The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JL2sE 19, 18TJ. OAHA. THUBSDAY MOICttSG-, FEBRUAKY 28, 1901 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. CUBA HAS A START CoaiiitutioEil Ooateution Coapletei Drift ing of Five Olaniei. FIRST PLEDGE IS FOR INDEPENDENCE Will Mile Neither Ireitj or Agretmant Jeopardizing Freedom. PROMISES FIDELITY TO UNCLE SAM So Unirleadly Power liaj Utt Itland ai Ease of Operation. RECOGNIZES THE MILITARY GOVERNMENT Accept Treaty of Farla I'll M Entirety Favora n Commercial llelntlon- hip on neclproclly " for Spcclnl Advantages. HAVANA, Feb. 27. Tbe c onstltutlonal convontlon remained In session until 3 o'clock this morning, completing the work of drawing up the clause In the constltu tlon referring to the relation between Cuba and the United State. A public ses sion will be held this evrning to sign the following resolutions, which hare been adopted. 1 The government of Cuba will not make a treaty or agreement with any for elgn power whleb may compromise or limit the Independence of Cuba, or which may permit or authorize, any power to obtain by means of colonization or for military or naval purposes, or In any other way, ay foothold or authority or right over any portion of Cuba. "I. The government will not permit It territory to be used as a bate of oper atlons for war against the United State or against any foreign nation. "2. The government of Cuba acccpti In Its entirety the treaty of Paris, in which are affirmed the right of Cuba, t the ex lent of the obligations which are explic itly Indicated In these, and especially those which the International law Imposes for the protection of life and property, and substitutes Itself for the United States In the pledge, which they assumed In that sense according to articles IS and 1C In the treaty of Talis. ". It recognizes as legally valid all acts of the military government during the period of occupation; also the rights aris ing out of them conforming with the Joint resolution and the Foraker amendment and the existing laws of the country. "5. The governments of the United States and Cuba ought to regulate their commercial relations by means of a treaty based on reciprocity, and with tendencies towards free trade In natural and manu factured products, mutually assuring ample special advantages In their respective mar ket." SCHEME PUBLICLY APPROVED Contention Openly Kndorara the Schedule of Itelnllona Only Three Dissent. HAVANA, Feb. 27. The scheme of re lations vas publicly approved thin evening by tbo convention. For two hours previous to the previous meeting an executive ses sion was held to draw up a preamble and revise the report of the special committee. Another vote was then taken on the pre nmblc and the scheme of relations, only three dissenting, the same who had dis sented at the meeting this morning. Senor Glberga and Scnor Qullse opposed the adop tion of the scheme of relations recom mended by the United States senate com mittee. Senor Clsneros opposed this on the. ground that Cuba was independent and hould not enter Into any scheme of rela tions with the United States. The pre amble, which Is lengthy, sets forth the re ceiving of the letter from General Wood outlining the withes of the Washington executive regarding further legislation. Dealre of Kaecutlvr. H asserts that the convention under stood the desire of the extcutlve to be to bring about these specified returns with the cbject of preserving the Independence of Cuba and that the suggestion as to the naval station was made on those lines. "But this in Itself," the preamble goes on to say, "would litigate against the Inde pendence which both parties desire to pre t erve." Regarding the conditions for preserving independence, such as raising loans, the preamble points out that these .are fully covered by the constitution, which document, in the opinion of the convention, amply pro tects lnnpndence, including liberal laws as to the rights of foreigners and Individual rights. Regarding the sanitary question the pn amble declares that the future government should make arrangements with the United State to protect that country as well as Cuba, The convention clearly Implies that Its action would not bind the future gov ernment, for the last part of the preamble reads; "The convention considers that relations might exist if the first government under the republic think It advisable." HER NAME STARTS A STORM '.Members of Woman's Christian I nlon In New York Uxrlted Our .Mrs. Nation. NEW YORK, Feb. :7. Mrs. Csrrle Na tion's actions led to a most vehement dis cussion today at the mldwintor convention of the' New York County Woman's Chris tian union In the Church of the Stranger, th!a clt). A psper entitled "Church Events," by Mrs. Mansfield, precipitated the discus Ion. , Mr. Mansfield upheld what the prairie Mood of Mrs. Nation had prompted her to do. Speeches from the opponents from what wa termed the "barbarous and fa natical destruction of property" by the Kan sas reformer followed. At the afternoon session . resolution of sympathy was adopted MAYBE GILLETTE WON'T COME Teaaa Visitors from Chihuahua Claim Knnaaa Cattleman la .it Itelurnlnit. EL FASO. Tex.. Feb. ST. The report that came from Chihuahua a few days ago to the effect that Grant Gillette, the former cattle Vlcg of Kansas, bad sailed from Vera Crux for New York seems to be un founded. W. 