10 THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: FRIDAY, MAKOH 1, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL BttrogTenlon on Bmall Sctlt Mirki Course of Grain and Hog Markets. BUSINESS IN CORN FAIRLY LIBERAL Oat Market 1'lmln Itn Mrftlven In Aetlnnn of Other Ornlim Provis ions linn Mostly in I.nrtl, Which Wim Hnlil Freely, CHICAOO, Fob. 2S.-A retrogressive movement on n small Bcale marked the course of Out grain nntl linn product mnr- kets today. Provisions lit the closo showed no recovery being from 60 to J2',4u under yesterday n final figures, hut tho grain market received better support on tho dip, corn closing He blither, ontfl unchanKcu and wheat tho ooslesl of tho Krulns. May wheat having opened unchnunrd to shado lower nt "Otto to MJ'6c, declined during tho first hour to "Mkc under tnodcrnto sales by commission houses and Kenornlly bear Ifh pit traders. Outside Interests wero practically nut of the market and tlm trade rollowlntr tlin opening wan contlned to local hands, There were llttlo spurts of activity, but theso wero spnrsely scntleretl itlmiK l.o tween in ore conspicuous periods of Htngru tlon. The first flip came In the face of steady cames and moderate receipts. Tnu persls tency of tho demand from thlH (tiarter nnnny nan inn crrcct or inarming NiinrtH and n uliarp rally to "Cic took place. The liberality of seaboard eletirniit'eM anil tlm moderation of primary receipts, togxthcr wim reports 01 1110 appearance or ny in central Illinois, also combined to mako the bear contingent Home what uneasy, but their pessimism wits too deep to attach much Importance to anything advancpd by the bills as cousetiuintliil and despite- tha enoris 01 1110 agenis or me elevator concern to sustain tlin market tho market was nammereil DneK to trijfce, nt which It closed. Ur under yesterday. Importers reporti d " . loads taken for oxnort. Heithoiirrl I'lonr. antes In wheat and Hour nggregated Po.OOO dusiicis. wiiim primary receipts rru"lt"il a total of tOl.tvn) bushels, compared with &"(!, t oiisneiH inst year. .MlnitottpnllH ami Duhith reported 2X2 cars, against 311 last week and 630 11 year ago. Local receipts wrrij f i:ar, 1 01 contract granc. Iltislness In tho com pit was 011 a fairly liberal scale, with a full attendance or tho tegular specialists and a considerable con tingent from tlm wheat and the provision tilts. Tho market eased off early under neavy pressure) rrom tho liear leaders and selling liv the crowd. In Nvnnmtliv with 1I10 decline In wheat. Tho persistent buying of uiiinncr operator, nowever, and trie rally In wheat caused covering by shorts Iiut nntl tho closo was llrm. May sold between -lie and V)Vt1N(ftr, and c!osed hlghsr at 407(.c. Receipts wero 335 car. 8 of contra"t grade. Transactions In tho oats (market wero fairly largo and tho market, as usual, found Its motives In the actions of other Krulns. Heavy selling for the long account marked the early market and equally lib eral buying tho latter iiart, May sold be tween 2aby2!i,c and 2i,t: and closed un changed at 25ttc. Ilecelpts were 1!5 cars. In provisions tho activity was chlelly In lard. 'which was sold on a liberal scalo by a .Milwaukee packing concern. Pork was n'so for salo from tho samo source anil as the market received only scattered support prices declined and tho close was rather heavy. .May pork sold between U.12, end Jl4.03tt and closed 1214c lower nt lU.'fJii; May lard between $7.60 and J7.I2'j7.4j. clos ing iltfflOo down at J7.42i4y7.l5. and May ribs between J7.07V4 and Ji.oui7.02!i, -villi the closo 6c depressed at 7,(2tt, Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, r," cars; com, 310 cars; oats, 230 cars; hogs, 18, ono head. Tiie. leading futures ranged as follows: Ar tlcles. Opcn.l Illgli. Low. Close.l Yes'y. Wheat Feb. Mar. May Corn Feb. Mnr. Mny May I'ork- Mar. May Lard Mar. May '.Inly Mar. May Sept. 71tt 74j; 74 74i: 743 74a; 74 H 74 7uJ 7411 76W'tt "6tt 7575-ifr76 7tt .W. 35 as", SOU SSTi r.sTi m 3911 331! 10Ml4i 41 I0!'4Q, 40?J 4li 24W 24W 25iiyW23!f 25?i 25( 25 13 8j 13 R5 13 !5 14 05 14 12& 14 02V4 14 0214 H 15 7 42H 7 371J 7 37 7 43 7 (V) 7 60 7 42 7 4."i 7 62U. "K 7 67 7 50 7 50 7 57tt C Sift 7 05 7 07H 7 07!4 7 00 7 02H 7 10 7 20 7 20 7 15 7 15 7 22',4 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows; FI.OUK Dull nnd steady; winter patents. 3.fS0f3.S0: straights. $3.20fl3.f0; clears, 2.00rr 3.30; spring speclnls. $t.20fT4.30: patents, J3.W ?3.70; straights, 3.00Tf3.30; bakers, 2.20O2.nn XVIIUAT-No. 3 spring, 70ff72o; No. 2 red, 4',e. -COnN-No. 2, 39Vic; No. 2 yellow, S9e. OATH No. 2, 25',425;C; No. 2 white 27?iB 28o; No. 3 white. 27Q2SC. ItYK-No. 2, R2(if53c. HAHIiBV Oood feeding, 46c; fair to choice malting, 62(580. SKKDS-No, 1 (lax, $1.61; No. 1 northwest ern, $1,63; prime timothy, $1.10; clover, con tract grade, $10.75. I'HOViaiONS-Mess pork, per bbl.. $13.90ffr 13.95. Ijird, per 100 lbs.. $7.4037.45. Short ribs sides (loose), J6.93fI7.15. Dry salted shoulders (hoxed), $6.25iai).fj0. Short clear sides (boxed). $7.3fKR7.no. WHISKY-DaBls of high wines. J1.27. SUaAriH-Cut loaf, 6 29c; granulated, r.i2e; confectioners' A, B.tDi'; off A, 5.4to. Tho following are tho receipts and ship ments today: Articles. Receipts. Shipments, Flour, bbls 20,000 32 rx "Wheat, bu 72,000 re COO Corn, hi 321.000 lS'OOO OatB, bu 223.000 170,000 Itye. bu 6,000 f.,(0i) Hurley, bu 26,000 27,000 On tho I'roducc exchange today tho but ter market was nctlve; creameries, 15ff2Jc: dairies, 10til9c. Cheese, quiet nt 10'4(j11j1c. Kggs. quiet; fresh, 16V4c ' XKW YOIIK Cil'.M-.llAI, SIAHKKT. (tnotntlons of the liny nil Vnrlnii Coimnodlt ln. NKW YORK. Feb. 2S.-FI,OUn-Kecelpts, 19,3tB bbls.; exports, 13,731 bbls.; generally iiulet.stcady.at old prices; winter straights, J3.45Q3.&0; Minnesota patents, J1.1041 1.30; Minnesota bakers, J3.fl0B3.35; winter patents', $3 6o?4.00; winter extras, J2.5og-2,S5; winter low grades, $2, 15fj2,00. no Hour, flail; ."L'-J,00?,'1, J2.RCKiJ3.lB; choice to fnncy, U2.3.M). Huckwhcat Hour. iulet at U.mi "'tHUCKWIlKAT-UuH at '60QG2c, c. I. f New Vork. ' COHNMHAL-Qulet;. sales, 1,000 bu.; yel r4Mr&o,crn' Mu: cl,y" 6,u; 1rnnuylne, "jlYK-Dull: No. 2 western, 61c, f. o. b., nlloat; state, 66fj67e, c. I. r., carlots. nAIU.KY-Diill: feeding. 16c, c. 1. f., New York; malting, 62f(70c. 1IA1U-KY MAl.T-DuIl; western. 63U72C JVHKAT -Hccelpts, 45,000 bu.: exports, 15,. bu. Spot, dull but steiuly; No. 2 red. mUc, f. o. b nltoat; No. 2 red. ",Sc, olevu! tor; No. 1 northern Dtiluth. K'Hc, f. o. b afloat; No. 1 hard Dtiluth. 91c, f. o h nlloat. Options opened weak under lluiilda tlon, following cable news and a lack of speculative demand, Further declined under local selling on predictions of largo dc liveries tomorrow and continued lack of spec.1lntlr.11; rallied partly, closing ste.idv at a partial loss of Mnrch. 7S 13-lfi79 l.lc closed 79c; May, 794M) 1-lCo; closed. S0c: Jjly, 79'tifi79 7-l6c; closed, 79?c. ' ' COHN ilecelpts, 99,430 bu,; exports, 13 69 bu. Spot, dull but steady; No, 2, 4;r elevator, and 4Sc4 f. o, b., nlloat. Option market opened easy, with wheat and hold off i4o, at which point local covering ar rested tho decline, with sellers scarce Closed steady at an advance of ifi-Vp-March closed, 4S',io; May, 43Jii(i46iic; closed' 46o: July. 4liWoVic; closed. 