THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THTRSDAV. FEBRFAHY 2, 1901. 3 OWL CARS FOR OMAHA Eotm CocrsitU 2Upor:t is FsTer ef Jofcs HOURLY SLnVICE FROK SUNSET TO DAWN llfurnca Opposition to the Menanrc. hat Whole Hoof to Hair Op portunity to Conalder a It faaa:r. L-VOLN. Feb. J7 Sfcial Tele- rras Tbt ba cvawalUee an rttiei. as i t ira -U1 tcrrair report tavoraMr eo i , . . reqtrtr La tsb rsi F of Onaha ta rsn one car per bW i c er earh Hoe 'rem BMolcbt it t i E. here rlearatM appoetttec ta tbe aaean u? bur tbe roraralttee. after Hrteatac ta r-Jaea,r for both aides, dertded to Mib E t ftr reatMeratioa of tbe wbole boufe. CAUCUS FALLS AWAY 1 octmued from Firat Face i Tbe prohabtlMy ts that tbe faMoalsts a-ffl ' b" raneos decree seleci rertaia of these b Js re itch to take a sta&d for prpeas puuiwai rplLi i-aij "Jf1"" J". can f.T-e tbe republif-aas take tbe other , end of it as a party rema.ns to" he aeei - 1 MORE CHANGES THAN COMMON ! Kepobllean Mrttrh (hosl Qnlte a Ll1tl- on -the Senatorial Ballot. L'vnLN. Fe ST Special Tflecrunl Tbtre were store chases thaa asual ta Joint reaatortsl bsilet today. Cala rc4e rood Ma aerourtM a Tkin.u im ty,. ,,,. ,,, s , . Itr nlchts caarac by rottac Ute aim in ) the open. Me4kleJohn cot bark Menden- ' h aad Van Bsskirk. who bad been with hm leforr while rro.are rained Bdcar f-rm rarrle aad Jahasen fratn Melkiejoha. Tvm aona tsir a uiik. -u--k-. 1 hie place betac taken br MlskIl. who I has lien vn-lor rrvoctT far Pxrnri.. I has ben -votIrc E-sns ent from Mertas te Hslner Tb- tctais A tew B-rpe C'rojn. C -trie Dietrich Harlan J-arrlnrtan Hi!nr . . H'nshaw .. ii 'chcock . iZ KJakaM . . i Martin , ... IMelklfJeha 11 M-teJr . .Morlan -iRosewater . . . 1 Thompson. D. E.. I ' Taerairoa, W H. 13'WlthereM 1 S 3. M 4 Vote In lietall. The rrgmbHtaa vote war Ahen D. E. TStomfwnn. Carrie. A-idrewr D. E. Tharapro. MlkehB. Arnls HlBsbaw Currle. Armstrocp D. E. Thompaoa. Me4tleeha. Eieelcy r E. Tbenpron. MWkieJobcL Bethe 1 E. Tnocnpeon. MeakJeJoaa. Brrt-t E Tbotnpeor. MefklJohn. Blesner Hlnshaw Melklejahn Broderick-Hinsba MelUikhn trown uf rsnuu-Ii E. Tbomnran, Crc' unse Brown of Oto Halnr Crwonse. Barsb Hlnshaw. Rosewater i :alr D E Thompwin. Melklejoha. irneer Martin. Hosewater t"rlsry Tbonnison. MeikJeJohn. ' muni" tin nan, um. I.dcar V E. Thompson. 'roane K i a nr Mor lan, M H klejohn. Fowler D E. Thorn pon. Meiklejotta. Friodrtch Tbomiieon. ( urne Gallocly Wethereid. MelkleJohB. Uaa-ne TVethereld, Meiklejohn. Hal' D. E. Thompson. Koewater. Harla-n D E. Thomrwon. Currie Harris U. E. Tbomp"H Meiklejeba. Haihorn Morlan. Juejkiejohti. Hihbrt D. E. Thompson. Meilclejoha. Horton Klnka.ld, Meikl-jahn. Humphrey D E TUompeon. MRfkJcJehn. Johnson D E. Thorn yean. Croanse Jcuvenut Itinshaa-. M1kleJoha Laflln D. E. Thompson. CSurde, Lan I. B T(vnrmi'. rarr. -w Lowe I) E. Thompeon Melkleioha. Martin Thompaon. Cmjnw. ilcCarcar 1 E. Thompson. Currle. Martby Hlnshaw, t reirose. Met "oy Martin. Roeewater Mead D E. Thompson. Rtwiewater. MendenhaTl Hlnshaw MeikJohn. MiikeO D 11 Thompson WotheroM. Marshall Hlnshaw. Currie M ickett D E. Thompson. MelklcJohn. M uilen Tounp. Rosewater Newell D E. Thompson. Rosewater. Oieson ef iurainc Martin. Meiklejaan. Olson of Phelps D. E. Thompson, Meiklc J .hr NeBt D. E. Tbtrapson. Rosewater. I (wens Martin, iurne. Rohwer Hlnshaw, frouns. Sandall Harlan. Melkiejoan. Sbellhom D E. Thompson. CrouBse. SmiUiltTBer "WetbreW. Melktfjahn. Steele Hlnshaw. MlkleJhn. Steinroeyer D E Thompson. MeikJeJehn. Sa-anson Hlnshaw. Mlkleohn. Scott D E. Thompson, -jrrle Teffl D. E. Thempsoa. Rosewater. Twmpen-D. E. Thompson. Currie. Tweed Hinr.haw, Mefklejotan. h.1 Hfciner. Rfisewater "Van Bos kirk D E. Thumpson. MoUOe J. bn Warner D- E. Thompson. MelklcJohn. TV eszl D. E. Thompeoo. Carrie. tThitmore Hatner, Rosewater. Wltcox Hlnshaw. Rosewater VTUkinson D E. Thempsn, Meiklejohn. Tounc Martin. Ronewaler. Mr Speaker D E. Thompson. Rosewater Absent Baldric. Currle. Spencer, repjb- . i aas. I'altins. Bean, stetnmeyor. Wa-Uer. atson. Fellers, Zlmmerer. Pascail, fusion- 1 ls.r. STEELE WRITES TO PAYNE Trealdrnt rn-lrni uf tbe esilr E plaln HI Opiultlua to Tbumpsun. LINCOLN Feb. Steele has written the following letter to tiro Chairman Payne of the national re- r.nhH.., r, .ir, T.TNCOLN. Neb Feb 2C, Hon H . Payne, Milwaukee. Wis : My Dear Sir 1 am in receipt uf eur very kind letter relaxivr to tbe wnatortal situation in this fate. J sate your anxiety and solicitude i ver the deadlock here and the desire on ar pan to assist in rWlevlnc this situa won to the end that two republican UaMea States senators shall t nierted oefore the u1;urnraetii of the legislature l icn. w tnat yo ana your Cemralttee are'M. un-.r th. n.u,i.,Uwu.. mj nwh C-eatlx tntrreoted in the future success .f tie republican party ia Nebraska, as ert- arjce yoj gaie u la ear recent campalirn. and 1 realize that we owe much te ynr c lmralttw fur i..r KttM. snail attempt u gite ya fully and ranklv thr Bttjajion tnat confront us here at this time A republican senatorial t ncil art) tk. .. t . ar i; under a cal1 wbk-b provided rba . .