'J. Cox of the El Paso Live Stock exchange returned from there today and says he met Gillette on the streets of Chihuahua yesterday and talked to blm. It Is said Gillette will not return to the United States urtll his wife has partially adjusted his affairs In Kansas, tut the report can tot be confirmed. FIST FIGHT IN REICHSRATH l'nn-(,crmnn and lrch Come to lllovi While In Ses sion. VIENNA. F There was a free fight today betwee; rmans and Czechs on the floor of The session opened with a p rms. Hcrr Sehoenrir was ?specrafcirVlBaaJnent In creating disturbance resorted to obstruction. in their own tongue. The Pan-G tested against the abuse of rpeech and a party of them Invaded e Czech benches The result was a fierce (1st fight, A Fan-Qerman named Stlmm at tempted to chastise a Czech named Fresl, whereupon the radical Czechs surrounded him. Sllmm's friends rushed to his as sistance and the various groups mixed up In a free fight, during which the president's bell and voice were drowned in the up roar, eventually the president succeeded In making it known that the session vas suspended. Before the house could be cleared, hoever. the rival members again clinched and fierce blows were exchanged. CARRIED TO HIS OWN MUSIC Hod- of Verdi, the Composer, ltemored from Cemetery to A Red .M tiOoInn'a Home. MILAN. Feb. 27. Tbe body of Verdi, the composer, was removed with much cere mony today from the cemetery to the home, tor aged musicians, founded by Vcrdl. Troops lined the route between the ceme tery and the home and an immense con course of people witnessed the ceremony. A choir of several hundred voices sang one of Verdi's compositions. A detachment of troops headed the procession. The sol diers were followed by the students and various other assoclstions. then came a company of Infantry with reversed arms and with their flag draped with crepe The hearse was followed by the count of Turin and the German consul, in behalf of Em peror William, and representatives of France nnd Austria, the mayor of Milan, the presidents of the Senate and the Cham ber of Deputies and delegations from those bodies and numerous other oSlclals. ENGLISH MINERS TO WORK LESS House of Common Is Pushing Along III1I to Shorten Staud ard Day. LONDON. Feb. 27. The House of Com mons today, after a lengthy debate, passed the second reading of the bill restricting the work of miners to eight hours dally by 212 to 199 votes. The bill Is a private measure. The opponents of the restriction of the hours of labor insisted that such ac tion would enormously enhance the price of coal. Sir Alfred Hickman, conservative, said the country during the last year had had an object lesson 3f the effect on trade of dear coal. Tbe British government had to buy bridges in America for Uganda, Egypt and Burmah. The railroads bought rails in America and even coal had to be imported into this country. In the United States miners produced 50 per cent more coal than they did In England, not because tbey were more skilful, bue because they worked ten hours a day . , DIAMOND RUBY NECKLACE fit's Worth I'lve Thousand Dollars and Is Supposed to II el one In Ainerlen. (Copyright, 1951, by Frews Publishing Co.) VIENNA. Feb. 27. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) A youth ful looking man, giving the name of Wil liam Adolph Morley. has been arrested by the Vltnna police with Jewelry worth 5.000 in his possession, supposed to be the pro ceeds of tobbery in New York and Lon don. According to his statement, he ar rived in England a month ago from New York, where he lived at 211 West Thlrty- teventb street. The Jewelry Includes a diamond-ruby necklace worth 1,000. CERVERA NOW VICE ADMIRAL Queen Ilegem SlKna Decree tilling the Spanish Conimntider n New Hnnk. MADRID. Feb. 27. The queen regent has signed a decree appointing Rear Admiral Ccrvera to be a vice admiral. The queen regent today consulted with the presidents of tbe Senate and Chamber and both of these officials advised her majefty to entrust Senor Sllvela with the work of forming a cabinet. FAILS TO PAY FOR CRUISER Cramps Decline to llulld for Turkey an Credit nnd Cnnrel (iiiilrurl, " CONSTANTINOPLE. Feb. 27. It Js stated that the porte, not having paid tbe install racnts due on the cruiser for which a con tract was signed recently with the Cramp Shipbuilding company of Philadelphia, tbe latter conrlders the contract void and re pudiates all responsibility in the matter, JURY VERDICT IN RIO WRECK Ward and Jordan Crlntlnnlly N'rgtl gent Ship Company Censured for Rmplaytng Chinamen. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 27. Tbe coroner Jury, holding an inquest today over the eleven bodies recovered from the wreck of the steamer Rio de Janeiro, returned the verdict tonight .The Jury charges Captain Ward, who was drowned, and Pilot Jordan with criminal negligence The Pacific Mall steamship Is censured for having had Chinese crew on tbe steamer Second OAS cer Graham Cougblan Is commended for heroic conduct In saving lives. LOCKED IN DEAD- ARMS Ultra Whoae Parents Oppose Jlsr rlugr Shout One Another to Death. TUEBLO, Colo , Feb. JS. A special to th Chieftain from La Junta, Colo., says: The bodies of Louis Duron and Addle Taylor, both IS j ears of age, residents of La Junta were found In an abandoned house a mil north of town. They were locked in each other's arms and each bad been shot through tbe head. Parental opposition to their marriage caused tbe double suicide. PROMINENT 0HI0AN IS GONE Former State Treasurer llrndy of Aiirnslk Strangely Absent Dnr Ing Tmi Weeks 1'uat. NORWALK. 