12 BOSTON STORE MILL ENDS Bhort Lengtbi of New and Desirable Ftbrici of All Kindi. AT HALF, THIRD QUARTER REGULAR PRICE 'folia) lliirKnliiN Arr Hound JlriiiK livery KviinmiilRt Here A llclter iloney .inilnx Optwirt un ity linn Accr llccn PRESENTED TO YOU. BILK M0U8SELINE DE SOIE, 39C YARD. Mill ends of high coat Imported silk- ttflrA1 .tl..ltt.i ilnltml tnntiacnllnn An anlf. crloklcd silks, Inwns and other high grade Hash goods on Bnlo at 3'Jc a yarn. 76c black anil colored silks, 26c yard. Jl fancy and plain tnffetas, 49a yard. $1.60 silk remnants at C'Jc yard. SILK-STRIl'ED CHALL1S. 45C YARD 7Cc all wool challls, Sio yard. r.Oc all wool French flannel, 15c yard. f0c nil wool dress goods, 14c yard, $1.25 nil wool dross goods, 39c yard. 65c Hwivcl silk nt 16c yard. HtMf hkmmants. r,f!. ion. ir.r. 2nd. Today wo placo on salo tho finest lot Di pieces or hiikb ami satins wo navo ever snown. An endless variety to select from, on salo nt lc, 10c, ISc and 25c each, accord Jng to length. DRES9 GOODS AND CORDUROY at inn tirn iimmkant. To clnso out all tho Imported sntnpln ends of lino dress goods and corduroy wo placo on sain tho entlro lot at 10c a remnant. MILL ENDS IN THE IIA9EMENT. Khnrt tnlll rnmnnntn nf nrlntfl. In vnrd. liong remnants best standard prints, 3Vc yard. 36-Inch pcrcalo remnants, Cc yard. 26o gingham remnants, S'-ic yard. 40c drapery ticking remnants, 12V4c yard 25c whlto goods remnants, 10c yard. 3Sc table oil cloth remnants, Cc yard. Turkish toweling remnants, 6c yard. Iluck toweling remnants, 3Uc yard. 40c mercerized satocn remnants, 15c yard Ifir? tnu-n rrmnnnls CAJLn vnril. nnd hundreds of other remnants in the unscrnont. IIOSTON STORE. OMAHA, J. I.. Tlrnmlels R- Snnn I'rnnrlntnm N. II. Saturday tho great laco curtain Halo begins. watch today s papers. RUBBER SHOES FOR A YEAR Itcdnrlloii In Price of Ituliber (.oimIn C'nuiiCfi Itetiillem in Lay 111 JHk Slock. Tho roccnt reduction In tho wholesale, crlco of rubber eoods has brought nhmit n peculiar condition of trndo In that lino In xuc utnana icrriiory. una or tho proml ont dealers In rubber goods said: "You may bo surprised to learn that the wholesale dcalors In rubber footwear havo practically received all of their orders for next year's trade, but such Is tho case Wo generally do not begin tho season until April, and It Is usually August beforo tho orders nro received In any great number, tut this year wo havo about covered our field. With last night's orders wo havo eold 40 per cent more goods since January 1 for tho trndo of 1902 than wo sold for tho preceding twelve months. "All of tho Omahn wholesalers had made up tholr minds that tho trado would open m usual und wo ruado our arrangements accordingly. Toward tho end of Docomber wo hoard rumors of a reduction In prloo to come, and when wo received notice of a 5 per cent reduction January 1 we thought that would be tho end of It, probably until April. Then camo tho reduction of 18 per teat In February, and with it wo decided to go after business. Tho low prices nt traoted tho retailers and It really makes llttlo difference where tho prlco goes tble prlng. as the rotalcr In tho Omaha terrl- Iory, nt loait, Is stocked for the coming rlntcr." fti.M) MHOliS nilO AM) BOO TODAY SIHS. MAJIY KllUOOVICII. Df I'lilllimhurK, Montana, Tells Hott She 'Wns Otired or Dandruff. Mrs. Mary Orcgovlch of Phlllpsburg, llont., under dato of November 26, 189:, Writes: "I had typhoid fovcr this sum mer, consequently wns losing my hair ter rible, nnd my head In places was perfectly bald. Nowbro's Herplcldo hnd Just como Into uso In l'hlllpsburg, and tho doctor itrongly recommended It to mo. After 3 or I nppllcatlons my hair Btopped falling out. ind is coming In again qulto thick. I used lo bo troubled grently with dandruff, of Khlch I am now qulto cured." Kill tho landruff germ with Herplclde. 