-. ... iram - rj of un'iuostMmed loyalty shall b eligible to nocainatiun in this caucus.'' This cbucjs call had Ix-cn in cir i latiosi mare than two weeks before ary ' Mr Thompson s eupioners signed it When tbe taucas tinally amembiel some r-f the members of tbe leglaiature Ie4-s4ateid r, v "ting for D E. Thompson Tbereup a r inc"? tle'l r",, ITlS r igime as a sainasaaie neeajse be was "a rennMieaa of uBMUesdned tovaiti that this clautw in the call was know ti have ten put in for the express pur boxe f barring Mr T-nosapsoR from the raucus. W notified the mmlers ef the ra jcus that we wouid not portlclpute in ,rs deHberations where such a man was S'ltnirtui aa a candidate Twn vears ag; Mr Thompson went Into republican cK jc .s under a solemn pledge that he a-u.rt ablle b the result He was Je'eated r h cajf uk M L. Hi ward lelng selected Mr TbTrepson bolted Uie caurnjs anU attenrp'ed lo de"--T. its nom- GRAIN COFFEE Some people ca-'l drtak coffer ; rrerybody can dr Gr-a-C5. It looks and taste I '.e coffee, btst it is isade freia pare praias. No txiffee ia it. Graia-O is cheap-r thaa coffee; osts aboat ace-qaster &s stteh. AI grocrrt ; lie and Uc. In and 'ln-t hlnr-if : V; th- aiJ 4 of riieVr, f tsnrr aucwr -t tbetB arrtnT m vote fnr Mm U be wourt H;r ren4er crtarn riWk-ii prtansjs af"1 ' "ffouw r-rtjtHi f prlivtp Tbls he l acre! tfi hw Or ssarta-r failed cwa- mstion at th tost umf nt mmw vrr rrDbr of tb fa4o warty rrfaseid " g" iatf rami a -Ttrrh- hL It bar n nrtrpfju any r-etr;- vrrsy Umt at that tire D K TbJBawn eater. Into th. flKrrtnc contract 1. D K. Thtmmmr. Pt. t 1 aartrs of tbeCekraeka )cta,ture aar 9 e-rte-I t tSw Vne4 I TlrKt I will oppofxx tit? poacy M wtperi- athNB aafl rtitaticiatic aUtoaoe niu any i Batton Seicotj 1 will optoe aar toroBi tit rrIr artnr "TaAr I B nam tar- rfarti wi --- uraair af emrrwaf i 1 baakf ana -lT farar Ue mere - i k4Jt nHNier -Vmantsi a-ui ro- ctrrerwsrmt fcr t "'Farto I alii w f I?"'1?; . Plftb If oect 1 vw remue out of That b war eticace ts a 4al of thi kind wa a matter of 7Mtc BOMtrTett at ' to tbe Nraka State Journal and otbr j nairr throucbout tbe state cherrt ic ! ThTap""" with pottttral pnvdy In hotltic j , ih raaeu" and In atVfmpttnc 1" defeat tbe ; raacBf noratn and elt btair,lf nator I ' tn a deal with tbe roMoHFU. ettber n I or arjr of tboe encced ta tbtc deal eter I detilod it until after ta d-stS of Senator I Harward when Mr Taompfoa apaln be t came a candidate. Mr Tborap.n Ja ad rnrtted to Be that he knew tbat twirb a eon rrart vh rtrrilated anMaBC tbe fiMooti , tneialrfL and that Mr name war Mrl to I It. He hj aleo admitted to aw that be did ' t tempt f. (We at Harwrd. the repilar tm wur BfimiTpee I war a n-mbr of that )clatue td war casrua cbalnsan Y 1- . W u 4 mm u bat was roinc on and hat war lK-tac at- temMod We bad oarly wanrfhc froju a furtun mmlr that tbufe war treartsery .w. . t.. in.AbrT i mtnc no . so that fa far ar I an coBt'ortred VirZSTZ'ZfcS ' W rf fMmfrrmtf v ith tin- MrnrW mm ' " T i in nl 1 r .itanTT I T i tlnn Rball remtbHeanr condoa forcti; I and net reward such a craTe MUtk-il of ffe as thlr and elert to the t'ntted Stater ret.ate a man who attempted to ee-Tte a Mil of sale of tbe repubhVmn party and its nrtnrtple to our potttlcn! "neater" Tm rr -If the Vctbrar rbootd ad loom without aa e"eioa t woald a m)aiiBli to tbe nartv rm tne rcate m e- hrarha.. and vwHrid have tbe effect of t- ruptlnc and deraoraltaanc the jrty wors thB the panv hat- ever hr deraoralhr there." 1 arre with you that H would h eedlncly unfortunate for tbe rmJ-iy if jjW 2E J." eoaMent wtu not do so. Rut the a4eetann of D. 1 TbeBuiean. in tot bum hi XJtZi:X tT. .-im. .11 Tbor of ar wbe have take this poelUon "I'vT VHZZ. XT ,,irr . rttr wnw-h e cannot rarretaoer wstriout i Kurr - adertnc our ett-reot and It is a position so far as 1 an concerned, that I will not riesd T have no t candidate for th snale. So far as 1 am coaceraed. and I soeak the sentiment of th other raem- brs who are aiaKhic tMs Ucht we ure aartHi te c mto a republican eauens. and TbonMison oat of this race two repnbtlcan senators would be selected within forty- debt bewrs. j tyorW earnestly flcbttoc D E Tboajpson. almost entirely oa tbe proi1tVin that be ts not a r-puMaa nd that his ejection would t i the most disastroas thine that could hap- ' .n fair Tbe rurnre wv isr. nr Tne renunn. an ' Prty t tuv. VM ttiria Suili- u4 IrafVlv I- In record to this'raatier lcause I Icoow ,t ' is a matter of dep concern dep concern tc ourself and XZiZd&SFSZi of two republicans of -ur- your associates and If you can tbe election auestloned loyalty' vou will confer an db- tlona-i ana mrnnc i v r jpm tne repuo- ! beans of this state I remain most s4n- cerely yoare C F STEELE. CCIHTC pnee cnDTCI rounilCC OtN A I t UUtO 1" UK ItLCrnUntO Wel.rr- Bill to Rednce Rate Tnrntj- PHr fee Cent the ul.jert uf Debate. i the LINCOLN. Feb. IT. (Special. .H-ln senate tbls alteraoen tbe matter of tele- ! phene rales war. given aa Inning, with the ' result that a hill introduced by Senator , -Weber, which provides for a 25 jer -cent reduction of all telephone fates.'whieh haa been- reported try tar- jammtactr? er -post- tenement, was discussed at some leagLh I and was anally placed oa general file for farther consideration. The point was made by several of tbe members that such a law would wcrk a hardship on many local and mutual companies, which are aot oper ated at a profit, and that such companies ; provides: ' No person, association or corporation ' owasac er ot rating a leiepbooe exchange S-obal? aoEre eerve a hicher or greater rate for tbe Joase of a teiepfaone or telephones, or tbe use of telephone wire or telepboae wire-., or the eotrveying of a message or xoeswager over trr rte.thpBbShr ebarged. demanded or reom-ed for a like lease, nee or service by such prson. asso- cra.tlMi or conration on January 1 , pecson. aSMOCiatlor or corpturatron I owning or operatinc a tHefabane ex.ebanae 1 er excbancs, or a teieatbone at sic or lines, j shaB give or promls to give any privilege. I 1 T i Ji l 1 K Jl L IV H .1 BUT- jus IV." i natrons which it denie. refuses or with- i balds from any other of bis or its patrons. Any pervotl. association or corporation 1 owmnc or operaUnc a telephone exthancei., .'fig c;en..or TXeber's MIL cutting or escnangea. or a uuepnene une or une- who shall violate any- of the provisions of i tais act snail pay iu ine riaie a sum not ; less than tWfl nor more thaa lano for the first violation . for the second violation not less than Jji nor more than Ofl0. for the third vHdatlon not less than Jl.doo nor more than Ia,(nti, and for every subsequent Tiela tlon the sum of C0WI lo be recovered by the state in a civil action,, and a recovery may be bad tn one action far as many vie- UUflns of thi, act as the defendant was Speal.)