0, Feb. 2. Hon. Peter Brady of Bellevue, former state treasurer of Ohio and a prominent demorratlc poli tician, is reported as mysteriously missing from his home. He started for Toledo two weeks ago and since then nothing has been beard of him. His wife died two years ago and ha has brooded a great deal over ber deals. LaTlkBHCzecbs freeddBbt DECISIVE HOVE IN SENATE Armj Bill, Defining Attitude Toward tle Isludi, ii Fitted, DEBATE CONTINUES FAR INTO THE NIGHT Milan (let to Cast I'lnnl Italia! Onlr After Session I Four tern Honrs (lid Con test In Spirited. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2S The senate passed the army appropriation bill at 12:61 o'clock, containing the provisions of the republican majority for the temporary gov ernment of the Philippines and the future relations between the United States and Cuba. Many amendments were offered to bcth propositions, but were voted down. The original Spooner amendment was amended regarding franchises as proposed by Mr. Hoar, the latter proposition having beecn accepted by the majority yesterday. Jlet -rnhle Session Opened. WASHINGTON. Feb. IT. At the opening of today's t-estlon of the senate Mr. Lodge favorably reported from the committee on the Philippines Mr. Fettigrew' resolution ordering a reprint of the instructions and papers tent to the Paris commission, so as to include an important telegram which bad been omitted from the original print. Mr. Lodge said the omitted telegram had been aent to the house printer with the other papers, but he could not say why It had not appeared In its proper place. The resolution was adopted. A Joint resolution conferring authority upon the commissioners of the District of Columbia to provide for the public com- fort during the approaching Inaugural cere- monies was adopted. A conference report upon the bill author izing Pima county, Arizona, to Issue fifty- ear 4 per cent bonds to ledcem certain ln- eblcdness was presented, but went over until tomorrow. Mr. Perkins presented the conference re port on the fortifications appropriation bill and it was agreed to. The most Important ctlon of the conferees was the recession of the senate conferees upon the amendment providing for the purchase of land on Cusb- Ing's island in Portland harbor. Maine. Mr. Teller discussed tbe two controverted questions the rhillpplne and Cuban amend ments. He regards the Philippine amend ment as much Improved by the amendment offered by Mr. Hoar but to his mind It still was objectionable. Tbe Cuban amendment was much stronger and much better than the press had conveyed the Impression It would be, but he had some reservations in his approval of it. Party In Power It esponslble. If a democratic congress were to follow this one, be declared, he should Insist that both tbeso controverted questions should not be acted upon now, but in considering the practical question of legislation, ho realized that the next congress would be even more completely dominated by the re publican party than this. He was willing, therefore, that a Tote upon the propositions should be taken, as the party In power In any event would be obliged to assume the responsibility for them. Mr. Teller gave notice of an amendment to the Philippine sections as follows. "That the constitution of tbe United States is hereby extended over and declared to be in force in the Philippine islands so far as the same or any provision thereof may be applicable." His purpose In offering the amendment. be said, was to ascertain whether those who ray the constitution does not extend over tbe Philippines arc willing that it should extend over the islands. He had no Idea that the. Un" d States ever would sur render tbe Philippine islands. "In my opinion," Interposed Mr. Hoar of Massachusetts, "wc have no more right to govern the people of the Philippines than the people of tbe Philippines have to govern us." Referring to tbe Cuban amendment, Mr. Teller said it was not so "drastic and sav age" as he had thought It .might be, but be could not give it bis approval. Pettlgrew at It Attain. Mr. Pettlgren- made a vigorous attack upon the Philippine amendment, declaring that It would encourage "Jobs and schemes" for the advancement of the in terests of those "on the inside." Mr. Turner of Washington, continuing his speech of last night, criticised the Spooner bill as a departure from the American system the first departure in tho history of the country. It vested, he contended, in the president of tbe United States all the powers that belong tb and are exericsed by the czar of Russia. Mr. Bacon of Georgia said: "This amend ment is tbe most pernicious and objection able form of legislation which has been proposed since 1 have had any connection with the American congress." Mr. Bacon denied that members opposed to the Philippine amendment had been in fluenced to withdraw their opposition be cause