1'i'lrr Time north. The Northwestern lino. "Twin t i.. Ited," now leaves tho Union station, Omaha, t 7:55 p. m. dally. Instead of 7r-r. n m .J orracrly. Tho nrrlval time at St. Paul Ilnneapolis REMAINS UNCHANOED. hrough connections from tho west aro thus sured nnd a MORE CONVENIENT time ?' departure Is afforded Omaha and Coun I Bluffs patrons. Tho sanio magnlflque kjulpment is retained In service. City offices. 1401-1403 Farnam strcst. 1 A Parable of Old Perhaps you liavo forgotten tho par nlilo of tho foolish virgins. Theso young women, so runs tho undent tale, wero expecting n visitor, but thoy neglected to 1111 their lamps, and lo, when darkness nnd the guest enmo together they wero much put out. It's nn old story, but there Is nnother Just nbout an old nnd wo sen It in tho news pnpern nearly every day It usually runs something llko this: "Died, John Doe, nt his homo In Cnrcless Park. Ho leaves n family to mourn tho Iobs of n loving husband Mid father, nnd It Is n matter of ra Krot thnt his business affairs nre In a very unsatisfactory condition, no left no Insurance." Isn't that a uhenrfnl xtnrv? -ivi,. about his family will Ms wlfo nnd I children g" bnck to tho old folks and bo a burden to them, or will they hccoino objects of public ", churlty? Not a plcnsnnt plcturo, ,1s It? llut such things happen every day. Too many men nro care less qr Indifferent about such things they put It off or take out a small policy und let It lapso. Thoy nro not ffolng to die of courso not and busi ness Is good-no hard times or bail luck In Bight. That's the old, old tory. Don't you think It's about tlmo to tret out of that rut nnd tako out a Gold Pebonturo Policy in the Equit able a policy us good na a government bond, nnd which pnys a bettor rnte of Interest? Think It over; there Is a surplus of inoro than 106.000,000 behind every policy Issued by tho Equltablo. ABk for full Information you can't tnako u bettor Investment. The Equitable LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY "Slronjfest In the World" II. D. NEELY, Mr. for Nfcb. 20.JO8 Bee Bid., OMAHA All tin- .Meii'M it ml l.nillrn' Tine Shoes Hint luu Hnrr In the Ulmlon AT HOSTON STORE, OMAHA. (Jo on salo tomorrow, Friday, nt 30n nml Mo tinlr. Theso nro the shoss that Carl Knhler of Dcs Moines sold to Boston Store to settlo his father's estate. Some of these shoes sold for 14.00. nnmn fnr IS. 00 nml uimn nvrn as high as $6.00 pair, but the widths nro au narrow, aa, a, u nnd perhaps n few C. All tho women's shoes In theso narrow widths, in sires 214, 3 nnd 314 will bo sold tomorrow on bargain squares nt 3Dc pair. All tho ladles' shoes In sizes 4, 4',4i G, and 6, In AA, A, II widths, that sold up to nve dollars n pair, go nt 59c a pair. $5.0(5 MEN'S SHOES AT 69C. All tho men's Bhocs In AA, A nnd H widths, sizes 6. 6U. 7. 7U. 10. 10U nml 11. that nold up to $5.00 nnd even $6.00. co nt b'jc n pair. All tho men's regular shoes, In nil bIzcs and widths, that sold for $3.00, go at $1.69. Al tho regular $5.00 and $6.00 shoos, all sizes nnu wiatns, go nt $3.00 nnd $3.50. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Brandcls & Sons, Props OLD SHOE ASA SOUVENIR Vniny llnvey of Police llenilciunrtern Keepn Hello of Hilly l'llt f ITflllll. An old shoe, badly dilapidated and run down nt tho heel, is being held nt tho police station ns ovldcnco ngnlnst tho man who Btruck Hilly Patlorson. Patsy Hnvcy tells this story nbotit It: "Como down hero nny night," said ho, "nnd you will sco that hall out thoro full Of hobOCB KloCDlllir on tho llnnr. nnn nli-lil wo counted sixty, but now that tho weather lias moderated somewhat there s vnot qulto so many. Why, they used to bo so thick that you couldn't walk through tho hall without stepping on them. Then wo used to pile 'cm up, one layer on top of nn other, llko cordwood. And they're terri bly Particular about their nrrnmmnilnilnn. too, considering that they wero gottlng tneir lodging free. If you'll bollovo it, tho follows on bottom used to kick If wo put moro than two layers of hoboes on ton or mem. "Well, ono nlcht It was torrlhlv mml,W out in tno yard, having thawed tho day be roro, anu niong nbout 3 o'clock In tho morning In comes Billy Pnttorson through mo eouin uoor. ino lights wero out, It was dark In tho hall nnd Billy was In n hurryi I guess lfo must have stenned on the faces of nbout flvo of thnm bofnrn h learned that tho door mat ho was looking lor wns on mo iront porch. "Thero was a nhowor of old shoes nlmml nt Patterson, and ono or two of them strucK mm, nut this ono went over tho railing, nnd I m keening It ns n souvenir Tho next morntni; you could trnnv iiitr. son cienn tiown tho lino of hoboes by tho rami anu marKS of heelplates on their faces. Patterson said he didn't And them very good walking." 'I Was given UD tO dlf from hnnrt nnd nervous troubles cnuscd by grip. Six bot tles each of Dr. Miles' Heart Curo nnd Ncrvlno cured me." Mrs. John Wntiot Jefferson, Wis. AUDITORIUM WORK GOES ON Fund In CrnnltiK Nleely nnd liecla In General Are Ilrluht. I'rox- Tho secretary of tho AiniUnrinm nnm mlttco has reported subscriptions on hand io oo wunin z&.uuu or tho amount required beforo tho ground is broken fnr th hnii.iint. and within about one-half of the amount required to say for tho bulldlnir nnd th no wncn completed. Tho last bill for tha musical ftivni im been paid. This was $35 for expenses In curred In tho salo of tickets. Tho salo of chairs and benches, freight rebates and other minor Items broucht 1127 fmm h festival fund. Tho receipt of about 1175 era of the city, with other amounts from sovoral sources, broucht th subscriptions reported to $934, making n loiai to tiato 01 $124,963.62. .Superintendent Olllan Iiiir his nm nnu. estnblUhcd In tho cxnosltl nn hnll.llnc- whlch is in shnpo for tho erection nnd uccornuon or Dooms. Tho local exhibitors nro nlroady In tho building und havo men at work nrranglng for displays. Tho superintendent's forco will start work nt onco on the general decoration nf tho building nnd a nlan for iinlfnm, .mi tractlvo decorations has been prepared. Local firms will Hn discretion In tho matter of arranging booths and tho outsldo contributions will bo Placed In harmonious surrouudlngs. Ono xow iorK urra, tnrough Its traveling rep resentatives, reserved Bpaco for a display which will be arranged Immediately. 'I was In bed flvo wnnVn tvltn nerves shattered, stomach nnri livor deranged. Was cured with Dr. Miles' Nerv ine and Norvo and Liver Pills." D. C. wamor, Hallsvlllo, O. How to get a new wheel and lust ihn nn you have alwajs wanted. Read Tho Bee's great offer to boys nnd girls. Last, day Sam'l Burns' 10 nir ront r ml no tion sale BUILDING BOOM THIS SPRING Many 1'lrM-L'Jns llnalnenit Illovkn io no Greeted In Uinnliu nnd Sninller Townn of the Stnte. Omaha nrchltccts rcnort thn fylng prospects for bulldlne thin nph only In Omaha, but In many nf thn Bmln towns of tho state. Plans aro now being drawn for business blocks In Columbus, Cedar RapldB, Norfolk, Fremont, St. Paul and many other hustling young cltleo of Nobraska, nnd nil, It Is said, nro to bo of brick or Htono and to bo supplied with nil modern