THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. MARCH 1. 1901. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these column will he taken nntll 12 m. for the eicnlnir edition anil until H 'Ml p. ui. for murnlnc unit .1 anility edition. Rules, t l-Uc a miril firm Insertion, In a nrrird thereafter. Nothing taken for lr than USn for the flrnt Inser tion. Tlicae ml vertlirmen Is max b WD consecutively. Art vert larra, ly requesting a nam. j FOR RENT, one Inrje well-furnished bed hernl check, can hnvo nnmcri ad- room for gentleman, near motor line. A drraaril to u numbered letter In enre South 7th street, Council Bluffs, of The lire. Anincn an I E M3I9 hn delivered oB presentation of tlia ' rok only. 1VAMTUD-SITUATIO.-5. EXPERT accountant. Holbrook, Brown btk A-li YOt NO German not fully versed In English lnnKunne, desires iiosltlon after 7 o clock evonmgs to assist In bookkeeping or In ventory work. Add-ess K 2. Her. A-J09-3' WANTED, position by competent book keeper, four yenra' experience; " Ity rfer ences. Addrvss K 3S. lift'. A MM1 3' WA.NTED JIALE IIULI. WANTED, we have steady work for a tew ucod Hustlers of good hiblts and appear ance, p F. A Jans Co.. 160G Howanl HARDER trade taught thorouijhly in short time, catalogue A particulars free. West ern Barbers Institute, Omaha, Neb. B &j6 MEN or women to sc.j goods to city -raJe. Good pay and steady employment. IHx enbaugh At Co., Ware block, Omurm. " U-MO; Maris MEN to learn barber trade. We can offer better Inducements now than any other eusou. It will nay you to prepare at once for spring rush, only eight weeks re quired. Our course consists of evervthlug required of a Mrst-cluss barber. Including CI r A '1 lltU-Ail tl.illltla. a.l aiin.lllll M-llflf 111 shons whll'l'earnlni.'nnd' earn from i 110 to 115 before graduating. Complete outfit of tools presented to each one. niunuy positions guaranteed grauusin Call or write for beautifully llluatrntod catalogue, giving nil particulars, mailed free. Moler Barber College. 1023 Farnam St., Omaha. B-MW9 MC WANTED nt once, a reliable and com petent piano tuner. Address A. Hr.npe, 1813 DmiL'lHN. Lr-2W-I WANTED, n man to Introduce cattle food and hog cholera remedies to the trade on commission, one who hn. had experience In selling vattle or alack food preferred. Address, with references. Cattle Food, KV Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Minn. B-M22C I WANTED, grocery specialty Salesman; give fully your experience, with refer ences, to Insure reply; good opportunity. Address J fil. Bee. U M3t5 3 WANTED, llrst-clnss blacksmith nt once, none but flrst-class plowman wnnted; good wages to right man and steady Job year round. F. II. ClHrk. Valley. Neb. B-M329 1 WANTED, good blacksmith at once; must be good on plow work. Address M. H Matthlesen, Superior. Neb. B M336 3 WA.VTKU-KEMALU HELP. WANTED 200 girls. 1524 Dodse. Tel. 875. C-fca7 13 girls wanted. Canadian office. 1522 Douglas C-SSS YOUNG lady to learn massage; permanent Bosltton for' right party. Apply 22-) Bes lldg. O 22 WANTED. Indies to learn halrdrcsslng. manicuring and facial massage; 4 weeks completes, positions guaranteed; great demand for our graduates for resort. 1 Ity and country towns. Call or write for particulars. Molers Ilalrdresslmr College, 1623 Farnsm, Omaha. C M931 Ml WANTED, cook and laundress at 656 South 2Sth street, good wuges. C 20S-2S' AN experienced Klrl for general housework, good wages. 222S Farnam St. C-219-1 WANTED. March I. girl for genernl house work; good wages. Call or address 44 .Barker Block. C-21B-1 WANTED, lady trimmer to take charge of millinery neprtmeni; uermau prerorrea; state wages wanted. L. M. Drew. Grand isianu. (.-.Mai 1 WANTED, cook. Mrs. A. L. Reed, 320 Far nam. C .M223 WANTED, girl for genernl housework. Mrs, Fred H. Blake. 1124 S. 30th av. C-M230 2 GIRL for general housework, small family. 20(13 Pierce. C-3TH-1 GIRL for general housework; good wages. 209 S. 3th St. C-OWM WANTED 10 tlnlshers on pants; also girls to sew on buttons. Apply to Byrne & Hammer D. G. Co., Factory 12th and Howard ats. t-3jl a COMPETENT girl. 2C0S Dewey Ave. C-302 3 WANTED, vounc 'ady to travel with comedy company; one that can play piano and sing; also gentleman with some ex perience on stage, .uuress look nox Fonda, Iowa. C 3)1 2S GOOD girl for general housework. 102t Pnrlc avenue, c mxb 3 FOIl IlliST HOUSliS. IF you want your houses well rented place .1- I . V. 7 n ....... n IV fn n fin Uirni Willi tCll" I V.W. 1"CJ ALWAYS moving H. II. sroods, Planns Office, 15UH Farnam St. Tel 1539 or BJ. 9 or fi D-S HOUSES for rent In all jparU of tho city. D-IS1 HOUSES, stores. Bcmls, I'axton block. U 5C2 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. HOUSES, etu F, D. Wead, 1521 Douglas D- HOUSES ond flats. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk B-65 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown nTk. D S54 NEW 7-room brick, strictly modern, east rrcm. zim ana at. nary a ave., jzi. liemls rcxton diock. D vTO BTURGES. MARTIN CO.. 517 N. Y. Life. D-931 F28 tlth. near Farnam: ten-room modern Ih.h.a complete In every respect; ten minutes' walk of center of city; reasonable rent. Omaha Loan & Trust Co., 16th and Doug. Ian Sts. u D 872 NINE-ROOM modern nousn. large grounds shade trees, barn, thoroughly desirable. Iii every way; rent. 840 to an Al tenant with veferenres. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th and -Douglas ats. D 820 ELEGANT 6-room apartment, Wlnonn, 2nd floor, west side, steam heat, strictly modern. Janitor and telephone service only 842.50. Apply at once, Payne-Knox Company, 1st Floor, N. Y. Llfo Bldg. D 200 NINE-ROOM residence for rent March 4. 2116 Humllton st.; 335 per month; posi tively the best equipped residence In Omaha. F. J. McArdle. 21 Arlington b'k.. 1511 Dodge at. Apply for printed partic ulars. D M235 1 THREE rooms, upper part of n two-story house, 85 per. month. 