neb. Feb. 1W1 Sealed pro Railway "The North- posals in triplicate subject to the usual western Line" General conditions, will be received at this onVe PiTI'illUapV Offices, Nebraska Dlvl-, iLPcaVQiasF sion. m ano easier , t?-- iSts. City Ticket Omct. Farnam St Telephone. Ma. Depot. lith and Webstar Sta. V1,v'' Twin City Fuwctr.t tSOam a l;10 pm Omaha . . ulj.iU aa Zmtt vth'r.B?! al Dm ! IftR..i. Pali- KANSAS CITT. ST. JO- I sepn at council oiuni i Rallroad-'Tbt Burling- ton Route" Ticket Office. ' lSK Farnam Street. Tele- phone. E3. Depot. Tenth ! and Mason Stret. Tel- i pnone Hi ' Lae. Arrive, r Kansas City Dit Ct .a :20 am a t:T- pm Kansas Clry Night Ex,.tfiju pm a l;15 am Et. Louis Flj-er lor mt Joseph and St Louls..a S:1D pm all OS am a Dai y .-HLINOTON it MIS- I scurl River Railroad : The Burlington Route General Omces. North west Comer Tenth and 1 Farnam Streets. Ticktt , Office 1U1I Farnam Strwet Telephone, SOT Burlington Station, Tenth , and Mason Streets. Telephone. IS. Leave. Arrlva. Lincoln. Hastings and ; Lincoln. Denver'Colo MCCOOK .a .u am a ,M pm rado, Utah. Calif onua.a 4 :E pm a s jio pa Lincoln A Elaek Hills.. a S-oo pm a C:45 am Montana ruget Hjund..a S:u0 pm a t:4 an Lincoln Fast Mail ... .0 sum pm a a; aa Wymore. Beatrice and Lincoln a (:0 am bll Denver -oioraoo, Utah ana California a .41 am South Bend. ' ouisvllU, Plattsrooj.r. ..b 3:23 om bU-X13aa Ft. urocrc Portsmouth and Pacific Junction .a 7:00 pm a S30 am BeHevue, Plattsmouti and Pacific J unction. .a!210 am a Dally b Daily rxetot "unday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON wuincy rtauroaa "The w vF2Z:J:2?s t Offlre Furnam Sim.! ' Telephone, 230. Depot, Tenth and Mason struts. . Telephone, 123- Day.ltht Chicago ape- da, ...... a 7-J30 am alftrlt ptn 1 Chicago Vestibuled Ex.a 4:00 pm a 7.-4C am ' Chicago Local Express. a ba am a :0L pm Chicago Llmitea a 7:60 pm a f,:ti asn , Fast Mail a 2:S pm , a DUIT. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- - General Offices s.nd Ttcket Offices. Southeast Corner 14th and Doueiaj bis Telephone, 1C4. Depot Union Station. Leave. Arrive. StA .-Loii1 aIlfl JV"J -"t" .xP'Ttat.":;""SE:S c- Bt- U Express. ..alt;.ao am a 6:25 pm pm a COS aa , Leave from IF'n and I Webster streets: V.hnEH 1 Vim ' Sggf FtfSf, f f "-i"- ou"t- k. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Office, 141i Farimm I Street- Telephone. 222. Ij.. V Tenth nnd Mnrfr c. I . ..UV , .III Leave, Arrive. Sf Louis "Cannon Rail" Exxiresa a SOS nm a t -JO am riSiij- CHICAGO. ROCK ISL and dr Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock IsU and Route" City Ticket Office. 1322 Far. nsm Street. Telephone. - &. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sta. Tele, phone. 29. ii. Arrive. EAST. Des Moines and Daven mrl Local a 73 era bll m Chicago Express ....... blltlE turn a-'iO aa 1-tct Moines Local. " pre. ; pm c-hlrRco Fast ExnreflS .a st-S un a 1:S tim I Des Moines, Rock 1st i and nd Chicago., . .a 7:t0 pm alX pa iU) A. Lincoln, Colorado Spga.. Denver. Pueblo and West a 131 pm a 4 :15 pa Colorado,- Oklahoma 4k Texas Flyer a E-2A pm a SuU aa a Dally b Dally xcept Sunday. UNION PACmC'THE OVER, lanl "toute" General Offices. N E. Cor. Ninth and Fartikm fc-reeU, City Ticket Office. x arurjn oti rcu -eiepnone. Zlt Depot. Tenth and Marcy Eta 'iclepnone, u. i-eave. Arrive. i n TJmltrd .a tO am . - - -t J The Chicago Portland I 1 Special ... a aw a 7: p ' I jSaVl and Exprcas '.allJi pm a J2i g Strom'sburg Express b :X pm cl2:30 n .UC IftUk. C... pin ,ne jLuanuc -rpresE. r- A . . 1 ; r T , r.-n Grand Island Lucoi..,.b t:30 pm b S-X m a Daily b Daily exceut Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAtnt-EK r. fc. t,,U .'TT'.T . Ticket OffiL lali VLTiril Drool. Icil na MlT: Btieetk T'elrnfcSne btieeta. . ST Omaha ll 1 am b I S 52 , -jjiuy, t Dal!