45ic; OATS Receipts. 99,400 bu.; exports, 60 574 liu. Snot, steady: No. 2. 31c: No. :t .nn-.,.- No, 2 white, 33c: No. 3 white. IKWc; track mixed western, 30',4TOo; track white. 32W U-2V. WI'tll'MC, 11.111 ,,11.11. Hit I, HAY Steady; shlpplnar, 77!tjS0o; good to cholco. 92Hiii93c. HOI'S (Julet; Btnte, common to choice. 1900 crop, 1720-.; 1899, IKflSc; old olds, 2n c; Vatillc const. 19.W crop, 17iJ719o; 1S99. lltr lie; old olds, 2ijtic. HIDKS-Steady: Galveston. 20 to ?5 lbs.. lSW19o; California, 21 to 25 lbs.., 19c; Tcxbh dry. 21 to 30 lbs., 15c, JUATHKH Firm; hemlock sole, Iluchos Ayrej, light to heavy weights, 2lfl25c; ncld. 3f244c. TAblXDW-Weak: city ($2 per pkg.), 41 1-I6c: country (pkgs. free), 4TiwJ,.4C. InOVlSlONSHeef. Millet; family, JI1.M 4fll,50; men, JS.609.00; beef liaiiin. $ll.60? 19.00; packet. $9.60il0.60; extra India mei.t, J14.oujjlH.tn. fin iiieats, urm; picKleil bel lies. $S.00(3'10.(; tilckled shoulders, ji;.6o; pickled hams, $9.00U10.00. uinl. easy; western teanietl,J7.72l44f7-75; rettued, steady; continent. J7.90; South Atiterlcn, JS.W: com pound, $5.W6.fi2i.. Pork, dull; family, $15.50; short clear, $14.75010.50; mess, $H.ltf 14.50. niCB Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 3!4 (BiHc: japan, fwt'ec weak; creamery, l"il24c; Juno creamery, 15 njj'-a' , inrtory, innoc. ClilQKSl; Ilecelpts, 809 pkgs.; llrm; fancy, large, tolored nnd white, HVie; fancy, small, colored, 1-WU 12Vtc ; fancy, small, white, 12ai 12'ji'. l'.ClUH -Ilecelpts, G.I33 pkgs ; barely sieauy; western, al mark, lVunw, south ern, at mark. lW5tl7c. 1'OrirUY- Allvo, steady, fowls, 10c; lur- Keys, iua.ic; ciuckcus, yc. uressca, easy; turkeys, 9HUllc; chickens, 9U10c. I'OTATOhrf - Steady; Jerseys. $1,2371.75; New York, $I.50'1.75( Long Island, l.60ij i.si'-; jersey sweets, fi.10tlz.Ml. I'lJANl TS gulet; fancy hnnd-plcked, 4ij(ic; other domestic. 6c. MliTAI.H - Advices from London Indicated a weak market for tin, prices closing 12s 6d lower to .T.120 17s M for spot and i;il5 7s6d for futjres. The local market, however, ruled milto steady on n light local demand, with layers and sellers lirotlght close to gether, $26.50 being bid and $26.60 asked nt tho close, with the tlnal tone steady. A liberal amount of offerings wero reported In copper, but found few takers, and the market was dull and nominally unchanged al $17 for I.ako Superior ami $lii.C2i,4 for casting and electrolytic. At London copper closed llrm nt a slight advance In quota tions. nui nosed at xtu lis mi, and rutures at X71 I.h. Tho local lead market ruled dull nnd unchanged at J4.37H. At Uintlon, how ever, it rair. iitiBlness was reported at un changed prices. Spelter wns weak In tone, but not quotubly lower, while at London tho closo was unchanged at 117 6.1. Tho Iron markets ruled quiet again, though Hessemcr was $1 higher. I'lg Iron warrants, $:.iV5( 10.50; northern foundry, $15.wii 16.50; southern foundry, $ll.f)15.7o; soft south ern. $13.txvw 15.75. Tho Ktigllf.li Iron markets ruieii wpiik ut.d somewhat lower. At Cllas- gow warrants closed nt 52s 7d nnd nt Mid dlcHhorough Ins yd, OMAHA WHO I.KftAMl M A H K KT3. Condition cf Trnile nnil Utiotntlnns 011 Sliinlr unit rnnrv 1'rodiiee. KOtlH Ilecelpts Increasing; good stock weak at 14c. LIV14 POl'LTllY-Ilciis. GV4ti7c: young Hlaggy and old roosters. 3fi6o: ducks. Gi4 Sj.c; geese. r,v,i7c; turkeys, i'.fi7c. r 111.81 1 DHKSSKD POULTHY-Ilens, 7W oiXc; roosters, I'oiic; ducks, MfX'.ic; geese, s ""'.Hi luriieyn, ngiuwrigiit, y'ftitx:; heavy, 7 4(,Ve. OAML V,.-.llard ducks, per doz.. $3.C0'a 3.60: teal. $1.6001.75; mixed, $1.59(31.75; Jack rubblts. $l.2jyi.M; cottontails. 90ca$t.l0. Itl'TTKIl -Common In fair. 13o: elw.len. 11 KjiiH'i r.'.iiriitur. .(', e jii'.HM UVSTISKB-Flrst grade, solid packed. New York count?, per can, 3Sc; ex tra he ects. Sl'c: stnn.lnrilH. "'. in.vlium 20c. Second grade, slii'jk tll!ed, New York counts, per can, 31)0; extra selects, 26c; standards, 20o; bulk stnnaards, per gal., Fl'tOZKN FltKSH FlSll-lllack '.ass. 10c: whlto basst 10c; bluells. tic; nUilhcnds, 10c; uiuu nun, it-, cuuisn, jc; coa, ac; croppie, ICO: C KCOeS. Sf. iinlllvlt 11n linrrl.w lr.i 6c; haddock, 9c; mackerel, 20c; uerch, 5li 7c: pickerel, 7c; tilko, 0c; rco snapper, 10c; sulmon, lie, sunllsli, 6c; smelts, lc; trout, 10c, whltcllsh. Sc. . I'luiiUNH-Live, per Jnz., $1, VUALS-Cholco. 97ir6. HAY Prloo quoted by Omaha Wholcsalo 11V Dealers' nssnrlntlnn fUntnn ..in..,i JS.60; No. 1 upland, $8; mcdlun $7.30; coarse. 7 llyo straw, $5.60. Thcs- prices aro for hay of good color nnd quality. Demif.nd fa r. No cholco hay on tho mnrket. Ho celptH, 2 cars. OATH No, 3 White, 2Sc. COltN-No. 3, 33c. 1JHAN-$15. VEQETADLRS. SPINACH Per bu. Dox, 90cS$1.00. CUCUMimilB Hot house, nor .In. tt.r.rvni 2.00, as to size. PAHSNir?-Itr. bu 60e. i'l'llNIPS-Per bu. biisket, 60c, HKKTS Per bu.. 40c, CAHUOT8 Per bu.. 404. LHTTUCI'3 Pc) ull. 40345c UADIHIIKS-Por doz.. Zc PAHSLBY-Per doz. c. POTATOES I'er bu.. MCTSSn- Trlnhn n.r bu St)c. " " ' bWKBT POTATOKS-Por bbl., $2. urtiitwui'-iioitanu seed, lOc, TOMATOES "nlirnrnla crate. $t.bu ONIONS-Natlve, yellow, per lb., 2V4c per bu., $1; Colorado CELERY California, ns to size. EOffl7S- Kalamazoo, 251i20o. UAUIvltXOWEU-Calirornla. ner erat. $2.75. HiiAKS-wnx, per tiu $3.50; string, per bu., $3.25. KUG PLANTS Per bu. box, $3. PKPPEllS-Per bu box. $2.60. FIcUITS. STrtAWniiniUES-Florlda, per qt.. 43c. QUA PES Malaga, per keg, $6.5009.00. APPLES Per lib!.. It: Washlnefon ner bu. box, $1.60. CKANUEIUUES HO 11 and Bllitle. J9 nnr bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., $8.60; per crate, $3.25. TROPICAL. FKUITS. ORANOES Calllornla scedltncs. 12.mvfJi $2.25: navels, $2.7o3.25. LEMONS California, extra fnncy, $326; choice, $2.?3. 11ANANAS Por bunch, nccordlni: to ulte. $2.002.50, FlUH cniirornia, new cartons, 75c; lay ers, ifio; Imported, per lb., 13iI15c. DATES Persian, In 60-lb. boxen, Silrs, tc per lb.; Halloween, G'.ic per lb. M 1 SUt; L. U AJN iSU US. TTTTira A.,. 1 Itl-nan f.n f . n . No. 1 salted, 7c; No, 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., Sc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c ; dry hides, 8013c; sheep pelts, 25i 7oc; horso hides, $l.bu2.25. NUTS English walnuts, per lb.. 13c; fil berts, per lb. 13c; almonds, per lb.. 18S20c; raw tieanuts. ner lb.. 56i6iAc: roanteil. cura iVsc; iiiu.na, uc; cacn i',ic. pecans, lo12c; cocoanuts. St. I.iiiiIh (iin I n mill Provisions. ST. LOl'IS. Feb. 28. WHEAT Firm; N'o. 2 red cash, elevator. 73o; track. 74y74',4c; May, 74574tto; July, 72Tsc;; No. 2 hard, 71& il?ic. COIlN-IIIchcr; No. 2 cash. 38c; track, 39c; .May, 38Tic; July, 3STc. OATS Firm; No. 2 cash. 27c; track, 27'4(fj; 274c; May. 26ic; July, 25!4c; No. 2 wh tc. 29C. HYE Firm nt 52c. FLoril-Olllef oatents. $3.6303.73: extrn fancy and strnlght, $3.15iff3.25; clear, K.'QIt ,u; low graues, .'.