1405 South 16th St. Inquire Jos. Goldsmith, Murray Hotel. D 307 IS FOR RENT Modern 7-room house, Hans scorn Park. 825. 'Phono 553. D 3002 552 8. 26TH AVE., 0 rooms, modern, 825. 2237 N. 19th at., 9 rooms, barn, 825. 1S20 N. 27th st., 7 rooms, modern, J17. 1921 So. Cith st., 7 rooms. 820. 1932 S. 16th St.. S rooms. 814. 505 S. 33d St., 5 rooms. 812. GARVIN BROS,. 1613 FARNAM ST. D-M34I 3 FOR RENT, residence 1056 fieorgla ave., corner Pacltlo. 10 rooms, attic, basement, east front; modern and extra conveni ences, lot 66x140, with trees, Inquire .14 First Nat l Rank bids. D MS4J 7 GOOD six-room flst, city water In kitchen. 2319 N 24th st 810. Omahu Loan & Trust Co., 16th and Douglas. D-M340 S"ctures on nalr and skin diseases U4r i-u" iir-.a. uir, m.-. college U newly equipped with modern I a , hardware stor.) or cash Broivrj . on furniture of special design, and -very bUs iiesa Inquire ilW a. Ed st . jr facritV for siicceasful trnlnlnir. Sfidints S(M-o N. V Life I-MSIt FOR HENT-FIIINISIIED IKIOM9. STEAM heated rooms at The Thurston. E 73 DEWEY Kuropcan hotel. i2th and Fftrnam, E S74 HOt'SEKEEPING rooms, K up. 26ii rit Marys. E 11 DM Marl 80CTH front room, large, closet, modern conveniences 27 Douglas. E MJI5 J I ROOMS. 1006 Capitol avenue. K MSB 3 ait.MSIIKI) !U) O.MS A.NU IKIAIIU. QLENCAIRN, transients, Jt3 day, : 1609 Doug ' F 75 i LARGE front parlors with board: also smaller room; reasonable rates. The Rose, XV) Harney. F iVil The Mcrrlam, good winter home. 2S & Dodge F-S78 ONE large front room, one southeast room: excellent board; prices reasonnble J")7 So, 21th St. F-503 ! UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-577 FOR RENT, rooms newly furnished walk ing dlst&nco with txinnl. K iS, Bee. F-a.rj-s SINGLE room and board for a gentleman. 1IjO f'npltnl ave. F 171 Mar3 FOR REXT-LKUa.M"III3D UOO.MM. FOR housekeeping, also barn. 2C2I St. Mary's ave. G MI7j UNFt'RNISllED roomsTor light iioue keeping; newly papered and painted: steam heat. Wlthnell bldg., 15th and Har nev. G- Mm: FOIl IlEST STOIICM , OFFICB". FOR RENT Store, In flrst-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters ft Co., Ktound floor, Uee Bide t 2t6 FOR. RENT The building formerly occu- pled by The Bee at 1 l nrnam M. it has four stories and a basement which was formerly used as The I3e press room. This will be rented very rasonnbly. If interested apply at once to C. C Hose 7atcr, sccrutary, room 100. Bee Building. 1261 STORE room for ront; tlrst-clasa location for gents furnishing goods or sime ;tnre. 2721 Q St., 3. Omaha. I MISS 2 STOHACE. OM. Van Stor. Co., UUHFarn. Tels. I5-S63. S79 PACIFIC Storage and Warehouke Co., 912- 914 Jones, rcnerai storago and forwarding'. 878 w.v.vrnn to ncv. WANTED, second-hand one-horse delivery wncon in gooa repair. Address c. li. Lee. Bellevue. Snrpy Co., Neb. N M222 6 WANTED to oiiy a small pony must he perfectly gentle. oroKe to ride and worn single. Apply 1012 N 24th t. N-M221 2- FOR SALE FUll.TITUIlB. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 141A "Dodge. Tel. 2020. New & Zdhand furniture bought, sold, exchanged. O 830 KOIl SALE HOIISBS, VEHICLES, ETC, WHY experiment? Buggies. wagOns. etc. rep u ny 11. i- rosi win worn, inn a: lv. 1- 164 ENTIRE stock of carriages, buggies and wagons regardles of cost. Anderson-am-lard Co., Cor. 15th nnd Davenport. P-207-M25 KOIl SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HARD and aoft foundation piling; hojr itnccs ma criDmnc mi uougias. y az 2D HAND safe cheap., U1S Farnam. U w SAFES; buy, sell exe'ge. Schwartz, 111 S. 13. TIMOTHY hay and all SlnOs teed and coaL Monroe & Co. Q iS5 INCUBATORS. Send to the Sure Hatch Incubator Co., Clay Center, Neb., for a handsome free catalogue. Q 141 SEED SWEETS, Thco. Williams. Benson, :ncd. tjai zoi MZ' FI'RNISHED flat for Mlc, 6 rooms. M2 tf, ihtn wt. y 1 CUIHVOLIMS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. SIB North 16th. s-sss MME.GYLMER, genuine palmist. IKK Dodga S-&3 MABEL GRAY. 317H N. 15th St.. flat E. F MS31 Mur24 ZENO, clairvoyant and healer, 1915 Farnam, a l&s m-2 MRS. HENRY, test medium. 1707 Cass. H Ml'IU 2" ELECTnin TnBATMEJfT. ELITE parlors, 415 South 16th. second floor. T 404 M8 MM E. AMES, 1615 Howard. 2d floor, room 1. T 1S7 M-21 MABEL GRAY. 317H N. 15th St.. Flat El T ltS.11 Mar30 1'EllSONAL. PRIVATE home oefore and durlnr confine. ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget. 2S20 Burdette. U 890 FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim but- tons; man oraers. uraaim i-ieaiing Co., 1X24 Douglas. U-&91 SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent, nnin otwini, jaucnine, ju uouc las. Tel. 2334. U-S92 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during contlnement; babies adopted. 2306 Grant St. U 593 VIAVI Woman's way,, to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 34S Be Bldg. Ur-891 M. GOLDMAN & CO.-Only perfect ac cordeon pleating plant In the west. Mall orders solicited. Suite 200 Douglas Block, opposite Uaydcn'a. U 797 TURKISH baths, massage baths, etectrlo baths, for ladles only; skilled women massage operators; finest equipped baths In the city. Rcnstrom Bath Company, Rooms 216 to 220, Bee Bldg. U-X LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade costumer. WIS Farnam. U W DR. ROY, chiropodist: corns & superfluous hair removed by electricity. R. 12 Frenzer block. U-35 WK RENT sewlnc macnines for 75o per week: we repair and sell needles atid at tachments for any machine made. Neb. Cycle Co.. Cor 15ih & Harney. Phone lwa. ' U-M123 M2 A BOX of Re-No-May Powder Is not a luxury when It affords you n cure and secures tho comfort and happiness of your room-mate. U M212 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup. ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha. U-854 M19 ALTHA Dancing club at Germunla Hall Saturday evening. March 2nd. U-M945-M2 CHICKERING upright piano, 8168; In excel lent condition; ensh or easy payments, Hohmoller As Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. Telephone 1625. U-M97S M-2 RHEUMATISM, paralysis, goitre, female discuses, consjmptlon, s'amlular swell ings, obesity, stomach and kidney trouble, chronic diseases cured by Thyroid Lymph Remedies, Consultation and booklet free. Thyroid Lymph Co., 101 Beo Bldg., Omaha; 91-6-6 Burr block, Lincoln, Neb. U-1W-M-24 FRECKLES absolutely remove!; new and harmless proi-esan, loo for receipt. Iris Parlors, 2101 Douglas. U-M233 n COLLECTIONS, your local and western collections solicited, references furnished. J. T. Rockwell, Box 15. Council Blurts, l, C-M237 1 HUHUI2II STAMPS. BADGES, medals. Om. Pl't, Co., Bee Rldg. Tel. 2535. -337 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real t estate. Brennan-Love Co.. 309 South 13th. W-'9S LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western ! Iowa farms at i per cent; borrowers can i pay J1W) or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay Uronnan-Lovci Co., aw 8. Kth St.. Omaha. Neb. Yxn j WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds and warranty. R. O. Fcters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Ueo Illdg. W-9u3 MONEY to loan on farm and city property; i lowest rates. O. i. Davu Co., UkjO Farnam. ' W 8(4 MONEY to loan at S and V a,? ?.m3.5r pfr crnt on ! . W. U.Melklc. 101 S. ISth. I umana property, PRIVATE money to loan. J, II. Sherwood, 929 N Y. Life. W-903 FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block. tt block. w 9io PRIVATE money. F D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. S AND 5Vi lor cent loans. W. H. Thomas. First National Bank building. Tat. 1CIS. W WJ PRIVATE money. 5, S4, 6' pir cent; no de lay Garvin Bros., 16U Farnam. W a, CASH on hand. G. E. Turklngton. fiOG Uee. JIO.MIY TO I.OA-CHATTELS. S ALAR I LOANS. If you are employed by a responsible firm we will loan you sums from (10 to HVi on your note at much chcapei and easier rates than elsewhere. Of this wa are positive. Absolutely no charges papers. Not Mm; deducted from amount a-slred. Easiest partial payments. Reliable Credit Co., room 3X1. Paxtoa Block. X Hi MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible conctrn upon their names without security; easy payments. Tolman. HO Board Trade bldg. MONEY TODAY. Loans m:.o In amounts from 110 to tZM on household furniture. plan.w. horses, car riages, etc., without rismova.1. or on your S-A-L-A-R-Y without security. All or a part of the moncj may be paid back the nrst month or no part of it need be paid back for several months. Each payment mado reduces tho cost accordingly. Era ployera nnd neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business rotations. People who need money are invited to call and get my term md compare them with what others offer. Loans of other com panies may be transferred to me. No panies may be transferred to me. . charae tor papers. All business strictly , conndentlnL gulck servlco and lowest rates iruarantcml. J. w. T.vri.OE. 33 Paxton Blk., top floor, northeast coiner miii ami farnam. unirance on mtn su Tel. 715. X-9U S A L LOANS R v LOWEfST tA'."ra TV -ttv WR POSI TIVELY WILL NOT BE CNDERRATED. 11AIL.HOAD MEN RECEIVE SPEUUli nr, ATTENTION. . REBATE GIVEN IF LOAN IS PAID nn-nnr nup WHY GIVE A CHATTEL MORTGAGE WHEN YOU CAN' ART MONEY ON STRirfLVDMPLOY. , iSHS NEED NOT KNOW. ALL AND BE CONVINCED. American' r.nAV CO- ROOM 001. BEE BUILDING. ... WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE VS. it is eauy to- advertise lowest rates, us others do. but we feel positive that If you will make comparisons you will b con vinced that you can do better with us than elsewhere. We loan on furniture, .pianos, live stock, eta', or we will make you a SALARY LOAN . without lndorsnr or mortgage. Wo charge nothing for making the loan and you receive the full amount In cayh. ' You may pay Jt back; in "dne-, i . month or fako six mouths 6c , . more In which to repay It, , , and you need not pay lor 4 Jt me day longer than you keep It. Our terms are. tho euslest.. our business Is. .confidential and our motto is "try to please. OMA1LV MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1S92) 306 So. 16th St. X-M3I8 MONEY li aned on pianos, furniture, Jew- elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, , 213 a. u. x-sis MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cowb, Jewelry. Duff Green, R 3, Barker blk. X-"19 SALARY loans at reduced rates. Omaha credit Co., 526 New York Life uidg. X 320 BUSINESS CHANCES. (150 CASH or easy payments buys 23 strictly lawrui (nicKei) siot macnines ror Annus, cigars or cash; will earn (2 and upward weekly each. Earl Clark & Co., Furni ture Manufacturers, Chicago, 111. Y-920 FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and carrlago business In south central Ne braska. For further particulars address Box 603, West Liberty, la. Y-M731 FURNITURE of 7-room Hat, fine location, completely equipped, full best class room ers; extra opportunity to maKe money J. H. Johnson, 841 N. Y. Life. Y M155 FURNITURE of 12 rooms, elegantly and completely equipped, full of flrst-class roomers nnd bonrders; no better location in city. If you want a paying business investigate this immediately. J. it. jonn son. 841 N. Y. Life. Y M154 WILL talfe lonir lease on hnck stable If built, centrally located, and pay good rent. Address J 53, Bee. Y 3t DRUG STORE for sale, located In south eastern Nebraska; spot cash; Invoice 82.000 to 83.010. Address IC 21. Bee. T-M193 C FOR EXCHANGE. A FINE 885.00 Imported maglo lantern, as good as new, only used a short time; suit ablo for lectures, churches or lodge enter tainments; a bargain. Address F 63. Bee office. Z-179 WILL trade stoves and furniture for norse. SOI N. 16th st. Z M7S2 Ma-16 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SNAP 