-- excert Sunday. OMAHA & El LOUIS RAIL road -Omaha, Kansas City k Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of. flee. 1411 Farnam St, Tels nhone. 322. Depot. Tenth and liarcy Streeta. Telephone. Leave. Arrive it. Louis Cannon Ban Express . ........ -- aa ( -"""f - " 7 ...... Local ...a 7:oo am a 9:oopa a Dally I Flic SHIPS I -tnxa-ns survicx ttajtaaatu! Axoaic Tsst -at-HiTH mmmmi. AVASA. MA7ANIAI. CAMhi5. lAQUi, CA1- meiTrAS, ui-laaa. mt bakacoa. WXSati VTBAVSRII' U.VE 7 WUttlBQ). Hw Yorx city RAYMOND t WHITCOMB. 9 Uhion S guars, Nw York, For Ticketa, Stateroom Reservation and GcsMril Information ot tha MO BILE HER VICE, apply to Ticket Agent Mobil A Ohio R. R. and South ere J.- I J ; IMIUfJlUIiLLI n, ujwwl iwii pin staoaa. I South Omaha News MMKI9N; 9999 I'reparat'ons for a spr &c elc ticn are Xmnt made teth br the rrpwMirans ana uemncrata The democratic ca.l has alrrady Fir forth for a ronrrntiou to te heltf on puhlkcan call Ul lie lasupd vlihln a day As previously mentlcned the deme- rratic tall it made under the previsions ft the prei-ent Lincoln ehartcr and It it pre- 'us4 that the rrpubllra&s will work alone the same lines InlereK terms to be centered to a great extent In the cirri Jen of a tax commis sioner, at it It thought that by having as official of this kind the valuation can be aoterlally tncreaaed. Now the valuation - h0rt 1.SM.009 By Increasing the valut- "on the Uvy ran be correspondingly de- rrdtlr1 t TA t Kl a i a -. t. a t..ntta sum to Tb'n lB comiaisBioner win raise me lazes m th. rnrr...riitw,n ni t.nft . I I . .. 1 . ' . .T exirm ioro arcrcasing me tases oi me noms owner Jut-P-fg from reports from Lincoln there is little hoje of the new eharter beiDg passed In time for the usual election and therefore arrangements wtll be made for holding an election under the provtriont of the Lincoln charter Cntllrmra'i C"on eutiun It Is understood that quite a delegation ihl . .unriotinn u the nnirnmr nf th r-. . .,., u-m t cit t v. mtr ton ration held at Salt Lake City, - GOVERNMENT NCI ICE. jntl! i u ilock p. m. oontral tlmv Marin wi jwi lor tne construction oi a unrx nos- riltid f 1" .rl t Fort Rohlnson. Nth. abo for heating, plumbing and gas-piping sume Full information furnished upon ap- plicaton to this omee. or to the quarter- master. Fort Robinson. Neb where plans I Kna specification may be nen Proposals ! i? be marked "PrBposals for Htisjrftal at J Port Robinson. Neb." and addressed to thf uuterngwa. y H HATHAWAY w i-.-.--.-. . . . rr-rv . t- c . , ,. .o. ,,i., ".LE"lJ"r L,f -Ji,Ve t . T -f," ! rns tried men. between ages of a and , Ct'Xcns o: the t nited States, of Rood character and temperate : habits, who can Bpeak. read and write English RerruifJ , fj'ecial! v desired for emce in I'hlllppine mrormauon atipiyto ecruu ng urn- i cr -a ibtn and uoog ew., umana, ieu, LEGAL NO! ICE. I i 1 NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING I and iiresentod Mrs. Wheeler with a purse Notice Is hereby given that the regular ' 0( money in honor of her birthday annl !oCtUhaV7a7tl Mrs. WheeJer has been prominent at the office of said compau) in Lincoln, is tbe councils of tbe King's Daughters ol Neb , at 11 o dock a m.( on the tth day March, A. u lira. By order of the Board of Directors. Lincoln, Neb., February 4, lvoi. C H. MORRILL. President. A, B. MINOR. Secretary. FMJUt POSIXJFFICE NOTICE. Should be read DAILY" by all lntcrestsd, at changes may occur at any time. Foreign malls fur the ucek ending March i ISA. will' done (PROMPTLY in all cases I at the General Foptothce .is fol lows PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR eat Iter than dosing time hown below Parcels Fot Malls for Germany close at i p m on February 25, per a, s. Lahn. via Brrniel.. and March 1, per . a. Columbia, via Hamburg Regular and