conveniences. Speaking of local conditions nn nrchltect snld: "Low rentals Incident to tho hard times of tho early '90s havo had much to do with retarding tho erection of flrst-clnss build ings, but as soon ns tho old looses explro you will see n building boom In Omaha's wholesale district. I know of Bevcral six story houses that aro to bo erected on local trackage In tho near future, but of course It wouldn't do to discuss them In detail now, ns the sites havo not yet passed Into possession of tho prospective bulldors." No treatment for colds and grip leaves the system in ns good and healthy a con dition ns Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The greatest dnnger from these diseases Is of their resulting In pneumonia. During the many years this remedy has been In use, no caso of a cold or attack of the grip hav lug resulted In pnoumonla, has ever been reported to tho manufacturers, which shows conclusively that It Is a certain preventive of thnt dangerous disease. For sale by all druggists. to Announcement!! of thn Tlirntera rtlnolr IVittl'a Tmh.,!n, Boyd's theator tonight and Saturday Wtl noo nnu uigni, oner an opportunity for en joyment of genuine coon comedy and sweet melody rondered by comedians nnd singers of raro natural gifts. Denies Turkey In In Default. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. !S.-Char!cs II. Crump, head of the Cramp shipbuilding firm, denies the report from Constuntlnapln to the effect that a contract for a cruiser for the Turkish government lins been annulled bocnuse of tho failure of the porte to pay tho llrst Installment. Mr. Cramp aid that tho first payment was not due until March 1 and that consequently tho report Is without foundation. TTTE Oar An A DATLT KEEt FTtTT)A V, MAKCIl 1, 1901. SIIOU.H OX IIAIMJAIN SUV AltHS. .til ItTelley-.Stlue r'n jPi,, lloyn, f.i.n.f... .... - . . ' ... ' nnn in in ii in- ,m ii lie i, on Sale AT BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. ON BARGAIN SQUARES. AT 29C, 30C 50C, 75C, 08O AND $1.25. KELLEY STIOER'S LADIES' SHOES ON BARGAIN SQUARES AT $1.98 AND 12.50. All Kollcy, Stlgcr & Co.'s ladles' shoes havo now been tied together nnd thrown on bargain squares In two long rows. Alslo No. 1 wc put all Kellcy, Stlgcr fc niiuva iUilL UUIII UJJ IU ttl.UU auU mark them $1.98. Alslo No. 2 wo plnco nil Kellcy Stlgcr & Co. s ladles' shoes thnt sold up to $6.00 and givo you cholco of tho entlro lot nt $2.50. All tho Indies' whlto Itld oxfords, satin sandals. In nil colors nnd whlto nnd black, that Kclley & Stlgcr sold for up to $2.75, ri ni we, if.c nnd 98c. All tho $3, $4 nnd $.- fancy beaded slip pors, for dancing nnd evening wear, go n $1.98, $2.23, $2.50 nml $3.50. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Brandels & Sons, Proprietors; 13VI3IIV TUH3DAV In I'Vlirnnry, Mured nnd Airll the UNION PACIFIC will sell tickets at tho following GREATLY REDUCED RATES: From Omaha to San Francisco, Los Angolcs nnd Snn Diego $23.00 Ogdcn, Salt Lnke, Butte, Helena... , 23.00 Portland, Spoknnc, Tacoma, Seattle.. 25.00 New city ticket office, 132i Farnam street. Tel. 316. Union slntlon, 10th and Marcy. Tel. 629. "New Orlviitin for the Tourist" Is tho tltlo of nn Illustrated booklet, Is sued by tho Illinois Central railroad, de scribing tho points of interest In New Or leans, Ln. For copy, address W. H. Brill, D. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Wanted, n trained nurse lo tnku cnarce of a sanitarium; mint havo experience, a good education and good business ability. Ad dress J 59, care Bco office. Any boy or girl can cot n new blcyclo this spring. Read Tho Itco's great wheel offer. Saturday's the Day Egypt WE WILL SELL ian Lotus Cream at 5c a Bottle. You'll miss It If you don't tnko advnntge of this sale. It's us good nH other prepa rations that sell for flvo times this price.. Crniuer'N Kidney Cure 7. Ilronio (tululne l.iu DufTy'N Mult WhlHkey H.