85.700 fine business lot 2 blocks south depot, 10th 3t. Inquire 1411 Vinton. , RE-39-M18 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; alto rlro Insurance. Bemls, Paxton Blk, RE 923 CILVS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. P.E-923 BTURGES. MARTIN CO., 517 N. Y. Life. nE 9S1 cZi RANCH AND FARM lands for sale bv the Union Pacific Railroad company. D. a. McAllastcr land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 921 CHEAPEST lot In city -.f Omaha; 627-fooi eust front In Nelson's addition. M. J. Kennard & Son, 310 Brown block. RE 924 FOR SALE On easy terms, 70-acre farm under high state of cultivation, adjoin lnc town of Sheltnn. N'ch. For full nir. tlculars address Loci; Dox 23. Shelton, Neb. No trades. RE-S37 28 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE-925 FARM LANDS. Write Spotswood & Watch, Moscow, Idaho, for list of farm lands In the famous Pa louse country RE M196 4 FOR SALE, 440 acres 1S miles from Mos cow, Idaho; all under cultivation, J-ncres bearing orchurd, good buildings, well wa tered. 225 acres In tame grass; one of the best farms In the Palouse country; price, 840 per acre Address Spntswood & Veatch, Moscow. Idaho. RE M197 4 FOR SALE. 5S0 acres, all under. cultivation, 14 ncres orchard, 2u0. acres meadow and tame pasture grass, good 7-room house, largo barn, living springs on every so acre tract, 4 miles from railroad. If de sired will sell with farm 100 head cattle, 15 h -ad' horses, harness and fnrm ma chinery. Address Spotswood & Veatch, Moscow, Idaho. RE M19S 4 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best, quick, eut Mrs. a. C. Mark, a. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. n I WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. 1 V1RTUAMA rures ImpotenV resulting Ouatem" rnV by raU to New Orleans and Dcolmtions of Cuban Ooratitutional Cou- c"" "titled la charge thn or I Oeorire & Company. 1001 Farnam aire.t. from Indiscretions or debllltv. elves vt. ti,.... hi. ..(.... . . . the service of stale papers and j so c a W-903 tallty, vigor, restorlnic desires, Ambitions. I dalty at !. p. m. (connecting ek lure . . Tentton iTwenteU tfie UOTrraor. ii.OCO and upward to loan on Improved city ! "Sees! '.""happlns'ln nuslnesl: "pWe" ' o'u'aa.a'nd Tudays1or0Coataen,cS?. A J"""1 J ' th. South Omaha proi-rty and forms. W. Farnam Smith is , alonal. social, married life;: 82. or 2 for 85. ..iwirVd cWs it n m JrS Trt nr T.ri .,rr, nrrnr , rn contingent to twine the bill down to Janu. fro.: 1E0 Fornam. W-aro Hem anvwhere nrenald on retelnt of "PSirea mall c.oscs in S p. m. prewuus Tq TRANSLATED BEFORE MA LED i i - . MEDICAL. LADIES cut of health find prompt relief, Box 232. Omaha, Neb. Coniidentlal 927 nrlce. Thn Klilil Drue Co.. EIkIr. 111. American Orflcf. retail, wholesale, Myers- i Sallffl SrmDlr cSi ( i,Bl1- f"- Hnwal 7..,,an China .ml Pl.ll.p Stuff.. KuaH unJ r?jbbeooda t0UnC11 P'f 1 ands v.a'Sal. f here , dnlly at SM p. m. up to March 2d, Inclu- I'ATK.NTS. IN". ENTORf OOT AN IDEA Wo handle nlvn u the tars Idea and wa will 'a the rest, modern equipped machine sh ip :(iid foundry In connection; Olllclal Gazette on patents, copyrlgnts anil trftti marks, ynu Hie; guide book free. Mason. Fenwlck A Lawrence, patent lawyers. Hi6 How.ird at : Tel. 1415. Omaha. J. P. Cronln. repr. . 1 i INVENTORS, we asl: no 'ee until the ! patent la procured; u we tan. wo Ret no fee: advice free. Suet & Co.. Patent Law- , yers. Be Hldg.. Omaha, Neb. Long ills- tance telephone ICS. , 1NCUI1VTOHM t MIIOOUFHS i.cuuArona imi iiimuubus. INCUBATORS and brooders; catalogue free. Write Hurr Incubator to, B 1, Omaha. Neb. Factory ot 23th & Davenport -1IL. 1 SIIOIITIIAM) AM) TYI'UWIUTIM;. A t. VAN SANT'H Sohosl, 717 N. Y. Llf. P23 BOYLEfi' College, court reporter, principal. Bee Bldg. -920 NED. Business & Shorthand college, Boyrt'j Theater. Oil GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug. 922 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1C64; Allco Johnson. D. O., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. 933 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school. Klrksvllle, Mo CO I Paxton Blk. Tel. 1397. -331 WALL l' OLIiA.Vlilt. C. .MIDDLBMI8T.' experienced cleaner; phone 125S; Icayc orders with Lewis Hen derson, tlorlst, 1519 Farnam street. 162-MarS EXl'UUT ACCOUTA.T. . ,,.,. . K1,, , ... . LS$0.S In bookkoeplnB. etc., day or vQer,Jn,?l 1S' -om- at Bank- "i,1- -734 IIELCIA.V HARES. FOR SALE. 25 fine Belgian hares, out of lm. ported stock, prize winners, at reasonable itgurcs; have a few at SI each. Come early and have your pick. Inquire upstairs. 1443 South 16th st., one block south of William st. -10s M2 IHHDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1003 Leavenvorth. 92S I'AWMUItOKEHS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat Inc: all busljess coniidentlal. 1301 Douglas. 936 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St 910 NICKEL PL.vnSft. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bide Tel. 2523. -935 TICKET Hit OK ER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. H. Phll- bln. 1505 Farnart. Telejmone 7S4. Ml LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam. Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, tc. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. u!7. 943 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rouge Bldg. -033 CARPENTERS AND JOIIUBRS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly nttendm to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2flth and Lake Sts. 370 UtCYCLES. WHY not get your wheel enameled be fore the rush? Tel. 814 and we will call for your wheel. 1622 Capitol Ave. G35 .ILNIC. B. & M. Junk house, J. Milder, Prop., dealer In all. metnls. bottles, etc. Carloads a specialty W1-S03 Farnam, Omaha. Tel. 237S MT37 LOST. LADIES' gold watch, diamond, pearl and ruby set In back case. Return to 2509 D street, receive reward. Lost M2I7 1 I'OSTOFFICU NOTICE. Should be read DAILY by nil Interostid, as changes may occur at any time. Foreign mulls for the week endfng March 2. 