Supplementary Malls clone at Foreign Branch half hour later than clos ing time shown below Hnntlc for Iloldops. Trans-Atlantic Malls. i saturday-ai s. s. coiur must be directed "per s. s. Oilumbla' j, Murphy's saloon at Thirtieth ano w strews, at 7.30 a m for NETHERLANDS direct, In speaking of the matter yesterday aftrr prr.s. a. Rotterdam moll must he directed ; Boon chiej Mitchell said that there was S&Tti&DKfVf V "EtSoUome di.crepancy between tbe statement, tmall roust be directed "per s. e. Ethl-' made by Murphy and bit bartender and opia v at 11 a m. for ITALY, per s s. i that onl' a poor description of the robbers TnSftMS!1? m8 Zm o- So l" hBVe mentorj' 13 m I for EUROPE, jirr a. s I no clue. Etrurlo, via Queenstown - Streets Hrlna ricatard, PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamcr ; streot Commlislonrr Clark has corn- takes printed juauer, commercial Papers and Sample, fur Oermany only. The 1 same class oi man luatter lor other parts of Europe will not be aant by this ship I unless specially directed by her j After tbe closing of the Supplementary ! Trane-Aiiantic iau namea atn t, ad- i French and German steamers, aim re- main open unui uuui itai munuies oj th hour of sailing of steamer Malls for South and iVatral Amerira, Wrwt Indira. Etc SATURDAY At Sam. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Sau Juan, via San Juan, at 9 a. m. (supplementary rfJU! a m.i for CURA CAO and VENEZUELA, via Curacao, t s s. Hlldur tiniill tor Havarillla and Carthagena mu.t be directed "per s. s. Hlldur"' . at iM a. m (supplementary 10 a m lor ST THOMAS. ST. CROIX, LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, and DEMERARA, per s. a. Fonttbrlle, at 10 a. m. for CUBA, prr s, a. Morro Cabtlt. via Havana; at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Prlns MauriU I mall for Curacao. rnezuela, Trinidad. British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per a. s. Prin Mauritai, at 10 a. m, fur FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SA VANILLA, CARTHAGENA and GREYTOWN, per K t,. Alene tmall for Costa Rica must tie di rected "'per a. s, Alene"). , Mails for Nswfoundland. by rail to North ' , Sydney and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at C:30 p, ra. (connecting clce here erry Monday Wednesday and Saturday). Mailt for Miquelon. by rail to Boston ano tiiunce by steamer, close at this office daily at t,"0 p. in. Mails for Culia, by rail to Port Tampa. Fla , and thence by sttamar, close at this office caiiy. except Monda "at i a. m, ttht connecting noses are on Sunday, Wednes day and Friday Malls for Cuba, by rail to Miami. F! . and tlutjc-f by steamur, close at tills offilce ev-ij- Monday and Fri day at p. ro. wfatls i or Mexico City, overiand, unles specially addrxssed for dispatch by ates.mer'. close at tnls office daily at 1.30 p, m. and 11 i. m. Malls lor Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans and thrni'o by steamer, close at this office daily at "1.30 p. in. (comieiUne clou here Motidayts for Belize. Puerto Coiiez and Guatemala and Tuesdays for Costa Rica. "Registered mail closes at C p. in. previous day Trau.pnclOr Malls. Malls for Hawaii. Janan. China and Philip- I'tn Islands, via San Fronclaoo, close here dally at 6:30 p, m, up to March -d. Inclu sive, i or aispatcn per a. a. uopuc ' Mails for Australia 'except Wet Australia, which it forwarded via Europe), New Zealand. Fiji. Samoa and Hawafl. via San aiter r eoruary tn ana v to saarcn m, , inrlume, ot ou arriva. of .. e. Lucania. due at New York March 2d. for dispatch ' .V -Australia (except West Australia. 