-0(u..w. SEEDS--Tlmoth.v. ensler: average re ceipts. $3.75f( t.CO; llax. steady at $1.60. I'tiitiNAiKAii tendy at $2 03. IlllAN'- IIigher; sacked, east track, 7o'.jc. HAY Timothy, dull nt J7.6012.60: nralrle. strong at $3.6011.n0. WIIIHK V Stonily, IRON l.'OTTONTIES-$l. HEMP TWINE 9c. lIAa(!INO-737i PHOVISIONS-Pork. steady; tohhl-.iir. $14.60. Lard, lower at $7.22!4'B7.23. Drv salt meats, easy; uoxed lots, extra shorts, $7,12'4; clear ribs, $7.25; clear sides, $7.37t4. liacou, ensy; boxed lots, extra shorts, $7.87W: clear ribs. JS.12V4; clear sides, $8.25. sir. i ,i.n i.eao. urm, i.L'U3T4..'a',i. Spot ter, dull. $3.8053.82. POIM.THY-Stendi ; chickens. 7i?7Hc; turkeys, tiVtiSHc; (lucks,- 9e; geese, 6iU6o. ni'i i r.ii aieauy, iwi-ic; dairy, uaitsc, KK!S-Steady at 14'se. RECEIPTS -Flour. 8.000 bbls.: wheat. 3:.. 000 bu.; com. 79,000 bu.; oats, 30,000 bu. SlllPMENT8-Flour, f.UOO bbls,; 'wheat. 51,(X bu.; corn, 6I.0O0 bu.j oats, 33,000 bu. KuiiNnn City CSrnlia nml Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Feb. 2S.-WHEAT-Mav. 07c: cash. No. 2 hard. 68H69Wc: No. 3. W.iOiSc; No. 2 red, 701371c; No. 3, 67VaTP fr'9'4c. t.-uji.N-.May, i4c; cash. no. 2 mixed, 36c; No. 2 white, 37c; No, 3, 3614c. OA I n -No. 2 white, 27'.iC RYE No. 2. 60c. HA Y Choice timothy. $10.60: choice pralrlo, $8,505(9.00. Hi'TTisii-crenmory. l.20c; dairy, fancy, 16c. EOOS Lower: fresh Missouri and Knusnn stock, 13e dozen, loss off. cases returned; i.t.w w.n.t'tt.x.u cuuvh inuiuoeo, vju moie. RECEIPTS-Wheat. 91,200 bu.; corn, 39,200 bu.: oats, ll.fKii). bu. 81 1 1 I'M ENTH- Wheat, 73.6W bu.; corn, 11, :00 bu.; oats, 7.000 bu. PlilLiileliililu I'ri.diici- .Mnrkot. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 28 Ill'TTi.'ti Firm; good tlemaud: fancy western ery, 21c; fancy western prints, 21c; fancy nearby prints, 25c. I'ii.uH Hteaiiy; iresit nearby, 18c; fresh western. lXo: fresh soiithwestarn. IK..! southern. 17c. cilEEHE-KJrm: New York full creams, fancy mnall. ll'iiifKV: Now Ynrir f..n creams, lnlr to choice. 10,4'iiiUc. .MIiineiiimliN (iriiln .liiirUrt. MINNEAPOLIS. Fell. 28 -i vjii.'at Cash, 74Hc, May, 74c; July, 75Mr75Hc. On tracki No. 1 liurd, "lifie; No. i northern 74c; No. 2 nonhPin. OiiTO'tc FLOl'Il-Uuchnnged. uiia.-n itigner; in iiuik, $12.60012.76. Peorln .llnrkrt, PEORIA. Fob. 28 CORN I.,nptl. v , tures quiet; March, 3s 9d, May, 3a 9d; PEAS Canadian, nlilet at Rs 7id. HOPS At London (Pnclllo coast), 40 4 16s. FLOL'R-8teady; St. Louis fancy winter, OB UU. PROVISION'S tteef. rrtra tr... easy at 61s. Pork, j.rlme mess western', easy at w, iinms, snori cut, ll to 16 lbs., steady nt 41. Lard, prime westorn. In tlcrcos, steady, sxsttd, American rellned, In palls, llrm nt 39i Al. .IJacon, ftrm; Cum berland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., 43s 9d; short ribs, it io i inB., i;s; icing cienr middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., 41s d; long clear middles, heavy, 40s; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., 3rlf rtnnr IiaIIIau II in Mi 11. a ..!. . n. ... , . .. v .t. a, ... ,u .l.r-,, OiVtll.Y ,l flhouldcrn, utiUHro, II in 13 lb., quiet ill .m i7 i . HUTTER Finest fulled Slates, dull nt 90s: good United Stales, easy itt 73s. CHEESE Quiet; American finest white, ion, .Yincricuii uneni coioreu, ..us. inledii (irnln nnd Seed. TOl.EDO. .Feb. 28. - WHEAT - Dull, nicHiiy; casn, .:ic; .May, xoiie: July, 78ic. CORN-Activn; cash, 40c; .May, tlie. OATS-Stea.ly; cash. 29c; .May, 27c. Ill I' n2l. CLOVERSEED-I.ower. white, 27c, billed OATS Easy : No. through. WIIISKY-On tho basis of $1.27 for flu Ished goods. Dnliitli (it'll I n MitrUet, IU'Ll'TH. Minn.. Fell. siviiliw cosh. No. 1 Ivird, 75c: No." i norlhern, 73tC No. 2 northern. 67t(fiTOUo. Mm. CORN-37i4i: May, 3Si,c. OATS-liWHc l.lM'riu.ol (irnln n nil I'riM lloim, l.IVERPOOL Feb., 2S.-WHEAT-Spot. dull; No. 1 California. 6s 2d; No. 2 red west ern, winter. Km lli4d; No. t noribern. spring, Mny.468 WW H'ea V: Mnrch B" UWi CORN--8pot nulet: AniM-l.-Hn mu.i HUTTER Receipts, 4,193 pkgs.; dull and J 3s 9d; American mixed, old, 3s nd', Fu- Mllttnti.-f! fliiilS. Int.k-t. MILWAUKEE. Feb, 28,-WHEAT-Dull; No. l northern, 75'ff76c; No. 2 nortnern, 72.4 RYE Lower: No. 1. R5Uir?S2.Vfv IIARLEY-Dull; No. 2, 67tfu8c; sample, ivy IMC, JIOVEJIK.VTS IX STOCKS AMI IIOMIK. .llnrkrt . Iclds to lleprrsslnir In- lluent'eM nnd Clnvi' N Wenli. NEW YORK, Feb 28.-After nil iinnvnll lug effort to check the yielding tendency of prices tho mnrket gave up to the threaten lrK depression nnd tho closing was de- . niniij whir in mi' lowest, wim Hiimctiung very like n stilllltnr nf Rin.'lm ....inc- n. ..II through the list. The steel ntockH wero most acutely nrrccteil and wero weak throughout. One or two In tin. crnim int. vanced slight fractions ut one time, under the process of urbltrage operations, which Involved purchases to cover sales In other siocks, nut mo prevailing disposition was clearly to sell. Dealings t'onlliinnl on il.n cum on tno contracts to deliver I'nlted States steel corporation stocks when Issued, though not on as Inrce n hcmIo iim v4tnr- day. Theso Htoeks, which wero regarded n int. iiiucx oi toe van e or nil i in mnmt.nra of the group, showed an Increasingly heavy i. .in-, inn oi ,ii tor ine roinninn n.ui vnz. for the preferred were iut In ut the p.-inng by brokers acting on behalf of the banking iiut'Mnin concerned in tne organization of tho new company. Thorn was somn firm. nt-M In the commoii stock tlurlng tlu .lav, but 111 tho clotlnir ileallnuu flie lilil tnr t. common stock wns reduced to 36 and Jor wio prererreii stock to 80. Tho good condi tions renorted In tlm Irni. ...wt u.n.a ir.Hr. " "i" iron Ago in its issue today was dis regarded 111 tho tl'lllllllir In I In. ulonl uti.nka The last prices showed National Tube 4Vi . "' iiit nigni, American noop, Steel and Wire, Tlnplnte and Steel and Ire preferred from in 2U. nml tlin nil. urn of tho group from a fraction to nearly 2 IHI1I1IH. 1 11.' SlOCkS lint lllnlmlnil In llm 0,111. Holldatlon wero also weak, Tennesseo Coal declining nearly ;t points. Published te nons 1 rum i'liismirg or dissntlsractlon on tho part of the National Tube stockholders Wero an Inlltleuen on tho iloiirmulm.. Tlm relapse in Sugar. Tobacco nnd St. Paul, after 11 short-lived opening b.tlge, also served to dlscourngo tho speculation. Ef- H.riH were mntio to mthstltuto other stockn for the mimosa of hiihIiiImIiil- thn tnnrUoi. but they were Ineffectual. Tlmv ivor.. mnai conspicuously In the Smelting stocks, which roso 6H for tho common and 2i for tho pre ferretl. Anaconda with n ris.. nf 3u mwi Amnlgnmateil Copper with an ndvnnco of 3 Minus, i no American l.lnseed stocks, tho United States Rubber stocks antl Internn tlonnl Power were un from ltd to .1 nnlntH. St. Louis & San Frnnclsco roso 3 nnd tho second preferred 1V4. These movements werowithout explnnatlnu, except that It wns nrgped that the copper stocks would beueilt from the nnnrniiphlnir n.l litiimmnni of the Mtntnna legislature, This seemed a more potent inllueuce than the reported heavy decline In copper exports, The movement hero, us in the steel stocks, wns without reeard to the trnrie news. A lwn,.ii Of Strollir railroad .MtillnmnnlH oqunrlnllv from the Hellers, was equally effective lif HiiNiaiuiug nun department or the stork market. Prices In a number of the most promlnont stocks are a point