of appropriations In the river and harbor bill, which might be lost. He pointed out that In the Philippines there were E8.000.000 acres of rich lands, on which were rich mines and valuable tim ber. It was from "tbe plunderers and speculators, who, like vultures, are hovering over that prostrate land." that the demand had corns for Philippine legislation to which the majority was about to respond, Tbe Georgia senator admitted that the amendment, which had been agreed to, plac ing restrictions upon the sale of public lands and the granting of franchisee, had destroyed practically the opportunity of the "plunderers and vultures," but be Insisted that tbey. nevertheless, were the power that had brought forward the proposed leglsla tlon at this time. Far from Paclfled. Further along Mr. Bacon read an Asso elated Preis dispatch from Manila to show that the Filipinos were far from being pacinea. ana tnat me conditions were more serious In the Islands than tbey were represented as being by government offi cials. Mr Galllnger called Mr. Bacon's atten tion to a statrment of the late Consul Gen eral Wildman, which contradicted the dis patch quoted. Mr. Bacon responded that with entire re spect for the views of Mr. Wildman he would much prefer to accept the statement of tbe Associated Press representative, who was in tbe Islands, than to take the word even of Mr. Wildman. who was no nearer the Philippines than Hong Kong. Mr. Ba con, briefly discussing tbe Cuban amend ment, declared he could not rote for It Mr. of Arkansas ssld he would vote against tbe Cuban amendment because It seemed to reserve the right of the United States to intervene In Cuban affairs when the government does not suit the purposes of the United States. Strange Chance of Mind. Mr. Money of Mississippi discussed the Cuban amendment, which he, as a member of the committee on relations with Cuba, assisted In preparing. ' He wanted to leave (Continued on Second Page.) AMEND THE INDIAN BILL Conferees on A pproprlat Ian Find Common Points for Arranging to. l,rae .Mineral Illghta. WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. (Special Te) gram.) The conferees on the Indian appro priation bill met this afternoon and agreed upon three of the amendments In confer ence, two In relation to the closing of rolls In Indian Territory. The house receded from Its disagreement to tbe mineral leas ing proposition offered by Jbe senate with the amendment which 1 vital to many in terests In the United States. The amend ment re-enacts the section of the act of congress of February 2S, amending and extending tbe benefits of the former act providing for the allotment of land lu severalty to the Indians and extending tbo protection of the laws of the United States to them. The section of the law referred to provides thai lands in executive order res ervations or reservations created by acts of congress may be leased for a period not to exceed five years for graxlng, or twenty years for mining purposes. In such quan tities and upon such terms and conditions as may be recommended by the commissioner of Indian affairs and approved by the sec retary of the Interior. This amendment Is far-reaching In character, blaring a way for other legislation which will undoubtedly follow- the opening of tbe executive order reservations for mining purposes. It was tontended in tbe Joint meeting of the con ference that the title to minerals in the lands of executive order reservations did not rest In the Indians and that the govern ment of the United States had title to the minerals In these eservallons. Whether this be true or not, the amendment as agreed upon will undoubtedly bring the question sharply before congress at the next session. Opposition lo Omahn. Senator Allen, referring to an Interview published In The Bee of Sunday morning, wherein it was stated that Congressman Mercer had approached Congressman Bab cock for tbe purpose of objecting to the passage of the Omaha & Northern railroad bill now on tbe speakers table, said that he had been approached by Mr. Mercer, who denied emphatically that he had spoken to Mr. Babrock and that be had not been cog nizant of any opposition on the part of cer tain representatives to tbe measure unJl tbe opposition made Itself apparent on the floor of tbe house. Mr. Mercer, according to Senator Aliens statement, said that Mr. Babcock gave him the information, which came as a shock to him, that tbe constitu ents of tbe Wisconsin member were oppos ing the passage of the measure. Congress man Robinson today said, that be would endeavor to get the bill up tomorrow, not withstanding Mr. Babjock' objection to th measure. Arrangements have been completed for the care of mounts and equipments to be used b- the governor and hiB staC In the inaugural parade Monday.. The horses will be stabled two and one-half blocks from the Raleigh hotel and Nebraska headquarters, at the corner of Thirteenth and Ohio avenues. Mlxa Dletrlrh May Hide. It is understood that Miss Dietrich, who is one of tbe most expert horsewomen In the United States, will ride with the gov ernor and his staff. Congressmen Gamble and Vurke today presented Representative-elect ilartin to the president. Mr. Martin succeeds Mr. Gamble in the house. The South Dakotans afterward