-Senator4"3 "J, hereby rnethV duty of tSe aT-' torary general to institute In' the supreme court and of each coanry attorney to lnstl- t lute m lot uounij or " cwin n ma cauntv such action as may Ik- .tiro per .and necessary to enforce the provision of and eoflect the penalties Imposed by this act Whenever any action is .brought against .... t,,,n iri--uiri er having eharced. demanded or received, ttl- rertly or indirectly, a higher or greater rale far th 1.4. ik. nr R.r-tc Tn.n TlnrA , hVrein than that fixed by this act, the de- frnse than have the right lo prove, if It ' P.n. anon nrxar allegations first made in l, hBroof . t14 c,T.tlt ul e a oam- i ' B the ju-tlon. Four Bill l'aed. Fear bsHs were pessed by the senate this ' afieinocn. as follows s. F. Tl by Trosnnoa Providlnc for the aisponetoa of hog and other animals hav- I . . . . - , iMir rroBi caoiera aaa otaer oMiiawn otlMUSlres. li. R. I. by Lane Prov Viang for tbe an paintmeat Mt oaacty al Harney . H R. 6. by Loo ml f .n act relating to JtadcmeatK. S. F. W. hy Sleeie An act Va staM4sh i a raUttary ote lur Nebraska. The fatiowiac 68 Is were refer ted freui ' lW ?U oommiiiees and placed ea t"""' w H R. 21, b McCarthy RelaiMssg to de- cedt-nia. H R. 24. by McCarthy Relating te p- lMials ia Miixtv easea. H R. 2. b McCarthy Relating to Judg ments and anal urdora S F ST1 by Ransom Prtrridtag that con stitutional amendments shall be prated tn pairs Btrbfnltting the lowest- Ud. This bill was reporttad bj tbe commnter oa pruitug for jHiKtpunemHBt. but after some dlM-u-sion was placed on general file 3. F 344 by Lddt-n Providlnc lv tb ' recommentiatiua ef the tax les-y far ehol ; purposes bv the mayor and cauncl'. tasteavd of tbe si-h'jol board. Tbe bill is one which the committee reported back for pestp se t ment. but after a protest by roemtws cf the Douglas delegatim it was delVd lo i place the bill oa ceoara! file i fi. F 2tC. b IJddeli- An act tacorporaiiBg I metro poll tan cities and deflalBg. deocribuiB and regulMtlag their bttier. s. r ja rieiaong to reform ncboeH f. F 23. by Tojag Pras-Mteg Sv bonds for electrb UgktiBg purposes. S F SdK, b Merttmi Te preheat tbe dangres cuastraotioa of cbsmnrya. lire places, boilers . fr S, F ITS. by Jahbsen-PrtnKsag that a 1 town officers sbaa bold tbeir officer 'or a leraj of two ara. . F IT, b' UskJea PrH tdiax- Kir she ad mission f crippled aad bu4 cbdMroa tela the Heme far the FJleadleiis. S. F. ICS. by Weber PrevldtBg fair radne tiea ia teiephane ratc ii. R. 2tS. b HaJtPraridinc iar eatamie abvn V determine Mate boundary li tt. 20b. by McCarthj-rrovidlnc for ccatkit tn 4'rmire Mate bu-4r ft r -is br Pltnev MsWne ft ani wfel t,. till prsm- for a period of fie yeara . -. .- I i...,,.l ' Indefinitely rt.twnel. Tfc !B'ric Milt were reported r n de&aite petttpaft S. F. IK. by Bl: rl re-Re Is rinc te dece dent . . . . k F K. By Baldrtse-R"latfiC tf tocnr- pwratioa of swrtreann'ttaa titer I c r u. k tUi.iiti.i.H.r ts tr-r- Mttoa f u atari rttV erHlc a Mate lmr at Wfcr bxio- H. K SK Vr Cato-PrairtdtaF fr eem- jmjo,, vo ItterakM tae kMMbVr. ' UiMOUnr Al an rr OR p- C4. trtrt rtmrt The at S a elotk toak as -aead BBtil tosorroa. UnilCC TTCKinC Tfl RJKINP HUUbt All tliUO I U DUalWtaa Uaj prt In llrarlna tbe Wj the Flood of Bill Alan ine Action. for ! UNCOLN. Feb IT (Special Both rer- i alar of the kow-e today ere eted ta readtac m4 roMerattoa of hnU. At 4 rHwk the bowe adjraed ta perrnK the oamarlttee on railroad to IHten to rca- raebt oa Seaatar 'Weer- tdft. reqtiiricc a redactloa of from W to It per eeat en au fretcht rates. Ob recoaameadatlen ef Btaadiac com- , mn the MIowIdc bill werr placed ea i , Mt t n. . 1 Ji- aran-ia.j ir namr rww - relatlac te Irrtcatloit. 3R1. by Baresh. te de- cue rze araaiiaraiioBr m a niri i lut- ; te I InstitBte far Blind. 181 by Zimmerman a WWHt S5.fK fr tract of laad for , asrhim at Norfolk ITJ. by Heat, to create board s.' pork cosiseners far cities ef . I irr jei-cia.r ihtu. pt. iuu. Itaats. Htnsse rellr 1W by Cala. rrtstlnc te pab- ' He ikckoote. and by Jatnecst. redatlnt; ta aasesoasent for taxation purposes, vere la de Sanely postpoaed. Cader ordT ef third readlnc the &rie iac Mite were paoeed- H R art. by fVrrd To xuthorti school auTbnrtt"" to d"tei iatf.1 jr what branch's a M jdftit rm be taycht. H. H- K. br Fowler For protection of owners or ruton ana yvrk rofe.'ct;, X 1Ln0 treatment or esinenoar r CMlTO ao may boonme lnnan durmc r'inflarant 11. K. ST. b Hawxny To prone lor er- caalzartoa. malnteoanrt and coveraraeat of -4. H R S b Hawxby Naminc condition l upon which a stjdent may attend a schcK.1 outside th districr of thlr oti resWeice By x vote of fiK to 20 tbe bous defeated Fowler s bill providlnc for tbe collection of deilaoueat taxes. This measure sought te 1 cccvry to couaiy treascrers toe ngnt 10 issue deeds tc proiertv sold for taxes, WHO PROMOTE MEASURES . . . " : , t Record Made b, tbe Vetera! Vntor. In the Way of Introducing Blll UNTOLN. Feb IT i Special. 1 Wtlh th iaM T for the tatroducUon af bills passed, tt. record shews that la the sea.te there , were a total of 38? bills Introduced, er aa averace of about aine and a half for each . ... ,v,-, .1,.. .K.r. Th. however, show that some of the members .r. rr,.h mre. nctir. It, tHW Tart than 'were others. Senator Martia 1 respoaslble . ,Hr.r..i,. hni s.T,r TnBm comes aert with twenty-four with Teun , of Stanton on Ws heels with twenty- Iter.. Senator Haldrire ihhmirh hiriac . 