or more lower on tho day. Thn money market cnnttmnxl easy, notwithstanding tho Inrgo absorption i.y nil. miuireasiiry nnti tno demands ror the month-end settlements. It Is not un likely, however, that tho mutiny market possibilities are nn element In the caution manifested. A shorn rise In sterllni- nv. chaugo In response to the harder money market In Iontlon served to emphasize this caution. Probably the tuo explanation of tho heaviness of the nuir.ct Is the Inunlmn uon or tno trailing, with manv of tho largest forces In the speculative world nway on vacation after tho prolonged period of unprecedented activity and ex citement In tho stock market, Honda were relatively better sustained l.y stocks. Total sales, par value, $3,025,000, United Stntes refunding 2s, registered, ad vanced '.4. nnil tho 6s per cent on the last call. The following nre tho closing prices on the Now York Stock exchange: 17 Zs 13i 29', 184 US S3X 60Ti 10) 150 ISO Atchison do nfd Haltlmoro & O... Can. Pacific Can. Southern ... dies. & Ohio Chicago Q. W.... C 11. & tj Chicago I. .t L. . . no nru Chicago & E. I., Chicago & N. W., C, R. 1. & P C. C. C. & St. L, Colo, Southern .. tlo 1st piil do 2d nfd Del. & Hudson... Del. L. & W Den. & 11. U do ofd Erlo tlO 1st Dill Gt. Nor. pfd Hocking Coal .., Hocking Vallny., Illinois central.., Iowa Central .... tlo nfil , L. E. & W tlo lift! Lake Shore Loulu. & Nash. , . Manhattan I. .,. Met. St. R Mex. Central Minn. R St. L... do nfd Mo, Pncllic Mobile & Oho,.., M.. K. & T do nfd , N. J. Central N. . Central Nor. A West do nfd? No. Pacific tlo nfd Ontnrlo & W O. R, ti N do nfd Pennsylvania Reading do 1st prd tlo 2d nfd nio G. W tlo mil St. L. 8. F... tlo 1st pfd tlo 2d nfd St. L. S. W do pfd St. Paul llO llftlr St. P. & Omnhu. So. Paclllc So. Rnllway no pin I'ex. & Paclllc... Union Pnclllo ... tlo prd fvHiiWabaflh 874 , roii , 4iV4 2H4 6V-I 103 41 ,171 ',4 . 81.1 . 12 ' l'W1 1CIV4 .190 . T 86' . 27U .VPi .193 . 15H , JS'.j ,i:i . 26 . 6.1 , 41 .111 2I0U H7t4 .I'll . 1714 . 76 .ViS . f'r)'n , 7'l iott . 63 ir.r. 142T1 ikiZ 80 tlo nf.l W. & L. E tlo 2d pftl Wis. Central .... Third Avenuo ... R. & O. pfd National Tubo .. do pfd Adams Kvnc.Mq lAmer. ExpresH .. f. h. i;xpress Wells-Fargo Ex.. Am. Cot. Oil Hit rif.l Amer. Miiitl'iig uo pin Amer. S. & R do it fd Amer. Spirits .... tlo pftl Amer. S. If tlo pfd. Amer. S. & W.... .In t.r.i Am. Tin Plato!!!! i do nfd Am. Tobacco .... do prd Ann Mln c.n' Hrk. Rap. Tr Colo. F. Sr 1 Con, Tobacco .... tlo pfd Fpflprnl fltrtAl . do nfd ::::: Gen. Electric .... Lltieoso Hugnr .. un pro Int'n'I Paper do nf.l Laclede Gas Nat. Rlseiilt do pfd 4M4 National Lead fin nf.l 82 Natlonnl Steel'.'. do pni N. Y. A. Rrake. ro. American .. Pnnlfln Hnnul .HIVj do )St pni, 30(11 tlo 2.1 nf.l 7iH 1'acinc Mall 4H',b :S i . 37 W, (VIH 25Ti iSit ,1')0 .123 : . 5S W.4 Pooplo'n Gas ".!! IPreHscd 8. C do prd I'nllmni. r f Stand. R. & '1'!!! Sugar .In nfil iTenn. C. A i'.'.'.'., v. S. Leather... do pftl U. S. Rubber do pfd., Western Union ., .Republic I. & S. tlo pfd P. ('. C. & St. L SS'.VAmal. Copper 13? 28 83 23i,. 51 92?i o 17 3I.4 SI 38 ij 97 OH, 9M llOTi 140 -1GW W.l 42V? I6U 98 43 8Ti 2inu tr.ll 92 21 !?' 35',i 92 ',4 15 82V4 10014 153 ?J 88 flj 38 lmu 33'i 74 198H 3?. 13:11.4 120 12l 73J CI .6l 141 2Vl rs 92T4 Ex-dlvldend. The Commercial Advertiser's I.niwlnn Ilnaiuinl cablegram says: lltislness on tho hiock maraei nere was somownat improvoil i. iniiy. noi iiiticii, mil iiih touo WUH moro cheerful on thn expectation of ensler monoy. Tho rumor, which Is becoming rather circumstantial now, that tho Hoer general, Hotha. has surrendered to. Kitchener, sent South Africans un sharnlv. There was no continuation of the report, however. Tho American demand wns ro markably quiet, Erlo Issues were strong on tho stntemont for January, which san guine spirits hero multiplied by twelve and mtiile tho basis for talk of 314 per cent dividend of common stock. Even those who were much more moderate In their esti mates nnd predictions seem to expect n full regular dividend nn tho tlrst preferred. Chi cago, Milwaukee St. Paul slocks were In good demand on the belief that thn divi dend on tho common will bo Increased, The upward tendency which these leaders gavo tlm American list was cheeked when Wall Ktreet opened antl sent over selling ordeis for Union Pacific Issues, New York's nttl ttulo mused n general sagging of prices. The continent Is not touching American stocks. Attention across the channel has been tllvorted to mines. Gold to the irtnuiint of lo,om) has been engaged for South America; 27,000 Is coming In from Scandi navian portH. The Hank of England has picked up 11.000 In barn In the d rests. Money rntes are unchanged, but the mar ket has been itble to repay one-tlfth of the sum 1I.10 tho bank, Ilnnk ClrnrliiRH, OMAHA, Feb. 28,-Hank clearings today, $1,088,392; corresponding day last year, $982,035; Increase, $104,357. ST. I.OIM8. Feb, 28. Clearings. $6,217,637; balances, J7W.518; money, easy at 6 per cent; New York exchange, par bid, 10c premium ni.min r , . nA .,, , ... .ft t. . i iiiiitis, . ro, i.5. i. lenrinKs, j,ro,itr.i, balances. $1,745,663; posted exchange, $1,850 4.881,: Now Vnrlf nvplmncr. HlApntlnt PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 2S.-Clcarlngs, i.;i..,i; naiances, $2,975,091. HALriMORE, Feb. 2S.-Clearlngg, $3,683, 93; balances, $151,628. CINCINNATI, Fob. 28,-Clenrlngs, $3,511, 6..0; innnev. 3h6 ner cent: New York ex change, par. HOBTON. Feb. 28.-Clearlngs, $21,147,922; ii.,.....i-,r.. l.t.i,UM, , NEW YORK. Feb. 28.-Clearlngs, $253,945. 180; balances, $9,242,008. .Nrvr Ynrk Mimey .llnrUrt. VL'tl villi.' t.,. n. ..i.vrv r-i i jinn., I'en, ia, .null.-, i:.lll, easy nt l4f?2 per cent; prime mercantile palier. 3Vi4ii pPr rent. , STERLLNI? EXCHANGE-FIrm, with mivi r winn til ti.ai',t iur (itJiiiuiiii aiHi mi U. sm for Hlxty dny; posted rnlcs, tiMH ami $4.SS&; commercial bills, $1.83 HfiiVKU-Certincntc?!, Gltt'fi3c; bar, Bc BONDS Oovortuncnt, Btron; stntc, Inac iiiiutmu, nnil. The closing vr'ct's on bonds todny nre ns itiiiunsi t. S. ref. 2b, r. tlo coupon tlo 3s, reg tin enllnriii tin new Is. mo di) coupon tlo old Is, reg.. tlo coupon tin fis. reir ,lri er.lltwi.. D, of C. .1 65s.... Alch. gen. 4s tlo ndj. 4s Can. 8o. 2s C. O. 4V4" Mo r.s C. & N. W. c. 7s.. tlo S. F. deb. 5s. Chtpfitrfi To. J Colo. So. 4s '.. V. . II. tl. IS Erie gen. 4s F. W A. IV I' t. Gen. JCIeclrlc '6s..' la. central Is I.. Xr X. 1l.ll la M.. K. k T. 2s. 110 IS inttd'K. v. c. la tn?: KT4"N.iJ. C. g. 6s.. 132 4 111 .111 13S ,I3S 113 114 11 It llti til 103' 4 914 110 ll'D 121V. 110 121 97 85 102"i S3 n 175 ini 77?V 97i No. l'ncldc 3s do 4s ..1054 N Y C & 8 L 4s..l0St4 N. & W. con. 4s..l(flU urc. rsuv. js tin tlo 4 10IS O. S. L. 6s 1264 tlo consol 5s. ..,.116 Reading g. 4s 93i ii. it, v . is no St LAS F K. 6s. 12914 St L & I M c. 5s.116V4 at. i-nui crn.,..iM 31 P, C &. P ls..,HRH do 6s 1201 So, Paclllc 4s 92U So. Railway 6s... 11514 n. 11. re 1 . tn ii) T. & Pacific H....11R OO 13 t'nlon Pacific 4s. .106 Wabash is 11914 do 2 109U West. Shorn 4s... .115(1 wis. i.enirni is.. vn Vn. Centuries .. 934 Ex-Interest. 