10 THE O MATT A "DAILY JJE.E: TIIUHSDAY, FEBHUAUY 28, 1901. I COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Eearj Suboird Olmancei and Expert Cam Moderate Oorner in WWt. 1 CORN MARKET OPENS EASY BUT REACTS Onls Kltirttintr- In Accnnlnnee ttIHi IHrtnten of (;m-l,r(ri Hon Re ceipts Mnkc Provision Open Jinny, lint Tliey ltnlly,l,ii tor. CHICAGO. Feb. 27.-Oraln wns handled on a declining market during tlio curly rnrt of tiKlHV'Fi session of tho lloaril of Trade, Imt local mipport developed on tlie break and tho closo wns steady. Wheat closed 'u corn y,u and oats 'fcfiUc lower, while provisions concluded the day's busi ness unciiungcu 10 o lilKlicr. 11111 iiiiiih v iu w iiiKiii. I February Is down on tlio wheat snecti- lators calendar as a bear month and pos sibly to support this allegation moved the bear continent to accept easy cables and rose-colored Kansas crop tldliiKS as suffi ciently Important factors to Justify letting out snort lines. May opened at iii't'il it'ic, shade under yesterday. Wheat came out on a constantly Increasing scale tilt May reached 75SiwAC. where the market stead ied and reacted to 76o on reports of a strong rnsn marKet at .Minneapolis and tlio en- f:agcniiuil of four loads of wheat for Lis ion. This advlrn failed of Miiimort and the 'market dropped back to 75V4o, Heavy nou- i iinaru clearances and liberal export sales i caused moderato coverlnir under which tl market reacted to 76Hc and' closed steady at that llgurc, He under yesterday. The cash situation was reported somewhat Im proved. Exporters reported 27 loads taken. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour aggregated 711.000 nil., wh a rece hits at pri mary western markets reached a total of 447.000 bu.. against fi.Vi.ono Im. last year. Minneapolis and Dtiluth reported 2.10 curs, I against last wcck ami kei a year ago. , Local receipt wero 51 cars, ono of con I tract grade. f'orn opened easier under tho Influence of tho better grading of tho cereal received today, thcro being fifteen cars of contract out of a total of .122 cars. First sales or May wero at 40-iJi407e. Tho bear Interests asserted that tho pressure from this source. combined with moderato selling by weak . longs, eausod a decline to 404e. Tho later strength of wheat caused covering, under wnicu tno maraei reacted aim cioseu Htendy. tin lower, at W.i'. Outs were fairly uctlvo and fluctuated In I nccordanco with tlio dictates of the. corn market. May sold between 25o and Z.r!u mid closed '.Vfl'.io lower at 26V4C. Receipts were, iui cars. I'rovlsons wero unlet and opened easy because of largo hog receipts, hut rattled later on a good outsldo demand. May pork t void between 1U.02V4 and tl4.15 and cloned "Uc higher at til. 15: May lard between . 17.45 and t7.62V4. closing 2V4TlCc down at I t7.45, and -May ribs between HXM nml l 17.07W. with tho closo unchanged at 17.0714. Estimated tecelptH tomorrow: Wheat, 15 cars; corn, .r-o cars; ouis, mo cars; uugs, B6.noo Head. Toe leading futures ranged ns follows: ' Articles. Opcn. High. Low. Close.l Yes'y. Vhoat I I I I I l.'nli I "illll riM.1 TITi ?lli71! Mar. 74 747, 73 74,74(1 May 7&5Hi 7GU 7514W 76k 73Ul?s Feb'. SS SSTii SS?i -T-STi 33'; Mur. .19Vi 39U h May MPiin WM 4t- w? " Onts- I Feb. 24W2ISi?! May (25a-?i(25"i'R-i 2&W.4 23V4 25ift fi VvZ I 13 9T, I 13 05 13 00 May 11 02V& 34 15 14 C'H 14 15 14 Wj i.aru i Mar. 7 40 7 45 7 40 7 45 7 45 May 7 47',5 7 52V4 7 45 7 KV, 7 50 July 7 B2',4 7 57V4 7 Vli 7 57W 7 65 Itlbf I 1,-ot. I I 7 ft-. I 7 ft"IA May 'Voo" "7 io' ' 70214 7 10 7 07(4 Sept. I 7 17V4I 7 22141 7 1741 7 22Vi 7 2214 No. 2. Cash (imitations were ns follows: FLOI'H Dull and steady; winter patents. .i.go4;i.n; straignts, i.i.iv'uw.m; clears, v.tmr Jt.30: spring specials. tl.20W..iq; patents, t3.fi) 03.70; straights, t3.0Off3.30; bakers, t2.202.50. WHEAT No. 3 spring, 70Sl73',ic; No. 2 rod, ('OIIN No. 2. 33o: No. 2 vellow. 39c. OATS-No. 2. 25V4e: No. 2 white, 2714 S7ie: ISO. 3 Wlltte. Zo-JiI-'7V5C. 11YE No. 2. 60153O. TtAUIiEY Fair to choice malting. WiXXc. i SEEDS No. 1 northwestern, tl.ts; nrlmo timothy', 't4.40: clover, contract grade, til. PROVISIONSMess pork, per bbl., J13.PT.ff 14.00. Ijird, per 100 lbs., t7.42!4'ff'7.45. Short ribs sides (loose), t7.0ol7.25. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), t(i.25i&C.D0. Short clear Hides (boxed). t7.35Ti7.55. WHISKY Hasls of high wines. 11.27. BIJOAHS-Cut loaf, 6.29c: granulated, S.72c; conrcciioners a, u.uuu; on; j, 6,-nc. Tim following aro tho receipts and ship. ments today: Articles. Itecelpts. Shipments. Flour, bhls 02.000 W.000 Wheat, bu 103.000 3X.0O0 :orn,'bu fi.12,000 1 97,000 Oats, bu '. 620,000 275.000 Jtyo. bu 10,000 7.000 Ilarley, bu 60,00il 12.HU0 On tho Produce exchango today the but ter market was unlet; creameries. 15(n23',4c; dairies, lojrrjc. cneese, quiet at lU'itui'tC, isggs, uuict; iresn. k'jC suw Ytiitic ;i:.m;hal mahkist. (tiiotntliin of the l)nr ConiiiiuilKlen on Vnrlous NEW YOnif. Feb. 27. FLOltri lie telpts, 9,296 bills.; exports, 19.U30 bbls.; unlet ind easy; nnchanged; winter strnlghts, t3.45O3.60; Minnesota patents, tl.10iil.3d; Minnesota bakers. t3.00it35: winter patents. 13.6504.00: winter extras. t2.iWfTJ.83; winter low grades, j.'.iau.'.ui. tiyo nour, steady; fair to good. t2.S0ff3.15: choice to fancy. l3.25f3.60. Huckwhcat flour, unlet nt t2.10tfj 1.10. HUCKWHEAT-DulI at C0S62c, c. I. f., inow yorg. COHNMEAL Qulot: sales. 1.000 bu.: vcl low western, 92c; city, 91c; Ilrandywlnc, 2.454i2.60. ItYE Steady: No. 2 western, file, f. o. b., Rfloat; state, 56fi67c, c. I. f., eurlots. HAIILEY Quiet; feeding, 4W, c. I. f., isew vorg; malting, ictiiioc. HAKLEY MALT Dull; western, C5ff72c WHEAT lleceints. 41.400 bu.: exports 123,826 bu.; snot fairly actlvo and steady; No. 2 red, SOI40 f. o. b. afloat and 79c eleva tor: No. 1 northern. Duluth. S714c f. o. b. float: No. 1 hard, Duluth. 9114o f. o. li. tfloat. Ontlons opened easy under satis factory rabies and further declined on gen ral liquidation and selling for short ac count, nut rained on larger export uuh Iness which caused covering and closed Iteady at Ytvic net decline; March. 7S';ii jita-isc, closed ai ivw. may, iiwd.vi'c closed nt 88c; July, 79t'8'79 U-ltic, clossd nt 79Vjc. COnN-lleceints. 171.600 bu.: exports. 2S5 S33 bu.; spot weak; No. 2, 4314o elevator nml li'io r. o, it. auoai. upimn mnrxni opened with wheat and under disappointing cables rallied partially, but again turned easier under liquidation, nut closed steady on a better exnort Imiulrv: March closed at 4So: May, 45 li-K$f46!4c. closed at 4Sc; July, 4ITi A45e. closed at 44!c. OATS ItecclptB. M.200 bu.: exports, 125 bu.; spot quiet and easier: No, 31c; No. J, 304c; No. 2 white. 33c; No. 3 white, 30',se; .track, mixed western, 30f32o; track, 'white. 32ii36Hc. Options dull. HAY' Steady; tihipptug, 7714QS0c; good to cnoico, y.'tr-'JL-. HOI'S Quiet: state, common to choice. 1900 crop. 17j2oc; 1S99, lKflBc: old olds, 2ff ic; I'aciuo coasi, iiwu crop, khjiuc; iwj, usi' ..1,1 .i,iu v.ir.i. IHDE9-8tnady: Oalveston. 20 to 25 lbs.. ISHUlOc: California. 21 lo 25 lbs,, 19c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 15c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock 'sole, Ilucnns Ayros. light to heavyweights, 215f25c; acid, TALLOW Quiet ; city (t2 per pkg,), 4?ic; country (nkga. freo). 