1 been absent since early la the session on acouat ef sickness, comes fourth, tber Vx4nc seventeen measures bearinc hi? name. Two members. Senators Krumbaca and Woolstenbolm. did not Introduce a tui rttirt-r- the session, while Are-ids of eotoe arwJ--RnrW. of Nemaha are .errdllea , wjti two each and CaapbH of Halt aad 1 ru mlns of Peward three each Bills la- 1 trodae'd hv tbe other members were as fol- ov,t Allen. 4: Crounse. f- Currie. 11: Ed- gar : Harlsa. ifi Jocasoa. f. Lid dell. P: , Lyman. 11. McCargsr. "H: Mereddth. T: Miller. W. Newell. 11: Oleson 1 O'Neill. 1J. Owens. II- Paschal, h: Pitaey. Reuf- mg. 5. Steele T Trompea, S. Van Beskirk. Of the sraate bills forty-three have parsed tbe senate and seventv-six have pern postponed, the remainder beiac yet la 'b- haaos of tbe committees Out of some forty heus rolls which have bean received hv the senate, four have been passed and Cve indefinitely postponed, the others aot having yet come up for final disposition. HARRINGTON TALKS ON RATES Main an Artrnmrnt In rr of tbe nivrH,, f rl.rU rrelcbt s-hrdnlr. LINCOLN. Feb. IT (Special M. F. Harrington of O'Neill today made an argu ment before tbe house committee on rail- -uru k.rirr unSer ronsideratlon senate --- freight rales on certain commodities rrom jn te-45 per cent. .Cattle, nogs, aorses, lum- ber. coal and hay are the principal com modities affected. This reduction ts on the rates which were la force December. ISPS'. Mr. Harrington discussed the de cision et the supreme court on the maxi mum freight law end contended that the Qwijten WE tbe only one that could be rendered upon the facts that were pre sented to the court, but argued tnat mat decision did aot prevent the legislative power from passing a Mil reduciag rates He tbea weat into the question In detail and showed by original shipping bills that ... ,K. ,h. -van. the change from tbe carload to the wo- pound rate raised the rate from 11 to It j pf,r eeat. He also showed that the rate . ... .. . ! BD no cbo""" eu. He then quoted frem Poor s Railroad I Mnnnut ta, show the recelnts. emeadKares . . : . I D PrDSt ' tne various ralireacs. in. deductions from the figures therein found were that out ef every 1100 paid in freight tc the Elkhern railroad 23 is clear profit, aad JSC ea the Burlington aad HZ oa the Union Pacific. He also quoted frem a com piled statemoat from tbe auditor's office, which shewed that the total receipts ef the railroads ia Nebraska ter IBM was ever J2T.OOb.000. He Scared tbe profits at an average of 37 per cent ef this, w hkh made I8.SeXWfi. vuch w-eald make a profit of It far every man, wt-man and t-hild In the state eat h year He contended that tbe Weber bill a reasonable redaction, and after such a reduction argued that the railre&ds would be making several times the prefit that other people are making la proportion to tbe amount 'invested. Arguments against the bill were matie b representatives of the BuTllngtea, Union Pacific. Elkhora and Rock Island railroads. NEEDS A SCHOOL FOR DEAF !enale Committer Make a Ilrjiorl on What It 4,nltler ecear3 lie pair. LINCOLN. Feb. 27 (Special. ) The re part ef ibe seaale committee en pubiie lands and buildisgs. wbUh spent Henday in looking into the seeds ef the Institute Iar the Peaf and Dumb Iocs ted at Omaha, has eabmitted tbe feOewisg report We. vr committee en pubbr laasis aad bulkMngs hate visited tbe laetitktloa for tbe Deaf and Dumb at Omaha and beg leave ic submit the following report: We ftbd ru enty-lbree acres at land tin which tbe h4tBtaa is. situated Is rtitber haaaleaae to the demaitd of the auraiior of students therein oeataiaed We betleve M wtntld be ta the Mttcrest of the Bote If arty acres mere could he purchased lyttig uontigtioB te the tract alrsadr owned by tbe saate. aa wbVh M be raised rela tors and otbar vegetables fur tbe aBKCHu tKia. besides farniafciac emplirmBt and pracutuu lessouz foi hc aiuueni in farm- 1 P F rr momMi nt . moi. iira. ran or. ana we nwrmc i lae rrania nam 1 S F 3m Tro An act fixtae the tKW tbe oetHnc. a K rcnsutitljr ir . 1 Itaatt f ttMe4aM of ctBitie. cMtes. J BtMereL "W flrei ia a crrat many room- ' VT i - - - - A. iia. . tB tKr wukte Wuilallair there ktmnM he WVL i of a j; or tone-FtxtaF 'r , 3oorp and tbe noodwork painted. The clo- tri as nine-tenths of nl t he joVtir ---tn frw the frm after urtwottnc Tbev win probably return te the farm Thre sbo.ii1 ai ream: f arr or rtx cm rowx;;i if i au - nua jatlk tr the inflturJon an tat. wonld be a matt? of econotnv as ar a very i 4""tra fond for so miit yvessc M tricot" We and ibe an4 nl -el eorated writh tree, wblck art an veil trimmed le4 a ell - Belldln. , we and the M' MlikiC ir. very ropur mm w mm te oW te i. la t h .jwwt 111 '?r..JZ croat tnanj ptaeef. P-ncre nl In i croat man: pioeef. Tfe M " - vntm t- mtibuctow ie w mrnitiiwi or amnr. cr-nm. air Lfrr an aaemate attetitloti t" avotd toe trenerattoo i :l ?Jr.. yVLX Vll'.'Sff"" 1 Jiiffi or"ltCr Moot of a znodeTa "V firmlehrd a raaJtary preranuon The 1 rwf on all the ball-Biicr have been badlr , n.rlened. Th- -ikJi tnt4r rf. tta , ehouM h repatated at tb Terr eurrt oMJortutrttr. ar tbe sajne are nem- Turtter I lne MtpertateadeBt r room. Tool. Hf have care f all r exaarised tbe rjppl of tools Jtnd habere that tbe aarae are rn- Urelj tnadeuate to tle deraanr of tbe h rtltatlon. There heetnr to Imt very little tjM- in the pdataBC oSce'and tb ! larce pr-s Is enttrety rabled and at pres- fkl. 1hj,f , Urce job prps, aboald he farrjnbed and a Bb-ral supply or type, ar wen a? a creat many artlee-- for tbe rbo. ebon, art d- . . j. . ' Ai w. ,..amat, that tberewouM .art the -tate .lL.? lndJSTid 