'Offered. Illistnn Mtni'lf t) i.nlnlln.i.. ItORTOV t,ftl. r',11 I n . irar ti-iii, i.iiiu tiiuiiK, j'O'i per cent, utilciat closing: A.. T. 8. F.... tlo pM.... Am. Sugar tlo nfd Am. Telephone ., Roston re Al , lloston Eleviitetl. llostnn re Mc C 11. Q Dnmlntnn Coal..., tin prd Fetleral Steel ... tlo pftl Fllchbunr nfil... ami. Electric .... do nrtl Ed. Electric, III., Mex. Central ... N. E. G. & C ... Old Colony Oltl Dominion .. Rubber Union Pnclnc ... 139 ,12U4 ioi4 2Ti5 1CI 193 .inn .ni:i)4 StUi .142 212J4 .1S6 .215 . 17 12i .20S . :u; . 20 Mr '. 04V4 trie. .. 57'4 :oi5 C. in. ftS'.i Union Umd West End West. Electric. Atchison 4s N. E. O. & C, Adventure ... Ring. M. Co.., Aimil. Copper Atlantic lloston &. Mont.. 330 Htltto re Roston.. R6 Hi.; 20 M 32k Cn . & Hccl.i y.V. Centennial 26 I-raiiklln 24'4 Hilinbo tit 2:, Osceola M Parrot mid Qulncy 174 Santa Fo Copper. '1 Utah Mining".'.'."!! 334 Winona 711 wolverines ny4 I.nndnn Stntik (lnotatlons. LONDON. Feb. 28. 1 p. m.-Closing: Cons., money.. 110 account.. tchlson Can. Pnclnc .... St. Pnul Illinois Central. Louisville U. P. pfd 1. venirni ., 07 9-16 Erlo 931-16' do 1st pfd.... . . ,P.yi Pennsylvania . . .. 934 Reading ..15STi No. Pneltlc pfd. --134V, Grand Trunk .. .. i"4 Anaconda .. fiJI Rand Mines .... ..117 2SJ4 66H Tt:'. 15, 7 Ex-dlvldend. II A R SILVER Firm at 28 3-16d per ounce. VflVWV ltLfflA. r. ...... rr.- - ...x....s "Tju" i'i.- 1.1-in, 1 111; laic 1. 1 uta- count In the open mnrket for short and thrco months' bills Is 3if per cent. Condition of the Trrnnnry. WASHINGTON. Feb. 28. Tn,lnv' tnf. Ilieilt nf the treasury hnlnneen In tlm oral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reservo In the division of redemption, shows: Available ,cnsh balanco, $147,718,503; gold, $80,675,385, Xctv York .Mlnlne Htocka. NEW YORK. Feb. 28. Tho follnwlnp- nr. quotations on mining Mocks: Adams Con ., Allco j, Rreece u-... HrutiH. Con Comstnck TunT. Con. Cal. re Vn. Deativvood Ter.. uorn wuver ... Iron Silver Leadvillc Con.. Little Chief ... Ontnrlo Ophlr Phoonlx , Potosl Sav.age Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Stnndard ... 15 ...720 ... 70 ... S ... 10 ... 10 .. 25 ... 65 ...420 Cin Mnrket. ?S?RW VODI,' I.-l, 00 pnr-r.i.r. Tltn .... Int. XTn 7 ...nlA ...... . ..... , iiMuiii:, I7JV;, IIIIIU. Bii-any Cfiritm't. R19L1 Tl, n.nl.A ... ... 1 ......... a-. .. 1 1 111 1 nui 1 u 1 tuiUEO tipenetl steady, with prices 5f(10 points ..I, ,1 ntuirr in r.iuin snorts ana ror the rest of tho session the feeling was bull shly Inclined, owing to tho Improvement I'.1 tn.'?. foreign markets, spot demand, light ttrnxlll.m r,in n.a ntwl l.rt ' . -:: - . ... iiuliuii ui ine clique ns supporters of neur months. Trade ,,.,,,.,. nui.itiiy iiriiienntuiilll. .Aavance of Uo in the price of Lion brand coffee helped to steady the market. The market at the close was steady, with prices 15O20 higher. Total sales reached 60,000 bags. In cluding: Mnrch, 6.20116.25c: May, 6.25ff6.35c; .lull' ll .-.ffirt Jllrt. A.i..t.u. l- c. . . ' . ' n j , nitfiuDi, u.iu, nt-jiienii.er, 6..bs(j.4jc; October, 6.40ra6.&0c; November, u.uuu; uecemuor, o.o:j(i(t).tK)C. KvunnrntPfl nntl Dried FrnKs. NEW YORK" nli no ptrAnnn lirnn APPLLS-A generally qdlet market for evaporated apples was prevalent nil day nml tin iMnnni-llitn, n I.... .......... r ; "i in. .ii.. 111.11:11 were re- Ported. The feeling was steady at the close " ..Bin fAiiuri itemniiti, 0111 quotations remnln unchanged. State common wns tlllflte.l nl 'M.fnA'.T lltmn .IS'.7CA hhCc: fancy. Cllf. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Contlnue nun. i runcs wero nominally quoted at 3'i 3Hc per lb., as to size and quality. Apri cots. Royal. 7'VfitH.c; Moor Park, 8U(ifl5c. w., w. - , I'V. V . . , MJ "V- $ 14 11 Jit t-T icv, IWl M'nol Market. ST IIITIH vh s -icnnf n..n depressed; medium grades, 124H9C; light, ii'. i-tt'iui;, iii-nvy, nnc, iwuiic; tun wasned. lSM27!4c Nt. l.nnU I.lre Stork Market. (IT I.OITIfa I.'.... no ,t .-r-, T i . ' . "v.w ' v... -j. x m-j iiri.11111111. 2,000 head. Including 1,400 Texnns; market Ht,.n,lv fnr .intl.'Au .. , n .1 . - ,n . . ... " w .....,i. oivniij lu niiiiiiK lui Texans; native shipping and export steers. ti.v-j4iv.uu, uiiuacii iitrci iinu i.uicner otrers, $4.w5.60, 'be top being for yearlings: l.m... in .Ham 1 W1 1.... 1 T M, . . ,. t.ui.c. j.if ii, n., 4.uv40.iaj, BIOUKeri antl feeders. $3.20CH.65: cows and heifers, f-.iw.n., ui.iiurin, l,w'.10; UUUS, J.UOltf 3.75; Texas anil Indian steers, $3.30'd4.65; cows anil heifers, $2.6af3.65. HOGS Receipts, 9,100 head; market 6c lower; nigs and lights, $5.305.374; packers, $5.25?if..40; butchers. $5.15(35.50. uim.-i.m An t . iim, l ii- om i. ..,..,. iin.1. no i.cciuii), ouu iiruu: ., , ., r I - . , . . ...... I ., . .. . . ...... , FA. iiniinu. oifcm, . .i..ir: 11. U I III Iin. WIl t.DUJ lambs, t. "51(5.(0; culls and bucks, $3.5084.25: i'flii:iii n.i iiiikd, t.iD, iuexiunn stieep auu yearlings, JI.BOJo.OO. " evv York l.hf Stock Mnrket. NEW YORK. Feb. 2S.-nEEVES-Re. celptH. 32,8 head: nothlnc dolnc: nominally stonily. Cables unchanged; no shipments loony. CALVES-Recclpts. 249 head; moderate demand; venla $4.0Og$.75; no barnyard calves. SHEEP AND LAM HS-Rece tits. 1.556 head; sheep, steady; lambs, weak; sheep, $3.5O'4.60; no prlmo stock here; culls, $3; lambs. $5.25f(6.25; one deck. $6.40; culls, $4.40. IIOGS-Recelpts, 1,320 head; feeling weak; nominal limitations, $).75Jf.oo. THE REALTY MARKET. 420 4,600 3,000 INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thurs tiay, r eoruary :i: W'nrritnt j- Dt'ftln. . II. ErlcHou to Augustn Erlcsnn, lots 8 and 9. block 2. Hoffman Terruce....$ 15i E. M. Gurnett to Sophia Wilson, lot 2, hiock v, i' uironro Rnymtmd Setllak to the Lestervilln Htate imtiK, lot ti. diock i, .Meiins 1st add. ami Lit 18. block 10. In 1st add tn South Omah.i 11. U. Hopper nnd wife to Henry Wln- leinurn, iji acre.a in ii'.i nwti ana iiwti seL 2-15-10 I. 8. Do 0. Tompkins antl wife to C. D. 'rnompson. &uxi32 reet in ioi u, Capitol add E. M. Shahan lu E. G. Smith, lot 2, block 22, Royd add United Real Estate anil Trust com pany to n, i;. Aiiwlne, lot lu, block ;Ci. Kountze Place R. 11 Leo and wIM to William Illu- liaugli, lots v and 10, mock 34, lsi ami to Corrlgan Placo R. Reckon In J. F. Murphy, lot 3, block 38, South Omaha Unit t'lnlm need. Mads Mortensen and wife to I, S. Hnscull, lot 5, block 3, llascall H sub- dlv i Deed. Sheriff tn B. E. Strong, lot 6, block 7, ivnoy I'iBce , .... 300 3,000 600 1,000 60 400 Total amount of traneferi $13,421 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beif Ctetri Slow and Fir to Tib Lowir, Cowi Bold Studj to Lowir, HOGS OPENED STRONG, BUT CLOSED WEAK Sheep nrntiRht tlood, Strnrir Prices Todny, lint the Drmnnd for l.ntulis U'nN l.lxht nntl the .Mnrket Dull nml Weak. , SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 2.8. Receipts wero; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2,369 4,o61 7 113 Official Tucstiny 3,691 ll.aus 6.U11 Ofllclal Wednesday 3,013 12.2IS 2,317 Ofllclal Thursday 2,678 7.S12 3,190 Four days this week. ...11,611 Same days week before.. U.olU 1'otal Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total February, February. February, February, February, February, February, February, February, r Buruary, 1111. ...51,673 lift" 49.672 1699.. ..43,651 1898.... 