12 TIIE OMAHA DAILY IVEK; 'I'll U USD AY, rKUH L'A KT 2S, 1001. DEATH BY HER OWN IIAND Xn. Bell Adams Takei Fatal Dom of Oaibolio Acid. COMMITS ACT IN PRESENCE OF HUSBAND tVnmnn Cnrrfnjlr Ilnn llrr Kill mm tin; W'orlit'nnil (Inn Alio ill Srlf-letmctloii villi Ilc , mnrknlilc Cnliiiiio. Lockod alone In n room with bis wife hllo sho was In tho throes of self-inflicted death nnd unablo to render assist nnen or seciiro help, was tho unenviable uxporlcncu that befell Jack Adams Tuesday iilght. ralmiy and deliberately his wife, Helta Adarao, drank carbolic acid. During this unusual proceeding Adams sat besldo a tablo reading a newspaper. His mind vols cngroHsed with what ho read and lie paid no heed to his wife, whom ho believed to bo retiring. Tim nolso of something striking tho floor uddenly diverted his attention. Almost nlmultnncously from tho bed whro his wife lay camo a low moan. Adams threw down his paper and rushed lo the bedside. Io noticed his wlfo's faco had taken on i deathly pftltor and his cyos fell upon tho bottle lying besldo tho bed. Its labol told tho Btory. There was no mistaking tho hideous skull nnd crossboncs and the word '1'olson." "My (lod, Utile, what havo you done?" the husband crlod. "Never mind. Jack, It's all over now." These woro tho only words spoken bo tweon the grlcf-strlcKcn husband and the dying woman. Adams hastened to the door, Intent upon calling for hoi p. Tho door was locked nnd tho key gone. I'rniilli; lluiiliniiil llrt-nk l.oek. Distraction added strength to his arms and bo wrested tho door open, wrenching tho lock from lta socket. Adams sought out tho landlady of tho homo where they woro staying, Madamo de Leon. Hho camo to tho room. Mrs. Adams was lying quietly on tho bed. Her eyes wore closed nnd hef face was not distorted. Sho looked as though oho were calmly sleeping. Madame do Loon's first thought was that Mrs. Adams was Joking her husband and alio so Informed him. Then sbo approached tho bed and felt tho woman's heart. It had ceased to beat. A doctor residing nearby van HUtnomned, but his services wcro una vailing, for death had evidently come to tho woman almost Instantaneously. A fit of melancholy was evidently ro npnnslhlo fftt Mrs. Adams' suicide. Her husband nsserts that thero waH no specific causo to havo warranted her self-destruction. Thero had hcon, ho Bays, no quarrel between them. Mrs. Adams left the room occupied by hersol'f nnd husband upstairs t 623 Solith Thirteenth street early Tues day evening. She returned about 10 o'clock and found hor husband rending his paper. "I noticed nothing unusual about my wlfo's nctlono when Bhe came Into the room," Mr. Adams bays. "Wo did not have any conversation together because she notlcod that I was reading nnd probably did not wish to disturb me. I could hear hor moving about tho room In tho vicinity of tho bed and I supposed sho was prepar ing to retire. Tito nolso that first attracted my attention was the falling of the bottlo of carbolic ncld from her hand. She llii)N I he Arid. "Hollo purchased tho bottlo of carbolic eld last Friday, but at that time 1 know aho had no Intention of committing Bulclde. Sho had been troubled with tho sore throat nnd Homo ono suggested that If she would pour ten dropn of catholic acid In a tumble of water and gargle It that she would be -relieved of tho pain in her throat. It was for thin purposo that tho acid was pur chased. My wife was subject to fits of despondoncy, nnd was often melancholy and tlown-heartcd. Hut sho never threatened her own llfo even when sho was In her worst moods. I cannot assign any reason for tho sulcldo except that shn wan raelan oholy. I do not even know thnt this was tho case. At supper and nfterwnrd sho coined to bn bright enough, and nothing in her actions Indicated that sho was so noon to kill herself." Tho body of tho dead woman was re moved to the morguo Into Tuesday night. Tho family that keeps on hnnd and uses occasionally tho celebrated Prickly Ash Bitters Is nlways n well regulated family. HVI3IIY TUESDAY la Frlirimr-, Mnrch nml April UNION PACIFIC will sell tickets nt the following GREATLY REDUCED RATES: from Omalm to San I'rancUco, Los tho Angeles nnd San Diego $25.00 Ogden, Salt Lake, nutto, Helena.... 