1 rstena entirety out rn repair ana wmw ruccert the same should h replaced by a , i... . n.w ry.., probable cost We b-lere I for the ucerfil manajrement of the tn- rtitnttoB thre rbnjM be rurraed one waptm. which wnuld cost about XX fi. .... - . .Wkl cK,rt fltf foet hlch by etpht jet la diaraet-r. whose eaiHantv 1 lnurHr4.nt for tbe Inettruttam anal v-milat K. t itf" t-r m th. nf 9 1 Ore Threfore we recomsnend that a mstn ! laid from the rerrvfdr i th comer of th butMbac. with proper ttttachaaeals for th city are dpartraert in the event of aa outbreak of are. the probavbl cost of which would b tncludinc ib chance and rti water c4osts a boat JT.IWS Ve also ttnd th sidewalks leadtnc to tbe dtT- rent bulMKncr in h hnd condition, and that th dty has re aulre a sidewalk aioac the entire frrtac. which win coet the state as additional earn 1 ov W) Cold Morajic. bnere that a tare, refrlcerator snou'd lie furnished this Institution, as notbinc of th kind now exists The bed- dinr is snort and many uf the bdr broker. I fjrtU.Jr 1, Vv.'.. 'J vtiT"Ti! ! propria tloa for dishes and an additional llbrarj E. N ALLEN. Chairman DARRELL S00NT0BE0N TRIAL a I Third Man rhirscd with Mnrder of I Herman Zabi to liaie I Hearing. FREMONT Neb . Feb i Special )- The trial of William TarreH the third of the men charged with the murder of Her- an Zaba 1. set for Mrb 6 aad a panel j ef twenty-four jurors ordered summoned. After Gardner was brought bark to his cell j .rlv th. mornine he hnd notWri- tn uri about tbe verdict of tie Juit. He seemed ' relieved to thick that tbe.Kuer.ease war ov.r ' aad did aot want to spoak ef it, Tbe ver- 1 diet Is rerarded bv attornevs as a substaa- tlal victory for tbe defense. "We are satisfied with it " .said Mr. May- nird. one of his attorneys, this moraiac 1 "and shall take ao steps for a review of the case by the supreme court" Last night as Attomev Button for the defense shook hanJi with Gardner, he made .a strong enort to re- main calm aad said. "You- Bid ihay best you could do. He did not expert aa acaulttaL Rhea has leea more quif since TJardner t ! trial corameaced. He Jaax'atopped singing aad daaciac aad sits m-rh of the time in 1 bis cell with his eyes fixed aa the floor er grating, evidently fully realizing he fate thnt awaits Mm. The conviction of his tw o asosciates makes DarreM feel pretty aaxious. GENTLEMAN WANTS NEWTRIAL .Motion of Kilty -Three Paracrapb riled. Cach Citinc Allecrd Error. COLUMBUS. Neb.. Feb 27 i Special Attorneys lor the defense in tbe Geatle man murder case have filed a motion In the district court for a new trial. The motion is a very exhaustive document and con tains fifty-three paragraphs, each citing er ror. One of the strongest counts is said 1.0 be alleged misconduct on the part of a certain Jurymaa The motion has beea set for hearing next Saturday. In the case of tbe State against John Burrell. charging criminal assault upon an 11-year-old girl, the Jury returned a verdict of guilty after being out about three hours. Burrell has lived here tweaty five ears and this Is the second time he has been in this kind of trouble. I The Jury returned a verdict of not guilty I la the, care of the P-tate against Christian Butz. The defendant was charged with ' embezzling and converting to his own use i funds beloaglcg to the Union Central Life j Insurance company, for which he was art- lag as a sort of subagent The aaouat of his shortcomings was IISS. : TWO YEARS FOR 'VINCENT One of the Merub.r f Liucoln hrp Ganar I vnli-ncrj fr Grand Larceny. LINCOLN Feb. 27 (Special Tele gram, t Harry Vincent, one of the members ef tbe Sharp gang, pleaded guilty in dis trict court ta tbe charge nt grand larceny aad was seateaced to two years la the peal tentiary Tbe offease was robbery of a freight car on the Rock Island railroad near Albright Tbe stolen goods were found la this city aad the theft was traced to Viaeent aad other members ot tbe gang. PrrnoBt Wnnt City Library. FREMONT. Neb.. Feh 27 . Special At the saeeuag of the etty eouaeU last sight L M. Keene presented the petition of citizens ef tbe city far the establishment of a city library, the levy ef a tax of 1 mlH for its support and maintenance aad tendering te the city the money subscribed, which is new 12,700. and any books which may be donated. A resolution was unanimously adopted ac cepting the gift aad directinc the ordinance oammittee to prepare aad present nt the next meeting an ordinance entabtlEhiag a city library and tbe necessary rales and regulations governing the same. ult to Rrroi et Title. BEATRICE, Neb.. Feb 2T (Special Tele gram. The ease of Thomas K Rest against Walter S. McLueas has beea on trial today in the district court and Judge Stubbs of Ht-eren resumed the session this eveaing. This is the roost stubbornly contested case triad here during the preseat term. -Suit is brought te recover title te property. Merchant Face sud Hand Horned, WEEPING WATER. Neb.. Feb. 2T (Spe cial Telegram ) Fraak S Warner, a hard ware merchant was seriously buraed about tbe face and hands tonight, while pumping air late a casMine Urap. which exploded. Fire fa the store telle ed. but was soon exliagaished. with little damage to stock. Fair iclatln tn Sell Out. AUBURN. Neb.. Feb. 27 The Nemaha County Fair association 1 snH the fair grounds aad go out of business, the stock holders feeMng that they can no longer af- icrrn to nave money invested in tat is yielding no returns. et are in l. ir: rorvatTUos ana remnci- ls . ; inrnucu in manj preH mrBirerm- tJMt parpore If neeied. A bequest Is naoe iisi.wo wo la roaad anraDers. Assets crew ! er1pIa7fbdththork "needr"' I bf 11.006 to each of his eblWrea, parWe , frora SM.MMMW0 to SM.WM 0M. aad tbe sr 1 imtntiiir- Ak the Hurler and bedroom ol .a a. ther are of ace. frcn tbe per- , pins frea 4.6te.PO0 to JMOO.POO. This is JLDCE MAXWELL'S WILL FILED It ii pctd for?jb&U :t 05: of Ctusty DISTRICT COURT PAYS HIM HONOR Adapta Keolatloa Betorrln Hlh Trlbate to HU I areer-ereral Arqaalntaare peak of HU (iaalltlea aa a Jarlt. FREMONT. Neb . Feb. -" (Special j. v tn Jndcre Sarauel Maxwell hat beea i tied lor probate ia tbe oSre ot tbe ooaaty Ittfire. It It dated Juae i' TS. aad 1 ' mtaessed br Judcei .uaaa Cebb aad M " " .: crdr. --mt ter ths parsed riirafllt D; . 