1901. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the General Postofflce .is fot lows: PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE IirtlTTY aaHlnr t li !1 rt nlftminwr .,. ,1. below Parcels Post Malls" for Germany close at 5 p. in. on February 25. per s. s. Luhn. via Bremen, and Murch 1. per s. s. Cnlumbln. via Hamburg-. Regular and Supplementary Malls close at Foreign Branch, half hour later than clos- lng time shown below. Truna-At lltilllc .lnlla. SATURDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, Ser s. s, Columbia, vtn Plymouth, Cher ourg and Hamburg (mull for Ireland must be d. rected "per s. s. Columbia"), at 7:t a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. h. Rotterdam (mall must be directed "per-", h. Rotterdam"); ut 10 a. m for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Ethiopia (mall mtrst be directed "per h. g. Ethi opia"!, nt 11 a. m. for ITALY; per s. a. Trove, via Naples (mull must be directed "per s. s. Trave"). at 10:30 a. m. (supple mentary 12 m.j for EUROPE, per s. s. Etrurla, via Queenstown. PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Papers nm! Samnlos for Oermunv onlv. T Th,. ?ame class of mall matter, for other dm is of Europe wi noi " t oy this ship, uuicaa si""( .. After the closing of the- Supplementary I Fremont Local o 7:30 am Trans-Atlantic Malls nnmcd above, ad- I a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, o Sun dltlonal supplementary malls are opened I day only d Dally except Saturday, e on thu piers of tho. American, EnclUh, . Dally except Monna. Frencn anu unman inmer. anu re main open until within Ten Minutes of thn hour of aalllnt; of ateumcr. Mnlla for South mnl Ccntrnl America, Wrat Indira, Kit-. FRIDAY At "11 n, m, for NASSAU, per stenmer from Miami, Fla. SATURDAY At 9 a, m. for POnTQ RICO, per s. h, San Juan, via Sap Juan; at 9 a m. (supplementary ,.j u m.i tor (. I'M A C VO iarthagcanuTb'e "s' Illdur"); nt 9:30 n m. (supplementary 10 s, Carth Hllilnr a. m) for sr. 'inu.MAa, st, CROIX, LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, and DEMERARA. per s; s. Fontabelle, at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mnrro Catjtle, via Havana, at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per a. s. Prlns Maurlts (mall for Curacao. Venezuela, Trinidad, British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. a. Prins ffiurffHl ut 10 :i. m. fnr PObtitmp ISLAND, JAMAICA. SA VANILLA, CARTH AG EN A und GREYTOWN. per s .a . . i ii tii T u Aipnp (m.iii lur i usui mca mum rw n . rected "ner . , Alcne 'i. UallK foi Newfoundland, bv rail tr. Vnrth Sydney and thence by steamer, close at this office dally ut 6:30 p. m. (connecting close here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). . Malls for Mlquelon, by rail tj lioston una tnence uy steamr, ciosu at this office dally at 6.30p. in. Malls for I Cuba, uy rail to l'o.-t larapa, Fla,, and thence by steamer, .lose at this offico aally. except Monday at 6 a. m, (the ..innafitlno lnu.i. nm nn Uttmlffl.. U'ulnu. 7.'..';.:; :r..r," 7r"V."'J . ii i "S, 1 ..Z ,ur v r"a' ra" to Miami, F'..i and Ihsnce by steamer, c-loso at this offilce vi.- Monday and Frt - day at "11 p. m. Uuiis tor Mexico City, postoffii n noticu. overland, unless niteriailv addressed for dispatch r-y steemer. close at tnis office j riAili' ... I an n 1 M t..llia tn. U....J h. . t ,v i. ill. itllll 14 y. Ill , ... w. BlVt for dlaruiti'h m,r u. a lntillc. Malta for Australia (except We"t Australia, which In forwarded via ICJropc), New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via 8n Francisco, rloie hero dal'v at 8:3W P- aiier tcoruary "Sin ana 'ip to Jiarcn -u. inclusne. or on arrlva. of . . Luranla. i due at New York March 2d. for dispatch ter S. S. Hll.rrrt . Malls for Austrnlla (except West Australia, whl.h goes via Europe, and New Zmtandj i which goes via San rrnnclscx. anrt FIJI i isianus. via vau-i-ver, close here iiuiiy ni . 6:W p. m. .:- -larch Jd, Inclusive, for dispatch er x. s. Warrtmoo (supplement- i ary maPs. via Seattle. .mfe at (i;J0 p. m. March "sd; mall must be directed "per -. s Warrlmoo"; '""'" K' ffi MPre flay nt 6:3lj p In to March i "10. Inclusive, for dispatch pr s. . Amur- , lea ilaru. M i , itn,.i, ... m,,,.!.. dosV hero dally at b p, i, up to March , , ."11 for .'.ispatch per a. s. Mariposa. Malls for Chln.i ami Jnnnn. via Vancouver, UOJ . I - . . 1 ' mmu UvH I Ul tM UWIIl' UUIUILm - Oloj.' here dnlly at rt:3 p. m IP to 00309933330000)03000003000 must be directed "via Vancouver '. , Men s Re mbliian club met nt the . ity caun Mulls for Australia (except Wost Australia. t CMUl. . t.r ,gnt for lhl. nurposo cf re- land. FIJI. Samoa nnd Hawaii, via Snn Francisco, close here dnlly at 6.30 p. m. after March "3 and up tu March 53. In clusive, or nn arrival of s. s. Etrurla, due at New York March 28, for dispatch per . s. Sonoma. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of suiting dally and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their un intctrupied overland transit. "Registered mall closes at 6 p, m. previous day CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postotllce, New York. N. V . March 21. 191. GOVERNMENT NUTICE. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, Omaha. Neb., Feb. 2S. 1901. Scaled pro posal, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until J o cluck n. m.. central time. March 30. 