23.00 Portland, Spoknno, Tacoma, Seattle.. 25.00 Now city ticket office, 132-1 Farnam street. Tel. 316. Union station, 10th and Marcy. Tol. 629. A Piano of sterling worth In n handsome mahogany oak or walnut rase. We havo Just made a cash purchase of a limited number of fine Instruments selling generally for $225 to $300, according to the man who sells them. The advantage- we gained by paying cash tre give you in making tho price $142.00 First payment $5.00, balance $1 per week New Steinway, Vosc, Stcgc Emerson, A. B. Chase, Packard, Steck, and ' Ivers & Pond pianos Cash or $10.00 monthly. New pianos for rent. Artlstlo tuning and fepalrlng promptly done, Catalogues and prices furnished on application. Visitors always welcome. SGHM0LLER ft MUELLER, The Old Hcltnblc Piano House, $Sil I'nrniim Hired, Omulin. ii:iT HrondTruy, Council Bluffs Tel, iaa.t. BEE WSSWZ noaTo.v .vroiti: mim. i:mi sai.h. Todnr Aimtlirr frrnt llnr nt flnr- Kaliift Dlrrrt from lh At III". Table oil cloths In mill lengths, up to l',4 yards long, Oc a yard. Mill ends of Turkish toweling, 6Hc yard. Mill ends of huck toweling, 3Uc yard. Mill ends of cotton toweling, 2Ac yard. Light colored shirting prints, 24c yard, nest quality percale prints, 3V4c yard. Mill ends.36-lnch percale, 5c yard. Drapery ticking remnants, 12Hc yard. Mill ends of black mercerized sateen, 15c yard, Mill ends of black henrletta sateen, 6c yd. Mill ends of all kinds of white goods, Indin linens, nainsook, etc., 10c yard. And hundreds of other mill end bargains In the basement. $4.00 DRESS GOODS, C9C. 51.23 YAUD. Vour choice of the cntlro Henjamln & Co. stock of suiting nnd skirting on sale on bargain squares at 69c and $1.25 yard. 85o silk striped challls, 45c yard. 75c all wool challls, 39c a yard. "So silk moussellno dc sole, 39c a yard. 75c silks, all kinds, at 25c a yard. $1.00 and $2.00 silks at 49c. -6714c a yard. nOSTON STOUE, OMAHA, J. L. Hrandcls & Sons, Proprietors. N'. H. Tho great lace curtain sale takeB place Saturday, March 2. RIAL OF ACID THROWER oiler Court Herniate of Cimo AftnliMt Jlnrj- A tin in n llcforc .1 ml ho Who Performed Her .Miirrlnm. Tho slato continued Its examination of wltncsnes In the case of Mary Adams, who Is charged with having thrown nitric acid Into her divorced husbnnd's face with in tent to do great bodily Injury, before Judge Learn In police court yesterday morning. Tho court room was crowded with women. With hardly nn exception they were alt friends of tho excitable little woman who Is barged by her former husband,. Joseph O. Adams, a South Omaha commission mer chant, with having Inflicted the Injuries that still necessitate tho wearing of heavy bandages about his head and face. Pretty Clara Adnms, tho second wife, did not ap pear In the court room. She remained In tho detention room adjoining, In the com pany of her husband. Alva Smith, the hackdrlvcr who drove Mary Adams to the resldonre of her former husband, 1805 Locust street, on the night f tbo trouble, testified thnt his passenger bad alighted at the corner of -Nineteenth nd Locust streets. He remained for some time nnd then heard tho screams of a woman. Ho hurried down the street In the direction from which the sounds came and saw Mrs. Adams lying In tho front