50,141 1897.... 17,138 1096. . . .33,308 lWi.... 32,3i 5 1 SIM..., 60,916 189J.... 63,027 mi.... 65,663 Average, tirlce naltl for Ihiuh tor tbo na.it several days, with comparisons: 33,829 30.32J 198,aU 139,700 131,074 134.8W 112,291 79,712 121,343 120,321 79.024 127,1(9 18,961 21,ul4 82,1,84 113,411 106,623 103,612 61,019 l!Ul! 12,554 26,414 36,311 17,620 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb, Feb. Feb. Feb, Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb, Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 1... 2... 3... 4... 6... 6... 7... 8... 9... it:::1 12... 13... 14... 15... 16... 17 I 1901. 190O.1893.18931697.lS9fl.1893. 6 2; 6 254 Feb. IS... Feb. 19. 20.. 21.. 22.. 23.. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 21 Fen. .., Feb. 26,., Feb. 27.. Feb. 28.., 5 314 0 23Ji 0 -I'. 6 2M,i 6 29 6 264 324l t l 24 6 6 I'S'i 6 27 4 671 4 6.8 I 6.' 3 61 3 61 3 69, 3 59 4 661 4 701 3 CGI I 68 3 66! 4 76 1 3 661 4 SI 3 7(i 4 801 4 791 :w4 4 75 3 6i 8 76 4 83 4 76 5 22 6 234 K mi. B 32ftl 5 29l 4 69, f 324, 4 69 1831 4-78 4 74 3 611 3 63 3 73 3 72 3 72 3 271 4 3 191 20 03 3 3 3 21 3 76, 3 71 3 71 3 71 j 3 76 4 03l 3 981 3 (A 3 9J 3 76 3 19 4 00 3 82 1 Ull J TO 3 93 4 07 3 90 3 89 3 68 3 6o 3 83 3 23 3 27 3 271 3 77 , 3 2o 3 M J 811 J ii 13 30 6Si 3 68 3 68 3 8I 3 2o 3 62 C 37J4 6 26-14 5 28 4 3 60 3 4 3 651 3 681 tv a i-i, 3 68 4 651 4 67 3 63, 3 77 3 89 3 89 3 91 3 95 3 81 3 30 3 31 A 87 3 31 i 3 90i 3 61 3 05 3 69 3 89 3 .6 3 93) 3 86 j yji 0 Bi 3 92 3 7. 3 79 3 8S 3 85 3 38 3 81 3 35 3 3o 3 31 i " 3 87 3 78 .1 .IS i 3 87i 3 .8 3 81 1 3 361 I 3 10 J Mil .1 til u oo 3 791 3 491 3 3 81 3 66 3 49 3 75 3 St 3 42 3 701 3 82 3 431 3 73 3 82 3 87 4 86 3 71 Indicates Puhduy. Tho oftlclnl number of enrs, of stock brought In today by each road was: Cnttle.llotrs.Sh'n.H'SCS. yj jm. Ac i, I', lty t 4 O. ft St. L. Ry 3 Union Pacific system.... 29 18 7 C. & N. W. Ry 3 2 1 F., E. & M. V. R. R 21 27 , 4 8. C. & P. Ry 2 2 .. C, St. P., M. & O. Ry... 15 7 R. & M. R. R. R... 22 30 3 C, H. a: Q. Ry fi 5 K. C. & St. J 3 C. R. I. & P.. east 7 C R. I. & P., west 3 3 Illinois Central 3 1 1 1 1.. 1.. . 1130 3 00 . .IfJ 3 10 ..1270 3 10 1... 1... 1310 12i) .....1110 IK") IIM 1530 625 IIM .....1WJ 91 no , 860 STOCK 3 111 3 15 3 20 3 20 3 25 .1 2.. It 25 3 25 1... 1... 1... 1 1870 1 13S0 1 ,....1S0 1 160) 1. 1... 1... 1... I. CALVES. ll (in 1 7 W STAGS. 2 75 1 COW8 AND ....KV 3 35 ...-19M) 3 35 .1610 3 in 3 40 3 50 3 W 3 ) .1 60 3 or. 3 W ;i 80 4 15 .1510 .1560 ...1320 ...1110 ... Mo no 6 25 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 5 1.. 1.. I.. 1.. 16.. NO 2 ..n 1.... 450 2 13 1...., 470 :t i) I.. 666 3 PO 1.., 99) :t 12.. MVJ .1 2 STOCK CALVES. S91 I no BTOCKER8 AND FEEDERS ...M270 3 R0 HEIFERS. SSU 3 35 470 !l -to tVIO 3 60 780 3 50 1016 3 65 470 .. ISO .. 632 .. 710 .. 395 .. GO .. 3 ... 710 .. 6i .. 815 ..1075 .. 823 .. 830 .. 63i) .. 730 .. SOU .. (SO . .1010 .. 670 ..JOiiO -Thorn was 40 2 75 2 SD 3 IK) 3 Hi) 3 (IO 3 25 3 .15 3 40 3 40 3 ft. 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 75 3 73 3 75 3 75 3 75 ... I 4 12 9 12 1 1 28 ll 1 1 12 35 20 4 1 35 18 47 1 another K..D .1155 . 7.VS . 896 . 917 . 660 . !W . 810 . WW . 860 . 913 . 815 . 410 . 740 . 642 .1020 .1002 .1070 . 846 . 60i) fairly I 73 3 so 3 so 3 85 3 90 I 00 4 05 4 (0 I 10 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 25 I 23 4 25 4 25 4 30 4 30 I 35 4 75 liberal iibo'8 run of hogs today, but the market opened .i oi in ii.; niri.tiger innn yesterday. uno thing, howover, that mnkes tho market look better today Is tho fact that there worn n number of prime heavy hogs hern today which were considerably better In duality than anything received yestertlny. the bulk of tho early sales went Ironi $n.274 to $5,324. ami as high ns $5.35 was paid. Tho henvy hogs sold mostly nt $5.30 nn.. i,iiY2, iinu inn ngni ami medium weights at $5,274 nnd $.30. Ucfore half of tho hogs had changed hands, however, packers heiran tn weaken, nnd for n time nothing was doing, ns sellers wero holding tor tne morning mtis, Tho Inst halt of tho market wns very slow, ns packers wero only offering $5.25 nnti n.x..5i owing to Chicago closing with the ndvnnco lost. It wns Into before any thing like a clearance was mntlc. As will bo seen from the table of average prices tho month Is closing with prices only about ii, mcitci n IK ner innn they wero nl tno lie ginning or the month, sales: No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. A v. 8h. Pr. 12 95 ... 1 10 40 206 ... 6 274 J iiJn u .'i Hi VJl Ml ft 2i4 fiu. 90. AGREES ON REDUCTION BILL Committee Announces Eemlt of Dolibin tiom Upon Witr Eerenue Aot. REPEAL SOME PROVISIONS, RETAIN OTHERS Will Rill Tnx on Ilnnk Checks, Prom issory .Note, l:i,rf Receipt, Teleuntpli nntl Telephone Mcs llfn nntl MorlKIKCi. Representative Total receipts .114 110 15 The disposition of the dnv'B recelntB was as ioiiows, each nuyer purchasing tne num ner or ncau indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Ruycrs. Omaha Packing Co 257 G. H. Hammond Co 223 Swift antl Company 463 Cudahy Packing Co 681 Armour & Co 391 Cudahy Pack. Co., K. C. 71 R. Recker &. Degan 61 Vanuatu & Co 107 Lobmnn & Co 25 Livingstone & Schaller ... 76 N. Morris 65 Hamilton & Rothschild .. 92 L. F. Husz 61 Other buyers 2u6 942 1,928 1,186 1,549 2,275 491 26. 611 1,395 787 Totals 2,726 7,780 3,461 CATTLE There was another liberal run of cattle here todny and buyers started out to get inctr supplies at lower prices, ucer steers, in particular, were slow and It Is safe to call the market on steers 5010c lower than yesterday. There were over 60 cars on sale nntl the Chicago market was nono too good, an ot wntcn worKeu against the sellliiK Interests and nave buyers an opportunity to bear the market. As sellers wero holdlnir for Kood Htronu Drlces the mnrkot was slow and draggy trom start to nnisn nnti it was late Dcrore mucn nau been done. Tho cow market started out in fairly nooil shape nnd sales were made at right around steady prices. As tho morning advanced, however, tno market seemed to weaken. At no time was trading ns active as was the case yesterday and the market lacked the tono nnd snan of yesterday. The nrlces paid wero more lu lino with Tuesday'R mnr- net. nuns, caives ana stags oiu not snow much of any change, packers apparently belnc willing to take what was offered at just anout steady prices, tno downward lentiency or mo stcor market Is naturally having a depressing effect upon the feeder trndc, but, as the supply at this point has been limited, prices have held up In good shape. Anything cholco that lias not neen on com meets with ready sa o at very satlsractory nr chs. but there nro so few of that kind of cattlo coming Hint warmed-up cattle are selling hotter for feeders than for beef. Common rnttlp. however, of any claBs or weight nre very slow sale ami sencrs una it diiucuit to dispose or mni Kinu in any price. Jiep rcsentaitve saies: REEF STEERS. No. 3'.::". 3 4.... 24.... 1.... 9.... 19.... 14.... 19.... 10.... 4.... 