visited tho Wor department in behalf of army commissions for constit uents. No appointments will be made until after March 4. A division of places among states has not been made. If a majority of those arc able to pass the examinations to be imposed there will evidently be little chance for outsiders. General Corbln said today that nearly all of the officers in the volunteer army have expressed a desire to semaln. The South Dakotan delegation will take up the question of army appointments wi h the offldxls next week. , It was the Intention of tbe president to day to nominate N. E. Phillips for post master at Sioux Falls, S. D., but he evi dently changed his mind at the last ruo ment, as the typewritten list forwarded to the senate was cut, leaving part of Mr. Phillips' name on the sheet. Senator Kyle called on the president to day and It is understood he filed formal objection to the appointment. Phillips may secure a recess appointment, which would enable him to hold over until December. Senator Thurston has recommended for a second lieutenancy in the regular army John M. Tucker of Valentine. Changes In Poatal Service. Rural free delivery service has been or dered established March ID as follows: Nebraska Exeter. Fillmore county, two carriers, F. J. Phillips and G, J. Borland; route embraces area of seventy-seven square miles, containing a population of 1,500. Hooper, Dodge county (additional service), one carrier, A. E. Hartung; route embraces area of forty-two square miles, containing a population of EDO. The postofflccs at Swaburg and Argo are to be supplied by rural carriers. Iowa Osceola. Clark county (additional service), four carriers, F. E. Powell, E. A. Burham, W. F. Hamilton and R. E. Thomp son, population to be served is 2.1P0, scat tered over an area of 1CD square miles. Iowa postmasters appointed. J. E. Strain, Cleghorn. Cherokee county; C. W. Smith, Haven, Tama county; J. A. Hlnote, HUtrs vllle, Appanoose county; M. A. Fortney, Otho, Webster county; L. II, Stroud. Pa cific Junction. Mills county; J. L. Lynch, Spauldlng, Union county. Mall contracts awarded: Nebraska Falls City to Fargo, to C. W. Catching of Washington City; Bellwood to Brockton, to Bryant Buffalo of Bell wood. South Dakota Mayfleld to Hanson, to L. M. Gran of Mayfield: Leroy to Madison, to August Hanneman of Madison. The Fourth Street National bank of Phil adelphia has been approved as a reserve agent for the First National bank of Du buque. Many Thonannda for Forta. Senator Warren secured the adoption by the appropriations committee of amend ments to the sundry civil bill appropriating 150.0CK) for continuing tbe construction of officers' quarters at Fort Russell, and DO,- 000 for extending Fort McKenzle at Sherl dan, Wyo. The committee also agreed to report in the bill an item of (IDO.000 for the Hot Springs (S. D.) Soldiers' borne. Movement of Ocean Veaaela Fell. 127 At New Tork Arrived Victoria, from Naples. Bolivia, from Naples. Railed New- York, for Southampton: Manltou, for Lon don. Caledonian, for Liverpool; Oceanic, for uverrooi. At Hong Kong Arrived Glenogle, from Tacoma. via Yokohama. At Nassau. N. P. Arrived Crjislng yacht Prlniessin Victoria Lutse, from West inaian cruise, ror rew yorK. At Philadelphia Sailed Nederland. for Antwerp. At Southampton Arrived St. Louis, from jew yorK. At Boston Sailed New England, for (jurenstown ana uveroool. At 8t Michaels Passed Hohenzollem from Genoa, Naples and Gibraltar, for New York. At Liverpool Sailed Olive Branch, for Ban r rancifcco. At Hamburg Arrived Bulgaria, from New Yortc At Queentown Arrived Majestic, from New yorK. tor uverpooi. Balled uilonla from uverpooi tor uosion. GRAND RAPIDS WATER DEAL BeporUd to IstoIt a Nw York Haiti- Xilliosaira. MAYOR INSISTS ON EXPOSING ALL FACTS 'ovr It la Openly Aaaerted That One Hundred and Fifty Thouaand Dollars W Dlahursed In Ef fort to Land Contract, GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.. Feb. 27 The Grand Rapids water case is growing. It now appears that the Barton-Salsburj" dis pute forms only a small part of tbe entire matter. It is openly asserted that more than tlDO.000 has been distributed In this city within six months in connection with the pure water project. Bids were advertised for early in the summer for the construction of the plant. The inducements held out were such as to bring many capitalists from various parts of the country lo consider the proj ect. The hotels were filled with pro moters and there were numerous secret conferences among prominent local poli ticians and strangers. The first bombshell was exploded last fall. Several promoters had given bids on the pure water project. They were, under the terms of the agreement, compelled to Hie securities in $100,000 as evidence of good faith. Mayor Perry investigated these securities and sprung a sensation at a council meeting by announcing that the securities filed by one promoter were bogus. This caused a scattering of the schemers nnd the real object wag not whispered until after the Salsbury episode. It Is now said that all these men were representa tives of a New York multi-mllllonalre who had become Interested In the Grand Rapids project. Millionaire Stopa Disbursement The Wednesday following Mayor Perry's expose this millionaire came to Grand Rapids. He is said to have found that 100. 