yard. Her faco was nil covered with blood," be said, "and sho was screaming nt the top of her voice. I saw several people around and I guessed I couldn't do any thing, so I climbed up on the seat of my cab and drove away." Ilemnnnn I,nk of Juxtlor. George Smith, a railroad clerk, said that ho was passing along on Locust street, and before ho reached the Adams house could see a woman lying In the front yard. "He- foro I reached the house." he said, "she nroso to her feet and walked up to the front v Indow. Sho kicked it In and dis appeared Inside the house. I waited only few minutes and then started off down the street. I met Joe Adams and walked back to his houso with him. We went lnsldo and back In the kitchen found tho llttlo woman. Hcforo wo saw her I heard her moaning, 'My God, there Is no Justice.' She repeated this over and over. When Adams mot her In the kitchen he grabbed hor by tho shoulders and kicked her sev eral times, finally shoving her out of the back door." Mrs. Mnr Lesscl, who lives In the house adjoining tho Adams family, stated that sho ran over an soon as sho heard tho screaming to see what was the matter. She met Mrs. Clara Adams In the front hallway and together they went upstairs and locked themselves in a bedroom. Mrs. Lesscl told of tho fear that came over them when they heard Mary Adams break. Into the house nnd como upstairs, giving volco to dire threats against tho second Mrs. Adams. Judge Lcarn's connection with tho case as tho presiding magistrate is rather an In tercating one. . Hardly more than two months ago tho Judgo performed the mar riage ceremony which united Joseph Adams and Clara Quant). It Is to this that all of tho later tragic happenings are said to be directly attributable. One Coniplnlnt Dlnuinpl. When tho state completed the introduc tlon of testimony Wednesday afternoon At tornoy Ilrttt for tho defense moved that the complaint against Mm. Adams for malic ious destruction of property be dismissed Judgo Learn sustained the motion after an argument by the attorneys, and the trial proceeded on the complaint alleging assault with Intent to commit great bodily injury. J. H. Taylor and J. W. Taylor of 1815 Lo cust street, father and son, were tho first wltnoisos for the defense. Their testimony wns Identical and told of finding Mrs, Mary Adams in front of her former husband's house and taking her to a Sherman avenue drug store, where sho was later arrested by the police. Emergency officer Relgleman nnd Tatrot Conductor Fahey followed with testimony relating to tho arrest of Mr. and Mrs. Ad ama, their physical condition at that time and the condition of tho bouse. Police Ma tron Rafter testified as to Mrs. Adams' con dltlon since arres and doscrtbod the throe cuts upon her head Inflicted by Adnras. Late In tho afternoon the, hearing of the case waa continued until 9 o'clock Thursday morning, when the defense will finish Its testimony. A few witnesses will bo put upon the stand and the defense will close with Mrs, Adams' story. TO DECLARE MARRIAGE VOID Mrs. Ida 1'rlen, Uiiwilllnir Mnthcr-lu I.aiv, I-'llca Salt In Din. trli-t Court, Mrs. Ida Pries has brought suit In tho district cotirt against Harry O. Churchill for the purposo of having the recent mar riage of Churchill to her daughter,' Olga, declared null and void. The ceremony was porformed In Council Bluffs last Sunday, at which time the parties aro said to have stated that they were1 of age. Tho com plaint alleges that Olga Is only' 1G and Churchill Is but 19 years of ago, and the girl's mother, therefore, asks that the wed ding be nullified, as neither party had the consent of parents. Mrs, Pries, who at tempted suicide as a result of tho wedding, Is recovering. Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne Is splendid to entertain your friends with. Its boquet and delicious taste Is unrivaled. Kaatcr Time north. The Northwestern line, "Twin City Lim ited," now leaves tho Union station, Omaha, at 7:55 p. m. dally, instead of 7:S5 p. m., as formerly. The arrival time at St. Paul Minneapolis REMAINS UNCHANGED. Through connections from the west are thua assured and a MORE CONVENIENT tlm of departure Is afforded Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs patrons. The same magnlflqua equipment is retained in service. City offices, 1401-1403 Farnam atratt. FUNEllAI. NOTICK. The funeral service for Netherton Hall will be held at St. Barnabas' church Friday morning; at 10 o'clock. Interment private. DIIID, KOBTERS Charles M,, aged 45 years, at residence, Twenty-fourth and Farnam streets, after an lllnesH of a few days of hart dlseaae. Ifunoral notlco later. rivn-noi.i.Aii siior.s Foil :ic, ac. C'nrl Knhlrr of Don Milium, In Settle HI Fnllirr'N IXnfr, fell TO IIOSTON STORE, OMAHA. The cholco of all the shoes In the Des Moln.cs shoo store ON SALE FRIDAY, MARCH 1, AT 39C AND 59C. All (he ladles' flno shoes that sold for up to $5.00 a pair, in narrow width, sizes 2W. 3 and 3'4. go' on bnrgaln square nt 39a a pi'. All the ladles' shoes, In sizes 4, 4tt, C 5ft and 6, In AA, A, 11 width, that sold for up lo $5.00 u pair, co at 6Pc n pair. $3 MEN'S SHOES AT 59C. All the men's shoes In AA, A nnd" 11 widths, sizes 6, 6U. 7, 7ft. 10. 10H and 11, that sold for up to $5 nnd even $6, gb at G9o a pair. All the men's regular shoes, In all sizes and widths, that sold for $3.00, go at $1.69. All tho regular $3 nnd $6 shoes, all sizes nnd widths, go nt $3.00 nnd $3.50. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Hrandcls & Sons, Proprietors. Announcement of the Tlicnlrr. Ulg business has been tho rule nt tho Trocadoro this week, the Parisian Hollci Gny Uurlesquern providing an entertain Ing program. Tho engagement closes Sat urday evening. For next week Manngor Rosenthal announces the "Great and Only" Fred Irwin's Hurlesque compnny, which car ries tho largest aggregation of vaudeville stars of any combination this season. Sccnlcally in the biggest production of ths age. Tho "only" nlso Includes Marie Harrison, ono of the original four Harrison Sisters, direct from the Casino Roof Garden, New York City. Just another line: "The Eagles" will benefit nt tho Trocndero Thursday, Mnrch 7. The sale of scats for tho Scmbrich Opera company takes place this morning at Ma- whlnney & Holllday's, 9 o'clock. Sembrtch sang the "Harber of Seville" nt the Audi torium In Chicago on Monday cven- ng. Tho critics were unanimous In prnlso as tho greatest triumph achieved by any singer slnco the daya of Paul. Tho New York Times BO,ys Sembrlc'h Is the greatest ulnger in the memory of living men. Ancient nml .Modern 1'roverlm. Hrooklyn Standard Union! "Ho who knows not, nnd knows not thnt he knows not, Is n fool; nvold htm. "Ho who known not and knows that he knows not, Is simple; teach him. "Hn who knows and knows not thnt ho knows, Is asleep; wako him. But ho who knowB nnd knows thnt hu knows, Is n wise man, follow him." From tho Arabian Proverbs. Ho who travels by tho New York Cen tral knows thnt he rides over smooth anil level trncks, In luxurious trains, nt great speed, through tho most delightful coun try, and at n cost of but two cents per mile. "This man Is of sound Judgment. Fol ow his example, and you will be happy." An American Proverb. Wnnteil. a trained nurse to tabu cnarce Of a sanitarium; muit havo experience, a good education and good business ability. Ad dress J 59, care Beo office. Do you rido a wheel 7 Why not ride the best? A Beo wheel Is tho only Kind to get. Read