1 'g'-n "tt ia liurppr. ftew eaiana which irors tin Kiin V rurudhfroi. and litl Islands, via Va-ti-ver, cloae here dally at sau p. m. ur 'v ttrch 2d, Inclusive, for dispatch ftr a, s. W'arrimoo (supplement ary raalj., via Seattle, nose at fc:J0 p. m March :td, mail must be tilrecled "per a. a. Warrinioo ) Mailt fur Hawaii, China. Japan and Phil ippine Islands, via Bun Francisco, dose here daily at 6:3u p. m. up to March "10, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Amer ica Maru. Moils for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to March 11 for dispatch iier a, , Mariposa. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, cioae here daily at C:30 p. in. up to March "l. tnclusltr. for dispatch jer a. a. Emirei-s of India (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver' j Mailt for Australia (extent West Australia, which is forwarded via Europei. New Zea land. Fiji, Barnoa and Hawaii, via Ban Francihoo close here dolly at C;30 p, m. after March M and up to March C3. In clusive, or ot) arrival of a. a. Etrurio, dut at New lYrk March 2S, for dispatoh per a a. Sonoma. TtantpaclBc mailt are forwarded to port et sailing dally and the schedule of dozing Is arranged on tbe prraumption of their un interrupted overland transit Registered mail (.lusei it I 11 previous da t-ORNEUrS VAN Vjrr Postmaster J , TtstolSce, New Tcrk, N Y, MMth a, vrX I whoa 'i ae vlrtaaUr acred laa tht laulrtstK a ad shnniaea ihoM rt vea i'tnr The rati learn i attend this eeovtsttor ill w( from all vans eT tht! west and berth rot aad It lr expected that the pa therlar 111 le a great one. Preparattess are nor hetrif made by gwtte a nvwber of persons here bo ar Interested In tbe rattle Industry to attend this contention V wt rmrii( Repairs .erdrd. The patcmetvt tin the west side of Twenty-fourth struct is badly Is seed of re pairing and the rlty oOrlalt will toon have Ui mate arrangements tor th work to bf done Last summer the holes ere filled with broken stone and cement and whlls a portion of the macadam laid is still la good rendition otbtr holes hae appfartd. to that the street Is in nearly at bad condition now at before it as repaired. The east side o! the street it In a tcry fair condi tion, but a drive along the ett aide is a bad. if not worse, than crossing a rordurcy bridge Of course there it no money on hand lth which to make the repairs, bet as soon at tbe charter passes tt Is thought that arrangements for the work can b made rnop-ri Eacasrrd. The Krlking coopers who vent out bete a few weeks ago are greatly encouraged over the prospect of an early settlement of the utrlke A meeting of the cooprrt was heid yesterday and tt was decided that it the eoojfrcge plant here was started up without paying tbe scale demanded the p&ekers would be called upon and requested not to t sr tbe product turned put from this plant. The burning of the state peni tentiary and its cooper shop will shut off a pertain portion of tbe supply of barrels and tinrret atti for this reason it It thought that the managers of the cooper factory here will soon be willing to sign tbe scale and Terpen tbe works Library Inlk, ResidotHt of South Omaha appear to ap prove tbe suggestion that the city vols boudt for the putcbatt of a site tor a library An eCert will be made next week to secure an amendment to the charter per mitting an annual appropriation of Sl.OOO fiir the tristntKnbXi. of Htirh in InKtltutintl ,, . .,. .... , . ... .,, , . .. 11 "at by the oUng of bonds til property owtera, ahetber non-rcaidtnt or BOt vUj shar lnr tutden. while If a . sulmcriptlon Is taken up onl) those ubo re- -. -"----- v...-. . --- "e & Olft"' frfr at ... .. ... v.i 1UC PITHIUCSM CVliill U. l T1U I J -11 MU ifmyioir sou i ;irn talked o.' at suitable sltrt. art being , , .... uu.