000, which he had sent here In his effort to get hold of the big contract, had been disbursed. He stopped disbursements im mediately. How this money was distributed is expected to come out when the grand Jury Is called. There seems little doubt that a special Jury will be called and It is impossible to tell where the matter will end. Some dealings were attempted with Sam TibbltU. a local contractor. When seen at his borne this morning he said: Yes, I i the I they were attempting to bring me Into matter. I have It on good authority that J100.000 of New York money was spent in this town." Prosecuting Attorney Alfred J. Brown said: "The people have been talking of this thing for weeks and there is now a concerted demand for an investigation. In my opinion the alleged offenders in the Barton deal could not be indicted here since the transaction took place. It at all, In Chicago." Mayor Perry will do all he can to se cure a thorough investigation. TO END WHITE RATS' STRIKE Martin Beck and Other Vaudeville Manager Strive to Defeat the itevoltlne Players. CHICAGO, Feb. 27. Chicago vaudeville managers took a hand today in tbe strike of tbe White Rats in a manner which is expected to either defeat the revolting players or make Chicago the center of tbe atrike. At a meeting of the Western Vaudeville association the members voted a resolution that in their opinion no meeting of the national association should be held in New York on March 16. The resolution was telegraphed to President B. F. Keith In New York. The March meeting wa expected to see the end of the 5 per cent booking clauses, which has been the root of all the trouble between performers nnd managers. A committee report recommending that the percentage be abolished already was pre pared and its passage was considered as sured. If no meeting Is held all oppor tunities for conference between the con testing forces will be at an end. The managers who attended te conference were C. E. Kohl, George Castle and J. D. Hop kins of Chicago, Martin Beck, representing the Orpheum circuit of Omaha. Kansas City and San Francisco, and Manager Anderson of Cincinnati. Manager Ehrlch came from Cleveland to attend, but was taken ill and returned home before the meeting was called. WARSAW TERROR CAPTURED Terrlllea People -with Ilia Revolver, but Sheriff and Marahal tirt If Ira. WARSAW. Ind., Feb. 2S. Patrick J. Walsh. who terrified the people of this place with a revolver and a good supply of ammunition all last night and defied capture by taking refuge In a haymow, where he barricaded himself, was captured by Sheriff Smith and Marahal Moon this afternoon five miles west of Warsaw. Walsh kept the officers from getting near him all night and finally escaped from tbem. He was traced to the country .and by subter fuge officers gained possession of his re volver. Three officers and a dozen citizens barely escaped being hit by bullets from his weapon. Waluh came here from Fort Wayne It is learned that he Is a sewer contractor of Chicago. He is In Jail here. IOWA CAPITALISTS INVEST N'rvr Itallroad Incorpuratrd to Extend from Jefferson City to Spring field, Mtaaourl, JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., Feb. 27. The Springfield, Jefferson City & Chicago rail road was incorporated by tbe secretary of state today with a capital of 12,700,000. The road is to extend from Jefferson City to Springfield, and Lawrence county in Mis souri, a distance of 200 miles. The Incorporators are: C S. Adams and William Hoffman, Sac City, Ia.; J. G. Bridges, Grimes, Ia.; William Woodbtirn. Des Moines, Ia.; J, K. Moll oy, Des Moines, la.; J. S. Hunter, Linn Creek, Mo.; P. G. Scott, Hahatonka, Mo., and J. E. Fulker son, Lebanon, Mo. ARMOURS AND FAIRBANKS IN IT Fire on North Dover Avenue, Phil adelphia, Dnmagea the Build ing of Each, PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 27. A fire of un known origin late tonight destroyed the warehouse of tbe Phlllpps Oil company at 1S6 North Delaware avenue. The first floor of the structure was occupied by the Anglo- American Provision company. Adjoining buildings occupied by N. K. Fairbanks com pany, manufacturers of cottolene; Armour - Co., meats, and tbe Welkel & Smith Spice company, were damaged. The loei ia estimated at IIOO.OOO. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Snow. Colder. Temperature nt Omaha lesterdaj Hour. lieu. 1 i. m i -' P. p. P. r, p. p. 7 p. p. t p. l.t t:t in ni m m . , ni , , ... : . .. -t:i . . . -it , . . . au , ... :7 m , CUDAHY IGNORES LETTER It Purports to He From Kidnaper Of fering to IteMore Hansom If (anuriintred Immunlt). CHICAGO, Feb. 27.-U. A. Cudahy, the Omaha packer, whose son was kidnaped, is In receipt of an anonymous letter declaring that upon his assurance that the kidnapers will not be punished all but s&.OOO of the money will be returned. The letter was mailed at Waukegan. 