1901, for the construction of n brick hos pital or 12 peds nt Fort Robinson. Neb., also for heating, plumbing and gas-piping same. Full Information furnished upon ap- pllcaton to this office, or to tho quarter master. Furt Robinson. Neb., where iilans nnd specifications may be si-en. Proposals to De marKeq "t-roposais ror Hospital nr rort ittiiunson, noil. anil undressed to the undersigned. F II. HATHAWAY. C. Q. M. M1-2-3-4-3-27-2SM LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held at the office of said company In Lincoln. Neb., at 11 o'clock a. m on the 6th day of March, A. D. 1901. By order of tho Board of Directors. Lincoln, Neb.. February 4. inoi. C. H. MORRILL. President A. B. MINOR, Secretary. FSd30t PORTO Popular Tours RICO March 2. Illus trated program; 24 dsys, all i-xpen&es, S19S. Raymond A Whltcomb, 103 Adams St..Chlcjno RAILWAY TIME TAI1LE. UNION PAC1FIC-"T1IE OVER. Ian1 uuto" General Offices. N E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office. 1224 Unrnem street. Telenhnn n. fjt Depot. Tenth and Marcy'sts. . -reiennone. LeavsL Arrive. The Overland Limited. .a 8:20 dm a 7:30 pn The Chicago Portland apecla! a o nm a 7:30 pro The Fast Mall a. :50 am a 3:25 pro The Mall and Express. .all:25 pra a 4:2$ pm Lincoln. Beatrice and Stromsburg Express, ,b 4:05 pm bl2:I0 pm The Pacific Express... .a 4:3 pm The Atlantic Express... a it:50 am Grand Island Lucai....b 5:30 pm b 9:25 a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL--.I General Offices and Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone, 104. Depot. Union Station. Leave. Arrive. qt T nnia ami Kansas City Express 0:00 am a 6:25 pm K. C.. St. L. Express.... alt:S0 pm a : am Leave from 15' n and Webster Streets: Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:4i am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA A ST LOUIS RAIL road -Omaha, Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of. rice. 1415 Farnam St. Tele 3hono. 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone, Leave. Arrive. 6t. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5:15 a :;o n Kansas City and Quincy Local a 'M am a 9:00pm a Dolly. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway, "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office, 1401 Furnam St. Telephone, C61. Depot, Tenth ami Marcy Sts. Telaphone 5A Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am all:30 pnt Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a 8:40 am eastern express, ues ' Moines, llarshalltown. Ut,? Rapids und ' vTirfr,0 HVVpYT'"chl I JAL ClU .al0:56 am a 4:05 pa ,a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pa c2F -.?.? AlfiV ' I nmafm '-"--- Omaha a 2:45 om Omaha-Chicago L't'd, . a 7 15 pm a s:uo am Fast Mall .. - a 8:3) aa Ceoar Rapids rassencer a 6:30 pra a Dnilv. FREMONT. ELKHORN Missouri Valley Railroad - "The Northwestern Line" General Offices. United States National Bank Bldg.. S. W Comer Twlflli iin.1 lnfmam -4 f Ticket ytttce. 1401 Farnam St. Tel. 56L De pot, lath and Webster Sts. TeU 145s. Leave. Arrive. uiacK Mills. Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and i Douglas d 3? . Hasi.nTs Tor City. Superior i vZL'.' ZTZZ." Jl. 3 .-00 pm o 5:00 pm David Gentrva, I 1-., . .. " , . ..M I JkV -25TSlrul-i" i'w pra u 'w l"" Fremont ,n 7:20 am blG:25 am , Lincoln, wanoo and Fremont SIOUX CITY fc PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General Offlcei. United States Kntlnnal Rank Rlilldlnc. 8. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam St, Telephone 56L De- pot,- Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone 62. Lenve Arrive. -:55 am alO:2S nm I .ft M 3:W pm . : CHICAGO. T P A TTT . Minneapolis Se Omaha Hallway "The North western Line" General Offices, Nebraska Dlv. slon, 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Office, 1(01 Farnam St Telepnone, iai. Depot, I und Webster Sta. I;,a,ve' Ai'e' I Twin City Pase5er...a fi;00 am a 9;10 pm ! 1 a W a. Y m -.m cry . a- II 1 1 111 U Try i witiatia Klouk City & North- I east i:craua ! Dolly. a 2:43 om i (f I 'I KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- aeph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burlln. ton Route" Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam Street. Tele- phone. 250. Depot. Tenth and Mason alm-ts. Tele- pnone. 128 . Leaie, Arrive. i nanus city uay ki, .a si nm a :r pm Kansoa city ,n ght x..ain;30 pm a 6:15 am ' at. Louis Flyer for .t 1 Joseph und St, Louis.. a 5.10 am all-15 am a Dally, '"" 8-iu 'ra ra aw!TffTa Ha Ji1 HIIHIIIIUIUI8I GIVEN TO GENERAL WOOD When I'm Into linullali tin1 Diiimiiiich t Will lit liiinifdliilrl)' I'orwnrilcd In Wiialiliiuloii for Of Ilclitl L'aca, HAVA.Vx tfnh n -nr Cimi fen. .s. anor capote, presi- dent of the Cuban constitutional eonveu- tlotl. at 1 o'elnrU Ihla nftarnnnti htinitMl t.i (j0Vernor Genural Wood the dwlamtlons of ,"t " ' ,. W i. ,.:?, , tne convention on the proposed relation utiween wuoa and the United States, as aJor.ted yesterday nfternn.m. The nre.nia. - : tlon was Informal and no remarks er made. (Jeuernl Wood has notllletl the nil- thorltlea at Washington that the dcclau- " mailed to Washington. OWWMCeWMMaaM 2 , M 2 OOUtll Ollialia nCWS organling. Tho fait that officers wcro to be elected for the ensuing year called out many :nenbers who are usually frequenters of the club meetings. The election was by ballot nnd the results showed that Henry C. Murphy was chosen president. John Troutan vice president, and P. Hughes sec rotary and treasurer. President Murphy Is the city proaecutor and Is one of the loading republican lights hore. Ho Is enthusiastic In his work and I will. It Is claimed. 