4T45T5Vlc. PltOVISIONS-lleef.vqulpt; family, tll.O) 11.50; mefcs, t8.50ig9.00: beef hnms, $18.50 ib.oo: pacKct. fu.&vniu.ui; extra. 1 mini mess, IH.OOtfi'lO-OO. Cut meats, firm: pickled bel lies. t7.751H0.oo; uickled shoulderx. Jii.60; Pickled hums, t9.tW10.00. Lartl, tinner; Western steamed, t7.80; refined, quiet; continent. 17.95; South America, is.oo; com pound, t5.&05.62!4. J.'o.-K, steady; family, tl5.00ffl5.M; short clear, tlf.7516.50; mess, 114.0OiMl.75. HICE Quiet: domestic, fair to extra, 3T j6e : Jaiian. 4?iSf4Tc. lllJTTF.n-Hecelpts. 6.033 pkgs.: stendy; fresh creotnery, 174i2lo: Juno crcamety, IDnt.Mo; jaciory, jijioc. CHEESE Hecelpts, 230 pkgs.; fancy, large, colored and white, fancy, smalt, colored, 12iiuM2!4o; mall, white, ll'O'li'U'. EGOS Receipts. 7.100 nkgs.: weak firm; alio; fancy, west-. rrn, at mark, 17!4l7?ic; southern, nt mark, 17(tJ17'C. POULTnY Alive, steadvt fow s. 10c: tur key". lOHo; chickens, 914c DreBsed, easy; turkeys. iHilllc; cnicKcns. innuc. POTATOES Steady: Jerseys. tl.23fTl.75 New York, 11.6041.75; Long Island, 11.60 I.874; Jersey sweots, ji.iM13.bu, PEANUTS Quiet: fancy hand-picked. 1 4dtuo: other domestic, dc 1 TALLOW-Steady; city, 4io; country, uiih.,..r, .. . i.i 11 Mtu 1 ftun-wiiiini'o" in wn.-i i .ii in 4l. AniBricsn Iron markets today, with no , immediate indication of any (jinngoln,,. Iniiilrwik PrtceH were unchanged. In Eng. landrhowven the somewhat lower, Glasgow clnslng at S3 I'd and at Mlddlcshnrntigh at 45s '(! Tin In the local market again rilled wenK and do cldedly lower In sympathy with a drop of it fid III London lo Xl. us ror spot. Mini ills 2s fid on futures. Speculative demand was liirkliie ami the v.ti here was ns.V at l.'0.6Oir.'6. ."5. t'opper coii.inues dull. Lake Superior, 117 ami casting and electrolytic, llti.W'i. In London spot copper closed nt j. id ius anil riiiuros m . wi. i.eau mien very dull at tl.37'6 and spelter snowed a weak iodcrtoiip, Imt was not uuotably lower, closing at 3.DS5H.jO. OMAHA WIIOMIS.WiD MARKETS. roiiitltlniis if Trnilr nml ((notation on staple mid I'ntipy I'roilticr. KOOS Receipts Increasing; good stock weak at 15c. IjIvh I'oriniY-iicns, li'vaie: young. stuggv and old rooster.". 3fi6c: ducks, 614 ij)7e; geese. 6i',l7c; turkeys, 617e. fresh dressed i'oI'ltiiy-Hchs, so; roosters, I1(fie; ducks, SWJe; geese, yiiva; turkeys, lightweight, a'lioc; Heavy, 7tiic. OAME .VulUrd ducks, per doz.. W.OOM 3.60; te.il. !l.fiQ9l.75; mixed, 11.5031.7S: Jack- ralihlts. 11.254(1.50: cottontails. OocQH.lO. BUTTEH-Commoh to fa r. I2Wc: cholM. lsuiii'i separator, a r nr.nu uininim-rilBi Ki'iui;, ouuu packed. Now York counts, per can. SSc: ex- FHKHII ira selects, 82c; standards, 23c: medium, 20c. Hcconii grade, slavk filled, New York counts, per can, 3uc, extr.t selects, 26cj standards, 20c; bulk standards, per gal., tl.25. Fuo.UN.Fnrc.sir Fisir-niack .ass, 10c; whllo bass, 10oi blneflsi., Uc; iutlhcnds, 10c; niua nns, ic, catnsu, izc; coa, ac; croppie. toe: clscoes. kc: hallbjt. lie: herring. Vit Co; haddock, c; mnckercl, 20c J perch, h'lt 7c: lUCKerei, ,c; pikc, c; reu snapper, ivc; salmon, 14c, sunnsh, 6c! smelts, l"c; trout, 10c; whltetlsh. sc. I'UIKUNH' Live, per 'nr., I. VUALS-Cholcc. 9'T:-t. HAY I'rlco nuotcd by Omaha Wholesale Hav Dealers" association: Choice upland. t8.&6; No. 1 upland, JS; medium 17.60: coarse, it. iiyo straw, incs- prices are tor hay of good color and quality. Imnd rnir. .no cnoico nay on tno maraei. ko- cdtits, 2 cars. oath no. 3 wnite, ajsc. COIIN No. 3, 33c. UHAN-tM.&0. VUOKTAULKS. HPINACH I'er bu. box, DOcStl.00. CUCUMUKHS-Hot house, per doz., tl.609 (10, as to size. I'AHSNIl'S- Per. bu.. 60t. TI'HNIPS Per bu. basket, 50c IUCHTH-Pcr bu.. 40c. CAHHOTH IVr bu.. 40i. y LHTTUCli-Pel oil. 4ft345c ' 11AI)ISHKS-Pcr doz.. 3.1c. J'AHHI.KY Per doz. V.c. POTATOH9 Per bu., MQSoc: Idaho, per bu., Sic. SWHKT POTATOKB Per bbh, JZ. OA AO IC Holland seed, li2c. TOMATOES California, per 6-basket crnte, 14. ho, ONIONS Native, per bu,, tl: Colorado yellow, per lb., 214c CHliKllY California, as to size, 6076o; Kalamazoo, i.'ni CAULlKLOWfilt-Callfornla, per crato, t2.75. HKANS Wax, per bu., t3.W; string, per bu.. t3.23. KOti i liAiN I n 1 er ou. mix. w. PKPPKHH-Per bu box. t2.60. FItUITS. HTUAWm:tmii:S-FIorlda, per qt., 45c. OUAPIZS-Malaga, per keg, t6.50OT9.O0. aI'PIjKH Per bbl.. tl: Washington, per bu. box. tl.UO. CHAN HUH III KS Hell anil Jlugle. 19 per bbl.; Jerseys, per bbl., J8.50: per crate, 3. TROPICAL FnUITS. OltANOKS California soedllngi, t2.00 t2.25; navels, !--ofi3.2i. LEMONS California, extra fancy, 13-26; choice, J2.75. .... BANANAS-Per ouncn. accorainc to nue, J2. 0041-2.60, 1' 1U uauiornia, new curionu, iuv., iixy pr. fun! Imnnrfml. ner 10.. DA l ists rersian, in w-id. uoxes, ours, mj per lb.; Halloween, 6',ic per id. 1 1 1 ijr.r .u. 1 Krum . uc. -u. it Kict ii. uu, No. 1 salted. 7c: No. 2 salted. 6c: No. 1 vent calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., Cc; dry hides, fc-RUo: sheep pelts, 20y 70c; norso moes, i.ouw.'.io. isu is isngii8n wainuis, per in., isc: 111 1 ... ...... 11. niAH,iH nM it lars'titn iitriD. iiui IL... idL. uiiuuiiua. liv, ,ut. -ouvw. raw peanuts, per lb.. 6a5Vtc; roasted, 614w 714c: Brazils, 13c; pecans, 1012c; cocoanuts, encb 4tAe. SWKliT CIDUII I'er iiDi., t.&o; per bid.. 12.75. HONKY Colorado, per 21-scctton case, tl. .SI. I, mils (irnln iinil l'rovlslons ST. LOLMS, Feb. 27. WHEAT Firm; No, m,'"' 72ic: No. 2 hard. 71ic asp, elevator, 7a'c; iracx, 70c; may, CORN Lower: No. 2 cash. 3SWc; track, 3!Ml3!H:n! Mnv. .DiCe! .Illlv. SHUc. HATH Kusy; wo. . casn. .tvic: iracK, .ia 7'4c: May. 26Vc; July. 2j',4c; no. a wnite, ZSVtlli-'C. ItVK I-:as er:-5Zc lid. l.'l nllllniil. mitpnla MRMT3.75! extr.i f'ancy anil straight, 3.153.35; clear, 12.70 i.w. low grades, 2.oiii.w). SEEDS Timothy, steady: averago ro eclpts. Il.00ii4.2o; ilax. easier at 11.60. ltllAN Firm: sncked. east track. 74c. 1 1 AY Timothy. llrm at 18.75013.50: prairie, steady at vj. WHISK Y Kt ou d y, 11.27. I HON COTTON 1 1 r-a 11. HEMP TWINE 9c I I a n ( s 1 n n TU 1 7 e. punviHIUNS Pork. steady: Jobbing, 1H.60. Lard, steudy at 17.30. Dry . salt meats, steady; noxcii 101s, e.iiru. snurin 17.12V4; clear ribs. 17.25; clear sides, 17.J7V4 llaeou, steady: boxed lots, extra shorts 17.8714; clear ribs, ts.1214: e.cor sides, 18.25. METALS-Lead: Firm at 11.2214. Spelter Kimilniillv 13.K2U. POULTHY I'lrm: cnicKons. wiw: tur- Vi.vu i'.iuiHUi': ilui'kH. !lc: eeese. bifitic. HUTTHIl Firm; creamery, iiiuhc, uairy. H5(18c. l-:aos Lower at nvic. RECEIPTS Flour, 4,000 bbls.; wheat, 25, 000 I111.: corn. 79.000 bu.: oats. 44.000 bu. SI II I'M HN To Hour, y.iiwi 001s. ; wneai 62,() bu.; corn, 47,000 bu.; oats, 16,000 bu. Liverpool (irnln mill PrnvInlnnN. 1.IVFIIPOOL. Feb. 27. WHEAT Snot lull: No. 1 California. 62d: No. 2 red west ern winter, bs U'iu; -o. 1 normern spring, 6s214d. Futures, quiet; marcn, osiiu; muy r.u 11 7i,i. Cfl'llN Snot, unlet: American mixed now 3H!iid; American mixed old, 3h lid. Futures, a9Hd. . p an-uanauiun. nuici iil dh I'm HOPS At London (Pncltlc coast), 4 i br.s. . ... . ,.. FLOUR Steady; hi. i-ouis iancy winier, 8s 6d. PROVISIONS Heor, extra inuia mess easy nt tils. 1'orK, tirimo mess western .mimv At 3s. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs. ..i.miiIv ut lis. Lard, prluio western, In tierces, Hteauy, wwii mericiin reuiieu, in pilllH, urm at rja uu. uncuu, iiiiu uiu (..rliinil rut. 26 to 30 lbs.. 43s 9d: short ribs 16 to 21 lbs., 4is; long ciear mianics, light, 28 to 31 lbs., 41s Cd; long clear middles !'" ' ... . ... . 1.. ... .Ml IV. heavy, -ios; snori uiuui utiv.-in, ,u iu w i ?,( ,-l,.ir lial!les. II to 16 lbs.. 43s fid Shouldem, square, 11 10 u iu quiot ui SUs 3c 1. Ill IT1 MUTTER Finest United Stntos. dull nt iviu- irmwi 1 lulled States, easy at ,3s. CI 1 1'. IS iv ijiuoi; .Mnuric.iii 11111-ai. wuue. iEu- Aniurli'iin nncst colored. W)3. Receipts or wneai miring ui unco days, 68,000 centals, Including 67,000 Ameri can. Receipts of American corn during tho last three nays, h.bw cciuuib. Kiiiinii City tirnli. iinil I'rovlalona, KANSAS CITY. Feb. 27. WH EAT May 67i67'Sie: ciish. No. 2 hard. (8G9c; No. inn, iwii.n- Vo. red. 70(!i70Uc: No. 3. GSJlTOC. CORN May, ai'H.H'4c; nu. - iiuxeu. cn 36il"36c; No. 2 white. 37c; No. 3, 3i?4c, OATS No, - wnite, Jivic. IIVK-K11. 2. GOl'. HAY Choice timothy, 110.50; choice ti-nlrl,v SS.HHl9.00. ' . . . t--OA. .Inl.i, Innnv 1IU 1 1 CU - H-'.IIIIUI , lliu-"U imiivj 1l. EOOS Steady; fresh Mlcsourl and Kun sas stock, Ho doz., loss off, eases returned linn' u'llltniVIIOll 1'IIHCH Included. He more. RECEIPTS wneai, oi.miu uu.; corp. w,tw bu.: oats. 8.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 4a,.uu pu, corn, 600 bu,; oats, 3,000 bu. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 27.-RUTTKU- Flrm: good demand; fancy western cream ery. 2lc; rancy western prims, .iu; iancy arly. 25c, , m lCGlin Hteauy ; irtsu uciiruj-, juj irraii western. ISc: fresh Bouthwestern, ISc, fresh southern, 17c. t'HKISHIS Firmer; now orit 11111 creams, fancy sniall. U?c; New York full crenms, fair to choice, lO'tlUHc. .MIiiiii'iipnllH (irnln .linrkot. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 27.-WHEAT- Cash, 71c; May. July. 7oHJ7c: on trnck. No, 1 hard. 7bc; no. i nortnern, 7Ie: No. z northern. ivj'ifiUVic. FI.OUR-1'nchnnged. RRAN-Iu bulk. 112.25UI2.50. Peorlii Mnrket, PEORIA, Feb. '.'7.-CORN-Lowcr; No. 3. 38U OATS-Easler: No. 2 white, 27o track; 2614c billed through. WHIBKY-O11 tho basis of 11.27 lor tlulBhed woods. SIIIh uiikee (irnln .Mnrkcl. MILWAUKEE, lb. 27,-WHEAT-DuU; No. 1 northern, 751siii76c; No. 2 northern, 72fi3e. RYE Lower; No. 1, 62?i1i53c. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 67i3Sc; sample, 401)W14c. I Xrw York Ury liomls Mnrkel. 1 . vniie i-k ot nnv mnns Tho NEW ORlv, l eb. 27. DR f.OODS-Tho I not undergone any maieriai enauge. uriirr almost uniformly for limited quantities n both staple and fancy lines ani prlres without ituitnrlnl rlinnsK Further Ino'llrles In the market after brown rottons for China nd some btiHlness done. Nnrrow print loths dull nml unchanged. Wldo goods weak. Men s wear woolens dull and fancies weaker. Woo ens and worsted dress gooas iiuiet. MOVEMIJ.VI'S l STOCKS .V.N I) IIO.MIS. 1'rndlng In .Stock MnrUet li .llueli ( iinueoti'il In l-'eiv Sliu'Us. NEW YORIC. Feb. 27. Today's trading In tho stock tnarket. while unite large, was very much congested In a few stocks. There was continued strength In St. Paul and n Into buoyant rise In Sugar and notable gains iy some or the less prominent nign-pnccu Industrial, but the general market was not much Inclined to respond In sympathy, al though tho depression which existed In some parts of the list early In the day was mrtiy relieved. l 110 speculative tone was nrllneil In nvtmintlilzn Willi the continued heaviness of 'the steel stocks than with the strnniz fenttires nf i)n market. The In clination of the steel stocks to gravitate to 11 lower level Is a distinct disappointment to the speculative world, as 11 was nopen that when tho doubts and uncertainties at 1 1' 11 1 1 1 11 it tin. nerlnil nf neuotlatloilS were cleared and tho great consolidation of con trol rillty assured, prices or 1110 securities would relied the hoped for advantages to he owners nt the properties. 1 ncre wis large trading again In tho stocks of the urn 1 m tndnv. but It was In large part on arbitrage ojicrutlous from one Btock to an other. The discrepancy III tlie prices 01 uie stocks and their privileges of conversion Into the stock of the I'nlted States Steel ornoratlou forms the basis of these opera.- tlons. They consist In the purchase of such members of tlie group as aro proportion ately low, and tho simultaneous sale ngalnsl these purchases of stocks which aro high, Tho natural tendency of theso operations Is to bring tho prices of the various stocks to a nnsis consistent wun their relative claims for tho new stock. It was nil to evident today that tills piece nf adjustment was serving to bring down the prices or thoso stocks selling too nigit rather than to bring tin the prices of those, which were relatively low. That Is to say, most members of the group showed declines in tho day which extend to s-4 in iNimouni Tube. 2 In Tin Plato and a point each In tho National Steel stocks and National Steel preferred. Steel and Wlro prefer: ed was advanced Hi, National Hteei proierreu nearly a point nt and American Hoop and Tin Plato preferred small fractions. For tho purpose of accommodating these arbi trage operators thero were also dealings on tho curb In contracts to deliver when Issued tlio now United States Steel corporation stock. Tho common stock demanded 10 at one time this miiiiilnir and the preferred 8114. but beforo tho close the quntatlou for the omnion stock had receded to neiw jrs nnii that for tho preferred to about 82. Tho transactions amounted to only a. few thou sand shares, but the quotations wero ac cepted on tiio Stock exchango nu a basis of operations, Tlio securities aro expected to bo listed ultimately ou the Stock ex. chnnge, but It Is not unusual that securi ties so transferred from tho curb to the exchango sell lower after the change, An example Is that of tho new union Paclnc convertible 4 per cent bonds Issued to pro vide ror 1 no Hotitncrn l'aci u nurcnase which sold in the unlisted department of tho xehaiisn for tho tlrst tlmo today, over 2 points lielow tno recent ntitsuio quotation. Tho strength of St. Paul today was ac companied ny assertions tnnt tlio uivineiut will certnlnly be Increased at tho approach ing meeting. The movement of susar was attributed to reports that tho import duty 1111 Cuban raw Hiiurur Is to bn remitted; The monev market continued easy today. notwithstanding tho largo absorption by tho subtreasurv 011 account of customs pay ments norrowers indulged tno initio tnai some of tho recent largo loans incident to tlui ral road eonso dat ons will shortly Do paid off on account of tho distribution of new securities. lliillrniul lionits 1'cramn somewhat irregu lar on a fair volnino of dealings. Total sales, par value, 122,8C.000. United States new 4s advanced and tho refunding 2s L ner cent on the last call. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: There was no Improvement In business on tho stock mar ket hern todav. but tho tone was steady News of General French's victory at Mld dleburg, tho capture of 300 men, thrco guns and a great ouantltv of stores reached London too ato to affect anything except tho street market ror Africans. Tho Ameri can department was much tinner than it has been for somo days In tho early hours, but when New York opened and sent over heavy selling orders in t'titon memo tno market hero broke badly. Thero was a rally, however, In tho street after our closo fur tiiirchases on Now York and St. Paul Issues and circulation again of reports that tho 1IIII deal was being revived, tho naiiK bought 6,000 of gold In bars. Money rntes were unaltered. Tho bank Is still monopo llzlng tho business done. Revenue returns show that 7.000,(00 have been taken out of tho market during tho wecK and useu to repay tho bank loans obtained some tlmo ago. Money Is expected to Do still tighter tomorrow that is, piy nay on tno biock cx I'liniiirn and tho end of the month. Tho lollowlng nro tno closing prices on the Now xorK diock excnuiiKu; Atchison BJil Wabash 16TJ do pfd.... 2l'. do put....-.." I'.altlmore Ai O. 87i' , 4011 . 18. Wheel. i L. K... 14 Cftiiadlan rue. Canada So...... dies. & Ohio... do 2d nfd 30 Wis. Central 1814 nurd Avenue ...ll'J H. Ai O, Pfd mi Chicago G. w C. 11. & Q..--Chi. lml- ' ...14114 National Tuue ... fi& ... 31? do pfd 101 Adams Ex 150 American Ex ISO U. S. Ex 67 Wells-Fnrgo Ex.138 i It. I. & !..... 1?3H IV C. C. Ai St. Colorado So... do 1st pfd... -I o,l f,l . L 75 Amer. Cot. Oil... 2814 814 4214 no pro b.i Amer. Malting .. 4Ti 18 do pfd.. 21 -,-...1 r. Hudson. .161si Amer. S. & R 49W iieh-ufW... do pfd 9114 Amer. spirits .... . do pfd 17 Amer. S. Hoop... 36 Erlo .....v; ?! do 1st Pfd- '" ; t . Mr,, nfd 19l'.i do pfd 811- Amer. n. fi. W.... 40' Hocking ('oat ... IjjH ltocklng Valley.. 4V do pfd 9614 Amer. Tin riate. 11 Illinois Central.. .Ui lmra Central .... do nfd 100V Amer. Tobacco. ,.120 do pfd.. Lake Erlo & W do pfd Lako Shore .... 1. X. N 63 no pin J1U . 4114 Anne. Mln. Co... 44', Brooklyn R. T.. .111 7414 4.11 IS ...21014 ... 92'4 ...117 Colo. Fuel & 1.. Coil. Tobacco ... Manhattan L. Mot. St. R'..-. Mex, Central . Minn. & St. L. Mo. Pacltlc ... Mobile Ai Ohio M.. K. & T.... do pfd N. J. Central. N. Y, Central . Norfolk & W.. do nfd ...16014 Federal Steel ... do nfd ...17 ... 774 Gun. Electric ... Glucose Sugar .. !13 4514 ... 78V4 ... 2014 do nfil 112 Inter. Paper 2114 ... 6.1 ...155 no mo .1 Laclede Gas .!... 73 ...113' National Biscuit. 29, do pfd Mi, ... 4 National Lend ... 151; do pui No. Pacltlc do pfd...... Ontario Ac Ore. Ry. Ai Nav fc do pfd.... Vennsylvanla ... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rio G. W do pfd St. L. H S. F... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. Southw.., do pfd.... St. Paul do pfd St. P. & Omaha 80. Pacltlc So. Railway do pfd Tex. & Pnclllo . Union Paclllc . do pfd ... 82 ... KM Silt o nru sav National Steel ... 45V 1111 nid lmi N. Y. Air Brake. 163 . 43 . 76 No, American ... 2114 .14STS I'ttciiiu i;oaNi .... ti, do 1st prd SS 62 do 2d pfd.. . 70-i Pacltlc Stall 38 . 4(4 Peoples Gas ....101 . 6.1 do ' pfd..' 74?4 . ml M?7 I'liiiiiimi t. 1 nr.. k S. R. fc T 31 . '"ft . 25 n;?i do pfd 121U . 6514' .164L Tenn. Coal & I... 53 u. M. Leather 1I0 pfd .19014 .IL'li . -f.iTi . 211. u. S. Rubber . .-1914 in. pit' Western Union ., Republic I. ft 8. do pfd P. C. C. & St. L 60 '614 . Y74 H 2S S79i 62)4 8314 Amnl. Copper 01?i Ex-dividend. Ronton Stock Utintnt Ion. BOSTON, Feb. 27.-Call loans. 3ii3 ne cent: tlmo loans, 34 per cent, Otllclal ciuauiKi A.. T. ft B. F do pfd Amer. Sugnr do pfd , Amer. Tel ... 55i' ... b77, ...112 ...12014 Westlngh. Elec. 58 Atchison 4s 101 N. E. G. Ai C. 5s. figt Adventure i:jv in. 1 . . rt . - IDU iintiiliuil ..1. I.O.. .1 Amal. Copper ... ai'. Boston Elevated. lfis C n. & Q 14114 Dominion Coal .. MtJ do pfd 109). Federal Steel .... 4I4 do pfd S7 Fltchbiirg pfd..., 112 Gen. Electric ...,2134 do pfd IS6 .itianuc 35 noHton & Mont...3.'7i nuiie k liosion.. l Cul. & Heela t centennial 26?; f ranklin 24 Humboldt :i7u wsccina M Ed. Electric 111.. .215 Parrot no Xlex. Central 17 Qulncy no N. E. G, Ai C... Old Dominion .. Rubber Union Pacific .. Union Laud West End Hania ro copper, 36V. Tamarack ..333 1914 87i Utah Mining Winona Wolverines .. .. .T, 1 Dl llnnk Clearing. OMAHA. Feb. 27.-Cearlngs. tl.164,113 corresponding day last year, 11,012, 163; In crease. S151.M. CHICAGO: Fell. 27.-Clearlllgs. 1J2.3J0.MS balances, 1 J,20i;,851 ; posted exchange, HMHf 4.SS; New vorK exenange, ioc uiscniiui. BALTIMORE. Feb. 27,-Clenrlngs, 13,501 120! bnlonces. 125I.OS3. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 27.--Clearings, !19,257.3S0: halances. t.'.Wi.Mii, NEW YORK. Feb. 27.-Clearlngs, 1218,323, Ml? tintnnces. 112.648.150. BOSTON. Feb. 27.-Clearlngs, t22.266,519 balances, tl.3.11,916. 1 m. ''-'''". -' "-iy," """". balances, t53.3IS; money, 6fiG per cont; New ST. LUlJln, i-eo. si, v-iearings, wmun ork exchange, par bid, 10c premium asked. CINCINNATI. Feb. 27 Hearings. I.I.6.J.. 500; New York exchange, 6c discount end pnr; money, siyfi per cent. ,rn- York Money MnrUrt, NEW YORK. Feb, 27.-MONEY-On call. quiet at P4f2 per cent; mercantile paper, fiHi'i Per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE I'lrm. with ac tual business In bankers' bills at tl.STVfl 873 for demand and nt !I.83.S4 for Ixtv diivs. imsted rates. It-MUff 1.S5 and ll.ss; commercial bills, H.83tit'l.8.K. HILVKH certificates, biijiimc; nar, Wfcc; Mexican dollnrs, IPC. IWJNDH Government, strong; state, Inac tive; ral'road, Irregular. Tno Closing iir'ces ou oonus tooay are ns follows: U. S. ref. 2s. reg.103'4 N. Y. C. is 10711, N. J. C. gen. 6s..l11'4 No. Paclllc 3.... 70 do 4s ,......1W, N Y C & 8 L 4s10S N. S. W. con. 4S..101T4 do coupon Ii'&Ts do 33, reg ill do coupon ...,.,111 do new Is, reg. .138 do coupon 138 lo old 4s, reg.. 11 1 do coupon Ill do &s, reg Ill do coupon .....111 Ore. Nav. Is 110 do 4s 10H; Oregon 8. L. Cs,.127 no consoi is nr, Reading Gen. 4s.. D.1 Rio G. W. 1n...,I0O 8t 1, Ai I M c. 6s.lK.V4 HI L Ai 8 F g. 61.1291 D. of C. 3 C5S....12.1 Atcll. gen. 4s 1M4I no (uu. is ;i: Cnnada So. 2s.. Ill lies. & O. l'4s..U7 do fis..., .rjo-'H '. & N. W. c. 7s.l41 do S. F. deli, fis.121 St. Paul cons.. ..1st st r, c it r is...nsv do 6s 120S 80. Pacific 4 92',4 So. Railway 6s... 115 8. R. T. 6 5i Tex. & Pac." Is... 11714 Union Paclh'c'4s'..106 Wabash Is 119 do 2s 109 West Shore 4s. ...115 Wis. Central 4s.. 81 Vn. Centuries .. 95V4 Chicago Ter. Is.. i',4 L-oioraiio so. is.. 84t D. ft. R. G. 4s . .11)2 r.llt' Kfllt'llll 4S...IVI-4 r . v iv 1 1. 1 . im. u Gen. Electric 5s. .1611' in. ucnirai is 118 L. & N. unl. 4s. .101 M.. K. it T. 2s.. do Is 97 Aietv York M 1 11 1 11 K Stocks. NEW YORIC. Feb. 27. The following are quotations on mining Mocks: Adams Con Allco . 2i . 40 .140 " "i ,1 ,.150 .. 60 ,.115 ,. 65 . H Little Chief .... . 14 .725 ,. 70 . S . 12 . 10 . 25 . 65 .420 Ontario Ophlr Brcece Brunswick Con. I'linenix Pntosl .'. Savngo Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .., Standard omstock Tun.., on. Cal. & Va Deailwood Ter.. torn, wiiver ron Silver , eadvlllo Con... I.onilou Slock (luotntlons. LONDON, Feb. 27.-4 p. m.-Closlug: Consols, money... 9"'4 Erie do 1st pfd Pennsylvania ... Reading No. Pacific pfd.., Grand Trunk ... Anaconda Rand Mines .... SB do account 8Vii Atchison 67(, 96t iihndliin Pno 9.1 I IP' f-9 St. Paul 15614 Illinois Central. ..1341V .011 svl o .)itt 6V Union Pac. pfd... 89(4 Y. Central ....117 BAR SILVER-Qulet. 