our great offer to boys and girls. Must Close Here arc shoe-buying opportunities for . , . I . nt-Tf T men. women, cnmiren, do y h iou CROWD THIS STORE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. Icss than half of makers' cost determined not to carry a slnglo pair to tho NEW STORE." Men's and women's highest grado shoes values up to $5.00, $6.00 and ) DC $7.00 sale prlco tJUU Men's nnd women's shoes that we sold at the beginning of this salo at $2.38 for mer prices $1.00. $4.50, go 1,68 Llttlo men and llttlo womou'u shoes high est grade entire department divided into lots nt $1.29, $1.18 and down flQrt to Odd lots of ineno and women's shoos 79c, 59c nnd down 29C THE ROCHESTER SHOE CO., Great Rebuilding Sale. 1515 Douglas St. Successors to Tho Howe. A Bursted Pipe Is an accident thnt housewives have to contend with often, especially tho hot water pipe from rango to boiler. Range work nnd the repairing of worn nnd broken pipes, plumbing and steam heating is a lino that wo give special attention to. We send none but expert workmen when called and our work la sclentinc and satisfactory. Free 6t Black, 180G Farnum. I'hone 1040. PULLMAN ORDINARY SLEEPERS DAILY SEATTLE ij LOS ANOELE3 JXN OIEQO DININQ OAR8, MEALS' A LA OARTI no.HTox stoiii: sum: samis. All lOlloj -Stluer'n Mle', Ho) Clilliln', Infant' .Mmm ON BARGAIN SQUARES. ON SALE TODAY AT 290, 39C, 50C, 69C, 750, 9SO, $1.25. All the ladles' white kid oxfords, satin sandals, in all colors nnd white and black, that Kclley Stlger sold for up to $2.75, go nt 69c, 75c nnd 98c. All the ladles' shoes that Kclley Stlgrr sold for $4.00, $5.00 nnd $6.00, go at $1.98, $2.50 and $3.00. These are all new styles. $0 FULL DRESS SHOES, $3.00. All tho ladles' now Louis heel French kid and pntent calf shoes go at $3.00. All new Cuban heel and plain conenvo heel shoes, In black nnd nutomobllo colors, made to retail nt $5.00, go at $3.00. All the $3.00, $4.00 and $3.00 fancy beaded slippers for dancing nnd evening wear go nt $1.98, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.50. HQSTON 8TORE, OMAHA, J. L. .Hrandcls ft Sons, Proprietors. Electric Beits YES, WE SELL THEM. AM. KIM1S. A GOOD ONE FOR $5.00. The FINEST Belt made for $10.00. This 1b the belt which Is usually sold for $20.00 sometimes much higher. Call and sco these goods or wrlto us If you want n belt. Sherman& McGonnell Drug Go, Cor. 10th .nd Dodge, Omaha. $100,000 FOR DINING GARS FIvo now dining cars, costing somewhat moro than $20,000 each, havo Just been built for tho Burlington. Tho first will be placed In servlco this week. In design and In appointments the cars establish a now standard. Tho Interior woodwork and chairs aro of Flemish black oak, richly carved. Archways at tho ends of tho enr are ornamented with wrought Iron, fin ished to lmrmonizo with Flemish oak. Tho nppearnnco of tho cars Is brightened by red carpets. Many Improvements Intended to make a meal most enjoyable nro employed for the first tlmo. Dlnlng-car service to Chicago ond tho East; Denver nnd tbo West; Black Hills and the Northwest; Kansas City and tho South. Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam Street, Telephone 250. HAYDEHs Great Cdci Fish Sale 1 lb. blocks pressc.CodflBh BVsc. 2 ,1b. blocks QeoThpi. Codfish, lb., 7V4c. 2 lb. blocks Oeorgii's Bnow-whlte, lb., 9c. Clear whole strlps(2cbrge'a cod, lb,, 10c. Ceorga's heavy strips, the very, best, lb., 12i4c Beardsley's shredded, In enns, per can, S',4c 3 lbs. Saucr Kraut 10c. B niter and Eggs Country roll Butter 12c. Cholco country roll 16c. Creamory butter 20c. Fancy separator creamery 21c. Strictly fresh eggs 13d. Cheese Specials A fancy full crenm V. A. cheese, 12V4c. . McLaren's imperial 13c. Canadian red cloud 16c. Appetitost, each, 