(,i.u . . ., . Thurlow, called at the residence of Dr and Mr. K. L. Wheeler Thursday evelng (tbe Presbyterian church and the women of l tbe fcoojety esteemed it an honor to present . ber with a htting tribute on hr annlter- stiry. Grorisr Kludlr Demi. George Kindle died yesterday at the home of hit brother. Twcotj -ninth and D street, from an abscess on tbe liver The de ceased was tbe tallest man in this section of tbe state, being feet 16 inches in hit -stockinet. During tbe TranttnJssUsippI ex position Kindle attracted a great deal or attention, at br worked as a "spieler" for one of the attractiont, Fuoral services will be beld at 10 o'clock Sunday forenoon lend Interment will be at Florence ceme- try. Iv uin - nmtn " ' gs -n In Investigating tbe report that E. M. Pyle Chief Mitchell and his men are engagea ' . , ,y, ,,.m,, menced the work of removing the aet timu luted filtn irom me pavco sirens Yei- ifrdav a cane of men J me startod on Twenty- street and will work south to N street, and thence west to Twenty-seventh street un ac-couov oi mr 1 considered unhealthy. THasrir rlty Gfk.lp. The February pollre pay roll amounts to J1.170. Mrs. J. McCaffrey left last night tor Chlcaco. Electric lights -for the city cost n.M."0 In February Miss Muurine Murdock Is recovering from her recent llltu-sr. A roertlne of the Live Slock exchange will be held Monday At the present time the packers sre using about sixty cars of coal a dny. A son has been born to Mr. and Mr. Seth Tlbblla, Twenty-first and L afreet. Special music for Easter services is be ing received by the various church choirs, Mrs. H K. Wiilfe, 1fe of Superintend ent Wolte of the public schools, is quits eick. The city council meets today at a board of equalization un the three mhu dis tricts. Friends of John McMillan are ureinf him to accept the nomination tnr tax com missioner Mr and Mrs. I L. Vansant. Twenty fifth and F streets, announce the birth of u daughter, Rev Irving Johnson's Thursday turning lectures, delivered at the Episcopal church, are very well atlrndrd Clover Leaf ramp No f of the Royal Neighbors will meet tonight at the hail in the bourn oroana .-vaiiona hank building. Hiram forkrrll writes from Oklahoma City that be Is much pirated with (he climate and that there Is plenty of work He proposes to remain. All members of the Southwest -Sidr Im proverotint club are urgrd to attend a roetl ing to 1 held at Thirty-eighth and (J streets cm Monday night A meeting r.f the Third Ward Republican club will be held at Evens' hall. Twenty eighth and R turrets, next Thursday night Officers will be elected at this time. Republic-arm arr casting about for three first-class candidates for the Board f Edu cation. On account of the record of the retiring democratic members it Is thought that there will be no difficulty in electlne irpubllrans to tiuccred them. Coacnrlue at All DrutcicUts. Cures Biliousness, Constipation and Dyt prpsln, or money refunded. Price Vi cents. Book explaining cause and cure mailed free. Ilea Bros, & Co Minneapolis. Minn. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS filed lor record Friday March 1, 1D01 Warrant; Urrdt. Ellon Birkhauser and husband to Vuclav and Mary MesUcky. aha sr 2S-1C-12 . 4,40 Richard Ebbltt to M. A. Cavanarh rt al, undH lot 21). block 21. 1st add to Corrigan Pluce, lot a. block 46, South Omaha, lota 3 and 22, block a, 1st add to Corrigan Ilace ... 1 W W Cunklln-r and wife to W. 8 Conkltng, e 1C feet lot 3, block X. Shine's 2d add Ounvent of Mercy to Richard Bcan- 6.0 nrll lots 1 to 24. block 4. lots 1 to 2i. block I, Benson, and part at certain atlry and etrrrt CT.lrSi Paul Doe seller to Ellzaiieth Doescher, lot I. block C. Murray's add 1 A M Spattor-i and husband to Jahn Gabatuirr, tote is ana in, diock IZ, Albtighr's annex H- L. Lockwood and husband to Peter ami Frank Rocoo, lot 4, block 2. Rrdlck's sub C J. Johnson to Caroline Hammer. nH of eH lot 24, block 4. Campbell's add 2f :,ooo Deed. Sheriff to Rotund Savings hank, lot -I block i E. V Smith a add l.VM Total amount of transfer