-,o I.otiiM Urenni Illo I'ulne'n Celery Compound 7 fin Wine of Cur ilut , 7,-,o 1'leree'M l'rexerlptlon 7."ii Scott'n HiiiuInIoii 7.1u OkoiiiuImIoii , '. , , 7.a CollHfoot Kipeotoruut 7fu S. S. 7Bo Mnlted .tlllk lOo, 7nc, :i,ir I'lnklinni'n Conipound 7.1c CUT PRICE DRUGGIST a. XV. Cmv. 10th aad Cfaloma aim. SCHAEFER Patent Medicineinces GUT IH HALF OATIIDnAV nnrl RinMIl A V OfUURUHl ailU mUllUHB-AII day SATURDAY and next MONDAY as well, we shall sell quite a list of Patent Medicines At Just One-Half Retail Value, Goods All New and Genuine, 1.00 Coke's Da ml rn IV Cure for 50c 7Hc Coke's Dandruff Cure for 3Bc 00 Kirk's Dandruff (Jure for 50c ?1 .00 Kurnliani s Sarsaimrilla for 50c fiOe Hurnlianfs Heef, Jron and Wine for 25c $1.00 Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla for 50c HOe Ilofl"s Nit (long nr siiorL bot.) for 25c 1.00 Allan's Celer.v Compound for 50c Kenieinber, lliese prices for CASH, and for Sat urday and Monday only. $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure for 50c 1.00Ciross & Delbridges's Hydrastis Tonic 50c 25c (.1 raves' Tooth Powder for 13c 50e bottles (big ones) Florida Water for 25c 2ocTotlov's Swansdown, flesh or white 12c Wc have "loads'' of these goods and want to "CASH THEM IN." fiOc Madam Yale's Face I'owder, any shade 25c 1.00 Madam Yale's Fruitieuru for 50c 2oc Madam Yale's Soap for 13c 50e La Jeune Freueh I'owder for 25c ABOVE PUICES FOR CASH, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, MARCH 2 and J ONLY. The reason we sell these goods for above prices is that we have TOO MANY OF THEM and want to re duce stock. Sherman & McConnell Drug Company Corner 16th and Dodge Must Close Hero nro shoo-huylne opportunities for men, women, 'children, boya that WILL CItOWD THIS STOItE THURSDAY AND FltlDAY. Lens thnn half of makers' cost- determined not to carry a Blnglo pair to tho "NEW STORE." Men's and women's highest grade shoes values up to u.00, $6.00 nnd Q) QD $7.00 salo prlco 0VO Men's nnd women's shoes that wc sold at tho beginning of this salo nt $2.38 for mcr prices $4.00, $4.60, go 'X 68 Llttlo men nnd llttlo womcn'n shoes high est grade entlro department divided Into lots at $1.29, $1.18 nnd down 69c Odd lota of men's and women's bIioos 79c, C9c nnd down to THE ROCHESTER SHOE CO., Great Rebuilding Snlo. 1015 Douglas St. Successors to Tho Howe. 29c Eastman Kodaks still lead. Sco the lntcst model of tho No. -1 Onrtrldgo ICodnk tnkes pictures 1x5, nml enn bo used for either plates or lllins. List price $25.00 OUR PRICE $20.00 AH other good makes of Kodnk nnd Cameras. THE ROBERT DEMSTER COMPANY, 1215 Fnrnnm Street. Developing nnd finishing by flrst class workmen. HAYDENs HAYDENs Bargain I Bargain Room Room 15c Wool Kclgc for 5c. 25c Wool Plaids for 12'-c. 45c -10-Inch Black find Colored Wool Serge for 10c. All remuants of Wool Dress Goods on Balo nt one-half price. Plain and fancy Dress Silks, worth 08c, for -10c. Full standard Prints, 12',c. Hlack and. Colored Crepons, worth 25c, for 7'ic. Mercerized Skirtings, In sttlpes, worth 50c, 12M.C Xew spring Dimities, plain and fan cies, worth 25c, 5c. Flannelettes, stripes nnd polkn dots, wortli 20c, 0Je. Gents' Percale Negligee Shirts, worth 75c and ?1.00, for 20c. Kxtra heavy Cheviot Negligee Shirts, wortli 75c, UOe. All wool Sweaters, wortli 51.50, for 50c. Ladles' anld children's heavy Under vests, plain nnd ribbed, worth 10c, for 10c. Ladles' and