6c. Dried Fruit Specials Best California prunes 8c. Largo bright California peaches Sc. 3 crown raisins Sc. Seedless raisins 12'c. Now York evaporated apples Sc. Evaporated blackberries 8c. Evaporated apricots 124c. Evaporated nectarines 12',c A crown raisins, large and soft, 10c. Evaporated raspberries 20c. Teas and Coffees Qood broken coffee 10c. Golden santos coffee 15c. Special Java and Mocha 25c. Tea sittings, new, 20c. English breakfast tea, only 35c. Basket fired Japan 38c. Ounpowder tea 40c. New crop basket fired Japan ISc. Cut Prices on Meats 3 lb. palls best lard 28c. Best Frankfurt sausage 6c. 6 lb. palls Omaha lard 15c. Best new bologua 5c. Chipped beef 15c. Liver sausage 5c. Salt pork 7c Bulk oysters 25c and 40c. California bams "Vic. HAYDEN BROS Personally Conducted Excursions to California and Oregon in Pullman Ordinary Sleeping Cars OX TUB UNION PACIFIC i akUuytnkAiaw, These Excursions leave Omaha every Wednesday and every Friday at -4:25 p. m. for San Francisco and Los Angeles, and every Friday at 8:20 a. m. for Portland, Ore. Detail Infornmtian afcerfn1lr farnUbad. JtBW CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1SS4 Fruma HI., Tol. 1110. UNION STATION, lOtk ava Moy, Tol. 600, "eT OrleiniK ror lie Tiiiirlst" Is tho title of an Illustrated booklet, Is ! sued" by tho Illinois Central railroad, de scribing tho points of interest In New Or leans, Ln. For copy, address W. It. Brill, D. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Only two days more, Sam'l Hums 10 per cent reduction sale FOR SATURDAY ONLY WE WILL SELL OUR Egyptian Lotus Cream 5c A BOTTLE '111 In (lie linen! jir-inrn t loll mnilc for t'lniii! IiiiihIm, fare nml Ilif. Only out- liullli- lo n cimloincr, CPUlCECtt CUT PRICK ObnHaCrC.ri druggist a. V. Car. tlltli nail Ctilraa sta. Do You Need Teeth Our best sets of teeth aro bo natural In color, form und trnnsluccncy that they drlvo nwny nil suspi cion of art. Fit nnd workmanship guaranteed. Sets of teeth, $5.00 up. t Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 DoiiKliisSt. Burlington Station (Otli and Mason Sts. Telephone 128. i Jjjm HAYDEN s New Laces Wo wont nsk you to buy, but merely to como in nnd look ovor tho finest stock of laces ln the city. NEW BATISTE ALL-OVERS NEW BATISTE EDGES NEW BATISTE INSEIITINQS Now Venusc, I'louon, Point Oauzo, Tolnt De Espret, .Mechlins, Vnls, etc., now ln Btock. Grand embroidery salo Thursday lc, Cc, 7c and 0c per yard. ' Special lino Torchon laces 5c. 10c best quality water-proof binding, 5c. 10c best quality brush binding, per yard 5c. Books You can Join our library club for 5c per day. 25 now copyright books 69c each. 25c paper novels 5c. 12-mo. cloth bound books 7c. A Few Specials New gold trimmings, worth 15c to 25c special prlco 7V4o per yard one day only, 50c belt hoso supporters 10c. 50a laundry bags 19c. Puro linen handkerchiefs 5c. Grand sale on Pillow cords all colors Thursday 9c yard. Cloak Sale Oim CLOAK BUYERS' IlETUHN brought skirts by the carlond 75 very finest im ported models In taffeta skirts, elaborately trimmod at $18.00, $25.00 and $35.00. Ladles' ralny-dny and golf skirts, well pleated back nnd several rows of stitching, at $1.P0. A better one, 12 rows of stitching, heavier cloth, for $2.75. An extra good one, one sold ln this town for $7.50; on sale nt $4.75. One lot of ladles' dress sklrtB, worth up to $1.00, for $1.98. CHEAP EXCURSION RATE8 EVERY TUE8DAY 3 1? a?fc? z8tf LINCOLN tWnwoiiTH STEAM HEAT PINTOH LIQHT, ETC. I In the Cloak 1 IttVlV 1 . UflO It I.IILI11.11 PwP 1 t Iio eastern market. Jly coming hero There's no dovetailing done here, no old suits to slip in with the new ones, and catch the unaware ones. They are Nebraska suits -made for and sold by this