281-lRd per ounce. MONEY IVififi ner cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 3Wj4 per cent; for thrco months' bills, 3!4ft' o io-io per cent. Foreign Flnnuclnl. LONDON. Feb. 27. The weakness of tho demand for money continues nnd Is nt tended with much crumbl nc nt tho Bank of England's restrictions anil exactions. After tho month end the pressure la ex pected to bn relieved. On tho Stock ex change prices wero Irregular nnd this was no important rcature. (.onsois were mm. Americans tended nt parity and became firm, notnb y St. Paul, on d vldend rumors At tho closo they wero ensler. Grand Trunks iwero Inclined to harden: rortu gueso wero In good demand on a minis torlal statement: Kaffirs were firm. Tho amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of 'Iiiglnnd on bnlanco today wbb JE0.000. Gold premiums are quoted: Buenos Ayres, 129.10: Madrid. 3i.l2. Bar silver closed steadier at 28Hd per ounce. India council bills were allotted today at Is 3 29-32d. BERLIN. Feb. 27i On tho nourse today funds and Americans were quiet. Trnns- vnnl Railways wero strong: locals were weak, on unsatisfactory reports regarding tho situation In the rolled Iron market Exchange on London. 20m 48V4lfKs. for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 414 ier cent: three months bills. 3i ner cont. The rate advance In tho rate for Miort hills Is 1I110 to the settlement. PARIS. Fob. 27. Business on tne pourso today was cheerful. Tho declarations passed oft smoothly. Internationals were llrm: Portugese wero In great demand; Rio Tlntos fluctuated, closing firm: Knfllra wero In demand and hardening. This was ncccntuated after bourse hours. Three per cent rentes, loar 22V4C ror tno account; ox- clinuge ou i.oniiou, -i ftc ror enccas; Spanish 4s, 72.32s. . ' .1 1 , 1 n M ft. ir..a.H.. vuuu..'.it,i. m.mw m . .. r. . j . WASHINGTON: 'Feb. 27. Today's state- ment of tho -treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 1150,000,000 gold reserve In tho . division of redemption shows: Available cash balance, 1140,414,309; gold, 17V,l40,t)C3. Coffee Mnrkel. NEW YORIC. I'cb.27.-COFFEE Freights to Liverpool dun. spot iuo. easy; no. 7 in voice. 74c. Mild, unlet: Cordova. 812V4c. Futures opened steady, but 15Q20 points lower. In sympnthy with pronounced weak ness In European markets. Under tre mendous receipts In the crop nnd pressure, from tho benr side tho further declines ab sorbed and tho nppearnnco of lnrge selling orders, preaumably from tho "copper clique," caused a 10-polnt additional break in the afternoon, tiio mnrget was active in a feverish way. with sentiment radically bearish, Tho market rallied near the close on urgent demand from proflt-seekors, und closed llrm, with prices 6fl0 points net lower. Total sales reached 64,000 hags, in cluding: March. B.90c; May. 6.0.20c; July, fi.10fifi.i5o! Sentember. 6.15fi6.30a: October. 6.20t(6.30c; November, 6.25c; December, 6.40 6.4oc; January, ti.10wv.wjc Oil nnd Jlosln. OIL CITY. I'a.. Fob. 27. OILS-Credlt balances. 11.28; certlncaJes. no bid; ship ments 113,950 bbls.. averago 88,178 bbls.; runs, 99.216 bbls.. nverago 82,014 DDIs, NEW YORK. Feb. 27. OILS Standard 17.85.90. Cottonseed, steady; prime crude, 27c; prime yellow, 2914c retroieum. steoay, ltosin, strntneu common to gouu, i.so. iut iientlne. easv. 41Si41Uc. LONDON, Fob. 27. OIL Turpentine spir its, 26s 6d. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 27. oils cottonseeu. Hull refined, spot, quiet, is wi. linseea, 3s 9d. Suicnr Mnrket. NEW YORK. Feb. 27. SUGAR Raw, easy; fair refining, 3 11-16c: ceninrugai, im test. 4 3-itic; moiasses sugar, a i-ioc; re fined, quiet; crushed, 6c; powdered, 5.60c; granulated, 6.50c. N1.:V (IKOKANH el. Z.. HUUAll Quiet; open kettle. 31403 15-16c; open kettle. ntritugni, wi u-loc; ccniruugai yeuow, ft-tc: seconds, 2-44f4c. Molasses, sieauy centrlfugal, 1820c. Wool Mnrket. ST. I.OIII8. Feb. 27 WOOL Dull nnd da nrnxReil! medium crades. 12iZ19c: light fine, I2il5c; heavy fine, 10012c; tub washed, 18 AVoiuim Identities Her Assailant. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Feb. 27,-Mrs, Dorothy Darter, who was brutally as saulted by a negro on the outskirts of Irvlngton, a suburb of this city, last Thurs day afternoon, was today shown a photo graph of tho negro suspect under arrest In Nowcnstle nnd Immediately declared him to have, been her assailant. After studying tho picture for some tlmo she said she would like to see him to Identify him posltlvely.i The negro gives his namo as ''Doc" Reed. He asserts ho was not at Irvlngton, but wns nt Norrls town, a few miles cast, when the assault was committed. Tho negro will probably bo brought beforo Mrs. Darter for Identi fication. Thp people of Irvlngton nre much wrought up over the affair and threats of lynching have been freely made. 7.unl Indian Are Starving;. PHOENIX, Ariz., Feb. 27. An appeal has been sent to tho Department of tho In terior nt Washington for uld for the suffer ing unl Indians In north Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. A report fiom Apacho county snys a portion of the, tribe near Rohmah is In a fearful condition from lack of food and clothing. Rations at the agency aro totally inadequate and whites havo been contributing supplies. So wide spread, however, Is tho trouble that the government Is tho only source of sub stantial aid. Last sj miner's drouth de stroyed tho Zunl crops and the Indians traded nearly all their blankets and cloth ing for food, As a result the unusually sovcre winter has caused much sickness and death. Itiimsry llenlen Smilliid )lFimgr, ST. LOUIS, Feb. 27.-Mr. Joseph Ramsey. Jr., vice president nnd general manager of the Wabash, was today shown the story from Pittsburg Htatlng that the Dispatch claimed to have a telegram from him continuing the statement that the Wabash Is to enter Pittsburg. He suld: "I sent no such message to the Dispatch. I denied that the Wnbash company had any such agreement or plan, or had It ever con sidered any such extension." ritlseim Foil YOUNGBTOWN. Ilnnk ItoliliiTu, O,. Feb. 27,-Four masked men tried to rob the Farmers National bonk at Canfleld, ten miles from here, early this morning. Explosions In attempting: lo open the safe aroused the citizens nnd the woild-be bank robbers sought safety In flight. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Eteen Slow but Steady and Oowi Strong and Active. I0GS FIVE TO SEVEN AND A HALF LOWER Liberal Receipt of Sheep, hut He- ntitnil Wnn In Knort Hhnpe nml .Mnrket Rilled Aeltie nml ftrongrr All Aronnd, SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 27. Receltltn wr Cnllln IIhitm Shnen. (Jftlclal Mnnrluv ? I mil 7.11.1 Oftlclal Tuesday 3,691 11.20S B.OU oniclal Wednesday 2,809 12,219 2,317 Three days this week.... R.8S6 28,018 15,471 name nays last week... 7,1190 23,178 zo.bih Same week berore 10.812 25,047 11,203 Same three weeks ago.. 8.1W 22.379 11,913 name iour weeks ago.. H.usl so.lB.) lo.iw Averago price nald for lions for tho past several days, with comparisons: 1901. 1900.1S99.189S11897.18?6.1895. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 3 61 3 65 3 68 3 76 3 82 3 96 4 07 3 90 3 69 3 75 3 86 3 82 3 75 3 79 3 85 3 35 3 76 3 78 3 78 3 10 3 St 2.., 3.., 4... 6.. cb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 9. 10... II.. 12.. 1.1.. 14.. 15.. 16,. 17.. 18.. 19.. 20.. 21.. n-i SI! 24.. 25.. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb, Feb. Feb. Feb. 26.. 3 82 3 82 Indicates Sunday. 