111., yesterday and sent to Omaha. Mr, Cudahy was In Chi cago today and received a transcript of the letter by telegraph. "I do not know whether the letter Is authentic or a hoax," tald Mr. Cudahy to a reporter. "I will pay no attention to It. and certainly have no intention of letting up on these men. Tiie writer or writers of the letter directed me. If agreeable to their proposition, to let them know by means of personal advertisements in news papers of Omaha, Chicago and Milwaukee, but 1 don't believe they will ever have the pleasure of reading anything from mo In the advertising columns of any paper " Mr Cudahy left over the Burlington for Omaha at 5. DO p. m. WILL TEAR UP MANY TRACKS Hock lalnnd, Lake Shore unil rosalhly Other Honda to Aliollsh tirnde Croaalni;, CHICAGO. Feb. 27. Grand Crossing, with its scores of interlacing tracks and spurs of half a doien great railroad systems, the whole forming one of tha most remarkable networks of steel in the country, is now in a fair way to be abolished in n day, as track elevation ordinances were today ac ccpted by the Lake Shore & Chicago, Rock ! Island fc Pacific companies, providing for I tne aooimon or graae crossings along lines within the city limits. Formal notices of tbe acceptance of tho terms of the ordinance was given Mayor Harrison today and It is expected that th WOrk will be becun at once. This will be an opening wedge in the work of doing away altogether with the long series of grade crossings beyond Seventy-seventh street, known as Grand Crossing, as It is stated that other railway systems, including the Illinois Central, will also soon accept plans for the abolition of .grade crossings along their lines, Including tbe Grand Cross ing Intersection. GIVE WORKMEN OWNERSHIP National Itlacult Company Adopt a Plan of Sharing Ita Profits. CHICAGO. Feb. 27. Tbe National Biscuit company today announced that all employes would be given an opportunity to purchase tbe preferred stock of the company on the most favorable terms, with a view of be coming associate proprietors. This policy, which was determined on at a meeting of tbe stockholders, affects nearly 7,000 em ployes. The reason given for this course by A. W. Gretn, chairman of the board of directors, is "the earnest desire of tbe offlcers and directors of the company that there may be a community of interests existing be tween all persons connected with tbe active work of the company, from the chairman of Its board of directors to the youngest man or woman on its pay rolls." The company agrees to buy tho necessary amount of stock from tbe outside for its employes at the regular market value and assume all expense. MISSOURI BANKER STAYS IN i Id Itelser of Knnaaa City. Sen tenced to Prison, Makea Noth ing by Appeal, ST. LOUIS, Feb. 27. The United States court of appeals banded down a decision to day affirming the sentence of David V. Reiger. former president of tbe MUsourl Natonal bank at Kansas City, Mo. Relgcr was convicted in the federal court at Kan sas City of tbe willful misapplication of certain moneys, funds and credits of the bank and sentenced to six years in the Mis souri penitentiary. The opinion of tbe ap pellate court was written by Judge Thayer, who finds so material error In the trial of tbe case and sets aside tbe contentions of Reiger's attorneys as untenable. Judge Sanborn submitted an opinion dls sentlng "because In my opinion the plaintiff has been tried and convicted for an offense with which be was not charged." TEN THOUSAND GO TOGETHER Sinn' Who Made Fitzgerald, Georgia, Proposes Immenae Oklahomn Col onising Scheme KANSAS CITi'. Feb. 27. The Star today says F. il. Fitzgerald of Indianapolis, or ganizer of the old soldiers' colony which established tho town of Fitzgerald in Wil cox county. Ga., in 1895, proposes to lead a colony of 10,000 people into Oklahoma In the late spring and summer. Fitzgerald says the company will be Incorporated under the Indiana laws this week with a capital of 300.000. The plan of organzatlon will be similar to that followed when Fitzgerald, Ga., was made a city In one day. Tbe announcement of tbe exact location of the land with full details of the plan Is promised March 25. BOYS ATTEMPT A WRECKING Four Yonngatera from a Poor Pnrm Jailed for Putting Platra on a Track. MARSHALL. Mo.. Feb. 27 Four boys, inmates of tbe poor farm, situated near the Chicago & Alton railway, near here, last night conspired to wreck a passenger train. Tbey put fish plates and small railroad iron on the track. Tbe train struck the obstruc tion, tore boles In tbe car floor and cut the air brake. Three of the boys are now in Jail. They say they did It "Just for fun." S0L0NS GO BACK ON WOMAN Kansas Senate Iteconaldera and De feat Hill Giving Gentle Sei. - Uroader Franchise, TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 27 Tbe vote on Senator Morehouse's bill giving women the right to vote for presidential electors, which last night pasted tbe senate, 22 to IS, was reconsidered by that body today and the measure defeated 23 to 14. Woman suffrage In Kansas at present extends only to mu nlclpal elections. Hour. lies;. A a. m IM! tt On. m ! a. in 1, ! n. in IS II n. m M'i Id a. m Sit 11 a. in nt 12 m 'M CAUCUS FALLS AWAY OfiljFlftjrOne Xtrabtrt AUtad tee Emioi Held Lut Xigct, DOUGLAS COUNTY DELEGATION ABSENT Protut Ag&init tbe Declaration Utdi bj Borne Thompson Mtz. BRODERICK'S ACTION STILL CAUSES DEBATE Hit Ansonsoemtat tad tbe Attitude of Other Occaiioai a Etir. CHAIRMAN SEARS' IMPORTANT RULING He llolda That No Nomination Will Tie Hftrrtlte I'nlrsa the fnucua I Participated In hy Sixty Seven Member. Itnllota 27. 