store exclusively. Try to match 'em, if you can. In a few days, a new department of LADIES' HOSIERY Bold on the same principle as other "things io wear" in The Nebraska just a little below in price for same quality. We Have Exactly 167 Men's Fine Winter Overcoats and About 325 Extra Fine Men's Winter Suits that we will not carry over to another season. Odds and ends of some of the best wc have shown this season. To make a quick sale we give you unre- "f CC stricted choice at. LKJ.KJvJ Suits and Overcouts worth ?l.00 and 20.00. Overcoats in line coverts, oxfords, and patent beav ois. Suits in finest worsteds and imported tweeds. Men's $10 and 12.50 suits for 5.00 Men's 7.50 all wool suits for 3.75 Men's 8.50 to 12.50 sample coats and vests 2.95 Men's 3.50 sample pants at 1.50 Mostly small and large sizes, such as 30, 31, 32, 3S, 40, 42, 41, and 48, (waist sizes. Men's 5 regular stock pants for.. 2.50 Men's 0.50 regular stock pants for 3.75 Special advantage sale of boys' 1001 spring knee pants suits of vestee and double breasted styles, alJ U sizes 6 to lo. oys' 2 all wool Hoys' 3.50 tine ri' suits for Hoys' 4.50 very JUJ I ed'suits for 2.45 Boys' 0.50 extra fine suits for 3.75 Boys' 50c till wool knee pants for.... , 15c Boys' 75c corduroy knee pants for. , 25c Selling the most Clothing in Omaha. HAYDEN BROS innut MARK. Registered A. Mayer Co. BEE BUILDING, OMAHA. NEB. required. If you ruin your gloves with excessive perspiration, rub the palms after thorouRhly drying them with tho powder. In cases of hnbltual swcatliiK, use tho powder in pink box. For axllllary (armpits) sweating;, find directions for uso In tho cover of tho bluo box. Kor obstinate sweatlnR or chaflDK, hatha the affected parts with the Ito-No-May Astrlngente Antlseptlo Lotion. It must be dis tinctly understood that tho HB-NO-MAV Powder is not a toilet powder, but strict ly a curative, hyglcnlo and antlsoptlo powder, and should not be used for Infanta as a toilet dusting powder. Talc, powdered starch or similar products without any intrinsic value, are Inexpensive nnd sufficient. hi:-xci-mav I'ownuii, endorsed and prescribed by lending physlclnns. For more ample Information, con sult Miss Mayer, 316 Dee Building. Consultation free dally from 2 to 4. MANUKA CTUHKI) HV A. MAYER CO., 3 16 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb. Sold by nil Druggists THE SMOKERS PREFER niyi.tsimiiiii BECAUSE THE JOBBERS' PROFIT IS ADDED TO THE OUAUTV r. R. RIOE M. C. CO., MANUFACTCnEIlH, T. I.OIIIB, MO. UNI JN MAD! Department Every day brings a few of tho new things in Women's Spring Suits Mist iih fasl us the factory gets enough for u shipment we get tliein by fast express. We are showing u com plete line of the new suits for 15)01. The business opens up earlier than we tivtww.tfifl mill mil Itiivju linu vnl 11 tfirwl for your suits, wraps, waists, etc., you have the assurance of getting the new est, and only tho newest, in the wear ing apparel line. HAYDEN s suits for. . . 95c cassiinere 1.45 tine worst- RE-NO-MAY POWDER in pink box not onlr rollovea, but pos itively cures all disorders of the feet, stops odorous perspiration, cures ten dcr, swollen and painful feet. RE-NO-MAY POWDER In bluo box removes nil bodily odors. If properly used no dress ulilclds aro and Olove Dealers. An Unsightly Mouth Do not permit the lack of teeth or tho presence of ugly teeth, to disfig ure tho mouth. Tho adding of new TKKTII or the extraction of tho old Is a mat ter of no difllculty. Neither opera tion cnuscs pain. Our methods of DKNTISTK V keep stop with the advancement of the science. Our prices aro based upon the excellent quality of our work BAILEV, the Dentist :tia I'uxlou Illook, Iflth Jt. Furimm Mix. I'houo tOHO. I,Hily Attendant,