'make a flrst-class prcsl- dent for tho club John (?. Troutan. the vice president, oc cupies a responsible position with the gov ernment at the postolllre here nnd his selec tion an an officer. It Is asserted. Is a good one. P. Hughes, the secretary nnd treas urer of the club, folds a position of trust at the Hnmmond plant and Is really too p known In local politics to need any Intro duction. It Is the Intention of tho new officers of the club to commence nt once to recruit the membership and endenvor to have at least 300 of the young men 'of the city Inter ested lu republicanism before election time comes. Before adjournment these resolutions, written by Hon. David Anderson, were unan imously adopted: "Whereas. The republican party and all Interested citizens of Nebraskn arc heartily tired of the senatorial deadlock and politi cal fiasco that has been pursued nt Lincoln since January S. which has proven futile and barren of good results: therefore, be It "Resolved, By republican cltlzeus of South Omaha, that wo hereby enter our most earnest and solemn protest against a pro longation of tho unnecessary struggle and ask and demand of the republican members of the legislature to lay aside and abandon their personal preferences and that they get together without further delay and elect two able republicans," In discussing the matter It was decided to send a copy of the resolutions to the presi dent of the senate and to the speaker of tho bouse of representatives. I'm 11 1 .Miirrny A rru luiicil. Paul Murray was charged yesterday with obtaining money under false pretenses by selling tickets to a fake fistic combat. It Is stated by the press agent of tho Red Light theator. where the fight was billed to come off. that Murray dlspored of about 100 tick ets. Tho Markeson Bros, are prosecuting the case. Murray has secured a continuance for twenty days. Feedlnir Primmer' llllla. A committee of the city council, composed of Adklns, Johnston and Martin, waited upon the county commissioners yesterday after noon for the purpose of checking over the bills of the county against the city for tho detention and feeding of prisoners. Tho bill now rendered amounts to 89. 000 and tho matter was thoroughly dis cussed. An objection was made by the RAILWAY TIME TAHLES. IsBBBBBBBBBSBaaaaa UITRLINGTON & frq. sourt River Railroad "The Burlington Route" General Offices, North, weat Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office U02 Farnam Street. TsUplumer25b. Uurllngton Station. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. 128. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and McCook a 8:19 am a 7:35 pm Lincoln, Denver. Colo rado, Utah. Callfornia.n 4-.2o pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln & Black Hills.. a 9:00 pra a 6:45 am Montana ruget Sjund.,a 9:00 pm u 6:45 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm a 9:17 am Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 3:40 am b 11:55am Denver Colorado, Utah ana California a 6.15 am South Beid. ' oulavllle, b 3:35 om bll:03 am Ft. OrooK, Piatiamouth and Pacific Junction.. a 7:00 pm a 8:20 am Bellevue. FJattsmouth and Pacific Junction. ,al2:10 am a Dally, b Dally excent Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Routo" Ticket Office 1E02 Farnam Street. Telephone, 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason streets. Telephone, 128. Lav. Arrive. Daylight Chicago ace- cla. a 7.-00 nm al0:!5 pm ' Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 7:46 am , Chlcaco Local Einress.a 9:30 am a :03 nm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a ?:45 am Fast Mall a 2:45 pa a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of fice, 1402 Farnam Street. Telephone, 245. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. . rhirSTTRrnreas .. ...a 7:00 am all:2S pm .a 7:45 pm a ;ui atn ChlCAcn Limited Miuntupolis and Paul Express ... Minneapolis and .. .b 7:00 am b9!10pm 11, raui Limited ...a 7:45 nm al:o:,n Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm a S:16 aa Fort Dodge Local 'cm Council Bluffs a 6 00 am aUaJly. b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE fCBC Cl SI Paul Railway City Ticket Office, 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone, 284. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Stieeta. Telephone, 63 IMILWAUKL Lave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex.. ..a 6:W nm a 8:os ' Chicago & Omaha Ei..b 7:15 am bsiun. a Dolly, b Dal!" xcept Sunday. . t w n . a n t. . - Sc--.-w-i """""" '""AD- Ticket Office. 1415 Farnam A . pot. Tenth and Marcy uts. Telephone, 629. i-cave. Arrive. 1 St. Louis "Cannon Rail' Express ..a 5:15 pm o 8UB am a uaiiy. wUlCAGO. ROCK ISL- nil A P.mln rir,M.n..t 'The Great Rock Isl and Route" City Ticket Office. 1223 Far. nam Street. Telephone, 428. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Tele 'phone, Leave. Arrive. EAHT. I Des Moines and La vn- port Local . . ,n.7,23 r-hif-iirn Krnrm ,.bll!l5 ara a"'0am! uca Uolnes Local. ,.e f"? pm . 4:45 pm , Chicago Fast Express. .a f0 pra a 1:25 pm Des Moines. Rock It and nd Chicago a 7:40 pin a 9:35 pra WEST. Lincoln. ColcraCo apes, Denver. Pueoli und West , a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado,. Oklahoma St Texas Flyer o 5:20 pm a 9:50 ara a Dally it Dally except Sunday. JBBl South Omaha council men to the clt jm- ins for Mule ruse, and the cuinuilssiciiars agreed that the deduction ws nllewshle. Further, the commissioners agreed that t tlon will he given and an opportunity will be given tho local authorities to cheek over the Items. When the checking is done and compari sons with the police docket made another meeting will be held. Cramer Here. Major C. K Cramer, tine of the mini lug arehltetts of the Treasury department, wns In thn city yesterday for a few hours. The major superintended the construction of the postofilee building here. His purpose In visiting the postofflce was to arrange for some repslrs nnd alterations. Since leav ing hero Major Cramer superintended the construction of tho postofllcq building at Canton. O.. and later on made sonic alter ations to tho Marine hospital In Cleveland. He is now enrouto to the Pacific coast, where he will .Inspect some of the work now being done on public buildings. I'nll.