children's heavy ribbed fast blilck Hose, wortli 25c, for "J&c. Hoys all wool School Suits, two pieces, sizes from 7 years to 15, wortli ?2.00, for 05c. Boys' extra flap all wool Suits, In vesteo nnd double breasted, sizes from 3 to 10 years, worth $1.00, for ?1.15. Hoys' all wool Knee Pnntp, assorted sizes, for 15c and. 25c. Extra lino Percales, 30-Inch, spring 1001, wortli 20c, for 5c. Shaker Flannels, worth 10c, 394c Outing Flannels, worth 10c, for 5c. Eiderdown remnants, worth 50c, for 15c. All linen Crash, worth 10c, for 2c. All linen lluck Towels, 27-lu., worth $1.50 per dozen, 00c. Turkey Hcd Table Linen, fast colors, 00-lnch, wortli -10c, 11c. All remnants of Table Linen one-hnlf price. Extra heavy and fine Bleached Sheet ings, worth 30c, for 15c. White Marseilles Bed Spreads, 10-1. wortlr 1.50, for 70c. Quality "C" Long Cloth, 30-Inch, wortli 1216c, for Ge. Hemnauls of while checked Nnlnsook, worth 10c, for llic. KeninnntH of Cambric Embroideries, 1c, 2'tc and 5c. All Silk Ribbons, assorted colors, all widths from No. 3 to 40, nt the one prlco of 5c. All tho odds nnd ends of men's 1.00 and $1.25 Wool Shirts and Drawers nt 25c. Men's work Shirts, In all tho best styles, at 30c. One lot of men's neckwear, four-in- hands and leeks, that sold for 25c and 35c. slightly mussed, on sale at 5c. 100 dozen ladles' und children's Vests that were made to sell nt 25c, ou sale at 10c. Men's $1.50 all wool Sweaters at 50c. HAYDEN BROS. PULLMAN ORDINARY SLEEPERS DAILY Personally Conducted Excursions to California and Oregon Pullman Ordinary Sleeping Curs IN CHEAP EXCURSION RATES EVERY TUESDAY ON THIS UNION PACIFIC DINING OARS, MEALS A LA OARTK These Excursions leave Omaha every Wednesday nnd every rridny at 4:25 p. m. for San Francisco and Los Angeles, and every Friday at. 8:20 a. m. for Portland, Ore. Detailed Information nhnerfullr f urnUlind, JTEW CITY TICKET OKFIOIC, 11124 Fnrnniii Hi,, T.I, HIO, UNION ITATIO.V, 10th and Muror, Tl, UU, STEAM HEAT PINTOH LIGHT, ETC Spring Top Coats The Accomplishments of this store are great by comparison with that of others. With all the style, the linish ami the quality of custom-made apparel, made by equally skilled and even higher class workmen, and fashioned in accord with the authorative fashion-plate followed by all custom tailors. With these points of quality, we offer the extra in duccinents of the opportunity to judge the becoming ncss of n garment before investing, and a saving of time and money. The Spring Top Coats Aro ready, no matter how little the price, the style and lit have the best thought we can give them. iba i yens "heese Itudd's American Club House, ISc. Knncy full crenm Y. A. cheese, 12',e. Ohio Swiss 16c. A Western Hcscrvo full cream, 12c McLaren's Imperial, 13c. Great Herring Sale K. K. K, K. Norway HerrlnR, lb. 10c. K. K. K. Fnt Norway HerrlnK. Sic. K. K. K. Iceland HerrlnK, lb. 8c. New fat Labrador Herring, lb. "c. Now fat Labrador HerrlnK at lb. fc. Kxtra larse Scotch Herring, lb. 12c. Special Prices oti leasand Coffee Japan tea slfllnfis, only 1714c. Cholco Japan ten, 35c. llusket lire J Japnn tea, only 39c. English breakfast tea only 39c. Mayono gunpowder, first crop, 40c. Cholco Ceylon ten, -ISc. Host IUo coffee, 17!