1 lie flfllrlat t.llrt.lmr nf run nf HtOrU brought in today by each road was: Roads. Cntlle. IIium. Hll'll. II r's. -.. ni. At t, I'. Ry.... K O. Ai St. L. Ry 3 6 22 4 67 3 61 3 fit .1 27 4 03 5 2514 4 68 3 64 3 63 3 19 4 62 3 69 3 73 3 20 4 03 8 Mil 3 69 3 72 3 25 .1 98 1 E 2314 4 66 3 72 3 21 3 9.1 5 21 Vi 4 70 3 66 3 19 4 W 5 2.S14 4 68 3 66 3 76 I 01 5 29 I 75 3 66 3 71 3 23 3 93 6 2J14 4 81 3 70 3 71 3 27 4 SO 3 71 3 76 3 27 3 89 , 6 32U 3 65 3 77 3 25 3 81 5 30 k 4 79 3 81 3 28 3 89 5 2H4 4 82 3 68 3 30 3 9.1 1 6 .Toft 4 75 .1 65 3 S3 3 95 6 2SU 8 75 7 68 3 S9 3 36 3 92 ' 5 27 4 83 3 68 3 89 3 31 1 76 3 58 3 81 3 25 3 88 , 6 22 3 62 .1 87 3 31 3 01 , 6 2314 4 S3 3 91 3 38 3 81 5 31H 4 78 3 60 3 35 3 81 - 5 32ti 4 74 3 47 3 95 3 87 . 5 2, 4 69 3 65 3 84 3 .18 3 87 . 5 3214 I 9 .1 68 3 81 3 36 1 69 3 6.1 3 8.1 3 41 3 S3 , 6 37'4 3 68 3 79 3 49 3 75 . 5 33H I 65 3 81 3 42 3 70 . 0 26 4 67 3 62 3 43 3 73 12 1 2T 3 .1 10 .. 1 2S 1 1 13 .. i 2 3 16 1 15 3 156 U 6 Missouri Pacific Ry.. 1 U. I'. system "i C. & N, W. Ry 2 1'., K. Ai M. V. R. R.. 25 8. C. & P. Ry 1 C. 8t. P., M. & O. Ry. 23 B. & M. R. R. R 22 C, B. Ai Q. Ry 4 K. C. & 81. J. Rv I C, R. I. ,t P., east.... 8 C. R. I. & P., west... fi Illinois Ccntrnl 1 Total receipts 129 The d1snnlttnn nf flit ilnv'M rnrlnla i-na as toiiows, encn uuyer purchasing the num uer 01 neau indicated: tlllVAra Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Omaha Packing Co. 239 1.162 G. II. Hammond Co 148 462 4P9 695 16 30 .1 51 40 1' 17 fill Id 1,159 1.715 3.439 3.961 975 170 1,012 swift and Comnanv Cudahy Packing Co Armour ft Co Armour. Sioux City 6.11 474 u. iiecKer iv uegan Vansant & Co J. L. Carey 1. oilman & Co W. 1. Stephen Hill Ai Huntztnger iicnton & l'nderwood... Livingstone & Schaller. Hamilton & Rothschild. L. F. Husj! II. L. Dennis Ai Co B. F. Hohblck f! A. 8. Mnwhlnuey utno ruuycrs 49 Totals ,785 12,714 2,336 CATTLE There was another good run of cattlo hero today, hut tho dumand seemed to be equal to the occasion. Tho steer mar ket, however, did not show much life and in fact was rather slow. Thero was not much change noticeable, though, In tho prices pain una mo situation could uest ue de scribed by calllne It n slow, but steady market. The commoner kinds wero hard to dlsposo of. but warmed-un cattle sold with out much difficulty at good stcody prices to ino reeucr uuyers. Tho cow market was good and actlvo and stronger, in somo cases sales wero mado that looked 60 or even 10c higher than the somo kind of stuff sold for yesterday. Cholcd cows or hclfors. wore In good de mand at strong prices und ennners were also ready sellers. Tho medium grades did not move quite as freely, hut at tho samo time they brought very satisfactory nrlces. Thero was not much change noticed In tho prices paia ror mills, calves and stags. There wero very fow feeders on sale to day that had not been on corn, and, ns the aemanu was in gooci shape, tno hetter grades brought strong prices. Yard traders took hold and bought up tho wnrmed-up cuiuo ai Kuuii sieaiiy prices wnero mey showed quality, but. they would not take hold of the common stuff. Representative sales: No. 1 1 1 i""'.;; 1 2 1 2 1 3 11 21 25., 1 10 6 10 60 24 1 15 14 BEEF STEERS. Av. ... 680 ... 710 ... 930 ... 775 ... 950 ... 840 ... 785 ... 740 ...1065 Pr. 3 00 3 25 3 30 3 60 3 65 3 65 3 65 3 75 No. 12 14 6 37 16 20 3 , 1 2 12 1 12 16 I 20.'.'.'.'.'.! 6 5 84 20 63 40 14 34 Av. ...1072 ...1035 ... 918 ...1183 ...1098 ...1100 ... 996 ...1010 ...1040 ...1147 ...1120 ...1116 ...1129 ...1420 ...1198 ...1174 ...1166 ...1224 ,...1203 ,...1376 ...1270 ,...1328 ...1491 Pr. 4 25 4 30 4 30 4 60 4 .10 4 .10 4 no 4 30 4 35 4 65 4 35 4 40 4 fiO 4 60 4 65 4 65 4 55 4 0) 4 70 4 75 4 75 4 80 6 (10 3 75 .1160 14 00 ..1050 4 00 ..1136 4 00 4 10 ..1260 ..1138 ..1250 ..1138 .. 788 ..1096 ..1017 .. 936 ..1065 ..1037 ..1206 4 10 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 25 4 .15 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 3 886 14 980 7 .v.. 820 1 630 3 860 ' 610 1 1140 1 1040 1 960 1 740 1 920 1 910 2 R06 1 870 2 900 6 1016 1 950 1 1000 1 1160 1 950 2 1020 4 15 22 1091 4 25 4 20 18 1095 4 65 COWS. 2 25 1 870 3 20 2 25 1 1150 .1 25 2 35 1 820 .1 25 2 40 2 1.125 3 25 2 40 1 1240 3 25 2 10 1 1100 3 25 2 40 16 1143 3 5 2 40 2 1040 3 30 2 40 12 J31 3 30 2 40 1 1000 3 33 2 60 2 1210 .1 40 2 60 3 1006 3 40 2 t 2..'. 1135 3 40 2 7 0 20 1081 3 46 2 75 7 918 3 45 2 76 II 1115 3 45 2 75 7 1245 3 60 2 75 10 1107 3 60 2 75 1 1130 3 60 2 83 7 897 3 50 2 85 3 1060 3 65 2 90 3 10C0 3 65 2 90 2 100O 3 65 2 90 11 1167 3 60 2 90 1 740 3 65 3 00 3 833 3 65 3 00 2 1135 3 15 3 00 3 1126 3 65 3 00 5 HGO 3 65 3 00 10 988 3 10 3 05 6 1221 3 70 3 10 12 1018 3 71) 3 10 2 'J15 3 75 3 10 4 J12 3 85 3 10 2..., 1160 3 83 3 10 2.... 1180 3 85 3 10 17. 1248 3 90 3 10 4 1125 3 9 ) 3 15 13 1146 3 95 3 1 5 4 1220 4 00 3 15 1.1 1138 4 (0 3 15 6 1270 4 00 3 15 31 25 4 00 3 15 1 1400 4 00 5 20 8 1191 4 15 3 20 VB AND IIEIFEnS. 3 25 8 068 3 55 3 40 18 841 3 75 HEIFERS. 2 75 1 790 3 65 2 85 1 1190 3 75 3 20 2 775 3 85 3 25 2 685 3 85 3 25 9 805 3 85 3 35 10 791 3 90 3 55 1 600 4 00 3 65 7 1262 4 00 3 60 1 1010 4 00 3 60 4 890 4 00 3 60 2 895 4 15 3 65 2 10S5 4 25 BULLS. 2 10 1 j. 1210 3 25 2 75 1 1320 3 30 2 f0 1 950 3 10 3 00 1 1450 3 35 3 CO 1 1770 3 40 3 00 1 910 3 40 3 00 1 ...1660 3 60 3 00 1 1490 3 60 3 10 1 1700 3 50 3 10 1 1690 3 60 3 10 1 960 3 65 3 15 1 1890 3 70 3 15 1 1650 3 75 3 15 1 1930 3 V) 3 20 1 1070 3 85 3 20 1 1...1800 3 85 3 22 1 1760 i 00 1 1020 1 1280 1 910 8 1077 4 1062 '6 981 1 960 2, 865 2 740 1... 1... 7... 2... 1... 10... 4... 7... 2... 1... 23... 8... 1010 690 1027 1085 960 1101 1082 1196 930 1110 1031 1060 1005 1140 926- 1000 4 7 3 1 2 6 .1265 . 941 1... 17... ...1880 ... 945 .. 740 .. 600 .. 670 .. 710 .. 510 .. 670 .. 895 .. 812 .. 405 ..1026 .. 700 ..1020 2L"!!'.'.! 19:;;;;;;! 2 6 2 8 1. ...... 1 420 1 1 1 1 .... 850 .... 770 ....1400 ....1520 1.. .1160 1 1440 1 1170 1 1290 1 1310 1 1060 1 1230 1 1310 1 1670 1 1330 1 1190 3 25 1 3 25 610 I 0) CALVES :i 26 l. I. 190 120 190 195 2(5 fi 25 6 60 6 75 7 ) 7 OU I w 5 (1 5 00 5 2. 6 25 I 2.!!!'. and' 4.. ., 4 260 160 00 STOCK COWS HEIFERS, 4ml 2 OU 4 nfil 3 ai (176 3 11 4 752 3 fil 620 3 25 1 750 3 .v.'i STAGS. PRO 3 ?5 1 410 3 75 STOCK. CALVES. .348 .1 no 1 138 3 60 o 3 00 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 1.... 2. 4!!!! 34.... 1..., 1.... 4..., I. ... 6.... 10.... 9.... 16.... 25.... 30.... 4.... II. ... 5. . . . 19.... STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS !) 3 60 1 :iso I 15 .. 770 .. 958 .. 9V ..1160 .. 612 .. 3.16 .. 930 .. 400 .. S20 ..1025 .. 788 .. SC. . . 9V1 .. 939 .. 953 513 933 .. S6 .. 913 3 60 3 60 3 VI 3 60 .1 55 3 60 4 () 4 no 4 00 4 0) 4 05 I 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 15 I 15 4 15 4 16 1... .1... 1... 2... 1... (1... 1... 26... 6... 1... 9... 17... 9... 5... 19... 12... 4... 28 .. 2... 41... 670 S(M 6.10 695 00 Ml 620 779 492 450 1178 921 S9I S3I 10.14 976 S62 795 46S 958 4 15 4 15 4 20 4 20 4 20 1 20 4 23 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 "A 4 35 4 65 4 .V, 4 35 I 35 4 (0 4 60 4 60 760 I 15 HOGS There wns another liberal supply of hogs here today and ns a result tho market opened 5OT.4C lower than yesterday. The bulk of hogs sold from 15.25 to 15.2714, with some of the choicer loads selling as high ns 15.30 The hogs moved toward tho scales quite rapidly at thoso prices and tho bulk were sold In fairly good sensnn. Die lighter weights sold from 15.25 down and the general run brought 15.2714- After about 100 loads had changed hands packers seemed to have their more urgent orders filled nnd the last end of the market was not as active and the feeling was weak. Tho last hogs to change hnuds did hot bring quite ns good prices nnd It was rather late before the pens wero cleared. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No, Av. Sh. 12 85 ... 4 i ft" 285 ... 13 90 ... 4 90 75 236 40 Pr. 14 86 4 90 4 90 4 Si) 6 00 5 no ' 6 00 t& 10 6 15 6 224 5 22's 6 25 6$ 5 io 6 25 0 25 6 V, 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 5 25 5 25 1 25 I'r. &32V4 5 2714 6 4 6 2-1 j 5 27 5 17 ; 5 27j, 5 27 U 5 27.1J 6 274 6 J7t, "2i 5 2?Vi 6 271, 5 27' 4 ...90 .101 ,..126 ...109 ...111 ...110 ...153 ...167 ...185 ...269 . . .232 ,..23S X. 101 ... 4 9) SO,. ....223 ... 6.1 2.12 ... 65 2(6 120 71 229 ... 20... 20... 11... 41... 208.. 91... 63... 71... 62... 90... SO 216 66 ..216 SO SO ItV) 40 160 76.. 17.. 64.. St.. 61.. IdS. 28.. 82.. 71.. 65.. ...215 ...251 '.''.216 ...243 ...184 . . .25.1 ...210 ...224 . . .200 . . .26.1 . . .223 . . ,26i', . . .251 ...221 . . .225 . . .250 . . .228 ...214 ...248 ...245 . . .256 ...241 ...2(6 . . .258 ...213 . . .200 120 120 200 ' id 80 120 120 ..200 75 .206 92. 87. ..20S 78 251 79 203 6 2754 6 27 5 Sil 5. ....207 ....202 SO. . 8.1.. 71... 65... 77... 81... 75... 69... SS... 69... 47... 77. . . fifi... 39... 78... 98... SO SO 40 120 189 I) VI', SO... 81... 79... 51... 70... 84... 68... 60... 87... 91... 7.1... 16... 62... . .201 ..206 ..318 ..201 ..230 ..2l6 ..202 ..207 ..201 ..212 ..210 ..218 ..323 5 27i 6 2714 SO 40 SO 5 25 5 25 6 23 6 25 6 25 5 25 40 SO 120 40 6 25 5 25 5 S, 6 25 6 25 5 Vo 6 25 5 25 5 25 5 25 5 25 6 Ho 6 25 6 23 5 ?5 6 25 5 25 6 25 6 25 6 1 j 6 ?5 5 25 5 25 5 25 6 2.7 5 25 5 16 5 25 5 25 6 26 6 C7V4 6 27V4 6 27$ 5 27U 5 27C 6 274 5 27'4 5 27 5 274 6 27 240 to 160 120 SO 40 '46 11 6 13. .219 fi5. 70. . . . .2(1 ....233 . . . .226 ....254 ....214 6 6 5 76 224 72 233 69 252 63.... 79. . . . SO.... 62.... 89.... 61.... 65.... 76.... 70. . . . 73.... 31.... 69. . . . 83.... 69. . . . 68.... 67.... 71.... 63.... 67.... 119. . . . 69.... fiO.... 67.... 68.... 6 27!', 86... 69... 48... ..186 ..229 ..189 ..246 ..228 ..193 ..171 5 2714 6 2714 6 271, 5 '.7' 4 5 27VJ 5 2714 5 274 6 2714 5 27'4 5 274 5 ?7j, 6 27Vi 5 271, 6 271? 6 2714 6 27V4 5 30 5 30 6 :io 6 30 6 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 6 30 6 20 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 5 SO 5 30 6 30 ..256 ..262 ..20.1 ..219 ..244 ..210 .1322 ..232 ..312 . .230 . .206 . .250 ..213 ..247 '.'.283 ..2(1 67.. 100. 69.. 23.. 160 120 40 'id 120 'so. 'id SO 80 2 2 225 ...220 ...181 ...232 ...226 ...178 ...174 ...177 ...231 ...203 ...205 . . .210 . . .207 ...225 ...215 ...208 ...20S ...237 ...2C9 ...360 ...2SI ...226 ...244 ...228 ...250 ...226 ...2S8 120 120 120 'so 40 280 SO 'so 'so 440 'so .40 31... 29.., 76... S3.., 99... 101., 72.. 77.., 80... 89.., 91... 66... 68.., 66.., 72.., 62.., 63... 60.., 65... 82.., 67... 65.. 24.., 6S.., 64... 268 .241 .301 .266 .291 SO 0 .264 67 263 70 230 61 2S6 62 45 SO.... 78.... 66.... 85.... 76.... 60.... 74.... ..229 ..226 ..2.16 . .236 ..239 ..251 12 40 ... 6 .'714 ... 6?7X ... 5 27j ion - vT 120 'lit SHEEP Thero was a liberal supply of sheep and lambs In sight this morning, but ine uemanu neing nlso or lllierai propor tions the market ruled nctlve and strong, wetnoiB weighing ns much as 110 pounds sold as high as 14.30 and somo other heavy sheop brought 14.35. Ewes also sold In good shape, as high ns 13.75 being paid for a string weighing 102 pounds. Lambs sold as high as 14.90, which was fully steady with yesterday. In splto of tho liberal receipts, everything was sold and weighed up early In tho morning. 811 EEP Receipts. 2.000: market steady to firm: native muttons, t4,155?4.SO; lumbs, 11.60 (IJil.Zti. Suotatlons: Choice fed wethers, (4.159 ; fulr to good wethers, t4.004.15; choice lightweight yearlings, 11.601.65; fair to good yearlings, J1.25m4.60; choice lightweight ewes, J.l.60j3.7d, loir to good ewes, 13.259 3.60; choice spring lambs, 14.75f5.00; fair to good spring lambs, K.604f4.75; feeder ewes, 13.2563.60; feeder wethers, 13.50(93.75: feeder lambs, 14.0O4.4O. Representative sales: No. A v. Pr. 16 western ewes 271 western owes 210 western ewes.... 203 western ewes..... 1 western ewe 431 western wethers., 1 western wether., 28 western lambs.... 151 western lambs.,., 48 ewes 170 ewes 430 western wethers 112 western lambs .. 99 $3 60 102 mi 3 UO 3 ' 102 130 110 S2 S3 85 91 129 71 3 75 3 76. 4 30 4 30 4 85 4 9J 2 no 3 45 4 35 '4 65 CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK MA ItKI-jT. Cnttle 11 nil Sheep Hold Sternly to SlrniiR Hogs Lower. CHICAGO, Feb. 27,-CATTLE-Rccelpto, 15,000 head; choice steers, strong; medium lower; low-priced steers, steady: butcher stock, strong; Toxuns, steady; good to prime steers, t4.9046.0O; poor to medium, !3.40i4.&0; stockurs and feeders, steady, S2.7o 4.50; cows, t2.65?4.20; heifers, 12.6.lfl.50; dinners, 12.002.60; bulls, slow, 12.404(1.16; cnlves, slow, ll.0U86.25; Texas-fed steers, 14.OOW4.90: Texas grass steers, 13.354.00; rexas nuns, J.wra ,i.mi. HOGS Receipts, 42,000 bend; tomorrow, 33,000 head, estimated; left over, 5,000 head: generally 10c lower; top, 15.65; mixed nnd hutchers, J5.;tnt)..ri0; good to choice heavy, t5.4M5.55: rough heavy. t5.30M6.40: light. !5.25U5.4?V4: bulk of sales, 15.405.50. HIIISKP AND LAM1IS Receipts, 11,000 head; sheep, strong; lambs, steady to slow; good to c 10 ce wethers. 14.2oif(.76: fair to cholco mixed, t3.75iTj4.25: western sheep, 11.25 H(i.7t; rexas sneep, 1z.owaj.10; uaiive lamos, t4.0Ofi5.25; western lambs, !5.00'ij5.25. KniisnM City Live Slock Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 27.-CATTLE Re- celpts, 6,700 head natives, 1,100 head Texans, bo head calves; peer steers, strong nt open ing; closed weak; Blockers and feeders, steady; cows and heifers, strong; nutlvo beof steers, tl.604io.60; stockers and feeders, t4.00(B4.S5; fed westerns, tt.35f5.00; Texaus nnd indlnns, I3.7ii.ui; cows, .i.iixj( i.-m, heifers, t3.OUft4.65; dinners, 12.250.00; bull?, 13.CKKfI4.50; calves. H.OOfjti.00. HOGS-Recelpts, 17,600 head; market 6fr 10c lower; top, 15.45; bulk of sales, 15.25if 5.35; henvy. t5.251(5.46; mixed packers, 15.U1U' 6.35; light, 15.20fio.35; pigs, tl.7Wl5.10, SHEEP AN IJ liAJlua-neceipis, -.-.oni head; market active and steody; western lambs, H.90G5.0O; western wethers, 13.75ff 1.40; western yearlings, tl.25fll,75; ewes, fl.W Q3.90; CUlls, t2.50fr3.25; St, I, mils I.lvc .Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Feb, 27. CATTLE Receipts, 2.500 head. Including 1,300 Texuns; market strong for best natives, others weuk; Tex nns steadv: native shipping and export steers, 14.764(5.85; 'dressed beef nnd butcher steers, 14.105f5.25; steers under 1.000 lbs., I3.fi0jf1.00: stockers and feeders, 12.4IXJI.60; cows and heifers. 12.0off4.75; cannors, Jl.25 2.75: bulls. 12.60fi4.00; Texas and Indlnn steers, !3.&0fM,63; cows and heifers, t2.40ff 3 60 HOGS Receipts, 7,700 bend; mnrket 10c lower: pigs and lights, t5.3of75,(0; packers, 15.30fi6.45: butchers. 15.50f( 5.5214. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,300 head; market stendy: native muttons, t,15 i(.S0; lambs, tl.50fi5.25; culls and bucks, k.25fl4.25. Stock In Sight. Following nro tho receipts nt tin principal western markets for Febru ' Cnttle. Hogs. South Omaha 2.S06 12,219 tho four inry 27: Sheep. South Omaba. 2,317 Chicago ... Kansas City St, l.nuls .. Totals .. 4:.non 14 fim , 7,100 , 2.&O0 17,50.) 7,700 2.300 2.300 27,406 79.(19 20,917 New York I. Ire Stock Mnrkel. NEW YORK, Feb. 27.-BEEVE8-Re-celpts, 2.676 head; steprs. slow; common grades, lOfnr.c lower: bulls, steady: cows, steudy to Arm; stoers, 11,3085.30; oxen, W.25 800 16V) 590 .K 3.10 ....... 261) 260 fl.(0, bulls, 12 75W-I.35; cows. JlWflWi Blockers. tHO. Cables, steniiy; reirigei.i"i lirinf I.. i.n..r ui sli.TfVr ner III.: exports, SS9 head cattle. 16 head sheep nnd l-.IO'J quarters of beef. ... 1 CALVES-Receipts, 1,753 head; slow and :6$i6Pc lower; ven's, t-l.60ff7.60; extra, ti.t little calves. t.l.oofi.l.&O; barnynrds, Bi 3.00: yeurllngs, 12.60. , , r,a NIII'.I'JI' AM) LAMMS licceiin. k.uij head; prime, llrm; others steady; lambs, 10 fill' higher; sheep, J3.&0fI.S5; tops, t. lambs, U.50ff0.3.". 1 Ills, 15. SI. .loKepb 1,1 ic stock Mnrket. POl'TII ST JOSEPH. Feb. 27.-tSpCClnl.) - The Journal quotes. CATTLE Receipts, 1,100 head! mnrket steady to too higher; natives. H.lMf5.20 Texas und westerns, 13.fijff5.I0: cows nml heifers. 12.25ffl.25: bulls and stags, lJ.2Sf() 4.70; yearlings and calves, 13. fiofi 1.75; stock ers and feeders, 13.25ff 10, veals. tl.60ft7.0O. HOGS Rerelpts, S.too heiiil; market mostly 10c lower, all grades, 15 2."f(5,4,V, bulk of sales, 13.2offfi 35. pigs, steady. SHEEP AND LAMBS- Receipts, 600 head, unmet strong; coionum lainus, j.i.pi, PRISONER IS OF GOOD NAME .Man Arreslril nt Homier Springs, Knn sns. for Tb rente 11 oil Klilnnp Iiik Is Itfsprcleit Cltlr.cn. BONNER SPIU.W.S. Kan., Feb. 27. M. U. Ilcardcn, a respected citizen, Is under ar rest hero for connection with an attempt to force 11,000 from Frank Warner, cashier and principal owner of the bank at (his place, under pain of death to himself nnd family, or tlio kidnaping of his child, Ilcar dcn wag arrested, It Is alleged, while matt ing off with a hag of slugs supposed to contain money nnd which wnn left nt n spot deslgnntcd In n threatening letter re ceived by tho banker. llcnrden had received a letter headed "Silence or Dcnth," nnd dated "Kansas City. Mo Feb. 23." It recited that tho writer, who wns a member of n gang of five men, Intended to kidnap the banker's son and hold him for ransom, unless ho placed tl.000 In gold in a sack nnd placed It under tho steps leading to tho Odd Fel lows hall, a short distance from tho busi ness pnrt of town. Tho letter continuing, drops mention of kidnaping, nnd says: "It you fall In nny point or If you make nny part of this let ter known to anyono nt nny time, your house will ho blown up with dynamite, and nil tho folks will he killed. Do your pail ns told or If you don't your days nro mini bcred." Mr. Warner took n few friends Into hlr. confidence, ordered tho gold nnd had It on display In tho bank. Later ho filled tho bng with slugs nnd deposited It as directed, David Wood concealing hlmsetf nearby. Tho steps led up to tho lodgn rooms of tho Odd Fellows' lodge, of which nenrden wns a member. It was tho night of tho regular lodgo meeting nnd when It hnd concluded Benrden wns tho Inst rann to lenvp tho building, Ilenrden, nccordlng to Wood, drew otil Iho hag nnd started away, when Wood or dered him to holt. Ilcardcn, It Is raid, threw tho heavy bag nt Wood nnd ran. Ho wns tnken In charge by Deputy Sheriff Whltford. Ilenrden has lived In Bonner Springs for fifteen years and hns borne a good reputation. He hns n wlfo nnd tuo children. WILL NOT INVESTIGATE BANK Cum mil tee Appointed lo Look Ion Clt.v Institution .Vol (o Act. 1 11(0 SPRINGFIELD, III., Feb. 2".-Tho affairs of Dr. Alexander Bowie's Zlou National bank will not bo investigated by tho Illinois legislature. Attorney General Hamilton to dny furnished nn opinion to Chalrmun Ket tering of tho committee appointed to report on tho Dowlo Institution, holding that thu committee had no power to compel nttend nnco of witnesses, nor enn tho houso take nny action lo reinforce tho committee. As a result. It is suld tho committee will tncjt lato this nftcrnoon nnd voto to let the mat ter drop. A recommendation VIII bn mado. however, that a law bo passed putting pri vate banks under state control. Lawit with this end In view havo already been Intrr duccd In both branches of tho legislature When the breath is foul and tha nppotlto dlBordcicd Prickly Ash Bitters Is the rem edy needed. It purifies the stomach, liver nnd bowels, sweetens tho breath, promotes vigor nnd cheerfulness. l,.t MUIY MACIIIMlltl . Three Hundred Rliiiln of Vinslilna CoiilrlvniK'eM on tin Mnrkrl. "Somo Idea of the vnrlety In which laundry machinery Is now made," nald a dealer, "may bo gained from the fact that 111 0110 cntnlogtio of such iippllnuces thero aro to bo found about 300 numbers. Ono mnker produced wnshlng machines if til t -ferent sizes, mntcrlnls and weights, ad.iptcii to nil manner of uses," Buys the Now York Sun. "Of Ironing machines thero nro nowadays many. Including miichlnes specially dc slgnud for Ironing particular liarts, ai bands, collars und so on; and t lion tliero aro mangles In great variety, Eiirao of them big machines weighing many tons, iniido for the Ironing of flat goods only, 11s tnbln cloths, napkins, sheets, towels nnd ,10 011. Thero Is more or lei's hand laundry work In one branch nnd nnothor, but there is now no work dono 111 laundries for which machines cannot bo had. "All this great variety of modern laundry machinery may bo found In actual opera tion In and about New York, in ono iMtab llshment or another. It would bo possible, of course, to show It nil In operation In showrooms, but It can be shown to better advantage nnd more satisfactorily, In every way, In actual work." ArriiiiKemeiilM for (1, A. 11. CLEVELAND. Fob. 27. At a meeting yes. terdny of the local commltteo having In charge tho arrangements for entertaining visitors to tho national Grand Army of the n.nKH,, nnonmnmonl tn lie held In (Upl'n- Innd this year, Rycrson Rltchto was elected director ami vi. 11. may urcn-iui. 1111 officials will establish headquarters at 407 Chamber of Commereo building, whern any Inquiries comernlng tho encampment should no sum. Dnvlil Mnrtln Seriously III. ATCHISON, Kim.. Feb. 27.-Davld Martin, former Judge of the state supremo court and brother of ex-lnlted States Senator John Martin of Kansas, Is believed to bo critically III at his home hero with pneumnntn and dropsy, Washington, D. G. nml return $32.25 on fuilo Kelininry -Stli, March 1st nml '.'nil. TourlHt intos now on snlu to Arknn huh, Florida. Culm nnd mtlit-r winter re sorts of tho south, HnnioHt'oUcr's ex cursions one faro plus .$1! for the round trip, on snle Ilrst nnd third Tuesdny each month to ninny points south. All Information at city ticket olllce, I41R Farnain street, (I'axton hotel hlockj or write Harry E. Moores, a V. & T. A Omaha, Neb. JAMES E, BOYD & CO. Telephone If KID. 0 111 11 till, ,eb. COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS nml STOCKS, llonrd of Trade, ' Correspondence: John A. Warren tc Co Direct wire to Chicago and New Vorlc