1 r" .- or EU OfK iroaj ior jivirou-.. ' .nth .uthnrtt-r to aell tbe rral estate for aal property, er from tbe proceeds of tbe ; a record made while boldlnc to eoasrrra sale of real estate la Merrick county. His tire methods ef lasttranee. and witboat wife Is clfea a life estate la bis Platts- taklac a lot of baslaess at less thaa tbe nwatb property ad bJs eatlre persoaal cost of dotac It. Col Greeae. Presldest, of estate also a bosiesteao laterest in m i rejdeace property la Freinoot. prerided ; , . nnrliKrTX t0 sell the same Hetry raverbarrr of Cass coaaty aad Heary G. Wcrlrett ef Fremeat are stare as exe- raters. In a codicil dated May 4. 1R5. be recites tbe sale of his Merrick 5aty property and I Purchase of land la Adams ceanty and ; . . . . . Tl1j. dtrerts that laad other than that la !odfe rirp that tana otiier man m iwar m.Mr be first sod for the payment of iPC.Pi,s .nd K the laad cannot ' be sid at a fair valuation then tbe ehll , , , , .a ' area are te xase tneir jrpancr m ettber to nbole or part After tne aeaic v. -nt. v.. aHrt. that all Ma Brnnrrlt I w .r .... be sold and the proceeds divided equally betwea bis ebUdren. Tbls codicil is wit- j nessed by H G wetcetl ana jenni m , w Otcotl in a second roajcii. Qairti i mm- i try IS he substitutes bis son, Henry KL Main en. as executor, and directs that the lecacies civea bis bobs. Henry and Jacob aad his daacbter Margaret, be charged acainet tbem ar advaaeeaeats. Trlbnte to 111 Memory. I Th commit tee appointee to Gran resolu tion la memory f Jaflxe Maxell t'UB- aitted their report to tbe district court --aias e lora .01 a which revles at some Irnpth hU career as J8"" -aa li,0 "'taects ox bis cmrac ter which ere so rtroncly exemprlfled in his judicial opinions, his upriehtaess aad ia fer-rttr of rhirapter his rureed Ideas of iustiee. nntrammeled by lecal technicalities so well Vasw-n to attorneys, by the phrase In many of his opinions lt appearing that substantial Justice hat been dae. the Judg ment wMl be afiraed." His career as a congressman. hU consistent religious life and the Strang domestic eide of his nature were also spoken of. Brief tributes te his memory were given T Hon. E. Y Dray lor t, t-ttot. ead of his Mat i . ... by Hob. E F Gray for thirty years aa Matthew Miller oi G G Marti . ao c. t -Tac.-Nisn. x.r .hc.msb spohe o-i 015 1 acquaintance wttn aim curing iwecty-sn f' , . , neio uj au wao Kue uiai. aau rcukeu aa-rdote of his service as a district Judge which showed the kladly nature of tbe man. Juige Grlmlson paid an eloquent tribute to his purity and lnteerity of character. hlch were such that during a public career "t aarly half a century no breath of scan- ! dal touched his aame or deeds, aad to his persevering industry la the miad of Judge Maxwell courts were established for the protectloa aad defense of tbe poor, aot for tbe aggrandizement of tbe rich, aad that e nigh utandard governed hla actloas at an attorney long before he sat upon the bench. The resolutions presented by the com' mltlee were ordered spread at large upon the records of the court tad a certified copy forwarded to tbe family of the dead Jurist. Priaoner a Beatrice Boy. BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. 2T. (Special Tele gram ) Investigation here today et the ar ret, of J. H. Hell at Chicago on the charge of forgery, -sho formerly resided In this city, shows that his capture Is partly due to Chief Moore aad O. T Fulten of this city. From information obtained through Mr. Fulton here it is learned that the Pinkertons had a woodcut of Hull, but did not know his name. Finally it was found that he had formerly kept company witn a young lady here. The cat was srnt here and was readily identified as Bert Hull. who Is a graduate of the Beatrice High . school. His parents were well-to-do. They i moved te Connecticut about eight years , ago. Tonng Hull's whereabouts have been j unknown siace his departure from here uatll the report of his arreut in the msra Ing papers. ' Creditor Force inle of Stock. CLAY CENTER. Neb., Feb. 2T. Special, l ' The stock ot agricultural Implements of W. W. Allea of this place wes sold yes terday by a Catted States marshal to satisfy claims of creditors. W. H Wadsworth of i Iadiaaola bought the goods for 6,(125. Rich- i ert & Stepbearoe, dealers ia the same liae ' at this place, bought the real estate for tl.1125. I Farmers' institute. I ST. EDWARD. Neb., Feb. 2T. Special i ' A farmers' institute Is to be here March S and 6. The speakers Include Chancellor ' E. BenJamla Andrews of tbe State uciver- 1 sitr WHISKY IN SOLID NUGGETS ' Alaska Harvest It Most I'llaoui Crop or Ice et eity Drtreei BeloTT Zero. LARAMIE. Wye.. Feb. 2T iSpecial.) Fraak X. Gewaas. former stenographer to Assistant Superintendent Hay of the Union , Pacific aad bow private secretary to tbe i Dominion gold commissioner at Dawson. ' Tukea Territory. B C ia a private letter ' sent to tbe coast by special messeager aad , received in this city tonight, writing under . date of January 16, says: "All records for cold ia the Kleadike siace tbe winter ef IK'.m were Urokea this aernlBg. when the government thermometer registered exactly "8 degrees below zero. Yesterday the maximum was C4 below and the miaimum