6.... 4.... 17 1.. 29.. 10.... Av. .... 710 .... 860 .... 760 .... 790 .... 913 .... 930 .... 893 .... 943 .... SOS .... 995 ....1067 .... 909 ... .104D ....1047 ....1186 ....1120 ....1150 .... 948 ....111 .... 942 ....1092 .... 9J5 .... 96i .... 890 ....1099 Pr. 2 60 3 00 :i -10 3 60 3 65 3 65 3 11. 3 ?0 3 80 3 M) 3 85 3 85 3 !0 4 00 4 15 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 L5 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 No. 7. . . . 17.... 36.... 9.... 15.... 8.... 35.... 44.... 15..., 1.... 18..,. 3.... 8.... 9.... 28.... 4,... 30.,.. 10.... 42.... 7. . . . IS.... 20.... 20.... !.'..... 19... Av. 1101 1070 1225 107S 1120 1141 1335 1119 1151 1200 1159 1206 1154 1320 1371 1297 ....ViU 123S 1202 1248 1262 129 1282 1302 .1317 6TEERS ANG HEIFERS. ....Illu ....1121 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 v...'.'.'.:: 1 6 2 1..' 1 1 1 1 1 n I.'!.' 1 i"".i::: 1 .. 990 .. 830 .. 615 .. 830 .. 970 .. 810 ..1110 .. 940 ,. 890 .. 840 ..1030 .. 910 .. 950 .... 970 .... 930 .... 780 .... 910 ....1040 ....1000 .... 850 . . . .1000 .... 940 ....1000 ....1120 ....1020 .... 905 ....1090 .... 825 ....1073 ....1420 ....1000 .... 950 ....1310 ....1200 3 (0 ....1045 3 V) ....1200 1000 .... 955 ....lOfvO 3 1053 3 MM 1 1070 4 15 10.... 4 10 29.... COWS. 1.... 1..,. o 1'.'.'.'. 1.... 1 1 2 25 2 40 2 40 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 60 2 50 2 bO 2 50 2 60 2 I.') 2 65 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 80 2 80 2 85 2 85 2 85 2 9i) 2 90 2 90 3 00 3 CO 3 00 3 00 1. 1 13 1 1 4 1 4 1 750 ....1350 ....1073 .... 940 ....1110 ....1022 ....lOUi) ....1075 .... 830 3 "O 3 00 3 00 3 () 3 00 3 (O 3 (0 3 00 3 IO 3 00 3 (1 1 3 or. 3 05 3 10 3 10 3 10 1 2 16 2 9 6 1 1 42 1 1 6 3 5 1 6. . 1.' 1. 6., 10., 8 1 1 . 49;:.':: 1 17 2 8 13 16 6 7 1 6 11 1.., 9.. 26,., 10.., 6.., 12.., 1.., 10... 6,., .1121 ...1093 ...1160 ...1035 ...1150 ...1145 ...1035 ... 97S . . .1158 ... 910 ...1130 ...1U12 ...11)10 ... 720 901 980 10J0 800 1191 910 1060 1270 1141 1040 1330 1040 110S 1180 1200 1120 1261 1000 1101 l.'ll) 1025 971 11 no 1193 974 1250 1076 1174 1001) 1100 1075 1071 130i) 920 1630 1049 1085 910 Pr. 4 25 4 30 I 3) 4 30 I 30 4 ?5 4 35 4 40 4 45 4 45 4 15 4 t0 4 55 4 55 4 60 4 65 4 6.) 4 70 4 7u 4 76 4 Sj 4 85 4 9) 4 95 4 95 4 15 4 65 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 25 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 25 3 23 3 30 3 30 3 iO 3 .".0 3 tl 3 35 3 40 3 411 3 10 3 40 3 4.. 3 50 3 60 3 U) 3 60 3 .V) 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 65 3 55 3 60 3 IV) 3 b 3 05 3 ir. 3 65 3 65 3 63 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 75 3 80 3 85 3 85 3 S3 4 00 91... 46... at... 81... 78... 76... 62. . . 73. ..206 ..160 ..167 ..165 ..208 ..120 ..215 ..183 ..IRS ..19 ..212 214 77 210 78 198 22 300 70 235 30 285 91 1S6 102 185 101 166 95... 71... 76... 72... 42... 79... 69... 73... 74... 73... 80... 76... 80... 60... 81..., 81..., 2S..., 66. . . 85.... 63. . . . 72.... 80.... 72. . . . 78.... 79.... 53.... ...317 ...219 , . .2IH-. ...ISO ..246 ..HO ...217 ..210 ..232 ..226 ...202 ..23o ..226 ..240 ..260 ..213 ..170 ..241 . .224 ..242 ..211 ..195 i:s?6 . .223 '.248 120 120 160 80 40 120 80 'so 160 40 40 160 Pr. I 10 6 20 6 224 5 22t5 5 25 6 25 r. 2.-. 6 25 I 25 5 20 6 25 6 25 5 25 6 25 5 25 6 25 5 25 6 15 5 25 6 25 5 25 5 274 6 27H4 6 274 6 27 4 6 274 6 274 6 27 6 274 ? rift 5 6 6 6 5 274 r. 274 5 274 r. 27i 5 274 5 274 6 274 No, 40.. 97.. 37.. 69.. 87.. 62.. 15.. 67.. 79.. 76.. 76.. 61.. 75.. 71.. 12.. 83.. 62.. 63... Av, . . .30(5 ...197 ...251 . . .278 ...197 ...2n- ...23S ...200 ...2M) ...218 ...231 ...266 ...214 ...245 ...233 ...24S ...229 KM 200 160 'io 40 160 'so 70 251 G6 25G 60 367 60. .....240 38 228 1.9 266 68 264 67 239 46 258 70 249 65 322 61 229 62 260 82 235 71 221 73 235 63 29.1 73 185 38 286 48 238 ... 58 277 ... 6S 237 ... 68 242 ... 125 366 ... 71 273 ... 69 267 200 6S 260 ... 60 370 10) 69 288 . . . SHEEP There wns not a very heavv run hern todny, and receipts wero composed largely ot ewes ana lamus. very tew wein ers belnc offered. Tho nwes wero In fairly good demand and sold tit steady to strong prices, an high as $3.76 being paid. The lamb market, however, was very slow, and packers did not seem to be at n!l anxious for moro supplies this week. Tho feeling wns very weak and not much chanced nanus until into in the day. quotations: Choice red wethers. 14.159 4.35; fair to good wethers, $4.0004.16; cholco itgniweiKiit yearlings, w.&oih.oj: rnir to good yearlings, $4.251.50; choice lightweight ewes, is.wui.lo. tnlr to cood ewes. I3.ZM 3.60; choice spring lambs, $4.755.00; fair to gooa spring lamns. n.vwi.io: feeder ewes $3.2503.60; teeder wethers, $3.:V&'3.75: feeder lamus, JI.W4-1 40. Representative sales 6 27U 5 27(5 t -l',3 5 :74 6 274 5 274 6 271, r. 27U 6 "? 5 27 4 r. 274 5 274 r. 274 5 274 6 274 6 27',, 6 274 6 30 6 30 5 30 5 311 5 30 5 50 5 20 6 30 5 30 6 30 5 30 6 20 6 30 6 30 5 30 6 30 5 30 5 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 32 4 6 324 5 324 5 324 5 324 5 324 6 35 5 35 6 35 No. A v. Pr. 669 Wyoming ewes 101 $3 70 459 western ewes 102 3 73 6 western yearlings....' 78 -150 262 western lambs 74 4 65 101 ewes 92 2 50 7 owes 1(0 3 61) 98 ewes 75 3 63 459 owes 102 3 73 7 wtthers 105 I 33 298 western lambs 67 4 50 33t western lambs 65 I 60 61 lambs 81 4 65 191 western lambs 71 4 70 3U0 western lambs 76 4 80 265 Colorado lambs S3 4 90 2G6 Colorado lambs 83 4 90 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK M.4HKLT Choice Steer StroiiK, Medium VVfitk Ilnicn Clone Lower Sheep Stentlr ri 1 in o r.n'fi rr ti I n .111. tiiiu. j u ,. .1, 1. ,1 1 1 nr. i.cviii.D, 9.400 head, Including 300 Texans; cholco steers, strong; medium, weak antl lower; butchers stock nntl Texans stendy; gooi to prlmo steers, $1.8506.00; poor to medium $3.lai4..u: mockers and feeders, steady at 7iB4.ao; cows. ij.tioM4.i5; heirers, S2.n..ii 4.50: CHiiners. $2.00572.60; bulls, about steady 01 jz.i&titi.w; calves, strong at (.uuiii).;tu; Texas-fed steers. $4.00W4.SO; Texas grass bteers. $3.35M-t,oo; Texas hulls, $2.WH3.W).'" 1101.8 lleee nts today. 3o.uw nenti: lomor row. 30.000 head: loft over. 10,000 head; opened sternly and closed 5ffl0c lower; top, $o.50;' mixed and butchers. $5,300-5.50; good to choice heavy, $5.355Jo.60; rough heavy, $5.2005.30; light, $5.3005.45; bulk of sales, So.Sallo.'Wi. SHEEP AND LAMUS RecelntH. 14.000 head: sheep, steady to strong; lambs, about steady; good to cholco wethers, $t. 2504.7a; rair to choice mixed, w.&alM.zo; western sheep, $4.2504.75; Texus sheep, $2.600 3.75; native lambs. H-V)rno..o: western lamus. $5.0005.25. Knunn City Live Stock Mnrket. KANSAS CITV. Feb. 2S. CATTLE Re- cclnts. 5.000 natives. 1.300 Texans. 150 cnlves. cholco beef steers, 10015c higher; stockers and feeders, steady; native beef steers, $4.6006.55; stockers and feetlers, $3,7504.85, fed westeruii. $1,2506.00; Texans and In dians. $3.7601.65; cows. $2.8504.23; heifers, $3.2304.60; dinners. $2.2502,75; bulls, $2,800 4.40; cnlves, $4.0000.00. HOUH-lleceipts. 16.000 head; market no lower; top, $5,424; hulk of sales, $5.2505.35; lir.r.i.1. tt "Aft-, i'.li.