$c. Mocha nnd J.va coffee, 25c. Host Madellng Mocha nnd Java coffee, 33c 3 lbs. for $1,00. Grocery Specials 11 bars Whlto Spanish soap, 25c. 10c can Haglo lye. 6c. Celluloid Magnetic or Perfection Starch, per package, "'.jc Sago, per lb., 74c Tnploca, lb., "isc. Pearl barley, lb., Cc. Lentils, lb., CHc. 10 lbs. corn meal, 10c. 10 lbs. wheat Oraham, 20c. 3 lbs. flako or Pearl hominy, 10c. Meats 3 lb. palls Omahn lard, 27c. ' Ilcst Frankfurt sausage, "lie Now bologna sausage, 64c. Chipped beef, 15c. fi lb. palls Omaha lard, 4Gc. Liver sausage, bic. Hulk oysters, 25c nnd 10c. No. 1 California hams, 7',3C. No. 1 salt pork, "ic Lean strip bacon, 12&r. ) Great Sample Shoe Sale Tomorrow $1.90 VOR MEN'S FINK U ANU $3 SHOES. All tho now fine, sample men's shoes, closed out to us from manufacturers, J. P. Smith & Co., Chicago, III nnd Myron V. Thomas, Carapcllo, Mass. Men's Ono shoos mado to sell for $3.50, $1.00 und $5.00, ln patent leather, vlcl kid nnd vclour calf, with gcnulno Goodyear nnd hand v.olt soles, on salo tomorrow nt $1.00. LADIES' FINE $4 AND $5 SAMPLE SHOES, $1.96. All tho ladles' flno sample, shoos, from two big manufacturers, Williams & Hoyt Co., Kochester, N. V. und French, Shrlnor & Urner, Ilocklnnd. Mass. Shoes mado of tho llnest vlcl kid, patent leather nnd Itus nlan calf, in tho latest swoll styles, with Ooodyear and hand welt soles, all mado to sell for $3, $1 nnd $5, on salo tomorrow, at $1.96. Sco our lGlh street show window. Sheet Music For tomorrow only, wo will place on enlo several thousand copies of music at only lc per copy, lly mall, 2c. Plenty of vocal nnd Instrumental, mandolin nnd guitnr, violin nnd plnno, guitar solos, mandolin solos, banjo, cornet nnd plnno, piano du ets, etc., nil go at lc per copy. Wc aro closing out a lot of miscellaneous nnthem books at only 25o each. Most of theso bookH Imvu always been sold at from 75c, $1, $1.50 nnd $2 por copy tomorrow only 25c. Also n line lot of odd collections of high grado music, by such composers no Ilnch, Heethoven, Chopin, Mozart, Mou- delssohn, Scharwenka, Schumann, etc. Somo of theso nlbums havo sold ns high ns $1.75, $2 and $2.60 per copy. All tho very best editions go at only 25c. Lots of piano nnd organ methods. Cholco vocal nlbums by Cowcn, Meyer, Holmund, Jensen, Lassen, Schubert and many other composers. While they last only 25c each. HAYDEN BROS. Registered RE-NO-MAY POWDER A. Mayer Co. Bbl! BUILDING, OMAHA, NEB. In pink box not only relieves, but pos itively cures nil disorders of the foat, stops odorous perspiration, cures ten der, swollen and painful feet. RE-NO-MAY POWDER In blue box removes all bodily odors. If properly usfd no dress shields are required. If you rulu your sloven with excessive perspiration, rub tho palms after thoroughly drying them with the powder, ln cases of habitual swoatlng, uso the powder In pink box. For nxllllnry urraplts) sweating, find directions for use In the cover of tho blue box. For obstluato sweuting or dialing, bathe the affected parto with tho Ito-No-May Astiingeuto Antlsoptlo Lotion, it must bo dis tinctly understood that tho HE-NO-MAY Powder Is not toilet powdor, but strict ly a curative, hygienic and nntlsoptlo powdor. nnd should not be UBed for infants as a toilet dusting powder. Talc, powdered starch or similar products without any intrinsic value, are Inexpensive nnd sufficient. HE-.VO-M.W I'OU'DKH, endorsed and prescribed by leading physicians. For moro nmple Information, con Bult Miss Mayer, 31C Hco Building. Consultation freo dally from 2 to 4. MANUFACTURED HY A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb. Sold by nil Druggists and GIovo Dcalors. "Never Disappoints." SHERIDAN Is the he.st conl mined in Wyoming, nn unanswerable argument as to its strength and economy. Clean as hard conl. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam St. Tel. 127 Howell's Anti-Kawf Constant coughing irritates the throat and lungs, weakens your vitatity and invites bronchitis and consumption. Anti-Kawf heals the irritated membrane, stops the cou h and cures the cold at once 25c boltlo at your Drug Store. 1 y 1 f