was 5T below I would net dare tell aay of my frieads that the weather as cold as this unless I had verification by a newspaper, so I eaclose a clipping from the Dawson Daily News." The News, ic the article referred to. says The registration at uawson in ist i was 6T 6 below Dense feg stiM overhangs i Dawson. Sergeant-Major Tucker's ther mometer kept at the barracks, was y ester- I day aoraing W ( below That kept by Goveraor OgUvle was 64 2 below. Tbe ther- I mameters kept at other places in tbe city , ranged from 60 to TI below Quite a nua- I ber of the thermometers ia which much reliance had beea placed during the wiater registered ia the seventies. However, tbe registrations of the government thermom eters are adhered to by the general public as being the most reliable- They register 64 below J "The registrations en tbe creeks back of i Da son are on tbe average warmer than in j Dawasea. Tne telephone central attendant at Grand Forka says tbe reports show I the temperature an tbe higher road places 1 and elsewhere much warmer than at tbe low- piaees. GrfVd Run holds tbe record for tbe eoWesi ef tbe creeks with 64.3. the , same as Dawsetr Dominion has 60 Sul phur, , Grand Forks it aad tbe Done, Ei j Tbe rrot pormliar relaaatleo t tiaoef I tten wHh tbe djr H 1b tbe iaarrooin tbe ' rraeer it the barrarka H n taken nt of a beates roam of above and. et pae4 ta tbe ovtxlde 1erertBrf It ; d b a ad did coC itap at 64. bt raBtlzsved to Tt A bottrr 9t bkr. S arrobol. aM to be proof acatstt roM msi ta Ta . fee', tii trMes m4M ta irant of Hrtd ' 4 0 ' drag utore tb roaralac " Lfif for laantara tloa. ' .CHEYENNE. Wjti, Ft. IT Special Goreraer teForen RMbard and taraOr 1 )et tedar for WarblactM ta atted tbe la- aararal eierrtrei OarerBor Rlrbardi ru tbe fir t cover aar la tbe aaton ta aerept j tbe larHatlaa ot the roraraittee te ebltt ( exerwtlres of the rtatei and terrltarlei to itttoi tbe Waabtactoa fnaettoa I Store HSS. -abea harp Paapetitlos reralt ef aew-laacled lararabce aietboda. . ir 1 Vi rnrtirot Vntlaal tj? t r. Kr- r- v.. . . ... ,..i -'" v, araoaat of lcrnrance frora Ml (KKI.onO tB me roiapajiy. rwiiri; Fr' ii.ujrrui an the fact that parraeat to policy holders ( and the existlnc surplus acgrecate US per cent of all tbe contribution of poli r hold ers since tbe orcaalsatlea of the ccapaay fifty-Cre years aco, a ocord that is equaleS br no other Amerleaa company nad Is ampJe proof of conservative management. Moi ntmnm Rrnahllrul 'till VotUc. "r r . . - i vi??.L ni ci.'tr r. ter for the short term The vote was as , follows Career, a. Frank, Manama, i 1? ' ooper. r. iorn, . v Toole 1 UHlaJ Pnlirt UlblTCD fi I kS nun uumtj nmitn nunin . I rrT1,Bby .Bow and Colder Tbnradayi I rnday Tslr aid Continued Cold. vrltb Wind. WASH1NGTON. Feb r Forecast for Thursday and Friday Far Nebraska Probably snow aad colder Thursday. Friday fair and eoatlaned cold, northwest tn north winds. For Iowa Saaw er rain Thursiay. with warmer la east portion . Friday fair aad colder, east to northeast winds. For North Dakota Fair Thursday aadj Friday caWer Thursday: northwesterly winds For South Dakota Eaow Hurries Thurs day, Friday fair aad eoatiaued cold, aerth- cast to Berth wtads. for Kansas Probable rain Thursday, fol lowed by fair aad colder ia the afternoon j Friday fair and colder, aorthwesterlr wlads, , For Colorado Rain or snow and co.ier Thursday; Friday fair aad colder, north erly wlads. For Wyoming Probably rata aad colder Thursday. Friday fair with lower tempera ture, northwesterly wlads. luteal Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER. Bt"7LEAT OMAHA. Feh. rr OSetai rcord ef temper ature aad precipitation compared w'.ta toe corresponding day 01 tne last three years una. ihi uc!i. ias 44 -t 4tt 4S tVtare. Minimum temperature. .IT IE B 2R 1 Mean temperature .. .. M 2 3S IB Predpltattop . . .0" (H ooj Record of temrKiramre aad precipltaU"-! ( at Omahc for this day aad since March 1 j Normal temperature 25 Excess lor tne aay Total excess since March 1 Normal Drf -i pita. don .OS inch Deflcienry for the day Totai rainfall since March 1 IieflciencT since March 1 . Deficiency f.r cor jerod. 1!I0.. IefleJercy for -cor. period, ffflS- .OS lne h 1 inches Cinch . 4 T4 Inches . 4. 4S Inches Ilej.ort from Stmtioaa at 7 P. M. STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. zrJ - Mi 44 00 ( 4K 1,1 on 5C W T j 4S Jit (if 4f, :a no 22 ss tc ; 34 3 (10 IS' 20 m I 40 44, no 1 2f 22' (10 : 21) 24 m 4fi Til)' (HI ' 4G 4H IM 40 46 (II 3i' :' I a w; (to Omaha, cloudy North Platte, dear Cheyenn. raising Sa.'t Lake City, otoudy .... Rapid City, partly cloudy Huron, cloudy WlHlston. clear Chicago, clear .. St. Louis. lear St PauL clear Davenport, clear Kansas City, cloudy . Helena, partly cloudy Havre, ciouey ! Galveston, clear T Indicates trace of precipitation. -L. A. WELSH Local Forecast Official An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beacScial effects of the well known remedy, Stkttp or Figs, raaaafa-ctared by the CaXiroESXi. Fis Stbcp Co., illcstr&te thecalneof obtaining- the liqaid laxa tive principles of plants known to bs medicinally laxative aad preseatiajr themia the forxa most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa-ti-, cleansinr the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling1 one to overcome habitual constipation per xaanentlr Its perfect freedom from every objectionable qnality aad sab stance, and its actincr on the kidners. ' lirer and bowels, witboat weakeainp i or irritating them, make it the ideal , .laxative. la the process of saanafactarinr firs are ased, as they are plcasaat to the taste, bet the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the CauroEsnA'Fis Steut Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid Imitations, please remember the fall name of tbe Company printed on the front of eTery package, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. bast rzAsrezsco, car i.QTjiTTT,T.r, rr scrw tch, jr, t. For sale by sul Druggists. Price 50c per bottltv PIMPLES Si eruptions, blackhead, enlarged )TTS.re2 not, red. rouga nan Js. Laad ail afirctioni ol the skin land scalp are speedily tad per Imaaently cared at your hem. Pull information with fr DESriATOLOGIST WOODW.Pv J State SUxorJterrr,.. Chic f Tir.t Tlldnej- ' Kidney cura. ii Diewis ftaca 1 ache, etc At Imp- jncts. or cy mail. SI Free book, I , etc, of Dr. B. J. Kay. -.