2. 21. an. ttl. as. Allen UN 41 S3 Mil IIT -4il Kerne - S 1 S 7 7 Crounae II 7 7 H h Cnrrle ia in 1. l.'t 14 14 Dletrlrh 1 llnrrlimtnn 1 1 an llnlner .". ft 4 4 a llnrlnu I! '2 '2 ' U llltrheoek ...... '.t .'to ft.', 11 21 4 lllnahmr KI II tit 2 11 ia Kliikald ft n ft ft 2 1 Martin 7 7 7 4 II ft .MelkleJohn ....3.'! at 30 2S , 2l !U Metcalfe ;stl .Morlnn 'j ltorniilrr Ill 17 17 14 15 III 'i hump on. d. i:. ar, as' a? an a? an 111 2 3S 31 11 Wetherclfl 4 4 LINCOLN. Feb. 27. (Special Telegram.) The changes in the ballot on United States senator In Joint session today' raised Bllghtly the columns of both Thomnson anl MelkleJohn, the former registering S3 and the latter SS, with one absentee, Spencer, who would have voted for both if present and thus made them 40 and 3t respectively, Thompson's Increase came from Cain, who ' has been voting for MelkleJohn right along I and who in eTnertait n rn nr.r a I consequence of the move of Senator Martin, who comes from the same county. Meikle- John got back Johnson and Mendenhall, while Edgar went to Crounse and Mlskell to Frank Wetherold, who ofSciates as Meiklejohn's major domo. Douglaa Delegntlon'a Protest. Tbe Douglas county delegation did not attend the caucus tonight. It remained away as a protest against the action of to of the Thompbon men In tbo caucus last night In declaring openly that they would not bo bound by its action should it re sult In tbo nomination of Mr. Rosewater. Mendenhall of Jefferson remained away also, saying that after last night's perform ance he feared ho would be invited to leave If be should attend. Among other absentee" were Marshall. Brown of Otoe and Ha thorn, leaving only fifty-one in the caucus. Tbo contention precipitated by the ap pearance of Broderlck in tbe republican caucus with the announcement that be would not be bound by the nomination of Thompson has caused considerable of a stir. particularly when taken in connection with these declarations of members that they would not be bound If the others were not, and the ruling of Speaker Sears bb the pre siding officer that no action of the caucu would be binding on anyone unless par ticipated In by tbe sixty-seven necessary to mako It effective. Three Itnllota Taken. The caucus proceeded to ballot, notwith standing the fact that the meager numbers absolutely prevented agreement. The vote: 1st. 2d. id. Thompson 40 39 3S Cjrrie 15 MelkleJohn 21 Rosewater 7 Hlnshaw- 4 Martin 2 Crounse 8 Klnkald 2 Harlmi & Young 0 Scattering 0 1 24 4 IS i 4 I K o 4 2 Considerable time was devoted to a dis cussion of tbe caucus situation and the rea sons for tbe absence of missing members. No definite action was taken, however, and adjournmebt was had until tomorrow even ing. Thompson and City Primaries. A reflection of tbe republican city pri maries Just held here in Lincoln is seen In the senatorial contest, because the suc cessful candidate for mayor. Dr. Wlnnctt, who has been renominated, Is an outspoken and uncompromising opponent of D. E. Thompson. The friends of Mr. Thompson assert that they did not take any hand lu the primaries and that Mr. Thompson realized that be had all tbe fight he wanted on bis hands In the legislature without mix ing into the struggle for local offices. Mayor Wlnnett, on the other hand, expresses con fidence that he would never have been re nominated if the Thompson faction coul have prevented, and the Winnett victory Is heralded by his friends as proof conclusive that Thompson can not command the sup port of the republicans of bis home county in any kind of an open fight. Whether the factionalism will be brought into the Im pending spring election as it was in the election of last fall remains to be seen and will doubtless depend more or less on the outcome of the senatorial struggle. Aa lo I'urt Meaaurra. Although many measures are pending which can not be acted on except as party measures, tbe republicans have proceeded ro far without any definite understanding as to the position tbey are to take on them. Tbe fusionlsts, on the other hand, are found to be pretty well lined up on all matters supposed to affect tbem as a party and the pressure of the caucus through Its steering committee is exerted on the slightest provo cation. The furlonitts held a caucus last night at which questions of policy, particu larly with referen"e to legislation, were discussed and outsiders ranked among the party leaders Invited In to express tbelr views and make suggestions a to tbe course in their Judgment to be pursued. The prin cipal dlecourse came from M. F. Harring ton, the Holt county attorney, who advised going on record as a party on rertaln Is sues that would proclaim tbe fusionlsts a an anti-corporation party, Tbe particular points on which tbe lineup is to be forced If possible are the fellow-servant law and the law fixing maximum freight rates for railroad transportation. The proposed modification of tbe fellow servant law baa been explained in thete dispatches. On the maximum rate question several bllU bave been Introduced, some of tbem pre scribing a complete freight tariff and others fixing the limits on only particular schedules. One, for example, takes tbe present schedule on live stock shipments and cuts a 25 per cent horizontal reduction. (Continued on Third P?ge)