- i.ilvn.l inil-a 5.35; "light," $5.1006.30; pigs. $4.8005.03,' SHEEP AND LAMUS Receipts, 4,500 head: market stronfr: western lambs. $1,800 5.00; weircrii wethers, $4.150-).6O; western yearlings, t.04.so; ewes, J.7i"i(u.Uo, culls. 2.600 3.2J. St, .IdNepli I.lve Mock Mnrkel. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 2S.-(Sneclal.) Tbo Jntirnal quotes: CAi ti. ti Ilecelpts, 1.210 nenn; marget nc tlve. steady: natives. $4,1015.20: Texas antl western. $3 60ii5.10; cows ami heifers, $2.250 4.25; hulls and stags, $2,250-1.75; yearlings and calves. $3.504i4.75: stockers antl feeders. $3.2501.40; veals, $1.6007.00. lioua iieceipi8,,.ui iicttu; marKot steady to 2c lower; all grades. S5.20ji4j.45: bulk of sales, $5.2505.25: pigs, stonily. Htllil'.r AKU i.asium Receipts, 1, 110 head; market steady. .Stock In Night. Following nro the receipts nt tho four principal western markets for February 2S: Cattle, link's. Sheen. south omalia 2,0.x .iilcago 9,4'0 Knnsas City 11,300 St. Louis 2,6i)l 7.812 35.00.) 16,0i JO 9.101) 3.190 14.(MO 4,600 800 COWB AND HEIFERS. 1 1 12 1 t:::::! 16 7 18 7 V.'.'.'.'., 21 3...... 1 1 1. 810 . 710 . 710 . 763 . 830 . 550 . 860 . 790 . 735 . 909 . 810 1100 950 ......1000 660 1100 1320 3 85 5. . HEIFERS. 1191 3 90 3 3 10 3 15 3 35 3 20 3 3$ 3 V) 3 60 3 60 3 0 3 65 3 75 3 75 3 75 13.... 2 6 16 I .28,'.'.'".' 4 1 v.::::'.: 21 1 ... 971 ...1160 ...902 , .. M0 ... 910 1 . . 765 ,.. 850 ,.. 670 ,..1060 ..1040 ,..1127 ,.. 833 ...1260 BUL7.3. 2 SO 1 1750 2 C5 1 12G0 .'I 73 3 80 3 80 : mj 3 85 3 90 3 !0 4 00 4 0 4 10 4 10 4 20 4 25 3 25 3 30 Totals 20,878 67.912 !,790 CHARLES G, ADSIT 226 La Salle St., Chicago, III. Bonds, Stocks and Investment Securities nought and sold for cash and nn margins. Private wlro to Now Vork. Chicago Ref erences: Continental National flank. Hi bernian Ranking Association, Royal Trust Company WASHINGTON, Feb. 2S.-Thd scuatc baa agreed to tho conference report oti tho war revenuo reduction bill. Thero was no ob jection. WASHINGTON, Feb. IS. Tho confereu.4 of tho senate nnd house upon tho war rev enue reduction bill today antiouuced tho in sult of their deliberations upon that measure. Tho report of tho conimlttco shows a compromise nil nlong thn lines of tho bill, tho changes In tho present . law being ns follows: Tobacco Twenty per cent discount of thu original tax or 12 cents per pound, its ugnlnst 26 per cent 1 eduction as llxed by tho senate and nonti its tho bill pasnud tbo houso The rntu ngieed upon will mako tho tax $9.60 per hundred pounds, us stntur In thestt dispatches yestortiay. Cigars On thoc weighing moro than thrco pounds per thousand tne houso rain of $3 per thousand wits tetalnod as agntusl 3.3n as fixed by tlm scuato ittid i-l.v) ns In tho present law. on thosu weighing less than thii'tt pounds per thousand tno f-uuuto rate ot 18 cents per pound was allowed to stand ns ugainst the tttto of $1 per thousand ita llxetl by tho uxlstug law, wnlch vvus nut uisittrueii oy tun IiuUhc. Cigarettes On thoso weighing not moro than three pounds per thousatiii tho sciittlo action using the rate nt Is cuts per pound prevailed, fho housu did not change- thu exlstlns law. lleer Tho house rato of II...0 per turret antl repealing tlm 74 per cent discount wns retained. Itetnliift I.imt fin llnitker Cnpltttl. Rankers' Capital-Present law retained, tin; senate receding trom Its amendment. Commercial Urokors' Tax Repealed In iiccordniico with orlglnnl action or both houses, Certificates of Slock Trnnsfers-Tho rato of 2 cents tor each $1,000 Is retained and thu senntti amendment. Including the transac tions of bucket shops, vvaa uccoplcd by thu houso conferees. Sales uf Products ut Exchanges Tho sen uto amendment exempting ttio sales of morchanillsu in tho actual course of trans portation wns accepted, hut thn rato of 1 cent for each $ho as tlxed by tho present law was retained, tho senate amendment making tho rnto $2 being disagreed to. Hank Checks -Kopculcd In accordance, with tho houso action. Certificates of Deposit Tax repealed, Promissory Notes Tax repealed, Money Orders Tax repealed. Hills of exchange: Foreign The rata llxetl ut 2 cents tor each $100, In uccordanCu with tho seu.ito amendment. Rills of lading for Export Repealed. Express Receipts Repealed. Telegraph Messages Repealed. Miscellaneous llonils Tax repealed, ex cept upon bonds of Indemnity. ' Certldcates of Damage and Certificates Not Otherwise Specllled Repealed. Charter Party Repented. Conveyances Exempted below $2,500, nbovo $2,500 25 Cents for each $500, In accord anco with senate nctton. Tclephonu Messages Tnx repealed. Insiirnncc Tux Itepcnletl. Insurance Tax repealed on nil kinds of Insurance, In accordance with, the action of ino nouse, mo senate conrerees receding on all sennte amendments. Leasos Tax repealed. Manifests Tnx repealed. Mortgages Tax repealed. Steamship Passage Receipts Exempted below $50 In value und the rnto fixed nt 60 cents for each $30 In cost for that price and over. Power of Attorney Tax repealed. Protest Tnx repealed. Warehouse Receipts Tax repealed. Proprietary Medicines Tax repealed In accordance with houso action, tho senate amendment being disagreed to. Perfumery antl Cosmetics Tax repealed. Chewing Gum Tax repealed. Legacies Law mod! Med so ns to exclude from taxation legacies of charitable, re ligious, literary or educational character. The totul reduction of the revenues ob made by the hill as ugrectl upon will amount to about $41,000,000, ns against a reduction of $40.0tO,O)0 ns It passed tho houso nnd $45,000,00 ns nmended In the sen ate. Tho provisions of tho bill ns ngrecd upon will take effect on tho first of next July JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK DRY GOODS. E. Smith & Go. Importers and Jobbers ot Dry Goods, Furnishing Good AND NOTIONS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES! Uestern Electrical v Company Electrical Supplies. riectrlo Wiring Bells aid Ou Llrktlna. Q. W. JOHNSTON. Mir. 1510 Howard hi SAFE AND IRON WORKS. Davis & Gowgill Iron Works. ' MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF MACHINERY. GENERAL REPAIRING A 8PSCIALT1 IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. 1101. inott mm mors JaoUssa Street. Omaha, Mrk, Tel. 038. B. ZsbrUkle, Agent. J. B. Cawrfll, Mgr. ELEVATOR SUPPLIES ELEVATORS Improved Qulok and Easy RUlnr Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATCH OATKS. Sand for catalogue. KIMBALL BROS., COUNCIL BLUFFS, 1 igu via Diuit. -lciepngna iu. e H. Davis & Son Agents for the nichnaoad Nnfrty (intes una Fire Doors. Elevator Hydraulic and Hand EleTiUrt. Elevator repairing a specialty. Leather Valvo Cups for Elevator, Engines aad Printing; Pressses. GASOLINE ENGINES AND GRAIN ELEVATOR MACHINERY Havid Bradley & Go. J Council liltifT, Iowa Gasoline Engines Vertical, llorlzontul nntl 1'ortuMo, from 0110 horso power 1111. Jobbers of Agricultural Implements and everylhlnc in water, steam unu ns supplies. JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone lllltl). Omnhu, ,vb. COMMISSION, GRAIN, I'ROVINIONS 11 ml STOCKS, llonrtl nf Trade. Correspondence: John A. Wnrron Co, Direct wires to Chtcuto ana Now Yorlr I