-'. X T. KIPAVS TABt'LKR 1 an eSectnaJ mr. for the His wfcicb tn a bad rtea. iv icr k. ai u omrriata. To Mothers of Large Families In this TrorVaday "for1!! fetr Troosea xre m plarr-d that phytiatl exerUoa is not ceartaallT demardtd of thera la their daily life- We raaVe a special appea. to toothers ci lirre faraihes f'ho- trork in aerer doae. aad nur of whom nafler, aad suffer for iack of nteihprs .k1 T TTornen Toner or d, rich or poor. tr rxtesi an nr tatioa to accept ire ad Tier- Oh, wcraea do aot let 'P. Mar, Cixctx Btct2.cvnxc, tout lire be sacr Seed whea a xrord of advice at the rst approach of wealf aes, raar 11 rocr futcre rears with healthy joy Address a letter to Mrs Pinlchtra's Laboratory, Lrca Mass., aad tou will aot be disappoiated. " AVhea 1 bejrta to take Lrdia E. Piakhara's Vegetable Corapocad I vras not able to do ray honscteork. I suf fered terribly at time of menstruation. Several doctors told m tbcj conld do nothinr for tae. Thaakt to the Piak haan advice aad zaedidae I aa ao vrell. aad caa do the work for eipht ia the faaaily '" I woald reeoaraend Lydia E. PiaV barn's Veretable Compound to all mothers with larre farailie. Mra. Cirr.;ir Eeuitou, Ludinftoa, Mica, "I AM ALL WORN-OUT!" Bam Mao tlandrrdi of Persons Kepeet the Ahtrte foey Dv loor Srrvoaj tWstrn Is Canief, tbe Iraoble los are 4.11 Ra to " aad Lack Vitality and 1oor Draoi Cannot Cars These ei,necst It Takes the Proper Apell catHM ef tlectricltv Ptala hot True V-ords by Dr. Bennett, tb tloctrical Astfcoritr. The 50.000 cum hlch rrv Elet"! Beh hn iraS Is simply marvfloui, niimurh m tul'v otie-hitf of tbem had trrv pnmoancii r. urnblt rv drag doc ton. To tne weak" nan tand woman -.w vtioli suftrring tmr. i h of and t.uty I can CViifuL'y iv tha I otrf vra i cure If Electrlcl-v fa. .5 as arpipfj b bv Ouaa-uplr Poer Electric Be' 1 wi refund n-er cem you pay tar It I naer th powerful Inflmnc of n-v Beh anfl Eirctrlcal Suipen tory tbt l!p become rtS, tbe eves brtght ind vH-ic-lout those hacxini. drawn ll rr or y ourta, t itiaprwar Ltid ani ulantm hands and feet became warn-, aleey rr-t-TMhlrc and dictlor per-tec- EleciriciTv ll the lit of everv hunar. being wKh ou you auld not live a moTnm If vou are waic anj si, k. '-our system la.ks Elermcln' which mult b suprulrd bef are you can re am Etrorg a-ralc Leiv drugs alone. thv cannot curt you Ircsiediately upon tbeippllcanon of Eiermdry througb the medium of my Electric BeltyourarrbTtton. energy and lov ef lift and Its plenum return, 'our old. atik, lick. I 'nlived out Inaodv diicourired self is bmd In tb past, never to be exhumed Wrht to me u-da I want to wrtit you a long persona, ler.rr explaining just how Electrlci" wiM cure your case. It costs you nothing to wrae and learn about mv system of aplytng Electricity, theexcluilve rtrhi of which has ban granted to mtiby the United states ai a re ward tor study ind discovery Dr. Bennctt'sElcctric Belt Is to supply the needed Dectncrry to weak organs nd nervei and rapidlv returns you to health and strength. I have studied the Weaknesses of men ind women and Electricity as a curative lgent foryea-s, and know exactly what my Electric Bell will do, there fore 1 guarantee the cure In everv case, if it tails I refund rvry cent you pav for it My Belt Is Glas ASTIED TO CURE all Weaknesses In either sex, re store Vitality cure Rtu-uinatl&m In anv form VartroM Veins. Kldne Lverand Bladder Troubles Con sttpatlon, Dvspernla. a' remalt CompUilms Gen eral and Nervous Dlllry Lame Back etc Write to-dav tor mv book "The Rndlrg of the Fountain of Eternal Youth Sent f-er pes-rnid for theisldng Book wll! tell !tiu ill about It. Solior'tv DR. BENNETT Electric Belt Co. Rooms IS ta 21 Doaclai Block. Dodge and ICth Street. Omaha. Aeh Will he win out? j What of the young aaa of today f Is his future secure Will be wia out Evea If he lives to a green old ' age. Is his success assured? Can be make provision for the ratcy days of life- These are serious questions end worthy of more thaa a passing thought. Great ssecess cannet rot t to all of us a few will climb the heights to wealth aad fame, but tbe j great multitude will pass along tht J coamea highway of lite, aad seme 1 perhaps many, must tall by tbe war. side. Youth Is the seed time of life See that ye sow with care and Judg- ' ment The Equitable has a special offer I for the young man a policy surpassed ' by nose liberal, safe, easy ta get and easy ta keep. Why not make j provision new for the proverbial rainy day Why net accumulate a safety i fund! It ean be done without an et tort. TeuH never miss the easy pay- j meats. Talk it over with us We ! caa show yeu bow a young asn may wia out j The Equitable LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY -Stronf est in the World" H. D. NEELY, Wgr. for Neb. 2D6-20S Bee Bldr 0.M.4H A. CURE 10'JRSELF Ca. BlcG for ucnatnttl d ic harsea J afiani matleni. irritancies or Blroritlnnt uf nstnti membrao!. Pain Imb. ind nut aa-trln- iTHlEvil CHEM-ial Cn. rux or !"tOUl. C1SSTH0 "" Dr1Ctta, or aent la ulu rrstmr. r at, S Haaaliaal" CT expreaa, r fir il.Hl. iir a Iwtilra, tin, tarcBiir irat u rtaast. J