-c (lllli-i-ra l)lKiirl-d. 1 Some of tho utricers on the police force am 1 ilUgustc I a. the action of Special Officer olfe !n allowing prisoners to escape. On Wednesday Wolfe went to the rock pile with three prisoners, two with ball and chain on, while the other was not Ironed. While tho officer was taking 11 llttlo sleep for hlmecIC the prisoners In Irons loosened their chains nnd escaped, while the onn who was frco to go If ho so desired remained aud woke Wolff up when It was supper time. Chief Mitchell Is figuring on furnishing Wolfo with an as sistant. iHIiik Ni'tv lnnrlera. Offlrcrs-of the Young Men's Christian as loclatton. Including Secretary Willis of th Omaha association, were looking over tho second story of the city hall building yester day 'Uth n view to renting It for the uses of 'he association here. Tho old Sloano building adjoining the city hall on the south Is also being considered. Tho present quar ters of tho association on N street are not large enough and more- room roust be found. It Is expected that a decision will be arrived at within a few days. n- Not Worried. Officers of the strcit car company am not worried over the ordinance recently Introduced In the council ordering tracks laid In the eastern part of the city, ns onn year la allowed in which to complete thn work. It Is understood that the motor peo ple propose to extend the Thirteenth street line to South Omaha Just ns soon us con ditions will warrant the expenditure. Morn than likely the work will bo lono thin, summer, but the ordinance now before tho council MII not hnsten matters In the least. I.illiur 'I'eiiiplr- II.-ik-MI. The committee In chargo of the Labor temple benefit ball, to be given nt the Ex change building on April S, Is still hard at work and tickets are being sold every day. Coopers' union No. 10 has taken fifty tickets and many of the other unions will be doing the same thing before tho date for the Imi 11 arrives. OutBlde unions nrc coming to tho support of the proposition and it Is expected that quite a sum will be realized from thli source. r 4 outlier lloml Inquiry. W. J. Hayes & Sons, municipal bond buy ers of Cleveland. O.. have written to Clerk Shrlgley. asking for histories of tho sewer' tondH In districts Nos. 10S. 109 and 110. Mr. Shrlgley Immediately sent the histories by express and hopes to rocelvn a favor able report on the same. On Saturday and Monday the council will sit ns a hoard of equalization to listen tn complaints on thn assessment to be levied for the construc tion of these sewers. Manic City (ioaaln. Citizens say that either M or N streets should be opened to the river without fur ther delay. A mooting of the executive committor- of the republican city ccntrnl commlttco will be held this evening. Policemen nro looking for nil easy trtnn todny. for ns a genernl thins thero Is noth ing doing on Fridays. A meeting of the Ladles' imxillarv of Washakie trlbo No. 39 will be held at Mnsonlc hnll .March C. Frank BPtts Is back on the chain ganff again and Chief Mitchell will see to It that he does not make another escape. Frank Wythe, formerly with Smith .fe Huntings, has gone to Waterloo, Iu in ac cept a position with a commission firm. Editor Tanner of the Tribune says: "Tho daya are gctttni; longer nnd It Is hoped that the electric light company will get onto tho fact. ' Mnnrtav nlth' nr" " ir"S t Side Improvement cljb will hold ,t meeting1 at Mnccabee hall. Thirty-eighth and Q streets. This evening Missionary Mathews will de liver his lecture on "Tho Wonders ot Congoland" at tho Presbyterian church In Bellevue. "My heart wns nadir affected by nn at tack of grip and I suffered intense agony until I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It made me a well man." S, D. Holman, Irasbure, Vt. FIRE IN JEWELRY FACTORY .Incoli L. .llicolianu'a Loan la 1011(1 nnd Nrlirnakn dinner Will llnve to Reprint. Fire, originating under a stalrwny In tho rear of Jacob L. Jacobson's Jewelry manu facturing establishment on the second floor of the Arlington block at 1511-13-15 Dodgn causKl- a "amago ot i.uuu mursaay nnht. The cause Is unknown. When thn tiro was discovered it had gained considera ble headway, but the department confined tho fire to tho Jewelry shop and tho daraago to tho building will not exceed 8100. Tools, machinery and fixtures of the Jewelry es tablishment wero damaged 8900. James Morton fe Sons Co., hardwaro dealers, who occupied the storo at 1511 Dodge street, sus tained a small damugo by water to shelf hardwaro on the ground floor and heavy hardware In the basement. All wero fully Insured. Mail sacks containing this week's edition of tho Nebraska Furmer, stored on tho first floor, were water-soaked, and this may necessltatn tho reprinting or at least a portion of tho edition. Tho building Is owned by John A. Creigbton and Is In sured for 818,000. NOT OUR FIRST TIME HERE Tliroaophlst from Toronto, Ciiuniln, Tells Why Wc Don'i llr mii-iiiIict Our Eni'llrr Advents. F. E, Titus, a theosophlcal lecturer from Toronto, Canada, lectured Thursday night, In a room of the Shecley block under tho auspices of the Omaha branch of the Theo sophlcal society. Ills subject being, "Hnvo Wo Ever Lived on Earth Before?" a ques tion which he answered in the afflrmativo. The room watr well filled and tho audience was appreciative, I "Why do we recall no details of our ex istence In former times?" tho speaker asked. "Because In the present physical existence many details of everyday life ara forgotten and we recall only a small pro portion of the numberless incidents that have occurred. In thu development ot the memory fnr physical details the memory I for thn. higher consciousness and Its d am bll:2.. am I tulU has bceu entirely overlooked." If" will on.Tilr n In thin ,.v.,nln,. nt lh -nmo ninn .k i,i0,.. t u'i.i... Telegraphy and Thought Transference Admission Is free and the elevator will rm. "Grip robbed mo of my sleep and I was nearly rrazy with neuralgia and headache. Dr Mllrs Pain Pills and Nervine cured mc. 'Mrs. Pearl )?utb, Holland, Mich.